Stotfold News Magazine January 2023

Page 14

Stot fold NEWS D e li ve re d F R E E to 4 , 9 0 0 h ome s i n Sto t fo l d & Fai r f i e l d. Ne w s In for mat i on Yo u r l e tt e rs
2 OUT OF HOURS EMERGENCY CARE 01462 416416 Open Tuesday to Saturday 9-4pm Tel: 07812 055587 Hall wor th Drive, Sto tfold. FULL ENGLISH ser ved until 11am Ice cream Milkshakes Daily specials TAKEAWAY available, telephone to order @boxofcakesstotfold

Happy New Year!

We hope you have had a most enjo yable festive season and are looking for ward to the New Year with the usual mixture o f hope and optimism for ever y thing that it may bring.

From the Editor January

Traditionally the New Year brings with it new star ts and we are delighted to be welcoming a new monthly feature to our magazine - a column written especially for us by a local Mum to 3 lo vely children - appropriately titled ‘Mum with 3 ’ We hope that many o f you will recall that we used to enjo y candid updates f rom ‘Mum with 3’ several years ago and they swiftly became quite a talking point among young parents all experiencing the same things at the same time! (including us!) We are thrilled that her no w ‘gro wn up’ family is allo wing her more time to be able to write for us once again and we hope you enjo y reading her latest update on page 9 o f this month’s issue Welcome back Mum with 3!

As always, we lo ve to include your ar ticles, updates and news as that is what makes us so different f rom o ther local publications. We pride ourselves on being relevant and pro viding you with the ver y latest information f rom your community, so please do remember us if you have something you wish for us to include You can reach us using the contact details belo w

Lastly, we hope you will agree, our Christmas Hero Award for 2022 has been given to the most deser ving members o f our Sto tfold community and if you havent caught sight o f them on our facebook page as yet then you can f ind ou t who this year ’s winners are and what makes them so special on page 7 CONGR ATULATIONS to you bo th and as always, thank you to Satchells for running this competition and for supplying the wonder ful prizes Until next month..



Letters Page 4,5,6

Christmas Hero 2022 Page 7

Welcome back - Mum with 3! Page 9

Family Announcements Page 18

News f rom Sto tfold Mill Page 19 News f rom Sto tfold Librar y Page 22

Monthly Quiz! Page 23

News f rom Sto tfold Foo tball Club Page 29

Local Spor ts News Page 31

Local school /n ursery news:

News f rom Poppies Nurser y Page10 News f rom Pippin Pre -School Page 11 News f rom Roecro ft Lo wer School Page 12 News f rom St Mar y’s Academy Page 13 News f rom Fair f ield Lo wer School Page 14 News f rom Etonbur y Academy Page 15

Church n ews:

News f rom Sto tfold Methodist Chuch Page 26 News f rom Kings Baptist Church Page 37 News f rom St Mar y’s Church Page 28

www justgiving com/gardenhousehospice Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine

Want to promo te your business in the Arlesey & Sto tfold News Magazines?

Editorial: Please email your letters or ar ticles to sto tfold news@yahoo co uk or write to us at: Sto tfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Sto tfold, Her tfordshire, SG5 4HT You can also call us on 01462 731986 (Mon - Fri, 9 30am to 5pm) You can also contact us via our facebook page Ad vertising: It’s easy to adver tise in the Sto tfold News You’ll f ind all you need to kno w at: www sto tfoldandarleseynews co uk - Our deadline is always 6th o f ever y month preceding publication Deliveries: We have o ver 100 volunteers that deliver the Sto tfold News Magazine If for any reason you do no t receive your copy o f the magazine please contact us to let us kno w Published by Sto tfold News Ltd Printed in memor y o f Roy West
T: 01462 731986 sto NEXT IS SUE - FEBRUARY Adver tising deadline 6th Januar y 2023 2023 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 3

Dear Editor,

Please pass on our thanks!

Ever yone at Gifford Dance Academy, including the Gifford family, coaches, parents and dancers, would like to say a huge thank you to bo th Etonbur y Academy and Pix Brook Academy, for stepping up to help us follo wing the ver y sad news that the to wn is losing the community centre at the Greenacres, where we have trained for many years We are so excited to star t classes in Januar y at Etonbur y for the ver y f irst time, and so grateful to be able to use their facilities as they have agreed to accommodate bo th our Saturday and Wednesday classes that have been displaced by the closure We can't explain what a relief it is! For Rebecca it is extra special as she went to school there herself years ago

Pix Brook have managed to squeeze in our displaced Monday classes and we thank them for their continued suppor t as we have been using their facilities for some time, and they are always extremely helpful and we lo ve being there. We are just so relieved to be able to continue to o ffer the young people o f Sto tfold, local venues to train in as they continue to excel Hopefully some o f you will have seen videos o f them per forming at Blackpool Opera House in No vember. They were ou tstanding! We are also looking for ward to taking a team o f dancers to per form at Disneyland Paris in April

Thank you to bo th schools for recognising the difference dance can make to children and teenagers, and thanks too to all the residents who have follo wed our journey and wished us well. We feel a wonder ful suppor t f rom the community and it means so much to us Kind regards, f rom all At Gifford Dance Academy

Dear Editor, On Thursday Dec 1st I had a nasty fall ou tside the dentist in Sto tfold, I would like to take this oppor tunity to relay my hear tfelt thanks to the follo wing people who came to my aid: the lady that came across f rom the carpark, the staff at the chemist, the dentist and the opticians, my neighbour and and o ff du ty WPC who contacted the ambulance ser vice Thanks also to the staff at the Lister Hospital

Thank you to all o f you for your kindness, I am no w reco vering at home Mrs Barden.

4 Your Letters Call: 0146 2 742 783 E: Info@sigma-of www.sigma-of The Village Hall, Ashwell, Her ts SG7 5PJ Windows 11 Suppor t and Upgrades - Wi-Fi Solutions Network Installation - Web-Site Design & Hosting Remote and On-Site Suppor t - Data Backup & Recover y PC & MAC Maintenance Repair s, Upgrades Ser ver Suppor t, Maintenance & Monitoring - I.T. Security. Just like having your ver y own I.T. depar tment at the end of the phone! W IRED & W IRELES S NETW ORKS CCT V H OSTED S ERVICES T ELEP HONY S YS TEMS Home & Business I.T. suppor t I. T. S UP PORT & CONSU LTANCY Com puter Ser vices for Home and Business with a per sonal touch

Dear Editor,

I wanted to personally thank my team o f to wn council staff, our to wn councillors and resident volunteers who worked so hard to pu t on a great Christmas Lights Switch On event this year. Ever y year involves a lo t o f time and dedication in the months running up to the Switch On event, and we are always looking for more volunteers to join the Christmas Lights Committee, or to help at the Switch On or fundraising events throughou t the year

As I write this at the beginning o f December, sales o f the Sto tfold in Pictures 2023 Calendar are going ver y well – you can still bu y them f rom the Greenacre Centre for just £6, and we are in the last few weeks o f selling our Prize Draw raffle tickets In the next edition o f this magazine, I will update you on the to tal raised f rom the Calendar sales, raffle tickets and donations, together with funds raised at the Switch On event itself

The Christmas Lights Committee and I would like to thank (in no par ticular order): T&J Seymour Electrical Installations, Sto tfold News Magazine, The Cockney Rebel Barber, PlayInno vations Ltd, Kompan Play Ltd, MJ Ryalls, Saunders Steam Collection, Pathway Hyno therapy, Liams Bu tchers, Plantscape Ltd, Ice Queen Synthetic Ice Rink Hire, Gumbles Amusements, Greenline Medical Ser vices UK Ltd, the beau tiful singing f rom the ladies in the choir during the event, shops and businesses who have donated to wards the Christmas Lights Fund and also permitted us to erect lights displays on their buildings, the stallholders who pu t on a fantastic festive market, and no t forgetting the big man himself – Father Christmas, for reading magical stories to our younger residents! If I’ve forgo tten someone, please accept my apologies for the o versight – we are truly grateful to all who played a par t in this year ’s event.

We also hope that you have enjo yed the slightly extended Christmas lights display o f the solar po wered trees this year, which no w run f rom the traff ic lights crossroads to par t way do wn Regent Street. To keep our wonder ful displays for the fu ture, and hopefully fur ther enhance them, your suppor t is vital We welcome donations to the Sto tfold Christmas Lights Fund all year round.

Kind regards Kate Ellio tt-Turner, To wn Clerk Sto tfold To wn Council

BOOK CLUB @W ild Cafe

Wednesday 11th Januar y 7pm

The book we are currently reading is Top Girl by Danielle Marini

All welcome for a drink, cake and a relaxed informal chat

5 Your
in nchi hitc t aH wa St, t de B (0 0 esw sgle ligg ig67)44 7 17 7 188 8 8


Held at the Memorial Hall on Saturday 19th No vember, the organisers once again thank The Sto tfold News Magazine and Sto tfold To wn Council for their continued suppor t No table sponsors this year included ‘First Step’ estate agents, funeral directors Austin’s and Crouch who, along with many o ther local businesses gave cash donations or gifts to wards raffle and tombola prizes

The event is intended to bring alive the Christmas spirit while at the same time raising funds to assist non-commercial you th groups within our to wn to f inance equipment and activities for their members so as to promo te their feelings o f self-conf idence and their place in the community

This year ’s event was held in aid o f the Sto tfold Junior Judo Club with several o f their members coming along to assist on the day, they were most welcome

Due to the combined effor ts o f all those involved in organising the Fayre bo th on the day and behind the scenes, or attending on the day, the magnif icent sum o f £1,265 80 was raised to be passed on to the club.

Ver y sadly our long - term treasurer and helper Mr Patrick Clarey was taken ill shor tly after the event and passed away on 30th No vember Our condolences go to his family, and we wish to dedicate this year ’s event to his memor y in recognition o f his great contribu tion.

Dear Editor,
6 Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts Your Letters BOOK SALE & COFFEE MORNING Saturday 28 January 10.00 12.00 Stotfold Books 30p - £1.00 Charity No: 1131275

Christmas Hero 2022

We are delighted to announce the winner o f our Sto tfold Christmas Hero for 2022!

Together with Satchells Estate Agents, the Sto tfold News Magazine are once again proud to present this award to some extra special Christmas Heroes from within our local community

We were astounded by the volume o f entries that we have received again this year and we would like to thank ever yone that took the time to send in their nominations.

The award for this year ’s Sto tfold Christmas Hero was a unanimous decision, receiving more nominations than we have ever received before!! We are delighted to present this year ’s Christmas Hero Award to joint winners Linda Preston and Sue Dunne.

Linda and Sue received a record number o f nominations for their tireless effor ts in helping to keep Sto tfold tidy. If you happen to be up early and ou t and abou t the to wn, then you most cer tainly would have seen these ladies in their reflective jackets litter picking in and around Sto tfold. Referred to as he ‘wonder ful ladies in the yello w jackets’ by many o f the people nominating them, bo th Linda and Sue are ou t ever y morning dong their bit for Sto tfold whilst most people are still tucked up warm in their beds! We think you would agree, they are bo th ver y deser ving o f a special treat this year, as our way o f saying thank you to them bo th on behalf o f the whole o f the Sto tfold community.

We congratulate all o f our nominees for the 2022 The volume o f nominations received and the wonder ful stories that we have read just go to sho w ho w many people within our community are willing to give to o thers and fully deser ve the title o f ‘Hero’ in many, many ways.

Our wonder ful 2022 Christmas Hero W inners bo th received luxur y Christmas hamper to enjo y, kindly donated by Satchells Estate agents.

Thank you to ever ybody who has taken the time to nominate their Christmas Hero this year, we really wish we could have picked more than just one winner!!!

Christmas Hero is sponsored once again by Satchells Estate Agents, Stotfold. The Stotfold Estate Agent at the heart of our com munity.

Please mention our magazine when responding to adver ts
Pictured left to right: Linda Preston, Kevin Duff of Satchells Estate Agents & Sue Dunne


On No vember the 26th, Christmas kicked o ff in Sto tfold with the Sto tfold To wn Council Christmas Light switch on event, which was enjo yed by many. Ice - skating, Christmas market stalls, ref reshments, stor y time with Santa and more, ensured that there was lo ts o f fun to be had by all. The to wn Christmas Lights were switched on by Sto tfold Mayor Cllr Steve Buck, Sto tfold’s Great British Bake Off 2022 contestant Dawn Hollyoak and competition winners Halle and Cooper.

On Sunday 4th December Sto tfold Churches Together hosted a wonder ful carol ser vice in the beau tiful setting o f St Mar y’s churchyard, welcoming many families and residents to join in with some traditional carol singing to see in the star t o f the festivities season

Sunday 4th December also saw one o f Sto tfold’s most lo ved traditions the Silverbirch Avenue Christmas Light Switch on take place, with many people gathering to enjo y the countdo wn and ref reshments kindly laid on by residents o f the street Donations o f almost £100 were collected for the Need Project once again this year Thank you to all involved

8 Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk Hopton Holiday Village Luxury 8 Berth Caravan available for holiday let Various dates available between March - October including school holidays Secure your date NOW. Fully double glazed with central heating on a fully secure park with indoor and outdoor pools, 9 hole golf course and short walk to the beach Call Bernie 07860 462244 or email BOOK NOW AT OUR 2022 PRICES! FREE Pr escription deliver y ser vice to ALL Ar lesey and Stotfold r esidents FREE Repeat pr escription "dr op-of f" and collection ser vice fr om Ar lesey Medical Centr e and Lar ksfield (Stotfold) Sur ger y. Mon to Fri 8.45am - 1pm & 2.00pm - 6.15pm Satur day & Sunday - Closed Tel. 01462 731200 leseyphar ARLESEY PHARMACY 31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA Fabulous Festive Fun in Sto tfold..
Christmas in Sto
was once again a time for celebration as many o f our local groups and organisations came together to welcome in the festive fun
Stor ytime with Santa enjo yed by many Dawn Hollyoak (left) Santa & Sto tfold Mayor Cllr Steve Buck The beau tiful setting o f St Mar y’s churchyard for Sto tfold churches together annual Carols by candleight service attended and enjo yed by many Silverbirch Avenue saw Santa busy once again at their annual residents switch on event!

Mum with 3 Does Ironman..

And so it begins…

You’ll be reading this in Januar y 2023, that time o f year where we prioritise our goals, plan the roads ahead

ourselves New Year resolu tions with hope and determination Although early days, some o f those good intentions will be on track; you’ll be feeling positive, mo ving for ward, and jumping o ver obstacles one by one Whilst o ther targets may already have fallen by the wayside, abandoned and left for ano ther time

I didn’t wait until Januar y to set my goal for 2023 Instead, a year to the date when the entries opened on October the 1st, I booked myself into an Ironman race For those unsure o f what this comprises, it is a day o f non- stop physical and emo tional stress (aka supposed euphoria) whilst you complete a 2 4mile sea swim, then jump on a bike for a 112mile cycle ride ending with a marathon run o f 26 2miles Bu t as hard as this might sound, it is no thing compared to the training that is needed to achieve this challenge; as far as objectives go, there is ver y little leeway – you either train consistently for a long, long time or you simply won’t do it

And this is where Jo, your Editor, came in; kno wing that I’d set myself this challenge and reminding me o f when I used to contribu te to the Sto tfold News many years ago, she suggested I star t writing again “Use this experience to mo tivate o thers” she said And I agreed, bu t more self ishly I felt it could also mo tivate myself. Afterall, if the commitment is do wn in black and white, laid ou t for all to see, with your help I might be encouraged to stick to this long and arduous, bu t ver y exciting path. Mumwith3 Does Ironman

To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 9
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As the year draws to an end, we have had a lo vely time looking at celebrations and festivals, culminating in Christmas and our Nativity play Children at Poppies re -enacted the Nativity in a stage production (many thanks to St Mar y’s Academy for the use o f their hall and stage) Our children have also continued to use our indoor and ou tdoor spaces to the full! We are ver y for tunate to have natural areas at bo th settings where children have enjo yed nature f irst hand No w for our ‘end o f year ’ thanks! This year, as the economic crunch is star ting to take hold, instead o f our usual raffle, we initiated a new concept to relieve pressure on families, so instead, we collected donated to ys and gifts and then drew children’s names ou t o f a hat to receive them Huge thanks to all who donated for this venture Your kindness and thoughtfulness were ver y much appreciated Thanks also to St Mar y’s church for pu tting the spectacular Christmas Tree Festival on again this year Our children made beau tiful sno w-people, gaining understanding that together we can make a difference and teamwork is a vital skill to learn! Each little sno wflake joins with o thers to create a beau tiful spectacle! Thanks to Joanne, and her team o f volunteers, for pro viding us with ‘Sto tfold News Magazine’ Whatever the weather, this packed magazine reaches our homes and suppor ts our sense o f community

Thanks to my incredible staff team for their dedication, suppor t and understanding for our children and their families and for each o ther, which makes our settings a caring place to be.

Finally, thanks to our families for their gifts and well wishes for Christmas, and for their suppor t and understanding throughou t the year. You are what makes Poppies and Poppyf ields!

Value o f the month: Togetherness Quo te o f the month; “Sno wflakes are one o f natures most f ragile things bu t look at what they can do when they stick together.”

For enquiries at either Poppies or Poppyf ields contact

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News from Pippin Pre School

We had a wonder ful time celebrating Christmas o ver the last few weeks o f term. The children enjo yed many events including Christmas Concer ts, Santa’s Gro tto and a Christmas Par ty, we hope our families enjo yed receiving all the special pieces o f ar twork that the children have produced for them too We were proud to suppor t Save the Children Jumper day during December raising monies for this great cause We wish to thank all our parents and staff for their continued suppor t with ou tf its and monetar y donations

Like many charities, our fundraising oppor tunities are still restricted We are a registered charity with AmazonSmile Amazon Smile is a simple and au tomatic way for you to suppor t a charity o f your choice ever y time you shop at no cost to you Please visit smile amazon co uk on your web bro wser and select Pippin Playgroup For each eligible purchase, Amazon will pay us 0 5% o f the net purchase price

We continue to collect donations o f plastic bo ttle tops, unwanted fabric, small yogur t po ts, bu ttons for our gluing station All donations welcome, please drop o ff at the o ff ice

The Pre -School reopens on Wednesday 4th Januar y 2023 after the Christmas break, we look for ward to welcoming the children back and hearing abou t all their Christmas celebrations and activities they encountered during the holidays

Thank you for your interest in our Pre -School

We look for ward to sharing more o f our news with you again next month

11 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

A ver y ‘Happy New Year to one and all’, as I always say, I hope your festive period was what you needed it to be; it is so impor tant to remember that Christmas can be hard for many o f us 2023 seems to have sprung up on us and I am ver y much looking for ward to the Spring term in school – we have lo ts o f exciting things already planned for the children Miss Emmerson, my Phase Leader for Key Stage 1 has shared belo w lo ts o f the wonder ful things her team and cohor t go t up to before the festive break, it was a busy one

Wo w, what a busy term Key Stage 1 have had! It has ended on such a high with all o f our wonder ful Christmas events such as our Christmas Jumper day, carol concer t and annual ‘Christmas Around the World’ day ‘Christmas Around the World’ day involved the children exploring Christmas traditions in different countries such as Sweden, Italy, France, Lapland and Japan. We enjo yed designing our o wn Christmas menus and French desser ts, making Christmas cards, La Befanas and beau tiful paper sno wflakes. We also f ilmed a special Christmas song for our parents and made Christmas decorations to take home such as sno wman baubles and pom-pom Christmas trees! No w that we have reached the Spring term, we have some interesting new topics to explore. Year 1 will be looking at ‘A Knight’s Tale’ and we have some exciting learning planned around the book ‘Ho w to Catch a Dragon’. This will include making our o wn maps to f ind a dragon den and writing a set o f instructions to trap our o wn Roecro ft dragon - wish us luck! We will also be making our o wn mo ving pictures using a castle background and then adding on levers, wheels and sliders to sho w characters mo ving. In Year 2, we will be exploring the topic ‘Kings and Queens’ by comparing different monarchs f rom the past and present. We will be f inding ou t abou t their lives through non-f iction texts and looking at their similarities and differences From this, we will then be investigating the historical enquir y question o f 'Which monarch's reign would we choose to live in?' We will also be writing a letter to our new King to ask him abou t upcoming events such as his exciting coronation! To continue the 'Ro yal' theme across the curriculum, we will be exploring the ar tists Isobel Peachy and Hans Holbein to help us make our o wn ro yal por trait paintings

All o f our curriculum information is available on our website if you would like to see more detail abou t what we are co vering It is going to be a busy term ahead, bu t we are excited to embrace these new topics, join in with Easter celebrations at the end o f the term and welcome some much-needed sunshine!

Sending you all lo ve and luck for a healthy and prosperous New Year, Mrs Cross and the Roecro ft family

12 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Established 197 1 A L F I E ’ S Gents Cut Hair Designs Skin Fades All over grades Under 10’s Sides & back Beard Trims OAP Concessions Mon-Fri Mon 9am-5 30pm Tues 9am-6pm Wed 9am-7 30pm Thus 9am-6pm Fri 9am-6pm Sat 7.30am-5pm 01462 658449 15 Hitchin Road, Stotfold SG5 4HP Walk-ins & appointments available! News from Roecro ft Lo wer School

News from St Mar y’s A cademy

2022 was a busy and ‘back to normal’ year for St Mar y’s All staff and children have worked extremely hard and we are looking for ward to a positive and even more successful 2023!

Highlights o f the past year include our Year 4 Young Voices Concer t at the O2, Queen’s Jubilee Afternoon Tea, whole school visit to Woburn Safari Park, Spor ts Day with parents! and our recent Poppy Pebble project to commemorate Remembrance Sunday

We f inished 2022 with our much anticipated Concer ts entitled ‘Colours o f Christmas’ Considering these haven’t been done since 2019 the children did us proud as always and through donations f rom family and f riends, we raised much needed funds for our chosen local Charity ‘The Need Project’ We also thoroughly enjo yed Elf Day, our Christmas lunch, class par ties and pantomime

In Januar y our Year 4 children will be par ticipating in the 2023 Young Voices Concer t

within the O2 London This is such an exciting and fulf illing experience for them There are also planned SMSA events including our Happy Bags pre -lo ved unwanted clo thing appeal on Monday 9th Januar y (donations f rom the community gladly accepted ) and the ever popular ‘Break the Rules’ Day on Friday 13th!

We will continue to suppor t the many charities that we do each year. We are par t o f a ver y generous and caring community and had a fantastic response to our collections last year which included Children in Need, The Ro yal British Legion, The Need Project, Save the Children and Comic Relief.

There has also been continued suppor t for the SMSA fundraising events which all goes to benef it the children in school. Thank you to ever yone as always.

Please remember you can still talk to us if you are applying for a place in our school for September 2023! The deadline for applications through Central Bedfordshire admissions is 15th Januar y 2023 so there is still time to view our school with our Headteacher

Please look ou t for our monthly Newsletter here in the Sto tfold News or visit www stmar ysacademysto tfold co uk for fur ther up-coming information and events!

involving o ver 6000 school children

News from Fair f ield Park Lo wer School

A Happy New Year from all at Fair f ield Park.

The new year is always a great time to think f resh star ts and new beginnings and at Fair f ield Park the upcoming Spring term will see the children thinking abou t the value o f tolerance and ho w to develop our resilience and ho w we can ‘bounce back’ We will be using the word ‘yet’ to describe our learning: joining our handwriting? Column addition? Riding a bike? We can’t do it yet, bu t with practice we will!

Weaving oppor tunities through our curriculum is a key feature o f ho w we help children learn and this month, Science Week will focus around the theme o f “Journeys” Children will have the chance to be curious abou t the different journeys in their ever yday life: the journey o f food to the plate; the electrical journey that lit up our Christmas trees last o ver the festive period or the journey to beyond Ear th! There will be bridge building oppor tunities to sho w scientif ic thinking, a chance to experience a planetarium and also an oppor tunity for all ages to collaborate with each o ther on tasks. Many o f our wider community have o ffered to come and talk to the children abou t ho w their jobs are linked to STEM too so we hope this will enthuse and inspire some young minds!

Model Rail way Exhibition at Stratton School, Biggleswade SG18 8JB on Saturday 18th Februar y f rom 10am- 4.30pm

Organised by the East Beds Model Railway Society, full details are available via its website

Januar y will be a busy month as we welcome the children back to school on Wednesday 4th Januar y 2023. We will be taking par t in Redborne events such as, Paralympic Festival and a Swimming Gala!

During the Spring term the topics that are being co vered by all classes are: Nurser y - The SkyReception – Traditional Tales Year 1 - Wonder ful Weather Year 2 - Ice Worlds Year 3 - Law & Order Year 4 - Fast Fashion

Please remember that if you are a parent needing to apply for a reception or middle school place for September 2023 then the deadline for applications is 15th Januar y 2023

Please contact the school o ff ice should you require fur ther information on 01462 830000 Email o ff ice@fair f ieldparklo www.fair f ieldparklo

Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts


Etonbur y A cademy News

delighted to star t the year with some brilliant news f rom our Junior School who have achieved the Primar y Science Quality Mark This prestigious award recognises the excellence in our Science teaching and learning Congratulations to our Primar y Science Lead, Mr Gar y Go tham, for his work to embed such excellent practice in our school We have also received excellent feedback follo wing a visit f rom the School Impro vement Advisor, highlighting the many strengths o f our school, as well as areas for us to continue to develop

Our Year 5s have had a tremendous f irst term at Etonbur y, and our Year 7s are enjo ying the secondar y facilities having mo ved up f rom the Junior School in September. The Year 11s had a Sixth Form Taster week, where they heard f rom the Secondar y KS5 teachers abou t the different subjects to help them with their decision making for Year 12. This was follo wed by our Sixth Form Information Evening for parents and carers to f ind ou t more abou t the exciting plans we have been working on. The Sixth Form is the f inal development for the school and the plans are well under way. The students have had signif icant inpu t into the shaping o f this new facility and we are really excited to be delivering this much needed Sixth Form opening in September 2023.

Mr Evason and Mrs Young were delighted to attend the Roecro ft Lo wer School Open Evening. It was good to see some familiar faces o f parents whose children currently attend Etonbur y, as well as many new members o f the community. Ano ther par tnership that is really impor tant to the school is with The NEED Project who suppor t so many o f our local families with food parcels Before Christmas, we suppor ted their campaign for donations o f Christmas selection boxes and Christmas puddings and collected o ver 900 donated f rom Etonbur y staff, students and their families!

Our Debate Club did a brilliant job reaching the Semi-f inals in the International Debate Competition, with one Etonbur y group volunteering to change sides at the last minu te after a ‘no - sho w’ f rom ano ther school They did an amazing job having had no time to prepare their arguments, and to reach the semi-f inals was so commendable

Dawn Hollyoaks, our local Sto tfold hero f rom the Great British Bake Off, came in for a tour o f the school Dawn will be returning again this year to share more o f her o wn stories o f attending Etonbur y as a child, and pass on her baking exper tise to our children

Mrs Brahmachari-Limb has been running auditions for our whole school production - The Culture Festival It is ano ther great Etonbur y community event for ever y year group in our school to get involved Prospective parents continue to contact us for personal tours around the school We encourage anyone to visit during the day, to see us in action. Please call us on 01462 730391 to arrange, we would be delighted to welcome you.

15 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 ajb fencing * fencing * decking * pergolas * summer houses For a FREE quotation call Andy on 07837 791365 or (01462) 628388 Public Liability Insured Established 18 years
We are
16 Stotfold Memorial Hall Tuesday 4pm, 5.30pm & 7pm For more information Call Dawn on 07515 557803

Januar y is traditionally the time we all star t to ponder on our life choices and make better decisions for the year stretched ou t ahead o f us. If you plan to make weight loss par t o f that plan theen we thought some inspiration may help you to get into the right f rame o f mind and set you on the right track

Sto tfold slimmer Colette joined Slimming World on 26th April 2022 with a mission to reduce her blood pressure by dropping some 'lard' (in her words) which pound by pound, she managed to do Slo w and steady - she achieved her 2 stone 3lb award to become a Target Member in October and was so, so happy with the results No t only is Colette no w a Target member o f Slimming World, she also received conf irmation that she had just joined one o f the most exclusive weight loss groups ever as a winner o f the co veted Miss Slinky award for 2022

Colette told us "It was a wonder ful feeling to have been nominated by my fello w group members, let alone to win ” Colette has continued with her new eating habits and no w has no feelings at all o f being a slave to a diet, just sensible food optimising and better lifestyle choices

“Being par t o f Dawn's group and catching up with ever yone's highs and lo ws o f their week, keeps me mo tivated to keep going, enables me to be suppor tive and most impor tantly feel suppor ted by them all” she continued "I lo ve seeing people ever y week and I always come away feeling ready to conquer ano ther week (along with new recipe ideas to tr y too)"

Colette is no w learning to maintain her weight, she has learnt to relax around food Her journey will continue by attending as a Target member for FREE each week. As inspiration to ever yone Colette shared with us her typical days meals: Breakfast is Bran Flakes with added berries/f ruit. Lunch is Mixed veg and cheese omelette. Dinner is Salmon f illet, baked with cherr y tomatoes, lemon and dill with homemade po tato wedges, garlicky (f r ylight and crushed garlic) green beans and brocolli. Desser t would be a sugar f ree jelly and yogur t mousse.

To f ind ou t ho w you can make better choices this year by joining Dawn's Slimming World Group in Sto tfold on Tuesdays then just pop along at either 4pm, 5.30pm or 7pm at the Memorial Hall, Hallwor th Drive, Sto tfold where you will be assured o f a ver y warm welcome

Alternatively you can call Dawn on 07515 557803 for more details

Local Slimmer awarded Miss Slinky for Sto tfold. Colette before and no w after!

Family announcements


Wishing you both a ver y Happy Bi r thday! With lots of love The Reeve’s xx


Happy 50th Bi r thday! Have a wonder ful day Lo ve the Docker ty's xxx


at the Roecro ft Centre, Church Road, Sto tfold, SG5 4NE 10am-4pm

Bring your sewing machine and your project. Email to book your place or join our FB Group at Sewcial Sundays We meet on the 3rd Sunday o f the month (except 26th March and 11th June) First date in 2023 is 15th Januar y


Happy 90th Bir thday Dad Januar y 13th Lo ts o f lo ve to the best Husband, Dad & Grandad f rom Jo yce Mark, Si, Kane, Liam, Karen, Johnny, Ar ty, Tilly & Nellie xxxx


Happy 8th Bir thday! Lo ts o f lo ve Mummy, Daddy and Ro wan xx


Happy Bir thday! Lo ts o f lo ve Dad, Mum, Anna & Katie x


Happy 90th Bir thday for 15th Januar y Lo ve f rom Tricia and all your f riends and family xxx

Happy Bir thday Grandad (10.1.23) Happy Bir thday Nana (23 1 23) Lo ts o f lo ve Elodie & Esme xx


Happy Bir thday! Lo ve Becca, Anna, Katie & Joe xx


Happy Bir thday Daddy! Lo ts o f lo ve Leo, Luca & Mummy x

18 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
19 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
N o w o f f e r i n g N o w o f f e r i n g St e e l I n t e r i o r D o o r s St e e l I n t e r i o r D o o r s Upgrade your home with our stunning new range. 20 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 www.bshglazingser E:info@bshglazingser Contact us for FREE advice & a no -obligation quo tation. Sto tfold-based, o ver 25 years’ experience. We are proud o f our track record o f installing with exper tise and attention to detail. We remo ve and recycle all waste, including your old windo ws and doors Upgrade Your Home In 2023 Energy efficient windows may cost less than you think. Whether you’re looking for something beautiful, elegant, Modern or traditional, we have something for you. Tel: 07973 851414

News from Sto tfold Watermill

ss that we have learned o f the passing o f Pat Clarey, a long - time suppor ter and Trustee o f the Mill member Pat, either as The Voice o f the Tanno y at the Steam Fairs, or else in his many roles around the Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time

he Mill was packed with a keen and enthusiastic audience for “Music at the Mill,” an evening o f swing up Mixology Offering a mix o f musical theatre, pop and classic swing songs, the group kept the ng and pulses racing, no t to mention taste buds tingling with a selection o f Mill- themed cocktails A use no t only to the per formers, bu t also to the volunteers who helped run the evening and kept the c at the Mill was closely follo wed by a visit f rom the National Traction Engine Trust (https://ntet co uk/), eir AGM locally, and came for a tour o f the Mill ge for a tour o f the Mill, for a local group or business, please get in touch There’s even the chance to he day, and learn ho w to operate the Mill wheel Some o f the team have been busy tidying up the ture reser ve: many thanks to Colin, Rober t, Tim and Graham for all their hard work!

was pleased to be par t o f the Christmas Lights Switch On event on 26th No vember, with a stall selling chu tneys and honey f rom the shop. It was a wonder ful event, ver y well planned and run by the To wn e thrilled to be par t o f the action. It was a great way to end our activities for the year.

hold in store for Sto tfold Mill?

Well, our f irst event is on 29th Januar y. We’re holding a volunteer and trustee recruitment day, inviting you to come and see ho w you can help to keep the Mill running. We are par ticularly keen to hear f rom people who would like to sit on our Board o f Trustees, helping to manage the Mill and suppor t the volunteer teams who run the open days. Whatever your level o f interest, and even if you can only spare the occasional hour f rom time to time, please do come and join us on the 29th, f rom 3 00-5 00pm, enjo y a cup o f tea and f ind ou t what it takes to keep the wheels o f histor y turning

We’re already hard at work planning for the Steam Fair, which will be on 13th and 14th May 2023 Pu tting on an event like the Steam Fair is a massive under taking, so if you have an interest in events, or just fancy taking par t in the weekend, please get in touch Editors no te: We were extremley saddened to hear abou t the passing o f friend to the Sto tfold News Magazine, Pat. We will miss his monthly contribu tion to our magazine and his familiar voice on the tannoy at the Mill events. Our sincerest condolences to his family on their ver y sad loss.

Lower Wilbury Farm Shop & Butchery

21 *Grass fed lamb *Grass fed native beef *Rare breed ou tdoor reared por *Free range eggs & Fresh f ruit & g Lo wer Wilbur y Farm, Sto tfold Road, Letchwor th SG6 4JS (Just past Fair f ield ) Tel: 07988 771107 Experience the wonder ful surroundings o f a real working farm Open Thurs - Sat 9am - 4 30pm & Sunday 10am - 1pm

to help new, existing, and returning customers Whether you choose to pop in to enjo y some quiet time with a book or magazine, or to meet up with people who enjo y similar interests, there is something for ever yone In addition, libraries o ffer f ree Wi-Fi and pro vide access to public compu ters making it a good option for people to work or study To help you stay warm you are welcome to bring your o wn snacks, and drinks into the librar y To use the librar y ser vices, you will need to register for a librar y card This is completely f ree, and you can do this in any librar y or online at www centralbedfordshire go v uk/libraries


Ever y Friday 10 30am-12pm Knit and Knatter (All the follo wing events are FREE and no booking is required )


Ever y Tuesday 10 30am Stor y and Rhyme Time (recommended for children aged 0-5)

Ever y Thursday~ *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* 10 30am Sing and Sign (recommended for children aged 0-5)


Ever y 2nd & 4th Monday *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* 9am-10am Family Suppor t Drop-in (families with children aged 0-12 years)

Ever y Saturday

Lego and Duplo Club 10am-3pm (Lego Club will f inish at 12 30pm on Saturday 31st December ready for the early 1pm closure )

Sto tfold Librar y Opening Times Monday Closed Tuesday. 9am-1pm Wednesday. 2pm-6pm Thursday. 9am-1pm Friday. 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Saturday – 9am-4pm Sunday – Closed *PLEASE NO TE *Saturday 31st December 9am-1pm (instead o f the usual 4pm)*

22 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 RAY THE CARPENTER Building Maintenance Kitchens & Bedrooms Windows Internal/External Doors Ski r tings -Architraves -Dados Stai rs -Handles -Balustrades Handle & Lock Replacements Loft Hatches Flat Pack Furniture All aspects of carpentr y No j ob too small Call 07885 020895 or 01462 732814 Over 25 Years Experience STOTFOLD FEN CING FOR ALL YOUR FENCING & DECKING NEEDS Call Nath 07490 715009 Creating Something Different Adding Value and Appeal to your Home Bloc k Pa ving Na tu ral St one & Con cre te Sla bs B rickw ork - F en cin g Drivew ays-Pa th s-Court ya rd Pat ios-Rep airs The HERITAGE Paving Co. Call Brian Riley 01 46 2 73 068 2 - 07 97 4 1 70 48 7 (Stotfold) News from Sto tfold Librar y ‘Warms Spaces’ in our librar y. Our librar y can pro vide a f ree warm and safe space. As temperatures fall, we are reminding residents that you can f ind a warm space and an even warmer welcome at your local librar y V isiting a librar y is f ree and we have a team o f f riendly staff ready

In our JANUARY FUN QUIZ, compiled and presented by Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, the appropriate New Year theme is TIME MEASUREMENT contained as a clue in each question or in each answer (ANSWERS on page 33)

1 You’ll like this question . . . bu t no t a lo t! Which magician (pictured right) presented tBritish television game sho w “Ever y Second Counts”?

2 Name the British physicist who wro te the best- selling book “A Brief Histor y o f Time”?

3 Which Hollywood star played the lead role in the Western f ilm “High Noon”?

4 Ho w many revolu tions per minu te must a gramophone turntable turn in order to properly play a vinyl single record?

5 Pictured right is the logo for a company manu facturing prestigious time pieces. Which company?

6 Name the human character who, most famously, is the pilo t o f the Millennium Falcon in the f irst Star Wars f ilm released in 1977?

7 According to the title o f the play by Russian playwright Ivan Turgenev, ho w long do the characters spend in the countr y?

8 In Berlin on August 16th, 2009, who ran 100 metres in 9 58 seconds?

9 In which no vel do we travel to 802,701 A D to meet creatures called the Eloi and the Morlocks?

10 A gnomon is to be found on what ancient type o f time measurement device?

11 EON Productions was founded by Alber t Broccoli and Harr y Salt zman in 1961 and is the UK production company for which immensely successful series o f f ilms?

12 What stage surname did American star Doris Kappelho ff pictured use during her long career as an actress and singer?

13 According to the Chinese zodiac, the year o f the Rabbit begins on the 22nd o f this month, bu t under the sign o f what animal are we no w, as o f Januar y 1st?

14 “Sunny Afternoon”, “Au tumn Almanac” and “Days” were all 1960s UK hit singles for which British pop group?

15 What is the title o f the 1949 book written by French philosopher Simone de Beau voir which is regarded as a major work o f feminist philosophy and an inspiration for the whole feminist mo vement?

16 V icennial means occurring once ever y ho w many years?

17 “Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think o f you.” This is the opening lyrics o f a 1980s hit single for Cyndi Lauper (pictured ). What is the song title?

18 “As Time Goes By” was a British television romantic comedy series starring Geo ff rey Palmer and which “national treasure” actress?

19 A car model kno wn in the West as the Centur y is the luxur y flagship model, a sor t o f Japanese Rolls -Ro yce, manu factured by which company?

20 Born in Ickwell, Bedfordshire, in abou t 1639, he is no w kno wn as “ the father o f English clockmaking” Who was he? For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely free o f charge, please visit my website at davidstedman co uk or Google David stedman au thor

23 To
tfold News Magazine please
James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service T:
Januar y Fun Quiz Exterior & Interior Property Maintenance * Decorating * Furniture Building * Painting * Carpentry & more * Carpet Cleaning FREE QUOTATIONS
call 01462 731986
(01462) 234292 or 07887 871212


The 2023 Stotfold calendar entitled ‘Stotfold in Pictures’ and produced by the Stotfold News Magazine in association with Stotfold Town Council is available to purchase NOW from the Stotfold Town Council offices

The calendar features some stunning local photographs taken in and around Stotfold by Stotfold Magazine readers Hundreds of photographs were received with the judges having an extremely difficult task of choosing just 13

The calendar, priced at just £6 is available from the Stotfold Town Council front office all proceeds from the calendar will go towards the Stotfold Christmas Lights fund

Simply call in to the Stot fold Town Council off ice to grab yours elf a copy The y a lso m ake excellent gif ts!

If y ou are orde ring two or m ore then call Stotfold Town Council on 01462 730064 to purchase your c alendars over the phone

D elivery can be arranged if you are unable to ge t up to the Counc il offices to c olle ct your copy.

2023 Sto tfold Calendar! 25
contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call
01462 731986

News from Sto tfold Methodist Church

Happy New year ?

“Happy new year!” It's a greeting I'm happy to share in those f irst days o f a new year It's a genuine wish too I want people to be happy, don't we all? The new year gives the image o f a f resh star t, perhaps an oppor tunity to shake o ff the diff iculties or disappointments o f the previous year

Of course, life doesn't behave ho w we might want Much is in our o wn hands, bu t much is no t Ho w does one deal with this uncer tainty? Minnie Louise Haskins' famous poem "God kno ws" is rightly much quo ted (and I'm doing it too!) after King George VI used it for his 1939 Christmas broadcast:

And I said to the man who stood at the gate o f the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unkno wn.”

And he replied: “Go ou t into the darkness and pu t your hand into the Hand o f God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a kno wn way.”

Her poem sums up something impor tant abou t God f rom the Bible, Christian tradition, Reason and our o wn experience. It sho ws the deep relationship which anyone might have with God, if one is willing to place one's trust in God. So perhaps I should wish you a new year in which you are able to trust in God’s lo ving care. Bu t that's a bit o f a mou thful! So, I'll resor t to shor thand...

Happy New Year!! Graham

Co ffee morning, Saturday 7th Januar y , 10am to 12pm Monday Club is 2pm to 3:30pm Sunday worship at 10am will be do wnstairs in the lounge:

1st : Local congregation

HOPE StrictBaptist

CHAPEL, Mill Lane


Monday 2nd @ 10.00 a.m.


Every Sunday @ 10.30 a.m. & 2.15 p.m. Wednesdays 4;18;25; @ 7.15 p.m.


Wednesday 11th; @ 7.15 p.m.


Saturday 7th; @ 7.00 p.m.


Sunday 8th; @ 7:00 p.m.


Every Sunday @ 9:15 a.m. 10.00 a.m.


[See Chapel Notice Board for full weekly details]

Minister: Mr. G.E.Hadley. Tel: 01462 686803 Web Site:

FortheLordisgood;hismercyiseverlasting:and histruthendurethtoallgenerations. [Psalm100:5]

8th : Revd Graham Claydon-Knights (annual Co venant ser vice) 15th : Helen Dearn 22nd : David Latter 29th : Hazel Beadle Revd Graham 07340 857386 aham ClaydonKnights@methodist org

Nor th Her ts Road Runners

No w's the time to get your running shoes on for the New Year. our 1st Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be on 7 Jan at 9am. entr y is f ree and the details are on our website

We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues & Thurs evenings at 7pm These are open to all runners f rom no vice to experienced runners


26 Find us on facebook: The Sto tfold News Magazine
when they said unto
I was glad
me, let us go into the house of the Lord

News from King’s Baptist Church

Happy New Year!

I o ften think that each new year brings the oppor tunity for renewal, a f resh star t And each new year also brings the challenges o f impossible - to -keep resolu tions and promises to tr y harder!

So, ho w are you doing? The tru th is that no t only is each new year an oppor tunity to star t again and get things right, ever y single day is too And no t just each new day, bu t ever y single minu te o f ever y day God has promised that he is always with us, and that he is for us his mercy and grace have no limits

As we face the new year ahead there will be uncer tainty, because none o f us actually kno ws what the fu ture will bring. This causes us to be anxious, because we want to be cer tain: when we kno w what to expect, we can prepare for it. No t kno wing what to expect makes us anxious, or ner vous. It stifles our ability to be conf ident, and it inhibits our ability to make decisions. We become passive obser vers o f life, rather than pro -actively engaged in it. We wait and see, play it safe, retreat into old and comfor table patterns o f thought and action (or inaction). Sadly, many f ind that later on do wn the road they look back and see their lives are littered with missed oppor tunities, broken relationships, and lo ts o f regret.

Bu t just because the fu ture is unkno wn does no t mean the fu ture will be bleak God is still with us Au thor Ann Spangler writes:

“What does it mean to say that God is with us? Surely it doesn’t mean our lives will be easy It doesn’t mean we will be insulated f rom failure or doubt or that God will take our side in ever y argument Bu t it does mean we will never face even a single struggle alone It means the Lord will never withhold the help we need to do his will It means that ultimately we will come ou t on top even if we feel we’re living most o f our life on the bo ttom ” Happy New Year! May you kno w the comfor ting presence and the life -changing po wer o f God in your life throughou t this new year

27 Email us at sto tfold news@yahoo co uk

News from St Mar y’s Church

Warm Wednesday mornings at St Mar y’s Church

Our Church will be open as a warm space f rom 10 30am-12 30 each Wednesday morning We will be ser ving co ffee, tea and biscuits There will be jigsaws and table games available or just come for a chat On 4 Januar y, 1 Februar y and 1 March please join us for homemade cakes and savouries at our Community Co ffee Morning



Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day Other small animals can also be catered for

Church open ever y day

Your Parish Church is open ever y day f rom 9 00am-4 30pm for anyone who wants a time o f quiet personal prayer or refection or to light a candle There is also a Prayer Box in which you can place a prayer The vicar will later pray your prayer at our daily ser vices


Ever y Sunday in Church: 9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer A 20-minu te ser vice withou t Holy Communion or a sermon 10 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School for children

First Sunday o f the Month: 8 00am Said Communion 9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer 10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children. 4.00pm. Tea Time Praise for young families. Wednesday Ser vice in Church 9.45am. Parish Communion: 40 minu te ser vice. Monday-Saturday in Church 9.00am. Morning Prayer Ser vice.


Tuesdays 2.00pm, second and four th Tuesdays, Whist Drive in Church Hall Wednesday social events: 10.30am-12 f irst Wednesday o f the month, Community Co ffee Morning (except Januar y & August) 10.20am-12, Warm Wednesdays social 2 00pm, second Wednesday o f the month, Hymns for Fun 3 00pm, third Wednesday o f the month, Women’s Fello w Group in Church Hall Noon, last Wednesday o f the month, Friendship Lunch at The Stag

Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains. We are NOW OPEN

Our revised opening hours:

Tues: 2pm-7pm Wed: 10am-7pm Thursday: 3pm-7pm Friday: 10am - 1pm Saturday: 10am-2pm

Christenings/Baptisms will be held at 2 30pm and 3 30pm on the 4th Sunday o f the month Please contact Sara Clark to discuss dates and arrangements She can be contacted on sara clark3@ntlworld com or 01462 625270 Once details and date are agreed, you will meet with Revd Bill and/or Revd Graham Weddings Residents o f Sto tfold and Fair f ield can contact Revd Bill abou t getting married in their local Parish Church on 01462 730218 or revd bill britt@gmail com

Funerals The Parish Church is available for any local person’s funeral For more information contact Revd Bill on 01462 730218 or revd bill britt@gmail com

Please check our website, www.sto, The Church o f England Parish Church for Sto tfold & Fair f ield, Church Road, Sto tfold SG5 4NE


Would you like to join a f riendly local group for a weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10.45am

Meeting points for Januar y: 5th Scou t Hu t, Sto tfold 12th, 19th Cro wn Pub, Sto tfold 26th Arlesey Station

For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672

28 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
All types of electrical work under taken. Installation, Fault finding, Heating controls Test and inspection, EV charge points, NICEIC approved contractor Tel: 07817 545314
electrical@outlook com
Stotfold based cat sitting service
Please call Claire 07984 344 997 Now in our 10th year!

t went ou t o f the Beds Senior Cup on penalties follo wing a ver y creditable draw with Bedford To wn. The Development team won two and lost one o f their league games. The Woman’s team had no league games in the month bu t progressed in the Beds Women’s Cup and the League Cup. The U18 Midweek team drew their one league match and went ou t o f the Beds U18 Floodlit Cup. At the time o f going to print many o f our league f ixtures are un-available bu t these will be posted on the website and on social media.

Januar y Fixtures:

1st Mon 2 3 00 Home Biggleswade United

U18 Thurs 5 7 45 Away MK Irish U18

1st Sat 7 3 00 Home Tring Athletic

Dev Sat 7 2 00 Away Sharnbrook First

U18 Thurs 12 7 45 Home Shefford Saints U18

1st Sat 14 3 00 Away Risborough Rangers

1st Sat 21 3 00 Away Pitstone & Ivinghoe (Gladwish Challenge Trophy 3rd Round )

1st Tue 24 7 45 Home Biggleswade Utd (Hinchingbrooke Cup 2nd Round )

1st Sat 28 3 00 Home Leighton To wn Wm’s Sun 29 2 00 Home Biggleswade Utd Ladies Blues (League Cup)

Our Clubhouse is open Friday - Sunday to members and non-members and we can o ffer a large garden area and a large function room and bar Our Kitchen ( The Corner Flag) o ffers great value food f rom a good choice menu Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for details

JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Sto tfold, SG5 4HE 01462 539297 www.sto Twitter @sto tfoldfc Facebook @sto tfoldfc https://www.sfc- enquiries@sfc-

29 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Free Estimates - Free Measuring Full Fitting - Expert Advice Carpets, Laminates, Vinyls and Woods Insurance and Contract Work 1 Such Close, Works Road,Letchworth, Herts SG6 1JF Tel: 01462 481312 www Email Letchworth Carpet Centre Number ONE for Price Quality and Service YOUR LOCAL NO.1 Open by apointment only - Please call us on the number below or email to arrange a time convenient to you PLANNING HOME IMPROVEMENTS OR AN EXTENSION? Providing architectural design and planning services for residential building, extension and conversion projects, S & S Coates Surveying & Design Call: 07960215053 or 01525 862457 stevecoates72@gmail com Find us on facebook News From Sto tfold Foo tball Club VOLUNTEERS WANTED Matchday stewards, turnstile operators and kitchen helpers WANTED! Please contact us through our website www.sto No vember was a busy month for the 1st team winning four o f their f ive league games bu t losing in the local derby away at Po tton Utd. In the cups they progressed in the Gladwish Challenge Trophy and the Hinchingbrooke Cup bu
COME AND SUPPORT THE EAGLES! ? ??????????? S Stotfold F Football C Club G General Knowledge Quiz N Night Friday 17th February In the Clubhouse, JSJ Stadium New Roker Park, Arlesey Road, Stotfold start at 7.30 Teams of up to 6, £5 per player Crisps and Sweets provided on each table Phone 01462 626722 to book a place or email With team name and number of players ? ???????????

Baldock’s U10’s are made up o f players f rom various locations, many o f whom live and go t to school in Sto tfold Saturday 19th No vember saw the Baldock To wn You th U10’s competed in the Au tumn Cup f inal against Sundon Athletic Sundon had been unbeaten for two years and had already claimed a 0-2 win against Baldock at the star t o f the season

Sundon made a strong star t bu t Baldock began to gain control and had more chances It ended 0-0 after the f irst half, the second half went ver y much the same way with the best chance falling to Baldock when Tom Stokes took a sho t bu t Sundon’s keeper made the save. The game f inished 0–0 at full time which is a rare thing at this age. - Bo th teams went in to extra time with the belief they could win the game. Baldock remained strong and took the game to Sundon. It was no t until the second period o f extra time that Baldock broke the deadlock with a great cross f rom Aran Du Pleuiss to f ind Miguel Groner in loads o f space to volley in f rom ou tside the box, giving the keeper no chance.

Baldock continued pressing and Miguel made it 2-0 with Thomas Burkhar t winning the ball f rom a thro w in and playing in to Miguel who only had the keeper to beat. Baldock’s defensive play was ver y strong throughou t and goal keeper William Croughton made numerous saves to secure a clean sheet. It was a brilliant game with bo th teams playing excellent foo tball Congratulations to Baldock To wn U10’s for the fantastic win! Editors no te: We al ways lo ve to hear abou t your spor ting successes!

Please do remember to drop us a line if your group, club or team have something to celebrate!

Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias Jonny Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold 01462 732248 or 07951 473505 31 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Local Spor t News - Cup Final Success!
Januar y 16th THE FIRST AID NURSING YEOMANRY Alexandra Milne Ladies fello wship meetings and events 01462 730739.
Army Ladies
32 Down Memory Lane EE WT AC KLY AY DAY SUN: 10:30amil am: F WHA IVITIES T-A TO NOPE Worship Wo y y W endlFri y y F amil ALL ENING IN JANUARY AY:TUESDAY 10am 1pm 2 L Home pm: 2:15 3:45 pm Sra ve el Bibled if dt rentlocafe R OTHEI TAC eac arm Sp W Warm s ome ca League (dMi-e weekLadi pm:usiMry emo 4 M c (Tb i iscussion d) (Lyfe (Lyf gs upro Pleasecontactus tions IN ESVITI ARY JANUARY witha ndwarmup aht o rhsWos eg pMeetin i) ntia)LedbybsDeme ba utthughotethroopera tioninforma rermousfo rnk i dr o soup&roll a ualifiedMu qe icTh srap ferweekatdif eme entti is pt san men di 0 YA DAY SUN1st JA AY DAY SUN08th JA diff &t ntacere MOND 0 AY 9th JA oy Rno2 146 0730 UARY NUARY JA: NE ALFORMIN UARY NUARY JAURCH CH ESSY C : M vtiestii NTOTHEWOPE UARY NUARY JA: MEN SO FELL 7308 4 3r o frm info remo AY DAY ARSYE NEW VICE 10 SER SERVICE URCH0 3:3 4:30pm -B WH FAM OLEFAMILY WSHIP O7:30m p ilCh tion a. am 0:3 eryonEve c ee om zenfroUn throu and out l Quiz ni tgh uiz ni Q elcome w. gh us ftcra ntactCo T URSDAY H12th pm - infor Drop 1 YA ONDAY M6th JA about stFir eTh RY NUARY JA: OAST TOF oastea,t fort andachat UARY NUARY JAS DIE : LA FELL Yeomanry Ye gursin id N A FETHN TOW (ffe o ceo m t. OWSHIP ELL7pm Joinus manry. manry ingrn oh it wat wis t) 10 talkb rausfo yAld nexa 30 .am-12 draMilne All New Plumbing & Heating Installations Bathroom & Shower Installations Boiler & Gas Cooker Installations & Servicing Power Flushing & Heating Upgrades Andy Martini 07950 311963 | 01462 835617 25 Marigold Way, Stotfold SG5 4HQ 208308 ld SG5 4 Stotfo comalmplumbing17@gmail. 35617 01462 8 Boiler & Gas Cooker Installations & Serv Installatio HQ icing ns STO TFOLD GARDEN CLUB Meetings and Trips Meetings are held on the second Wednesday o f the month at St Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road Wednesday 11th Januar y 2023 AGM, Quiz and renewal o f membership For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721 sto Can you name anyone pictured here? This lo vely class at Etonbur y School has a few faces we recognise We lo ve receiving your old pho tographs! If you have any you are willing to lend us please do get in touch at sto tfold news@yahoo co uk

Useful Telephone Numbers

Citizen’s Advice Bureau

01525 402742

Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136 Samaritans 01462 455333 Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089 Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587


Hope Chapel 01462 686803

King’s Baptist Church 01462 730521

Methodist Church 01462 731167

Salvation Army Hall 01462 731072

Ladies Fello wship 01462 730739

St Mar y’s Church 01462 730218

St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877

Friends o f St Mar y’s 01462 834108

Fair f ield Community Church 07376 740410


Sto tfold To wn Council 01462 730064

Email: enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk

Central Bedfordshire Council, Prior y House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000

Email customer.ser vices@centralbedfordshire.go

Web www centralbedfordshire go v uk

Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Fly tipping / Grass Cu tting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles 0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632

More Central Bedfordshire Council telephone numbers can be found listed at www sto tfoldnews co uk


Larksf ield Surger y Appointments 01462 732244 Enquiries 01462 732200

Ou t o f Hours Ser vice: MDoc Call 111 Physio therapy & Spinal Injur y Clinic 01462 735700 Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144


Ashwell Dental 01462 742353

Sto tfold Dental Surger y 01462 731938


Electricity Emergencies

0800 7 838 838

Gas Emergencies 0800 111999



0800 1111

National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800 Samaritans 08457 909090 NSPCC 0800 800 5000


Bedford Hospital 01234 355122

Lister Hospital 01438 314333 NHS Direct 08 45 46 47


First Garden City Homes 01462 683307

Pioneer House, Nor ton Way Sou th, Letchwor th Garden City, Her ts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing - all enquiries 0300 123 5544

Librar y

Sto tfold Librar y 0300 300 8068 Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469


Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212 Crimestoppers 0800 555111


Coach & Horses 01462 734135

Fox & Duck 01462 732434 The Chequers Pub 01462 732333

The Cro wn 01462 731061

The Stag Tavern 01462 731098 Cafe

Box o f Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587


Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391 Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243 Fair f ield Park Lo wer School 01462 830000 Roecro ft Lo wer School 01462 730336 St Mar y’s Academy 01462 730343 Samuel Whitbread Academy 01462 629900

After School Clubs

Pippin Pre -School 01462 834897 SMASH, St Mar y’s School 07971 354093

Toddler Groups

Tiddleywinks 01462 731072


Pippin Pre -School 01462 834897 Poppies Nurser y 07833 927906 Poppyf ields Nurser y 01462 830008 Busy Bees 01462 734306

Transpor t

Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950

Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023 Boxall Taxis 01462 433333

Greenacre Transfers

Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48 www greenacretransfers co uk


1 Paul Daniels; 2 Stephen Hawking; 3 Gar y Cooper; 4 45r p m ; 5 Rolex; 6 Han Solo; 7 “A MONTH in the Countr y”; 8 Usain Bolt; 9 “The TIME Machine” (H G Wells); 10 SUNDIAL; 11 James Bond; 12 Doris DAY; 13 Tiger; 14 The Kinks; 15 “The SECOND Sex”; 16 Twenty/20; 17 “TIME AFTER TIME”; 18 Dame Judi Dench; 19 Toyo ta; 20 Thomas Tompion


Local Director y

Accountancy & Tax -

Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy)

01462 624926

Aber y Mo tor Centre 01462 733246

AD Garden Rooms 01438 313765

A JB Fencing 07837 791365

A J Day Builders 01767 314445

Alf ie’s Barbers 01462 658449

Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283

Arlesey Walking Group 01462 638286

Arlesey Pharmacy 01462 731200

Arlesey Social Club 01462 731361

Aquarius Garden Design 01462 731292

Ashwell So ftware / Sigma Off ice 01462 742783

Barn Hair Studio 01462 835611

Bal & Co Mo tor Care 01462 731500

Bews Electrical 01462 834488

Big Minibus Hire 07817 766997

BK Electrical / Brian Kelly 07817545314

Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587

Britannia Coaches 01462 436125

Broadband Communications 01462 732628

BSH Glazing ( Windo ws & Doors) 01462 730884

Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823

Builders - SJ Brock 01462 231257

Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302

Carpets & Flooring - Letchwor th Carpet Centre 01462 481312

Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner 01462 731674

Catsitter - Claire 07984 344997

Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Ser vices 07885 415363

Compu ter Repairs - NIck Saunders 07521 279960

The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065

Chris Webster, Sto tfold 01462 834108 (Correspondent for The Comet )

Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance 01462 733322

Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141

DMC Tiling 01462 231459

Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets 07894 561765

EH Crouch Funeral Directors 01462 834040

Electrician - Terr y C Seymour 01462 236559

Fair f ield Bo wls Club 07811 738599

Fencing (A JB) 07837 791365

Finesse Interiors 01462 896046

First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730

Foo t Health Pro fessional - V icki Eagles 07812 399659

Foo t Pro Podiatr y 07377 536685

The Garden Robin Limited 01462 815968

Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513

Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829

Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices

www greenacretransfers co uk 07555 707848

Guides - Sto tfold Guide Association 01462 235273

HB Decorators 01462 732960

Henlo w Vets 01462 416416

Heritage Paving 01462 730682

Hypno therapy - Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 07497157531

James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice 01462 234292

Jar vis Foo tcare 07816 329363

Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995

Locksmith Ser vices 01462 290226

Lo ved Gardens 07981 275663

Lo wer Wilbur y Farm 07988 771107

Maintenance Ser vices - SHMS 01462 887366

Mo w & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200

New Kitchens 01462 812826

Nick Sayer Plumbing & Heating 07456 559756

Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215

Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559

Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642

Paul Adler Opticians 01462 732393

Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508

Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065

Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 01462 731357

Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371

Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963

Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862

Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Ser vices LTD 07474 444288

Plum-tek 01462 618058

RH Gardens 01462 612033

Roecro ft Centre - Maureen Winters 07727 688877

Regency Flo wers 01462 732616

Remo vals - AG Jenkins 01462 730562

Sto tfold & Arlesey Ro yal British Legion 01462 734133

Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730

Saunders Garage 01462 730222

Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188

Shel's Shabby Chic, V intage painted furniture & workshops 01462 234228

Slimming World 07515 557803

Solicitors - HR J Foreman Laws 01462 458711

St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877

Sto tfold Ar t Group 07734 304590

Sto tfold Bo wls Club 01462 628204

Sto tfold Conser vative Club 01462 730534

Sto tfold Foo tball Club 01462 539297

Sto tfold Gardening Club 01462 834854

Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587

Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club 07706 951263

Sto tfold Judo Club 07872 594499

Sto tfold Twirlers 07732 505614

Sto tfold Mill 01462 734541

Sto tfold News Magazine 01462 731986

Sto tfold Pharmacy 01462 730249

Sto tfold Shor t Mat Bo wls Club 01462 730841

Tailoring Ser vice 07575 417217

Warrens Windo ws 01462 261401

Windo ws - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505

Windo w Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302

Windo w Cleaning (Jacks) 07950 510589

Yoga - Freda Dodswor th 01767 627611

The Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 35 Complete garden design and build service Porcelain and sandstone paving specialists Quality block paving driveways & all types of fencing For a FREE quotation call Robin on (01462) 815968 or 07785 530558 One offGardentidyups. www rhgardendesign com Tel 01462 612033 or 07738 246568 Now taking on new maintenance clients Regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly visits. R. H GARDEN DESIGN The Garden Specialists Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Have you follo wed diets and still struggled to lose weight? Do you really want to quit smoking bu t don’t kno w ho w? Do you struggle with negative thought patterns or phobias? The Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms can help! We can suppor t you to o vercome your negative thoughts and behaviours to create a positive fu ture. CONTACT US TODAY! CALL 07497 157531 glen@thepathwayhypno www thepathwayhypno therapyrooms co uk

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