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Showcase Success for Gifford Dance Academy
Sto tfold based Gifford Dance Academy enjo yed a double weekend o f Sho wcases back at the beginning o f Februar y. With o ver 250 local bo ys and girls taking par t, the sho wcases featured dance rou tines per formed by children as young as four, all thoroughly enjo ying the experience o f per forming to a live audience at Bedfordshire University Theatre.
Alongside the more seasoned competition team dancers, all classes f rom within the Academy were invited to per form, with some o f them experiencing dancing on stage for the ver y f irst time
The Dance Academy is run by sisters Rebecca and Lucie, and specialises in many different aspects o f dance, including contemporar y, commercial, acro and ballet The dancers have enjo yed countless successes throughou t the eight years they have been per forming, including their Mixed Competition Team being cro wned National Champions for 2022! Many o f the dancers are no w incredibly excited to be preparing to per form at Disneyland Paris in April after successfully passing their audition to per form during the latter par t o f last year