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News From Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club
U8 Ambers
No w that U8 Ambers are in mid- season o f their second full season for Sto tfold, it is wor th no ting ho w they have been progressing since emerging f rom the Development Centre in August 2021
Since then, they have played 41 o ff icial games and have won 33 o f these games and losing only 5 They have scored 297 goals and conceded only 90
The U8 Ambers have just come ou t o f an 18-game consecu tive winning streak, loosing narro wly to their local rivals Shefford Saints 4-3 With results and per formances like this it is no wonder that several o f the U8 Amber players are being looked at by Academies as they go f rom strength to strength and keep impro ving.
They are no w looking for ward to the rest o f the season and the summer tournaments, including Sto tfold’s o wn tournament on 5/6/7 May
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Volunteers & Parents, we need you!
Sto tfold Juniors are gro wing and looking for volunteers to qualify as a FA level one coaches. If you are interested, please contact enquiries@sto tfoldjunior fc.co.uk
SMSA’s Communit y Quiz Night!
Friday 14th April 2023
Sto tfold Conser vative Club - 7pm for 7.30pm star t Tickets £5 per person, (maximum o f 6 people per team.)
All proceeds to St Mar y’s school (SMSA)
This quiz is open to ever yone !
Trophy and chocolates for the winning team - and a wooden spoon to the losers! Tickets can be purchased f rom St Mar y’s school o ff ice or Sto tfold Conser vative club Team name, team member names and payment will be required on booking
All ticket sale proceeds to SMSA