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News from Etonbur y A cademy
Belgium and France for Histor y, Languages and Food, Geography trips to Nor folk and to Iceland in the next academic year A number o f our Year 10s were also for tunate to attend an event run by the University o f Oxford as par t o f the Wadham Project Thank you to Miss Denton for leading this prestigious par tnership Our Juniors had a wonder ful day at Young Voices, singing amongst thousands o f o ther children and taking in the atmosphere at the O2 Arena in London These learning experiences are such an impor tant par t o f Etonbur y, and are a great way o f getting to kno w our students and developing them as individuals
We are seeing numerous wins in our spor ting f ixtures and also amongst our children who take par t in ou tside school activities.
The school is going f rom strength to strength, we are looking for ward to unveiling more plans for Sixth Form Centre ver y soon.

Ian Evason -Principle Etonbur y Academy
www.etonbur y.org.uk