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News From Sto tfold Foo tball Club
Januar y was again weather disrupted The 1st team won two and drew one match in the league maintaining top spo t They progressed in the Hinchingbrooke Cup drawing 1-1 and winning 6-5 on penalties against near neighbours Biggleswade Utd. They also progressed in the Gladwish Challenge Trophy winning 5-1 at Division 2 Pitstone & Ivinghoe.
The Development team won bo th matches played in the league. The Women’s team won bo th their league matches and progressed in the League Cup with a 3-0 win against Biggleswade Utd Ladies Blues. The U18 team won their only league match played Fur ther f ixtures for the Development team and U18 team will be posted on the website and on social media
The Club is holding a Casino Night on Saturday 25 March 2023 - Watch ou t for posts on Social Media with details
Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for news and up to date information
March Fixtures:
U18 Thurs 2 7 45 Away Winslo w Utd
1st Sat 4 3.00 Home Arlesey To wn
1st Tue 7 7.45 Home Hoddesdon To wn
1st Sat 11 3.00 Away Aylesbur y Vale Dynamos
Wm’s Sun 12 2.00 Away Hitchin To wn Women First
1st Sat 18 3.00 Away Leverstock Green
Wm’s Sun 19 2.00 Away St Margaretsbur y Ladies
1st Sat 25 3.00 Home Harpenden To wn
Wm’s Sun 26 2.00 Home Harpenden To wn Women (League Cup S/F)
U18 Thurs 30 7.45 Home Letchwor th GCE
JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Sto tfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4HE 01462 539297 www sto tfoldfc co uk Twitter @sto tfoldfc Facebook @sto tfoldfc https://www sfc- theclubhouse co uk enquiries@sfc- theclubhouse co uk
For a FREE quotation call Robin on (01462) 815968 or 07785 530558 www.thegardenrobin.co.uk
Bumps and Bruises…
So the last month had been going really well, training consistently and def initely feeling f itter than I was There has been one small bump in the road which literally was a ‘bump on the road’ when, on a cold Sunday morning on the far side o f Letchwor th, I fell o ff my bike; I wasn’t going par ticularly fast, it wasn’t even a spectacular fall, the chain simply jammed causing the bike to stop suddenly and I landed heavily on the ground, winding myself in the process. Luckily my f riend Rebecca (aka Nurse Nancy) was with me, and she calmly talked me through a moment o f anxiety where I couldn’t take a breath and was catastrophising that I’d broken ever y bone do wn the righthand side o f my body
I’ve fallen o ff my bike a number o f times before no w For the f irst few months o f wearing cleats, (cleats are f ixed to the bo ttom o f the shoe and attached to a clip-in pedal ), it was a regular occurrence; I’d stop at a junction and forget that I couldn’t pu t my foo t on the floor withou t f irst having to twist the shoe ou t o f its pedal Being a few years ago, it may be that my slightly younger (and lighter!) body coped better with hitting the tarmac as I don’t remember it being an issue Bu t this time, quite honestly, it just really, really hur t.
For a couple o f days I felt a bit battered; the bruises deepening in colour as the stiffness in my joints reduced my range o f mo vement and made ever yday tasks that little bit more diff icult. Bu t after a for tnight o f swallo wing paracetamol like M&Ms and a visit to the physio, I am feeling almost back to normal and, f ingers crossed, no long - term damage has been done. I have no t yet returned to swimming, bu t the beau ty o f triathlon is this; when you’re unable to train in one discipline there are always two o thers to fall back on
The Sto tfold Passion Play (pictured f rom 2019 abo ve) is returning after a three -year break. The Year 4 students o f St Mar y’s Academy will per form the stor y o f the su ffering, death and resurrection o f Christ Parents, grandparents and carers, together with members o f the public are invited to attend on Friday 24 March 10 00am at St Mar y’s Church
There are number o f o ther special ser vices in March We will be welcoming The Bishop o f Bedford to preach at our 10 00am Sunday on 5 March We will be holding Lent Bible Studies on four Wednesdays in March: 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 10 30am and 7 30pm Our Mo thering Sunday Ser vice is Sunday 19 March
Please check our website, www sto tfoldchurch org uk, for a list o f our Holy Week ser vices, which begin on Palm Sunday on 2 April On Sunday 7 May at 3 00pm there will be Civic Ser vice at St Mar y’s Church to celebrate the Coronation o f Kind Charles III, with activities to follo w
Church open ever y day: Your Parish Church is open ever y day 9-4 30pm for anyone who wants a time o f quiet personal prayer or refection or to light a candle.
Christenings and Baptisms will be held on the 4th Sunday o f the month
Please contact Sara Clark 01462 625270
Funerals - The Church is available for any local person’s funeral For information speak to your funeral director or contact Revd Bill on 01462 730218
Worship Ser vices:
Ever y Sunday in Church:
9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer. A 20-minu te ser vice withou t Holy Communion or a sermon.
10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children.
First Sunday o f the Month:
8.00am. Said Communion
9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer
10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children.
4 00pm Tea Time Praise for young families
Wednesday Ser vice in Church
9 45am Parish Communion: a 40 minu te ser vice
Monday-Saturday in Church
9 00am Morning Prayer Ser vice A small group gathers in church for 20 minu tes