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Down Memory Lane
We are back to Etonbur y this month as we enjo y this pho tograph taken (we think) f rom around the late 1960’s. perhaps you can give us a precise year and maybe name a few o f the students pictured here? We are desperately in need o f some new ‘old pho tographs’ and are ver y happy to collect them to borro w and then return. Give us a call on 01462 731986 or drop us an email arlesey.news@yahoo.com if you can help!!
Book Club @W ild Co ffee
will be meeting on Wednesday 1st March 7 00pm
This month's book is A Terrible Kindness
Sto Tfold Garden Club
Meetings and Trips
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday o f the month at

St Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Talk by Geo ff Hodge – ‘Propagation and plants for f ree ’ Tea and Co ffee ser ved – meeting star ts at approximately 10:15am Raffle
For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721 sto tfoldgc@gmail.com
ANSWERS to MARCH FUN QUIZ on page 30 1 “Bewitched”; 2 Chicken; 3 Lionel Ritchie; 4 MARLBOROUGH; 5 Reliant; 6 “Catch 22”; 7 “WATERLOO” (Abba); 8 CRUISER( WEIGHT ); 9 Rosamund PIKE; 10 PHALANX; 11 Dough; 12 Beef WELLINGTON; 13 Hercule Poiro t; 14 FRIGATE (bird ); 15 Fred Astaire; 16 Bilko; 17 SABRE; 18 Bulldog Drummond; 19 “The Magnif icent Seven”; 20 MACE