5 minute read
Mental Health Matters - Jo Loach
Last month I introduced the vagus ner ve and the role it plays in reducing stress levels. The ability to self soo th is a critical component in maintaining good mental and emo tional health so it is wor th investing the time and energy disco vering what works for you Whether walks in nature, various deep breathing exercises, physical exercise, massage, singing or any o ther such activity, no t only can managing stress and reclaiming calm impro ve our wellbeing, bu t it can also be thoroughly enjo yable! Win, win! In the same vein, is the impor tance o f taking time to identify and indulge in those pursuits that make your hear t sing


There may be a crosso ver with those that calm stress and distress, or they may differ The impor tant thing is to kno w what they are and grant yourself permission to do them This is no t merely indulgence This is self-preser vation
For me, watching the wonder o f the ever-changing sky in the early morning, accompanied by the beau ty o f birdsong is the ultimate star t to the day This combo soo ths my soul, lifts my spirits and makes my hear t sing And that’s the kind o f hat- trick I want to be star ting my day with! The musicality o f birdsong also reminds me that the birds sing irrespective o f whether the sun graces us with its presence. Their song comes f rom within, no t in response to what is happening externally.
This is no t to say that we do no t ha corresponding internal distress is p bu t to remind us o f the need to self are present And no t to give up indu make our hear ts sing
In diff icult times, we need these ev Jo Loach is a BACP accredited Counsellor and Super visor, with an MA in Contemporar y Therapeu tic Counselling .
March Fun Quiz
In this month’s fun quiz, compiled and presented by Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, we are ordering a MILITARY MARCH through militar y, naval and air force themes. Clues contained in each question or answer. (ANSWERS on page 32)
1 Pictured right is actress Elizabeth Montgomer y who starred in a US television series o f the 1960s to 1970s. What was the title o f that series?
2 The Italian dish Marengo was invented in 1800 to honour Napoleon Bonapar te’s victor y in the battle o f that name What is the main ingredient o f this dish, as indicated by the dash?
3 Since leaving the Commodores to pursue a solo career he has had US number hit singles such as “Hello”, “All Night Long” and “Say You, Say Me” Who is he?
4 What name is shared by a to wn in Wiltshire; a winemaking region o f New Zealand; and the aristocratic title o f the victorious commander at the battle o f Blenheim?
5 The Scimitar car model was manu factured between the 1960s to the 1980s by a UK company better kno wn for its three -wheeled vehicles Which company?
6 In which 1960s no vel by Joseph Heller do we meet the character Major Major Major Major?
7 Give the title o f the winning song in the 1974 Euro vision Song Contest, a number one single in the UK and in many o ther countries?
8 In pro fessional boxing this weight division comes belo w heavyweight and shares its name with what type o f warship?
9 The characters Miranda Frost in a Bond f ilm and Amy Dunne in “Gone Girl” are two o f the f ilm triumphs o f the British actress pictured abo ve right. Who is she?
10 This seven-letter Greek word means a massed militar y formation used by ancient Greek armies and also one o f your f ingers. What word?
11 This bizarre UK pop song o f the 1970s was made by a group named Lieu tenant Pigeon and is the only UK number one single to feature a mo ther and son! What word, as indicated by the dash, completes its title:
“Mouldy Old ”?
12 A British dish consisting o f f illet steak, coated with pâté and duxelles, wrapped in pu ff pastr y and then baked is named after which militar y hero?
13 Captain Ar thur Hastings OBE is the companion, secretar y and chronicler o f which famous literar y detective?
14 Pictured right is the so -called ‘Magnif icent’ variety o f a widespread tropical seabird with hooked beak, forked tail and a distinctive red pouch during breeding season This bird shares its common name with what type o f naval warship?
15 Austerlit z is considered to be Napoleon Bonapar te’s ‘masterpiece’ as a battle bu t Austerlit z was also the real name o f one o f Hollywood’s greatest f ilm stars What was his stage surname?
16 What is the eponymous surname o f the US Army Master Sergeant television character pictured right?
17 In the spor t o f fencing, the three types o f sword used are the foil, épée and which o ther?
18 What is the name o f the famous British ‘gentleman adventurer ’ who is the central character o f a series o f no vels written f rom 1920 to 1954 by two au thors, bo th using the pen-name o f Sapper?
19 The classic 1950s Japanese f ilm “Seven Samurai ” was re -made in the USA as a Western in 1960 under what title?
20 What is the four-letter name o f the spice which is derived f rom the same tree as nu tmeg and which is o ften described as having a less concentrated flavour than nu tmeg?
For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely free o f charge, please visit my website at davidstedman co uk or Google david stedman au thor.
Tuesday – 9am-1pm Wednesday – 2pm-6pm Thursday – 9am-1pm Friday – 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Saturday – 9am-4pm Sunday – Closed

What’s on at your local librar y?
FREE EVENT FOR ADULTS - no booking required.
Ever y Friday 10.30am-12pm Knit and Knatter
***NEW NEW NEW***Ever y 1st Saturday o f the month (Saturday 4th March) 10am-3pm Co ffee Morning & Lego! Come along for a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat. The Lego will also be ou t and available for anyone to use if they wish.
Activities For Children
Ever y Tuesday 10 30am Stor y and Rhyme Time (aged 0-5)
Ever y Thursday~ *In Par tnership with the Children’s Centre*
9 15am SEND Stor y time, designed specif ically for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
(recommended for children o f all ages)
Ever y Thursday *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre*
10 30am Sing and Sign with British Sign Language (recommended for children aged 0-5)
Events For All The Family
Ever y 2nd & 4th Monday *With the Children’s Centre* (13th & 27th March)
9am-10am Family Suppor t Drop-in (families with children aged 0-12 years)
Ever y Saturday
Lego and Duplo Club 10am-3pm (for ages 0-109)

Ever y 1st Saturday o f the month (Saturday 4th March) 10am-3pm Co ffee Morning & Lego! Come along for a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat. The Lego will also be ou t and available for anyone to use if they wish.
‘Warms Spaces’ in our librar y.
Our librar y can pro vide a f ree warm and safe space. V isiting a librar y is f ree and we have a team o f f riendly staff ready to help new, existing, and returning customers Whether you choose to pop in to enjo y some quiet time with a book or meet up with people there is something for ever yone In addition, libraries o ffer f ree Wi-Fi and pro vide access to public compu ters You are welcome to bring your o wn snacks, and drinks into the librar y