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Creating Something Different Adding
B lock Pa ving
Na tu ral St one & Conc ret e Sla bs Bric kwork - F en c ing Drive wa ys-Pat hs-Cou rtya rd Pat ios-Re pa irs

07 97 4 170 48 7 (Stotfold)
It is wonder ful to receive a word o f encouragement f rom someone Even a “like” on a social media post can lift someone And some hear tfelt words and thoughts can go a long way Think o f someone who has encouraged you What did they say, or write? Might each o f us spend a moment to encourage ano ther? Let’s have a go
Wwdp org uk sho ws where and when public World Day o f Prayer events are happening I’d like to plug one at Henlo w Methodist Church (2pm 3/3/23) and ano ther at St Mar y’s Church, Baldock (2pm, the same day)
At Sto tfold Methodist Church : Co ffee morning, Saturday 4th March, 10am to 12pm Monday Club is 2pm to 3:30pm
Sunday worship at 10am will be do wnstairs in the lounge:
5th : Jackie Hall
12th : Helen Dearn
19th : Revd Graham Claydon-Knights (Holy Communion)
26th : Andy Searle
Revd. Graham 07340 857386 Graham.Claydon-Knights@methodist.org.uk