2 minute read
rd work & ermination sees organ gain Black Belt.
When four year old Morgan f rom Sto tfold took up Karate back in 2014 she knew she had found a spor t that she bo th lo ved and enjo yed Alongside bro ther Preston, Morgan has travelled all o ver the county to train and has progressed steadily, working her way through the various grades and belts until f inally gaining her black belt in October o f last year,
The no w 12 year old Etonbur y student still ver y much enjo ys the spor t, and is no w o ffering her exper tise to younger children star ting ou t on their karate journey with the club she f irst began to train with all those years ago. Together with bro ther Preston, Morgan helps with the ‘Tiny Tigers’ under the watchful eye o f Sensei Sue Su tcliffe.
Mum Sarah told the Sto tfold News Magazine “Morgan’s focus and determination has been incredible o ver the many years she has been going to Karate She has throughly enjo yed the journey and I am so immensely proud o f ever y achievement she has made ”
Recently enjo ying a celebration meal and presentation at the Harpenden Arms, Morgan and her fello w Black Belt students - including close f riend Kacey, received their cer tif icates and Black belts direct f rom Japan
Having recently been awarded ‘student o f the year ’ at her Letchwor th Karate Club, Morgan, Kacey and her bro ther Preston continue on their karate journey as they train hard to wards their Second Dan and also star t to compete on the competitor circuit
We look for ward to follo wing bo th Morgan and Preston’s progress in the fu ture!
Pictured belo w right: Morgan receiving her cer tif icate f rom Sensei Brian Owen.
Follo wing a recent post we ran on the Sto tfold News facebook page, we were so impressed with Morgans stor y that we wanted to share it with you - if you kno w anyone who enjo ys success in whatever it is they do, be it a hobby, a spor t or a pastime then we would lo ve to hear all abou t it Simply get in touch with us using the usual methods

Stotfold Turns On The Electric
If you are a regular walker, attend a club or class at the Memorial Hall or maybe live close to Hallwor th Drive, then you may have no ticed recent work being carried ou t in the Memorial Hall car park The work was all par t o f an initiative to install charge points in Sto tfold for electric mo tor vehicles.
The charge points will be going 'live' ver y soon - keep an eye on either the Sto tfold News Magazine or Sto tfold To wn Council social media for any updates on when they will be available to use.....
Sal vation Army Ladies Fello wship
March 20th
CLARENCE HOUSESheila Edgar Ladies fello wship meetings & events 01462 730739.
As we are all encouraged to ‘go greener ’ and consider electric vehicles as our next choice o f transpor t, there are plans to increase the number o f charge points in and around Sto tfold, with the next round o f installations due to take place in Brook
Street car park during Februar y or March There’s a good chance it may be in place by the time you are reading this ar ticle
The initiative to have the charge points installed forms par t o f a joint venture between Sto tfold To wn Council, Central Bedfordshire Council and BP Pulse