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News from St Mar y’s A cademy
non- uniform clo thes and our parent’s association, the SMSA will be running the annual Mo ther ’s Day Gift Shop on Friday 17th March in school The SMSA bu y the gifts and set them ou t so that the children can choose something themselves to give to their mums/female carers as a gift to celebrate Mo ther ’s Day on 19th March
On Wednesday 22nd March our Year 3 children will take par t in a Faith Tour to Bedford. Here the community works together to enable the children to visit a Church, Gudwara and Mosque. This helps the children to see ho w different communities and religions work together. They always come back in awe o f their day.
On Wednesday 29th to Friday 31st March our Year 4 children will be attending our residential ‘Rock UK’ trip, an adventure packed event and we hope a ver y exciting and educational one for all involved
The holidays will then be upon us as we break up on Friday 31st March for the Easter break We will return for the Summer Term on Tuesday 18th April
As always please do visit our website www stmar ysacademysto tfold co uk for fur ther information and updates regarding what is happening currently and what is still to come
Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains.
Our revised opening hours:
Tues: 2pm-7pm
Wed: 10am-7pm
Thursday: 3pm-7pm
Friday: 10am - 1pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm