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News from Fair f ield Park Lo wer School
The children across the school par ticipated in Safer Internet Day with the theme “Want to talk abou t it?” The gro wing use o f online games, apps and shops means our children need to kno w the impor tance o f being safe online Our children explored this in their classes through stories, games and discussions.
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Our work with our chosen local charity, The Need Project, continued this month too as Gordon came into school alongside members o f the Sikh community f rom the Hitchin gurdwara to explain ho w they work together to pro vide food parcels to the local community This formed par t o f our diversity day centred on Sikhism and understanding seva The whole school community donated food and children worked together to create food parcels for the charity
Did you kno w?
We have two spacious school halls bo th o f which are ideal for bir thday par ties, children’s activities, clubs and celebrations Our facilities are easily accessible
If you would like fur ther information, or to make a booking please contact the School Off ice on 01462 830000 or alternatively please visit our website: https://www fair f ield beds sch uk/Our-School/Hire -OurFacilities/
Value o f the half-term: Trust Tel: 01462 830000 Email o ff ice@fair f ieldparklo wer uk www.fair f ieldparklo wer.uk
Spring has sprung and the extra hours o f daylight and warmer weather has made for a welcome change. This school year we have been enjo ying a more personal approach to class assemblies Each class is having an oppor tunity to sho wcase their learning and share work with their families. This has meant all children are having an oppor tunity to speak and address an audience; they have embraced the challenge and have been amazing
This month we have news f rom our Early Years children and the team:
Over the Spring term our topic in Reception is 'Planet Ear th and Beyond!' Our class teddy bears Freddie, Dave and Bob have been going on holiday to different countries around the world and we have received postcards f rom them each week, telling us abou t their adventures Freddie, Dave and Bob began their holiday in the United Kingdom, visiting King Charles and Buckingham Palace and we all wro te letters to him
Next, the bears travelled by ferr y to France and explained to us that even though the boat was really big and ver y heavy, it still floated We then did some floating and sinking experiments ourselves Freddie, Dave and Bob flew to Italy next where a ver y popular food is pizza! We spent the week writing abou t, making and eating delicious pizza with our o wn toppings on The bears also visited India and went on a safari!
When the bears went to China there was a ver y special celebration going on, it was Chinese New Year! We celebrated this in school too, by f inding ou t abou t ho w Chinese families prepare for and celebrate Chinese New Year We shared the zodiac stor y together and even tasted some Chinese food which was delicious The f inal par t o f Freddie, Dave and Bob's adventure on Ear th was to Australia. We had a go at making and playing our o wn didgeridoos together and looked at the style o f Aboriginal ar t which we then decorated our didgeridoos with. Freddie, Dave and Bob have no w flo wn o ff into space!
They are having a great time and have been to the International Space Station just like Tim Peake did They sent us a stor y called 'Whatever Next' and we have been helping them plan for their mission to the moon by designing new rockets and making a list o f different things they need to take with them We are looking for ward to the rest o f their adventures, f inding ou t abou t the different planets and stars in our Solar System and maybe Freddie, Dave and Bob will meet some f riendly aliens too!
W ith warmest wishes, Mrs Cross and the Roecro ft family.