The new management of the Tuck Shop has proved an unqualified success, and the thanks of all customers are due to the work done by Mr. Baker and his executive committee.
ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS. • RETURN. " Good-bye." Train leaves six-twenty, always late. Luggage all right, into a corner seat I drop, relax ; and note with sudden hate Familiar sights : " Off "—arrows—" On " for " Heat " ; Initialled hand-bags ; on the other seat A flushed stout dozer, vexed at carriage-mate. Platforms slip back, glistening, trolley-rumbled. Dim lamps, fog-haloed with a sandy brown, Gliding into blackness are soon humbled Into faint glow-worms, and the dinning town Is soon one aimless pattern up and down The hillside ; street-lamps, shops, car-lights jumbled. Points. Rocking of carriage. Jolts. Furnace-glare. Stinks from a pit-head—raise the window. Then, Flashing and rushing past my startled stare As express passes. There is quiet again ; Only the rumble of this filthy train ; Only the taste of this smoked stifling air. Gazing with sightless eyes, I turn and think : What is to come ? And who will be there still ? There will be games in stinking mud. I shrink From contemplation of more work until I wake again, watch 'til I'm nearly ill That man's fat jowls, sweaty, and soft, and pink. My tired eyes turn and peer into the black Wet night. I see new lights—my journey end. Vast vaulted darkness ; trolleys ; luggage—stack On to taxi. Tips. These walls again ! Friend After friend will greet me. And I shall send But here, I'm in this unchanged street. I'm back ! R.R.H.H.