7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Campbell, I. A. Colbeck Smart Walker
Cole Bickle Campbell, P. C.
Lynch, R. C. Biscomb
1st-The House 2nd-Day Boys 3rd-Rise
Lund Douglas Moms 25 points. 26 points. 31 points.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
TIME :-29 mins. 42 secs. Thanks are due to Mr. Rhodes for so competently organising once again and to Mr. J. S. Cooper, Mr. Wrenn, and Mr. Corkhill for their interest in, and advice to, the various House teams.
Athletic %por0. APRIL 6th, 1936. RESULTS. OPEN EVENTS.
Steeplechase 1. J. L. Boden 2. M. Hollway Putting the Weight 29ft. 2in. 1. D. Lund 2. R. S. Bickle High Jump 4ft. 10in. 1. V. L. Davin 2. D. Lund Long Jump 17ft. 4in. 1. C. A. Smart 2. A. D. Barnsdale 100 Yards 11 secs. 1. D. W. Watson 2. A. W. Douglas 1. A. W. Douglas 2. N. A. Newman 220 Yards 25 2-5sec. Quarter Mile 59 1-5sec. 1. C. A. Smart 2. D. W. Watson Half Mile 2m. 16 2-5s. 1. W. Boyes 2. N. A. Newman Mile 5m. 16 3-5s. 1. N. A. Newman 2. W. Boyes 3. M. Hollway UNDER 16 EVENTS.
Steeplechase High Jump
1. J. T. Brockbank 2. R. G. Hawkins
1. W. G. Barnby, R. N. Rimmer & R. Bower equal Long Jump 15ft. 10iin. 1. P. Heywood 2. W. G. Barnby and R. N. Rimmer 100 Yards 12 secs. 1. R. G. Hawkins 2. W. G. Barnby 220 Yards 28 1-5sec. 1. R. G. Hawkins 2. W. G. Barnby Quarter Mile lm. 3 2-5s. 1. R. G. Hawkins 2. W. 0. Barnby Half Mile 2m. 24sec. 1. J. T. Brockbank 2. R. G. Hawkins