Sept 1938

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Public opinion seemed to be divided between Hawnby and Lake Gormire as a centre, but as Gormire was unavailable and Hawnby rather far for what must necessarily be an afternoon journey, Mr. Ping suggested Kilburn and the White Horse district. This suggestion was immediately adopted. Consequently, on July 4th, about 25 members of the Society left the School armed with cameras and other apparatus, and travelled by bus to Kilburn. There they enjoyed themselves in divers fashions, some Scientific, others not so Scientific. Later in the afternoon everyone converged on The Byland Abbey Inn, and there found tea awaiting them. Fortunately the afternoon was fine, but just as the buses set of on the return journey the rain began to fall heavily. Too late, however, to spoil a very enjoyable day.


As usual during the Summer term, the Gym Squad has practised two nights a week when this was possible, and on Saturday, 23rd July, during the Commemoration week-end, they gave, as usual, a very efficient display Of horsework. This year Serg.-Maj or Puddick included M. and D. Lynch in the squad as clowns, and these two, combined with an amusing exhibition of ground work by the rest, made the display even more than usually effective. Congratulations to Serg. Major Puddick, who is giving up the Gymnasium this term, and many thanks from his past and present Gym Squads.


This term has seen the revival of one of the most, enjoyable societies of the School, viz. The Curtain, after a lapse of two years. Two meeting have been held, on June 12th and July 17th. At the first meeting, the play " Bird in Hand " by John Drinkwater was read, and, although having a somewhat vague moral, was very much enjoyed by all present. K. H. Rhodes, Esq., was appointed Hon. Treasurer and R. S. Dixon, Hon. Secretary, both unanimously. At the second meeting three very popular one-act plays were read, " The Boy comes Home " by A. A. Milne, " The Grand Clam's Diamond " by Allan Norkhouse, and " Thread o' Scarlet " by J. J. Bell. Some of those present knew these plays, but this fact in no way detracted from the enjoyment of the evening. Mr. Rhodes kindly supplied refreshments at both meetings, and the editors would like to take this opportunity of thanking him very much for reviving a Society so instructive and at the same time so interesting. 19

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