Oct 1960

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TOC H AT DOR KNAP Late at night in the blinding rain on the 6th April four Peterites, N. R. Barton, D. E. Coulson, W. Mitchell, and J. H. Sykes, trudged several miles in an uphill direction to a Toc H hostel with no certainty of a bed. Having been offered a lift we arrived a day before the course was due to start. The aim of the course was to do work in turning an old farmhouse into an up-to-date Conference Centre. All this work was to be done by a dozen Public and Grammar school boys with six instructors from all over the "Empire", who mixed us in very thoroughly. Our daily routine consisted of work in the morning, various arranged activities in the afternoons, and discussions in the evening. As the house was nearly finished, the bulk of the work consisted of clearing the grounds of trees : chopping, uprooting, and levelling. Though the work was hard, a real improvement could be seen by the end of the week. The afternoon activities included visits to Stratford-on-Avon, tea at Captain Spencer-Churchill's to see his Art Gallery, a talk from "Tubby" Clayton, the founder padre of Toc H, and various walks around the countryside. In the evenings our discussions ranged from Education to the Colour Problem. On 14th April we split up early in the morning determined on hitch-hiking back : two of us, however, were less successful than the others, arriving back in York at 12-30, having completed the last lap by train. N.R.B.

THE CHOIR There were three prominent events during the Summer Term, the first being a visit to Ripon on 9th June for a choirs festival, organised by the Royal School of Church Music, which several school choirs from the North of England attended. The service of Evensong was preceded by a most necessary practice, at which the many choirs were blended into a large one by Mr. Waine. Music sung at Ripon Cathedral included :Sing we merrily—Batten. How dear are thy counsels—Crotch. Evening Hymn—Balf our Gardiner. Ireland in F (Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis).

Only four days later came the annual outing to Scarborough, a more light-hearted event enjoyed by all the Choir, as for the first time for some years every member was able to attend. We were graced by some glorious summer weather, which enticed almost everyone into the bathing pool, and a most satisfying meal followed at Ye Olde Ivy House. 32

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