3 minute read
from Newsletter Week 23
by StPetersYork
Friday 24th March 2023
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs Clarke organised and coordinated an NSPCC interactive theatre production entitled ‘The Net’ to help children in Years 5 and 6 stay safe online. One thousand, two hundred children from nineteen primary schools came to watch the production about a young girl called Sam who makes unsafe choices online. The children were given the opportunity to direct questions to members of the cast who remained in character and between them they created a positive and alternative safer ending to Sam’s story. This production is part of a wider collaborative campaign in York involving the NSPCC, City of York Children’s Safeguarding Partnership, the police and education. It was devised in response to an increase in incidents in the city involving children and online harm over the past year. I know this was very well received by all the primary schools who participated and I would like to extend a huge thank you to Mrs Clarke for organising such an important event.
On Wednesday morning 2P performed their assembly to parents, carers and the remaining Year 2 children. It was wonderful to watch the children present their learning journey and provide a small insight into the learning opportunities they have experienced throughout the term. The class then performed a beautiful song which was sung in two parts. Class assemblies are always so special and are a credit to the time and creativity of the staff. My thanks to Miss Platts, Mrs Brunton, Mrs Hayden and the cast of 2P for producing such a brilliant assembly.
Following this in the afternoon, children from Nursery to Year 1 had the opportunity to visit a mobile farm on the school grounds. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience as they were introduced to a range of different animals including sheep, donkeys, pigs, alpaca, and a very playful border collie sheepdog. Thanks to Mrs Coyle for organising the visit and to Farmer Ian and his team for bringing the mobile farm to school.
On Thursday morning it was the turn of 3M to take to the stage as they performed their class assembly to parents, carers and the remaining Year 3 children. They presented their learning journey based on their themed text, ‘Riding the Americas’, during which they performed America a song sang in two parts from West Side Story. Huge thanks to Miss Murray, Miss Dodds, Miss Legard and Mrs Hayden for preparing the children, and also to 3M for performing so confidently.
volunteering for different events to represent their House. Micklegate won both galas this year, huge congratulations to all the children in Year 2 and Year 3 for taking part. Thanks also to all of the staff, in particular Mr Maycock for running and organising such a brilliant gala and for all he does for swimming across the school.
As you know last Friday we held a non uniform day in support of Comic Relief, Red Nose Day. The school raised a phenomenal £370 for this important charity. Thank you for your valued contributions, which we hope will make a difference to those less fortunate than ourselves.
This evening the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 will be hosting a Wine Tasting evening in the dining room. I am sure this will be a fabulous occasion and I wish everyone an enjoyable time.

School Council
Year 1 Lexia
Year 1 Ball Skills
Year 2 & 3 European Culture (cancelled)
Year 2 Cricket*
Year 2IT
Year 3 & 3 Football*
Year 3 Cookery
Year 1 Football*
Year 2 STEM (cancelled)
Year 2 Tag Rugby
Year 3 Swimming

Year 3 Tennis*
Year 2 & 3 Dance Club*
Next week we will be celebrating Neurodiversity Week. This is an annual event celebrated 13-19th March however due to this clashing with STEAM Week we have chosen to celebrate it the week commencing 27th March. Neurodiversity aims to bring about worldwide acceptance, equality and inclusion in schools and workplaces. Just a reminder that the clocks go forward this weekend so we can head into spring with the knowledge that the days are now getting longer and hopefully warmer.
Year 1 Construction
Year 1 Football*
Year 2 & 3 Choir
Year 1 Board Games
Year 1 Tag Rugby
Year 2 Tennis*
Year 2 Art
Year 3 Netball
Following assembly it was time to make a hasty dash to the swimming pool where the Year 3 and Year 2 House Swimming Gala was being held. The children competed extremely well for their House, swimming widths and lengths of the pool in both galas, which is such a brilliant achievement for children so young. A number of school records were broken, however it was the sportsmanship of the children that particularly stood out for me, with many
Wishing you all a relaxing weekend.
Best wishes
Year 3 Environment
Year 1 Wellbeing

Year 1 Street Dance*
Year 2 & 3 Football*
Year 3 Board Games
Year 2 & 3 Film