4 minute read
from Newsletter Week 23
by StPetersYork

This week in Year 1 we have been busy consolidating our learning about our favourite decade and bands. We have been inspired by previous learning such as dioramas and fact files and we have been creating lots of amazing projects about our favourite artists.

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to be treated to a visit from lots of four-legged creatures. We were able to groom alpacas, stroke miniature donkeys and throw a ball for Meg the sheep dog. We learnt lots of interesting facts such as: Did you know that goats have four stomachs?

Sheep only have teeth in their bottom jaw. And finally, we met a rabbit who could run speeds of 25 miles per hour!
In science we have been investigating how sound can travel through string and we have tested different lengths of string in an investigation.
We have also been super busy practising our lines for our upcoming assembly. We can't wait for you to see it!

What a busy week it has been in Year 2!
On Tuesday we celebrated National Poetry Day by writing iceberg acrostic poems! They also found out lots of interesting facts about icebergs and created iceberg artwork using collage paper.
On Wednesday it was finally 2P’s turn to perform their class assembly and it was so lovely for them to celebrate and share their learning from the term with all their grown ups, well done 2P!
On Thursday we set off to Forest School like explorers laden down with cooking equipment! The children had a fantastic morning of making hot chocolate on the camp fire and roasting marshmallows! What a great way to end our theme!

After a busy morning it was then straight back to school for the swimming gala! The children were all fantastic and it was lovely to see how much progress they have made this year with their swimming skills and confidence!
What great team spirit shown by all!
Adam also had a very exciting time visiting the school Finance Department this week. He took the money he collected for the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Appeal which we added up to the amazing sum of £271.19! Well done Adam for being so thoughtful and thank you to everyone who donated to this very worthy cause.

Have a lovely weekend!

It has been a busy, but exciting penultimate week in Year 3.
We have been continuing our journey through the Americas and finally, Alaska is in sight! We explored the wonders of some of the famous landmarks spotted along the way and eventually entered Canada. We hit trouble when we arrived in the Yukon and had to build a raft to get past the forest fires that were raging across the path we had intended to take. Eventually, we got to Dawson City and from there, we will begin the final leg of our journey to Alaska. We have been focussing on developing our writing skills and have enjoyed applying our knowledge to various styles of writing.
On Tuesday we celebrated National Poetry Day by planning and writing diamond poems inspired by our text.
We have moved on to looking at mass in Maths and have enjoyed getting to grips with reading tricky scales! Next week we will be delving deeper in to challenging our learning through problem solving and reasoning activities.

Alongside our classroom learning, 3M were first up to showcase what we’ve been doing this term with an epic class assembly! Miss Murray was incredibly proud of all the children for putting on such a great show.

That was closely followed by the hotly anticipated swimming gala. A big thank you to Mr Maycock and the team for organising and a huge well done to all the children for attacking the event with enthusiasm, resilience and importantly, an enormous smile!

FOSP 2-8 present The Great Gatsby Ball
Saturday 20 May, 18:30 to Midnight
The Memorial Hall, St Peter’s School
Tickets are £75 per person which includes a 3-course meal, unlimited bar and a live band to dance the night away to. Additionally, this year we will have a Gatsby themed cocktail bar (cocktails not included in the the ticket price) All proceeds will be going to the School charity.
Dress code is Black Tie or you are welcome to go with the The Great Gatsby theme and wear 1920s inspired outfits.
To purchase your tickets, group up with other 2-8 parents to make up a table of either 10 -12 people or 8/9 people. Then…
❖ Nominate one person to follow the link below and ‘purchase’ the table
❖ Include any dietary information on the booking form
❖ Pay for the table in full by card
❖ Collect £75 per person so the table lead is not out of pocket!!
Closer to the date of the ball the Table Lead will be contacted by the ball committee regarding finer details of the evening which they can share with their table.
If you have any questions please do ask either one of the following Ball committee members Olivia Houlston, Morgan Appleby, Rachel Parkin or Rebecca Lee-Bursnall.
Finally, remember “A little party never killed nobody..” now here is the link to purchase your table which will go live on Monday 27 March at 10:00.
Gatsby Ball Tickets Booking Form
Dates for your diary:
❖ 14th May – New Reception Starters (Autumn ’23 cohort) FOSP welcome afternoon (Conkers children and parents and new Reception starters and parents)
❖ 20th May – The STP 2-8 May Ball (parents)
❖ June (date TBC) - Nearly New Uniform sale – including STP 8-13 uniform
❖ 25th June – ‘Clif-Fest’ the STP 2-8 Summer Fair (all the family!)

York Food Drive – 31 March 2023
St Peter’s is proud to support the York Food Drive. Can you help by donating non-perishable food items to help those most in need? Please bring in any items from the list below to the school reception on Friday 31 March and we will make sure they are delivered to the main collection points. For more information, click here https://tinyurl.com/YorkFoodDrive