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Avoid Fictional Relationships
Self-Love: The Greatest Love of All
In the 1980s, Whitney Houston gave us this message:
“I found the greatest love of all inside of me The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.”
This great love is right inside of you, too. In fact, you’ve had it with you all along, just like the wings inside of a caterpillar. With a very specific set of actions and circumstances, what’s inside can be revealed and expressed. The roadmap to this love is what I intend to show you.
I’m Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC also known as Dr. Love. I’m a licensed professional counselor, a transformational life coach, and the creator of the LiSENSE 2 DATE® Relationship Training Programs for Teens, College Students & Adults. I have spent years working with people seeking better relationships, and in all instances, the ones who have been the most successful in finding a loving relationship with a partner began by rekindling a loving relationship with themselves.
When we develop ourselves and establish a deep sense of self-love and self-understanding, we can then attract people who are attracted to our authentic selves. These individuals are captivated by our inner light shining through us when we are experiencing joy and confidence, and when we are comfortably standing firmly, unapologetically in our own truth.
What I’ve noticed is that people are trying to attract someone to love them, yet they’re presenting only certain parts of themselves that actually aren’t authentically real, not authentically themselves. They put on an act to attract others—from their clothing choices to their flirting habits, and some people even tell bold-faced lies that they think will be attractive such as lying about their age, financial status, interests, hobbies, and so on. Externally, they may wear clothes they don’t really prefer, wear more makeup than they need to, squeeze into shapewear, add hair pieces and extensions, wear fake lashes, etc. Some even alter what they choose to eat and drink in an attempt to attract