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Fall Wildly In Love
What connects this physical world, made up of a spiritual substance, to the spiritual world? This physical time/space experience can be viewed as a temporal dimension, a construct, a temporary manifestation within the spirit world. The question, therefore, is, how can we become more fully awakened to the spirit world, the metaphysical reality, and all its dimensions while experiencing this time/space existence? This awakened state is known in spiritual traditions as Enlightenment, Entire Sanctification, Regeneration, Spirit-baptism, Spirit-filling, Moksha, or Wu. What can we know about the ever-present, yet generally undetectable, spiritual dimensions? Quintessence, literally meaning “the fifth element,” has been used to describe everything that didn't fit within the elemental categories of air, earth, water, and fire and quickly became the word to describe the spiritual world. The word aether, meaning “pure air,” became synonymous with quintessence both in spiritual and scientific applications. (Aether was also the name of a god in Greek mythology.) The term aether was used in scientific application to “fill in spaces” where scientific understanding was incomplete, including the substance that filled the vacuums of space to allow light to travel which they called a “luminiferous aether.” The belief in this luminiferous aether continued until disproved in 1920 with the help of quantum physics which revealed that photons have both wave and particle functions. The primary use of the terms aether and quintessence now describe an ever-present, yet undetected, set of spiritual realms, dimensions, or heavens. This idea of a multi-dimensional reality with spiritual planes and unseen realms reappears throughout spiritual history in various forms and various faith traditions. These spiritual planes are called “Akasha” in traditional Indian cosmology, “Ku” within Japanese Godai tradition, and “The Heavens” from ancient Mesopotamia religions along with the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The number of planes, dimensions, heavens, or levels of spiritual consciousness is quite varied as are their descriptions with the most common number being seven.
Here’s a brief introduction to two of these dimensions that will unlock your Perfect DreamLife: 1. Pure consciousness, the quantum field, the unified field (spiritual use of the term, not the Einstein version), atman, quintessence, the aether is where we go when we transcend this time/space egoic experience through deep relaxed meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “When you can become nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere in no time, you become pure consciousness. This is the door to the