Spring Select

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free guide

spring select 2013

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

textiles & contemporary crafts

craft at its best

SIT nal Textiles

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g above to right: lynn tandler; gizella warburton; lisa bloomer; nadine-anne ricketts

textiles & contemporary crafts

cover: lauren bowker

âž” Welcome Textiles come in a multitude of forms, and Select 2013 is delighted to present to you a flavour of what is on offer. Designers like Nadia-Anne Ricketts who is inspired by sound and music for her hand woven cloth; Philippa Brock and Helga Matos who explore and incorporate new materials and techniques into their

Stroud International Textiles is a not for profit arts

work. You can engage with them and other amazing

organization dedicated to the promotion of the arts with

speakers in Weave our one day symposium.

an emphasis on contemporary textiles and the applied

To celebrate great UK design there is a day of

arts/crafts. Select is an innovative year round

innovation and inspiration with Texprint and four brilliant

programme of exhibitions and learning experiences.

textile designers discussing their work. The Select Trail over two weekends has expanded to

Stroud International Textiles

include all craft skills and we continue to present the

t: 01453 751056 / 07767 763607

Trail in a unique publication with original photographs –

Please note the office is not open to visitors

this year taken by John Ingledew. Also look out for the

spring select 2013

craft at its best Saturday 27 April – Sunday 26 May Site 2013 Open Studios directory from SVA that runs

that we hope you will find easier to follow. Always

alongside the Select Trail.

keeping good design and quality in our vision we feel this

We are thrilled to be showing work selected by Contemporary Applied Arts. Big names in contemporary

new look brochure retains SIT’s hallmark of excellence. Check out our new website, www.sitselect.org,

craft exhibit at CAA and it remains a leading platform

that links to the original site giving all the latest news on

for craft makers to exhibit and profile their work.

everything happening this year.

This year we have workshops at Hawkwood and look

The Stroud Valleys are a wonderful place to be in

forward to building on that partnership in the future.

May. With the arts making headlines the town buzzes.

Select loves being at the Museum in the Park, Stroud’s

Pop into one of the many cafes to revive and restore.

flagship venue, and you will enjoy our main exhibitions

If you like to explore the countryside the renovated

and talks there.

canal offers lovely walks.

Once again you can marvel at the contribution that textiles make to advanced manufacturing, technology,

I hope you enjoy and Spring Select 2013 brings, pleasure and visual delight.

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Lizzi Walton Director


medicine and science. Never standing still we have a new combined brochure

right: hillu liebet

âž” Message from SIT Patron Jilly Edwards This year brings us a plethora of textile delights to

activities, linking to universities, colleges and other major

dazzle our senses of sight, touch and hearing. Textiles

venues. The symposium at Gloucester Cathedral in

come in a multitude of forms, textured, smooth,

October 2012 was an outstanding event, again widening

rigid and fluid, all to excite us as we visit the festival in

the area of textiles into Architecture and Colour.

its seventh year. SIT has a yearlong programme of delights, with

The spring event attracts more and more interest and is showing textiles from international and nationally

celebrations in exhibitions, symposiums and workshops.

established and emerging talent. The sponsors and

It is with enormous excitement that this year the

volunteers are to be congratulated on their unstinting

headline exhibition at the Museum in the Park is of the

work to produce this quality of events also the Museum

tapestry weaver Hillu Liebelt and Seiko Kinoshita, a

in the Park and Stroud College for their continued

paper weaver. This exhibition offers an international

support and help.

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perspective on how textiles are perceived around the


International Textiles.

world and we welcome them both to exhibit with Stroud Stroud International Textiles continues to increase its

Onwards and upwards, enjoy, visit, join SIT and remember to come every year. Jilly Edwards Patron

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spring select above: laura thomas

spring select

exhibitions 2013

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

Saturday 27 April – Sunday 26 May (closed Mondays except Bank Holidays) Tuesday – Friday 10am – 5pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am – 5pm Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stroud GL5 4AF free admission

exhibitions spring select


Still Moments: a solo exhibition Hillu Liebelt Gallery 1, Museum in the Park The seasons with their contrasting moods have inspired this latest tapestry and installation work by Hillu Liebelt. Colour is often a starting point for a new tapestry. pale and subtle tones for a while, concentrating on form and shape. A new piece or a whole series is usually inspired by a special mood, an atmosphere or instant visual experience in nature: fog rolling down a mountain-side, frozen grasses and seed heads in winter, puddles or droplets gathering on leaves, lines and shadows drawn by light. Another starting point for Hillu’s sculptural work is often the material itself. It is the process of collecting and connecting, finding material partners, a playful act which she values and enjoys. Her work has been exhibited worldwide and featured widely in the media. A beautifully presented catalogue accompanies this exhibition which can be bought online

hillu liebelt ll ll


or in Gallery 1. free admission

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Strong colours may be used, then turning again to

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exhibitions spring select

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exhibitions spring select

exhibition English Summer Fields Soundscape: Sound of Weaving Seiko Kinoshita Foyer Steps, Museum in the Park Seiko Kinoshita is a Japanese textile artist who uses traditional weaving and dyeing techniques to create contemporary art work and installations. She enjoys challenging herself to use different materials such as paper, wood, plastic and metal. Incorporating modern techniques like laser cutting and sound based elements to her art work. In 2002, Seiko set up her studio at Yorkshire Art Space, Sheffield, working for many national and international exhibitions and public art commissions. The work exhibited in Select has been commissioned and created for the Museum space. Seiko intends her work to present a moment of peace to each viewer who lives in our hectic world and to push the boundaries of how textiles are perceived. There is a soundscape to accompany the piece. free admission

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exhibitions spring select

seiko kinoshita

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Top Foyer, Museum in the Park Select in association with Contemporary Applied Arts Founded in 1948 and registered a charity since 1967 Contemporary Applied Arts champion and promote only the very best applied artists in their field. Today, CAA is the premiere exhibition and retail venue for the

momoko kumai

exhibitions spring select

Contemporary Applied Arts present the work of four makers

appreciation, education and purchase of the best British craft with more than 350 leading British based craftmakers. 2013 is Contemporary Applied Arts 65th anniversary year and they have an exciting exhibition programme planned to mark the occasion. They are moving to the cultural heart of South London, to 89 Southwark Street and a beautiful new gallery, designed in collaboration with Allies and Morrison (A&M), the award-winning architects and the original designers of the CAA Percy Street gallery. The next five years will see CAA reposition itself at the very centre of the British craft community by

Momoko Kumai: jewellery

embarking on an ambitious exhibition, scholarship and

Momoko Kumai uses tactile material

community outreach programme.

to create jewellery that evokes a

free admission

spectrum of memories and address inner landscapes. She folds, twists and rolls paper using her hands, often unconsciously. The uneven layers of texture emerge from light and shadow, conveying emotions of permanence to impermanence that reflect the ephemeral breath of nature with its fragility.

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mariko sumioka

louise renae anderson

kyra cane w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g


Kyra Cane: ceramics Kyra Cane wraps bold, ostensibly

Louise Renae Anderson: woven textiles

black marks, around the porcelain

Louise’s work is concerned with

forms, animating and defining

the passage of time and how this

Mariko Sumioka: jewellery

spaces. Brushmarks fade and blur,

may be reflected and incorporated

Mariko Sumioka’s work explores

inky opaque bands change to pale

within hand woven textiles.

a connection with human bodies

fresh air blues with occasional

Louise’s subtle aesthetic is

and how the wearer and viewer

flashes of yellow. There are

explored through mark making, the

interact with each other,

remnants in these vessels of the

breakdown of regular pattern into

themselves and the objects.

vast landscapes which have always

irregularity, and the beauty of

Mariko challenges and investigates

been her inspiration.

imperfection to create calm

contemporary ideas of jewellery as

contemplative pieces. She sees

sculptural objects or body pieces.

the repetitive, rhythmical nature

She does not force people to wear

of hand weaving as a form of

a piece in a certain way,

meditation and escape from today’s fast-paced society.

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select trail 2013

art at its origin

Select Trail Showcase Various artist makers

Mother Love Ingrid Hesling & Jenni Dutton Gallery 2, Museum in the Park Ingrid Hesling and Jenni Dutton

Museum Foyer,

present a body of work that explores

Museum in the Park

the complexities of mother/daughter

Cenozoic Jennifer Rose Norris

Selected work from the artists

relationships using traditional

Courtyard, Museum in the Park

who are opening their studios and

domestic materials and techniques

Jennifer Rose Norris works with

organising artist-led exhibitions in

applied in unexpected ways.

leather and fabrics to create unique,

the Select Trail. The Trail is open

Jenni produces large scale

stitched architectural sculptures.

over two weekends: 11 – 12 May

stitched portraits of her mother in

Her hand-snipped and manipulated

and 18 – 19 May.

Dementia Darnings. Ingrid works

pieces all explore the potential of

free admission

from memories of her childhood

form, by looking into natural and

using inherited fabrics and thread,

man-made architecture.

exploring concepts that link with

The installation is the result of an

her practice as a photographer.

originally 32m multi layered length

See talk on page 18.

of hand printed PVC’s and silks,

Please note that access to Gallery 2

now manipulated into a graduating

may be restricted on days when

sculpture. The suspension of the

talks are taking place.

piece displays its dark exotic range

free admission

of colours and creates dramatic shadows which interact with the space and the viewer. free admission

Willow Sculpture Susan Early ll ll


Courtyard, Museum in the Park Susan Early sculptural form using English/Somerset willow. free admission

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exhibitions spring select

free guide

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

textiles & contemporary crafts

weave Philippa Brock Laura Thomas Nadia-Anne Ricketts Deirdre Wood Tim Parry-Williams Eleanor Pritchard Helga Matos

Saturday 11 May 10am – 5pm Stroud College, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AH The ancient craft of weaving is in the ascendant. Weave Symposium presents wizards of design innovation. This one day symposium brings together individuals who started their careers in hand woven textiles. Some

spring select

below left to right: philippa brock; deirdre woods; nadia-anne ricketts above right: eleanor pritchard

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still weave by hand and have developed their work to embrace quality and excellence others have broadened out their work to explore new materials and innovation. The day will offer insight into new ways to see, experience and enjoy woven textiles. The speakers are leading the way in woven textiles and challenging conventional approaches to weaving incorporating exciting new materials. You will gain insight into their work, techniques, methods and innovative thinking. There will be opportunities for discussion and interaction.

symposium 2013

Stroud International Textiles ll ll


Laura Thomas

Nadia-Anne Ricketts

Philippa Brock will be talking about

Laura Thomas is an award winning

Nadia digitally translates music into

her 2D – 3D process led research

woven textile artist and designer

fabric and is currently developing the

explorations, within digital woven

specializing in producing striking

innovative textiles label BeatWoven©

jacquard textiles. Her fabrics

textile artworks for the contemporary

from her shared studio at The Cockpit

explore ‘on loom’ finishing

interior. Laura’s breadth of practice

Arts, London. This fusion of music

processes, where the fabrics

and multi-faceted approach has

and weave made possible through

require none or minimal post

made her somewhat unusual in the

digital technologies, has led to

weaving finishing. She will illustrate

woven textiles sphere. Whether it is

projects with the V&A and Microsoft

her talk using examples of projects

site-specific public art, exhibition

Research Cambridge as well as

she has worked on including:

work or interior textile design,

credits and awards including a

Self Fold paper folding series, her

underpinning all of Laura’s work is

shortlist for Digital with The Creative

Cherish series; woven sustainable

an inherent practical curiosity to

Enterprise Awards 2012, being one

long life denim concepts, and her

exploit weave principles and create

of six winners of The Clothworkers’

latest 2012 X-Form series made for

striking aesthetics for this ancient

Foundation Award 2012 and The

her solo show 2D – 3D at The

craft. Recent projects span the

Seed Fund 2012. Her fashion-led

Montreal Centre for Contemporary

disciplines in typical fashion: textile

work includes projects with musicians

textiles, which explore inherently

structures laminated in glass;

Beth Ditto and Adele. Digital textile

smart yarns and 2D – 3D woven

fabric-wrapped turned wood

designer and artist Nadia-Anne

structure interactions.

vessels; double cloth blankets and

Ricketts holds a first class BA


hand woven rugs.

(Hons) from Central Saint Martin’s.



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philippa brock

Philippa Brock: chair

nadia-anne ricketts


laura thomas


Tim Parry-Williams

Eleanor Pritchard

Deirdre Wood is a hand weaver and

Tim’s practice broadly combines

Eleanor Pritchard has a broad-

dyer, who creates abstract architectural

studio hand weaving and

ranging textiles practice,

tapestries using natural yarns. From

collaborative design for industry.

encompassing mill woven blankets,

her first exposure to traditional

Chief interests are in materials and

bespoke weave design and a wide

textiles she has been fascinated by

yarn properties, and work isn’t

range of commissioned projects.

the strip-woven technique. In 1996,

immediately concerned with

All of her work is underpinned by

she travelled to Mali, West Africa,

obvious structure, pattern or even

an awareness of her role as a

to study the beautiful and exciting

colour, but explores the regularly

contemporary designer within a

Bogolanfini and indigo fabrics

unseen aspects of design through

historical context. Her designs

produced by the Bamana and

the deeper values and potentials of

often reference traditional British

Dogontribes people. Since then, her

materials, construction and finish.

textile techniques. Eleanor’s

textiles have been made from straight

Reflecting on developments in a

commissioned work includes a

strips of cloth woven on her

number of sustained projects, this

large scale installation for Orleans

countermarch loom. More recently,

talk will look at connectivity

House, vestment fabrics for Ely

she has developed a completely

between research subjects and

Cathedral and woven lengths for

new approach to weaving that uses

contexts, making particular

Christian Lacroix Couture.

the contrasting properties of linen

reference to recent field-study of


and silk to create rings and discs.

vernacular textile-fibre production

Although the cloth is woven straight,

traditions of central Japan.

it becomes dramatically curved

eleanor pritchard

tim parry-williams

deirdre wood

when cut from the loom and finished.

symposium spring select

Deirdre Wood

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Helga Matos is a textile designer


specialising in woven textiles.

Full price £70

With an extremely creative mind and

Concessions full time students,

talent, Helga won several awards

unemployed & Friends of SIT £40

and successfully completed her

Early Bird Tickets: Full price £60; Students £35

Master’s degree at the Royal College

Early Bird Tickets end on 30 March

of Art in 2008. She uses weaving as

This includes a light lunch and tea/coffee on arrival.

a way of constructing surfaces/ textiles, by combining intricate

A bookshop run by Yellow-Lighted Books will

patterns with a variety of materials.

be present.

that evoke curiosity, surprise and


tactile interactions with the users.

To book a ticket please go to www.sitselect.org and

Her work is used in fashion and

navigate to the symposium page where you will find full

interior products and also sold as

details on how to book online or if you prefer you can

unique art works.

send a cheque to the SIT office. We cannot accept card payments over the phone. You can also book through the Stroud Tourist Information Centre t: 01453 760960

Doors will open at 9am for registration. Symposium will start at 10am. You will be given a schedule when you book. SIT is grateful to South Gloucestershire & Stroud College Art & Media Department for their support in allowing the use of their premises and facilities.

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Her aim is always to create textiles

helga matos

right: helga matos

far right: tim parry-williams

Helga Matos

below: nadia-anne ricketts

symposium spring select ll ll



Suited Brunel Broderers Tuesday 30 April – Sunday 19 May Tuesday – Saturday 10.30am – 4.30pm Sunday 1.30pm – 4.30pm (closed Mondays) Meet the Artists: Saturday 11 May 2pm – 4pm Suited is open for the Select Trail weekends. Lansdown Hall & Gallery, Lansdown, Stroud GL5 1BB

photographs: john ingledew/SIT

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

An exhibition by the Brunel Broderers

exhibitions spring select


Hobbs abandoned tailors’ shop, full of dusty neglected fabric and a multitude of haberdashery items, provides the backdrop for Suited. Exploring the nature of the fabric and the potential of tailoring techniques, the Brunel Broderers delved into this pile of remnants to create work relevant to modern lives. Finding a way to give a new context to the materials and allow the individual voice to speak proved to be quite a challenge – one that has resulted in exciting new work, exploring the potential of the fabric and haberdashery items to their uttermost limits! For further information: www.brunelbroderers.blogspot.com/ free admission

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Meet the Artists

Saturday 27 April – 26 May

Sunday 12 May 11am – 6pm

New Works Fashion Students at Stroud College Campus

Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4pm

Saturday 18 May 11am – 6pm

Friday 10 May – Saturday 11 May

closed weekends & Bank Holidays

Sunday 19 May 11am – 6pm

10am – 5pm

Ecotricity, Unicorn House,

Sticky Paper Studio,

Textiles take over the ground floor

7 Russell Street, Stroud GL5 3AX

Lansdown Walk, Lansdown Road,

of the South Gloucestershire &

The Smell of Space is a series of

Cheltenham GL50 2LJ

Stroud College Campus for two

images taken by Bath based artist

Sticky Paper Studio is a group of

days to coincide with the Weave

Fiona Haines. The photographs

six artists working in paper. Their

Symposium that is being held at

investigate the dialogue of the

inspirations and enthusiasms are

the college. A small exhibition of

enduring qualities of space

derived mainly from fashion,

budding textile design students’

between past and future within

textiles, ornament and anything

work from the College, at the

empty architectural spaces.

else which takes their fancy. They

Stroud Campus. Working in a

free admission

create two and three dimensional

variety of mediums; prints, stitch,

collage, ripping, tearing, cutting

knit and mixed media this concise

manipulating and sticking. They

exhibition will showcase samples of

find inspiration from working as part

development and final work by

of a group.

students on the Foundation Diploma


in Art and Design and the second

free admission

year Extended Diploma courses.

Saturday 11 May 11am – 6pm

free admission

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exhibitions spring select ll ll

The Smell of Space Fiona Haines


Milled Sarah Brooker

Sarah is a resident maker at Brewery Arts in Cirencester,

Monday 20 May – Monday 1 July

garments. The transient, unpredictable nature of felt

Monday – Saturday 8am – 4pm

making enables Sarah to develop ways of mark making

Hobbs House Bakery Cafe, 4 George Street,

with fibres and stitch – always slightly out of reach, yet a

Nailsworth GL6 0AG

very immediate and tactile medium, it captures the

an exhibition of hand rolled felts

essence of colour and line essential to work with

free admission

imagery of a quite domestic nature. This small scale

where she creates hand rolled felt wall pieces and some

show is inspired somewhat by the range of textures and forms created within this environment. The alchemy of felt making is akin to making and cooking – 'drawing with fleece’, shrinking, kneading and stitching, seemingly milling things into place. (Milling is a felting term for the final stages of rolling the surface.) t: 01453 839396; 07967 158071

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ingrid hesling

talks spring select jenni dutton

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talk in conversation: does craft matter? what role can new technologies play in the development of craft?

Mother Love Ingrid Hesling & Jenni Dutton iIllustrated talk Saturday 27 April 10.30am

Deirdre Figueiredo Beatrice Mayfield Katie Bunnell

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

talk & discussion

Ingrid Hesling and Jenni Dutton

Saturday 27 April 11.30 am

talking about their work that explores

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

the complexities of mother/

Three speakers who represent craft and the power of

daughter relationships using

making, who each pioneer inspiring forward looking

traditional domestic materials and

ways to bring the art of making to the public and

techniques applied in unexpected

encourage fresh ways for makers to develop their skills

ways. This talk accompanies the

and creative practice. Join us for an informal session

exhibition in Gallery 2.

of exploratory discussion.

Tickets: £4

Tickets: £8 (SIT & Museum Friends £6)

(SIT & Museum Friends £3)


Gallery 2, Museum in the Park Stratford Park Stroud GL5 4AF

Beatrice Mayfield

Katie Bunnell

Deirdre Figueiredo MBE is currently

Beatrice has a broad background

Katie Bunnell is a ceramicist.

the Director of Craftspace which

in working with contemporary craft

A researcher and leader of

works in partnership with artists,

makers and visual artists. She

Autonomatic, the 3D Digital

audiences, venues and a diverse

currently manages the Maker

Production research group at

range of organisations to push

Development Team at the Crafts

Falmouth University.

boundaries and perceptions around

Council. The team delivers Creative

contemporary crafts practice, touring

Professional Development for

2003 and has since established a

exhibitions and public engagement

makers at all stages of their career

reputation for practice-centred

Deirdre has worked as a curator

Autonomatic was founded in

through the Collective programme.

research that explores the

and manager in the field of visual

This includes Hothouse, start-up

relationships between digital

arts, craft and museums over

support for emerging makers;

technologies and craft practices.

20 years and has developed

Portfolio supporting and enabling

The group includes practitioner-

particular expertise in diversity,

collaborative working with other

researchers working in the fields of

social engagement and audience

sectors; networking events

ceramics, glass, textiles, metals,

development issues. In a wider role

through Craft Rally and Injection,

wood amongst other media. The

she has contributed to a range of

business development for

group’s most recent work involves

advisory panels, boards, and policy

established practices.

working collaboratively with

steering groups including Arts

Originally trained in textiles,

technologists and hackers to create

Council England, West Midlands

graduating from Chelsea College of

their own computer numerically

Regional Council Member, Creative

Art & Design in the early 90s, she

controlled machines and to craft

and Cultural Skills Council advisory

has undertaken private

digital/physical interfaces.

group and Turning Point West

commissions for a range of clients

Katie looks beyond the

Midlands steering group. Trustee of

for interior art works and bespoke

production to explore new

The Crafts Study Centre, Farnham.

pieces for fashion.

innovations and their engagement


talks spring select

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Deirdre Figueiredo

with new technologies. www.autonomatic.org.uk/team/kb/ index.html

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hillu liebelt: in conversation & gallery tours In Conversation: Mary Schoeser & Hillu Liebelt

Still Moments: Gallery Tour with lead artist Hillu Liebelt

illustrated talk

tour with commentary

Saturday 27 April 1.30pm

Saturday 27 April 3pm & 5pm

Gallery 2, Museum in The Park

Gallery 1, Museum in The Park

Lead artist, Hillu Liebelt will discuss her work with Mary

Lead artist, Hillu Liebelt will talk to you about her work

Schoeser. Mary Schoeser is a specialist author in

while you walk around the exhibition. Enjoy hearing

textiles, and has several books published that include

about the inspiration behind her tapestries and

World Textiles and Silk. She has written an introduction

installations and the tapestry skills she uses to create

on Hillu’s work in the catalogue for Still Moments.

these stunning textiles. Places are limited so please

Tickets: £6 (SIT & Museum

book in advance.

Friends £5)

free admission

hillu liebelt

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talks spring select



The Witchcraft Series & the Power of Slow Anne Jackson

A Various Life and the Nature of Mending Jacy Wall

illustrated talk

illustrated talk

Saturday 27 April 3pm

Saturday 27 April 4.30pm

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

Anne Jackson’s knotted tapestries are exhibited in the

Jacy Wall’s practice as a tapestry weaver spans some

UK, the USA, Australia and Europe. Her current project

thirty years. It has been the one constant in a life that

is The Witchcraft Series. Through it she explores the

has also embraced printmaking, arts in healthcare, arts

history of witch-persecution in Europe, and the

in the landscape, and a variety of other asides. Whilst

metaphors that surround the idea of ‘the witch’.

passionately committed to the process of weaving, Jacy

In speaking about her own work, she will explore the

has always sought subtle subversions of traditional

development of woven tapestry as a powerful,

techniques, her non-figurative themes always striving

thoughtful, contemporary medium.

for simplicity and spontaneity. She has exhibited widely.

Anne has published reviews in Textile: The Journal of

talks spring select

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Jacy will talk about her textile work and the

Cloth and Culture, and her work is featured in two

development of her obsession with mending.

recent books: Tapestry: A Woven Narrative (Black Dog)


and Textiles: The Art of Mankind (by Mary Schoeser;

Tickets: £5 (SIT & Museum

Thames & Hudson).

Friends £3)

Anne Jackson lives and has her studio in rural Mid-Devon. www.annejackson.co.uk Tickets: £5 (SIT & Museum Friends £4.50)

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professionals brings particular benefits, not least fresh innovative thinking. Creative people bring skills and flexible thinking plus an element of risk taking to scientific thinking and technology. The following talks celebrate and show how creative thinking can challenge conventional thinking and discover new directions. Tickets for both talks: £10 Tickets for individual talks as listed

prof julian ellis

Collaboration with other creative

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talks spring select

inspiration through collaboration Embroidery for Technical Textiles Professor Julian Ellis OBE illustrated talk Sunday 28 April 2pm Gallery 2, Museum in the Park Julian Ellis OBE will be talking about the adaptation of embroidery techniques for technical applications such as in reinforcing plastics for aerospace and automotive applications, the development and use of embroidery in surgical implants for orthopaedic and spinal repairs, and the possible future industrial uses for textile and embroidery. Julian Ellis is a Fellow of the Textile Institute, an honorary professor in the faculty of engineering at the University of Nottingham. He has spent much of his career in research and development, beginning with Sponsored by Renishaw plc

the Courtaulds Research Division in Coventry. He set up Ellis Developments in 1985, to develop a series of artificial ligaments that became a best selling product and benefitted over 120,000 patients across Europe. www.ellisdev.co.uk Tickets: £6 (SIT & Museum Friends £5)

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talks spring select

sKINship Rhian Solomon and Dr Sarah Pape illustrated talk Sunday 28 April 3.30pm Gallery 2, Museum in the Park sKINship is a research program and professional network founded by visual artist, Rhian Solomon. Its aim is to promote cross disciplinary collaborations between Dr Sarah A. Pape MB. ChB.,

Surgery and Pattern Cutting for Fashion. By exploring

FRCSEd(Plast), MA Clin Ed

points of commonality and contrast between these

Sarah Pape is a Consultant Plastic

subjects a unique dialogue is being developed, informing

Surgeon, working in Newcastle

new practices in the design and planning of surgical procedures and garments. Key collaborators in this project include Consultant Plastic Surgeon Sarah Pape, Womenswear Designer Juliana Sissons, The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and Tailors of Savile Row Henry Poole. As an artist and researcher, she has exhibited and lectured above: rhian solomon

nationally on collaborative thinking and working. Inspiration for her work is found in the parallels between skin and cloth, combining material exploration with socially engaged study www.skinship.co.uk www.rhiansolomon.co.uk Tickets: £8 (SIT & Museum Friends £6)

rhian solomon & sarah pape

Visual Arts and Science – with a current focus on Plastic

upon Tyne. Following general surgery training in Leeds, she began her plastic surgery career in Bradford. This was followed by posts in Stoke on Trent, University College Hospital London, Liverpool and Newcastle upon Tyne. Sarah was awarded the Specialist Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1994. Her special interests are burns and laser surgery. In addition to her clinical work, Sarah is the Clinical Lead for a national e-learning project for plastic surgery (e-LPRAS) and a consultant to the sKINship project.

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in conversation: a day of textile innovation and design excellence Lauren Bowker

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

The Unseen

Texprint provides exceptional access to the best of

A Textiles MA graduate of the Royal

British textile design talent – connecting industry to

College of Art, London, Lauren

selected graduate designers just emerging from college

Bowker has a unique approach to

or university, and to Texprint alumni, many of whom now

textiles that fuses creativity with

enjoy high profile creative roles within the international

scientific curiosity. She is inspired

textile, fashion and interior design industries. Many Texprint alumni go on to enjoy high profile creative roles within major companies worldwide, or indeed set up their own businesses. www.texprint.org.uk

Barbara Kennington Lauren Bowker Lisa Bloomer Tickets: £10 (SIT & Museum Friends £8)

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Saturday 4 May start 1pm

barbara kennington

talks spring select


by ‘Making the invisible, visible’. In her recent work she uses thermal chromatic dyes to create experimental textiles and installations. Multi award winning Alchemist Lauren Bowker uses design merged with science to provide real solutions to real problems. Creating bold visions underpinned by elegant design.

lauren bowker

Lauren is a maverick who works at the intersection of textiles, art and science. Her practice is a world away

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Barbara Kennington: introduction 1pm

from the conventional route of

Barbara Kennington brings to Texprint her considerable

creating patterned fabrics. Her vision

international experience, as a designer and trend

lies in the exciting possibilities

specialist, but also as a strong advocate of the British

opened up by advances in printing

textile industry and the outstanding design schools and

inks, new technology and techniques.

universities that support it. The late 70s saw Barbara

The technologies behind the ink

setting up her own fashion design label, Lumiere,

has the potential to break grounds

becoming part of London’s early 80s cutting-edge ‘new

in the area of healthcare, sports and

wave’ of young designers, and developing innovative

wearable sensors.

textile design out of Japan, Hong Kong and India.


Andreea Mandrescu

Lynn Tandler

Print Matters


Taking a Blacksmith’s approach

Lisa Bloomer is passionate about


towards Textiles

colour and sustainable practices,

Andreea’s work aims to create a


and is continually exploring new

new tactile and visual experience

Lynn’s latest fabric collection is the

ways to succeed in her ‘fight against

that brings a new perspective to the

product of an investigative journey

the geometric’. Spontaneity is

traditional crafts by implementing

into the juxtaposition between

tangible in all her designs, she uses

them into textile design. The

extremes – challenging the manner

colour in a fresh and dynamic way

practice is based on research of

in which opposites integrate, creating

and achieves many unique effects

marquetry and inlay crafts, forming

new functionalities, perceptions

by first hand painting on the warp.

a series of fluid soft surfaces,

and values of aesthetics. The

Lisa is an independent textile

digitally printed, inlaid and overlaid

inspiration for these ‘hybrid quality’

designer, who uses weave, dye, print

on fabrics using different kinds of

textiles was the intrinsic quality and

and freehand techniques to create

rubber, faux fur, veneers and

traditional processes within both

sustainably-produced, bespoke

leather. These surfaces can be used

metals and textiles – a fundamental

fabrics for interiors and fashion.

in fashion, accessories and interiors.

curiosity for the nature in which


different approaches towards craft

combines digital technology with a

Tickets: £6 (SIT & Museum

can reveal new potential within a

range of traditional craft skills. Her

Friends £5)

material. The approach to designing

Lisa’s work is process led and

these textiles has been experimental

structure combines complex

and designed to be applicable both

cross-dyeing processes with spontaneous mark-making to create textiles with visually complex

lisa bloomer

exploration of colour, material and

to body and space. www.lynntandler.com Tickets: £6 (SIT & Museum Friends £5)


lynn tandler

and irregular surfaces, for which she has won a number of award.

talks spring select

Lisa Bloomer

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Stitch & Stone Dr Brenda King illustrated talk

Fashion Illustration: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Tony Glenville

Sunday 5 May 2.30pm

illustrated talk

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

Saturday 25 May 1pm

The Leek Embroidery Society formed

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

close partnerships with exceptional

The eye and the hand with simply a pen or pencil and a

architects who produced distinctive

sheet of blank paper can often tell us more in a few lines

textile designs. Their collaborations

that the most complex photographic image.

produced glorious needlework which

Since the earliest days there has been a desire to

established the society’s reputation.

record the modes of the day. The myriad styles which

Many of these embroideries are still

record the history of fashion through to the 21st century

in the churches for which they were

still enchant the eye and are eagerly collected across

designed. The Society also stitched

the world with their range of styles and end uses. This

schemes by Arts and Crafts

talk is to place the artists firmly centre stage. Tony Glenville is Creative Director of the School of

designers, influenced by Indian patterns and historic textiles. Their

Media and Communications, London College of

facsimile Bayeux Tapestry was a

Fashion. He has worked extensively as a consultant and

remarkable project that is still an

writer, collaborating with Vogue Nippon, Vogue

object of great interest. Author and

Australia, Harpers Bazaar Australia, The Evening

curator Dr.Brenda King will present

Standard and the Independent. His published writing includes Shoes in The Cutting

a new body of research which firmly

Edge: 50 Years of British Fashion (V&A, 1996) and Top

Crafts history.

to Toe: a Guide to Grooming the Modern Male (Sterling,

Friends £4.50)

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dr brenda king

Tickets: £5 (SIT & Museum

tony glenville

places this society in Arts and

2006). A fashion writer with a wide range of interests, Glenville’s career has taken him behind the scenes and to fittings and ateliers across the globe including Christian Lacroix, Bruce Oldfield, Valentino, Adrienne Vittadini and Azzedine Alaia. Tickets: £7 (SIT & Museum Friends £5)

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talks spring select


2 day workshop Saturday 27 April & Sunday 28 April 10am – 5pm

sarah campbell-cole

Hawkwood, Painswick Old Road, Stroud GL6 7QW in association with Hawkwood College Hawkwood College is the perfect venue to discover how

50 Years of Passion in Textiles Sarah Campbell

photography can be used as a tool to visually explore

illustrated talk

your relationship to it from a textural point of view. On

Saturday 25 May 2.30 pm

the workshop you will look at colour, texture and form,

Gallery 2, Museum in the Park

our impact on the land, the big picture and the detail,

Internationally acclaimed textile designer Sarah Campbell

and our spiritual connection with the land. You will have

has spent most of her life painting patterns. Starting

the opportunity to bring your favorite textiles and

with her sister Susan Collier in the 1960s, they

explore your relationship with them in nature. If you are

co-founded the influential textile design partnership

an artist/maker, you will have the opportunity to

Collier Campbell in 1980, producing iconic designs,

discover new ways of capturing your work using

Susan and Sarah painted textile patterns for

the natural and built environment, mapping the land and

photography. The workshop will be kept simple, playful

international clients including Yves Saint Laurent,

and fun. Bring a digital camera and outdoor clothing

Liberty, Habitat, Cacharel and many others in the UK.

and footwear. Your physical comfort will be of upmost

Famed for the originality of the fresh and vivid variety

importance to enjoying the weekend.

of their prints, fifty years of Susan and Sarah’s

“I work with you to gain a clear vision of who you are

groundbreaking work was celebrated in a

and what you do, and to represent this visually through

commemorative exhibition at the National Theatre,


London, during the summer of 2011.

Suitable for all levels and experience.

Recent talks include the Victoria & Albert Museum and the Fashion & Textile Museum. She has run

Fee: £95 includes morning refreshments Bring lunch to share

workshops spring select

Colour, Texture and Form in Photography Ruth Davey

ruth davey


workshops at both the V&A and the FTM and spends regular time in a local secondary school with the 6th form fashion and textile students. In December 2012 Ilex Press published a beautiful book celebrating the sisters’ work over 50 years: The Collier Campbell Archive: 50 years of passion in pattern by Emma Shackleton. Tickets: £8 (SIT & Museum Friends £6)

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Trace & Echo Gizella Warburton Saturday 27 April 10am – 5pm & Sunday 28 April 10am – 4.30pm 2 day workshop Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road,

helen lomberg

Stroud GL6 7QW Be inspired and enjoy a tactile journey of discovery

Traditional Willow Baskets Helen Lomberg

experimenting with surface, colour, line and composition

2 day workshop

through mark making, collage and stitch.

Saturday 11 May 10am – 4.30pm &

in association with Hawkwood College

The sessions will offer possibilities for all levels and

Sunday 12 May 10am – 4pm

will include the opportunity to explore personal creativity

Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road,

and be supported and mentored by a leading textile

Stroud GL6 7QW

artist. Activities are designed to encourage participants

in association with Hawkwood College

to observe detail, challenge usual approaches, and be

Gloucestershire born Helen Lomberg has been ‘fiddling

aware of their creative responses; developing the

with twigs’ for over 20 years. She grows a substantial

confidence to take risks with their ideas and nurture

amount of willow at home, and also hazel, snowberry

their own artistic voice.

and dogwood which she uses in her work.

Tickets: £110 this includes a charge for a few

Learn the techniques used to make beautiful

additional materials supplied by Gizella and a

traditional baskets with experienced Stroud based

delicious homemade organic light lunch each day.

basket maker and willow sculptor Helen Lomberg in the

You will be given a materials list when booking

stunning setting of Hawkwood College. You will make a basket or willow container of your choice to take home. Enjoy the irresistible feel and scent of willow and other weaving materials and to learn one of our oldest skills means this is a workshop not to be missed. All materials provided. Tickets: £70 includes a delicious light homemade organic lunch each day

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w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

workshops spring select gizella warburton


Saturday 18 May 10am – 4.30pm & Sunday 19 May 11am – 4pm Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park,

“I love working with paper! It’s versatile, accessible and

Painted Pomp: Art and Fashion in the Age of Shakespeare

has a magical transformative quality. I am also passionate

study afternoon outing

about manual processes, and as a former textile designer,

Thursday 2 May 1pm departure

love anything tactile with strong composition and

Holburne Museum, Bath

considered colour. Over the course of this weekend,

One of the most important groups of Jacobean portraits

I’d like to show you how your own simple observational

forms the centrepiece of this exceptional new exhibition.

drawings can be turned into wonderful paper silhouettes.

Nine sumptuous portraits by William Larkin, together with

The aim will be to use these to create and illustrate a

rare survivals of Jacobean dress and live interpretation

simple story in the form of a handmade artist’s book.”

reveal the heights of art and fashion 400 years ago.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Stroud GL5 4AF

Eileen White is a craft-based visual artist. Her studio

Breathtaking costumes, recorded by the artist in

practice includes making site-specific installations,

painstaking detail, reflect the huge wealth and status of

producing design solutions for location and client-

the sitters. The exhibition will bring the paintings together

focused commissions and working in educational

with some exceptionally fine and rare examples of

contexts with schools, communities, professionals and

surviving Jacobean costume similar to those depicted in

the public.

the portraits. You will have a private view, and a guided

Tickets: £90 includes basic materials supplied by artist

tour by the Curator of the exhibition and a session with

and teas & coffee. A materials list will be sent on booking

the costume expert. You can end the afternoon with tea

william larkin

events spring select

2 day workshop

holburne museum

Playing with Paper Eileen White

event eileen white


in the garden café. Tickets: £25 inclusive of coach travel from Stroud (depart 1pm Leisure Centre GL5 4AF, return 6.30pm) Organised by Friends of Museum in the Park To Book: Make Cheques payable to: The Friends of Stroud District Museum. Send to: Juliet Shipman, Rose Cottage, The Street, Eastcombe, Gloucestershire GL67DN including full name, address, phone number and enclose a SAE or email address. email: julietshipman@hotmail.com t: 01452 770263

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World Textiles Weekend 2013

Bisley Village Hall, Manor Road, Nr Stroud GL6 7BQ

Wonderful World textiles include: The African Fabric Shop - Textiles, beads, baskets; handmade, handwoven Añañuca - Handwoven rugs, throws and scarves from Chile Beyond France - Lovely vintage handspun Hungarian linen Changs - Cotton indigo from South West China and Northern Thailand, Linda Clift & Lizzi Drake - Textiles, costumes and trimmings from England and France Martin Conlan of Slow Loris - Tribal textiles from Southwest China. Olivia Dell - Wearable Central Asian textiles Jennifer Evans - Decorative textiles and jewellery sourced in India Lucy Farmer of Zeitgeist - Fantastic Indian textiles, antique, vintage and contemporary John Gillow - African, Indian and South East Asian textiles Dorothy Reglar - beautiful handmade clothes using handwoven silk and cotton from Laos

Directions to Bisley From M4 - exit J15 to Cirencester on A419, then follow road to Stroud for 8miles and turn right to Bisley From M5 - exit J13 to Stroud, towards Cirencester then turn left for Bisley after Waitrose roundabout, turn 1st right into Field Road, up passed the hospital then turn right into Bisley Road.

Admission £1.50, children under 15 free Delicious food by Woodruffs of Stroud Contact/further details: bailey@baileycurtis.com/www.stroudinternationaltextiles.org.uk

World Textile Fair Saturday 25 May 10am – 5pm Sunday 26 May 10am – 4pm Bisley WI Hall, Manor Road, nr Lypiatt, Bisley GL6 7BQ Bringing you the ever glorious and wonderful World Textile Fair with textiles, jewellery, baskets, haberdashery and all manner of fabulous things collected from all around the world by the travellers and collectors who make up this year’s World Textile Fair. Indigo from South West China, African and Indian cloth and clothes, rugs and textiles from Chile, beads and baskets from Africa, linen from Hungary and France, vintage and contemporary textiles from SE Asia – a feast of colour and delight. Delicious organic Café run by Woodruffs Stroud. Entrance: £1.50 accompanied children under 15 free There is limited parking in the village. Please park with consideration.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Saturday May 25th 10.00am - 5.00pm Sunday May 26th 10.00am - 4.00pm

world textiles


continue to play a part in our calendar. Our Spring

2013, the Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen’s 80th

Show at Tetbury has established itself as one of the

anniversary, looks to be one of our most exciting and

most attractive and inspiring craft events. From

challenging years to date.

Wednesday 8 to Sunday 12 May the historic market

Over the summer the Guild will be moving its base

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

from Painswick to Cheltenham. The Guild at 51, our

Exhibitions throughout the county and further afield

house will provide an opportunity to see and buy from nearly 30 contemporary designer-makers.

new retail outlet, will form part of the extended Art

Our Summer Show at Painswick from 15 to 18

Gallery & Museum complex in Cheltenham’s town

August will provide a celebration of the Guild’s 80th

centre. It will provide a stunning showcase for craftwork

anniversary with a look back at the work of some of the

by Guild members and invited makers from Britain and

Guild’s founders and internationally renowned members

abroad, providing an opportunity to see, buy and

such as Michael Cardew, Peter Waals, Phyllis Barron

commission some of the best work by contemporary

and Theo Moorman. Looking forward, current

designer-makers. The Guild at 51 will be found at 51

members will show their most recent work and be

Clarence Street, only minutes away from Cheltenham’s

available to discuss purchases and potential

iconic Promenade.

commissions with visitors.

events spring select

80th Anniversary Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen

gloucestershire guild


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New Brewery Arts 18 May - 7 July 2013 www.newbreweryarts.org.uk / www.quiltart.eu Brewery Court / Cirencester / GL7 1JH / 01285 657181 / Mon-Sat 9-5 / Sun 10-4 Registered Charity No:900036

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w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Elizabeth Brimelow窶認anfield

spring select


w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

spring select

Stroud School of Art All expanding economies are investing in the creative industries - without ideas modern global economies can’t thrive. Where do these ideas come from? We hold ourselves up as the defenders of real art and design education. With 150 years of heritage and pedigree, we stand on the shoulders of giants and reach up higher still. Study at South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (the recently merged Stroud and Filton Colleges) for courses from traditional life drawing through to computer animation, from one day to two years, from Level 1 to Level 6.

www.sgscol.ac.uk 01453 761126 SITE 2013.indd 1

17/01/2013 17:11:34

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Image by Anne-Marie Randall

The Art Couture Painswick Festival Sunday 14 July 2013 held throughout the centre of Painswick, Gloucestershire. www.acpfestival.co.uk info@acpfestival.co.uk 0744-343-2045

arts • sustainability • spirituality • well-being

H AW KWOOD Co u r ses & R etreats

Japanese Embroidery 4 day courses in April, June, September & November 2013

Stunning Stained Glass 28 – 30 June 2013 Creative Arts Summer School 12 – 21 July 2013 Pottery - contemplative photography - mosaic - silver jewellery woodcarving - the gift of impressionism

Hawkwood provides a beautiful, peaceful setting for courses, retreats and conferences. We are delighted to be part of Select in May 2013.

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Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road, Stroud GL6 7QW Phone us for information or to book or visit our website

Tel: 01453 759034 www.hawkwoodcollege.co.uk

Open Day An enjoyable day for the whole family!

Monday 6 May 10am-5pm Free workshops, tutors, artists, café, Maypole, stalls & music.

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

information spring select

...where art comes to life

Stroud International Textiles


t: 01453 751056 / 07767 763607

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Please note the office is not open to visitors

Stroud International Textiles

Booking Tickets

Stroud Tourist Information Centre

Tickets can be booked in several ways:

Subscription Rooms, George Street Stroud GL5 1AE

1 You can send a cheque made out to Stroud

t: +44 (0) 1453 760960 e: tic@stroud.gov.uk

International Textiles for the full amount and send to the

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm

SIT office address. Remember to include details of

The Tourist Information Centre can give you details

the event you are booking, and your name, address,

on accommodation and they will help with directions.

phone and email plus the postage. A form to fill in is on

You can pick up the brochure there as well.



2 You can contact the SIT office on 01453 751056 for information.

Getting to Stroud see map on page 37

3 You can book online go to www.sitselect.org

The train and bus station are in the town centre. Parking

4 You can buy direct from the Tourist Information Centre

is plentiful and the parking for the Museum is free and

in Stroud.

located next to Stroud College and the Stratford Park Leisure Centre. For more information contact the Tourist

Ticket Prices

Information Centre.

information spring select


We make every attempt to make the entrance to all paid events as affordable to as many people as possible.


Friends of SIT and Museum Friends get a reduced ticket

For a full list contact the Tourist Information Centre

price and students get a concession for the symposium

or go to: www.visitthecotswolds.org.uk

– see the listed event for details. Students can join SIT at a reduced price. For details on joining SIT please go

Eating & Drinking

to our website where you can join on line or send a

There are many cafés in the town. Again the Tourist

cheque. Please bring your Friends membership card

Information Centre can help you with places to eat and

when you attend an event.

drink in town as well as the surrounding area. The Museum serves coffees, teas and soft drinks but

Symposium To book tickets for the Weave Symposium go to page 14 or you can book on line or by sending a cheque as above.

does not serve food.

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Stroud International Textiles t: 01453 751056 / 07767 763607 Please note the office is not open to visitors

Venue Information

Stroud College, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AH

Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, GL5 4AF

t: +44 (0) 1453 763424

t: +44 (0) 1453 763394

Parking: The College is located next to the Leisure

Tuesday – Friday 10am – 5pm

Centre car park. If you park in the College car park for

Saturday & Sunday 11am – 5pm

the Symposium please note the gates will shut at 6pm.

unless stated as otherwise in this brochure closed Mondays but note the Museum is open on Bank

Hawkwood, Hawkwood College,

Holiday Mondays 11am – 5pm

Painswick Old Road, Stroud GL6 7QW

The Museum is half a mile from Stroud town centre.

t: +44 (0) 1453 759034

Parking: Parking is in the main car park beside the

To locate Hawkwood College turn up Painswick Old

Leisure Centre off the Stratford Road. There is then a

Road, located opposite Strafford Park on the

short walk to the Museum. Disability parking is available

Painswick Road. The College is a mile up, on the right.

by phoning the Museum and they will arrange for you

Parking: There is ample parking.

to drive round to the entrance. Buses: The number 37 Stagecoach bus leaves the town


centre from outside Lloyds Bank every 20 minutes. Ask

Disability and pushchair access

for the Tesco’s stop and cross over the road and walk a

The Museum, Stroud College, Hawkwood College,

short distance through the park to the Museum. Please

Lansdown Gallery, Ecotricity and World Textile Fair all

note there are no buses on Sundays.

have wheelchair access. Unfortunately other venues

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

information spring select


and some of the studios that are part of the Select Trail may not have disability access. Please check before visiting as special arrangements may be possible.

ll ll


spring select 2013

Liability The organisers and venues cannot accept liability for any damage, injury or loss sustained by any member of the visiting public


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select trail 2013


Stroud International Textiles

Our Thanks A big thank you to all our sponsors and funders for their

Stroud International Textiles: supporting innovation & creativity

support. SIT Select brings together leading creative thinkers and makers from the world of design and

SIT aims to broaden the perspective of textile arts to

making from across the UK. We support the local

other art forms such as performance, dance, music

economy and raise the profile of the district with our

and the written word and to link through to craft and

high quality programming.

the applied arts. We aim to bring an understanding of the connection of textiles to technology, science

If you would like to find out how you can sponsor SIT

and manufacturing.

we have created a range of sponsorship packages for promoting your organisation programme: for full details

SIT works to create opportunities for artists to develop

please contact the office.

their creative practices and nurture talent and innovation. SIT is a unique cultural focus for the area

Thank you to the Museum in the Park and to all the

and district and we make a significant contribution to

staff and volunteers who make the Museum such a

the economic prosperity of the area.

vibrant happy place. To South Gloucestershire & Stroud College for the Symposium venue and to Justin

We run year round talks and events. The Spring Select

Gregory Head of Faculty, Art, Culture & Media for

is the highlight of our cultural year with exhibitions,

support; to Alicia Carey and Katie Lloyd-Nunn from

talks, workshops, events and a major symposium.

Hawkwood College. www.museuminthepark.org.uk

To become a Friend of SIT go to the main website on


www.stroudinternationaltextiles.org.uk where you will


find details on how to join. By becoming a Friend you will enjoy many benefits and reductions on tickets.

Welcome to Yellow Lighted Books this year. They will

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be popping up at the symposium and have books for sale on the SIT stand at the Museum. Yellow Lighted Books have shops in Nailsworth and Tetbury www.yellow-lightedbookshop.co.uk

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

art at its origin

w w w. s t ro u d i n t e r n a t i o n a l t e x t i l e s . o r g . u k

craft at its best

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

textiles & contemporary crafts

right: deirdre wood

spring select

free guide

free guide

spring select 2013

Stroud International Textiles ll ll

textiles & contemporary crafts

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stroud spring select

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g w w w. s t ro u d i n t e r n a t i o n a l t e x t i l e s . o r g . u k

BPE Solicitors

A big thank you to all our sponsors and funders for their vision and support: Arts Council England Renishaw Stroud District Council Museum in The Park Stroud College Hawkwood

Patrons Mary La Trobe Bateman OBE Jilly Edwards Lulu Guinness OBE Editor Lizzi Walton Design Chris J Bailey Print Gemini-West.co.uk



Stroud International Textiles

t: +44 (0) 1453 751056 m: 07767 763607 e: info@stroudsit.org w: www.sitselect.org

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www.chrisjbailey.com c h o s e n


y x

back cover: philippa brock

Published by SIT

right: andreea mandrescu

spring select


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stroud spring select



w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g d e s i g n : c h r i s j b a ile y © 2 013 pu blish e d by strou d i nter nati o nal tex ti l es ©2013

Stroud International Textiles

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