S i t 2018 select trail final web

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free guide

5 – 6 | 12 – 13 May

select trail 2018

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making places

stroud, gloucestershire

select trail 2018 thank you to our funders

select festival Saturday 21 April – Thursday 31 May

select trail Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 6pm Saturday 12 – Sunday 13 May 11am – 6pm please note that certain studios will be open by appointment in the week

Festival Director Lizzi Walton

SIT select

| Design

Chris J Bailey

t: 01453 751056 / 07767 763607

please note the office is not open to visitors SIT select is a not for profit arts organisation dedicated to the promotion of the arts with an emphasis on contemporary textiles and the applied arts/crafts.

des ign : ch ris j bailey © 2018

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

stroud, gloucestershire

right: emma neuberg

select trail 2018

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making places

stroud, gloucestershire

w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

placing makers

5 – 6 | 12 – 13 May

cover: pei-chi lee

free guide

select festival 2018

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www.selecttrail.org select

free guide

21 April – 31 May


making places w w w. s i t s e l e c t . o r g

Emma Neuberg curator

It’s a pleasure to welcome you to an exciting new

yields start to multiply exponentially and, happily, making

Select Trail with over 100 artists to discover and meet.

becomes a culture, mindset and identity.

I hope you enjoy the new brochure and website,

The people of Stroud and the Valleys have enjoyed

www.selecttrail.org, which offers information and links

their creativity for over three hundred years and this

to all participating artists, studios, exhibitions,

helps today’s community identify with the beauty and

demonstrations and workshops taking place on

environment that their forebears honed. This provenance,

5 – 6 May and 12 – 13 May 2018.

combined with growing numbers of talented artists and

In 1861, a wool merchant called Samuel Marling, living just south of Stroud, got his visionary young architect, George Frederick Bodley, to ask William Morris if he might

craftspeople attracted to the region, is putting the area on an exciting, new, British cultural map. This year, I invite you to explore the trail and discover

be available to design The Creation stained-glass windows

how each artist has their own vision and means of

for a church he was building nearby in the village of

expression and together, form an impressive,

Selsley. When Morris’s colleagues Philip Webb and

resourceful, intergenerational and international

Edward Burne-Jones agreed, Morris, Marshall, Faulkner

community offering unique and collectible works of art

& Co was delighted to accept its first, large, ecclesiastical

for your pleasure and enjoyment.

stained-glass commission. From this moment, the Arts

This includes emerging artists-in-residence from the

& Crafts movement was destined to influence the artists

William Morris Gallery, London, Lucille Junkere and

and craftspeople of Stroud and the Stroud Valleys.

Lola Lely, who appear at the iconic Museum in the Park,

Making places are special places. In order for them to

as part of an exciting, new My Nature show, to answer

thrive, there needs to be the right mix of resources,

questions about their innovative textiles inspired by the

perseverance, inspiration and yield. This places a lot of

William Morris archive on 5 and 6 May, respectively.

pressure on one individual but once a community forms,


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select trail select trail


Museum in the Park


Select Studio


Lansdown Gallery


Subscription Rooms






Sewing Shed


The Malthouse Bar & Kitchen



look for the special signs near the venues


B4 070


Disability access A46 to Painswick & Cheltenham A4173 to Gloucester

Unfortunately some of the studios that are part of




disability access. Please

sdo w


the Select Trail may not have

0 d 07 Roa 4 B d

check venues before visiting.




a P











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1 i










71 A41





25 30

18 20

26 31 28 33

10 12 11 13

on R





A419 to Chalford 3 miles


A419 Doctor Newton’s Way A419 to M5 (Bristol, The Midlands & Wales)

17 19

27 32 Cornhill


dR for


High S

k Street













amberley 44

22 23 24



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Stroud Tourist Information Centre Subscription Rooms, George Street, Stroud GL5 1AE t: +44 (0) 1453 760960 e: tic@stroud.gov.uk Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm

A46 to Woodchester 3 miles, Nailsworth 4.5 miles & Tetbury 11.4 miles via A4135

south woodchester

34 37 35 38 36 39 P

Frogmarsh Mill


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Griffin Mill Estate

Stratford Park


www.selecttrail.org select trail



select trail 2018 map not to scale, guide only: consult an accurate map before travelling

Victoria Works Studios


Pauline Dumas



Susie Harding


Railway Station


Chayanit Jinnasith



Annie Hewett



Bus Station


Lucille Junkere



Susan Early




Pei-Chi Lee



Ursula Jeakins


Footpath & Cyclepath


Lola Lely



Cleo Mussi


Pedestrianised area


Marian Lynch



Abbott & Ellwood



Tourist Information


Katherine May



Tessa Tyldesley


45 51


Canal Visitor Centre


Archana Pathak



Rhiannon Evans


46 52




John & Penny West



Mila Harris-Mussi


47 53




Liz Lippiatt



Tom Jackson


48 54


Jenner & Clarke



Steve Mansfield


49 55


Jenny Bicat



Clare Bassett


50 31


Helen Foot



Elaine Day



Matthew Harris



Katerina Gibb



Marion Mitchell



Lizzie Mabley



Valerie Jordan



Anna Simson



Knibbs & Sangwine



Sarah Davis



Noemi Gregoire



Gill Hewett



Sue Gregor



Samantha Silverton 104


Gill Hackett



Helen Taylor



Lucy Birkinshaw



Jill Watton



Chris Beckett



Zoe Watts



Rachel Thorogood



Stroud College



Jackie White



Lucy Birtles



Jane Fisher



MacGregor & Michael 116


Paul Fowler



Sue Ratcliffe


Nicola Grellier



Carol Honess



Kerry Phippen



Teresa Poole



Julie Fowler





27 MacGregor & Michael Liability 28 Harriet St Leger The organisers and venues 29 Kristian Pettiforfor cannot accept liability any damage, injury 30 Tim Blades or loss sustained by any member 31 Daniel Bristow of the public visiting any 32theClare Walsh of open studios




A419 to Cirencester, Swindon & M4 (London)


minchinhampton Culver




& B4014 to Tetbury


nailsworth i


T P 2






A46 to Bath & A4135 to Tetbury

Ruskin Mill





tetbury i


T 57

m ap : cj b / jab/buck le Š2018

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t: +44 (0) 1453 751056 m: 07767 763607 e: info@stroudsit.org w: www.sitselect.org w: www.selecttrail.org #: #selecttrail2018





My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Pauline Dumas


artist and textiles innovator guest artist at Museum in the Park Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF t: 07802 463233 e: paulinerosedumas@gmail.com www.paulinerosedumas.wordpress.com Pauline Dumas is an artist who works in textiles and printmaking. She is French and is currently a student studying Textile Design at Chelsea College of Art & Design in London. There, she explores autobiographical themes where texture and colour give form to her thoughts and exploratory ideas. Patchwork and printmaking are two reoccurring themes and she continues to develop these. Of particular note, is her patchwork piece called Digging for Light, seen here. Dumas will be developing new experimental work especially for the trail and we recommend that you see these alongside all the other Guest Artists in Gallery 2 at the iconic Museum in the Park.

Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the

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A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to


10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud

park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a Merrywalks bus station.

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stroud select trail


woodchester select trail

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My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Chayanit Jinnasith


textiles designer and researcher guest artist at Museum in the Park Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF m: 07476 063117 e: mooklooks@hotmail.com www.instagram.com/mooklooks Chayanit Jinnasith is a conceptual textiles designer from Thailand. Her specialism is embroidery and mixed media. She is a student of Textiles at Chelsea College of Art & Design where colour and construction play a key role in her developmental work. Her works are project specific and recent concepts include ‘resetting’ pollution and waste fashion stories by creating organic-looking couture collections. With luxury fashion in mind, her collections explore an ‘anti-pollution’ aesthetic to infiltrate the fashion marketing and communications’ world with a new aesthetic eco story. Discover her work in Gallery 2 where Jinnasith is a Guest Artist on 5 – 6 May and visit her Instagram link for her latest news.

Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the

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A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to


10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud

park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a Merrywalks bus station.

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My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Lucille Junkere


textile artist guest artist at Museum in the Park Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF m: 07957 712541 e: lucillejunkere@me.com www.underthebreadfruittree.wordpress.com Lucille Junkere is an artist and textiles researcher who specialises in indigo dye techniques on fabric and paper. Her recent research focuses on the legacy of colonization on African Caribbean textiles history and ways to reconnect the traditional textile techniques that span the distance between Jamaica and Nigeria. Junkere’s work is experimental and pioneering. She recently completed a Sir Winston Churchill Lifetime Fellowship building upon her work as Artist in Residence at the William Morris Gallery, London. It is these latest creative developments, inspired by the fellowship, that Junkere brings to life for the trail. Discover her new works in Gallery 2 and contact her for details of her Sunday 6 May workshop.

Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the

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A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to


10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud

park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a Merrywalks bus station.

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amberley select trail

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My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Pei-Chi Lee


textiles innovator Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF t: 00886 921276793 e: pei-chi.lee@network.rca.ac.uk www.pepperchilee.com Pei-Chi Lee is a textile design innovator who develops embroidery samples that have an interesting and unusual narrative. Inspired by Pop Art, comics, feng shui symbols, music and humour, Lee’s textiles are full of illustration, story-telling, emotion and quirkiness. She mixes unusual materials together and designs kinetic embroideries for fashion and interiors. We particularly like her She Sends the Wrong Vibe collection that combines embroidery with film and music. Lee comes from Taiwan and has been in London studying Mixed Media Textiles at the Royal College of Art. Her East meets West dialogue is enticing and pioneering in the field of embroidery so we recommend that you see her latest works in Gallery 2.

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Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a 10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud Merrywalks bus station.

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My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Lola Lely


textiles and design innovator guest artist at Museum in the Park Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF m: 07908 587262 e: studio@lolalely.com www.lolalely.com Lola Lely is a multi-disciplinary designer whose work spans textiles, wood, sculpture and product design. She is a member of The New Craftsmen that represent the best of British contemporary craft in its simplest, most pared down form. Lely’s work in collaboration with The New Craftsmen and Selfridges London helped promote her beautiful, expansive, natural dye textile projects. She is developing these further as Artist in Residence at the William Morris Gallery in London. During this residency, Lely will develop experimental new works, textiles and wood blocks. Discover the outcomes at the Museum in the Park across 5 – 6 May and check her website for workshops on both days.

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Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a 10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud Merrywalks bus station.

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My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Marian Lynch


textile designer guest artist at Museum in the Park Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF t: 0207 5824454 e: marianlynchdesign@gmail.com www.instagram.com/marianlynchdesign Lynch is a textile designer who specializes in colour. She creates fabrics and collections for interiors and fashion that are built around strict colour combinations, relationships and effects. She explores the depth and resonance of colour through her expert knowledge of printing and dye techniques. As a postgraduate student at Chelsea College of Art & Design, she wrote a superlative essay on colour, craft and the environment. Today, she develops this subject with her own students at Morley College in London where Lynch is now Head of Textiles. Discover her work in Gallery 2 and watch her Instagram feed for news and updates.

Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to

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park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a 10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud Merrywalks bus station.

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woodchester select trail

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My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Katherine May


textiles innovator guest artist at Museum in the Park Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF m: 07799 410945 e: info@katherinemay.com www.katherinemay.com Katherine May is a textile artist who creates site specific works with natural dye processes and collaborative making processes. She has worked extensively with groups on creating sustainable ways of working with textiles and making visible our unsustainable textile industry problems. May is a member of The New Craftsmen and will be making new experimental work especially for the trail so do visit her in Gallery 2 to discover her latest pieces. Feel free to contact the artist directly for workshop information.

Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a 10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud

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Merrywalks bus station.

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woodchester chalford select trail

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My Nature Guest Artists curated by Emma Neuberg Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May 11am – 5pm see page 5 of Festival section

Archana Pathak


textile artist guest artist at Museum in the Park Gallery 2, Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AF m: 07734 305439 e: archanaraipathak@gmail.com www.archanaraipathak.com Archana Pathak is a textile artist who specializes in stitched canvases. She collects maps and nostalgic memorabilia relating to place, identity and belonging. She collates these as ‘memory artefacts’ and, through her own, unique technical process, prints these, cuts them into fine ribbon and stitches with the strands. The results are beautiful, embroidered maps and abstract self-portraits. Pathak has her studio at Textiles Hub London which is run by the trail curator, Emma Neuberg, and is a Guest Artist in Gallery 2.

Take the A46 from the town centre, turn left into the A4171 and turn right at the 3rd mini roundabout to park at the Leisure Centre. From the town it is a 10 minute walk to the park or bus 67 from Stroud

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Merrywalks bus station.

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John & Penny West


potters Lansdown Pottery, Hill Farm, Main Road, Whiteshill, Stroud GL6 6JS t: 01453 298567 e: lansdownpottery@onetel.com www.lansdownpottery.co.uk John & Penny West make functional stoneware pottery for the home. This is glazed both in the traditional way and fired in a gas kiln or soda fired in a wood-burning catenary arch kiln. Their most stunning range of tableware is the Bamboo collection which is glazed in a Korean celadon resulting in a gentle jade quality. The softness of colour and translucency they attain is breathtaking and the hand-painted slips in their Japanese style are very seductive. John & Penny West also have a beautiful rustic range inspired by the wood-fired pottery of France. Warm and inviting, this range will suit hearty stews and casseroles. We recommend that you visit the pottery and discover all the ranges for yourself.

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From Stroud, drive along Stratford Park Road, turn right at roundabout and head towards Whiteshill. Keep going up and at the crest of the hill, as you leave the village we are on the left. The number 63 bus stops outside.

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woodchester select trail

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Liz Lippiatt


cloth couture, printed textiles & womenswear designer Textile Studio, Stroud Valleys Artspace, 4 John Street, Stroud GL5 2HA m: 07929 412246 e: liz@lizlippiatt.com www.lizlippiatt.com Liz Lippiatt is the Matisse of screen-printed textiles. She is an established print designer who specializes in silk-screened fabrics for elegant womenswear. Her fabrics and garments are chic and very wearable. There is something quintessentially British in her designs and motifs that remind us of Celia Birtwell and Zandra Rhodes. Lippiatt’s decorative designs are inspired by nature and her colours are set off with bright contrasting accents. Discover her fabrics and garments this trail in her beautiful studio in the Stroud Valleys Artspace.


From the four clocks in the centre of Stroud, opposite the Ecotricity premises, turn left up John Street. Textile Studio is on the left in Stroud Valleys Artspace.

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stroud select trail

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Jenner & Clarke


womenswear and accessories designers Textile Studio, Stroud Valleys Art Space, 4 John Street, Stroud GL5 2HA m: 07773692322 e: kjc72@talktalk.net www.facebook.com/jenner.clarke.3 New sustainable fashion brand, Jenner & Clarke, is made up of Sarah Jenner and Kathryn Clarke. Jenner is a textile designer fascinated by the interaction of dye with cloth. She specializes in natural dye techniques to produce an array of striking patterns on silk and cotton. Clarke is a fashion designer who creates stylish womenswear and accessories. Together, they create limited edition collections. Using natural fibres, Jenner dyes the cloth with reactive dyes using bound resist methods, layering colour and techniques to produce decorative effects while Clarke pattern-cuts and constructs styles that enhance each length of cloth. Their signature silhouettes are influenced by workwear. Do visit them in their impressive textiles studio in Stroud town centre.

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From the four clocks in the centre of Stroud, opposite the Ecotricity premises, turn left up John Street. Textile Studio is on the left in Stroud Valleys Artspace.

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Jenny Bicat


printed textiles designer guest artist at Textile Studio Textile Studio, Stroud Valleys Art Space, 4 John Street, Stroud GL5 2HA t: 01608 658676 e: jennybicat@bicat.com www.studio-seven.net www.guildcrafts.org.uk Jenny Bicat is an established textiles designer who specializes in geometric prints on silks and linen. She has worked in design and textiles for over 25 years with much experience and knowledge of both. Her prints are transformed into scarf and womenswear collections for everyday, timeless chic. Stripes, cutouts and optic illusions are recurring themes in her work. A modernist at heart, Bicat’s work is significant in the history of British textiles and design heritage. We recommend you visit her at the Textile Studio at Stroud Valleys Art Space to discover more.


From the four clocks in the centre of Stroud, opposite the Ecotricity premises, turn left up John Street. Textile Studio is on the left in Stroud Valleys Artspace.

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Helen Foot


weave, knit and textiles designer guest artist at Textile Studio Textile Studio, Stroud Valleys Art Space, 4 John Street, Stroud GL5 2HA m: 07779 255921 e: studio@helenfoot.co.uk www.helenfoot.co.uk Helen Foot is a designer who makes stunning handwoven scarves. She trained in Weave at the Royal College of Art and has since had several high profile collaborations including with London brand Dot One weaving their striking DNA coded customized fashion. Vibrant and bold colour combinations characterize Foot’s designs and with each collection she introduces new forms, patterns and colourways giving her clients a range of exciting possibilities. Classic and innovative, Foot’s collections fit a modern and stylish wardrobe. She is a Guest Artist in Liz Lippiat’s studio for this year’s trail.

From the four clocks in the centre of Stroud, opposite the Ecotricity premises, turn left up John Street.

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Textile Studio is on the left in Stroud Valleys Artspace.

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Matthew Harris


artist Uplands Cottage, 99 Slad Road, Stroud GL5 1QZ t: 01453 762539 e: mattjharris@homecall.co.uk www.matthewharriscloth.co.uk Matthew Harris is an acclaimed British artist who exhibits internationally. He works in cloth and paper to create drawings, collages and textiles by a process of collaging together sections of torn, cut and sewn fabrics and paper that he has dyed. With staining, stitching and binding he constructs work that is primarily concerned with the translation of drawn marks onto cloth. The works simultaneously have a lightness and weight and are endlessly compelling. Discover the artist’s latest works in his charming Garden Studio and add exciting artworks to your collection.


The studio is a short walk from Stroud town centre. Number 99, Uplands Cottage is on the B4070, Slad Road, five houses along from The Fountain pub on the

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left hand side. Take the path to the right of the house and go up the alley as far as the small green gate on the left. Please note car parking is limited in Slad Road.

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Marion Mitchell


ceramicist 105 Slad Road, Stroud GL5 1QZ t: 01453 752063 e: marion.mitchell6@btinternet.com Marion Mitchell is a ceramicist who makes beautiful floral bowls, sculptures and vessels. Decorative watercolours of plants and flowers inspire her collections that are simultaneously contemporary and rustic. Mitchell uses high-firing stoneware clay and glazes as she says, “the temperature gives warmth, vitality and durability to the work”. We particularly enjoy her floral-painted flat dishes that effuse a Dufy-like joy and charm. Her work is highly collectible and we recommend a visit to her Slad studio. If you visit between 2pm – 3pm each day, across both trail weekends, Mitchell will be giving demonstrations for you to witness her methods firsthand.

The studio is a short walk from Stroud town centre. Number 105 is on the B4070, Slad Road, five houses

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along from The Fountain pub on the left hand side.


alley as far as the small green gate on the left. Please

Take the path to the right of number 99 and go up the note car parking is limited in Slad Road.

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Valerie Jordan


artist Cockshoot Cottage, Sheepscombe GL67QY t: 01452 814441 e: valerie@valeriejordan.co.uk www.valeriejordan.co.uk Valerie Jordan is an artist specializing in painting and mixed media. Her work reaches an epic scale where fantastical abstract worlds reign. She combines mixed media to create embellished and surreal paintings with a nod to Chris Ofili and Odilon Redon. Her large paintings are of particular interest to collectors. If you’re looking for something smaller, we recommend you look at her canvases in oils and pencil. Do visit Jordan’s studio to discover her range of works and her new prints on glass.

From Stroud take the B4070 through Slad to Bull’s Cross; there, take the Sheepscombe Road, this road is called Longridge. Take the right off this road, just before Beech Lane, the Trail signs indicate the turn off the Longridge Road. There is a quarry and you can

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pull-in above the cottage.

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stroud select trail

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Jan Knibbs and Gemma Sangwine


womenswear and accessories designers guest artists at Atelier Atelier, 1st floor, 19a Lower Street, Stroud GL5 2HT m: 07779 255921 e: info@atelier19cheltenham.com www.atelier19cheltenham.com Jan Knibbs and Gemma Sangwine specialize in embroidery, dress-making, millinery and all things bridal. Knibbs is an awardee of the prestigious Swarovski Prize and British Bridal Awards and Hand & Lock Embroidery prizes. Together, Knibbs and Sangwine offer a full service of exquisite embellished garments, accessories and heirloom gifts. They use sustainable materials and incorporate pre-loved, vintage elements into all their designs. Discover something romantic, exquisite and special at their trail event where they are happy to discuss future projects, personal styling, weddings and much more.

Atelier is located in front of Piccadilly Mill in Lower Street. From the town centre walk up the High Street

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and continue up Nelson Street. Take the street bearing right, Castle Street that becomes Lower Street after the ‘Castle’. Atelier is on the left with the entrance in the courtyard of Piccadilly Mill.

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horsley select trail

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Noemi Gregoire


womenswear and childrenswear designer guest artist at Atelier Atelier, 1st floor, 19a Lower Street, Stroud GL5 2HT m: 0787 6643230 e: nimpyclothing@yahoo.co.uk www.nimpyclothing.wixsite.com Noemi Gregoire specializes in luxury, sustainable knitwear. Her pieces are made with pre-loved yarns and garments and Gregoire transforms these into stylish new collections. Her eponymous label Nimpy offers individual and romantic separates, ensembles and accessories. Winter collections include sumptuous, stylish knits in bold colours and summer collections offer pre-loved linens for a chic, artisanal look. Visit Gregoire at Atelier to see her latest garments that make ideal gifts for yourself and someone special.

Atelier is located in front of Piccadilly Mill in Lower Street. From the town centre walk up the High Street and continue up Nelson Street. Take the street bearing right, Castle Street that becomes Lower Street

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after the ‘Castle’. Atelier is on the left with the entrance in the courtyard of Piccadilly Mill.

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chalford select trail

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Sue Gregor


jeweller Atelier, 1st floor, 19a Lower Street, Stroud GL5 2HT guest artist at Atelier t: 0117 9803528 e: hello@suegregor.com www.suegregor.co.uk Sue Gregor creates stunning, modern, acrylic jewellery. She is master of an unique printing technique that creates fine floral patterns across the shiny sheet plastic surface. Once she has arrived at the texture and colour combinations that she desires, she moulds and polishes each sheet to create the final piece. If you love colour, light, translucency and fresh contemporary design, then you will be a big fan of Gregor’s work. Discover more at Atelier where she is a Guest Artist.

Atelier is located in front of Piccadilly Mill in Lower Street. From the town centre walk up the High Street and continue up Nelson Street. Take the street bearing right, Castle Street that becomes Lower Street after the ‘Castle’. Atelier is on the left with the entrance

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in the courtyard of Piccadilly Mill.

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Gill Hackett


papier-maché artist guest artist at Atelier Atelier, 1st floor, 19a Lower Street, Stroud GL5 2HT t: 01453 834568 e: gillian.hackett@btinternet.com www.facebook.com/gill.hacketts.pots Gill Hackett creates delightful sculptural vessels in moulded papier-maché. The work is mottled and textured and has a perfect decorative quality for interiors. We particularly like the pieces that incorporate colour, metallics and strong contrasts. Hackett is a Guest Artist at Atelier and her work is a great fit with the embellished fashion and interiors accessories that you will find there. Discover Hackett’s latest collections for your next interior styling and collecting project.

Atelier is located in front of Piccadilly Mill in Lower Street. From the town centre walk up the High Street and continue up Nelson Street. Take the street bearing right, Castle Street that becomes Lower Street after the ‘Castle’. Atelier is on the left with the entrance

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in the courtyard of Piccadilly Mill.

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Lucy Birkinshaw


linoprints and wallpaper artist 155 Horns Road, Stroud GL5 1EE m: 07957 628880 e: lucy_birkinshaw@hotmail.com www.lucybirkinshaw.com Lucy Birkinshaw creates beautiful prints of the landscapes surrounding Stroud and the Stroud Valleys. Her drawn line and choice of colours is exquisite. She works from her studio in the garden and aims to “bring the outdoors in” which is exactly what she does; “You can feel the fresh air!” Do visit Birkinshaw on the trail and discover her repeat prints that she is now creating for larger works and wallpapers. She will be giving demonstrations in her studio too so this is a perfect time to discover how to print one-off linocuts and repeat patterns. She is open to answering your questions and discussing commissions too.

Go all the way down Horns Road until you reach the Crown and Sceptre pub. Then turn left up the side of

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Daisy Bank and then immediate left again. The studio is on the right. There will be signs from the pub.

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Chris Beckett


glass artist The Old Farmhouse, Rodborough Lane, Butterow, Stroud GL5 2LH t: 01453 762657 e: ChrisB-noodle@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/chris.beckett.520 Chris Beckett is an artist who specializes in glass sculpture and decorative objects for the house and garden. We particularly like her colourful birds and seedheads that can decorate a plain wall or act as focal points in the garden. Beckett has a natural decorative style with soft colour tones and she is open to commissions. She has been busy making new pieces for the trail so do visit her in her charming studio to discover more. She has something for everyone from jewellery to garden sculptures and is host to several exciting new Guest Artists.


From Stroud take the A46 towards Nailworth. Just before the Clothiers Arms turn left up Rodborough Hill. At the Prince Albert Pub turn left onto Butterow

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West and travel along into Rodborough Lane. The Old Farmhouse is the first house on the right above a high stone wall. There is parking available for three cars.

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Rachael Thorogood


artist guest artist of Chris Beckett The Old Farmhouse, Rodborough Lane, Butterow Stroud GL5 2LH m: 01242 250197 e: rachaelthorogood@hotmail.co.uk www.thelarkascending.co.uk Rachel Thorogood is an artist who creates wire sculptures. She enjoys capturing the character and life of birds such as a walking egret or a puffin with its catch. Thorogood works from life so her pieces capture a moment, much like a photograph, of a scene observed. She sketches the birds in situ then mirrors her graphite lines back in the studio with reclaimed wire. Our favourite pieces are the ones that Thorogood combines with embroidery and soft fibres. Of particular note are her landscape paintings depicting the backdrops in which she observes her ornithological subjects. See her latest series, Flight Lines, at The Old Farmhouse where she is a Guest Artist.


From Stroud take the A46 towards Nailworth. Just before the Clothiers Arms turn left up Rodborough

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Hill. At the Prince Albert Pub turn left onto Butterow


Farmhouse is the first house on the right above a high

West and travel along into Rodborough Lane. The Old stone wall. There is parking available for three cars.

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Jackie White


ceramicist guest artist of Chris Beckett The Old Farmhouse, Rodborough Lane, Butterow Stroud GL5 2LH m: 01242 575864 e: hello@jackiewhiteceramics.com www.jackiewhiteceramics.com Jackie White is an artist who specializes in ceramics. Her striking use of humour and satire echoes folk art. Most pieces are hand-built and made in porcelain but White also enjoys earthenware, stoneware and crank. She often includes small, attractive details such as metallics when rendering zips and decorative studs. We particularly like her denim vessels, floral zip dishes and her vases which Grayson Perry may well be a fan of. Discover White’s very collectible work and see her latest sculptural pieces in Butterow where she is a Guest Artist of Chris Beckett.


From Stroud take the A46 towards Nailworth. Just before the Clothiers Arms turn left up Rodborough Hill. At the Prince Albert Pub turn left onto Butterow

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West and travel along into Rodborough Lane. The Old Farmhouse is the first house on the right above a high stone wall. There is parking available for three cars.

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Jane Fisher


artist Attic Studio, Pegasus Art Studios, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ m: 07974 257024 e: jane_fisher@btinternet.com www.janefisher.com Jane Fisher is an artist specializing in painting and drawing. Since exhibiting at the Jerwood Drawing Prize show in 2000 her work has been purchased by several collectors. Her most evocative works are her drawings where line is sparse and all-defining. We particularly enjoy her drawings of animals in interiors drawn with simple outlines and colour-block crayon details. A similar, more expressive, hand is in her recent drawings and paintings of racing cyclists that capture the movement and light of the Tour de France. Visit Fisher in her inspirational attic studio and discover the range and versatility of all her latest works.


From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand

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side. There is free parking in front of the building and in the large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints.

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Paul Fowler


artist Studio 9, Pegasus Art Studios, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ m: 07910 332245 e: fowlerlayfigures@gmail.com www.paulfowlerstudio.co.uk Paul Fowler is a portrait painter of atmospheric, ghostly scenes. Each portrait is modelled on an antique mannequin, called a lay figure, that evokes a sense of identity in the artist. Fowler collects these mysterious life-size, antique mannequins and arranges them in poses before painting an imagined scene around them. In the past, lay figures were used by royal portrait painters and these regal histories inspire Fowler’s ideas, compositions and narratives. Discover Fowler’s historic collection of lay figures and the evocative work they inspire in his studio at Griffin Mill.

From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side. There is free parking in front of the building and

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in the large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints.

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Nicola Grellier


artist Studio 7, Pegasus Art Studios, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ t: 01453 790896 e: nick@nicolagrellier.co.uk www.nicolagrellier.co.uk Nicola Grellier creates monumental drawings, paintings and collages. People, family and interiors feature on a vibrant scale giving her subjects a status beyond their years. Drawings, oil paintings and paper-cutouts mix and stir through her large-scale repertoire. All Grellier’s drawings and paintings have an epic, riotous very British atmosphere. We recommend you visit her on the trail, browse and invest in something special.


From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side. There is free parking in front of the building and in the large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints.

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Carol Honess


artist Studio 5, Pegasus Art Studios, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ t: 07917 818500 e: carriehoness7@yahoo.co.uk www.instagram.com/fern_cottage_studio/ Carol Honess is an artist who specializes in print. Her screenprints and drypoint prints of seedheads, grasses and trees are particularly evocative and subtle. Her colours are frequently shades of blue and grey lending her work an extraordinary sense of peace and tranquility. We particularly like Honess’s ceramic tiles where she has embossed dried flowers and seedheads into the wet clay and given them an indigo wash. Some of these are transformed into tokens on ribbon to wear or delicate palm-size treasures for your home. We encourage you to meet the artist and discover more in her studio.


From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side. There is free parking in front of the building and in the

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large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints.

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Kerry Phippen


artist 1st Floor, Pegasus Art Studios, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ t: 01453 886560 info@kerryphippenart.com www.kerryphippenart.com Kerry Phippen is an artist specializing in wild animals. Her range is from fine detailed acrylics to loose, evocative watercolours. Our favourites are her acrylic portraits of winter animals framed by William Morris patterns. Each animal is given a monumental scale that invites us in to study them and make them ours. Phippen’s evocative watercolours are exquisite too especially the ones that seem to hold an intimate narrative. Visit Phippen in her studio to see her latest work and discover your favourites.


From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side. There is free parking in front of the building and in the large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints.

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Teresa Poole


artist Studio 3, Pegasus Art Studios, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL52AZ m: 07800 856460 e: art@teresapoole.co.uk www.teresapoole.co.uk Teresa Poole is an artist who specializes in mural painting and canvases. Her works are large and engaging and she employs diverse techniques from gold leaf chinoiserie to wet oils on photographs. She is inspired by eastern decorative painting techniques and develops these in her own style. These make for eye-catching poetic images of landscapes and animals. Her more stylized work is so engaging that she was commissioned to paint murals for Queen Elizabeth II’s ship, the QEII. Small and large scale panels can be purchased on their own or as series. Discover more in her studio where she has recently been developing some atmospheric mixed media landscapes.


From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side.

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There is free parking in front of the building and in the large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints.

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Julie Fowler


ceramicist Clayworks, Unit 16, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ m: 07963 112767 e: clayworks@btinternet.com Julie Fowler creates exuberant, narrative-based ceramics for the table, decorative panel pieces and artworks. Focussed on food and eating, her vessels exude a rich, ornate feel resplendent with curves and curlicues. Ripe strawberries and lemons hang from the sides evoking rich summer teas, puddings and light-dappled interiors. With the return of maximalism, Fowler’s functional collections sit well in ornate and colourful interiors full of weighty grandeur, romance and kitsch. Fowler’s studio is well worth a visit and her latest frieze commissions and sculptures will be on show too.

From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side. There is free parking in front of the building and in the

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large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints. Clayworks studio is under Pegasus Art shop..

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Gloucestershire Printmaking Cooperative


printmakers gallery and studio Unit 16c, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ t: 01453 350885 e: info@gpchq.co.uk www.gpchq.co.uk The Gloucestershire Printmaking Cooperative is a communal printmaking facility housed in a converted mill in Thrupp. There is a large gallery there where you can see the latest prints of several of their members. Works by Eppie Short, Jane Henriques, Terence Millington, Beth Jenkins, Faisal Khouja, Lavinia Gallie, Jo Biggadike and several others caught our eye. All the machinery used for creating the work is available for you to see and you can ask the artists about the processes and techniques involved in their work during demonstrations that they will run over both trail weekends


From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side. There is free parking in front of the building and in the

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large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints.

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Susie Harding


artist Unit 16, Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp GL5 2AZ t: 07554 455775 e: info@susieharding.com www.susieharding.com Susie Harding is a figurative artist who works in charcoal, graphite and oils. Her depiction of animals is vital and exquisite. We particularly like her large drawings. She is skilled in atmospheric, analytic sketches that hold an enthralling narrative. She develops these characteristics in oils and presents a new series for the trail called Holy Ice that tells the story of the Legend of the Crystal Skulls. To find out more and see her full range of beautiful drawings and paintings, do visit her studio this trail.


From Stroud, follow London Road A419 to Griffin Mill Trading Estate which is located on the right hand side. There is free parking in front of the building and in the large car park to the left behind Bailey Paints. Walk up the central metal steps into the Gloucestershire

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Printmaking Cooperative, turn right when in screen print area then take the first door on right.

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Annie Hewett


potter Frogmarsh Mill, South Woodchester GL5 5ET t: 01452 741236 e: ceramics@anniehewett.co.uk www.guildcrafts.org.uk/members/annie-hewett Annie Hewett is a ceramicist who creates beautiful domestic collections of earthenware. The colours and silhouettes of Hewett’s designs are near perfect. Designed to be well-made and functional, they offer the customer classic, decorative tableware that looks chic in every interior. The collections are quintessentially British, timeless and very collectible. Decorative motifs derived from plants, numerals and letterforms cover the surfaces with simple colourways and a clear top glaze. We say Hewett’s trail stop is a must-see.

Frogmarsh Mill is on the A46 half way between Stroud and Nailsworth. Woodchester turning. Ample parking. There is a bus service from Stroud Merrywalks Bus Station 35, 63 and 63A.

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Susan Early


willow weaver Frogmarsh Mill, South Woodchester GL5 5ET m: 07791 618575 e: susanearlybaskets@gmail.com www.guildcrafts.org.uk Susan Early makes beautiful functional and decorative objects from woven English Willow. Her studio is filled with baskets, platters, back-packs, birds’ nests, birds’ feeders, garden plant supports and sculptures. Leather trim and floral flourishes decorate some pieces to create elegant and stunning products. The work is evocative and timeless as all her materials are hand-picked from her immediate environment. She trained with master basket-maker David Drew in France whilst an awardee of the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Scholarship. Today she is a member of the Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen and we encourage you to discover Early’s latest creations in the mill exhibition.

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Frogmarsh Mill is on the A46 half way between Stroud and Nailsworth. Woodchester turning. Ample parking. There is a bus service from Stroud Merrywalks Bus Station 35, 63 and 63A.

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Ursula Jeakins


stationery bookbinder Frogmarsh Mill, South Woodchester GL5 5ET t: 01452 883403 e: starsmeadbooks@gmail.com www.starsmeadbooks.co.uk Ursula Jeakins is a stationery bookbinder who specializes in making beautiful handmade notebooks, sketchbooks, gift boxes and albums. She prints her own papers for binding as well as buying in exquisite examples of printed papers from renowned names such as Eric Ravilious, Paul Nash, Edward Bawden and Elizabeth Friedlander. The products appear simple yet their attention to detail, colour, weight and feel makes them truly special and collectible. These not only make very nice gifts but everyone deserves one to write all their best thoughts and ideas in. Visit Jeakins in the mill exhibition to discover her latest designs.


Frogmarsh Mill is on the A46 half way between Stroud and Nailsworth. Woodchester turning. Ample parking.

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There is a bus service from Stroud Merrywalks Bus Station 35, 63 and 63A.

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Cleo Mussi


artist Frogmarsh Mill, South Woodchester GL5 5ET t: 01453 762539 e: mussimosaics@gmail.com www.mussimosaics.co.uk Cleo Mussi is an established artist who works with reclaimed ceramics. She creates elegant modern folk pieces that tell a story of pathos, humour and political comment. Mussi collects broken porcelain and china from all over the world and creates new stories and narratives with these in quirky, sumptuous and very collectible pieces for interiors. There is a very tangible poetry in Mussi’s work that warrants reflection and, we suggest, ownership. Discover this modern day folk artist in the mill exhibition and add to your collections.


Frogmarsh Mill is on the A46 half way between Stroud and Nailsworth. Woodchester turning. Ample parking. There is a bus service from Stroud Merrywalks Bus Station 35, 63 and 63A.

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Abbott and Ellwood


figurative sculptors and decorative jewellers guest artists of Cleo Mussi Frogmarsh Mill, South Woodchester, GL5 5ET t: 01736 798598 e: make@abbottandellwood.co.uk www.abbottandellwood.co.uk Kim Ellwood and Michael Abbott create decorative jewellery and figurative sculpture for the home. They specialize in an attractive silkscreen printed metal technique that they apply in pattern form to their metalwork. Their brooches in particular caught our eye with their soft hues and quirky, characterful figures. The duo’s work is kept in private collections across the country and they have many prestigious awards to their name. They are Guest Artists of Cleo Mussi for the trail and they bring with them delightful Cornish humour, colour and light.


Frogmarsh Mill is on the A46 half way between Stroud and Nailsworth. Woodchester turning. Ample parking. There is a bus service from Stroud Merrywalks Bus

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Station 35, 63 and 63A.

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Tessa Tyldesley


jeweller Frogmarsh Mill, South Woodchester GL5 5ET t: 01453 882647 e: tessatyldesley8@gmail.com www.tessatyldesley.co.uk Tessa Tyldesley is a jeweller who specializes in bold and modern semi-precious stones and silver pieces. Her jewellery is reminiscent of tonal painting as all her stones are arranged in harmonious palettes and blended colourways. Tyldesley trained in Fine Art and this is clear in her beautiful designs where colours and textures are well conceived and combined. Some pieces include fresh-water pearl, glass, lava and horn. Meet the artist and browse her latest collections from deep cobalt blues to mottled terracotta, there is something here for everyone.


Frogmarsh Mill is on the A46 half way between Stroud and Nailsworth. Woodchester turning. Ample parking. There is a bus service from Stroud Merrywalks Bus

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Station 35, 63 and 63A.

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Rhiannon Evans


ceramics and jewellery designer The Roundhouse, Frogmarsh Lane, South Woodchester GL5 5ES m: 07411 017933 e: 1280ceramics@gmail.com www.1280ceramics.com Rhiannon Evans creates beautiful porcelain vessels in her garden studio. The simplicity of her forms and choice of colours draw you in: deep blues, turquoise and neutrals glow and, sometimes, dark graphic effects are added too for enticing interiors’ products. Evans specializes in porcelain and also applies it to jewellery setting it in simple, handmade silver pieces. Her company called 1280°C indicates the optimum firing temperature for porcelain. Discover her latest collections in the garden studio.

From Stroud on the A46, turn off right at the second South Woodchester signpost. Turn right again and you will see The Roundhouse, opposite Frogmarsh Mill. Park opposite in the mill car park and walk across.

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Mila Harris-Mussi


artist Unit 14, Merretts Mill Industrial Centre, Bath Road, South Woodchester GL5 5EX m: 07531 334610 e: mila.harrismussi@hotmail.com www.milaharrismussi.co.uk Mila Harris-Mussi is an artist who specialises in knit and textiles to explore ideas that bridge fashion, performance and sculpture. We found her machine knitted silk textiles and garments especially beautiful; these are experimental garments that are wrapped in strands and ribbons that move around the body like giant tassels. Also of note are her naturally-dyed objets and fabrics. She has developed these recently in collaboration with her sister Rhian Harris-Mussi and artist Lola Lely for an exhibition with London design platform FranklinTill at Heimtextil Fair in Germany. We encourage you to visit Harris-Mussi in her new studio to discover more.


Head out of Stroud on A46, continue past South Woodchester/Frogmarsh Mill turning. In 100 meters

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turn left into Merretts Mill Industrial Estate, follow road to right hand side, Unit 14 is around the back.

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Tom Knowles Jackson


potter The Clay Loft, Inchbrook Mill, Gydynap Lane, Inchbrook, Nailsworth GL5 5EZ m: 07507 069566 e: tom@tkjceramics.com www.tkjceramics.com Tom Knowles Jackson is a potter who specialises in beautiful stoneware pots for the home and garden. His colours and glazes are superb. They have a rustic British weight coupled with a delicate Eastern sensibility. His work is bold, expressive, subtle and very collectible. This trail, browse his latest dishes, jugs, teapots, tea bowls, pots and ingenious artist cups in his spectacular new studio, The Clay Loft, that he set up since being a finalist on the Great Pottery Throwdown BBC TV show. Drop by for demonstrations too that he will be giving across both trail weekends. The Clay Loft is an open access ceramics studio for members, a place to learn and be inspired about all things clay.

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The studio is on the A46 on the left hand side as you travel toward from Stroud to Nailsworth. It is on the second floor of the recently renovated mill building beside Renishaw and is a ten minute walk from Frogmarsh Mill along the old railway cycle path.

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Steve Mansfield


sculptor guest artist of Tom Knowles Jackson The Clay Loft, Inchbrook Mill, Gydynap Lane, Inchbrook, Nailsworth GL5 5EZ t: 01453 872282 e: steve@steamdesign.co.uk www.thisartlark.co.uk Steve Mansfield is sculptor who creates evocative forms and birds from driftwood. Each piece is simple yet stately in its pared down form. Bleached wood grains, textured wear and fine cracks all lend his work a warm, timeless feel. With the simplest intervention, perhaps just a rusty nail or a daub of paint, his collections take on character, joy and movement. We recommend you visit him at the Clay Loft where he is a Guest Artist of potter Tom Knowles Jackson.


The studio is on the A46 on the right hand side as you travel toward Stroud from Nailsworth. It is on the second floor of the recently renovated mill building beside Renishaw and is a ten minute walk from Frogmarsh Mill along the old railway cycle path.

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Clare Bassett


printmaker and jeweller Hawthorns Cottage, Lower Littleworth, Amberley GL5 5AN m: 07740 151313 e: clarebassett@aol.com www.clarebassett.com Clare Bassett is an artist who specializes in lithography. Her work is figurative and dream-like depicting bold, statuesque figures inhabiting a personal and political space. These figures are given a monumental feeling in their acts of everyday intimacy and experience and there is a seismic energy waiting to burst forth from each. Bassett’s figures reminded us of Henry Moore and Picasso. Bassett also creates screenprints and silver jewellery. We particularly enjoy her lithographs so do visit her and discover all her new works in her beautiful studio at Hawthorns Cottage.

Hawthorns Cottage is half a mile from The Bear at Rodborough. Take the road running along the ridge below the pub. The house is on the valley side.

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From the A46 turn off the main road near Frogmarsh Mill up Culver Hill, signposted for Minchinhampton. Take first left and look for the Select Trail signs.

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Elaine Day


jeweller Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN t: 01453 834130 e: elainejuneday@me.com elainedayjewellery.co.uk Elaine Day is a jeweller specializing in gold and silver. Her pieces are inspired by the flora and fauna that she finds and enjoys around her in the Gloucestershire countryside. Her appreciation of nature is apparent in her exquisite pieces that tell charming stories of ants trailing, dandelion seeds blowing, mosquitoes landing and wild boars fleeing. Most of her pieces are one-offs sometimes incorporating precious and semi-precious stones. Day enjoys her working process and the tiny intricacies of natural phenomena that inspire her. She is a proud member of the Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen and a visit to her on the trail where she shows her new collaboration with kiln glass artist Amanda Lawrence is recommended.

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Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Katerina Gibb


upholstery and interior designer Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN t: 01285 760721 e: katerina@theupholsteress.com www.theupholsteress.com Katerina Gibb is a fine upholsterer and interiors stylist who works to commission. She brings to life old and pre-loved furniture that requires restoration. She also houses a wide range of beautiful fabrics and trimmings and will advise on all interiors’ projects. Gibb is a specialist in all the traditional upholstery techniques and has a distinguished textiles heritage where bespoke service and couture techniques have been passed down through the generations. Visit her at Victoria Works to discover her latest cushion, lampshade, furniture, fabric collections and more.

Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite

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Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Lizzie Mabley


printed textiles designer Studio 13, Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN m: 07801 784173 e: lizzie@myblueshed.co.uk www.myblueshed.co.uk Lizzie Mabley creates pretty, artisan textiles for interiors from her linocut designs. Inspired by nature and especially the sea, Mabley creates beautifully simple illustrations as linocuts and silkscreen prints these on to linens and cotton. She is developing an extensive homewares range with different colourways to suit every interior. Versatile and attractive, Mabley’s studio is well worth a visit for attractive, functional gifts that everyone will love.

Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Anna Simson


ceramicist Studio 8, Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN m: 07970 224470 e: anna@giraffe-view.com www.facebook.com/AnnaSimsonCeramics Anna Simson is a ceramicist who creates beautiful porcelain and stoneware tableware. She specializes in nature-inspired glazes and finishes. Her cups, bowls, teapots and other domestic pieces are functional and elegant and the finishes are subtle. Visit her in the studio to get some tips on throwing and hand-building ceramics techniques and browse her elegant and, sometimes, quirky artisanal wares.


Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Sarah Davis


stained glass artist guest artist of Anna Simson Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN t: 01453 890083 e: sarahdavisglass@btinternet.com www.sarahdavisglass.co.uk Sarah Davis is an artist who specializes in glass. She creates beautiful panels for interiors depicting landscapes, natural forms and animals. She employs various traditional techniques to great effect and of particular beauty is her sgraffito painted stained glass. Her animal portraits incorporating this process are stunning and evocative. Visit her at Victoria Works Studios where she is a Guest Artist of Anna Simson to browse her panels, windows and hangings and discuss future projects.


Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside

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and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Gill Hewitt


textile artist guest artist of Anna Simson Studio 21, Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN m: 07761 756688 e: gill@hewittstudios.co.uk www.gillhewitt.com Gill Hewitt creates tapestries with non-woven sheet fabrics that she manipulates by needle-felting, an intricate process that binds layers of fabric together. The results are large scale texture paintings, evocative of architectural space, light and atmosphere. Colours are inspired by the built environment and the language of geometrics, shadows and reflections. Accents of bold brights shine through evoking the cityscape. Hewitt works on diverse scales and has recently started a collection of portraits too. Her process is fascinating and unique so well worth a visit to Victoria Works where she exhibits as a Guest Artist of Anna Simson.


Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester.

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It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Samantha Silverton


ceramics artist guest artist of Anna Simson Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN t: 07841 487999 e: Silvo82@btinternet.com www.instagram.com/samanthasilverton Samantha Silverton is a ceramist who creates simple vases, bowls and vessels with freehand style, expressive painting in slip. She builds up her colours in decorative, translucent layers to create modern art on clay. Her work is fresh and collectible. She is a Guest Artist of Anna Simson and we recommend you visit her at Victoria Works Studios.


Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Helen Taylor


artist Studio 19, Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN m: 07528 857598 e: hctaylor2002@aol.com www.facebook.com/Taylored.Felt Helen Taylor is an artist who specializes in sculpting animals from wool. She uses a variety of techniques from carding to needle-felting to sculpt each form or relief picture. She dyes her local Cotswold fleeces with flowers such as Golden Rod, onion skins and indigo to produce organic yellows, rust, blues and greens. We can see that Taylor is a keen naturalist as her attention to detail and realism is exceptional. We especially like her sculpted and mounted pieces. We encourage you to go and discover Taylor’s latest creations. Her studio will be fun for all the family too.

Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite

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Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Jill Watton


ceramicist Studio 8, Victoria Works, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN m: 07891 249900 e: jillwatton@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/JillWattonCeramics Jill Watton is a potter who creates simple, beautiful tableware. Her designs are strong and stately following the modernist tenet ‘form follows function’. Watton experiments with glazes to create textured hues and soft colour-block expressions across each of her pieces. Her glazework is so free and pure that it reminds us of miniature Mark Rothko paintings. Watton creates beautiful table sets ideal for any interior and gift. Discover her latest collections in the studio.

Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Zoe Watts


precious metal jewellery and silversmith Studio 17, Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN m: 07789 930812 e: zskwatts@googlemail.com www.zoewattsdesigns.co.uk Watts is a master silversmith creating exquisite small boxes, vessels and objets for the home. In her own words, she is inspired by the “scrumptious and decadent textures” of the natural world. This leads her predominantly simple forms to take on tiny markings, blooms and moss-like details across confined areas of the precious metal. Much like an unique signature, these details lend a focal point and textural pleasure to all her works. Watts’ creations are beautiful and, as she takes on all kinds of interesting commissions as well as developing new collections, we recommend you visit her.

Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester. It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite

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Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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South Gloucestershire and Stroud College


fashion and textiles design students guest exhibitors at Victoria Works Studios Victoria Works Studios, London Road, Chalford GL6 8HN m: 07967 078679 e: lichen.daveport@sgscol.ac.uk Local design students from South Gloucestershire and Stroud College develop new works and exhibit alongside professional designers at their annual college trail event. Students will develop exciting new collections of samples, garments and drawings inspired by their recent visual research trip to Lisbon. Colours, shapes, textures and forms will have a Portuguese twist adding new depths, language and cross-cultural ideas to their designs. Fashion and Textiles Design students develop a range of skills on their courses including weaving, printing, pattern-cutting and draping. Discover the makers of the future and support them on the trail.


Victoria Works Studios is on the A419 at the junction for Chalford Vale between Stroud and Cirencester.

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It is located next to Lavender Bakehouse and opposite Halliday’s Mill. Parking is available on the roadside and in the lay-by on the Stroud side of the building.

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Lucy Birtles


potter Upper Steps, Horsley Road, Nailsworth GL6 0JW t: 01453 8366635 e: lucybirtles@googlemail.com www.lucybirtles.com Lucy Birtles is a potter who makes beautiful pots for indoors and outdoors. Her outdoor pots are monumental. Most are decorative and appear to fit into the garden landscape much like giant pebbles adding texture and form to the view. All her pots are slip decorated with blue brushwork using natural and subtle hues. We particularly like her simply decorated pots with stunning washes of slip over very simple forms. We found a few like these in the larger variety and several in the smaller indoor collections. We recommend you visit Birtles on the trail to meet her and discover the latest works.


Take the A46 to Nailsworth, turn right onto the B4048 towards Horsley, past the town hall, and then Ruskin

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Mill college, sharp right again, and it is the first house on the right, stone built with iron railing, and steps down into garden.

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MacGregor and Michael


fine leather artisans 37 Silver Street, Tetbury GL88DL t: 01666 502179 e: info@macgregorandmichael.co.uk www.macgregorandmichael.com Neil MacGregor and Valerie Michael are luxury leather goods artisans. They create exquisite leather goods for practical use and elegance. All their products are hand-made and hand-stitched to the very highest standard and they are one of the only companies of their kind in Britain. In particular, their Penny Bag, Reticule Bag and backpacks caught our eye. We highly recommend you visit them in their wonderful workshop, see their tools as well as their beautiful collections and watch demonstrations that they will be giving on both trail weekends.


Within walking distance of the centre of Tetbury on the B4014 in the Malmesbury direction, on the right at the bottom of Fox Hill. An easy walk from the Long Stay Car Park at the Rail Yard, keeping the Goods Shed on

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you left, walk along the valley to Wiltshire Bridge then turn right towards the town. We are over the bridge on the left.

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