CASE in Point
The Newsletter of the Council of American Structural Engineers
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Earthquake Damage Assessment of the Washington Monument Headlines CASE Convocation at ACEC Fall Conference On August 23rd, 2011, one of the largest earthquakes to impact the east coast occurred along a fault line approximately 84 miles southwest of Washington, DC. Two iconic structures were seriously impacted by that event: the Washington Monument and Washington National Cathedral. Members of the project team for Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, who performed the damage assessment on both structures, will be at the CASE Convocation (held in conjunction with the ACEC Fall Conference) to provide an overview of their findings and the various treatment and restoration strategies that will guide the repairs. The CASE Convocation offers a full day of sessions on Monday, October 15 dedicated to best-practice structural engineering: 10:30 am Risk Management Essentials for Structural Engineers Randy Lewis, XL Group 2:15 pm Project Risk Management Plans Stephen Cox, GHD 4:00 pm Seismic Assessment and Repair Design: Washington Monument and National Cathedral Daniel J. LeMieux & Eric Sohn, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 5:30 pm Coalition Meet and Greet Other Fall Conference Highlights include: • Rich Karlgaard, Forbes Columnist & Publisher on Challenge of Private vs. Public Growth – Central Issue of Our Time • CEO Market Outlook on Energy, Water and Transportation STRUCTURE magazine
• Ron Insana, CNBC Senior Financial Commentator, on America’s Coming Economic Boom • Stu Rothenberg, Rothenberg Political Report Editor and Publisher, on Handicapping the November Elections • CEO Roundtables • 2013 Industry Economic Update • 30 Industry Education Sessions offering 21.5 PDHs
NEW AT FALL CONFERENCE The Young Professionals Forum
NEW! The Young Professionals Forum will feature a kickoff as well as a closing session, facilitated by industry consultants. In addition, those who qualify for and are registered for the Young Professionals Forum will have access to all of the other Fall Conference sessions and events. The tentative program of Young Professionals Forum sessions includes: • Monday, October 15, 10:30 am-11:45 am Strategies for Developing Leadership and Management Skills – Panel of ACEC Senior Executive Institute graduates, facilitated by SEI faculty • Wednesday, October 17, 8:30 am-9:45 am Next Steps for the Young Professionals Forum – Workshop and small group discussion on what was valuable learning at the Conference and how future Forum meetings should be structured, facilitated by SEI faculty Register now at September 2012