Insider 95

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June 2011 Year 9. Issue 95 â‚Ź4.50 ISSN 1790-3114


The Summer planner Athens Festival guide / Zen Holidays in Pelion / A dream house on Kos / Strolling down Adrianou in Plaka / Luxury yachting / Art on Poros / Plus: Interview with US Ambassador, Daniel B. Smith / The DSK saga / Greek Power Summit PLUS: ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FOOD & WINE, NIGHTLIFE, SHOPPING, NOVELTIES, MAPS MORE insider athensAND | June 2011 1

Astir Palace Resort

At Arion, A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa and The Westin Athens in the Astir Palace Resort, the cuisine more than matches the heavenly setting.

Arion, A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa

The Westin Athens

Your stay at Arion, A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa will definitely pique your tastebuds – from the elegant surroundings of The Grill Room, enjoy exquisite Mediterranean dishes and an enviable wine list, while for lovers of Japanese cuisine, Matsuhisa Athens, Chef Nobu’s signature restaurant, offers refined dishes in a unique locale. If you’re looking for inspired cocktails, mixologist Dale de Grof works his magic at the Martini bar.

Blending tranquility with vibrancy, the Westin’s Michelin star winner Hytra continues for the fifth consecutive year in its summer incarnation as Galazia Hytra. Chef Nick Karathanos, combines high technique with simple ideas, doing justice to the Chrysso Skoufo 2010 awards for Best Taste.

And if you seek your own ‘private’ Mediterranean, book your stay at one of the secluded bungalows, where style flirts with soul in a wonderland of sandy beaches, blue-green crystal waters and breathtaking views of the Aegean.

Sofa Bar remains a favourite meeting point for all: large bay windows overlooking the sea, ambient lighting and unique music choices that create a perfect atmosphere for cocktails or a refreshing drink while Al fresco offers a taste of Italy in this lush promontory.


Astir Palace Resort, Arion, A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, The Westin Athens,, • Tel: 210 8902000, Email:

Sudha Nair-Iliades

There is a famous Chinese saying, (or curse, depending on how you look at it), ‘May you live in interesting times.’ From the Arab spring to the jasmine revolution, the indignados in Spain and the aganaktismenoi at Syntagma, rumours of upcoming general elections in Greece, a rudderless IMF and even a return to the drachma – these are interesting times indeed. As the US Ambassador to Greece, Daniel B Smith admits, he could not have asked for a more challenging time to be in the region even if he had scripted it himself. In an exclusive interview to Insider post-Osama bin Laden, the ambassador touches on President Obama’s foreign policy agenda and on creating investment opportunities in Greece. Drawing Greeks from the diaspora and opinion-makers from the media and academia, the first-ever Greek Power Summit hopes to foster an exchange of views. mould public opinion and shape global agenda. As Steve Forbes, one of the keynote speakers puts it, ‘the gathering couldn’t be more timely.’

publisher’s note Coming at a time when the IMF finds itself without a chief following Dominique Strauss Kahn’s resignation under awkward circumstances and the future of the euro seeming bleaker than ever, this is a good time as any to do some serious soul-searching. But we’re in June and even the most pessimistic pensioner or young euroskeptic could be forgiven for putting their angst on hold for a couple of months to enjoy the simple pleasures of the Greek summer. From crisis-friendly holistic holidays that do a world of good to your soul and your pocket to hedonistic, recession-proof holidays aboard luxury yachts, Greece’s repertoire of summer experiences has grown beyond the traditional fun-in-the-sun formula. Drawing tourists as well as locals alike into its charming alleys and quaint coffee shops is Adrianou street in Plaka. Renee Pappas feeds us with little nuggets of information that come from years of living in and passionately loving this vibrant street that she calls home. And as every summer, giving real cause for cheer and a sense of well-placed pride is the spectacular offering at the annual Athens Festival. It is now truly among the top ten cultural festivals worldwide - all the more remarkable considering the massive budget cuts the festival has been subject to. So enjoy the summer, apla kai halara!

Sudha Nair-Iliades

Art Director Michel Devanakis

Contributors in this Issue Penny Apostolidis, Anelia Fikiina, Maya Gaki, Tania Kollias, Nick Malkoutzis, Renee Pappas, Toula Victor

Client Relations Anelia Fikiina

Web Coordinator Eleni Setta

Art Editor Stephanie Bailey

Interns Cicily Collazo, Kevin Muratore

Photos Angelos Giotopoulos, Julia Klimi, Iosefina Svania, Costas Picadas, Marq Riley, Haris Akriviadis

Founder Steve Pantazopoulos Legal Counsel Christos Christopoulos

Web Design

Prepress, Montage and Printing Dias

Athens Insider is published monthly and its brand, logo and all editorial content is held worldwide by:

Publisher - Editor Sudha Nair-Iliades

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Athens Insider: Monthly Publication ISSN 1790-3114 Code: 6548

insider athens | June 2011


Marq Riley

Marq was born in The Netherlands, where he graduated as a theatre director from the Utrecht School of Arts. He moved to Greece in 1999, working as a music events organiser. He is now a freelance writer, and as a concert photographer covers a wide selection of festivals and shows.

Tania Kollias is an accredited journalist from Vancouver, Canada, and is based in Athens. She has worked in media for more than a decade, at a daily-turned-weekly newspaper and monthly magazine, writing guidebooks, and freelancing for the foreign press. After getting a degree (BA-SFU), she travelled through Europe, Australia and Asia, staying on in Tokyo to write feasibility studies at an engineering firm. She travels at every opportunity.

Renee Pappas

As a media and PR consultant, Renee has successfully presented her clients in international media such as CNN and the New York Times. In her chequered career in the entertainment industry, she has encountered music greats and media moguls who might find their way into a book on rock history she is currently working on. Renee moved to Greece in the early nineties and has since been actively involved in raising gala fund-raisers and contributing regularly to Athens Insider.

Aris is an independent photojournalist and has been covering the very colourful political and social life of Greece for the past two decades. He founded and runs the photo agency Photo Press News and is co-founding member of the photographer’s society, Phoebus - an organization that protects the intellectual rights of photographers. He has also participated as an artist in group and solo exhibitions in Athens,Vienna and other metropolises in Europe.

Nick Malkoutzis

Maya Gaki

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Toula studied Economics at the University of California and worked in the banking, real estate and relocation industries. She contributed regularly to Mobility magazine in the US, before moving to Athens in 2008 to pursue a Masters in Business Administration and live the Greek life.

Anelia was born and raised in Sofia and has lived and studied in Lyon, Budapest, Madrid and Glasgow before she moved to Athens in September 2010. Fluent in six languages, Anelia is passionate about international affairs and about discovering new cultures. In her spare time, she is an avid hiker.

4 insider athens | June 2011

Aris Roupinas

Deputy-editor of Kathimerini English Edition and Athens Plus, Nick moved to Greece from London in 2003 after spending part of his childhood in Athens. He has worked for the BBC and the Associated Press and jointly set up Archon Media. Nick has a passion for sports and tries to satisfy this by playing 5-a-side football every week.

A devotee of the good life and an avid traveller, Maya speaks four languages fluently. She studied political science and has been involved with the media since a very young age. She started off as a news anchor for ERT specialising in international news and then as a producer-presenter of radio broadcasts accredited to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Maya freelances for Greek and international media including Insider and Bonjour Athènes.

Toula Victor

Tania Kollias

Anelia Fikiina

contents 10 24 28

Features Athens’ annual summer fest 10 Insider reviews the must-see performances of this year’s Athens Festival From Kesariani to Poros 16 Artist Costas Papanicolaou in conversation with Penny Apostolidis on his current exhibition at Citronne Gallery Big fat Greek awards 24 An insight into the GreekAmerican ‘Oscars’ celebrating the achievements of the Greek diaspora Rebuilding Greece 26 The first-ever Greek Power Summit with world gurus from the fields of business, politics and academia engaging in an honest debate on viable solutions for Greece Diplomacy in times of change 28 Marq Riley interviews US Ambassador Daniel Bennet Smith and touches on US foreign policy, the Greek economy and the ties that bind the two nations Deep in the mire 32 Nick Malkoutzis compares the

Departments predicament that the former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn finds himself in with Greece’s economic destiny and the question mark looming over the euro’s future

Arts and Events 4

Getting street-smart on Adrianou Renee Pappas takes Insider’s readers for a stroll in her neighbourhood and gives personal tips and precious nuggets of information

Talking Point 32 34

Diplomacy 28

Agora 52 Restaurant review 54 Restaurant Index 58

Kos-tal paradise 40 Maya Gaki is mesmerised by a breathtaking seaside property on the island of Kos Zen holidays Tania Kollias recounts her experience of green, holistic holidays in Pelion

Fast Lane 22

Area-wise listings 60 Kaleidoscope 80


Luxury on the waves 50 A different type of holiday on board the luxury yacht Almyra Mani Mania 54 Gastronomic pleasures from the Mani region blending sophistication and simplicity at the foothills of the Acropolis

34 40 46 80 Cover picture: Created by Rodanthi Senduka, Creative director of Red Design Consultants on her ipad. The cover image morphs into a moving image in electronic media

insider athens | June 2011


Arts & events


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0204 04


Bernier Eliades Gallery

Artis Causa gallery


Hellenic American Union

Drog A Tek / the Erasers We lost control: 72 mistakes in real time In the context of the Athens Festival 2011 The Drog A Tek and Erasers appear together at the Bernier Eliades Gallery and convert the space into a vibrant and constantly evolving visualaudio studio. Every evening from 20:00-24:00 the studio brings to life a different combination of performance DJ sets, video projections, concerts, prints, digital media and editing in real time.

A.R. Penck solo exhibition His sculptures, though less familiar, evoke the same primitive themes as his paintings and drawings and use common everyday materials such as wood, bottles, cardboard boxes, tin cans, masking tape, tinfoil, wire - crudely painted and assembled. Despite the anti-art aesthetic the rough and ready quality of their construction, they have the same symbolic, archetypal anthropomorphic forms as his flat symbolic paintings. The paintings are influenced by Paul Klee’s work and mix the flatness of Egyptian or Mayan writing with the crudity of the late black paintings by Jackson Pollock.

Michalis Voulgaris: The Dream of the Rhinoceros and other fairy tales 1 Artist Michael Voulgaris present works made using a diversity of patterns of abstract expressionism of Japanese art and mystical symbolism. Dreamscapes with real and imaginary animals in black and white background make images represent a modern ecological grim reality and invite the visitors to envision a different world.

My Revolution Diaries 2 For eighteen days the world watched the unprecedented events in the history of Egypt as protests led to the downfall of the thirty-year regime. The strong will, determination and hope for change gave the demonstrators impulse for artistic creation. The exhibition, held in association with the Arts Center of the Library of Alexandria, will be shown for the first time outside of Egypt and includes photographs taken before, during and after the demonstrations in Egypt. Forty-three young Egyptian artists capture the history of their country and show it as experienced by them.




6 insider athens | June 2011


05 june




On the town For location details see listings p70



18 09

19 16

until until

until until

june april

SIAKOS.HANAPPE House of Art The Burrow, group show Starting from the premise that any form of architecture or space is created out of a need for protection, we look into the increasingly complicated relationship between manmade space and the natural environment. If Kafka’s story from which the title is taken tells us that fear is an inner emotion from which we cannot escape then the recent events in Japan definitely confirm our vulnerability.The artists in the exhibition work extensively with the ideas of space be it private, urban, or public, the sociological implications of architecture, the manipulation of landscape, and the disappearance of authentic experience.


june april

Elika Gallery

Herakleidon Museum

Dimitris Merantzas: Unknown heroes Famous heroes 3 Elika Gallery shows the latest works of Dimitris Merantzas. Damaged guns that have been violently deformed, posing as casualties of war. The heroes did not return back. Some of them are unknown, they stayed unburied under the possible redemptive sunlight. Others, famous, rested with values lying in the burial ground. Two Olympic podiums complete the installation by giving an ironic dimension to the success and the joy of victory.

Carol Wax «Dance of shadows» 4 This exhibition includes 100 tabletop creations of contemporary New Yorker artist Carol Wax. The source of inspiration for these works are old sewing machines, typewriters, electric fans, toys, instruments, cameras, projectors, textile products and other pieces collected by the artist. The coexistence of these items at home and studio and their continued study from different angles, leads to new, creative ways of reading old issues. Usual items seem unusual and common objects reveal magical and symbolic associations, reflecting and affecting the soul.




B. & M. Theocharakis Foundation fir the Fine Arts and Music The Forbidden City of Jiang Guofang 5 The B. & M. Theocharakis Foundation presents 26 large scale paintings of the distinguished painter and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing Jiang Guofang. The artist has focused on creating a series of works on the famous Forbidden City in Beijing, the largest and best preserved cluster of ancient buildings in China, a place which was forbidden for ordinary citizens for over 600 years. The Forbidden City was the imperial palace of 24 emperors from the early days of the dynasty of Ming, 15th century, until the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911.

insider athens | June 2011


Arts & events




2022 22


Six d.o.g.s.

Water Plazza, Faliro

El Estudio Ammeba

Gis theatre, Thessaloniki

Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival The second edition of the Short Film Festival takes place this year in Athens and will present 37 videos from young filmmakers from Southeast Europe, Ukraine, South Korea and USA. This year’s competition will tackle the topical subject of crises, and aspiring artists were invited to address the question of “Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Crisis?” Mr. Konstantinos Rigos, a highly appreciated Greek director, has accepted to preside on the jury for the second time. The other members of the jury, all promising young artists from the region, are:Violana Murataj from Albania, Alex Iures from Romania and Milica Denic from Serbia.

Ejekt Festival: Amy Winehouse 6 Amy Winehouse will be performing for the first time in Greece thanks to the Ejekt Festival. She is the only artist who has occupied so much public and media space, both with her incredible talent, and with her personal antics. Amy Winehouse’s influence in the music industry is so powerful that the term «phenomenon Winehouse» was coined to describe how her success has paved the way for the resurgence of British music on the world stage.

José Piñar: ’’ Side B’ Rarities’’ In B-sides and Rarities, José Piñar’s first solo exhibition in Athens, the artist presents a series of drawings made of acrylic, watercolor and ink on paper, titled generically as Download, accompanied by four videos. The paintings are recent, and the video has been produced and its soundtrack recorded especially for this occasion. With this new exhibition José Piñar shows a very personal world, until now virtually unheard of. He has done these works as an artist who explores with other tools in reality. Somehow, these «rarities» reveal the enormous creativity of the artist and the superb quality of his work.

Ejekt Festival: Moby 7 Ejekt festival brings this year to Greek music-lovers another world class star, Moby. Moby is one of the artists Greeks «grew up» with in 90s and the 00s and he remains a favourite with for the Greek public who loved him even before he acquired a following in Britain and the USA.




8 insider athens | June 2011


23 june

23 june

On the town




june gallery Melita Couta: Before leaving this kingdom let me tell you something which I had forgotten 8 This first solo exhibition of Cyprian artist Melita Couta is being realised as part of the collaboration with the Centre of Contemporary Art Diatopos, Cyprus. In her new work Melita Couta, proposes a series of topographical surveys of unknown lands and cities, mixing perfectly penciled lines, controlled ink blotches, subtle collages and superimpositions of translucent papers in a universe strictly confined to white, black and grey scale. Unpredictable streams of ink cross areas meticulously dotted with obsessive details.








Eleni Marneri Creative Gallery Min Association: exhibition of art jewelry 9 Maaike Ebbinge, Iris Tsante and Noemie Doge are three European artists who studied together at the Academy of Fine Arts, Gerrit Rietveld in Amsterdam and create art jewelry for women. In 2009 they created the MIN Association, which they define as a platform to share their concerns, be inspired by each other and act together, even if they do not always live in the same country. In 2010 they organized in Amsterdam the B-Side Festival, a festival of avant-garde art jewelry which was attended by 38 artists.The Eleni Marneri gallery will present their recent creations.


Fizz Gallery

Onassis Cultural Center

Nikolas Eugenios: We are 10 Fizz gallery presents Nikolas Eugenios’ solo exhibition of sculptures. The artist shows works expressing a unity of the sculptures of iron consisting of anthropomorphic rings. The first one entitled Where is the drive, the condition. The next eleven sculptures represent different types of human relations and the thirteenth, the Chain brings all of them to a completed project. The iron sculptures have no rust, no history, no sense. They are colour in gray so the look all the same, as a comment to interpersonal conservatism.

Polyglossia The dictionary definition of the Greek word polyglossia is (1) the existence, use and knowledge of many languages, and (2) the expression of multiple views simultaneously or sequentially. It is also the starting point and ideal title of this group exhibition featuring the work of artists of Greek descent who were born or live and work outside of Greece. The exhibition covers different generations and a variety of different media from Lynda Benglis, Takis, Jannis Kounnelis, Kalliopi Lemou, Christina Dimitriadis, Chryssa and many others.

insider athens | June 2011


Arts & events




30 july



31 july

The Breeder Gallery

Benaki Museum

Looking forward – group exhibition 9 The Breeder presents six young Greek artists. Dafni Barbageorgopoulou’s sculptures explore the interrelationship of poetry with mathematics.Vassilis H’s installations combine sculpture with painting and photography. HOPE, a street artist who stood out with his interventions on the streets of Athens. Maria Kachramanoglou’s work with religious, historical and personal references.Yorgos Stamkopoulos uses airbrush to create paintings that stand out for the fluorescent coloration. Catherine Vafias’s photographic approach transcends the conventional representation with a kaleidoscopic surreal dimension.

Arrrgh!! Monsters in Fashion 10, 11, 12 The exhibition, organised by the French Institute and Atopos, explores the growing influence of Contemporary Character Design within the field of Fashion through the experimental creations by emerging and established fashion designers.Whether human or supernatural, real or mythical, zoomorphic or even abstract, the designers’ outstanding creations provide renewed views on fashion and redefine our perceptions on visual culture. Participating artists & designers include Walter van Beirendonck, Alexander McQueen, John Galliano, Issey Miyake, Cassette Playa, Charlie Le Mindu, Christophe Coppens, Andrea Ayala Closa, Lucy & Bart and others.,

10 insider athens | June 2011


Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art Damien Hirst: New Religion The exhibition is Damien Hirst’s first solo presentation in Greece and offers the opportunity of coming into contact with the work of the most famous of the generation of the Young British Artists or YBAs. «New Religion» comprises silkscreen prints, sculptures, constructions and paintings to complete a total installation which references the atmosphere of a chapel. Making use of religious imagery, titles and associations, and denaturing them through art, in a cold and clinical environment, the artist bridges the theoretical gap between science and religion, rephrasing questions regarding the way the two are perceived.

Frissiras Museum Black&White Nowadays, when painting seems to consist mostly of colour, graphic design, and illustration, and its aesthetics have penetrated the collective visual subconsciousness, organizing an exhibition like ‘Black and White’ which emphasizes on visual economy, artistic self control and expressional nudity, seems an extremely risky, almost utopic gesture. However, a closer look is enough to justify the noble ambitions that underlie this seemingly out-ofplace-and-time venture; faith in the power of an alternative, but at the same time primal visual expression, which eludes the fascinations of colour thanks to the dynamic simplicity of form and the allure of the essential.

On the town





a ug us t

National Gallery Tribute to Yannis Moralis 13 A year after the death of the great artist the National Gallery pays a tribute to Yannis Moralis through a meaningful overview of the donation of 113 works made by the artist himself. Six productive decades, from 1930 to the mid-1980s are represented in the art works - paintings, drawings and engravings. Committed to figurative painting and a lover of moderation,Yannis Moralis assimilated in his own way the lessons of modernism, combining the exciting developments of modernism with a contemporary reading of tradition; the successor of the Generation of the Thirties, the artist is indeed a true 20th-century classic.



s e p te mb e r

EMST National Museum of Contemporary Art Apostolos Georgiou, Solo exhibition The paintings of Apostolos Georgiou, one of the greatest Greek artists of the so-called generation of the 80s, are anthropocentric and narrative, drawing its subjects from everyday life. Family feuds, personal anxieties and deadlocks are rendered with subtle humor, sarcasm and tenderness, highlighting the existential nature of the work of Apostolos and his basic concerns about identity, gender and human relations.





31 october

Museum of Cycladic Art

Museum of Cycladic Art

The Last Grand Tour 14 The Museum of Cycladic Art presents for the first time the works of internationally renowned artists who have lived and worked in Greece during the 20th century. Looking at Greece as a source of inspiration over the last seventy years, the works included reflect the different ways in which the country’s long cultural history and geography continue to be a source of artistic innovation. The exhibition highlights the striking discrepancy in contemporary culture that has apparently witnessed the end of the traditional «Grand Tour» so closely associated with Byron and his fellow Romantic artists. The curator of the exhibition is Jessica Morgan of Tate Modern.

DESTE Prize 2011-04-14 The six shortlisted artists Alexandra Bahzetsi, Anastasia Douka, Irini Miga, Eytixis Patsourakis, Theodoros Stamatoyannis, Jannis Varelas – for the DESTE Prize 2011 will show their work in an exhibition that, for the second time, will be presented in the spaces of the Museum of Cycladic Art. The DESTE Prize was established in 1999 and is awarded every two years to a Greek artist living in Greece or abroad. The Prize aims to showcase the work of a new and emerging generation of artists and it is an integral part of the Foundation’s policy for supporting and promoting contemporary art in Greece.

insider athens | June 2011


The Athens Festival, yet again, boasts a spectacular programme of music, theatre, dance and visual arts and juxtaposes highprofile productions with emerging and experimental works. Insider rounds up this summer’s performances and exhibitions and picks up the must-sees in the different categories

June 10 - 12 and June 15 - 19 Metropolitan Expo, Exhibition Centre Ariane Mnouchkine: The Castaways of the Fol Espoir (Sunrises) To cope with our harsh contemporary reality, Ariane Mnouchkine believes that only truly political theatre can bring back enthusiasm, hope and light to humanity.On the eve of World War I, a silent film crew is shooting a story inspired by one of Jules Verne’s novels (The survivors of the “Jonathan”), in which the heroes, shipwrecked in Patagonia, innocently narrate their tales as the snow flakes drift around them. One of the most important personalities of world theatre, Ariane Mnouchkine created the legendary Théâtre du Soleil in Paris over fifty years ago, where she lives and creates with her actors and collaborators. It was in the setting of this commune that the Castaways of the Fol Espoir was created, which, like the other two plays of hers which audiences in Greece had the opportunity to enjoy at the Athens Festival, is characterised by lavish stage sets and an exceptionally large cast.

June 20 - 22 Peiraios 260 (Stage E’) Theatrical Monologues - Elena Penga: Narcissus Elena Penga is a playwright and a director. She combines both these skills in her new project, which is inspired by the myth of Narcissus. Identifying narcissism as one of the fundamental characteristics of contemporary culture, she reappraises the myth and calls upon the auteur, performer and actor Angelos Papadimitriou to play Narcissus, surrounded by a troupe of twenty naked male volunteers.

Athens Festival June 26 - July 7 Onassis Cultural Centre Krzysztof Warlikowski: (A)pollonia The Polish director Krzysztof Warlikowski will be in Greece for the third time. With his new play he engages the concept of sacrifice through three female characters: Iphigenia, Alcestis and Apollonia Machczynska, a Polish woman who lost her life in her attempt to save twenty five Polish Jews during World War II. In (A)pollonia the director himself becomes the author, creating a collage of texts, images, stage-set traditions and techniques, historical questions, faces and myths, of immense proportions. The subject of the Holocaust which permeates the entire play, is approached both from the angle of the victim and of the perpetrator. The performance is confessional in tone, and the complex oversize projections follow closely the action of the actors, with the operatic composition pivotal throughout.

July 7 - 9

Peiraios 260 (Stage H’) Kolyada Theatre: Hamlet Nikolai Kolyada, the multi talented artist who is considered one of the defining personalities of modern Russian theatre, arrives in Greece to direct, expound and deconstruct Shakespeare’s Hamlet. A performance which has been described as exceptionally challenging, it has featured in international festivals and has attracted the praise of critics and audiences alike. Kolyada’s dynamic company, which is based in Yekaterinsburg in central Russia, has even confronted the Mafia in order to defend their theatre. Kolyada himself, who has a presence of over thirty years in theatre as an actor, writer and director, succeeds through Hamlet to create very intense images with sparse means, in a spectacle which in the end, resembles a paganistic feast.

July 16 - 18 Peiraios 260 (Stage D’) THOC Experimental Stage: A little more On the threshold between life and death, thirteen characters meet in a “hall of wishes”, in an attempt to gain some time for their unfulfilled desires. Both collectively and individually, they try to reclaim the right to fulfil their desires, through a new language.A theatre-dance performance which stands apart from the conventional rules of storytelling, and where the memory of the body reigns, together with shards of speech and motion.

insider athens | June 2011


June 11 - 12 Peiraios 260 (Stage E’) Elpida Orfanidou: Parrots on the Seabed Elpida Orfanidou will be performing for the first time in Greece with her solo piece Parrots on the Seabed.With a dose of surrealism, which is reflected in the title, she transmits to the audience her experiences from the adventures in the world of motion, in a performance in which she uses her voice and facial expressions eloquently.

June 17 - 19 Peiraios 260 (STAGE H’) Zeynep Tanbay Dans Projesi: Araz An important presence in the contemporary independent dance scene in Turkey, Zeynep Tanbay performs in Greece for the first time. She will present her latest work Araz, which means “symptom”. With a career with some of the most prominent dance groups, such as M. Graham, A. Ailey and P.Taylor,Tanbay holds centre stage in the landscape of Turkish choreography. Araz, which focuses on clear motion, is a composition of fourteen selfstanding parts, with the choreography interchanging between solo and group arrangements. It is the third production of the Zeynep Tanbay Dans Projesi since it foundation in 2005 and it constitutes an encounter of dance with the music of Philip Glass,Yann Tiersen, Burhan Ocal, Mercan Dede and Baba Zula.

June 22 - 23: May B June 27 - 29: Salves Peiraios 260 (Stage D’) Compagnie Maguy Marin The Athens Festival will once again be hosting Maguy Marin, the French choreographer who for thirty years has been forging history with her irrepressible creativity.With her performances at Peiraios 260, she will present for the first time in Greece, both May B (1981), choreographed from the paradoxes of life and inspired by Beckett’s universe - a piece which established her internationally- and her most recent work, Salves (2010), tangible proof of the need to “organize pessimism” as Walter Benjamin said.

June 25 - 26

14 insider athens | June 2011

Athens Festival

Peiraios 260 (Stage E’) Persa Stamatopoulou Contemporary Dance Company: Look at Me Three different generations of contemporary Greek dance meet in the Look at Me duet. Choreographer Persa Stamatopoulou, in collaboration with the dancers Markella Manoliadi and Giorgos Kotsifakis cosign this work, which focuses on the adventures of the gaze.

June 3, 6, 8 Peiraios 260 (Stage H’)

July 3 - 5 Peiraios 260 (Stage D’) The Forsythe Company: Yes we can’t Once again in 2011 the Athens Festival returns to the major American choreographer William Forsythe (born 1949 in New York), together with the dancers of The Forsythe Company, and their performance Yes we can’t, which is inspired by Beckett’s universe.Today, at the age of sixty, Forsythe has a small and versatile group, The Forsythe Company, whilst he continues to create with digital media, new technologies and video, in a completely different vocabulary. Such a breadth of creative aspiration is in accordance with his basic belief that “his choreographic universe can encompass everything”. In Yes we can’t we are called upon to discover his theatrical sharpness, as he draws from Beckett’s the simple and elliptical language. A language to which, through sometimes persistent repetition, he gives rhythm.

A tribute to Iannis Xenakis June 3: Arditti Quartet, Soloist Stefanos Thomopoulos piano June 6: London Sinfonietta, Conductor Ryan Wigglesworth June 8: Ergon Ensemble, Conductor: Nikos Tsouchlos The Athens Festival honours the memory of Iannis Xenakis, the leading Greek composer who left a mark on the second half of the 20th century with his work. A multifaceted personality of international standing and radiance, the architect, mathematician and foremost the thinker Iannis Xenakis became known around the world as the composer who first introduced scientific thought to the process of musical composition. Marking a decade from his death, three important musical ensembles which specialise in contemporary music will revisit his work, which nowadays constantly resurfaces on the international forefront. The tribute includes concerts by the frequently awarded Arditti Quartet (June 3), the famous London Sinfonietta conducted by of the young Ryan Wigglesworth (June 6) and a musical performance by the upcoming Ergon Ensemble conducted by Nikos Tsouchlos (June 8).

insider athens | June 2011


June 12

June 17

Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Herodeion)


Thessaloniki State Orchestra: A tribute to Franz Liszt Conductor Alexandre Myrat - Soloist Cyprien Katsaris piano

World Sounds: Tunisia - Egypt: A musical awakening

Μarking the bicentenary anniversary of the birth of Franz Liszt, the Thessaloniki State Orchestra, in a distinctly romantic mood, devotes its concert to the Hungarian composer with works by Liszt, Schubert and Brahms. The conductor Myron Michailidis, was until recently director, and as of the new season is musical director of the ELS. Cyprien Katsaris, the Greek-Cypriot pianist internationally recognised for his virtuosity, is the soloist.

The concert is dedicated to the sounds and the musicians that participated from the first instant in the “Jasmine Revolution”, as the youth named the uprising which started in Tunisia and spread through the Arab world. Featuring: Lamia Bedioui (Tunisia), the Orchestre Med Fusion (Tunisia) who through their musical collection “The Jasmine Revolution” actively contributed to the awakening of the youth in their country and the El Tanbura (Egypt) who actually played for the protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo.

June 26 Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Herodeion) Philharmonic Orchestra of La Scala di Milano: A tribute to Gustav Mahler Conductor Semyon Bychkov - Soloist Joshua Bell violin The Athens Festival honours the memory of the great Austrian composer Gustav Mahler, who with his work marked the passage from Romanti-

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cism to Modernism. The tribute begins with a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Scala of Milan, which returns to the Herodeion, this time under the baton of Russian master musician Semyon Bychkov. The programme includes the popular romantic Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.1 in G minor by Max Bruch, with the Grammy awarded soloist Joshua Bell and the Symphony No. 6 in A minor, also known as the “Tragic”, by Gustav Mahler.

Athens Festival July 6 Onassis Foundation Cultural Centre The Coronation of Poppea Opera in three acts. Libretto: Giovanni Francesco Busenello In presenting a performance of Claudio Monteverdi’s The Coronation of Poppea (1642), Markellos Chrysikopoulos and Apostolia Papadamaki promise a challenging rendering of a formidable libretto. In the composer’s magnus opus, evil finally triumphantly prevails. Important performers from abroad as well as prominent Greek artists of the classical repertoire, will play the fourteen leading roles of the opera. “My Coronation of Poppea is set in a modern spa, at a bath where the bodies of the singers, half-naked and lustful, pulsate with emotion to the music of Monteverdi” notes A. Papadimaki.

June 16-17 - June 19-20 Piraeus Port (June 16-17), Hydra, Mandraki (June 19-20) Doug Aitken : Black Mirror Black Mirror, the new video-performance by the American visual artist Doug Aitken, is presented for the first time in Greece, in a collaboration of the DESTE Foundation with the Athens Festival. In the format of a video projection and a play which unfold simultaneously on a ship, Black Mirror is, according to Aitken himself, a simple allegory on the dark aspects of peoples’ lives’ in the beginning of the 21st century.“...a parallel world where the globalised market, the influence of digital culture and the dependence on mass media, in synergy with the daily lives of diverse people around the globe, create a fragile reality, in which everything moves with lightning speed and nothing is what it appears to be...” Another part of the project is the exhibition presented by the DESTE Institute for Contemporary Art on the island of Hydra at Hydra’s Slaughterhouse between June 20 and September 25.

June 1 - July 20 Peiraios 260 Aernout Mik: Pulverous The best way to describe Mik’s contribution to the layout and the coordination of the groups which make up his installations and videos, is to liken it to the work of a director. He hires actors, puts them in shifts, pays them by the hour and gives them a list of instructions. In short he conceals himself behind the overall tendency of the spectacle, which is frequently linked to the directorial perspective of a performance. Mik coordinates individuals as if they were labourers or traders, he organises them as if he was a foreman on a construction sight. Even better, he artistically sets up a prformance of deconstruction. Pulverous (2003), explores the extremes of a languid and dexterous destruction. It all looks like a stock taking which has literally slid out of control. Following the motion of the camera, we observe people sitting with their legs spread out, like children on the sand, destroying meticulously packed foodstuff. It is a sort of game with no pleasure. Ignoring moral judgements about waste, and focusing on the abuse of food, the contributors of this spectacle of deconstruction get absorbed in the release of energy as an end in itself.

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Costas Papanicolaou in conversation with Penny Apostolidis on life influencing art and his current exhibition at Citronne Gallery in Poros

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Left page: Meander, egg tempera on marine plywood 60 x 64cm, 2000 Right page from left: Artist Costas Papanicolaou The Citronne Gallery in Poros


ostas Papanicolaou’s work in the exhibition “From Kesariani to Poros” at the Citronne Gallery, explores his everyday life, his environment, his life context, his experienced outdoors space. He draws the spectator into an invented realm of meaning related to everyday reality, the outcome of intense observation and the most intimate impression of nature and life surrounding the artist. Papanicolaou’s paintings are characterized by an austere beauty of form, space, and especially light that transforms the dullest scene into a harmonious construction of lines, planes and spaces. He is a superb colourist; through the subtle variation of tonality and interplay of hues of blue, green, and ochre, he captures the moment, through light, the season and the site. As the artist says, “Of all things the toughest is to take something that is very familiar and habitual, as is the view of Poros from Galatas with a boat full of passengers ready to cross over to the other side. I tried a different approach. I painted the sky yellow, when it is never yellow. I gave to the sea a color it very rarely has, dark blue and painted it like macaroni. Otherwise it would have turned out trivial...In this painting the sea is red because it is an afternoon sea; the boat and the passengers are rudimentary...” Papanicolaou’s personal rendering is unique in its presentation of the everyday reality of contemporary Greek public life. Urban and natural landscapes, genre and architectural subjects compose a dialog that aims to map and narrate geographically and culturally the journey that Costas Papanicolaou frequently takes from his urban basis in Kesariani,Athens, to his escape destination in Galatas on the Peloponnesian coast, across the island of Poros.

Then, when I came and saw the actual site I was, like, stunned! I’ve used a lot of red as background to the shadows of the trees because the red base sharpens and brightens the gray of the shadow.” As Maleas did, over a century ago, so does Papanicolaou paint the sea, the hills, the clouds, the landscapes of Poros and the mainland with a tendency towards abstraction, responding emotionally to what he sees and building his colours with clarity and precision. He confronts the physical scene with complete directness, translates the shapes and tones into an engaging visual language which is simple without simplifying. As in Maleas, who was also an architect, the same robust and clear compositions are evident in Papanicolaou’s work. His landscape paintings recompose the scene in sequences of planes and in textures and shades of colours that strive to achieve volume, mass and structure (of which Maleas was such a master). Papanicolaou is well aware of the traps in depicting landscapes. “I am attracted by beautiful scenes, the countryside,the sea. But a painter must be wary of the postcard effect... how do you translate your subject into purely painterly values? I want to adapt my technique to what is out there. To go out and meet the physical landscape. Not to subject the landscape to my own fixed and established viewpoint, like Volanakis and Vyzantios. Their landscape paintings were as related to their actual physical theme as was their studio in Munich to the Greek countryside. But painters like Papaloukas, Maleas, Lytras, painted landscapes with lucid colors, good structure and clear layers.”

Costas Papanicolaou is possibly a contemporary Maleas in his landscape paintings, a Greek Leonardo Cremonini in his geometric staging of urban space and of the people moving within it, while in the apparently simple and straightforward narratives of his canvases, he remains elusive and reticent.

In his more recent work, Papanicolaou appears to be shifting towards a more abstract rendering of his subject and towards a more dynamic use of color tensions and volumes.The sky, for example of the Fuga, the hill with the olive trees, the red sea of Poros, such stylistic distancing from the actual, give to his work a timelessness, placing it somewhere between figuration and evocation.

“I call this piece a Fugue because the olive trees on the hill are like notes on a pentagram following the same musical score. The notation repeats itself from one consecutive tree to the next. Before I ever came to Poros I had a dream of this landscape. It was the same hill, the same olive trees. And there was harmony, counterpoint and musical repetition.

People, in Papanicolaou’s paintings, usually, take center stage. They move within an urban setting, whether it is a street in Kessariani, the balcony of a lay apartment block, or whether it is a bank and the people are waiting, seated or standing in a queue, or on a boat, en route to or from Poros, idly looking out, looking in, looking at each other, chatting or just day dreaming...

Conversation with Papanicolaou

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From Left: Lemon tree, egg tempera on plywood 45 x 49cm, 2010 Lemon tree (detail)

Papanicolaou is a figurative artist in the same way as Cremonini. He paints city people. His people are in motion, they walk down the streets of Athens, they come out of Metro stations, or descend into them, they climb up to the upper decks of a boat and cross others going down, they carry boxes on their way to some business, or they are idle, sitting at a café. Structural elements like railings, bars, poles, levels and planes, staircases and shadows, perform a dialectical counterpoint of in/out, below/above, in motion/ still and create the scaffolding upon which his people move about. The composition is organized, geometric. It is impossible not to bring Cremonini’s work to mind. It has the same framing, the same staging of space within which people enact a story. Horizontal and vertical elements like the railing on a deck, the sun screen, the deck chairs, poles, pipes or textured surfaces like a grid or a mesh, metal supports, the backs of deck chairs are particularly striking stylistic elements in Cremonini’s pictures. “I set off from my home in Athens, walk down the main street to the metro station, on my way to the harbor. I’m interested in opposites, in/ out, up/down/ in front of (shows an obstacle, a tree or a pole, interrupting and fragmenting a figure), behind. In the tube people go up, down. On the boat to Poros people sit indoors, outdoors. The arrangement of colors is vital. Most of the time I prefer to highlight color and its textures rather than people or a seascape.” Already in his description Papanicolaou frames the scene so that a story unfolds. All his paintings, including his landscapes, tell a story. At the same time they are strung on a dialectic harmony that he describes in musical terms: “In people I grasp a certain feeling which fascinates me. As I watch them I can feel their emotions. I then work on organizing the scene. I want it to be like music in color. The whites and blacks raise and lower the volume, the tension.” Along the country road in Galata a funeral procession is under way. Beside the road, on a sandy beach, a few bathers have idly turned round to observe the slow procession; an electricity pole juts vertically, interrupting the horizontal lines of road, procession, beach, sea. Further down

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along the coastal road, beyond the village cemetery, a small fire is raging and further on, a fire engine is parked. On the right side, a summer house, a 1960’s, ugly, multistory concrete ‘villa’ is integrated and harmonized with the scene. Papanicolaou accepts it without denigration...This painting has a narrative that unfolds literally at the painter’s feet, as he watches the scene from his balcony.This very same painting he,“... would like to do once again, in a more painterly manner, less figurative. To organize it along repeated color motifs and to isolate and reconnect its sequence of planes so that it doesn’t appear as mere representation.” It is possible that the narrative element will yield to more abstract visual renderings. Papanicolaou expresses such an intention. In describing his painting of a pack of gulls flying about a fishing boat by the Poros lighthouse he is preoccupied by form: “I call this painting Kimono because the seagulls are like those patterns on a kimono. The sea and the edge of Poros are deliberately sketchy because I was concentrating on the birds. Seagulls fly in amazing circular formations. There is a cyclical tension in their flight.” But in most of his work it is the narrative element that charms us; we want to find out more about the women and men that we see, what has preceded the scene and what will follow. On the decks of the boats traveling to Poros, or to Tinos, passengers lean against the railing and stare out at sea. One passenger is looking at a girl. The girl is leaning out and the wind has caught her hair and sent it flying on a horizontal plane. In one corner, behind a port hole a girl sits at the canteen with her friends. As in Cremonini, Papanicolaou’s works enact stories which engage the spectator. Papanicolaou’s humanity comes and goes in a routine of active engagement. Relaxation seems more like a pause from work. The men and women appear uncomplicated, genuine and likeable and their elusiveness and reticence is not the dark secret that we can only intuit in Cremonini’s work. It is because Papanicolaou has disinvested them of their individuality, psychological depth and accountability. He is not judgmental. He integrates them in the scene and makes them, first beautiful, then emblematic. i

Special promotion

The world’s most famous cat, Garfield, once said the best things in life are hard to gift-wrap. But in the critical business of receiving and offering gifts, have you noticed all the difference an embroidered ribbon, a classy bag or a magnificent box makes? It conveys a sense of luxury and heightens the anticipation of what it envelopes - adding to the allure and mystique of something truly luxurious within. Welcome to the world of luxury wrapping.


hen the top three leaders in luxury packaging worldwide, Sin-Rejac, Procos , and Cole decided to join forces to create Global Ribbon Group in order to prospect, present and sell fine selected packaging products tailor-made to the luxury customer’s needs, they brought on board their individual specializations in the packaging industry. Sin-Rejac specializes in relief printed ribbons typically for the watch and jewellery industry, luxury hotels, wine and spirits industry and of course, the worlds of fashion and cosmetics. Almost every well-known company uses Sin-Rejac ribbons for packaging including Hermès. Procos GMBh is the leader in luxury carrier bags made of every conceivable kind of material from cast-coated paper to hand-made paper and clients include Calvin Klein amongst others. Cole Fabrics Plc. specializes in ribbons and accessories for the garment industry. Says Pierre-Yves Hurfin of Sin-Rejac, “We cater to the most prestigious brands. Our know-how is in perpetual evolution and we’re constantly in search of new processes to improve our quality. Our association, since 2003 with the Global Ribbon Group allows us to broaden our vision of the world of packaging. All the members of the Global Ribbon Group have each their unique specialisation adapted to the countries they work in. In this era of globalisation, we believe it is imperative that we have a presence in all the continents so that the image of our brand ‘Sin-Rejac’ can be recognized and used worldwide.” Says Nikos Ioannou of Global Pack Greece, “I am very proud to represent these fine packaging companies with Global Pack Greece. The Greek market is very much in need of our services and even though the current economy and timing are not at their best, I strongly believe that the image of each one of us is critically important. It is something that reflects our unique personalities, our core values and attitudes - qualities that remain unchanged regardless of time.” In Greece, some of our Global Pack’s clients include, in the jewellery sector: Zolotas, Liana Vourakis and Serkos to name a few; in the clothing industry, luxury brands such as Eponymo,Toi&Moi, Carouzos, Marasil, Bambineria, Luisa and Manetti; in confectionary Le Chocolat and in art and culture, the Theoharakis Foundation Museum shop. The luxury packaging market is one that is constantly evolving with new innovations being introduced each year.“To retain our position as a market leader, we are constantly in research of new products. Four years ago, we launched perfumed ribbons by inserting micro-capsules and special ribbons with relief embroidery especially for the automobile industry notably for seat belts. We are now working on an anti-slip technology using relief embroidery on the inside lining of trousers to prevent tucked shirts from slipping out! As they say, the devil is in the details”. Global Pack Greece, Metaxa 20, Glyfada. Tel: 210 8982730, Fax: 210 8982709 email:

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1. At Citronne Gallery’s opening for the summer, artist Costas Papanikolaou with gallery director and art historian Dr.Tatiana Spinari-Pollali seen here with Eleni Didaskalou-Papadimitriou of the Megaron Mousikis. 2. A view of the gallery on Poros’ waterfront. At the hugely successful Moroccan gastronomic and cultural festival at St. George Lycabettus, 3. Mrs Droutsas, wife of Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas seen here with the Moroccan Ambassador Abdelkader El Ansari, his wife Khadija and Irene Vassilopoulou of St.George Lycabettus. 4. Also present were Hala Khoury of CCC and Mr and Ms Samaane. 5 & 6. The event also featured a fashion show showcasing the talents of acclaimed Moroccan designers, Zahra Yaagoubi and Nabil Dahani.


Art-Athina drew art lovers from all over the city and abroad and was billed a huge success. 7. Seen here in picture, a visibly delighted Alexandros Stanas, Director of Art-Athina with Gianna Grammatopoulou and Minister of Culture and Tourism, Pavlos Geroulanos 8. An overview of the exhibition area. 9. Shipping tycoons Nikos Vernicos and Christos Capelouzos 10. Also present were Athens’ Mayor Giorgos Kaminis,Vice-Mayor Angeliki Antonopoulou and George Dragonas of the Dragonas Group, organisers of Art-Athina. 11. Insider had its own stand at Art-Athina – seen here are Sudha Nair-Iliades, Anelia Fikiina and Eleni Setta. i

insider athens | June 2011


Navigating through Athens’ alleys

Oasis in the city

As Tania Kollias, Insider contributor and co-author of Frommer’s travel guide, Greece Day by Day, puts it, “Athens may have the Parthenon, that most exquisite achievement of the ancients, but Greece’s free, anarchic capital is more than a collection of old monuments. Besides the ancient sites in the compact, historic center, you’ll find pedestrian walkways lined with modern café-bars and tavernas, where the food is piled high, the barrel wine flows freely, the patrons are animated, and the time is now.” The Day By Day format has become very popular and is essentially a “best of ” or greatest hits of the most prominent aspects of a destination - what the best places to visit, stay, eat, drink, etc., are - and is laid out in easy-to-digest chunks of text accompanied by lots of stand-alone photos. All-in-all a useful and attractive read!

Frame opens for the summer at Dexameni just across the St. George Lycabettus and provides Athenians with a new hotspot to mingle under the stars. Executive chef Vasilis Milios creates light and fresh Mediterranean food such as carpaccio with truffle sauce, crab with avocado and lime vinaigrette and strawberry risotto with parmesan. Mixologists complete the experience with fabulous cocktails like strawberry mojito, appletini and Lovely Bubbly. For reservations, contact:

Special Olympics get underway The Summer Special Olympics of 2011 will take place in Athens between June 25 and July 4. The event promises to be one of the world’s largest multi-sport and humanitarian events this year with 7,500 athletes from more than 170 countries competing in 22 Olympic-type sports.The philosophy of this world movement summarises the belief that people with intellectual disabilities can, with proper training and support, enhance their individual abilities, enjoy equally with others the joy of sports and prove to society that it needs them! The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games will be held at the historic Kallimarmaro stadium where the first modern Olympics were held in 1896.The emblem of the Special Olympics 2011 is a radiant sun and the official mascot is Apollon, a symbol of joy, hope and optimism. For information, visit

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Classics in English This summer, the Athens Centre presents Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet on June 14 and Sophocles’ ancient Greek drama Oedipus on June 16 at the open-air amphitheatre in Papagou at 9 p.m. and on June 18 and June 19 respectively at 9 p.m. at the open-air amphitheatre Anargyrios on Spetses.The plays will be performed by the Theatre Company of the University of Florida, directed by Judith Williams and Yanci Bukovec.The performances will be in English, organized as part of the cultural programme of the Athens Centre which also hosts summer workshops in poetry and art, guest lectures, musical events, and presentations. Admission is free. For more information, check

Cook up a storm

in Spetses!

Pick the catch of the day at the port in Dapia, combine them with organically grown vegetables and herbs from the Poseidonion’s own backyard and cook a meal for family and friends with awardwinning chef Christopher Peskias teaching a few culinary tricks from June 11 to 13 at the newly renovated Poseidonion hotel. For more information and reservations:

The YoYo effect The cool, cutting-edge bench designed by creative guru Rodanthi Senduka of Reddesign Consultants, won the Finalist awards at the New York Festival’s International Advertising Awards. It was selected from entries from over 70 countries and was selected by a panel of judges drawn from 300 influential members from the arts and the media.The YoYo bench won the award in the category Arts & Technique + Design, subcategory Structural Innovation.This innovative product and design was the Top Winner at 2010 China’s Most Successful Design Awards and also received recognition at EBGE 2010 in the category of multiple applications. The award-winning design of the bench is based on letters forming the word YoYo, a creative abbreviation of ‘You’ that is both youthful and a salute (Yo).The letters are combined in such a way that the word can be read both from the top and from the front. The bench is made from compressed wood pulp, 100% recyclable material that is weather resistant and environmentally friendly. “The YoYo bench is friendly, happy and fun. It is inviting... and green!” says Rodanthi Senduka who also designed the Athens 2004 Olympics emblem.

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nspired by the idea of “Greek America’s Best and Brightest Stars”, the Gabby Awards take center stage once again after a successful debut two years ago in Chicago. Opened with an emotional performance by Greek singer Glykeria, the 2009 awards began a movement to celebrate and reward Greek Americans that have excelled in the fields of business and entrepreneurs, politics and public service, philanthropy, promotion of Hellenism, athletics, education, arts and culture, science and medicine and performing arts.

As a member of the Gabby Award Academy, Toula Victor gives an inside look at the beginnings of the Greek-American ‘Oscars’ and shares the ballot of this year’s nominees

A well-orchestrated show led by Chicago’s own Emmy Award winning television newscaster Anna Davlantes, definitely set a precedent in the Greek American community. This year’s awards ceremony set to take place on June 4, will pay tribute to those who first arrived in America from the motherland, and will be appropriately held at Ellis Island’s Registry Room, the place where millions of immigrants were processed before entering the United States. Award presenters will include Oscar winning actress Olympia Dukakis, past president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Sid Ganis, and True Blood star Theo Alexander with cameo appearances by Joyce & John Varvatos, Melina Kanakaredes & Peter Constantinides, Ann & Jim Gianopulos, Dean & Marianne Metropoulos and Paula & Peter Fasseas. Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented to former Massachusetts governor and US Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis and internationally acclaimed artist Stephen Antonakos who arrived on Ellis Island in 1930. Although nominees were selected by a 100 person Gabby Award Academy, winners are selected by popular vote via the Gabby Awards website i

Business & Politics & Entrepreneurism Public Service James Gianopulos

Sen. Olympia Snowe

Chairman & CEO of Fox Filmed Entertainment

US Senator from Maine

Rep. John Sarbanes

Philanthropy Peter Peterson Founder of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation

CEO of JP Morgan Chase Bank

CEO & Co-Founder of Compuware & CEO & Owner of the Carolina Hurricanes

John Varvatos

Harry Markopoulos

George Behrakis

Menswear Designer

Financial Fraud Investigator

Chairman of Gainsborough Investments

26 insider athens | June 2011

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Peter Karmanos Jr.

US Representative from Maryland

Jamie Dimon

Promotion of Hellenism

AHEPA American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association

The PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation

Olympia Dukakis

Sid Ganis

Melina Kanakaredes

Michael Dukakis

J. Gianopulos

Jamie Dimon

John Varvatos

Sen. Olympia Snowe

Rep. John Sarbanes

Peter Peterson

Nick Markakis

Chris Chelios

Arianna Huffington

Zach Galifianakis

Constantine Maroulis



Nick Markakis

Dr. Linda Katehi

Right Fielder for the Baltimore Orioles

Chancellor of the University of California, Davis

Chris Chelios

Dr. George Kafkoulis

Retired NHL Hockey Player

Associate Professor of Mathematics at Florida International University & President & Chairman of the Archimedean Academy

Ted Leonsis Founder, Chairman, Majority Owner & CEO of Monumental Sports & Entertainment

Dr. Nicholas Economides Professor of Economics at New York University

Arts, Culture & Media Kary Antholis President of HBO Miniseries

Arianna Huffington Author, Journalist & Founder of the Huffington Post

Louis Psihoylos Photographer & Film Documentarian

Tina Fey

Performing Arts Zach Galifianakis Actor & Comedian

Dr. Andreas Tzakis

Constantine Maroulis Actor & Singer

Tina Fey Actress & Comedian

Science & Medicine Transplant Surgeon

Dr. Peter Diamandis Founder of the X Prize Foundation

Dr. John Golfinos Neurosurgeon

insider athens | June 2011




n a two-day event at the hotel Grande Bretagne starting June 14, speakers including a virtual who’s who from the worlds of finance, banking and the media will be present to try and dissect the Greek crisis and draw lessons for the present and for posterity. Organised by Honeystone Limited, publishers of Greek Rich List, and international consulting firm International Advantage Corporation (IAC), under the aegis of the International Chamber of Commerce, the event hopes to shape global agenda through round table discussions, and to set priorities on how to improve investment opportunities, create jobs and deliver growth across the region. The annual Greek Power Summit aims at creating a platform for leaders in business and industry to exchange ideas and work together to build stronger ties. As one of the speakers suggested – unless both the Greek public and Greek government officials accept their respective roles in exacerbating the crisis, there will be no trust and consequently no common ownership of the problem.

Steve Forbes

Coming at a particularly sensitive time for both Greece and Europe, with debates raging at public squares and social media about the collective destinies of Eurozone nations, the forum hopes to address an issue that has resonance beyond Greece’s borders.

Insider gives a preview of the first-ever Greek Power Summit which hopes to engage in honest debate drawing influential opinionmakers from the fields of business, politics and academia from the world over

Keynote speakers include the Chairman of Forbes media and former Republican Candidate for the US Presidential primaries in 1996 and 2000, Steve Forbes, internationally renowned music artist and UNICEF Good Will Ambassador and former member of the European Parliament, Nana Mouskouri and bankers, policy makers and academicians. As Steve Forbes puts it, “This gathering couldn’t be more timely. The Forum will generate new and positive ideas on how to deal with the crises in Greece and indeed the globe. Leaders in Western Europe and the U.S. will learn much from these gatherings.” Nana Mouskouri echoes Forbes’ beliefs and states, “I always believed that it doesn’t matter what you do in life, but how you do it and why. When thinking of the problems we face today in Greece, I still believe that it is time to rethink our own “how” and “why”, to learn from mistakes, correct them and then move forward. I expect the Greek Power Summit will serve as a network for re-discovering our values and developing new perspectives.” i For more information, visit

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orn in coastal California and raised in the mountain state of Colorado, Daniel Bennett Smith joined the Foreign Service right out of graduate school, where he obtained a Doctorate in History from Stanford University on a dissertation about ‘New Deal foreign economic policy.’ It was partly the mystery that attracted him to the service.“Not really knowing that I would make a career out of it, I wanted to see what it was like and I’d always been interested in it,” recalls the current U.S. Ambassador to Greece, “But I did not have enough knowledge to make that decision at that point in my life.” As it turned out, Ambassador Smith found life and representing his government overseas to be highly compelling. 28 years later, he says he still immensely enjoys the experiences and opportunities of diplomacy abroad as well as being part of the policy making process in Washington. In 2008/2009, when Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, he served as the coordinator of the State Department’s transition team. During the 1990s, he also taught Political Science to young cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and the connection to academia has never really subsided. On the one hand, the ambassador is on a per-

Ambassador Daniel Bennet Smith in conversation with Marq Riley on President Obama’s foreign policy, the demise of Osama bin Laden and the ties that bind Greeks and Americans. Pictures by Marq Riley, Costas Picadas

petual quest for knowledge about the world in which he is placed, and on the other he serves as an educator both to the host nation about his home country, and back to the State Department concerning the developments in the country and region where he is stationed.“What’s interesting is that dialogue in which you’re engaged between two countries,” says Ambassador Smith, “acting as an intermediary to explain American politics and policy to Greek audiences, obviously including government officials but more broadly to the Greek public, and giving Washington a flavor for what is happening in this society and this country.” This is most likely the quintessential task of an embassy and its diplomats - Ambassador Smith calls it gathering Ground Truth. “One could argue why in this electronic day and age it is necessary to have an embassy, that this is an enormous expense, perhaps it’s archaic or anachronistic, but what you can’t do otherwise is get a feel for what is really happening on the ground. Being present in a country really makes a difference, first of all to develop those relationships, strengthen them, and also obtain what the Germans call a Fingerspitzengefühl.” First-time Ambassador Smith arrived in Greece in September 2010, in the midst of a deepening economic crisis, getting a taste of the bitter predicament in which the Greek public found itself. “President Obama’s administration strongly supports the efforts that Greece has undertaken to restore the confidence of financial markets and to enact some profound and deep-seeded reforms to put the Greek economy on a much more competitive basis in the long run.” Ambassador Smith continues to point out that at the same time the U.S. Embassy and State Department do re-

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Diplomacy “What is notable to me is, notwithstanding these challenges, polls seem to indicate that most Greeks accept the need for reform...” structural issues that have caused these deficits. In many cases it may be fiscal commitments or demographic changes.” As an example, the ambassador mentions the growing number of senior citizens who are eligible for Social Security and Medicare. The creation of new jobs is vital not only to raising the income of lower income families but also for reinvigorating the economy, and that is a hurdle both Greece and the United States are currently trying to overcome. Investing in new technologies and industries, renewable and sustainable energy, is one important way. “Government can be a real initiator in that regard,” says Ambassador Smith, referring to research and development of cuttingedge technologies that ultimately find their way to the private market place, as was the case with many breakthrough materials developed by NASA that eventually found their way to benefiting the automobile or aviation industry. “But you have to do it smart and carefully for it to be effective.” Three years ago, Greece imported around $2.4 billion worth of goods from the United States. That figure has since gone down quite a bit, but according to Ambassador Smith it is partly a natural decline as the former included military procurements such as F-16 fighter jets which are no longer on the shopping list. “We are looking for new markets and new opportunities but frankly it’s a two-way trade and I view my job as promoting a healthy bilateral relationship.” Most tangibly this can be seen in the attraction of American tourists to Greece, which this year is in an elevated state of activity. “I knew that the American cruise line industry was very interested in opportunities here in Greece and with some of the recent changes in the Hellenic cabotage law there are possibilities for a much more robust American presence and investment here. One of the first dialogues I facilitated early on in my tenure here was between U.S. cruise line representatives and Greek ministers to talk about this huge potential.”

alize the sacrifices that many Greeks are making and the difficulty this has created, with unemployment here in excess of 15 percent. “What is notable to me is, notwithstanding these challenges, polls seem to indicate that most Greeks accept the need for reform. They may not agree with certain policies or aspects, but they see the need for these changes and we want to do everything we can to assist.” Even as the United States studies how it can help in Greece’s recovery, the world’s largest economy is still trying to recover from its own fiscal meltdown, a malaise brought about by major banking and mortgage institutions gambling with default swaps. As of mid-May 2011, the U.S. public debt stood at just over $14 trillion, and the unemployment rate continued to hover around the 9 percent mark following a drop from 10 percent in January. “We’re in somewhat of a different circumstance,” attests Ambassador Smith. “We control our own currency, we’re a much larger market, and in different economic circumstances.There are, however, many countries facing similar challenges in addressing some of the

The advertising campaigns for Greece in U.S. television and print media has had a positive effect on bookings this year, and the recent changes in other destinations such as Egypt have also made Greece more inviting. “Most Americans, when they think about Greece, have a very positive image and are very attracted by the idea of coming here - not just by the physical beauty which is breathtaking, but also by the cultural and historical aspect which they identify with so closely.” The very prominent Greek-American community also has an impact on the perception of Greece, whether it’s through high-profile entertainers like Tina Fey and Zach Galifianakis or political and media influentials such as George Stephanopoulos and Arianna Huffington. But according to Ambassador Smith, beyond the pillar of bilateral relationship, Americans identify more broadly with Greece. “When we look at the Parthenon, this is part of our historical legacy as well. The ideas of ancient Greece were also passed down to us. Look at the number of marathons organized in the United States each year - more than any other part of the world. Now not everyone running might understand what happened 2,500 years ago, but when you see what the Battle of Marathon represented, what it allowed to flourish in Greece and how that’s important for all of us in the West, you understand the potential attraction there for Americans to see these things for themselves.”

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“ and large the average Greek has warm feelings for the United States which is not always translated into support for American foreign policy. Having said that, there is a reservoir of good feelings towards President Obama’s multi-lateral, cooperative foreign policy.”

Ambassador Smith also believes there’s nothing as important as educational exchange “to build a solid foundation of trust and understanding” between two nations. The American-affiliated institutions in Greece in particular would like to see more students coming over from the U.S. on such programs.The ambassador reveals that the youngest of his three sons has even expressed strong interest in participating in one of these exchange programmes.

A moment of opportunity The veil of mystique about the Foreign Service may have been lifted for Ambassador Smith, but it still remains largely unknown to the general public what an Embassy does beside issue passports. Even the ambassador can’t say what a typical day at the office is for him, as each day brings new engagements, developments and problems to solve. The embassy in Athens remains a service point for U.S. citizens in Greece, and most recently the embassy’s team was actively involved in extracting U.S. nationals from Egypt as Greece has always had longstanding ties with North Africa and the wider Middle East. Following in the footsteps of the Obama administration to introduce more transparency about government and the Foreign Service, the Embassy introduced a new website for youth and maintains regular social networking updates.This June, it also hosted the Foreign Service Test for Americans interested in a career in the State Department or overseas missions. These moves have certainly improved the public perception of the U.S. embassy.

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“I was warned before I came here about elements of anti- Americanism in Greece,” admits Ambassador Smith. “I would say I have not encountered that. There certainly are groups that one could consider anti-American, but by and large the average Greek is not - many of them have family ties in the United States, have friends or have spent time there. They have warm feelings for the United States which is not always translated into support for American foreign policy or American actions in the world, and I think it’s important to differentiate those things.” Having said that, the ambassador does note a “reservoir of good feelings” towards President Obama, his administration and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as a result of their more multi-lateral, cooperative foreign policy. In future history books, 2011 will be marked as a turning point for a whole host of changes: Americans got closure on a dark episode in their millennium with the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind the September 11 terrorist attacks 10 years earlier and the Middle East as a whole is experiencing an unprecedented wave of changes. On May 19th, President Obama delivered an address at the U.S. Department of State about a new chapter in U.S. foreign diplomacy. He spoke out clearly and decisively in favor of the peaceful protesters bringing about change to the Middle Eastern region, publicly condemning dictatorships, abuse of power and human rights. This, he said, is a moment of opportunity for the young people from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria,Yemen and many other states with remaining repressive regimes

Diplomacy “Notwithstanding the economic times, I think Greeks have a good sense of what’s important in life, and that’s refreshing and very important for us.” and honey, but there are still some fundamental underlying problems that have to be addressed and we can work with them in that regard.” Having observed the ambassador’s arrival at the start of our meeting accompanied by an entourage of black-suited security personnel, I finally ask him whether he feels safe here. He repeats the question to himself and contemplates it for a moment.“Obviously the safety and security of my mission and my people is my number one priority, and we’re very pleased with the level of support and security assistance we receive from the Greek government.There is obviously a threat anywhere we are but I can certainly go to a beach and relax,” he smiles. “I’ve been received around the country very well and I’ve had a chance to engage with people in a variety of settings. The warmth and filoxenia is remarkable, and to experience it on a sustained basis is just tremendous. Notwithstanding the economic times, I think Greeks have a good sense of what’s important in life, and that’s refreshing and very important for us.”

across the Middle East, Africa and Asia to make a dignified step towards self-made freedom and democracy.

There is not one favourite place the ambassador can pick yet during his short tenure here so far. He has had the opportunity to visit Rhodes, Crete, Meteora, Thessaloniki and the Peloponnese, and is looking very much forward to attending the upcoming Special Olympics and possibly a performance at the Epidavros Theatre with his wife Diane. “The remarkable thing for an American to realize is what an incredible geographic and cultural diversity there is in such a small area, relative to the United States.You can go from the spectacular mountains of Northern Greece to the crystal clear blue seas in the course of a day - it’s astounding and I’ve enjoyed it all so far. But to name one place you’d have to ask me again in two years.” That’s a deal. i

As such, President Obama added that from now on America will embrace the chance to show that it “values the dignity of the street vendor in Tunisia more than the raw power of the dictator. There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances selfdetermination and opportunity. After decades of accepting the world as it is in the region, we have a chance to pursue the world as it should be.” Ambassador Smith also takes a moment to put all these developments in perspective. “The interesting thing is the juxtaposition between Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and what’s happening in the Arab Spring.The irrelevance of Al Qaeda to what’s happening in the street is striking.They do not appeal to the average person, they represent an ideology that is not attractive to these people and they are not part of the historical spirit of the times in what’s happening throughout the region.” Even though Al Qaeda appears powerless in the face of these revolutions, the Ambassador says it is change that can go in any direction, stipulating that it is “important that we as democratic states do what we can to help, whether it’s to help build civic institutions, to help build support for the rule of law and democracy, to build the foundations on which we can have a more egalitarian, prosperous and open, transparent Middle East. I think it’s in all our interests. But one has to look at each nation individually and empower the people to make these choices themselves. One of the dangers in any such situation is that the expectations are so high, that life has been transformed and everything is suddenly going to be milk

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hese people were in deep shit,” Dominique Strauss-Kahn famously said of the Greeks when they went in search of a bailout in late 2009. A year and a half later, Greeks might consider the plight of the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund and who is in the deepest trouble now.

Nick Malkoutzis compares the predicament that the former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn finds himself in with Greece’s economic destiny and the giant question mark looming over the euro’s future

As Strauss-Kahn, or DSK as he is often referred to in France, fights to rescue his reputation, Greeks have their own battle to fight, one that will determine their economic and political survival.The odds are not particularly favourable for either party but at least Greece might be able to call on the help of more powerful allies. For DSK, influential friends are of no use anymore. Strauss-Kahn’s alleged transgression happened at a particularly inopportune moment for Greece. Struggling to meet the terms of its loan agreement, or memorandum, with the IMF and the European Union, and failing to steer the economy to calmer waters, the Greek government was scrambling around for Plan B. The options were an organised restructuring of its debt, a further loan package (with more measures and reforms attached), or default. In all likelihood, Greece’s short-term survival will require both more loans and a renegotiation of its debt. Before DSK was hauled off an Air France flight from New York, he was a key player in the negotiations to decide what the next move would be. In fact, Strauss-Kahn had been on his way to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss, among other things, the prospects for Greece. Many regarded the Frenchman as a friend of Greece. He had, after all, played an instrumental role in creating the first ever bailout package for a member of the eurozone. The loans that DSK helped secure for Greece spared it the

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Talking point

political embarrassment and economic devastation of bankruptcy. At the tail-end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, when the EU seemed perplexed about how to confront Greece’s debt problem, Strauss-Kahn seemed more resolute. Undoubtedly, the fact that he was a European helped him realize the precariousness of Greece’s position and the ramifications it could have for the eurozone. However, now that the Strauss-Kahn era at the IMF is over, people might begin questioning how much a favour he actually did Greece. History is likely to show that had Strauss-Kahn not been the one with the clear head during the early months of the Greek debt crisis, someone else with foresight would have stepped into the vacuum. After all, we should not forget that the voraciousness of the markets threatened to consume the euro’s prospects of survival. Despite the dithering - exemplified by Merkel’s equivocal stance - the members of the eurozone were never likely to have stood by and let the single currency – in which so much political, as well as financial, capital had been invested – collapse. With regard to the IMF, for all of the personal touch that Strauss-Kahn is credited with applying to the Greek affair, ultimately the Washingtonbased organization simply fulfilled its institutional role, which is to supply loans to countries in fiscal distress. These loans are only provided if the recipient signs up to the IMF’s economic recipe, which is based on the ingredients of austerity, tax adjustments and privatisations. DSK’s biggest shortcoming in the formation of the Greek bailout was that he failed to recognize from the start that Greece did not possess the key characteristics of most other EU states. It did not have a mature political class, a


modern economy and a fully functioning public sector. For all the claims that the Frenchman brought an inside knowledge of European reality to the IMF, he clearly had no idea what was going on inside Greece. Had he known, he might have recommended to his officials, who took the lead role in drawing up the terms of the memorandum since they had greater know-how than their counterparts from the European Commission and the European Central Bank, that they tailor the package to suit Greece’s circumstances. Instead, Greece, Europe’s awkward-shaped problem, received the IMF’s one-size-fits-all solution. A year on, the flaws in this “solution” are staring everyone in the face. Greece possesses a shrivelling economy that is being starved of cash, a rising unemployment rate that is creating greater insecurity and a ruling elite paralyzed by the magnitude of the challenge it faces. Perhaps Strauss-Kahn’s successor will have learned from these failings and will be able to provide insight and a real personal touch to tackling Greece’s problems. A good starting point would be to find a way to account for the complete dislocation between the passing of reforms in Parliament and their application in practice. If the IMF’s next managing director is to be truly remembered as a friend of Greece, he or she should harness the organization’s expertise to help Greece overcome this inefficiency. Then, perhaps, the Greek people might stop paying a much higher price for the country’s economic and political failure than they should. In the meantime, the Greeks and DSK will be left to wonder what they would have done differently and, for different reasons, both will be hoping they can find a way to climb out of the mire. i

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Renee Pappas walks us through her neighbourhood and does a round-up of the coolest restaurants and boutiques on the historical Adrianou street


have lived on Adrianou Street for nearly twenty years and have seen it transform from an abandoned backwater in the heart of the city to one of the most popular streets in the entire metropolis.

When I first bought my apartment the fence enclosing the Ancient Agora was made of chicken wire and the whole area was plunged into darkness once the sun went down. Now there is a proper iron fence and the magnificent Temple of Hephaestos is illuminated with golden lights, while goose-necked street lamps line the street. Even the pavement has changed from asphalt to cobblestones. The empty and decrepit buildings I walked passed have become some of the most popular restaurants and cafes in Athens. Where else can you watch the world go by with the Ancient Agora and the Acropolis as the back drop?

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Adrianou is named after the Roman Emperor Hadrian (Adrianos in Greek) who ruled from 117 to 138 A.D. and whose mark on Athens is still evident today.The street begins just opposite the Thessio train station, on the right is a square named after the hero, Theseus, with a statue of said hero placed in the centre.The area became known as Thessio because it was believed that he was buried there.This square has one of the most magnificent views of the Acropolis and the Agora and one hopes that Mayor Kaminis will keep his promise to clean it up.The Ancient Agora archaeological site continues on the right for several city blocks. On the corner of Assomaton and Adrianou is a large building housing Gyristroula which serves souvlaki, gyros, and other traditional “fast food”. The space was originally a seafood restaurant called Vythos, but several years ago the owners decided that a more casual enterprise would be more successful. Every time I pass by it is packed with kids so they must have made the right decision. Next door is an impressive neo-classical building that has at different times been home to the Cambas wine merchants and a playboy cigarette manufacturer. During World War II it was the headquarters of the Italian occupation army, an almshouse and a zipper factory before being abandoned. In the early 1990’s it became a chic restaurant called, Barolo and today it houses the Athenaeum Maria Callas, a conservatory with a small concert hall on the ground floor and classrooms upstairs. Several years ago the municipality took an empty lot that had previously been excavated by the Ministry of Culture and turned it into a lovely park. It is surrounded by a low iron fence and the trees, bushes

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and grass are all doing well. The creation of the little park encouraged the establishment of three eateries. At the top of the park is the ouzeri I Kali Zoi, with traditional mezze and general bonhomie. On Thessio street, which runs along the park, Dimitris Zimopoulos and Michalis Economou opened Souvlaki Bar, the hippest, coolest place to eat souvlaki in town. Next door, John Panagos has opened another branch of his wildly popular Pagotomania ice cream shops. Back again on Adrianou proper at number 7 is Carte Postale, owned by Stavros Agyropoulos, it was renovated under the supervision of Elena Zervouthakis, who is responsible for the new look of a number of cafes and restaurants in Plaka and Thessio. Carte Postale serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sharing the building is a charming shop recently featured in the New York Times travel section. Vassilis Korovessis sells rare books, gravures and vintage posters and post cards. There are massive bookcases full of bibliophile treasures and the walls are hung with framed depictions of ancient gods, goddesses and temples. At number 9 is Kuzina one of the hottest restaurants in Greece. Aris Tsanakidis has created a menu based on traditional Greek ingredients and yet reflecting the experiences of the much travelled chef. The building originally housed a lumber shop and the double height dining room now hosts an impressive bar. In the summer the roof top terrace has one of the most magnificent views one could ever imagine. Further on, O Attalos, is a traditional taverna featuring a large selection of dishes. In the summer tables are placed on both sides of the street, while the large and inviting dining room is a pleasant place for winter

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Cityscope dining. A newcomer is Iridanos which also has tables on both sides of the street. The interior has two very impressive wall paintings. The first depicts Dionysus lounging on a boat, while the entire back wall depicts King Aegeus throwing himself into the sea . Next are the excavations of the American School of Archaeology where they have discovered the stoa, or arcade, that was the meeting place of the Stoic well as the marble alter of the Temple of the Celestial Aphrodite. Tables from Muses Café run along the excavation and in the summer you can watch the incredibly dedicated students unearthing more ancient treasures. At this point a small street to the left leads to Iphastiou Street and the shops of Monastiraki while to the left is the entrance to the archaeological site of the Ancient Agora. In the 1930’s John D. Rockefeller offered the funds for the Greek government to buy the small houses then built over the site. The houses were dismantled and the Ancient Agora slowly emerged with the Temple of Hephaestos being its crowning glory. Built in 449 B.C. in honour of the crippled, blacksmith god who was tossed out of Olympus by his mother, Hera, and then became the husband of Aphrodite, it was designed by Ictinus, one of the architects who worked on the Parthenon. A replica of the Ancient Stoa of Attalos was built as museum to house the many treasures unearthed in the Ancient Agora.

Back on the street, the small church of Agios Phillipos has a small courtyard and is surrounded by jardinières filled with shoulder high plants. Thiothos Archaias Agoras is located directly across from the entrance of the archaeological site. The building was formerly a bicycle repair shop, but in 2004 it was thankfully transformed into a charming café –restaurant. The owner, Grigoris Dimtropoulos, always has a smile and he is a perfect host. To Kouti opened in 1993 and its owner, Eleni Cacoyiannis, is also the chef. To Kouti means “the box” and the restaurant was so named because of the square shape of the building, as well as the owner’s penchant for collecting tin boxes. Antica is housed in the ground floor of a neo-classical house that is owned by the Sokara family. The space was formerly an antique shop filled with Karaghiozis figures, pistols, muskets and rugs. The menu features pizza, spaghetti and other Italian dishes as well as breakfast. Those who wish to make their own jewellery can find all the ingredients at the Pericles Store at number 27. The shop is owned by Antonis Kouretas who can discuss philosophy and poetry in at least five languages, as well as instruct you on how to properly string beads. Moma at 29 has a wonderful atrium in the back planted with olive trees. They serve incredible salads and draw a very cool crowd. Agora tis Adrianou at 31 is owned by Eleni and Takis Sokara whose family

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have lived on Adrianou for over a century. Several years ago they built this neo-classical style building which houses their cozy taverna. Having been raised in the antique business, they have decorated their restaurant with marvellous gravures and paintings as well as classic furniture. The double height room has a skylight which is ringed by flowering plants giving you the feeling of dining in a garden. Gallery Café was once a shop that sold ceramics. It has three different levels so that no matter how crowded it is, one doesn’t feel overwhelmed. Dia Tafta Café is housed in a former garment factory. In 1997, owner George Vlassopoulos stripped down the walls to the stone and had a sepia-coloured street scene of 19th century Athens frescoed on the one remaining plastered wall.The café is open from early morning until late at night with a menu featuring traditional mezes. Café Dioskourou is housed in two buildings. The larger neo-classical has a beautiful interior painted in pale salmon. Bookcases holding an old silver samovar, clocks, and other antiques as well as a huge reproduction of an early 20th century map of Attica will lure you inside on a rainy

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day. The other building is set back from the street on a small platia that overlooks the Monastiraki station. Kotili is an example of how an eyesore can become a gem overnight. This space was used as a dump by street vendors who set up their illegal stands in front of the iron fence. Now it is a beautiful garden filled with flowering plants, tables and comfortable chairs. From early in the morning traditional Greek music wafts out into a veritable Garden of Eden, what a joy it is for me to walk past every day. Maiandros was formerly a clothing shop, but its’ owner,Thomas Sotiropoulos, decided to renovate it, stripping the plaster off the beautiful stone walls, and turning it into a cosy café and traditional restaurant. Evharis is the last café –restaurant on this side of the street and in addition to their tables outside, the restaurant has a large atrium space. Kosmima is a jewellery shop displaying the work of several Greek jewellers with hand-made pieces in gold or silver. There are also necklaces with semi-precious beads. As you descend the steep stairs at To Appaggion, you leave Greece behind and find yourself in the Far

Cityscope East. The shop carries Indian clothing, great silk trousers and tops and Chinese cheomsong dresses. Across the way is where the serious shopping starts on Adrianou. Sadao Outfitters is a draw for those who love punk and Harley Davidsons. Andreas Bouras looks like he just stepped out of Haight Ashbury and he carries a line of clothes that appeal to the hippest segment of the population, with pillows featuring famous album covers and bags made out of British and American flags. Spiliopoulos Shoes is an institution in Athens, having another branch on Ermou Street. Rena Spiliopoulos’ family has been in the business for more than half a century importing Italian shoes, accessories and now clothing at phenomenal prices. The shop is vast and you could really spend hours trying on all the great footwear. Next door is a magnificent building, 52 Adrianou, designed by the developer, Elias Barbalias. There are neo-classical elements, but this is most definitely a cutting-edge building which houses an atrium café and probably the chicest shop in town.The business is run by the Barbalias kids and you’ll find dresses by Alberta Ferretti, suits by Moschino and bags that look like they came out of Grace Kelly’s closet. There is jazz every Friday night in the Atrium and yoga classes are given in the upstairs gallery. There are more shoes at The Shoe Gallery and you can find leather bags and belts at Karampelas Bros. which also has an extensive selection of silver jewellery from China and Nepal. They also sell amber worry beads (komboloi) as well as small antiques and gravures. You are now at the end of my street. Having shopped ‘til you dropped and eaten everything from pizza to pagoto you should turn around and take another stroll down one of the most beautiful streets on the planet. People sometimes ask me if I’m bothered by the crowds who descend on Adrianou Street, especially in the good weather. I reply that I’m thrilled that the buildings have been restored and occupied, and that people come here to enjoy themselves. Wherever a café or restaurant has opened the illegal peddlers and petty criminals that frequent the centre of Athens have left. I personally want to thank all my neighbours who have invested their time, money and good taste to bring this street back to life. i

Pagotomania 7 Adrianou and 17 Thissio Street Tel: 211 013 34 01

Carte postale Café restaurant Adrianou 7, 210 321 98 92

Pericles Make your own jewellery 27 Adrianou, Tel: 210.322 45 54

Vassilis Korovessis Antiquarian books, engravings, maps, old post, cards, photos Adrianou 7, Tel: 210 321 75 62

Kosmima Handmade gold and silver 51 Adrianou, Tel: 210 321 00 09 To Apaggion Indian clothing and decorative objects, 53 Adrianou, Tel: 210 321 02 88 Sadeo Outfiters Adrianou 48, Tel: 210 321 68 33 Spiliopoulos Shoes, bags, leather goods Adrianou 50, Tel: 210 321 90 96 The Shoe Gallery Shoes for men and women Adrianou 54, Tel: 210 321 01 45 Adrianou 52 Attalos Hall, Coffee Room and Dressing Room Monastiraki Shopping centre Tel: 210 324 51 72 Karampelas Bros Adrianou 54, Tel: 210 324 72 43 Gyristroula Traditional restaurant Adrianou & pl. Ag. Asomaton 9, Tel: 210 321 13 56 I kali zoi Traditional kafenio Thissiou 12, Tel: 210 321 67 33 O Attalos Mezedes and ouzo Adrianou 9, Tel: 210 321 95 20 Souvlaki bar Adrianou & Thissiou 15, Tel: 210 515 05 50

Iridanos Café and mezedes restaurant Adrianou 9, Tel: 210 321 96 87 Diodos Adrianou 19, Tel: 210 321 22 56 Kouti Adrianou 21, Tel: 210 321 32 29 Antica Café restaurant Adrianou 25, Tel: 210 321 52 32 Moma Café restaurant Adrianou 29, Tel: 210 321 12 33 Agora tis adrianou Adrianou 31, Tel: 210 325 00 96 Gallery café Restaurant bar Adrianou 33, Tel: 210 324 90 80 Dioskouri Café restaurant Adrianou 39, Tel: 210 325 33 23 Kotili Café and mezedes restaurant Adrianou 41-45, Tel: 210 323 28 68 Maiandros Traditional café restaurant Adrianou 47, Tel: 210 321 01 81 Evxaris Traditional café restaurant Adrianou 49A, Tel: 210 322 63 30

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Pictures courtesy of Nasioutzik Museum: Costas Picadas, Julia Klimi



ell-known personalities from Greece and abroad have often visited the Nasioutzik Museum and enjoyed the hospitality of the Attica Estate created by collector George Nasioutzik. His principle business of construction and real estate has taken the Greek patrician all over the country, including the islands, of course, where he decide to buy large areas of land and create his own private retreats. One of them is located on the island of Kos, the historic home of Hippocrates. The island lies close to Rhodes, Kalymnos and Nisyros, and just 15 minutes from the Turkish resort of Bodrum. In ancient times, it had 160,000 inhabitants and four kingdoms, and is rich in history and archaeological finds.

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George Nasioutzik, himself, with passion for traditional and archeology, discovered an ancient theatre at Kefalos some years ago, and it was decided with then culture minister Melina Mercouri that it should be reconstructed. It was in 1974, when in a boat out at sea, that he first glimpsed the land that he would make his own private retreat. He immediately bought the first two hectares, which were later followed by another 23. Even today, the nearest settlement in the area is 5 kilometres away. He built roads, brought electricity, built wells and transferred tons of earth and 2000 roots for cultivation. Today Nasioutzik’s farm covers 15 hectares and has olive trees, vegetables and fruit orchards. On an adjoining 10-hectare plot stand four houses – two of them bungalows – and two swimming pools, with superb views of the Aegean and the evening sunset, and a 100-metre private beach. The first thing the visitor notices is the respect for nature, which remains undisturbed and unspoilt for five kilometres in any direction. The keynote here is harmony and simplicity. The farm runs along the south side of the island and is teeming with wild rabbits, while, in the sea, the shoals create a first class area for fishing.Twenty years ago, plastic surgeon Theodore Voukidis, a close friend of the owner, suggested that they continue the development of the land together. Today, to my surprise, a confirmed bachelor and a family man with three children coexist there. The central idea of the veteran constructor in creating the first house was the concept of continuity, the transfer of the outside in, and vice versa. He achieved it with wide opening and tiles, on the same level as the house, which surrounded the pool and cover a thousand square metres. In a revolutionary move, he leaves behind the idea of the traditional house, preserving continuous unbroken surfaces everywhere and creates large modern openings with views of the horizon, even from the bathrooms.

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“I wanted everything to be easy,” he explains. Getting there certainly does not involve too much difficulty. “Flights from Athens are frequent and take only half an hour, and then it is another eight minutes to the house. In just one hour and forty minutes, I go from the door of the museum at Spata to the door of my house on Kos, refreshed and unruffled.” Everywhere else, he is surrounded by people, but George Nasioutzik goes to his own house alone, to relax, to enjoy the privacy and to concentrate.The space is modern, dominated by the colour white, with traditional decorative features that lend the house a touch of colour, as well as stamping his own personality on it.The walls of the sitting room are adorned with handmade embroideries from Kashmir and suzani textiles from Uzbekistan, whose wonderful colours bring the atmosphere of the East to the house.The modern leather sofas from New York go perfectly with the marble tables by sculptor Frosso Michalea.There are also objects from the collection of Theodore Voukidis – nineteenth-century ship’s wheels, compasses, telescopes, and seafaring instruments, all made of brass – arranged imposingly like tall sculptures. The outer walls are decorated with antique Kutahya plates from central Turkey, with plant and animal motifs in blue and turquoise. Large squash and other produce from the farm complete the natural décor and exude a calm which only the August meltemi wind can disturb.The owner’s favourite images are of the moon reflected in the sea and the sight of Tilos and Rhodes from his veranda. His stay in the area always takes in cultural events. A particularly outstanding one was the concert given by Alkistis Protopsalti on Askoi, a tiny island with 50 inhabitants off the coast of Patmos. As if my other senses had not been stimulated enough, he gave me a true taste of the place with the gift of a sweet preserve made with tomatoes from his garden.Visiting Nasioutzik’s oasis in the Aegean was a truly unforgettable treat for the senses. i

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Centres offer community, meditation, workshops (and babysitting) plus free time to hit the beach while fostering sustainable living and inner peace. Tania Kollias recommends to go green and save money on a holistic holiday


he current belt-tightening economic climate is dove-tailing with ecological awareness, and holistic holidays should benefit. While these retreats – often offshoots of alternative communities abroad – usually have a New Age slant, staying at one often costs less than a regular holiday, which can also be appealing to families.

the butcher’s, and an 18th century basilica church, Agia Marina, that’s famous in Greece or at least in Pelion, a lush, mountainous region four hours’ drive from Athens.

I spent a weekend at the Kalikalos holistic centre in the mountain village of Kissos, in Pelion, with my three-year-old to try it out.While that age was too young to enjoy most activities, the guests’ older children had a great time, “bonding”, spending a night on a nearby beach, and having pizza night, among other activities. Orientation sessions normally take place on Friday afternoons, but since the guests were already a week into their two-week stay, I didn’t have one.

Kalikalos is an alternative holiday centre billed as offering practical learning about holistic living, and “uses community as a key to a new world of peace, partnership, and sustainability,” according to the man who founded it, Jock Millenson. An American academic (psychology) who spent time in California, learned about herbal medicine, joined an eco-village in Scotland, and has also worked at the Skyros Centre, another alternative holiday destination, Millenson thought that a summer school or Findhorn “sister community” where workshops are offered and guests could come and “train in community living” was a good idea, starting out in, a nearby village, in 2000.

Brightly-painted stones around the property’s perimeter announce the “alternative” nature of the place in this tiny, traditional village. The square is pretty and has a couple of tavernas, a sundry store attached to

48 insider athens | June 2011

A Kalikalos day

schedule, announcing workshops, and airing grievances such as “Every day seems the same,” and “I’m not getting a good night’s sleep.” Accommodation is in (un-sound-proofed) rooms, some with shared bathrooms, or in tents. You can only speak when you’re holding the talking stick, relinquishing your right by passing it on and saying “ho”, apparently in the manner of a North American tribal council. The start of each meal begins with an appointed “vocalizer” – someone who basically says a thanksgiving prayer. A shrine in part of the veranda’s retaining wall contains Hindu and Buddhist statues instead of the expected Orthodox saints, while one guest made a stab at creating a Zen garden. Meant to abide by the Findhorn-inspired motto: “Work is Love in Action”, some guests are “hard to galvanize,” says Millenson, and they don’t feel compelled to do their part. “Like teenagers in their own home, they expect to be served.” But perhaps these are group dynamics at play -- people tend to be helpful or not, and if you get a group of the latter, your stay might be a little frustrating. In any case, you will meet people with diverse interests, all meant to cooperate in an eco- and spiritually-friendly way. Community tasks involve things like helping with the dishes a few times a week, and cooking, where there are three people assigned and preferably led by someone with a flair for it (Alan, an Englishman from Rome, was such a good cook). You can also flex long-dormant green thumbs by tending a vegetable

This one is run mainly by “staff adjuncts” – part-timers who work around 15 hours during the week (two full days off) and pay 75 to 150 euros to stay and eat here.“Living-in-Community” guests pay more, and full-time volunteer staff work 30 hours a week with two days off. The website notes the centre is inspired by eco-communities such as Findhorn in Scotland , where Millenson lived for more than a decade, Zegg in Germany , and a yoga centre in India . Community-building is not for everyone, however, and independent types or late-risers (this is meant to be a holiday, right?), might take issue, as a few during my stay balked at being woken by a bell rung throughout the grounds for the 8:30am breakfast. If you don’t mind missing it, you don’t have to get up. At the 9:30am meeting in an airy round-house (there’s also a yurt), everyone gets a chance to speak, which involves assigning the day’s work

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Biodanza” is a kind of dance therapy. It took place at the Spiti Ton Kentavron in Anilio, another alternative centre in a nearby village in Pelion.

In the roundhouse

patch for a couple of hours (or less) every other day. The spectacularly tasty produce that includes tomatoes, courgettes, squash, spinach, and sweet corn on the cob – sewn in May, ready in August, and a major draw for this garden-starved apartment-dweller -- is on the menu. The chores are not difficult. I cheerfully took a large set of garden shears to an overgrown garden wall, and “sustainable” methods jog long-forgotten, pre-disposable-culture memories, where dishes are washed in basins with brushes rather than under a running tap, paper towels or napkins are not offered (dessert either), refuse goes in one of three bins – compost, recyclable, or regular garbage -- and air conditioning is not needed during an August heatwave due to the elevation, 520 metres above sea level. The seaside is down the mountain a few kilometres away where people regularly went in the afternoons if a

50 insider athens | June 2011

Jock Millenson, who runs the place.

ride was available, as Pelion’s steep hills take their toll on the centre’s two cars. New Age-y workshops devoted to subjects such as “Flesh and Spirit”, “Radical Honesty,” Tai Chi, “Being Free to Love,” Mind Body Detox,“Joy of Greek Vegetarian Cookery,” and many others are offered, but “it’s hard to get people to come out and participate,” says Millenson, who’s “personally more interested in applying (the concepts of peace, partnership, and sustainability) to the social sphere,” and hopes to direct more marketing efforts to the sociology and psychology departments of universities. Guests were mainly Scottish, since the centre is known in Findhorn, an eco-village near Inverness , and is advertised in alternative Steiner schools there, as well as magazines such as Resurgence and the New Age Cygnus Review.

* The sister site in the village of Anilio is the Pilion Holistic Education Centre, Spiti ton Kentavron Non Profit Organization, Anilio 37001, Magnesia, tel 24260 32176,

* If you want to try community living closer to Athens, try con-

tacting guru Bob Najemy’s Harmonious Life Centre in Markopoulo, Attica . Health & Retreat Center and Spiritual Community, tel 2299040315-7, 210 681 8151,

* The Osho Afroz Meditation Center on the island of Lesvos offers

many courses in oriental massage techniques as well as opportunities to work in an organic garden, make jewellery and paint.The centre is some 90km from Mytilene town and you can stay in twin rooms, huts, or tents. Eressos, 81105 Lesvos, tel 22530-53666 or 693-7245038,

* At the Samos Center-Hellas, you can stay in the kitchenettes at

Villa Eva and join a program of exercise, yoga, meditation, and other therapies, such as past life delving and sufi dancing. Classes are held in Greek, English, German, French or Danish. Ag. Nikolaos, Kondakeika, Karlovasi 83200, Samos , tel 22730-30020,

* Skyros on the isolated Sporadic island famous for its indigenous

ponies, has been around for years, and offers a wide variety of courses for holistic holidays at its retreat, from yoga, painting and singing to Tai Chi, Latin dancing, and sailing.Their office is on the Isle of Wight: tel +44 1983 86 55 66,

* The Spirit of Life centre in Mani, just near the fishing village of

Agios Nikolaos in the Peloponnese, offers yoga, tai chi, meditation, walking tours, and even bee-keeping courses during its summer, autumn and winter retreat schedules. Agios Nikolaos, Messinia, 24024 Peloponnese, tel 27210-78240,

* You can learn yoga on the island of Paros from May to September and stay there for a week, or just join the yoga sessions at the Yoga Center , tel 697-935-1951,, in Aliki.

Orienting ground rules While it’s not a camp and there are no rule signs, much was expected to be known, although I did not have an orientation session, and there is a book of “agreements” somewhere that includes no talking on the veranda after 11pm. I wish I had known that the village had a site of historical, artistic, and religious interest: the basilica church, for example. Guests were also expected to run down and purchase or carry fruit and vegetables when the mobile grocer drove by. That might better have been a job for those on meal duty or a staffer, so that people are clear about what’s expected of them, or even call out for help to whoever’s around, rather than it becoming a point of (unnecessary) conflict. So at times it seemed the wheel was being reinvented for each new group or person rather than experiences being built upon, and things that could

easily be done if communicated in advance instead became irritants, for the guests as well as the staff. Bottom line? Do your own homework on sites of interest, if you have older children, they might love hanging out in hammocks and tents with other kids in Anilio, and if you’re familiar with eco-villages such as Findhorn, or want to try attending an esoteric, new age workshop, or even just dig around in a vegetable garden (joining meetings and the daytime meals are optional) or take a yoga session before heading to the beach, give it a try. i Kalikalos, Xenonas Martiou, Kissos (Tsagarada), Magnesia. May-Oct tel 24260-31346, Nov-Apr tel +44 208 816 8533,

insider athens | June 2011


Special Promotion

52 insider athens | June 2011

Luxury yachts like Almyra offer adventure, water sports, island-hopping and creature comforts with a crew of four for a truly relaxing and affordable holiday in the Aegean


iring a motor sailer or a yacht can be an alternative and unforgettable holiday option which takes you off the usual tourist destinations to idyllic bays and secluded creeks. Almyra, a luxury motor sailing yacht, 25 metres long (82’), and named appropriately after the taste and salty smell of the sea, offers the possibility to enjoy the freedom of ‘nautical living’ – of being close to the elements and enjoying a rare communion with nature that is so unique to sailing. Aesthetically, the Almyra is a treat.A high standard motor sailing yacht, that combines a magnificent traditional Aegean pine wooden hull with modern equipment and stylish decorative elements, she cruises along at a reasonable 11 knots per hour. Recently renovated and painted, she has new white leather upholstery and a new 5-seater sofa on the front deck to admire changing horizons. Almyra can accommodate ten guests, has a luxurious master suite and four double ensuite luxury cabins. With a professionally skilled crew of four (including the Captain, chef, deckhand and steward), it is guaranteed to provide exceptional service and an unforgettable travel experience. All the cabins are fitted with the latest electronic accessories including a 32” LCD and DVD player in the salon and TV sets and LCD Panels with satellite connection in every cabin. Being onboard means enjoying limitless leisure and adventure opportunities, as well as the liberty to roam anywhere, anytime. Whatever your personal holiday lifestyle, Almyra is geared to meet your different needs. Almyra is designed to maximize your family fun and offers a whole range of adventure sports. The Almyra comes equipped with two kayaks plus 3-seater Kawasaki Jet Ski and a tender to cover sporting needs. For those who’d like to explore the mysteries of the big blue,Almyra also has skis, wakeboards, sand boards, tubes and snorkeling equipment and even scuba diving and PADI lessons. And for those seeking a bit of quiet in the tranquil waters, you can do yoga on-board, or opt for shiatsu and reiki with only the summer breeze breaking the silence. And as an extra treat, guests can enjoy unique Korres Natural amenities. This summer, enjoy top quality extra services at specially reduced prices starting from € 300 per person per day for 10 guests. For more details on reservations and technical specifications, visit or contact Alexandra Goutra at: and envisage yourself on board!

insider athens | June 2011







1. Spectacular platform sandal in calfskin dressed in interwoven cords of raw leather by Hermès 2. Pasha Seatimer watch with satin-brushed steel case, polished steel bezel and steel bracelet coated in moulded rubber by Cartier 3. Havaianas Slim Turkish ocean green inspired by Arabian nights, available at Olga Patsea & Co. 4. Beach towel in lightweight terry cloth by Hermès 5. Havaianas special graffiti edition, available at Olga Patsea & Co. 6. Gold “Mariposas españolas” 90x90 silk scarf by Loewe 7. SPF 15-30-50 Adjustable sunscreen – learn to travel light by Sephora 8. Nail polish, tropical violet, orange and pink available at Sephora 9. After-sun moisturizing balm - cooling comfort available by Sephora 10. Iris Tsante’s necklace of pencils available at Eleni Marneri Creative Gallery, until June 26 11. Ear pendants in pink gold, pink opals, onyx, pink sapphires and diamonds by Cartier 12. George Nelson’s ball multicolour clock available at Vitra 13. Powder refined calf “Amazona” bag by Loewe 14. Straw Trilby Band by Accessorize 15. L’Homme YSL – fresh, woody fragrance playing on contrasts, available at Sephora 16. Tirra footwear designed specifically for women to provide unmatched comfort and performance and tackle any obstacle with ladylike grace, by Teva 17. Steeple wallets in quadrige print H canvas and Barenia calfskin tab in the shape of a whip popper by Hermès 18. Alexander Girard’s wooden dolls available at Vitra 19. Marmot essence jacket Blue Ocean available at The Wall

54 insider athens | June 2011


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Accessorize Ermou 42, Athens, Tel: 210 331 7780

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Cartier Voukourestiou 7, Athens Tel: 210 331 3600

Loewe, Golden Hall Marousi, Tel: 210 683 6230

Eleni Marneri Creative Gallery Agathoupoleos 3-5, Tel: 210 861 9488

Longchamp Panagitsas 6, Kifissia Tel: 210 623 1635 Olga Patsea & Co. Vas. Paulou 102-104, Tel: 210 899 2034


Sephora Teva The Wall Ag. Athanassiou 12, Pallini Tel: 210 603 0093 Vitra Showroom Leof. Kifisias 220, Halandri, Tel: 210 674 6601

insider athens | June 2011



Gastronomic pleasures from the Mani region blending sophistication and simplicity


ust a stone’s throw away from the Acropolis museum, ManiMani is housed in a neo-classical building in Makriyianni. Mani Mani is so discreet, you might almost walk past the entrance before negotiating the stairs up the first floor. Done up in shades of green that recall the verdant Peloponnese and with large bay windows that overlook the busy Falirou street, it feels like walking into a home –an inviting, unintimidating one – rather than into a stiff, formal restaurant. Young chef and owner Alexandros Fouroulis applies the same dedication to the décor as with the actual cooking to create an atmosphere that is rustic yet modern, hearty yet sophisticated. The restaurant itself is split across the middle with the kitchen taking centre stage and Fouroulis churning out his culinary creations at a furious pace.The tables are set on either side of the central kitchen.The accent is on simplicity and as a result there are no elements both in the setting and in the cuisine that are overwhelming. One of the thing that struck us – placed as it is at the foothills of the Acropolis and drawing tourists used to eating earlier was the lunch hour – an extremely belated three o’clock opening.Whether this is a Mani tradition or simply a way to get your gastric juices overflowing, we are yet to find out, but we patiently waited out and arrived on the dot. We were received by a very informed and courteous waiter who was vocal in his recommendations without being pushy. With our appetites duly whetted, we were ready to order and settled on a simple Greek salad called apla ellinika - which we soon discovered was not so simple after all. Refreshingly light with just a hint of Lebanese samak to add flavour and

56 insider athens | June 2011

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colour, the salad took on a completely different texture and taste to the regular horiatiki one is used to. To complement the salad we ordered manouri rolls with proscuito and red peppers - crunchy on the outside and delectably soft on the inside. The tomato and almond sauce that accompany the rolls is so irresistible that before long we had thrown all caution of extra calories and all pretence of social etiquette out of the window and were scraping the bottom of the dish with every last wedge of bread. By now, we were sated and it was already four but after a few mandatory protests we were gladly tucking into crisp chicken with baby potatoes and asparagus - just the right mix of fruity and herbal to what is essentially a hearty roast dish. While disctinct in taste and character, there is a recurring theme in ManiMani’s dishes. Most recipes – from the kayiana omelette to the lentil salad with marjoram and even the aforementioned chicken are flavoured with siglinio (smoked pork with citrus zest) – obviously one of Fouroulis’ favourite ingredients. While we simply could not even think of dessert at this point, some of our more adventurous fellow-guests at the next table had ordered a heady hazelnut praline mousse with wafer and bitter chocolate sauce. Just by the looks of it and the approving sounds emanating from that corner, it was obviously a very good choice indeed. Insider would unhesitatingly recommend ManiMani for both veteran Athenians familiar with Greek cuisine as well as to first-time visitors for a subtle introduction to the flavours of the land. Especially ideal after a bout of sight-seeing , away from the madding crowds. Mani Mani, Falirou 10.Tel: 210 921 8180 i

58 insider athens | June 2011

insider athens | June 2011


Insider guide

refer to corresponding area for more information and contact details

restaurant index by type AMERICAN JACKSON HALL Kolonaki TGI FRIDAY’S Kolonaki


ASIAN Golden Phoenix Halandri Saipan Halandri

BAR - RESTAURANTS Apsendi Halandri BACARO Omonia BALTHAZAR Mavili Sq BARAONDA Mavili Sq CENTRAL Kolonaki Eclipse Kolonaki ENTEKA Glyfada KITCHEN BAR Faliro & Halandri FRAME Kolonaki GINGER Mavili Sq ISLAND Vouliagmeni NIXON Kerameikos SEMIRAMIS RESTAURANT Kifissia SHOWROOM Kolonaki

FISH RESTAURANTS 7 THALASSES Kolonaki Ai Nikolas Syngrou CAPTAIN JOHN’S Piraeus FISH BAR Glyfada ITHAKI Vouliagmeni JIMMY AND THE FISH Piraeus KASTELORIZO Kifissia Kollias Syngrou LA PECHE Glyfada MILOS Hilton MYTHOS OF THE SEA Vouliagmeni PAPADAKIS Kolonaki PLOUS PODILATOU Piraeus Psaroma Halandri THALATTA Gazi TO VAROULKO Kerameikos ZEFYROS Piraeus



GOURMET KUZINA Thissio Eclipse Kolonaki Essence Kifissia Fuga Mavili Square Funky Gourmet Kerameikos

60 insider athens | June 2011

P-Box Kolonaki, Kifissia Polly Magoo Metaxurgeio Première Syngrou


GRILL 1920 Halandri Meat Square Glyfada & Halandri

INDIAN Indian Masala Thissio ISKANDAR Alimos JAIPUR PALACE Maroussi

ITALIAN AGLIO OLIO Acropolis ACQUA AZZURA Kifissia AL FRESCO Vouliagmeni AL MILANESE Kolonaki ALTRO Kolonaki BOSCHETTO Kolonaki CANTUCCIO Psyrri DA LUCIANO Vouliagmeni DA VINCI Ag. Paraskevi DVLCIS IN FVNDO Voula GENOVESE Voula LA CASA DI GIORGINO Gyfada IL SALOTTO Glyfada IL SEGRETO Voula MEZZA LUNA Vouliagmeni MULTI 22 Syntagma Nanninela Ag. Paraskevi Novo Romantico di Antonio Halandri PIZZA POMMODORO Kolonaki SALE E PEPE Kolonaki SCALA VINOTECA Kolonaki TONY BONANO Piraeus VINCENZO Glyfada


INBI Kolonaki KIKU Kolonaki MATSUHISA ATHENS Vouliagmeni NOODLE BAR Syntagma SHOGUN Kifissia

KOSHER KOL TUV Monastiraki


MEDITERRANEAN AIOLI RESTAURANT Glyfada BEREKET Glyfada BRACHERA Monastiraki BYZANTINE RESTAURANT Hilton CAFE AVYSSINIAS Monastiraki CAFE BOHEME Kolonaki CAFE TABAC Vouliagmeni Dalí Halandri DAPHNE’S RESTAURANT Plaka DORIS Monastiraki Essence Kifissia FATSIO Pangrati GALAZIA HYTRA Vouliagmeni GB CORNER Syntagma GRILL ROOM Vouliagmeni IDEAL RESTAURANTOmonia KITRINO PODILATO Gazi KOUZINA CINE-PSIRRI Psyrri MAGEMENOS AVLOS Pangrati MAGIREVONDAS Kolonaki MEIDANIS Monastiraki OCHRE & BROWN Psyrri Olio by Portofino Ag. Paraskevi Omikron Kifissia PARLIAMENT Syntagma PRYTANEION Kolonaki PSARAKI Vouliagmeni RATKA Kolonaki TA KIOUPIA Kolonaki TO KOUTI Monastiraki TO POLITICO Glyfada ZEPHYROS Piraeus ZORBAS Piraeus

MEXICAN AMIGOS Glyfada DOS HERMANOS Kifissia EL TACO BUENO Maroussi LA TIENDA Glyfada Santa Fe Halandri







WINE BARS CELLIER LE BISTROT Syntagma L’Enoteca Halandri Whispers of wine Maroussi

Westin Kids Club


MULTI ETHNIC Altamira Kolonaki


Register Now!


insider athens | June 2011


Insider guide SHOP

Salero Valtetsiou 51, Tel: 210.381.3358 Spanish and mediterranean cuisine in the heart of Exarhia

Children Damigos

central Athens Mediterranean cuisine in a modern industrial atmosphere


Dimitrakopoulou 40 Tel: 210.922.0317 Toyshop with a wonderful selection, including wooden designs

Meg.Vasiliou 52 & Konstantinoupoleos 4 Tel: 210.341.3433, Delicious dishes in a warm atmosphere right beside the train tracks. A popular gay haunt.



Greece is for Lovers

Karyatidon 13A Tel: 210.924.5064 Tongue-in-cheek souvenirs for the discerning traveller

Ilias Lalaounis museum


Shop, Eat, Drink & Chill!

Vitonos 5, Tel: 210.346.4204 Fresh seafood creations

DRINK Bars, Clubs & Lounges Almaz

Mani Mani


Falirou 10. Tel: 210.921.8180 Peloponnesian specialities with Mediterranean touches

Lontou 4, Tel: 210.382.8206 Exceptional entrees you are unlikely to find elsewhere



Hatzichristou 8, Tel: 210.921.1770 All day italian café bistrot with gourmet street food

Valtetsiou 44, Tel: 210.330.1369 Modern Greek cuisine prepared with organic ingredients. 20 Euros per person

Triptolemou 12, Tel: 210.347.4763 Lounge in a modern atmosphere while listening to music from around the world

Barouge Andronikou 4, Tel: 210.342.4994 A staple of Athenian nightlife

Aglio Olio & Peperonicino Porinou 13 , Tel: 210.921.1801 Authentic Italian pasta in a cozy setting, accompanied by luscious salads and homemade dolci

Syllektiko Paleopolio Asklipiou 41, Tel: 210.364.1718 Antiques of all sorts and restoration services

Art Rat Records Zoodohou Pigis 48, Tel: 210.384.8001 Various vinyls

Medusa Tattoo Kallidromiou 85, Tel: 210.825.4593 Athens’ finest since 1995

Asimenia Bakery

Vinyl Microstore

Beles 1 and Androutsou Tel: 210.924.7655 Raisin bread, almond shortbread, yummy cookies & tasty loaves

Didotou 34, Tel: 210.361.4544 New vinyls & cds; also reissues from the 60s & more


Kallidromiou 87-89, Tel: 210.881.1233 Imported second-hand clothes; individuality guaranteed

Veikou 80 , Tel: 210.921.3013 Fresh ingredients presented at your table, then cooked to perfection

Yesterday's Bread

DRINK Circus Bar Navarinou 11, Tel: 210.361.5255 Attracts a hip and happening crowd in a cozy space

Ginger Ale Themistokleous 74, Tel: 210.330.1246 Enjoy a cocktail or a coffee in a retro pop atmosphere

Vox Arahovas 56 & Themistokleous Tel: 210.383.5811, One of the oldest summer cinemas in Athens is a picturesque place for a retro-tinged drink

EAT Butcher’s Shop


Persefonis 19, Tel: 210.341.3440 Traditional psistaria serving grilled meat dishes

Makriyanni 19-21 , Tel: 210.921.2280 Greek chic coffee and tempting snacks beside the Acropolis Museum



Emanouil Benaki 45 , Tel: 210.330.0010 A great meal in an uplifting environment


Themistokleous 64, Tel: 210.381.0202 Dine while enjoying live Rebetika music

Persefonis 41, Tel: 210.346.4984 Modern taverna located in an old barrel warehouse offering traditional Greek fare

Elaea Bistrot

Makriyanni 19-21, Tel: 210.923.8124 Homemade ice cream and waffles

62 insider athens | June 2011


Kitrino Podilato Keramikou 116, Tel: 210.346.5830

Triptolemou 46, Tel: 210.342.3809 Excellent cocktails

Grande Dame Persefonis 23, Tel: 210.341.6412 Chic bar serving elaborate champagne cocktails

Nipiagogeio Elasidon & Kleanthous 8 Tel: 210.345.8534, For late-night dancing to funky electronic music

Villa Mercedes Andronikou & Tzaferi 11 Tel: 210.342.2380 Mega club ideal for all-night dancing

Live Greek Music Athinon Arena Pireos 166, Tel: 210.347.1111 The latest in live Greek music acts





Greece is for Lovers


Dirty Ginger

EAT Alatsi Vrassida 13, Tel: 210.721.0501 Exquisite Cretan specialties

Byzantine Restaurant

Athens Hilton Vas. Sofias 46, Tel: 210.728.1400 Traditional Greek recipes with a Mediterranean twist

To advertise, contact

central Athens

To Varoulko

Jack in the Box


Athens Hilton Vas. Sofias 46, Tel: 210.724.4400 Simply prepared local flavours. Guaranteed value for money

Pireos 80, Tel: 210.522.8400 Seafood prepared by Michelin star-winning chef Lefteris Lazarou

Haritos 13, Tel: 210.725.8735 Beautiful wooden toys and more

Solonos 8, Tel: 210.360.3775 Classic American sportswear

Marie Chantal Boutique

Elina Lebessi


Spefsippou 11, Tel: 210.722.2029 Old-fashioned chic for little princes and princesses

Iraklitou 13, Tel: 210.363.1731 Ethereal frocks, pretty tea-dresses and accessories from around the world

Kilim Hali


Ermenegildo Zegna

Milos Garden

Vlassis Neandrou 15, Tel: 210.646.3060 & 210.725.6335, Family-run taverna serving traditional Greek food



Valaoritou 9 Tel: 210.363.7056 Antique carpets from around the world

Beauty & Cosmetics Apivita

Kanari 8, Tel: 210.361.7714 Good-quality orthopaedic shoes as well as funkier styles

Fashion Atelier Loukia Kanari 24, Tel: 210.362.7334 Fairytale dresses in lace and embroidery from Greece's doyenne designer

Solonos 26 Tel: 210.364.0560 Shop natural Greek cosmetics, get a prescription cream made up and have a quick massage

Athens Hilton Vas. Sofias 46, Tel: 210.728.1402 Rooftop cocktails in a chic atmosphere


Amerikis 19, Tel: 210.360.0516 Smart separates for a work wardrobe

Bespoke Athens

Bespoke Athens Anagnostopoulou 15-17 Tel: 210.364.5518, Made-to-measure suits and shirts from top international tailors

Athens Hilton Vas. Sofias 46, Tel: 210.728.1801 Indoor and outdoor pools, pilates studio, cardio classes and weight-training

Carouzos Kanari 12 , Tel: 210.362.7123 Designer items from Prada, Brioni, Donna Karan, Fendi and other top-flight brands

EAT Funky Gourmet Paramythias 13 and Salaminos, Tel: 210 524 2727 Haute cuisine in art deco interior

Kanari 8, Tel: 210.362.7768 Menswear from Armani, Boss and Allen Edmonds brogues

Kalogirou Patriarchou Ioakim 4, Tel: 210.335.6401 Fetish footwear from Prada, Tod's & Casadei

Kathy Heyndels Patriarchou Ioakeim 21 Tel: 210.729.9966 Greek label selling barely-there gowns and basics with a twist

Coach Tsakalof 28, Tel: 210.362.5669 Leather totes and luggage in easy American style

Deux Hommes


Kanari 18, Tel: 210.361.4155 Greece's design ambassadors create structural separates and heavenly bridal gowns.

Plataion 15, Tel: 210.346.2983 Greek & Mediterranean cuisine in beautiful surroundings

Diesel Skoufa 3, Tel: 210.362.2748 A treasure trove of denim, and all the hip accoutrements to go with it

Nixon Agisilaou 61B, Tel: 210.346.2077 Burgers, a private cinema & an artsy crowd. Open for brunch on Sundays at noon



Hiltonia Health & Wellness Club

Voukourestiou 50 Tel: 210.364.1308 A haven of hip, carrying labels from Balenciaga to Martin Margiela to Marlene Birger

Hugo Boss

Kanari 5, Tel: 210.339.2597 Designer togs for tots Kanari 21, Tel: 210.360.4481 Casual clothing and gifts for kids

Free Shop

Koumbari 8, Tel: 210.361.3603 Suit- and dress-maker to the stars


Galaxy Bar

Skoufa 18, Tel: 210.361.3700 Home of fine fabrics and handsome tailor-finished suits

Giorgio Armani





Dior Boutique Hiltonia

Voukourestiou 18-20, Tel: 210 361.3014 High-end designer fashion

insider athens | June 2011


Insider guide Shop, Eat, Drink & Chill! La Perla

Paul & Shark

Spefsippou 14, Tel: 210.729.9720 Lingerie to flaunt

Anagnostopoulou 6, Tel: 210.339.2334 Casual yachting styles



Solonos 5, Tel: 210.361.8030 French take on American sportswear

Patriarchou Ioakim 19 Tel: 210.722.4731 High fashion designer shoes

Lanvin Iraklitou 9 Tel: 210.360.8315 Alber Elbaz's gloriously chic take on the classic French couture house

Puma Concept

Linea Piu

Skoufa 62, Tel: 210.364.4300 Distinctive creations by two young Greek women and other international imports

Sekeri 6, Tel: 210 360.6125 Collections from exclusive fashion houses including Chanel, Galliano, Lagerfeld and Sonia Rykiel

Luisa Skoufa 15, Tel: 210.363.5600 Designer emporium stocked with Chloe, Roberto Cavalli, Ralph Lauren, Missoni & more

Marc by Marc Jacobs Xanthou 3, Tel: 210.363.6030 Budget knick-knacks and must-have casuals from America's fashion hero

Nike Tsakalof 34, Tel: 210.363.6188 Trainers, tracksuits and other swooshmarked sports paraphernalia

Kanari 17, Tel: 210.361.0516 International sportswear for all ages

Rere Papa

Thalassa Collection Patriarchou Ioakim 30-32 Tel: 210.725.8525 Original silk designs for scarves, ties, shawls & blouses

Vlassis Holevas Anagnostopoulou 19 Tel: 210.361.6167, Elegant fashion with a contemporary twist


La Fenetre Irodotou 21, Tel: 210.723.5029 Elegant objects and sophisticated gifts for the house, mostly from France

Parousiasi Patriarchou Ioakim 33, Tel: 210.723.7656, A range of international brands in crystal, china and other eye-catching homeware accessories

Jewellery Apriati Pindarou 29, Tel: 210.360.7878 Smartly designed necklaces, bracelets and rings

Elena Votsi Xanthou 7, Tel: 210.360.0936 Conversation-starting pieces in gold and stone

Folli Follie

Kylix Karneadou 20, Tel: 210.724.5143 Quality picks from the world’s best vineyards; including Greek labels

Wine Garage Xenokratous 25, Tel: 210.721.3175 Browser-friendly cava with helpful service

Gadgets Observatery Attitudes

Bakeries & Patisseries

Koumbari 5, Tel: 210.362.0483 Classis silver and crystal ideal for wedding gifts

Patriarchou Ioakim 23 Tel: 210.721.1762, Unique collection of animal and insect pins & earrings

Ypsilantou 13-15, Tel: 210.725.1050 Comprehensive wine and liquor wholesalers

64 insider athens | June 2011



Cava Anthidis

Solonos 9, Tel: 210.364.6910 The ultimate fashion store



Food & Wine

Observatory Attitudes


Flowers Patriarchou Ioakim 35 Tel: 210.722.9697

Octopus Solonos 15, Tel: 210.363 6677 Quirky designs with a sense of humour

central Athens

Irodotou 15, , Tel: 210.721.2253 For real American homemade cheesecake, brownies and more

Fresh Kriezotou 12, Tel: 210.364.2948/ Loukianou 21, Tel: 210.729.3453 Desserts and cakes

Restaurants 7 Thalasses Omirou 11, Tel: 210.362.4825 Fresh fish with refined service

Al Milanese Xenokratous 49, Tel: 210.729.4111 Authentic Italian cuisine for the discerning

Altamira (Multi-ethnic) Tsakalof 36A, Tel: 210 361 4695 Flavours of multiethnic cuisine

Altro Haritos 39, Tel: 210.724.2717 Tiny funky restaurant that specializes in Italian food

Boschetto Evangelismos Park, Tel: 210.721.0893 Italian food in a lush central setting

Tsakalof 6 & Solonos 25 Tel: 210.323.0739, Greece's high-street export stocks affordable watches and everyday bijoux

Cafe Boheme

Liana Vourakis


Pindarou 42, Tel: 210.361.7705 For unique baptism and wedding gifts, start here

Dinokratous 1, Tel: 210.725.4008 A Mykonos favourite now in Athens

Lylian Syrigou

Tsakalof 6, Tel: 210.894.7040 New-age Cretan specialties

Anagnostopoulou 12, Tel: 210.361.3350 Handcrafted bijoux and one-off designer pieces.

Magia Haritos 18, Tel: 210.724.0697 Ileana Makri's silver jewellery amid eclectic pieces from New York

Oxette Skoufa 37, Tel: 210.339.0547 Trendy, affordable jewellery

Omirou 36, Tel: 210.360.8018 Welcoming nook with Greek cooking and more-ish cocktails


Eclipse (Bar restaurant) Alopekis 21, Tel: 210 364 1545 Fabulous cocktails and creative Mediterranean cuisine by Yiannis Baxevannis

Filipou Xenokratous 19, Tel: 210.721.6390 Home-cooked Greek taverna dishes




Benaki Museum Gift Shop

Skoufa 30, Tel: 210.364.2139 Greek silver fashion jewellery

St George Lycabettus Hotel Dinokratous , Tel: 210.721.4368 Exotic cuisine in the heart of Athens

Van Cleef & Arpels

Freud Oriental

Pindarou 42, Tel: 210.331.1107 The jeweller of the international jetset

Xenokratous 21, Tel: 210.729.9595 Sushi in a cool setting

Vas. Sofias & Koumbari Tel: 210.367.1045, Artefacts and jewellery inspired by the museum’s exhibits



TGI Friday’s

Iraklitou 21, Tel: 210.339.2090 Sushi fusion

Haritos 24, Periscope hotel Tel: 210 7298556, Simple ingredients, special flavours in a setting designed by Theodore Zoumboulakis

Kolokotroni 35, Kefalari sq. Tel: 210.623.3945 American restaurant with real steak and barbecue sauce!

Jackson Hall Milioni 4, Tel: 210.361.6098 Gourmet burgers with all the fixings

Kalamaki Kolonaki Ploutarhou 32, Tel: 210.721.8800 Souvlakia on the sidewalk have never been so trendy

Kiku Dimokritou 12, Tel: 210.364.7033 Fresh, beautifully presented sushi

L'Abreuvoir Xenokratous 51, Tel: 210.722.9106 Fine French cuisine

Le Grand Balcon St George Lycabettus Hotel, Kleomenous 2, Tel: 210.729.0711 Gourmet Greek cuisine

Pizza Pommodoro


Alopekis 9, Tel: 210.729.6500 Great Italian specialties

Bars, Clubs & Lounges


Kolonaki Square, Tel: 210.724.5938 The place to see & be seen while sipping on coffee or cocktails

Milioni 7, Tel: 210.364.3353 Generous portions of Mediterranean fare

Ratka Haritos 32, Tel: 210.729.0746 Popular haunt of the rich and almost famous, with cosmopolitan cuisine

Sale e Pepe Aristipou 34, Tel: 210.723.4102 Authentic Italian trattoria


Mai Tai Ploutarhou 18, , Tel: 210.725.8306 Early evening cocktails in a laid-back atmosphere

Ten Ploutarhou 10, Tel: 210.321.7836 One of the most popular hot spots in town

W Kanari 24, Tel: 697.270.0712 Private seating areas, speciality cocktails & exclusives events

CafĂŠs Da Capo Tsakalof 1, Tel: 210.243.3902 Long-established people-watching hangout

central Athens CHILL La Prairie Day Spa Kanari 24, Tel: 210.360.1550 High-tech beauty treatments in a clinical setting

Mavili Sq

To advertise, contact

DRINK Balthazar Tsoha 27, Tel: 210.644.1215 Lovely garden and chic interior attracts a cool crowd

Baraonda Tsoha 43, Tel: 210.644.4308 Gourmet cuisine and funky beats

Briki Dorileou 6, Mavili sq. Tel: 210.654.2380 Trendy hole-in-the-wall hangout

Flower Dorileou 2, Mavili sq. Tel: 210.643.2111, Fun, funky and affordable watering hole

Peros Kolonaki Square, Tel: 210.364.5068 Enjoy a cup of java if you can find a spot

Tea To Tsai Magirevontas ti Mesoghio

Scala Vinoteca

Vissarionos 9, Tel: 210.338.97.41 Authentic home cooked food with mediterranean flavors for just 15 euros per person

Sina 50, Tel: 210.361.0041 Mediterranean restaurant ideal for wining & dining

Mi Sueno

Milioni 12, Tel: 210.364.6460 Missoni-designed interiors, serving unique Mediterranean flavours

Akadimias 30, Tel: 210.361.6271 Tapas & other Spanish specialties

Orizontes Lycavyttou Lycabettus Hill, Tel: 210.722.7065. Gourmet dining with a spectacular view

To Tsai


Square Sushi

Karneadou 25-26, Tel: 210.729.5484 Traditional Greek appetizers & ouzo

Deinokratous 65, Tel: 210.725.5236 High-quality sushi & other Japanese favourites


Ta Kioupia

Fokilidou 15 & Voukourestiou 47A Tel: 210.360.8621 Paros' legendary gourmet restaurant serving seafood in the heart of Athens

Dinokratous & An Polemou 22 Tel: 210.740.0150 Superb set menu of Greek classics with refined touches


Soutsou & Likavitou, Tel: 210.338.8941 Tea & tea paraphernalia from around the world


insider athens | June 2011


Insider guide EAT Fuga Vas.Sofias & Kokkali 1, Tel: 210 724 2979 Italian inspired menu by chef Andrea Berton at the Athens Concert Hall

Ginger Dorileou 10-12, Tel: 210.645.1169 Original dishes and innovative combinations in an elegant atmosphere


Praxitelous 30, Tel: 210.323.2671 Hearty stews & pasta dishes at reasonable prices

Paleovivliopolio Hiotakis

Kol Tuv

Normanou 7 Tel: 210.324.7835 Historic bookshop houses rare & old books

EAT Bairaktaris Monastiraki Square 2 Tel: 210.321.3036 Old-world taverna serving traditional Greek fare

Normanou 4, Tel: 210.524.4049 The only kosher restaurant in Athens serving traditional shabat meals

Meïdanis Sokratous 3 & Evripidou Tel: 210.324.9073, A menu that is sure to please with speciality oven dishes

Savvas Mitropoleos 86, Tel: 210.321.9919 Gyros & Middle Eastern dishes like pastourmali




Adrianou 23, Tel: 210.321.3229 Mediterranean fare right next to the ancient agora

EAT Polly Maggoo



Avissynias 3, Tel: 210.321.7202 Traditional Greek recipes with a European twist overlooking the Acropolis & Observatory

Orea Ellas

Café Avyssinias Kynetou 7, Tel: 210.321.7407 Spcializing in regional dishes & live music on weekends

SHOP Antiques Darousos Normanou 7 Tel: 210.331.1638 Small antique shop in the heart of the flea market

Pandrosou 36, Tel: 210.321.3842 An eclectic cafe & bookshop

Ivikou 8 & Eratosthenous Tel: 210.722.2774 Natural Greek products made using Mediterranean herbs


Efroniou 5, Tel: 210.721.7421 Greek food & political gossip Arktinou & Pausaniou Tel: 210.721.5155 Classic Greek cuisine in a dining room lined with wine casks

Magemenos Avlos Amynta 4, Tel: 210.722.3195 Mediterranean fare, welcoming decor & generous servings Antinoros 42, Tel: 210.725.8666 Spanish cuisine & live music


SHOP Department Stores

Pyrronos 5, Tel: 210.756.4021 A mix of European & more exotic flavours. Voted one of the best in Athens

Hondos Center Omonia Square, Tel: 210.528.2800 Cosmetics, perfumes, luggage, clothing, & much, much more

EAT Ideal Restaurant


Panepistimiou 46, Tel: 210.330.3000 Greek classics in old-world decor

Evripidou 41, Tel: 210.321.7238 Old-style butcher shop offers interesting sausages, pasturma & smoked meats

Bacaro Sophokleous 1 & Aristidou Tel: 210.321.1882, Lavish Italian and contemporary dishes


66 insider athens | June 2011


Puerte de Espana

Food & Wine

Evripidou 31, Tel: 210.321.7225 Well-known herb haven

Beauty & Cosmetics

Evforionos 13 & Eratosthenous Tel: 210.756.6008, Greek cuisine with a menu that changes daily


To Kouti


Cucina Povera

Monastiraki Sq. 2, Tel: 210.321.3036 Century-old restaurant serving a variety of fresh dishes Mitropoleos 69, Tel : 210.324.4705 A souvlaki lover’s paradise

Leonidou 80 & Salaminos, Tel: 210 524 1120 Gourmet cuisine in a postmodern and industrial setting. New hot spot for the trendy



Evripidou 45, Tel: 210.321.7187 Sausages, pastrami & cured meats



Alexadras 10, Tel: 210.889.4500 For an unforgettable roof-top dining experience


central Athens


Shop, Eat, Drink & Chill!

Athinaikon Bahar

Themistokleous 2, Tel: 210.383.8485 A traditional Greek ouzeri


Trata o Stelios Anagenniseos Sq. 7-9, Tel: 210.729.1533 The best grilled fish in town


To advertise, contact SHOP


Antique stores


Maritinos Pandrosou 50 Tel: 210.321.2414 Specializes in 19th Century folk art, embroidery & furniture

Food & wine Mesogaia

Kratinou 5, Tel: 210.374.3000 Home décor superstore

EAT Cantuccio Lepeniotou & Ivis 1 Tel: 210.323.3670 Authentic Italian cuisine in a friendly environment


Nikis 52, Tel: 210.322.9146 Packaged & fresh speciality foods

Theatrou & Sokratous Tel: 210.321.1463 Old-world tavern offers bargain basics like salads, sardines & fava


Kouzina Cine-Psirri

Amorgos Kodrou 3, Tel: 210.324.3836 Hand-carved & painted furniture

Nara Nara

Ochre & Brown

Nikis 48, Tel: 210.322.2839 Creative gourmet dishes that change monthly

Daphne’s Restaurant Lysikratous 4, Tel: 210.322.7971 Refined classic Greek dishes in a resplendent atmosphere

Electra Nikodimou 18-20, Tel: 210.337.0000 Roof-top dining with Greek cuisine

Platanos Diogenous 4, Tel: 210.322.0666 One of the few remaining tavernas preserving 1940s Athens

Scholarheio Tripodon 14, Tel: 210.324.1605 A traditional tray taverna with old fashioned decor & prices

Ydria Adrianou 68 & Eolou Tel: 210.325.1619 Taditional Greek cuisine

SHOP Fashion Christoforos Kotentos Sachtouri 3, Tel: 210.325.5434 Glamorous & unique designs

Leokoriou 7, Tel: 210.331.2950 Mediterranean/French cuisine





Panepistimiou 17, Tel: 210.325.8440 The largest foreign language bookstore in Greece


Stadiou 28, Tel: 210.322.2160 Mostly French books and small selection of English fiction



Bars, Clubs & Lounges

Panepistimiou 9, Tel: 211.180.2600 Home to an array of luxury goods



Evripidou 65, Tel: 210.331.0907 Show off your groovy disco moves

Stadiou 41, Tel: 210.325.7770 Clothes, shoes and accessories for men, women & children

SHOP Accessories Bag Stories Panepistimiou 41, Tel: 210.323.7405 Luggage & travel bags by Tumi, Porsche Design, Rimowa & Delsey

Antiques Antiqua

Vassilis Amalias 2-4, Tel: 210.323.2220 One of the oldest antique stores in Athens

Beauty & Cosmetics MAC Ermou 44, Tel: 210.325.8260 International cosmetic brand for women who like to play with colour

Syntagma Square, Tel: 210.324.6210, Five floors of gaming, gadgets & books


Department Stores



2 Mazi


Sari 44, Tel: 210.321.5534 Mediterranean fare & eclectic music Karaiskaki 26,, Tel: 210.331.2091 Lebanese food & dancing


central Athens

Stock House & Travel Ermou 45, Tel: 210.324.7732 Outlet store featuring brands from Parousiasi, Cook Shop & Bag Stories

Fashion - Men’s Pagoni Akadimias 61, Tel: 210.363.9277 Selling ties and cufflinks since 1933

Flowers Dromoloulouda Voulis 15, Tel: 210.323.2321 Specializing in arrangements with wild flowers, many indigenous to Greece

Food & Wine Aristokratikon Karageorgi Servas 9, Tel: 210.322.0546 Handmade chocolates

Cellier Kriezotou 1, Tel: 210.361.0040 Speciality wine shop

Filellinon 7, Tel: 210.322.2659 Hand-woven fabrics & souvenirs since 1940

Graf Von Faber-Castell Boutique Panepistimiou 41, Tel: 210.321.8564 Traditional hand-held writing utensils

Kori Mitropoleos 13, Tel: 210.323.3534 Traditional & contemporary jewellery

Psarros 1917 Stadiou 3, Tel: 210.322.0908 Executive gifts and smoking accessories

Home Baccarat Voukourestiou 21, Tel: 210.362.2863 Fine crystal from the venerable French luxury house

Jewellery Apriati Pentelis 9 & Mitropoleos, Tel: 210.322.9020 Smartly designed necklaces, bracelets and rings

Bulgari Voukourestiou 8, Tel: 210.324.7118 Opulent designs in jewellery, watches & accessories

Cartier Voukourestiou 7, Tel: 210.331.3600 Two floors of designs & timepieces by the prestigious Cartier maison

insider athens | June 2011


Insider guide Gofas

Vassilis Zoulias Old Athens

Stadiou 3, Tel: 210.331.7540 High-end timepieces

Akadimias 30, Tel: 210.361.4762 Handmade shoes and handbags inspired by films of the 50s & 60s

Ilias Lalaounis Panepistimiou 6, Tel: 210.361.1371 Fabulous gold designs by famous Greek jeweller

Stadiou 2 & Vas. Georgiou 210.325.0555 Legendary time pieces and jewellery.

Folli Follie

Explorer’s Lounge

Panepistimiou 7, Tel: 210.323.2919 Wide range of luxury brand timepieces

Panepistimiou 10, Tel: 210.363.8525 Excellent dishes accompany the extensive list of international wines

NJV Athens Plaza, Syntagma Square, 210.335.2400, Magnificent cocktails and live jazz in an intimate atmosphere



Voukourestiou 21, Tel: 210.362.7118 Old-world shop known for its original & elegant designs

Voulis 31-33, Tel: 210.323.3330 Japanese & Korean cuisine in the heart of Athens


Nikis 58 & Kydathynaion Tel: 210.322.2839 Traditional Greek cuisine combined with modern elements

Panepistimiou 10, Tel: 210.360.1272 Designs inspired by the antique & classical periods as well as contemporary collections by designers like Paloma Picasso


To Ergastirio to Baxevani

Far East Stadiou 7, Tel: 210.323.4996 A mix of Asian cuisines in elegant surroundings

Furin Kazan Apollonos 2, Tel: 210.322.9170 A Japanese favourite of expats & Athenians alike

GB Corner

The concierge of the Grande Bretagne Hotel in Syntagma Square recommends:

Club Eat See


Cellier Le Bistrot

Ermou 63, Tel: 210.322.7590 Pick up a pair of Manolo’s at half price!

George Economou collection at the new municipal gallery in Metaxourgeio Spondi, 2 star Michelin restaurant in Pangrati Cibus for Greek cuisine and Acropolis view in the Nat.Gardens Varoulko Michelin star with gourmet fish cuisine in Gazi Papadakis good island cuisine in Kolonaki Vanilla Club at Kanari 24 Villa Mercedes at Andronicou & Zafeiri 11, Rouf Messiah Rebirth at Karneadou 25 in Kolonaki Baraonda, Tsocha 43, Ambelokoipi

68 insider athens | June 2011

Bars, Clubs & Lounges Filellinon 15, Tel: 210.323.1315 Popular Athenian night spot


Ermou 18, Tel: 210.323.0739 Trendy & affordable jewellery & accessories





central Athens

Hotel Grand Bretagne Syntagma Square, Tel: 210.333.0750 Luxurious surroundings, Mediterranean cuisine

Ioannis Royal Olympic Hotel Ath. Diakou 28-34, Tel: 210.928.8400 Greek & Mediterranean cuisine with breathtaking views from the rooftop

Multi 22 Ermou 116 & Leokoriou Tel: 210.331.6766 Italian fare served in a neoclassical house

Noodle Bar Apollonos 11, Tel: 210.331.8585 A congenial place to drop in for a quick noodle fix

Parliament Vas. Georgiou A & Stadiou Tel: 210.335.2400 International cuisine with Mediterranean accents

Paul Panepistiomiou 10, Tel: 210.722.4824 A true French patisserie

Kalua Amerikis 6, Tel: 210.360.8304 Dance the night away in a chic environment

T Palace King George Palace Syntagma Square, Tel: 210.322.2210 Sophisticated atmosphere for mingling & people-watching

CHILL GB Spa Syntagma Square, Tel: 210.333.0799 Award-winning spa featuring treatments by E’SPA,Valmont & Algoane

Holmes Place Stadiou 4 & Voukourestiou Tel: 210.325.9400, Fully equipped health club with excellent array of classes

The Palace Spa Syntagma Square, Tel: 210.374.3590 Ideal for rejuvenation after a long flight or a hectic bout of shopping


Zolotas pendant in gold with diamonds

Shop, Eat, Drink & Chill!

EAT Peacock Hotel Hera, Falirou 9, Tel: 210 923 6682 Traditional food with an inventive dash and breathtaking Acropolis views


Syngrou Ave. 303 Tel: 210 940 8620 Diverse excellent seafood in a pleasant Mediterranean atmosphere

central & Southern Athens

To advertise, contact Plous Podilatou

Syngrou Ave. 156, Tel: 210 923 2918 Original seafood dishes, fresh ingredients and simple elegant interior

Ak. Koumoundourou 42 Tel: 210.413.7910 Sumptuous seafood & mouth-watering deserts on the waterfront

Kona Kai Athens Ledra Marriott, Syngrou Ave. 115, Tel: 210 930 0000 Polynesian, Teppanyaki and Sushi cuisine in an original luxury setting

Café Zoe

Tony Bonano Papanastasiou 63, Tel: 210.411.1901 Italian cuisine with a view of the harbour

Athenaeum InterContinental, Syngrou Ave 89-93 Casual dining and terrific buffets for lunch and on Sundays Tel: 210 920 6655



Ak. Koumoundourou 48 Tel: 210.417.5152 Fresh seafood on the quay

EAT Indian Masala (Indian) Ermou 129, Tel: 210 321 9412 Amazing Indian food at affordable price in a pleasant environment


Apostoplou Pavlou 31 Tel: 210.346.6960 Ideal for a lunch break

Kuzina Adrianou 9, Tel: 210.324.0133 Inspired traditional recipes in a cozy arty environment


SOUTHERN ATHENS EAT Captain John's Ak. Koumoundourou 16A, Tel: 210.417.7589 Traditional seafood

Dourambeis Ak. Protopsalti 29, Tel: 210.412.2092 Classic fish taverna

Jimmy and The Fish

Ak. Mikrolimanou, Tel: 210.413.4084. Excellent seafood; try the astakomakaronada

Kollias Plastira 3, Tel: 210.462.9620 Excellent seafood but difficult to find; reserve on weekends


Zorbas Ak. Koumoundourou 14 Tel: 210.411.1163 Unique flavours of the Mediterranean


Food & Wine

Big Apple South

All about Whisky

Posidonos 1, Tel: 210.948.5190 Casual cocktails in a modern atmosphere

Vas. Georgiou B' 10 Tel: 210.968.1191, Specialty shop with a large selection of single malts, books, & anything to do with whisky

Zinc “Flisvos” Marina, Tel: 210.985.3183 Cocktails whith music

Zythos Eleftherias 45, Tel: 210.985.0478 Reminiscent of an Irish pub with several beers to choose from

SHOP Books Eleftheroudakis Lazaraki 27, Tel: 210.325.8440 Book superstore with a large selection of English titles

Fashion Enny di Monaco


Provence Posidonos 80, Tel: 210.898.1435 Gourmet French delicatessen

EAT Ache Kypriou 57, Tel: 210.894.2949 International cuisine & delectable deserts

Aioli Restaurant Artemidos 9, Tel: 210.894.0181 Mediterranean cuisine with an excellent “secret” seafood sauce

Amigos Kyprou 65A, Tel: 210.898.3167 Mexican flavours in a friendly setting

Bayern Bierhaus Microbrewery Chr. Nezer 19, Tel: 210.894.4439 Authentic German cuisine

Laodikis 41, Tel: 210.894.0153 Carefully selected designs by various international designers

Beer Academy

Ensayar Donna


Kyprou 55, Esperidon Square Tel: 210.894.3034 Top lines from leading designers with an English touch

Saki Karayiorya 13, Tel: 210.894.3169 Lebanese cuisine & entertainment

Obervatory Attitudes


Kitchen Bar

A. Panagouli 17, Tel: 210.894.2113 The ultimate fashion store

Mikras Asias & Lefkosias 36 Tel: 210.960.9337 Traditional dishes from Asia Minor

Poseidonos 3, Tel: 210.981.2004 Comfort food overlooking the sea


Le Petit Sommelier


Zaimi 6, Tel: 210.984.2344 French cuisine & excellent wine list

Metaxa 24-26, Tel: 210.894.6682 Unique jewellery designs

Ak. Dilaveri 15, Tel: 210.407.8861 Playing disco & techno tracks until 6am

N. Zerva 14, Tel: 210.898.0121 International cuisine in a cozy setting

Istioploikos Ak. Microlimanou, Tel: 210.413.4084 One of the hip places to see and be seen with a rooftop bar overlooking the yachting marina

Katafigio Ak. Koumoundourou 4 Tel: 210.413.1612 Club, cafe & beer house



Athenaeum InterContinental, Syngrou Ave 89-93, Tel : 210 920 6981 Gourmet cuisine with splendid views

Etolikou 72 & Vitolion Tel: 210.461.2457 Friendly food and atmosphere




EAT Il Tinello Knossou 54, Tel: 210.982.8462 Real Italian home cooking


Amphitheas 6 & Poseidonos Tel: 210.988.6474 Authentic Indian cuisine

Far East Lazaraki 61, Tel: 210.894.0500 A mix of Asian cuisines in elegant surroundings

insider athens | June 2011


Insider guide Shop, Eat, Drink & Chill! Kiliza


Konstantinopoleos 13 Tel: 210.894.4648 Delicious kebabs & decadent deserts

Giannitsopoulou 1, Tel: 210.894.1310 Value for money Italian specialities with a Southern Italian touch

Lefkosias 42A, Tel: 210.963.85770 Authentic Italian pizza made in a traditional wood-burning oven

La pêche Posidonos 58, Tel: 210.894.1620 Creative seafood dishes combining Greek & French techniques

Meat Square (Grill) Lambrakis 63 & Ag. Nikolaou, Tel: 210 961 1160 Juicy steaks in pleasant family environment

Molly Malone's Zannitsopoulou 8, Tel: 210.894.4247 Irish pub serving probably the best Irish Stew in Athens

Tartare Panagouli 52, Tel: 210.968.0320 Quality French cuisine

DRINK Bars, Clubs & Lounges Babae Posidonos 88, Tel: 210.894.1629 Beachfront dancing all night long

Balux Posidonos 58, Tel: 210.898.3577 Waterfront lounging

Capri Bay Grigoriou Lambraki 2 Tel: 210.894.9995, Excellent cocktails in a Moroccan style garden

Cafes Chocolat Zisimopoulou 9, Tel: 210.894.3442 Satisfies even the most discerning coffee connoisseur


Il Segreto

Zisimopoulou 12, Tel: 210.894.5746 One of the first cafes to inspireGlyfada's coffee culture

Bizaniou 3, Tel: 210.965.9526 Authentic Italian set on a beautiful terrace

Nest Café Bar


Lazaraki 45, Tel: 210.898.6035 An all-day hangout for locals & visitors


Ithaki Stunning view, live piano music and chef Clessienne’s sea-inspired cuisine Lambros Combines waterfront freshness and the casual atmosphere of a traditional Greek fish tavern. Attica Mall One-stop mall in the heart of the city-centre Golden Hall 41.000 sq meters of shopping therapy hosting 131 fashion brands Scuba diving at Athina Diving a dive resort on the beach at the 38km on the Athens-Sounio road Sailing to Aegina just 45 minutes by motor boat for an island experience

Did you know: .… the Lake of Vouliagmeni is about 50 cms above sea level and is replenished by the hot springs beneath it? A small freshwater lake fed by underground currents seeping through the mass of Mount Hymmetus, it maintains a constant 24 degrees celsius temperature all year long and functions as a year-round spa.

70 insider athens | June 2011

Lazaraki 45, Tel: 210.968.0545 Cafe with a unique style & hip design

The House Project Posidonos 58A, Tel: 210.898.3577 A beach house turned lounge with all the amenities of a home.

Live Music Thalassa People's Stage Posidonos 58, Tel: 210.898.2979 Live Greek acts in a club atmosphere attracting a young crowd



Zen Moorings Great for coffee or a meal by megayachts in the Vouliagmeni marina En Plo Meeting place for a coffee, meal or drink in Vouliagmeni bay Matsuhisa Athens Pre-dinner cocktails to an assortment of sushi for a true omakase experience

Do Eat

The concierge of the Arion, A Luxury collection Resort & Spa in Vouliagmeni recommends:

EAT Dream Grill V. Pavlou 78, Tel: 210.895.5110 Traditional recipes & authentic taste

Dvlcis in Fvndo

Prinkipos Petrou 33, Tel: 210.894.2136 Top-quality authentic Italian

Genovese Vas. Pavlou 99, Tel: 210.895.8400 Italian eats al fresco

Naiades Vas. Pavlou 74, Tel: 210.965.7706 Popular family grill joint

Vari Sports Club Vari-Koropiou & Kalamatos 1 Tel: 210.899.0048


La Casa Di Giorgino

Southern & Northern Athens

EAT Café Tabac Margi Hotel, Litous 11, Tel: 210.967.0924 Delicious variations of Mediterranean food

Da Luciano Posidonos 17, Tel: 210.896.2217 Trattoria serving traditional Italian dishes & pizza

Al Fresco The Westin, 40, Tel: 210.890.1709, Enjoy a romantic meal of creative Italian cuisine

Grill Room

Apollonos 40, Tel: 210.890.1794, Mediterranean & seafood flavours on a breathtaking veranda, in the Astir complex

Ithaki Apollonos 28, Tel: 210.896.3747 Beautiful sea view, fresh seafood & great service

Louizidis Ermou 2, Tel: 210.896.0591 Traditional Greek taverna popular with the locals

Southern & Northern Athens

To advertise, contact

Matsuhisa Athens Astir Palace, Apollonos 40, Tel: 210.896.0510, Celebrity chef Nobu Matsuhisa serves up sushi favourites with a Latin-American flair

Mezza Luna Orpheos 2, Tel: 210.967.1046 Chic Italian restaurant

Mythos of the Sea Ag. Nikolaou 10 & Iliou Tel: 210.891.1100 Gourmet Mediterranean cuisine that blends local produce with fresh seafood

Oro Toro Varis-Koropiou 73, Tel: 210.899.4514 A taste of Argentinian cuisine in a cosy atmosphere

Psaraki Posidonos 15, Tel: 210.896.2432 Seafood served in an informal setting

Schara Posidonos 15, Tel: 210.896.2432 Grills with frills in a friendly setting at reasonable prices

Waffle House Posidonos 17, Tel: 210.896.1227 Sure to satisfy your sweet tooth

DRINK En Plo Posidonos 4, , Tel: 210.967.1770 Cocktails overlooking Vouliagmeni Bay

Island 27th klm Athinon-Souniou Tel: 210.965.3809 Award-winning cuisine & an unmatched location with views of the Saronic Gulf

Sofa Bar


Novo Romantico di Antonio

Bakaliko Ola Ta Kala


25th Martiou 21, Tel: 210 689 6891 Authentic Italian cuisine with a modern twist

Kifissias 238-240, Mela Shopping Centre, Tel: 210.808.9908 Quality Greek delicacies

Da Vinci


Il Salumaio di Montena Poleone

K.Varnali 9, Tel: 210 685 0644 Exquisite dishes from China, Japan and Indonesia

Panagitsas 3, Tel: 210.623.3934 Milan based company selling high quality produce


Sorpresa Italiana

Ag. Ioannou 23, Tel: 210 600 0102 Delightful dishes in fantastic ambience

Nanninela Peloponnissou 13 Tel: 210 600 5622 Authentic Italian cuisine in traditional decor

Olio by Portofino Ag. Ioannou 63, Tel: 210 639 1666, Mediterranean flavours in a chic interior

EAT Apsendi Kifissias 250-254 & Serres Tel: 210 671 7890 Refined cuisine and cocktails in stylish urban atmosphere

L’Enoteca Pendelis 133, Tel: 210 689 0238 Choice of 600 wines to accompany memorable meals

Almyra Filikis Eterias 39, Tel: 210 6819109 Refined seafood and magical summer garden

Dalí Kifissias 336, Tel: 210 685 4004 Multi-ethnic cuisine with original suggestions in arty set-up


K.Varnali 6,, Tel: 210 689 2015 Delightful gastronomic tour in a relaxing atmosphere

Divani Apollon Palace & Spa Ag. Nikolaou 10, Tel: 210.891.1100

Sokratous 23, Tel: 210 683 9348 Imaginative parade of seafood and fresh fish


Stefanidis Finest Foods Dimitrios Square 13, Tel: 210.808.2191 Excellent European delicatessen


Beauty & Cosmetics

Kassaveti 5, Tel: 210.801.2472 Milk products & patisserie



Kifissias 230 Tel: 210.623.2824 Stop by for a quick mani-pedi


21 Kifissia Kifissias 265, Tel: 210.801.3594 Extreme sport parafernelia

Gap Kifissias 328, , Tel: 210.623.1571 Casual American fashion

Vassilis Zoulias Argyropoulou 1-3, Tel: 210.801.7023 Unique designs reminiscent of times past

Food & Wine Aristokratikon Argyropoulou 8, , Tel: 210.801.6533 Decadent handmade chocolates

Kifissias 317, Tel: 210.807.7709 Selection of wines from all over the world

EAT Acqua Azzurra Panagitsas 3, Tel: 210.623.3934 Specially-prepared Italian meals

Apla 135 Charilaou Trikoupi Tel: 210.620.3102 Chrysanthos Karamolegos creates refined Mediterranean dishes

Barceloneta Kifissias 267, Tel: 210.801.3448 Spanish cuisine in a fun atmosphere

Berdema Vas Amalias 20, Tel: 210.801.3853 Traditional dishes from Greece & Asia Minor

Ag. Georgiou 30’B, Tel: 210 685 9690 Mexican food in traditional setting

Golden Phoenix

Astir Complex, Apollonos 40 Tel: 210.890.2000


Kiriazi 6-8, Tel: 210.801.7886, Authentic fresh Italian pasta, sauces, truffles & more

Santa Fe

The Westin Hotel Apollonos 40, Tel: 210.890.1709 Modern lounge bar serving up delectable cocktails

Arion Spa

Ag. Paraskevi 110, Tel: 210 681 3029 Accent on meat in an elegant setting


Apollonos 28, Tel: 210.967.1184 Traditionally prepared seafood dishes presented exquisitely

Halandri Ag.Paraskevi


Leof. Pendelis 85, Tel: 210 682 5017 Asian cuisine and sushi bar in luxury environment

Kitchen Bar

Meat Square Ethnikis Antistaseos 9-11, Tel: 210 683 1300, Juicy steaks in pleasant family environment

Matsuhisa Athens

insider athens | June 2011


Insider guide Shop, Eat, Drink & Chill!

Northern Athens

Common Secret




Kifissias 324, Tel: 210.623.3810 Coffee and light Mediterranean meals in a pleasant setting

Harilaou Trikoupi 50 Tel: 210.808.3333 Lebanese cuisine in a cosmopolitan ambiance

Harilaou Trikoupi 27, Tel: 210.808.4418 Watch chefs prepare Turkish kebabs and other treats before your eyes

Stratigou Lekka 19, Tel: 210.806.6700 Traditional cuisine in a comfy-chic setting reminiscent of the 50s & 60s

Dos Hermanos

O Tzitzikas Ki O Mermigas


El Taco Bueno

Kyriazi 24, Tel: 210.808.7906 Excellent Mexican food & super margaritas

Drosini 12-14, Tel: 210.623.0080 A modern taverna serving traditional dishes at reasonable prices

Deligianni 66, Pentelikon Hotel Tel: 210.623.0650-6, Cornerstone of French cuisine in Greece

Ethnikis Antistaseos & Psaron 1 Tel: 210.684.0460 Mexican flavours in a traditional setting


Jaipur Palace

Dragoumi & Andrianou 28 Tel: 210 623 3900, Gourmet cuisine with Mediterranean influences by chef Christos Markopoulos in a cool urban setting

Piazza Mela

Gefsis Me Onomasia Proelefsis

Kolokotroni 37, Tel: 210.808.9160 Generous portions of

Kifissias 317, Tel: 210.800.1402 Divine food from all over the world

Kifissias 238, Mela Shopping Centre Tel: 210.623.6596, Classic & traditional Italian dishes


Mediterranean fare

Golden Phoenix

Royal Thai

Harilaou Trikoupi & Gortinias Tel: 210.801.3588, Chinese classic popular for the brunch buffet

Zirini 12, Tel: 210.623.2322 Thai cuisine in an opulent setting

Gourounakia Kifissias

Panagitsas 3, Tel: 210.623.3934 Authentic Italian food & fabulous deserts

Kifissias 289, Tel: 210.801.1093 Delicious salads, appetizers, souvlakia & grilled platters


Salumaio di Atene

Semiramis Restaurant

Evagelistrias 36, Tel: 210.620.1572 Seafood taverna

Semiramis Hotel, Harilaou Trikoupi 48, Tel: 210.628.4500 Mediterranean cuisine in a hip atmosphere



Platanon 2, Tel: 210.807.5408 Part of a chain of upscale seafood restaurants that is sure to please

Philadelpheos 2, Tel: 210.623.3622 Promises authentic Japanese cuisine for the truly discerning

Meat Me HarilaouTrikoupi 92 Tel: 210.623.2358 Simple yet discerning cuisine in a funky Greek taverna

The Mall

72 insider athens | June 2011

Boudoir Deligianni 50 & Georganta Tel: 210.801.8384, Massive club for dancing & sipping on signature cocktails

Divine Kifissias 239, Tel: 201.801.0810 Chic lounge serving classic concoctions

Menta CafĂŠ Ag. Theodorou 10, Tel: 210.808.0193 Traditional home turned stylish cafe

Ag. Konstantinou & Themidos Tel: 210.805.2762 Indian cuisine and fine wines

Leptes Gefseis Fine French food at affordable prices Pindou 22, Pefki, Tel: 210.802.4817

Mauzac Alamanas 1, Tel: 210.619.9902 Clean lines and a beautiful garden make this cafĂŠ, bar, restaurant a must




SHOP Golden Hall Kifissias 37A, Tel: 210.680.3450 131 high-end (and highstreet) stores for anyone with a passion for fashion

The Mall Athens Andrea Papandreou 35 Tel: 210.630.0000 Shops, cinemas and food


Telemachos Barbeque Club


Fragkopoulou 22, Tel: 210.807.6680 Rare meats char-grilled to perfection

Perikleous 28, Tel: 210 612 8841 Multiethnic cuisine in funky environment

Aghias Paraskevis 79 & Diogenous Tel: 210.685.5375, Great selection of wines with Greek and international cuisine

Pausa Ag. Konstantinou 46 & Ifestou 3 Tel: 210.617.9290 Italian cuisine accompanied by a selection of Greek & Italian wines

Wagamama Kifissias 37A, Tel: 210.683.6844 Fresh, nutritious Asian fusion food in a sleek yet simple setting

Whispers of wine Ag. Konstantinou 48, Tel: 210 617 9051 Gourmet food with rich wine list and vintage decor

partner hotels ARION RESORT & SPA




The legendary beauty resort is part of Starwood Hotels and Resorts. Breathtaking views of the Saronic Gulf, elegant and sophisticated décor in all 123 rooms and suites, private swimming pools and beaches, spa and gourmet restaurants. Apollonos 40,Vouliagmeni.Tel: 210.890.2000

314 deluxe guest rooms, 18 suites. Rooftop swimming pool and bar, health club, Kona Kai Polynesian - Tepanyiaki Restaurant and sports bar. Syngrou 115.Tel: 210.930.0000

Located at the base of the Acropolis and close to Plaka. Pool with bar, roof garden restaurant with Acropolis view. Parthenonos 19-25. Makrigianni. Tel: 210.928.0100

Beautifully renovated property with views of the sea and the Acropolis. Ten minutes from central Athens, the port of Piraeus and main exhibition centers. Syngrou 385. Tel: 210.947.1000



NJV athens plaza


543 rooms with renovated Deluxe rooms and suites. Dedicated business centre facilities and 3.500 m2 of extensive & flexible meeting space. New I-Spa and renovated gym. Award winning restaurants. Syngrou 89-93.Tel:210.920.6000

Where modern architecture finds its expression among Zen gardens and ethnic elements. 30 ultra-modern rooms and suites. Avenue 103 restaurant trendy Pisco Sour Bar. Two pools, full-service Ananea Spa. Thisseos 103, Ekali. Tel: 210.626.0400. Crowne plaza

Boutique-style hotel with 182 rooms including 23 suites with breathtaking views of the Acropolis, ideally located in the heart of the business and shopping district within walking distance of Plaka. 2, Vas.Georgiou A’ St, Athens Tel: 210 3352400 NOVOTEL

Holiday Inn Attica Avenue


66 state-of the-art rooms, 15 executive rooms and 3 suites. The acclaimed Etrusco Restaurant serves top quality Mediterranean cuisine. Kallirois 32 & Petmeza.Tel: 210.921.5353

Newly renovated, the former Holiday Inn Athens is at a very convenient location and attracts both business and leisure travellers. Amenities include restaurant, bar, rooftop swimming pool, conference and business facilities, garage parking. Michalakopoulou 50. Tel: 210.727.8000,



Located in historic Plaka beneath the Acropolis. Facilities include bar, restaurant, spa area with indoor swimming pool, business centre, garden and underground parking. N. Nikodimou 18-20, Plaka.Tel: 210.337.0000

This city landmark is part of Starwood Hotels and Resorts. All 265 rooms and 56 suites are decorated with original artwork and antiques. Reception areas, ballrooms, roof garden with Acropolis view. Luxury spa, indoor and outdoor pools. Syntagma Sq.Tel: 210.333.0000

Located seaside with a magnificent view of the Saronic Gulf. All rooms with balconies and sea views. Indoor and outdoor pools, boutiques, beauty parlor, business centre and spa. Ag. Nikolaou 10 & Iliou, Kavouri-Vouliagmeni. Tel: 210.891.1100


New five-star property on Attica Avenue linking Athens with the international airport. State-ofthe art conference facilities, restaurant, two bars, pool and fitness center. 40.2 km Attica Road, between exits 17 & 18. Tel: 210.668.9000,

The newly renovated Novotel is designed for natural living. Close to Omonoia square and the National Museum. Open plan bar and rooftop bar and restaurant and pool.4-6 Mikhail Voda Street Tel: 210.820.0700 Royal Olympic

Holiday Suites

Elegant, all-suite hotel offering high standard accommodation. Each suite provides guests with a separate living room and kitchenette. Arnis 4.Tel: 210.727.8000, KEFALARI SUITES

Near the Acropolis Museum. 265 rooms and 45 unique Panorama Suites, overlooking the Temple of Zeus and the Acropolis. Pool, business center, convention and banquet facilities. Roof Garden Restaurant/Bar “Ioannis”. 28-34, Ath. Diakou Str., 11743 Athens, Greece. Tel. 210 9288400, SEMIRAMIS


508 renovated rooms, two pools, banquet rooms restaurants, convention facilities, business centre & spa. The rooftop Galaxy bar has gorgeous city views.Vas. Sofias 46.Tel: 210.728.1000

situated close to major tourist attractions with , rooftop restaurant and swimming pool. Vas. Alexandrou 2, Tel: 210.720.7000

Turn-of-the-century hotel in Kifissia, part of YES! Hotels.Themed suites with modern facilities. Pentelis 1, Kifissia. Tel: 210.623.3333

YES! Hotel designed by Karim Rashid. 51 luxury rooms, 4 suites and 6 poolside bungalows. Ultra-trendy bar-restaurant. Harilaou Trikoupi 48, Kefalari-Kifissia.Tel: 210.628.4400

insider athens | June 2011





Brand-new airport hotel. Executive floor, business center and conference facilities.Two bars and two restaurants. Health club and covered swimming pool. Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport, Spata.Tel: 210.354.4000

A member of YES! Hotels. Modern design and simple architectural charm. 16 ergonomically designed rooms and 5 loft suites. “21” Bar Restaurant for indoor and outdoor dining. Kolokotroni 21, Kefalari-Kifissia Tel: 210.623.3521.

Located at the base of the Acropolis and a five minute walk to Plaka. 90 guest rooms, meeting facilities and a lovely atrium barcoffee shop. Rovertou Galli 4, Makrigianni. Tel: 210.923.6832





Located in the upper part of Kolonaki, not far from the Lycabettus (Lykavittos) funicular railway. Excellent restaurant, Le Grand Balcon. Rooftop swimming pool. Kleomenous 2, Dexamenis Square, Kolonaki.Tel: 210.729.0711 THEOXENIA PALACE HOTEL

Luxurious apartments and suites in Plaka. Magnificent views of the Acropolis, Hadrian’s Arch and Zeus Temple. Short walk to Syntagma and Monastiraki. Lysikratous street 9-11, Plaka. Tel: 210.325.9000,

Within walking distance from all major archaeological sites, business and commercial districts. Includes bar, restaurant, lobby and meeting areas. Ermou 5, Syntagma. Tel: 210.337.8000


Inspired by old Messinian mansions, the Westin resort's low-rise villa clusters use natural stone and local design elements to create a motif in perfect harmony with the virgin sandy beach and pristine hillside landscape. Its 445 deluxe rooms and suites, 123 with infinity pools, offer access to an extensive common pool areas, and reflect Westin's soothing aesthetic



In an elegant neoclassical building in Kefalari, this hotel has a restaurant, bar, gym, sauna and outdoor pool. Business centre, internet and conference facilities. Filadelfeos 2, Kifissia. Tel: 210.623.3622-6 THE MARGI

In the heart of the commercial and historic centre of Athens. The restaurant Athinaios, serves gastronomic delights in an elegant setting. Stadiou 22. Tel: 21­­­­­0.323.8001

Designed for people who wish to be part of all that goes on in the city. 17 rooms, 4 junior suites and a super-lux penthouse suite. Part of YES! Hotels. Haritos 22, Kolonaki. Tel: 210.729.7200,

The Romanos boasts of 289 exquisitely appointed rooms and 32 suites with infinity pools. Traditional Greek design with contemporary touches sets the tone in each space, where the sparkling blue of the Mediterranean is the preferred hue.




Boutique hotel with 90 spacious rooms and suites and great views to the sea and pine forests. Café Tabac Restaurant offers a unique dining experience while Malabar and J-lounge are perfect for a glass of champagne. Close to the lake, beach and tennis courts. Litous 11,Vouliagmeni. Tel: 210.892.9000. THE WESTIN ATHENS

Part of the Astir Palace Complex with 162 guest rooms and suites and views of the Saronic Gulf. Sea view lounges, trendy bars, fusion and Mediterranean cuisine restaurants and private gazebos by an Olympic-sized pool. Apollonos 40,Vouliagmeni.Tel: 210.890.2000

74 insider athens | June 2011

The Coral’s 86 rooms and 2 suites offer all modern conveniences. Poseidonos Avenue 35, Paleo Faliron. Tel: 210.981.6441

Recently refurbished, all 50 rooms are wellappointed and comfortable. Offers good value for money in the Acropolis area. Mitseon 3, Makrigianni.Tel: 210.922.3611-4


Mystique is an 18 villa hotel, designed by Frank Le Fevbre. Mystique, Oia.Tel. 22860 81786

Fresh Hotel

Situated in the heart of old Athens within walking distance of the Plaka, Psirri and Monastiraki. Enjoy the hip Orange Bar, rooftop restaurant and pool. Sophocleous 26 & Klisthenous. Tel: 210.524.8511-6.

Would you like TO see your hotel LISTED here? CONTACT US at:


Vedema has 45 rooms converted from a 100 year old neo-classical captain’s house and a private swiming pool for all the suites. Vedema, Megalohori.Tel. 22860 81 796

AUDIOVISUAL OTE video conference service 7.30am-10pm. Patission 85. Tel: 210.883.8578, 210.822.0399 TCS M. Antipa 20 & 2 Prometheus, Tel: 210.976.7086

COMPUTER & CELL-PHONE RENTAL TrimTel Mobile Communications Michalakopoulou 41, Tel: 210.729.1964

Commercial Office spaces Regus Tel: 210 727 9000 Global Business Services Tel: 210-8764 876 Kifissias Ave. 90, Maroussi

COURIER SERVICES ACS Tel: 210.819.0000 DHL Tel: 210.989.0000 Express City Tel: 210.821.9959 Geniki Taxydromiki Tel: 210.485.1100 Interattika Tel: 210.540.5400 Speedex Tel: 801.11.000.11 UPS Tel: 210.998.4000

Driving Schools in English Denis Kasimatis - Driving School

Zografou, Papagou, Ilissia, Psychiko, Cholargos and Goudi - Tel: 210 778 3157 210 779 6981 Trochokinisi Driving School 28th Oktovriou 126, Ambelokipi, Athens Tel: 231 072 9092 Driving School Highway Amfitheas and Ag. Triados 30, 175 64 Paleo Faliro - Tel: 210 988 8098 / 6997 722 777 Vlachos Bros 25th Martiou 11, Peristeri; Xenofodos 17, Peristeri; Afroditis 39, Ilion Tel: 210 574 4895 / 210 576 9190


Relocation Agencies

Travel plan Tel: 210 333 3300 Amphitrion Tel: 210 900 6000 Meg Alexandrou 7 & Karaiskaki, TravelPlanet24 Tel: 211 107 9684 241, Syngrou Ave. & 2, Alikarnassou 171 22 Nea Smyrni, Athens Mid-east Travel Tel: 211 211 8888 Vas Sofias 105-107 /

Allied Pickfords Tel: 210 610 4494 Mourouzi 7, Athens Athens Relocation Centre Tel: 210 96 50 697, Zakynthou 10, Attica Movers Tel: 210 922 7221 19, Syngrou Ave Celebrity International Movers 102, Kapodistriou Ave , Tel: 210 272 0106 Corporate Relocations Athens Tel: 210 800 3510, Ag. Saranta 32 Nea Erithrea, Orphee Beinoglou Tel: 210 9466100 27th km Old National Road Athens-Korinth Location Elefsinia, GR-19200 Elefsina, Omega Transport Thesi Kyrilos , 19300 Aspropyrgos Tel: 210 947 5500 Octopus Relocation Services Ygeias 7, Marina Zeas, Tel: 210 4599530

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Executive services, translation & interpreting All EU and Balkan languages - legal, technical and medical documents. Athens Tower B. Tel:Â 210.778.3698 Global Business Services Kifisias 90, Maroussi. Tel: 210.876.4876 IBS - International Business Services Michalakopoulou 29, Tel: 210.724.5541

Travel Agencies

Embassies Cultural Institutes

Business services

useful information

French Institute Sina 31, 10680 Athens Tel: 210 339 8600 Hellenic American Union Massalias 22, 10680 Athens, Tel: 210 368 0900 British Council 17 Kolonaki Square 17 106 73 Athens Tel: 210 369 2333 Instituto Cervantes Mitropoleos 23, 105 57 Athens Tel: 210 3634117 Goethe Institut Omirou 14-16, 100 33 Athens Tel: 210 3661000 Onassis Cultural Centre Syngrou Ave. 107-109 117 45 Athens, Tel: 213 017 8000 Instituto Italiano di Cultura Patission [28 Oktovriou] 47 Tel: 210 369 2333, 210 524 2646 ALBANIA Vekiareli 7, Filothei, Tel: 210.687.6200 ARGENTINA Vas. Sophias 59. Tel: 210.724.4158 ARMENIA K. Palaiologou 95, Tel: 210.683.1130, 210.683.1145 AZERBAiJAN Skoufa 10. Tel: 210.363.2721 AUSTRALIA Kifisias & Alexandras, Tel: 210.870.4000 AUSTRIA Vas. Sofias Avenue 4, Tel: 210.725.7270

BELGIUM Sekeri 3, Tel: 210.360.0314 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Hatzikosta 3. Tel: 210.641.0788 BRAZIL Filikis Etaireias Sq. 14. Tel: 210.721.3039 BULGARIA Stratigou Kallari 33A, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.8105 CANADA Ioanni Gennadiou 4. Tel: 210.727.3400 CHILE Rigilis 26. Tel: 210.725.2574 CHINA Krinon 2A, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.677.1212 CROATIA Tzavella 4, N. Psychiko. Tel: 210.677.7033 CUBA Sofokleous 5, Filothei. Tel: 210.685.5550 CYPRUS Xenofontos 2A. Tel: 210.373.4800 CZECH REPUBLIC G. Seferi 6, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.671.9701 DENMARK Mourouzi 10. Tel: 210.725.6440 EGYPT Vas. Sofias 3. Tel: 210.361.8612 ESTONIA Messoghion 2-4. Tel: 210.747.5660 FINLAND Hatziyianni Mexi 5. Tel: 210.725.5860 FRANCE Vas. Sofias 7. Tel: 210.339.1000 FYROM Papadiamanti 4, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.9585 GEORGIA Ag. Dimitriou 24, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.2186 GERMANY Karaoli & Dimitriou 3. Tel: 210.728.5111 HUNGARY Karneadou 25. Tel: 210.725.6800 INDIA Kleanthous 3. Tel: 210.721.6481 INDONESIA Marathonodromon 99, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.2345 IRAN Stratigou Kallari 16. Tel: 210.674.1436 IRELAND Vas. Konstantinou 7. Tel: 210.723.2405 ISRAEL Marathonodromon 1, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.670.5500 ITALY Sekeri 2. Tel: 210.361.7260 JAPAN Ethnikis Antistaseos 46, Halandri. Tel: 210.670.9900 JORDAN Papadiamanti 21. P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.4161 Kazakhstan Imittou 122, Papagou Tel: 210.654.7765 KOREA Messoghion 2-4, Athens. Tel: 210.698.4080 KUWAIT Perikleous 2, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.3593 LEBANON 6, 25th Martiou, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.675.5873 LIBYA Vyronos 13, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.2120 LITHUANIA Vas. Sophias 49. Tel: 210.729.4356

insider athens | June 2011


useful information

76 insider athens | June 2011

Ambulance Tel: 166 Doctors SOS Tel: 1016. They will issue an invoice to claim reimbursement from your insurer. Duty Pharmacies Call 1434, Also check newspapers for listings. Emergency Hospitals Tel: 1434 Fire Brigade Tel: 199 Forest Fire Tel: 191 Poison Hotline Tel: 210.779.3777 Police Tel: 100 Tourist Police Tel: 171 Coastguard Tel:108 Air Police Tel: 210.964.2000

ROAD ASSISTANCE ELPA Tel: 10400 Emergency Service Tel: 104 Express Service Tel: 154 Hellas Service Tel: 1057 Interamerican Tel: 168 Tourist Information Tel: 174

Paediatric Hospitals

EUROCLINIC PAEDON Lemessou 39-41 & Aharnon 209, Kato Patissia, Tel: 210.869.1900 PAEDON AGIA SOFIA HOSPITAL Mikras Asias and Thivon, Goudi. Tel: 210.746.7000 PAEDON AGLAIA KYRIAKOU HOSPITAL Livadias 3 and Thivon, Goudi. Tel: 210.772.6000 & 1535

Private Hospitals Advanced Medical Services, Symmetria Building Ethnikis Antistaseos 66, Halandri. Tel: 210.677.3573

EURODENTICA Specialized dental care Patision 150, Tel: 210. 866.3367-8 Alamanas 3, Maroussi. Tel: 210.619.5760-1 El.Venizelou 162, Kallithea. Tel: 210.956.5365 HYGEIA Kifissias & E. Stavrou 4, Maroussi. Tel: 210.686.7000 IATRIKO KENTRO (ATHENS MEDICAL CENTER) Areos 36, P. Faliro. Tel: 210.989.2100-20. Distomou 5-7, Maroussi. Tel: 210.619.8100 METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL Ethnarou Makariou 9 & El.Venizelou, N. Faliro. Tel: 210.480.9000 IASO Kifissias 37-39, Maroussi. Tel: 210.618.4000 MITERA Kifissias & E. Stavrou 6, Maroussi. Tel: 210.686.9000

public Hospitals ASKLEPIEION HOSPITAL Vas. Pavlou 1,Voula. Tel: 210.895.8301-4 EVANGELISMOS Ypsilantou 45-47, Kolonaki. Tel: 210.720.1000 KAT HOSPITAL specialized trauma unit. Nikis 2, Kifissia. Tel: 210.628.0000 TZANNEIO Afentouli & Tzani, Pireaus.Tel: 210.451.9411-9

PHYSICIANS (ENGLISH SPEAKING) Ioannis Bitzos, MD Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Harilaou Trikoupi 62 Kifissia. Tel: 210.808.0682 A.J. Kanellopoulos, MD Eye Surgeon, Mesogeion 2, Athens Tower B’ Tel: 210.747.2777 Dimitris Linos, MD FACS General Surgeon, Kifissias 227, Kifissia. Tel: 210.612.5001-2 heart & vascular centrE E.N. Deliargyris, MD FACC FSCAI Interventional cardiologist. Southern Athens. Vakchou 2 & Vas. Kostantinou Tel:210.897.6276.

General and cranial osteopathy

SYLVAIN GATEAUD Osteopath (France, UK) MKDE- C0 ( France) HP (Germany). Energy management. Karaiskaki 42, Pallini. Tel: 210 60 33 622 M. 6937 20 44 72

English media


CENTRAL CLINIC OF ATHENS Asklipiou St. 31. Emergency number 1169 or Tel: 210.367.4000 www. EUROCLINIC diagnostic, surgical and treatment centre. Athanasiadou 9. (near Mavili Sq.). Tel: 210.641.6600

Newspapers The International Herald Tribune carries the English version of Kathimerini The local Athens News comes out Fridays.

Radio Antenna 97.2 FM news at 8.25am, Flash Radio 96.0 FM 8.55am, 3pm and 8pm daily. ERA public radio 91.6 FM for bulletins at 5am and 9am, full news coverage at 9.30pm.


Greek Language


UNITED KINGDOM Ploutarchou 1. Tel: 210.727.2600 UNITED STATES Vas. Sofias 91. Tel: 210.721.2951 URUGUAY Menandrou 1, Kifissia Tel: 210.361.3549 VATICAN Mavili 2, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.3598 VENEZUELA Marathonodromon 19, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.672.9169


LATVIA Vas. Konstantinou 38. Tel. 210.729.4483 LUXEMBOURG Vas. Sofias 23A & Neofitou Vamva 2.Tel: 210.725.6400 MALTA V. Sofias 96.Tel: 210.778.5138 MOLDAVIA Georgiou Bacu 20, Filothei. Tel: 210.699.0660 MOROCCO Marathonodromon 5, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.4210 MEXICO Filikis Etaireias Sq. 14. Tel: 210.729.4780 NETHERLANDS Vas Konstantinou 5-7. Tel: 210.725.4900 NIGERIA Dolianis 65, Maroussi. Tel: 210.802.1188 NORWAY Vas. Sofias 23. Tel: 210.724.6173 PAKISTAN Loukianou 6. Tel: 210.729.0122 PALESTINE Giassemion 13, P. Psychiko. Tel.: 210.672.6061-3 PANAMA Praxitelous 192 & II Merarchias, Piraeus. Tel: 210.428.6441 PERU Semitelou 2. Tel: 210.779.2761 PHILIPPINES Antheon 26, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.672.1837 POLAND Chrysanthemon 22, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.679.7700 PORTUGAL Vas. Sofias 23. Tel: 210.729.0096 / 210.723.6784 ROMANIA Emm. Benaki 7, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.672.8875 RUSSIA Nikiforos Lytra 28, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.672.5235 SAUDIA ARABIA Marathonodromon 71, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.671.6911 SERBIA Vas. Sophias 106, Tel: 210.777.4344 SINGAPORE Aigialias 17, Paradissos Amaroussiou. Tel: 210.684.5072 SLOVAK REPUBLIC G. Seferi 4, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.677.1980 SLOVENIA Mavili 10, Tel: 210.672.0090-091 SOUTH AFRICA Kifissias 60, Maroussi. Tel: 210.610.6645 SPAIN Dionysiou Areopagitou 21, Tel: 210.921.3123 SWEDEN Vas. Konstantinou 7, Tel: 210.726.6100 SWITZERLAND Iasiou 2, Tel: 210.723.0364-6 TAIWAN Marathonodromon 57, Tel: 210.677.5122 THAILAND Marathorodromon 25 & Kyprou, P. Psychiko. Tel: 210.674.9065 TUNISIA Antheon 2, P. Psychiko, Tel: 210.671.7590 TURKEY Vas. Georgiou B’ 8, Tel: 210.726.3000 UKRAINE Stephanou Delta 4, Filothei, Tel: 210.680.0230

The Athens Center 48 Archimidous Street, Mets, Athens 11636, Greece 210 7015-242 CELT Athens 77 Academias Street, 106 78 Athens, Greece, Tel: 210 3301455 Greek House Dragoumi 7, 145 61 Kifissia, Tel: 210 808 5186 Hellenic American Union 22 Massalias str., 106 80 Athens, Tel: 210368.0900 Omilo Greek Language And Culture Panagi Tsaldari 13 (4th floor), 15122 Maroussi , Tel: 210 6122706

useful information Road Assistance ELPA: 104 Public Power Corporation (DEI) In case of power failure: Tel: 210 523 9939 Water Supply & Sewage (EYDAP) In case of water cut: Tel: 1202.

Social Security & Health insurance (IKA) Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) , Tel: 210 99 89 000 Public Services Administration Information Center (paperwork assistance) on weekdays 8am-3pm (KEP): Tel: 177

French kindergartens Au petit bonheur 50 Iraklitou, Glyfada, Tel: 210 9658 207 Les Alouettes Spartis 36 & Harilaou Trikoupi, Kifissia Tel: 210 80 11 570 L’Air des Contes 11, Cycladon, Glyka Nera, Tel : 210 600 3196 Le Castelet 18 Gortinias, Kifissia, Tel: 210 808 7760

Weather Attica, Tel: 148

Mary Poppins 4, Kodrou, Filothei, Tel: 210 677 3803

Citizen’s Rights Ombudsman: 5 Hatziyiannis Mexis (near the Hilton Hotel) Tel: 210 72 89 640

Play and Learn Kassaveti 22, Kifissia, Tel: 210 801 1428

Benakeios Library Anthimou Gazi 2, Tel: 210 322 71


Telephone & Internet Services (OTE) New tel: 138, Tel. (defective): 129 OTE customer service: 134 International call information (English, French & German): 169

LOST OR STOLEN CREDIT CARDS AMERICAN EXPRESS Tel: 210.326.2626 DINERS CLUB Tel: 210.929.0200 EUROCARD Tel: 210.950.3673 MASTERCARD Tel: 00800.1188.70303, VISA Tel: 00.800.1163.803.04

Universities University of Indianapolis Ipitou 9, Athens, Tel: 210 323 6647 DEREE Gravias 6, Aghia Paraskevi , Tel: 210 600 9800 ALBA Graduate Business School Athinas Ave. & Areos 2A,Vouliagmeni Tel; 210 896 4531

Business College of Athens Tatoiou 2 & Othonos 77, Kifissia Tel: 210 808 8008

English kindergartens The Cottage Kindergarten Psaron 74, Halandri Tel: 210 682 7629 Early Learning Rizountos 53, Elliniko Tel: 210 961 8763 Hopscotch International Kindergarten Ag. Triandos 93,Vari Tel: 210 965 3985 Kifissia Montessori School Ellinikon Stratou 5, Kifissia Tel: 210 620 7481 Melina’s Kindergarten Harilaou Trikoupi 16, Kifissia Tel: 210 801 2719 Peek-a-boo PreSchool Vougliameni Tel: 210 967 1970 Peter Pan Lakonias 4-6,Voula Tel: 210 895 9654 Prince Allen The English Nursery School Lysimahou 8,Vari Tel: 210 965 6800

O mikros Antonis Barbayiannis, Pallini, Tel: 210 603 2527

Italian kindergartens Scuola maternal italiana de Atene Mitsaki 18, Ano Patissia, Tel: 210 202 0274 Il Mulino magico Troados 23, Ag Paraskevi, Tel: 210 600 3148


American University of Athens Kifisias & Sochou 4, Neo Psichiko, Tel; 210 725 9301

International Kindergartens

International Schools

St Catherine's British Embassy School Sofoklis Venizelou 77, Lykovrissi Tel: 210 282 9750 St. Lawrence College Anemon St, Koropi Tel: 210 891 7000 American Community Schools of Athens Aghias Paraskevis Ave. 129, Halandri , Tel: 210 639 3200 Campion School Aghias Ioulianis, Pallini Tel: 210 607 1700 Byron College Filolaou 7, Gerakas Tel: 210 604 7722 International School of Athens Xenias and Artemidos, Kifissia, Tel: 210 623 3888 Lycée Franco-Hellénique Eugène Delacroix Chlois & Trikalon, Ag. Paraskevi Tel: 211 300 9121 Scuola Statale Italiana Odos Mitsaki 18, Ano Patissia Tel: 210 228 2720 German School in Athens Homatianou & Ziridi, Maroussi Tel: 210 619 9261 Greek German School 25 Martiou & Vernardou,Vrylissia Tel: 210 682 0566

British Council Library Kolonaki Sq. 17 Tel: 210 363 3211/5 American Library Masalias 22 (4th floor) Tel: 210 363 8114

Post Phone

German kindergartens Post offices operate weekdays 8am-2pm. The main post offices in Athens are located at SYNTAGMA SQUARE and OMONIA SQUARE at Aeolou 100 and open weekdays 7:30am-8pm, Sat 7:30am-2pm, and Sun 9am-1:30pm. Country Code: 30 City Code: 210 international calls first dial 00, then the country code. To call from a Public payphone buy a phone card at the kiosks

American School of Classical Studies Blegen Souedias 54, Tel: 210 723 6313 Athens College Library Stephanou Delta, P. Psychiko Tel: 210 671 4628

Hellenic American Union Greek Library 22 Masalias St (7th floor) , Tel: 210 362 9886 French Institute Library 31 Sina St, Tel: 210 362 4301 German Archaeological Institute Library Pheidiou 1, Tel: 210 362 0270


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Goethe Institute Library Omirou 14-16 , Tel: 210 360 8111 Italian Institut Library Patision 47, Tel: 210 522 9294 EU Library Vas. Sophias 2, Tel: 210 724 3982 National Library Tzavella 25, Tel: 210 382 0657

insider athens | June 2011


see & do Art galleries

A. Antonopoulou Art Aristofanous 20, Psirri Tel: 210.321.4994 Artzone 42 42 Vas. Konstantinou, Agalma Troyman, 11635 Athens, Tel: 210 725 9549 Astrolavos Dexameni Xanthippou 11, Kolonaki Tel: 210.729.4342 Astrolavos ArtLife Irodotou 11, Kolonaki Tel: 210.722.1200 Athens Art Gallery Glykonos 4, Dexameni Sq., 106 75 Athens, Tel: 210 721 3938 Badminton Theatre Olympiaka Akinita, Goudi 157 73, Athens, Tel: 211 101 0020 Bernier/Eliades Gallery Eptachalkou 11, Thisseio, Tel: 210.341.3935 Beyond Art Gallery Haritos 10, Kolonaki, Tel: 210.721.9744 B&M Theoharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts & Music Vas. Sofias 9 & Merlin 1, Athens Tel: 210.361.1206 (The) Breeder Gallery Iasonas 45, Metaxourgio, Tel: 210.331.7527 Ekfrasi Gallery Valaoritou 9a, 10671 Athens, Greece Tel: 210 360 7598 EMST National Museum of Contemporary Art Vas. Georgiou B 17 - 19 & Rigilis Str. Athens 10675, Tel: 210 9242 111-3 Fizz gallery Valaoritou 9c, Athens 10671 Greece, Tel: 210 360 7598 Gagosian Gallery Merlin 3, Athens 10671, Tel: 210 364 0215 Gallery 7 Zalokosta 7, Syntagma, Tel: 210.361.2050 Gialino Music Theatre Sigrou 143, N. Smirni, Athens Tel: 210 9316 101-4 Herakleidon Herakleidon 16, Thissio, Tel: 210.346.1981 Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Centre 48 Armatolon-Klephton st. 11471 Athens, Tel: 210 643 9466 Jill Yakas Spartis 16, Kifissia. Tel: 210.801.2773 K-Art Gallery Sina 54, 106 72, Athens, Greece Tel: 211 401 3877 Kalfayan gallery Haritos 11, Kolonaki,Tel: 210.721.7679 Kourd Gallery Kassiani 2-4, Tel: 210.642.6573

78 insider athens | June 2011

Acropolis is open daily and entrance, includes archaeological sites. Tel: 201.321.0219 Ancient Agora was the heart of ancient Athens - the focus of political, commercial, administrative and social life for centuries. Athinais Cultural Centre formerly a silk factory, this space has been converted into a large cultural centre. Kastorias 34-36, Votanikos. , Tel: 210.348.0000. Byzantine Churches many churches dating from the 11th and 12th centuries are found around the city. Noteworthy examples include: Agios Eleftherios, next to the cathedral on Mitropoleos Street; Kapnikarea, halfway down Ermou Street from Syntagma; Agi Apostoli, Agora area south of Stoa of Attalos; and Agia Triada (Russian Orthodox church) on Filellinon Street. Churches are open to the public on Sundays and holidays, also usually for daily prayers 7am1pm and 4-6:30pm. Dress soberly when visiting. Technopolis (Gazi) a 19th century gas factory turned major cultural centre for performing arts and installation works. Pireos 100 & Ermou, Gazi. Tel: 210.346.1589. Hadrian’s Arch a Roman arch that marked the boundary of ancient Athens and the new city. Located at the corner of Vas. Olgas and Amalias Avenues.

Agora Museum Located in the Stoa of Attalos. Tel: 210.321.0185. Atelier Spyros Vassiliou Webster 5A, Athens. Tel: 210.923.1502 Athens University History Museum Tholou 5, Plaka, Tel: 210.368.9502 Benaki Museum Koumbari 1 & Vas. Sofias Avenue Tel: 210.367.1000, Benaki Museum of Islamic Arts Dipylou 12, Kerameikos. Tel: 210.325.1311

Benaki Museum, Pireos Pireos 138 & Andronikou Tel: 210.345.3111, Byzantine Museum Vas. Sofias 22, Tel: 210.721.1027. Hellenic Cosmos Foundation of the Hellenic world Pireos 254, Tavros. Tel: 212.254.0000. Frissiras Vlassis Museum of Contemporary European Art Monis Asteriou 3-7, Plaka, Tel: 210.323.4678 Goulandris Foundation Museum of Cycladic Art Neofytou Douka 4, Tel: 210.722.8321 Herakleidon Herakleidon 16, Thissio. Tel: 210-346.1981. Ilias Lalaounis Jewellery Museum Karyatidon & Kallisperi 12, Makrygianni. Tel: 210.922.7260. Jewish Museum Nikis 39, Plaka. Tel: 210.322.5582. Keramikos Museum Ermou 148, Monastiraki, Tel: 210.346.3552. Maria Callas Museum Technopolis, Pireos 100, Gazi, Tel: 210.346.1589 National Archaeological Museum Patission 44, Athens, Tel: 210.821.7724 National Gallery and Alexandros Soutsos Museum Vas. Konstantinou 50. Tel: 210.723.5857, 210.723.5937 Numismatic Museum Panepistimiou 12, Athens. Tel: 210.363.5953. The Acropolis Museum Dionysiou Areopagitou Street Tel: 210.924.1043,

Just for kids

Tel: 210.322.9705

Lykavittos Hill is the highest point in Athens. Take the teleferique from the top of Ploutarchou St. Megaron Mousikis (The Athens Concert Hall) live concerts, operas and other performances. Vas. Sofias Ave. & Kokkali. Tel: 210.728.2333 Odeon of Herod Atticus built in 161 AD, this is where the Athens Festival takes place. Accessible for e1.50 and open daily from 8:30am. Panathenian Stadium “Kalimarmaro”was the site of the first modern Olympics in 1896. Located at Vassileos Konstantinou and Agras, across from the National Garden. Pnyx Hill here, for the first time in history, every citizen could vote, giving Pnyx the name the “birthplace of democracy”. Close by is the beautiful Old Observatory. Presidential Palace formerly the Royal Palace, this building is used by the President of Greece to host dignitaries. Irodou Attikou Street. Stoa of Attalos shopping arcade built in the 2nd century BC and totally reconstructed in the 1950s. Tues-Sun 8:30am-3pm. Admission to the Agora and museum e3.50. Adrianou 24. Tel: 210.321.0185 Syntagma (Constitution Square) is the heart of the city and the best spot for new visitors to orient themselves. The Evzones, dressed in traditional uniforms, guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in front of the Parliament. The changing-of-the-guard ceremony takes place every hour. Temple of Olympian Zeus once the largest temple in ancient Greece, its ruins lie just behind Hadrian's Arch. Mon-Sun 8am-7:30pm. e2.00. Vas. Olgas and Amalias Avenues, Tel: 210.922.6330. Theatre of Dionysus built in the 5th century BC is where the plays of Aristophanes, Euripides, Aeschylus and Sophocles were first performed. Tower of Winds the octagonal tower, representing the eight directions of the wind, was built in the 1st century BC by the Syrian astronomer Andronicus. MonSun 8am-7pm. Just east of the Ancient Agora. Tel: 210.324.5220.



Attractions & Sites


Pallas Theatre Skoufa 77 & Staikou 2, Kolonaki Athens, Tel: 210 364 0783 Skoufa Gallery Skoufa 4, Kolonaki, Tel: 210.360.3541 Stavros Mihaliaras Art 260 Kifissias & Diligianni, Kifissia Tel: 210.623.0928 Thanassis Frisssiras Gallery Kriezotou 7, Tel: 210. 364.0288 The Art Foundation (TAF) Normanou 5, Monastiraki, Tel: 210.323.8757 The Eynard Mansion Aghiou Konstantinou 20 & Menandrou, Athens 104 31, Tel: 210 322 1335 The National Art Gallery and Alexander Soutzos Museum Michalakopoulou 1 - Vas. Constantinou 1, 115 28 Athens, Tel: 210-7235857 Titanium Yiayiannos Vas. Konstantinou 44, Pangrati, Tel: 210.729.7644 Tsatsis Project/ Artforum 12 Mitropoleos st. & Venizelou PC 54624 Thessaloniki, Tel: 231 025 7552 Xippas Gallery Sofokleous 53D, 105 52 Athens, Greece, Tel: 210 331 9333 Zoumboulakis Gallery Kolonaki Square 20, Kolonaki Tel: 210.360.8278 Zoumboulakis Gallery Graphics & Editions Kriezotou 7, Syntagma , Tel: 210.363.4454

Allou Fun Park Kifissou & Petrou Ralli, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, Tel: 210.425.6999, Children’s Museum Kydathinaeon 14, Plaka, Tel: 210.331.2995. Goulandris Museum of Natural History Levidou 13, Kifissia. Tel: 210.801.5870, Greek Folk Art Museum Daily Karaghiozis puppet shows! Kydathinaeon 17, Plaka, Tel: 210.322.9031 Museum of Children’s Art Kodrou 9, Plaka, Tel: 210.331.22621

Summit U The Wall Sport Climbing Center Ag. Athanasiou 12, Pallini, Tel: 210.603.0093, Westin Kids Club Apollonos 40, Vouliagmeni, Tel: 210.890.2000

getting around

Ada Rent-a-Car Tel: 210.322.0087 Arena Tel: 210.894.6883, 210.614.7400 Auto Union Tel: 210.922.1211/1213 Avis Tel: 210.322.4951 Budget Tel: 210.921.4771-3 Europcar Tel: 210.924.8810-8 Hertz Tel: 210.998.2000 Michael Stamou Luxury Rentals Tel: 210.922.2442/43 Sixt Rent-a-Car Tel: 210.570.6895, 210.922.0171


WSW Skycap Services at Athens Airport provides Meet & Greet, Baggage Hauling and Transport Service. Tel: 210.353.0100 For info about the public bus lines please check our section Getting Around


Public transport

AAA Royal Prestige Tel: 210.988.3221 Astra Limousine Service Tel: 210.922.0333/807.9996 Convecta Travel Agency & Limousine Services Tel: 210.322.5090 Limousines Kakaya Tel: 210.323.4120 Combined tickets for metro, buses and trolleys (e1) are available from metro stations and central ticket booths, valid within 90 mins of validation for all public transport - except the airport service, which costs 6e.

EXPRESS BUS from/to airport To and from Syntagma Square (bus X95, 70 min. approx.), Ethniki Amyna metro station (bus X94, 50 min. approx.) and Piraeus (bus X96, 90 min. approx.). Tickets available at the Arrivals Hall; validate on board. Buses leave every 10-15 minutes. Fare is e3.20 and the ticket is valid for 24 hours on buses, trolleys and metro. For further information dial 185 or visit, For info on trains see www.

HELLENIC RAILWAYS ORGANIsATION Karolou 1. Tel: 210.529.7002

ATHENS METRO Line 1 (Piraeus-Kifissia) 5am-midnight, Line 2 (Agios Antonios-Agios Dimitrios) 5.30am-midnight, Line 3 (Egaleo-Doukissis Plakentias) 5.30am-midnight Line 3 (Egaleo-Airport) 5.30am-22.52pm and 06.30am-23.30pm. The last itinerary is 2 hours later on Friday and Saturday night than it is during the week.

tram Tram itineraries are only from Syntagma to S.E.F (in Neo Faliro) and from Syntagma to Asklipio Voulas. From Monday to Thursday, trams operate from until midnight and non-stop from Friday morning to Sunday midnight.

TAXIS from the airport cost about e20 to Syntagma Square, e25 to Piraeus, depending on traffic. Between midnight and 5am double tariff applies. Note: If you suspect that you have been overcharged, you can call the tourist police 0n 171

INTERCITY BUSES Terminal 1: Buses for Igoumenitsa, Ioannina, Kavala, Loutraki, Patra, the Peloponese, and Thessaloniki. Kifissou 100Tel: 210.512.4910-1, Terminal 2: Buses for Delphi, Evia, Galaxidi, Karpenisi, Katerini, Lamia, Livadia, Thiva and Volos. Liosion 260.

RADIO TAXI Enotita Tel: 210.645.9000 Ermis Tel: 210.411.5200 Ikarus Tel: 210.515.2800 Kifissia Tel: 210.801.4000 Piraeus Tel: 210.418.2333 Radio Taxi Glyfada Tel: 210.960.5600 There is a booking fee of e1 added to the meter.

Sea ports Piraeus Tel: 210.422.6000-4 Rafina Tel: 22940.22300, 22940.28888

Sea ports & Ferries


Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport, Spata. Tel: 210.353.0000, 210.353.1000.

Car rental


Aegean Tel: 801.11.20000 Air France Tel: 210.998.0222 Air Malta Tel: 210.965.2300-22 Alitalia Tel: 210.998.8888 American Tel: 210.361.3373 Air Taxis (Helicopter and plane charters) Tel: 210.938.4149 Austrian Tel: 210.960.1244 British Airways Tel: 801.11.56000 BMI Tel: 210.960.0942 Continental Tel: 210.353.4312 Cyprus Airways Tel: 210.353.4100 Delta Tel: 210.331.1673-6 Easy Jet Tel: 210.353.0300 El Al Tel: 210.934.1500-1 Emirates Tel: 210.933.3400 Etihad Tel: 210.960.56.08 Gulf Air Tel: 210.322.0851 Iberia Tel: 210.353.6004 KLM Tel: 210.998.0333 Lufthansa Tel: 210.617.5200 Olympic Airways Tel: 210.966.6666 SAS Tel: 210.353.0373 Swiss / Crossair Tel: 210.617.5320 Turkish Tel: 210.353.7280-2

Ferries Ferries run year-round. For information on seasonal schedules contact a travel agent or call the Port Police on 210.422.6000 From the Port of Piraeus Northern and Eastern Aegean Islands: Gates A & B Chios, Ikaria, Lesvos, Samos, Dodecanese Islands: Gate E Kalymnos, Kos Leros, Patmos, Rhodes, Saronic Gulf Islands: Gates G & E Aegina, Hydra, Poros, Spetses, Crete: Gate A Aghios Nikolaos, Chania, Iraklio, Kastelli (Kissamos), Rethymno, Cycladic Islands:

Thessaloniki: 2310.560.700 Hellenic Seaways 210 41 99 000, Anek Lines Domestic lines: 210 41 97 420 International lines: 210 41 97 430 Minoan Lines Tel:801 11 75 000

YACHT CHARTERS A1 Yacht Trade Consortium Akti Themistokleous 8, Marina Zeas, Piraeus. Tel: 210.458.7100 Ghiolman Yachts Filellinon 7, Syntagma. Tel: 210.323.0330 Nava Yachts Loudovikou Sq. 6, Piraeus. Tel: 210.417.7728 Northstar Poseidonos 54, P. Faliro. Tel: 210.988.4000 PGA Alimou & Poseidonos, Alimos. Tel: 210.985.9400 Seahorse Alkyonidon 83 (Marina), Voula. Tel: 210.895.2212, 210.895.6733 Seascape Poseidonos Ave. 29, Alimos. Tel/Fax: 210.985.8301 Valef Yachts Pl. Chatzikonstanti 2, Piraeus. Tel:210.451.2010 Vernicos Yachts Posidonos 11, Kalamaki. Tel: 210.985.0122-8

Gates B, G & D

Astipalea, Folegandros, Kimolos, Kithnos, Milos, Serifos, Sifnos: Gate B Amorgos, Donoussa, Ios, Iraklia, Koufonissi, Mykonos, Santorini, Schinoussa, Syros, Tinos: Gates G&D Naxos, Paros: Gate G

Superfast Ferries Daily departures, Greece - Italy: from Patras and Igoumenitsa to Ancona and Bari Head office: 23-125 Syngrou Avenue & 3 Torva Street 11745 Athens. Tel:210.891.9000 Reservations: Athens: 210.891.9130

insider athens | June 2011


athens citysales mappoints For central Athens points, see i on map EASTERN SUBURBS Gerakas: Mini Market Milionis: 131, Marathonos Avenue Pallini: Bookshop Bouzas: 63, Marathonos Street Peania: Bookshop Tangopoulos: Agias Triados Street

NORTHERN SUBURBS AG.PARASKEVI: Mini Market Avarakis: 3, Themistokleous Street, Kiosk Theodoropoulos: 8, Polytechniou Street DIONYSSOS: Kiosk Michail: 4, Mitropolitou Kydonion Street EKALI: Kiosk Kyrpoglou: Vassileos Pavlou Square FILOTHEI: Kiosk Roupa: Drossopoulou Square, Super Market Kyriakopoulos: 11, M.Renieri Street, Mini Market Plati: 27, V.Georgiou Street HALANDRI: Mini Market Kyriakou: 3, Lykourgou Street, Kiosk Drizos: V. Konstantinou & V.Georgiou Street, Bookshop Evripidis: 11, V.Konstantinou Street, Mini Market Bakatsia: 46, Pendelis Avenue, Bookshop Vivliostyl: 34, Olympou Street, Mini Market Tsakiri: 76, Ag.Antoniou Street HOLARGOS: Kiosk Bekiaris: 212, Messogion Aveue, Kiosk Tambouridis: 256, Messogion Avenue KEFALARI: Kiosk Glentzis: Patr.Maximou & Apergi Square KIFISSIA: Kiosk Karadouman: 36-38, Kyriazi Street, Bookshop Gioggaras: 34, Elaion Street, Kiosk Koutsodimou: 308, Kifissias Avenue MAROUSSI: Tobacco & Gifts Tsitsilonis: 41-43, Kifissias Avenue, Tobacco & Gifts Raptis: 64, Kifissias Street, Kiosk Stefanopoulos: 46, Kifissias Street, Mini Market Kitsios: 43, Grammoou & Dionyssou Street MELISSIA: Kiosk Manikas: 75, Dimokratias Avenue, Mini Market Koufopandelis: 28, Pigis Street NEA ERYTHREA: Kiosk Anastassopoulos: 142, Harilaou Trikoupi Street, Bookshop Giannaki: 169, Eleftheriou Venizelou Street, Newsstand: 20 klm National Road Athens-Lamia, Kiosk Konidakis: Thisseos Avenue & Papadaki, Kiosk Kallergis: 130, Tatoiou Street NEO PSYCHIKO: Kiosk Katichidis: E.Makariou & Michalakopoulou Street, Kiosk Doukas: 44, Diamantidou Street, Kiosk Gionis: 25, Chr.Smyrnis & Ag.Georgiou Street PAPAGOU: Mini Market Papavassiliou: 16, Ellispontou Street

PALEO PSYCHIKO: Kiosk Kyriakou: Solomou Square, Kiosk Gialama: Efkalypton Square, Kiosk Polydoros: Kifissias & Ag.Dimitriou Street, Kiosk Kalogeropoulos: V. GeorgiouSquare, Kiosk Kontabasis: 2, Amaryllidos & V. Pavlou Street, Kiosk Kalfagian: V. Georgiou B’ 11 POLITIA: Kiosk Vovlas: Politia Square VRILISSIA : Kiosk Theodoropoulou: 5, Analypsi Square, Kiosk Aggelopoulos: Pendelis Avenue & Omirou, Bookshop Karystinaiou: 69, Alefiou Street

SOUTHERN SUBURBS GLYFADA : Kiosk Tamourantzis: 3, Metaxa & Maragou Street, Kiosk Tsakanikas: 3, Lambraki Street, Kiosk Mavraki: Pandoras & Ioanni Metaxa, Kiosk Adamopoulos: 20, Ioanni Metaxa Street, Kiosk Papadakou: 7, Ioanni Metaxa Street, Kiosk Haikal: 1, Ioanni Metaxa & Fivis Street, Kiosk Bolota: Gounari & Iraklitou Street, Kiosk Bellou: 5, Saki Karagiorga Street, Mini Market Agiokatsikos: 24, Ilias Street HELLINIKO : NewsStand: 43-47, Vouliagmenis Avenue ILIOUPOLIS : Super Market Kokossis: 5, Glastonos Street LAGONISI: Kiosk Vassiliadis: 37,5 klm Athinon-Souniou Avenue NEA SMYRNI: Kiosk Manoussos: 28, Eleftheriou Venizelou Street VARKIZA: Kiosk Paraskevopoulou: Varkiza Square VOULA: Kiosk Leontopoulos: 12, Sokratous Street, Mini Market Pournara: 33, Pringipos Petrou Street, Kiosk Christopoulou: V. Pavlou & Ag. Ioanni Street VOULIAGMENI: Kiosk Andrioti: Armonias Square, Kiosk Chryssikos: 1, Ermou Street, Kiosk Kylitis: 14, Thisseos Street PALEO FALIRO: Kiosk Kombogianni: 1, Ag. Alexandrou Street, Kiosk Kapetanou: 24, Achilleos Street, Mini Market Nikouli: 9, Pliadon Street, Tobacco & Gifts Berekos: 1, Possidnos Avenue & Moraitini Street PIRAEUS: Hand Delivery Telstar: 57, Akti Miaouli, Tourist Chop Siatras: 46, Akti Koumoundourou Street, Kiosk Samarogiannis: 7, Merarhias B’Street, Kiosk Siaho: Akti Moutsopoulou (Kanari Square), Kiosk Kentros: 73, Iroon Polytechniou Street, Kiosk Fotis : 1, Loudovikou Street, Kiosk Spalas: 111, Karaiskou Street, Newsstand: Railway Station Loudovikou Square For central Athens stores, see on map ASPROPIRGOS Filis 100 & Bouboulinas, Tel: 210.558.0989 ERMOU Ermou 24 Tel: 210. 331.3167 & 325.7744 KALLITHEA Thisseos & Davaki, Tel: 210.956.5959 - 956.5446 KIFISSIA Kassaveti 6 Tel: 210.623.1741 & 623.1742 KORYDALLOS Taxiarhon 110A, Tel: 210.569.5270 569.5998 THE MALL, Notios Paradromos Attikis Odou, Tel: 210.630.0125 & 630.0126 AVENUE Kifissias 41-45, Tel: 210.610.9739 & 610.9740

80 insider athens | June 2011

GOLDEN HALL Kifissias Av. 37A & Sp. Louis, Tel: 210.683.7343 PANGRATI Ymittou 110 & Hremonidou, Tel: 210.751.8005 GLYFADA A. Metaxa 33-35 , Tel: 210. 894.3378 & 894.5884 KOLONAKI Milioni 2, Tel: 210. 361.2666 & 362.9925 NEA MAKRI Marathonos Av. 117, Tel: 229.409.9661 PERISTERI Ethnikis Antistaseos 12, Tel: 210. 571.0755 PETROU RALLI Petrou Ralli 97, Tel: 210. 569.6596 & 569.7316 PIKERMI 21oklm. Marathonos Av. , Tel: 210. 603.9987 PSYCHIKO Kifissias 210, Tel: 210. 677.5527 & 674.0178 VRILISSIA Pentelis Av. . 72, Tel: 210. 810.1971 & 810.1972

city map

Map courtesy of Emvelia Publications

insider athens | June 2011



Photos by Iosefina Svania

Gastronomic celebration! Sani Gourmet, which took place this year between 13 to 22 May, has now become an annual gastronomic celebration that brings together some of the finest chefs from Greece and around the globe. Each year Michelin-star chefs join the acclaimed line-up set at Sani’s top restaurants in Halkidiki to create contemporary dishes that amaze and delight. In its 6th year now, Sani Gourmet is now well on its way to becoming a worldrenowned culinary festival.

82 insider athens | June 2011

The Koroni Royal Villa at The Romanos, a Luxury Collection Resort Costa Navarino - Messinia

Tel: +27230 96000 / insider athens | June 2011 83

84 insider athens | June 2011

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