Style Kingdom Magazine Vol 11

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style kingdom


ceo publisher KIANA LEXENSTAR

senior manager



creative director: Kamelia Snowfield art director: Rogue Falconer

marketing director: Valentine Panthar

Contributing Photographers & Stylists: Pam Astonia, Trinity Skytower, Asia Rae, Julie Hastings, Tempest Rocca, Astralia, Blanche Foxclaw, Citta Wiskee, Pierre and Rogue Falconer

Contributing Writers: Rogue Falconer

Media Partners: Fashioncentric, Nico, Sastech, Angels, Finesmith, Glam Dreams, Paisley Daisy

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT Style Kingdom Magazine is owned and published electronically by Media Werkz Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Style Kingdom Magazine and its logo are trademarks owned by Media Werkz Publishing LLC. NO part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Media Werkz Publishing LLC. Any attempt to copy/infringe will be subjected to copyright laws and legal action will be taken.






Dear readers, This would be our first magazine being published at the start of this wonderful 2015! This issue we have the honour of being sponsored by two well-known designers. This is the first (but certainly not the last) time that our magazine has sponsored sections and we’re very thankful to the designers. I won’t spoil the surprise by revealing them so please check out their sections by reading the magazine. Our main theme for this issue is “Minimalist with the togetherness of tattoos”. Our in-house stylist have worked hard to choose appropriate pieces to suit their selected tattoos to showcase what the theme means. I’m positive their styles are something which many Second Life® residents would appreciate wearing in their daily S-lives. The Style Kingdom team would like to thank all readers for your continued support and wish everyone a great 2015! Best regards,

Dougie Boxen

CEO, Founder & Publisher of Style Kingdom Magazine™





the highlights

On the Cover

Photography | Asia Rae | Model | Zib Scaggs




Romance is in the Air

Photography | Rogue Falconer

Invited Stylist Mentalkaos Akina

Winter Fashion Assembled | Rogue Falconer


Invited Stylist Parker Droverson Photography |Parker Droverson

Photography | Rogue Falconer|Mentalkaos Akina


157 volume 11


Photography | Astralia



Chic Minimalist Photography | Asia Rae | Blanche Foxclaw | Julie Hastings | Pierre | Astralia | Citta Wiskee | Tempest Rosca




Photography | Blanche Foxclaw | Rogue Falconer


Random Matter

Interview | Rogue Falconer

Photography | Nikohl Hax | Interview | Rogue Falconer





Va l e n t i n e s G i f t Guide

Photographer of the Month - Strawberry Singh

Photography | Badon Rain Interview | Priscilla S. Avro

Photography | Strawberry Singh |Interview | Rogue Falconer








photographer of the month





“I actually get inspired by RL magazine pictures, especially and Vogue India. I see something I like and then from I try to do it in my own way. �


RF: You are not just a photographer in Second Life, you’re also a Blogger and run a website that includes not only both of these but also tutorials, interviews, locations to visit and challenges for other bloggers. Is there a certain aspect that you enjoy the most of these?

the time anyways. As for the blogger challenges, the inspiration for those comes in many different ways. Most of the time they come from other real world blogs that I read but other times it just comes from conversations with friends or ideas that others have suggested.

SS: t’s actually changed over time. When I first started in 2007, it was taking the pictures and manipulating them in photoshop that I enjoyed the most for the first couple of years. However now, the actual writing of the posts is what I truly enjoy. Especially writing up my memes and challenges and then going to read other people’s responses. That’s my favorite part about what I do these days.

RF: How long does it usually take you to complete a picture from the creation of an idea to the final product?

RF: Did you start out with a heavy interest in photography and then expand into blogging and other aspects of your site, or was it something that came later? SS: It actually started just like that. My interest was mainly in photography and learning photoshop. I was just posting images on flickr when a friend encouraged me to start blogging with her and that’s how my blogging journey began. RF: What kind of things inspire you to take pictures of your own, or even use the idea for something like a blogger challenge? SS: For pictures, I actually get inspired by RL magazine pictures, especially from Vogue and Vogue India. I see something I like and then I try to do it in my own way. My pictures are no where near their quality, but that’s how I get inspired most of

SS: It varies really but if I just get really into it and if I have no distractions whatsoever (that never happens though lol) then I can get a picture done in a few hours. It’s the styling that takes me the longest because I’m not really a great styler. My fashion sense and taste is very simple. RF: You offer photo tutorials on your site, what made you decide to post these? SS: My readers and friends on social networks kept asking me to do it, so eventually I did. I think the first ones I ever did were back in 2010 and I got such a great response that people asked for more. Then eventually I started making video tutorials and then people kept asking for more lol. But I’ll be honest with you, I really hate doing the tutorials hahaha. They are soooo time consuming and tedious to do but I know they have helped a lot of people so it’s worth it and that’s why I keep doing them. Just having everyone appreciate all the work I put into them makes up for it. So all of the tutorials I’ve ever done, is because people have requested them.

RF: I know that the majority of your photos are blog related, but are you still taking clients as well? SS: Yes, I do take clients regularly. This page has all of my photography rates and policies: RF: Good photos do not happen overnight, was there a certain resource that you have referred too over the years that you feel has offered helpful tips in making your photos better? SS: I just watch a lot of photoshop tutorials and get inspired by magazine pictures. I look at a lot of the angles the photographers shoot at and the lighting and just trying to mimic that in my images. Just takes practice. Also helps to learn the Second life viewer properly and know about all of the settings that you can use to create a higher quality image. RF: What kind of advice would you offer to photographers that are just starting out? SS: Learn how to setup the viewer to take high res snapshots on higher graphic settings so you start out with a high quality image and then just have fun with it. You don’t need to be a genius at photoshop to take great pictures.

Website: Flickr:








blogger of the month






“Do it because you absolutely love it. Do it even if you purchase every item you blog. Do it because you But when you do it. Do it well!” love that


RF: How long have you been blogging? MK: 2 almost 3 years RF: What made you want to start blogging? MK: Shoes! There were so many awesome shoe stores out on the grid that no one really paid attention to. I just really felt they needed a sounding board. RF: Your blog posts feature more Editorial Style Images, do you feel this makes you stand out from other Bloggers? Why? MK: I think that it makes my blog a blog. Bloggers are suppose to sell the items, give the fantasy, make the subscriber want to run out and buy. We are there to decorate the clothing/items. RF: It seems like a lot of planning goes into your posts, how long does it generally take you to complete a post start to finish? MK: 2-3 Days. I normally take the pictures in bulk and go through to see which ones to keep. Also I might redo an entire blog if I feel the styling is off or it doesnt come together well. I am really careful in how I present a designers product. I dont want to do anything that wouldnt be beneficial to them as far as promotion of the product. RF: What are some of your favorite stores that you don’t currently blog for? MK: Ison, Coco, Zaara. Teefy, and Lelutka. Im usually at all those releases pretty frequently. RF: What are some of your favorite stores that

you do currently blog for? MK: Diktators always thats my heart, I love co57, Reign, Meghindo’s, Modish, Moda, Thalia Heckroth, Iconic, and Vanity Hair. They all get my sense of styling. RF: Is there anyone out there that you don’t currently blog for that you would love to blog for in the future? MK: Ison or Tee*fy those are like my dream team of blogging. RF: What other Bloggers do you look too for inspiration or just because you enjoy their work? MK: I am a huge fan of Volupturaptor Perl, Thalia Heckroth, and Nadia Baxter. I pretty much stalk their blogs! RF: Have you ever considered or previously done collaborations with any of the aforementioned Bloggers? MK: Never they are eons better than me. Far more established and what I like about their blogs is it doesn’t remind me of my style. I like I can go there and just enjoy their blogs as a fan. RF: Whats your stance on blogging things you’ve bought versus blogging things from groups you belong too? MK: I do a combination of both. I always try and support the group I am in first. However as a blogger it shouldn’t be about what you got free but the look and feel of the blog. I go out and shop and I am content shopping and blogging. My blog does


showcase the stores I am a blogger for a lot. But those were the stores I was already shopping at prior to blogging. I was a customer before I was ever a blogger. RF: Who is your favorite new blog that you’ve seen in the past year? MK: Its just a really good blog for men and women. I like that they can diversify their looks to fit both genders. RF: What advice do you have for new and upcoming Bloggers who are looking to make a name for themselves? MK: Do it because you absolutely love it. Do it even if you purchase every item you blog. Do it because you love that creator. But when you do it. Do it well!more established and what I like about their blogs is it doesn’t remind me of my style. I like I can go there and just enjoy their blogs as a fan. RF: Whats your stance on blogging things you’ve bought versus blogging things from groups you belong too? MK: I do a combination of both. I always try and support the group I am in first. However as a blogger it shouldn’t be about what you got free but the look and feel of the blog. I go out and shop and I am content shopping and blogging. My blog does showcase the stores I am a blogger for a lot. But those were the stores I was already shopping at prior to blogging. I was a customer before I was

ever a blogger. RF: Who is your favorite new blog that you’ve seen in the past year? MK: Its just a really good blog for men and women. I like that they can diversify their looks to fit both genders. RF: What advice do you have for new and upcoming Bloggers who are looking to make a name for themselves? MK: Do it because you absolutely love it. Do it even if you purchase every item you blog. Do it because you love that creator. But when you do it. Do it well!

Blog: Flickr:


“I see an item and in my head I have already put Parker in

an outfit and thinking up a photo before I can even find

the shoes in my Inventory.”

RF: How long have you been blogging? PD: 3 and half years.

Inventory. RF: Have you ever considered doing collaborations with other bloggers? PD: For sure I’m open to it. I have not done it in a while. But it’s fun to have someone brainstorming with you.

RF: What do you enjoy most about being a Blogger? PD: It’s another chance for me to be creative. It has opened my eyes to so many more designers and styles.

RF: What blogger would you want to do a collaboration with if offered the chance? PD: Oh let’s see, Jaynathan Battle Scars would be cool. I love the scenes he creates for his blog.

RF: Have you ever blogged for any Events? PD: Yes, happy to say I blog for The Men’s Department and The Liaison Collaborative right now. RF: Are there any events out there that you would like to blog for that you don’t currently? PD: That would be such a long list. I am a big fan of events. I would love to blog for Fameshed, Collabor88, Kustom9 and of course the Arcade. Just for starters RF: Would you say your blogging style stands out from the other male bloggers? PD: I have not tried to stand out. I wanted to blog to show off my style and the Items I really enjoy. If I stand out in anyway thats just an awesome bonus. RF: Where do you turn for inspiration when doing the images for your blog? PD: I find it’s the items that inspire me most of the time. I see an item and in my head I have already put Parker in an outfit and thinking up a photo before I can even find the shoes in my

RF: Who is your favorite Blogger and why? PD: I dont think I have a favorite at the moment. I like seeing everyone’s personal take on SL RF: What male bloggers do you tend to refer too the most? PD: I find I check out bloggers like Shadow, and Nomak Nyoki. When I’m on the hunt for inspiration. Chances are I will see something new or something I may have over looked. RF: What advice would you give to new bloggers who are just starting out? PD: Be yourself. Don’t think because you’re blogging now you need to become someone else. People want to see what you bring.


Blog: Flickr:












random. matter


had the chance to sit down with the former blogger and amazing owner and creator of Random Matter, Nikohl Hax. Although her store is less than a year old she has been extremely successful in creating quite the name for herself, and has been featured in many well known events including but not limited too, Secret Affair, N21, Fantasy Gacha Carnival, We <3 Roleplay and Uber. Being that her store is new to the grid and already making such an impact, we at Style Kingdom wanted the chance to sit down and pick her brain on blogging, her store and designing in general. RF: You started out as a Blogger, what made you want to switch over to Designing? NH: I loved blogging purely for the opportunity to represent the stores I love and respect. But I think theres always some frustration not only as a blogger but as a consumer in general where you’ll want certain things and have the ideas for them...but no one will be making those things. So I think I sort of used my time as a blogger to get to know designers and see how they run things and what works and what doesn’t. Then after a while I figured, I have all these ideas for things I want to see in SL so why not make them myself? I found out after that it’s pretty insane trying to be a blogger and a designer so I gave up blogging to run my shop full on. RF: Do you miss Blogging? Would you ever go back to it if you decided not to Design anymore? 57 JANUARY

NH: Only in some ways, I miss editing photos mostly and having more time to be creative with them. Now it’s mostly just ads and those are really quick. As to whether or not I’d go back to know I don’t know that I would really want to quit designing, I think if I ever did’d be hard to go back to blogging. I think when you blog there’s a sort of, for lack of a better word, blindness. It keeps you from having the knowledge and opinions of what it is to own a business, and not at all in a bad way. It sort of keeps you from being super judgemental about how other designers do things. I think if I went back to blogging I’d probably be really frustrated now that I have a certain way I like things to be run.

I’m totally dedicated! RF: I know that I personally really enjoy what you make, but have you also received a lot of positive feedback from others in regards to what you’re putting out? NH: I think that was one of the most heartwarming things about becoming a designer. It’s really one thing to have strangers tell you they enjoy what you put out but it’s totally different when you hear from other designers and especially people who inspired you. It really does mean the world to me, I’ve become really good friends with many of the designers I look up to and I’ve had many tell me that they really dig what I put out. It’s always amazing to know they don’t think I’m rubbish haha

RF: What would you say your genre is in the Design world?

RF: Do you get a lot of people asking you to make specific items?

NH: I always said that if I had to classify my style it would be something like ‘space chic’ I like to blend styles and make them a little bit my own.

NH: You know, the most demanding about wanting specific items are other designers. Usually customers will give suggestions about stuff and a lot of the time on facebook I’ll ask for suggestions and inspiration. But other designers will like...write up emails and notecards with specific references and colors and whatnot and just be like ‘Foss, do this. I know you got time.’ But it’s usually nothing too ridiculous..usually.

RF: What are your favorite kind of events to make items for? NH: I love events that give more obscure themes that designers can really branch off of rather than it being so specific. I don’t know if you want me to name names but Totally Top Shelf and Secret Affair are both great for giving those kinds of themes. Stuff like ‘London Calling’ and ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’ as apposed to ‘Victorian’ or ‘Fantasy’ It gives us a direction without being overly specific. I love when a theme can make me think along lines I wouldn’t have otherwise.

RF: What advice to you have to other aspiring Designers in terms of being a successful store? NH: Oh gosh....this is terrible advice but, always play to your strengths. And never be afraid to ask advice, a lot of designers don’t mind giving advice or looking at stuff you’ve made to give suggestions. As long as you realize it’s a learning process and you can’t give up if it doesn’t all pan out at first then you’ll do fine.

RF: You’ve recently started making Skins, do you like making them more so than Accessories? NH: I wouldn’t really say I like one more than the other, I think skins are a really nice break away from mesh though. I love texturing more than anything else, so when I can just sit back and paint for hours it really is sort of like therapy. Totally relaxing. Then again, I get bored really fast so once the thrill of being able to relax dies out I rush back to mesh haha, I need some sort of stress it keeps me going. RF: Is there anything you really want to make but haven’t had the opportunity to do yet? NH: I really want to be able to do just about everything, to be completely honest. I really want to get into clothes and hair and furniture. I think more than anything I want to do clothes, I have so many ideas for things I just have to learn the programs and the process. Which will happen soon enough!






designer spotlight glamistry PHOTOGRAPHY |ROGUE FALCONER


glamistry Hyacinth Heels Statice Heels

Galla Heels Amaryllis Heels

Calystegia Heels

Anemuna Heels

Angelica Heels

This month our featured Shoe Designer is none other than Glamistry. While Glamistry is new to

the grid (less than a year old) the designer has been around the block before, creating shoes for Kalnins and the well known Redgrave. He’s branched out to bring you his own unique style of shoes that is compatiable with Slink and offers an extensive HUD system for easy use. We sat down and talked about his past, present and future. RF: You’ve been designing shoes for longer than Glamistry has been open isn’t that right? What other stores have you created for in the past or currently? G: You’re right, it all started back in 2007 with one pair of sunglasses I had designed for myself and when more and more people started to ask where I had gotten them; the idea for my first brand Kalnins came to light. I’ve designed plenty of eyewear, footwear and watches for this brand. Somewhere around 2009 I was approached by Redgrave where I continued to design eyewear and footwear up to 2014. And then came Glamistry; something that I had been considering for quite a while, but never had enough time to pull it off! In early 2014 I opened doors to my first Glamistry clients. That was a hard landing, after 9 months of work developing my own foot, HUD and first heels went straight into the trash when people demanded Slink compatible footwear. It took great strength to wipe everything out and start fresh, this time with heels for Slink, and later on for Belleza and other feet/bodies. At this point Glamisry offers 10 products already and growing. RF: What made you want to start your own brand? G: My desire to express my creativity… the same way a painter would paint a painting or a composer

would compose music. For me - creating lifelike 3d objects is a way to put my 3d designing, texturing and scripting skills into use. And as a result I can share my results with people and get the energy back from them; that feels really great! RF: How long typically does it take you to create a new shoe, from brainstorming an idea to sending the notice announcing the new release? G: Good question. On average it’s about 7-10 days working full-time. And this includes coming up with the design idea, doing 3d modeling, optimizing, adapting shoes for different feet, creating materials, multi-coloring, scripting and configuring, creating promo renders for Flickr/FB, setting up vendors and MP, and sending out the news. This is very simplified list of things, however each of them require my full attention and unwavering patience to make the end result worth advertising. It is very important for me to deliver best possible quality to my clients.. RF: What is your favorite part of the process of creating the shoes? G: Creative parts are the most interesting to me; 3d modeling, texturing, configuring, and setting up vendors etc, these things are pretty monotonic and do not vary from case to case. RF: Where do you look for inspiration when deciding to create something new? G: For the most part I look to my clients, I really listen to what they have to say. I think that is quite important to not lose touch with the people you are creating for. Many great ideas and suggestions came this way so I am truly happy to have all the supporters and bright minds who fell in love with Glamistry


Lantana Ankle Boots

Nemesia Ankle Boots

RF: Whose work in Second Life do you admire and or look up too as a veteran in the shoe business? G: I would give big kudos to Eudora3d, in my opinion those guys are really putting an effort into their work and results speak for it. However, it’s a bit sad that their products end up buried down below the recolored template cheapies in the marketplace. RF: Your blogger group is currently open, what kind of things do you look for when choosing new bloggers for your products? G: I truly admire those bloggers who understand that blogging is not just about hitting “save screenshot” button and putting it on the net after few tweaks in Photoshop. For Glamistry, it is important that a blogger has lots of followers, readers, and views, in other words, the number of people they are reaching with their picture; that’s the most important thing. Unfortunately there are so many that still give me stats like “my blog has been viewed 48000 times” without even mentioning for what period of time the data is collected. So at the end it turns out it is for a period of 5 years and when you do the math that’s around 26 visitors per day. And even more, those are not necessarily visitors but page views that might be done by the same person more than 1 time. So you see where I am going…stats need to be measured right, only then will the numbers will matter. So right now I kind of take Flickr as my guideline, if you cannot generate more than 300 views in a matter of first days after publishing your pic, you have to do your homework first :) RF: What kind of things can we look forward to in the future regarding your store? G: I have just finished scripting In-HUD purchases where you will be able to quickly buy any single color you want right from the HUD without going to MP or to our Main Store. Further on the list - more Heels, Ankle Boots. It might be a possibility that I step into some new markets as well, like accessories, and creating a Mens department. There is no exact date set, so I prefer to be flexible and be ready depending on how everything unfolds.







the valentines gift guide




VCO Romantic Bouquet

Aux Melt my Heart

ARISKEA Heart u clutch

Paper Rabbit Rainbow Brite Alchemy Love Puff

Half Deer Cake pop XOXO

for her

Magic Nook Love Mugs

SORGO Futur Peacock

for him

Remarkable Oblivion MegaHertz Earphones

Remarkable Oblivion RetroCool BoomBox

Sleep Eddy Pocket Watch Necklace

Remarkable Oblivion Sugar Rush








D Dream Sailing Aigle/11/32/1176 The Sim features an adorable short ride that is a really cute way to take your significant other on a Valentines Date in Second Life. After you’ve gone through the door and walked across the gold circles you’ll find yourself on a platform where there is a sign to click, this will rez a two-seater boat. The boat will take you and your date on a ride throughout a multi layered build where each section created in it’s own unique way. The ride ends in a bright room filled with clouds and floating lanterns. After the date is over you can head back down to the landing point and explore the area outside, which features a few random cuddling spots and some nice winter scenary.


F Fotoscope This Sim is a virtual couples paradise, featuring a wide range of dancing and cuddle poses placed all over the Sim. There are also racing games and other random things that can bring out a laugh, including land mines that will bounce you around much to my personal enjoyment. To use any of the facilities featured on the Sim you need to be a member of the group, which has a 5L join fee. The money earned goes towards the upkeep of the sim, and is totally worth the price.


L Leroy This Sim is created and maintained by the extremely talented Quark Fallen, and is a romantic way to spend your Valentines with someone special. When you arrive you’ll find yourself afloat a ship that has several destinations that you can choose from. Including the restaurant Jamais; which is set in an out of the way secluded area that is small and cozy yet so romantic. There is also the Chateau; which again is secluded and boasts dancing in a flower filled room, but also a romantic bedroom at the top of the stairs. There is a charge to use the Chateau and it is set by the minutes, 50L for 30 minutes, but well worth the price, and will keep others away while you play.



The Pixel Bean Coffeehouse

The Pixel Bean Coffeehouse has been around for quite a while, and is still one of my favorite places to go with casual dates and even just friends for a quiet evening of hanging out. The house itself is always beautifully decorated and adheres to the season, but the components always remain the same. The house features a living room with couches and chairs for alone sitting or couples, along with an open kitchen area and a cute outside patio. Upstairs you’ll find a bar area, a library and even an Art Gallery. This location keeps things simple while still being intimate and cozy, it’s a great place to start or end a date for Valentines.







Chronokit Shirt Foxes Sweatshirt-Long

Chronokit Tailored Jacket & Hoodie The Secret Store Luna Preppy Cardigan

Atomic Darling Sweater

Atomic Weekend Lazies Bueno Hush Tops

Sakide Adele Top

Zenith Cutout Oversize Sweater

Etham Autumn Blazer Bueno Jax Coat

Erratic Mischa Wrap Coat

ISON Nova Tribe Jacket

The Secret Store Misha Oversized Coat

Foxes Fleece Jacket

COCO Leather Jacket with Denim DeezTalez Mesh Cardigan Offbeat Can you hear my heart

Foxes Woodland Wonderland Tenacio Leather Couture

BCC Soft Angora Knit

Pixicat Delusion Gown

Bueno Ella Sweater Foxes City Lights

Bueno Leggings Amerie Mesh Cargo

Tres Blah Leggings

Foxes Leggings

Villena Skinny Jeans

Pumpkin Sweatpants MODA Ikili Pants Pumpkin Skintight Pants The Secret Store Annette Peplum Skirt

ISON Ruffle Skirt

Tee*fy Odette Skirt Tres Blah Vintage Full Skirt

Atomic Unicorn Horn Necklace

Foxes Bookbag - The Fox The Secret Store Kelly Snuggly Scarf

Atomic Critter Comfort Panda

random matter Sugar Booger Backpack

Eudora Isabella Headpiece

Mandala Obi Bow Imeka Pearl Necklace with Bow

Reign Kenzy Boots


Falling into traps never looked so good

Apple Fall Hugg Boot

Miseria Comfy Boots

Reign Laced Lavie Boots

STRING THEORY Lace-ups go over or under just right

The Secret Store Flamel Boots

COCO Lace Up Boots

Reign Glitter Pumps

MODA Vicious Tipped Heel

FIRE STARTER The per fect way to get his fire going

Eudora Elvira Heels

B High Necked Sweater

Gabriel Hoodie Shirt Denim DROP Preppy Cardigan

Bleich Japanese Hoodie

Howl Winter Poetry Knit Vest & Shirt

SHAI Mens Dirty Plaid Shirt

Gabriel Loose Jacket & Tie

REDGRAVE Waterfall Sweater

2byte Sweatshirt

excellencE Jacket Merlok

Mikunch Downvest Kk Dustjacket with Shirt

Monso My Leather Blouson

Gabriel Shirt & Cardigan

Kitja Cherie Jay Jacket

Chronokit Tailored Jacket Deadwool Eskimo Coat

Deadwool Corto Coat

DROP Denim Sweat Pants

AMERIE Mesh Loose Pants

Tableau Vivant Swat Pants

R3 Rebel Pants

Fn Vespers Pants

Pumpkin SweatPants


AMERIE Sweatpants IC Mesh Sportpants

Delirium Saggy Pants

Deadwool Joad Pants

Spirit Store Tatyana Baggy Pants

L’Amoirell Autumn Beanie SORGO ClubMaster Dark

Zenith Hankie Deadwool Ferno Watch

Redgrave Leather Cord Necklace

Remarkable Oblivion Messenger Bag

RYCA Shield-211 Sunglasses

Yummy Polyex Sports Watch

Entente Chapelet Necklace

VCO Vintage Tie

Chronokit Alfheim Bracelet

Mikunch Snood

ieQED Aces Shades

ARGRACE Straw Fedora

Ronsem 5Hole Boots

TIE ME UP T ie them up or leave them loose

FLite First Winter Boots

Exemplary Military Boots


Not limited to sports anymore

FLite Zipr Shooz

2Real Decaz REDGRAVE LOMesh Sneaker FLYER

SNEAK ATTACK Ye a r ro u n d plays, year round looks

2Real Stackz

DOZZE Dare Mix Sneakers

FLite Outsiders












LEEZAHKADDOUR Gown:{Meghindo’s} ~ Zoe ~ Gown | Hair:.:EMO-tions:. - ELES (dark brown) | Shoes:F I N E S M I T H LOVE stilettos (white) | Skin:October’s 4Seasons - Laila skin (walnut) | Jewelry:Zuri Rayna~Only You Rose Elite set (earrings, necklace and bracelet V2)Chop Zuey - Trifles Ring Diamond | Hat:BaObA - Ballon Hat Silver | Makeup:October’s 4Seasons - Gloss Lips Tattoo .:Glamorize:. Jaded Black – White LAETITIA VELLA Gown:Meghindo’s Beatriz Gown | Shoes:Ben’s Boutique Nevaeh High Heel (SLink high) | Jewelry:Lazuri En tournant Necklace, Earrings, Bracelet, Ring | Hair:Truth Hair Tulip | Tiara:Modern Couture Collapse Tiara Diamond | Makeup:Koketka Eyelashes v.19 .Birdy Lippy {Reds} Chic [XCW] Dawn Eyeliner - Light Gold KOSH- Metallic Eyeshadow - light gold ZOZ Sassy Gold Tip Polish | Hands: SLink AvEnhance Hands - Elegant1 | Eyes:Buzz Celestial Eyes – Greens VOSHIE PAINE Gown:{Meghindo’s} ~ Peach ~ | Bag:Indy&Co.: Snakeskin Clutch-Noir | Shawl:*T.Whore* Sexy Fur Stole Black | Jewelry:. aisling. Papillon Mimic Earrings .random.Matter. - LeLuna Head Chain - Gold | Hair:[LeLutka]HANNAH 2.0 hair - ItsNotGinger | petite morte. india t1 NB

JJ26 RAGU Gown:{Meghindo’s} ~ Kelly ~ | Jewelry:Lazuri Celeste Heirloom | Earrings Lazuri Celeste Heirloom Bracelet Left Lazuri Celeste Heirloom Ring | Hair:tram B428 hair / creamy | Shoes:[LIZ] Mesh Mesmerize shoes [Black] | Makeup:MONS / Makeups - black eyeliner series-9 Dead Apples Matte Le Rouge lips

AVERIL Gown:Pink Floral gown by Meghindos | Jewelry:Sub Umbra Floreo Jewelry by Chop Zuey | Hair:Snowdrift hair in Blondes by Tableau Vivant | Hands:Slink hands and feet (S) by Slink | Shoes:Love Stilettos by Finesmith

TAYLOR WASSEP Hair:Tableau Vivant - Candance | Jewelry:LaGyo - Mother’s Pearl | Gown:Meghindo’s - Party Gown

PAYTON HERON Gown:{Meghindo’s} One Shoulder Toulle Gown in Pink | Jewelry:Lazuri Delia Bracelet & Earrings in Color Change | Shoes:Stiletto Moody d’Orsay in Silver Patent | Hair:“”D!va”” Hair “Locuala” (MVW INDIA 2014)(Onyx) | Skin:DeeTaleZ Skins Skin Elly red lips black smokeyes CARAMEL | Makeup:Lipstick - Silver Moon Eclipse Luna Lips Rose; Miamai_Catwalk Lashes_Evergreen 02 MaterialGirl | Hands:Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands – Casual


style kingdom





LOCUALA MADRUGA Pants: [Femme] : Outre - Shi - Black | Corset: Geometric corset - ISON - Black | Shoes: JusticeWedges Shoes - HouseofFox - Black | Necklace: Nemesi Necklace (modified by Locuala) h.m.a.e.m - Silver | Top: MFW11 Aviary top [Black Swan] (modified by Locuala) - [LWL] - Black | Gloves: Fingerless Gloves - .Shi : - Black | Hair: Hair Ball - [ChicZafari] - [Black] | Tattoo: Hexadron Tattoo - Inkside Tattoos – Black

TAYLOR WASSEP Hair: Tableau Vivant - Neve Hair | Jacket: Deadwool - Eskimo Coat (Light Brown) | Tattoo: (Chest) HIATUS - The Element | Tattoo: (Hand) - HIATUS - Heenal | Pants: Deadwool Joad Pants (Black) | Boots: R3 - Dakota Boots (V3)

SPIRIT LLEWELLYN Tattoo:Wicked Tattoos Dreamer Medium Ink | Shirt: Gizza Asymetric Leather Tank Grey | Tattoo: Endless Pain Tattoos Romantic Elf 2 | Underpants: Endless Pain Tattoos Romantic Elf 4 | Skirt: Baii Maii 012 Grey Suede Zipper Skirt | Shoes: Eudora Jenn Pumps | Hair: ::TI:: Grey Kappi-Black Hair | Makeup: Madrid Solo Grace-U-color-it

ELESEREN BRIANNA Jacket: Chanel Jacket black - Diram | Leggings: Couture Leggings - black - Maitreya | Pasties: Rand Nipple Shields - Finesmith | Tattoo: OR-WHEEL FOUND tattoo - OFF | Tattoo: Real Tattoo - Secret Soul | Tattoo: The Hustler [Fresh] tattoo - .Identity. | Tattoo: Tribal Belly Heart Tattoo Dark Desires | Tattoo: Flux Black 70% - +Nuuna+ | Jewelry: Adrienne RoundCut Stud Earrings - [mfj] | Hair: Alanna Flip - .:fiore:. | Nails: Cazimi (for slink hands) | Ears: Hutuu mesh ears - Mandala | Makeup: Soiree, Glam Affair

NARIKO OKAWA Jacket: ShawlCollarCoat by COCO | Pants: Josie Corduroy Pants by GIZZA | Hair:Akira by ARGRACE | Shoes:Ramonda Heels by GLAMISTRY | Necklace: Karnatara Dogtag Necklace by MANDALA | Bag: Venus Clutch Bag by BENS BOUTIQUE | Makeup: The end is near Tattoo by BOSS

PRISILLA S. AVRO Hair: *ARGRACE* HAKU - Dark Blonde | Makeup: Madrid Solo- Eyes & LipsLondon Liner-Bronze Tip | Tattoo: Letis Tattoo :: Bohemian :: | Necklace: (FEMALE)Full_Necklace [MANDALA]KOTOWARI | Top: -tres blah- Half Tucked Tee - Brown | Pants: -tres blah- Leather Leggings - Lace | Shoes: Glamistry:LANTANA Ankleboot | Bag:* CASHMERE& KEANE*Epitome Backpack

CAESAR LANGER Hat/Hair: Atro Patena - Ben, Coffee | Ears: Mandala - Taper ears | Beard: Fruk - Heavy stubble | Shirt: David Heather Gabardine Jacket, black | Pants: Coco Homme - Tailored Pants, black | Shoes: Zed - Mesh White Studded Sneakers for Slink feet | Arm tattoo: Zaheer - Darke Mesh Arm Tattoo (faded version) | Hand Tattoo: Sleepy Bozer - Rose stud | Watch: Mandala - Billionaire_Smexy, black, simple, chain version | Bracelets: Mandala Billionaire_Smexy, black ASTRALIA Hat: MOON - Wide Brim Hat | Hair: MOON Chloroform Mutt | Boots: NYU - Thigh Leather Boots - Black | Shorts: NYU - Hot Shorts - Black | Bolero: COCO - LongSleeveBolero - Black | ISON: raw hide vest black | Necklace: ISON - ram bolo tie - black | Tattoo: White Widow – Obrother

AVERIL Top: Asymmetric Leather Tank Black by Gizza | Pants: Snakeskin Leggings Black by Gizza | Tattoo: DeepLove: Queen (Koi): Oriental Design Tattoo | Bag: LG Boutique Estra Clutch | Shoes: Love Stilettos by Finesmith | Hair: Amanda hair in Blonde by LaViere | Bracelets: Kyara Bangle Set in Virunga by Mandala

GRETEL BULLOCH Cardigan & Top: ArisAris - Sinous | Pants: ISON - nova zipper pants (black) | Shoes: ArisAris Climb Higher | Hair: LeLutka - EFFECT hair (IdontBleach) | Neck Tattoo: Axix - 5th Chakra Tattoo 4 | Belly Tattoo: TAOX - Belly Baby Angel dark | Nails: Nailed It - French Manicure Dark Set

MADDOX KAESTNER Tattoo: Letis - Angry Wolf - 50% | Vest: Gizza - Men vest (Black Denim) | Jeans: ::ZED:: - Baggy Street Jeans - Light Blue (Chain included) | Boots: .:L&B:. - Mens “Biker” Classic - Kevlar Black | Earrings: Rozoregalia - Gemma | Rings: Since 1975 - Male Ring Set Relax | Right Bracelet: RealEvil Industries - NOX Cross | Necklace: Eudora 3D - Corsair Necklace Black/Silver | Hair: INK - AGAINST – Brown

BEATRICE SERENDIPITY Top: Ison - Bandage Back Top - Black | Pants: Ison - Side Lace Pants - Snow | Shoes:David Heather Nienke Platforms - White | Necklace: Mandala Legendary | Wrist straps: Just Design - Bracelet Belts - White | Ears/ Earrings:Mandala - Steking Ears | Sunglasses: Le Primitif - Sosi Shades - Smoke | Ring: Maxi Gossamer - Roho Ring | Clutch: LaGyo - Malika Clutch - White | Tattoo: Aitui - Battle Armor

BLOODYMISTRESS SERENITY Top: SHI - Tie.T - Cropped Top (sand) | Pants: Liv-Glam - Black Label-Miss Serenity Limited | Shoes: Finesmith Love Stilettos | Hair: Rowner - Sasha (essentials) | Glasses: Izzie’s - Oversized Sunglasses (brown lenses) | Clutch: BSD Design Studio - Loveletter clutch (monochrom) | Lips gloss: Deetalez - brightness 2 Lips1 (edited) | Arm tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Garden of Flowers Mesh tattoo | Feet tattoo: TAOX - Tattoo applier//Feet Stars and Butterfly

KATIEMICHELLE Jeans:LP::: Love_Him BF Jeans | Top:LP::: Love_Him Thermal | Shoes:LP::: Pigalle High Pumps | Hair:CATWA HAIR Cara | Make-up: .:Glamorize:. Onyx Eyeliners Kissable Deep Red | Skin: DeeTaleZ-Skin Cheryl A dark Nordic | Jewelry: Angelle ball stud earring | Necklace:KOSH- WISE OWL NECKLACE | Tattoo: Letis Tattoo: Bohemian with Appliers


featured designer






ASTRALIA Brows:Zibska ~ Valle Brows | Dress: Zibska ~ Penelope Deux in Berry

LUKA REQUIEM Skin:Belleza - Dylan | Hair: Atro Patena - Jake | Eyes: Yasyn - Ocean Life eyes - Tiger Shark | Ears: AITUI - Human Ear: Traveller Plugs - Eagle’s Skull | Makeup: Zibska ~ Crossline Makeup | Necklace: ISON - deer bolo tie | Headpeice and Arms: Zibska ~ Aderyn | Mantle: Zibska ~ Greer | Bracelets: (MALE)[MANDALA]BILLIONAIRE_SMEXY(Black) | Gloves: ~Tableau Vivant~ Costume design~ Minos gloves | Vest: [coepio] Mr.Magic [White] | Pants: [*RD*]*Shredded Black Pants* | Boots: J’s Studded Long boots (White)

LINDA REDDEVIL Headpiece: Zibska Corbin | Eyeshadow: Zibska Galit ~ | Noir Branches & Chest piece: Zibska Corvo | Hair: Zibska Barbe | Sleeves & Panties: fr. Zibska Ciara | Necklace: League Raven Necklace | Neck Corset: Scrub Zipped Neck | Leg Tattoo: PerveTTe Crow Free

DEVINVAUGHN Headdress:Zibska - Antine Headpiece | Necklace:Zibska - Eiran | Pants:Zibska - Rainer Trousers | Body:The Mesh Project - (BETA) Deluxe Body(m) | Head:TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Head(m) - Anime | Hair:Tableau Vivant - Harukaze | Eyes:IKON - Deadshine Eyes - Quicksilver | Wings:Europa - Shryke wing - white





























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