I said love, I said pet! Unconditional love and adoration aside, there’s a string of holistic health benefits attached to having a pet that you may not be aware of.
ou’d be hard-pressed to find someone whose heart doesn’t melt at the sight of their furry friend — and for good reason. Science says that pet ownership is often integral to reaping holistic health benefits. So, in case you needed a few extra reasons to justify the adoption of a pet, you need not look further.
PHYSICAL HEALTH Lowered blood pressure, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and improved weight management are just some of the residual benefits of co-habitating with a pet. From incidental exercise chasing them around the house, to the release of oxytocin that comes with snuggling up to your pet, and an enhanced health status to boot, benefits linked to ownership are seemingly effortless to achieve. A study from the Australian Family Physician shows that in comparison to those who don’t have an animal, pet owners display improved recovery rates following heart surgery.
MENTAL TENACITY Pet-assisted therapy shows that mood disorders like depression and anxiety along with symptoms of grief and stress can be soothed by the presence of an animal. Bonding with a pet can improve both verbal and non-verbal communication cues leading to enhanced cognition and a sense of companionship. Feeding, exercising, and grooming your pet can provide a boost to self-esteem eliciting a sense of purpose, in turn aiding mental wellness and cognition.
SOCIALISATION By taking your pet to the dog park, obedience training, and an array of pet-friendly events, you can expand your social circle. You can make new connections and form friendships based around the common thread of having an animal to adore and care for. This in turns helps to improve social interaction and quell feelings of isolation.
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