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Building a sense of belonging W hether you are bui lding from the g round up or reimag ining an existing space, creating a true home isn’t just about how its physica l structure and f low impacts your day-to-day li festyle. It is a lso an opportunity to curate a space that spea ks to our ow n unique identities as indiv idua ls and as a fami ly unit. Here are my top tips for creating a home that ref lects you. By R a chel Sava ge Interior Desig ner, R ACH EL SAVAGE ST U DIO
Display what you love Sometimes, a single treasured object can provide the inspiration for a whole room. Whether it’s a family heirloom, something that you fell in love with at a local antique shop (when we lived overseas, The Cowshed in Carisbrooke was always first on my list), a holiday purchase or simply a vase of sea glass from family beach walks, anything that has meaning to you will enhance your room’s eclectic and give it personality. I like to stack objects to give height and group items according to materials or colour for a considered and complete look.
Mix and match styles Don’t feel like you have to stick with one theme. Mix hard surfaces with soft textures, patterns with plain and old with contemporary – well-loved family pieces are a great way of weaving in your personal story, and can always be upcycled or reupholstered to suit your style. My go-to for vintage pieces are Jack’s Vintage and Collectables and Dig for Vintage (which also stocks Annie Sloan paint), both in Ryde.