Bihanga jan feb 15

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In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

Jan - Feb 2015 Vol 2 Issue 3

in s r u o h 8 4 on




nt and mu

a Noisy, vibr

bangkok markets

St. Martin Island

poush sankranti

A visit to the city is half-done without venturing into its famous night markets

A trip to see the coral reef in St. Martin Island is more like wandering another planet

Bengalis all over celebrate the festival of Poush Sankranti with a lot of fun and food

Editor’s message

Happy 2015 to all ïf 2015 ‘Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true.’ — Lord Tennyson New goals, new wishes, new resolutions!!! Every New Year brings fresh hopes and ambitions for many of us. It is that time again when we celebrate the New Year and say goodbye to the old! Keeping this in mind, Bihanga kicks off 2015 with stories of varied proportions giving you a glimpse of the festivities and journeys to make across the world as well as in Bangladesh in 2015.


For those who want to make the most of this time, read our ‘Cover Story’ on how to spend two days in London. January is a time to snap up some bargains, enjoy winter activities and make the most of London’s free attractions. It’s a cold month, so make sure you wrap up warm. January is also one of the best times to visit pristine, placid, panoramic Bangladesh. The weather couldn’t be better; plenty of sun and fun, the festive verve is everywhere. On page 42, we take you to the pristine St. Martin Island, a trip to see the coral reef is more like wandering another planet. On page 48, we talk about the Poush Sankranti festivities in Bangladesh. On behalf of Bihanga, I’m delighted to wish you all a very Happy New Year, one of success, happiness and a lot of travel adventures. We look forward to bring you the best stories from across the world to make your journey a memorable one. Keep reading and enjoy!

Abhishek Chakraborty

Executive Editor (

jan - feb 2015

Ô`vI we`vq hZ cyi‡bv, AvmyK bZz‡bi †Rvqvi, †e‡R DVzK my‡Li NÈv Zzlvi hZ`~i: eQiUv P‡j hv‡”Q, Zv‡K †h‡Z `vI; P‡j hvK mKj wg‡_¨, AvmyK mZ¨ myiÕ - jW© †Uwbmb bZzb jÿ¨, bZzb AvKv•ÿv, bZzb gbb!!! cÖwZwU bZzb eQi Avgv‡`i A‡b‡Ki Rb¨ wb‡q Av‡m ZiZvRv Avkv Ges D”Pwfjvl| GUvB n‡jv †mB mgq hLb Avgiv bZzb eQi‡K D`hvcb Kwi Avi cyi‡bv‡K RvbvB we`vq! Avi GgbUv gv_vq †i‡LB wen½ 2015 mvj ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ggb me ˆewPΨgq M‡í hv‡Z K‡i Avcbv‡`i mvg‡b Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q evsjv‡`kmn †MvUv `ywbqvi hveZxq Drme Av‡qvRb I åg‡Yi QUv| hviv GB mgqUv‡K cy‡ivcywi Kv‡R jvMv‡Z Pvb, Zviv jÛ‡b `yB w`b KvUv‡bv wb‡q †jLv Avgv‡`i ÔKvfvi †÷vwiÕUv coyb| `i-KlvKwl K‡i †RZvi Rb¨ Rvbyqvwi DrK…ó mgq, Dc‡fvM Kiæb kxZ‡K wN‡i hZ Av‡qvRb Ges webvg~‡j¨ hZUv cviv hvq jÛ‡bi Av¯^v` MÖnY Kiæb| GUv kx‡Zi gvm, ZvB wb‡R‡K DòZvi Pv`‡i †X‡K ivL‡Z fyj‡eb bv| Rvbyqvwi Avevi GKBm‡½ Avw`-AK…wÎg, cÖkvšÍ I f~`„‡k¨i cÖvPz‡h© fiv evsjv‡`k †`Lvi Rb¨ DrK…ó mgq| Gi †P‡q fvj AvenvIqv Avi n‡Z cv‡i bv; cÖPzi m~h©v‡jvK I Avb‡›`i QovQwo, meLv‡bB Drm‡ei Av‡gR| 42 b¤^i c„ôv Avgiv Avcbv‡K wb‡q hve †m›U gvwU©b Øx‡c, †h cÖevj Øx‡c ågY KivUv †hb Ab¨ GK MÖ‡n wePi‡Yi g‡ZvB g‡b nq| 48 b¤^i c„ôvq Avgiv evsjv‡`‡ki †cŠl msµvwšÍi Drme wb‡q e‡jwQ| wen‡½i cÿ †_‡K Avcbv‡`i mevB‡K ïf beel© Rvbv‡Z †c‡i Avwg D”Q¡wmZ| †h eQiwU n‡Z hv‡”Q mdjZv, Avb›` Ges GKMv`v ågY A¨vW‡fÂv‡i ficyi| Avcbvi hvÎvc_‡K ¯§iYxq K‡i ivL‡Z `ywbqvi bvbv cÖvšÍ †_‡K †miv Mí¸‡jvB Zz‡j Avb‡Z m‡Pó Avgiv| co‡Z _vKzb, Avi Dc‡fvM Kiæb !

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. CHAIRMAN: Air Marshal (Retd.) Jamal Uddin Ahmed Managing Director & CEO: Kyle Haywood DIRECTOR MARKETING & SALES: Mohammad Shah Newaz (Editorial Board) GM PUBLIC RELATIONS: Khan Musharraf Hussein (Editorial Board)

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Bihanga is a bimonthly, bilingual (English & Bangla) in-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. It is published by Subcontinental Media Private Limited (SMPL) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines at: Suite 314, Crystal Palace, 3rd Floor, House # SE (D), Road No # 140, Gulshan South Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. This is a free copy for in-flight reading only. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of SMPL. SMPL/Biman does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, transparencies or other materials. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines or SMPL. All efforts have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. SMPL/Biman Bangladesh airlines does not assume any liability for services or products advertised herein. Simply scan this QR code from your smartphone which contains the URL of our website.


In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

Jan - Feb 2015 Vol 2 Issue 3

48 hoursoinn Lond

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bangkok Markets

st. Martin island

poush sankranti

A visit to the city is half-done without venturing into its famous night markets

A trip to see the coral reef in St. Martin Island is more like wandering another planet

Bengalis all over celebrate the festival of Poush Sankranti with a lot of fun and food

18 26

Jewels of Pabna

The birthplace of yesteryear actress Suchitra Sen, Pabna is one of the vivid districts in Bangladesh

cvebvi iZœ

mywPÎv †m‡bi g‡Zv Aciƒc gnvbvwqKvi Rb¥¯’vb evsjv‡`‡ki DËie‡½i †Rjv cvebv| GKBm‡½ cÖK… wZi iƒc‰ewP‡Î¨I ficyi GB †Rjv

jan - feb 2015

48 hours in London Noisy, vibrant and multicultural — there is a lot to see and experience at the European megapolis

jÛ‡b 48 NÈv

fxlY nB û‡jøvo, ewY©j I eû ms¯‹…wZi wgjb‡K›`ª Ñ BD‡ivwcqvb G †gMv‡cvwj‡m A‡bK wKQz †`Lvi Av‡Q, Av‡Q I AwfÁZv AR©‡bi my‡hvM


Exotic Muscat

Crammed between mountains and the sea, the capital of Oman is an old-fashioned slice of Arabia

PgKcÖ` gv¯‹U

cvnvo I mgy‡`ªi gv‡S Kvbvq Kvbvq M‡o IVv Igv‡bi ivRavbxwU †hb GK UzK‡iv cyi‡bv Avie


Night markets of Bangkok

Forage for tourist track, authentic antiques, vintage junk and hot fashions at the city’s top evening shopping haunts

e¨vsK‡Ki iv‡Zi evRvi

e¨vsK‡Ki mvܨKvjxb †KbvKvUvi †`vKvbcv‡U Av‡Q HwZn¨evnx mvgMÖx, HwZnvwmK RÄvj Ges ZiZvRv d¨vkb

explore 42 Mysterious St. Martin/

inm¨gq †m›U gvwU©b St. Martin Island is one the most beautiful coral islands in the world. A trip to see the coral reef there is more like wandering another planet

†m›U gvwU©b n‡”Q we‡k¦i me‡P‡q my›`i cÖevj Øxc¸‡jvi GKwU| Øx‡ci cÖevj cÖvPxi ågY †hb Ab¨ Av‡iKwU MÖ‡n Ny‡i †eov‡bv

Bihanga means... ...a bird in Bangla. It is often used in literary writings. As Biman Bangladesh Airlines is being reborn, reinvented and soaring to new heights, we felt this was the most symbolic name for Biman’s new in-flight magazine, and so will our customers.

evsjv fvlvq wen½ cvwLi c«wZkã, GwU c«vqkB mvwn‡Z¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ beRb¥ ‡c‡q bZyb K‡i hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ges bZyb GK D”PZv jvf K‡i‡Q, ZvB Avgiv Abyfe KiwQ wegv‡bi bZyb Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ GUvB ‡miv c«ZxKx bvg, Avi Avgiv wbwðZ Avgv‡`i M«vnKiv GwU c‡o Avb›` cv‡eb|

culture 48 Flavours of Poush Sankranti/

Drm‡e ivOv‡bv †cŠl msµvwšÍ There is a zest of solvency and festival in every place

68 5 lessons from Sachin's autobiography/ 5wU Z_¨

Poush. And it gets the final

Avgiv Rvb‡Z †c‡iwQ kPx‡bi AvZ¥Rxebx ‡Z‡K

touch in Poush Sangkranti

Sachin Tendulkar is not

†cŠ‡li ïi“ †_‡KB cÖwZwU MÖvgxY Rbc‡` _v‡K ¯^”QjZv Avi Drm‡ei Av‡gR, Avi GwU P~ovš— iƒc cvq †cŠl msµvwš—‡Z

merely a person or player:

from the beginning of the

52 Sweet crush/

wgóv‡bœi dzjSzwo Poush Sankranti marks

he has an icon by himself

kPxb †UÛyjKvi †Kej GKRb e¨w³ ev †L‡jvqvoB bb, wZwb wb‡RB GKwU ¯^Zš¿ AvBKb people 72 Siddikur Rahman/

the end of Bengali month

wmwÏKyi ingvb

Poush and the day is

Professional golfer,

savoured with various

Siddikur Rahman opens up

‘pitha’ delicacies

about his life and career

evsjv cwÄKvq †cŠl gv‡mi cwimgvwßi †NvlYv †`q †cŠl msµvwšÍ| Avi w`bwU D`hvwcZ nq bvbv ¯^v‡`i wcVvi gva¨‡g

GK †ckv`vi Mjdvi, wmwÏKyi ingvb K¨vwiqvi I e¨w³ Rxeb wb‡q gy‡LvgywL n‡q‡Qb

leisure 64 Y oga beyond boundaries/

bvbv RvqMvq hv‡”Q B‡qvMv To take the bore out of yoga, health institutes, individuals and travel companies are taking yoga to various places

B‡qvMv wb‡q GK‡N‡qgx aviYvUv‡K `~i Ki‡Z ¯^v¯’¨ BÝw÷wUDU, e¨w³eM© I ågY †Kv¤úvwb¸‡jv B‡qvMv‡K wb‡q hv‡”Q bvbvb RvqMvq

regular 02. Editor's Note GgwW-wmBIÕi K_v 08. Biman News ågY Z_¨ 70. Tarot fwel¨ØvYx 76. Biman Offices wegvb Kvh©vjq 77. Fleet Guide wegvbeni wb‡`©wkKv 78. Routes iæU


Cover story







Sky Update Updates and facilities to make flying a pleasure

¯‹vB Avc‡WU

AvKvkågY Dc‡fvM¨ K‡i ‡Zvjvi Rb¨ Z_¨ I my‡hvMmyweav Training session for Biman officials Biman travel document checking unit in collaboration with the British High Commission, Dhaka, received training on the same matter in the month of November at Bangladesh Airlines Training Centre. Approximately 10 million passengers travel per annum to visit their friends and relatives. Biman has always been at the forefront of providing the best possible service on the ground and in the air equipped with its modern aircraft Boeing 777-300ER. In this regard 48 ground service officials with Biman are working at HSIA (Hazard Shah Jalal International Airport).


Prior of boarding, all travel documents of passengers are rechecked by this group of dedicated skilled persons working with Biman. They always maintain proper vigilant so that passenger travel with valid documents and travel safe.

wegvb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ cÖwkÿY †mkb

MZ b‡f¤^‡i XvKv¯’ weªwUk nvB Kwgk‡bi mn‡hvwMZvq evsjv‡`k GqvijvBbm †Uªwbs †m›Uv‡i bw_cÎ cixÿ‡Yi Ici cÖwkÿY MÖnY K‡i‡Q wegv‡bi ågY msµvšÍ bw_ cixÿY BDwbU| eQ‡i eÜzevÜe I AvZ¥x‡qi m‡½ †`Lv Ki‡Z cÖvq 1 †KvwU hvÎx ågY K‡i _v‡K| AvaywbK GqviµvdU †evwqs 777-300 BAvi G mw¾Z wegvb memgq f~wg I AvKv‡k m‡e©v”P †mevUzKz †`Iqvi †`Iqvi †ÿ‡Î mvg‡bi mvwi‡ZB _v‡K| GBPGmAvBG (nhiZ kvn Rvjvj B›Uvib¨vkbvj Gqvi‡cvU©)-‡Z wegv‡bi AvUPwjøk Rb MÖvDÛ mvwf©m Kg©KZ©v KvR Ki‡Qb| ‡evwW©s‡qi Av‡M hvÎx‡`i ågY msµvšÍ hveZxq KvMRcÎ cybivq hvPvB Kivi Kv‡R wegv‡bi m‡½ GK`j †PŠKl Kg©x KvR K‡i| Zv‡`i mve©ÿwYK mZK© mRvM `„wó ivL‡Z nq, hv‡Z K‡i hvÎxiv ˆea KvMR wb‡qB PjvPj Ki‡Z cv‡i|


Biman Bangladesh Airlines has introduced onboard stationery for children, such as colouring books, pencils from June 2014 and dolls for Economy & Business class from August 2014 as part of service improvements. Puzzle book and Jigsaw Puzzle will also be launched shortly.

jan - feb 2015

wkï‡`i Rb¨ Av‡gv`cÖ‡gv‡`i e¨e¯’v

†mevi gv‡bvbœq‡bi Ask wn‡m‡e 2014 mv‡ji Ryb †_‡K wkï‡`i Rb¨ Ab‡evW© †÷kbvwi Pvjy K‡i‡Q wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBbm| hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q iO Kivi eB, †cbwmj Ges AvM÷ 2014 †_‡K BK‡bvwg I weR‡bm K¬v‡mi Rb¨ cyZzj| auvavi eB I wRMm cvRjI Pvjy n‡e Lye wkMwMiB|

In-Flight Services

Bb-d¬vBU ‡mevmg~n

Biman has designed all menus to reflect the fresh, innovative cuisine of Bangladeshi culture with Western flare. Enjoy the comfort and service on-board your next flight. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖPwjZ Lvev‡ii m‡½ cvðv‡Z¨i Lvev‡ii bZyb D™¢vebx wg‡k‡j wegvb me ai‡bi ‡gby mvwR‡q‡Q| Avcbvi cieZ©x d¬vB‡U wegv‡b D‡V Gme Av‡qk Avi ‡mev Dc‡fvM Kiyb|

Breakfast Menu A range of fresh fruit juice offered in addition to sodas, cheese omelette, sautéed mushroom, croissant, fresh roll, butter, jam, tea and coffee. Lunch Menu Garden salad with freshly picked seasonal vegetables.

‡Kvgj cvbxq, wPR Ag‡jU, m‡Z Kiv gvkiæg, µqmu, UvUKv ‡ivj, gvLb, R¨vg, Pv I Kwdi m‡½ wewfbœ d‡ji ZvRv Rym|

jv ‡gby

Main Course

m`¨ evMvb ‡_‡K msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi m‡½ Mv‡W©b m¨vjvW|

Chicken curry served with most unique fragrant rice from the nation’s own harvest, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with lemon and green chilli.

GB ‡`‡k Drcvw`Z me‡P‡q ¯^Kxq myMwÜ Pvj w`‡q ‰Zwi ivB‡mi m‡½ wP‡Kb Kvwi, wewfbœ ai‡bi ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, ‡jey Ges KvuPv gwiP|

Dessert Rice pudding flavoured with rose water and garnished with fresh scrambled nuts. Dinner Menu


‡e«Kdv÷ ‡gby

Salad Fruit salad with freshly picked seasonal fruit. Main Course Lamb curry served with fine grain rice cooked with moong dal, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with green chilli, butter-naan (in tandoor).

‡gBb ‡Kvm©

wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©) ev`vg w`‡q mvRv‡bv ‡MvjvcR‡ji myN«vYmg…× myMwÜ Pv‡j ‰Zwi cv‡qk|

wWbvi ‡gby mvjv` m`¨ msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg d‡ji ˆZix d«yU mvjv`|

‡gBb ‡Kvm© wPKb Pv‡ji fv‡Zi m‡½ ‡fovi ‡Mv‡¯Íi Kvwi, gyM Wvj, wewfbœ ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, mvRv‡bvi Rb¨ KvuPv gwiP, evUvi-bvb (Z›`y‡i ‰Zwi Kiv)|


wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©)

Caramel custard garnished with canned peach.

wUbRvZ wcPd‡j mvRv‡bv K¨viv‡gj Kv÷vW©|

* Complementary beverage is served with all meals, and is available anytime on request.

* ‡h ‡Kvb ‡ejvi Lvev‡ii m‡½ ‡mŠRb¨g~jK cvbxq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq, Ges ‡h ‡Kvb mgq PvB‡jI cvIqv hvq

Biman has introduced new menus on all flights. Featuring selected dishes created by renowned English-Bangladesh Chef Tommy Miah these changes will upgrade and improve the meal standards in both Economy and Business Class. We're especially excited about our long-haul Business Class where we are launching a full 4 course menu that includes new starters, 4 choices of main course and a new cheese tray as well as a dessert trolley. wegvb Zvi me KÕUv bZzb d¬vB‡U bZzb Lvevi ZvwjKv ms‡hvRb K‡i‡Q| L¨vZbvgv Bs‡iR-evsjv‡`wk †kd Uwg wgqvi ˆZwi K‡qKwU wbe©vwPZ Lvevi cwi‡ek‡bi gva¨‡g BK‡bvwg I weR‡bm K¬v‡mi Lvev‡ii ¸YMZ gvb nvjbvMv` I DbœZZi Kivi ga¨ w`‡qB GB cwieZ©b m~wPZ n‡e| Avgiv we‡kl K‡i Avgv‡`i `xN© hvÎvi weR‡bm K¬v‡mi Rb¨ †ewk DÏxwcZ, †hLv‡b 4wU bZzb Lv`¨ZvwjKv Pvjy Ki‡Z hvw”Q; Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q bZzb ÷vU©vi, 4wU †gBb †Kvm© I GKwU bZzb wPR Uªwji m‡½ GKwU †WRvU© Uªwj| Send your feedback to: Biman Bangladesh Airlines provides quick & efficient check-in, advance check-in, lounge access, and handling facilities for unaccompanied minor. It provides cargo services worldwide, besides offering Ground Handling facilities to all the airports in Bangladesh. For duty free products, check the brochure available on the flight. wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ `ªæZ I `¶ ‡PK-Bb, AvMvg ‡PK-Bb, jvDÄ A¨vK‡mm Ges ågY-m½xnxb Ac«vßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl n¨vÛwjs‡qi gZ myweav w`‡q _v‡K| evsjv‡`‡ki me wegvbe›`‡i M«vDÛ n¨vÛwjs myweav QvovI GwU wek¦e¨vcx gvjvgvj cwien‡Yi ‡mev c«`vb K‡i _v‡K| wWDwU wd« c‡Y¨i wel‡q Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ d¬vB‡U ‡h e«wkIi cvIqv hvq ‡mwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡ib|

jan - feb 2015

Cover story







Checklist A world of travel news to help you plan your next voyage

Avcbvi cieZ©x AwfhvÎvi cwiKíbv Ki‡Z mnvqZv Ki‡e ågY msev‡`i GB wek¦


Exhibition Dhaka International Trade Fair Organised by the Export Promotion Bureau and the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh, the 20th edition of Dhaka International Trade Fair-2015 will be held at Sher-E-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka west side of Bangabandhu International Conference Centre from January 1-31. This event would project quality exportable of Bangladesh to the visitors from home and abroad.

XvKv AvšÍR©vwZK evwYR¨ †gjv 12

ißvwb Dbœqb ey¨‡iv, evwYR¨ gš¿Yvjq I evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii Av‡qvR‡b XvKv AvšÍR©vwZK evwYR¨ †gjv2015 Gi 20Zg Av‡qvRbwU AbywôZ n‡e XvKvi cwð‡g †ki-B-evsjv bM‡ii e½eÜz AvšÍR©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ª| Rvbyqvwii 1 ZvwiL †_‡K ïiæ nIqv G †gjv Pj‡e 31 Rvbyqvwi ch©šÍ| GB †gjvq evsjv‡`wk I we‡`wk `k©bv_©x‡`i mvg‡b Zz‡j aiv n‡e ißvwb‡hvM¨ evsjv‡`wk bvbvb cY¨ mvgMÖx|

Music Sonu Nigam Live The world premiere of his latest Bollywood production called The Epic Event - My Musical Journey is brought to Dubai by Oberoi Middle East Events. It will see Sonu Nigam leading an entourage of 50 musicians and artists in a four hour, non-stop Bollywood musical extravaganza with unforgettable Bollywood melodies on January 16.

mby wbMg jvBf mby wbM‡gi mv¤úªwZK ewjDW cÖWvKkb Ô`¨ GwcK B‡f›U - gvB wgDwRK¨vj Rvwb©Õi wek¦ wcÖwgqvi `yevB‡Z AbywôZ n‡Z hv‡”Q| AbyôvbwUi c„ô‡cvkKZvq i‡q‡Q I‡eiq wgWj B÷ B‡f›Um| Uvbv Pvi NÈv 50 Rb wgDwRwkqvb I KjvKzkjxi m‡½ g gvwZ‡q ivL‡eb mby wbMg| 16 Rvbyqvwii GB Abyôv‡b Pj‡Z _vK‡e bb-÷c ewjDwW wgDwRK Db¥v`bv I wPi¯§iYxq wKQz ewjDW †g‡jvwW|

jan - feb 2015

Cover story







Shopping Dubai Shopping Festival 2015 Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Dubai Shopping Festival, happening from January 1-February 1, is the largest shopping and entertainment extravaganza in the Middle East. Drawing visitors from across the globe, DSF kicks off Dubai’s calendar of events each year with a wide variety of events, activities and promotions.

`yevB kwcs †dw÷fvj 2015


G eQi 20Zg cÖwZôvevwl©Kx Pj‡Q `yevB kwcs †dw÷fv‡ji| GwU ga¨cÖv‡P¨i me‡P‡q eo †KbvKvUv I we‡bv`‡bi RgKv‡jv Av‡qvRb| mviv wek¦ †_‡KB `k©bv_©xiv GLv‡b Av‡m| `yevBi DrmegyLi cwÄKvi hvÎv ïiæ nq GB Drm‡ei nvZ a‡i| G‡Z Av‡qvRb Kiv nq bvbvb B‡f›U, KvRKg© I cÖPvi|

Exhibition International Textile and Garment Machinery Exhibition Happening at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre from February 4-7, this exhibition is a great place to reach out to the textile and garment machinery and accessories market in South Asia. It is a gateway to provide you with excellent quality and high-effectiveness one-stop selling and sourcing platform.

AvšÍR©vwZK †U·UvBj I Mv‡g©›U †gwkbvwi cÖ`k©bx †deªæqvwi 4-7 ZvwiL ch©šÍ e½eÜz AvšÍR©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ª Pj‡e G Av‡qvRb| `wÿY Gwkqvi e¯¿ I Mv‡g©›U msµvšÍ hš¿cvwZ I hš¿vs‡ki evRv‡i †cuŠQv‡Z GB cÖ`k©bxwU wbtm‡›`‡n †miv| G Av‡qvRbwU Avcbvi Rb¨ `viæY ¸Ygvb I D”P-Kvh©KvwiZv m¤úbœ weµq I Dr‡mi GKwU Iqvb ÷c cøvUdg© cvB‡qi †`Iqvi †MUI‡q wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e|

jan - feb 2015

Located at the longest unbroken sea beach on earth at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Ocean Paradise Hotel & Resort is the perfect destination for your next trip. Whether business or vacation, with the largest and soundproof ball-room and conference halls equipped with modern AV, a roof top restaurant with a panoramic view of Cox’s Bazaar, a multi-cuisine restaurant, a theme bar and many more, this is your perfect destination. The main attraction, sea is just so walking distance from premise, you can even enjoy the breeze from your balcony anytime. Also the other historical attractions like 100ft Buddha statue, few monasteries of ancient times, even pristine nature of so long, all are nearby. With a brigade of hand-picked chefs and service personnel, with modern facilities, this hotel is not just a hotel, but your another home away from your home.

Location: Plot no. 28-29, Hotel Motel Zone, Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar. E-mail:,; Recreational Facilities: • Walking distance to the beach • Fitness centre/outdoor swimming pool • Spa/Sauna and Steam rooms • Suites with Jacuzzi • Sightseeing tours to Inani, Himchori Beach & other historical sites


Restaurant Bar & Lounge • ‘Curry Leaf’ Ñ Multi Cuisine Restaurant • ‘Sky Bar’ Ñ Fun Food & Grill • ‘Kolatoli’ Ñ Lobby Cafe • ‘Nautica’ Ñ Sea View Terrace Bar • ‘Faham Shisha Corner’ Ñ Roof Top

Meeting & Events • ‘Captain Cox’ Ñ Grand Ballroom • ‘Arakan & Shah Shuza’ Ñ Ballroom • Sunset Terrace Multipurpose Banquet facilities, Sea view.

For booking please contact: Cox’s Bazar Office : Phone: (+88) 0341 52370 Ñ 79, Mobile: (+88) 01938846762-67 Dhaka Office: (+88) (02 8415397, Mobile: (+88) 01938846770, 01938846811

Cover story







Entertainment Dubai Food Festival 2015 Dubai Food Festival is a city-wide culinary celebration that brings together some of the Dubai’s most popular business and consumer food events, including Gulfood and the Dubai Food Carnival. DFF also features a wide range of food-related activities, tastings, offers and events that showcase the emirates diverse food offering. Launched in 2014, this event will take place from February 6-28.

`yevB dzW †dw÷fvj 2015


kniRy‡o iÜb‰kjxi GK Abb¨ D`hvcb n‡q _v‡K `yevB dzW †dw÷fv‡j| GB Drm‡e GK Qv‡`i Zjvq G‡m R‡ov nq `yevB‡qi me‡P‡q bvgKiv evwYwR¨K I †fv³v Lvevi B‡f›U, hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q MvjdzW I `yevB dzW Kvwb©fvj| `yevB dzW †dw÷fvj-G Lvevi wb‡q AviI A‡bK wKQzB nq; Avwgiv‡Zi Lvevi ˆewP‡Î¨i Wvwj †g‡j ai‡Z GLv‡b cÖ`k©b Kiv nq bvbvb Advi I i‡q‡Q Lvevi †P‡L †`Lvi my‡hvM|

cricket ICC Cricket World Cup The flagship event of the international cricket calendar, the ICC Cricket World Cup will be hosted by Australia and New Zealand over Feb-Mar 2015. Top cricket-playing nations will take part in this tournament to prove their superiority over the other team. Visit for tickets, match schedule etc.

AvBwmwm wµ‡KU Iqvì© Kvc AvšÍR©vwZK wµ‡KU K¨v‡jÛv‡ii Ab¨Zg NUbvwU NUv‡Z hv‡”Q AvBwmwm wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc| Gev‡ii wek¦Kv‡ci Av‡qvRK n‡jv A‡÷ªwjqv Ges wbDwRj¨vÛ| Pj‡e †deªæqvwi-gvP© 2015 Ry‡o| cÖ_g mvwii wµ‡KU †Ljv †`k¸‡jv G Uzb©v‡g‡›U Ask †b‡e wb‡R‡`i †miv hvPvB K‡i wb‡Z| wUwKU I g¨vP wkwWD‡ji Rb¨ wfwRU Kiæb cricket-world-cup

jan - feb 2015

racing Bike Week

Happening on February 20 and 21, the India Bike Week is considered to be bikers’ heaven. It will give them an opportunity to get indulged in the pure sphere of biking, by meeting the bikers from across the globe, sharing their personal stories, experiences and knowledge. Visit for details.

evBK mßvn AbywôZ n‡e 20 I 21 †deªæqvwi Zvwi‡L, BwÛqv evBK DBKÕ‡K we‡ePbv Kiv nq evBK PvjK‡`i ¯^M© wn‡m‡e| GB Av‡qvRbwUB Zv‡`i‡K evBwKs‡qi GK weï× RM‡Z Mv fvmv‡bvi my‡hvM K‡i †`q| GLv‡b mviv `ywbqvi bvgKiv evBKvi‡`i m‡½ †`Lv nq, wb‡R‡`i Mí, AwfÁZv I Áv‡bi Av`vbcÖ`vb nq| we¯ÍvwiZ Z‡_¨i Rb¨ wfwRU Kiæb-


polo Dubai Polo Gold Cup Series Set in the stunning surroundings of the Dubai Polo and Equestrian Club at the Arabian Ranches, Dubai Polo Gold Cup is a premier polo competition of the year. Like earlier, this year too will present the world’s best polo teams and players battling out for the title. The event begins on February 23.

`yevB †cv‡jv †Mvì Kvc wmwiR

A¨vivweqvb i¨v‡Â `yevB †cv‡jv I Ak¦v‡ivnb K¬v‡e AbywôZ nq †PvL auvav‡bv GB wmwiR| `yevB †cv‡jv †Mvì Kvc 2015-G Ask wb‡Z Avm‡e we‡k¦i †miv †cv‡jv wUg I †L‡jvqvoiv, hviv cyi¯‹v‡ii Rb¨ mvwgj n‡e hy‡×i gq`v‡b| †Ljv AbywôZ n‡e 23 †deªæqvwi ‡Z‡K|







48London Cover story

hours in

Noisy, vibrant and multicultural — there is a lot to see and experience at the European megapolis By: Ku na l D oley

jÛ‡b 48 NÈv

fxlY nB û‡jøvo, ewY©j I eû ms¯‹…wZi wgjb‡K›`ª Ñ BD‡ivwcqvb G †gMv‡cvwj‡m A‡bK wKQz †`Lvi Av‡Q, Av‡Q I AwfÁZv AR©‡bi my‡hvM 18

jan - feb 2015


London remains an international capital of culture, music, education, fashion, politics, finance and trade



But what if you had just about 48 hours to spare for London? No worries, that’s a lot of time to absorb the city in its entirety. Here, we guide you through a power-packed schedule to help you achieve this.

wKš‘ hw` jÛb †`Lvi Rb¨ Avcbvi nv‡Z gvÎ 48 NÈv _v‡K Z‡e †Kgb n‡e? fq cvIqvi KviY †bB| kn‡ii mvgwMÖKZv‡K cy‡ivcywi ï‡l †bIqvi Rb¨ Avcbvi nv‡Z h‡_ó mgq _vK‡e| GLv‡b Avgiv Avcbvi myweav‡_© Zz‡j aiwQ Ggb GK cvIqvi c¨vK wkwWDj, hv‡Z Avcwb mn‡RB GUv m¤¢e Ki‡Z cv‡ib|

Johnson, one of the most significant literary figures of 18th-century Britain, had once famously written: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” True, considered one of the world’s leading ‘global cities’, London remains an international capital of culture, music, education, fashion, politics, finance and trade. Noisy, vibrant and truly multicultural — there is a lot to see and experience at the European megapolis.

Rbmb, 18 kZK weª‡U‡bi mvwnZ¨ Pwiθ‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg, GKevi wj‡LwQ‡jb, Ò‡KvbI gvbyl hLb e‡j †m jÛb †`‡L †`‡L K¬všÍ, Zvi gv‡b †m Rxe‡bi IciB K¬všÍ| Avi Gi KviY n‡jv jÛb n‡jv †mB kni †hLv‡b Rxe‡bi mg¯Í PvIqvB c~iY Kiv m¤¢e|Ó mwZ¨B ZvB| we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg Ô‰ewk¦K kniÕ wn‡m‡e †bZ…Z¡ †`Iqv GB kni GLbI AvšÍRv© wZK ms¯‹w… Z, m½xZ, wkÿv, d¨vkb, ivRbxwZ, A_©vqb I evwY‡R¨i ivRavbx n‡q wU‡K Av‡Q| ûB û‡jøvo, ewY©j Ges mwZ¨Kvi A‡_© mvs¯‹w… ZK eûZ¡ev‡`i GK PviYf~wg -- BD‡ivwcqvb G †gMv‡cvwj‡m A‡bK wKQz †`Lvi Av‡Q, Av‡Q I AwfÁZv AR©‡bi my‡hvM|







Cover story

Day 1 / cÖ_g



London Eye: By far, this is the best way to start the day — something that gives you a bird’s-eye view of what’s in store for you in the next 48 hours. Take a ‘flight’ on the London Eye and what you get in 30 minutes are spectacular views of London — especially on a clear day. Even on a slightly overcast day, you can see so much of the city like the Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Nelson’s Column and St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with over 3.5 million visitors annually, and has made many appearances in popular culture.

jÛb AvB: hZ`~i g‡b nq, w`bUv ïiæ Kivi Rb¨ GUvB †miv| GUv Ggb GK RvqMv, †hLvb †_‡K Avcwb evW©m AvB wfD‡ZB †`L‡Z cv‡eb cieZ©x 48 NÈvq †MvUv kn‡i Avcbvi Rb¨ †Kv_vq Kx jywK‡q Av‡Q| jÛb AvB‡Z mvgvb¨ ÔD‡oÕ †eovb Ges GB 30 wgwb‡U Avcwb hv cv‡eb Zv n‡jv jÛ‡bi GKwU PgrKvi `„k¨cU Ñ Aek¨ w`bUv hw` nq †iŠ`ª¾¡j| Aek¨ AvKvk AvswkK †gNv”Qbœ _vK‡jI Avcwb kn‡ii †ek wKQz ¯’vcbv †`L‡Z cv‡eb, hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q weM †eb, nvDm Ae cvj©v‡g›U, evwKsnvg c¨v‡jm, †bjmb›m Kjvg Ges †m›U cjm K¨vw_Wªvj| hy³iv‡óªi me‡P‡q RbwcÖq ch©Ub AvKl©Y GwU, cqmv LiP K‡i cÖwZ eQi †hLv‡b cÖvq 35 jvL ch©UK Av‡m| RbwcÖq me mvs¯‹…wZK gva¨‡gI GwU RvqMv K‡i wb‡q‡Q|

Double-decker bus tour: What better way to see the highlight of London than from on boards a vintage double-decker bus? Enjoy great views of Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye as some buses meander through the streets and history of the city. Check out the Tower of London on the way. The tower was built nearly a thousand years ago and is now home to the ‘Crown Jewels’, part of the royal collection and still regularly used by the Queen, including some of the most extraordinary diamonds in the world.

London Eye and what Wvej-‡WKvi evm Uz¨i: jÛ‡bi you get in 30 minutes D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Ask¸‡jv †`Lvi Rb¨ GKwU are spectacular HwZnvwmK Wvej-‡WKvi ev‡mi †P‡q views of London fvj Avi Kx n‡Z cv‡i! I‡q÷wgb÷vi A¨v‡e, weM †eb, `¨ nvD‡mm Ae cvj©v‡g›U I jÛb AvB‡qi `viæY me †mŠ›`h© Ae‡jvKb Kiv hv‡e, hLb GB evm¸‡jv wewfbœ moK I bMixi BwZnv‡mi AuvKveuvKv c_ †e‡q GwM‡q †h‡Z _vK‡e| hvIqvi c‡_ UvIqvi Ae jÛ‡b LvwbKUv †PvL eywj‡q wbb| UvIqviwU cÖvq mnmª eQi Av‡M wbwg©Z| GLb GLv‡bB i‡q‡Q ivRKxq me Mqbv| ivR cwiev‡ii msMÖnkvjvi GKwU Ask Av‡Q GLv‡b †hLvbKvi mvgMÖx GLbI ivbx‡K e¨envi Ki‡Z †`Lv hvq| GgbwK we‡k¦i wKQz †PvL auvav‡bv nxivI Av‡Q GLv‡b|

Madame Tussauds London: Among the many things that come to mind when one talks about London is the Madame Tussauds. The museum

jan - feb 2015

Take a ‘flight’ on the

jÛ‡bi gv`vg Zz‡mv: jÛ‡bi K_v hLb †KD e‡j ZLb A‡bK wKQzi gv‡S g‡bi †KvYvq DuwK †`q Av‡iKwU bvg

(above) Houses of Parliament; (below) London Eye

and tourist attraction is located in central London and is housed in the former London Planetarium. It is known for recreating life-size wax models of celebrities.

gv`vg Zz‡mv| GB Rv`yNi I ch©Ub AvKl©YwU i‡q‡Q †m›Uªvj jÛ‡b| jÛ‡bi Av‡Mi cø¨v‡b‡Uvwiqv‡gB Rv`yNiwU evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ZviKv‡`i ûeû †gvg g~wZ© ˆZwi Kivi Rb¨ Rv`yNiwU wek¦L¨vZ|

Piccadilly Circus: In the evening, make yourself visible at Piccadilly Circus, a road junction and public space of London’s West End in the City of Westminster, built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with Piccadilly. The Circus is close to major shopping and entertainment areas in the West End.

wcKvwWwj mvK©vm: mܨvq †`‡L Avmyb wcKvwWwj mvK©vm, jÛ‡bi I‡q÷wgb÷vi kn‡i I‡q÷ BÛ-Gi cvewjK †cø‡m Aew¯’Z GKwU †ivW Rsk‡bi gv‡S Av‡Q GwU| wbwg©Z n‡qwQj 1819 mv‡j| wi‡R›U w÷ª‡Ui m‡½ wcKvwWwj‡K mshy³ Ki‡ZB GwU evbv‡bv n‡qwQj| I‡q÷ B‡Ûi GB mvK©v‡mi cvk †Nu‡l i‡q‡Q GKwU eo †KbvKvUv I we‡bv`b AÂj|

Ministry of Sound: Before you call it a day, head to the Ministry of Sound nightclub on Gaunt Street. Inspired by New York’s Paradise Garage, Ministry of Sound is London’s first club devoted to the American house music scenes of 1980s, with a room purely dedicated to sound. Its popularity can be gauged from the fact that it now attracts around 3,00,000 clubbers per year.

wgwbw÷ª Ae mvDÛ: GKw`b dzwi‡q hvevi Av‡MB P‡j hvb M›U w÷ª‡Ui wgwbw÷ª Ae mvDÛ bvBUK¬v‡e| wbDBq‡K©i c¨vivWvBm Mviv‡Ri Av`‡j GwU evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q| GUvB jÛ‡bi cÖ_g 1980 mv‡ji Av‡gwiKvb nvDm wgDwRK wm‡bi cÖwZ Abyi³ bvBU K¬ve| Gi GKwU Kÿ cy‡ivcywi k‡ãi Rb¨B DrmM©K…Z ejv hvq| Avi Gi RbwcÖqZv m¤ú‡K© aviYv †c‡Z GKwU Z_¨B h‡_ó Avi Zv n‡jv cÖwZ eQi cÖvq 3 jvL K¬vevi GLv‡b Nyi‡Z Av‡m|

culture facts

London has over 70 museums with 11 national museums including the British Museum. There are more than 17,000 music performances a year across London's 300+ venues. Three of the top 10 museums and galleries in the world are in London and 857 art galleries in total.

(left) London watch tower; (above) people posing with wax statue of Charlie Chaplin in Madame Tussauds London

Wilton’s Music Hall is the world’s oldest surviving Music Hall, built in 1743 and still a living piece of London’s musical history.







Cover story


Harrods is one of the world’s most famous stores; (right) tower of London; (below) St. James Park

DAY 2 / wØZxq


Even if you can’t devote a full day, go in the morning to check out the ‘green space’ in central London

Green spaces: One of the best things about London is its abundance of green, open spaces. What’s more, spending a day exploring the city’s majestic parks is absolutely free. Even if you can’t devote a full day, go in the morning to check out the ‘green space’ in central London that consists of five Royal Parks, supplemented by a number of small garden squares scattered throughout the city centre.

mey‡R mqjve: jÛ‡bi fvj fvj wRwbm¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †mivUv n‡”Q Gi AevwiZ meyR I †Lvjv RvqMv| GgbwK, kn‡ii Abe`¨ cvK©¸‡jv‡Z GKUv w`b KvUv‡bv hvq G‡Kev‡i wbLiPvq! Avi hw` cy‡iv GKwU w`b AwZevwnZ Ki‡Z bvI cv‡ib, Z‡e †fv‡ii w`‡K P‡j hvb †m›Uªvj jÛ‡bi wMÖb †¯úm-G| ILv‡b †`L‡Z cv‡eb cuvPwU ivRwmK cvK©| evowZ cvIbv wn‡m‡e GKBmv‡_ cv‡”Qb kn‡ii †K›`ª¯’‡ji Avkcv‡k Qov‡bv wQUv‡bv †ek wKQz †QvU AvKv‡ii †ek evMvb PZ¡i|

Big Ben: The Houses of Parliament and Elizabeth Tower, commonly called Big Ben, are among London’s most iconic landmarks. Technically, Big Ben is the name given to the massive bell inside the clock tower, which weighs more than 13 tons (13,760 kg). The clock tower looks spectacular at night when the four clock faces are illuminated. The Palace of Westminster, more commonly known as the Houses of Parliament, is right on the River Thames.

weM †eb: nvD‡mm Ae cvj©v‡g›U I GwjRv‡e_ UvIqvi, mvaviYZ GUv weM †eb bv‡gB cwiwPZ| jÛ‡bi Ab¨Zg `„wób›`b ¯’vcbv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GwUI GKwU| e¯‘Z Gi Nwoi UvIqv‡ii †fZi Szj‡Z _vKv AwZKvq NÈvUvi Rb¨B Gi bvg ivLv n‡q‡Q weM †eb| hvi IRb Kg‡m Kg 13 Ub (13760 †KwR)| iv‡Zi †ejvq K¬K UvIqviwU †`L‡Z `viæY jv‡M, KviY ZLbB Gi PviwU KuvUv R¡jR¡j Ki‡Z _v‡K| Avi Gw`‡K †_gm b`xi wVK wKbviv †Nu‡lB Av‡Q I‡q÷wgb÷vi c¨v‡jm, hv nvD‡mm Ae cvj©v‡g›U bv‡gB †ewk cwiwPZ|

jan - feb 2015


rich, Tasty Cuisine

Must try hotels in London

British Barnyard This 2014 Fitzrovia newcomer was created by Ollie Dabbous, chef/ patron of the acclaimed Dabbous, and his chums.


Chinese Baiwei Baiwei means ‘a hundred flavours’ in Chinese, and it’s an apt name for this cosy place serving authentic, home-style Sichuan, Hunan and northern dishes

Indian Dishoom It is one of the best places to eat in Shoreditch. The interior is modelled on the ‘Irani cafés’ of Mumbai, with booths and mosaic floors.

24 Knightsbridge Street; (right) St. Paul Cathedral

Harrods: End your trip with some shopping therapy. Harrods is one of the world’s most famous stores and one of London’s tourist attractions, thanks to the wide assortment of luxury goods that are on display in a magnificently decorated building. You can purchase anything from historic 18th-century dinner plates or exquisite caviar to giant teddy bears. The success of Harrods attracted a number of other entrepreneurs to Knightsbridge, resulting in an upscale shopping district. Nearby are luxury stores such as Harvey Nichols and Burberry. Sloane Street, one of the most famous shopping streets in London, is just around the corner.

Don't Miss

jan - feb 2015

n¨viWm: Ny‡i †eov‡bvUv †kl Kiæb wKwÂr kwcs †_ivwci ga¨ w`‡q| n¨viWm n‡jv we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg †miv GKwU †`vKvb Ges jÛ‡bi cÖavb ch©Ub AvKl©Y| RuvKRgKfv‡e mvRv‡bv febwUi _‡i _‡i ivLv `vwg I wejvwm cY¨¸‡jvi †h cÖk¯’ m¤¢vi Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q Zv mwZ¨B cÖksmvi `vwe`vi| 18 kZ‡Ki HwZnvwmK wWbvi †cøU †_‡K ïiæ K‡i wejvwm K¨vwfqvi wKsev AwZKvq †UwW weqvi ev Ab¨ †h‡KvbI wKQz wKb‡Z cvi‡eb GLvbUvq| n¨viWm-Gi mdjZv †`‡L GLv‡b M‡o D‡V‡Q bvBUweªRmn AviI A‡bK D‡`¨vM| hvi d‡j AÂjwU †hb GKwU igigv †KbvKvUvi kn‡i cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| cv‡kB Av‡Q wejvwm c‡Y¨i †`vKvb nv‡f© wb‡Kvjm I evi‡ewi| G RvqMvi GK †KvYv‡ZB wgj‡e jÛ‡bi Ab¨Zg RbwcÖq †KbvKvUvi †K›`ª †jvb w÷ª‡Ui †`Lv|

Biman connects Dhaka-London with four weekly flights. (



green spaces

London's skyline continues to evolve, the most recent addition being the striking Shard building. Make sure you take in a panoramic view of London from up high at some point during your stay.

Examine some of the world's most precious treasures at the British Museum or come face-to-face with the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum.

London is home to eight beautiful Royal Parks, including Hyde Park, St James's Park and Richmond Park. There's also Hampstead Heath in North London, with amazing views.


Cover story






Jewels of


The birthplace of yesteryear actress Suchitra Sen, Pabna is one of the vivid districts in Bangladesh, having a bounty of natural stunners By: Faisal Abdullah

cvebvi iZœ

mywPÎv †m‡bi g‡Zv Aciƒc gnvbvwqKvi Rb¥¯’vb evsjv‡`‡ki DËie‡½i †Rjv cvebv| GKBm‡½ cÖKw… Zi iƒc‰ewP‡Î¨I ficyi GB †Rjv


jan - feb 2015



you consider yourself a little different from the general tourist or crowd, or your imagination goes beyond the traditional idea of ​​travel and you want to project yourself in a new concept of experiential journey, Pabna is the right place to be. To be more precise, make a visit to the banks of Hurasagar River. Or take a walk across the riverside rural road. It’s my guarantee that the natural wonders are bound to leave you mesmerised. Summarised in one sentence, Pabna is a sweet city — young and evergreen like Suchitra Sen, the birthplace of the yesteryear superstar. The rivers, water, villages, blue sky, greenery will greet you in such a way that you are greeted into this gatekeeper of north Bengal that the smell of the wood-fired stoves world remind you of your restless childhood days. And if you are a Bangladeshi, it will make you recite, ‘this is my country… this is my country’. While making the wishlist of places you want to visit in Bangladesh, it will be mainly dominated by popular places like Chittagong Division’s Bay of Bengal and the Hill Tracts.


Avcwb hveZxq mvaviY I AwZ †Pbv mKj wKQzi wf‡o n‡q _v‡Kb GKUz Ab¨iKg, wKsev Avcbvi fvebvi MwÊUv hw` nq Ab¨‡`i †P‡q LvwbKUv (wKsev cy‡ivUvB) Avjv`v, Z‡e g‡bi †Kv‡bv GK eÜ cÖ‡Kv‡ô GK wPj‡Z kxZj nvIqvi cik eywj‡q w`‡Z †mvRv P‡j Avmyb cvebvq| AviI wbw`©ó K‡i ej‡Z †M‡j, P‡j hvb ûivmvMi b`xi Zx‡i| nuvU‡Z nuvU‡Z nvwi‡q hvb b`xi euva †Nulv iv¯Ív a‡i| K_v w`w”Q, Avcbvi †Luv‡R mnmvB †KD wb‡LuvR msev` Qvwc‡q RxebUv‡K `ywe©ln K‡i Zzj‡e bv| cvebv GK ev‡K¨ ej‡Z †M‡j wgwó GKUv kni| mywPÎv †m‡bi Rb¥¯’vb| mywPÎvi g‡ZvB wPiZiæYx, wPimeyR| GZ GZ b`x, GZ cvwb, GZ MÖvg, GZ AvKvk, GZ meyR, DËie‡½i GB dUK cÖnixi A›`ign‡j cv ivL‡ZB bv‡K Avm‡e jvKwoi Pz‡jvi †auvqv‡U MÜ| m‡½ m‡½ g‡b Kwi‡q †`‡e nviv‡bv ˆkke Avi `~išÍcbvi w`b¸‡jvi K_v| cvebvi euv‡K euv‡K wb‡R‡K nvwi‡q w`‡Z w`‡ZB Avwe®‹vi Ki‡eb wb‡Ri Avmj I Avw`g GK mË¡v‡K| g‡b g‡b AvIov‡eb, GB Avgvi †`k... GB Avgvi †`k| evsjv‡`‡k `k©bxq ¯’v‡bi ZvwjKv Ki‡Z †M‡j mevi Av‡M mvaviY wKQz bvgB Avm‡e| PÆMÖvg wefv‡Mi e‡½vcmvMi I cvnvox AÂj hvi


Cover story







Pakshi Resort situated at Isshardi is known for its hospitality; (right) Hardinge Bridge with complete 100 years

Rest of the places within rural Bangladesh may not be that popular in terms of tourism activities, but there are several hidden treasures located in these places.

A‡bKUvB `Lj K‡i Av‡Q| †m¸‡jvi Kv‡Q AvcvZ`„‡ó ev`evwK MÖvgevsjv‡K ch©U‡bi wePv‡i LvwbKUv w¤ªqgvb g‡b n‡jI Av`‡Z Gi ci‡Z ci‡Z jywK‡q Av‡Q A‡bK ¸ßab|

Hurasagar’s magic realism

ûivmvM‡ii Rv`yev¯ÍeZv

The Hurasagar River is one such name of a natural spell. Although this branch of Jamuna spans from Sirajgonj to Pabna, to spend a spectacular evening in the banks of the river, go to the Bera sub-district. Its main attractions are the riverside road and the old Bera Port, which once served as a commercial port. A pump house and sluice gate are situated next to it. While walking to the port, passing time within the tranquility of the river and observing the farmhouses, you will completely forget about being a city dweller. The best time to visit this place is on a full moon night. Even the sound of the Nasimon and Karimon (a local transport vehicle with shallow engine) will look natural. Sitting at the last corner of Bera

jan - feb 2015

Summarised in one sentence, Pabna is a sweet city — young and evergreen like Suchitra Sen, birthplace of the yesteryear superstar.

ûivmvMi b`x †ZgbB GK cÖvK…wZK g‡š¿i bvg| wmivRMÄ †_‡K cvebv ch©šÍ hgybvi GB kvLvb`xwU we¯Í„Z n‡jI Gi Zx‡i gb †fvjv‡bv GKwU mܨvivZ hw` Rxe‡b †hvM Ki‡Z Pvb, Z‡e Avcbv‡K †h‡Z n‡e cvebvi †eov Dc‡Rjvq| †mLv‡b cv‡eb ûivmvM‡ii cvo †Nulv `xN© moK I †eov †cvU©| GKmgq IUv e›`i _vK‡jI GLb Zv cwiZ¨³| cv‡kB Av‡Q cv¤ú nvDm I ¯øyBm †MU| Z‡e †cvU© ch©šÍ †nu‡U Pjv I †mLv‡b LvwbKÿY mgq KvUv‡bvi ci Aci cÖv‡šÍi mvwi mvwi Lvgvievwo †`L‡Z †`L‡Z KLb †h Avcwb Avevi kû‡i †_‡K g‡b cÖv‡Y MÖvgxY n‡q DV‡eb †UiB cv‡eb bv| me‡P‡q fvj nq hw` c~wY©gvi mgq †h‡Z cv‡ib| cvk †Nu‡l Qz‡U Pjv bwmgb Kwig‡bi fU fU kãUv‡KI g‡b n‡e kZfvM cÖvK…wZK| k~b¨ I BwZnv‡mi mvÿx n‡q _vKv †eov †cv‡U©i †kl

Pabna is the birthplace of Suchitra Sen (1931-2014)

port, witnessing nothingness and history; you will be lost somewhere between the reality and magic realism of the river.

cÖv‡šÍ e‡m ûivmvM‡ii cvwb‡Z Puv‡`i Av‡jvi wSwKwgwK‡Z ÿ‡Y ÿ‡Y nvwi‡q †h‡Z _vK‡eb Rv`yev¯ÍeZvi †Nv‡i|

If you want to submerge yourself in the soil, water and night sky, just hire a boat and ask the boatman for a ride far away. The river is soothing and silent here. Staring at the moon-soaked water, you will relate various facets of life. It is bound to open few of your life’s secrets hidden in the Pandora’s box.

gvwU, meyR I cvwb‡Z wb‡R‡K wbgw¾Z Ki‡Z PvB‡j D‡V coyb †bŠKvq| gvwS‡K ejyb †m †hb Avcbv‡K `~‡i †Kv_vq nvwi‡q †d‡j| b`x GLvbUvq eo kvšÍ, †Kvgj| Avi Puv` M‡j cov cvwb‡Z Vvq ZvwK‡q †_‡K †`Lyb, g‡b n‡e Rxe‡bi A‡bK inm¨ve„Z msÁv Av‡Q| Av‡Q A‡bK A‡bK c¨v‡Ûvivi evK‡kv| Avi ga¨iv‡Z AvKvkfiv Puv`‡K mv‡_ wb‡q ûivmvM‡i †bŠKv ågY Ki‡j AvPgKv K‡qKUv evK‡kv Ly‡j hv‡eB|

The other side of Padma

To enjoy the beauty of Padma River, Bangladesh’s various districts have a lot of options. Pabna also has a few of them. You can visit the Pakshi Resort situated at Isshardi, a sub-district of Pabna. Built with the true flavours of rural Bangladesh, the hospitality of the resort is overwhelming. Padma river is at a 10-minute walking distance from the resort, so after having lunch made of locally produced organic rice, you can go and immerse yourself it the river. Anglers too can do their favourite pastime, catch fishes. Food lovers can relish Pitha (a sweet made of grounded rice), while enjoying Baul songs at night. Although the river is calm during winter nights, the waves will take away the fatigue of hectic city life within seconds.

Hurasagar’s main attractions are the riverside road and the old Bera Port, which once served as a commercial port

Quick facts

100 years of Hardinge Bridge

Early this year, it will be 100 years for a very important bridge. Situated at Pakshi Union, about eight kilometres south of Pabna’s Isshardi, work on the Hardinge Bridge was completed in 1915 and was named after the then Indian Viceroy Lord Hardinge. Since the last 100 years, it has kept the communication open between the two sides of Padma. It is also said that it took about five years and 25 thousands labours to build this 5,800-feet-long bridge.

cÙvi Ab¨ iƒc

cÙv b`xi †mŠ›`h© Ae‡jvK‡bi Rb¨ evsjv‡`‡ki A‡bK †Rjv‡ZB Av‡Q mvRv‡bv †MvQv‡bv Av‡qvRb| cvebvI ev` hvqwb| †h‡Z cv‡ib Ck¦iw`i cvKwk wi‡mv‡U©| MÖvgevsjvi cUf~wg‡K gv_vq †i‡LB mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q GwU| Pvicv‡k GK kvšÍ meyR w¯œ»Zvi Av‡gR| wi‡mv‡U©i hveZxq my‡hvM-myweav‡K Qvwc‡q †M‡Q cÙvi Db¥Ë Rjivwk| wi‡mvU© †_‡K gvÎ 10 wgwb‡Ui nuvUv c_| `ycy‡i †XuwK QvUv Pv‡ji fvZ †L‡q we‡K‡jB Qz‡U †h‡Z cvi‡eb b`xi Wv‡K| eowk w`‡q gvQI ai‡Z cvi‡eb| †jvKR m½xZ Dc‡fv‡Mi cvkvcvwk i‡q‡Q wcVv cv‡qk LvIqvi my‡hvM| kx‡Zi GB mgqUvq b`xi cÖgË iƒc nq‡Zv †`Lv hv‡e bv, Z‡e Gi kvšÍ I axiw¯’i Zi½ Avcbvi hveZxq kû‡i K¬vwšÍ‡K fvwm‡q wb‡q hv‡e GK jngvq| mnmv Avi bvMwiK Rxe‡b wd‡i hvIqvi nvZQvwb †Ui cv‡eb bv|

GKk eQ‡i nvwW©Ä weªR

GB eQ‡ii ïiæ‡ZB GKwU we‡kl †mZzi GKk eQi c~wZ© n‡Z hv‡”Q| 1915 mv‡j wbg©vYKvR †kl nq cvebvi Ck¦i`x Dc‡Rjv m`i n‡Z 8 wK‡jvwgUvi `wÿ‡Y cvKkx BDwbq‡b Aew¯’Z nvwW©Ä weª‡Ri| fviZe‡l©i ZrKvjxY fvBmiq jW© nvwW©‡Äi bv‡gB G †mZzi bvg| GKk eQ‡iI cÙvi `yB K‚‡ji †hvMv‡hvM a‡i †i‡L‡Q GB †mZz| Rvbv hvq, 25 nvRvi kÖwgK `xN© 5 eQ‡i 5800 dzU `xN© †mZzwU wbg©vY K‡i|




The district is intersected by rivers of varying magnitude. In total it has eight rivers, which includes Ichhamati River, Padma River, Baral River, Jamuna River etc.

The Nosimon and Korimon, locally made mechanical hauler using irrigation pumps as main engine, are mainly used for transporting agricultural goods and rural folks.

The best time to visit Pabna is during rains. Many villages are accessible only by boat during the rainy season. However, floods also is a common phenomenon there.



Cover story






Exotic Muscat Crammed between mountains and the sea, the capital of Oman is an old-fashioned slice of Arabia

PgKcÖ` gv¯‹U cvnvo I mgy‡`ªi gv‡S Kvbvq Kvbvq M‡o IVv Igv‡bi ivRavbxwU †hb GK UzK‡iv cyi‡bv Avie


jan - feb 2015

Mutrah stretches along an attractive corniche of latticed buildings and mosques; it looks spectacular at sunset when the light casts shadows across a serrated crescent of mountains, while pavements, lights and fountains invite an evening stroll.

RvdwiKvUv feb I gmwR‡` QvIqv ˆmKZeZ©x iv¯Ívq Qwo‡q Av‡Q gyÎvn †Rjv| m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq GUv‡K Abe`¨ jv‡M, KviY wVK ZLbB cvnv‡oi LuvRKvUv P‚ov¸‡jvi Qvqv ˆZwi K‡i m~h©| Avi wVK ZLywb mgZ‡Ui Av‡jv I Sibv¸‡jv Rvbv‡Z _v‡K mvܨKvjxb †nu‡U †eov‡bvi AvnŸvb|



Located near the Sultan Qaboos Port roundabout, the bait-al-Baranda Museum was thrown open to the public in the year 2006. It is the one place that provides plenty of information regarding the Sultanate of Oman from days of yore.

jan - feb 2015

myjZvb Kveym e›`‡ii KvQvKvwQ †cQb w`KUvq Av‡Q evBZ-Avj-eviv›`v Rv`yNi| 2006 mv‡j GwU Rbmvavi‡Yi Rb¨ Db¥y³ K‡i †`Iqv nq| Igv‡bi myjZvbvZ wb‡q †mB mycÖvPxbKv‡ji hveZxq Z‡_¨i †hvMvb w`‡q hv‡”Q GB GKwU gvÎ RvqMv|

Since opening in 2011, the Royal Opera House in Muscat has become a cultural high point in the life of the capital. Some of the most famous names in opera and ballet have already performed here, winning international acclaim. However, beware of the strict dress code for attending a performance: jeans are not permitted.

2011 mv‡j Pvjy nIqvi ci †_‡K gv¯‹‡Ui `¨ iq¨vj A‡civ nvDmwU n‡q Av‡Q ivRavbxi mvs¯‹…wZK PP©vi GKwU eo †K›`ª| we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg L¨vZbvgv A‡civ I e¨v‡j b„Z¨wkíx BwZg‡a¨ GLv‡b Zv‡`i ˆbcyb¨ cÖ`k©b K‡i‡Qb, Kzwo‡q‡Qb AvšÍR©vwZK m¤§vb| Z‡e nu¨v, cvidi‡g‡Ý Ask wb‡Z n‡j †cvkv‡Ki Kov bxwZgvjvUv‡K gvb‡ZB n‡e; wRÝ GLv‡b Aby‡gvw`Z bq|

A view of Muscat town

gv¯‹U UvI‡bi `k©b



Cover story






The Sultan’s Armed Forces Museum is housed in Bayt alFalaj and built in 1845. Its lower rooms give a comprehensive outline of Oman’s history, and the upper rooms explore Oman’s international relations and military prowess.

myjZv‡bi mk¯¿ evwnbxi Rv`yNiwU Av‡Q ev‡qZ Avj dvjv‡R| GwU wbwg©Z n‡qwQj 1845 mv‡j| Gi wb‡Pi w`‡Ki Kÿ¸‡jv‡Z cvIqv hv‡e Igv‡bi BwZnv‡mi GKwU wek` iƒc‡iLv| Dc‡ii Kÿ¸‡jv‡Z cvIqv hv‡e Igv‡bi AvšÍR©vwZK m¤úK© I mvgwiK mÿgZvi aviYv| A gift to the nation from Sultan Qaboos to mark the 30th year of his reign, the Grand Mosque can accommodate over 20,000 worshippers, including 750 women in a private prayer hall. However, children under 10 are not allowed inside the mosque.


GLvbKvi MÖ¨vÛ gmwR`, hv wQj G RvwZi Rb¨ myjZvb Kvey‡mi cÿ †_‡K Zvi wmsnvm‡b Av‡ivn‡bi 30Zg evwl©Kxi Dcnvi; Zv‡Z GKm‡½ em‡Z cv‡i 20 nvRvi bvgvwR| Av‡Q 750 bvixi emvi Rb¨ c„_K GKwU cÖv_©bv Kÿ| Aek¨ G gmwR‡` 10 eQ‡ii wb‡Pi wkï‡`i cÖ‡e‡ki AbygwZ †bB|

muscat FACTS

jan - feb 2015


Coffee and dates

Driving in oman

The country is famous for its doors. Doors in Oman are unique, colourful and embroidered. And no matter what the whole house looks like, even a simple house has truly stunning doors.

Coffee is superb in Oman and it is always served with dates. The little cups are never full. Traditionally Omani drink coffee in a thousand little sips, each served separately.

Visitors can drive in Oman as long as they have a valid international driver’s license. As a resident, you will need to obtain an Oman driver’s license, which requires a vision test.

Biman connects Dhaka-Muscat-Dhaka with four weekly flights. (

Local fishermen offer fishing excursions and boat rides at Qantab Beach.

KvšÍve ˆmK‡Zi ¯’vbxq †R‡jiv Avcbv‡K cÖ¯Íve †`‡e gvQ aiv I †bŠKv åg‡Yi my‡hvM|

35 Primarily of interest to those who are interested in water sports, Marina Bandar al-Rowdha offers a full range of boating amenities. It’s also a pleasant place to enjoy harbour activity and relax at the Blue Marlin restaurant.

hviv cvwb wb‡q bvbvb †Ljva~jv cQ›` K‡ib Zv‡`i Rb¨ cÖv_wgKfv‡e g¨vwibv e›`i Avj-iIav Zz‡j ai‡e †evU msµvšÍ hveZxq myweav| e›`‡ii Kvh©µg Ae‡jvKb Kivi GKwU PgrKvi RvqMvI GwU| PvB‡j LvwbKUv Mv Gwj‡q w`‡Z cv‡ib eøy gviwjb †i¯Íiuvq|

Mostly, people visit the Mutrah Corniche to visit the Mutrah Souq, which still looks like a traditional Arab market. There are some good antique shops selling a mixture of Indian and Omani artefacts among the usual textile, hardware and gold shops.

mvaviYZ, gvbylRb gyÎvn myK (evRvi) †`Lvi Rb¨ gyÎvn Kwb©‡k †eov‡Z Av‡m| GUv‡K GLbI GKwU cÖ_vMZ Avie evRv‡ii g‡ZvB g‡b nq| mvaviY †cvkvK-Avkv‡Ki cvkvcvwk GLvbUvq wKQz fvj A¨vw›UK kc Av‡Q †hLv‡b Igvwb I fviZxq wewfbœ cÖZœZvwË¡K mvgMÖx, nvW©Iq¨vi I ¯^Y©vj¼vi wewµ nq|


Cover story





Night markets of


Forage for tourist track, authentic antiques, vintage junk and hot fashions at the city’s top evening shopping haunts By: Abhiraj Ch a k ra b or ty




iv‡Zi evRvi

ch©UK‡`i c_ †`Lv‡Z Av‡Q Nv‡mi Pv`i, Av‡Q LuvwU HwZn¨evnx mvgMÖx, HwZnvwmK RÄvj Ges kn‡ii †miv mvܨKvjxb †KbvKvUvi †`vKvbcv‡U Av‡Q ZiZvRv d¨vkb




is known for the variety of shopping options it offers. However, a visit to this city is incomplete without venturing into its famous night markets. Open for business the minute the sun dips below the city skyline, you can explore and shop in a well-stocked world of whimsical products and flexible price tags, browsing everything from tourist tack to authentic antiques, fragrant flora to flick knives. Here we list few of the top night markets in the city.

Patpong Night Market

Patpong is one of the must visit night shopping destinations for avid shoppers. Found in the built-up area known as Silom, the place is always busy and chaotic with lots of foreign tourists. Starting in the early evening until the wee hours of the morning, the centre of Soi Patpong is filled with vendors selling their wares and crowds of tourists looking for a bargain. You can find here night clubs, go-go bars, discotheques and other adult entertainment venues. The market is known for inexpensive souvenirs such as Thai boxing shorts, candles, T-shirts and pillow cases.

jan - feb 2015


n‡iK m¤¢v‡ii Rb¨ e¨vsKK kniwU mycwiwPZ| Z_vwc, kniwU‡Z ÿwY‡Ki Z‡i Xzu gvi‡Z G‡j Gi iv‡Zi evRviUv †`L‡ZB n‡e, Zv bv n‡j †eov‡bvUv Am¤ú~Y©B †_‡K hv‡e| kn‡ii w`MšÍ‡iLvq †h-B bv Uzc K‡i m~h©Uv Wz‡e hvq, Agwb †m‡R I‡V evwY‡R¨i cmiv| Lvg‡Lqvjx‡Z fiv iKgvwi c‡Y¨i GK mg„× RM‡Z Xz‡K hvPvB-evQvB K‡i mvi‡Z cvi‡eb †KbvKvUv| c‡Y¨i Mv‡qi `vg¸‡jv †ek mnbxq| Luy‡R wb‡Z cv‡ib ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ we‡klfv‡e ˆZwi KewReÜbx †_‡K AK…wÎg A¨vw›UK Ges myMÜx ZiæjZv †_‡K Svov Qzwi| GLv‡b Avgiv Rvwb‡q w`w”Q kn‡ii K‡qKwU †miv iv‡Zi evRv‡ii GKwU ZvwjKv|

cvUcs bvBU gv‡K©U

cvUcs n‡jv Ggb GKwU iv‡Zi evRvi, hviv ‡KbvKvUv ej‡Z AÁvb Zv‡`i †mLv‡b bv †M‡jB bq| wmjg bv‡gi NbemwZc~Y© GjvKvq cvIqv hv‡e G‡K| we‡`wk ch©UK‡`i c`PviYvq mvivÿYB gyLi _v‡K GwU| mܨvi ci Pvjy nq G evRvi, P‡j †fv‡ii wKQz AvM ch©šÍ| mB cvUcs †m›Uv‡ii cÖvY‡K‡›`ª †`vKvwbiv Zv‡`i cmiv wb‡q e‡m Avi ch©UK‡`i gv‡S Pj‡Z _v‡K `i KlvKwl| GLv‡b Avcwb AviI cv‡eb bvBU-K¬ve, †Mv‡Mv evi, wW‡¯‹v I cÖvßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ wba©vwiZ AviI wKQz †fby¨| _vB ew·s kU©m, †gvgevwZ, wU-kvU© I evwj‡ki Kfv‡ii g‡Zv wKQz Kg`vwg my¨‡fwb‡ii Rb¨ GB evRviwU †ewk weL¨vZ|

Khao San Road

Being popular with backpackers, this place has become a great option for Thai traders. Every evening a lot of Thai traders, women and men alike thrive in this place and sell their wares on the road. You can lay your hands on a whole range of designer clothes, T-shirts, fashion accessories and handicrafts as well as Thai noodles. Bars like the Hippie de Bar and Brick Bar add to the evening rush. Late evenings are more exciting here as the place gets a carnival kind of setting with music thumping at every nook and cranny of the street.


Asiatique has successfully combined two of the most popular shopping experiences in the city: a night bazaar and a mall. Ten minutes downriver from Saphan Taksin BTS station this once-bustling international trade port has been transformed, with over 1,500 boutiques and 40 restaurants housed under a huge replica warehouse complex. Open from 5 pm, spending an evening here is no problem—you’ll have good fun browsing the boutiques, picking up gifts or something for yourself.

LvI mvb †ivW

‡euvPKv wb‡q Pj‡Z hviv ¯^v”Q›`¨ †eva K‡ib Zv‡`i K_v gv_vq †i‡LB G evRviwU n‡q D‡V‡Q _vB ewYK‡`i `viæY cQ‡›`i| cÖvq cÖwZ mܨv‡ZB GLvbKvi iv¯Ívi cv‡k _vB bvix I cyiæliv Zv‡`i iKgvwi cY¨ mvwR‡q wewµi Rb¨ ûgwo †L‡q c‡o| bKkvKvi‡`i ˆZwi GKMv`v wU-kvU©, d¨vkb cY¨ I _vB byWjm †_‡K ïiæ K‡i bvbvb KzwUi wk‡íi mvgMÖx nvZ‡o †eov‡bvi my‡hvM cv‡eb GLv‡b| mܨvi e¨¯ÍZvq bZzb gvÎv †hvM K‡i wnwà wW evi I weªK evi-Gi g‡Zv A‡bK¸‡jv cvbkvjv| mܨvi †klfv‡M G RvqMvwU †hb AviI DrmegyLi n‡q I‡V; †Rviv‡jv wgDwR‡K D‡ØwjZ n‡Z _v‡K kn‡ii cÖwZwU †KvY Avi iv¯Ívi cÖwZwU Mwj|


kn‡ii me‡P‡q PgrKvi `y‡Uv kwcs AwfÁZv‡K mdjfv‡e GK my‡Zvq †Mu‡_‡Q GwkqvwUKÑGKwU iv‡Zi evRvi I GKwU gj| mvdvb UvKwmb wewUGm †÷kb †_‡K b`xc‡_ `k wgwb‡Ui `~i‡Z¡ _vKv GK mgqKvi Kg©e¨¯ÍZvq ficyi AvšÍR©vwZK evwYR¨ †K›`ªwU GLb Avg~j e`‡j †M‡Q| GKwU AwZKvq ¸`vgNi Kg‡cø‡·i †iwcøKvi †fZ‡i i‡q‡Q 1500 eywUK I 40wU †i¯Íiuv| we‡Kj 5Uv †_‡K Pvjy nq GwU| GLv‡b GKwU mܨv KvUv‡j we‡kl †KvbI mgm¨v n‡e bv| eywUK¸‡jv Ny‡i wd‡i †`Lv, Dcnvi Luy‡R †ei Kiv wKsev wb‡Ri Rb¨ wKQz †KbvKvUv K‡i †ek gRv cv‡eb|

†Lvjs jW bvBU gv‡K©U

†Lvjs jW bvBU gv‡K©U, mvbvg jyqvs‡q _vKv Av‡iKwU evRv‡ii cybR©b¥ †hb| Lvevi Avi †m‡KÛ n¨vÛ c‡Y¨i Rb¨ G evRvi

Asiatique has combined two most popular shopping experiences in the city — night bazaar and mall



Cover story







Khlong Lod Night Market

Khlong Lod Night Market, a reincarnation of the one in Sanam Luang, is dedicated to food and second-hand goods. If anything, the price of goods is very cheap, and if you look around carefully enough, you will find some worthwhile items to add to your room, closet, or private souvenir collection. The market runs from the corner of Rattanakosin Hotel on Ratchadamnoen Klang Road, down along Trok Sake (Sake Lane) and all the way to the Golden Mount (Wat Saket).

Ratchada Night Bazaar

One of the largest night markets in Bangkok, the market started off as a place to buy old vespa scooters and classic car parts. It has now blossomed into a mini-showroom for vintage bikes, scooters and cars. A whole host of other products also find place in the market such as gramophones, typewriters, clothes, shoes, belts, leather bags, CDs, antiques, furniture, home decorative items and an assortment of knickknacks. The market runs only on Saturday’s from 6:30 pm to 2’O clock in the night.

jan - feb 2015

wb‡ew`Z| hvB †nvK bv †Kb, c‡Y¨i `vgUv n‡e m¯Ív| Avi Avcwb hw` myPviæfv‡e Lyu‡R †`‡Lb Z‡e Avcbvi iæg, †K¬v‡RU wKsev e¨w³MZ my¨‡fwbi Kv‡jKk‡b †hvM Kivi g‡Zv Dchy³ wRwbmUv Lyu‡R †c‡Z cv‡ib| ivZvbv‡Kvwmb †nv‡Uj wKsev ivZPv`vg‡bv‡qb K¬vs †iv‡Wi GKwU †KvYv †_‡K GB evRv‡ii ïiæ| ‡h‡Z †h‡Z co‡e †UªvK †mBK (†mBK †jb) Ges †k‡l wM‡q cv‡eb †Mv‡ìb gvD›U (IqvU mv‡KU)|

Fast facts

ivZPv`v bvBU evRvi

e¨vsK‡Ki Ab¨Zg eo iv‡Zi evRvi GwU| evRviwU cÖ_gw`‡K Pvjy n‡qwQj †Kej cyi‡bv †fmcv ¯‹Uz vi I K¬vwmK Mvwo¸‡jvi cvU©m †Kbv‡ePvi Rb¨| GLb GLv‡b HwZnvwmK evBK, ¯‹Uz vi I Mvwoi GKwU wgwb †kviæg ch©šÍ M‡o D‡V‡Q| G QvovI GLv‡b AviI GKivk c‡Y¨i mgvnvi N‡U‡Q, hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q- MÖv‡gv‡dvb, UvBcivBUvi, †cvkvK, Ry‡Zv, †eë, Pvgovi e¨vM, wmwW, A¨vw›UK, AvmevecÎ, Ni mvRv‡bvi cY¨ Ges wbK-b¨v‡Ki GKwU fvÊvi| evRviwU †Kej gvÎ kwbevi mܨv 6.30 †_‡K ivZ 2Uv ch©šÍ †Lvjv _v‡K|

Biman connects Dhaka-Bangkok-Dhaka with four weekly flights (

Patpong Night Market opens at 6 in the evening and shuts at 1 am. If you are looking for latest trends in fashion, Saphan Phut Night Bazaar is the right place to be. The Ratchada Night Bazaar runs only on Saturdays.


Cover story


CULTURE adventure


St. Martin A trip to see the coral reef in St. Martin Island is more like wandering another planet

inm¨gq †m›U gvwU©b †m›U gvwU©b Øx‡ci cÖevj cÖvPxi ågY †hb Ab¨ Av‡iKwU MÖ‡n Ny‡i †eov‡bv By: Salman Saeed


jan - feb 2015




with both local and foreign tourists, St. Martin is a coral island of sandy beaches, coconut palms and bountiful marine life in Bangladesh. Locally called ‘Narikel Jinjira’ for having a large number of coconut trees heather and thither, it is one of the mysterious islands located in the Bay of Bengal. Corals — dead and alive — are found everywhere in the island, which is visited every year by thousands of tourists. I have been backpacking around Bangladesh for few years now — trekking to the mountains, climbing rocks and enjoying boating in some of the remote places of the country. Though I had earlier visited St. Martin Island swimming all the way from Teknaf crossing the Bangla Channel, I was more than prepared when I got a second opportunity to visit this pristine land.

Untouched beauty

St. Martin Island is one the most beautiful coral islands in the world where you will find live corals. Situated at a distance of about 30 km from Teknaf, Captain Martin, a British saint, is said to have discovered this island. With vast marine and land resources, the paradisiacal reef is home to corals, algae, seaweeds, grasses and mangroves.

With marine & land resources, St. Martin is home to corals, algae, grasses & mangroves Coral reefs are called underwater gardens for a reason, but the frenetically coloured plants and animals they support are so unlike any garden on land that a stroll (or float) through a coral garden is more like wandering another planet. I started my journey from Dhaka by bus to Teknaf and then hired a local motorboat to reach St. Martin. You can reach there either by local motorboat, tourist boats, or sea truck. About nine km south of Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf, the mystery of this island lies under the water. To make the most of the trip, I rented few snorkeling equipment from Oceanic Scuba Diving Centre—the only scuba club in the island that


ˆmKZ, bvwi‡Kj MvQ Avi evsjv‡`‡ki we¯Í„Z mvgyw`ÖK ev¯‘ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ ¯’vbxq I we‡`wk ch©UK `yR‡bi Kv‡QB mgvb RbwcÖq cÖevj Øxc †m›U gvwU©b| GLv‡b ILv‡b wecyj msL¨K bvwi‡Kj MvQ Qwo‡q Av‡Q e‡j ¯’vbxqfv‡e Gi Av‡iK bvg Ôbvwi‡Kj wRwÄivÕ| e‡½vcmvM‡i Aew¯’Z Øxc¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GwU †ek inm¨gq| Øx‡ci meLv‡bB cvIqv hvq RxweZ I g„Z cÖevj| cÖwZeQi GLv‡b †eov‡Z Av‡mb nvRvi nvRvi ch©UK| K‡qK eQi a‡i Avwg cÖvqB Kuv‡a †euvPKv †eu‡a evsjv‡`k ågY KiwQ| cvnvwo c‡_ †UªwKs, cvnv‡o Pov Ges †`‡ki cÖZ¨š— wKQy RvqMvq †bŠKv Pvjv‡bv Dc‡fvM K‡iwQ| hw`I Gi Av‡Mi evi Avwg †UKbvd †_‡K cy‡iv evsjv P¨v‡bj muvZ‡i †m›U gvwU©b Øx‡c G‡mwQjvg, Z‡e Gevi hLb wØZxqev‡ii g‡Zv GLv‡b Ny‡i †eov‡bvi my‡hvM †cjvg ZLb Avwg AviI †ewk cÖ¯‘Z wQjvg GB kvšÍ wbwiwewj RjgMœ f~wgUv‡K ciL K‡i wb‡Z|

A¶Z †mŠ›`h©

we‡k¦i me‡P‡q my›`i cÖevj Øxc¸‡jvi GKwU n‡”Q †m›U gvwU©b| GLv‡bB Avcwb †`L‡Z cv‡eb Rxeš— cÖevj| †UKbvd †_‡K Gi `~iZ¡ cÖvq 30 wK‡jvwgUvi| ejv nq, GK weªwUk, K¨v‡Þb gvwU©b ØxcwU Avwe®‹vi K‡ib| wekvj mvgyw`ÖK Ges f~wg m¤ú` wb‡q ¯^M©xq D`¨v‡bi g‡Zv G cÖevjcÖvPxiwU †hb cÖevj, ˆkevj, Nvm I g¨vb‡MÖv‡fi evmf~‡g cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| GKwU Kvi‡Y cÖevjcÖvPxi‡K Wy‡ev evMvb ejv nq| wKš‘ wewPÎ i‡O ivOv‡bv RjR Dw™¢` I cÖvYx‡Z ficyi cÖevjcÖvPxi f~wg‡Z ev fvmgvb Ab¨ †h‡KvbI evMvb †_‡K Avjv`v| cÖevj cÖvPx‡ii Ici w`‡q †f‡m †eov‡bvUv †hb Ab¨ MÖ‡n wePi‡Yi g‡ZvB wewPÎ GK Abyf~wZ| XvKv †_‡K ev‡m †UKbv‡di D‡Ï‡k¨ Avwg Avgvi hvÎv ïi“ Kwi| Gici †m›U gvwU©b †cuŠQv‡bvi Rb¨ ¯’vbxq GKwU †gvUiPvwjZ †bŠKv fvov Kwi| ¯’vbxq †gvUiPvwjZ †bŠKv, Uz¨wi÷ †evU A_ev wm Uªv‡K K‡iI Avcwb †mLv‡b †h‡Z cv‡ib| K·evRvi-†UKbvd †_‡K cÖvq bq wK‡jvwgUvi `w¶‡Y cvwbi Zjvq jywK‡q Av‡Q G Øx‡ci hZ inm¨| åg‡Yi AwaKvsk mgqB Avwg A‡kwbK ¯‹zev WvBwfs †m›Uvi †_‡K ¯‹zevi miÄvgvw` †hgb mœi‡Kj (WyemuvZvi“i k¦vm †bevi bj) fvov Kwi| Øx‡c GKgvÎ GB ¯‹zev K¬vewUB WvBwfs †mev cÖ`vb K‡i| weP †UªwKs‡qi (ˆmKZ ågY) Rb¨ Gi ci †Mjvg †Quov Øx‡c| GUv GKUv ¶z`ª Øxc| GLvbKvi cvwb‡Z `yB kZvwaK cÖRvwZi gvQ cvIqv hvq| G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ 16wU cÖRvwZ wgVv cvwbi gvQ| 89wU cÖRvwZ cÖevj mswkø­ó| cÖev‡j me‡P‡q †ewk cwigv‡Y _vKv gvQ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q W¨vg‡mj, c¨viU, mvR©b, MÖ“cvm©, mœ¨vcvm©, G‡¤úim© I evUvid¬vB wdk| Øx‡ci DËicwðg †KvY GKwU RbwcÖq ¯úU, †hLv‡b GKBm‡½ m~h©v¯Í I fvUvi mgq wgwjZ nq| Gi evB‡i Øx‡ci cwð‡g †`L‡Z cv‡eb mvgyw`ªK K”Q‡ci n¨vPvwi| i‡q‡Q ZvRv mvgyw`ÖK gvQ I je÷v‡ii g‡Zv my¯^v`y me mvgyw`ªK Lvevi| GLv‡b †mLv‡b Qwo‡q _vKv wecyj msL¨K bvwi‡Kj Mv‡Qi Rb¨ GUv‡K bvwi‡Kj ØxcI ejv nq| GLv‡b cvb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb my¯^v`y Wv‡ei cvwb, hvi Rb¨ Avcbvi LiP n‡e gvÎ 25 UvKv|



provides with diving service—and went for a beach trekking to ‘Cheera Dwip’. It’s a small island, where more than 200 species of fish are found in the water of which 16 are fresh water species while 89 are coral associated. The most abundant corals are Damsel, Parrot, Surgeon, Groupers, Snappers, Emperors and Butterfly fish. On the northwest corner of the island is a popular spot as the sunset and low tide coincide. Apart from this, on its west side you will see the Sea Turtle Hatchery and have delicious foods like fresh marine fish or lobsters. It is also called as Coconut Island for having a large number of coconut trees heather and thither. You take it as drink here at a cost of almost Tk 25.

Playing with corals

Next morning, I woke up early and went underwater to swim with the fishes. The early morning sun was bright enough to let me see and experience the beauty of this colourful aquatic world of St. Martin. The best moment came when I dipped in to see the colourful corals and the beautiful fishes swimming all around me. The deeper I went, the more excited

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cÖev‡ji wb‡q gvZvgvwZ

Cheera Dwip is a small island, where more than 200 species of fish are found of which 16 are fresh water species

ciw`b mKv‡j Av‡Mfv‡MB Nyg †_‡K DVjvg| gv‡Qi m‡½ muvZvi KvU‡Z Wze w`jvg cvwbi wb‡P| †m›U gvwU©‡bi cvwbi wb‡Pi iw½b `ywbqv †`Lvi AwfÁZvi Rb¨ mKv‡ji m~‡h©i Av‡jv wQj h‡_ó D¾¡j| †miv gyn~Z©wU Avm‡jv ZLbB hLb Avwg iwOb cÖevj †`L‡Z Wye w`jvg| Avgvi Pvicv‡k muvZvi KvUwQj iO‡ei‡Oi PgrKvi me gvQ| hZB Mfx‡i hvw”Qjvg, ZZB evowQj Avgvi D‡ËRbv| mgy‡`ªi wb‡P iw½b cÖev‡ji m‡½ GUvB Avgvi cÖ_g d‡UvMÖvwdK Awfhvb, hv Avgv‡K AviI †ewk D‡ØwjZ K‡i ZzjwQj|

ûgwKi gy‡L †mŠ›`h©

mœi‡Kj wb‡q gv‡Qi wf‡oi g‡a¨ †NvivNywii mgq Avgvi A¨vwWªbvwjb MÖwš’ D‡ËRbvq †d‡U cowQj †hb| Gi gv‡S Avevi †m›U gvwU©‡b M‡o IVv AcwiKwíZ wbg©vYKv‡Ri d‡j cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h©i aŸsm †`‡L wKQyUv nZvkI nB| we‡kl K‡i cÖevjØxc¸‡jv gvby‡li Kg©Kv‡Ê h‡_ó ms‡e`bkxj| KviY, Gm‡ei AwaKvskB msNwUZ nq mgy`ª cv‡oi AMfxi cvwb‡Z †hLv‡b gvby‡li cÖfve me‡P‡q †ewk _v‡K| †m›U gvwU©‡bi g~j †mŠ›`h© cvwbi wb‡P, Ic‡ii As‡k bq| ZvB GB Øx‡c cÖevj I iw½b gv‡Qi wbivc`



Cover story





Image: Salman Saeed



Travel facts

I was feeling. It was even more exciting as this was my first photographic expedition under the sea with colourful corals.

Imposing threat

While snorkeling around with the fishes did give me the adrenalin rush, I was a little disappointed to see the unplanned developments that are destroying the natural beauty of St. Martin. Coral reefs are particularly susceptible to human activities because most of them occur in shallow waters that are near shores where human impacts are the greatest. The real beauty of St. Martin lies underwater, not above it. So it is our duty to keep this island safe with its coral and colourful fishes. I hope that next time when tourists and backpackers visit this pristine island, they will try not to litter this heavenly place while exploring the mysterious parts of this island.

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You can go to the St. Martin Island from Dhaka, Chittagong, or Cox’s Bazar.

emevm eRvq ivLv Avgv‡`i KZ©e¨| cieZ©x åg‡Yi mgq Avgv‡`i AviI mZK© n‡Z n‡e| Avkv Kwi, c‡i hLb ch©UK ev Ab¨iv ØxcwU ågY Ki‡eb Zviv GB ¯^M©xq ¯’vbwU‡K AveR©bvi cvÎ evbv‡bvi †Póv Ki‡eb bv Ges Zviv GB Øx‡ci Abvwe®‹…Z inm¨gq Ask¸‡jv †`Lvi e¨vcv‡i m‡Pó n‡eb|

Buses go to Teknaf from Saydabad and Fakirapul bus station. There are many bus services to Teknaf. Ships, sea trucks and shallow engine boats go to the St. Martin and Teknaf everyday. Sea trucks are the safest and most comfortable.



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Cover story






Flavours of Poush


There is a zest of solvency and festival in every place from the beginning of the Bengali month Poush. And it gets bigger on Poush Sankranti By: Sumon Majumder


Drm‡e ivOv‡bv

†cŠl msµvwš—

†cŠ‡li ïi“ †_‡KB cÖwZwU MÖvgxY Rbc‡` _v‡K ¯^”QjZv Avi Drm‡ei Av‡gR, Avi GwU P~ovš— iƒc cvq †cŠl msµvwš—‡Z

Jan - feb 2015


is slight fog everywhere. The sun has just peeped removing the opaque layer. The grass on the courtyard is wet. Sound of fog water pouring from the tin shed is hitting the roof. ‘Payesh’ (sweet dish) is prepared using new molasses by the women in the house. This is a general picture of every Bengali family in the morning of Poush (ninth month of the Bengali calendar). It’s not only about food, this also marks the beginning of festivals, which gets bigger on Poush Sankranti. Also called Makar Sankranti, Auni-Bauni, Pushura etc in some parts of Bangladesh Poush Sankranti is a harvest festival that marks the transition of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn on its celestial path. After a whole year of hard work, fields are filled with crops this time of the year. And there is a zest of solvency and festival in every village. And it gets bigger on Poush Sankranti.

Varied arrangements

This day is celebrated in various ways across Bangladesh. Some enjoy the day with pujas like Bastupuja, Grihopuja etc. They make various forms of pithas and devote them to God.


nvjKv Kyqvkv| A¯úóZvi Pv`i mwi‡q m‡e DuwK w`‡q‡Q m~h©| wkwk‡i wf‡R Av‡Q D‡Vv‡bi Nvm| wU‡bi Pvjv †e‡q Uyc Uvc k‡ã Si‡Q Kyqvkvi Rj| N‡ii cv‡k Dby‡b dyU‡Q bZyb ¸‡oi cv‡qm| ‡cŠ‡li mKv‡j evsjvi cÖwZwU cwiev‡ii wPÎ _v‡K Ggb| GB †cŠ‡l ïay wc‡V-cywjB bq, Drm‡ei Av‡gR wb‡q Av‡m gvmwU| Av‡m Drm‡ei †cŠl msµvwšÍ|

49 Land of festivals

evsjv‡`‡ki †KvbI †KvbI A‡j †cŠl msµvwš—‡K gKi msµvwš—, AvDwb-evDwb, cyïivmn bvbv bv‡g WvKv nq| ÔgKi msµvwš—Õ kãwU w`‡q m~‡h©i gKi ivwk‡Z cÖ‡ek‡K †evSv‡bv n‡q _v‡K|

Poush Sankranti marks the transition of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn mviv eQi nvofvOv LvUywbi ci †ng‡š—i †k‡l evOvwji †Mvjv f‡i I‡V k‡m¨| mevi Kv‡Q _v‡K DØ…Ë avb| †cŠ‡li ïi“ †_‡KB cÖwZwU MÖvgxY Rbc‡` _v‡K ¯^”QjZv Avi Drm‡ei Av‡gR| Avi GwU P~ovš— iƒc cvq †cŠl msµvwš—‡Z|

Av‡qvR‡bi †bB KgwZ

evsjv‡`‡k Gw`b AÂj‡f‡` wewfbœ c~RvI Kiv nq| GB w`b wewfbœ iK‡gi wcVv ˆZwi K‡i †`eZvi D‡Ï‡k¨ wb‡e`b K‡ib| G mgqKvi D‡jøL‡hvM¨ c~Rvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q ev¯‘c y R ~ v, M…nc~Rv BZ¨vw`|

Eid-ul-Fitr: On this day, people wear new dress and prepare special dishes. It is observed after the end of the month of Ramadan. Baisakhi Mela: The most colourful Bengali New Year’s Day takes place in Dhaka. Baisabi Festival: Baisabi is the main social festival of the indigenous people living in the hill districts.


In Parin village of Manikganj, many Hindus of Bangladesh perform Shiva puja to mark this day. A tall statue of Hindu God Shiva is made and rituals and songs are performed around it. In many areas, Muslims too arrange religious functions. There is a small fair too and clown drama is held at the courtyard at night. A special jatra (procession) is also held in areas of Tangail, Gazipur and Modhupur where the artists wear funny colours on their face and point out unfairness of the society through funny acts. In Baburghon village of Gomostapur upazilla of Chapainababganj, people visit each other’s house wearing new dress on this day regardless of any religion or caste and have pithas. In Binirail village of Kaliganj upazilla of Gazipur district, there is a traditional fish fair. It is traditionally called ‘Jamai Mela’ where newly wedded son-in-laws buy fish as a gift for their in-law’s house. People residing in the hills are also not bereft of the festivity on this day. Eating pitha puli all day, the young Chakma ladies sing song at the evening beside the fire — “Hele mileb jhumot jay de, jade jade pottun pichha firi rini chay, shoshsho fulun deghine bukko tar juray” (The hill girl goes to jhum, while going in the path looks back again and again, her heart finds satisfaction seeing reap crops.)

Day of kites

One of the old, famous and important annual events of Bangladesh, Shakrain Festival is also

Jan - feb 2015

A procession is held in areas of Tangail, Gazipur and Modhupur where artists point out the unfairness of the society

XvKvi DcK‡É gvwbKM‡Äi cvwib MÖv‡g †cŠl msµvwš—‡Z wn›`yiv cvjb K‡i wke c~Rv| eo gv‡Vi g‡a¨ wk‡ei GKwU j¤^v cÖwZK…wZ evwb‡q Zvi Pvicv‡k P‡j AP©bv I Mvb-evRbv| A‡bK A‡j gymjgvbiv Gw`b Av‡qvRb K‡i ag©xq Abyôv‡bi| mv‡_ _v‡K ‡QvULv‡Uv GKwU ‡gjvi Av‡qvRb| ‡Kv_vI ‡Kv_vI †cŠl msµvwš—‡Z iv‡Zi ‡ejv DVv‡b e‡m mO hvÎv| we‡kl K‡i Uv½vBj, MvRxcyi, gaycyi A‡j †cŠl msµvwš—i Gmgq GB hvÎv n‡q _v‡K| hvÎvi Kykxjeiv gy‡L wewPÎ iO †g‡L nvm¨i‡mi gva¨‡g Zy‡j a‡ib mgv‡Ri bvbv Am½wZ|

PvucvBbeveM‡Äi †Mvg¯—vcyi Dc‡Rjvi eveyi‡Nvb MÖv‡g †cŠl msµvwš—‡Z †Pv‡L co‡e Ab¨iKg GK Drme| Gw`b †mLv‡b mKvj †_‡KB ag©-eY© wbwe©‡k‡l mevB bZyb Rvgv c‡i evwo evwo Ny‡i ‡eovq Avi wcVv msMÖn K‡i| MvRxcyi ‡Rjvi KvjxMÄ Dc‡Rjvi wewbivBj MÖv‡g †cŠl msµvwš—‡Z e‡m HwZn¨evnx gv‡Qi †gjv ev ÔRvgvB †gjvÕ| Gw`b wewfbœ RvqMv †_‡K †R‡jiv eo eo gvQ wb‡q nvwRi nq| bZyb RvgvBiv G‡m k¦ïievwoi Rb¨ gvQ ‡K‡b e‡jB †jv‡K G‡K RvgvB †gjv e‡j Wv‡K| †cŠl msµvwš— †h ïay mgZ‡ji gvbyl‡`i ivwO‡q w`‡q hvq Zv bq| w`bwUi †`vjv jv‡M cvnvwo Rxe‡bI| Gw`b Drm‡ei Av‡gR Qyu‡q hvq Avw`evmx m¤cÖ`vq¸‡jvi g‡a¨| mviv w`b wcVv-cywj †L‡q mܨvq Av¸‡bi cv‡k cv‡k Mvb Mvq PvKgv Zi“YxivÔ†n‡j wg‡je RygZ hvq †`, hv‡` hv‡` cËyb wcQ¨v wdwi wiwb Pvq, km¨ dyjyb †`wN‡b ey‡°v Zvi RyovqÕ (cvnvwo †g‡qwU Ry‡g hvq †i, †h‡Z †h‡Z c‡_ c‡_ †cQb wd‡i Pvq, cvKv km¨ †`‡L Zvi eyK Ryovq)|

held on this auspicious day. A symbol of unity and friendship, Shakrain Festival is important especially for flying lots of colourful kites. This kite festival is being been held in Dhaka for almost 400 years now. It is said that Nawab Najim Muhammad Khan introduced this kite festival in 1740. This day, Najirabajar, Dolaikhal, South Mosundi, Dayaganj, Juginagar, Dhupkhola, Kagjitola, Murgitola, Genombaria, Mirhazaribag, Postogola, see a lot of activity in the sky as colourful kites are seen everywhere. Dhaka city also joins the festivities. In recent times, the Charukola campus of the Dhaka University rejoices the day with pitha, puli, fair and songs ushering in Poush Sankranti.

Festival of pithas

When it comes to food, Poush Sankranti is known for pithas. A special sweet, pithas are exquisite and delicious. Mug pakhon, jhinuk pitha, dudh-chitoi, khir-pitha of date juice, pitha of tiler khil, payesh of date molasses, patishapta, puli, fuljhuri, vapa pitha, shemai pitha, chitoi, jali pitha — are few of them! The day also sees a lot of fairs, horse racing games, bull and cock fight etc. Summing it all, Bengalis give farewell to the Poush, which comes with the news of winter, with festivity. Even Rabindranath Tagore tried to draw a picture of a rural setting in the month of Poush in one of his poems: ÔShiter dine namlo badol, boshlo tobu mela. Bikelbelay vhir jomechhe, vanglo shokalbela.Õ

A symbol of unity and friendship, Shakrain Festival sees a lot of colourful kites 51

Nywo‡Z †cŠl

GB w`bwU‡ZB cyivb XvKvq mvo¤^‡i cvwjZ nq Nywo Dov‡bvi Drme ÔmvKivBbÕ| XvKvq G Drme n‡”Q cÖvq 400 eQi a‡i| Kw_Z Av‡Q, 1740 mv‡j beve bvwRg gn¤§` Lvu GB Nywo Drm‡ei m~Pbv K‡ib| bvwRivevRvi, †`vjvBLvj, `w¶Y gmywÛ, `qvMÄ, hyMxbMi, ayc‡Lvjv, KvMRx‡Uvjv, gyiMx‡Uvjv, †Mbgevwiqv, gxinvRvwievM, ‡cv¯—‡Mvjvmn bvbv GjvKvi AvKvk Gw`b iwOb n‡q I‡V iKgvwi Nywo‡Z| Drm‡e ev` c‡o bv XvKvI| B`vbxs †cŠl msµvwš— G‡jB wcVv, cywj, ‡gjv I Mvb-ev‡`¨ gyLi n‡q I‡V XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Pvi“Kjv cÖv½Y|

wcVvcywji Drme

†cŠl msµvwš—‡Z N‡i N‡i wewfbœ c‡`i wcVv evbv‡bv nq| †hgb AvKl©Yxq, ‡L‡ZI my¯^v`y| gyM cvLb, wSbyK wcVv, `ya-wPZB, ‡LRyi i‡mi ¶xi-wcVv, wZ‡ji wL‡ji wcVv, †LRyi ¸‡oi cv‡qm, cvwUmvcUv, cywj, dyjSywo, fvcv wcVv, †mgvB wcVv, wPZB, Rvwj wcVvmn Av‡iv KZ evnvwi bvg| Gw`b ïay wcVv-cywj bq eis MÖv‡g MÖv‡g e‡m †gjv, †Nvo‡`Šo cÖwZ‡hvwMZv, ms hvÎv, luvo, †gviM jovB BZ¨vw`| mewgwj‡q cÖK…wZ‡Z kx‡Zi evZ©v wb‡q Avmv †cŠl‡K evOvwj we`vq †`q Drme K‡iB| iex›`«bv_ VvKyi evOvwji GB †cŠ‡li wPÎ Gu‡K †M‡Qb Zvi KweZv‡ZI| Òkx‡Zi w`‡b bvgj ev`j, emj Zey †gjv| we‡Kj‡ejvq wfo R‡g‡Q, fvOj mKvj‡ejv|Ó


Cover story







Sweet crush

Poush Sankranti marks the end of Bengali month Poush and the day is savoured with various ‘pitha’ delicacies By: Rownak Jahan

wgóv‡bœi dzjSzwo evsjv cwÄKvq †cŠl gv‡mi cwimgvwßi †NvlYv †`q †cŠl msµvwšÍ| Avi w`bwU D`hvwcZ nq bvbv ¯^v‡`i wcVvi gva¨‡g

jan - feb 2015


festival of Makar Sankranti, a major harvest festival, is celebrated each year on January 14. It is also called Poush Parbon, but as it marks the end of Bengali month of Poush, the day is often rendered Poush Sankranti in West Bengal. This day is considered one of the auspicious times of the year and Bengalis make all sweet delicacies with rice and palm jaggery. Our mothers and grandmothers spend all day making some special homemade sweets, which we call ‘pitha’.

Pitha is typically made of rice flour, coconut and date jaggery (khejurer gur). Most pithas are sweet and a few are savoury or spicy. The different ways of making pitha and freshness of ingredients give it a unique taste. Depending on the type of pitha being prepared, it can be deep fried, pan fried, roasted, steamed or baked and rolled over a hot plate. Most common delicacies are patishapta pitha, puli pitha, doodh puli etc.

Different names

Poush Sankranti is known by various names and a variety of traditions are followed. In West Bengal, thousands of pilgrims from different parts of the country gather at Ganga Sagar, the point where river Ganga meets the Bay of Bengal, to take a dip early in the morning. It is believed that the dip would wash away all the earthly sins.

Significance in Bangladesh

Pitha is a part of life and culture of the Bengali and Bangladeshi people. However, it is not part of their daily menu. Most pithas are occasional or seasonal and they are consumed as a snack, appetiser and even as a dessert.


msµvwšÍi DrmeUv n‡jv evOvjxi GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© dmj †Zvjvi Drme| cÖwZ eQi Rvbyqvwii 14 Zvwi‡L G Drme D`hvwcZ nq| G‡K †cŠl cve©YI ejv nq, Z‡e †h‡nZz GwU †cŠl gv‡mi mgvwß Bw½Z K‡i ZvB cwðge‡½ G‡K †cŠl msµvwšÍ ejv nq| GB w`bwU eQ‡ii Avi mKj w`‡bi g‡Zv bq, Gi Zvrch©B Avjv`v| G w`‡b evOvjxi N‡i N‡i †j‡M hvq wgóvbœ ˆZwii ayg| †h Lvev‡ii Ab¨Zg DcKiY n‡jv Pvj Avi †LRy‡ii ¸o| Avgv‡`i gv I `vw`-bvwbiv w`bfi e¨¯Í _v‡Kb GKwU we‡kl wgóvbœ ˆZwi‡Z, Avgiv hv‡K ewj wcVv| wcVv mvaviYZ Pv‡ji ¸‡ov, bvi‡Kj I †LRy‡oi ¸o w`‡qB ˆZwi Kiv nq| †ewkifvM wcVvB wgwó nq Z‡e wKQz wKQz Avevi gmjv`vi wKsev Svj nq| wcVv evbv‡bvi n‡iK Kvq`v I Gi DcKiY¸‡jvi KZUv ZiZvRv, ZviIciI wbf©i K‡i ˆZwi nq we‡kl ¯^v‡`i wcVv| wcVv ˆZwi‡ZI Av‡Q bvbv iKg c×wZ- GUv n‡Z cv‡i Wz‡ev †Z‡j fvRv, c¨v‡b fvRv, †iv÷ Kiv, fv‡c evbv‡bv wKsev †eK Kiv Ges GKwU Mig cv‡Î bvovPvov K‡i ˆZwi| me‡P‡q RbwcÖq K‡qKwU wcVv n‡jvcvwUmvcUv wcVv, cywj wcVv, `ya cywj BZ¨vw`|

KZ kZ bvg

‡cŠl msµvwšÍ bvbvb bv‡g cwiwPZ Ges Gi D`hvc‡b i‡q‡Q n‡iK HwZ‡n¨i †Quvqv| cwðge‡½, †`‡ki wewfbœ cÖvšÍ †_‡K c~Rvix I c~Y¨v_©xiv G‡m R‡ov nq M½vmvM‡i, †hLvbUvq M½v G‡m mvM‡i wgwjZ n‡q‡Q -- bvg hvi e‡½vcmvMi| c~Y¨v_©xiv GLv‡b †fvi‡ejvq G‡m Wze †`q| Zv‡`i wek¦vm, G‡Z K‡i Zv‡`i RvMwZK mg¯Í cvc ay‡qgy‡Q hvq|

relished in varied ways

All you wanted to know

Bangladesh Special food While some pithas can be made any time of the year in Bangladesh, there are special pithas strongly associated with Poush Sankranti.


evsjv‡`‡k wcVvi Zvrch©

evOvjx I evsjv‡`‡ki gvby‡li Kv‡Q Rxeb I ms¯‹…wZi GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask GB wcVv| Z_vwc, cÖwZw`bKvi Lvev‡ii

Pitha is typically made of rice flour, coconut and date jaggery (khejurer gur)

Orissa Daily delicacy Pithas are special delicacies in Oriya home. On festivals sweet pithas form a part of the celebrations. They are also served in normal days.

Assam Unique ingredient In Assam, pitha is made only on occasions like Bihu. Assamese pithas are often made from bora saul, a special kind of glutinous rice.


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ZvwjKvq wKš‘ GUv †`Lv hvq bv| †ewkifvM wcVvB n‡jv Dcjÿ I †gŠmyg wfwËK Ges G¸‡jv nvjKv bv¯Ív, A¨v‡cUvBRvi wKsev †WRvU© wn‡m‡eB LvIqv nq|


Images: Mohammad Asad

cÖ_vMZfv‡e evsjv‡`‡k wcVv evbv‡bv I cwi‡ekb Kiv nq we‡kl we‡kl Dcj‡ÿ, †hgb -- ei wKsev ea~eiY, AwZw_ Avc¨vqb Ges cwiev‡ii m`m¨, eÜzevÜe wKsev AvZ¥xq‡`i wb‡q we‡kl cybwg©jbx Abyôv‡b| Z‡e wKQz wcVv Av‡Q †h¸‡jv †ek k³fv‡eB Rwo‡q Av‡Q dmj †Zvjvi Drme bevbœ (bZzb avb wKsev km¨) Ges Ô‡cŠl msµvwšÍÕi m‡½| GgbwK GLvbKvi G‡KK †Rjvq G‡KK ai‡bi wcVv evbv‡Z †`Lv hvq| AÂj‡f‡` wcVvi bv‡gI Av‡Q wfbœZv, Av‡Q wfbœ ai‡bi cwi‡ekb ixwZI| mycwiwPZ K‡qKwU wcVvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q, cvKb wcVv, fvcv wcVv, mv‡Ri wcVv BZ¨vw`|

Traditionally in Bangladesh pithas are prepared and served on special occasions, such as receiving bridegrooms or brides, entertaining guests and arranging special get together of family members, relatives or friends. However, there are some pithas that are strongly associated with the harvest festivals like Nabanna (new rice or new crop) and ‘Poush Sankranti’. Each district here has its own kind of pitha, with a different name and way to serve them. Some of the most familiar pithas include pakon pitha, bhapa pitha, shajer pitha etc.

jan - feb 2015

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f inger tip

Google comes up with 360-degree Street View allowing people explore and navigate a neighbourhood through panoramic images By: Ab h is h ek Ch a k ra b or ty


jan - feb 2015

Avcbvi AvOy‡ji WMvq ¸Mj wb‡q G‡m‡Q 360 wWwMÖi w÷ªU wfD| hvi gva¨‡g gvbyl PvB‡jB Zvi cv‡ki GKwU GjvKv P‡l †eov‡Z cvi‡e c¨vbv‡ivwgK Qwei gva¨‡g





You suddenly decide to visit the rest of the complex some other day and check out Angkor Wat instead. In a matter of a few seconds, you are transported to the ancient Buddhist archaeological monument complex in Cambodia and find yourself looking at the intricate carvings on the largest religious monument in the world.

ûU K‡iB Avevi e`‡j †dj‡jb gZ| fve‡jb, febwUi evwKUv Av‡iK w`b †`Lv hv‡e| Zvi‡P‡q fve‡jb A¨vsKi Iqv‡U †PvL eyjv‡bv hvK LvwbKÿY| K‡qK †m‡K‡Ûi e¨eav‡bB Avcwb †mvRv P‡j †M‡jb K¨v‡¤^vwWqvi †mB mycÖvPxb †eŠ× cÖZœZvwË¡K ¯§„wZ¯Í‡¤¢ Ges wb‡R‡K Avwe®‹vi Ki‡jb we‡k¦i me‡P‡q eo ag©xq ¯Í‡¤¢i myPviæ KviæKv‡Ri w`‡K we¯§‡q ZvwK‡q _vK‡Z|

Sounds far-fetched? Not quite, at least not in the virtual world. This is possible now as Google has come up with Street View that allows people to virtually explore and navigate a neighbourhood through 360-degree panoramic images.

ïb‡Z †ek Amva¨ g‡b n‡”Q wK? Av`‡Z Zv bq| AšÍZ fvPz©qvj `ywbqv †Zv GUv wKQz‡ZB Am¤¢e bq| Avi GUv m¤¢e n‡q‡Q †Kbbv ¸Mj wb‡q G‡m‡Q w÷ªU wfD - hvi gva¨‡g †h †KD PvB‡j GKwU AÂj Ny‡i wd‡i †`L‡Z cvi‡e 360 wWwMÖ c¨vbv‡ivwgK Qwei gva¨‡g|

this. You are a travel enthusiast from Bangladesh and are planning to visit historic locations worldwide. Sitting at home in front of your laptop or smartphone, you want to know different aspects of the Taj Mahal and also have a 360-degree panoramic view of the monument before actually visiting it.

jan - feb 2015

Kiæb| Avcwb evsjv‡`‡ki GKRb ågYwccvmy Ges wVK K‡i‡Qb we‡k¦i HwZnvwmK RvqMv¸‡jv‡Z Xzu gvi‡eb| N‡i e‡m j¨vcU‡ci mvg‡bi A_ev ¯§vU©‡dvb nv‡Z wb‡q Avcwb Rvb‡Z PvB‡jb ZvRgn‡ji †Kvb †KvYvq Kx Av‡Q Ges ev¯Í‡e mgvwaUv †`L‡Z hvIqvi Av‡MB GKevi Ny‡i wd‡i †`‡L wb‡Z PvB‡jb Gi 360 wWwMÖ c¨vbv‡ivwgK `„k¨|

Trekker, the Street View camera system, is specially designed to capture imagery in remote sites or places only accessible by foot After bringing iconic global landmarks like France’s Eiffel Tower, America’s Grand Canyon, Japan’s Mount Fuji and one of the oldest heritage monuments in the world — Angkor Wat temple, in Cambodia, among others, alive on the internet through its visual ‘walkthroughs’, the latest addition to the imagery is the famous Giza Pyramids of Egypt. Once completed, users of Google Maps will able to get a complete view of the Pyramids of Giza, and five other landmarks in Egypt, namely necropolis of Saqqara, the Citadel of Qaitbay, the Cairo Citadel, the Hanging Church and the ancient city of Abu Mena.

How it is done

How the project is done, in itself, is an interesting exercise. Trekker, the Street View camera system (a wearable backpack with a camera system on top), photographs the sites and captures 360-degree imagery of these monuments. Trekker is specially designed to capture imagery in remote sites or places only accessible by foot. It has already travelled to the Grand Canyon, Mount Fuji, the Galapagos Islands and even the historic pedestrian paths of Venice to make the world’s diverse heritage and beauty accessible to everyone. Trekker will automatically gather images as it goes. There are 15 lenses at the top of the Trekker mast, each pointed in a different direction, enabling it to capture a 360-degree view. When the imagery goes live, one can simply search for one of the

d«v‡Ýi AvB‡dj UvIqvi, Av‡gwiKvi MÖ¨vÛ K¨vwbqb, Rvcv‡bi gvD›U dzwR I we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg cÖvPxb fv¯‹h© -- K¨v‡¤^vwWqvi A¨vsKi IqvU gw›`‡ii g‡Zv we‡k¦i bRiKvov AviI A‡bK ¯’vcZ¨Kjv‡K B›Uvi‡b‡Ui †fZi RxešÍ K‡i †Zvjv n‡q‡Q| Avi `„k¨gvb Ôc`PviYvÕq Gme GLb †ek RxešÍ| GB Qwei ZvwjKvq m¤úªwZ †hvM n‡q‡Q wgm‡ii RbwcÖq wMRv wcivwgW| KvRUv †kl nIqvi ci, ¸Mj g¨v‡ci e¨enviKvixiv wMRvi wcivwgW¸‡jvi c~Y©v½ wPÎ †`L‡Z cv‡e| Gi m‡½ _vK‡Q wgm‡ii AviI cuvPwU HwZnvwmK wb`k©b| hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Qmv°vivi †b‡µvcwjm, Kv‡qZ‡eÕi wmUv‡Wj, Kvq‡iv wmUv‡Wj, ayjšÍ wMR©v I Avey †gbvi cÖvPxb kni|


†hfv‡e m¤¢e n‡”Q

GB cÖ‡R‡± †hfv‡e KvR n‡”Q, †mB cÖwµqvUvI wKš‘ †ek gRvi| G‡Z Qwe †Zvjvi KvRwU mv‡i †UªKvi bv‡gi GKwU w÷ªU wfD K¨v‡giv wm‡÷g (GwU g~jZ GKwU cwiavb‡hvM¨ e¨vKc¨vK| hvi Dc‡i GKwU K¨v‡giv wm‡÷g _v‡K)| GwU Pvicv‡ki GjvKv I Qwo‡q _vKv ¯’vcZ¨¸‡jvi GKm‡½ 360 wWwMÖ wfD‡Z Qwe †Zv‡j| GB †UªKvi Ggbfv‡e bKkv Kiv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z GUv w`‡q Ggb me `yM©g A‡ji Qwe †Zvjv hvq †hLv‡b †Kej cv‡q †nu‡UB hvIqv m¤¢e| Avi GB K¨v‡giv GiBg‡a¨ ågY K‡i‡Q MÖ¨vÛ K¨vwbqb, gvD›U dzwR, M¨vjvcv‡Mvm ØxccyÄ GgbwK †fwb‡mi HwZn¨evnx cv‡q nuvUvi c_UvI| Avi G‡Z K‡iB we‡k¦i Qwo‡q _vKv HwZn¨ I †mŠ›`h©‡K GwU mevi mvg‡b Zz‡j ai‡Z †c‡i‡Q| c‡_ †h‡Z †h‡Z ¯^qswµqfv‡eB Qwe msMÖn Ki‡e GB †UªKvi| †UªKv‡ii Ic‡i emv‡bv gv¯‘‡j jvMv‡bv _v‡K 15wU †jÝ| cÖwZwU wfbœ wfbœ w`‡K ZvK Kiv _v‡K| hv‡Z K‡i 360 wWwMÖ wfD cvIqv m¤¢e nq| GB Qwe¸‡jv hLb jvB‡f hvq, ZLb †h †KD IB `„wób›`b mvBUwU mvP© Ki‡Z cv‡i| I‡Z Ryg Kiv gvÎB IB mvBUwUi Gw`K Iw`K †b‡o‡P‡o †`Lv m¤¢e nq Ges wewfbœ †KvY †_‡K IB mvBUwUi Qwe †`Lv hvq|


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people LEISURE

At your doorsteps

It’s easy and very helpful

iconic sites. And once zoomed in, one will be able to pan around and check the imagery from various angles. Over 90,000 images of Angkor were captured by Google using its Street View cars, which drove around the area and Street View Trekkers, who hiked around the temple complexes with the cameras mounted on their back. According to Google, this is one of their largest digital renderings of a world heritage site and the project was completed in a little over two months’ time since it began.

The Journey Car Street View Cars When you have an address but the place is completely new to you, Google Street View can help you to easily find your desired destination.


Camera Look for landmarks In addition to getting a clear view at the exact location of your desired destination, you can also look for landmarks to help you get there.

View Book hotel If you are planning for a vacation, Google Street View can let you actually see the restaurants or hotel, so that you can check its location.

jan - feb 2015

Launched in 2007, Street View is a part of Google Maps Street View, which so far included over 3,000 cities and over 50 countries across the world. A similar initiative has also been launched in Bangladesh earlier in 2013. Once completed, Google Maps would start showing streets, attractions and major establishments of Dhaka and Chittagong cities in 360-degree street-level imageries.

Over 90,000 images of Angkor were captured using Street View cars

¸Mj Zvi w÷ªU wfD Kvi e¨envi K‡i A¨vsK‡ii G ch©šÍ 90 nvRv‡iiI †ewk Qwe Zz‡j‡Q| KviwU IB GjvKvq Ny‡i †ewo‡q‡Q Ges †cQ‡b K¨v‡giv †eu‡a gw›`‡ii wewfbœ fe‡b Xz‡K Qwe Zz‡j‡Q w÷ªU wfD †UªKvim| ¸M‡ji g‡Z, GUvB Zv‡`i G ch©šÍ Kiv †Kv‡bv HwZnvwmK mvB‡Ui me‡P‡q eo wWwRUvj †iÛvwis Ges KvRUv ïiæi Kivi `yB gv‡mi wKQz mgq †ewk wb‡q †h cÖKíUv †kl n‡q‡Q|

hvÎv ïiæ

GwU Pvjy n‡qwQj 2007 mv‡j| ¸Mj g¨v‡ci GKwU Ask wn‡m‡eB Gi hvÎv ïiæ| G ch©šÍ mviv we‡k¦i 50wU †`‡ki 3 nvRv‡iiI †ewk kn‡ii Qwe AšÍf©y³ n‡q‡Q ¸Mj w÷ªU wfD‡Z| GKB ai‡bi GKwU D‡`¨vM evsjv‡`‡k †bIqv n‡qwQj 2013 mv‡j| hLb †kl n‡e, ZLb ¸Mj g¨v‡c †`Lv hv‡e XvKv I PÆMÖv‡gi kniZjxi cÖavb moK, AvKl©Yxq ¯’vb I g~j ¯’vcbv¸‡jvi 360 wWwMÖ moK‡K›`ªxK Qwe|

“The Development and Evolution of Bangladesh Knitwear “The Development and Evolution of Sector”

Bangladesh Knitwear Sector”

A. K. M Salim Osman, MP President, BKMEA

A.H Aslam Sunny 1st VP, BKMEA

G. M. Faruque VP (Finance), BKMEA

Masuduzzaman 3rd VP, BKMEA

Mansoor Ahmed 2nd VP, BKMEA

Monjurul Hoq Director, BKMEA

Al-Haj Habibur Rahman Director, BKMEA

Abu Ahmed Siddique Director, BKMEA

S.K Hayder Ali Director, BKMEA

Md. Homaun Kabir Khan Shilpi Director, BKMEA

Shyamal Kumar Saha Director, BKMEA

Md. Shamsuzzaman Director, BKMEA

M. Jamaluddin Director, BKMEA

Md. Mazibur Rahman Director, BKMEA

Mostafa Jamal Pasha Director, BKMEA

Alamgir Kabir Director, BKMEA

Md. Asadul Islam Director, BKMEA

Imran Hossain Director, BKMEA

Gauhar Siraj Jamil Director, BKMEA

MD. Abdul Hannan Director, BKMEA

M.I. Siddique Director, BKMEA

MD. Morsed Sarwar(shoel). Director, BKMEA

Fakir Kamruzzaman Nahid Director, BKMEA

Syed A Q M Zahid Director, BKMEA

Ahmed Arif Billah Director, BKMEA

Zubair Mondal Director, BKMEA

Sahid Uddin Ahmed Azad Director, BKMEA

Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BKMEA) was established in 1996 as a National Trade Body to represent solely the Knitwear Sector of Bangladesh. BKMEA’s Mission is to Promote and Enhance Knitwear Sector’s Competitiveness, Productivity and Profitability in The Global Market through Support Services to more than 1900 Members. BKMEA is run by 27 Board of Directors. Capacity Building of the Sector and Networking with all Stakeholders is another key commitment of BKMEA. BKMEA is contributing to Employment Generation, Involving Women in the Formal Sector, Increased Substantial Export Earnings, Women Empowerment, Reduction Child Labor, Gender Equality, Health & Nutrition, and Diminishing Child Marriage etc. through knitwear export to across the globe. Our motto is to stay afloat in the international competition & Markets with chic, elegant quality products. We invite buyers/importers of the world to visit our factories & gauge our standards. Major Activities of BKMEA  To promote & develop the Market for Knitwear Entrepreneurs

 To enhance the Capacity Building of the Sector  Research & Development

 Factory Based Consultancy Services focusing to improve the labour & Factor productivity.  Fabric Optimization & Cutting Technology  Policy Support & Capacity Development

 To raise Awareness on basic rights and business principles  To introduce international standards  Certificate & Diploma Courses Considering Sector Demand

BKMEA's Services to the Member Units  Social and Environmental Compliance  Productivity Improvement  Fire Fighting Technique

 Civil Engineering Assistance  One stop service point regarding UD/UP

The “Global Buyers’ Information Directory”, a unique book with the list of leading RMG importers of 160 countries of the world, is one of the efforts, which will present a new horizon of market diversification for the Knitwear sector of Bangladesh. The book contains the name & the address of about 25,000 buyers, the major economic indicators, the Tariff analysis of BD & its competitor, the competitive position of Bangladesh regarding price in those 160 countries and also the top 50 Knitwear importers of the world. Knit Exposition: “Introducing Bangladesh Knitwear to Japan and beyond” with this slogan, BKMEA organized the 6th Knit Exposition in Tokyo, Japan from January 25-27, 2012. As always, BKMEA is spreading out the elegance of our unique knitwear products across the world as part of its constant efforts to tap new destinations as well as to make strong footholds in the existing market bases.

Knitwear Export to World and Share of Knitwear in GDP of Bangladesh

Knitwear Export & share in GDP 14.00


% of share in GDP

10.00 8.00








10.00 8.00 8.07





6.00 4.00




0.00 2009-10


2011-12 Fiscal Year


Export in Billion USD



2013-14* Knit export

Source: Compiled from BBS & EPB

Future Projection of Bangladesh Knitwear Industry: Fact File Facts about Knitwear Sector Knitwear Export Growth of Knit (%) Share in Apparel Export (%) Share in National Export (%) Share in GDP (%) Employment Generation Female Empowerment (%) Enhancement of Women Savings (%) Poverty Reduction (%) Banking & Insurance Shipping & Logistics Industry

FY 2014-2015 $13.25 Billion (Targeted) 15.6 49.75 39.93 6.9 1.6 Million 45 8.8 6.4 BDT 176 Billion $79 Million

Vision – 2021 $21.08 Billion

Vision – 2050 $32.62 Billion

20.9 52.3 41.7 7.2 2.8 Million 52 13.69 7.5 BDT 187 Bil

32.1 69.4 53.2 12.12 4.9 Million 67 29.2 9.1 BDT 201 Billion

$84 Million

$ 91 Million

Forward & Backward Linkage Industry BDT 212 Million BDT 221 Mil BDT 254 Mil Engineering Sector $10.1 Million $ 14.1 Million $ 19.4 Million ** Econometric forecasting methods: Autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs (ARMAX), Forecast skill (SS) and Regression analysis


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people LEISURE

Yoga beyond boundaries To take the bore out of yoga, health institutes, individuals and travel companies are taking yoga to various places By: Amit Ranj a n Pau l

bvbv RvqMvq

hv‡”Q B‡qvMv

B‡qvMv wb‡q GK‡N‡qgx aviYvUv‡K `~i Ki‡Z ¯^v¯’¨ BÝw÷wUDU, e¨w³eM© I ågY †Kv¤úvwb¸‡jv B‡qvMv‡K wb‡q hv‡”Q bvbvb RvqMvq


jan - feb 2015



Snow yoga: The world’s first yoga piste is located on the Paradiso piste on Corviglia, overlooking St Moritz in Switzerland. What's unique about this place is beautiful surroundings and spectacular mountains. There are four fixed points on the mountainside where yoga on snow can be practiced either independently or under professional guidance. The area is also known for its skiing, so the participants can experience skiing in a more intensive manner by combining yoga. Check out ‘Yoga on Snow’ on the Piste Paradiso. It is run by the Suvretta Snow sports school and led by an experienced yoga snow sport instructor.

Zzlvi B‡qvMv: we‡k¦i cÖ_g B‡qvMv wc÷wU cvIqv hv‡e myBRvij¨v‡Ûi KiwfMwjqvi c¨vivwW‡mv wc‡÷ (wc÷ n‡jv Nb Zzlv‡ii Ici w¯‹ Kivi ¯’vb)| GLvb †_‡KB †`Lv hv‡e †m›U gwirR| GLvbKvi PgrKvi cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h© I ce©Zgvjvi bv›`wbK `„k¨cU G‡b †`‡e GK Abb¨ AwfÁZv| GLv‡b Zzlv‡i B‡qvMv Ki‡Z cvnvo †Nu‡m PviwU wbw`©ó mvBU i‡q‡Q| GLv‡b PvB‡j ¯^vaxbfv‡e ev GKRb †ckv`v‡ii wb‡`©kbv Abyhvqx Zzlvi-B‡qvMv PP©v Kiv hv‡e| GB RvqMvUv w¯‹ Kivi Rb¨ mycwiwPZ| Avi ZvB g~j D‡Ïk¨Uv n‡jv, GLvbKvi B‡qvMvq Ask wb‡Z Avmv e¨w³iv hv‡Z w¯‹ †LjvUvi m‡½ B‡qvMv‡K wgwk‡q cy‡iv welqUv AviI HKvwšÍKfv‡e Dcjwä Ki‡Z cv‡i| wc‡÷ c¨vivwW‡mv‡Z ÔB‡qvM Ab †¯œvÕ K‡iB †`Lyb| myeªZ †¯œv †¯úvU©m ¯‹zj Gi cwiPvjbv Ki‡Q Ges GKRb AwfÁ Zzlvi B‡qvMv †¯úvU©m wekvi‡`i wb‡`©kbv‡ZB me cwiPvwjZ nq|

is not a religion; it is a way of living whose aim is ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’. However, even the most hardened yoga practitioner can fall into the trap of a boring routine. To make this practice exciting, health institutes, individuals and travel companies are taking yoga to various places, some pretty strange. Here’s a look at where you could be doing your next Surya Namaskar.

Yoga in the rockies: If you want a totally different experience, go to Canada, near Banff. To reach this place, you will be transported by a helicopter to a level area

†mB A‡_© †KvbI ag© bq| GUv n‡jv †KvbI e¨w³i Rb¨ Rxeb hvc‡bi Ggb GKwU cš’v, hvi jÿ¨B n‡jv ÔGKwU my¯’ kix‡i my¯’ gbÕ _vK‡e| Z_vwc, g‡b cÖv‡Y B‡qvMv PP©vKvix †KvbI e¨w³I †`Lv hv‡e B‡qvMvi GKwU GK‡N‡q iæwU‡bi duv‡` c‡o †M‡Q| Avi ZvB GB PP©vUv‡K gRvi K‡i †Zvjvi Rb¨ ¯^v¯’¨ BÝw÷wUDU, e¨w³eM© I ågY †Kv¤úvwb¸‡jv B‡qvMv‡K bvbvb RvqMvq wb‡q hv‡”Q, Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q wKQz A™¢Z z RvqMvI| ‡Zv Avcwb Avcbvi cieZ©x Ôm~h© bg®‹viÕUv wVK †Kv_vq †Kv_vq Ki‡Z cv‡ib, Zvi wKQz bgybv w`w”Q Gevi|


cv̇i B‡qvMv: B‡qvMv PP©vi Av‡iKwU Abb¨ AwfÁZv †c‡Z n‡j †h‡Z n‡e KvbvWvq, evb‡di Kv‡Q| Avi

1 2 on a mountain, where an expert conducts a yoga class in totally pristine surroundings. The helicopter ride takes passengers over a 325-sq-km icefield and through one of the world’s most stunning mountain landscapes. After landing on the mountaintop, the guide-cum-yoga instructor leads an hour-long hatha yoga session on mats spread on the grass, after which you dine on a freshly prepared gourmet lunch.


GUv PP©v Kivi Rb¨ †nwjKÞv‡i K‡i Avcbv‡K wb‡q hvIqv n‡e GKwU ce©‡Zi mgZj P‚ovq, †hLvbUvq GKRb B‡qvMv G·cvU© Avcbvi K¬vm †b‡e GK A™¢zZ wbwiwewj cwi‡e‡k| †nwjKÞv‡i K‡i hvÎxiv 325 eM© wK‡jvwgUv‡ii AwZKvq GK ei‡di gvV I we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg bRiKvov GK ce©Zgvjv cvwo †`‡eb| ce©‡Zi P‚ovq AeZi‡Yi ci MvBW-Kg-B‡qvMv cÖwkÿK Avcbv‡`i wb‡q Nv‡mi Ici weQv‡bv gv`y‡i GKwU GK NÈve¨vcx nv_v B‡qvMvi †mk‡bi †bZ…Z¡ †`‡eb| Gi ciB Avcbvi Rb¨ A‡cÿv Ki‡e †fvRbwejvwmZvq ficyi ZiZvRv GK ga¨vý‡fvR|

Yoga hall in Greece: Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten’s yoga hall is situated deep in the Greek wMÖ‡mi B‡qvMv nj: wMÖ‡mi cjøx A‡ji Mnx‡b BdZvjy countryside in a quiet olive grove in the Eftalou Valley, DcZK¨vi GKwU wbwiwewj RjcvB Dce‡b Aew¯’Z A¨v‡½jv which is only five minutes from the beach. There are dvg©vi I wf±i f¨vb Kz‡U‡bi B‡qvMv nj| ˆmKZ †_‡K gvÎ three hours of asana each morning, apart from evening wgwbU cuv‡P‡Ki c_ GwU| GLv‡b cÖwZw`b †fv‡i wZb NÈvi meditation and pranayama on the upstairs terrace. Avmb, mvܨKvjxb †gwW‡Ukb Ges Qv‡`i PvZv‡j cÖvYvqvg However, the good part is that there are several Av‡qvRb Kiv nq| ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ BdZvjy GjvKvq Av‡Q reasonably priced hotels in the Eftalou area, which is †ek wKQz mnbxq Li‡Pi †nv‡Uj| GLvb n‡Z wKQzÿY nuvU‡jB at a short walk from the Yoga Hall. In addition, if you cv‡eb ÔB‡qvMv njÕ| Avcwb hw` cy‡iv †Kv‡m©i mgq Ry‡oB plan on spending the full course staying in a †nv‡Uj wKsev KviI e¨w³MZ evwo‡Z _vKvi wm×všÍ hotel or private home, you can even ask for a wb‡q _v‡Kb, Z‡e LiPUv AviI Kwg‡q Avbvi price reduction; sometimes you can bargain Voted among the Aby‡ivaUzKz Avcwb Ki‡ZB cv‡ib| Avevi best resorts in the world, a lower price if you agree to stay for the Avcwb dzj †Kv‡m© GLv‡b _vK‡Z ivwR n‡j `i yoga at Ananda in full course. KlvKwli my‡hvMUvI cv‡eb| the Himalayas is pure and traditional Yoga in the saddle: The Double T River Ranch †Nvovi wR‡b B‡qvMv: g›Uvbvi K¬vBW cv‡K© Aew¯’Z in Clyde Park, Montana, runs a regular retreat, `¨ Wvej wU wifvi i¨v‡Â GKwU wbqwgZ Av‡qvRb covering everything from pre-ride yoga in the saddle K‡i _v‡K| GLv‡b †Nvovq Povi Av‡M wR‡b e‡m B‡qvMv (focusing on yogic breathing and poses to practise while †_‡K ïiæ K‡i (‡Nvovi wc‡V Povi mgq bvbvb †cvR I B‡qvMvi riding) to yoga and meditation on riding trails, where you g‡Zv k¦vm-cÖkv¦ ‡mi Ici †Rvi †`Iqv nq) ivBwWs †UªB‡j B‡qvMv I are surrounded by fresh mountain air and endless open †gwW‡Ukb Kiv‡bv nq| GLv‡b Avcbv‡K wN‡i _vK‡e cvnvwo ZvRv space. A cowboy hat can even be tried on. evZvm I ay ay cÖvšÍi| m‡½ GKUv KvDeq n¨vU _vK‡j g›` nq bv| Ananda in the Himalayas: Voted among the best resorts in the world, Ananda is the ultimate yoga retreat. Yoga at Ananda is in its completely pure and traditional form, stemming from the roots of hatha yoga. Ananda has experienced yoga teachers who design specific yoga and meditation programme for individuals. It also teaches the techniques of the Bihar School of Yoga, also known as Satyananda Yoga, which is based on traditional yogic teachings in conjunction with modern physical and mental health sciences. All this is surrounded by nature at its most awe-inspiring and luxurious comfort.

jan - feb 2015

wngvj‡qi Avb›`: K‡qKevi we‡k¦i †miv wi‡mvU©¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †fv‡U †miv wbe©vwPZ n‡q‡Q GwU| Avb›` n‡jv B‡qvMv PP©vi GK P‚ovšÍ MšÍe¨| Avb›`-‡Z B‡qvMv PP©v nq cy‡ivcywi LuvwU I cÖ_vMZ ai‡b| nv_v B‡qvMvi †kKo †_‡KB M‡o D‡V‡Q Gi Wvjcvjv| Avb›`-‡Z Av‡Qb Ggb me AwfÁ B‡qvMv wkÿK, hviv wKbv e¨w³we‡k‡l we‡kl ai‡bi B‡qvMv I †gwW‡Ukb †cÖvMÖv‡gi wWRvBb K‡i _v‡Kb| wenvi ¯‹j z Ae B‡qvMvi welqvw`I †kLv‡bv nq Avb›`‡Z| cÖ_vMZ †hvwMK wkÿvi Ici wfwË K‡i ˆZwi nIqv mZ¨vb›` B‡qvMv bv‡gI hv cwiwPZ| Gi m‡½ Avevi AvaywbK kvixwiK I gvbwmK my¯Z ’ vi weÁvbI Rwo‡q Av‡Q| cy‡ivcywi cÖKw… Z †ewóZ GB RvqMvwU‡Z cvIqv hv‡e KíbvZxZ wejvwmZvgq ¯^w¯Í|

1 Yoga hall in Greece 2 Yoga in Canada

ifferent postures 3D of yoga 4 Yoga in Montana

ngela Farmer 5A and Victor van Kooten oga in Ananda, 6Y the Himalayas racticing yoga in 7P Greece's yoga hall


4 5 7 6



Cover story




people LEISURE

5 things we learnt from 5wU Z_¨ Avgiv Rvb‡Z †c‡iwQ

Sachin’s kPx‡bi autobiography

AvZ¥Rxebx ‡Z‡K

By: A b h is he k C ha k ra b o r t y


Playing It My Way Authors: Sachin Tendulkar, Boria Majumdar Publisher: Hachette India

†cø w qs BU gvB I‡q

†jLK: kPxb †UÛzjKvi, ewiqv gRyg`vi cK Ö vkK: n¨v‡kU BwÛqv

When Sachin Tendulkar first announced that he was writing an autobiography, the initial feeling was of euphoria. After all who would not like to read about the world’s most successful cricketer? Sachin Tendulkar is not merely a person or player: he has an icon by himself. Here are five things that we can learn about Sachin from the book Playing It My Way.

kPxb †UÛzjKvi hLb AvZ¥Rxebx wjL‡Qb e‡j †NvlYv w`‡jb, cÖv_wgK Abyf~wZUv wQj †ek Avb›`Nb| we‡k¦i me‡P‡q mdj wµ‡KUv‡ii Rxebx †K bv co‡Z PvB‡e? Z‡e kPxb †UÛyjKvi wKš‘ †Kej GKRb e¨w³ ev †L‡jvqvoB bb, wZwb wb‡RB GKwU ¯^Zš¿ AvBKb e‡U| GLv‡b Ggb cuvPwU welq Zz‡j aiv n‡jv, hv Avgiv kPx‡bi eB †cøwqs BU gvB I‡q †_‡K Rvb‡Z cvi‡ev|

Sachin loves Nasser Hussain The one captain he liked the most was England’s Nasser Hussain. He says in the book, “Among the captains I played against, I consider Nasser Hussain the best... He was a very good thinker on the game and was proactive.”

bv‡mi ûmvBb‡K cQ›` K‡ib kPxb wµ‡KU `‡ji AwabvqK wn‡m‡e Bsj¨v‡Ûi bv‡mi ûmvBb‡K me‡P‡q †ewk cQ›` K‡ib kPxb| Ò‌G ch©šÍ hZ Rb Awabvq‡Ki wec‡ÿ †L‡jwQ, Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Avgvi Kv‡Q bv‡mi ûmvBbB †miv| Zvi †KŠkj¸‡jv PgrKvi| wZwb †Ljv wb‡q †ek fv‡jv g‡ZvB fve‡Z cvi‡Zb Ges memgqB mwµq wQ‡jb|Ó

Sachin doesn’t love Greg Chappell There is no criticism of fellow professionals in his book apart for the former India coach Greg Chappell. He describes the Australian as a ÔringmasterÕ who tried to push Indian greats in to early retirement, and accuses him of asking him to get involved in a plot to topple Rahul Dravid as captain before the 2007 WC (Chappell has denied them). Music calmed him before match against Pakistan in 2011 World Cup He listened to Bade Achhe Lagte Hain on his iPod for seven hours before the match, which he describes as “one of the most pressurised games of my career”. He used to take four buses to practice In his early years at Shardashram cricket academy, Sachin would commute on four Mumbai buses and trains from his home. He loves food On the third page of the book Sachin describes his mother as the “best cook in the world for me” who would make him “delicious fish and prawn curry, baigan bharta and varan bhaat (lentils and rice)”.

†MÖM P¨v‡cj‡K cQ›` bq kPx‡bi fvi‡Zi mv‡eK †KvP †MÖM P¨v‡cj Qvov eBwU‡Z Avi †KvbI mZx‡_©i mgv‡jvPbv K‡ibwb kPxb| G A‡÷ªwjqvb‡K kPxb Zzjbv K‡i‡Qb Ôwisgv÷viÕ wn‡m‡e, whwb wKbv wµ‡K‡U fvi‡Zi gvnvZ¥¨‡K ZwoNwo Aem‡i cvVv‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb| G Qvov kPx‡bi `vwe Abyhvqx 2007 mv‡ji wek¦Kv‡ci Av‡M ivûj `ªvwe‡oi KvQ †_‡K †KŠk‡j AwabvqKZ¡ †K‡o wb‡Z kPxb‡K loh‡š¿ †hvM w`‡Z e‡jwQ‡jb P¨v‡cj (P¨v‡cj G Awf‡hvM A¯^xKvi K‡ib)| 2011Õi wek¦Kv‡c cvwK¯Ív‡bi wec‡ÿ †mwgdvBbv‡j kPxb‡K kvšÍ †i‡LwQj m½xZ †gvnvwj‡Z IB g¨v‡Pi Av‡M AvBc‡W Uvbv mvZ NÈv Ôe‡o Av‡”Q jvM‡Z n¨vqÕ MvbUv ï‡bwQ‡jb kPxb| Zvi g‡Z, Ò‌IB g¨vPUv wQj Avgvi K¨vwiqv‡ii me‡P‡q Pv‡ci †Ljv|Ó wµ‡KU cÖ¨vKwU‡m Avm‡Z PviwU ev‡m Po‡Z n‡Zv Zv‡K mvi`vkÖg wµ‡KU GKv‡Wwg‡Z Zvi cÖ_g eQi PjvKvjxb kPxb Zvi gy¤^vB‡qi evmv †_‡K PviwU evm I †Uªb e`‡j Zvici gv‡V Avm‡Zb| wZwb †L‡Z fv‡jvev‡mb eB‡qi wZb b¤^i c„ôvq kPxb Zvi gv‡qi eY©bv wj‡L‡Qb Ô‌Avgvi Rb¨ we‡k¦i †miv iuvaybx Avgvi gvÕ| whwb Zvi Rb¨ ivbœv Ki‡Zb Ômy¯^v`y gvQ I wPswoi Kvwi, †e¸b fZ©v I Wvj-fvZÕ|

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Tarot cards...

Rvbyqvwi-†deªæqvwi 2015Õi Rb¨ U¨viU fwel¨ØvYx

Tarot predictions for January-February 2015 by Manisha Koushik


Aries (‡glivwk)

Taurus (e…livwk)

Gemini (wg_ybivwk)

You will need to be bold enough to bring your romance out in open. Opting for air travel may not fit your pocket. Suitable accommodation is likely to be hired by those looking for one. Lucky colour: All shades of green; Lucky number: 5

Someone in the family may do you proud. Investments may start giving good returns now. A balanced diet and physical activity will keep you fit. Romantic stars burn bright, so enjoy the period! Lucky colour: Dark Red; Lucky number: 9

You will be alert enough to cover mistakes and project a positive picture at work. Money loaned to someone is likely to be promptly repaid. Health remains good, as you turn to fitness. Lucky colour: Off White; Lucky number: 7

wb‡Ri †ivgv‡Ýi K_v‡K cÖKvk Ki‡Z Avcbv‡K h‡_ó cwigv‡Y mvnmx n‡Z n‡e| wegvb åg‡Yi hvIqvi B‡”Qi m‡½ nq‡Zv Avcbvi c‡K‡Ui ewbebv n‡e bv| Z‡e hviv GKwU Dchy³ _vKvi e¨e¯’v LyuR‡Qb Zv‡`i Kcv‡j Ry‡U hv‡e| ïf is: mKj ai‡bi meyR; ïf msL¨v: 5

cwiev‡ii KviI AR©b Avcbv‡K Mwe©Z Ki‡Z cv‡i| GB mg‡q wewb‡qv‡M fvj cÖwZ`vb wb‡q Avm‡Z cv‡i| fvimvg¨g~jK Wv‡qU I kvixwiK KvRKg© Avcbv‡K wdU ivL‡e| †ivgvw›UK bÿθ‡jv D¾¡j cÖZxqgvb| †Zv mgqUv‡K Dc‡fvM Kiæb! ïf is: Mvp jvj; ïf msL¨v: 9

fyjÎæwU¸‡jv‡K †X‡K †`Iqvi g‡Zv h‡_ó mZK© _vK‡eb Avcwb Ges G‡Z K‡i Kg©‡ÿ‡Î GKUv BwZevPK cwiw¯’wZi we”QziY NU‡e| G mgq KvD‡K UvKv avi w`‡j Zv `ªæZ †diZ cv‡eb| †h‡nZz B`vbxs Avcwb wdU‡b‡m bRi w`‡q‡Qb, ZvB my¯v^ ¯’¨ cÖZxqgvb| ïf is: ïå mv`v; ïf msL¨v: 7

Cancer (KK©Uivwk)

Leo (wmsnivwk)

Virgo (Kb¨vivwk)

You will be confident enough to follow a different career path. Save money, as heavy expenditure is foreseen. Sharing and caring is likely on the romantic front. Lucky colour: Forest Green; Lucky number: 8

Craving for a change of scene may remain just that. A contentious property matter will be resolved. A friend or neighbour may seek your help. You will handle your finances well. Lucky colour: Pink; Lucky number: 11

An official trip is likely at a short notice. Those finding their current salary inadequate can take up moonlighting for some extra cash. A family friend may make this period exciting. Lucky colour: Peach; Lucky number: 2

GKwU wfbœ K¨vwiqv‡ii w`‡K cv evov‡bvi g‡Zv h‡_ó AvZ¥wek¦vmx n‡q DV‡eb| UvKv euvPvb, mvg‡b eo gv‡ci LiP †`Lv hv‡”Q| †cÖ‡gi †ÿ‡Î AskMÖnY I hZœevb n‡Z cv‡ib| ïf is: Rswj meyR; ïf msL¨v: 8

`„k¨c‡U cwieZ©b Avbvi †h AvKv•ÿv Zv AcwieZ©bxq _vK‡e| m¤úwË wb‡q Kj‡ni Aemvb NU‡Z cv‡i AwP‡iB| †KvbI eÜz ev cÖwZ‡ekx Avcbvi mvnvh¨ PvB‡Z cv‡i| Avw_©K welqvw`I mvg‡j wb‡Z cvi‡eb `ÿ nv‡Z| ïf is: †Mvjvcx; ïf msL¨v: 11

¯^í mg‡qi †bvwU‡mB GKwU Awdwmqvj wUª‡c †h‡Z n‡Z cv‡i| hviv Zv‡`i eZ©gvb †eZb‡K h‡_ó g‡b Ki‡Qb bv Zviv wKQz evowZ Av‡qi Rb¨ wØZxq Av‡iKwU KvR wb‡Z cv‡ib| mgqUv‡K D”Q¡v‡m fwi‡q Zzj‡Z cv‡i cvwievwiK †KvbI eÜz| ïf is: cxP eY©; ïf msL¨v: 2

jan - feb 2015

Manisha Koushik is an astrologer, Tarot Card reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Feng Shui consultant.

libra (Zyjvivwk)

scorpio (e…wðKivwk)

sagittarius (abyivwk)

You are likely to take family members to their favourite haunt. Saving cash will help for something big in future. Positive signals on the academic front may keep you in an upbeat mood. Lucky colour: Grey; Lucky number: 6

Keep your cards close to your chest, lest someone take advantage on the professional front. You may need to deposit money urgently for a loan repayment that has been delayed. Lucky colour: Chocolate; Lucky number: 15

You are likely to grow financially. Those in the marketing field may hit the jackpot. Your caring attitude will help nurse a family member back to health. Those seeking love still need some time to find a suitable partner. Lucky colour: Dark Turquoise; Lucky number: 4

Avcwb Avcbvi cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i Zv‡`i wcÖq †KvbI ¯’v‡b †eov‡Z wb‡q †h‡Z cv‡ib| GLb UvKv Rwg‡q ivL‡j fwel¨‡Z eo wKQz‡Z Kv‡R Avm‡e| wkÿvMZ w`‡K BwZevPK m‡¼Z¸‡jv Avcbvi gb gvbwmKZv‡K †ek SiS‡i ivL‡e| ïf is: a~mi; ïf msL¨v: 6

Avcbvi KvW©¸‡jv Avcbvi Kv‡QB AuvK‡o ivLyb| cv‡Q †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i RvqMv †_‡K †KD bv Avevi my‡hvM wb‡q †bq| †h †jvbwUi wKw¯Í cwi‡kv‡a GiBg‡a¨ wej¤^ K‡i †d‡j‡Qb †mUv cwi‡kv‡ai Rb¨ `ªæZ Avcbv‡K UvKv Rgv w`‡Z n‡Z cv‡i| ïf is: P‡Kv‡jU; ïf msL¨v: 15

Avw_©K w`K w`‡q Avcbvi AMÖMwZ `„k¨gvb| gv‡K©wUs Lv‡Z hviv Av‡Qb, Zv‡`i Kcv‡j wk‡K wQo‡e Gevi| Avcbvi †`Lfvj Kivi Af¨v‡mi Kvi‡Y cwiev‡ii †KvbI GK m`m¨ my¯^v¯’¨ wd‡i cv‡e| hviv fvjevmv Luy‡R wdi‡Qb Zv‡`i GKRb †hvM¨ m½x †c‡Z AviI wKQz Kvj A‡cÿv Ki‡Z n‡e| ïf is: Mvp wd‡ivRv; ïf msL¨v: 4

Capricorn (gKiivwk)

Aquarius (Ky¤i ¢ vwk)

Pisces (gxbivwk)

Luck favours you both on personal and professional fronts. Your feeling for someone may pull him or her towards you. Someone will be magnanimous enough to foot your bill during an outing. Lucky colour: Indigo; Lucky number: 22

Tagging along with someone on a trip may prove beneficial, but you will need to be persuasive enough to go along. Saying no to junk food and adopting a balanced diet will favour you. Lucky colour: Yellow; Lucky number: 18

Your ideas and suggestions will work fine in a new venture. Travelling will be fun, especially if it’s a leisure trip. Trying out a new diet just to remain in shape is possible for some. Lucky colour: Purple; Lucky number: 17

e¨w³MZ I †ckv`vi; `yB w`‡KB fvM¨ Avcbvi mnvq nq| GKR‡bi cÖwZ Avcbvi †h Abf~wZ i‡q‡Q, Zvi Uv‡b wZwb Avcbvi Kv‡Q P‡j Avm‡eb| †Kv_vq Nyi‡Z †M‡j gnvbyfe †KD GKRb nq‡Zv Avcbvi wejUv PzwK‡q †`‡e| ïf is: a~¤ªbxj; ïf msL¨v: 22

åg‡Y KviI m‡½ D‡o G‡m Ry‡o em‡j †mUv Av‡L‡i DcKvixB n‡e| Z‡e mv‡_ hvIqvi Rb¨ Avcbv‡K h‡_ó cwigv‡Y cUv‡Z n‡e| RvsK dzW‡K bv ejv Ges GKwU fvimvg¨g~jK Wv‡qU Avcbvi Rb¨ Kj¨vYKi n‡e| ïf is: njy`; ïf msL¨v: 18

GKwU bZzb e¨emvq Avcbvi AvBwWqv I civgk©¸‡jv fvjB KvR Ki‡e| ågY n‡Z cv‡i †ek gRvi, we‡kl K‡i GUv hw` nq GKwU AemiKvjxb wUªc| ˆ`wnK KvVv‡gvUv‡K a‡i ivLvi Rb¨ GKwU bZzb Lv`¨vf¨vm Kv‡ivi †ÿ‡Î m¤¢e n‡Z cv‡i| ïf is: i³eY©; ïf msL¨v: 17



Cover story




LEISURE people


jan - feb 2015

‘I want to play with

Tiger Woods’ ÔAvwg UvBMvi DW‡mi

m‡½ †Lj‡Z PvBÕ By: Faisal Islam Razib

Siddikur Rahman is an icon in the golf field. Since he started playing professional golf in 2008, Siddikur has won four professional golf tours in India and Bangladesh in 2008 and 2009. In 2010, he won the Asian Tour Championship and was the first Bangladeshi to do so. Then again in 2013 he won the Hero India Open of the Asian Tour. He opens up about his life and career.

wmwÏKyi ingvb Dcgnv‡`‡ki Mjd A½‡bi Ab¨Zg AvBKb| 2008 mv‡j †ckv`vi Mjd †Ljv ïi“ K‡ib wmwÏKzi| 2008 I 2009 mv‡j fviZ I evsjv‡`k mvwK©‡Ui PviwU †ckv`vi wk‡ivcv wR‡Z‡Qb| 2010 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡ki c‡¶ cÖ_g Mjdvi wn‡m‡e Rq K‡i‡Qb Gwkqvb Uy¨i wk‡ivcv| Gici 2013 mv‡j AveviI Mjd A½‡b evsjv‡`‡ki bvg cv`cÖ`x‡ci Av‡jvq wb‡q Av‡mb| K¨vwiqvi I e¨w³ Rxe‡bi me wKQz wb‡qB gy‡LvgywL n‡q‡Qb wZwb|

Despite taking part in various tournaments, you had to withdraw at the last minute citing health issues. Are injuries taking a toll on you? Of course. It takes a lot of time and effort to get back the consistency after an injury. Still I try to make up all the matters at the right time.

kvixwiK Kvi‡Y A‡bK¸‡jv Uyb©v‡g‡›U Ask wb‡qI †kl ch©š— bvg cÖZ¨vnvi Ki‡Z n‡q‡Q| GiKg evi evi †PvU cvIqvUv wk‡ivcv †RZvq evav n‡q `uvov‡e wK? Zv †Zv Aek¨B| †PvU Avµvš— n‡j avivevwnKZv wd‡i †c‡Z mgq jv‡M| ZviciI welq¸‡jv mwVK mg‡qi Av‡M KvwU‡q DwV|

You have won the Asian Tour Championship two times. But this time the Panasonic Open has been slipped away as you got fifth position. Is injury to blame for this? Injury is definitely a cause. Injuries hamper my game as I am not totally fit. I even had to withdraw my name from the next Masters Tour of Chiang Mai. What is your target in the upcoming tournaments? To achieve good name for my country Bangladesh and to bring positive results. How had it all started? When did you feel that your potential is hidden in golf? I started my career in golf as a ‘ball boy’. I also worked as a caddy (a person who carries a player's bag and clubs) sometimes. While doing so, I got a chance to

`y'evi Gwkqvb Uz¨‡ii wk‡ivcv wR‡Z‡Qb| Gev‡ii c¨vbvmwbK I‡cb A‡íi Rb¨ dm‡K †M‡jv| n‡q‡Qb cÂg| Gi Rb¨ wK †PvU cvIqvUvB `vqx? †PvU †Zv wKQyUv `vqx| †Pv‡Ui Kvi‡Y cy‡ivcywi wdU bv _vKvq c‡ii Uyb©v‡g›U wPsgvB gv÷vm© †_‡K bvg cÖZ¨vnvi K‡i wb‡Z n‡q‡Q| Avmbœ Uyb©v‡g›U¸‡jv‡Z Avcbvi j¶¨ Kx? Aek¨B †`‡ki R‡b¨ mybvg e‡q Avbv| fv‡jv djvdj wKQy Kiv| Mj‡di ïi“Uv wKfv‡e| KLb Abyfe Ki‡jb Mj‡dB Avcbvi cÖwZfv jywK‡q Av‡Q| ïi“Uv ÔejeqÕ wn‡m‡e| ej Kyov‡Z Kyov‡Z GK mgq K¨vwW gv‡b †L‡jvqvo‡`i K¬ve (Mjd ‡Ljvi miÄvg) ivLvi e¨vM en‡bi KvR Kwi| Gici †LjvUv‡K AviI GKUy KvQ †_‡K fv‡jv K‡i †`Lvi my‡hvM n‡jv| Gici Mjd ‡Ljvq Avm³ n‡q hvB| cvovi SvjvB‡qi †`vKvb †_‡K fvOv K¬v‡ei gv_vi mv‡_ †jvnvi iW Ry‡o †mUv w`‡qB Abykxjb ïi“ Kwi| 2000 mv‡j GKUv my‡hvM †c‡qB †mUv‡K Kv‡R jvMvB| myweavewÂZ †L‡jvqvo‡`i Rb¨ GKUv K¨v¤ú Kiv nq †mmgq| gv‡b ejeq Avi K¨vwW‡`i †Ljvi my‡hvM K‡i †`Iqvi GKUv D‡`¨vM| GUvB wQj ¯^cœc~i‡Yi ïi“|



observe the game more closely, and I got addicted to it. I made my first club to start practicing golf with a broken iron head stuck on a metal rod from a welding shop. In the year 2000, a camp was formed for non-privileged players like us. And I used the opportunity to the fullest. And it helped me a lot. Who is your inspiration? My friends inspired me a lot. Many from Kurmitola Golf Club also stood by my side.

Rxe‡bi GwM‡q hvIqvi †cQ‡b Kv‡`i f~wgKv me‡P‡q ‡ewk? Avgvi eÜyiv Drmvn w`‡qwQj| GQvov Kywg©‡Uvjv Mjd K¬v‡eiI A‡b‡K cv‡k `vuwo‡qwQj| Mj‡d GKgvÎ weÁvcb GLb AvcwbB| Avcbvi `…wó‡Z evsjv‡`k Mjd‡K AviI GwM‡q wb‡Z Kx Kiv cÖ‡qvRb? G gyn‡~ Z© †`‡ki µxov½‡bi me‡P‡q D¾¡j I m¤¢vebvgq †Ljv GB Mjd| miKv‡ii wKQy mn‡hvwMZv G †Ljv‡K AviI GwM‡q wb‡Z cv‡i| Ab¨vb¨ †Ljvayjvq miKv‡ii ev‡RU _vK‡jI Mj‡d wKQy †bB| evsjv‡`k Awjw¤úK A¨v‡mvwm‡qk‡bi ‡KvbI mn‡hvwMZv ‡bB| G¸jvi Lye cÖ‡qvRb|

You are the only advertisement of golf in Bangladesh. What are the necessary steps cÖ_g evsjv‡`wk wn‡m‡e 2013 mv‡ji Mjd that can improve the game here? wek¦Kv‡c †L‡j‡Qb| n‡q‡Qb 55Zg| mvg‡bi Golf is the most At this moment golf is one of the most wek¦Kv‡c Avcbvi j¶¨ Kx _vK‡e? scintillating and scintillating and flourishing games of the Gevi †hfv‡e †L‡jwQ mvg‡bi evi AviI flourishing game of the country. A little government support and fv‡jv wKQy Kivi B”Qv| †gvUK_v Mj‡di country. Government help can take this game to new heights. `ywbqvq evsjv‡`‡ki cZvKvUv AviI †Rv‡i support can make it move forward. They have budget for every other Iov‡Z PvB| game, but not golf. Moreover, there is no cooperation from the Bangladesh Olympic Aem‡i †Kv_vq Nyi‡Z †h‡Z †eov‡Z fvj jv‡M? Association. These are needed. †h ‡KvbI mg `y « †Niv AÂj fv‡jv jv‡M| me‡P‡q fv‡jv You played in 2013 Golf World Cup as the first Bangladeshi and came 55th. What will be your target in the upcoming world cup? I want to do better next time than what I achieved in 2013. I want to make Bangladesh a very familiar name in the world of golf. Which is your favourite holiday destination? I like places that are surrounded by sea. I am mostly

jan - feb 2015

jv‡M myBRvij¨vÛ| we‡kl K‡i myBRvij¨v‡Ûi Mjd K¬ve¸‡jv †ewk fv‡jv jv‡M| ILvbKvi mewKQzB Avgvi fv‡jv jv‡M| wcÖq Lvevi? gv‡qi nv‡Zi †h‡KvbI Lvevi| we‡kl K‡i Svj RvZxq Lvevi †ewk cQ›`| Avi mvgyw`ªK Lvevi¸‡jvI cQ›` Kwi| K¨vwiqv‡i j¶¨ Kx? †gRi Uyb©v‡g‡›U ‡Ljv, we‡kl K‡i BDGm wcwRG Uz¨‡i Ask ‡bIqv|


fond of Switzerland, particularly the golf clubs there. Everything there seems good to me. What is your favourite food? Any food cooked by my mother, particularly spicy foods. I also am fond of sea food. What is your career objective? To play major tournaments, and especially to participate in the US PGA Tour. Any game you like to see and play other than golf? I see and enjoy various games, but only when golf is not being telecast. Who is your idol? It has to be Tiger Woods. Whatever the controversy, it would be an exceptional thing to play with Woods. If I get a chance, I want to play with Tiger Woods.

I am mostly fond of Switzerland, particularly the golf clubs there Mj‡di evB‡i Ab¨ †KvbI †Ljv †`L‡Z I ‡Lj‡Z cQ›` K‡ib? ‡Kvb¸‡jv? ‡`wL A‡bK ‡LjvB| Z‡e ‡Uwjwfk‡b Mjd ‡Ljv _vK‡j Avi Ab¨ wKQy ‡`wL bv| Mj‡d Kv‡K Av`k© g‡b K‡ib? UvBMvi DWm| weZK© hv-B _vKzK, DW‡mi m‡½ †LjvUv GKUv Ab¨ iKg e¨vcvi n‡e| hw` my‡hvM cvB, UvBMvi DW‡mi m‡½ ‡Lj‡Z PvB|

Offices Biman Bangladesh Airlines (domestic) Chittagong

Cox’ Bazar

(CGP (GMT +6) 88031, Biman bhaban, 1/2, CDA Avenue, Sholosohar, Chittagong-4203 +88-031-650671 to 75, +88-031-650982 to 84 +88-031- 651890 to 91

(CXB) (GMT +6) (0341), Motel Upal, Parjatan Holyday Complex , Cox’s Bazar


Shah Amanat International Airport, Chitagong

(ZYL) (GMT +6) Airport road, Majumdari, Sylhet-3100 +88-0821-717026 to 28, +88-0821-717411-717421

+88-031-2500990 to 95, +88-031-2500941 to 50

Airport office Osmani international airport, Sylhet.

Biman Bangladesh Airlines (International) Abu Dhabi

Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Abu dhabi (AUH), (GMT+4) Sk. Zayed 2nd st./ Electra street, Bldg no. 5213, PO Box-4356 Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-6342597 Fax: +971-02-6344664 Mobile: +971-050-6146768 Email:

(GMT+3), Ace Building, Post Box No – 4492, Al Khobar 31952, Pepsi, Cola Road,.Dammam, KSA. +966-013-8873236 Fax: +966-013-8822523 Mobile: +966-55-2255895 Email:

Abu Dhabi International Airport


Delhi, India

Room no. 2250, Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-5757053 Pabx : +971-02-5757500/2673 Fax +971-02-6344664 Mobile : +971-050-6131293 Email:

Delhi (DEL), (GMT+5.30) 320-321 Indra Prakesh Building, Barakhamba Road Cannaught Place, New Delhi-110001 +91-11-41519468 Fax: +91-11-23705481 Mobile: +91- 9811322146 Email


Delhi Airport

Bahrain (BAH), (GMT+3) Shop No -08, Building No – 18Delmon International Hotel, Manama Block 315, Road No -357, Kingdom Of Bahrain +973-17212541 Fax: +973-17213426 Mobile: +973-39118140 Email:

CIP-02, Level-3, IGI Airport, New Delhi 110037, India :+91-11-49638277 Fax: +91-11-49638277 Mobile: +91-9811322147 Residence :+91-11-28533590 Email

Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok (BKK), (GMT+7) 163, Ocean Insurance Building 01/17 Floor Unit, 17A, Surawongse Road, Suriyawongse, Bangkok-10500 +66-02-2355556 Fax: +66-(0)22369973 Mobile: +66-(0)898960554 Email:

Bangkok Airport Room no – Z-2 007, 2nd floor AOB Building, Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand. +66-(0)2-1342940 Fax: +66-(0)2-1342944 Mobile: +66-(0)8199243379 Email:

Benelux, The Netherlands Beechavenue 104, 1119 PP Schiphol, The Netherlands +31-(0)20 - 65 51 176 Fax:+31-(0)20 - 62 30 151 Brussels Park Hill, J.E. Mommaertslaan 18 B, 3rd floor 1831 Diegem, Brussels, Belgium +31-(0)2 - 71 20 498 Fax:+32-(0)2 - 72 58 392

Doha (Qatar) Doha (DOH), (GMT+3), Building No – 35, Souqahmed bin ali 07, Al-tarbiya street, P.O, box – 2738, +974-44413054 Fax: +974-44412000(gsa) Mobile: +974-55529477 Pabx: +974-44413422/117 Residence : +974-44368645 Email

Dubai, UAE Dubai (DXB), (GMT+4) Al Masraf Tower, 16th Floor, Office #1605, Albaniyas Road, P.O. Box No -1515, Deira, Dubai, UAE + 971-4-220942/205 Office: +971-4-2283767 /205 Fax: + 971-4-2278451 Mobile: + 971-50-5539045 Residence: + 971-4-2576185 Email:

Dubai International Airport, Terminal-1, Departure building, Room# 1017, 1049 & 1050 + 971-4-2162895 Fax: + 971-4-2245420 Mobile: + 971-50-5525936 Email:

Frankfurt c/o AVIAREPS, Kaiserstrasse 77 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 070 Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 235

Hong Kong


(HKG) (GMT+8) (00852), Room no. 214 & 215, F-2, F East, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road Tsim, Shatsuikowloon, +852-27248464 Fax: +852-27246284 Mobile: +852-94702724

Kuwait (KWI), (GMT+3), Al-Homaizi Building, Al Soor Street PO Box - 23837, Safat 13099, + 965-22426846/7 Fax: + 965-22439764, + 965-22428671 Mobile: + 965-99813462 Email:,

Airport Office Room-6So13, Lebel 6, South

Kuwait International Airport

Concourse, Pax Terminal- 1, Hong Kong Airport +852-23298036 Fax: +852-23525830 Residence: +852-94702754 Email:

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Jeddah (JED), (GMT+3) Al-Nakheel Center, Madinah Road P.O Box-13541, Jeddah, KSA +966-2-6652891 Fax: +966-2-6652850 Mobile: +966-501491014 Email:

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Int’l Airport +966-2-6853194 Fax: +966-2-6853326 Mobile: +966-505319533 Residence: +966-2-6552562 Email:

Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu (KTM), (GMT+5.45) House No- 314, Nagpokhari, Nexal, + 977-01-4434869 Fax: + 977-01-4434869 Mobile: + 977-9851037510 Email:

Kolkata, India

Room No – FF 58, Airport Mall Area + 965-24330863 Fax: + 965-22428671,+ 965-24330863 Mobile: + 965-99367919 Email:


Airport Office

Airport Office

Room no.5900D (5th floor), North East Extension, Terminal - 4, Hounslow, Middlesex Hearthrow Airport TW6 3FB + 44-(0) 208 745 7550 Fax: +44 (0) 208 7456390 Mobile: +44 (0) 7949686823 Residence : +44(0) 208 5738127 Email:

Cargo And Stores & Purchase Office Stratus House Office Block (1st floor), Bedfont Road, Staines Middlesex TW19 7NH + 44-(0) 1784266116 Fax: +44 (0) 1784266097 Mobile: +44 (0) 7960650342 Email:

N S C B International Airport Kolkata - 700052

Manchester, UK

(KUL), (GMT+8), 13th, Floor Menera Atlan, 161B Jalan Ampang 50450 Kualalumpur, Malaysia. +603-21646131 Fax: +603-21646142 Mobile: +6012-2736676 Email:

Airport Office Lot S10 & S31, Main Terminal Building, KL International Airport Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. +603-87764770 Fax: +603-87873881 Mobile: +6019-3806643 Email:

Paris 122 Champs Elysées 75008 Paris, France +33 (0) 1 53 43 53 38 Fax:+33 (0) 1 53 43 79 19

London (LON), (GMT+0.0) 17 Conduit Street,.London W1S 2B + 44-(0)2076290161, 2076290252, + 2074957478, + 2074957480 Fax: +44 (0) 2076290736 Mobile: +44 (0) 7908117126 Residence :+44(0) 208 5982358 Email:,

Madrid Eloy Gonzalo 27, 3rd Floor Offices IV and V, 28010 Madrid, Spain +34 - 91 - 458 57 35 Fax: +34 - 91 - 344 17 26

Kualalumpur, Malaysia

Nordics (Sweden) Riddargatan 17 114 57 Stockholm, Sweden +46 - 8 - 55 56 91 56 Fax:+46 - 8 - 24 18 88

London, UK

Kolkata (CCU), (GMT+5.30), 99A, Park Street, Siddha Park, 6th Floor, +91-33-2226-6675 Fax: +91-33-2226-6674 Mobile: +91-9831098639 Email:

+91-33-25119662 Fax: +91-33-25119662 Mobile: +91-9831098638 Residence: +91-33-25119826 Email:

Fax: +1-212-8084589 Residence: +1-718-526-4146 Email:

Manchester (MAN), (GMT+0.00) Suite – 1B, Portland Building 127-129 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PZ, UK +44-161-2286605/2636 Fax: +44-1612287070 Mobile: +44-7538626645 Residence: + 44-161-9486718 Email:

Muscat, Oman (MCT), (GMT+4) Shaikh Al-Mashany Building, 3rd Floor, Opposite of Mosque Qaboos Khamis, Al-Shaqsi Street, PO Box – 1106, Ruwi, PC-112 Sultanate Of Oman. +968-24701128 Fax: +968-24703704 Mobile: +968-99474929 Email:

New York, USA New York (NYC), (GMT-5), 747 Third Avenue , 2nd Floor, NY-10017. +1-212-808-4477, +1-212-808-4523 Mobile:+1-917-520-8069,

Head Office : Balaka, Kumitola, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh, Tel: +88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44

Riyadh (RUH) (GMT+3) (00966) P.O.Box no. 21076, Riyadh-11475.K.S.A +966-1-4623537, +966-1-4623376 Fax: +966-4623501 Mobile: +966-504246352

King Khaled Int’l Airport Riyadh Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudia Room No-1565 +966 1 220-0227 (a/p) Fax: +966-1 220-0227 Mobile: +966-50-424-6353 Email:

Rome, Italy Rome (ROM), (GMT+1) Via Bissolati 54, Roma. +39-06-42884911 Fax: +39-06-42000211 Mobile: +39-3276868970 Email:

Singapore Singapore (SIN), (GMT+8) 72 Anson Road, #05-03, Anson House, Singapore 079911 +65-64385220 Fax: +65-64387998 Mobile: +65-91119069 Email:

Airport Office Passenger Terminal Building, #041-49, Singapore Changi Airport Terminal -1, P.O. Box No-23, Singapore 819642 +65-65420067 Fax: +65-65426787 Mobile: +65-96323207 Email:

Toronto, Canada Toronto (YYZ), (GMT-5), 208, Bloor Street, West Suite No -806, PO M5S3B4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. +1-416-9443381 Fax: +1-416-9448744 Email:

Yangon, Myanmar GSA - Transmarine Logistics Asia Pte Ltd, Room: R-18, 2nd Floor, Centre Point Tower No 65 Corner of Sule Pagoda Road and Merchant Street, Kyuaktada Township +95 1 371867-68, Fax: +95 1 371869 Mobile: +95943029328 Email:


Bangladesh fleet

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Central Engineering Department

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-300ER (35J+384Y = 419 PAX) Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 737-800 (12J+150Y = 162 PAX)

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Rows 1-52 (Row No. 13 are omitted.)

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Rows 1-28


Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-200ER (12J+21W+286Y = 319PAX) Entry/ Emergency Exit Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit Rows 1-43

Entry/ Exit

(Rows No. 3-7 are omitted.)

Interior Arrangement of Airbus A310 (27J+198Y = 225 PAX) Entry/ Emergency Entry/ Exit Exit Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit Rows 1-34

Entry/ Exit

S2-ADK = Rows 1-34 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 13 are omitted) S2-ADF = Rows 1-36 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 are omitted)

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fleet Data TECHNICAL DETAILS






35 J + 384 Y

12 J + 21 W + 286 Y

25 J +196 Y

12 J+ 150 Y

Engines (maximum thrust)

GE90-100 (115,300 lbs.)

PW4090 (90,000 lbs.)

PW4000 (56,000 lbs.)

CFM56-7 (26,300 lbs.)

Maximum Fuel Capacity

181,300 liters

171,200 liters

61,630 liters

26,025 liters

Maximum Takeoff Weight

755,000 lbs

632,499 lbs

361,600 lbs

70,987 kg

Maximum Range

7,825 NM (14,490 km)

7725NM (14316 km)

9,600 km

5,665 km

Typical Cruise Speed

905 km/h

1000 km/h

850 km/h

828 km/h

Wing span

212 ft. 7 in (64.8 m)

199 ft. 11 in (60.9 m)

144 ft. 0.4 in (43.9m)

112 ft. 7in (34.315 m)

With winglets




117 ft. 5 in (35.8 m)

Overall Length

242 ft. 4 in (73.86 m)

209 ft. 1 in (63.7 m)

153 ft. 0.9 in (46.66 m)

129 ft. 6 in (39.472 m)

Tail Height

60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)

60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)

51 ft. 10 in (15.81 m)

40 ft. 10.5 in (12.459 m)

Interior Cabin Width

20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)

20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)

18 ft. 6 in (5.64 m)

12 ft. 4 in (3.7592 m)


Note: Interior arrangement of S2-ADK has shown in figure. ‘W’ refers to Premium Economy Class of Biman.


International wegv‡bi ‡bUIqvK© AvšÍR©vwZK



wegv‡bi ‡bUIqvK© Avf¨šÍixY

Sylhet wm‡jU

Dhaka XvKv

Chittagong PÆM«vg

Cox’s Bazar


jan - feb 2015

Middle East



Kuwait Dammam Wvgvg

Riyadh Jeddah





Dubai Abu Dhabi Avey avwe Muscat gv¯‹vU



London Frankfurt


Rome ‡ivg


Kuwait Wvgvg Kathmandu Dammam Doha ‡`vnv KvVgvÛy wiqv`Riyadh Dubai `yevBDelhi Dhaka Abu Dhabi Hong Kong Muscat w`jøx­ XvKv Avey avwe gv¯‹vU nsKs Jeddah Kolkata ‡RÏv Bangkok ‡KvjKvZv


Yangon Bqv½b Kuala Lumpur


Singapore wm½vcyi

This map is for illustrative purposes and does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the publisher or their sponsors concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. Aj¼i‡Yi gva¨‡g Ae¯’vb †evSvevi Rb¨ GB gvbwPÎ e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q, Gi gva¨‡g †Kv‡bvfv‡eB †Kv‡bv †`k ev A‡ji AvBwb Ae¯’v A_ev mxgvšÍ ev AvÂwjK mxgvbvi g‡Zv welq wb‡q cÖKvkK ev Zv‡`i c…ô‡cvlK‡`i `…wófw½ ev gZvgZ cÖwZdwjZ nqwb|

Map not to scale Cartographers: ttk maps

gvbwP‡Î `~i‡Z¡i AbycvZ e¨envi Kiv nqwb


: 15.02

 Growth Of Knit (%)

: 1.6 Million : 45% : 6.3% : 174 Billion Bdt

 Employment Generation

 Female Empowerment

 Poverty Reduction

 Insurance

 Other Short Courses: Garments Consumption & Costing, Waste Identification Techniques To Reduce Waste & Improve Productivity (Through VSM & Process Mapping), Quality Management System, Material Management & Purchasing Planning For Improved Productions, Environmental Health &Safety Management System In RMG, Techniques Of Dealing With Compliance Audit Of Buyers, Banking, Customs & Shipping Procedures For Export Import & Business Development, Incentive & Custom Procedure for Factory etc.

 C ertificate & Diploma Courses Considering Sector Demand: Apparel Merchandising, Textile Testing & Lab Management, Industrial Engineering &Lean Manufacturing, Production Planning &Supply Chain Management, Social Compliance & CSR Issues.

Head Office : Press Club Building (1st & 3rd Floor), 233/1 Bangabandhu Road, Narayanganj-1400, Bangladesh. Phone : 88-02-7641857, 7640535, 7641295; Fax: 88-02-7630609 Dhaka Office : Planners Tower (4th Floor) 13/A, Sonargaon Road, Banglamotor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Phone : 88-02-8620377, 9672257, 8622703, 9670498; Fax: 88-02-9673337 Chittagong Office : Chamber House (4th Floor) 38, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong-4100, Bangladesh. Phone: 031-2514342; Fax: 031-2514345 E-Mail : Log on to :

BKMEA was established in 1996 as a National Trade Body to represent solely the Knitwear Sector of Bangladesh. BKMEA’s Mission is to Promote and Enhance Knitwear Sector’s Competitiveness, Productivity and Profitability in The Global Market through Support Services to more than 1900 Members. Capacity Building of The Sector and Networking with all Stakeholders is another key commitment of BKMEA. BKMEA is contributing to Employment Generation, Involving Women in the Formal Sector, Increased Substantial Export Earnings, Women Empowerment, Reduction Child Labor, Gender Equality, Health & Nutrition, Diminishing Child Marriage etc. through knitwear export to across the globe. Our motto is to stay afloat in the international competition & Markets with chic, elegant & quality products. We invite buyers/importers of the world to visit our factories & gauge our standards.

Working today to Shine Tomorrow

 Forward & Backward Linkage : 2120 Million Bdt

 Shipping & Logistics Industry : $ 157 Million

: 7.00 (approx.)

 Share In Gdp (%)

 Share In National Export (%) : 39.93

 Share In Apparel Export (%) : 49.20

 Market expansion, Research & Development, Policy Support & Capacity Development.

: $12.05 Billion (2013-14 Fy)

 Knitwear Export

 Factory Based Consultancy Services Focusing To Enhance Skill Of Existing Manpower &Improve Factory Condition: Lean Management System Implementation, Industrial Engineering Department Set-Up & Re-Engineering, Factory Layout Design & Re-Engineering, Fabric Optimization & Cutting Technology, Social Compliance Implementation Process, Fire Safety Training etc.

BKMEA’s Productivity Improvement Campaign

Contribution of Bangladesh Knitwear Sector


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