Bihanga july aug 2015

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In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

July - Aug 2015 Vol 2 Issue 6

AbuByDhabi land, air and sea


beaches to explore with family & Friends

Bicycle diaries

Fabulous feasts

Gentle rolling hills make Srimangal an ideal place to roam around in a cycle

Muslims around the world celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr with various delicacies



Thank you for choosing to ‘travel with Biman’ Kyle Haywood Managing Director & CEO (Biman Bangladesh Airlines)



aboard. We are delighted that you have chosen us for

your travel today. All of us at Biman Bangladesh Airlines are busy preparing for the busy few travel months ahead. That said, the last few months have been incredibly busy too. The number of passengers continues to grow strongly year on year, reflecting our board’s ongoing commitment to invest in our fleet, our people and our services, both on the ground and in the air. We will close our financial year at the end of June, a year which we expect to be one of our best performing years. This will be an exciting achievement for us all. We thank you for helping us reach this. We started our expanded domestic operations in early April. We have been pleased with the results so far, with the load factor (number of seats occupied against the total number available for sale) has risen steadily to 73%. This is a strong achievement given the significant number of frequencies that were added at the same time. We have also used this time to look at better ways to serve our customers travelling through HSIA Dhaka. We have recently opened a dedicated business class check-in area in the international terminal. These desks, located on aisle D, desks 15/16, are now fully operational and positioned on the other side of the main economy class check-in area. This is already providing a faster and more personalised check-in service to eligible customers. By repositioning the business class check-in, it has released more counters for economy class passengers further improving the speed at check-in and congestion at peak times of day. We are now in the Holy month of Ramadan, which is a time to give thanks, reflect on life and spend valuable quality time with family and friends. The Eid is fast approaching and then we head in to the busy travel period to support the Hajj movement. This year, the airline will dedicate three 777-300ER aircraft to support those making this exceptional trip. Wherever you are travelling, we wish you an enjoyable and memorable experience.


¯^vMZ| AvR‡Ki w`b ågY Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i‡K †e‡Q wb‡q‡Qb e‡j Avgiv D”Q¡wmZ| mvg‡bi K‡qK gvm åg‡Yi e¨¯Í mgq| Avi G mgq‡K wN‡i wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi Avgiv mevB e¨¯Í mgq cvi KiwQ| ej‡Z †M‡j, MZ K‡qK gvm Avgv‡`i `viæY e¨¯ÍZvq †K‡U‡Q| cÖwZ eQiB †`Lv hv‡”Q Avgv‡`i hvÎx msL¨v û û K‡i †e‡o P‡j‡Q| f‚wg †_‡K ïiæ K‡i AvKv‡k; Avgv‡`i eni, Kg©x I †mevq wewb‡qv‡Mi †h cÖwZkÖæwZ w`‡qwQjvg -- Gme ZviB cÖwZdjb| Ry‡bi †kl bvMv` Avgv‡`i GKwU A_©eQi †kl n‡q‡Q, Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨vkv Abyhvqx GUvB n‡Z hv‡”Q Avgv‡`i †miv cvidi‡g‡Ýi eQi| Avi GUv Avgv‡`i mK‡ji Rb¨B wekvj GK AR©b| G ch©šÍ D‡V Avm‡Z Avgv‡`i mvnvh¨ K‡i‡Qb e‡j Avcbv‡`i ab¨ev` RvbvB| GwcÖ‡ji ïiæi w`‡K Avgiv Avgv‡`i ewa©Z Af¨šÍixY Acv‡ikb Pvjy K‡iwQjvg| hvi djvdj †`‡L Avgiv †ek mš‘ó| †jvW d¨v±i `ªæZ †e‡o `uvwo‡q‡Q 73 kZvs‡k (†gvU Avmb msL¨vi wecix‡Z †gvU hvÎxevnx Avmb msL¨vi AbycvZ)| GKB mg‡q d¬vB‡U †h evowZ wd«‡Kv‡qwÝ †hvM n‡q‡Q Zv‡ZI Avgv‡`i kw³kvjx AR©‡bi Bw½Z cvIqv hvq| GB mg‡q GBPGmAvBG XvKv e¨envi K‡i †h MÖvnKiv ågY K‡i‡Qb Zv‡`i †mevq AviI DbœZ c×wZi e¨env‡iI gb‡hvMx wQjvg Avgiv| m¤úªwZ B›Uvib¨vkbvj Uvwg©bv‡j GKwU weR‡bm K¬vm †PK-Bb GwiqvI Pvjy K‡iwQ| AvB‡Rj wW †W¯‹ 15/16 †Z _vKv IB †W¯‹¸‡jv GLb cy‡ivcywi Kvh©Ki I g~j BK‡bvwg K¬vm †PK-Bb Gwiqvi wVK wecixZ cv‡k Aew¯’Z| Dchy³ MÖvn‡Ki Rb¨ hv BwZg‡a¨B AviI `ªæZMwZi I e¨w³‡Kw›`ªK (cvi‡mvbvjvBRW) †PK-Bb †mev cÖ`vb K‡i P‡j‡Q| weR‡bm K¬vm †PK-BbÕ‡K bZzb K‡i mvRv‡bvi d‡j BK‡bvwg K¬v‡mi hvÎx‡`i Rb¨ †e‡o‡Q KvD›Uv‡ii msL¨v, hv‡Z K‡i †PK-Bb Gi mvgwMÖK MwZ †e‡o‡Q AviI †ewk Ges w`‡bi wcK UvB‡g K‡g‡Q wfo| GLb cweÎ igRvb gvm cvjb KiwQ Avgiv| †h mgqUv n‡jv ab¨ev` Rvbv‡bvi, Rxe‡bi w`‡K ZvwK‡q †`Lvi Ges cwievi I eÜz‡`i m‡½ GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© mgq AwZevwnZ Kivi| C` Lye `ªæZ GwM‡q Avm‡Q Ges GiciB n‡Ri myweav‡_© GKwU Kg©e¨¯Í mg‡qi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘wZ wbw”Q Avgiv| GB eQi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© IB wUªc¸‡jvi Rb¨ GqvijvBbwU Zvi wZbwU 777-300BAvi GqviµvdU eivÏ †i‡L‡Q| †hLv‡bB ågY K‡i _vKzb bv †Kb, Avkv Kwi GKwU Dc‡fvM¨ I ¯§„wZgq AwfÁZv Avcbvi m½x n‡q _vK‡e|

This year, Biman will dedicate three 777-300ER planes to support those making the Hajj movement

jul - aug 2015

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. CHAIRMAN: Air Marshal (Retd.) Jamal Uddin Ahmed Managing Director & CEO: Kyle Haywood DIRECTOR MARKETING & SALES: Mohammad Shah Newaz (Editorial Board) GM PUBLIC RELATIONS: Khan Musharraf Hussein (Editorial Board)

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Bihanga is a bimonthly, bilingual (English & Bangla) in-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. It is published by Subcontinental Media Private Limited (SMPL) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines at: Suite 314, Crystal Palace, 3rd Floor, House # SE (D), Road No # 140, Gulshan South Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. This is a free copy for in-flight reading only. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of SMPL. SMPL/Biman does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, transparencies or other materials. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines or SMPL. All efforts have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. SMPL/Biman Bangladesh airlines does not assume any liability for services or products advertised herein. Simply scan this QR code from your smartphone which contains the URL of our website.


In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

July - Aug 2015 Vol 2 Issue 6

AbuByDhabi land, air and sea



bEachES to ExplorE with FaMily & FriEndS

bicycle diaries

Fabulous Feasts

Gentle rolling hills make Srimangal an ideal place to roam around in a cycle

Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr with various delicacies

22 30

Bicycle diaries

Srimangal is mostly plains with a few gentle rolling hills, which makes it an ideal destination to roam around in a cycle

evBmvB‡Kj Wvqwi

Aí wKQz Xvjy cvnvo ev` w`‡j kÖxg½‡ji evwK cy‡ivUvB mgZj ejv P‡j| hvi Kvi‡Y mvB‡K‡j †P‡c Ny‡i †eov‡Z GUv GKUv Av`k© MšÍe¨

jul - aug 2015

Exploring Abu Dhabi Meaning ‘Father of the Gazelle’ in Arabic, Abu Dhabi has come a long way since it first struck oil in 1958

Ny‡i †`Lyb Avey avwe

Avey avwe -- Aviwe‡Z hvi gv‡b n‡jv dv`vi Ae `¨ Mv‡Rj gv‡b Mv‡R‡ji wcZv| 1958 mv‡j cÖ_g †Z‡ji mÜvb cvIqvi ci †_‡K eû`~i GwM‡q‡Q Avey avwe


A cultural hotspot

Malaysia’s capital is coming into its own as a stopover for travellers en route to the islands of Penang, Langkawi and Borneo

mvs¯‹…wZK nU¯úU

ågYKvix‡`i Pjvi c‡_ ÿwY‡Ki hvÎvweiwZ †`Iqvi g‡Zv ¯^qsm¤ú~Y© n‡qB †e‡o DV‡Q gvj‡qwkqvi ivRavbx †hLv‡b Av‡Q †gŠmygx Øxc -- †cbvs, jsKvwe I ewb©I


Fabulous feasts

Muslims around the world celebrate Eid ul-Fitr with various delicacies. We list a few of them

Abe`¨ †fvR

we‡k¦i gymjgvbiv C`yj wdZi D`hvcb K‡i `viæY me Lvevi w`‡q| hvi K‡qKwU wb‡q GKUv ZvwjKv K‡iwQ Avgiv

update 18 Weekend Trials/

QzwU KvUvb

leisure 60 Bangle makers of Dhaka/cyivb XvKvi

Looking for something new

kvLvwi‡`i K_v

to visit this weekend? Try

Shakhari Bazaar is known

these getaways from three exciting destinations

Gev‡ii QzwU‡Z bZzb wKQz LyuR‡Qb? wZbwU PgrKvi RvqMv †_‡K cv evwo‡q w`b GB wZb MšÍ‡e¨i w`‡K explore 42 Bags of joy/

Avb‡›`i dzjSzwo! There’s no better time to shop than during Singapore’s biggest sale of the year

†KbvKvUvi Rb¨ ‡MÖU wm½vcyi †mj -- Gi †P‡q fvj mgq Avi n‡ZB cv‡i bv -- GUvB wm½vcy‡ii me‡P‡q eo evrmwiK †KbvKvUvi Avmi adventure 48 Beach watch/

ˆmKZ `k©b We list you the top three most beautiful and scenic beaches in Southeast Asia, admired world over

cwiPq Kwi‡q w`w”Q `wÿY-c~e© Gwkqvi Acvi †mŠ›`‡h©i AwaKvix †miv wZb bv›`wbK ˆmK‡Zi m‡½| †h ˆmKZ¸‡jv Uªv‡fjvm© P‡qm A¨vIqvW© †c‡q‡Q

to be the oldest area habituated by a lot of master craftsmen from Bangladesh

evsjv‡`‡ki hZ †miv KvwiMi Av‡Qb, Zv‡`i A‡b‡KiB cÖ_g emwZ M‡o D‡VwQj kvLvwi evRv‡i people 70 Habibul Bashar/

nvweeyj evkvi Also known as Mr Fifty, Habibul Bashar speaks about his life about cricket and beyond cricket with Bihanga

nvweeyj evkvi wµ‡KU I wµ‡K‡Ui evB‡ii `ywbqv wb‡q K_v e‡j‡Qb wen‡½i m‡½ regular 02. CEO's Note GgwW-wmBIÕi K_v 08. Biman News ågY Z_¨ 68. Tarot fwel¨ØvYx 76. Biman Offices wegvb Kvh©vjq 77. Fleet Guide wegvbeni wb‡`©wkKv 78. Routes iæU

culture 52 The feast after the fast/msh‡gi ci Drme Eid ul-Fitr tells us about the spirit of charity, almsgiving, generosity and sharing with the poor and destitute ones

C`yj wdZi Avgv‡`i‡K `v‡bi gvnvZ¥¨, hvKvZ, J`vh© Ges `wi`ª I `y¯’‡`i m‡½ fvMvfvwM Kivi wkÿv †`q©

Bihanga means... ...a bird in Bangla. It is often used in literary writings. As Biman Bangladesh Airlines is being reborn, reinvented and soaring to new heights, we felt this was the most symbolic name for Biman’s new in-flight magazine, and so will our customers.

evsjv fvlvq wen½ cvwLi c«wZkã, GwU c«vqkB mvwn‡Z¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ beRb¥ ‡c‡q bZyb K‡i hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ges bZyb GK D”PZv jvf K‡i‡Q, ZvB Avgiv Abyfe KiwQ wegv‡bi bZyb Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ GUvB ‡miv c«ZxKx bvg, Avi Avgiv wbwðZ Avgv‡`i M«vnKiv GwU c‡o Avb›` cv‡eb|



Cover story






Sky Update Updates and facilities to make flying a pleasure

¯‹vB Avc‡WU

AvKvkågY Dc‡fvM¨ K‡i ‡Zvjvi Rb¨ Z_¨ I my‡hvMmyweav Amadues and Biman enter partnership

Amadeus and Biman Bangladesh Airlines have signed a partnership that will enable the airline to distribute their fares via Amadeus’ global network of travel agencies. Biman Bangladesh Airlines joins more than 470 airlines globally whose content is available on the Amadeus system. Amadeus travel agents worldwide will now have guaranteed access to Biman Bangladesh Airlines’ full range of domestic and international fares, as well as group bookings. Under the agreement, Amadeus users will have access to the same Biman Bangladesh Airlines content and under the same conditions as that which the airline distributes to all other third party channels.


Avgvw`Dm I wegvb-Gi Aswk`vwiZ¡ ïiæ

GKwU Aswk`vwi‡Z¡i Pzw³‡Z mB K‡i‡Q Avgvw`Dm I wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ| G‡Z K‡i Avgvw`D‡mi †Møvevj †bUIqv‡K© _vKv Uªv‡fj G‡Rwݸ‡jv‡Z GqvijvBbwU Zvi fvovi ZvwjKv Qwo‡q w`‡Z cvi‡e| G ch©šÍ we‡k¦i 470wU GqvijvB‡Ýi m‡½ hy³ n‡q‡Q wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ, hv‡`i hveZxq AYyl½ cvIqv hv‡e Avgvw`Dm wm‡÷‡g| Pzw³ Abyhvqx mviv we‡k¦i Avgvw`Dm Uªv‡fj G‡R›Uiv GLb M¨vivw›U mnKv‡i wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi Af¨šÍixY I AvšÍR©vwZK c~Y©v½ fvovi ZvwjKvq cÖ‡ekvwaKvi cv‡e| GKBm‡½ MÖæc eywKsI w`‡Z cvi‡e| G Pzw³i AvIZvq, Avgvw`D‡mi e¨enviKvixiv wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi hveZxq Kb‡U‡›U cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z cvi‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î GqvijvBÝwUi Z…Zxq c‡ÿi P¨v‡bj¸‡jv‡Z weZi‡Yi Rb¨ †h kZ© w`‡q _v‡K, Zv‡`i †ejv‡ZI GKB kZ© cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e|

advance seat reservation To make room for an ever-increasing number of passengers, Biman has introduced Advance Seat Reservation (ASR) to help passengers choose their preferred seat in the airlines while they book their tickets. It is a part of the carrier’s commitment to provide customers with the highest standards of comfort and reliability.

A¨vWfvÝ wmU wiRv‡f©kb

µgea©gvb hvÎx‡`i Rb¨ RvqMv K‡i w`‡Z wegvb ïiæ K‡i‡Q A¨vWfvÝ wmU wiRv‡f©kb (GGmAvi)| G‡Z K‡i wUwKU †Kbvi mgqB hvÎxiv GqvijvB‡Ý Zv‡`i cQ‡›`i AvmbwU evQvB K‡i wb‡Z cvi‡e| GB Kvh©µgwU g~jZ MÖvnK‡`i m‡e©v”P gv‡bi mš‘wó I Av¯’v AR©‡b K¨vwiqv‡ii †`Iqv cÖwZkÖæwZiB GKwU Ask|

jul - aug 2015

In-Flight Services

Bb-d¬vBU ‡mevmg~n

Biman has designed all menus to reflect the fresh, innovative cuisine of Bangladeshi culture with Western flare. Enjoy the comfort and service on-board your next flight. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖPwjZ Lvev‡ii m‡½ cvðv‡Z¨i Lvev‡ii bZyb D™¢vebx wg‡k‡j wegvb me ai‡bi ‡gby mvwR‡q‡Q| Avcbvi cieZ©x d¬vB‡U wegv‡b D‡V Gme Av‡qk Avi ‡mev Dc‡fvM Kiyb|

Breakfast Menu A range of fresh fruit juice offered in addition to sodas, cheese omelette, sautéed mushroom, croissant, fresh roll, butter, jam, tea and coffee. Lunch Menu Garden salad with freshly picked seasonal vegetables.

‡Kvgj cvbxq, wPR Ag‡jU, m‡Z Kiv gvkiæg, µqmu, UvUKv ‡ivj, gvLb, R¨vg, Pv I Kwdi m‡½ wewfbœ d‡ji ZvRv Rym|

jv ‡gby

Main Course

m`¨ evMvb ‡_‡K msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi m‡½ Mv‡W©b m¨vjvW|

Chicken curry served with most unique fragrant rice from the nation’s own harvest, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with lemon and green chilli.

GB ‡`‡k Drcvw`Z me‡P‡q ¯^Kxq myMwÜ Pvj w`‡q ‰Zwi ivB‡mi m‡½ wP‡Kb Kvwi, wewfbœ ai‡bi ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, ‡jey Ges KvuPv gwiP|

Dessert Rice pudding flavoured with rose water and garnished with fresh scrambled nuts. Dinner Menu


‡e«Kdv÷ ‡gby

Salad Fruit salad with freshly picked seasonal fruit. Main Course Lamb curry served with fine grain rice cooked with moong dal, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with green chilli, butter-naan (in tandoor).

‡gBb ‡Kvm©

wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©) ev`vg w`‡q mvRv‡bv ‡MvjvcR‡ji myN«vYmg…× myMwÜ Pv‡j ‰Zwi cv‡qk|

wWbvi ‡gby mvjv` m`¨ msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg d‡ji ˆZix d«yU mvjv`|

‡gBb ‡Kvm© wPKb Pv‡ji fv‡Zi m‡½ ‡fovi ‡Mv‡¯Íi Kvwi, gyM Wvj, wewfbœ ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, mvRv‡bvi Rb¨ KvuPv gwiP, evUvi-bvb (Z›`y‡i ‰Zwi Kiv)|


wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©)

Caramel custard garnished with canned peach.

wUbRvZ wcPd‡j mvRv‡bv K¨viv‡gj Kv÷vW©|

* Complementary beverage is served with all meals, and is available anytime on request.

* ‡h ‡Kvb ‡ejvi Lvev‡ii m‡½ ‡mŠRb¨g~jK cvbxq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq, Ges ‡h ‡Kvb mgq PvB‡jI cvIqv hvq

Biman has introduced new menus on all flights. Featuring selected dishes created by renowned English-Bangladesh Chef Tommy Miah these changes will upgrade and improve the meal standards in both Economy and Business Class. We're especially excited about our long-haul Business Class where we are launching a full 4 course menu that includes new starters, 4 choices of main course and a new cheese tray as well as a dessert trolley. wegvb Zvi me KÕUv bZzb d¬vB‡U bZzb Lvevi ZvwjKv ms‡hvRb K‡i‡Q| L¨vZbvgv Bs‡iR-evsjv‡`wk †kd Uwg wgqvi ˆZwi K‡qKwU wbe©vwPZ Lvevi cwi‡ek‡bi gva¨‡g BK‡bvwg I weR‡bm K¬v‡mi Lvev‡ii ¸YMZ gvb nvjbvMv` I DbœZZi Kivi ga¨ w`‡qB GB cwieZ©b m~wPZ n‡e| Avgiv we‡kl K‡i Avgv‡`i `xN© hvÎvi weR‡bm K¬v‡mi Rb¨ †ewk DÏxwcZ, †hLv‡b 4wU bZzb Lv`¨ZvwjKv Pvjy Ki‡Z hvw”Q; Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q bZzb ÷vU©vi, 4wU †gBb †Kvm© I GKwU bZzb wPR Uªwji m‡½ GKwU †WRvU© Uªwj| Send your feedback to: Biman Bangladesh Airlines provides quick & efficient check-in, advance check-in, lounge access, and handling facilities for unaccompanied minor. It provides cargo services worldwide, besides offering Ground Handling facilities to all the airports in Bangladesh. For duty free products, check the brochure available on the flight. wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ `ªæZ I `¶ ‡PK-Bb, AvMvg ‡PK-Bb, jvDÄ A¨vK‡mm Ges ågY-m½xnxb Ac«vßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl n¨vÛwjs‡qi gZ myweav w`‡q _v‡K| evsjv‡`‡ki me wegvbe›`‡i M«vDÛ n¨vÛwjs myweav QvovI GwU wek¦e¨vcx gvjvgvj cwien‡Yi ‡mev c«`vb K‡i _v‡K| wWDwU wd« c‡Y¨i wel‡q Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ d¬vB‡U ‡h e«wkIi cvIqv hvq ‡mwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡ib|

jul - aug 2015

Located at the longest unbroken sea beach on earth at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Ocean Paradise Hotel & Resort is the perfect destination for your next trip. Whether business or vacation, with the largest and soundproof ball-room and conference halls equipped with modern AV, a roof top restaurant with a panoramic view of Cox’s Bazaar, a multi-cuisine restaurant, a theme bar and many more, this is your perfect destination. The main attraction, sea is just so walking distance from premise, you can even enjoy the breeze from your balcony anytime. Also the other historical attractions like 100ft Buddha statue, few monasteries of ancient times, even pristine nature of so long, all are nearby. With a brigade of hand-picked chefs and service personnel, with modern facilities, this hotel is not just a hotel, but your another home away from your home.

Location: Plot no. 28-29, Hotel Motel Zone, Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar. E-mail:,; Recreational Facilities: • Walking distance to the beach • Fitness centre/outdoor swimming pool • Spa/Sauna and Steam rooms • Suites with Jacuzzi • Sightseeing tours to Inani, Himchori Beach & other historical sites


Restaurant Bar & Lounge • ‘Curry Leaf’ Ñ Multi Cuisine Restaurant • ‘Sky Bar’ Ñ Fun Food & Grill • ‘Kolatoli’ Ñ Lobby Cafe • ‘Nautica’ Ñ Sea View Terrace Bar • ‘Faham Shisha Corner’ Ñ Roof Top

Meeting & Events • ‘Captain Cox’ Ñ Grand Ballroom • ‘Arakan & Shah Shuza’ Ñ Ballroom • Sunset Terrace Multipurpose Banquet facilities, Sea view.

For booking please contact: Cox’s Bazar Office : Phone: (+88) 0341 52370 Ñ 79, Mobile: (+88) 01938846762-67 Dhaka Office: (+88) (02 8415397, Mobile: (+88) 01938846770, 01938846811

Cover story








FOOD for the soul

A look at how the tasty recipes are prepared at Biman Food Catering Centre and served across a wide network of Biman as well as other service airlines

AvZ¥vi Rb¨ Lvevi

†`Lyb wegv‡bi dzW K¨vUvwis †m›Uv‡i Kx K‡i my¯v^ `y me †iwmwc ˆZwi nq Ges Kx K‡i Zv wegvb I Ab¨vb¨ mvwf©m GqvijvB‡Ýi we¯ÍZ … cwimi Ry‡o cwi‡ekb Kiv nq

(left to right) Freshly prepared rice before being served in the aircraft, an employee makes rotis to be served in the Biman planes

jul - aug 2015


(clockwise from top) Storage for non perishable items like Pepsi, Sprite etc; bakery stuff served in Biman flights are all produced at BFCC; fishes, mutton and other perishable stuff are stored in separate cold rooms; the final packaging before the food is stored to serve in flights; hygeine is something that is never compromised in BFCC; the entrance of the main store with Mr Raquib Hossain, Manager Hygiene, giving instructions

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Checklist A world of travel news to help you plan your next voyage


Avcbvi cieZ©x AwfhvÎvi cwiKíbv Ki‡Z mnvqZv

Ki‡e ågY msev‡`i GB wek¦

shopping Amazing Thailand Grand Sales 2015

If you love shopping in Bangkok then there is no better time to come than between June and August, when the Amazing Thailand Grand Sales take place. With shops offering fantastic discounts on clothes, jewellery and electrical goods, you can stock up on all your dream purchases at a fraction of the price. When: June 15 onwards


A¨vgvwRs _vBj¨vÛ MÖ¨vÛ †mjm 2015 Avcbvi hw` e¨vsK‡K †KbvKvUv fv‡jv jv‡M, Z‡e Ryb †_‡K AvM‡÷i gvSvgvwS mg‡q hvIqvB me‡P‡q fv‡jv| KviY IB mgqUv‡ZB ïiæ nq A¨vgvwRs _vBj¨vÛ MÖ¨vÛ †mjm| GB mgq †mLvbKvi †`vKvb¸‡jv †cvkvK, Mnbv I B‡jKwUªK¨vj miÄv‡g `viæY wWmKvD›U †NvlYv K‡i| Avmj `v‡gi GKUv Ask we‡kl w`‡qB Avcwb wK‡b †dj‡Z cvi‡eb mewKQz; †h¸‡jvi ¯^cœ †`‡L AvmwQ‡jb GZw`b a‡i! KLb: 15 Ryb †_‡K ïiæ

exhibition World Bodypainting Festival

It is a week of live competitions, workshops, living art installations and parties. Held in Pörtschach on Lake Wörthersee in the beautiful state of Carinthia, this annual event attracts the best bodypaint artists from over 45 countries — plus models, students and thousands of partygoers. When: July 3-5

Iqvì© ewW‡cBw›Us †dw÷fvj jvBf cÖwZ‡hvwMZv, Kg©kvjv, RxešÍ AvU© Bb÷‡jkb I cvwU©i mßvn GwU| Aw÷ªqvi Avwb›`¨ my›`i K¨vwibw_qv iv‡R¨i †jK Iqv_©viwmi †cvU©mKvK kn‡i AbywôZ n‡e GwU| mviv we‡k¦i †miv 45 ewW‡cB›U wkíx GB Abyôv‡b Ask wb‡Z Avm‡e| m‡½ Av‡Q g‡Wj, wkÿv_©x I nvRvi nvRvi cvwU©cvMj gvbyl| KLb: 3-5 RyjvB

jul - aug 2015

culture Eid ul-Fitr

This day marks the end of Ramadan, a period of fasting and intense worship for adherents of the Muslim faith. Eid ul-Fitr includes expressions of thanks to Allah for strengthening them through Ramadan, with special services and processions taking place in all across the streets of Dhaka. Don’t miss the exquisite food that is served on this day. When: July 19

C`-Dj-wdZi igRv‡bi mgvwßi evZ©v wb‡q Av‡m w`bwU| igRvb n‡jv Bmjvg a‡g© wek¦vmx‡`i Rb¨ GwU GKwU mshg I †ewk K‡i Bev`Z Kivi gvm| Avi †MvUv igRvb Ry‡o wb‡R‡`i wek¦vm‡K AviI ejxqvb Kivi Rb¨ gnvb Avjøvn‡K ab¨ev` †`Iqvi Awfe¨w³B dz‡U I‡V GB C`-Dj-wdZ‡i| Avi G w`b XvKvi AwjMwj‡Z we‡kl †mev I †kvfvhvÎv †`Lv hvq| we‡kl K‡i G w`‡bi Dcj‡ÿ ˆZwi Kiv `viæY me Lvevi wgm Ki‡eb bv wKQz‡ZB| KLb: 19 RyjvB


expo Bangladesh Apparel & Safety Exposition

BKMEA is going to organise this exposition in Chittagong with an aim to explore every avenue towards achieving the vision of $50 billion of RMG export in 2021 set in Dhaka Apparel Summit 2014. It will showcase locally developed apparel products and will provide an ideal opportunity to global apparel retailers to meet experienced clothing manufacturers of Bangladesh. When: August 6-8

evsjv‡`k A¨vcv‡ij A¨vÛ †mdwU G·‡cvwRkb PÆMÖv‡g GB Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Z hv‡”Q we‡KGgBG| XvKv A¨vcv‡ij mvwgU 2014Õ‡Z 2021 mv‡ji g‡a¨ AviGgwR Lv‡Z 50 wewjqb Wjvi idZvwb jÿ¨gvÎv AR©b Ki‡e e‡j wVK Kiv n‡qwQj| Avi IB jÿ¨ AR©‡bi hveZxq c_NvU Lyu‡R †c‡ZB GB Av‡qvRb| GLv‡b ¯’vbxqfv‡e ˆZwiK…Z †cvkvK cÖ`k©bx Kiv n‡e| Avi Gi gva¨‡g †cvkv‡Ki AvšÍR©vwZK evRv‡ii LyPiv we‡µZviv my‡hvM cv‡eb evsjv‡`‡ki AwfÁ †cvkvK wbg©vZv‡`i m‡½ †`Lv Kivi KLb: 6-8 AvM÷

Cover story







exhibition Phuket Seafood Fiesta

Seafood lovers will be able to enjoy a vast range of Thai, Asian and global delicacies in the ‘Phuket Seafood Fiesta’. The event is being organised in cooperation with the Phuket Provincial Administration, numerous public sector agencies and the Phuket tourism industry. In the event, there are activities such as seafood cooking contests, cooking demonstration of local and international dishes by famous chefs. When: August 2015

dz‡KU wmdzW wd‡q¯Ív


mvgyw`ªK Lvevi hv‡`i †ek cQ›` Zviv Ô‌dz‡KU wmdzW wd‡q¯ÍvÕ‡Z cv‡eb _vB, Gwkqvb I we‡k¦i bvbv cÖv‡šÍi gyL‡ivPK me Lvev‡ii ¯^v`| dz‡K‡Ui cÖv‡`wkK cÖkvmb, AMwYZ miKvwi G‡RwÝ I dz‡KZ ch©Ub wk‡íi †hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M Av‡qvwRZ n‡Z hv‡”Q G Drme| Drm‡e Ab¨vb¨ Kvh©Kjv‡ci g‡a¨ _vK‡Q wmdzW ivbœv Kivi cÖwZ‡hvwMZv I L¨vZbvgv †kd‡`i nv‡Z AvšÍR©vwZK I ¯’vbxq wW‡ki iÜb‰kjx cÖ`k©b| KLb: AvM÷ 2015

music Boardmasters Festival

The UK’s surf capital of Newquay, in Cornwall, does beachside, seaand-salt fuelled fun with the annual Broadmasters Festival, a five-day celebration of music and surf. There are surf competitions at Fistral Beach, skate and BMX ramps for the less aqua-inclined. For more information, visit When: August 5-9

†evW©gv÷vim †dw÷fvj hy³iv‡R¨i mvwd©s‡qi ivRavbx L¨vZ Kb©I‡q‡ji wbD‡Kv‡q‡Z AbywôZ nq evwl©K †evW©gv÷vim Drme| ˆmK‡Zi cv‡k jeYRj †Nu‡l m½xZ I mvwd©s‡qi gRvi G Drme P‡j cvuPw`b e¨vcx| wd÷ªvj we‡P AbywôZ n‡e mvd© cÖwZ‡hvwMZv| Avi cvwb‡K hviv LvwbKUv Gwo‡q P‡jb, Zv‡`i Rb¨ i‡q‡Q †¯‹U I weGgG· i¨v¤ú| we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z wfwRU Kiæ

KLb: 5-9 AvM÷

jul - aug 2015

sports US Open

One of the four Grand Slam events in the world, US Open is one of the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world. The 2014 US Open provided a series of surprises, which saw first US Open men’s singles final without either Novak Djokovic or Roger Federer in 11 years. Will it be a year of surprises or will Djokovic continue his winning streak here too? When: August 25 onwards

BDGm I‡cb we‡k¦i PviwU MÖ¨vÛ ¯øv‡gi g‡a¨ GKwU BDGm I‡cb| we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg gh©v`vc~Y© †Uwbm Uzb©v‡g›U GwU| 2014 BDGm I‡cb wQj we¯§‡q ficyi| †hLv‡b MZ 11 eQ‡ii HwZn¨ †f‡O cyiæ‡li GKK dvBbv‡j †`Lv hvqwb †bvfvK R‡KvwfP ev iRvi †d‡`ivi‡K| GeviI wK †Zgb mvicÖvBR A‡cÿv Ki‡Q? bvwK R‡KvwfP GLv‡bI Zvi weR‡qi aviv Ae¨vnZ ivL‡eb? KLb: 25 AvM÷ †_‡K ïiæ


celebration La Tomatina

La Tomatina is held on the last Wednesday in August in the town of Bunol, Spain. This unusual fiesta brings together crowds of people every year, ready to have a great time, hurling tomatoes at each other. It gets underway at 9 am in the town square, with rolls and pastries provided for breakfast. Before the battle, a huge pole is erected. It is covered with soap and has a leg of ham on the end. The most daring try to get their hands on the prize. When: August 26, 2015

jv †UvgvwUbv †¯ú‡bi ey‡bvj kn‡i AvM‡÷i †kl eyaev‡i AbywôZ nq †UvgvwUbv Drme| cÖwZ eQiB Ab¨iKg G DrmewU †jv‡Ki wfo ˆZwi K‡i| GKwU PgrKvi mgq KvUv‡Z Zviv G‡K A‡b¨i w`‡K U‡g‡Uv Qz‡o gv‡i| kn‡ii UvDb ¯‹qv‡i mKvj 9Uv †_‡K ïiæ nq GwU| mKv‡ji bv¯Ív wn‡m‡e cwi‡ekb Kiv nq †ivj I †cw÷ª| Avmj Ô‌hy×Õ ïiæi Av‡M GKwU AwZKvq †cvj `uvo Kiv‡bv nq| cy‡ivUv Ry‡o jvMv‡bv _v‡K mvevb| Avi wVK Dc‡iB _v‡K GKwU ivbœv Kiv k~K‡ii Av¯Í cv| hviv †ek `ya©l©, ZvivB IB cyi¯‹v‡ii Rb¨ Suvwc‡q c‡o| KLb: 26 AvM÷ 2015|

Cover story







Weekend Looking for something new to visit this weekend? Try these getaways from three exciting destinations By: Abhishek Chakraborty


QzwU KvUvb

Gev‡ii QzwU‡Z bZzb wKQz LyuR‡Qb? wZbwU PgrKvi RvqMv †_‡K cv evwo‡q w`b GB wZb MšÍ‡e¨i w`‡K KjKvZv †_‡K eveyi nvU

KjKvZv †_‡K 51 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i GKwU Ab¨iKg A™¢zZ wbwiwewj MÖvg| MZvbyMwZK evsjvi MÖvg¨ Rxe‡bi †P‡q LvwbK wfbœ Ave‡n mvRv‡bv ay‡jvgq eveyi nvU| Avi G MÖvgwUB n‡Z cv‡i eÜz I AvZ¥xq‡`i wb‡q QzwU KvUv‡Z Avmvi PgrKvi GKwU RvqMv| eveyi nv‡Ui mywekvj f‚`„‡k¨ †`Lv wgj‡e w`MšÍ we¯Í…Z gvQ aivi †jK, hv‡K ¯’vbxqiv †fwi e‡j| evsjvi wKQz Ab¨Zg my¯^v`y gv‡Qi Pv‡li Rb¨ A‡bK w`b a‡iB hv e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| MÖv‡gi Ab¨me †`Lvi g‡Zv wRwbm¸‡jv n‡jv eû`~i ch©šÍ Qov‡bv av‡bi †ÿZ, mewRi mvwi, Av‡gi evMvb, cvg evMvb, cyKzi, MÖvgxY cUf‚wgi Nievwo I ¯’vbxq gw›`i| kn‡ii GK‡N‡q Aw¯Í‡Z¡i nvZ †_‡K GKwU m‡ZR cwieZ©b n‡Z cv‡i G eveyi nvU| Db¥y³ gvV, mg„× k¨vgwjgv, ZiZvRv evZvm Ges gv_vi Ici Abvexj bxj w`M‡šÍi nvZQvwb; me wKQz †hb GK jngvq Dwo‡q wb‡q hv‡e hveZxq gvbwmK Pvc| MÖv‡gi kke¨¯ÍZv Avcbvi Ava¨vwZ¥K †PZbv‡K †Kej RvwM‡qB Zzj‡e bv, Avcbv‡K wb‡q hv‡e cÖK…wZi my›`i kvwšÍgq I wbR©bZvi AviI GK avc Kv‡Q|


Babur Haat from Kolkata A quaint rural village located about 51 kilometres from Kolkata, Babur Haat is a perfect weekend destination for families and friends who want to spend some quality time enjoying the rustic village with the different shades of a traditional Bengal village life. The landscape of Babur Haat is filled with huge stretches of natural fishing lakes or bheris, which are used for the purpose of cultivating some of the tastiest fishes of Bengal. Other village attractions include the vast stretches of rice farmlands, vegetable orchards, mango groves, palm orchards, ponds, rural village houses and local temples. Babur Haat can be a refreshing change from the humdrum existence of a city life. The open fields, thriving greenery, fresh air and vast stretches of blue horizon above can really be a great stress buster. The bustling village life will not only lift your spirits but also take you a step closer to nature’s beautiful peace and quiet.

jul - aug 2015

Biman connects Dhaka-Kolkata-Dhaka with 10 weekly flights (Till August 14) (

Sylhet from Dhaka

Sylhet may be a divisional capital, but it has a smalltown feel to it with bustling roadside market stalls, particularly around Bandar Bazar. The majority of British Bangladeshis hail from here and are likely to wax lyrical over the place. Those with stronger ties to the homeland continue to pour money back into the local economy, which has helped create a city that is more modern than others of similar size in Bangladesh. It also means that you’ll meet a disproportionately large number of people here who speak excellent English. Best known for its tea, Sylhet is the place where the country’s commercial tea production first began, and there are still more than 150 tea estates in this region, some of which are walking distance from the city centre.


XvKv †_‡K wm‡jU

wm‡jU n‡Z cv‡i GKwU wefvMxq kni, Z‡e GLv‡b wgj‡e GKwU †QvU UvD‡bi Abyf‚wZI| KviY GLvbKvi iv¯Ívi cv‡k Av‡Q e¨¯ÍZg †`vKv‡bi cmiv, we‡kl K‡i ev›`i evRv‡ii Avkcv‡k †Zv K_vB †bB| weªwUk evsjv‡`wk‡`i †ewkifvMB GLv‡b Mv`vMvw` K‡i _v‡K Ges Zviv AvÿwiK A‡_©B cÖPÊ D‡ËwRZ _v‡K| MÖv‡gi evwoi cÖwZ hv‡`i k³ Uvb Av‡Q ZvivB GLvbKvi ¯’vbxq A_©bxwZ‡Z D`vi n‡¯Í Xvj‡Z Zv‡K UvKv| Avi Gi Kvi‡YB evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨ me GB AvKv‡ii kn‡ii PvB‡Z GUv GKUz †ewkB AvaywbK n‡q M‡o D‡V‡Q| Gi Av‡iKUv gv‡b n‡jv, GLv‡b Avcwb GZ †ewk Bs‡iwRfvlx †jv‡Ki †`Lv cv‡eb hv Avcbvi Kv‡Q mvgvb¨ †eLvàv †VK‡Z cv‡i| Pv‡qi Rb¨ me‡P‡q †ewk weL¨vZ GB wm‡j‡UB †`‡ki cÖ_g evwYwR¨K Pv Drcv`b ïiæ nq| GLbI G A‡j †`okwUiI †ewk Pv evMvb i‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ †Kv‡bvwU Avevi kni †_‡K cv‡q nuvUvi `~i‡Z¡B co‡e| Biman connects Dhaka-Sylhet-Dhaka with 22 weekly flights (Till August 14) (

Cover story







Biman connects Dhaka-Yangon-Dhaka with three weekly flights (Till August 14) (

Bqv½yb †_‡K ev‡Mv

GLv‡b hw` AMwYZ ag©xq mvBU Avi Av‡MKvi cÖvmv‡`i fMœve‡kl bv _vK‡Zv Z‡e Bqv½yb †_‡K cyi‡bv nvBI‡q a‡i gvÛv‡ji hvIqvi c‡_ 50 gvBj DËic~e© w`‡K Aew¯’Z †RvovZvwj †`Iqv kniUv †h GKKv‡j `wÿY wgqvbgv‡ii ivRavbx wQj Zv ejv KwVb n‡q `uvov‡Zv| Bqv½yb †_‡K QzwU KvUv‡bvi Rb¨ ev‡Mv GKwU Ab¨Zg RbwcÖq RvqMv, †hLv‡b wgj‡e kû‡i kke¨¯ÍZv I hveZxq †QvUvQzwU †_‡K GK UzK‡iv Aemi| wimvB‡Kj Kiv †k_vjBqvs ey× g~wZ©, gnv †Rw` I †kgve` c¨v‡MvWvi Rb¨ RvqMvwU †ek weL¨vZ| ey× g~wZ©i Dc‡P cov wfo I ¸ßa‡b Vvmv gw›`i¸‡jvB ev‡Mv‡K K‡i Zz‡j‡Q Av‡e`bgq I Bqv½yb †_‡K GKw`‡bi wUªc †`Iqvi g‡Zv mvaviY MšÍe¨| A_ev kni‡K hviv †cQ‡b †d‡j Avm‡Z †P‡qwQj, Zv‡`i Rb¨ ev‡MvB cÖ_g I Av`k© GKUv ÷‡cR| ev‡Mvi Av‡iKwU gRvi e¨vcvi n‡jv Gi †ewkifvM ¯’vc‡Z¨i eqm GKk eQ‡ii †ewk| wKš‘ †`‡L Zv g‡b n‡e bv| Kvib G¸‡jv‡K `viæY cybiæ×vi cÖwµqvi g‡a¨ †h‡Z n‡q‡Q| evBmvB‡Kj w`‡q Ny‡iwd‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ PgrKvi RvqMv GwU| GLvbKvi AvKl©Yxq Ask¸‡jv cÖwZwU Mv †Nulv‡Nuwl K‡i Av‡Q| mvivw`‡bi Rb¨ GLv‡b evBK fvov †bIqv hv‡e|


Bago from Yangon

If it wasn’t for its abundance of religious sites and the remains of its former palace, it would be hard to tell that this scrappy town -- 50 miles northeast of Yangon on the old highway to Mandalay -- was once capital of southern Myanmar. Providing a retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, Bago is one of the major weekend getaways from Yangon. The place is famous for the reclining Shwethalyaung Buddha Statue, Maha Zedi and Shwemawdaw Pagoda. The great density buddhas and treasure-filled temples makes Bago an appealing and simple day trip from Yangon, or the ideal first stop when you leave the city behind. The interesting part about the monuments in Bago is that many of these are centuries old, but don’t look it, due to extensive restorations. This is an excellent place to explore by bicycle, as most attractions are near each other. Bikes can also be rented on daily basis.

jul - aug 2015







Cover story


Exploring Abu Dhabi — by

land, sea & air

Meaning ‘Father of the Gazelle’ in Arabic, Abu Dhabi has come a long way since it first struck oil in 1958 By: Archa n a

Ny‡i †`Lyb Avey avwe

R‡j, ¯’‡j wKsev AvKv‡k Avey avwe -- Aviwe‡Z hvi gv‡b n‡jv dv`vi Ae `¨ Mv‡Rj gv‡b Mv‡R‡ji wcZv| 1958 mv‡j cÖ_g †Z‡ji mÜvb cvIqvi ci †_‡K eû`~i GwM‡q‡Q Avey avwe

jul - aug 2015






Cover story


Abu Dhabi is a coastal city hemmed in by sea and desert and there are various options to explore the city’s diverse attractions



Abu Dhabi is a coastal city hemmed in by the sea and the desert and there are various options to explore the city’s diverse and enticing attractions. Visitors can choose to zoom along the coastline in a speedboat or soar on thermals in a hot-air balloon, or simply hop on (and off) an opentop double-decker bus.

mvMi I giæ cwi‡ewóZ DcK‚jxq kni Avey avwe| kn‡ii Qwo‡q _vKv wPËvKl©K me AvKl©Y Ny‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ i‡q‡Q A‡bK¸‡jv Dcvq| `k©bv_©xiv PvB‡j DcK‚j †Nu‡l Ny‡i †eov‡Z cv‡i w¯úW‡ev‡U P‡o nU-Gqvi †ejy‡b P‡j D‡o †h‡Z cv‡ib DòZvi evZvei‡Y| A_ev, Lye mn‡R D‡V emyb (Ges †b‡g co–b) GKwU Qv` †Lvjv Wvej †WKvi ev‡m|

many, the UAE capital is a hot, dusty nothing – a massive petrol station to be groggily squinted at through the window of a thirsty 747 en route to Asia or Australia. However, there’s a lot more than that. The once-drowsy fishing village of Abu Dhabi has come a long way since it first struck oil in 1958. Super-yachts dwarf the dhows in the harbour and lavish villas have supplanted the humble palm huts that lined the coast before Abu Dhabi became a haven of luxury for travellers.

jul - aug 2015

ev A‡÷ªwjqvi †KvbI iæ‡U hvIqvi c‡_ hLb †evwqs 747 wegv‡bi Z…òv cvq ZLb Gi Rvbvjv w`‡q †PvL KzPu ‡K ZvwK‡q _vKv A‡b‡Ki g‡Z mshy³ Avie Avwgiv‡Zi ivRavbx Avey avwe kniUv Mig I ay‡jvgq GKwU AwZKvq †c‡Uªvj †÷kb Qvov †hb Avi wKQzB bq| e¯‘Z, Gi evB‡iI GLv‡b Av‡Q AviI A‡bK wKQz| 1958 mv‡j cÖ_g †Z‡ji Lwbi mÜvb cvIqvi ci Avey avwei GK mgqKvi †R‡jcvov¸‡jvi †Pnviv GLb A‡bKUvB e`‡j †M‡Q| †QvU cvj‡Zvjv †bŠKv¸‡jv‡K mwi‡q w`‡q‡Q G‡m‡Q mycviBqU I Avey avwe hLbI ågYKvix‡`i ¯^M© nqwb, ZLb DcK‚‡j mvwi a‡i Qov‡bv wbwiwewj cvg Mv‡Qi KzwUi¸‡jv‡K ¯’vbP‚¨Z K‡i nvwRi n‡q‡Q wejvwm me wfjv|



Get a bird’s eye view of the Emirates with a tour in a chopper which operates out of Falcon Aviation’s Marina Mall terminal Helicopter tour

No doubt everyone has seen aerial shots of the high-rises in Abu Dhabi and Dubai in promotional travel brochures. If you’re amongst those who want to get a bird’s eye view of the Emirates, then you can sign up for a tour in a chopper which operates out of Falcon Aviation’s Marina Mall terminal. There are various options for visitors too – you can choose between a 10-minute joyride over the Corniche and different parts of the city as well as the Lulu Yas and Saadiyat islands, or a 20-minute coastal tour. There’s also an in-depth 30-minute tour for those who want to have a closer

†nwjKÞvi Uz¨i

m‡›`n †bB †h Avey avwe I `yevB‡Z ch©U‡bi cÖPviYvi eªwkD‡i mevB G `ywU kn‡ii DuPz feb¸‡jvi A¨vwi‡qj kU (Ici †_‡K †Zvjv Qwe) †`‡L‡Q| hviv Gwg‡iU‡mi evW©m AvB wfD †`L‡Z Db¥yL n‡q _v‡Kb, Zv‡`i g‡a¨ hw` AvcwbI GKRb n‡q _v‡Kb, Z‡e AvcwbI d¨vjKb A¨vwf‡qk‡bi †gwibv gj Uvwg©bvj †_‡K GKwU †nwjKÞvi Uz¨‡ii LvZvq bvg wjwL‡q wb‡Z cv‡ib| ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ GLv‡b i‡q‡Q A‡bK ai‡bi ivBW evQvB Kivi my‡hvM| DcK‚j †Nulv iv¯Ívi Ici w`‡q 10 wgwb‡Ui GKwU RqivBW †_‡K ïiæ 20 wgwb‡Ui †Kv÷vj Uz¨iI Av‡Q| Av‡Q 30 wgwb‡Ui GKwU Bb-‡Wc_ Uz¨i, hv‡Z K‡i ØxcwUi Avbv‡P Kvbv‡Pi `„k¨ I AvKl©Yxq RvqMv¸‡jv AviI fv‡jvfv‡e †`Lv m¤¢e; hvi


(clockwise from top) A helicopter sightseeing tour; the hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus; Desert Island Resort and Spa by Anantara; a guided kayaking adventure







Cover story

26 (clockwise from top) You can indulge in a fair bit of adventure too; hot air balloon expedition is popular among a lot of tourists; the swamps of Abu Dhabi are best explored on kayaks;

look at the islands and their attractions, including the Yas Marina Circuit. The chopper can be booked exclusively or on a sharing basis.

g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q Bqvm †gwibv mvwK©U| †KD PvB‡j GKwU †nwjKÞvi cy‡ivcywi wb‡Ri Rb¨ fvov wb‡Z cv‡ib A_ev Kv‡iv m‡½ fvMvfvwM K‡iI wb‡Z cv‡i|

Kayaking tour

KvqvwKs Uz¨i

You’d never expect it, but there are in fact, huge groves of mangroves dotting the peripheries of the islands in view of the Abu Dhabi skyline. The swamps are best explored on kayaks which can be taken out at low as well as high tide. The coastline here is scenic, with deserted beaches, coral reefs and towering cliffs, and the ocean is teeming with marine animals. The best time to kayak is early morning or late afternoon,

Don’t miss

jul - aug 2015

GUv nq‡Zv Avcwb KLbB Avkv Ki‡eb bv| Z‡e mwZ¨ K_v n‡jv Avey avwei Øxc¸‡jvi †kl cÖv‡šÍ MwR‡q D‡V‡Q g¨vb‡MÖv‡fi AwZKvq Dceb| Avi GLvbKvi Rjvf‚wg Ny‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ KvqvK (miæ †bŠKv) n‡jv †miv evnb| hv G‡Kev‡i Aí †_‡K †ewk cwigvY †Rvqv‡iI e¨envi Kiv hvq| GKevi ZU‡iLv †ek `„wób›`b| GLv‡b Av‡Q Rbgvbenxb Øxc, cÖevi cÖvPxi I DuPz `Ðvqgvb Lvwo| Avi GLvbKvi mvMi mvgyw`ªK cÖvYx‡Z memgqB ficyi| Lye †fv‡i A_ev †kl we‡Kj n‡jv KvqvK Pvjv‡bvi DrK…ó mgq| IB mgq m~‡h©i

Grand Mosque

The corniche

Heritage village

Start the day by getting to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque for the free tour followed by a visit to the Souk at Qaryat al Beri, Shangri La.

Go upper class with Afternoon Tea at the Emirates Palace Hotel. Stroll along the Corniche, followed by grabbing some Shisha at Layali Zamaan.

For a historical journey back to the olden age of Arabia, take a taxi to the breakwater for a free visit to the UAE Heritage Village.

27 when the sun is not as strong. The more adventurous can even choose to take the two-hour tour during a full moon night. Half-day and overnighting options are also available. Experienced paddlers can explore independently, but if you prefer to join a guided expedition, several companies operate kayak tours within the UAE.

A‡ZvUv †ZR _v‡K bv| Avi hviv Lye †ivgvÂwcÖq Zviv ‡KvbI GK c~wY©gvi iv‡Z `yB NÈvi Uz¨iwU‡Z †h‡Z cv‡ib| Aa©w`em ev mvivivZ Pvjv‡bviI e¨e¯’v i‡q‡Q| AwfÁ c¨vWjviiv wb‡RivB wb‡R‡`i g‡Zv K‡i Nyi‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Avcbvi hw` GKwU MvBW cwiPvwjZ Awfhv‡bi `iKvi nq Z‡e †R‡b ivLyb mshy³ Avie Avwgiv‡Z †ekKwU KvqvK Acv‡iwUs †Kv¤úvwb i‡q‡Q|

Desert balloon expedition

giæ‡Z †ejyb Awfhvb

From September to May, balloon expeditions take visitors soaring past the urban centre of Abu Dhabi to the desert hinterland over giant red sand dunes, emerald green oases, gazelles and wandering camels. Expeditions last an hour and usually begin at 4.30 am from an oasis north of Al Ain, which is about an hour’s drive from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The expedition costs 995 AED for adults and 850 AED for child.

Hop-on and off buses offer a choice of eight recorded languages

†ejyb Awfhv‡bi Rb¨ mgqUv n‡jv †m‡Þ¤^i †_‡K †g| G mgq †ejy‡b P‡o ch©UKiv Avey avwei kû‡i †K›`ª¯j’ †Q‡o †cQ‡bi As‡ki giæ‡Z †h‡Z cv‡ib| †hLv‡b †M‡j wb‡P †`Lv wgj‡e wekvjvKvi jvj evwjqvwo, cvbœvi g‡Zv meyR giæ`¨vb, euvKv wmsIqvjv nj‡` ev`vwg nwiY I D‡Ui wePiYf‚wg| mvaviYZ Avj AvBb kn‡ii Dˇii GKwU giæ`¨vb †_‡K †fvi mv‡o PviUv †_‡K G hvÎv ïiæ nq| Mvwo‡Z K‡i Avey avwe I `yevB †_‡K Avj AvBb †h‡Z GK NÈv mgq jvM‡e| GB AwfhvÎvq cÖvßeq¯‹‡`i gv_vwcQz LiP 995 w`invg I wkï‡`i Rb¨ gv_vwcQz 850 w`invg|

eo ev‡m Uz¨i

‡ek hZœ K‡i bKkv Kiv G evm¸‡jv HwZn¨evnx| jvj i‡Oi Db¥y³ Qv`Iqvjv jvj i‡Oi evm¸‡jv Avcbv‡K Avey avwei ¸iæZ¡c~Y©







Cover story

Discover abu dhabi

You can also opt for these

Safaris Desrt Safaris Embark on an exciting ride up and down some of the desert’s biggest dunes, you can try sand skiing before watching the sun set.


Tours Cycle tours A fun and healthy way to tour the Corniche is to hire a bicycle. Hire one from a variety of bikes including the specially designed bikes for ladies. wearing abayas.

You can also hire a luxuty charter to explore the waters of Abu Dhabi

Big Bus tour

Famous for its traditional open top double decker red buses, these carefully designed tours take visitors to all Abu Dhabi’s major landmarks -- from the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and the luxurious Emirates Palace hotel, to the Heritage Village and Saadiyat Island. The hop-on and off sightseeing buses offer a choice of eight digitally recorded languages -- Arabic, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Mandarin -- and provide a fascinating insight into Abu Dhabi’s history and culture. Tickets are valid for 24 hours and give access to all routes, enabling guests to hop on and hop off at their leisure.

Boat tours

From luxury charters to catamarans, from traditional dhow cruises to speedboats, there’s nothing more exciting than touring the UAE capital’s famous Corniche and experiencing starry skies during overnight boat voyage.

Adventures Seaplane tours The 25-minute Abu Dhabi Pearl aerial trip begins with a thrilling water take-off aboard a nine-seat, Cessna 208 amphibian plane.

jul - aug 2015

Tours can even incorporate a fair bit of sightseeing stops because a surfeit of attractions lie along the coast: the Yas Marina Circuit, Saadiyat Island, Manarat Al Saadiyat Exhibition Centre are all accessible by speedboat. Most boats can take up to 18 passengers accommodated in covered cabins which have large windows for sightseeing. Keep a camera ready for your chance to take a snap of the playful dolphins.

¯’vcbv¸‡jv‡Z wb‡q hv‡e| hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q Abe`¨ †kL Rv‡q` MÖ¨vÛ gmwR` I AwfRvZ Gwg‡iUm c¨v‡jm †nv‡Uj| AviI †`L‡Z cv‡eb †nwi‡UR wf‡jR I mvw`qvZ Øxc| †ewi‡q covi GB f‚`„k¨ Dc‡fv‡Mi Adv‡i i‡q‡Q 8 fvlvq wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z †iKW© Kiv f‚`„‡k¨i eY©bv -- Avie, Bs‡iwR, Rvg©vb, †d«Â, ¯ú¨vwbk, BZvwjqvb, ivwkqvb I gv›`vwib| G AwfhvÎvq Avcwb cv‡eb Avey avwei BwZnvm I ms¯‹…wZi GK Abb¨ AšÍ`k©b| G Awfhv‡bi wUwK‡Ui †gqv` _vK‡e 24 NÈv ch©šÍ Ges me iæ‡UB cv‡”Qb hvZvqvZ myweav| Aem‡i AwZw_iv G ev‡m D‡V co‡Z cv‡ib ev †b‡g co‡Z cv‡ib|

†evU Uz¨i

AwfRvZ PvU©vi †_‡K ïiæ K‡i Kv‡Vi †fjv, cÖ_vMZ cvj‡Zvjv †bŠwenvi †_‡K w¯úW‡evU, BDGB Gi ivRavbxi RbwcÖq DcK‚j †Nulv moK †_‡K †bŠKvq P‡o ZviKvLwPZ AvKv‡ki wb‡P mviv ivZ KvUv‡bv; Gi †P‡q Avb‡›`i wKQz Avi Kx n‡Z cv‡i! Z‡e GB me Uz¨‡ii cvkvcvwk wKQz mvBU †`Lvi KvRI †m‡i wb‡Z cv‡ib GK duv‡K| DcK‚‡ji Kv‡QB wgj‡e AviI wKQz AvKl©Yxq RvqMv: Bqvm †gwibv mvwK©U, mvw`qvZ Øxc, gvbvivZ Avj mvw`qvZ Gw·wekb †m›Uvi; meKUv‡ZB w¯úW‡ev‡U P‡o hvIqv m¤¢e| †ewkifvMB †ev‡UB i‡q‡Q KvfvW© †Kweb, hv‡Z GKm‡½ 18 Rb hvÎx Po‡Z cvi‡e| Avi Av‡kcv‡ki `„k¨ Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z †evU¸‡jv‡Z i‡q‡Q eo Rvbvjv| mvM‡i †Ljv Ki‡Z _vKv Wjwdb¸‡jvi Qwe †Zvjvi Rb¨ Avcbvi K¨v‡givUv‡K nv‡Zi Kv‡Q ivL‡Z fzj‡eb bv| Biman connects Dhaka-Abu Dhabi-Dhaka with seven weekly flights (Till August 14) (

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Cover story

adventure explore


jul - aug 2015




Bicycle diaries

Srimangal is mostly plains with a few gentle rolling hills, which makes it an ideal destination to roam around in a cycle By: Da n iel B . H a b e r

evBmvB‡Kj Wvqwi

Aí wKQz Xvjy cvnvo ev` w`‡j kÖxg½‡ji evwK cy‡ivUvB mgZj ejv P‡j| hvi Kvi‡Y mvB‡K‡j †P‡c Ny‡i †eov‡Z GUv GKUv Av`k© MšÍe¨


the Udayan Express starts its approach towards the Srimangal station, the landscape dramatically changes from dried rice paddy fields to lush expanses of rolling carpeted tea plantations, for which the area is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh. As we unload our luggage onto the platform and say goodbye to our friendly travelling companions on the night train from Chittagong, a smiling young man approaches and offers his help. As it turns out, the young man, Jahid Hasan, is an enthusiastic local guide and he kindly hires a CNG three-wheeler taxi and escorts us to the Nishorgo Litchibari Eco Lodge in Radhanagar village where we have booked two nights. Compared to bustling Chittagong, Srimangal is a small town and in no time or traffic we are out in the peaceful tea estates and forests that surround the town. Situated in the woods, Nishorgo consists of several simple but comfortable thatched bamboo cottages. Since we are too early to check in, we have breakfast in the lodge dining room and hire bicycles for a morning jaunt in the neighbouring tea estates.

Renting a cycle

Unlike Bandarban, Srimangal is plains with a few gentle rolling hills, so it is ideal for cycling, which is one of the main attractions for those interested in eco or adventure


G·‡cÖm hLb GKUz GKUz K‡i kÖxg½j †÷k‡bi w`‡K AvmwQj, ZLbB †`Lv †Mj bvUKxq cwieZ©bUv| ïK‡bv avb †ÿ‡Zi RvqMvq nVvr dz‡U DV‡Z ïiæ Ki‡jv DuPz wbPz Mwo‡q Pjv Pv evMv‡bi Pv`i| Avi Gi Kvi‡YB G kni‡K ejv nq evsjv‡`‡ki Pv‡qi ivRavbx| cøvUd‡g© jv‡MR bvwg‡q †i‡L Avgv‡`i PÆMÖvg †_‡K †Q‡o Avmv iv‡Zi †Uª‡bi hvÎvc‡_i eÜz‡`i we`vq Rvbvjvg| Avi ZLbB GK ZiæY Avgv‡`i w`‡K nvwmgy‡L GwM‡q G‡jv, evov‡jv mvnv‡h¨i nvZ| Rvb‡Z cvijvg, Rvwn` nvmvb bv‡gi IB ZiæY GKRb ¯’vbxq MvBW| Drmvnx IB ZiæY GKwU wmGbwR w_ª ûBjvi U¨vw· fvov Ki‡jv Ges Avgv‡`i wb‡q ivavbMi MÖv‡gi wbmM© wjwPevwo B‡Kv j‡R †cuŠ‡Q †Mj| GLv‡bB Avgiv `yB ivZ _vKvi Rb¨ eywKs w`‡qwQjvg| kke¨¯Í PÆMÖv‡gi †P‡q kÖxg½j AvKv‡i †ek †QvU Ges UvD‡bi Pvicv‡k †ewóZ ebv‡ji gv‡S Qwo‡q Av‡Q kvwšÍc~Y© Pv evMvb| GLv‡b †bB Mvwo‡Nvovi wfo wKsev mgq P‡j hvIqvi fq| R½‡ji †fZi _vKv wbmM©Õ‡Z cvIqv †Mj A‡bK¸‡jv mvaviY A_P Avivg`vqK euv‡ki K‡UR| †PK Bb Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv †ek Av‡MB P‡j G‡mwQjvg, ZvB j‡Ri WvBwbs iæ‡g Av‡M mKv‡ji bvkZvUv †m‡i wbjvg| Gici cv‡ki Pv evMvb¸‡jv‡Z mKv‡ji cÖvZtågYUv †m‡i wb‡Z evBmvB‡Kj fvov wbjvg|

mvB‡Kj fvov

kÖxg½j kniwU ev›`iev‡bi g‡Zv bq| GLv‡b wKQz †XD †Ljv‡bv DuPzwbPz cvnvo Qvov evwKUv mgZj| ZvB GUv mvB‡Kj Pvjv‡bvi Rb¨ Av`k©| Avi evsjv‡`‡k hviv B‡Kv Uy¨wiRg ev †ivgvÂKi ch©U‡bi mÜv‡b _v‡K Zv‡`i Rb¨ GB mvB‡KjB n‡jv g~j AvKl©Y| kni †_‡K Qq wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i Avgiv evsjv‡`k Pv M‡elYv BÝw÷wUDU †Q‡o †Mjvg| Gici weªwUk‡`i M‡o †Zvjv wdb‡j



Cover story




32 (clockwise from top) Areas around the tea plantations in Srimangal is perfect for cycling; a lady worker plucking the best tea leaves; roaming around the streets here is easy; you will also get a lot of photography opportunities

tourism in Bangladesh. About six kilometers out of town, we pass the Bangladesh Tea Research Institute, British-founded Finlays and cycle to the Ispahani Tea Estate, one of the largest estates in the area at 1,200 hectares, employing nearly 500 labourers. The low tea bushes are canopied by tall trees to give shade. Tea is generally plucked in the Spring (first flush) and the Fall (second flush). Jahid tells us that the tea pluckers earn 69 taka, less than one dollar a day for which they must pluck 23 kg of tea leaves. If they pick more, then they are paid only three taka a kilo. However, the plantation provides free housing, medical care and rations of rice, cooking oil and sugar.

Flavours of Srimangal

Producing more than 50 million kg of tea in a year, Bangladesh ranks amongst

jul - aug 2015

Qvwo‡q †Mjvg B¯úvnvwb Pv evMv‡b| 1200 †n±i Ry‡o Qwo‡q _vKv me‡P‡q eo Pv evMvb¸‡jvi GKwU GwU| GLv‡b KvR K‡i cÖvq 500 kÖwgK| †QvULvU Pv‡qi †Svc¸‡jv‡K Qvqv †`Iqvi Rb¨ i‡q‡Q eo j¤^v MvQ| mvaviYZ em‡šÍ (cÖ_g Kzwo) I ki‡Z (wØZxq Kzwo) Pv‡qi cvZv †Zvjv nq| Rvwn` Avgv‡`i Rvbvj, GKRb Pv kÖwgK w`‡b 69 UvKv Avq K‡i, hv GK Wjv‡ii †P‡qI Kg| Avi G UvKv Avq Ki‡Z Zv‡`i w`‡b Kgc‡ÿ 23 †KwR Pv cvZv Zzj‡Z nq| Avi Gi †ewk Zzj‡j cÖwZ †KwR‡Z Zviv gvÎ 3 UvKv AwZwi³ Avq K‡i| Z‡e evMv‡b kÖwgK‡`i Rb¨ webvg~‡j¨ _vKvi e¨e¯’v, wPwKrmv †mev i‡q‡Q| AviI Av‡Q Pvj, ivbœvi †Zj I wPwbi †ikb myweav|

kÖxg½‡ji hZ Av¯^v`

cÖwZeQi 5 †KvwU †KwRi wKQz †ewk Pv Drcv`b K‡i we‡k¦i cÖ_g mvwii 10wU Pv Drcv`bKvix †`k¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GLb evsjv‡`kI Av‡Q| evsjvq evwYwR¨K wfwˇZ Pv‡qi Drcv`b ïiæ nq weªwUk‡`i gva¨‡g, 1854 mv‡j| ZLb wm‡j‡Ui Dˇi M‡o I‡V †`ki cÖ_g gvwjwbQov Pv evMvb



the 10 largest tea producing countries in the world. Commercial tea production in Bengal was established by the British in 1854, when the Mainicherra Tea Estate was set up just north of Sylhet, bordering on the more famous tea-growing districts of Meghalaya and Assam further north. At only 75 metres above sea level, Srimangal is one of the world’s lowest tea growing areas, a distinction that gives the tea its particular flavour. From the Ispahani Estate we cycle on through rubber plantation forests where workers are gathering latex from the trees with its characteristic rubbery smell until we reach the unassuming Nilkantha Tea Cabin, famed for its seven-layer tea. Amazingly, the tea, served in a tall glass does have seven distinct layers that don’t merge, starting with cinnamon on the top and lemon and honey on the bottom, and there is even a layer of coffee! A tad overly sweet, the seven-layer tea

¯’vwcZ nq| hvi AviI LvwbKUv Dˇi mxgvbvi Icv‡i Av‡Q Pv Drcv`bKvix AÂj †gNvjq I Avmvg| mgy`ªc„‡ôi gvÎ 75 wgUvi Dc‡i _vKv kÖxg½j we‡k¦i wbPzZg Pv Drcv`bKvix AÂj¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU| Avi G wfbœ ˆewk‡ó¨i Kvi‡YB GLvbKvi Pv‡q cvIqv hvq GK Abb¨ ¯^v`| B¯úvnvwb Pv evMvb †_‡K mvB‡Kj Pvwj‡q Avgiv †cuŠ‡Q †Mjvg ivevi Mv‡Qi R½‡j| †mLv‡b kÖwgKiv MvQ n‡Z ivevi msMÖn KiwQj| †mLvb †_‡K bxjKÉ Pv †Kwe‡b hvIqvi AvM ch©šÍ Avgv‡`i bv‡K ivev‡ii MÜ AvmwQj| bxjKÉ Pv †Kwe‡bB cvIqv hvq weL¨vZ mvZ ¯Í‡ii Pv| we¯§qKi e¨vcvi n‡jv, j¤^v Møv‡m K‡i cwi‡ekb Kiv IB Pv‡q mwZ¨B mvZwU ¯Íi Av‡Q hvi †Kv‡bvwU †Kv‡bv ¯Í‡ii m‡½ wg‡k hvq bv| ïiæ‡Z `viwPwbi ¯^v` Avi †kl ¯Í‡i wgj‡e †jey I gayi ¯^v`| GgbwK GLv‡b GKwU Kwdi ¯ÍiI i‡q‡Q! cwigv‡Yi Zzjbvq gvÎvwZwi³ wgwó G mvZ ¯Í‡ii Pv hZUv bv gyL‡ivPK Zvi‡P‡q †ewk Awfbe‡Z¡i cÖZxK| Z‡e GUvI Ggb GKUv wRwbm, hvi Kvi‡Y evsjv‡`‡ki K_v Avwg KLbB fzj‡ev bv|

c‡_Nv‡U †KbvKvUv

mvB‡Kj †diZ w`‡Z kn‡i wd‡i Gjvg| `ycy‡i LvIqv mvivi ci Avgvi †bcvwj eÜz ej‡jv †m GKUv bZzb



Cover story






34 (clockwise from top) Srimangal is one of the most picturesque and enjoyable parts of the country; Nishorgo Litchibari Eco Lodge in Srimangal; the low tea bushes are canopied by tall trees to give shade

Fast Facts

Srimangal is a picturesque hilly area covered with tea estates, lemon groves and pineapple gardens. A large portion of world’s highest quality tea is exported from here. April-November is the best time in the year for a cycle tour.

jul - aug 2015

is more a novelty than a gustatory pleasure, but it is one more thing that I will never forget about Bangladesh.

Street shopping

When we got back to town to return our bicycles and have lunch, my travelling companion from Nepal said he wants to buy a new jacket. The street stalls selling used and factory rejects do a brisk business in Srimangal, one of the ‘coldest’ locations in Bangladesh—and even I had to don two sweaters and a jacket to keep warm until the sun came out and dissipated the fog. The night temperature dips to 18oC in winters, although in the day it is about 24 (mid-70s Fahrenheit)—a warm summery day in London, but to my astonishment we even saw some people wearing earmuffs and balaclavas being sold in the market. In the afternoon, we explore the Madhabpur Tea Garden lake and visit a local Tripura village, passing more tea gardens and pineapple plantations before the mists roll in and night falls.

R¨v‡KU wKb‡Z Pvq| kÖxg½‡ji iv¯Ívi cv‡ki †`vKvb¸‡jv e¨eüZ I KviLvbvq evwZj nIqv cY¨ wewµ K‡i †ek cÖvYešÍ e¨emv Pvwj‡q hv‡”Q, KviY G AÂjwUB n‡jv evsjv‡`‡ki ÔkxZjZgÕ AÂj¸‡jvi GKwU| GgbwK Avgv‡KI `y‡Uv †mv‡qUvi c‡i ZviIci R¨v‡KU Pvcv‡Z n‡qwQj| m~h© IVvi ci Kzqvkv †K‡U hvIqvi AvM ch©šÍ hv Avgvq †ek Dò †i‡LwQj| kxZKv‡j iv‡Zi ZvcgvÎv 18 wWwMÖ †mjwmqv‡m †b‡g Av‡m| Z‡e w`‡bi †ejvq Zvc †e‡o `uvovq 24 wWwMÖ †mjwmqv‡m (wgW-70 dv‡ibnvBU)| hv wKbv jÛ‡bi GKwU Dò MÖx‡®§i w`‡bi g‡ZvB| Z_vwc Avgv‡K AevK K‡i w`‡q wKQz †jvK‡K †`Ljvg ¯’vbxq †`vKvb †_‡K gvdjvi I gvswK Uzwc c‡i Nyi‡Z| we‡K‡ji w`‡K Avgiv gvaecyi Pv evMvb †j‡K Nyi‡Z †Mjvg| †mLv‡b ¯’vbxq GKwU wÎcyiv MÖvg Ny‡i †`wL| Gici AviI A‡bK Pv evMvb I Avbvim evMvb Ny‡iwd‡i †`‡L wbjvg, Kzqvkvi Pv`i †g‡j ivZ bvgvi Av‡MB|

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Cover story

adventure explore





A cultural hotspot Malaysia’s vibrant capital is coming into its own as a stopover for travellers en route to the tropical islands of Penang, Langkawi and Borneo

mvs¯‹…wZK nU¯úU ågYKvix‡`i Pjvi c‡_ ÿwY‡Ki hvÎvweiwZ †`Iqvi g‡Zv ¯^qsm¤ú~Y© n‡qB †e‡o D‡V‡Q gvj‡qwkqvi ewY©j ivRavbx| †hLv‡b Av‡Q †gŠmygx Øxc -- †cbvs, jsKvwe I ewb©I


38 Situated in the centre of the city, the Merdeka Square has buildings like the Sultan Abdul Samad Building, the Royal Selangor Club and the National History museum. It’s close to the Gombak river, the Masjid Jamek, Central Market and China Town

kn‡ii wVK gvS eivei Av‡Q †gi‡`Kv †¯‹vqvi| GLv‡b Av‡Q weL¨vZ myjZvb Ave`yj mvgv` feb, iq¨vj †mjvsMi K¬ve I b¨vkbvj wnw÷ª wgDwRqvg| M¤^vK b`xi KvQ †Nu‡l GwU| Kv‡QB co‡e gmwR` Rv‡gK, †m›Uªvj gv‡K©U I Pvqbv UvDb|

Islamic Arts Museum is a tremendous resource centere for Islamic studies and a beautiful showpiece for the best impulses and artisanship that have unified (rather than divided) the Muslim cosmos

BmjvwgK M‡elYvi Rb¨ GKwU †cjøvq Z_¨mg„× M‡elYv †K›`ª GB BmjvwgK AvU©m wgDwRqvg| G Qvov GUv‡K Ggb GKUv bv›`wbK †kvwcm ejv P‡j hv gymwjg wek¦‡K GKZve× Kivi (wefvwRZ bv n‡q) ˆkwíK I DØy× Ki‡Z f‚wgKv †i‡L‡Q|

jul - aug 2015

Pavilion Kuala Lumpur is KL’s haute couture shopping Mecca. It takes a lot to stand out in the city’s mallscape but this shopping centre, which occupies prime real estate along Jalan Bukit Bintang, does just that

†KGjÕGi DuPz`‡ii d¨vkb †KbvKvUvi g°v ejv P‡j c¨vwfwjqb Kzqvjv jvgcyi‡K| GB kn‡ii gj-Gi gvbwP‡Î G ai‡bi GKwU feb `uvov‡bv PvwÆLvwb K_v bq| Z‡e GwU †c‡i‡Q| GwU kn‡ii Rvjvb eywKZ webZvs‡qi †ek `vwg wi‡qj G‡÷U `Lj K‡i Av‡Q|

The best exhibits at the Kuala Lumpur National Museum are early history, with artefacts from neolithic and Bronze Age cultures; and the Malay Kingdoms, which highlights the rise of Islamic kingdoms in the Malay Archipelago.

Kzqvjv jvgcy‡ii RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii me‡P‡q my›`i cÖ`k©bxUv n‡jv Gi cÖvPxb BwZnvm| wbIwjw_K †_‡K †eªvÄ hyM I gvjq mv¤ªv‡R¨i cÖZœZvwË¡K wb`k©b wgj‡e GLv‡b| hv wKbv gvjq Øxccy‡Ä BmjvwgK mv¤ªv‡R¨i weKv‡ki wPý a‡i †i‡L‡Q|



Cover story






Eleven kilometres north of KL, Batu Caves is a 400-year old limestone hill (with a 100year old temple incorporated within it), best known as the focal point of the annual Hindu festival of Thaipusam.

Kzqvjvjvgcy‡ii 11 wK‡jvwgUvi Dˇi evUz ¸nv| GwU 400 eQ‡ii cyi‡bv GKwU Pzbvcv_‡ii cvnvo (hvi †fZi GKwU 100 eQ‡ii cyi‡bv gw›`iI Av‡Q)| wn›`y‡`i evrmwiK _vBcymvg DrmeUv nq GB gw›`i‡K wN‡iB|


The Kuala Lumpur Bird Park has earned a reputation among those who are keen on the study of birds in their natural habitat

cvwL I Zv‡`i cÖvK…wZK Avevm¯’j wb‡q hv‡`i hveZxq AvMÖn Zv‡`i ÿzav wgwU‡q `¨ Kzqvjv jvgcyi evW© cvK© GiBg‡a¨ †ek bvg Kzwo‡q‡Q|

The colourful Chinatown is a wellknown bargain hunter’s paradise that seemingly never sleeps. Deeply immersed in Oriental culture, heritage and history, it is undoubtedly one of the most popular tourist spots here.

`i KlvKwl K‡i †RZvi Rb¨ ewY©j GB PvqbvUvDbUv ixwZg‡Zv ¯^M|© e¨wZe¨¯Í kniUv KLbB Nygvq bv| mgKvjxb ms¯‹w… Z, HwZn¨ I BwZnv‡m cy‡ivcywi wbgw¾Z GwU| wbtm‡›`‡n GLvbKvi Ab¨Zg RbwcÖq ch©Ub †K›`ª GwU|

jul - aug 2015

Biman connects Dhaka-KL-Dhaka with 10 weekly flights (Till August 14) (

If Kuala Lumpur is all about delicious food, the best eating isn’t in the air-conditioned restaurants. The best place is eating in Jalan Alor.

Kzqvjv jvgcyi‡K hw` hveZxq my¯^v`y Lvev‡ii AvLov fvev nq Z‡e kxZvZc wbqwš¿Z †i‡¯Íviuv¸‡jv‡Z hvIqv wVK n‡e bv| me‡P‡q fv‡jv nq hw` Avcwb Rvjvb Av‡jv‡i †L‡Z hvb|



Cover story




Bags of joy There’s no better time to shop than during Singapore’s biggest sale of the year By: Abhishe k Ch a k ra b or ty



†KbvKvUvi Rb¨ ‡MÖU wm½vcyi †mj -- Gi †P‡q fvj mgq Avi n‡ZB cv‡i bv -- GUvB wm½vcy‡ii me‡P‡q eo evrmwiK †KbvKvUvi Avmi

jul - aug 2015






Cover story







those who love to grab a bargain, the annual Great Singapore Sale is the perfect time to holiday in the island nation. Each year, in the months of June and July, thousands of shopaholics flock to Singapore’s main malls and shopping areas for a nationwide mega sale on all sorts of offerings. With prices slashed up to 70% off its original prices at the main shopping belts and in suburban shopping malls throughout Singapore, this much-anticipated annual mega sale promises nothing less than tremendous bargains on a dizzying array of items from both Singaporean and international brands. The island nation of Singapore is a shoppers’ paradise. It features dozens of modern shopping malls as well as local markets and other great shopping areas. This is by far one of the best places in the whole of Asia to indulge in what ladies like the best – shopping. Besides the great discounts on shopping, be prepared to indulge in other appetising offers and promotions from dining, to beauty -- this sale is a total lifestyle experience. So if you plan to visit Singapore in the coming days, here are some of the best spots to enjoy the Great Singapore Sale.


With prices slashed up to 70%, GSS is nothing less than tremendous bargains Orchard Road

This long shopping strip is lined with dozens of large malls. Each of these malls is home to dozens of popular retail outlets from all around the world such as Forever XXI, Zara and Fred Perry. Designer clothing, jewellery and perfume is often discounted by as much as 80% during this time. The mega mall ION Orchard offers a whopping 66,000 square metres of retail offerings celebrating the Great Singapore Sale. This stunningly futuristic mall looks more of a space voyager’s dream battleship than a Swish shopper’s haven housing the likes of Dior Homme, Louis Vuitton and Diane von Furstenberg as well as trendy budget-friendly options such as Topshop, Forever21 and Mango. Bugis Junction features both covered and outdoor sections and is an exciting place to

jul - aug 2015

Malls in Singapore give people a wide range of brands to choose from before shopping


ivR¨ wm½vcyi †hb †µZv‡`i ¯^M©| Avi hviv †h‡KvbI Dcv‡q `i KlvKwl K‡i wRZ‡Z Pvb, Zv‡`i Rb¨ evwl©K †MÖU wm½vcyi †mj-Gi mgqUvB n‡jv wm½vcy‡i QzwU KvUv‡bvi †gvÿg mgq| cÖwZ eQi Ryb I RyjvB gv‡m, nvRvi nvRvi †KbvKvUv-cvMj †jvK wm½vcy‡ii cÖavb gj I †KbvKvUvi RvqMv¸‡jv‡Z Qz‡U hvq; KviY ZLb †`kRy‡o Pj‡Z _v‡K †gMv †mj, _v‡K n‡iK iK‡gi Advi| G mgq cÖavb kwcs AvB‡Ug¸‡jvi g‡a¨ A‡bK¸‡jv‡ZB †`Lv hvq g~j `v‡gi 70 kZvsk ch©šÍ Qvo Pj‡Q| Ggb Kvw•ÿZ evrmwiK †gMv †mj AdviwU Pvjy _v‡K wm½vcy‡ii Avbv‡P Kvbv‡P _vKv kniZjx¸‡jv‡ZI| Avi GB Qv‡oi Advi Qwo‡q _v‡K nZwenŸj K‡i †`Iqvi g‡Zv GKMv`v c‡Y¨; †h ZvwjKvq wm½vcywiqvb †_‡K ïiæ K‡i AvšÍR©vwZK bvbv eª¨vÛI i‡q‡Q| GB Drm‡e wb‡R‡`i cmiv mvwR‡q e‡m WRbLv‡bK AvaywbK kwcs gj| m‡½ †hvM †`q ¯’vbxq evRvi I Ab¨ eo AvKv‡ii †KbvKvUvi GjvKv¸‡jvI| Avi †g‡qiv †hUv †ewk cQ›` K‡i -- †KbvKvUv -†mB Kv‡R Wze †`Iqvi Rb¨ †MvUv Gwkqvi g‡a¨ GB GjvKvUvB n‡q I‡V me‡P‡q †miv| †KbvKvUvq eo As‡Ki wWmKvD‡›Ui cvkvcvwk wR‡f Rj Avbvi g‡Zv AviI A‡bK Adv‡iI eyu` n‡q hvIqvi cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡q hv‡eb| Avi G Adv‡ii g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q Lvbvwcbv †_‡K †mŠ›`h©PP©vi DcKiYI| †Zv, Avmbœ w`b¸‡jv‡Z hw` wm½vcy‡i Nyi‡Z hvIqvi cwiKíbv K‡i _v‡Kb, Rvwb‡q w`w”Q †MÖU wm½vcyi †mj-Gi Rb¨ †miv wKQz ¯ú‡Ui wVKvbv|

AP©vW© †ivW

j¤^v GB kwcs w÷ªcwU‡Z Av‡Q mvwi K‡i _vKv A‡bK¸‡jv eo gj| we‡k¦i bvbv cÖv‡šÍ _vKv RbwcÖq wi‡UBj eª¨vÛ †hgb -diGfvi G·G·AvB, Rviv I †d«W †cwii g‡Zv AvDU‡jU¸‡jv Av‡Q GLv‡b| wWRvBbvi †cvkvK †_‡K ïiæ K‡i Mnbv I cviwdD‡gi AvB‡Ug¸‡jv‡Z GLv‡b GB mgqUvq 80 kZvsk ch©šÍ Qvo cvIqv hvq| †MÖU wm½vcyi †mj D`hvcb Ki‡Z GB AvBIGb AP©vW© †gMv g‡j Av‡Q 66 nvRvi eM©wgUvi GjvKvRy‡o _vKv AMwYZ LyPiv c‡Y¨i mvwi| †PvL auvav‡bv GB fwel¨r Nivbvi gjwU †hb GKRb gnvKvk



Cover story






FOR THE love of Shopping

Tips to make the most GSS

Ask yourself Be Choosy The discounted price may urge you to buy stuff that you don’t need otherwise. before you buy, ask yourself, 'Do I really need this?'


Malls are not the only option to look out for best bargains. Visit Orchard Road or Haji Lane for some street shopping options

Leave things Walk Away See something you like but don’t need? Leave it, and come back later. With a clear mind, you can put things in perspective.

Keep cards away Stay Focused If you’re an impulse shopper, it’s a good idea to leave your credit card at home and keep a specific amount of money you’re willing to spend.

jul - aug 2015

explore. In addition to chain stores, Bugis Junction is also home to stores and stalls by independent local designers. Events are also organised in the open space in the heart of Bugis Junction.

Marina Bay Sands

Marina Bay Sands is one of the most exclusive hotels in the whole of Singapore and the stores here cater to lovers of luxury. People who have their hearts set on a classic Cartier watch or diamond earrings will find some real bargains here during the Great Singapore Sale. Other shopping destinations include 313@ Orchard, Orchard Central, Mandarin Gallery. But if you fall into that elite brigade of fashionistas who desire the forward-looking, witty or plain eccentric budding local and international indie designers, then troop down to the breezy Haji Lane in the Kampong Glam precinct, for your bargain scouring fix and soothing post-shopping chai. Be sure to get your very own bargain pieces during the Great Singapore Sale from the exclusive boutiques in the various ethnic enclaves like Chinatown, Kampong Glam and

AwfhvÎxi ¯^‡cœi hy×RvnvR; †KvbI myBm kcv‡ii ¯^M© bq| GLv‡b Av‡Q wWIi †nvwg, jyB fzB‡Uuv I Wvqvb fb dv‡÷©bevM© †_‡K mv‡a¨i bvMv‡j _vKv ev‡RUevÜe my‡hvM †hgb, Uckc, diGfvi 21 I g¨vs‡Mv| eywMm RvsKk‡b i‡q‡Q Pvicvk Ave„Z I Db¥y³; `yB ai‡bi cwi‡ek| Ny‡i †eov‡bvi Rb¨ PgrKvi RvqMv GwU| †PBb †÷vi¸‡jvi cvkvcvwk eywMm RvsKk‡b i‡q‡Q ¯^D‡`¨vMx ¯’vbxq wWRvBbvi‡`i evbv‡bv †`vKvbcvU I ÷j| eywMm RvsKk‡bi G‡Kev‡i ga¨Lv‡b Db¥y³ cwi‡e‡kB gv‡S gv‡S Av‡qvRb Kiv nq bvbvb Abyôv‡bi|

†gwibv †e m¨vÛm

mgMÖ wm½vcy‡ii g‡a¨ me‡P‡q wejvmeûj †nv‡Uj¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU n‡jv †gwibv †e m¨vÛm| Avi hviv wejvwmZvi †cÖ‡g gË Zv‡`i cwi‡ekb Ki‡Z memgqB ˆZwi _v‡K Gi †`vKvb¸‡jv| K¬¨vwmK K¨vwUqvi IqvP wKsev nx‡ii `y‡ji Rb¨ hv‡`i ü`‡q eo RvqMv Av‡Q, †MÖU wm½vcyi †mj-Gi mgq Zviv GLvbUvq `v‡g`‡i fv‡jvB wRZ‡Z cvi‡eb| Ab¨vb¨ RvqMv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q 313@AP©vW©, AP©vW© †m›Uªvj, gv›`vwib M¨vjvwi BZ¨vw`| Avi Avcwb hw` d¨vkb m‡PZb‡`i GwjU KvZv‡i c‡o _v‡Kb hviv wKbv we`» A_ev GKUz Avjv`vfv‡e Dc¯’vwcZ ¯’vbxq I AvšÍRv© wZK BwÛ wWRvBbvi‡`i w`‡KB gywL‡q _v‡K, Z‡e Avcbvi RvqMvUv n‡iv K¨v¤ús Mø¨v‡gi †fZ‡i ZvKv nvwR †jBb| GLv‡bB Avcwb N‡l‡g‡R wVK K‡i wb‡Z cvi‡eb `vg Ges †KbvKvUv cieZ©x GK Kvc Pv‡qi Av¯^v`|

Little India. At these locations, you’ll find a stunning array of value-for-money steals and unique offerings that you’ll be hard-pressed to find anywhere else in the world.

Beyond shopping

Besides shopping, this is also the perfect time to indulge in other delectable offers and promotions, from dining to beauty and wellness. A large number of festivals and events are also held during the Great Singapore Sale such as the Singapore Food Fare. At this time, most of the shops and markets in Singapore open at around 10 am and close late at night. People who want their pick of the bargains should arrive when shops open, while late night shopping is a great way to beat the heat while picking up some great bargains at the same time. A myriad of cashless payment promotions, reduced taxes and concierge services are also available for you when you shop during the sales period.

47 Z‡e nu¨v, †MÖU wm½vcyi †mj-G †M‡j wb‡Ri g‡Zv K‡i `i KlvKwl K‡i Abb¨ me eywUK †_‡K wb‡Ri cQ›`mB cY¨wU wb‡Z fzj‡eb bv| hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q PvqbvUvDb, K¨vgcs Mø¨vg I wjUj BwÛqvi g‡Zv wKQz Rb‡Mvôx †Kw›`ªK bKkv| Avi GB GjvKv¸‡jv‡ZB cv‡eb UvKvi As‡K wePvi‡hvM¨ Ggb me †PvL auvav‡bv cY¨ Avi `viæY me Advi, hv Lye †Póv K‡iI Avcwb we‡k¦i Avi †Kv_vI Luy‡R cv‡eb bv|

†KbvKvUvi evB‡i

†KbvKvUv †Zv Av‡QB, Gi evB‡iI GUvB n‡”Q GLvbKvi AviI A‡bK wPËvKl©K Advi Avi cÖPv‡ii †Zv‡o Mv fvmv‡bvi DrK…ó mgq| Avi Adv‡ii ZvwjKvq Lvevi `vevi †_‡K ïiæ K‡i †mŠ›`h© I my¯’Zvi DcKiYI i‡q‡Q| †MÖU wm½vcyi †mj-Gi mgq A‡bK¸‡jv Drme Avi Abyôv‡biI Av‡qvRb Kiv nq| hvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q wm½vcyi dzW †dqvi| wm½vcy‡ii †ewkifvM †`vKvb I evRvi †Lv‡j mKvj 10Uvq| eÜ nq iv‡Zi †kl fv‡M| hviv Gi g‡a¨ Kg `v‡g wRwbm †c‡Z AvMÖnx Zv‡`i LvwbKUv mKvj mKvj †`vKvb †Lvjvi mgq Avm‡Z nq| Avevi w`‡bi DËvc‡K Gwo‡q †h‡Z PvB‡j Ges cvkvcvwk wKQzUv K‡g †KbvKvUvi mvi‡Z PvB‡j Avm‡Z cv‡ib iv‡Zi †kl j‡MœI| †mj‡mi GB †gŠmy‡g †KbvKvUv Ki‡Z Avm‡jB †c‡Z cv‡ib AR¯ª bM` Qv‡oi cÖPviYv, ïé Qvo I wbivcËv †mev|

Biman connects Dhaka-Singapore-Dhaka with six weekly flights (Till August 14) (


Cover story





Beach watch Start planning your vacations now – these are the top three most beautiful and scenic beaches in Southeast Asia, which received TripAdvisor’s 2015 Travellers Choice Awards By: Manna Dey

ˆmKZ `k©b

QzwU KvUv‡Z ‰Zwi n‡q hvb GLywb -- cwiPq Kwi‡q w`w”Q `wÿY-c~e© Gwkqvi Acvi †mŠ›`‡h©i AwaKvix †miv wZb bv›`wbK ˆmK‡Zi m‡½| †h ˆmKZ¸‡jv m¤úªwZ wUªc A¨vWfvBRiÕm 2015 Uªv‡fjvm© P‡qm A¨vIqvW© †c‡q‡Q




can all agree that after exhausting ourselves in hot summer months, the idea of hitting the beach sounds pretty terrific, right? Well, we’re almost there. And to help get the ball rolling, we rounded up three of the best beaches in Southeast Asia, which received TripAdvisor’s 2015 Travellers Choice Awards.

e¨vcv‡i Avgiv mevB GKgZ †h MÖx‡®§i Mig gvm¸‡jv‡Z bvwftk¦vm D‡V hvIqvi ci ciB Avevi ˆmK‡Z hvIqvi K_vUv fqvbK †kvbvq, ZvB bv? †Zv, hvB †nvK, Avgiv cÖvqB P‡j G‡mwQ| Avi ZvB †Ljv Rwg‡q Zzj‡Z Avgiv Zz‡j G‡bwQ `wÿYc~e© Gwkqvi †miv wZbwU ˆmKZ †h¸‡jv wKbv Kw`b Av‡MB †cj wUªc A¨vWfvBRiÕm 2015 Uªv‡fjvm© P‡qm A¨vIqvW©|

Where: Nai Harn Beach, Phuket

†Kv_vq: bvB nvb© weP, dz‡KU

Why: Nai Harn beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Phuket with its excellent water quality. It’s encompassed on both sides by jungle-covered mountains and

†Kb: PgrKvi cvwbi Kvi‡Y dz‡K‡Ui Ab¨Zg †miv ˆmKZ¸‡jvi GKwU n‡jv bvB nvb© ˆmKZ| Gi `ycv‡kB Av‡Q R½j‡Niv cvnvo, Avi †fZ‡i Av‡Q GKwU eo wgVvcvwbi †j¸b| Pov †gŠmy‡gi mgqUv‡ZI GLv‡b

jul - aug 2015


there’s a large freshwater lagoon inland. Never overloaded, even in peak season, Nai Harn’s usually busier at weekends as it is popular with both Thais and expats. There’s something special for the children too. At the southern end the lagoon flows into the sea, creating a stream that children love to play in. All year round the water is a comfortable 29°C. A large majority of the restaurants installed under the trees at the top of the beach have been removed. It is yet still possible to order sandwiches, ice creams, cut fruit and a range of drinks that includes beer, soft drinks and juices directly from the beach to ambulant vendors. Keep away from water when red warning flags are flying. Bonus: Though surfing is not a major sporting pastime in Phuket, at the south end of this beach there is a permanent sandbank that gives a good and often fast ride, even in the smallest swells. At the northern end (right next to Le Royal Meridien Yacht Club) there is a beach-andreef break in the corner. This break

Dc‡Pcov wfo †`Lv hvq bv| Z‡e mPivPi QzwUi w`b¸‡jv‡Z _vB I we‡`wk AwZw_‡`i LvwbKUv e¨¯ÍZv GLv‡b †`Lv hvq| GLv‡b wkï‡`i R‡b¨I wgj‡e we‡kl e¨e¯’v| `wÿ‡Yi w`‡K †j¸bUv mgy‡`ª wM‡q wg‡k‡Q| IB †¯ªv‡ZB wkïiv †Lj‡Z †ek cQ›` K‡i| eQ‡ii memgqB GLvbKvi cvwbi ZvcgvÎv 29 wWwMÖ †mjwmqv‡m _v‡K| ˆmK‡Zi Dc‡ii w`‡K Mv‡Qi wb‡P GKmgq MwR‡q IVv Lvev‡ii †`vKvb¸‡jvi †ewkifvMB mwi‡q †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e GLbI Avcwb PvB‡j ˆmK‡Z Qwo‡q _vKv †`vKvwb‡`i KvQ †_‡K mivmwi m¨vÛDBP, AvBmwµg, KvUv dj I weqvimn AviI A‡bK ai‡bi cvbxq I d‡ji im AW©vi Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| jvj cZvKv hLb Do‡e ZLb cvwb †_‡K `~‡i _vK‡Z fzj‡eb bv †hb| †evbvm: hw`I dz‡K‡U Gi Av‡M KLbB mvwd©s KivUv eo we‡bv`b wQj bv, Z‡e ˆmK‡Zi `wÿ‡Yi cÖv‡šÍ GKwU m¨vÛe¨vsK i‡q‡Q, hv‡Z ÿz`ª gv‡S gv‡SB †ek fvj I `ªæZMwZi ivBW w`‡Z cvi‡e -- ‡XD‡qi D”PZv hZB Kg _vKzK bv †Kb| Dˇii †kl cÖv‡šÍi GK †Kv‡Y (jv iq¨vj †gwiwWqvb BqU K¬v‡ei wVK cv‡k) GKwU weP-A¨vÛ wid dvUj i‡q‡Q| GLv‡b A‡bK eo ai‡bi RjùxwZ ˆZwi n‡Z cv‡i, hv gv‡S †ek kw³kvjx n‡q `uvovq| †Kv_vq: wdwjcvB‡bi †eviv‡K †Kb: gvÎ 7 wK‡jvwgUvi ˆ`N©¨ I wewKwb m`„k¨ 500 wgUvi cÖk¯’Zv wb‡qI †eviv‡K GLb `ªæZ wdwjcvB‡bi Ab¨Zg ch©Ub AvKl©Y n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q| GKw`‡K Dbœq‡bi we‡ùviY, Ab¨w`‡K jvMvgQvov cÖPvi; Avi G `y‡Uvi †bc‡_¨i KviYUv n‡jv 2013 mv‡j Uªv‡fj I †jBRvi-Gi cvVKiv GB ˆmKZUv‡KB †fvU w`‡q cvjvIqv‡bi ci wØZxq †miv ˆmKZ

Biman connects Dhaka-Bangkok-Dhaka with five weekly flights (Till August 14) (



Cover story


CULTURE adventure


can hold large swells and can at times get pretty potent. Where: Boracay in the Philippines Why: While only seven kilometre tall and at its bikini line 500m wide, tiny Boracay has rapidly become the Philippines’ top tourist draw, fuelled by explosive growth and a tsunami of hype; in 2013 the readers of Travel & Leisure voted it the second-best island destination in the world after Palawan. The centre of the action is dreamy White Beach, a four kilometre, postcard-perfect stretch of sand lined from one end to the other with hotels, restaurants, bars and dive shops now several blocks deep. The beach path is typically awash with visitors, including large groups of package tourists drawn from all over Asia. Bonus: The ocean is full of romantic paraws (a sailboat) giving rides; colourful parasails fill the air. Post-sunsets, live music breaks out, and

jul - aug 2015

With pristine white sands, blue waters and good accommodation, Ngapali beach is Myanmar premier beach getaway

wbe©vwPZ K‡iwQj| †eviv‡Ki hveZxq AvKl©‡Yi †K‡›`ª i‡q‡Q ¯^cœxj GKwU mv`v ˆmKZ| Pvi wK‡jvwgUvi ch©šÍ Qov‡bv evwji †iLv †hb †cv÷Kv‡W©i bKkvi K_vB g‡b Kwi‡q †`q| cv‡kB mvwi a‡i `uvwo‡q Av‡Q †nv‡Uj, †i¯Íiuv, evi I †ekKwU WvBf kc| ˆmK‡Zi iv¯ÍvwU memgqB `k©bv_©x‡`i cwic~Y© _v‡K| GLvbUvq g~jZ Gwkqvi cÖvq me cÖvšÍ †_‡K Avmv c¨v‡KR ch©UK‡`i msL¨vB †ewk|

†evbvm: ch©UK‡`i Povi Rb¨ mvM‡ii Gw`KUv †ivgvw›UK me cvivI (cvj‡Zvjv †bŠKv)Õ‡Z fwZ©| evZvmUv †hb ficyi n‡q _v‡K ewY©j me cv‡j| m~h© †Wvevi ci ciB ïiæ nq jvBf wgDwRK| nv‡Zi jvwV¸‡jv k~‡b¨ Iov‡Z _v‡K Av¸b-wkíxiv| cvwU© Pj‡Z _v‡K ivZfi| Avi me wKQz wg‡jB ˆZwi nq GK c~Y©v½ Avb›`Nb Av‡gR, Av jv IqvBwKwK, hv Avcbvi cy‡iv mgqUv‡ZB G‡b w`‡Z cv‡i c~Y©Zv| †Kv_vq: bvscvwj ˆmKZ, wgqvbgvi ‡Kb: kvšÍ mv`v evwj Avi e‡½vcmvM‡ii bxj ¯^”Q cvwbi cvkvcvwk GLv‡b i‡q‡Q RwUj bKkvq ˆZwi




firedancers twirl their batons. The party goes on all night. All of this can be great fun, à la Waikiki, and can easily occupy your entire visit. Where: Ngapali Beach in Myanmar Why: With its pristine white sands, the clear blue waters of the Bay of Bengal and a host of sophisticated accommodation, Ngapali – some say named by a wayward Italian reminiscing about Napoli years ago – has a justified reputation as the country’s premier beach getaway. Despite the huge influx of tourists every year, Ngapali continues to maintain a charming fishing-village vibe, as evidenced by the small boats heading out day and night to catch a bounty that is later served up superfresh in restaurants and hotels.

me _vKvi RvqMv Av‡Q bvscvwj‡Z| †KD †KD e‡j BZvwji b¨v‡cvwji m‡½ Gi `„k¨MZ wgj Av‡Q e‡jB Ggb bvgKiY Kiv n‡q‡Q| †`kwUi bvwg`vwg ˆmK‡Zi g‡a¨ Gi RbwcÖqZvUv ixwZg‡Zv cixwÿZ| bvscvwj GLbI Gi gbgy»Ki †R‡jcvov Av‡gRwU a‡i †i‡L‡Q| GLvb †_‡K w`b ivZ †bŠKv wb‡q †R‡jiv gvQ a‡i Ges wd‡i G‡m †i‡¯Íviuv I †nv‡Uj¸‡jv‡Z wewµ K‡i ZiZvRv gvQ|

Bonus: You can also indulge in a lot of activities here. Be it Kayaking, bird watching or playing golf, Ngapali is abundant with choices to fulfil your desires.

†evbvm: Av‡iv A‡bK Kv‡RK‡g© wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ Ki‡Z cv‡ib| n‡Z cv‡i †mUv K‡qvwKs, cvwL †`Lv wKsev Mjd ‡Ljv; bvscvwj‡Z Avcbvi g‡bi B‡”Q †gUv‡bvi DcKi‡Yi †Kv‡bv KgwZ †bB|


Cover story





jul - aug 2015



The after the fast Eid-ul-Fitr tells us about the spirit of charity, almsgiving, generosity and sharing with the poor and destitute ones

msh‡gi ci Drme

By: G h ul am Ra so o l D e hlvi

C`yj wdZi Avgv‡`i‡K `v‡bi gvnvZ¥¨, hvKvZ, J`vh© Ges `wi`ª I `y¯’‡`i m‡½ fvMvfvwM Kivi wkÿv †`q



Celebrate with all

mevi m‡½ D`hvcb

is an Arabic word meaning something that returns every year, while Fitr means a form of charity from the rich to the poor. So the full name of this Islamic festival, Eid-ul-Fitr denotes that its prime concern is ‘charity for the poor’. Thus, Eid-ul-Fitr is an occasion that comes every year to remind us of our humane duty towards the weaker sections of society. It tells us about the spirit of charity, almsgiving, generosity and sharing with the poor and destitute ones. In fact, the sole purpose of this Islamic festival is feeding the poor and assisting the less fortunate ones, and not merely feasting on delicious foods and wearing fancy dresses.

After days and nights of Ramadan are spent in complete devotion to God and sincere goodwill for other fellow human beings, Eid-ul-Fitr comes at the end of this month overflowing with joy, ecstasy and charity for the poor. This is precisely why Islam has enjoined upon Muslims on this day to distribute fitrah (a fixed amount of charity mandatory for every Muslim) to the poor. They are also exhorted to hold delicious feasts and invite friends and neighbours from all faith communities to their tables. Such

kã C`, hvi Av‡iKwU gv‡b n‡jv hv cÖwZeQi wd‡i Av‡m| Avi wdZi gv‡b `wi`ª gvby‡li cÖwZ abx‡`i GK ai‡bi mvnvh¨| †h Kvi‡Y Bmjvwg G Drme Z_v C`yj wdZ‡ii c~Y©v½ A_© hv wb‡`©k K‡i Zv n‡jv Ô`wi`ª‡`i `vb KivÕ| myZivs, cÖwZeQi C`yj wdZi Av‡m mgv‡Ri `ye©j‡`i cÖwZ Avgv‡`i gvbweK `vwqZ¡‡K g‡b Kwi‡q †`Iqvi GKUv Dcjÿ wn‡m‡e| GUv Avgv‡`i `vbkxjZvi Ava¨vwZ¥K g‡bvej, hvKvZ Av`vq, †mŠnv`©¨ Ges `wi`ª I `y¯’ gvbyl‡`i cÖwZ mngg©x nIqvi AvnŸvb K‡i| cÖK…Zc‡ÿ Bmjv‡gi GB Drm‡ei GKgvÎ D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv `wi`ª‡`i LvIqv‡bv Ges myweavewÂZ‡`i mvnvh¨ Kiv| wbQK my¯^v`y Lvevi LvIqv ev Awfbe †cvkvK civB C‡`i GKgvÎ D‡Ïk¨ bq|

ighv‡bi w`b I ivZ AwZevwnZ nq Avjøvni cÖwZ cwic~Y© GKvMÖwP‡Ë Ges Ab¨ gvbyl‡`i cÖwZ AvšÍwiK mw`”Qv ev ïfKvgbvi ga¨ w`‡q| Avi GB gv‡mi †k‡l Abvwej Avb‡›`i evZ©v enb K‡i Av‡m C`yj wdZi| Av‡m `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ cig D”Q¡vm I `vZe¨ cÖvwßi D‡ØjZv| Avi wVK G Kvi‡YB Bmjvg GB w`bwU‡Z gymjgvb‡`i Rb¨ Mwie gvbyl‡K wdZiv (cÖ‡Z¨K gymjgv‡bi Rb¨ eva¨Zvg~jKfv‡e cÖ‡`q GKwU wbw`©ó cwigvY A_©) cÖ`vb wba©vwiZ K‡i w`‡q‡Q| Avevi G w`‡b my¯^v`y Lvevi cwi‡ekb K‡i Zv eÜz I cÖwZ‡ekx‡`i g‡a¨ ag©-wek¦vm wbwe©‡k‡l



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noble acts on the Eid-ul-Fitr strengthen bonds of love, mutual harmony, human brotherhood and social integrity among Muslims and other communities. Among the prime objectives of Eid-ul-Fitr is to spread the spirit of peace, delight, kindness, compassion, brotherhood and equality among all peoples, irrespective of their cast, creed and religion.

Unity and solidarity

mevB‡K wb‡R‡`i N‡i `vIqvZ K‡i LvIqv‡bvi DrmvnUvI †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| C`yj wdZ‡ii Ggb DbœZ ˆewkó¨ gymwjg I Ab¨ m¤cÖ`v‡qi gvbyl¸‡jvi g‡a¨ m¤úªxwZ, cvi¯úwiK fvimvg¨, gvbweK åvZ…Z¡ Ges mvgvwRK ALÐZvi eÜb‡K AviI kw³kvjx K‡i| C`yj wdZ‡ii Ab¨Zg cÖavb D‡Ïk¨B n‡”Q RvwZ, ag© wbwe©‡kl me gvby‡li g‡a¨ AvwZ¥K cÖkvwšÍ, Avb›`, D`viZv, mnvbyf‚wZ, åvZ…Z¡ I mgZvi evZ©v Qwo‡q †`Iqv|

Eid-ul-Fitr also marks the Prophet’s HK¨ I msnwZ ambition of spreading social C`yj wdZi gnvbexi (mv.) mvgvwRK Eid-ul-Fitr calls for spreading the cohesiveness, cultural festivity ms‡hvM, mvs¯‹…wZK Drme Ges spirit of peace, delight, and national unity and solidarity. RvZxq HK¨ I msnwZi g‡Zv kindness, compassion, According to a hadith tradition, AvKv•ÿvi wb‡`©k K‡i| GKwU brotherhood and when the Prophet Muhammad nv`xm Abyhvqx, bex gynv¤§v` equality among all (pbuh) arrived at the city of (mv.) gw`bvq G‡m nvwRi nb, ZLb Madinah, he strongly felt the need wZwb `„pfv‡e kvwšÍ, HK¨, `vZe¨, for a feast that could imbibe peace, unity, åvZ…Z¡, mgZv Ges Mfxi gvbweK Av‡e‡Mi charity, brotherhood, equality and deep Rb¨ GKwU eo †fvR‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Abyfe humane emotions. Having received the divine Ki‡jb| ˆ`e Aby‡cÖiYv †c‡q gnvbex (mv.) inspiration, Prophet (pbuh) announced: †NvlYv Ki‡jb, Òme©kw³gvb Avjøvn `yBwU Lywki “Almighty Allah has granted two blessed Eids: C` gÄyi K‡i‡Qb : C`yj wdZi I C`yj AvhnvÓ Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha...” (Abu Dawud) (Avey `vD`)|


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) greatly stressed on universal brotherhood among all the members of human albeit with their cultural distinctions. Therefore, the Prophet, while emphasising the value of

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gvbeRvwZi me m`‡m¨i g‡a¨ e¨vcKfv‡e mvs¯‹…wZK cv_©K¨ _vKv m‡Ë¡I bex gynv¤§v` (mv.) me gvby‡li g‡a¨ wek¦Rbxb åvZ…‡Z¡i Ici †Rvi w`‡q‡Qb| d‡j wek¦Rbxb åvZ…‡Z¡i Ici †Rvi †`Iqvi †¶‡Î Aviwe ÔD¤§vniÕ kãwUi


The significance of Eid-ul-Fitr is also interpreted as a good time to bring people together in harmony and gratitude universal brotherhood, used the Arabic word “Ummah”. It includes all religious communities, races, ethnic tribes and social ranks, each with their own cultural, national, linguistic or temperamental features. The Prophet exhorted his followers to behave towards all of them as brothers and treat them as they want themselves to be treated. He inculcated noble humane values through the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr, with an aim to foster universal human brotherhood. Among those prophetic traditions (Sunnats) relating to the Eid-ulFitr are greeting people time and again, shaking hands and hugging when meeting or parting, visiting and comforting the sick, offering condolences to the bereaved, exchanging gifts with other members of the society, sharing happiness with all means possible. Such acts that strengthen fraternity, brotherhood and charity are greatly valued in Islam, and they are most importantly exhorted on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr.

e¨envi K‡i‡Qb| Gi g‡a¨ me ag©xq m¤cÖ`vq, wewfbœ RvwZ, b„ZvwË¡K DcRvwZ Ges mvgvwRK c`gh©v`v, Zv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki wbR¯^ ms¯‹…wZ, RvZxqZv, fvlvMZ ev cÖK…wZMZ ˆewkó¨ AšÍf©y³ n‡q hvq| gnvbex (mv.) Zvui Abymvix‡`i mevB‡K Ab¨ RvwZ‡Mvôx‡`i cÖwZI fvB‡qi g‡Zv AvPiY Ki‡Z DrmvwnZ Ki‡jb Ges wb‡`©k w`‡jb Zviv †hfv‡e Pvq, †mfv‡eB †hb Zv‡`i m‡½ AvPiY Kiv nq| gvbeRvwZi mve©Rbxb åvZ…‡Z¡i D‡Ïk¨ wb‡q wZwb C`yj wdZ‡ii Drm‡ei gva¨‡g Zv‡`i †fZ‡i DbœZ gvbweK PwiÎ ¯’vcb Ki‡jb| C`yj wdZi mswkøó gnvbexi Gme HwZ‡n¨i (mybœZ) g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q gvbyl‡K Awfev`b Rvbv‡bv, Kig`©b Ges mv¶vr ev we`vqKv‡j Mvp Avwj½b Kiv, Amy¯’ gvbyl‡K †`L‡Z hvIqv, Zv‡K mvšÍbv †`Iqv, †kvKmšÍ߇`i mg‡e`bv Rvbv‡bv, mgv‡Ri Ab¨ m`m¨‡`i m‡½ Dcnvi wewbgq, m¤¢ve¨ me Dcv‡q Avb›` fvMvfvwM K‡i †bIqv m¤úK©hy³| GB ai‡bi KvR ‡hgb, åvZ…Z¡ eRvq ivLv I `vZe¨ Kg©KvЇK Bmjv‡g AZ¨šÍ g~j¨evb fvev nq Ges cweÎ C`yj wdZ‡ii w`bwU‡ZB Gme Kv‡R me‡P‡q †ewk DrmvwnZ Kiv nq|



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Fabulous feasts Muslims around the world celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr with various delicacies. We list a few of them By: Amit Ra n j a n Paul

Abe`¨ †fvR we‡k¦i gymjgvbiv C`yj wdZi D`hvcb K‡i `viæY me Lvevi w`‡q| hvi K‡qKwU wb‡q GKUv ZvwjKv K‡iwQ Avgiv


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eid-friendly table & menu

Give more to the Eid feeling

Menu Serve people Get the whole family to decide on a menu. There needs to be a main dish, side dishes and dessert. Appetisers can be fit in as well.


Cleanliness Be prepared Fancy decorations lose their appeal if the surrounding area is not clean. The kitchen and dining room should be spotless for Eid.

The traditional Xinjiang noodles


known as the ‘feast of fast breaking’, Eid-ul-Fitr, the most celebrated festival of the Islamic calendar, is observed by preparing a variety of tasty recipes especially meant for Eid. Muslims around the world celebrate Eid as a reward for abstaining from food and other vices including, lying, cheating, violence and theft in the month of Ramadan.


K¨v‡jÛv‡i me‡P‡q eo Drme C`yj wdZi -- w`bwU †ivRv ev Dcevm f‡½i w`b wn‡m‡eI cwiwPZ| G w`b C`‡K wN‡iB ˆZwi nq bvbv my¯^v`y †iwmwc| cweÎ igRvb gv‡m w`‡bi †ejvq cvbvnvi †_‡K weiZ _vKv QvovI Av‡iv wKQy welq †g‡b Pj‡Z nq| weiZ _vK‡Z nq wg_¨v, cÖZviYv, Pywi I cÖe…wËi Zvobv †_‡K| GK gvm wbw`©ó mgq cvbvnvi I hveZxq Ab¨vq †_‡K weiZ _vKvi cyi¯‹vi wn‡m‡eB C`yj wdZi D`hvcb K‡ib mviv we‡k¦i gymjgvbiv|

Children enjoy Eid-ul-Fitr as they get special Eid gifts, including new clothes, sweets and perks from elders. Food tops the list of entertainment wkï‡`i Rb¨ C`yj wdZi Av‡m bZyb Dcnv‡ii Svuwc wb‡q| bZyb activities during the celebration of the biggest Rvgv, wgóvbœ Avi mvjvwgÕi g‡Zv Dcnvi wb‡qB e¨¯Í _v‡K Zviv| Muslim festival. Special delicacies meant Z‡e wek¦ gymwj‡gi e…nËg G Drme D`hvc‡b mevi Dc‡i Av‡Q for the occasion are prepared in every gRvi me Lvevi| GB w`‡b cÖwZwU gymwjg cwiev‡i we‡kl Muslim household and enjoyed after AvB‡U‡gi bvbv my¯v^ `y Lvevi ˆZwi Kiv nq| C‡`i Though dates are the Eid prayer. Though dates are the bvgv‡Ri ci cwiev‡ii mevB wg‡j e‡m Gme Lvevi most common food, most common food taken to break Dc‡fvM K‡ib| hw`I igRvb gv‡m †ivRv fv½vi everyone wait for the the Ramadan fast, everyone from Rb¨ me‡P‡q RbwcÖq ev mvaviY Lvevi †LRyi, Z_vwc mouth watering menu that follows the elders to the little ones, waits for the C‡`i mviv w`b wkï †_‡K e…× mevB A‡c¶v K‡i entire the day mouth watering menu that is to follow wR‡f Rj Avbvi g‡Zv Lvevi¸‡jvi Rb¨| throughout the day.

Greeting Sit together Call a family meeting, where everyone can set a time to have a meal together. It can also be a time to decide who does what for the meal.

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We list you some Eid delicacies made in different countries to celebrate the end of the month of Ramadan. Sheer Korma: Especially popular in this part of the world, Asian Muslims celebrate the day with biryani and sheer korma. Biryani is rice steam cooked with meat and spices and the later is a sweet dish made with milk and vermicelli. While biryani is also prepared in other Eid festivities, sheer korma is the quintessential part of Eid-ul-Fitr. Right in the

C`yj wdZ‡i we‡k¦i bvbv †`‡ki gymjgvbiv ˆZwi K‡i _v‡Kb ¯^Zš¿ HwZn¨evnx wewfbœ Lvevi| Gevi †`‡L †bIqv hvK GgbB wKQz imbvwejvm| wki †Kvigv: LveviwU we‡k¦i G cÖv‡šÍ †ewk RbwcÖq| Gwkqvi gymjgvbiv C‡`i w`b wewiqvwb Avi wki †Kvigv w`‡qB D`hvcb K‡i| †m× Pv‡ji m‡½ gvsm I gmjv w`‡q ˆZwi nq wewiqvwb| Avi wki †Kvigv n‡jv `ya I †mgvB w`‡q ˆZwi Lvevi| wewiqvwb hw`I `yB C‡`B ivbœv Kiv nq Z‡e wki †Kvigv C`yj wdZ‡iiB †gŠwjK AYyl½ n‡q `vuwo‡q‡Q| Gw`b mKvj †_‡KB eo cÖwZwU evmvq ˆZwi nq eo cvwZj fwZ© wki †Kvigv| †eov‡Z Avmv AwZw_‡`i Avc¨vqb Kiv nq GUv w`‡qB|

(Clockwise from top) Dolma is a popular traditional dish in Iraq and Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brongkos is a traditional Javanese dish made of oxtail meat, tofu and red beans; Ketupat is a famous tradition to welcome the festivities of Eid al-Fitr in Jakarta

morning every family make a huge pot of sheer korma to be served all day to guests visiting.


Dolma: Popular in Iraq and Bosnia and Herzegovina, dolma is a popular traditional dish of vegetables and vine leaves stuffed with meat, rice and tomatoes. It is served across houses during the festivities. Xinjiang noodles: Uighur Muslims get into the festive mood by preparing the traditional Xinjiang noodles. Ketupat: Muslims in Indonesia look for ‘ketupat’ (rice cake) shells made with coconut leafs. Ketupat is a famous tradition to welcome the festivities of Eid-ul-Fitr in Jakarta.

Dolma is a traditional dish of vegetables and vine leaves stuffed with meat, rice and tomatoes

†`vjgv: BivKmn emwbqv I nv‡R©‡Mvwfbvq C`yj wdZ‡ii HwZn¨evnx Lvevi †`vjgv| Pvj, gvsm I U‡gv‡Ui m‡½ mewR I fvBb cvZv wgwk‡q †`vjgv cÖ¯‘Z Kiv nq| G `yB †`‡k C`yj wdZ‡ii w`b me AwZw_‡K †`vjgv w`‡q Avc¨vqb Kiv‡bv nq| wRbwRqvs byWjm: Px‡bi DBNyi gymwjg m¤cÖ`vq C`yj wdZ‡ii w`b mevB‡K wb‡R‡`i HwZn¨evnx wRbwRqvs byWjm †L‡Z †`q| †KUycvZ: C`yj wdZ‡ii Av‡iK we‡kl Lvevi †KUycvZ (Pv‡ji wcVv)| bvi‡Kj Mv‡Qi cvZv w`‡q cvÎ ˆZwi K‡i †mwU‡Z ivbœv Kiv nq GwU| RvKvZ©vq C`‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv nq GB †KUycvZ w`‡qB|

Brongkos: It is a traditional Javanese dish made of oxtail meat, tofu and red beans and is usually eaten with crackers and rice in Jakarta, Indonesia.

†eªv‡¼vm: weL¨vZ G RvfvwbR wWkwU ˆZwi nq luv‡oi †j‡Ri gvsm, †Uvdz Avi jvj gUiïwU w`‡q ˆZwi nq †eªv‡¼vm| RvKvZ©v q fvZ, we¯‹Uy ev wPc‡mi m‡½ GwU LvIqv nq|

Shorba: A soup made from beef or lamb and served with bread and potatoes is a popular dish in Kabul, Afghanistan.

ke©v: Miæ ev †fovi gvsm †_‡K ˆZwi my¨c GwU| iæwU ev Avjyi m‡½ cwi‡ekb Kiv nq| C`yj wdZ‡ii mgq AvdMvwb¯Ív‡bi, Kvey‡j, GUv †ek RbwcÖq|


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jul - aug 2015

Bangle makers

of Dhaka cyivb XvKvi

kvLvwi‡`i K_v

Shakhari Bazaar is known to be the oldest area habituated by a lot of master craftsmen from Bangladesh By: Reema Islam

evsjv‡`‡ki hZ †miv KvwiMi Av‡Qb, Zv‡`i A‡b‡KiB cÖ_g emwZ M‡o D‡VwQj kvLvwi evRv‡i


twinkling bells of the cycle rickshaws, the grinding noise of the large stone pestle and mortars being carved, the scraping sounds of the Shakha bangles and the sudden siren of the conch shells at puja time: take a step back into the past -- welcome to Shakhari Bazaar in Old Dhaka. The mohalla (area) belongs to the Shakhari Community, who borrowed their name from Shakha, a richly decorated bangle crafted from slices of Shankha or conch-shells. Shakha bangles, pair of white bangles which are the mark of a married Bengali Hindu woman, are made of the conch shells or shankha that have been carved and shaped for at least 300 years by the Hindu community in this congested street. Other intricate jewellery pieces as well as the ceremonial conch shell used during the pujas are also prepared here and when a marriage is planned, the bride makes a beeline to the shops here for her revered bangles. Known to be the oldest area that has been habited by the Hindu community, Shakhari Bazaar is also the hub of a lot of celebrations, from the Kite Flying festival in Poush Sankranti to Durga Puja and Holi. During Poush Sankranti, the rooftops are abuzz with much shouting, running across the rooftops,


wiKkvi Uzs Uvs †e‡ji kã, cv_‡ii ˆZwi AwZKvq nvZj w`‡q nvgvbw`¯Ívq ¸‡ov Kivi kã, kvLv Pzwoi Nl©‡Yi KK©k wPrKvi Ges c~Rvi mgq AvPgKv kuv‡Ki DjyaŸwY; AZx‡Zi cv‡b wcwQ‡q Avmyb GK cv -- cyivb XvKvi kvLvwi evRv‡i Avcbv‡K ¯^vMZ| GB gnjøv ej‡Z †M‡j kvLvwi m¤úª`v‡qiB `L‡j| Zviv kvLv †_‡KB Zv‡`i G bvg wb‡q‡Q -- hv wKbv k‡•Li †Lvjm Z_v kuvL cvZ w`‡q mywbcyY bKkvq evbv‡bv GK cÖKvi Pzwo| kuv‡Li Pzwoi is mv`v nq| wn›`y evOvwj bvixiv Zv‡`i we‡q n‡q‡Q GgbUv †evSv‡ZB GK †Rvov kuvLv c‡i| NbemwZc~Y© GB mo‡K MZ wZbk eQi a‡iB k‡•Li †Lvj ev kuv‡Li Ici KviæKvR K‡i G Pzwo evwb‡q Avm‡Q wn›`y m¤úª`v‡qi KvwiM‡iiv| G Qvov c~Rvi g‡Zv Ab¨vb¨ AviI Drm‡e mvRv‡bvi Rb¨ HwZn¨evnx k•L w`‡q myPviæ bKkvi Aj¼viI GLv‡b ˆZwi Kiv nq| Avi we‡qi jMœ wVK nIqvi ci ney ea~ G‡m jvBb a‡i GKUvi ci GKUv †`vKvb Ny‡i †e‡Q †bq Zvi iæwPi ewntcÖKv‡k mÿg Pzwo| wn›`y m¤úª`v‡qi me‡P‡q cyi‡bv emwZ wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ GB kuvLvwi evRv‡i D`hvwcZ nq A‡bK ai‡bi Drme| Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q †cŠl msµvwšÍ‡Z Nywo Dov‡bv Drme, `yM©v c~Rv I †nvwj| †cŠl msµvwšÍi mgq GLvbKvi Qv`¸‡jv Avb‡›`i njøvq †Ku‡c †Ku‡c I‡V| Qv` †_‡K Qv‡` †`Š‡o Av¸b-evwRKi‡`i †`‡L we‡bvw`Z nq wfo K‡i _vKv gvbyl¸‡jv| DošÍ Nywoi Kvi‡Y IB mgqUvq †Lvjv AvKvk †Pv‡LB co‡e bv|

†MŠiegq AZxZ

1608 wLª÷v‡ãi ci †_‡K XvKvq hLb †gvNj Avgj ïiæ nq, ZLb XvKvq GKwU kÖwgK †kÖwY M‡o I‡V| kvLvwi evRv‡ii



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Image: Zeeshan Khan



(Clockwise from top) Shakha bangles waiting to adorn a bride; rickshaws are the main source of transport inside the bazaar; a craftsman giving final touches to a bangle; a typical house in Shakhari Bazaar; holi is played with utmost importance here; instrument shop in Shakhari Bazaar

fire-eaters enthralling crowds and a sky barely visible through the many flying kites.

Glorious past

The inhabitants of Shakhari Bazaar were part of the artisans and common workers that made up the working community of Dhaka in the Mughal era of 1608 CE (current era) onwards. Their houses that line either side of this lane range from a variety of architectural designs from Mughal to colonial, with a tasteful mix of elements Corinthian columns to Hindu mythological figures carved on the façade, the buildings have been witness to an expanding Dhaka. Narrow lanes lead into the buildings with winding staircases and courtyards on the upper levels add to some ventilation. The houses stick close to each other giving it a feeling of one big house with many doors and windows, an added effect of transporting one right back to the time of horse driven carriages. In fact, this part of Dhaka still has functioning horse carriages and they look least out of place rumbling through Shakhari Bazaar!

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The inhabitants here were part of the artisans that made up the working class of Dhaka in the Mughal era of 1608 CE

evwm›`viv IB †kÖwYi KvwiMi I mvaviY‡`i g‡a¨ AšÍf³ ©y wQj| Mwji `ycv‡k mvwi †eu‡a _vKv Zv‡`i evwo¸‡jv‡Z jÿ¨ Ki‡j †`Lv hv‡e, Zv‡Z †gvNj Avgj †_‡K Dcwb‡ekev` †Nulv bKkvi Qvc we`¨gvb| we‡kl K‡i evwoi bKkvq †Pv‡L co‡e wn›`y †cŠivwYK Dcv`vb¸‡jvi GK iæwPkxj mgš^q Ges m`i `iRvq cyiv‡b ewY©Z bvbv Pwi‡Îi †Lv`vB Kiv bKkv| Avi GB feb¸‡jvB †hb XvKvi Qwo‡q covi mvÿ¨ enb K‡i P‡j‡Q| miæ Mwj‡Z MwR‡q IVv feb¸‡jv‡Z Av‡Q PµvKvi wmuwo| Av‡jv evZv‡mi Rb¨ Ic‡ii w`‡K Av‡Q †Lvjv eviv›`v| evwo¸‡jv Ggb fv‡e GKUv Av‡iKUv Mv †Nu‡l Av‡Q, †`‡L g‡b n‡e A‡bK¸‡jv `iRv Rvbvjvmn GKUv AwZKvq evwo †hb| hv Avcbv‡K g‡b Kwi‡q †`‡e †Nvovi Mvwo‡Z hvÎx cwien‡bi w`b¸‡jvi K_v| e¯‘Z, XvKvi GB As‡k GLbI †Nvovi Mvwo †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq Ges Aí GKUzLvwb RvqMv n‡jB Zviv kvLvwi evRv‡i `vwc‡q †eov‡Z cv‡i!

evRviUv‡K euvPv‡bv

hw`I evsjv‡`k miKvi GB GjvKvUv‡K A‡bK †ewk ¸iæZ¡cY~ © I feb¸‡jv‡K HwZ‡n¨i aviK wn‡m‡e †NvlYv Kivi cwiKíbv nv‡Z wb‡q‡Q, Z_vwc GLvbKvi wKQz evwm›`vi g‡a¨ mgš^qnxbZvi Kvi‡Y †KD †KD Zv‡`i ewl©qvb Gme evwo †f‡O ˆZwi Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i‡Q bZzb feb, cwi”Qbœ feb| BwZg‡a¨ Avievb ÷vwW MÖæc (BDGmwR) bv‡gi GKwU msMVb †mf cyivb XvKv bv‡gi GKwU cÖPviYv

Image: Zeeshan Khan


Preserving the bazaar

Even though the Bangladesh Government has planned to make it an area of high importance and buildings have been termed as heritage sites, lack of coordination has resulted in some inhabitants razing their age old buildings to build newer, cleaner ones. The Urban Study Group (USG) has an ongoing Save Puran Dhaka (Old Dhaka) campaign, rallying and advocating for the preservation of the Shakhari Bazaar area in particular. Spearheaded by architect Taimur Islam, Save Puran Dhaka is trying to convince land owners of the importance of their heritage. Yet, it is hard to live on heritage alone when you can easily build a brand new block of apartments. USG’s campaign continues and so do the hopes of heritage lovers as we visit Shakhari Bazaar to marvel at scenes from a time gone by.

Save Puran Dhaka campaign advocates preservation of the Shakhari Bazaar area Pvwj‡q hv‡”Q| we‡kl K‡i kvLvwi evRv‡ii GjvKvUv‡K msiÿY Ki‡Z Zviv wewfbœ ¯’v‡b i¨vwj I civgk© Kvh©µg Ae¨vnZ †i‡L‡Q| Avi GB Awfhv‡bi †bZ…‡Z¡ Av‡Qb ¯’cwZ ˆZgyi Bmjvg| Zvi †bZ…‡Z¡ GLvbKvi Rwgi gvwjK‡`i‡K G A‡ji HwZn¨MZ ¸iæZ¡ †evSv‡bvi †Póv Ki‡Q †mf cyivb XvKv| Z‡e, †hLv‡b GKwU Avb‡Kviv bZzb A¨vcvU©‡g›U ˆZwi KivUv †ek mnR, †mLv‡b ïay HwZ‡n¨i Ici fi K‡i †eu‡P _vKvUv `y®‹i e‡U| BDGmwRi cÖPvivwfhvb Pj‡Q| Zvi mv‡_ mv‡_ GLbI wU‡K Av‡Q HwZn¨‡cÖgx‡`i cÖZ¨vkv| hviv wKbv kvLvwi evRv‡i G‡m GKwU P‡j hvIqv mg‡qi ¯§„wZwPý †`‡L Avwff~Z n‡Z cv‡i|


Cover story




people LEISURE


Qatar’s crown KvZv‡ii gyKz‡U A jewel in

There is a lot to see and learn at the historic coastal town of Al Zubarah, the tiny Arab emirate’s first entry into the hallowed portals of Unesco’s World Heritage Site list By: Kunal Doley

GKwU iZœ

BD‡b‡¯‹vi wek¦ HwZ‡n¨i ¶z`ª ZvwjKvq cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv ¯’vb K‡i †bIqv Avie †`kwU‡Z _vKv HwZnvwmK DcK~jxq kni Avj Ryevivn †_‡K †`Lvi I †kLvi Av‡Q A‡bK wKQzB

jul - aug 2015


historic coastal town that is now abandoned, Al Zubarah is a heritage buff’s dream come true. The archaeological site, considered to be one of the largest and bestpreserved examples of an 18th-19th century traditional pearl fishing and merchant town in the Gulf, was inscribed onto the Unesco World Heritage List at the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee conference in Cambodia in the summer of 2013. It was the first entry for a Qatari site on the international register and one of the 911 natural and cultural properties worldwide. For those who came in late, the inscription to the Unesco World Heritage Site list is a unique opportunity for a country to build local and international awareness for the site and the values of the World Heritage Convention. Once a site has been put forward by the country, it goes through an evaluation process, which often lasts several years. Other sites that hold this title include the Yellowstone Natural Park in the United States of America and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, among others. Al Zubarah is situated about 100 km north-west of Doha, the capital city of Qatar. Founded in the mid-18th century, the town developed into a centre of the pearling and international trade and rose to become the country’s largest and most important settlement. It was abandoned by the mid-20th century. The Al Zubarah archaeological site covers an area of 60 hectares with remains of houses, mosques, large fortified buildings and a market.



Ryevivn, HwZnvwmK G DcK‚jxq kniwU GLb cwiZ¨v³ c‡o Av‡Q| Avi GLv‡bB †hb c~iY n‡e †KvbI cÖZZ œ Ë¡‡cÖgxi ¯^c| œ 18-19 kZ‡K gy‡³v wkKv‡ii Rb¨ me‡P‡q eo I fv‡jvfv‡e msiw¶Z GKwU AÂj wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nq GwU| DcmvMixq GjvKvi evwYwR¨K Kg©Kv‡Ði Rb¨I cÖwm× wQj cÖZZ œ vwË¡K G wb`k©bwU| 2013 mv‡ji MÖx‡®§ K‡¤^vwWqvq AbywôZ Iqvì© †nwi‡UR KwgwUÕi 37Zg m‡¤§j‡b GwU‡K BD‡b‡¯‹vi wek¦ HwZn¨ ¯’vcbv wn‡m‡e ZvwjKvfy³ Kiv nq| AvšÍRv© wZK ch©v‡q KvZv‡ii †KvbI ¯’vcbvi GUvB cÖ_g AšÍfwy© ³ Ges GwU `ywbqvRy‡o _vKv 911wU cÖvK…wZK I mvs¯‹w… ZK m¤ú‡`i GKwU| BD‡b‡¯‹vi wek¦ HwZn¨ ¯’vcbvi ZvwjKvq †h ¯’vcbv¸‡jv c‡ii w`‡K G‡m‡Q †m¸‡jvi mv‡c‡ÿ G ai‡bi wek¦ HwZ‡n¨i ZvwjKvfzw³ nIqvUv GKwU †`‡ki Rb¨ ¯’vbxq I AvšÍRv© wZK ch©v‡q m‡PZbZv ˆZwi I wb‡R‡`i ¸iæZ¡ evov‡bvi GK Abb¨ my‡hvM| GKwU †`‡ki c¶ †_‡K hLb GKwU ¯’vcbv‡K G ZvwjKvfzw³i Rb¨ wb‡q Avmv nq, ZLb †mUv‡K GKUv g~j¨vqb cÖwµqvi ga¨ w`‡q †h‡Z nq| hv K‡qK eQi ¯’vqx nq| GB wk‡ivbv‡gi Ab¨ A‡bK ¯’vcbv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi B‡q‡jv‡÷vb b¨vkbvj cvK© Ges wgm‡ii wMRvi wcivwgWI AšÍf³ y© i‡q‡Q| Avj RyevivnÕi Ae¯’vb KvZv‡ii ivRavbx †`vnvÕi 100 wK‡jvwgUvi DËi-cwð‡g| 18 kZ‡Ki gvSvgvwS mgq cÖwZwôZ nq kniwU| GwU ZLb ax‡i ax‡i AvšÍR©vwZK evwYR¨ I gy‡³v wkKv‡ii GKwU mg„× †K‡›`ª cwiYZ nq| GK ch©v‡q kniwU

Fort Facts

Al Zubarah flourished as a pearling and trading centre for a period of 50 years. Al Zubarah had trading links with the Indian Ocean, Arabia and Western Asia. It was mostly destroyed in 1811 and finally abandoned in the early 20th century.

First sight 66

Al Zubarah was first reported as an archaeological site by a Danish-led team of archaeologists in the 1950s, and then excavated by Danish and Qatari teams. As a result of the studies conducted at the site, a large number of archaeological finds from the 18th-19th centuries are now part of the National Museum of Qatar’s (NMoQ’s) permanent collection and will be featured in the museum galleries. According to Unesco, Al Zubarah had trading links across the Indian Ocean, Arabia and Western Asia. A layer of sand blown from the desert has protected the remains of the site’s palaces, mosques, streets, courtyard houses, fishermen’s huts, harbour and double defensive walls, a canal, walls and cemeteries. Excavation has only taken place over a small part of the site, offering an outstanding testimony to an urban trading and pearl-diving tradition, which sustained the region’s major coastal towns and led to the development of small independent states that flourished outside the control of the Ottoman, European and Persian empires and eventually led to the emergence of modern-day Gulf states.

Class apart

What distinguished Al Zubarah from the other trading towns of the Gulf is that it lasted a comparatively short space of time, secondly that

jul - aug 2015

Al Zubarah was first reported as an archaeological site by a Danish-led team of archaeologists in the 1950s

n‡q I‡V †`kwUi me‡P‡q eo I me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GK A‡j| 20 kZ‡Ki gvSvgvwS mg‡q GwU cwiZ¨v³ n‡q hvq| Avj Ryevivni cÖZœZvwË¡K wb`k©b¸‡jv 60 †n±i Rwgi Ici Qwo‡q Av‡Q| †hLv‡b cvIqv hv‡e cyi‡bv Nievwo, gmwR`, eo myiw¶Z feb I evRv‡ii aŸsmve‡kl|

cÖ_g `k©b

1950 mv‡j †Wwbk †bZ…Zv¡ axb GKwU cÖZZ œ vwË¡K `j cÖ_g G ¯’vcbvwU‡K GKwU cÖvPxb HwZn¨ wn‡m‡e Avwe®‹vi K‡i| c‡i GLv‡b LbbKvR Pvjvq GKwU †Wwbk I KvZvwi `j| ¯’vcbvwU wb‡q M‡elYvi d‡j †mLv‡b 18 †_‡K 19 kZ‡Ki eû cÖZZ œ vwË¡K wb`k©‡bi mÜvb cvIqv hvq| G¸‡jv GLb KvZv‡ii RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii ¯’vqx msiÿvYvMv‡i iwÿZ Av‡Q Ges cieZ©x‡Z G¸‡jv Rv`yN‡ii M¨vjvwi¸‡jv‡Z cÖ`wk©Z n‡e| BD‡b‡¯‹vi g‡Z, GK mgq fviZ gnvmvMi, Avie I cwðg GwkqvRy‡o Avj Ryevivn-Gi evwYwR¨K †hvMv‡hvM wQj| M‡elYvq Rvbv †M‡Q, giæf~wg †_‡K D‡o Avmv evwji GKwU ¯Íi GLvbKvi ¯’vcbv¸‡jv‡K eQ‡ii ci eQi myiwÿZ †i‡L‡Q| Gme ¯’vcbv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q cÖvmv`, gmwR`, moK, evwoi Avw½bv, †R‡j‡`i KzwUi, †cvZvkÖq, `yB ¯Í‡ii cÖwZi¶v †`qvj, GKwU Lvj, †`qvj I Kei¯’vb| ¯’vcbvwUi mvgvb¨ wKQz Ask Ry‡o †Kej LbbKvR cwiPvjbv Kiv nq| Avi Zv‡ZB G bMixi kû‡i evwYR¨ Ges gy‡³v wkKv‡ii HwZ‡n¨i cÖgvY cvIqv †M‡Q| hvi Ici fi K‡i c‡i G A‡ji cÖavb DcK~jeZ©x kni Ges ¶z`vª K…wZi ¯^vaxb iv󪸇jvi wfwË M‡o I‡V| G AÂj¸‡jv c‡i A‡Uvgvb mvgªvR¨, BD‡ivc Ges cvim¨ GgbwK AvaywbK DcmvMixq iv󪸇jviI wbqš¿‡Yi evB‡i we¯Ívi jvf K‡i Ges GK ch©v‡q G¸‡jv AvaywbK DcmvMixq iv‡R¨ cwiYZ nq|

it was abandoned, thirdly that it has remained largely untouched since being covered by the desert sands and fourthly that its wider context can still be read through the remains of small satellite settlements and the remains of possibly competing towns nearby along the coast. If you’re in Doha, it is possible to get to the fort solely by public transport. There are buses from the Al Ghanim Bus Station three times a day. The journey takes about two hours each way. If you are planning on a day trip from Doha, the only option is to take the first departure from Doha and catch the last return bus at Zubarah back to the city. It will give you over four hours at the fort, which is more than enough time to observe the surroundings. An alternative for those who wish to spend more than a day around the Qatari countryside is to catch the evening bus at Zubarah onward to one of the nearby towns, such as the northernmost seaside village of Al Ruwais, where you can catch a later evening bus back to Doha.

c„_K †kªwY

DcmvMixq A‡ji Ab¨ evwYwR¨K kni¸‡jvi m‡½ Avj RyevivnÕi ¯^vZš¿¨ ˆewkó¨ n‡”Q GUv Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e ¯^í mgq ¯’vqx n‡qwQj| wØZxqZ GUv cwiZ¨v³ n‡q wM‡qwQj| Z…ZxqZ, GUv giæf~wgi evwj Øviv Av”Qvw`Z n‡q hvIqvq Rbgvby‡li ¯ú‡k©i evB‡i wQj| PZz_©Z, e„nËi cwim‡i GLv‡b GLbI wKQz Qwo‡q _vKv ¶z`ª emwZi aŸsmve‡kl cvIqv hvq, †h¸‡jv GLvbKvi GKmg‡qi we¯Í…wZiB wb‡`©k K‡i| evwKiv m¤¢eZ DcK~‡ji Ab¨vb¨ kni¸‡jvi w`‡K P‡j hvq| Avcwb hw` KvZv‡i G‡m _v‡Kb Zvn‡j cvewjK Uªv݇cv‡U©B GLv‡b †h‡Z cv‡ib| Avj Nvwbg evm †÷kb †_‡K w`‡b wZbevi evm †Q‡o hvq| †hw`K †_‡KB Avmyb bv †Kb, mgq jvM‡e `yB NÈv| Avcwb hw` †`vnv †_‡K GKw`‡bi åg‡Yi cwiKíbv K‡ib †m‡¶‡Î GKgvÎ Dcvq n‡”Q †`vnv †_‡K cÖ_g evmwU aiv Ges Ryevivn †_‡K Avmv †kl wdiwZ evmwU‡Z P‡o emv| G‡Z Avcwb Ryevivni †Kjøv¸‡jv‡Z Pvi NÈviI †ewk mgq †Nvivi my‡hvM cv‡eb| GUv Av‡kcv‡ki `„k¨cU Ny‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ h‡_ó mgq| hviv GLv‡b GKw`‡bi †ewk mgq KvUv‡Z Pvb Zv‡`i Rb¨ weKí n‡”Q wbKUeZ©x kni †_‡K Ryevivn †_‡K †Q‡o hvIqv mܨvi evm aiv| †mLvb †_‡K †h‡Z cv‡ib G‡Kev‡i Dˇi _vKv mgy`ª ZxieZ©x Avj iæIqvBm MÖv‡g| GLvb †_‡K Avcwb mܨvq †`vnv hvIqvi evm cv‡eb|

Biman connects Dhaka-Doha-Dhaka with three weekly flights (Till August 14) (


Tarot cards...

RyjvB-AvM÷ 2015Õi Rb¨ U¨viU fwel¨ØvYx

Tarot predictions for July-August 2015 by Manisha Koushik


Aries (‡glivwk)

Taurus (e…livwk)

Gemini (wg_ybivwk)

Don’t hesitate to take help from old hands on the professional front, everybody does. Neglecting meal timings can affect health; keep a watch! Some of you may be required to. Lucky colour: Silver; Lucky number: 2

Your sense of responsibility on the financial front can amaze family members. Curb the temptation for junk food to retain good health. Tread carefully to avoid the pitfalls in love. Lucky colour: Green; Lucky number: 5

Expect some favourable changes on the professional front. Financial situation will improve. Family will reciprocate your love and care. Business trips will bring better opportunities. Lucky colour: Violet; Lucky number: 7

†ckv`vwi‡Z¡i RvqMvq AwfÁ Kv‡ivi mvnvh¨ wb‡Z wØav Ki‡eb bv, mevB wb‡q _v‡K| Lvev‡ii mgq Awbqg Ki‡j ¯^v‡¯’¨ weiƒc cÖfve co‡e; mZK© _vKzb! †Kbbv, Avcbv‡`i Kv‡ivi nq‡Zv Ggb KivUv `iKvwi n‡q DV‡Z cv‡i| ïf is: iæcvwj; ïf msL¨v: 2

Avw_©K welqvw`‡Z Avcbvi `vwqZ¡‡eva cwiev‡ii Ab¨ m`m¨‡`i AevK K‡i Qvo‡e| my¯^v¯’¨ wd‡i †c‡Z PvB‡j RvsK dz‡Wi cÖwZ †jvfUv mvgjvb| †cÖ‡gi †ÿ‡Î †f‡ewP‡šÍ cv †djyb, Zv bv n‡j M‡Z© co‡Z n‡e| ïf is: bxj‡P meyR; ïf msL¨v: 5

†ckv`vwi‡Z¡i RvqMvq BwZevPK cwieZ©b Avkv Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| Avw_©K w`K w`‡q gbgiv fve hv‡`i, Zviv Zv‡`i Ae¯’vi DbœwZ NUv‡Z mg_© n‡eb| cwiev‡ii KvQ †_‡K †cÖg I h‡Zœi †ÿ‡Î BwZevPK mvov cv‡eb| e¨emvwqK åg‡Y ïf my‡hv‡Mi Avwef©ve NU‡e| ïf is: †e¸bx; ïf msL¨v: 7

Cancer (KK©Uivwk)

Leo (wmsnivwk)

Virgo (Kb¨vivwk)

A satisfying love life will keep you happy and contented. Your helping attitude will turn your foes into well wishers. Stability on the financial front is assured. Sudden trip can’t be ruled out. Lucky colour: Yellow; Lucky number: 2

It is best to nip a medical problem in the bud before it takes serious proportions. You will show your social side by meeting your near and dear ones more often. You may spend more. Lucky colour: Lavender; Lucky number: 1

Previous investments will take care of your financial health. Conveying your romantic desires in a unique way will get you success! Don’t resent those you break bread with; it will serve no purpose. Lucky colour: Blue; Lucky number: 4

†cÖggq Rxe‡bi mš‘wóB Avcbv‡K mywL I Z…ß K‡i ivL‡e| mn‡hvwMZvi g‡bvfv‡ei Kvi‡Y Avcbvi kÎæ‡`iI †`Lv hv‡e Avcbvi g½j Kvgbv Ki‡Q| Avw_©K w`K w`‡q w¯’wZkxjZv `„k¨gvb| AvKw¯§K åg‡Yi m¤¢vebv Dwo‡q †`Iqv hv‡”Q bv| ïf is: njy`; ïf msL¨v: 2

Z‡e ¸iæZi wKQz n‡q IVvi Av‡MB †QvULvU ¯^v¯’¨RwbZ mgm¨vUv‡K AvZzoN‡iB webó K‡i †djv DwPr| Kv‡Qi I wcÖqRb‡`i m‡½ †`Lv K‡i wb‡Ri mvgvwRKZvi Ae¯’vbUv‡K wظY gReyZ K‡i Zzj‡Z cv‡ib| G mgq Avcwb nq‡Zv †ek LiP K‡i _vK‡eb| ïf is: j¨v‡fÛvi; ïf msL¨v: 1

Av‡Mi wewb‡qv‡Mi djkÖæwZ‡Z eZ©gvb Avw_©K Ae¯’vq ïfjÿY `„k¨gvb| GKwU Abb¨ cš’vq Avcbvi †ivgvw›UK AvKv•ÿv e‡q wb‡q hvIqvi g‡a¨B wbnxZ Av‡Q mdjZvi m~Î! Zv‡`i cÖwZ iæó n‡Z hv‡eb bv hv‡`i m‡½ mPivPi me wKQz fvM ev‡Uvqviv K‡i _v‡Kb| ïf is: bxj; ïf msL¨v: 4

jul - aug 2015

Manisha Koushik is an astrologer, Tarot Card reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Feng Shui consultant.

libra (Zyjvivwk)

scorpio (e…wðKivwk)

sagittarius (abyivwk)

Domestic harmony will be on the top of your mind. Enrolling in a scheme is likely to multiply your assets, at least initially. Find ways to keep partner interested in you on the romantic front. Lucky colour: Violet; Lucky number: 7

Shell out some money to make your lover happy. You are right in your way in a professional situation, but do listen what others say. Don’t get discouraged in your attempts to achieve physical fitness. Lucky colour: Light Blue; Lucky number: 5

Some of you may become the butt of criticism. Humour has the power to recharge even an insipid romantic relationship, try it out. Road users need to be careful, especially in bad weather. Lucky colour: Megenta; Lucky number: 18

N‡ii †fZ‡ii fvimvg¨ eRvq ivLv wb‡q Avcbvi gb e¨¯Í _vK‡e| m¤ú` K‡qK¸Y evov‡bvi Rb¨ †KvbI GKwU w¯‹‡g wewb‡qvM KivUv fvj wm×všÍ n‡Z cv‡i, AšÍZ cÖv_wgK ch©v‡q| †ivgvw›UK AvwObvq wb‡Ri cvU©bvi‡K Avcbvi wb‡Ri cÖwZ AvMÖnx K‡i Zzj‡Z m‡Pó n‡q hvb| ïf is: †e¸bx; ïf msL¨v: 7

wb‡Ri fv‡jvevmvi gvbylUv‡K Lywk ivL‡Z wgwU‡q w`b wKQz LiPv| †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i Ae¯’vq Avcwb mwVK c‡_B Av‡Qb| Z‡e Ab¨iv Kx ej‡Z Pvq †mUvI ï‡b wbb| kvixwiK wdU‡bm †c‡Z †h D‡`¨vM nv‡Z wb‡q‡Qb Zv‡Z AvMÖn nvwi‡q †dj‡eb bv| ïf is: nvév bxj; ïf msL¨v: 5

Avcbv‡`i g‡a¨ †KD †KD Kov mgv‡jvPbvi wkKvi n‡Z cv‡ib| Z‡e im‡evaB cv‡i GKwU weim †ivgvw›UK m¤úK©‡KI cybiæ¾xweZ Ki‡Z, †Póv K‡iB †`Lyb| moK e¨envi K‡ib hviv, Zv‡`i GKUz mZK© _vKv PvB, we‡kl K‡i Lvivc AvenvIqvi mgq| ïf is: g¨v‡R›Uv; ïf msL¨v: 18

Capricorn (gKiivwk)

Aquarius (Ky¤i ¢ vwk)

Pisces (gxbivwk)

You wil be bit confused about publicising your professional talents. Hiring experts will not only ease your job, but will also give a professional touch. Bring the fun element back into your life. Lucky colour: Orange; Lucky number: 11

Ego may make you reluctant to seek help at work. Bring some variety into your regular routine. A trip planned well in advance is likely to save you a lot of hassle. Refrain yourself from gossip. Lucky colour: Red; Lucky number: 6

You will get the opportunity to regain lost ground. Those undergoing some corporate training may require shuffling within cities. Create a romantic ambience to enjoy your love life. Lucky colour: Dark Green; Lucky number: 11

wb‡Ri †ckv`vi ¸‡Yi cÖPvi Ki‡Z wM‡q Avcwb wKQzUv weåvwšÍ‡Z c‡o †h‡Z cv‡ib| we‡klÁ‡K wb‡qvM †`IqvUv Avcbvi KvRUv‡K mnR K‡i †`‡e Avi Avcbvi Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î GwU †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i †QuvqvI G‡b ‡`‡e| Rxe‡b Avevi †mB gRvi DcKiY¸‡jv‡K wdwi‡q Avbyb| ïf is: Kgjv; ïf msL¨v: 11

Kg©‡ÿ‡Î mvnvh¨ PvIqvi †ÿ‡Î B‡Mv Z_v AvZ¥¤¢wiZv Avcbvi Rb¨ evav n‡q `uvov‡Z cv‡i| wbqwgZ iæwU‡b wb‡q Avmyb wKQz ˆewPΨ| Av‡Mfv‡M åg‡Yi cwiKíbvUv †m‡i ivL‡j A‡bK hš¿Yvi nvZ †_‡K gyw³ cv‡eb| Kv‡ivi m¤ú‡K© M‡àv Kiv †_‡K wb‡R‡K weiZ ivLyb| ïf is: jvj; ïf msL¨v: 6

nviv‡bv wfwË wd‡i cvevi GKUv my‡hvM Avm‡e Avcbvi nv‡Z| hviv we‡kl Ki‡cv‡iU cÖwkÿ‡Yi g‡a¨ Av‡Qb, Zv‡`i nq‡Zv kni †_‡K kn‡i Ny‡i †eov‡Z n‡e| †cÖ‡gi gyn~Z©Uv‡K Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z GKwU †ivgvw›UK AvenvIqv ˆZwi Kiæb| ïf is: Mvp meyR; ïf msL¨v: 11



Cover story




LEISURE people


jul - aug 2015

‘I am the product of

Biman Bangladesh’ By: Fa is a l I s l a m Ra z ib

ÔAvwg wegvb

evsjv‡`‡ki †cÖvWv±Õ Habibul Bashar, also known as Mr Fifty, is in the selection committee of the Bangladesh cricket team. Following his footsteps, the present generation of Bangladesh cricket flourished. He too had his share of ups and down in his career, and came to the limelight by joining in the Biman Bangladesh Cricket team. He speaks about his life about cricket and beyond cricket with Bihanga. What do you think about the team’s performance in the World Cup? This is our fifth and one of the best so far. Though we won the same number of matches in the 2007 edition, this World Cup was better in terms of the quality of cricket played by our cricketers. Did you expect Bangladesh to beat England or was it a pleasant surprise? This was not unexpected. The Bangladesh cricket team was playing good since the beginning of the world cup. And we won this match against England by playing good cricket all round. The team was little bit tensed too, as the match was about to decide our next course of action. It was hard luck against India. India played well throughout the tournament. But the result in the match against Bangladesh could have been different if some decisions were fair to us. Luck did not favour us from the very beginning. But all of these are part and parcel of the game.

evsjv‡`k wµ‡K‡Ui eZ©gvb cÖR‡b¥i GwM‡q hvIqv hvi nvZ a‡i wZwb wg÷vi wddwU nvweeyj evkvi, evsjv‡`k wµ‡KU `‡ji mv‡eK AwabvqK| GLb Av‡Qb wµ‡K‡Ui wbe©vPK KwgwU‡Z| K¨vwiqv‡i A‡bK DÌvb cZb| Z‡e wegvb evsjv‡`‡ki wµ‡KU `j w`‡qB wb‡R‡K ‡Pbv‡Z ‡c‡iwQ‡jb evkvi| wµ‡KU I wµ‡K‡Ui evB‡ii `ywbqv wb‡q K_v e‡j‡Qb wen‡½i m‡½| wek¦Kv‡c UvBMvi‡`i `jxq cvidig¨vÝ ‡Kgb wQj? GUv Avgv‡`i cÂg wQj| GB wek¦Kv‡c Avgv‡`i ‡miv wek¦Kvc wQj| hw` R‡qi w`‡K ZvKv‡j ‡`L‡ev 2007 wek¦Kv‡ci g‡Zv mgvb g¨vPB wR‡ZwQ| wKš‘ ‡Ljvi gvb we‡ePbvq wb‡j ‡mivUvB wQj Gev‡ii Avmi| Bsj¨v‡Ûi wec‡¶ RqUv‡K wK cÖZ¨vwkZ a‡iwQ‡jb bvwK PgK? Bsj¨vÛ‡K nviv‡bv Avgvi Kv‡Q ‡KvbI we¯§q wQj bv| KviY wek¦Kv‡ci cy‡ivUv mgqB evsjv‡`k fv‡jv wµ‡KU ‡L‡jwQj| G g¨v‡P AvgivB fv‡jv ‡L‡j Rq ‡c‡qwQ| Z‡e GUv wVK G g¨vP‡K wN‡i DwØMœ wQjvg| KviY GB g¨v‡PB c‡ii c‡e© hvIqvi fvM¨ wba©vwiZ wQj| fvi‡Zi wec‡¶ fvM¨ mnvq nqwb... GB wek¦Kv‡c LyeB fv‡jv ‡L‡j‡Q fviZ| wKš‘ wKQy wm×všÍ Av‡gv‡`i c‡¶ ‡M‡j g¨vPwUi dj wfbœ wKQy n‡jI n‡Z cvi‡Zv| fvM¨ nq‡Zv Avgv‡`i mnvq wQj bv ïiæ ‡_‡KB| Z‡e Gme wµ‡K‡UiB Ask| wek¦Kv‡c gvkivwdi AwabvqKZ¡‡K wKfv‡e g~j¨vqb Ki‡eb? Zv‡K †Zv †ek KÕevi †ek `ywðšÍvMÖ¯Í g‡b n‡qwQj| wek¦Kv‡c gvkivwdi AwabvqKZ¡ me w`K ‡_‡KB Bg‡cÖwmf wQj| gv‡Vi wfZ‡i evB‡i me w`K ‡_‡KB I mdj wQj| KviY Gev‡ii wek¦Kv‡c wKQy AwfÁ wµ‡KUvi Qvov evwK mevB wQj bexb| cy‡iv `jUv‡K wb‡q GKmv‡_ gvkivwd Lye fv‡jvg‡ZvB ‡c‡i‡Q|



Cover story




LEISURE people

Are you impressed with the captainship of Mashrafe Mortaza in the World Cup? He got a little bit anxious few times. His captaincy was very impressive in all aspects. He was a success both on and off the field. It was a very young side and Mashrafe did a great job in uniting the team. Again, this is quite unexpected for Bangladesh team as Mashrafe was able to play very few matches with 100 per cent fitness. I am seeing him from the very beginning. I saw that, when he was in very good form, injury got his way. However, he always gives his total effort when he is in the field.

wek¦Kv‡c wb‡Ri wdU‡bm wb‡q gvkivwd‡K †ek msMÖvg Ki‡Z ‡`Lv ‡M‡Q| Zvi kvixwiK Ae¯’v wb‡q Avcbvi gZ? gvkivwd cy‡ivcywi my¯’ Ae¯’vq Lye ‡ewk g¨vP ‡Lj‡Z cv‡iwb hv evsjv‡`‡ki wµ‡K‡Ui Rb¨ LyeB AcÖZ¨vwkZ| Avwg gvkivwd‡K ïiæ ‡_‡K ‡`‡L AvmwQ, hLbB ‡m fv‡jv d‡g© _v‡Kb ZLbB Zv‡K BbRywii Ke‡j co‡Z nq| GLb Avm‡j gvkivwd‡K ‡Lj‡Z n‡j G cwiw¯’wZ‡ZB ‡Lj‡Z n‡e| Avwg Zv‡K fv‡jvfv‡e wPwb, ‡m hLb gv‡V bv‡g ZLb cy‡ivUvB †`q|

`‡ji Rb¨ iæ‡ej wbtm‡›`‡n eo †evjvi wQj| iæ‡e‡ji cvidig¨vÝ mwZ¨Kvi A‡_© GB wek¦Kv‡c Ab¨iKg wQj| Avgiv mevB Rvwb wek¦Kv‡ci Av‡M Zvi GKUy Lvivc mgq hvw”Qj| Rubel has been a great bowler ZvB mew`K †_‡K G wek¦Kv‡c Zvi There are lot of for the team. Ici A‡bK Pvc wQj| iæ‡ej‡K changes in the current team, brought in by Rubel’s performance has g~jZ `‡j ‡bIqv nq DB‡KU Shakib al Hasan, been quite exceptional in the ‡bIqvi Rb¨| ivb ‡PK ‡`Iqvi Mushfiqur Rahim tournament. He faced a hard ‡evjvi wn‡m‡e Zv‡K ‡Ljv‡bv nq and Tamim Iqbal time before the world cup, so bv| Avwg Zvi ‡ek K‡qK ‡evwjs he was under a lot of pressure. ‡¯új ‡`‡LwQ| Z‡e Gev‡ii wek¦Kv‡c Though he was mainly selected in Zvi wKQy ‡evwjs ‡¯új wQj Avgvi ‡`Lv g‡Z the team as a wicket-taker, not to tackle Zvi ‡miv ‡evwjs ‡¯új| the runs, some of his bowling spells were quite remarkable.


The team also had a great series against Pakistan. How are the players preparing themselves today? The credit goes to the recent world cup

jul - aug 2015

cvwK¯Ív‡bi wec‡¶ wmwi‡RI fv‡jv ‡L‡j‡Q evsjv‡`k| G wmwi‡R UvBMvi‡`i cÖ¯‘wZ Kx iKg wQj? cvwK¯Ív‡bi wec‡¶ fv‡jv ‡Ljvi KviY wQj Gev‡ii wek¦Kv‡ci cvidig¨vÝ| mevi AvZ¥wek¦vmUv A‡bK Kv‡R †j‡M‡Q|

I love action and adventure movies. Personally I am a big fan of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan. I like his movie titled Dil Chahta Hai performance. Everybody was inspired and the team was confident. Are they doing anything special thing which you had not in your days? In our time, individual players performed well, but as a team we weren’t able to do anything big. However, there are lot of changes in the current team, brought by Shakib, Mushfiqur and Tamim, especially the latter two. They can build partnership as middle order batsmen which was missing in the past. Earlier, if our top five batsman were out, then the rest of the team also fell apart. But the present Bangladesh team has some great players and the eighth batsman too can contribute to the total. The team has really been performing well under coach Chandika Hathurusingha. Of course. This year the coach did a lot with the players. But I will also give credit to the our cricketers for their consistent performance.

GLbKvi Giv wK Ggb wKQz Ki‡Q hv Avcwb Avcbvi mg‡q Ki‡Z cv‡ibwb? Avgv‡`i mgq ej‡Z ZLb Avgiv K‡qKRb cvidg© KiZvg| `j wn‡m‡e Avgv‡`i cvidig¨vÝ GZUv fv‡jv wQj bv| GLb we‡kl K‡i mvwKe, gykwdK Ges Zvwgg A‡bK cwieZ©b G‡b‡Q| we‡kl K‡i mvwKe Ges gykwd‡Ki K_v ej‡ev, Iiv wgWj AW©v‡ii e¨vUmg¨vb wn‡m‡e ‡ek j¤^v mgq wµ‡R _vK‡Z cv‡i| Avgv‡`i mgq ‡`Lv †M‡Q cÖ_g mvwii cvuP e¨vUmg¨vb AvDU n‡q ‡M‡j c‡ii mvwii Qq e¨vUmg¨vb ‡_‡K Lye Kg ivb ‡c‡qwQ| GLb evsjv‡`k `‡ji 8 b¤^i e¨vUmg¨vbI ivb K‡i| eZ©gvb ‡KvP PwÛKv nv_yiæwms‡ni Aax‡b Zvn‡j `‡ji fv‡jvB Ki‡Q? GeQi ‡KvP Aek¨B `j‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Q| Z‡e ‡µwWU Avm‡j `‡ji wµ‡KUvi‡`i| evsjv‡`‡ki ‡Kvb ¯’vb¸‡jv‡Z Avcbvi †ewk †Nviv n‡q‡Q? ‡`‡ki ‡fZ‡i Avgvi ‡ewk K·evRv‡i †Nviv n‡q‡Q | G Qvov cvnv‡o ‡h‡ZI fv‡jv jv‡M| evsjv‡`‡ki b¨vkbvj K¨vwiqvi wn‡m‡e wegvb evsjv‡`k wb‡q Avcbvi AwfÁZvUv ‡Kgb? Avwg wb‡RB wegvb evsjv‡`‡ki Ô‡cÖvWv±Õ| wegvb

Rapid fire Other sports than cricket? Besides cricket, I love football. I play whenever I get a chance. Your favourite food? Khichuri (a Bengali delicacy made of rice, dal and vegetables) and duck meat. Your hobby? I like travelling a lot. I go out whenever I get vacations. I love exploring new places.

wµ‡K‡Ui evB‡i †Kvb ‡Ljv ‡ewk cQ›` K‡ib? wµ‡K‡Ui evB‡i dyUej cQ›` Kwi Ges my‡hvM ‡c‡j ‡Lj‡ZI cQ›` Kwi| wcÖq Lvevi? wcÖq Lvevi wLPywi I nvu‡mi gvsm| Aem‡i Kx K‡ib? Ny‡i †eov‡Z cQ›` Kwi| Aemi ‡c‡jB evB‡i hvB| bZyb bZyb RvqMvq ‡h‡Z fv‡jv jv‡M|



Cover story




LEISURE people


Fast Facts

Which all places have you travelled in Bangladesh so far? Within the country my favourite part is Cox’s Bazar. Besides, I have a passion for hills as well. How has been your experience with the national carrier Biman Bangladesh Airlines? I consider myself as a ‘product’ of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. I became Habibul Bashar by playing in the team of Biman Bangladesh. I have travelled many airlines, but the comfort with Biman Bangladesh is exquisite. Because whenever I step onboard at Biman, I feel very homely.

In Tests, Bashar has 24 half centuries and three centuries, the first of which came in 2001. As a captain, he brought discipline into the Bangladesh team, balancing young players with experienced ones. His best game as captain was the five-wicket win over Australia in an ODI in Cardiff in 2005.

jul - aug 2015

Do you watch movies. Any favourite filmstar. I love action and adventure movies. Personally I am a big fan of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan. I like his movie titled Dil Chahta Hai. Any personal memory of World Cup you would like to share. In the 2007 World Cup, the breakfast we had the day after beating the England team was the best moment I ever had.

I have travelled many airlines, but the comfort with Biman Bangladesh is exquisite evsjv‡`‡k ‡h wµ‡KU `j wQj ‡mLv‡b ‡L‡jB Avwg nvweeyj evkvi n‡Z ‡c‡iwQ| Avwg A‡bK GqvijvB‡Ý ågY K‡iwQ| Z‡e mePvB‡Z ¯^v”Q›`¨‡eva Kwi wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ý| KviY wegvb GqvijvB‡Ý DV‡jB g‡b nq Avwg Avgvi N‡ivqv cwi‡e‡k i‡qwQ| Qwe ‡`‡Lb? ‡Kvb ZviKv me‡P‡q wcÖq? Avwg A¨vKkb I A¨vW‡fÂvi UvBc gywf ‡`L‡Z cQ›` Kwi| e¨vw³MZfv‡e ewjDW bvqK Avwgi Lvb‡K cQ›` Kwi| we‡kl K‡i Zvi AwfbxZ Ôw`j Pv Zv ‡nÕ QwewU Avgvi A‡bK cQ›`| Avcbvi mg‡qi wek¦Kv‡ci ‡KvbI ¯§…wZ hv AvRI g‡b c‡o| 2007 mv‡j Avgvi mgqKvi wek¦Kv‡c Bsj¨vÛ‡K nviv‡bvi c‡ii w`‡bi mKv‡ji bv¯Ív Kivi mgqUv Avgvi Rxe‡bi ‡miv|


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Delhi (DEL), (GMT+5.30) 320-321 Indra Prakesh Building, Barakhamba Road Cannaught Place, New Delhi-110001 +91-11-41519468 Fax: +91-11-23705481 Mobile: +91- 9811322146 Email


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Bangladesh fleet

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Central Engineering Department

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-300ER (35J+384Y = 419 PAX) Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 737-800 (12J+150Y = 162 PAX)

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Rows 1-52 (Row No. 13 are omitted.)

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Rows 1-28


Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-200ER (12J+21W+286Y = 319PAX) Entry/ Emergency Exit Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit Rows 1-43

Entry/ Exit

(Rows No. 3-7 are omitted.)

Interior Arrangement of Airbus A310 (27J+198Y = 225 PAX) Entry/ Emergency Entry/ Exit Exit Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit Rows 1-34

Entry/ Exit

S2-ADK = Rows 1-34 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 13 are omitted) S2-ADF = Rows 1-36 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 are omitted)

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fleet Data TECHNICAL DETAILS






35 J + 384 Y

12 J + 21 W + 286 Y

25 J +196 Y

12 J+ 150 Y

Engines (maximum thrust)

GE90-100 (115,300 lbs.)

PW4090 (90,000 lbs.)

PW4000 (56,000 lbs.)

CFM56-7 (26,300 lbs.)

Maximum Fuel Capacity

181,300 liters

171,200 liters

61,630 liters

26,025 liters

Maximum Takeoff Weight

755,000 lbs

632,499 lbs

361,600 lbs

70,987 kg

Maximum Range

7,825 NM (14,490 km)

7725NM (14316 km)

9,600 km

5,665 km

Typical Cruise Speed

905 km/h

1000 km/h

850 km/h

828 km/h

Wing span

212 ft. 7 in (64.8 m)

199 ft. 11 in (60.9 m)

144 ft. 0.4 in (43.9m)

112 ft. 7in (34.315 m)

With winglets




117 ft. 5 in (35.8 m)

Overall Length

242 ft. 4 in (73.86 m)

209 ft. 1 in (63.7 m)

153 ft. 0.9 in (46.66 m)

129 ft. 6 in (39.472 m)

Tail Height

60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)

60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)

51 ft. 10 in (15.81 m)

40 ft. 10.5 in (12.459 m)

Interior Cabin Width

20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)

20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)

18 ft. 6 in (5.64 m)

12 ft. 4 in (3.7592 m)


Note: Interior arrangement of S2-ADK has shown in figure. ‘W’ refers to Premium Economy Class of Biman and may vary according to routes.


International wegv‡bi ‡bUIqvK© AvšÍR©vwZK





wegv‡bi ‡bUIqvK© Avf¨šÍixY

Sylhet wm‡jU



Dhaka XvKv





Chittagong PÆM«vg

Cox’s Bazar


jul - aug 2015

Middle East



Kuwait Dammam Wvgvg

Riyadh Jeddah





Dubai Abu Dhabi Avey avwe Muscat gv¯‹vU



London Frankfurt


Rome ‡ivg


Kuwait Wvgvg Kathmandu Dammam Doha ‡`vnv KvVgvÛy Delhi wiqv`Riyadh Dubai `yevB w`jøx­ Dhaka Abu Dhabi Hong Kong Muscat XvKv Avey avwe gv¯‹vU nsKs Jeddah Kolkata ‡RÏv Bangkok ‡KvjKvZv


Yangon Bqv½b Kuala Lumpur


Singapore wm½vcyi

This map is for illustrative purposes and does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the publisher or their sponsors concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. Aj¼i‡Yi gva¨‡g Ae¯’vb †evSvevi Rb¨ GB gvbwPÎ e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q, Gi gva¨‡g †Kv‡bvfv‡eB †Kv‡bv †`k ev A‡ji AvBwb Ae¯’v A_ev mxgvšÍ ev AvÂwjK mxgvbvi g‡Zv welq wb‡q cÖKvkK ev Zv‡`i c…ô‡cvlK‡`i `…wófw½ ev gZvgZ cÖwZdwjZ nqwb|

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by Prabhjeet Singh

: 15.02

 Growth Of Knit (%)

: 1.6 Million : 45% : 6.3% : 174 Billion Bdt

 Employment Generation

 Female Empowerment

 Poverty Reduction

 Insurance

 Other Short Courses: Garments Consumption & Costing, Waste Identification Techniques To Reduce Waste & Improve Productivity (Through VSM & Process Mapping), Quality Management System, Material Management & Purchasing Planning For Improved Productions, Environmental Health &Safety Management System In RMG, Techniques Of Dealing With Compliance Audit Of Buyers, Banking, Customs & Shipping Procedures For Export Import & Business Development, Incentive & Custom Procedure for Factory etc.

 C ertificate & Diploma Courses Considering Sector Demand: Apparel Merchandising, Textile Testing & Lab Management, Industrial Engineering &Lean Manufacturing, Production Planning &Supply Chain Management, Social Compliance & CSR Issues.

Head Office : Press Club Building (1st & 3rd Floor), 233/1 Bangabandhu Road, Narayanganj-1400, Bangladesh. Phone : 88-02-7641857, 7640535, 7641295; Fax: 88-02-7630609 Dhaka Office : Planners Tower (4th Floor) 13/A, Sonargaon Road, Banglamotor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Phone : 88-02-8620377, 9672257, 8622703, 9670498; Fax: 88-02-9673337 Chittagong Office : Chamber House (4th Floor) 38, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong-4100, Bangladesh. Phone: 031-2514342; Fax: 031-2514345 E-Mail : Log on to :

BKMEA was established in 1996 as a National Trade Body to represent solely the Knitwear Sector of Bangladesh. BKMEA’s Mission is to Promote and Enhance Knitwear Sector’s Competitiveness, Productivity and Profitability in The Global Market through Support Services to more than 1900 Members. Capacity Building of The Sector and Networking with all Stakeholders is another key commitment of BKMEA. BKMEA is contributing to Employment Generation, Involving Women in the Formal Sector, Increased Substantial Export Earnings, Women Empowerment, Reduction Child Labor, Gender Equality, Health & Nutrition, Diminishing Child Marriage etc. through knitwear export to across the globe. Our motto is to stay afloat in the international competition & Markets with chic, elegant & quality products. We invite buyers/importers of the world to visit our factories & gauge our standards.

Working today to Shine Tomorrow

 Forward & Backward Linkage : 2120 Million Bdt

 Shipping & Logistics Industry : $ 157 Million

: 7.00 (approx.)

 Share In Gdp (%)

 Share In National Export (%) : 39.93

 Share In Apparel Export (%) : 49.20

 Market expansion, Research & Development, Policy Support & Capacity Development.

: $12.05 Billion (2013-14 Fy)

 Knitwear Export

 Factory Based Consultancy Services Focusing To Enhance Skill Of Existing Manpower &Improve Factory Condition: Lean Management System Implementation, Industrial Engineering Department Set-Up & Re-Engineering, Factory Layout Design & Re-Engineering, Fabric Optimization & Cutting Technology, Social Compliance Implementation Process, Fire Safety Training etc.

BKMEA’s Productivity Improvement Campaign

Contribution of Bangladesh Knitwear Sector


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