In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines
Nov - Dec 2014 Vol 2 Issue 2
Places to usher in the new year
Tiger Land
Main attraction in the Sunderbans
Mystical mandalay
foodies paradise
The last royal capital of Myanmar is home to several pagodas and monasteries
We bring you some of the mouth-watering dishes you must try in Bangladesh
Catering to the needs of ‘esteemed’ passengers A M Mosaddique Ahmed Managing Director & CEO (Biman Bangladesh Airlines)
Dear Friends,
wcÖq eÜziv,
you for your continued support. I have every reason to believe that you are enjoying your journey with us as we see a surge in our passenger numbers which again inspires us to dream even bigger. We would conclude our biggest annual event of Hajj by the time this issue of our in-flight magazine reaches you. It took us two months’ of diligent work to complete the mammoth task for transporting some 50,000 plus pilgrims to and from the Holy land, a responsibility that we have been shouldering since 1973 as a matter of pride and honour. London is one of our main destinations. We have increased the number of weekly flights from three to four to improve passenger convenience. I have other good news for our valued passengers. In order to improve domestic connectivity, Biman is procuring two Turbo prop aircraft, we are resuming a fullblown domestic operation, hopefully before Christmas. With the help of two lease-hold turbo-props, Dhaka would be connected to domestic points as usual. We would be happy to cater to this long-felt need of millions of our loyal discerning passengers. Please keep an eye for this upbeat event. November to January — the best time to visit pristine, placid, panoramic Bangladesh, and during the time I would like to invite you to make a trip to Bangladesh. The weather couldn’t be better; plenty of sun and fun, the festive verve is everywhere. The nature puts on her best embellishment. Visitors from all over the globe, flock in the Sunderbans and other places of interests. We take pride in our famous sea-beach of Cox’s Bazar, the magnificent beach itself is a source for nascent oxygen. The hospitality of the quaint villagers is legendary. Plenty of professional tour operators and travel agents would make your journey a memorable one. Come home to a home away from home. Please leave a note about how we are doing, on the ground or in the air and please send us your suggestions. I hope to see you soon. Keep reading and enjoy!
mg_©‡bi Rb¨ Avcbv‡`i ab¨ev`| Avgvi my`„p wek¦vm, Avgv‡`i m‡½ cÖwZwU d¬vBUB Dc‡fvM Ki‡Qb Avcwb| cÖwZwU d¬vB‡UB hvÎxi msL¨v evo‡Z †`‡L Avgiv hvicibvB gy»| Avgv‡`i ¯^‡cœi Wvbv we¯Í„Z Ki‡Z hv A‡bK eo GKwU Aby‡cÖiYv| Avgv‡`i GB Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwRb hLb Avcbv‡`i nv‡Z G‡m †cuŠQv‡e, ZZÿ‡Y Avgiv nR wb‡q Avgv‡`i me‡P‡q eo evwl©K Av‡qvRb m¤úbœ K‡i †d‡jwQ| 50,000-‡iiI †ewk nR¡-hvÎx‡K cweÎ f~wg‡Z wb‡q hvIqv I †mLvb †_‡K wb‡q Avmvi AwZKvq G KvRwU m¤úbœ Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i 2 gvm wbijm LvU‡Z n‡q‡Q, †h `vwqZ¡Uv Avgiv 1973 mvj †_‡KB Me© I m¤§v‡bi m‡½ enb K‡i AvmwQ| jÛb Avgv‡`i GKwU Ab¨Zg cÖavb MšÍe¨| m¤úªwZ hvÎx‡`i myweavi K_v we‡ePbv K‡i GB MšÍ‡e¨ mvßvwnK d¬vBU wZbwU †_‡K evwo‡q PviwU K‡iwQ| Avgv‡`i g~j¨evb MÖvnK‡`i Rb¨ Av‡iKwU mymsev`| Af¨šÍixY †hvMv‡hvM‡K AviI DbœZZi Ki‡Z wegvb `y‡Uv Uv‡e©v-cÖc GqviµvdU Avb‡Z hv‡”Q| AwP‡iB Avgiv cwic~Y©fv‡e Af¨šÍixY Acv‡ikb Pvjy Ki‡Z hvw”Q| Avkv KiwQ Zv eow`‡bi Av‡MB NU‡e| `y‡Uv wjR †bIqv Uv‡e©v-cÖc Gi mvnv‡h¨ XvKvi m‡½ ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB Af¨šÍixY c‡q›U¸‡jvi ms‡hvM NUv‡bv n‡e| Avgv‡`i jÿvwaK ¸iæZ¡c~Y© hvÎxi `xN© w`‡bi Kvw•ÿZ GB Pvwn`v Avgiv Avb‡›`i m‡½B c~iY Ki‡Z m‡Pó n‡ev| cÖdzwjøZ nIqvi g‡Zv G NUbvi mvÿx n‡Z bRi ivLyb| Avw`g, cÖkvšÍ I c¨vb‡ivwgK evsjv‡`k `k©‡bi Rb¨ b‡f¤^i †_‡K Rvbyqvwi DrK…ó mgq| ZvB G mgqUv Avwg Avcbv‡`i GB †`‡k åg‡Yi Avgš¿Y Rvbvw”Q| AvenvIqvI GLb `viæY| Av‡Q A‡bK m~h©v‡jvK I Avb‡›`i DcKiY| Drm‡ei cÖvYPvÂj¨ Qwo‡q Av‡Q me©Î| cÖK…wZ GLb †m‡R‡Q Zvi †miv iƒ‡c| mviv wek¦ †_‡KB `k©bv_©xiv `‡j `‡j Qz‡U Avm‡Qb my›`ieb I Zv‡`i cQ‡›`i me RvqMvq| Avgv‡`i RbwcÖq K·evRvi mgy`ª ˆmKZ wb‡qI Avgiv Mwe©Z| Abe`¨ GB ˆmKZwU GLbI weï× Aw·‡R‡bi fvÊvi| GLvbKvi †Lqvjx MÖvgevmx‡`i AvwZ‡_qZv ixwZg‡Zv wKse`šÍxZzj¨| †ckv`vi Uz¨i Acv‡iUi I Uªv‡fj G‡R›Uiv Avcbvi ågY‡K K‡i Zzj‡e ¯§iYxq| Ni †_‡K eû`~‡i P‡j Avmyb Av‡iK N‡i| AvKv‡k wKsev gvwU‡Z; †hLv‡bB _vwK bv †Kb, Avgv‡`i KvRKg© †Kgb Pj‡Q Zv Rvbv‡Z GKUv †QvÆ wPiK‚U w`‡ZI fyj‡eb bv †hb| Avkv Kwi wkMwMiB Avcbv‡`i m‡½ Avgvi †`Lv n‡e| ZZÿY ch©šÍ co‡Z _vKzb, Avi Dc‡fvM Kiæb!
We have increased our weekly flights to London from three to four
nov - dec 2014
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. CHAIRMAN: Air Marshal (Retd.) Jamal Uddin Ahmed Managing Director & CEO: A M Mosaddique Ahmed (Editorial Board) DIRECTOR MARKETING & SALES: Mohammad Shah Newaz (Editorial Board) GM PUBLIC RELATIONS: Khan Musharraf Hussein (Editorial Board)
Subcontinental Media Private Limited Publisher & Director Vikas Johari Founder & Director Prakash Johari Executive Editor Abhishek Chakraborty
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Bihanga is a bimonthly, bilingual (English & Bangla) in-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. It is published by Subcontinental Media Private Limited (SMPL) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines at: Suite 314, Crystal Palace, 3rd Floor, House # SE (D), Road No # 140, Gulshan South Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. This is a free copy for in-flight reading only. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of SMPL. SMPL/Biman does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, transparencies or other materials. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines or SMPL. All efforts have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. SMPL/Biman Bangladesh airlines does not assume any liability for services or products advertised herein. Simply scan this QR code from your smartphone which contains the URL of our website.
In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines
Nov - Dec 2014 Vol 2 Issue 2
Tiger Land
Main attraction in the Sunderbans
Places To usher in The neW year
Mystical Mandalay
foodies paradise
The last royal capital of Myanmar is home to several pagodas and monasteries
We bring you some of the mouth-watering dishes you must try in Bangladesh
18 26
A joyful experience
Nicknamed the city of joy, Kolkata is a daily festival of human existence and a fabulous place to soak into the Bengali culture and your love for food
GK Avb›`Nb AwfÁZv
KjKvZv, hvi Av‡iK bvg Avb‡›`i kni, G †hb gvb‡ei Aw¯Í‡Z¡i GK cÖvZ¨wnK Drme †K›`ª| evOvjx ms¯‹…wZ‡Z wb‡R‡K fvwm‡q w`‡Z wKsev Lvev‡ii cÖwZ wb‡Ri fvjevmv cÖKvk Ki‡Z G GK †gvÿg RvqMv
nov - dec 2014
Mystical Mandalay The last royal capital of Myanmar is home to several pagodas and monasteries. No wonder, the city is often referred to as the centre of Myanmarese culture
gvÛv‡ji hZ wbM~pZv
wgqvbgv‡ii me©‡kl ivRwmK ivRavbx‡Z GLbI †`Lv hv‡e AMwbZ ey× gw›`i I gV| Avi ZvB kniwU‡K cÖvqkB wgqvbgvwiR ms¯‹…wZi †K›`ªf~wg ejv n‡jI Zv‡Z wew¯§Z nIqvi wKQz †bB
New Year’s Eve
Where do you plan to be when the clock strikes midnight on December 31? We bring you the best places across the world to usher in 2015 with fun and excitement
bZzb eQi‡K ¯^vMZ
Nwoi KuvUv hLb 31 wW‡m¤^‡ii ga¨iv‡Z AvNvZ Ki‡e, †Kv_vq _vK‡eb e‡j wVK K‡i‡Qb? 2015 mvj‡K Awfb›`b Rvbv‡bvi gRv I D‡ËRbvc~Y© †miv RvqMv¸‡jvB nvwRi K‡iwQ Avgiv
land of the tiger
The possibility of seeing a tiger in the wild will always be the main attraction in the forest of Sundarbans. Yet, there is so much more
R¡jR¡‡j R¡jš— evN
ey‡bv R½‡ji gv‡S GKUv ev‡Ni †`Lv cvIqvi m¤¢vebvUvB my›`ie‡bi memg‡qi cÖavb AvKl©Y| Z‡e nu¨v, Gi evB‡iI Av‡Q AviI A‡bK wKQz
culture 46 Song of Harvest/
dmj †Zvjvi Mvb As the wind of autumn enchants the villages of Bangladesh, it’s the time to synch with the Saari song
evsjvi MÖv‡gi cÖwZwU GLb †ng‡šÍi myevZvm| mgq n‡q‡Q dmj N‡i †Zvjvi, mgq n‡q‡Q mvwi Mv‡b myi †gjv‡bvi
Bihanga means... ...a bird in Bangla. It is often used in literary writings. As Biman Bangladesh Airlines is being reborn,reinvented and soaring to new heights, we felt this was the most symbolic name for Biman’s new in-flight magazine, and so will our customers.
evsjv fvlvq wen½ cvwLi c«wZkã, GwU c«vqkB mvwn‡Z¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ beRb¥ ‡c‡q bZyb K‡i hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ges bZyb GK D”PZv jvf K‡i‡Q, ZvB Avgiv Abyfe KiwQ wegv‡bi bZyb Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ GUvB ‡miv c«ZxKx bvg, Avi Avgiv wbwðZ Avgv‡`i M«vnKiv GwU c‡o Avb›` cv‡eb|
50 Landmarks of value/
66 Your travel checklist/
g~j¨‡ev‡ai gvBjdjK
Avcbvi åg‡Yi †PKwj÷
Muslim caliphs and early
Suchitra Sen's birthplace,
rulers showed keen interest
Pabna is one of the
in building and maintaining
vivid districts in North
historical monuments
Bengal with a bounty of
HwZnvwmK me ¯’vc‡Z¨i wbg©vY I iÿYv‡eÿ‡Y †`Lv †M‡Q gymjgvb Lwjdv I cÖvPxb kvmK‡`i eiveiB †ek AvMÖn wQj
natural stunners
evsjv‡`‡ki DËie‡½i Aciƒc †Rjv cvebv| GKBm‡½ cÖK… wZi iƒc‰ewP‡Î¨I ficyi GB †Rjv people
leisure 56 Flavours of Bangladesh/
72 Riot of colours & smiles/nvwm I i‡Oi njøv Serene and unspoilt places
evsjv‡`‡ki hZ ¯^v`
of Bangladesh can help you
We bring you some
escape the madness and
mouth-watering dishes
hectic city life of craziness
of Bangladesh
kn‡ii cvMjvgxi †_‡K GK UzK‡iv Aemi G‡b w`‡Z evsjv‡`‡ki wbg©j I wb®‹jly AÂj cv‡i wAvcbv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z
Avgiv wKQz evsjv‡`wk Lvev‡ii K_v ejwQ, †h¸‡jv †L‡Z Avcwb wd‡i Avm‡eb ev‡i ev‡i
regular 60 Journey of wheels/
PvKvq PvKvq hvÎv Heritage Transport Museum is an auto lovers’ paradise with over 60 antique cars on display
hviv Mvwo cQ›` K‡ib Zv‡`i Rb¨ †nwi‡UR Uªv݇cvU© Rv`yNiwU GKK_vq ¯^M©| 60wUiI †ewk A¨vw›UK Kvi cÖ`wk©Z nq GLv‡b
02. MD & CEO Note GgwW-wmBIÕi K_v 08. Biman News ågY Z_¨ 70. Tarot fwel¨ØvYx 76. Biman Offices wegvb Kvh©vjq 77. Fleet Guide wegvbeni wb‡`©wkKv 78. Routes iæU
Cover story
Sky Update Updates and facilities to make flying a pleasure
¯‹vB Avc‡WU
AvKvkågY Dc‡fvM¨ K‡i ‡Zvjvi Rb¨ Z_¨ I my‡hvMmyweav COBUS 2700S AIRPORT BUS
Biman Bangladesh Airlines has recently acquired two COBUS 2700s as part of their service improvement at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka, Bangladesh. These buses are manufactured in Germany and powered by Mercedes Benz engine and have a transport capacity of up to 77 passengers (13 seating).
Designed specifically to move large groups of airline passengers over relatively short distances, today, COBUS can be seen at nearly every airport worldwide. Its advantages are due to a smaller turning circle and a suitable length for high maneuverability in the busy ramp area.
†Kvevm 2700Gm Gqvi‡cvU© evm
evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx XvKvi nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii †mevi gvb DbœZ Kivi Ask wn‡m‡e wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ m¤úªwZ `y‡Uv †Kvevm 2700Gm msMÖn K‡i‡Q| Rvg©vwb‡Z ˆZwi G evm `y‡Uv P‡j gvwm©wWR †eÄ Bwćb| G‡Z GKm‡½ 77 hvÎx Po‡Z cv‡i (13 wmwUs)| GqvijvBb hvÎx‡`i eo GKwU `j‡K A‡cÿvK…Z Aí `~i‡Z¡ cwien‡bi K_v gv_vq †i‡LB we‡klfv‡e G ev‡mi bKkv ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| GLb we‡k¦i cÖvq cÖwZwU wegvbe›`‡iB †Kvevm †`Lv hvq| A‡cÿvK…Z †QvU AvKv‡ii †gvo †Nvivi Pµ Ges e¨¯ÍZg Xvjy c‡_ wbcyYfv‡e Pjvi Rb¨ evmwUi ˆ`N©¨ †ek hyrmB|
Biman Bangladesh Airlines has introduced on-board stationery for children, such as colouring books, pencils from June 2014 and dolls from August 2014 as part of service improvements.
nov - dec 2014
wkï‡`i Rb¨ A¨v‡gwbwU wKUm
wegvb evsjv‡`‡k wkï‡`i Rb¨ Pvjy n‡q‡Q Ab-‡evW© †÷kbvwi| Ryb 2014 †_‡K G ZvwjKvq †hvM n‡q‡Q iO Kivi eB, †cbwmj Ges PjwZ eQ‡ii AvM÷ †_‡K Av‡Q cyZzj| †mevi gv‡bvbœq‡bi Ask wn‡m‡eB Gme wb‡q Avmv n‡q‡Q|
advance seat reservation To make room for an ever-increasing number of passengers, Biman has introduced Advance Seat Reservation (ASR) to help passengers choose their preferred seat in the airlines while they book their tickets. It is a part of the carrier’s commitment to provide customers with the highest standards of comfort and reliability.
A¨vWfvÝ wmU wiRv‡f©kb
µgea©gvb hvÎx‡`i Rb¨ RvqMv K‡i w`‡Z wegvb ïiæ K‡i‡Q A¨vWfvÝ wmU wiRv‡f©kb (GGmAvi)| G‡Z K‡i wUwKU †Kbvi mgqB hvÎxiv GqvijvB‡Ý Zv‡`i cQ‡›`i AvmbwU evQvB K‡i wb‡Z cvi‡e| GB Kvh©µgwU g~jZ MÖvnK‡`i m‡e©v”P gv‡bi mš‘wó I Av¯’v AR©‡b K¨vwiqv‡ii †`Iqv cÖwZkÖæwZiB GKwU Ask|
In-Flight Services
Bb-d¬vBU ‡mevmg~n
Biman has designed all menus to reflect the fresh, innovative cuisine of Bangladeshi culture with Western flare. Enjoy the comfort and service on-board your next flight. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖPwjZ Lvev‡ii m‡½ cvðv‡Z¨i Lvev‡ii bZyb D™¢vebx wg‡k‡j wegvb me ai‡bi ‡gby mvwR‡q‡Q| Avcbvi cieZ©x d¬vB‡U wegv‡b D‡V Gme Av‡qk Avi ‡mev Dc‡fvM Kiyb|
Breakfast Menu A range of fresh fruit juice offered in addition to sodas, cheese omelette, sautéed mushroom, croissant, fresh roll, butter, jam, tea and coffee. Lunch Menu Garden salad with freshly picked seasonal vegetables.
‡Kvgj cvbxq, wPR Ag‡jU, m‡Z Kiv gvkiæg, µqmu, UvUKv ‡ivj, gvLb, R¨vg, Pv I Kwdi m‡½ wewfbœ d‡ji ZvRv Rym|
jv ‡gby
Main Course
m`¨ evMvb ‡_‡K msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi m‡½ Mv‡W©b m¨vjvW|
Chicken curry served with most unique fragrant rice from the nation’s own harvest, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with lemon and green chilli.
GB ‡`‡k Drcvw`Z me‡P‡q ¯^Kxq myMwÜ Pvj w`‡q ‰Zwi ivB‡mi m‡½ wP‡Kb Kvwi, wewfbœ ai‡bi ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, ‡jey Ges KvuPv gwiP|
Dessert Rice pudding flavoured with rose water and garnished with fresh scrambled nuts. Dinner Menu
‡e«Kdv÷ ‡gby
Salad Fruit salad with freshly picked seasonal fruit. Main Course Lamb curry served with fine grain rice cooked with moong dal, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with green chilli, butter-naan (in tandoor).
‡gBb ‡Kvm©
wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©) ev`vg w`‡q mvRv‡bv ‡MvjvcR‡ji myN«vYmg…× myMwÜ Pv‡j ‰Zwi cv‡qk|
wWbvi ‡gby mvjv` m`¨ msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg d‡ji ˆZix d«yU mvjv`|
‡gBb ‡Kvm© wPKb Pv‡ji fv‡Zi m‡½ ‡fovi ‡Mv‡¯Íi Kvwi, gyM Wvj, wewfbœ ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, mvRv‡bvi Rb¨ KvuPv gwiP, evUvi-bvb (Z›`y‡i ‰Zwi Kiv)|
wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©)
Caramel custard garnished with canned peach.
wUbRvZ wcPd‡j mvRv‡bv K¨viv‡gj Kv÷vW©|
* Complementary beverage is served with all meals, and is available anytime on request.
* ‡h ‡Kvb ‡ejvi Lvev‡ii m‡½ ‡mŠRb¨g~jK cvbxq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq, Ges ‡h ‡Kvb mgq PvB‡jI cvIqv hvq
Effective January 1st, Biman has introduced new menus on all flights. Featuring selected dishes created by renowned English-Bangladesh Chef Tommy Miah these changes will upgrade and improve the meal standards in both Economy and Business Class. We're especially excited about our long-haul Business Class where we are launching a full 4 course menu that includes new starters, 4 choices of main course and a new cheese tray as well as a dessert trolley. wegvb Zvi me KÕUv bZzb d¬vB‡U bZzb Lvevi ZvwjKv ms‡hvRb K‡i‡Q, hv c‡njv Rvbyqvwi †_‡K Kvh©Ki n‡e| L¨vZbvgv Bs‡iR-evsjv‡`wk †kd Uwg wgqvi ˆZwi K‡qKwU wbe©vwPZ Lvevi cwi‡ek‡bi gva¨‡g BK‡bvwg I weR‡bm K¬v‡mi Lvev‡ii ¸YMZ gvb nvjbvMv` I DbœZZi Kivi ga¨ w`‡qB GB cwieZ©b m~wPZ n‡e| Avgiv we‡kl K‡i Avgv‡`i `xN© hvÎvi weR‡bm K¬v‡mi Rb¨ †ewk DÏxwcZ, †hLv‡b 4wU bZzb Lv`¨ZvwjKv Pvjy Ki‡Z hvw”Q; Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q bZzb ÷vU©vi, 4wU †gBb †Kvm© I GKwU bZzb wPR Uªwji m‡½ GKwU †WRvU© Uªwj| Send your feedback to: Biman Bangladesh Airlines provides quick & efficient check-in, advance check-in, lounge access, and handling facilities for unaccompanied minor. It provides cargo services worldwide, besides offering Ground Handling facilities to all the airports in Bangladesh. For duty free products, check the brochure available on the flight. wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ `ªæZ I `¶ ‡PK-Bb, AvMvg ‡PK-Bb, jvDÄ A¨vK‡mm Ges ågY-m½xnxb Ac«vßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl n¨vÛwjs‡qi gZ myweav w`‡q _v‡K| evsjv‡`‡ki me wegvbe›`‡i M«vDÛ n¨vÛwjs myweav QvovI GwU wek¦e¨vcx gvjvgvj cwien‡Yi ‡mev c«`vb K‡i _v‡K| wWDwU wd« c‡Y¨i wel‡q Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ d¬vB‡U ‡h e«wkIi cvIqv hvq ‡mwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡ib|
nov - dec 2014
Cover story
Checklist A world of travel news to help you plan your next voyage
Avcbvi cieZ©x AwfhvÎvi cwiKíbv Ki‡Z mnvqZv
Ki‡e ågY msev‡`i GB wek¦
Racing Veteran Car Run
Called the world’s longest running motoring celebration, the Veteran Car Run takes place on the first Sunday of every November and commemorates the Emancipation Run of 14 November 1896. This year the race is celebrating the 118th anniversary of the very first run.
†f‡Uivb Kvi ivb GUv‡KB ejv hvq we‡k¦i `xN©Zg †gvUi D`hvcb| cÖwZ eQ‡ii b‡f¤^‡ii cÖ_g †iveevi †f‡Uivb Kvi ivb AbywôZ nq| Gi gva¨‡g ¯§iY Kiv nq 1896 mv‡ji 14 b‡f¤^‡ii Bgvbwm‡ckb ivb AbyôvbwU‡K| ‡mB cÖ_g Kvi iv‡bi 118Zg evwl©Kx D`hvwcZ n‡e Gev‡ii †i‡m|
festival Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival Hong Kong will kick off its Wine & Dine Festival with the celebrated four-day opening party (October 30-November 2) at The New Central Harbourfront, featuring great wine, good food, live entertainment and spectacular city views.
nsKs IqvBb A¨vÛ WvBb †dw÷fvj Pvi w`b e¨vcx nsKs IqvBb A¨vÛ WvBb †dw÷fvj ïiæ n‡e wbD †m›Uªvj nvievid«‡›U (30 A‡±vei-2 b‡f¤^i)| bvwg`vwg IqvBb, my¯^v`y Lvevi, jvBf we‡bv`b I kn‡ii `„wób›`b `„k¨ cÖ`k©‡bi gva¨‡g D`hvwcZ n‡e G Abyôvb| gvme¨vcx G †fvMwejv‡m ficyi D`hvc‡b _vK‡Q Lvev‡ii Rb¨ RbwcÖq moK¸‡jv‡Z gRvi me Kvwb©fvj|
nov - dec 2014
Soccer Beach Soccer
Confirming Dubai as a top- class hotspot for football on the beach, Samsung Beach Soccer Intercontinental Cup 2014 welcomes the best teams from each continent with the UAE as the hosts. The fourth edition, taking place from November 4-8, will offer exciting contest along with food and beverages and day-long entertainment for the whole family. This time it will be held at the Jumeirah Beach, Umm Sequim.
weP mKvi we‡k¦i GK †miv nU¯úU, `yevBÖ‡Z Av‡qvwRZ n‡”Q m¨vgmvs mKvi B›Uvib¨vkbvj Kvc 2014| cÖ‡Z¨K gnv‡`‡ki †miv `j¸‡jv‡K Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡bv n‡e G Drm‡e, hvi Av‡qvRK n‡jv mshy³ Avie AvwgivZ| G cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi PZz_© Av‡qvRbwU 4-8 b‡f¤^i AbywôZ n‡e| GLv‡b AviI A‡bK cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi m‡½ Pj‡Z _vK‡e w`b fi Lvbvwcbv I cwievi wb‡q Avb›`we‡bv`‡bi bvbvb Av‡qvRb| Gevi g¨vP¸‡jv AbywôZ n‡e Dg wmKzB‡gi Ry‡gBiv we‡P|
road show Lord Mayor’s Show
From vibrant samba dancing to military marching bands, the legendary Lord Mayor’s Show offers a host of entertainment as it winds its way through the heart of London. It dates back to 1215, when King John granted a charter allowing the citizens of London to elect their own mayor. Every year since, Mayor of London travels from the City of London to Westminster. It will take place on November 8.
jW© †gqiÕm †kv bvbvb i‡O ficyi mv¤^v b„Z¨ †_‡K ïiæ K‡i wgwjUvwi Kvq`vq gvwP©s e¨vÛ; jÛ‡bi ü`q wP‡i e‡q Pjv HwZnvwmK jW© †gqim †kv †hb GKMv`v we‡bv`‡bi Wvwj †g‡j a‡i| 1215 mvj †_‡K ïiæ GB jW© †gqim †kv| IB eQiB cÖ_g wKs Rb GKwU †NvlYv Rvwi K‡ib †h, GLb †_‡K bvMwiKivB Zv‡`i †gqi wbe©vwPZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e| †mB †_‡K cÖwZ eQiB jÛ‡bi bZzb wbe©vwPZ jW© †gqi wmwU Ae jÛb †_‡K I‡q÷wgb÷vi ch©šÍ wM‡q ivRgyK‡z Ui cÖwZ m¤§vb cÖ`k©b K‡ib| G eQ‡ii 8 b‡f¤^i AbywôZ n‡e G Drme|
Cover story
business SIAL Middle East With a 37% increase in visitors at the 2013 edition, SIAL Middle East has cemented its position as the genuine event for the food and beverage industry in the region. The last edition attracted over 17,000 attendees in three days to meet more than 700 exhibitors from 52 countries. This year the event will take place from November 24-26 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UAE.
GmAvBGGj wgWj B÷
G A‡ji Lvevi I cvbxq wk‡í GKwU c~Y©v½ weR‡bm K¬vm Av‡qvRb wn‡m‡e wb‡Ri Ae¯’vb cvKv‡cv³ K‡i‡Q GmAvBGGj wgWj B÷ bv‡gi Av‡qvRbwU| 2013 mv‡j G Av‡qvR‡b Av‡Mi Zzjbvq `k©K †e‡owQj 37 kZvsk| IB eQi GmAvBGGj wgWj B÷ 2013Õ‡Z cÖvq 17 nvRvi `k©bv_©x G‡mwQj| IB mgq 52wU †`k †_‡K G Drm‡e Ask wb‡qwQj 700 AskMÖnYKvix| G eQi 24-26 b‡f¤^i Zvwi‡L Av‡qvRb AbywôZ n‡e mshy³ Avie Avwgiv‡Zi Avey avwe b¨vkbvj G·wnwekb †m›Uv‡i|
music Shreya Ghoshal Live Shreya Ghoshal is a renowned Indian playback singer synonomous with Bollywood. Having sung numerous songs in a variety of Indian languages, Shreya has created a name for herself in Bollywood at the young age of 30. She will be performing at the Dubai World Trade Centre on November 28. Don’t miss out on a fantastic night of Indian music.
†kÖqv †Nvlvj jvBf fvi‡Zi we‡bv`b RM‡Zi cÖwZkãB ejv hvq Zv‡K| g~jZ †kÖqv †Nvlvj GKRb fviZxq †cøe¨vK MvwqKv| fvi‡Zi bvbvb fvlvq AmsL¨ Mvb †M‡q‡Qb wZwb| 30 eQ‡ii ZiæY eqm †_‡KB ewjD‡W wb‡Ri GKUv k³ cwiwPwZ ˆZwi K‡ib wZwb| 28 b‡f¤^i `yevB Iqvì© †UªW †m›Uv‡i cvidg© Ki‡Z hv‡”Qb wZwb| fviZxq m½x‡Zi GKwU PgrKvi iRbx nviv‡bvUv Avcbvi †gv‡UI DwPZ n‡e bv|
nov - dec 2014
Entertainment Parachuting Championship
This is the fifth edition of the parachute championships and the categories included in the competition are accuracy landing, formation skydiving, canopy formation, canopy piloting and artistic events. All categories are open for both men and women and visitors are welcome to the show. It will take place at Skydive Dubai from November 26-December 7.
c¨vivïwUs P¨vw¤úqbwkc c¨vivïwUs P¨vw¤úqbwkc cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi cÂg Avmi n‡Z hv‡”Q GwU| cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq hv hv _vK‡e Ñ wbLyuZ j¨vwÛs, di‡gkb ¯‹vBWvBwfs, K¨v‡bvwc di‡gkb, K¨v‡bvwc cvBjwUs I Av‡iv Ab¨vb¨ ˆkwíK Av‡qvRb| G Av‡qvR‡bi mKj wefvMB bvix I cyiæl Df‡qi Rb¨ Db¥y³| `k©bv_©xivI G Av‡qvRb †`L‡Z cvi‡e| ¯‹vBWvBf `yevB‡Z GwU AbywôZ n‡e 26 b‡f¤^i †_‡K 7 wW‡m¤^i ch©šÍ|
winterfest Hong Kong WinterFest
Selected by CNN as one of the Top 10 places to spend Christmas, Hong Kong celebrates the holiday season with its colourful WinterFest. A joyful spirit reigns supreme as buildings around the iconic Victoria Harbour are decked out in fantastic seasonal illuminations and the whole city glows with a happy ambience. Attractions like Disneyland, Ocean Park, Ngong Ping 360 and Madame Tussauds all host fun Christmas events. It will take place from December 5 to January 1.
nsKs‡qi kxZ Drme wmGbGb Gi Rwi‡c eow`b KvUv‡bvi †miv 10 ¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ GKwU n‡jv nsKs| Avi †mLv‡b GB QzwUi †gŠmyg D`hvc‡b i‡q‡Q ewY©j DB›Uvi‡d÷| wf‡±vwiqvi nviev‡ii Pvicv‡ki feb¸‡jv hLb †gŠmygx Ave‡n Av‡jv‡Kv¾¡j n‡q I‡V ZLb †hb GK Avb‡›` cwic~Y© GKwU kw³ejq †ek `vc‡Ui m‡½ Ny‡i †eovq| GLvbKvi Ab¨Zg AvKl©Y¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q Ñ wWRwbj¨vÛ, I‡kb cvK©, bs wcs 360 I gv`vg Zz‡mv Rv`yNi| meLv‡bB _vK‡e wµmgv‡mi gRvi me B‡f›U| 5 wW‡m¤^i †_‡K 1 Rvbyqvwi ch©šÍ G gRvq Ask wb‡q bZzb eQi‡K m¨vjyU Kiæb nsKs ÷vB‡j|
Cover story
film festival Dubai International Film Festival
DIFF is one of the most prestigious and glamorous events on the Dubai events calendar. Happening from December 10-17, it is a celebration of Arab and international cinema and filmmakers attracting film buffs from around the world to Dubai. DIFF’s 2013 edition showcased 174 films from 57 countries, including 70 world premieres, and over 100 films from the Arab world.
`yevB AvšÍR©vwZK Pjw”PÎ Drme `yevB‡qi B‡f›U K¨v‡jÛv‡ii me‡P‡q bvgKiv I Mø¨vgvi LwPZ B‡f›U n‡jv `yevB B›Uvib¨vkbvj wdj¥ †dw÷fvj (wWAvBGdGd)| AbywôZ n‡e 10-17 wW‡m¤^i ch©šÍ| Avie Pjw”PÎ I AvšÍR©vwZK Nivbvi Pjw”Pθ‡jvi cvkvcvwk wm‡bgv †cvKv‡`i AvKl©Y Ki‡Z Pjw”PÎ wbg©vZv‡`i Rb¨ GwU GKwU `viæY Abyôvb| wWAvBGdGd Gi 2013 mv‡ji Av‡qvR‡b 57wU †`‡ki 174wU wm‡bgv cÖ`wk©Z n‡qwQj| Gi g‡a¨ 70wU Iqvì© wcÖwgqviI wQj| Avi Gi gv‡S Avie we‡k¦i wm‡bgv wQj 100wUiI †ewk|
racing Volvo Ocean Race Abu Dhabi will be hosting the third 2014-15 Volvo Ocean Race stopover from mid-December 2014 until January 3. The fleet will be arriving from Cape Town, South Africa, after travelling for around three weeks, covering more than 6,000 nautical miles. The In-Port Race takes place on January 2, with the fleet departing for China the following day.
fj‡ev I‡kb †im Z…Zxqev‡ii g‡Zv 2014-15 fj‡ev I‡kb †im-Gi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Z hv‡”Q Avey avwe| wW‡m¤^‡ii gvSvgvwS‡Z ïiæ n‡q GwU Pj‡e 3 Rvbyqvwi ch©šÍ| GKbvMv‡o wZb mßv‡n cÖvq 6000 bwUK¨vj gvBj cÖ`wÿY †k‡l mvD_ Avwd«Kvi †KBc UvDb †_‡K eniwU GLv‡b Avm‡e| Gici Bb-‡cvU© †imwU AbywôZ n‡e 2 Rvbyqvwi Zvwi‡L| ciw`bB Avevi Px‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ †Q‡o hv‡e †bŠeniwU|
nov - dec 2014
celebration Victory Day There are certain days in a nation’s history that are celebrated with mixed emotions. On this day, December 16, Bangladesh will pay homage to the martyrs, to the many unknown and unrecognised men and women who laid down their lives to see the end of oppression and neglect, to allow the people of the country to be the masters of their destiny, to be the captain of their own ship.
weRq w`em wewfbœ RvwZi BwZnv‡m Ggb wKQz w`b _v‡K †h¸‡jv wgkÖ Av‡e‡Mi ga¨ w`‡q cvwjZ nq| 16 wW‡m¤^i w`bwU‡Z evsjv‡`k kÖ×v wb‡e`b Ki‡e †mB me bvg bv Rvbv I cwiPq wenxb knx` bvix I cyiæl‡`i cÖwZ, hviv wKbv wbcxob I †kvl‡Yi mgvwß †`L‡Z wb‡R‡`i cÖvY wemR©b w`‡qwQ‡jb, hviv GKwU †`‡ki RbMY‡KB Zv‡`i wb‡R‡`i fvM¨ wbg©vZv nIqvi c_wU myMg K‡iwQ‡jb; hv‡`i Kvi‡Y IB gvbyl¸‡jv wb‡RivB n‡Z †c‡i‡Q wb‡R‡`i †bŠKvi KvÊvwi|
festival Christmas in London London acquires a special sparkle around Christmas time. The weather is frosty, the Christmas lights are twinkling and shoppers line the streets. The centrepiece of London’s Christmas spectacle is the giant pine tree – a gift to London from the people of Norway – which is beautifully adorned and set up in Trafalgar Square each year.
jÛ‡b eow`b eow`‡b mgq jÛb †m‡R I‡V GK we‡kl `~¨wZgqZvq| AvenvIqvUv nq Zzlvive„Z, wµmgvm evwZ¸‡jv R¡‡j †b‡f Avi iv¯Ívi `ycv‡k cmiv mvwR‡q e‡m †`vKvwbiv| Avi jÛ‡bi eow`‡bi †K›`ªxq AvKl©YUv n‡jv AwZKvq cvBb MvQ Ñ jÛb‡K †`Iqv biI‡qi Dcnvi G MvQ| MvQUv‡K cÖwZ eQ‡iB GB mg‡q my›`i K‡i mvwR‡q Uªvdjvi †¯‹vqv‡i wb‡q hvIqv nq| cy‡iv Drm‡ei †gŠmygUv Ry‡oB GLv‡b wgj‡e cvwievwiK we‡bv`‡bi AevwiZ Av‡qvRb| mvgwqK AvBm †¯‹wUs wisK †_‡K ïiæ K‡i i‡q‡Q mvšÍvi ¸nv I cyZzjbvP †`Lvi Av‡qvRb|
Cover story
Mandalay The last royal capital of Myanmar is home to several pagodas and monasteries. No wonder, the city is often referred to as the centre of Myanmarese culture By: B i n o d M i l i
Nov - dec 2014
hZ wbM~pZv wgqvbgv‡ii me©‡kl ivRwmK ivRavbx‡Z GLbI †`Lv hv‡e AMwbZ ey× gw›`i I gV| Avi ZvB kniwU‡K cÖvqkB wgqvbgvwiR ms¯‹…wZi
†K›`ªf~wg ejv n‡jI Zv‡Z wew¯§Z nIqvi wKQz †bB
something about Mandalay. Hot, busy and not outwardly beautiful, the second-largest city of Myanmar immediately strikes a chord with those looking for 'inner peace'. For, amid the central grid of lacklustre concrete ordinariness lurk many pagodas, churches, temples and mosques. Some of them are impressive in their architectural style and construction. Some of them inspire royalty. But almost all of them offer tourists a spiritual, if not enlightening, experience. Myanmar is often called the 'land of pagodas'. That said, Mandalay alone has over 700 pagodas. Myanmar's tryst with pagodas is to be expected as Theravada Buddhism is the predominant religion in the country, with about 89%
Nov - dec 2014
wN‡i Avm‡jB GKUv wKQz Av‡Q| Mig I e¨¯Í kniwU‡K evB‡i †_‡K †`‡L Lye GKUv my›`i g‡b n‡e bv| Z‡e hviv Ô‡fZ‡ii kvwšÍÕi mÜv‡b i‡q‡Qb Zv‡`i g‡bi Mnx‡b wgqvbgv‡ii wØZxq m‡e©v”P G kni GKwU SsKvi ˆZwi Ki‡eB| Kbwµ‡Ui wb®úÖf mvwi mvwi mvavi‡Yi wf‡o NvcwU †g‡i e‡m Av‡Q A‡bK¸‡jv c¨v‡MvWv, wMR©v, gw›`i I gmwR`| Gi g‡a¨ †KvbIwU Zv‡`i ¯’vcZ¨Kjv I wbg©vY‰kjxi Kvi‡Y †ek wPËvKl©K| †KvbIwU Avevi ivRwmKZvi wb`k©b enb K‡i Av‡Q| ÁvbMf© wKQz _vKzK bv _vKzK, Gi cÖvq me¸‡jvB ch©UK‡`i Kv‡Q †g‡j a‡i GKwU Ava¨vwZ¥K AwfÁZv| wgqvbgvi‡K cÖvqB ejv nq Ôc¨v‡MvWvi ivR¨Õ| ïay gvÛv‡j‡ZB Av‡Q 700wUiI †ewk c¨v‡MvWv| c¨v‡MvWvi m‡½ wgqvbgv‡ii Ggb NwbóZv A¯^vfvweK bq| †Kbbv, †_ivfv`v eyw×Rg n‡jv †`kwUi GKwU cÖwZwbwaZ¡Kvix ag©| †`kwUi
Temple Hopping: The sheer abundance of religious sites in the city may give you ‘temple fatigue’,but never a dull moment
Kuthodaw Pagoda contains the ‘world’s largest book’. Located at Mandalay Hill, it was built during the reign of King Mindon
21 of the population practising it. The graceful tapering shape of a pagoda painted white or gilded to a shining gold is a basic part of any Myanmarese landscape.
Still there's plenty of fascination to be found delving into a range of craft workshops and arts performances. Here's a quick tour of the prominent structures dotting Mandalay as well as places that would fascinate you to visit the place again and again. Kuthodaw Pagoda: Kuthodaw Pagoda contains the 'world's largest book'. It lies at the foot of Mandalay Hill and was built during the reign of King Mindon (1852-1878). The stupa itself, which is gilded above its terraces, is 188 feet (57m) high, and is modelled after the Shwezigon Pagoda at Nyaung-U near Bagan. In the grounds of the pagoda are 729 kyauksa gu or stoneinscription caves, each containing a marble slab inscribed on both sides with a page of text from the Tipitaka, the entire Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. Visitors to the pagoda can pay obeisance to the Buddha image, and enjoy sweet recreation beneath the sweet-smelling, cool, shady trees in the premises.
RbM‡Yi 89 kZvskB GwU cvjb K‡i| mv`v ev R¡jR¡‡j †mvbvjx iO Kiv †gvgevwZ AvKv‡i ˆZwi AvwfRv‡Z¨ ficyi c¨v‡MvWv †hb wgqvbgvwiR f~`„‡k¨iB GKwU †gŠwjK Ask| G Qvov, GKMv`v n¯Íwk‡íi KviLvbv I wkíK‡g©i RMr Lyu‡o †eov‡jI wgj‡e AvMÖ‡nvÏxcK ARmª e¯‘| GLv‡b gvÛv‡j‡Z Qwo‡q _vKv bvgKiv ¯’vcZ¨¸‡jvi m‡½ Ggb wKQz ¯’v‡bi eY©bv Zz‡j aiv n‡jv, †h¸‡jvi ZvwM‡` G †`kUv‡K †`L‡Z Avcwb Avm‡Z PvB‡eb evi evi| Kz‡_v‡Wv ey× gw›`i: we‡k¦i me‡P‡q eo eBwU ivLv Av‡Q Kz‡_v‡Wv ey× gw›`‡i| gvÛv‡j cvnv‡oi cv`‡`‡k Gi Ae¯’vb| ivRv wgÛ‡bi kvmbvg‡j GwU wbwg©Z nq| Gi Qv‡`i Ici ¯’vwcZ †eŠ×¯Í~cwU wb‡RB 188 dzU (57 wgUvi) DuPz Ges evMv‡bi wbKUeZ©x wbDs-D kn‡ii †kvqvwRMb c¨v‡MvWvi AbyKi‡Y GwU evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q| GB ey× gw›`‡ii wb‡P i‡q‡Q 729wU wKDKmv ¸, A_©vr cv_‡i †Lv`vB Kiv ¸nv| hvi cÖwZwU‡Z i‡q‡Q GKwU K‡i gv‡e©j cÖ¯Íi| †h cÖ¯ÍiwUi `ycv‡k cvwj fvlvq iwPZ †_ivfv`v eyw×R‡gi cwic~Y© ag©MÖš’ wÎwcU‡Ki GKwU K‡i cvZv †Lv`vB K‡i †jLv n‡q‡Q| `k©bv_©xiv GLv‡b ey‡×i cÖZx‡K cÖYvg Rvbvq| Avkcv‡ki AvwObvq wgwó Nªv‡Y ficyi MvQMvQvwji kxZj Qvqvq `k©bv_©xiv PvB‡j LvwbKUv wRwi‡q wb‡Z cv‡i|
Cover story
Shwenandaw Monastery: The monastery is known for its teak carvings of Buddhist myths, which adorn its walls and roofs. The monastery is built in the traditional Myanmarese architectural style. Shwenandaw Monastery is the single remaining major original structure of the original Royal Palace today. This is one of the few points in Mandalay that sells and requires a Mandalay Archaeological Zone ticket for $10. It’s required to visit a number of sites in and around Mandalay, including Sagaing, Amarapura and Inwa.
†mv‡qbvb›` gV: †m¸b Kv‡V ˆZwi †eŠ× cyiv‡bi KviæKv‡Ri Rb¨ GB gVwU weL¨vZ| g‡Vi †`Iqvj I Qv‡` †`Lv hv‡e G KviæKvR| HwZn¨evnx wgqvbgvwiR ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi AbyKi‡Y gVwU wbg©vY Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avw` ivRcÖvmv‡`i wU‡K _vKv GKgvÎ †gŠwjK ¯’vcZ¨ wn‡m‡e GLbI wU‡K Av‡Q GB †mv‡qbvb›` gV| gvÛv‡ji Aí wKQz RvqMvi g‡a¨ GwU Ggb GKwU c‡q›U †hUv GLbI wewµ nq Ges †hLv‡b cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z 10 Wjvi g~‡j¨i gvÛv‡j AvwK©IjwRK¨vj †Rvb-Gi wUwKU jv‡M| Aek¨ GB wUwKU w`‡q gvÛv‡ji AviI wKQz RvqMv †hgb, mvMvBs, Agivcyiv I BbIqv Nyi‡Z hvIqv hvq|
Moat & Fortress Walls: Viewable only from the outside, a 230-feetwide moat and well over 4 miles of
cwiLv I `~M© cÖvPxi: gvÛv‡ji cÖvPxb GK `~M©/wmUv‡W‡ji Pvicv‡k †ewóZ 230 dzU PIov cwiLv I 4 gvBj e¨vcx we¯Í„Z I
Getting Around
Nov - dec 2014
Bus and Taxi
There are daily local express from Yangon to Mandalay and many other parts of the country. Pickups and vans are also available to travel around Mandalay.
Motorbikes can be seen everywhere in Mandalay, which can be a very convenient mode to roam in local places. They can be rented almost everywhere in Mandalay.
Mandalay has a new Yadanarbon Central Railway Station in downtown area. It is a seven-storey complex, including two floors devoted to a hotel.
crenellated 26-feet-high walls form a vast square around the site of the former Mandalay fortress/ citadel. Reconstructed in the original 1857 style, the walls are punctuated at regular intervals with gate towers topped by pyramidal creations of fancifully carved woodwork.
26 dzU DuPz LvuRKvUv †`IqvjwU ïay gvÎ evB‡i †_‡KB †`Lv hvq| 1857 mv‡j ˆZwi AvmjUvi g‡Zv K‡iB Gi ms¯‹vi Kiv n‡q‡Q| mywbcyY Kv‡Vi KviæKvR Kiv wcivwgW Mo‡biI Ici †MBUUvIqvi emv‡bv GB †`qvjwU‡K mg‡q mg‡q †ek AvNvZ mn¨ Ki‡Z n‡q‡Q|
Royal Palace: The last royal palace of the last Myanmarese monarchy, the Royal Palace was constructed between 1857 and 1859 by King Mindon. Much of the palace compound was destroyed during World War II by allied bombing; only the royal mint and watch tower survived. A replica of the palace was rebuilt in the 1990s with some modern materials. Today, the palace is a primary symbol of Mandalay and a major tourist destination.
ivR cÖvmv`: wgqvbgvwiR ivRZ‡š¿i me©‡kl ivRKxq cÖvmv` iq¨vj c¨v‡jm ˆZwi Kiv n‡qwQj 1857 †_‡K 1859 mv‡ji g‡a¨| ivRv wgÛb GwU wbg©vY K‡ib| wØZxq wek¦hy‡×i mgq wgÎ evwnbxi †evgv nvgjvq ivRcÖvmv` K¤úvD‡Ûi A‡bKUvB a‡m wM‡qwQj| ïay iq¨vj wg›U I ch©‡eÿY UvIqviwU AÿZ Av‡Q| 1990 mv‡j AvaywbK wKQz miÄvg wb‡q cÖvmv`wU cybtwbg©vY Kiv nq| GLb gvÛv‡ji GKwU cÖv_wgK cÖZxK wn‡m‡e aiv nq GB cÖvmv`wU‡K hv GKBm‡½ GKwU PgrKvi ch©Ub MšÍe¨I|
Mandalay Hill: Mandalay Hill is known for its abundance of pagodas and monasteries and has been a major pilgrimage site for Burmese Buddhists for nearly two centuries. At the top of the hill is the Sutaungpyei (literally wish-fulfilling) Pagoda. A panoramic view of Mandalay from the top of the hill alone makes it
gvÛv‡j cvnvo: AMwbZ ey× gw›`i I g‡Vi Rb¨ gvÛv‡j cvnvo AwZ mycwiwPZ| MZ cÖvq `yBk eQi a‡iB evwg©R †eŠ×‡`i Zx_©¯’vb wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡q Avm‡Q GwU| cvnv‡oi G‡Kev‡i kx‡l© i‡q‡Q myZswc ey× gw›`i (hvi AvwfavwbK A_© B”Qvc~iY)| cvnvowUi P‚ovq D‡V ïay gvÎ gvÛv‡ji ˆbmwM©K `„k¨ Ae‡jvKb
Fast facts
Unlike most other countries, Myanmar has good exchange rates at its international airports. Unless you are knowledgeable about gems, be wary of buying them in Myanmar. November to January are the most comfortable months for travel.
Cover story
Rich, tasty Cuisine
Must-try meals in Mandalay
Salad Tea Leaf Salad The tart leaves are eaten on their own, typically as dessert, but they’re also served in the form of lephet thoke, a salad of pickled tea leaves.
Spicy Shan-Style Rice Called nga htamin (fish rice), the dish combines rice cooked with turmeric, and has a topping of flakes of freshwater fish and garlic oil
Street Deep-Fried Stuff Majority of snacks — samosas, spring rolls, savory fritters — are deep-fried. Noodle dishes are topped with akyaw, crispy garnishes.
Nov - dec 2014
worthwhile to attempt a climb up its stairways.
Ki‡Z cvi‡jB g‡b n‡e wmuwo †e‡q cvnv‡o PovUv kZfvM mv_©K n‡q‡Q|
Shopping sojourn: Taking a break from the touristy destinations, visitors can utilise their time in the city with a variety of shopping options. The new Mandalay Zaycho is the main market place in the city. You can get almost anything from there. Things to shop are acheik (Mandalay silk longyi), cotton clothing, hto moat (greasy cakes), laphet (pickled tea leaves), kadipar slippers (velvet slippers), silverware, lacquerware, jewellery, gems and more.
†KbvKvUvq wKQzÿY: `k©bxq ¯’vb¸‡jv Ny‡iwd‡i †`Lvi dvu‡K PvB‡j ÿwY‡Ki weiwZ wb‡Z cv‡ib| ch©UKiv GB mgqUv Kv‡R jvMv‡Z †h‡Z cv‡i kn‡ii ewY©j me †`vKvbcv‡U| kn‡i g~j evRviUv n‡jv `¨ wbD gvÛv‡j †Rq‡Kv| GLv‡b ej‡Z †M‡j me wKQzB cvIqv hvq| hv hv wKb‡Z cv‡ib Ñ Av‡PBK (gvÛv‡j wmé jyw½), my‡Zvi Kvco, †Uv †gvU (ˆZjv³ †KK), jv‡dU (Pv-cvZvi AvPvi), Kvw`cvi w¯øcvi (†fj‡fU w¯øcvi Ry‡Zv), iƒcvi evmb, evwb©k Kiv ˆZhkcÎ, Mnbv, iZœ I AviI A‡bK wKQz|
Biman connects Dhaka-Yangon-Dhaka with two weekly flights. (
Cover story
A joyful
experience Nicknamed the city of joy, Kolkata is a daily festival of human existence
nov - dec 2014
GK Avb›`Nb
KjKvZv, hvi Av‡iK bv Avb‡›`i kni| G †hb gvb‡ei Aw¯Í‡Z¡i GK cÖvZ¨wnK Drme †K›`ªW
The incredible Victoria Memorial is a vast, beautifully proportioned monument made of white marble. It opened in 1921 and conceived by Lord Curzon
mv`v gv‡e©j cv_‡i wbwg©Z Abe`¨ wf‡±vwiqv †g‡gvwiqvj n‡jv GKwU AwZKvq bv›`wbK fvimvg¨c~Y© ¯’vcZ¨ jW© KvR©‡bi KíbvcÖmZ ~ wf‡±vwiqv †g‡gvwiqvj Pvjy nq 1921 mv‡j
Dakshineshwar Temple’s compound, apart from the nine-spired main temple, contains a large courtyard surrounding the temple, with rooms along the boundary walls
Xv‡Kk¦ix gw›`‡ii PZ¡i| g~j gw›`‡ii bqwU myD”P wkLi QvovI Gi Pvicv‡k i‡q‡Q GKwU eo AvwObv| Gi mxgvbv †Nulv cÖvPx‡i i‡q‡Q A‡bK¸‡jv Kÿ
Kalighat is an ancient Kali temple and Kolkata’s holiest spot for Hindus and possibly the source of the city’s name. It is regarded one of the 51 Shakti Peethas of India, where the various parts of Sati’s body are said to have fallen, in the course of Shiva’s Rudra Tandava
KvjxNvU KjKvZvi me‡P‡q cweÎ RvqMv| GKwU mycÖvPxb Kvjx gw›`i †_‡KB G‡m‡Q G bvg, Ges m¤¢eZ GUv †_‡KB bvgKiY Kiv n‡q‡Q kniwUi| fvi‡Zi 51wU kw³ cx‡Vi g‡a¨ KvjxNvU Ab¨Zg| ejv nq wk‡ei iæ`ª Zvʇei ci IB 51wU ¯’v‡b mZxi kix‡ii wewfbœ Ask wQU‡K c‡owQj
Belur Math is a religious centre and the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission, inspired by 19th-century sage Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. The 40-acre campus of the Belur Math on the banks of the Ganges includes temples dedicated to Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda
†ejyi gV GKwU eomo ag©xq ¯’vb| GUvB ivgK…ò wgk‡bi m`i `dZiI ejv hvq GUv‡K| 19 kZ‡Ki Fwl ivgK…ò cigns‡mi Aby‡cÖiYv‡ZB GwU wbwg©Z| M½vi Zxi †Nulv †ejyi gv‡Vi 40 GKi RvqMvRy‡o i‡q‡Q ivgK…ò, kvi`v †`ex I ¯^vgx we‡eKvb›`‡K DrmM©K…Z gw›`i
nov - dec 2014
The Writers’ Building, the secretariat building of the state government of West Bengal, originally served as the office for writers of the British East India Company
`¨ ivBUvm© wewìs, cwðge½ ivR¨ miKv‡ii G mwPevjq febwU ïiæi w`‡K weªwUk B÷ BwÛqv †Kv¤úvwbi †jLK‡`i Kvh©vjq wn‡m‡eB e¨eüZ n‡Zv
New Market, also known as Hogg’s Market, is Kolkata’s oldest and most well known market. It’s got over 2,000 stalls
wbD gv‡K©U, nMm gv‡K©U bv‡gI cwiwPZ, n‡jv KjKvZvi me‡P‡q cyi‡bv I bvgKiv evRvi| `yB nvRv‡iiI †ewk †`vKvb Av‡Q GLv‡b
Kolkata is known for its famous street food. They are affordable and tasty
KjKvZv RbwcÖq n‡q‡Q Gi `viæb me iv¯Ívi Lvev‡ii Rb¨| Lvevi¸‡jv †hgb my¯^v`y, †ZgbB m¯Ív
The Howrah Bridge is a cantilever bridge with a suspended span over the Hooghly River. The bridge does not have nuts and bolts, but was formed by riveting the whole structure. It consumed 26,500 tons of steel, out of which 23,000 tons of high-tensile alloy steel were supplied by Tata Steel
nvIov weªR GKwU SzjšÍ †mZz| `xN© GjvKvRy‡o SzjšÍ G †mZzwU cwðg e‡½i ûMwj b`xi Ici cwie¨vß| GB †mZzwUi g‡a¨ †KvbI bvU I eëy †bB| cy‡iv KvVv‡gvwU‡K †QvU avZe cvZ w`‡q hy³ K‡i (wi‡fwUs) GwU ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| GwU wbg©v‡Y 26,500 Ub B¯úvZ †j‡M‡Q| hvi g‡a¨ 23,000 Ub wQj D”P-ÿgZvm¤úbœ msKi B¯úvZ| mieivn K‡i‡Q UvUv w÷j Street stalls selling fresh fish in the Chowringhee area of Kolkata. Fish and rice is one of the most consumed meal in Kolkata
KjKvZvi †PŠi½x GjvKvq iv¯Ívi cv‡k _vKv †`vKvb¸‡jv‡Z wewµ nq ZvRv gvQ| KjKvZvi eûj cÖPwjZ Lvevi¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg n‡jv fvZ I gvQ
There are numerous sweets shops in Kolkata, with everyone serving the most famous sweet ‘Kolkatar Rosogolla’
KjKvZvq Av‡Q AMwYZ wgwói †`vKvb| Avi cÖvq me¸‡jv‡ZB cvIqv hvq weL¨vZ ÔKjKvZvi im‡MvjøvÕ
nov - dec 2014
Aquatica, which sprawls across 17 acres, serves as one of the largest parks across whole of eastern India Hooghly River in West Bengal
17 GKi RvqMvRy‡o Qwo‡q Av‡Q ‘GKzqvwUKv’| mgMÖ c~e© fvi‡Zi g‡a¨ GUvB n‡jv me‡P‡q eo cvK
Located at a distance of about 100 kilometres from Kolkata, Sunderbans is most famously known for the Royal Bengal Tiger
KjKvZv †_‡K 100 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡iB Av‡Q my›`ieb| iq¨vj †e½j UvBMv‡ii Rb¨ G ebwU weL¨vZ
The Eden Gardens is the second largest cricket stadium in India by seating capacity, and is one of the most iconic cricket stadiums in the world
emvi RvqMvi wnmv‡e B‡Wb Mv‡W©bB n‡jv fvi‡Zi wØZxq me‡P‡q eo wµ‡KU †÷wWqvg| we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg `„wób›`b wµ‡KU †÷wWqvg wn‡m‡eI GwU me©Rb¯^xK…Z
Biman connects Dhaka-Kolkata-Dhaka with seven weekly flights. (
Cover story
Where to celebrate
New Year’s Eve We bring you the best places in five destinations across the world to usher in 2015 with fun and excitement By: A bhiraj Chakraborty
bZzb eQi‡K ¯^vMZ
Rvbv‡eb †Kv_vq?
2015 mvj‡K Awfb›`b Rvbv‡bvi gRv I D‡ËRbvc~Y© cuvPwU MšÍ‡e¨i †miv
RvqMv¸‡jvB nvwRi K‡iwQ Avgiv
Nov - dec 2014
the clock strikes midnight on December 31, where do you plan to be? Whether you’re visiting New York City to watch the ball drop or plan to enjoy fireworks in London or sing and dance in one of the beaches in Rio de Janerio, be sure you ring in the new year the right away. As the time approaches to plan your outing this New Year's Eve, we bring you few destinations to usher in 2015 with fun and excitement.
New York City
The big ball descending in Times Square is watched by a million people in the flesh, and a billion more in TV screens. Star-studded performances, pyrotechnics and myriad bars and clubs in close proximity make this a big party. If you are looking for something different, the NYRR Midnight Run is a good option. Held in Central Park, it includes festivities in and around the Bandshell — DJ dancing, a costume contest and parade and plenty of general merriment — that lead up to a four-mile unscored run that begins at the stroke of midnight., marking the beginning of fireworks display.
KuvUv hLb 31 wW‡m¤^‡ii ga¨iv‡Z AvNvZ Ki‡e, IB mgqUv †Kv_vq _vK‡eb e‡j wVK K‡i‡Qb? wbD Bq‡K©i ej Wªc wKsev jÛ‡bi AvZkevwRi †Ljv, wKsev wiI wW †R‡bB‡ivi †KvbI GKwU ˆmKZ Dc‡fvM Kiv; †h wPšÍvB Kiæb bv †Kb bZzb eQiUv‡K bZzbfv‡e †W‡K Avb‡Z fyj Ki‡eb bv †hb| Avi ZvB bZzb eQiUv‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡Z we‡k¦ Qwo‡q _vKv cuvPwU MšÍ‡e¨i †miv RvqMv¸‡jv‡Z Avcbv‡K wb‡q †h‡Z G‡mwQ Avgiv|
wbD BqK© wmwU
UvBgm ¯‹qv‡i eo ejwUi cZb ¯^kix‡i †`L‡Z Db¥yL n‡q _v‡K jvL jvL gvbyl, Avi c`©vq †`‡L mviv `ywbqvi †KvwU †KvwU gvbyl| ZviKvLwPZ MvbevRbvi Avmi, cvB‡iv‡UKwbK I Mv †Nu‡l _vKv AMwYZ evi I K¬ve wg‡jwg‡k GUv‡K evwb‡q †Zv‡j GK AwZKvq cvwU©| Avi Avcwb hw` e¨wZµg wKQz Luy‡R _v‡Kb, Z‡e GbIqvBAviAvi wgWbvBU ivb n‡Z cv‡i GKwU fvj Dcvq| GwU AbywôZ nq †m›Uªvj cv‡K©| e¨vÛ‡kj I Gi Av‡kcv‡k bvbvb Av‡qvR‡b GB B‡f›UwU n‡q _v‡K| GKRb wW‡R›i m‡½ bvPMv‡bi cvwU© GB e¨vÛ‡kj| mv‡_ Av‡Q †hgb Lywk †Zgb mv‡Rv cÖwZ‡hvwMZv, c¨v‡iW I Djøv‡m fiv GKMv`v KvRKg©| ga¨iv‡Zi NÈv evRvi m‡½ m‡½B †h Djøv‡mi euva Qz‡U hvq Svov Pvi gvBj ch©šÍ| Avi Gi ga¨ w`‡qB ïiæ nq GKwU †PvL auvav‡bv AvZkevwRi cÖ`k©bx|
The many New Year’s Eve cruises also offer a lot to celebrate the New Year. Whether you’re looking for an elegant evening aboard a yacht in formal attire, a New Year’s Eve booze cruise or even a familyfriendly affair, NYE cruises will fit the bill.
London's New Year’s Day Parade offers a show where 10,000 participants from 20 countries perform.
G Qvov bZzb eQi‡K †mwj‡eªU Ki‡Z Av‡Q †ek wKQz wbD Bqvi †bŠ-wenvi| Avcwb hw` Bq‡U P‡o mvaviY wX‡jXvjv †cvkv‡K GKwU ivRKxq mܨv KvUv‡bvi wPšÍv K‡i _v‡Kb Z‡e †mUv n‡Z cv‡i cvbkvjvq ficyi wbD Bqvi eyR µzR A_ev Zv n‡Z cv‡i GKwU cvwievwiKeÜz‡Z¡i Ave‡n| GB †bŠ-wenvi Avcbvi we‡ji m‡½ gvwb‡q hv‡eB|
London’s fireworks are one of the most iconic New Year’s Eve celebrations in the world. Last year over 5,00,000 people attended the event. The display can be experienced from both the north of the Thames and the Victoria Embankment. This year, for the first time, the fireworks display is to be limited to a viewing area of 1,00,000 ticketed spectators, with each ticket costing £10.
Another place is the New Year’s Day Parade. It offers a show where 10,000 participants from 20 countries take part. The shows include acrobats, dancers, floats twirl and clowns, all of whom march with drum beats for a 2.2-mile route that begins at the Ritz Hotel and ends at the Big Ben.
Av‡iKwU RvqMv n‡jv bZzb eQ‡ii †W c¨v‡iW| 20wU †`k †_‡K Avmv 10 nvRvi wkíx‡K GLv‡b cvidg© Ki‡Z †`Lv hv‡e| GB cÖ`k©bx‡Z _vK‡Q A¨v‡µve¨vU, bvP, fvmgvb I N~Y©vqgvb e¯‘ Ges K¬vDb| Giv mevB Wªv‡gi Zv‡j Zv‡j 2 `kwgK 2 gvBj iv¯Ív cÖ`wÿY Ki‡e| GB c`hvÎv wiR †nv‡Uj †_‡K ïiæ n‡q weM †eb ch©šÍ wM‡q _vg‡e|
If you are not amongst those who wish to welcome the New Year with
Avcwb hw` Av‡iv A‡b‡Ki g‡Zv KvD›UWvD‡bi ga¨ w`‡q bZzb eQi‡K ¯^vMZ
Nov - dec 2014
bZzb eQi D`hvc‡b jÛ‡bi AvZkevwRi cÖ`k©bxUvB we‡k¦i me‡P‡q `„wób›`b Av‡qvRb| MZ eQi GB Av‡qvRb †`L‡Z wfo Rwg‡qwQj cÖvq 5 jvL gvbyl| †_gm b`xi DËi I wf‡±vwiqv euva †_‡K GB cÖ`k©bxUv †`Lv hvq| Z‡e G eQi cÖ_ gev‡ii g‡Zv AvZkevwRi GB cÖ`k©bx gvÎ 1 jvL gvby‡li Rb¨ mxgve× K‡i †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| hv‡`i‡K Gevi GUv †`L‡Z wUwKU KvU‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwU wUwK‡Ui `vg ivLv n‡q‡Q 10 cvDÛ|
Biman connects Dhaka-London-Dhaka with four weekly flights. (
The Victoria Harbour is the prime attraction in Hong Kong, which experiences thousands of visitors on the New Year's Eve a countdown, then visit the numerous bars, pubs and clubs all over the city. These cosy places offer drinks to keep yourself warm in the cold nights and enjoy with your friends and family away from the noise and crowd.
Rvbv‡Z Pvb bv, Z‡e Avcbvi Rb¨ †miv RvqMv n‡Z cv‡i kniRy‡o Qwo‡q _vKv AMwYZ evi, cve I K¬ve| kx‡Zi iv‡Z Avcbv‡K Dò ivLvi Rb¨ DòZvq ficyi G RvqMv¸‡jv‡Z i‡q‡Q n‡iK cvbxq|
Hong Kong
nsKs‡qi Ab¨Zg AvKl©YUv n‡jv wf‡±vwiqv nvievi| GB GKwU iv‡Z †hLvbUvq wfo Rgvq nvRv‡iv `k©bv_©x| Av‡iKwU RbwcÖq ¯’vb n‡jv nsKs G·wnwekb A¨vÛ Kb‡fbkb †m›Uvi| GLv‡b Uvbv 10 wgwbU a‡i P‡j AvZkevwRi cÖ`k©bx| †cvZvkÖ‡q _vKv eo †bŠKv †_‡K Gi ïiæ Avi †`Lv hvq MMbPzw¤^ AÆvwjKvwUi `ycvk †_‡KB|
The Victoria Harbour is the prime attraction in Hong Kong, which experiences thousands of visitors. Another popular location is the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre. The firework displayed here lasts for 10 minutes. They begin from the barges of the harbour and both sides of the sky scrapper.
Just like the Sydney Harbour, the Hong Kong Harbour also offers unique opportunity to celebrate the New Year. Hong Kong Harbour Cruise offers special packages exclusively during the New Year’s Eve. Book in advance for better placed.
G‡Kev‡i wmWwb nviev‡ii g‡Zv nsKs †cvZvkÖqI Avcbv‡K †bŠ wenv‡ii gva¨‡g bZzb eQi D`hvc‡bi my‡hvM K‡i †`‡e| bZzb eQi D`hvc‡bi cy‡iv mgq Ry‡oB nsKs nvievi µzR we‡kl wKQz c¨v‡KR i‡q‡Q| Aek¨, Gi Rb¨ Avcbv‡K Av‡M †_‡KB †bŠwenvi wiRvf© K‡i ivL‡Z n‡e|
If you are not satisfied with the fireworks, then visit the Hung Hom Bypass. This is another area that accommodates hundreds of visitors and welcomes the New Year with extravagant celebration. For live concert and music, Tsim Sha Tsui is the best place to go. Many of the viewers’ reach this location to view the fireworks of the HK Exhibition and Convention Centre.
†Kv‡bv Kvi‡Y hw` AvZkevwR‡Z Avcbvi gb bv f‡i, Z‡e †`L‡Z †h‡Z cv‡i nvs ng evBcvm| GLv‡bI nvRvi nvRvi `k©K‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv nq bZzb eQ‡ii GK RuvKRg‡K fiv Abyôv‡bi ga¨ w`‡q| jvBf KbmvU© I wgDwR‡Ki Rb¨ †miv RvqMvwU n‡jv wmg kv ïB| Aek¨ A‡bK `k©bv_©x Av‡Qb, hviv GLvbUvq Av‡mb nsKs G·wnwekb †m›Uvi A¨vÛ Kb‡fbkb †m›Uv‡ii †PvL auvav‡bv AvZkevwRi cÖ`k©bx †`L‡Z|
Burj al Arab is one of the most popular destinations for many. You can have the complete view of the NYE fireworks from the rooftop of Pullman Mall or from the rooftop of the Sanabel, a popular restaurant in Dubai.
A‡bK ch©U‡Ki Rb¨ `yevBi me‡P‡q AvKl©Yxq RvqMvwU n‡jv eyR© Avj Avie| cvjgvj g‡ji Qv` wKsev mvbv‡ej bv‡gi `yevBi GKwU RbwcÖq †i¯Íivu i Qv‡` P‡o Avcwb Gb IqvB B-Gi cy‡iv AvZkevwRi cÖ`k©bxUvB †`L‡Z cv‡eb|
Cover story
If you want to enjoy the entire firework without spending much, then book a place in Sunset or Kite Beach. Downtown Dubai celebrates New Year with a rich repertoire of cultural events, celebration, procession and music. It begins with a musical performance followed by dances choreographed by famous dancers. The shows prioritise three important elements — fire, water and light — with a projection that is 200-m long.
Avi hw` Lye GKUv LiP bv K‡iB AvZkevwRi cÖ`k©bx †`L‡Z Pvb, †m †ÿ‡Î mvb‡mU wKsev KvBU weP ˆmK‡Z Avcbvi RvqMvUv eyK K‡i wb‡Z cv‡ib| `yevB‡qi WvDbUvDb GjvKv¸‡jv‡Z bZzb eQi D`hvc‡b †`Lv hvq mvs¯‹…wZK Abyôv‡bi Aven| ïiæUv nq GKwU wgDwRK¨vj cvid‡g©‡Ýi ga¨ w`‡q| GiciB ïiæ nq we‡k¦i †miv †KvwiIMÖvdvi‡`i ˆZwi Kiv bv‡Pi gy`ªv| cÖK…wZi wZbwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© DcKiY‡K — Av¸b, cvwb I Av‡jv — ¸iæZ¡ w`‡qB Pj‡Z _v‡K G Drme| Avi G Kvi‡YB nq‡Zv Gi cÖ‡RKk‡bi ˆ`N©¨ 200 wgUvi!
Another popular location is Burj Khalifa, where one can experience a wonderful firework display. Be careful as this part of Dubai experience huge traffic congestion immediately after the celebration.
Av‡iKwU RbwcÖq †jv‡Kkb n‡jv eyR© Lwjdv| GLv‡bI †`Lv †h‡Z cv‡i GKwU PgrKvi AvZkevwRi †Ljv| Z‡e mZK© _vK‡Z n‡e, KviY D`hvc‡bi wVK ciciB `yevBi GB GjvKvwU‡Z `viæY hvbRU †`Lv w`‡Z cv‡i|
Rio de Janeiro
wiI wW †R‡bB‡iv
As something memorable, a New Year’s Eve beach party in Brazil is hard to beat. Be it beautiful people, fireworks, a carnival atmosphere, or the setting on the most famous beaches of the world, you have all the ingredients needed to celebrate one of the most incredible experiences of your life. Copacabana Beach is the epicentre of the action, where celebration officially starts at 8 pm when live music shows from Brazilian samba to rock bands get the crowd in the mood. It is customary to wear white in Rio on New Year’s Eve — said to bring you luck for the New Year. This is not the end. There are other smaller festivities in other locations too. You can visit the Ipanema beach and more recently Barra and Flamengo beach. The fireworks in Flamengo last over 20 minutes and is attracted by over 4,00,000 people every year.
unusual ways
Nov - dec 2014
¯§iYxq K‡i ivL‡Z PvB‡j, eªvwR‡ji ˆmK‡Z bZzb eQi D`hvcb KivUv‡K †KD mn‡R †cQ‡b †dj‡Z cvi‡e bv| `viæY me gvbyl, AvZkevwR, Kvwb©fv‡ji Av‡gR, we‡k¦i me‡P‡q RbwcÖq ˆmK‡Z G n‡jv GK Abe`¨ cwi‡ekbv| Avi GLv‡b Avcbvi Rxe‡bi †miv AwfÁZvUv AR©‡bi Rb¨ me wKQz cv‡eb nv‡Zi bvMv‡jB| GB Av‡qvR‡bi †K›`ªwe›`y‡Z Av‡Q †KvcvKvevbv weP| GLv‡b AvbyôvwbKfv‡e D`hvcb ïiæ nq ivZ 8Uv evR‡ZB| wf‡oi g‡a¨ D`hvc‡bi gyWUv‡K Pv½v Ki‡Z eªvwRwjqvb mv¤^vi jvBf wgDwRK †kv †_‡K ïiæ K‡i Mvb MvB‡Z ïiæ K‡i iK e¨vÛ¸‡jv| bZzb eQi‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bvi GB mgqUv‡Z mv`v Kvco civUv wiIi HwZn¨| G‡Z K‡i †mŠfvM¨ e‡q Avb‡e bZzb eQi| eªvwR‡ji Ab¨vb¨ RvqMv‡ZI †QvULvU Av‡qvRb _v‡K| †h‡Z cv‡ib Bcv‡bgv ˆmK‡Z wKsev AwZ m¤úªwZ ˆZwi eviv I d¬v‡g‡½v we‡P| d¬v‡g‡½vi ˆmK‡Z AvZkevwRi cÖ`k©bx P‡j Uvbv 20 wgwbU| cÖwZ eQi GB Drme †`L‡Z wfo Rgvq cÖvq 4 jvL gvbyl|
Biman connects Dhaka-Dubai-Dhaka with seven weekly flights. (
grapes welcome
Onion on doors
Morning bells
Spaniards eat a grape with each of the 12 chimes of the midnight countdown while making a wish. The tradition dates back to 1895 with some savvy vine farmers.
In Greece it's believed that hanging an onion on your door is a symbol of rebirth in the new year. The following morning, parents tap their children on the head with the onion.
On New Year's Eve in Japan, Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times to welcome Toshigami, New Year's God. They also clean their homes and send thank-you cards.
Located at the longest unbroken sea beach on earth at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Ocean Paradise Hotel & Resort is the perfect destination for your next trip. Whether business or vacation, with the largest and soundproof ball-room and conference halls equipped with modern AV, a roof top restaurant with a panoramic view of Cox’s Bazaar, a multi-cuisine restaurant, a theme bar and many more, this is your perfect destination. The main attraction, sea is just so walking distance from premise, you can even enjoy the breeze from your balcony anytime. Also the other historical attractions like 100ft Buddha statue, few monasteries of ancient times, even pristine nature of so long, all are nearby. With a brigade of hand-picked chefs and service personnel, with modern facilities, this hotel is not just a hotel, but your another home away from your home.
Location: Plot no. 28-29, Hotel Motel Zone, Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar. E-mail:,; Recreational Facilities: • Walking distance to the beach • Fitness centre/outdoor swimming pool • Spa/Sauna and Steam rooms • Suites with Jacuzzi • Sightseeing tours to Inani, Himchori Beach & other historical sites
Restaurant Bar & Lounge • ‘Curry Leaf’ Ñ Multi Cuisine Restaurant • ‘Sky Bar’ Ñ Fun Food & Grill • ‘Kolatoli’ Ñ Lobby Cafe • ‘Nautica’ Ñ Sea View Terrace Bar • ‘Faham Shisha Corner’ Ñ Roof Top
Meeting & Events • ‘Captain Cox’ Ñ Grand Ballroom • ‘Arakan & Shah Shuza’ Ñ Ballroom • Sunset Terrace Multipurpose Banquet facilities, Sea view.
For booking please contact: Cox’s Bazar Office : Phone: (+88) 0341 52370 Ñ 79, Mobile: (+88) 01938846762-67 Dhaka Office: (+88) (02 8415397, Mobile: (+88) 01938846770, 01938846811
Cover story
CULTURE adventure
Nov - dec 2014
Tiger, tiger,
burning bright The possibility of seeing a tiger in the wild will always be the main attraction in the Sunderbans. Yet, there is so much more
R¡jR¡‡j R¡jš— evN ey‡bv R½‡ji gv‡S GKUv ev‡Ni †`Lv cvIqvi m¤¢vebvUvB my›`ie‡bi
memg‡qi cÖavb AvKl©Y| Z‡e nu¨v, Gi evB‡iI Av‡Q AviI A‡bK wKQz By: Anthony Dalton
Mirgamari River is gentle with just a hint of an outbound current. Our boat glides through the water sending chevrons of ripples to each of the opposing banks. The air is warm and humid, with only a hint of a breeze. Standing on the foredeck, with binoculars focussed, I watch the Sunderbans drifting by as I have done so many times before. Nipa palms line the banks, alternating with mangroves, their green foliage reflected in the river. A kingfisher stretches its blue wings and swoops from a branch to the Mirgamari, returning to its perch with a small fish in its flattened beak. A pair of Gangetic dolphins arc into view ahead of the boat, as if escorting it downstream. Scanning the treetops, I see a white egret watching for prey from on high. A sea eagle launches itself into flight while a troop of monkeys, invisible but noisy, chatter about us as we pass. The Sunderbans, meaning ‘beautiful forest’, covers close to one million hectares spread across the Ganges River delta in south-western Bangladesh and south-east Bengal in India. While much of the Sunderbans is forest, an impressive 1,75,000 hectares on the Bangladesh side of the border are waterways, such as rivers, creeks and canals. On land and in the rivers there is a veritable menagerie of wildlife, with well over 300 species
w`‡K Qz‡U Pjv †QvULvU GKwU †mªvZ _vK‡jI e‡q P‡j kvšÍ wgiMvgvwi b`x| †XD‡qi wecix‡Z cvwb‡Z g„`y †XD‡qi †dbv Zz‡j GwM‡q P‡j Avgv‡`i †evU| g„`yg›` Dò I Av`ª© evqy, Avi Av‡Q mvgvb¨ wSiwS‡i e„wói Bw½Z| †W‡Ki Ici `uvwo‡q evB‡bvKzjvi †dvKvm K‡i Avwg †`L‡Z _vwK my›`ieb Kx K‡i cv‡ë hv‡”Q| Gi Av‡MI †h KvRUv Avwg eûevi K‡iwQ| ZxiRy‡o `uvwo‡q Av‡Q †MvjcvZvi mvwi| Avi g¨vb‡MÖv‡fi duv‡K duv‡K Zv‡`i meyR cθ”Q b`xi cvwb‡Z cÖwZdwjZ nq| GKwU gvQiv½v cvwL Zvi bxj Wvbv Qwo‡q GKwU Mv‡Qi kvLv †_‡K Qz‡U G‡jv wgiMvgvwii w`‡K| P¨vÞv †Vuv‡U GKUv †QvÆ gvQ AuvK‡o a‡i Avevi wd‡i †Mj Zvi wb‡Ri RvqMvq| †bŠKvi mvg‡b GK †Rvov Mv‡½q Wjwdb Avgv‡`i mvg‡b GKwU ejq ˆZwi K‡i wb¤œgywL †mªv‡Zi w`‡K Avgv‡`i c_ †`wL‡q wb‡q hv‡”Q †hb| MvQ¸‡jv‡K LuywU‡q †`L‡Z wM‡q Avwe®‹vi Kijvg, myD”P AvMv †_‡K wkKv‡ii mÜv‡b IuZ †c‡Z Av‡Q GKwU mv`v eK| Dovb w`‡Z ïiæ K‡i‡Q GKwU mvgyw`ªK CMj Avi cvk †Nu‡l hvIqvi mgq A`„k¨ wKš‘ †ek kã K‡i, Ggb GK`j evbi †hb Avgv‡`i wb‡qB AvjvcPvwiZv †g‡Z D‡VwQj| my›`ieb gv‡b Ômy›`i ebf~wgÕ| evsjv‡`‡ki `wÿY-cwðgvÂj I fvi‡Zi `wÿY-c~e©v‡j M½v b`xi eØxc Ry‡o cÖvq 10 jvL †n±i RvqMvRy‡o G ebf~wg we¯Í…Z| my›`ie‡bi †ewkifvM AskB ebvÂj| my›`ie‡bi evsjv‡`k mxgv‡šÍi 1 jvL 75 nvRvi †n±i GjvKvRy‡o i‡q‡Q b`x, Lvj I †bŠc_| GLvbKvi f~wg I b`x †hb eY¨cÖvYxi ˆewP‡Î¨i GK h_v_© mgvnvi| Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q 300ÕiI †ewk cÖRvwZi cvwL, 60 cÖRvwZi mixm„c
We, a handful of adventurers from Bangladesh, Canada and Europe, boarded our boat at Mongla. We are travelling through the forest as far as the Bay of Bengal with the hope of seeing as many native species as possible. Top of the wish list, of course, is the tiger. They are rarely seen, but I have been fortunate in the past. During the course of many visits I have been surprised by occasional tigers on the river banks; I have found their tracks deep in the forest and, on one noteworthy occasion, met a full-grown male swimming across the river in front of my boat. The rare possibility of seeing a tiger in the wild will always be the main attraction for visitors to the Sunderbans. Yet, there is so much more. Although it is possible to cruise the waterways for days without encountering other people, these rivers and the dense forest are busy with workers.
Ges 50wU wfbœ cÖRvwZi ¯Íb¨cvqx cÖvYx| hv‡`i †ewkifvMB wkKvix| mvgyw`ªK CM‡ji `yB wgUv‡iiI eo AvKl©Yxq Wvbv †hb we¯Í…Z AvKvkivwRi `Lj wQwb‡q †bq| b`xi ey‡K kvmb Pvjvq cÖv‰MZvwmK Kvj †_‡K evm Kivv †gvnbvi Kzwgi| Z‡e e‡bi Awemsevw` m¤ªvU GKRbB -- i‡qj †e½j UvBMvi|
evsjv‡`k, KvbvWv I BD‡ivc †_‡K Avgiv GK`j AwfhvÎx gsjv †_‡K Avgv‡`i The forest is never †bŠKvhvÎv ïiæ Kwi| e‡½vcmvMi †_‡K still. A day and night spent on the tiger A‡bKLvwb Qvwo‡q G‡m Avgiv Nb watchtower at the Jawtoli Ai‡Y¨i duvK w`‡q P‡l †ewo‡qwQ hZUv meadow proves the truth msL¨K cÖvYx cÖRvwZ †`L‡ev e‡j| Avi of that statement ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB Avgv‡`i Avkvi ZvwjKvi kx‡l© i‡q‡Q evN| G‡`i †`Lv Lye KgB cvIqv hvq, Z‡e AZx‡Z Avgvi †`Lvi †mŠfvM¨ n‡qwQj| A‡bK md‡ii mgq Avwg K`vwPr b`xi Zx‡i evN †`‡L wew¯§Z n‡qwQ| Avwg Mfxi R½‡j Zv‡`i c`wPý †c‡qwQjvg| GKevi †Zv g‡b ivLvi g‡Zv GKUv NUbv NU‡jv| Avgvi †bŠKvi wVK mvg‡b w`‡qB muvZ‡i b`x AwZµg K‡i GKUv c~Y©eq¯‹ cyiæl evN| ev‡Ni †`Lv cvIqvi weij m¤¢vebvUv my›`ie‡bi `k©bv_©x‡`i memgqB cÖavb AvKl©Y wn‡m‡e _v‡K| hw`I †mLv‡b AviI eû wKQzB Av‡Q| KLbI KLbI †KvbI Rbgvby‡li †`Lv cvIqv QvovB GLv‡b Uvbv K‡qKw`b b`xågY Kiv m¤¢e| Z‡e GB b`x I Nb AiY¨ A‡bK Kg©xi e¨¯Í c`PviYvq gyLi _v‡K| †R‡jiv †Rvovq †Rvovq ev wZbR‡b wg‡j Zv‡`i Rvj wb‡q Kv‡R bv‡g| gv‡S gv‡S Zv‡`i m‡½ _v‡K cÖwkwÿZ †fuv`o|
Image: Anthony Dalton
of birds, 60 species of reptiles and 50 different mammals. Most are predators. The sea eagle, with its impressive wingspan of more than two metres, dominates the skies. The prehistoric estuarine crocodile rules the rivers, but the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger is the undisputed emperor of the forest.
Image: Anthony Dalton
On land and rivers there are well over 300 species of birds, 60 species of reptiles and 50 mammals. Most are predators
Image: Anthony Dalton
Images: Anthony Dalton
Tourist boats cruising through a narrow waterway
Fishermen work their nets in twos and threes, sometimes assisted by trained otters. They take varieties of fish, plus shrimps, prawns and mud-crabs; wood-cutters fell trees, which are loaded on barges and taken to port by river sailors. Other workers cut Nipa for roofthatching purposes, or harvest Sungrass for the same use. Between the beginning of April and mid-June, honey gatherers extract honey and beeswax from large natural hives.
Zviv †mLvb †_‡K bvbv Rv‡Zi gvQ, wPswo I Kv`v-KvuKov msMÖn K‡i| KvVz‡iiv MvQ Kv‡U| †m¸‡jv c‡i bvweKiv eo †bŠKvq K‡i e›`‡i wb‡q hvq| Ab¨iv N‡ii QvDwb ev Qv` wn‡m‡e e¨env‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ wb‡q hvq †MvjcvZv| GKB D‡Ï‡k¨ †KD †KD †K‡U †bq mvbMÖvm| GwcÖ‡ji ïiæ Ges ga¨ Ry‡bi gvSvgvwS mg‡q AwZKvq cÖvK… wZK †gŠPvK †_‡K gay I †gvg msMÖn Ki‡Z Av‡m †gŠqvj ev gay msMÖvnKiv|
The forest is never still. A day and a night spent on the tiger watchtower at the southern end of Jawtoli meadow close to the Bay of Bengal proves the truth of that statement. Spotted deer and wild boar roam the grasslands and surrounding woods. Rhesus macaques swing through the trees. Colourful birds and insects live out their short life-cycles and, just occasionally, when one hopes but least expects it, a Royal Bengal Tiger steps into the sunlight for a second or two.
ebwU KLbB wbðj _v‡K bv| e‡½vcmvM‡ii wbKUeZ©x SvDZjxi Z…Yf~wgi `wÿY cÖv‡šÍi ch©‡eÿY UvIqv‡i KvUv‡bv GK w`b GK ivZ GB mZ¨‡KB cÖgvY K‡i| wPÎvnwiY I ey‡bv k~Ki Z…Yf~wg I R½‡ji Avkcv‡k Ny‡i †eovq| Mv‡Q †`vj Lvq †imvm g¨vKvKz cÖRvwZ Le©vK…wZi evbi| is‡eis‡qi cvwL I †cvKvgvKo †mLv‡b Zv‡`i mswÿß GK Rxeb KvwU‡q †`q| Avi m~h©v‡jv‡Ki g‡a¨B `yB GK †m‡K‡Ûi Rb¨ †`Lv wgj‡Z cv‡i i‡qj †e½j UvBMv‡ii, hvi †`Lv cvIqvi Avkv GLv‡b mevB K‡i, Z‡e †mB Avkv mZ¨ nIqvi m¤¢vebv _v‡K G‡Kev‡iB Kg|
For me, just being on a boat drifting through the waterways and watching the never-ending activity is an experience I’m happy to repeat over and over again.
Avgvi Rb¨ †bŠKvq e‡m †f‡m †f‡m hvIqv Avi KLbI †kl bv nIqv hveZxq KvRKg© Ae‡jvKb KivUv Ggb GKwU AwfÁZv, hv Avwg evi evi Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡j LywkB nB|
Nov - dec 2014
Jungle facts
It’s home to around 400 Royal Bengal tigers, the largest single population of tigers in the world. The dry season, November to April, is the most popular season for visiting the Sunderbans. A boat trip into the heart of this land often ranks as the No 1 highlight of a trip to Bangladesh.
Cover story
Song of Harvest As the wind of autumn enchants the villages of Bangladesh, it’s the time to synch with the Saari song By: Faisal Abdullah
dmj †Zvjvi Mvb evsjvi MÖv‡gi cÖwZwU GLb †ng‡šÍi myevZvm| mgq n‡q‡Q dmj N‡i †Zvjvi, mgq n‡q‡Q mvwi Mv‡b myi †gjv‡bvi
Oh sailor let’s go to the village of my soul-mate Let’s go to my soul-mate. Heiaho Heiaho Heiaho My boat sailing through the wind oh brother! Sailing through the wind Let’s go to the village of my soul-mate.
Pj eÜyqvi †`‡k hvB‡i gvwS fvB Pj eÜyqvi †`‡k hvB †nBqv‡nv †nBqv‡nv †nBqv‡nv gq~ic•Lx †bŠKv Avgvi Pj‡Q evZvm evBqv‡i fvB Pj‡Q evZvm evBqv Pj eÜyqvi †`‡k hvB|
song is an ancient folksong of Bengal. It is also called ‘worksong’, because its rhythm and beat share an inseparable relationship with work. Earlier, Saari songs were the songs of boatmen, however, now it has become hugely popular among the farmers of rural Bangladesh during harvest time. The song has a special place in the hearts of the hardworking farming community as it generates strength and enthusiasm among them. It is an inspiration of labour along with a rhythmic touch of folk music. And it is deeply related to work or labour.
Mvb evsjvi AwZcÖvPxb †jvKm½xZ| Gi Av‡iK bvg kÖgm½xZ| KviY kÖ‡gi m‡½ Gi Zvj I jqGi i‡q‡Q Awe‡”Q`¨ m¤úK©| †bŠKv evIqvi mgq G Mvb MvIqv n‡Zv| Z‡e Kvjµ‡g GLb dmj †Zvjvi mgqUv‡ZB G Mvb MvB‡Z †`Lv hvq MÖvgevsjvi K…lK‡`i| †L‡U LvIqv gvbyl‡`i Kv‡Q G Mv‡bi GK we‡kl gvnvZ¥¨ i‡q‡Q| KviY G Mv‡bi gv‡SB kÖwgKiv wd‡i cvq D`¨g I kw³| G Mv‡bi Rv`yKix Q‡›`i Zv‡j cwikÖgUv‡K Avi Mv‡q jv‡M bv| ga¨hy‡Mi Kwe weRq¸‡ßi cÙvcyiv‡Y cÖ_g mvwi Mv‡bi D‡jøL cvIqv hvq| †mLv‡b m½x‡Zi mgv_©K kã iƒ‡c ÔmvwiÕ kãwUi e¨envi n‡q‡Q| cieZ©x‡Z †gvMj ev`kvn‡`i †bŠevwnbxi Øviv †bŠKv evB‡Pi †MvovcËb n‡j Gi e¨vcK cÖmvi N‡U|
The first form of Saari song can be found in the Padmapuran written by the medieval poet Bijay Gupta. There the word ‘Saari’ is used as synonym for ‘Sangeet’ (song in Bengali). Following that, the song was highly encouraged at boat-racing events, initiated by the naval force of Mughal emperor.
mvwi Mvb g~jZ mvwie×fv‡e GK Zv‡j GK my‡i cyi“livB †M‡q _v‡K| Z‡e m‡½ hw` bvix kÖwgKiv _v‡K, Z‡e Zv‡`i AskMÖn‡Y †KvbI evav †bB| mvwi Mv‡bi g~j MvqK _v‡K GKRb| Zv‡K ejv nq eqvwZ| evwKiv Zv‡j Zv‡j KÉ †gjvq| Zviv n‡jb †`vnvi| cvjvµ‡g eqvwZ I †`vnv‡ii Q›`e× K‡É GwM‡q P‡j mvwi Mvb|
The Saari song is mainly sung by men in a group and in a particular rhythm and melody. However, there is no obligation for females to attend. There is a main vocalist
mvwi Mv‡bi g~j DcRxe¨UvB n‡jv Q›`| †hme Kv‡R Q›` i‡q‡Q †hgb †bŠKv Pvjv‡bv wKsev dmj gvovB Kiv ev MvQ KvUv, †mme Kv‡Ri m‡½B mvwi Mvb gvwb‡q hvq| Avi ZvB Qv` †cUv‡bvi
called ‘Boyati’. Others just follow his lead. They are called ‘Dohar’. The song continues as the melody of Boyati and Dohar get synched with each other. The main attraction of the Saari song is its rhythm. So whatever work carries a rhythm, Saari is synched perfectly with those. Few examples are sailing boat, harvesting, cutting trees etc. Even at the time of building roof, Saari songs are sung. As rice is harvested during this period in Bangladesh, you can hear the rhythm of Saari while walking through the rice fields there.
Though the main purpose of the Saari song is to instil confidence and relieve the labour of work, it is also a good form of entertainment. Villagers even make gatherings to listen to the Saari songs being sung by the rural farmers as the theme of Saari songs are folk culture, love and knowledge about God. Comedy and at times, serious, dhol, mondira, kortal etc are played while singing the Saari song. Resembling the work, different versions of Saari songs are sung. While cultivation, farmers sing, “Oh kala, thy heart is full of sorrow/I cannot be happy/ when I am in love with you.” Whereas, jute farmers sing, “the currents under the bamboo/water flowing rapidly/oh dear friend/lets go and harvest the jute.” Though Saari songs are usually sung in this season while harvesting crops, you can definitely hear the rhythm at other nook and crannies at all time in Bangladesh. Be it the riverside, swamp area or the farming land, its music revolves around every area. The East and lowland area are called the land of Saari. Beside these places, Saari songs are also popular in Dhaka, Sylhet, Mymensing, Faridpur, Pabna, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Jessore, Khulna and Barishal. Though a number of traditions have lost over time, Saari still survives among the heart of farmers, instilling confidence and soothing the pain of labourers.
The Saari song is mainly sung by men in a group and in a particular rhythm and melody. However, there is no obligation for females to attend Kv‡RI GLb mvwi Mvb MvB‡Z †`Lv hvq| Z‡e GLb †h‡nZz MÖvgevsjvq dmj †Zvjvi †gŠmyg Pj‡Q, ZvB GLb †h‡KvbI MÖv‡gi avb‡ÿ‡Z †nu‡U †eov‡jI Kv‡b Avm‡e mvwi Mv‡bi Q›`| g~jZ Kv‡Ri D`¨g evov‡bv I cwikÖ‡gi KóUzKz `~i Kiv mvwi Mv‡bi g~j D‡Ïk¨ n‡jI we‡bv`‡bI Kg hvq bv GwU| we‡kl K‡i MÖvgv‡ji gvby‡li GB †Kvivm ïb‡Z Avkcv‡ki gvby‡liv wfoI Rgvq| KviY G Mv‡bB D‡V Av‡m bibvixi †cÖg, ivavK…ò, fw³g~jK bvbv DcvL¨vb| nvm¨‡KŠZyK I AvµgYvZ¥K MvbI MvB‡Z †`Lv hvq mvwi‡Z| mvwi Mv‡b †Xvj, gw›`iv, KiZvjmn bvbv ev`¨hš¿ evRv‡bv nq|
culture facts
G‡KK Kv‡Ri Rb¨ G‡KK mvwi Mvb Av‡Q| Mv‡bi g‡a¨B _v‡K Kv‡Ri m~Î| Rwg Pv‡li Rb¨ MvIqv nq, ÒKvjv‡i Ze gb fvjv bv/Zi m‡b cxwiZ KBiv/Avgvi myL nBj bvÓ| Avevi cv‡Ui Avuk Qvov‡bvi Rb¨ i‡q‡Q, Òevuk Zjv‡Z †mªvZ P‡j‡Q/eB‡Q cvwbi Xj| Avq Avq Avq Avq‡i mB/cvU evwQ‡Z Pj|Ó g~jZ dmj †Zvjvi †ÿ‡Î GLb mvwi Mvb MvB‡Z †`Lv †M‡jI mviv eQiB MÖvgevsjvi †Kv_vI bv †Kv_vI ïb‡Z cvIqv hv‡e Gi Uvbv Uvbv myi| b`-b`x, Lvj-wej, nvIi-evIi, K…wl †¶Z I kÖwgK‡`i Kg©¯’‡j G Mvb P‡j| c~e© I wb¤œe‡½i fvwU AÂj‡K ejv nq mvwi Mv‡bi AÂj| GQvov XvKv, wm‡jU, gqgbwmsn, dwi`cyi, cvebv, ivRkvnx, iscyi, w`bvRcyi, h‡kvi, Lyjbv, ewikvj cÖf…wZ A‡jI G Mvb e¨vcK RbwcÖq| MÖvgevsjvi AviI A‡bK HwZn¨ nvwi‡q †M‡jI mvwi Mvb GLbI wU‡K Av‡Q| Gi KviY n‡jv, mvwi Mvb MvIqv nq cwikÖ‡gi Kó jvNe Kivi Rb¨|
Classical forms of the sub-continent occupy a dominant position in Bangladeshi dance. Drama is also one of the important means of recreation here. There are two kinds of theatres -jatra and theatre Music can he divided into three distinct categories -classical, folk and modern.
Cover story
Landmarks of value Muslim caliphs and early rulers showed keen interest in building and maintaining historical monuments By: G hu l a m Ra so ol D eh l v i
Nov - dec 2014
HwZnvwmK me ¯’vc‡Z¨i wbg©vY I iÿYv‡eÿ‡Y †`Lv †M‡Q gymjgvb Lwjdv I cÖvPxb kvmK‡`i eiveiB †ek AvMÖn wQj
Cover story
52 The Dome of the Rock is one of the oldest works of Islamic architecture
Fast Facts
Ka’ba in Mecca is the most sacred mosque in the world. Masjid al-Nabwi, the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) comes next to the Ka’ba The Dome of the Rock, also known as Qubbat as-Sakhrah in Arabic, is the most notable Muslim site in Jerusalem.
Nov - dec 2014
heritage, monuments and ancient cultural sites are of paramount significance among all peoples and almost in all faith traditions. The same holds true for Muslims too. Besides commonsensical preservation of history and culture, they are also inspired by their faith to safeguard their monuments.
mKj †kÖwY I mKj ag©xq ms¯‹…wZi gvby‡li gv‡SB †`Lv †M‡Q HwZnvwmK HwZn¨, ¯’vcZ¨ I cÖvPxb mvs¯‹…wZK cyivKxwZ© GKwU we‡kl Zvrch© enb K‡i| GKB welq gymjgvb‡`i †ÿ‡ÎI mZ¨| GB †ÿ‡Î BwZnvm I ms¯‹…wZ iÿvi GKwU mvaviY ZvwM` †Zv KvR K‡iB, cvkvcvwk gymjgvbiv Zv‡`i wek¦v‡mi Kvi‡YI GB mKj ¯’vc‡Z¨i wbivcËv wbwðZ Ki‡Z †P‡q‡Q memgq|
The significance
cweÎ KziAv‡b GB mKj HwZnvwmK BmjvwgK ¯’vcZ¨¸‡jv‡K ejv n‡q‡Q ÔAvjøvni cÖZxK› (22:32)| Avi ZvB, gymjgvb Lwjdv I Avi‡ei cÖvPxb kvm‡Kiv GB mKj ¯’vc‡Z¨i wewbg©vY I iÿYv‡eÿ‡Y †ek AvMÖn †`wL‡q‡Qb| Bmjv‡gi wVK ïiæi w`KKvi mg‡q gymjgvbiv mv‡eK mvmvwb` I evB‡RbUvBb g‡Wj¸‡jv Øviv AbycÖvwYZ n‡qB ˆZwi K‡iwQj `„wób›`b ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi bvbvb ¯’vcZ¨| †m¸‡jv GKBm‡½ wQj ag©wbi‡cÿ I ag©xq d¨vk‡bi aviK|
The Quran called historical Islamic monuments as ‘symbols of Allah’ (22:32). Therefore, Muslim caliphs and early rulers in the Arabia showed keen interest in building and maintaining historical monuments. Right in the early era of Islam, Muslims had built monuments of very fine architectural styles inspired by the former Sassanid and Byzantine models. They were of both secular and religious fashion. Various Muslim rulers have built historically remarkable and magnificent monuments all across the world. From the early eighth
A‡bK gymjgvb kvmK wQ‡jb hviv †MvUv `ywbqv Ry‡oB HwZnvwmKfv‡e ¯§iYxq I Abe`¨ me ¯’vcZ¨ wbg©vY K‡i †M‡Qb| Aóg kZ‡Ki ïiæ †_‡K Kgc‡ÿ 15 kZ‡Ki †kl ch©šÍ Zviv Ggb A‡bK feb ˆZwi K‡i‡Qb, hvi g‡a¨ †Kv‡bvwU‡K †`Lv †M‡Q GKwU we‡kl NUbv‡K wN‡i
century through at least the end of the 15th century, they established many buildings marking an event, commemorating a person or carrying significance to a group as a way to remember their shared history. Today, most of the modern Muslim monuments are influenced by the age-old structures found in Egypt, Rome, Byzantine, Iraq, Persia and other lands.
Top three
On top of the Islamic monuments is the Ka’ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is the most sacred mosque in the world to which Muslims turn their faces in their five daily prayers. They believe it was built by Prophet Abraham around a black stone. According to Islamic tradition, Ka’ba is the first place that was created on earth. Masjid al-Nabwi, the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) comes next to the Ka’ba. It is situated in Medina, also known as ‘city of the Prophet’, in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia. At present, Medina has an estimated population of 6,00,000 dwellers in it. The first mosque of Islam, Masjid al-Quba or the Quba Mosque is also located in Medina. The third most significant Islamic place, both in history and religion, is Jerusalem, to which Muslims initially turned their faces while praying. Muslims show great veneration to this city because there are two highly significant Islamic sites in Jerusalem: the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Dome of the Rock, also known as Qubbat as-Sakhrah in Arabic, is the most notable Muslim site in Jerusalem. Much like the Ka’ba, it is built over a sacred stone. This stone carries historical relevance and religious significance to both Muslims and Jews. There is so
wbwg©Z, ev †Kv‡bv e¨w³i ¯§i‡Y ev †Kv‡bv GKwU `‡ji ¸iæZ¡ enb K‡i Av‡Q| Avi G¸‡jvi gva¨‡gB GKwU †RvUe× BwZnvm‡K ¯§iYxq Ki‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb Zviv| GLbKvi †ewkifvM AvaywbK gymwjg ¯’vc‡Z¨i wbg©vY‰kjx wgmi, †ivg, evB‡RbUvBb, BivK, cvim¨ I Ab¨vb¨ A‡j _vKv mycÖvPxb fe‡bi Øviv fxlYfv‡e AbycÖvwYZ|
†miv wZb
Bmjvwg ¯’vcZ¨¸‡jvi g‡a¨ mevi Dc‡i i‡q‡Q †mŠw` Avi‡ei g°vq Aew¯’Z cweÎ To any of the monuments, you Kv›ev| GwU n‡jv we‡k¦i can go as a traveller me‡P‡q cweÎ gmwR` and just spend some hvi w`‡K gyL K‡i we‡k¦i days and suck up the mKj gymjgvb w`‡bi atmosphere cuvP Iqv³ bvgvR Av`vq K‡i| Zviv wek¦vm K‡i GKwU Kv‡jv cv_‡ii Pvicv‡k GwU wbg©vY K‡iwQ‡jb bex Beªvwng (Av.)| Bmjvwg (Top) Ka'ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia; Inside view of Al-Masjid al-Nabawi aviYv Abyhvqx, Kv›evB n‡jv cÖ_g RvqMv, c„w_ex‡Z hv cÖ_g ˆZwi n‡qwQj| Kv›evi c‡iB Avm‡e gmwR` Avj-bewei bvg| gnvbex †gvnv¤§` (mv.)-Gi gmwR` wn‡m‡e L¨vZ GwU| GwU †mŠw` Avi‡ei cwð‡g gw`bvi †nRvR bvgK GjvKvq Aew¯’Z, †h kni‡K ejv nq ‹bexi kni›| gw`bvq GLb me wgwj‡q cÖvq 6 jvL †jv‡Ki evm| G Qvov Bmjv‡gi cÖ_g gmwR` L¨vZ gmwR` Avj-Kzev ev Kzev gmwR`I GB gw`bvq Aew¯’Z|
BwZnvm Ges ag© `y‡Uv w`K w`‡qB Z…Zxq m‡e©v”P ¸iæZ¡c~Y© BmjvwgK RvqMvwU n‡jv †Riæmv‡jg| Av‡M gymjgvbiv Gw`‡KB gyL K‡i Zv‡`i cÖv_©bv Ki‡Zv| gymjgvbiv G kniwUi cÖwZ `viæY kÖ×vkxj †Kbbv, GB †Riæmv‡j‡gB Av‡Q `y‡Uv †ek ¸iæZ¡c~Y© BmjvwgK mvBU; †Wvg Ae `¨ iK I AvjAvKmv gmwR`| `¨ †Wvg Ae `¨ iK‡K Aviwe‡Z ejv nq KzeŸZ Avm-mvLivn| GwU †Riæmv‡j‡gi me‡P‡q cwiwPZ gymwjg wb`k©b| A‡bKUv Kv›evi g‡ZvB GwU GKwU cweÎ cv_i‡K †eóY K‡i wbwg©Z| GB cv_iwU GKBm‡½ gymjgvb I Bûw`‡`i Rb¨ HwZnvwmK ¸iæZ¡ I ag©xq Zvrch© enb K‡i| cÖvPxb †Riæmv‡jg‡K wb‡q A‡bK A‡bK BwZnvm i‡q‡Q| wLª÷vb I Bûw`‡`i Rb¨ me‡P‡q cweÎ Ges gymjgvb‡`i Kv‡Q g°v I gw`bvi ci Z…
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Few other renowned structures
Bangladesh Shait-Gumbad Mosque
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior
much in history about the old town of Jerusalem. By being the most sacred place on earth for Christians, Jews and the third holiest for Muslims after Mecca and Medina, it’s a big monumental place in Semitic faiths. Among the most visited sites in Jerusalem are the Western Wall, Temple Mount with the Dome of Rock and the church of the Holy Sepulcher. Besides, there are numerous wonderfully strange sites that are half hidden. You may try to find out where the last supper took place, the birth place of Virgin Mary or the Ethiopian Monastery Deir-Sultan. No matter what faith you profess or even you believe in none, Jerusalem will captivate your heart. To any of the Muslim monuments, you can go as a traveller and just spend some days and suck up the atmosphere. You will get inner solace, historical insights, religious acumen and myriad cultural perceptions in addition to changing traditional influences. Take Jerusalem for instance. You will see a lot of fascinating sites and scenes over there. You would be delighted to see how vendors charm hordes of tourists and strangely outfitted teenage soldiers come out rushing through the narrow lanes.
Nov - dec 2014
The Sixty Dome Mosque, more commonly known as Shait Gambuj Mosque, is the largest in Bangladesh from the Sultanate period
Zxq ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wn‡m‡e GwU †mwgwUK wek¦vmx‡`i Kv‡Q GKwU eo ¯§viK ¯’vb n‡q Av‡Q| †Riæmv‡j‡gi me‡P‡q †ewk `k©K mgvMg n‡q‡Q Ggb RvqMvwU n‡jv I‡q÷vb© Iqvj, †Wvg Ae `¨ iK-Gi †fZi _vKv †U¤új gvD›U Ges nwj †mcvjPvi-Gi wMR©v| G¸‡jvi cvkvcvwk Qwo‡q wQwU‡q Av‡Q AMwYZ PgrKvi I A™¢zZ me wb`k©b, †h¸‡jv‡K ejv hvq A‡a©KUv jyKv‡bv| Avcwb nq‡Zv Luy‡R †c‡Z PvB‡eb, †Kv_vq n‡qwQj †mB †kl ˆbk‡fvR, fvwR©b †gwi A_ev Bw_Iwcqvb AvkÖg †`Bi-myjZvb| Avcwb †h a‡g©iB Abymvix †nvb bv †Kb, wKsev hw` †Kv‡bv a‡g©B Avcbvi wek¦vm bv _v‡K, ZeyI †Riæmv‡jg Avcbvi ü`q niY Ki‡e| GLvbKvi †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU gymjgvb ¯’vcZ¨Kg© †`L‡Z Avcwb ågYKvix wn‡m‡e †h‡Z cv‡ib Ges wKQz w`b mgq KvwU‡q †mLvbKvi AvenvIqvUv‡K GKUz Svwj‡q wb‡jb| HwZn¨MZ cÖfve cwieZ©b QvovI GLv‡b Avcwb cv‡eb Af¨šÍixY kvwšÍ, HwZnvwmK I ag©xq AšÍ©`„wó Ges AMYb mvs¯‹…wZK Abyf~wZ| D`vniY wn‡m‡e †Riæmv‡j‡gi K_vB aiæb| GLv‡b Avcwb AMwYZ wb`k©b I `„k¨vejxq Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| ch©UK‡`i `j¸‡jv‡K Kx K‡i GLvbKvi dzUcv‡Zi we‡µZviv gRv w`‡q _v‡K Ges miæ Mwji †fZi †_‡K †hfv‡e wewPÎ †cvkvK civ wUbGR †mbviv Qz‡U Av‡m, †mme †`‡L Avcwb wbN©vr PgrK…Z n‡eb|
India Jama Masjid Jama Masjid is the principal mosque of India commissioned by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1650.
Jerusalem Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-Aqsa Mosque, also known as Al-Aqsa and Bayt al-Muqaddas, is the third holiest site in Islam and is located in the Old City of Jerusalem.
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Flavours of
The aroma of food breathes music in the hearts of Bengalis. Here are some mouth-watering dishes that will keep you coming back By: Abhishek Chakraborty
evsjv‡`‡ki hZ ¯^v` Lvev‡ii NªvY evOvwji ü`‡q †hb m½x‡Zi jnix eB‡q †`q| Avgiv wR‡f Rj Avbvi g‡Zv Ggb wKQz evsjv‡`wk Lvev‡ii K_v ejwQ, †h¸‡jv †L‡Z Avcwb wd‡i Avm‡eb
Nov - dec 2014
way to a Bengali’s heart is truly through the stomach. Good food and Bengalis share an irrevocable relationship. Their closeness to food is resonated in the fact that they ‘live to eat’. With a variety of dishes from rice to lentils to fish, it is said that if a Bong does not lick each of his fingers after a meal it is to be understood that he has not truly enjoyed the food.
ü`‡q †cuŠQvi iv¯ÍvUv mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B cvK¯’jx w`‡q hvq| fv‡jv Lvevi Ges evOvwj, GB `y‡qi gv‡S Av‡Q GK AùyU m¤úK©| K_vq Av‡Q Zviv ÔLvIqvi Rb¨ evu‡PÕ Avi Lvev‡ii m‡½ evOvwji Nwbó †hvMmvRk †`‡L GB K_vwUi ¯ú›`bB †Ui cvIqv hvq| fvZ †_‡K ïiæ K‡i Wvj I gvQ ch©šÍ Av‡Q n‡iK Lvevi, GgbI ejv nq †h e½evmx hw` LvIqv †k‡l wb‡Ri cuvP AvOyj bv-B PvU‡jv, Z‡e a‡i wb‡Z n‡e LvIqvUv †m mwZ¨Kvi A‡_© Dc‡fvM K‡iwb|
When it comes to Bangladeshi cuisine, it’s unique in its abundant use of fish and its employment of a wide variety of fiery pastes made from ground roots, spices and chilies. Bangladeshi cooking is a culinary art form that has been passed down the generations. It is a tantalising blend of wonderful and fragrant spices that will keep you coming back for more. We bring you five must-try dishes once you are in Bangladesh.
evsjv‡`wk Lvev‡ii cÖm½ Avm‡jB Bangladeshi cuisine mevi Av‡M Avm‡e Gi fywi fywi is unique in its abundant gv‡Qi e¨env‡ii K_v| mv‡_ use of fish and its use _v‡K bvbvb c‡`i SuvSv‡jv of a variety of fiery pastes made from ground roots, †c÷, hv ˆZwi nq †kKo, spices and chilies. gkjv I gwiP †_‡K| evsjv‡`wk iÜb‰kjx n‡jv Ggb GK wkí hv cÖRb¥ †_‡K cÖR‡b¥i g‡a¨ cvi n‡q Avm‡Q| PgrKvi I myMÜxhy³ gkjvi wg‡k‡j ˆZwi nIqv Av‡e`‡bi e‡kB Avcwb G ¯^v‡`i `iev‡i Av‡iv wd‡i wd‡i Avm‡eb| evsjv‡`‡k Avmvi ci †h cuvPwU Lvevi Avcbvi bv †L‡jB bq, †m¸‡jv wb‡qB nvwRi n‡qwQ Gevi-
Steamed Hilsa
fvcv Bwjk
In Bangladesh, there is no substitute for Steamed Hilsa or locally called
evsjv‡`‡k fvcv Bwj‡ki weKí †bB| Bs‡iwR‡Z hv‡K e‡j w÷gW wnjkv| GwU
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Bhapa Ilish. This dish is a gravy prepared with mustard seeds paste and usually served with rice. A preparation of Ilish usually doesn’t require much of spices as the aroma of the fish itself is enough to make the dish exquisite. What makes Steamed Hilsa a favourite among Bengalis is the way it is prepared -- the easiest and most flavourful Hilsa preparation. The steam cooking process keeps the aroma of all the ingredients intact and the mustard paste and green chillies nicely balance all the sour, sweet and spicy taste.
Kacchi Biryani
Biryani is the king of every food in Bangladesh. Be it a family get together, or a birthday party, this is a must have food. In Kacchi Biryani, raw marinated meat is layered with raw rice before being cooked together. Cooked typically with goat meat, or with lamb, potatoes are often added before adding the rice layer. A boiled egg and mixed salad often accompanies the dish. If you come to Dhaka and do not taste biryani from any of the famous restaurants, you’ll miss half of the food culture of Bangladesh.
Bhapa Chingri 58
The sound of Bhapa Chingri breathes music in the hearts of Bengalis. Steaming is an honoured way to cook fish in Bangladesh; spice coated, packed, sealed and cooked while you hold your breath, waiting for that first whiff of the exhilarating aroma. Bhapa is steamed and in most steamed fish curries there is mustard
What makes Steamed Hilsa a favourite among Bengalis is the way it is prepared — easiest and flavourful GKwU †MÖwf RvZxq wWk| m‡l© evUv w`‡q evbv‡bv G Bwjk cwi‡ekb Kiv nq Mig fv‡Zi m‡½| Aek¨ Bwjk ivbœvq Lye GKUv gkjvi `iKvi nq bv, KviY Bwj‡ki wbR¯^ MÜB GB wW‡k AwfRvZ ¯^v` G‡b †`q| evOvjx‡`i g‡a¨ fvcv Bwjk RbwcÖq n‡q‡Q Gi iÜbcÖYvjxi Rb¨| GwUB n‡jv Bwj‡ki GKwU me‡P‡q mnR I Nªv‡Y ficyi iÜb‰kjx| fv‡c ivbœv Kiv nq e‡j G‡Z Bwjkmn me DcKi‡Yi wbR¯^ NªvY AÿyYœ _v‡K Ges G‡Z e¨eüZ m‡l© evUv I KuvPv gwiP evUv †ek mywbcyYfv‡e hveZxq UK, Svj I wgwó ¯^v‡`i fvimvg¨ wVK iv‡L|
Kvw”P wewiqvwb
evsjv‡`‡ki mKj Lvev‡ii ivRv ejv nq wewiqvwb‡K| n‡Z cv‡i †Kv‡bv cvwievwiK cybwg©jbx wKsev Kv‡iv Rb¥w`‡bi Drme; GB LveviUv jvM‡eB| Kvw”P wewiqvwbi †ÿ‡Î †gwi‡bU Kiv KuvPv gvsm Pv‡ji m‡½ ¯Í‡i ¯Í‡i †i‡L `y‡Uv GKm‡½ ivbœv Kiv nq| mvaviYZ GUv Lvwm wKsev †fovi gvsm w`‡qB ˆZwi Kiv nq| A‡bK mgq Pvj †hvM Kivi Av‡M G‡Z AvjyI †`Iqv nq| Avi ivbœvi ci mPivPi †m× wWg I wg·W mvjv‡`i m‡½ cwi‡ekbv Kiv nq GB wWk| Avcwb hw` XvKvq G‡m RbwcÖq †Kv‡bv †i¯Íiuvq wM‡q wewiqvwbi ¯^v` wb‡Z bv cv‡ib, Z‡e ejv hvq evsjv‡`‡ki Lvev‡ii ms¯‹…wZK A‡a©KUvB wgm Ki‡jb|
fvcv wPswo
fvcv wPswoi bvg ïb‡j evOvjxi ü`‡q SsKvi DV‡eB| Ggwb‡ZB fv‡c gvQ ivbœv KivUv‡K evsjv‡`‡k we‡kl m¤§v‡bi †Pv‡L †`Lv nq; ZviIci hLb GUv‡K gkjvi Pv`‡i Ave× K‡i ivbœv Kiv nq, ZLb †hb `g AvU‡KB e‡m _vK‡Z nq| A‡cÿvi cÖni ¸b‡Z nq, KLb Avm‡e †mB Kvw•ÿZ gb gvZv‡bv NªvY| w÷gW KivUv‡KB ejv nq fvcv‡bv Ges GLv‡b
Some more Delicacies
All you want to know
Fish Fishy food The most common types of fish eaten in Bangladesh are rohu, katla, magur, hilsa and chingri, with panta ilish the most relished one.
and also mustard oil. This is a quintessential dish, made with mix of mustard, and poppy seed paste, slender hot chili peppers and a generous drizzle of mustard oil.
Beef Tehari
†ewkifvM gv‡Qi Kvwi‡Z mwilv wKsev mwilvi †Zj †gkv‡bv nq| GUv GKUv †`Lvi g‡Zv wWk nq| mwilv QvovI G‡Z †gkv‡bv _vK‡Z cv‡i cwc exR evUv, KwP Svj KuvPv gwiP Ges me‡k‡l D`vin‡¯Í †X‡j †`Iqv nq mwilvi †Zj|
Tehari is an authentic Bangladeshi aromatic rice that packs a pleasant punch contributed by green chilies and curried beef. There are many versions of tehari, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, in South Asia. However, Bangladeshi tehari is predominantly a rice dish that is always made with beef. Authentic old Dhaka tehari is cooked with mustard oil.
wed †Znvwi
The difference between biryani and tehari lies in the cooking method. For Biryani, rice, meat and potatoes are cooked separately and then layered during cooking, while tehari is cooked with oil and the cooked beef is added to rice and mixed together while cooking.
wewiqvwb I †Znvwii cv_©K¨Uv g~jZ iÜbcÖYvjx‡Z| wewiqvwbi Rb¨ Pvj, gvsm I Avjy Avjv`v ivbœv K‡i wb‡Z nq| Gici ivbœvi mgq ¯Í‡i ¯Í‡i mvRv‡Z nq| Aciw`‡K, †Znvwi ivbœv Kiv nq h‡_ó cwigv‡Y †Zj w`‡q Ges G‡Z ivbœv Kiv Miæi gvsm Pv‡ji m‡½ †hvM Kiv nq| c‡i `y‡Uv‡K GKm‡½ ivbœv Kiv nq|
Fish Paturi
†gviM †cvjvI
A special dish among Bangladeshis, in ‘paturi’ the fish is wrapped in banana leaves and roasted along with spices and served with steamed rice. It takes out the sweet flavour of the fish and balances with the pungency of mustard sauce. This traditional fish recipe comes alive with the sharp flavour of mustard fused with the aroma of banana leaves.
†Znvwi n‡jv evsjv‡`‡ki HwZn¨ enbKvix GKwU LuvwU myMÜx Pvj, hvi PgrKvi myevm Qov‡Z f~wgKv iv‡L KuvPv gwiP I Miæi gvs‡mi Kvwi| `wÿY Gwkqvq †Znvwii A‡bK¸‡jv ms®‹iY i‡q‡Q; mewR‡fvRx I gvsm‡fvRx‡`i Df‡qi Rb¨B| Z‡e evsjv‡`‡k †Znvwi ej‡Z Pv‡ji m‡½ Miæi gvs‡mi wWk‡KB †evSvq| Avi cyivb XvKvi LuvwU †ZnvwiUv ivbœv Kiv nq mwilvi †Zj w`‡q|
evsjv‡`‡ki Av‡iKwU we‡kl Lvevi n‡jv †gviM †cvjvI| we‡kl K‡i GLvbKvi we‡qi Abyôvb wKsev eo ai‡bi cvwievwiK Av‡qvRb¸‡jv‡Z GwU cwi‡ekb Kiv nq| wP‡K‡bi evsjv n‡jv †gviM Avi †cvjvI n‡jv we‡kl Dcv‡q ivbœv Kiv myMÜx Pvj| †gviM-‡cvjvI n‡jv eo AvK…wZi †gvi‡Mi UzK‡ivmn we‡kl Dcv‡q ivbœv Kiv Pvj| Gi m‡½ †evinvwb bv‡gi GKwU cvbxqI cwi‡ekb Kiv nq|
Main Rice & Curry Main course comprises of rice and flatbreads, like luchi, porota, roti, etc. Curried dishes of chicken, fish, beef are prepared as accompaniments.
Sweets Misti Mookh The favourite sweets and desserts are roshogolla, sandesh, rosh malai, phirni and malapua, typically served during festivals and special occasions.
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people LEISURE
Journey of
Heritage Transport Museum is an auto lovers’ paradise with over 60 antique cars on display By: Abhishek Chakraborty
PvKvq hvÎv
hviv Mvwo cQ›` K‡ib Zv‡`i Rb¨ †nwi‡UR Uªv݇cvU© Rv`yNiwU GKK_vq ¯^M©| 60wUiI †ewk A¨vw›UK Kvi cÖ`wk©Z nq GLv‡b
Nov - dec 2014
(Clockwise from top) 1941 Chevrolet Super Deluxe, 1955 Oldsmobile super 88; 1961 Renault,1954 Fiat 1100, 1963 Volkswagen Beetle; A modified 1985 gypsy driven by Shah Rukh Khan in Dil to Pagal Hai
good news for vintage car lovers. A first in India, over 60 antique vehicles are on display under one roof at the transport museum in Manesar, a 30-minute drive from Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport. Called the Heritage Transport Museum, it is an auto lovers’ paradise — a comprehensive study of not only cars but almost everything associated with wheels.
Mvwo hviv cQ›` K‡ib, Zv‡`i Rb¨ myLei| fvi‡Z cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv g‡bm‡ii Uªv݇cvU© Rv`yN‡ii GK Qv‡`i Zjvq cÖ`k©‡bi Rb¨ Avbv n‡q‡Q 60wU A¨vw›UK Mvwo| w`wjøi Bw›`iv MvÜx B›Uvib¨vkbvj Gqvi‡cvU© †_‡K Mvwo‡Z gvÎ 30 wgwb‡Ui c_ GB g‡bmi| Rv`yNiwUi bvg †nwi‡UR Uªv݇cvU© wgDwRqvg — GKev‡K¨ Mvwo‡cÖgx‡`i ¯^M|© ïay Mvwo wb‡qB bq, PvKvi m‡½ m¤úK© Av‡Q Ggb †h‡KvbI wKQz wb‡qB e¨vcK gvÎvq M‡elYv P‡j GLv‡b|
Long journey
20 eQ‡iiI †ewk mgq a‡i HwZnvwmK wePv‡i `vwg e¯‘i hZœkxj msMÖn, ms¯‹vi Ges iÿYv‡eÿ‡Yi djvdj GB Rv`yNi| The museum is GLv‡b Ggb me e¯‘ Av‡Q †h¸‡jv a result of over A‡b‡KB Ae‡njvq AveR©bv †f‡e 20 years of collection, restoration and †d‡j w`‡qwQj| Avi G Rv`yN‡ii maintenance ¯^cUœ v‡K ev¯Íe iƒc †`Iqvi †bc‡_¨ of artefacts. gv_v LvwU‡q‡Qb Mvwo‡cÖgx ZiæY VvKivj| GUv Rvbv K_v †h, GKUv Rv`yN‡ii aviYv Kvh©Ki iƒc †c‡ZI Kgc‡ÿ wZb eQi mgq jvM‡eB| G Kv‡R Znwej msMÖn †_‡K ïiæ K‡i †jv‡Ki gbgvbwmKZv ˆZwi n‡jv wK-bv †mUvI we‡ePbv Ki‡Z nq|
The result of over 20 meticulous years of collection, restoration and maintenance of artefacts that many would dismiss as mere pieces of junk, it was auto-enthusiast Tarun Thakral’s brain that this museum came into being. Even the concept of a museum took over three years to take shape, owing to issues ranging from funds to people’s mindsets. But today, the result is out there for everyone to see, and enjoy. From a seven-seater, 90-litre 1934 Buick to a 1932 Chevrolet Sedan and a toy cart of 1500 BC, to a Dilip-Chhabria-modified 1985 “convertible” Gypsy, the museum
my`xN© hvÎv
wKš‘ GLb djvdjUv mevB Pvÿym Ki‡Z cvi‡Q, Dc‡fvM Ki‡Q| mvZ Avm‡bi 90 wjUvi 1934 eyBK, 1932 †kfi‡jU †mWvb I 1500 wLª÷c~e©v‡ãi Uq KvU© †_‡K ïiæ K‡i 1985 mv‡ji w`wjc-kvweªqv-gwWdv‡qW
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takes visitors on a roller-coaster ride. Besides these, a bus, a compartment of an antique train, a chopper and bullock and horse carts are also on display.
Prized possessions
The experience begins with an exhibit that showcases the evolution of the wheel. Placed alongside the exhibit is a bird with wheels in place of wings— dating back to 3,500 BC from the Indus Valley Civilisation—the oldest artefact of the museum. To break the monotony, the museum has been designed in such a way that the contents of a majority of galleries can be changed at regular intervals. The trust behind the museum aims to rotate its exhibits every two to three months. Now that the winter is in, they are planning a series of outdoor activities, especially for the younger generation. The Maharaja of Ayodhya’s car is one of Thakral’s prized possessions, which he bought for about Rs 2 lakh from an auction. His other favourites include a 1938 Ford Convertible, a 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible and a 1932
ÔKbfvwU©ejÕ wRcwm ch©šÍ †`Lv‡Z `k©bv_©x‡`i Rb¨ GKwU †ivjvi †Kv÷vi ivB‡Wi Av‡qvRb K‡i _v‡K Rv`yNiwU| G¸‡jvi cvkcvwk cÖ`k©‡bi Rb¨ ivLv n‡q‡Q GKwU evm, A¨vw›UK †ijMvwoi K¤úvU©‡g›U, GKwU †nwjKÞvi Ges †Nvov I lvuoPvwjZ evnb|
Lye Kv‡Qi
Abe`¨ G AwfÁZvi hvÎv ïiæ nq PvKvi weeZ©b`„‡k¨i cÖ`k©bxi ga¨ w`‡q| Avi Gi cv‡kB †`Lv hv‡e GKwU cvwL, hvi Wvbvi RvqMvRy‡o Av‡Q PvKv| mv‡o wZb nvRvi wLª÷c~e©v‡ã wmÜz mf¨Zvi Avg‡j ˆZwi G cvwLwUB G Rv`yN‡ii me‡P‡q cyi‡bv msMÖn| GK‡N‡qwg KvUv‡Z Rv`yNiwUi bKkv Ggbfv‡e ˆZwi hv‡Z K‡i Gi cÖwZwU M¨vjvwii †ewkifvM mvgMÖxB GKwU wbw`©ó mgq ci ci wfbœfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq| Rv`yN‡ii †bc‡_¨ †h Uªv÷ KvR Ki‡Q Zv‡`i jÿ¨ n‡jv cÖwZ `yB †_‡K wZb gvm ci ci Gi mvgMÖx¸‡jv‡K Nywi‡q wdwi‡q ivLv| GLb †h‡nZz kxZ P‡j G‡m‡Q, ZvB Zviv AvDU‡Wvi Kg©Kv‡Êi Rb¨ †ek wKQz cwiKíbv nv‡Z wb‡q‡Q| Avi G Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡”Q ZiæY cÖRb¥‡K gv_vq †i‡LB| A‡hva¨vi gnvivRvi MvwoUv n‡jv VvKiv‡ji me‡P‡q Kv‡Qi msMÖn| GKwU wbjvg †_‡K 2 jvL iæwc w`‡q wZwb IUv wK‡bwQ‡jb|
(From Top) George Martin Auto; 1946 Salsbury Scooter; yesteryears trucks and public carriers (below)
Nov - dec 2014
(Clockwise from top) Buick Series 90 Limousine Car - 1935; 1962 Dodge dart station wagon; 1954 Fiat 1100 Sedan; museum exterior
The response to the museum is tremendous, with weekends becoming one of the favourites among family groups Chevrolet Phaeton, which, incidentally, was also his first collectible. Coming up next are cars used in James Bond movies. “The James Bond car collection is booked until end 2015. We continue to be in talks with the organisers for firm dates for their display at Heritage Transport Museum for a minimum period of six months. The dates are still not finalised,” adds Thakral.
Overwhelming response
The response to the museum is tremendous, with weekends becoming the favourite among family groups. “The weekdays see students from schools visiting the museum. These student groups range from 50 to 300 students at a time,” says Thakral. The museum is also featured in international tour operators’ itinerary and they have had a few of these tourist groups already. “The main movement of these groups is from October until March. The group sizes have been from 50 persons upwards,” adds Thakral. On
Zvi ÔLye Kv‡QiÕ ZvwjKvq AviI Av‡Q 1938 †dvW© KbfviwUej, GKwU 1955 †kfi‡jU †ej Gqvi KbfviwUej Ges GKwU 1932 †kfi‡jU wdUb (GwUB Zvi Zvi cÖ_g msMÖn)| AvMvgx‡Z †h Mvwo¸‡jv Avm‡Q, †m¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q †Rgm e‡Ûi wm‡bgvqZ e¨eüZ Kvi| VvKivj Rvbv‡jb, Ò2015 mv‡ji †kl ch©šÍ †Rgm eÛ Kvi Kv‡jKkb eyK Kiv n‡q‡Q| †nwi‡UR Uªv݇cvU© wgDwRqvg-G Kgc‡ÿ 6 gv‡mi Rb¨ Mvwo¸‡jv †hb cÖ`k©b Kiv hvq, †mB Rb¨ GKwU cvKvcvwK w`bÿY wVK Ki‡Z Avgiv Av‡qvRK‡`i m‡½ Avjvc Pvwj‡q hvw”Q| ZvwiL GLbI P‚ovšÍ nqwb|Ó
AvkvZxZ cÖwZwµqv
Rv`yNiwU wb‡q cÖwZwµqv GKK_vq Abe`¨| we‡kl K‡i QzwUi w`b¸‡jv‡Z cvwievwiK `j¸‡jvi Kv‡Q GUv wcÖq GKUv RvqMv| ÒQzwUi mgqUvq ¯‹z‡ji wkÿv_©xiv Rv`yNiwU †`L‡Z Av‡m| Avi cÖwZwU `‡j 50 †_‡K 300 Rb K‡iI _v‡K,Ó Rvbv‡jb VvKivj| Rv`yNiwU Avevi AvšÍR©vwZK Uz¨i Acv‡iUi‡`i ZvwjKv‡ZI Av‡Q| GiBg‡a¨ Rv`yNiwU †ek wKQz AvšÍR©vwZK ch©UK MÖæ‡ci †`LvI †c‡q‡Q| VvKivj †hvM Ki‡jb, ÒA‡±vei †_‡K gvP© ch©šÍ g~jZ GB MÖæc¸‡jvi Avbv‡Mvbv †`Lv hvq| G‡KKwU `‡j Kg‡m Kg 50 Rb K‡i _v‡KB|Ó MocoZvq ej‡Z
Cover story
people LEISURE
(Clockwise from left) Piper Cub J3c 1943; lambretta scooter; 1947 Chevrolet Woodie Stationwagon; Hindustan Motors section with Ambassador cars on display
Don’t miss
Nov - dec 2014
an average, they have over 200 visitors over the weekends.
†M‡j QzwUi w`b¸‡jv‡Z `yB kÕiI †ewk `k©bv_©x Av‡m GLv‡b|
“We have already catered to tourists from the UK, France and Germany. Since the process of getting into the international tourists itineraries takes over six months, we are on these brochures and are getting 3-4 groups per week,” adds Thakral.
ÒAvgiv BwZg‡a¨ hy³ivR¨, d«vÝ I Rvg©vwb †_‡K Avmv ch©UK‡`i Avc¨vqb Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ| Avi AvšÍRv© wZK ch©UK‡`i ZvwjKvq XzK‡Z Kgc‡ÿ 6 gv‡mi GKwU cÖwµqv AbymiY Ki‡Z nq| GLb Avgiv A‡bK¸‡jv eªwkD‡i ¯’vb K‡i wb‡qwQ Ges cÖwZ mßv‡n 3-4wU `j GLv‡b Avm‡Q,Ó †hvM Ki‡jb VvKivj|
Oldest artefact
Maharaja’s car
Bollywood section
A bird with wheels in place of wings—dating back to 3,500 BC from the Indus Valley Civilisation— the oldest artefact of the museum.
The Maharaja of Ayodhya’s car is one of Tarun Thakral’s prized possessions, which he bought for about Rs 2 lakh from an auction.
Bollywood section having a DilipChabaria modified 1985 gypsy that was driven by Shah Rrukh Khan in the movie Dil to Pagal Hai.
Where your
royal taste meets our
royal jewels
As seen in and magazine
Princess Siddhi Kumari of Bikaner Collection
3 Scindia House, Janpath, New Delhi - 110001 Tel : +91.11.2331.4095/3712, Fax : +91.11.2331.6049
The BikanerState Jewellers
3 A Sunder Nagar Market, New Delhi - 110003 Tel : +91.11.2435.3934/3372
Cover story
people LEISURE
Your travel
Planning a travel abroad, these early measures can make your journey pleasant and trouble free By: Em m a Cro s by
Avcbvi åg‡Yi †PKwj÷
we‡`‡k †Kv_vI hvIqvi K_v fve‡Qb? Avcbvi ågYUv‡K Avb›`gq I wbS©ÅvU K‡i Zzj‡Z †Lqvj ivLyb wb‡Pi welq¸‡jvi cÖwZ
66 Planning ahead
Preparing for your travel is an easy task once you have decided your destination and have a fair idea of your itinerary. Planning ahead ensures that all of your documents are up to date. Make arrangements necessary to accommodate certain needs for your trip. Biman Airlines offers baggage information and how to upgrade your seat to Business Class or opt for the empty seat zone, giving you the needed privacy. It also provides useful tips on any changes that you may need to make before your travel as well as an idea of how to pack for your destination to avoid unnecessary airport charges.
Nov - dec 2014
Av‡MB cwiKíbv Kiæb MšÍe¨ wba©viY I mv‡_ Kx Kx wb‡Z n‡e, G m¤ú‡K© †gvUvgywU aviYv _vK‡j åg‡Yi cÖ¯w‘ Z †bIqvUv Lye GKUv KwVb wKQz bq| Av‡M cwiKíbv †m‡i †dj‡j Z‡eB Avcbvi hveZxq bw_cÎ nvjbvMv` n‡e Ges hvÎvc‡_ Avcbvi we‡kl †KvbI Pvwn`v _vK‡j Zv †gUv‡bvi wbðqZvI cv‡eb| wegvb GqvijvBÝ Avcbv‡K e¨v‡MR msµvšÍ me ai‡bi Z‡_¨i †hvMvb †`‡e Ges wKfv‡e Avcwb Avcbvi wUwKU‡K weR‡bm K¬v‡m iƒcvšÍi Ki‡eb ev e¨w³MZ cÖ‡qvR‡b Ôk~b¨ Avmb †RvbÕ-G hv‡eb †mB e¨vcv‡iI Rvbv‡e| G Qvov, åg‡Yi wVK Av‡M Av‡M †KvbI wKQz e`‡j wb‡Z PvB‡j Kx Ki‡Z n‡e †mB e¨vcv‡i wUcm †`‡e wegvb GqvijvBÝ| cvkvcvwk, MšÍ‡e¨ hvIqvi mgq AbvKvw•ÿZ wegvbe›`i PvR© Gov‡bvi Rb¨ Kxfv‡e c¨vK Ki‡Z n‡e, wegvb GqvijvBÝ †mB msµvšÍ AvBwWqvI Rvwb‡q †`‡e|
Apart from a passport, some countries require additional documents like a visitor’s visa or visa waiver for regular travel. One example is the United States, where citizens of a VWP (Visa Waiver Program) designated country are eligible for visa waivers. This programme includes several major European countries. Otherwise, renewing a passport or applying for a visitor’s visa is mandatory. Visitors who plan on driving should also check if the country they are travelling to requires an International Driving Permit.
bw_cÎ cvm‡cvU© QvovI wKQz wKQz †`k Av‡Q †hLv‡b wKQz evowZ KvMRc‡Îi cÖ‡qvRb nq, †hgb GKwU wfwRUi wfmv wKsev wbqwgZ åg‡Yi Rb¨ wfmv Qv‡oi KvMR| D`vniY wn‡m‡e ejv hvq hy³iv‡óªi K_v, †hLv‡b wfWvweøDwc (wfmv I‡qBfvi †cÖvMÖvg)-Gi AšÍf©~³ wKQz †`‡ki bvMwiKiv wfmv Qv‡oi my‡hvM cvq| BD‡iv‡ci D‡jøL‡hvM¨ wKQz †`k GB †cÖvMÖv‡gi AšÍf~©³| Ab¨_vq, cvm‡cvU© bevqb K‡i †bIqv Ges wfwRUi wfmvi Rb¨ Av‡e`b KivUv eva¨Zvg~jK| Avevi †h `k©bv_©xiv Mvwo Pvjv‡bvi wPšÍv Ki‡Qb Zv‡`i Av‡M †R‡b †bIqv DwPr, †h †`kwU‡Z Zviv åg‡Y hv‡”Qb †mLv‡b Mvwo Pvjv‡Z B›Uvib¨vkbvj WªvBwfs cviwgU-Gi cÖ‡qvRb nq wK-bv|
Health checkup
3 Right dose
People suffering from any medical condition should check that their location is close to medical facilities. According to, there are a range of policies available, which customers can choose from to best suit their requirements. It is essential to read the small print in these cases; Third Year Abroad lists some useful tips to make sure that the policy answers the appropriate needs and specifies the circumstances under which they are valid.
Many countries also require vaccinations before entering. Travel safety expert World Nomad recommends the minimum number of vaccines as well as for serious illnesses such as rabies and Japanese encephalitis. As the list varies depending on the country you are visiting, so it’s necessary that you check the respective country’s health guide. Take these vaccinations in advance to give them time to settle and recover from any potential reaction.
¯^ v ¯’ ¨ cixÿv
†h mKj gvby‡li ¯^v¯’¨MZ SuywK i‡q‡Q Zv‡`i Av‡M hvPvB K‡i †bIqv DwPr MšÍ‡e¨i Av‡kcv‡k †gwWK¨vj myweavw` Av‡Q wK-bv| Kgc¨v‡iwb WU Kg mvBUwUi g‡Z, G wb‡q A‡bK ai‡bi cwjwm i‡q‡Q, †hLv‡b MÖvnKiv Zv‡`i cÖ‡qvRbgvwdK †mivUv evQvB K‡i wb‡Z cv‡i| GB ai‡bi †cÖwÿ‡Z †QvULvU wKQz cÖKvkbvi mvnvh¨ wb‡Z cv‡ib| _vW© Bqvi A¨ve‡ivW-G wKQz `iKvwi wUcm _v‡K, G‡Z K‡i wbwðZ n‡Z cvi‡eb †h Avcbvi cwjwmUv mwVK Pvwn`vi †hvMvb †`‡e Ges †Kvb ai‡bi cwiw¯’wZ‡Z †KvbUv ˆea †mUvI evZ‡j †`‡e|
mwVK †WvR A‡bK †`k Av‡Q †hLv‡b cÖ‡e‡ki Av‡M f¨vKwmb w`‡Z nq| b~¨bZg f¨vKwm‡bi cvkvcvwk RjvZ¼ wKsev RvcvwbR Gb‡mdvjvBwU‡mi g‡Zv ¸iæZi †iv‡Mi f¨vKwmb m¤ú‡K© civgk© w`‡q _v‡K ågY wbivcËv we‡klÁ ms¯’v Iqvì© †bvg¨vW| Z‡e ZvwjKvUv wbf©i Ki‡Q Avcwb †Kvb †`‡k ågY Ki‡Z hv‡”Qb Zvi Ici| Avi ZvB IB †`‡k hvIqvi Av‡M †`kwUi ¯^v¯’¨ wb‡`©wkKv hvPvB K‡i †bIqvUv Riæwi| f¨vKwmb¸‡jv Av‡MB wb‡q wb‡Z cv‡ib, hv‡Z K‡i IUv kix‡i w_Zz n‡Z cv‡i Ges m¤¢ve¨ †KvbI cvk¦©cÖwZwµqv †`Lv w`‡jI †hb Zv †m‡i DV‡Z cv‡i|
Travellers on medication may require proof of prescription or a written note from their doctor. The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers suggests checking the kind of documentation required and how much medication is permitted for travel in the destination country. There can be extreme penalties for not carrying the appropriate documentation.
ågYKvix‡`i g‡a¨ hviv Ilya Lv‡”Qb Zv‡`i‡K Aek¨B †cÖmwµck‡bi cÖgvY A_ev Zv‡`i Wv³v‡ii KvQ †_‡K wjwLZ †bvU wb‡q ivL‡Z n‡e| cÖ‡qvRbxq bw_cÎ `iKvi n‡e Ges MšÍ‡e¨i †`kwU‡Z KZUzKz wPwKrmvi cviwgU †`Iqv n‡e Zv hvPvB K‡i †bIqvi civgk© w`‡q _v‡K B›Uvib¨vkbvj A¨v‡mvwm‡qkb di †gwWK¨vj A¨vwmmU¨vÝ Uz Uªv‡fjvim| mwVK KvMRcÎ m‡½ bv _vK‡j A‡bK †ÿ‡Î Pig Rwigvbv ¸b‡Z n‡Z cv‡i|
Cover story
people LEISURE
Cool gadgets
Whether you want a smartphone, camera, or headphone, there are brand new options to choose from By: Arch a na
Kzj M¨v‡RUm
Avcbvi Kx PvB? ¯§vU©‡dvb, K¨v‡giv bvwK †nW‡dvb? me
wKQz‡ZB cv‡”Qb GKUv eª¨vÛ wbD evQvB K‡i †bIqvi my‡hvM|
Apple’s revolution
For your ears only 68
The latest headphone by Sony — MDRAS200 — has been designed keeping in mind sports enthusiasts. Built for extreme sporting activities, it has adjustable ear loops and 13.5-mm dynamic type drivers. What makes it ideal for an active lifestyle is its water resistant housing, which prevents sweat and water from leaking in. It is available in trendy orange and blue colours.
ïayB Kv‡bi Rb¨
mwbi bZzb †nW‡dvbwU n‡jv GgwWAvi-GGm200| µxov‡cÖgx‡`i K_v †f‡eB Gi bKkv ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| Pig me †Ljva~jvi KvRK‡g©i Rb¨ G‡Z Av‡Q A¨vWRv‡÷ej Bqvi jycm I 13.5 GgGg WvqbvwgK Nivbvi WªvBfvi| GKwU Kg©gq jvBd÷vB‡ji Rb¨ hv †ek Kvh©Ki| GKBm‡½ GwU cvwb‡ivaKI| ZvB Nvg ev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv cvwb Gi †fZi cÖ‡ek Ki‡e bv| cÖPwjZ Kgjv I bxj i‡O GwU cvIqv hv‡”Q|
A lot has been written about iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, both positive and negative. However, the question is what makes the latest phone from Apple different from the others? The iPhone 5, 5s and 5c have screens measuring 4 inches diagonally. The iPhone 6 boosts that to 4.7 inches, while the iPhone 6 Plus is at 5.5 inches. Yet, the new phones are thinner than the previous models. Apple gets rid of glass in the back in favour of an allaluminum body with curved edges. And they make good use of the larger screens. Those with poorer eyesight can choose a ‘zoom’ option so that everything gets blown up to fill the extra space.
A¨vc‡ji wecøe
AvB‡dvb wm• I AvB‡dvb wm• cøvm wb‡q G ch©šÍ Kg †jLv‡jwL nqwb| BwZevPK I †bwZevPK `y‡UvB Av‡Q Zv‡Z| Z‡e hvB †nvK bv †Kb, cÖkœ n‡jv G‡Z Ggb Kx Av‡Q †h GwU Ab¨‡`i †P‡q Avjv`v? AvB‡dvb 5, 5Gm I 5wm Gm‡ei w¯ŒbUv n‡jv †KvYvKzwYfv‡e 4 BwÂ| AvB‡dvb wm• IUv‡K GK av°vq evwo‡q 4.7 Bw K‡i‡Q| Avi AvB‡dvb wm• cøvm-G Zv 5.5 BwÂ| Avevi bZzb †dvb¸‡jv Av‡Mi¸‡jvi †P‡q cvZjvI| †cQ‡bi Møvm †_‡KI A¨vcj wb‡R‡K Sv‡gjvgy³ K‡i cy‡iv ewWUv‡KB K‡i‡Q A¨vjywgwbqv‡g| Z‡e h_vixwZ †m‡Ui cÖvšÍ¸‡jv gm„Yfv‡e euvKv‡bv| Avi eo c`©vi mبenviB Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Q Zviv| hv‡`i †Pv‡Li kw³ LvwbKUv Kg, Zv‡`i Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Ryg Ackb, hv‡Z gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨ wWm‡cøi mewKQz eo n‡q c`©vi cy‡ivUv f‡i hv‡e|
Firefox smartphone
Mozilla, a pioneer in Web platforms, recently introduced the Firefox operating system for smartphones in Bangladesh, in cooperation with Grameenphone and device partner Symphony. Customers of Bondhu, Grameenphone’s youth offer, will be able to enjoy range of benefits on Firefox OS, including 20MB of free Internet per day.
Nov - dec 2014
dvqvid• ¯§vU©‡dvb
I‡qe `ywbqvq GK AMÖ`~‡Zi bvg gwRjv| m¤úªwZ cÖwZôvbwU evsjv‡`‡k Gi ¯§vU©‡dv‡bi Rb¨ D‡b¥vPb K‡i‡Q dvqvid• Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g| G‡Z mn‡hvMx wQj MÖvgxY‡dvb I wWfvBm cvU©bvi wm‡çvwb| MÖvgxY‡dv‡bi ZiæY‡`i Rb¨ Pvjy Kiv Advi ‘eÜz’ c¨v‡K‡Ri MÖvnKiv dvqvid• IGm-Gi †ekwKQz myweav Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡e, hvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q cÖwZw`b 20 †gMvevBU K‡i wd« B›Uvi‡bU|
ms‡hvM Kiæb wb‡R‡K
Connect yourself
Developed by researchers in China, iGaze lets wearers interact with the world in various ways. It contains an eye-tracking camera that calculates where the wearer is looking, and transmits it to all the nearby internet-connected devices, such as stereos and TVs, via Wi-Fi. The devices within the field of view reply with a beep played through the headset.
One for the travellers
SanDisk Corporation’s 512GB SanDisk Extreme PRO SDXC UHS-I memory card is for the ones who require the most advanced gear available for shooting 4K ultra high definition (3840x2160p) video, full HD video (1920x1080)1 and high-speed burst mode photography. Touted as the world’s highest capacity SD card, it enables professionals to reliably store more content on a single card. So next time when you are shooting a tiger catching its prey, don’t forget to carry this on your bag.
Px‡bi M‡elK‡`i ˆZwi AvB-‡MBR Ggb GKwU hš¿, ejv n‡”Q GUv whwb ci‡eb wZwb GB `ywbqvi m‡½ A‡bKfv‡e †hvMv‡hvM eRvq ivL‡Z cvi‡eb| G‡Z GKwU AvB-Uª¨vwKs K¨v‡giv Av‡Q| e¨enviKvix †hw`‡K ZvKv‡eb, †mUvB wn‡me K‡i †`L‡e GwU Ges Avkcv‡ki B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hvM Av‡Q Ggb me h‡š¿ (‡hgb, †÷wiI, wUwf wKsev IqvB dvB) m‡¼Z cvVv‡e| Avi G‡Z K‡i `„wómxgvi g‡a¨ _vKv hveZxq hš¿¸‡jv ZLb GKwU wec m‡¼Z †`‡e hv e¨enviKvixi †nW‡m‡U †kvbv hv‡e|
Complete Solution
Apple is expected to launch its first major new product, the iWatch, early next year. According to various media reports across the world, the iWatch will focus heavily on health and fitness monitoring. For example, it will track your steps, hydration, heart rate and other vitals. The iWatch is also said to have a screen that’ll display notifications from your phone. It will come in three variants — Standard, Sport and Gold edition.
me wKQzi mgvavb
AvMvgx eQ‡ii ïiæi w`‡K A¨vcj Qvo‡Z hv‡”Q Zv‡`i cÖ_g I Avb‡Kviv bZzb cY¨ — AvBIqvP| mviv we‡k¦i †ek wKQz MYgva¨‡gi Le‡i Rvbv †Mj, GB AvBIqvPGi g~j †dvKvmUv †ewk K‡i _vK‡e ¯^v¯’¨ I wdU‡bm ch©‡eÿ‡Yi Ici| D`vniY wn‡m‡e ejv hvq, GwU Avcbvi c`‡ÿc, cvwbk~b¨Zv, ür¯ú›`b Ges kix‡ii Ab¨vb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© m~PK gvc‡Z cvi‡e| ejv n‡q‡Q AvBIqvP-G Ggb GKwU wWm‡cø _vK‡e hv‡Z Avcwb Avcbvi †dv‡bi †bvwUwd‡Kkb¸‡jv †`L‡Z cv‡eb| wZb ai‡bi AvBIqvP Avm‡e- ÷¨vÛvW©, †¯úvU© I †Mvì ms¯‹iY|
ågYwcÖq‡`i Rb¨ bZzb wKQz
hviv 4‡K Avëªv nvB †Wwdwbkb gv‡bi wfwWI (3840 evB 2160wc), dzj GBPwW wfwWI 1 (1920 evB 1080) Ges nvB w¯úW ev÷© gy‡W Qwe †Zvjvi Rb¨ me©vaywbK hš¿Uv LyuRwQ‡jb, Zv‡`i Rb¨B mvbwW¯‹ Ki‡cv‡ikb wb‡q G‡m‡Q 512 Gi mvbwW¯‹ G•wUªg †cÖv GmwWG•wm BDGBPGm-AvB †g‡gvwi KvW©| we‡k¦i me‡P‡q †ewk aviYÿgZv m¤úbœ GmwW KvW© wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…Z GB KvW©wUi gva¨‡g †ckv`viiv GLb AviI †ewk Av¯’vi m‡½ GKwU Kv‡W© Av‡Mi †P‡q †ewk Kb‡U›U ivL‡Z cvi‡eb| †Zv, cieZ©x‡Z hLb Avcwb wkKv‡ii Ici Suvwc‡q cov Ae¯’vq ev‡Ni Qwe Zzj‡Z hv‡eb, GB KvW©wU e¨v‡M XzwK‡q wb‡Z fyj Ki‡eb bv|
Tarot cards...
b‡f¤^i-wW‡m¤^i 2014Õi Rb¨ U¨viU fwel¨ØvYx
Tarot predictions for November-December 2014 by Manisha Koushik
Aries (‡glivwk)
Taurus (e…livwk)
Gemini (wg_ybivwk)
A business trip will prove fruitful in bagging a lucrative deal. You may spend more than your budget in setting up a new house, but it will be worth it. Some might get selected for something prestigious. Lucky colour: Baby Pink; Lucky number: 1
Fun and gaiety is in store as you start mingling in your social circle. Increased earning and perks may give a boost to those in private sector. An old ailment disappears laying a path to perfect health. Lucky colour: Violet; Lucky number: 17
Repayment for something you have purchased may assume importance at this juncture and prompt you to cut corners. You will be able to get your ideas implemented at work and make your mark. Lucky colour: Dark Blue; Lucky number: 22
GKwU †jvfbxq Pzw³ ev•ew›` Ki‡Z GKwU evwYwR¨K wUªc †ek djcÖm~ n‡e| GKwU bZzb evwo ¸wQ‡q wb‡Z ev‡R‡Ui †P‡q nq‡Zv LvwbKUv †ewk LiP Ki‡Z n‡e Avcbv‡K, Z‡e GUv Kv‡R Avm‡e cy‡ivcywi| Kv‡iv Kv‡iv Kcv‡j †ek `vwg wKQzB RyU‡Z hv‡”Q| ïf is: †ewe wcsK; ïf msL¨v: 1
mvgvwRK mv‡K©‡j wb‡R‡K hZUv wgwk‡q w`‡Z _vK‡eb ZZB Lyj‡Z _vK‡e gRv Avi d~wZ©| hviv †emiKvwi PvKwi Ki‡Q Zv‡`i‡K GKwU eomo av°v †`‡e ewa©Z Avq I AvZ¥wek¦vm| cyi‡bv GKwU †ivM †m‡i hvIqvi gva¨‡g Avcwb Luy‡R cv‡eb wbLuyZ ¯^v‡¯’¨i iv¯Ív| ïf is: †e¸bx; ïf msL¨v: 17
wKQz GKUv wK‡bwQ‡jb, hvi g~j¨ cwi‡kva KivUv GB gyn‡~ Z© G‡m ¸iæZ¡cY~ © †VK‡e| G‡Z kU©Kv‡Ui †cQ‡b QzU‡Z n‡Z cv‡i Avcbv‡K| Zv Qvov Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î Avcwb Avcbvi AvBwWqv¸‡jvi ev¯Íevqb NUv‡Z cvi‡eb Ges wb‡Ri GKwU D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Qvc †i‡L cvi‡eb| ïf is: Mvp bxj; ïf msL¨v: 22
Cancer (KK©Uivwk)
Leo (wmsnivwk)
Virgo (Kb¨vivwk)
Your help to someone on the social front will be much appreciated. A job at work left pending may have to be taken up again in a hurry. Monetary help may be needed to finance your dream project. Lucky colour: Light Blue; Lucky number: 4
You will have the money to set up something new on the business front. Precautions taken for a lifestyle disease will be adequate and keep you good physically. Remain extra careful on the road. Lucky colour: Saffron; Lucky number: 18
Family will be supportive and help you achieve your aim. Those looking for love won’t have far to seek! You may mix business with pleasure and have fun. Be cautious in a property deal before signing. Lucky colour: Light Yellow; Lucky number: 1
mvgvwRK A½‡b KvD‡K DcKvi Ki‡j Zvi Rb¨ †ek cÖkswmZ n‡eb| Awd‡m †d‡j ivLv †Kv‡bv KvR nq‡Zv Avevi Zvovû‡ov K‡i †kl Ki‡Z n‡e| ¯^‡cœi †Kv‡bv cÖK‡í A_©vqb Ki‡Z `iKvi n‡Z cv‡i Avw_©K mvnv‡h¨i| ïf is: D¾¡j bxj; ïf msL¨v: 4
e¨emvwqK A½‡b bZzb wKQz msNUb Kivi g‡Zv UvKv nv‡Z Avm‡e| jvBd÷vBj Nivbvi †Kv‡bv †ivM-evjvB †VKv‡bvi cÖ¯‘wZ †bIqvUv h_v_© Kv‡R Avm‡e Ges Avcbv‡K `viæY GK kvixwiK Ae¯’vq wb‡q hv‡e| mo‡K GKUz evowZ mZK©Zv eRvq ivLyb| ïf is: Rvdivb; ïf msL¨v: 18
Avcbvi jÿ¨ AR©‡b Avcbvi cwievi me‡P‡q †ewk mg_©b †hvMv‡e| hviv fvjevmv n‡b¨ n‡q LuR y ‡Qb, Zv‡`i Lye †ewk `~‡i ZvKv‡Z n‡e bv| e¨emv‡qi m‡½ Avb›`Uv‡K wgwk‡q Avcwb †ek gRv Ki‡eb| m¤úwË welqK †Kv‡bv Pzw³‡Z ¯^vÿi Kivi Av‡M Pzw³Uv fvj g‡Zv c‡o wbb| ïf is: D¾¡j njy`; ïf msL¨v: 1
nov - dec 2014
Manisha Koushik is an astrologer, Tarot Card reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Feng Shui consultant.
libra (Zyjvivwk)
scorpio (e…wðKivwk)
sagittarius (abyivwk)
Enjoy your heart out in a social event that you may be invited over for. An old flame is slated to enter your life and brighten the romantic front. A decision to go on a trip will prove most exciting. Lucky colour: Yellow; Lucky number: 3
Visiting a family member out of town or overseas would prove to be a memorable one. You may be compelled to go on an official trip, but will end up enjoying it! Watch out for your finances. Lucky colour: Orange; Lucky number: 11
You are likely to bask in the glory of an achievement on the professional front. Financially, things start improving. Maintain a balanced diet, and avoid fatigue in a long trip. Lucky colour: Blue; Lucky number: 22
GKwU mvgvwRK Abyôv‡b gb Ly‡j Dc‡fvM Kiæb †hLv‡b nq‡Zv Avcwb AwP‡iB wbgwš¿Z n‡eb| GKwU cyi‡bv AwMœwkLv Avcbvi ü`‡q cÖ‡ek K‡i Avcbvi †ivgvw›UK w`KUv‡K Av‡jvwKZ Ki‡Z cv‡i| †eov‡Z hvIqvi wm×všÍ me‡P‡q wPËvKl©K I †ivgvÂKi n†e| ïf is: njy`; ïf msL¨v: 3
kni A_ev †`‡ki evB‡i _vKv cwiev‡ii †KvbI m`‡m¨i m‡½ †`Lv Ki‡Z hvIqvUv n‡Z hv‡”Q GK ¯§iYxq hvÎv| n‡Z cv‡i †KvbI Awdwkqvj wUª‡c hvIqvi Rb¨ eva¨ n‡eb Avcwb, Z‡e †klZK IUv Dc‡fvMB Ki‡eb! UvKv-cqmvi †hvMvbUv GKUz †`‡L ivLyb| ïf is: Kgjv; ïf msL¨v: 11
†ckv`vwi‡Z¡i w`K †_‡K nq‡Zv eo †KvbI AR©‡bi AuvP †cvnv‡Z cv‡ib| Avi Avw_©Kfv‡eI me wKQz DbœwZi w`‡KB QzU‡e| GKwU cwiwgZ Lv`¨vf¨vm Avcbv‡K ivL‡e ¯^v¯’¨evb I ewjô| `~‡ii hvÎvq K¬vwšÍ Gwo‡q Pjyb| ïf is: bxj; ïf msL¨v: 22
Capricorn (gKiivwk)
Aquarius (Ky¤i ¢ vwk)
Pisces (gxbivwk)
Someone may ask for financial help; give only if you can. Plans to throw a surprise party to a colleague or friend may have to be shelved for the time being. Give a sympathetic ear to your lover. Lucky colour: Lavender; Lucky number: 17
Taking possession of a new property is on the cards. Improvement in health is indicated. Academics can take up a lot of your time. Don’t take any risk on the road, especially while driving. Lucky colour: Dark Blue; Lucky number: 4
Praise is in store for you on the professional front. Guidance from someone will prove to be godsend. Those indulging in speculation or betting may hit it rich. A short vacation may be planned. Lucky colour: Blue; Lucky number: 22
†KD Avcbvi Kv‡Q Avw_©K mvnvh¨ PvB‡Z cv‡i; mvg_©¨ _vK‡jB †Kej Zv‡K w`b| KwjM ev †Kv‡bv eÜzi Rb¨ mvicÖvBR cvwU©i wPšÍvUv AvcvZZ wKQz mg‡qi Rb¨ Zz‡j ivLyb| fvjevmvi gvbylwUi cÖwZ m`q KY©cvZ Kiæb| ïf is: j¨v‡fÛvi; ïf msL¨v: 17
Kv‡W© bZzb m¤úwË †hvM †`Lv hv‡”Q| hv‡`i kixi fvj hv‡”Q bv Zv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’¨i DbœwZI wb‡`©k Ki‡Q| cov‡kvbvq Avcbvi h‡_ó cwigv‡Y mgq †h‡Z cv‡i| mo‡K †Kv‡bv SzuwK †b‡eb bv, we‡kl K‡i hLb Mvwo Pvjv‡eb| ïf is: Mvp bxj; ïf msL¨v: 4
†ckv`vwi‡Z¡i w`K †_‡K Avcbvi Rb¨ A‡cÿv Ki‡Q cÖksmv| Ck¦i †cÖwiZ `~‡Zi g‡ZvB †KD GKRb wb‡`©kbv †`‡e Avcbv‡K| hviv Abygvb I evwR aivq wbgw¾Z Av‡Qb, Zviv eo `vb gvi‡Z cv‡ib| GKwU †QvULvU QzwU KvUv‡bvi cwiKíbvI n‡q †h‡Z cv‡i Gi g‡a¨| ïf is: bxj; ïf msL¨v: 22
Cover story
LEISURE people
Riot of colours
& smiles
Serene and unspoilt places, beaches and villages in Bangladesh can help you escape the madness and hectic city life of craziness By: Yasmin Choudhury
nvwm I i‡Oi njøv
kn‡ii Kg©e¨¯Í Rxeb I hveZxq cvMjvgxi nvZ †_‡K GK UzK‡iv Aemi G‡b w`‡Z
evsjv‡`‡ki wbg©j I wb®‹jyl AÂj, ˆmKZ I MÖvg¸‡jvB cv‡i Avcbv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z
Nov - dec 2014
time I get on a Biman flight, I cannot stop myself from staring at the cabin crew. Admit that like me, you cannot keep your eyes off them, though my interest is purely aesthetic. I will often wave them over just to ask how they keep their saris so gracefully adorned and wrapped around. Then as we chat, I am greeted with the same beautiful Bangladeshi smile, which I see again and again. Having flown many global airlines, I can say it with utmost guarantee that it is the national airlines of the developing nations that I find most thrilling. And so it is with a Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight. Where can I expect to be greeted with a riot of colours and smiles? As my fellow passengers and I settle into our seats to watch in-flight TV, a quick glance often shows me the colours of Bangladesh. The religious programmes to films to second and third generation young ones, all are united by one factor. They are ready to immerse themselves into a melting pot of a destination where 160 million Bangladeshi people live, squeezed into a land mass almost the same size as England and Wales.
Founding Lovedesh
A British-born woman of Bangladeshi heritage, I am the founder of
Avwg wegv‡bi d¬vB‡U P‡owQ, †Kv‡bveviB Avwg †Kweb µz‡`i KvQ †_‡K †PvL miv‡Z cvwiwb| ¯^xKvi Kiæb, Avgvi g‡Zv AvcwbI wKš‘ Zv‡`i KvQ †_‡K †PvL miv‡Z cvi‡eb bv| hw`I Avgvi D‡Ïk¨Uv cy‡ivcywi iæwPkxj| Avwg wKš‘ Zv‡`i‡K nvZ Bkvivq †W‡K Rvb‡Z PvB‡ev †h Zviv Kx K‡i Zv‡`i kvwoUv‡K GZUv mywbcyYfv‡e mvwR‡q I †cuwP‡q iv‡L| Zvici Avjvc hLb ïiæ Ki‡Z hv‡ev, †mB wPi‡Pbv evsjv‡`wk nvwm w`‡qB Avgv‡K Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡bv nq| hv Avwg evi evi †`L‡Z cvB| †ek wKQz AvšÍR©vwZK GqvijvB‡Ý Avwg P‡owQ| ZvB P‚ovšÍ M¨vivw›U w`‡q ej‡Z cvwi †h, GUvB n‡jv †Kv‡bv GKwU Dbœqbkxj †`‡ki RvZxq GqvijvBb hv‡Z P‡o Avwg me‡P‡q †ewk †ivgv Abyfe Kwi| Avi ZvB wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi d¬vBUB n‡jv †mUv, †hLvbUvq Avgv‡K Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z Qz‡U Av‡m GKivk iO I nvwmi njøv| Avwg I Avgvi mnhvÎx Avgv‡`i Avm‡b e‡m Bb-d¬vBU wUwf †`L‡Z emjvg| Avgv‡K hv ÿ‡Y ÿ‡Y †`wL‡q w`w”Qj evsjv‡`‡ki ewY©j QUv| ag©xq Abyôvb †_‡K ïiæ K‡i wm‡bgv I wØZxq I Z…Zxq cÖR‡b¥i ZiæY cÖvY ch©šÍ; me wKQzB †hb GKwU my‡Zvq euvav| Avi Zv n‡jvGiv mevB wb‡R‡`i‡K Ggb GK MšÍ‡e¨ wg‡j wg‡k GKKvi K‡i w`‡Z Pvq, †hLv‡b 16 †KvwU evsjv‡`wk gvbyl Bsj¨vÛ I Iqvj‡mi g‡Zv mgvb AvKv‡ii GKwU f~wg‡Z Mv`vMvw` K‡i evm K‡i|
jvf‡`‡ki Rb¥K_v
weª‡U‡b Rb¥ wKš‘ evsjv‡`wk HwZn¨ enbKvix GB AvwgB njvg jvf‡`k-Gi cÖwZôvZv| GwU GKwU weªwUk RbKj¨vYg~jK eª¨vÛ hv Avgvi weªwUk P¨vwiwU ‘AvgKvwiRv dvD‡Ûkb’ Gi nv‡Z
Cover story
LEISURE people
Lovedesh, a British philanthropic brand that works hand in hand with my British charity ‘Amcariza Foundation’. The sole purpose of Lovedesh is to bring the focus back on to Bangladesh and turn it into one of the finest tourist destinations of the world. Many people are ignorant about the stunning resorts, beaches and destinations that do exist in Bangladesh.
nvZ †i‡L P‡j Avm‡Q| jvf‡`k-Gi GKgvÎ D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv evsjv‡`‡ki w`‡K mevi bRi wdwi‡q Avbv Ges GUv‡K we‡k¦i me‡P‡q my›`i ch©Ub MšÍ‡e¨ cwiYZ Kiv| evsjv‡`‡k †h KZUv PgrKvi wi‡mvU©, ˆmKZ I †Nvivi RvqMv Av‡Q †m wel‡q A‡b‡K GLbI cy‡ivcywi AÁB ejv P‡j|
me‡P‡q eo K_v n‡jv evsjv‡`k Avgvi Kv‡Q GLbI GKwU kvšÍ I wb®‹jyk RvqMv| Avevi, GLv‡b G‡jB Rvb‡Z cvi‡eb †Kvb RvqMvwU Most of all, Bangladesh for me is a Avm‡jB wbie I †Kvb RvqMvq Avcwb serene and unspoilt place. Again, once ¯^v”Q‡›`¨ _vK‡Z cvi‡eb| Gi ˆmKZ I you know where the quiet spot MÖvg¸‡jv Avcbv‡K Kg©e¨¯Í kû‡i Rxeb are and where you can also I cvMjvwg‡Z fiv w`b¸‡jvi stay in comfort. Its beaches nvZ †_‡K cvjv‡Z mvnvh¨ Where you can drink tea that arrives and villages are places that Ki‡eB| Zvi‡P‡qI eo K_v, in seven layers to eating can help you escape the AvKvkc‡_ GKwU `xN© ågY a wood-fired curry with madness and hectic city †k‡l evsjv‡`‡ki kvšÍ e‡q vegetables picked from life of craziness. Moreover, Pjv AuvKveuvKv b`x †_‡K the riverside. after a long air journey, the Nb †SvcSvo I w¯’i cvnv‡oi quiet meandering rivers to lush, cv`‡`k Avcbv‡K G‡b w`‡Z cv‡i still hillsides of Bangladesh can offer GK P‚ovšÍ cÖkvwšÍ| GLv‡bB Avcbvi you the ultimate relaxation. Where Rb¨ nvwRi n‡e mvZ iOv Pv †_‡K ïiæ K‡i you can drink tea that arrives in seven jvKwoi Pz‡jvq ivbœv Kiv b`xi cvo †_‡K layers to cooking and eating a woodKzwo‡q Avbv mewR I ZiKvwi| Avi jÛ‡b fired curry with vegetables picked Avgvi †eBR n‡Z G me wKQziB cÖPvi K‡i from the riverside. All of which is being Avm‡Q jvf‡`k|
promoted by Lovedesh from my base in London.
New heights
Recently, I brought British newspaper The Guardian to visit Bangladesh. And I would like to thank Biman Bangladesh Airlines for making this happen as they gave me the free tickets. And like me, the journalists from The Guardian too fell in love with the country. Once you know where to go and who to go with, it is a destination so stunning. Today I can proudly shout from the rooftops to anyone who will listen about all the good stuff about Bangladesh. I know this because I have travelled alone for many years. I have lived there too. People need to know you can have a jolly good belly laugh with the 160 million or so folks, who tell me jokes, offer me food and warm hospitality and tell me their idea of love is to feed me to the fullest. Can you get that in London, New York or Paris? No is my answer.
Nov - dec 2014
bZzb D”PZv
m¤úªwZ evsjv‡`k åg‡Y Avwg mv‡_ K‡i weªwUk cwÎKv `¨ MvwW©qvb‡KI wb‡q G‡mwQ| Avi Avgv‡K wd« wUwKU w`‡q GUv‡K m¤¢e Kivi Rb¨ Avwg wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB݇K ab¨ev` Rvbv‡Z PvB| Avi Avgvi g‡Zv, `¨ MvwW©qv‡bi IB mvsevw`KI wKš‘ GB †`‡ki †cÖ‡g c‡o wM‡qwQ‡jb| hLb Avcwb Rvb‡eb †Kv_vq hv‡”Qb Ges Kvi m‡½ hv‡”Qb, ZLb ågYUv Ggwb‡ZB PgrKvi n‡q I‡V| AvR, Avwg PvB‡j cÖwZwU evwoi Qv‡` wM‡q †Rv‡i wPrKvi K‡i mevB‡K ïwb‡q w`‡Z cvwi- evsjv‡`‡k fvj Kx Kx Av‡Q| Avwg GUv Rvwb, KviY Avwg A‡bK eQi a‡iB GKv GKv ågY K‡i AvmwQ| Avwg GLv‡b evmI K‡iwQjvg| Avi GUv †jv‡Ki Rvbv DwPr †h GLvbKvi 16 †KvwU gvby‡li m‡½ †cU `ywj‡q wbg©j nvwm nvmv hvq Ges A‡b‡K Av‡Q hviv Avgv‡K †KŠZzK †kvbvq, Lvevi †L‡Z e‡j, Dò AvwZ‡_qZvi AvnŸvb Rvbvq Ges Avgv‡K GI e‡j †h, Zv‡`i Kv‡Q fvjevmvUv n‡jv KvD‡K Mjv ch©šÍ LvIqv‡bv| jÛb, wbDBqK© ev c¨vwi‡m GUv cv‡eb wK? Avgvi DËiUv n‡jv ÔbvÕ|
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Offices Biman Bangladesh Airlines (domestic) Chittagong
Cox’ Bazar
(CGP (GMT +6) 88031, Biman bhaban, 1/2, CDA Avenue, Sholosohar, Chittagong-4203 +88-031-650671 to 75, +88-031-650982 to 84 +88-031- 651890 to 91
(CXB) (GMT +6) (0341), Motel Upal, Parjatan Holyday Complex , Cox’s Bazar
Shah Amanat International Airport, Chitagong
(ZYL) (GMT +6) Airport road, Majumdari, Sylhet-3100 +88-0821-717026 to 28, +88-0821-717411-717421
+88-031-2500990 to 95, +88-031-2500941 to 50
Airport office Osmani international airport, Sylhet.
Biman Bangladesh Airlines (International) Abu Dhabi
Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Abu dhabi (AUH), (GMT+4) Sk. Zayed 2nd st./ Electra street, Bldg no. 5213, PO Box-4356 Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-6342597 Fax: +971-02-6344664 Mobile: +971-050-6146768 Email:
(GMT+3), Ace Building, Post Box No – 4492, Al Khobar 31952, Pepsi, Cola Road,.Dammam, KSA. +966-013-8873236 Fax: +966-013-8822523 Mobile: +966-55-2255895 Email:
Abu Dhabi International Airport
Delhi, India
Room no. 2250, Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-5757053 Pabx : +971-02-5757500/2673 Fax +971-02-6344664 Mobile : +971-050-6131293 Email:
Delhi (DEL), (GMT+5.30) 320-321 Indra Prakesh Building, Barakhamba Road Cannaught Place, New Delhi-110001 +91-11-41519468 Fax: +91-11-23705481 Mobile: +91- 9811322146 Email
Delhi Airport
Bahrain (BAH), (GMT+3) Shop No -08, Building No – 18Delmon International Hotel, Manama Block 315, Road No -357, Kingdom Of Bahrain +973-17212541 Fax: +973-17213426 Mobile: +973-39118140 Email:
CIP-02, Level-3, IGI Airport, New Delhi 110037, India :+91-11-49638277 Fax: +91-11-49638277 Mobile: +91-9811322147 Residence :+91-11-28533590 Email
Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok (BKK), (GMT+7) 163, Ocean Insurance Building 01/17 Floor Unit, 17A, Surawongse Road, Suriyawongse, Bangkok-10500 +66-02-2355556 Fax: +66-(0)22369973 Mobile: +66-(0)898960554 Email:
Bangkok Airport Room no – Z-2 007, 2nd floor AOB Building, Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand. +66-(0)2-1342940 Fax: +66-(0)2-1342944 Mobile: +66-(0)8199243379 Email:
Benelux, The Netherlands Beechavenue 104, 1119 PP Schiphol, The Netherlands +31-(0)20 - 65 51 176 Fax:+31-(0)20 - 62 30 151 Brussels Park Hill, J.E. Mommaertslaan 18 B, 3rd floor 1831 Diegem, Brussels, Belgium +31-(0)2 - 71 20 498 Fax:+32-(0)2 - 72 58 392
Doha (Qatar) Doha (DOH), (GMT+3), Building No – 35, Souqahmed bin ali 07, Al-tarbiya street, P.O, box – 2738, +974-44413054 Fax: +974-44412000(gsa) Mobile: +974-55529477 Pabx: +974-44413422/117 Residence : +974-44368645 Email
Dubai, UAE Dubai (DXB), (GMT+4) Al Masraf Tower, 16th Floor, Office #1605, Albaniyas Road, P.O. Box No -1515, Deira, Dubai, UAE + 971-4-220942/205 Office: +971-4-2283767 /205 Fax: + 971-4-2278451 Mobile: + 971-50-5539045 Residence: + 971-4-2576185 Email:
Dubai International Airport, Terminal-1, Departure building, Room# 1017, 1049 & 1050 + 971-4-2162895 Fax: + 971-4-2245420 Mobile: + 971-50-5525936 Email:
Frankfurt c/o AVIAREPS, Kaiserstrasse 77 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 070 Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 235
Hong Kong
(HKG) (GMT+8) (00852), Room no. 214 & 215, F-2, F East, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road Tsim, Shatsuikowloon, +852-27248464 Fax: +852-27246284 Mobile: +852-94702724
Kuwait (KWI), (GMT+3), Al-Homaizi Building, Al Soor Street PO Box - 23837, Safat 13099, + 965-22426846/7 Fax: + 965-22439764, + 965-22428671 Mobile: + 965-99813462 Email:,
Airport Office Room-6So13, Lebel 6, South
Kuwait International Airport
Concourse, Pax Terminal- 1, Hong Kong Airport +852-23298036 Fax: +852-23525830 Residence: +852-94702754 Email:
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Jeddah (JED), (GMT+3) Al-Nakheel Center, Madinah Road P.O Box-13541, Jeddah, KSA +966-2-6652891 Fax: +966-2-6652850 Mobile: +966-501491014 Email:
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Int’l Airport +966-2-6853194 Fax: +966-2-6853326 Mobile: +966-505319533 Residence: +966-2-6552562 Email:
Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu (KTM), (GMT+5.45) House No- 314, Nagpokhari, Nexal, + 977-01-4434869 Fax: + 977-01-4434869 Mobile: + 977-9851037510 Email:
Kolkata, India
Room No – FF 58, Airport Mall Area + 965-24330863 Fax: + 965-22428671,+ 965-24330863 Mobile: + 965-99367919 Email:
Airport Office
Airport Office
Room no.5900D (5th floor), North East Extension, Terminal - 4, Hounslow, Middlesex Hearthrow Airport TW6 3FB + 44-(0) 208 745 7550 Fax: +44 (0) 208 7456390 Mobile: +44 (0) 7949686823 Residence : +44(0) 208 5738127 Email:
Cargo And Stores & Purchase Office Stratus House Office Block (1st floor), Bedfont Road, Staines Middlesex TW19 7NH + 44-(0) 1784266116 Fax: +44 (0) 1784266097 Mobile: +44 (0) 7960650342 Email:
N S C B International Airport Kolkata - 700052
Manchester, UK
(KUL), (GMT+8), 13th, Floor Menera Atlan, 161B Jalan Ampang 50450 Kualalumpur, Malaysia. +603-21646131 Fax: +603-21646142 Mobile: +6012-2736676 Email:
Airport Office Lot S10 & S31, Main Terminal Building, KL International Airport Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. +603-87764770 Fax: +603-87873881 Mobile: +6019-3806643 Email:
Paris 122 Champs Elysées 75008 Paris, France +33 (0) 1 53 43 53 38 Fax:+33 (0) 1 53 43 79 19
London (LON), (GMT+0.0) 17 Conduit Street,.London W1S 2B + 44-(0)2076290161, 2076290252, + 2074957478, + 2074957480 Fax: +44 (0) 2076290736 Mobile: +44 (0) 7908117126 Residence :+44(0) 208 5982358 Email:,
Madrid Eloy Gonzalo 27, 3rd Floor Offices IV and V, 28010 Madrid, Spain +34 - 91 - 458 57 35 Fax: +34 - 91 - 344 17 26
Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Nordics (Sweden) Riddargatan 17 114 57 Stockholm, Sweden +46 - 8 - 55 56 91 56 Fax:+46 - 8 - 24 18 88
London, UK
Kolkata (CCU), (GMT+5.30), 99A, Park Street, Siddha Park, 6th Floor, +91-33-2226-6675 Fax: +91-33-2226-6674 Mobile: +91-9831098639 Email:
+91-33-25119662 Fax: +91-33-25119662 Mobile: +91-9831098638 Residence: +91-33-25119826 Email:
Fax: +1-212-8084589 Residence: +1-718-526-4146 Email:
Manchester (MAN), (GMT+0.00) Suite – 1B, Portland Building 127-129 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PZ, UK +44-161-2286605/2636 Fax: +44-1612287070 Mobile: +44-7538626645 Residence: + 44-161-9486718 Email:
Muscat, Oman (MCT), (GMT+4) Shaikh Al-Mashany Building, 3rd Floor, Opposite of Mosque Qaboos Khamis, Al-Shaqsi Street, PO Box – 1106, Ruwi, PC-112 Sultanate Of Oman. +968-24701128 Fax: +968-24703704 Mobile: +968-99474929 Email:
New York, USA New York (NYC), (GMT-5), 747 Third Avenue , 2nd Floor, NY-10017. +1-212-808-4477, +1-212-808-4523 Mobile:+1-917-520-8069,
Head Office : Balaka, Kumitola, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh, Tel: +88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44
Riyadh (RUH) (GMT+3) (00966) P.O.Box no. 21076, Riyadh-11475.K.S.A +966-1-4623537, +966-1-4623376 Fax: +966-4623501 Mobile: +966-504246352
King Khaled Int’l Airport Riyadh Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudia Room No-1565 +966 1 220-0227 (a/p) Fax: +966-1 220-0227 Mobile: +966-50-424-6353 Email:
Rome, Italy Rome (ROM), (GMT+1) Via Bissolati 54, Roma. +39-06-42884911 Fax: +39-06-42000211 Mobile: +39-3276868970 Email:
Singapore Singapore (SIN), (GMT+8) 72 Anson Road, #05-03, Anson House, Singapore 079911 +65-64385220 Fax: +65-64387998 Mobile: +65-91119069 Email:
Airport Office Passenger Terminal Building, #041-49, Singapore Changi Airport Terminal -1, P.O. Box No-23, Singapore 819642 +65-65420067 Fax: +65-65426787 Mobile: +65-96323207 Email:
Toronto, Canada Toronto (YYZ), (GMT-5), 208, Bloor Street, West Suite No -806, PO M5S3B4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. +1-416-9443381 Fax: +1-416-9448744 Email:
Yangon, Myanmar GSA - Transmarine Logistics Asia Pte Ltd, Room: R-18, 2nd Floor, Centre Point Tower No 65 Corner of Sule Pagoda Road and Merchant Street, Kyuaktada Township +95 1 371867-68, Fax: +95 1 371869 Mobile: +95943029328 Email:
Bangladesh fleet
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Central Engineering Department
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-300ER (35J+384Y = 419 PAX) Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 737-800 (12J+150Y = 162 PAX)
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit(02nos.)
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit(02nos.)
Rows 1-52 (Row No. 13 are omitted.)
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Rows 1-28
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-200ER (12J+21W+286Y = 319PAX) Entry/ Emergency Exit Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit Rows 1-43
Entry/ Exit
(Rows No. 3-7 are omitted.)
Interior Arrangement of Airbus A310 (27J+198Y = 225 PAX) Entry/ Emergency Entry/ Exit Exit Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit Rows 1-34
Entry/ Exit
S2-ADK = Rows 1-34 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 13 are omitted) S2-ADF = Rows 1-36 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 are omitted)
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fleet Data TECHNICAL DETAILS
35 J + 384 Y
12 J + 21 W + 286 Y
25 J +196 Y
12 J+ 150 Y
Engines (maximum thrust)
GE90-100 (115,300 lbs.)
PW4090 (90,000 lbs.)
PW4000 (56,000 lbs.)
CFM56-7 (26,300 lbs.)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
181,300 liters
171,200 liters
61,630 liters
26,025 liters
Maximum Takeoff Weight
755,000 lbs
632,499 lbs
361,600 lbs
70,987 kg
Maximum Range
7,825 NM (14,490 km)
7725NM (14316 km)
9,600 km
5,665 km
Typical Cruise Speed
905 km/h
1000 km/h
850 km/h
828 km/h
Wing span
212 ft. 7 in (64.8 m)
199 ft. 11 in (60.9 m)
144 ft. 0.4 in (43.9m)
112 ft. 7in (34.315 m)
With winglets
117 ft. 5 in (35.8 m)
Overall Length
242 ft. 4 in (73.86 m)
209 ft. 1 in (63.7 m)
153 ft. 0.9 in (46.66 m)
129 ft. 6 in (39.472 m)
Tail Height
60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)
60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)
51 ft. 10 in (15.81 m)
40 ft. 10.5 in (12.459 m)
Interior Cabin Width
20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)
20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)
18 ft. 6 in (5.64 m)
12 ft. 4 in (3.7592 m)
Note: Interior arrangement of S2-ADK has shown in figure. ‘W’ refers to Premium Economy Class of Biman.
International wegv‡bi ‡bUIqvK© AvšÍR©vwZK
wegv‡bi ‡bUIqvK© Avf¨šÍixY
Sylhet wm‡jU
Dhaka XvKv
Chittagong PÆM«vg
Cox’s Bazar
Nov - dec 2014
Middle East
Kuwait Dammam Wvgvg
Riyadh Jeddah
Dubai Abu Dhabi Avey avwe Muscat gv¯‹vU
London Frankfurt
Rome ‡ivg
Kuwait Wvgvg Kathmandu Dammam Doha ‡`vnv KvVgvÛy Delhi wiqv`Riyadh Dubai `yevB w`jøx Dhaka Abu Dhabi Hong Kong Muscat XvKv Avey avwe gv¯‹vU nsKs Jeddah Kolkata ‡RÏv Bangkok ‡KvjKvZv
Yangon Bqv½b Kuala Lumpur
Singapore wm½vcyi
This map is for illustrative purposes and does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the publisher or their sponsors concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. Aj¼i‡Yi gva¨‡g Ae¯’vb †evSvevi Rb¨ GB gvbwPÎ e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q, Gi gva¨‡g †Kv‡bvfv‡eB †Kv‡bv †`k ev A‡ji AvBwb Ae¯’v A_ev mxgvšÍ ev AvÂwjK mxgvbvi g‡Zv welq wb‡q cÖKvkK ev Zv‡`i c…ô‡cvlK‡`i `…wófw½ ev gZvgZ cÖwZdwjZ nqwb|
Map not to scale Cartographers: ttk maps
gvbwP‡Î `~i‡Z¡i AbycvZ e¨envi Kiv nqwb
: 15.02
Growth Of Knit (%)
: 1.6 Million : 45% : 6.3% : 174 Billion Bdt
Employment Generation
Female Empowerment
Poverty Reduction
Other Short Courses: Garments Consumption & Costing, Waste Identification Techniques To Reduce Waste & Improve Productivity (Through VSM & Process Mapping), Quality Management System, Material Management & Purchasing Planning For Improved Productions, Environmental Health &Safety Management System In RMG, Techniques Of Dealing With Compliance Audit Of Buyers, Banking, Customs & Shipping Procedures For Export Import & Business Development, Incentive & Custom Procedure for Factory etc.
C ertificate & Diploma Courses Considering Sector Demand: Apparel Merchandising, Textile Testing & Lab Management, Industrial Engineering &Lean Manufacturing, Production Planning &Supply Chain Management, Social Compliance & CSR Issues.
Head Office : Press Club Building (1st & 3rd Floor), 233/1 Bangabandhu Road, Narayanganj-1400, Bangladesh. Phone : 88-02-7641857, 7640535, 7641295; Fax: 88-02-7630609 Dhaka Office : Planners Tower (4th Floor) 13/A, Sonargaon Road, Banglamotor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Phone : 88-02-8620377, 9672257, 8622703, 9670498; Fax: 88-02-9673337 Chittagong Office : Chamber House (4th Floor) 38, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong-4100, Bangladesh. Phone: 031-2514342; Fax: 031-2514345 E-Mail : Log on to :
BKMEA was established in 1996 as a National Trade Body to represent solely the Knitwear Sector of Bangladesh. BKMEA’s Mission is to Promote and Enhance Knitwear Sector’s Competitiveness, Productivity and Profitability in The Global Market through Support Services to more than 1900 Members. Capacity Building of The Sector and Networking with all Stakeholders is another key commitment of BKMEA. BKMEA is contributing to Employment Generation, Involving Women in the Formal Sector, Increased Substantial Export Earnings, Women Empowerment, Reduction Child Labor, Gender Equality, Health & Nutrition, Diminishing Child Marriage etc. through knitwear export to across the globe. Our motto is to stay afloat in the international competition & Markets with chic, elegant & quality products. We invite buyers/importers of the world to visit our factories & gauge our standards.
Working today to Shine Tomorrow
Forward & Backward Linkage : 2120 Million Bdt
Shipping & Logistics Industry : $ 157 Million
: 7.00 (approx.)
Share In Gdp (%)
Share In National Export (%) : 39.93
Share In Apparel Export (%) : 49.20
Market expansion, Research & Development, Policy Support & Capacity Development.
: $12.05 Billion (2013-14 Fy)
Knitwear Export
Factory Based Consultancy Services Focusing To Enhance Skill Of Existing Manpower &Improve Factory Condition: Lean Management System Implementation, Industrial Engineering Department Set-Up & Re-Engineering, Factory Layout Design & Re-Engineering, Fabric Optimization & Cutting Technology, Social Compliance Implementation Process, Fire Safety Training etc.
BKMEA’s Productivity Improvement Campaign
Contribution of Bangladesh Knitwear Sector