SUHAIL - V-07, Issue-24 (English)

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FROM THE VICE CHAIRPERSON’S DESK Dear colleague Welcome to the first quarter edition of 2020. The year began with a positive note indicating all signs of a robust economy. The first two months have seen a flurry of activities by some of our Group companies.

Designed & Published by Media and Communications Division Suhail Bahwan Group [Holding] LLC P.O. Box: 169, PC 100 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Phone: +968 2465 0037 Email:

DISCLAIMER SUHAIL is an internal newsletter meant exclusively for SBGH employees. Although immense care has been taken, we request our readers to bear with us in case of any errors and omissions. Please send us your feedback, comments, contributions and suggestions to

Bahwan Logistics won some notably major logistics contracts from global companies while Bahwan IT bagged the prestigious smart city project among other businesses. Bahwan Projects and Telecoms continue to be the soughtafter company by our government agencies for the supply of high-end equipment. They also sponsored the now-popular Muscat Marathon event along with our principal Garmin. Bahwan Healthcare Centre has introduced latest products and equipment in some critical areas where they are in demand. Last but not the least, Bahwan Travels organized its annual Holiday Souq in February 20 attended by ambassadors and signatories besides walk-in customers. Just as we were busy preparing for another robust business month of the quarter, misfortune struck in the form of Corona Virus (Covid 19) bringing our business activities virtually to a halt. The unprecedented spread of the deadly virus not only been killing thousands of innocent people across the globe but also has severely impacted the daily lives of people and businesses. We might have lost several million Riyals’ worth of business in this difficult period, yet, as a group that considers corporate social responsibility as more important than anything else, we have implemented several measures to safeguard the lives of our employees. Our Chairman went beyond all of this by donating Two million Omani Riyals worth of medical equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health to fight against the virus. I am proud of our Chairman for his ever-so benevolent act of putting people before self. I am confident that we will overcome this unfortunate natural calamity and bounce back soon with renewed energy and commitment. My sincere prayers and wishes to the wellbeing of our employees and the people of Oman.

Amal Suhail Bahwan



January-March 2020 | Issue 24

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Chairman Donates OMR 2 Million to . . . . . . . . . fight against Corona Virus (COVID19) Vice Chairperson Establishes Employees “Majlis” ............................... Vice Chairperson Visits Business Units and Support Division to Convey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Year Greetings


06-07 BHC receives Middle East’s Best 15 Preforming Distributor 2019 award Bahwan IT- key partner in Muscat Smart City Project 24 04 Bahwan Logistics and Swiss Logistics Company Discuss Collaboration for 28 Duqm Power Project. BPT and Partner Garmin Once Again Sponsor Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2020 31 BFT Showroom at Al Najd to don 36 new look SBGH Takes Effective Preventive Measures to Combat Covid 19 05 37 ............


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SUHAIL | Corporate news

Chairman Donates OMR 2 Million to fight against Corona Virus (COVID19) The ever-benevolent and kind-hearted Chairman of our Group Sheikh Suhail Bahwan has donated Omani Riyals Two million worth of medical equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health (MoH), which is fighting against Covid 19 to contain and eliminate the deadly virus from spreading in Oman. Bahwan Healthcare Centre is coordinating with the MoH to supply the materials and equipment. The noble gesture was highly praised by the SBGH employees and general public through various social media such platforms.


Sheikha Amal Suhail Bahwan Elected Chairperson of the Board of Directors of National Bank of Oman. We are pleased to inform that our Vice Chairperson Sheikha Amal Suhail Bahwan has been elected as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of National Bank of Oman. It’s a great honour for all of us. Together we congratulate her and convey our best wishes on assuming this leadership position.

January-March 2020 | Issue 24


SUHAIL | Corporate news

Vice Chairperson Establishes Employees “Majlis” In further emphasizing our Group’s motto “One Team, One Family”, our Vice Chairperson, Sheikha Amal Suhail Bahwan announced the establishment of “Majlis”- SBGH Employees Forum. To be held every quarter under the patronage of Vice Chairperson, the main purpose of this informal forum is to 4Encourage exchange of ideas/suggestions/plans that are helpful for our Group companies to adapt/change. 4Foster cross-functional employee relations/camaraderie among Group companies. 4Create a common platform for knowledge sharing. 4Motivate individuals’ speaking/interactive skills and cognitive thinking. 4Identify key factors that would contribute to the development of the organization. 4Share thoughts/practices that helps employees stay healthy mentally and physically. Vice Chairperson Sheikha Amal Bahwan chaired the first Majlis, held on February 24. Nominated employees from all business units and support divisions gathered and discussed issues under the topic, “Suggestions to Develop and Empower Omani Competencies to be able to take leadership positions” Employees were engaged in a purposeful conversation exchanging and sharing ideas to help develop the Omani employees. They also came up with lots of suggestions on how they could contribute to the improvement of Group’s business.

January-March 2020 | Issue 24


Vice Chairperson Visits Business Units and Support Division to Convey New Year Greetings As an annual customary practice, Vice Chairperson Sheikha Amal Suhail Bahwan visited all business units and support divisions on 1 January 2020 to wish the employees a very happy new year. While congratulating them for their previous year performance, she encouraged them to work harder and perform better in 2020 and wished them a fruitful and prosperous year.

Distinguished Emp

January 2020 1] Ahmed Rashid Ali Marhab Al Shandudi, Supervisor, Bahwan Projects & Telecoms LLC | 2] Muneera Moosa Dad Rahman Al Balushi, Officer-Accounts, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC | 3] Amanullah Khan Mohamed, Software Support Engineer, Bahwan IT LLC | 4] Said Hashil Saif Al Shhukaili, LV Driver, Al Asala Manpower and Services LLC | 5] Sheikh Abdul Manaf, Accounts Clerk, Finance and Accounts Division | 6] Abdul Hameed, Foreman, Internal Audit Division | 7] Mehaboob Cherukadu, Branch In Charge, Bahwan Projects & Telecoms LLC.


February 2020 1] Renjith Kumar Nair, Assistant Manager Sales, Bahwan Building Materials LLC | 2] Bipul Das, Flight Handling Staff, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC | 3] Mohammed Saadeldeen Elsayed, Pre Sales Engineer, Bahwan Projects & Telecoms LLC.

January-March 2020 | Issue 24


loyees of the Month SBGH Bids Farewell to Two Senior Employees Two senior employees from our group recently bid farewell after serving decades with us. Mr Abdullah Salim Al Battashi, PRO, who joined our Group’s Human Resources and Administration (HR&A) in 1999 retired early this year after 21 years of exemplary service. Colleagues and friends gave him a warm send off in the presence of Mr Abdullah Al Araimi, General Manager, HR&A. Soft spoken and well-mannered Abdulla Battashi was loved by one and all. Mr Ramdev Aithal, Assistant General Manager (Operations), Bahwan Travels, bade good bye after serving our Group for 36 years. He has been a part and parcel of the growth of Bahwan Travels ever since it started as a small operation in Ruwi. A soft spoken and ever-smiling Ramdev was always there when anyone wanted help. We wish both a healthy, happy and longer life post-retirement.


January-March 2020 | Issue 24


SUHAIL | Corporate news

HR Training The key to success is the ability to manage oneself in a variety of situations by learning new skills, embracing new technologies and developing professionally and personally. We have been providing several 2-hour workshops on various topics that are practical and useful in our work-day life. We would also be giving case studies and links to free on-line courses for every employee to access and learn. We would be shortly sending a survey to all employees including the below course topics, where you could mention which courses you are interested to attend.

1. MS Office Applications a) Outlook b) Excel c) PowerPoint d) Word a) These are individual modules giving a good understanding of these applications that can be applied on your every day work.

2. Problems Solving a) The process to solve problems diligently through systematic

problem solving approaches will be explained in this course.

3. Motivation and Creative Skills a) How does one come out of his/her comfort zone and what is required to motivate oneself forms the crux of this course.

4. Time Management a) Managing time effectively would also help you get more things

done. Of course, being productive is one of the main goals of time management.

5. Communication Skills a) Most of the time a clear and effective communication can work wonders and solve most issues


Human Resources Training Division continues Training More Employees The Human Resources Training Division continued with its ongoing mission of transferring knowledge to employees who come forward to develop and learn new skills or update their existing skills. Two sessions on the topic “How to enhance your Communication style� were held for Omani employees of Bahwan Projects and Telecoms and Bahwan Healthcare Centre in March.

January-March 2020 | Issue 24


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Holiday Souq attracts visitors The annual Bahwan Holiday Souq was once again held in February in collaboration with various airlines, cruise companies and other global travel operators. As usual the key attractions were affordable holiday packages, cruise holidays and other incentives. Diplomats and VIPs visited the souq and were greeted by Bahwan Travels colleagues.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Team SkySOUQ participates in Bahwan Holiday Souq participated in the recently held Bahwan Holiday Souq organized by Bahwan Tourism. During the event, the team showcased its revamped website and the mobile app to the visitors. Increasing number of visitors showed interest in booking tickets online thorough

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Travels takes part in French MICE workshop in Qatar Mr. Mohammed Jawed, Senior Executive, Bahwan Tourism recently participated in an annual workshop conducted by its France representative SAFRAN RP 2020 held in Doha, Qatarin January. Over 15 potential MICE agencies from France took part in the workshop for interaction & one to one discussion with BT to promote Oman as a MICE destination in French speaking source markets. This participation will have leverage to the division for more MICE business in 2020-21.


Skysouq.Com Becomes World’s First Online Travel Agency to Enable Oman Air’s NDC Content has become the world’s first Online Travel Agency (OTA) to enable Oman Air’s (New Distribution Capability) content on its platform. Oman Air’s NDC is a flagship Application Programming Interface (API) initiative by the airline to create a new and improved direct distribution channel to the travel trade globally. The API offers rich content and competitive unbundled fares clubbed with merchandizing, personalization and dynamic offers. With this SkySOUQ has achieved NDC Level-4 certification from IATA.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre receives Middle East’s Best Preforming Distributor 2019 award Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) has been recognised as the Best Preforming Distributor 2019 in the Middle East Region by one of its principal companies, BioRad. The award was conferred to BHC based on the consistent performance, growth ( 25%) over the last year and BHC’s focus and commitment towards BioRad products. Sam Josey from BHC received the award at Madrid Spain during the EMEA Annual BioRad Distributors meeting 2020. Sanjay Suri, General Manager commended the Lab Sale and Service team members Sam Josey, Solomon, Farhan, Senthil and John for the achievement. He said that Lab business has been identified as one of the key growth sectors for the BHC business in 2020.


Bahwan Healthcare Centre Arranges Workshop for Customers with Principal BioRad, one of Bahwan Healthcare Centre’s (BHC) major business partners, conducted a workshop on ‘Transfusion and Blood typing challenges’ in Dubai on February 3 for its customers from the Middle East region. BHC coordinated and arranged key customers from the Ministry of Health, the Armed Forces Hospital and the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital to attend the workshop. Dr. Khalid Al Habsi from the Directorate of Blood Services was one of the speakers at the event.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

BHC organises workshop on Haemophilia in association with business partner TAKEDA As part of Continued Medical Education Program, Bahwan Healthcare Centre and its principal TAKEDA conducted the Middle East Hematology Summit in January in Muscat. Prominent Hematology professors, doctors and other healthcare professionals from the Middle East region attended the event. Focusing on Advancing Care Through Technology (ACTT) in the field of Hemophilia, leading Hematology doctors from Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Dr. Abdulhakim Al-Rawas, Prof. Yasser Wali, Dr. Murtadha Al Khabori and Dr. Ibrahim Al Ghaithi from Royal Hospital, actively took part and contributed to the workshop.


BHC Changeover to Homechoice Peritonial Dialysis system Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC), in partnership with its principal company BAXTER initiated the changeover of old Automated Peritonial Dialysis (APD) machines with the latest Homechoice Claria APD system for the Ministry of Health patients. The state-of-the-art Homechoice Claria system is the established market leader in 97 countries representing the next generation, the world’s most widely prescribed APD cycler. The system features Share Source connectivity platform which facilitates on-demand access to precise patient data and allows to proactively manage patients remotely, make timely therapy decisions by doctors and reduce patient visits.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre and partner Medtronic introduce Minimal Invasive Therapy Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC), together with its key business partner Medtronic, conducted a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVI) workshop by integrating Minimal Invasive Therapy introduced by Medtronic on February 20. The special feature of this advanced therapy is that only three days of hospitalisation is required. The device can be recaptured and repositioned to improve anatomical fit, annular sealing, and durability. The procedure was spearheaded by Dr. Mohamed Al Mukhaini, Head of Cardiology at the National Heart Center, Muscat, Oman.


Bahwan Healthcare Coordinates training session with business partner Algorithm Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) and its business partner, Algorithm SAL from Lebanon, recently conducted a product training on Livazo (lipid-lowering drug) and Lercadip (Calcium channel blocker) to BHC medical representatives. BHC represents Algorithm in Oman, whose therapeutic product line covers Cardio-metabolic, Neurology, Urology, Pain & Inflammation and Gastroenterology. BHC along with Algorithm provides access to the best treatment options to healthcare professionals and to patients in Oman.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre Team Meets with Potential Customers at Arab Health Expo Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) General Manager Mr. Sanjay Suri, accompanied by Heads of Medical Equipment & Medical Device divisions attended the the region’s most popular Arab Health Exhibition held in Dubai in Jan. During the visit the team met and held discussions with Siemens senior management for a strategic tie up for their Molecular Business & Biochemistry product line. The team also met with representatives from multinational healthcare companies like Seca, Sysmex, Cannon, Siemens and other principals many of whom are represented by BHC


Bahwan Healthcare Centre and Ministry of Health Conduct Workshop on Transfusion Medicine Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) and the Ministry of Health (MoH), in association with the Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine, conducted a Wet Workshop in Oman on January 20. The workshop shed light on the latest updates and techniques in the field of Immunohematology and was attended by several officials from MoH. Certicates were awarded to the participants.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre takes part in MedLab expo in Dubai Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) took part in the Medlab expo held in Dubai recently. Most of the business partners from across the world as well as BHC’s Key Opinion Leaders from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defence, SQUH and ROP hospitals participated in this event. This is the only international healthcare exhibition held annually in the Middle East exclusively for laboratory equipment, reagent and consumables and is considered as a very specialized event in this field.


Bahwan Healthcare Centre Sponsors Workshop on Ultrasound Application Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) supported the Oman Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (OSUM) in organizing an Ultrasound Course at new Cardiac Center, National Heart center Muscat in January. Eminent international speakers from South Korea, Romania and Tunisia were guest speakers at the event. OSUM and Oman have recently won to host the Watanabe World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) Congress in 2023, which is a great honor and achievement for the country.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

President of Orthopedic Society of Oman visits Bahwan Healthcare Centre Dr.Sultan Al Maskari, President of Orthopedic Society of Oman and Head of Orthopedic Department at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital visited Bahwan Healthcare Centre and met with senior manmagement team to discuss details of the forthcoming annual conference of Orthopedic Society of Oman (OSO) and other technical and scientific events to be organized for the Orthopedics faculty in Oman.


Bahwan Healthcare Centre Participates in Ortho & Trauma Conference Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) was a prominent participant at the annual conference of the Orthopedic Society of Oman (OSO) held in March. His Excellency Nasir Bin Hamood Al Kindy, Secretary General of Royal Court Affairs inaugurated the event spearheaded by Dr.Sultan Al Maskari, President of OSO and the Head of Orthopedic Department at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital. Orthopedic Surgeons, Ortho OT Nurses and Junior GP Doctors across Oman attended the conference to update their knowledge and the latest developments in the world of Orthopedics.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre Ties up with US company Tecme for Ventilators Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) has entered into an agreement with a US based company Tecme to market their internationall well known ventilators in Oman market from January 2020. Ventilator is a very essential and critical medical equipment used during surgery and for critical care patients. Tecme is a pioneer in manufacturing ventilators with more than 50 years in research and development experience especially Pulmonary Ventilation, which has allowed Tecme to establish among the most reliable devices chosen by physicians in most healthcare facilities worldwide.


Bahwan Healthcare Centre Business Partner Synthes Official visits to discuss new business plans Dr. Ahmed Fathy Radwan, Gulf & Pakistan Business Manager for Trauma/CMF from Synthes (Johnson and Johnson) visited Bahwan Healthcare in Jan, to review and discuss business plans for 2020 for J & J Trauma business and support to customers.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre Signs Agreement to Market Canon Medical Imaging systems Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) is recently signed an Corporation (CMSC) and market their high-end Medical Imaging equipment in the diagnostic segment. Canon Medical System Corporation is a well-known brand worldwide for Diagnostic X-ray, Medical X-ray, CT System, Ultrasound, CT & Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI), Radiation Therapy, Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine systems and information systems for medical equipment. Canon (CMSC) recently acquired Toshiba Medical System Corporation which was represented by BHC in Oman.


Bahwan Healthcare Centre introduces new AGFA Mobile Digital Radiology system in Oman Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) introduces AGFA’s latest Mobile Digital X-Ray Model DR 100s system soon after it was launched at the recently held Arab Health Expo in Dubai., This System has amazing usability and freedom of movement with its customer driven design, combining a remarkably narrow width and light weight with a powerful generator and imaging processing. BHC has started promoting this product in Oman and has already quoted in couple of tenders.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre and Principal Organize Ortho Workshop for Doctors Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) with the support of their principal, Johnson & Johnson conducted an Ortho workshop – “Nailing and plating system” exclusively for the surgeons and OT staff of Khoula Hospital in January. The Objective of the workshop was to provide orthopedic surgeons and nurses hands on experience of how to apply “Nailing and plating system” in difficult and complex trauma cases.


Bilad Oman Employee Receives Certificate of Appreciation Mr Praveen. SP, one of the young and hardworking employees of Bilad Oman, currently engaged in the prestigious Oman Across Ages Museum project coming up at Nizwa, has received a certificate of appreciation from the project director. The certificate was in recognition of Praveen’s contribution towards full adherence to HSE norms and safety performances during the execution of the project. Congratulations Praveen!

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan IT- key partner in Muscat Smart City Project Bahwan IT is proud to be a key partner along with its partners Cisco, Oman Telecommunications, Tech Mahindra & Inferrix in implementing the Knowledge Oasis Muscat Smart City project. The launch ceremony was held at SAS Center for 4th Industrial Revolution, KOM4 in January under the patronage of His Excellency Eng. Azza Sulaiman Al Ismaili, Minister of Technology and Communications in the presence of a number of CEOs and officials. The ceremony included a visual presentation on KOM smart city system, which highlighted the benefits of the project. The project utilizes Internet of Things (IoT) and various smart systems in the management of the Knowledge Oasis that contributes to providing easy and fast services for its employees, as well as controlling the resources available such as managing energy consumption, managing parking and organizing traffic. It also controls water resources, monitors the environment and the degree of air pollution, vehicle identification, crowded spaces analysis and provision of smart trash containers. The Smart City Pilot is a first of its kind in Oman and will be showcased to all Government Ministries, authorities and private sector to encourage them to adopt the concept and technology to convert their organizations into smart entities and reap benefits such as increase in productivity, efficiency, security & safety and decrease in operations cost.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan IT organises Workshop on Digital Forensics Bahwan IT, in association with Credence Security, conducted a workshop on Digital Forensics in Muscat recently attended by customers from law enforcement agencies, defence and other important enterprises. Mr. Philip, Channel Manager of Credence Security welcomed the participants while Mr. Haitham Khatib conducted the technical demonstration of the solution. Credence Security provides comprehensive digital forensics platform that includes computer forensics, mobile forensics and incident management platforms.


Bahwan IT Chosen the Best Cyber Security Initiative Vendor for 2019 Bahwan IT was awarded the “best cyber security initiative vendor� for 2019 title by Starlnk, the trusted IT advisor from Dubai. Mr Anil Kumar, General Manager Bahwan IT and Mr. Ali Al Matani, Deputy General Manager, Bahwan IT and team received the award from Mr. PBK Rao, Country Manager, StarLink at a grand ceremony.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan IT organises Family Get together event Bahwan IT organized its annual family get-together event in January with active participation by the staff and their family members in a cultural extravaganza. The theme for this year event was “Cowboy” and it was delightful to see audience in cowboy attire. Added attraction this year was the enthusiastic participation from BIT’s partners as well. Like every year cultural line up included semi-classical to modern dance numbers from Indian and western movies, skits, social awareness parody and selfie contest. The event once again proved the Group’s motto “One Family, One Team” by bringing people together in a spirit of joyfulness.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan logistics Wins Another Bulk Movement Contract at Duqm Power Project Bahwan logistics (BLL) has bagged the second Break-Bulk Movement contract from Alghanim International (ACTS), Kuwait, the EPC contractors to design, supply, construct, test and operate a 326 MW combined cycle and gas-fueled electricity generation plant at Duqm Power Project During the last three months, over 250 containers and 10000 CBM of general cargo was moved into Duqm Power Project site by BLL as a part of the international freight contract with ACTS.


Bahwan Logistics Wins Duqm Refinery Movement Contract Recently Bahwan Logistics (BLL) was awarded another contract by Petrofac International, Sharjah, for transporting project cargo from UAE and other GCC countries to Duqm Refinery Project. Valued at USD 2 million, the contract involves a number of heavy cargo movements over a period of one year to be executed by BLL complying to high safety, performance and timeline standards. Petrofac is one of the EPC Contractors at Duqm Project and BLL has been working with them for number of years.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Logistics Attends Global Summit of Freight Forwarders Mr Krishna Kumar Unni, Deputy General Manager with decades of service recently represented Bahwan Logistics (BLL) at the Global Summit of Freight Forwarders at Shanghai, China in January, 2020 arranged by World Wide Logistics Company, China, whom BLL represent in Oman. Mr Unni made a presentation to an audience of 700 logistics professionals and forwards from across the globe highlighting BLL’s business verticals, capabilities and strengths. This was also a great opportunity for BLL to establish relationship and network with many forwarders across the Globe to enhance its business in and out of Oman.


Bahwan Logistics and Swiss Logistics Company Discuss Collaboration for Duqm Power Project. Mr. Roland Pfister, General Manager Ocean Freight / Member of the Board of Management of General Transport, a Swiss subsidiary of the Geis Group, headquartered in Bavaria, Germany and a long term BLL associate, recently visited Oman and met with Mr. Saurav Ghosh, General Manager Bahwan Logistics and K. Sajukumar, Project Manager, Duqm Power Project. During the visit they renewed their business relations and discussed the strategic advantage of partnering for the Duqm Power Project’s several onshore logistics for mutual benefit . Mr. Roland Pfister and his team also visited the CDC facility at Misfah and appreciated its state-of-the-art infrastructure.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Logistics Wins Major Contract with CC Energy Development Bahwan Logistics (BLL) has added another feather in its cap in March by winning an extensive four-year contract valued at approx. USD 5 million for Logistics & Transportation with CC Energy Development, one of Oman’s leading Oil & Gas Exploration Companies for their Block 3&4 at Farha and Saihwan, approx. 400kms from Muscat This contract entails complete customs clearance, land transportation, storage and warehousing, and air & sea freight from major locations worldwide into Oman and is expected to cover approx. 300,000 FRT of cargo. BLL emerged winner in a competition among 13 major logistics providers in Oman, thanks to its meticulous planning and calculation that has offered the best rates and technical excellence to the principal. Kudos to BLL Team for this well-deserved achievement


Bahwan Projects & Telecoms Conducts Demo on Leica Geosystems for Ministry of Defence Eng. Yasser Sayed from Bahwan Projects & Telecoms with Mr Dubey and Shoaib from Leica Geosystems recently conducted an onsite demonstration at Buraimi on Leica’s Machine Control Systems for 3D Paver System for Oman’s Ministry of Defence (MoD). The team installed the new Paving System solution as a demonstration unit to have fully automatic control for steering and design as planned by MOD to have the latest technology of Machine Control Paving System in Oman. The demo also included making a sample ground to be levelled using Leica machine control to show them how fast and easy to work with our systems and workflows.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Projects and Telecosm Staff Undergo Training on Fire & Safety Products & Solutions Employees of Bahwan Projects and Telecoms (BPT)’s Fire & Safety division recently underwent a technical training in Muscat conducted by its principal company, M/S Johnson Controls -Tyco Manager Mr. Yazeed Alahmad, Jhonson Control’s Country Sales Manager provided hands on training on Tyco - Fire & Safety Fire class equipment so that BPT team can promote and service the same in Oman. Tyco is a global leader for Fire & Safety systems covering the whole fire detection process and BPT is the exclusive business partner in Oman.


Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) Bags Omantel’s Salalah Permanent Restoration Project Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) has been awarded the permanent restoration of the Fiber and Copper Cables Project in Salalah, which were damaged during the Cyclone Mekuna by Oman Telecommunication Company. BPT has undertaken this challenging project that involves permanent restoration fiber and copper networks at various locations of Salalah up to mountains of Yemen Border. BPT Omantel Team and Project Engineer Ejaz Haider and team with strategic planning and work execution have started working at full capacity and completed 25% of the work. The project will be completed and handed over by August 2020.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Projects & Telecoms and Partner Garmin Once Again Sponsor Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2020 Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) along with its business partner Garmin once again became the main sponsor of Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2020 held in February. During the event, BPT had put up a stall in the Race Village and displayed the full range of Garmin Fitness Watches to create more brand awareness in the Sultanate. BPT received an excellent response from local and international participants many of whom purchased Fitness watches from our stall. The event was a great success giving a huge brand coverage for both Garmin and BPT. The BPT team Mr.Waleed Moosa Al Balushi, Ahmed Al Naabi , Rasheed Said Al Dhawi , Mohammed Faiyaz with the support from other colleagues put up an excellent show.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Know your colleague

Know your

Colleague ‘‘ Just like our company’s

tagline, it has been an enriching and enterprising experience for me ever since I joined SBGH. ‘‘ Salim Rashid Mohammed AL Ruqueshi Please tell us about yourself I was born in the Wilayat of Izki in 1962 and we moved to Muscat in 1974. My late father worked with the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources and my mother was a home maker. I am the sixth one among the 12 siblings of five girls and seven boys. I am married and have nine kids with five boys and four girls.

Brief us on your academic background After my parents moved to Muscat, I completed my schooling from Hassan Bin Thabith school in Muttrah. In 1981, I joined the Royal Army of Oman and continued my education there where I was sent to England for training to become a training instructor. I also did a course in Jordan in 1994. I retired from the army in 2003 and started driving a truck. Then I got a contract with SBGH to transport their goods and materials to the project site in desert and remote areas. It was in 2007 the lady luck smiled on me when I got an opportunity to join SBGH as a supervisor at BPT. With hard work and dedication over the years, today I am a site coordinator now.

What is your functional role? As a site coordinator, I have to visit the project sites of BPT-involved projects in different locations across the country. At present I am supervising a BPT project site in Ibri. Since I am familiar with desert conditions, whenever BPT bags a PDO-related project I get additional responsibility to ensure all the materials, goods reach the PDO project site on time without any loss of time.

Salim Rashid Mohammed AL Ruqueshi Site Coordinator Bahwan Projects & Telecoms

How has been your work experience so far At BPT it is an enriching and enterprising experience like our company’s tagline. I have received very good support from the company as well as my

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Know your colleague colleagues and superiors. Our General Manager Mr. Yasser Al Kheir is very supportive and because of this BPT is doing very well in the market. The work culture and atmosphere is very good at SBGH. I am very thankful for being a part of such a wonderful corporate company.

Which project or assignment has given you immense job satisfaction In 2017, I was supervising a project in Mabruk in PDO area. The project was completed in a record eight months without any accidents or injury loss time. This was a memorable moment for me as my job was hailed by one and all both in PDO and my bosses in BPT. This project will always remain etched in my memory.

Any suggestions to improve the work environment at SBGH Our company should support the local workforce specially the youngsters who can be sent along with seniors to project sites to gain firsthand practical experience. Moreover, it will help them perform well in the long run rather than giving him classroom training. For a youngster to perform well or learn he should be sent to sites especially at BPT as most of the projects are outside.

What are your plans for the future? I would like to train aspiring youngsters to be more productive by giving them practical and field visit experience. I want the company to perform with same zeal for a long time to come so that both SBGH and BPT gets stronger footing in the market.

How have your parents influenced you in life? My parents have supported in all my endeavors. Initially they were reluctant when I told them I am joining the army as they wanted to complete my education. But somehow I managed to convince them. But still they supported me in everything and it is because of their blessings I have reached a respectable position in my life.

How do you spend your leisure time? Since most of the time I am immersed in office work, I rarely get time to spend with my big family. However, in my leisure time I spend good time with my family and I take them out to picnics and parks.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Projects and Telecoms Conducts Product Demo for Client Bahwan Projects and Telecoms (BPT), authorized representative of Leica products in Oman, recently conducted a product demonstration of Leica’s FlexLine TS07 –manual total station for its client Larsen & Toubro at their upcoming Botanical Garden project in Al Khoud. Eng.: Sukumar conducted the demonstration of Leica FlexLine TS07 –manual total station that enables carrying out mid- to high-accuracy survey and stakeout tasks easily and efficiently.


Bahwan Projects & Telecoms Partner Fujitsu Organizes Training Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) which has recently entered into partnership with Fujitsu for its Enterprise products sent its staff for a product and DC sales training in Dubai in March. The two-day workshop was attended by Mr. Mohammed Faiyaz Ahmed & Mr. Tarek Medhat El Noweam, where the focus was on How to enable our customers to reach their goals and objectives, How to apply our Data Center product knowledge to real-world opportunities, How to up-sell and cross-sell with the Fujitsu portfolio and beat competition. The training also focused on Hybrid IT, examining the latest trends and information on the Hybrid IT environment, and focus on different approaches such as Hybrid IT – introduction; possible vendor solutions; multi-cloud options, VMware-based solutions, Nutanix-based solutions, Microsoft-based solutions, ESCM opportunities and infrastructure support with ISM.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Projects and Telecom Staff demonstrates Leica’s Grader System solutions Eng.Sukumar from Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) along with Mr. Akash from Leica Geosystems recently conducted a demo for Ministry of Defence (MoD) at Al Mortafeaa Camp. They installed a Demonstration Unit of the Machine Control Grader System with full automatic control for the grader shelf and height as per the design provided by MOD.


Bahwan projects and Telecoms Wins Another Fibre-To-The-Home Project from Oman Broadband Company Oman Broadband Company, who are developing the Fibre Optic infrastructure for the whole of Oman, have once again awarded another Fiber-to-the-home project (FTTH) to Bahwan Projects and Telecoms (BPT). BPT, being a main contractor, have done major projects for Oman Broadband including FTTH projects in in the Muscat region such as Azaiba, Madinath Al Illam, Wadi Adai, Amerat and Mabela. This FTTH infra-structure being developed by Oman Broadband will be used by all the three service providers for connecting their network to the customer. The FTTH network will be able to provide high band width broad band connectivity to Oman. BPT have also completed FTTH Projects in Nakhal and Awabi in Batinah region and are currently doing a project in IBRI.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


Bahwan Furnishings and Tradings Show room at Al Najd don new look The Bahwan Furnishings and Trading’s (BFT) showroom at Al Najd building in Al Khuwair has acquired the adjoining space and thereby giving a professional facelift with a new look and feel to the showroom. The showroom with a much wider space has put on display a vast portfolio of its products ranging from office furniture to bedroom furnishings mainly to target corporate customers. Visitors will be able to view and enjoy a real perspective of the furniture and outfits.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


SBGH Takes Effective Preventive Measures to Combat Covid 19 No doubt, the Corona Virus has sent shockwaves across the globe with every country taking massive steps to prevent the spread of the virus. SBGH immediately swung into action by taking all precautionary measures to control the spread of the virus at its headquarters and branches. A good number of employees have been asked to work from home while the rest have been asked to follow appropriate protective steps while at the office. HR and Administration department has issued letters to those employees who are required to work from office. Hand sanitizers have been placed at strategic points while thermal screening of individuals to check body temperature, movement restriction of cars, visitors and tenants into and within the headquarters have also been implemented. Regular media campaigns through visual communication are being sent to employees on various precautions that they should take.

Smart Solutions for

Smart Cities

The Smart City solutions not only makes the life of residents much smarter and safer, they also enable efficient and intelligent allocation and use of public resources by service providers thereby channeling revenue by monetization of various services deliveries. By Mr. Vinod Kumar V.C. Assistant. Manager – Data Capture & Security Solutions, Bahwan IT LLC

Government authorities such as municipalities, corporations that manage cities are looking at ways to make the residents’ life easier, safer and smarter. Thanks to innovative technologies and the much-talked about Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, Smart Cities are not far from reality. Smart city solutions is one of the fastest developing areas that cover our day-to-day life, i.e. Smart Energy, Smart Parking, Smart Street Light, Solar Plant, Waste Management, and Environment Monitoring, Public safety and Security etc. They use a combination of the internet of things (IoT) devices, software solutions, user interfaces (UI) and communication networks. Through a network of connected devices such as vehicles, sensors or home appliances, data is collected and delivered by the IoT sensors and devices. The data is analyzed and best solutions are arrived thus improving both public and private sector efficiency, enabling economic benefits and improving citizen’s lives. The citizen-centric approach with the focus on customer experience can easily be extended to cover a host of services both at the city and business or consumer Level.

October-December 2019 | Issue 23


Key smart solutions Asset tracking solutions to track and monitor data from your city’s critical assets across location, movement, temperature, voltage and vibration using special sensors. Helping to reduce asset loss, increase asset utilization and prevent misuse.

Smart metering solutions for automated metering to track expanding utility consumption. By connecting smart meters or retrofitting smart modules to existing manual meters, automated meter readings, consumption pattern monitoring and demand-supply management ensuring service level improvements and improved efficiency.

Environmental monitoring solutions for full visibility and control of environmental conditions for essential facilities and assets in cities enabling maintenance of optimal parameters. When parameters cross preset thresholds, the solution provide insights for corrective actions, helping city administration reduce downtime and cut maintenance costs.

Smart lighting solutions enable two-way communication between street lights and the City Command Centre, providing unified control of widely distributed street lights and adjust luminosity on demand. Administrators can define and automate the behavior of street lights based on insights – optimizing energy consumption and enabling predictive maintenance.

Smart Parking solutions aims to help individually match drivers to parking spots, improve parking space utilization, reduce management costs. This alleviates traffic congestion and indirectly helps in reducing fuel consumption and carbon foot print.

Smart Building solutions collects and analyzes a variety of data both inside and outside a building. This solution makes use of comprehensive processing capabilities such as sensing, inference, judgment and decision-making to ensure a greener, safer, and more efficient environment.

Smart Waste Management gives smart notifications on garbage bin waste status about to fill. A message to collect the garbage from the particular area will be sent to the utility company who will transmit the same to garbage collectors by web application through SMS. This system maintains dry waste and wet waste management separately. This also helps to reduce the overflow of the garbage bin and thus keeping the environment clean.

Public safety - The use of unified security system, connected data, various analysis and intelligence approach between public and private organizations in real time helps make cities safer.

Smart solutions


4Smart Lighting

4Reduce Energy consumption

4Smart Parking

4Increased equipment life span

4Smart Energy and Water Flow

4Reduce carbon footprint

4Environment and Air Quality Monitoring

4Increase productivity

4Vehicle recognition

4Improving living condition

4Crowd Analytics

4Improved security awareness

4Smart Waste Bins

4Predictive Analysis 4Pro-active fault detection

Down the Memory Lane…. During the course of Suhail Bahwan Group’s 50 years’ history, we have come across several events/occasions and landmarks many of which have been photographed and preserved for posterity.

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