The Summit Spring 2011

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Table of C

2 From Rich Wilson, Head of School

3 Newsmakers 8 Leadership at The Summit Everyday Leadership The Road to Leadership What Did It Take to Become The Summit’s Rhodes Scholar? New Head of School Rich Wilson New Middle School Director Mike Johnson Generations of Work 31 Sports 36 Where Are They Now? 38 Annual Fund 44 Alumni Roger Weber ’06 Gabby Steele ’09 On front cover (L to R): Abbey Taylor ’15; Head of School, Rich Wilson; Colton Biggs ’19; Nick Toebben ’11; and Brittany Williams ’11

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of Contents

THE SUMMIT Editor Nancy Van Epps ’77 Alumni Editor Susan Maxwell Design & Art Director Nancy Van Epps ’77 Contributing Photographers Robert Flischel Jolene Barton Laura Leppert Alex Reed Proofreaders Emily Jolly Nancy Snow Steve Penticuff

Ceramic birds created by Mrs. Wiesner’s first grade art class. Anna Catherine Sansalone ’22 displays two examples from the collection featured in The Summit’s Campus Day art show.

THE VALUES OF LEADERSHIP For many years The Summit has promised parents we will develop their children into leaders of character. In this issue of The Summit Magazine, you will find stories that describe and demonstrate the process this school has honed over the years to transform children into leaders. It starts in the preschool. Year by year, experience after experience, children gain the skills and confidence to take charge of their world. Beyond these leadership experiences, we seek to inculcate values of leadership in the children as they journey toward graduation:


Few leaders succeed without motivation and drive. The way we use class time, the way we speak to the children about what needs to get done, and the amount of homework we give, all signal to the children that there is no substitute for hard work. At P&G I hired countless people into the marketing department. Thinking skills, communication skills, ability to get along with others, and evidence of leadership were all important characteristics I sought. But the most important qualities were motivation and drive – working hard to be the best. I could coach improvement in those other skills, but I was never successful in coaching an unmotivated hire to be motivated. What happens in the early years of schooling establishes the mindset of motivation for the rest of life. Teachers and parents need to teach this value to children at an early age.


These words elicit affirming head nods, but we are fighting a culture that seems to value expediency over integrity - getting ahead no matter what. Teachers across the country report rampant cheating, particularly in the area of plagiarism. Technology has made it easy, if not irresistible, to cut, paste and be done. Newspapers report that overscheduled adolescents resort to copying homework to be ready for the next class. Some say they would never cheat on a test but copying homework is okay. It’s not okay. Teachers and parents need to lock arms in underscoring the importance of honesty to the children. We don’t want our graduates in trouble on the front page of newspapers twenty years from now due to lapses in truthfulness. Honesty and integrity are the bedrock of The Summit Way.


It’s not enough to dream of what the future could be. Acting on the dream and making ideas happen is what separates leaders from followers. At The Summit we teach children how to take ideas and put them into action. The “analyze, plan, do, evaluate” cycle needs to be second nature in all areas from academics to athletics to the arts. The Bible makes it clear that faith can be an empty idea unless the concepts of faith are shown in our works every day. Summit leaders should possess a natural bias for action.


At Summit we believe that leaders exist to serve the needs of others. It’s not about selfglorification. One should become a leader not for recognition or money or the exercise of power. The best leaders are those who have skills that can help others be more effective at what they do, whether it be organizing an event, building a business, or serving the poor. Jesus modeled servant leadership well. He wonderfully made the disciples and others with whom he came in contact more effective. I laugh when people call me the Headmaster. At Summit I’m really the Head Servant. My job is to provide the skills and resources for the faculty, staff and coaches to be more effective in doing their jobs.


We try to develop leaders who value the search for truth. The challenge is that the truth is often buried underneath traditions, the powerful, myths, and so on. We teach children to seek the truth in any situation they encounter. This requires them to think analytically, practically, creatively and, most importantly, independently. If we have to make a decision, let’s be sure we do enough research and gather enough data to make a good decision, regardless of prevailing beliefs.


This is a word I associate most often with the Sisters. I don’t think I’ve ever met a kinder group of people than the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Even in the heat of debate and disagreement at school, we teach children that those with an opposing point of view deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. As the culture around us becomes coarser and coarser, Summit students are learning that how leaders treat others affects the willingness of others to follow their lead. The best leaders display grace under pressure and are defined by kindness in their relationships with others. These values of leadership are ones we hold dear and try to teach the children under our care. We seek to hire teachers, coaches, and staff who model these values in their day-to-day lives. If we teach and behave accordingly in school, and parents do likewise at home, we know we are raising children who will indeed be leaders of character. That’s The Summit Way.

Rich Wilson Head of School 2


Fifty-three students were inducted into the National Honor Society March 15. The National Honor Society recognizes and promotes character, scholarship, leadership and service among high school juniors and seniors.

Inductees (L-R) Front row: Maggie MacConnell, Maria Temming, Annalia Valle, Juliana Dolcimascolo, Sara Ahmed, Sara Kate Wiser and Madeline Chandra. Second row: MacKenzie Horvath, Elly Seltman, Maya Marlette, Lauren Grote, Caroline Schube, Katie Ann Sallada, Katie Funk, Tori Mahon, Julia Gaede, Anna Delamerced, Margot Plum and Mark Samaan. Third row: Cincinnati Catholic Schools Superintendent Dr. Jim Rigg, Meghan Glass, Marina Jemail, Sarah Oltman, Katie Voytek, Myles Casanas, Amy Corser, Rachel Fladung, Carolyn Boyce, Jenny Chen, Stephen Hutchins, Natalie Whitsett, Andrew Lyons and Head of School, Rich Wilson.Fourth row: Ryan Erickson, Cooper Schreibeis, Eddie de St. Aubin, Nate Hertlein, Max Williams, Gabe Scott, Katrina Hounchell, Nicole Yoon, Nina Kerr Richard and Brad Fisk. Fifth row: Ty Wahlbrink, Charlie Michel, James J McLean, Brian Rouillard, Peter Hoffman, John Burrington, Tommy Kreyenhagen, Barrett Albrecht, Matt Schiess, Caroline Clark and Jesse Hughes. Not pictured: John Dwyer.


Forty-eight eighth grade students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society Dec. 10 in The Summit’s Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. The National Junior Honor Society is an academic honorary for Middle School students that recognizes and promotes scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship.

Inductees (L-R) Front row: Ryan Thomas, Carson Hach, Alec Petrie, Caroline Currie, Brenna Biggs, Katie Dolcimascolo, Maeve Conway, Amanda Sequeira, Aaron Chow, Andrew Thomas, Alex Winzenread. Second row: Elizabeth Harsh, Jack Ritter, Henry Hartmann, Alex Bauer, Lauren Wells, Sophie Schumacher, Noelle Weber, Patrick Gilligan, Emily Wiser, Anna Erickson, Jesse Campbell. Third row: Khaki Nies, Eric Terry, Omar Khoury, Anne Klette, Natalie Pearl, Abbey Taylor, Michael Van Dorselaer, Jack Waters. Fourth row: Joey Wolf, Nicolas Montag, Josh Harris, Kara McSwain, Olivia King, Caroline Crew, Sammy Hunt, Emily Sydow, Stewart Spanbauer. Fifth row: Ellie Schweitering, Kassidy Michel, Nick Sanders, Philip McHugh, Nathan Whitsett, Jackie Noe, Mark Peterson, Kevin Boyce, Emily Walton. 3

Newsmakers Nicolas Montag Regional Geography Competition Eighth grader Nicolas Montag won top honors in the regional competition of the National Geographic Bee. This is the fourth consecutive year that Nicolas’ performance on the written exam has qualified him to be among 100 students invited to compete at the Ohio National Geographic Bee. Nicolas placed in the top 15% at state competition in each of the three previous years.

Alexis Hogya & Anne Klette

Joseph Delamerced

Regina Merrill

Power of the Pen

Regional Spelling Bee

Women’s Honor Choir

Alexis Hogya, 7th grade, and Anne Klette, 8th grade, won individual awards in the regional Power of the Pen tournament on March 12, automatically qualifying them for state competition in May. Alexis won a “Best of the Best” award for her district story, “Original Spirit.” Anne won a “Best of Round” award for her story “Tea.” Other students who competed in the regional competition were 7th graders Elisa Stanis, Dylan Chambers and Sophia Ortiz, as well as 8th graders Omar Khoury, Alex Winzenread and Sofia Ordoñez.

Fifth grader Joseph Delamerced won the regional championship of the 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee on Feb. 19 and will represent Cincinnati at the National Bee June 1-2 in Washington, D.C. Joseph is the third member of his family to go to the National Bee. Anna, a junior, placed 25th in the 2008 national competition while Tino, 9th grade, placed 12th in the 2009 national competition. Joseph won the bee by correctly spelling the word jadeite. Leading up to the finish, he had already spelled panzer, azimuth, bhalu, limousine, ambrosial, stratagem, phoneticize, assurgent, dechlorinate and napery.

Sophomore Regina Merrill was selected for the Women’s Honor Choir at the American Choral Directors Association national conference in Chicago March 8-12. Regina was one of 300 chosen from over 1,200 auditions for participation in the Honor Choir for high school, collegiate and adult women. The ensemble will be conducted by Dr. Lynne Gackle, Associate Profe ssor of Ensem bles at Baylor University.


Caroline O’Connell College of Mount St. Joseph Writing Contest Sophomore Caroline O’Connell won an award in the College of Mount St. Joseph Writing Contest. Sponsored by the college’s English Department, the competition is open to all high school sophomores in the Cincinnati area. The contest is judged in three categories: Poetry, Fiction, and Personal Essay. Caroline won first prize in the Personal Essay category. Winners were honored in a ceremony March 30 at the college. This is the third year in a row that Summit students have won awards in the competition.

Will Delworth

Anna Delamerced

Veteran’s Day Ceremony

Latin Club

Will Delworth undertook a project last year in second grade to return a special flag to The Summit for a Veteran’s Day ceremony in November. The veterans on the school’s faculty and staff participated in raising a flag that had flown over the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. Will’s uncle, James Delworth, a U.S. attorney who is stationed in Baghdad, arranged for the school to receive the flag along with a 23-page report on the travels of a “Gingerbread Boy.” Like other second graders, Will sent a construction-paper Gingerbread Boy to family and friends with a request that they chronicle the adventures of the often mischievious character based on Jan Brett’s book, “Gingerbread Baby.”

Anna Delamerced was elected 2011-2012 president of the Ohio Junior Classical League during the state convention in February. Mark Samaan was elected First Vice-President. Three students completed their duties as 2010-2011 officers: Anna Delamerced, Second Vice-President; Will Donovan, Parl i amentari an; and M ark Samaan, Secretary.


Andrew Vance NSCAA Scholar All-American Senior Andrew Vance was named a Scholar All-American by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. Scholar All-America teams for male and female athletes play soccer at the NCAA Divisions I, II and III, NAIA, NCCAA and high school levels. One of the foremost high school student soccer achievements, a player must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or better, must have demonstrated the highest level of excellence in soccer at the high school level, and must have performed service in his or her community in order to be nominated. “We are very proud of Andrew’s many accomplishments,” said Barnard Baker, Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach. “I hope future Summit and Cincinnati soccer players emulate and model themselves after him.”

Newsmakers The members of The Summit’s Team Japan, seated from left: Christian Lipa, Will Donovan, Robbie Wellington and Christian Moser. Back row: David Herring, Joe Olding, Hayden Klei, John Franklin, Brian Rouillard, Mike Bynarowicz, Fouad Khoury and Alex Marcellus.


The Summit’s delegation to the Greater Cincinnati Model APEC Competition March 12 brought home the “Best Delegation Award” – marking the fourth consecutive year the school has won the top honor. The Model APEC simulation is sponsored by the Greater Cincinnati World Affairs Council and the University of Cincinnati’s Political Science and Asian Studies Departments. Upper School teacher Kelly Cronin coached two teams of 23 students who represented Japan and Russia. Team Japan won overall Best Delegation Award. The teams were led by “Heads of State” seniors Hayden Klei and Katie Ann Sallada. Summit students won 11 individual awards including 1st place in Security Affairs for sophomores Isabelle Saldana and Amna Fazlani; 1st Place in Social Affairs forseniors Christian Moser and Will Donovan; 1st place in Business and Finance for sophomores Christian Lipa, David Herring and Robbie Wellington; and 1st place in Science and Technology for sophomores Alex Marcellus and Fouad Khoury. Sophomores Reeti Pal and Theresa Rager won second place in Trade. Other members of the delegation were seniors Chris O’Connell, Joe Olding and John Franklin; juniors Brian Rouillard, Mark Samaan, Caroline Schube, and Mike Bynarowicz; and sophomores Dale Lakes, Claire Griffith, and Connor Bailey.

The team includes (L-R) Front row: Lillian Chow, Quinn Haehnle, Jacqueline McGraw, Tullus Dean. Second row: Nicolas Montag, Elena Montag, Aaron Chow, Eric Terry, Alex Stewart, Stewart Spanbauer. Third row: Ryan Thomas, Kevin Boyce, Dustin Argo, Calvin Spanbauer, Graham Haehnle, Justin Ayer. Top row: teachers Pat Hayes, Joy Parker, Michael DiPaola. Not pictured: Nathan Whitsett, Alex Murtha, Dylan Chambers.


The Summit medaled in 19 out of 23 events to take top honors for the third consecutive year in the Middle School division of the regional National Science Olympiad March 5.


Junior Margot Plum has distinguished herself recently through theatrical endeavors. She was one of six finalists to perform in the regional English-Speaking Union Shakespeare Competition where she performed “Sonnet 30” and a monologue from “Henry V.” She was one of four finalists in the Cincinnati Arts Association Overture Awards where she won a $500 prize for her performance of “I’ll Forget You” from “The Scarlet Pimpernel” and a monologue from “The Marriage” by Nikolai Gogol. Margot also played the role of Heidi in a production of “Title of Show” for Cincinnati Actors Studio and Academy. 6

The Summit’s Academic WorldQuest team are (L-R) : Brian Rouillard, Caroline McKee, Maddy Chandra and Mark Samaan.


Four juniors won the regional Academic WorldQuest Competition in December and will move on to the national competition in Washington D.C. in April. Brian Rouillard, Loveland; Caroline McKee, Madeira; Maddy Chandra, Colerain Township; and Mark Samaan, Hyde Park, were the top finishers among 21 teams which competed at the Sharonville Convention Center. Each of the four students won a $200 prize and an all-expense paid trip with Spanish Teacher Monica Desch and French Teacher Mary Jean Feldhaus to the national event. This was the fifth year The Summit has sent a team to the competition. Sponsored by the World Affairs Councils of America, Academic WorldQuest is held in 40 U.S. cities. Participating high schools select four-person teams. Competitors test their knowledge of international affairs, geography, history and current events.


The 51 Summit students who went to the Ohio Junior Classical League convention in February won the state championship trophy for the third year in a row. Several students won individual first place awards and 9th grader Tino Delamerced won 180 total points – the most points ever earned by a single student. The Level 2 Certamen team – composed of Tino, Carter Hall, Chris Lee, and Alexander Marcellus – won the state championship. Winning first place awards were: Matt Ahlgren, Poetry; Rachel Argo, Colored Pencil Drawing; Sara Bissantz, Game; Jesse Campbell, Derivatives Test; Anna Delamerced, Textile, Illustrated Children’s Book; Tino Delamerced, Latin Vocabulary Test, Graphic Arts, Illustrated

Quote Poster; Carter Hall, Mosaic; Emily Haussler, Overall Creative Arts; Chris Lee, Modern Myth; Paul Slater, Latin Grammar Test. Best of Show went to four students who had top scores on four of nine academic tests: Tino Delamerced, Latin Vocabulary; Logan Nagel, Mythology; Nathan Patterson, Roman History; Paul Slater, Latin Literature.

grade 9, Honorable Mention, photography. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards offer early recognition of creative teenagers and scholarship opportunities for graduating high-school seniors.


The Great Youth Debate team members are (L-R): Nakia Woodard, Max Williams, Jesse Hughes, J McLean and Tommy Kreyenhagen.

Members of the 2010-11 Student Senate are (L-R) Front row: John Dwyer, Melissa Ng, Jenna Joseph, Emmalee Greiner, Hannah Hart, Courtney Collins, Colin Cotton. Back row: Luke Williams, Sam Baldwin, Libby Meininger, Lissie Russert, Simon Chow.


The work of four art students in Jan Wiesner’s classes have been shown in two statewide art exhibitions in Columbus. Jack Crane, 1st grade, and Gabriella Ortiz, 3rd grade, were among 160 artists in kindergarten through eighth-grade exhibiting in the Youth Art Month at the State Capitol Building in Columbus. Hughie Headley, 3rd grade, and Dugan Hauser, 4th grade, were among the 158 artists whose work was shown in the Ohio Art Education Association’s Young People’s Art Exhibition at the Ohio Department of Education. The show runs through the summer.

Three juniors were the champions of the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission’s 2010 Great Youth Debate Nov. 13 at Cincinnati City Hall. This is the third consecutive win for The Summit in the annual debate. J McLean, Max Williams, and Tommy Kreyenhagen prepared an “alternative” position on a topic debated by three teams: “Standardized Tests are a fair assessment tool for measuring students’ academic success.” Arguing the opposition for this issue were Summit’s first-time debaters Jesse Hughes, junior, and sophomore Nakia Woodard who teamed with Leona Price from Withrow High School to win third place overall in the debates.

Regional Scholastics Art Show winners include (L-R): David Judd, Cecilia Dowling, Matt Meister, Margaux Hackett, Colin Cotton and Liz Eadie.

The Summit Mock Trial Witness team members are (clockwise L-R): Alex Marcellus, Nicholas Inglin, Will Donovan, Erica Pierce, Rachel Argo, Cooper Schreibeis, Emily Hogya, Carolyn Boyce, Morgan Hughes, Alex Schiefer, Simon Chow, Reeti Pal and Ty Wahlbrink.



Ninth grader Matt Meister and senior Colin Cotton won Gold Key awards in drawing and photography, respectively, at this year’s regional Scholastics Art Show. Digital versions of the work of Gold Key winners advance to national competition in New York to be juried against student work from 80 other regions. Other winners included: Liz Eadie, grade 9, Silver Key, drawing; David Judd, grade 9, Silver Key, photography; Margaux Hackett, grade 10, Honorable Mention, photography; and Cecilia Dowling,

Senior Will Donovan, sophomore Alex Marcellus and juniors Carolyn Boyce, Cooper Schreibeis, and Ty Wahlbrink won Outstanding Witness Awards at the Hamilton County District Ohio Mock Trial Competition on Feb. 1. Students spend four months preparing to argue both sides of a fictional court case in the competition, which is run by the Ohio Center for Law Related Education and the Cincinnati Bar Association. 7

CCM Medal Holders are (L-R): Christopher Samaan, Anna Delamerced, Grant Gerhardt, Theresa Rager, Karmah Khoury, Tino Delamerced, Omar Khoury


Seven piano students won medals in the Ohio Music Teachers National Association Auditions Festival on March 13 at the University of Cincinnati’s CollegeConservatory of Music. Those receiving gold medals were Tino Delamerced, Grant Gerhardt, Theresa Rager, and Christopher Samaan. Receiving silver medals were Anna Delamerced and Karmah Khoury. Earning a bronze medal was Omar Khoury.


Preschoolers in the Montessori Program celebrated a special “Father’s Day” by welcoming their dads into their classrooms where they spent time one-on-one, demonstrated lessons and showed off some of the classroom materials they use. Because Father’s Day falls in the summer, the event was designed to be a bonding experience and an opportunity for fathers to encourage and support their children in their school work.

Leadership The Summit at



Everyday Leadership # Steve Penticuff

One of my favorite things about The Summit has long been the variety of ways our school culture is a training ground for developing leaders of character. As a child, I never saw much of a connection between leadership and character: leaders, as far as I could tell, were those strong, charismatic people in the spotlight who were busy making important decisions and wielding power. Some of these might have been “characters” with eccentric personalities, but did leaders really need “character,” that special blend of virtues including benevolence, honesty, courage, gratitude, and humility? Authentic leadership, I now believe, does have an essential character component; furthermore, “natural leaders” are not a group of people with an exclusive birthright. When we understand leadership as the capacity to extend ourselves and our influence to improve our world and empower others, it’s clear that we’re talking about everyone’s birthright. Leadership at many schools still begins and ends with club presidents and student government, but at The Summit there are opportunities every day for every student to make a difference. Of course, knowing about leadership and character is not synonymous with actually being a leader or having character, and this is why habits are so important. According to Aristotle, “We become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions,” and so on. Summit students, I would add, become great leaders of character by constantly supporting and serving each other at school, sharing their gifts and strengths in their communities, and in general stepping outside their comfort zones and rising to new heights through endless challenge-by-choice opportunities.

I often see The Summit through the eyes of the Upper School students I teach and advise, and the experiences a 9th grader has to look forward to are remarkable. On Ignition Day, our very first day back from summer vacation, I will travel with my freshman advisees and the rest of the class to Camp Joy, where (besides being scared senseless and “building character” on the high ropes course) we will focus on leadership and begin a unique four-year bonding process. From Ignition Day until graduation day four years later, these students will discover open invitations to leadership extending continuously in all directions. They will have the opportunity to participate in liturgies, plan and execute Formation Day retreats, lead small and large group discussions, tutor peers, support new and old friends in need, mentor and collaborate with inner city children and students from our own Lower and Middle Schools, deliver leadership talks and Chapel Talks, introduce new clubs, place their stamp on existing clubs, become elected to the student Senate, and become leaders and role models in athletics, on academic teams, and in venues for visual and performing arts. By the time students leave our doors for a new chapter in college, they will have devoted their talents and energies to causes greater than themselves more times than they can remember. At The Summit, preparing leaders of character who continue to improve the world they inherit is never just an afterthought. It’s our very culture.

Pictured clockwise from left: Nora Kelly ’ 11, Courtney Collins ’11, Alex Flannery ’ 11, Anna Erickson ’15 and Ryan Glass ’11 9

The Road to Leadership # Nancy Van Epps ’77

Head Varsity cross-country coach and Upper School Religion teacher Kurtis Smith can pinpoint the moment Colin Cotton ’11 emerged as the consummate Summit leader. Ranked second in the city in eighth grade and having made it to State every year of his Upper School career, Colin had long been the established face of The Summit’s cross-country program. But it was as a senior at the Middletown Christian Meet that Coach Smith noted Colin doing something truly extraordinary.

the shorthand for this aspiration is Becoming a Leader of Character. Training to become a leader of character is a journey that begins for a student in the Toddler classroom and continues through graduation day. Applying formal and informal processes and practices, Summit teachers, coaches, advisors and mentors cultivate The Summit’s brand of leadership one step at a time.

He ran facing backwards.

For the youngest Summit students, that training is intricately integrated into their day. The Montessori environment is thoughtfully designed to encourage autonomy and community. “We emphasize respect and justice,” says Mary Humpert, Montessori teacher in her 33rd year at The Summit. “Children learn early that everyone is valued and their contribution is necessary to build a peaceful community in the classroom.”

Third in the race overall and 10 seconds ahead of the rest of his team mid-race, Colin turned around and ran backwards. That way, he could face his teammates while he yelled, encouraged and challenged them to keep pace with him. Colin won that race by 15 seconds, clocking his fastest time of the year and both the Boys’ and the Girls’ Summit Cross Country Teams took first place that day. “Colin was a great individual runner from the beginning,” says Coach Smith. “It took him three years to learn how to be a leader of the team.”

Opportunities for leadership are particularly evident in the multi-age Montessori classrooms. Kindergartners serve as role models to the three and four-year-olds. “Having the older children demonstrate the materials and work with the younger children builds confidence and helps them internalize the information,” says Phyllis Schueler, Director of Montessori. Peer teaching is a major component of the Montessori philosophy. Kindergartners may demonstrate use of the moveable alphabet to the younger children, how to roll their matt and put it away or zip up their coat. Students in their Master Year start school three days early so they can act as teaching assistants on the day younger children arrive. “It is important to note that the Montessori classrooms are not run by teachers alone. Students are taught to manage their own community, and with this system our children develop uncanny leadership skills and independence,” says Mrs. Schueler. When it is their turn to act as the Student Ambassadors, the teaching assistants and the speakers at Mass, the new Kindergartners have had one or two years experience observing their predecessors.

In a newspaper interview after winning State this season, Colin acknowledged, “It’s so much better being here with my teammates. Having them, along with the experience of being here in the past, probably helped me . . .” Colin’s insight and awards illustrate what is best about The Summit Leader. In addition to his cross-country accolades, Colin is a National Honor Society member and holder of the prestigious Scholastic Art Gold Key in photography. Deeply rooted in The Summit’s teaching pedagogy is our founders’ interest in the development of the whole child. So, it is no surprise that Summit graduates tend to be modern renaissance men and women. However the clearly distinguishing feature of Colin and really, any Summit leader, is another gift from our founders’ legacy. Servant leadership, collaboration and leading by example are principal tenets of The Sisters of Notre Dame. More than charismatic speakers, Summit leaders are devoted to those Notre Dame ideals and the divine dignity of every person. “True leaders think beyond themselves,” says Upper School Director, Dr. Pat White. “They think of what is possible for each individual and organization.” In The Summit vernacular,

Summit students will encounter variations on this paradigm over and over. One of the advantages of being part of a PreK - Gr. 12 campus is a student’s access to multiple peer models. Middle School Advisement groups are sometimes 10

The Silver Knight

Colton Biggs ’19 Known for being friendly and empathetic to everyone, Colton was especially kind to some students in his Advisement group. “Colton went out of his way to help a new student named Takumi navigate the school,” said Frances Keller, his fourth grade teacher and advisor. “In addition, when another student that left The Summit returned in October, Colton was right there to welcome him back. There were no questions about why this student left, just an open and friendly ‘We are happy to have you here.’” Colton remembers, “When Robbie came back from a different school, some things at our school had changed since he was here, so I helped him. He forgot how to get to Spanish in the MIddle School so I had to show him.” Colton is the person who will do the right thing even when no one is looking. “Colton will figure out how to fix an injustice, and he is completely oblivious to whether it is the popular thing to do,” said Mrs. Keller. “He is truly an old-time knight in shining armor.”


The Gem

Abbey Taylor ’15 At a young age, Abbey has a long history of service to the community. When her sixth grade class with Mrs. Venner made Easter baskets for needy children, Abbey suggested they give them to a homeless shelter started by her great-grandparents. Actively involved in Service Club, she particularly enjoyed her Advisement group activity making blankets for Iraqi soldiers receiving medical help in Germany. On the eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip, she was one of The Summit students chosen to place the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. “It was a moving experience,” says Abbey. “Not a lot of people get to do that.” Abbey credits her English teacher as her role model. “I want to be the kind of leader who thinks for herself and inspires others like Mrs. Alway,” says Abbey. “She really holds your attention and makes you want to learn. She makes you feel like what you are doing is important.”

invited to hear Upper School Chapel Talks. In addition to witnessing eloquent speech-writing and speaking skills, eighth graders are privy to the heartfelt beliefs and inspirational stories of the Upperclassmen whom they admire.

with the Middle School Diversity & Inclusion Club in creating well-prepared programs appropriate for grades 5 - 8 that deal with sensitive issues. Obviously, when those Middle School students move to Upper School, they can draw upon their past experiences with the older students for inspiration.

Because of the school divisions, those same eighth graders are also mindful that they are modeling behavior for the younger Middle Schoolers. “Eighth grade has its perks – the Washington, D.C. trip, the National Honor Society – and it also has its responsibilities. I asked former Assistant Head of School Mary Brinkmeyer one day why the eighth grade lockers are spread all over our building’s three floors,” says Middle School English teacher Rosie Alway. “She said, ‘Why Rosie, it’s because they are the leaders. We want the younger students to see them and see how they should behave.’ When I ask my Advisement Group, what do you do when you see a fifth grader? Do you push him out of the way because you are bigger? No, they tell me, you say ‘How is your day going? How did you do in the soccer game last night?’”

Barnard Baker, Associate Director of Admissions and Head Varsity Soccer Coach, keenly aware of the influence of role models at The Summit, always gives his new team captains the same advice. “I tell them that I chose them for a reason, and I want them to lead their own way. Austin Berry ’07, Henry Meininger ’09, Alex Priede ’10, Dan Dwyer ’09 — ­ all of them were legendary Summit captains and great role models, and they were all different.” Coach Baker contends that the captain of the team serves two roles − the heart of the team and the voice of the team. Sometimes those two occur in the same person. “This year I have two co-captains. Scholar AllAmerican Andrew Vance, who is the vocal leader, inspires the players by what he says. And I have Jude Austin – the heart of the team. He’s the guy that the other players don’t want to let down. He always does what is right forthe program.”

As another example, Upper School student leaders in the Diversity & Inclusion Club attend the national People of Color Conference with the intention of bringing back what they have learned to the greater Summit community. One of their charges when they return is to work in close collaboration

Coach Baker gives voice to a widely-held belief at The Summit: there is a place for many types of leaders of character. “The respect for the individual person is a foundational value of the Sisters,” says Sister Carol Lichtenberg, Ohio’s 12

(continued on page 16)

The Organizational Guru

Alex Flannery ’11

When Alex accepted the role of Arts Forum Director, he was well aware of the challenges. “Mrs. Merrill told me, ‘We have a couple of problems, but I think you would be great for it.’” The Arts Forum had become so popular that it had overgrown its venue. Alex’s solution was to divide the event – performing groups that needed equipment would be stationed in Kyte Theater and acts that required an iPod or no equipment were staged in St. Cecilia’s. Each act would perform twice, and the audience could switch between the two locations. A Master of Ceremonies was enlisted for each site. “Alex demonstrated tremendous energy and skill at problem-solving, and his organizational abilities were outstanding,” said Dr. White. “He reached out to a lot of different students. He just did a magnificent job with the Arts Forum.”



The Collaborators

AnnaErickson ’15, Project Manager Emily Walton ’15, Architect Mark Smith ’15, Accountant Ryan Thomas ’15, Carpenter A test of strength is one of the parameters Middle School Science Teacher Joy Parker uses to judge the toothpick bridges constructed by her students. She suspends a bucket from each bridge and gradually puts in weights. She calculates the strength of the construction by measuring the amount of weight in the bucket when the bridge breaks. In the case of this team’s bridge, students had to go outside to gather rocks because the bridge was still standing even after all of Mrs. Parker weights were placed in the bucket. To succeed in this project, students were charged with dividing the work among roles, purchasing supplies from a classroom “warehouse,” designing and building the bridge, and completing the project within a prescribed budget. The Project Manager structured the time and motivated the team. “It was hard at first because we had a lot of different personalities, and everyone had their own ideas,” said Anna. “We have all worked in groups before, but on this project we each had an assigned role. Everyone had to contribute separately, and you couldn’t do someone else’s job. In the end when Mrs. Parker was putting in the weights, we were all high-fiving each other. And we got a certificate!”

Pictured at left (L-R): Emily Walton, Mark Smith, Anna Erickson; not pictured: Ryan Thomas


Provincial Moderator. Myriad leadership opportunities exist to complement any individual student’s interests and personality. And a host of mentors, teachers and coaches throughout Summit’s departments and divisions are available to support her transformation to the best version of herself.

Math Specialist Julia Almaguer challenges her students to be thought leaders by employing concepts they have learned in their academic classrooms in new ways. In playing fun math games, students actually resolve rather complicated problems in a collaborative setting. “We need to be preparing students for careers that have not yet been invented, to solve problems that do not yet exist, with technology that can only be imagined.” Critical thinking coupled with team-building abilities will be invaluable to those future thought leaders.

What might astonish an outsider is the alignment in views of this host of adult facilitators. “Do what is right even when no one is watching.” That directive is voiced by Mike Bradley, Upper School Varsity Basketball coach, Dr. White and Frances Keller, Lower School faculty member. Director of Student Activities and Leadership and advisor to the Upper School Senate, Laura Haas echoed Ms. Keller’s view when she said, “We remove the popularity contest part of leadership.” Mrs. Schueler, Student Club Advisors Gail Rosero and Alice O’Dell Brannon, Athletics Director Greg Dennis and Summit Chaplain Father Seher all speak extensively to the concept of leading by example. “No one is doing anything that is not mission driven,” says Ms. Haas. Directors across the divisions have their favorite stories of an ostensibly shy student “stepping up” for the first time. They all recognize the significance of that event in a student’s life. There is a consensus and conviction about leadership development among the advisors to these students — and a sense of purpose.

In addition to their work in the academic classrooms in front of the class and in group collaborations, Lower School students have multiple opportunities to develop their leadership abilities on special projects that go beyond performance. “This school really excels,” says Father Seher, “in teaching people the ability to know when to speak, what to say and how to say it.” Writing and giving morning announcements over the loud-speaker, practicing empathy in the Flying Piglets, the Hero Project, Garden of the Good, Service Club, Mass planning, Fly Up activities and Fourth Grade Advisement all furnish components of leadership training. Last year, Mr. Malone initiated student-run parent/teacher conferences in the Lower School, providing a forum for the student to share what he has learned to his parents. Every teacher operates the conferences a little differently, but in Stacy Remke’s third grade classroom, students choose a pre- and post-test on one topic to share. “The students record three main concepts that they learned on this topic, list something that they felt good about and one thing that they need to keep working on,” says Mrs. Remke. This process challenges the student to self-reflection encouraging him to identify what he does and does not know. “During the actual conference with the parent, I try to say as little as possible. The children are really excited about leading the conference. They feel quite a sense of pride and accomplishment!”

“It is extremely important to me in the classroom that this is a safe environment,” says Lower School Music teacher, Becky Slater. Students may literally try on new roles without fear of ridicule. Mrs. Slater consciously chooses plays that involve many feature roles, and she books two full casts for each drama or musical. Every child has a part to play in every Lower School concert. “I want students to feel free to take risks,” says Ms. Slater. Cammie Corder-Nelson, Lower School librarian, voices a similar consideration. “I let my students know that it is okay to make mistakes. Try something new in front of your peers. You are in a learner’s safe haven here.” On the stage and reporting in front of their class, Lower School students are poised to try their burgeoning public-speaking skills on a receptive audience.

Skills developed in the Lower School are further enhanced in the Middle School years. Some of that development

“True leaders think beyond themselves,” says Upper School Director, Dr. Pat White. “They think of what is possible for each individual and organization.” is embedded in the curriculum. In science activities like the toothpick bridge and the rollercoaster, students must work together to complete a model construction. “Student collaboration is a critical part of what I do in science,” says Middle School Science teacher Joy Parker. “Collaboration fosters an active exchange of ideas and problem-solving, and allows each student to contribute their area of strength. Students often have defined roles, but they share a common goal for that lesson.”

Within this secure milieu, the Lower School encourages students on a road to self-discovery and self-management that essentially expands on the call to independence first heard in Montessori. Teachers and administrators mentor students to work together. In the classroom, they engage in Accountable Talk with each other, vocally modeling cognitive norms of intelligent people to build reasoning skills. Much of the teacher’s time in academic classrooms is spent guiding discovery rather than lecturing. “We relinquish control over learning. Control is an illusion anyway,” says Terry Malone, Lower School Director. “Our students are intrinsically motivated. We are not bribing them to learn.” Empowering students with responsibility for their own learning allows them to develop self-discipline, analysis and synthesis skills — all essential tools for the 21st century leader.

In the Upper School, that experience translates to comfort in brainstorming thoughts, respecting different perspectives, choosing a solution, and perhaps even endorsing and implementing another’s idea. “You become so accustomed to seeing that happen at The Summit,” says Upper School Music Director Theresa Merrill, “that you are not always aware when it occurs. A student might approach me after practice and say, ‘Why don’t we try to do it this way next time?’ which is such a 16

(continued on page 19)

The Ambassador

Julia Dean ’19 Julia loves to give prospective parents tours during The Summit’s Open House. “It’s really fun showing people around the school,” said Julia. “My favorite rooms are science and art. In science I show them how different colored lights react differently on chemical paper because of their wave length. The art room is beautiful. I love art because I get to be creative, and I’ve won some awards in art shows.” “Julia is very confident and makes good choices,” said Mr. Malone. She is also known for her kindness and empathy. “A student in my class always got upset because he couldn’t pass one of his rocket math timed tests. I encouraged him and comforted him,” said Julia. “Yesterday he passed it, and I’m so proud of him!”


The Leadership Scholars

Brittany Williams ’11 & Ankit Srivastava ’11 Brittany has garnered quite a reputation among the Leadership Scholars Board for her success in mentoring students. “Brittany personifies what this program is all about,” says Dr. Pat White. She first became interested in the Leadership Scholars program when a fellow Summit basketball teammate, Ashley Hite ’09, told stories about the program. Ashley has gone on to pursue her college career at Washington University of St. Louis, but not before imparting some good advice to her best friend. “Ashley told me to become involved and I loved it. I felt like this was where I needed to be. I could really relate to the students.” In addition to her weekly visits during the school year with other Leadership Scholars, Brittany also acted as teaching assistant for academic classes in the Leadership Scholars summer program and taught basketball and volleyball for enrichment classes in the afternoon. “I want to leave a positive mark,” said Brittany. “So I ask myself, ’How can I make it easier for these students to succeed? How can I let them know that they can grow up and do something with their lives?’”


positive move. My programs are more innovative because of student involvement.”

Anna Delamerced ’12, next year’s OJCL President, has been involved in The Summit’s Latin Club since 6th grade. “I didn’t realize at first how much fun it was going to be. People think that Latin is a dead language, but it isn’t.” Her goals for next year include increasing communication between the Executive Board and all schools, and increasing comradery between all schools. “There are not as many Latin Clubs in northern Ohio as Cincinnati, so some of those students felt left out,” says Anna. “I’m going to work toward inclusion of everyone at Convention.”

Established activities offering leadership opportunities available to Middle School students include morning announcements, Chess Club, the Stock Market Game, 8th grade Eucharistic ministry, Power of the Pen, Service Club, Hands Across the Water and the Bible Bowl. Advisement Groups supply a strong source of community building and support. This gathering of 12-13 students in the same grade meet daily and attends Mass and assemblies together. Advisees keep private journals where they record goals, gratitudes and responses to prompts examining feelings and decisions. They engage in group projects that tackle big issues like inclusion. “Advisement provides a safe, loving, secure environment for the student. With an advisor, a student knows that he has at least one adult in the building whom he can approach,” says Mrs. Alway. Advisors act as advocates, cheerleaders and personal coaches.

In the Upper School, all of the student’s previous leadership training and experiences converge. From Rocket Club to Kairos/Retreat Leaders to Student Senate to the awardwinning Mock Trial, The Summit clubs and associations cover a vast array of interests, and all of them offer opportunities for leadership. If a student feels motivated to start a club that does not yet exist, there is an established process to follow. “Lessons and Carols was my first experience as a soloist,” says Ryan Glass ’11. “During practice, I was joking around with my friend Evan about starting a Glee Club at The Summit when our Choral Director overheard us. She actually thought it was a good idea and agreed to sponsor us. We now have about 15 active members!” If an Upper School student feels motivated to study a course that is not yet offered, there is an established process to follow as well. Nora Kelly’s ’11 interest was peaked after engaging in a three-month summer Wittenberg University course held in Africa that included service and educational components. Enlisting the assistance of Upper School Social

Some of the most exquisite jewels in the Upper School begin their formation in these Middle School special programs. “We get to see the flower, but we can’t claim it as ours,” says Dr. White. She acknowledges the contributions of antecedent Divisions in Upper School students’ successes. A student may be willing to take that first big step to a leadership role in service of a cause or club in Middle School. The student’s passion for the interest or the desire to affect change outshines the fear to be on center stage and assume responsibility.

“Student collaboration is a critical part of what I do in science” says Ms. Parker. “Collaboration fosters an active exchange of ideas and problem-solving, and allows each student to contribute their area of strength.” Studies teacher Kelly Cronin as a mentor, Nora created a syllabus. She is now reading books and writing critical essays following a college format furnished by Ms. Cronin on the economic and sociopolitical factors of South Africa.

The multiple award-winning Summit Latin Club, now in its 15th year, is a signature case in point. Membership in the club is open to any Middle or Upper School student. (The occasional Summit Rhodes Scholar has been known to remain involved as a mentor even after graduation!) Between Celebration of the Classics held on campus, the Classical Literacy Exam, National Mythology, Greek and Latin Exam, NJCL Latin Honor Society Induction, summer classes and State and National Latin Convention, an event or preparation for an event is happening every month, all year round. The opportunities for students to plan local happenings, run for local and state office, create competitive art objects and dramatic performances, and set and meet personal goals for the exams are countless. There is even a service component as students may plant trees at Glenwood Gardens for Make a Difference Day, organize trick or treating at the Majorie P. Lee retirement home, or participate in a book drive at the Children’s Museum. Guided by the tireless efforts of faculty advisors Larry Dean and Fulbright Scholar Kim Ashcraft, much of the club’s decisionmaking is determined by the students. Beginning with coplanning a Latin movie and pizza night in Middle School, a student may engage in an eight-year trajectory that could lead to vice president of The Summit Latin Club and even state president. In the last 10 years, Ohio Junior Classical League (OJCL) has honored The Summit with three state presidents and 17 additional state offices held.

Beginning in Grade 9, The Summit provides a comprehensive four year formal leadership program. The Summit’s Oratory Leaders Program (SOLEIL) offers speaking, leadership and speech writing workshops that culminate in a Senior Chapel Talk for many students. “As much as I resisted it, the focus on communications skills in Freshman and Sophmore years really prepare you for the responsibilities of being an Upperclassman,” says Nora Kelly. “You have to learn to present your ideas and vision in a clear effective manner.” Videos of past Chapel Talks may be viewed on The Summit website at The Summit appeal to become a Leader of Character has steered some Upper School students full circle. They have become mentors themselves in a two-year commitment to the Leadership Scholars program. Eight of the nine grade schools with which Leadership Scholars has formed longterm partnerships are members of CISE, Catholic Inner-city Schools for Education. Once a week for an hour and following an agenda set by the program, Summit Juniors and Seniors guide 7th and 8th graders from CISE schools through an exploration of topics like short and long-term goal setting and communication. They accompany them on field trips to 19

Reds Games and the Museum Center. “The Leadership Scholars program,” says Ankit Srivastava ’11, “was a meaningful way for me to help others. Helping the kids has actually made me a better leader.” Some of those mentored students have gone on to be awarded scholarships to The Summit and hopefully will continue the tradition of becoming a leader of character. Summit students engage in a journey to be individual leaders

of character through naturally escalating steps that may be indiscernible to the unintiated viewer. In a concerted effort that spans the entire academic career, Summit teachers, coaches and advisors guide students to become all that they can be, fulfilling a promise first made by the founders of the school.

The Independent Thinker

Courtney Collins ’11 Although she had already attended the Boston National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine and would go on to serve in the Student Senate and captain the crosscountry team, Courtney was surprised when Ms. Cronin suggested at the end of her sophomore year that she direct her own study. “You usually have to wait until your senior year for an Independent Study course, but Ms. Cronin trusted me to do it as a junior,” said Courtney. “I knew that she was a very responsible student,” said Ms. Cronin, “and was having trouble reconciling her great love of science with taking a history class.” With Ms. Cronin as a mentor, Courtney designed a curriculum for the Historical Impact of the Cholera Epidemic on the Science Community. She created a spreadsheet of her schedule, worked in the library 70 minutes three times a week, followed the college guide for research papers, and met with Ms. Cronin once a month. “Obviously, doing your own research is more challenging than sitting in a class. It’s very intellectual,” says Ms. Cronin. “By her fourth book review, Courtney was performing graduate level work.” Courtney’s efforts were rewarded in a way that she had not anticipated. She applied early to Smith College and was presented with the STRIDE scholarship for $15,000 a year, along with a research stipend of $2,100 to assist the professor of her choice her first two years. She credits her independent study for the award.


The Renaissance Man

(or The Summit’s version of Finn from Glee)

Ryan Glass ’11 You probably already recognize Ryan. He played the male lead in The Summit Upper School’s last two musicals, cocaptained the sterling Varsity basketball team this year and co-founded the Glee Club. Last summer, he was awarded the YMCA Character Award for his work as a camp counselor. Through all of these roles, his behavior has exemplified the concept of quietly leading by example. Teachers, coaches and directors strongly affirm Ryan’s character on and off the court and stage. For his part, Ryan’s focus seems to be on the group and his role models. “Our basketball team is like one big family,” said Ryan. “When my grandpa died, all my teammates came to the funeral to support me. And before each game, we say a prayer and then say ‘1-2-3-family.’” Ryan looks to Coach Bradley for inspiration. “Here’s a guy who played in the NBA and is coaching high school basketball basically for fun. To hear his pointers and stories while he towers over you – he has so much to teach us not just in basketball but in life. He has been through it all.” 21

What Did It Take to Become The Summit’s

Rhodes Scholar? # Nancy Berlier

Summit alumnus Jared Dunnmon ’07 has been awarded one of the world’s most prestigious academic honors — the Rhodes Scholarship. Jared will graduate from Duke University this spring with a dual major in mechanical engineering and economics. In September, he will move to England to continue his studies of energy sustainability and economics at the University of Oxford. In a recent interview, Jared discussed how The Summit prepared him for success, what leadership means to him, and the challenges his generation face as they become the next stewards of the planet.

Q Was it important for you to show you have leadership

I think the English department here is the best in the country. I received an A+ in an Oxford Shakespeare course solely on the basis of the Shakespeare I studied here. I’ve won every writing contest I entered at Duke on the basis of what Summit faculty taught me. One Duke science professor asked me why I write so well because my writing apparently stood out. I told him it was because the training I received at The Summit was structured and progressive and the writing program was unique. All my Summit friends have said the same thing. Writing in college is a snap after doing it at The Summit. Another thing Summit did for me was give me a framework on how to think about the big picture. Summit helps you take a conceptual approach to problem solving. It helps you think bigger.

skills in order to win the Rhodes Scholarship?


Leadership was actually a huge part of my Rhodes Scholar interview. The Rhodes Trust Committee was interested in my vision of an engaged public individual. I want to bridge the gap between engineering science and public policy – making them complementary by innovating new energy technology and getting it off the ground as soon as possible.


When you were a student here, you were the Valedictorian of your senior class, Captain of the Tennis Team and President of the Latin Club. You sang solos in Camerata. But you didn’t even run for Student Senate or Class President. Why not?

And also, The Summit is quite good about setting deadlines and keeping people on track. I learned how to do that here. Even at Duke, when I set deadlines, I have to say the date is a week before it really is, because other people will forget the date or procrastinate. That’s not a great practice when you’re trying to make sure you get somewhere on time. At The Summit, we pride ourselves on being a college-track institution and it’s a very good thing because academic things spring from timelines, deadlines, setting internal clocks -- that kind of thing. I learned that here.

A Public office is not for everyone. If you don’t like

something, you’re not going to be good at it. What helped me was knowing this is a supportive environment where I could try new things. That’s what high school is for. There are things that kids in high school are good at but don’t like. What is critical at this stage is learning what you are passionate about, while also being willing to do things you’re good at but don’t like. Look at math. Math is going to help you later even if you don’t like doing the work. If you’re going to work on an F16 fighter, you’re going to need math. What fuels success is learning how to approach things, learning how to drive yourself and understanding what things in your life are of value to you. If you really want to make an impact in the world, you to need to want to do what you’re doing.


When you think about qualities of leadership, what tops your list?

A Collaboration plays a large role in leadership. Holistically,

part of being an effective leader is knowing when not to lead. Everybody has a specialty and you can’t be great at everything. A leader needs to present the vision, define the process and set the agenda. Then, you let the people around you shine. Having basic thought of organization, time management, keeping your eye on where you’re going are the most important things you can do. Keeping your eye on where you’re going means realizing someone may be better to spearhead a thing than you are. Ultimately it is about maintaining the vision.

Q How did The Summit help prepare you to succeed at college?

A The classes are small and the teachers here are amazing.

The amount of time they spend with you makes a difference. I spent many hours after school with Mr. Dean, Mr. Towers, Miss Cruse and Mr. Escudero. I’m going into engineering because of Mr. Towers, and I teach kids biology at Duke based on Miss Cruse’s biology courses from here. 22

Q Aren’t you afraid of making mistakes? A I’ve hit several bad notes in my life, but I’ve learned from

my mistakes. If you’re never willing to try, you’re never going to get anywhere. You have to take risks, but you want to take them in such a way that when you take the big ones, you have a higher chance of succeeding. You can’t say everything is critical. One of my favorite quotes is from the Greek historian Polybius: “For there are two ways by which all men can reform themselves, the one through their own mischances, the other through those of others, and of these the former is the more impressive, but the latter less hurtful.” You can learn from other people’s mistakes, or you can learn from your own. In the really important things that have a big effect on you, you want to learn from other people’s mistakes. When you’re learning about yourself, you have to learn from your own mistakes. So if you’re going to learn about yourself, you should try to do that in situations where the outcomes are not critical.


You were active in the Ohio Junior Classical League and still come back to help coach The Summit’s Latin teams for competition. How did Latin help you?

A Part of my Rhodes interview was about Latin. My studies

in Latin were a minor reference on my application but one of the interviewers had a Master’s Degree in the classics. So I was asked questions about my view of classical history: what makes some leaders great and others not so great, how emperors rise and fall. It was not what I was expecting to have to answer, but I was in one of the best Latin programs in the country here. Learning about ancient cultures taught me to think. I didn’t realize how much I had internalized what I learned. When you think about principles of governance then and now, you have to consider to what degree the ends justify the means. People in government have to have that personal argument every day. That internal morality dialogue is something you get grounded in at The Summit from the time you begin as a young person. That’s something that The Summit contributed to my life that I’m very thankful for.

Q So, what does a great leader look like to you? A My view of leadership is the very simple adage that you

need to lead by example. The consummate leader is someone with whom I’ve had a great deal of experience – a choir conductor. The conductor can’t miss a beat. To make a great sound, he has to be able to communicate where he is going and get everybody else involved to the point that they want to get there as much as he does. Really, if you think about a conductor, he can’t actually do a thing. The musicians are making the sounds. It’s not like a general who changes the course of a battle by leading a charge with a single act of bravery. The conductor is standing there powerless to affect the sound except through his own communication and leadership.


At what point did you discover your passion for sustainable energy and policy?


Your resume has an impressive list of academic achievements including a double major in engineering and economics, Dean’s List with Distinction, numerous academic awards, research in aeroelastic energy harvesting, microscale turbines, energy economics and neurobiology and a patent pending for “Delocalized Infrastructure Power Grid and Devices.” All that and you haven’t even finished college. What motivates you, in the words of The Summit, to “Aim High”?


I applied to Duke because I was already interested in environmental engineering. My mom and dad were doctors in the Air Force and, through them, I was exposed to discussions about many different and interesting problems. Here, I started asking questions about energy like: “So you’re telling me we’ve been using four million years of stored up energy to power our society for the last 100 years and we’re going to run out in about 150 years or so?” The challenge for my generation is going to be how to support a planet of X size, which will have nine billion people on it in 100 years. From an energy point of view, how do we support life, liberty and happiness without jeopardizing those pursuits? We have to understand the resources are not necessarily going to be around forever and what we’re doing currently is not going to work forever. My parents have worked their hearts and souls to get everything they’ve gotten in life, to give my brother and me what we have. Something I very much internalized is the actions I take, and the actions my generation takes, are going to have an effect on the future of society.

A The thing that gives me the ability to walk into any

situation and feel like I can contribute is I routinely push myself to do something that makes me uncomfortable. When I was in Camerata, I was deathly afraid of singing a solo but I made myself do it. When you challenge yourself to walk into a situation where you’re not quite comfortable, it challenges you to go through the process of preparing for it, internalizing what your flaws are, and trying to fix them. Maybe you have to practice over and over. Maybe you have to meditate. By hitting a few bad notes, you learn how you operate, you learn how to manage your own weaknesses and you develop a process that you can repeat. 23

New Head of School

Rich Wilson # Nancy Berlier

Rich rediscovers passion for education, finds inspiration in everyday life at an out-of-the ordinary school

Rich Wilson expected to go into education after he graduated from Davidson College with a B.A. in History. He worked in the President’s Office there for a year and spent three years as a fund-raiser at Chicago’s Lake Forest College. But while earning his MBA in Marketing and Finance from the University of Chicago at night, he became a little sidetracked. He devoted the next 24 years rising in the ranks of one of the world’s best managed companies -- P&G. When he retired in 2001, he held a double-hatted role as Vice President, Media Worldwide and Vice President, Marketing – Food and Beverage Global Business Unit.

a talent for evaluating and developing staff, a persuasive and effective advocate for the school and someone who modeled honesty and integrity. In the end, the committee concluded they already had the person they wanted in the job. “The Head of School candidate pool was outstanding, but Rich clearly differentiated himself from the field given his strong performance,” says Mike Bergeron, head of the search committee. “Rich brought leadership and stability to our school at a critical time. Because of him, the school was already being well run, and he was delivering on the mission on a daily basis.”

Now, Rich has come home to education.

As Interim Head of School, Rich invested in technology, pushed for the implementation of the World Language Program, hired talented new teachers, ran a nationwide search for the new Middle School Director, fostered a supportive environment for the faculty and was successful in fundraising and development.

As The Summit’s new Head of School, Rich takes charge of an independent Catholic school with outstanding academics, a personal approach to developing the whole child, and a commitment to graduating leaders of character. His appointment allows Summit to continue the serious business of helping each child reach his or her full potential spiritually, academically, physically, socially and artistically.

“I had high expectations when Rich took the interim job and he exceeded those,” says Nick Ragland Jr., Chair of the Board of Trustees. “His leadership has been outstanding. He brought structure, support, collaboration, stability and leadership into the position.”

That school mission was what attracted Rich in the first place as a parent. He and his wife, Carol, sent their two children to The Summit. Chris ’08 is a junior at Elon University, and Kelly ’09 is a sophomore at Davidson College, but Rich continued to serve the school even after they graduated. He has been a trustee since 2004 and he stepped into the role of Interim Head of School in 2010. Over a period of 10 months, Rich ran the school while an outside executive search firm and internal search committee evaluated candidates from across the country for the Head of School position.

The transition from Interim to Head of School has been smooth, says Kelley Schiess, Director of Admission, who worked closely with Rich for the years he served as Chair of the Enrollment and Marketing Committee. “Rich leads by example, with the highest integrity and respect for The Summit’s mission and for members of the community,” she says. “He brings a deep grounding in our core values of academic excellence and character education. In addition, Rich possesses the business experience needed to ensure that The Summit continues to deliver an exceptional, Catholic, independent school education of the whole child. He has great vision and his leadership style will complement our culture.”

The search committee set the bar high for the permanent Head of School with a checklist of traits they wanted in the position: a strategic thinker, an experienced manager with


Leadership style Behind the massive mahogany pocket doors of an office overlooking the front circle, Rich removes a hands-free headset he wears when he talks on the telephone and guides visitors away from the incessant pings of e-mails landing in his laptop’s in-box. His disarming laughter puts his visitors at ease. Conversation at a small round table is intimate but focused on the task at hand. He is a manager who relies on collaboration and trusts in delegation. If something is not working right, he will focus on the process to get it right.

“Rich is good for The Summit because he has worn different hats here. He knows the school from different perspectives. He has a true passion for the school and understands why The Summit is the special place that it is.” Personally, Rich seems to be all-Summit, all the time. But in this school, his devotion gives rise to plenty of lighter moments – like taking a break to listen to a traveling band of enthusiastic pre-school carolers, or to play the role of a dancing, barefoot Juan Valdez in the International Event’s fashion show. “Summit is a very unique learning community,” says Upper School Spanish Teacher Monica Desch ’90. “Rich is good for The Summit because he has worn different hats here. He knows the school from different perspectives. He has a true passion for the school and understands why The Summit is the special place that it is.” Rich finds inspiration in everyday life at an out-of-the-ordinary school. “I’ve never worked in another place in my career where, every week, someone does something that wildly exceeds my expectations,” he says. “Many times it’s a student. Often times, it’s a faculty member. Many times it’s a person on the staff. Parent volunteers continue to astound me with their creativity and commitment to the school. And I’ve been thrilled with donors that step forward because of their belief in the mission of the school.” 25

With his background in business, he doesn’t fit the mold of a traditional Head of School. Given the greater complexity of school activities, the Head of School spends more time on admissions, fund-raising, buildings and grounds, marketing and planning, while the four school educational directors are the masters of curriculum, student assessment and faculty development.

Rich offers two reasons why he has become passionate about taking the Head of School job instead of returning to retirement: the opportunity to make a difference and the inspiration derived from the children, faculty, staff and committed school stakeholders. “At this point of my life, I want to spend my time on things that are important to me and in places where I think I can make a difference,” he says. “I believe in this school. I believe in the mission that The Summit pursues to fully develop each and every child. Being a Notre Dame de Namur school gives Summit an advantage in the independent school marketplace. Our outstanding academics and our focus on developing the whole child – particularly in the areas of values and social skills – differentiate us from most other schools.

“I’m finding the skills I learned at P&G transfer well to a job like this,” Rich says. “All schools are in a very challenging environment right now with the decline in the birthrate in Cincinnati and the poor local economy. You have to think out of the box versus the way things have been. It’s my job to get the resources the teachers need to work their magic with the children.

“The Sisters are kind, gentle, extremely bright, practical people. Carrying their torch here is a privilege.” “I’m also blessed with a highly experienced and talented corps of educational directors who know what outstanding education looks like and pursue that objective with little direction needed from me,” he said. “This allows me to spend more time on the big picture and what we need to do to prepare children for the future.”

I am always going to be focused primarily on making our academic program the best that it can possibly be. I will always be concerned about maintaining Christian values along with an emphasis on character development, which are hallmarks of this school and the Sisters who founded it.” Sister MaryAnn Barnhorn, who has worked with Rich through her role as Development Director at the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, says he is particularly adept at finding highly skilled people, integrating them into the culture of the school and channeling their abilities to meet objectives. “Innovative education in a God-centered and caring environment has been the hallmark of The Summit since its founding in 1890,” she says. “Rich is particularly skilled at identifying and directing talent. We expect he will be able to energize the gifted women, men and children who make up The Summit community.”

Guiding a school through these early years of the 21st Century also means preparing graduates for a global workplace. International experiences at P&G, including the six years he lived in Venezuela as Vice President of Marketing for Latin America, gave Rich a better appreciation for other cultures. In recent months, he has worked harder to welcome expatriates transferred to Cincinnati’s multi-national corporate headquarters. “It’s important that a school like this attracts international families because they enrich the environment, and they help create the diversity which we know is important for learning,” he says.

Rich is passionate about the distinct educational experiences The Summit can provide to current and future students, says Beth Jantsch, Director of Development. “With that passion, Rich brings a breadth of leadership experience to play with an understanding of the unique culture of The Summit and the educational landscape of Cincinnati. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur had a vision 120 years ago when they opened our school, and The Summit continues to remain aligned with their vision today. Rich embraces this legacy and the traditions of our history, and yet encourages us all to challenge ourselves each day as we work together to improve how we fulfill our mission.”

Focus on Summit’s uniqueness The notion of coming home to education is one that resonates with Rich and not just because of his initial post collegiate experiences. International families talk about making Cincinnati a second home. Summit grads frequent the hallways in visits with former teachers. His own children, Chris and Kelly, insist on driving past the school before going to their house when they come home from college. “Summit was a second home for my children,” he says. “It was a place where they were accepted for who they were, where they had fun and where they were loved.”

Rich says he has been impressed by the contemporary Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur who continue to provide guidance and support to the school. The Sisters welcomed the entire faculty to the Provincial House in Reading recently for an inservice day devoted to reflecting on the mission of the school to love each and every child. “The Sisters are kind, gentle, extremely bright, practical people,” says Rich. “Carrying their torch here is a privilege.”


New Middle School Director Returns

as a proven leader with experience, values and community support

# Nancy Berlier

Mike Johnson will begin his new position this summer as Director of the Middle School. While many people in The Summit community already know him as a parent and former religion teacher, he will return with knowledge and experience gained from being the founding principal of Our Lady of Grace Catholic School (OLG).

point scale with 5 being the highest, parents and faculty both gave him an average rating of 4.4. You don’t get that kind of a score without the majority rating him a perfect 5.” Mr. Johnson says he didn’t expect to leave OLG so soon and the decision to move on was a tough one, but the opportunity to lead an outstanding school so near and dear to his heart was too great to let pass.

“I believe Mike has the leadership, experience, values, and community support to take our already strong Middle School to a higher level,” says Rich Wilson, Head of School.

“The Summit differentiates itself from other schools,” he says. “What is unparalleled by other educational institutions is The

“I know of no school with more potential to impact the world than The Summit. What an awesome responsibility and journey this is.” A nationwide search conducted by Wickenden Associates, an outside executive search firm, as well as an internal search committee, narrowed the field of applicants from 26 to 17 and then to eight before presenting three finalists at faculty and parent forums. Ultimately, Mr. Wilson picked Mr. Johnson based on several critical factors:

Summit’s commitment to faith, character and the success of every student. I know of no school with more potential to impact the world than The Summit. The Summit is educating the leaders of tomorrow and we are walking with them as they learn the importance of valuing and improving the world which they are going to inherit. What an awesome responsibility and journey this is.”

• He demonstrated leadership in merging four parish schools into one at OLG. “None of the schools wanted to consolidate, yet Mike found a way to guide all four parishes to a place where today they are happy with the result of the consolidation,” says Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Johnson sees himself as a “big picture” person who understands the value and dignity of the individual. He expects his management style will be collaborative.

• His knowledge of Middle School children was supported by his performance at OLG. The school has 650 students in kindergarten through Grade 8. “Mike is the lone principal of this school and has dealt with curriculum enhancement, faculty hiring and development, and student discipline,” says Mr. Wilson.

“I believe we are at our best when we bring to bear the giftedness of those within our community,” he says. “At a place like The Summit, being collaborative is simply smart leadership. There is too much wisdom and understanding here to not call it forth and put it at the service of our children and families. I believe unique work is being done in the Middle school and we need to capitalize on the insights of those professionals who have served here well.”

• He has an affinity for The Summit’s mission and values. “Given Mike’s nine-year tenure here as an Upper School religion teacher and Moderator of the Faculty Council, he knows the school very well,” says Mr. Wilson. “Three of his children are enrolled here. His extensive counseling background makes him an ideal match for a Catholic school in general and Summit in particular.”

“I have great respect for Mike,” says Summit Chaplain Fr. Phil Seher. “He has been a teacher of religion here and gone on to gain experience somewhere else. He has experience starting new programs. His counseling background makes him very attuned to working with individuals. His work in spiritual formation makes him very attuned to the five pillars of our school.”

• He was rated highly by Summit parents and faculty after the candidate forums. “We asked attendees to rate their reactions to each of the candidates,” says Mr. Wilson. “The final attribute was ‘Suitability for The Summit.’ On a five27

The following is a transcript, revised for print, of senior Nick Toebben’s Chapel Talk. Summit sophomore Christine Cassidy captured images of Nick on his neighbor’s farm along with other local rural settings to accompany this article. For more examples of Christine’s photos, please visit and click “Photos and Videos” on the homepage under QUICKLINKS.


Generations of Work # Nick Toebben ’11

There is an element utterly primal in putting up hay, one that gives continuity to the process from generation to generation. The intensity of labor, at its greatest, discards the differences in culture over distance and time, chiseling each of us down to our core: a man focused solely on his movements. As this man stands there under the ruthless sun, all he sees are fields striped with bales of hay. It is not romantic, it is not religious: it is just a lot of work. Sixty years ago it was a lot of work, and sixty years from now it will be a lot of work; sweating, heavybreathing, heart racing, arms aching work, and luckily, there is no way around that.

When I offered to put up hay this summer for my neighbor, Mr. Dulwick, I was unknowingly continuing a family tradition. For generations, the males of the Toebben family have worked the fields of hay, and finally, it was my turn to pay history’s tithe. It is a rite of passage, for the demands of the job require a physical maturity that, as my grandfather says, “will make a man out of you.” My grandfather grew up poor on a farm in Germany. He tells me that he wore wooden shoes he carved, wore woolen clothes made straight off the sheep’s back, and slept on a bed of straw. He had asthma and terrible allergies, especially to the wool he wore and the straw on which he slept. Being a farmer’s son, however, he had little choice but to work the farm and the fields if his family wanted to eat, which meant that starting in childhood and continuing into adolescence, my grandfather trudged out with his father and brothers and collected the hay from the fields. I can imagine my grandfather, in his wooden shoes and itching, hot wool shirt, loading and unloading the hay, choking on the swelling cloud of dust, so sick that he can focus on little more than each individual breath. Despite his misery, I think that enduring his sickly bouts with the hay helped mold him into the stellar rolemodel he is today.

When I say “putting up hay,” I mean gathering bales from a field and transporting them to a barn by means of labor and a wagon to supply nutritious food to livestock. Despite such a simple description, the process is surprisingly precise. First, one needs cooperative weather: four consecutive days without rain. This gives the farmer time to cut the hay, let it dry for two or three days, bale it, and store it without the hay rotting from the residual moisture of rain. Once a stretch of favorable weather is identified and the hay is baled, it cannot be thrown on the wagon or in the barn haphazardly. Bales must be stacked in compact, stable patterns, lest we lose bales to gravity or space to sloppiness. For me, this often

I was driven not only by my pledge to Mr. Dulwick and the joy I derived from my work, but by the history and pride of my family name as well. Working alongside my father in those fields, I felt quintessentially Toebben. means climbing among the cobwebs at the top of a barn or trying to hoist a bale ten feet onto the top of a loaded cart. Because these bales can weigh up to 65 pounds, this can be an exhausting process, leaving one with an assortment of sore arms, sore legs, and a sore back. The most notable sensation, however, is not that of soreness, but of the satisfaction that comes from intense manual labor in the open air, the satisfaction derived from completing one’s mission despite nature’s callousness.

My dad tells me that starting at age fourteen, he would help my grandfather put up expansive fields of hay for two months in the summer. Come early Saturday, he would ride out with the crew and put up hay for nine or ten hours at a time. Their operation was much greater in scale than that of my grandfather’s childhood, employing two, larger wagons and more than twice as many men. Moreover, they had the pleasure of working with baled hay, as opposed to the loose stuff of my grandfather’s youth. However, the most basic 29


elements of the project remained constant: the smell of freshly cut hay, the heat of the sun on the back of the neck, and the singularity of mind on the task at hand. Just as his father before him, my dad was putting up hay with his father, and my grandfather was putting up hay with his sons.

joy I derived from my work, but by the history and pride of my family name as well. Working alongside my father in those fields, I felt quintessentially Toebben. To me, putting up hay is a test of my will against a ruthless sun, the oppressive heat at the top of a baking barn, or the daunting mountain of hay I have to climb. But it is also an activity that transcends generations: I know my grandfather coughed as he felt the hay dust deep in his lungs, and my father coughed up the dust, and I have coughed up the dust. All three of us have experienced sweating so much that literally no part of our clothing was dry enough to wipe our brows. All three of us have tested our mettle against this same, unfeeling foe. And as a result, all three of us have a connection that could not have formed any other way, a shared legacy that gives pride to our Toebben name: that we are hard-working, durable, neighborly men.

This summer was my turn to join this lineage. It was 7 PM on a Thursday, and rain was imminent. This put a lot of pressure on the crew, for wet hay translates to rotting hay, and rotting hay translates to sick animals. As a result, we had to put up two fields’ worth of hay that night, but under the orange and red fingers of the setting sun, surrounded by the lingering heat of the evening, it was dreadfully obvious that we were not going to finish. Then, like a sergeant rallying his troops, my dad walked out to the fields and rejuvenated our operation. What I had already been enjoying became even more delightful as I got to work side by side with my father, this time at a task in which we were both adept. Because my dad was there, I worked as hard as I could, regardless of whether I was carrying the bales up an incline to the tall truck bed or whether my co-workers were resting without me. I was driven not only by my pledge to Mr. Dulwick and the

There is no better place to find the stock of mankind than in a field of hay.

Nick was named a semifinalist in the 2011 USA Biology Olympiad Open Exam, placing him among the top 10% of biology students in the country. Nick’s win marks the seventh consecutive year that a student at The Summit has made it into the semifinal round of the competition. He will now continue to compete for a spot on the International Biology Olympiad Team. The USA Biology Olympiad is the premiere biology competition in the country for high school students. Nick Toebben ’11 & Christine Cassidy ’13 30

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g n i d a e l Cheer

The Summit Cheer team has returned in fine fashion boasting JV and Varsity teams this winter. With the Boys’ Basketball team going to the Regional Playoffs, the cheerleaders’ season was extended, leading The Summit fans in such impressive venues as Kettering H.S., the Cintas Center, and the University of Dayton Arena.The team was led by senior captain Brianna Scott and juniors Andrea Bacho and SK Wiser. Brianna Scott was selected to the Miami Valley Conference first team.The coach of The Summit Cheerleading team is Science teacher Deena Carey.

INDOOR TRACK This is the second year of Summit Indoor Track. Coached by Kurtis Smith, Upper School Religion teacher, the team runs the halls and stairs of Summit’s four floors during the inclement winter season. Indoor track gives students the opportunity to keep in shape during the winter months, perhaps even find a new love for running and prepare for more competitive sports in the spring. Although the team focuses mainly on training, the team competed in two indoor meets, one at Cedarville University and one at Ohio State.

BOWLING Summit Bowling just completed their fourth year of existence. Under the leadership of Ed Escudero, Summit Science teacher, the team finds their home site at Madison Bowl. Mike Pierce is the boys’ bowling coach. The girls’ team was led by four veteran seniors, Rachel Moeggenberg, Brianna Scott, Rachael Shreve and Anna Schwietering, who had a very good showing at the Sectional Tournament. The girls’ team ended their season with a record of 6-8. The girls are graduating the four seniors and are looking to rebuild next year. The boys’ team returned only one letter winner, junior Pat Dowling. Their record was 3-14, but the team is looking forward to having a good core group returning next year to improve on that record.

Hannah Krone, who also qualified for Districts, placed 17th in the 200 individual medley, and set a new school record of 2:18.25. In addition, Hannah placed 11th at Districts in the 500 yard Freestyle event. Robin Murphy, just finishing her fourth year as head coach, is already looking forward to next year. The Summit Swimming team was comprised of 10 seniors, with only two underclassmen, so she’s looking for new talent to join the team!

SWIMMING Summit Ends Season with a State Qualifier John Patterson ended his swimming career at The Summit by qualifying for the state tournament which was held in Canton, OH February 24 and 25. After he medaled at Districts by placing 4th in the 100 yard Backstroke, John ended up 11th at State in the same event. John also broke the school record this season in the 100 Yard Backstroke where he posted a time of 53.46 at Districts. The 200 Medley relay team of John Patterson, Mason Mechler, Christian Moser, Nathan Patterson and alternates Simon Chow and Nick Pacitti finished 11th in the District meet when they posted a time of 1:46.64. The same men also placed 9th in the 200 Freestyle Relay with a time of 1:34.85. John Patterson also placed 9th in the 50 yard freestyle. 32

Summit wrestler on right: Ben Wilson

WRESTLING 2010-2011 Summit Wrestling Team has a Pivotal Year of Growth and Success! The 2010-2011 Summit Wrestling program had a pivotal year. Its Varsity and Middle School programs saw great improvements and successes. The Summit wrestling program is on its way to being a dominant Division III

ll a b t e sk a B s l r Gi

Brittany Williams

wrestling program in the State of Ohio. The head coach for the Summit Wrestling team is Kyle Wirthwine, who also teaches social studies in the Middle School. He has led the team as head coach since the 2006-2007 season. The Varsity Wrestling team had a solid year on the mat where a number of firsts happened since the reemergence of the wrestling team in 2005. It saw the most wrestlers on the roster since 1998 at thirteen. The team had the largest freshmen class since 1995 with five (Max Damaska, Billy France, Austin Northern, Stuart Seltman, and Otto Snelling). Backed with strong senior leadership from long time wrestlers Mark France and Paul Slater and newcomers Ryan Gabelman and Chris Tappel, the team also compiled a team total of 147 wins, which is the most since 2001. The team placed higher in several tournaments than it has in ten years. Those tournaments include The Summit Invite, where Summit placed first out of ten teams; Tournament Norwood, where Summit placed eighth out of fifteen; and the Division III sectional, where Summit placed eighteenth out of twenty-two teams. Individually, the team saw its first twenty-win wrestlers in Mark France (26-8) and fellow wrestler and brother Billy France (20-12). These two also were ranked in the top of their respective weight classes throughout

the season in the Cincinnati area. Stuart Seltman became the first freshman wrestler to be league champ and first team all MVC in the 130 pound weight class at the MVC league meet. The Summit Middle School team also reached new levels this season and was led by captains Jesse Campbell and Carson Hach. Beginning at The Summit Middle School Invite, the team achieved a near flawless tournament where everyone, including Riley Faucett, Alex Stewart, and Davi Laney, scored key victories on their way to placing first out of twelve teams. As the season progressed, key placements at the Wilmington Junior High Tournament and CCD tournament helped the Knights to finish strong at the league tournament where they placed second, losing first by a mere ten points. League champs included Jesse Campbell, Carson Hach, and Alex Stewart. The wrestling program would have never reached this level if it were not for the six year veteran wrestlers in Mark France and Paul Slater. The legacy of their recruiting efforts, team dedication, and hard work will forever last on the mats of the complex and in the future of the young wrestling hearts of the Summit Country Day School wrestlers.


The Summit Girls’ Basketball team led by two seniors, Brittany Williams and Jenna Joseph, finished their season with a 16-6 record overall and 11-2 in the MVC Scarlet Division. With a roster of seven underclassmen, senior leadership was key on the court. Both Brittany and Jenna have played on The Summit Varsity Basketball team all four years of their Upper School careers. Brittany was selected as the MVC Player of the Year and All-District (Div. IV) Player of the Year this past season. She was also selected as All-Ohio, Second Team. She finished her career as the 4th all-time leading scorer with 970 points and 707 rebounds. Coach Simmons described Jenna Joseph as a wellrounded, three-sport athlete, a player who you can always count on and the perfect role model for the underclassmen. Summit, finishing second in the MVC league, received the following honors: 1st team, Brittany Williams, 2nd Team – Amauria Campbell and Izzie Englehart, Honorable Mention – Ellie Adams and Jenna Joseph. Coach Beth Simmons, who is in her 10th year as head coach at The Summit, was named District Coach of the Year and the Enquirer Division IV Coach of the Year this past season. Ms. Simmons, who is also The Summit Assistant Athletic Director, was selected to coach the District 16 East-West All Star Game on March 23, 2011.

all b t e k as B s y o B

Summit Outshines Predictions! The pre-season predictions were printed in the newspaper – “Summit to finish last in the MVC Scarlet Division.” Those prognosticators did not know they were dealing with top notch leadership of new head coach Michael Bradley and Summit veteran Upper classmen Ryan Glass, Jack Gustafson, Christian Melson, Tommy Kreyenhagen, and Holden Hertzel. With that kind of leadership the underclassmen stepped up and the result was a first class team. Valuable lessons were learned at their first outing, losing to Reading by one point, then, the team went on to win their next 13 games. Fans have enjoyed the calm coaching style of Michael Bradley, former college AllAmerican and NBA player. He has the gift of passing on that peace to his team. Summit finished league play in the Miami Valley Conference with a 10-2 record, sharing the league championship with North College Hill. When the playoffs arrived Summit was seeded second in the Division III playoffs. They defeated Williamsburg in the first round. Then, on to the Cintas Center where they met a tough Shroder team – taking them down to the wire 33-32. Next was Greeneview at the University of Dayton Arena, winning 54-36 for the District Championship. The next opponent was Heath H.S., the winner out of Columbus. The Summit defeated them by a score of 67-51. The Regional Finals meant Summit was one of eight teams left in Division III. Summit met the number one seed, the local Cincinnati team of Taft H.S. It was close the entire game and with 45 seconds left the game was tied. Disappointment filled the stands when the Silver Knights lost 45-49. It was a great game, great season, played by a great team, finishing with a 21-4 record. Summit received the following MVC League awards: 1st Team – Kevin Johnson, 2nd Team – Ryan Glass and Tommy Kreyenhagen, Honorable Mention – Mike Barwick and Antonio Woods. Coach Bradley was named the MVC Coach of the Year. 34

Coach Bradley with his daughter, Kya ’25 after the Regional Playoff Semi-Final Game. Pictured top: Kevin Johnson ’13 slams home two points at the District Championship.


3,4 5 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Yrs. Yrs. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. SUMMER DAY CAMP

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Wk 1 - The Physics of Sports (6/6-10) Wk 2 - Art is All Around Us (6/13-17) Wk 3- Kids in the Kitchen (6/20-24) Wk 4 - Mad Scientist Week (6/27-7/1) Wk 5 - Four Score & a Long Time Ago (7/5-8) Wk 6 - Red Bugs, Black Bugs, …(7/11-15) Wk 7 - It is Easy to be Green (7/18-22) Wk 8 - Let’s Go Camping (7/25-29) Wk 9 - What do Arthur, D.W., …(7/25-29)

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IT UE RMExM S lorations p M



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Summer Montessori (6/6-8/5) Fabulous Physics Challenge (6/6-10) SAT/PSTAT Preparation (6/6-10) Space & Rocketry (6/13-17) Introductory Video Game Creation (6/13-17) Video Game Creation - The Sequel (6/13-17) Babysitting 101 (6/13-16) Signing Safari (6/13-17) Chess Camp (6/13-17) Fun with French (6/13-17) Summer Studies in Latin Language (6/14-7/1) Let’s Go Wild (6/20-24) Creative Writing Workshop for MS (6/20-24) Gizmos, Gadgets and Goop (6/27-7/1) Exploring Architecture (7/18-22) Be an Entrepreneur (7/25-29) High School Placement Test Prep (7/28 & 8/1,4,8,11,15) Math Madness (8/1-5) Review of Algebra I Fundamentals (8/8-17) NOTE: Must be Preparing to take Algebra II Grammar Grab (8/8-12) Writing Clinic (8/8-12) Getting Ready for First Grade (8/8-12) Study Smarter Not Harder (8/15-17) High School Placement Test Prep II (9/24 & 10/1,8,15,22,29) ARTISTIC Traveling Through the Art Zone (6/6-10) Private Summer Voice Lessons (6/6 - 8/5) Music Together (Wednesdays 6/8-7/13) Beginning Guitar Lessons (MS) (6/13-17) Beginning Guitar Lessons (US) (6/13-17) Kids Dance Camp! - Sleeping Beauty (6/20-24) Kids Dance Camp! - Peter Pan (6/27-7/1) Middle School Theater Camp (7/11-29) Counted Cross Stitching (8/8-12)

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Little Dribblers Boys Basketball Camp (6/6-9) Rising Stars Girls Lacrosse Camp (6/6-8) Summer School Physical Education (M-F 6/6-17) Gateway Field Hockey (6/9-10) Baseball Camp (6/13-17) Training Camp (Wednesdays beginning 6/15) NOTE: Also available for adults Zumba (Fridays beginning 6/17) NOTE: Also available for adults Boys & Girls Soccer Camp (6/20-24) Boys & Girls Academy Soccer Camp (6/20-24) Michael Bradley Future Stars Basketball Camp 6/20-23) Boys Lacrosse Camp (7/5-8) Summit Football Camp (7/18-22) Cheerleading Camp (8/15-18)

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Where are they now?


The photo above, taken in Spring of 2009, appeared in the 2009-10 Summit calendar. “On the first day of school, I can identify the three-year-old students who have attended our Toddler Program,” says Montessori Enrichment teacher Kathy Scott. “They walk into the classroom with a clear understanding, ready to learn.” Accustomed to working with a purpose, these students already possess a sense of order and have experience developing independence.

occur. Recent advances in cognitive science underscore Maria Montessori’s advocacy for the importance of stimulating the mind during the child’s sensitive periods. Providing a rich environment for the period up to age three is critical. “Our

Accustomed to working with a purpose, these students already possess a sense of order and have experience developing independence.

In 2010, the World Language Program expanded to include the children in Mrs. Scott’s class. All all-day three- and four-year-olds now receive a full year of world language instruction. They are each enrolled in French or Spanish and then switch languages in the middle of the year. “I remember my students sitting around the table working on a Thanksgiving project,” said Mrs. Scott. “And – this just happened spontaneously – the children started trading crayons using the language that they were learning. So the students taking French said their colors in French, and they were talking to the students taking Spanish who responded in Spanish.”

parents are reading the same reports on brain research that I am,” says Phyllis Schueler, Director of Montessori. “I view the Toddler Program as a gift to our Summit community.” Responding to demand, an additional toddler classroom is being constructed. This fall, The Summit will offer a five-day half-day morning program for two-year-olds to augment its current two and three-day programs.

The wildly popular Toddler Program has expanded as well. Now once a week, toddlers engage in Orff music classes which researchers say stimulates nerve growth in the same part of the brain that problem-solving and language development

— Nancy Van Epps


Barrett Wade ’25 and Cecilia Chavez ’25, members of

The Summit Montessori Toddler Program Inaugural Class are now poised to begin their Mastery Year.

Barrett shows his mother, Adaire Hiestand ’87, how he is able to solve numeric equations concretely by using the addition strip board, a key Montessori math material. According to Michele Kaegi, Barrett’s academic teacher and 22 year veteran in the Montessori, “Barrett is reading on a first grade level as a pre-Kindergartener. He has developed a keen interest in Science and Geography and has a wonderful understanding of the world in which he lives. I know he will thoroughly enjoy the units of study that await him in his upcoming Kindergarten enrichment program as he continues to absorb information at an impressive rate.”

Now C.C. demonstrates to her father, Manuel Chavez BMS ’91, how she spells short “a” vowel words with the moveable alphabet, a key Montessori language material comprised of a wooden box of letters with red consonants and blue vowels that helps children prepare to read, write and spell. Mary Humpert, C.C.’s academic teacher in her 33rd year, shared that C.C. is reading both short and long vowel books as well as pre-primers. Mrs. Humpert fondly recalled having taught C.C.’s uncles as young children.


The Summit Annual Fund for Excellence

Like all independent schools, The Summit relies on philanthropic gifts to meet our operational needs. Donations provide the additional resources that make a Summit education unique and first class. We hope you will include The Summit in your philanthropic giving this year with a gift to the Annual Fund for Excellence. The Annual Fund helps to ensure the margin of excellence a Summit education provides to each student by supporting the commitment to professional development for faculty, technology enhancements, tuition assistance and character development. It is not too late to make a commitment, our goal this year is $745,000 and with your support, we can reach this goal. Please make your donation today by sending in a check to The Summit Annual Fund for Excellence, 2161 Grandin Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208 or go online


Karen and Tom Bosse This year The Summit welcomed Karen and Tom Bosse, parents of Haley ’16 and Mirabella ’25. After a warm and welcoming shadowing experience, Karen and Tom chose The Summit for their daughters because of its “academic excellence and the respect and commitment that we saw exhibited toward the students, from the administration and teachers, on all levels.” The Bosse children adjusted well and are having a great first year. “Haley exhibited so much courage to make a change after nine years at another school and integrated so well with her new classmates,” said Karen. “She has made fabulous friendships, and even forgets that she is one of the ‘new kids’ when discussing school events and activities.” “Mirabella was undecided on her second day of school about whether going to a ‘big school like her sissy’ was worth changing out of her pajamas and heading out the door so early in the morning, so she compromised by going to school in her pajamas! By the second week of school, she was out of bed, dressed and ready to go by 7:30 AM, anxious to be with her teachers and her new friends.” With such great new memories and experiences, the Bosses feel it is important to give back to The Summit. Karen states that “Tom and I felt that it was important to give to the Annual Fund for Excellence because just as The Summit goes the extra mile for our children, so should we go the extra mile for The Summit. We have felt welcomed by everyone in the administration and have been ‘wowed’ with the teachers. We have also experienced a very warm reception by other Summit families - a testament to the culture that The Summit works so hard to instill.” If you see the Bosses at the next school event, please welcome them to The Summit family.

Kathy and Michael McQueen Kathy and Michael McQueen, parents of Nicholas Clark ’09, may not currently have children here at The Summit but they remain a part of The Summit family. When they first entered the halls of The Summit they were impressed with the student centered curriculum and how the classes prepared the students for college. They also felt the camaraderie amongst the students was wonderful. Michael McQueen recalls, “My son took part in the school plays, and I was impressed at how the other students came to support each other at all events.” In elementary school, Nicholas exhibited perseverance and strong academic sensibility. As a result, twelve years later, he graduated from The Summit with perfect attendance. And for this accomplishment, he was featured on Channel 5 News. The McQueens are extremely grateful for the knowledge that Nicholas gained while at The Summit and they feel it is important to give back. Mr. McQueen believes that giving to The Annual Fund for Excellence “is paying it forward and it helps give others a chance to receive a top notch education.” Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. McQueen for all of their support.


Levels of Giving to The Annual Fund for Excellence

Gifts of all sizes are welcome and gifts of $500 or more are recognized through giving club circles listed below in The Summit Annual Report. For more information on the Annual Fund for Excellence, please contact Michele Duda, Assistant Director of Development 513.871.4700 ext. 243 or

Trustees Club Millennium Club Headmaster’s Club Summit Club Leadership Club 21st Century Club Silver Knight Club*

$25,000 and larger $15,000- $24,999 $10,000- $14,999 $5,000- $9,999 $2,500- $4,999 $1,000- $2,499 $500 -$999

*Alumni who have not yet celebrated their 10th reunion and who make a gift of $250 will be recognized as a Silver Knight Club member.


Charitable IRA Rollover

In the Tax Relief Act signed into law December 2010 by President Obama, the Charitable IRA Rollover provision was extended through December 31, 2011. This creates a special tax-free giving opportunity for those age 70 ½ and older who hold assets in an IRA Account. If you qualify, this is a time sensitive opportunity for you to make a gift of any amount up to $100,000 to The Summit Country Day School in a manner that can be tax advantageous for you. Your gift can make an immediate impact on the future of The Summit! • • •

Make a gift to the Annual Fund for Excellence in support of current operations and immediate tuition assistance. Establish a family fund within the Endowment to support the long term sustainability of the school in the areas of scholarship, professional development, academic enhancements, and facilities maintenance. Make a gift to the general Endowment in support of the school’s highest priorities.

For more information, please contact Beth Jantsch, Director of Development at 513.871.4700 x242. We also recommend consulting your tax and estate planning professional for further assistance. 41

Ella Shockey sings the National Athem.

“In December when my dad told me about the new field, I was so excited! I imagined that it would be like a college baseball field, but it is even better. There are no rain-outs, none of the bad hops that you see on regular artifical turf occur and the brown area around the bases has sand mixed in so it is easier to slide. The Summit’s new field has all these advantages of artificial, but it feels like the natural ballfields I grew up playing on.” Douglas Compton ’14 42

Cheerleaders Sara Wiser and Brianna Scott

The Summit’s new ‘FIELD OF DREAMS’ Story and Photos by Alex Reed

Bob Castellini, CEO of The Cincinnati Reds, throws out the first pitch.

On April 5, The Summit celebrated a dedication of a new baseball field turf at the Summit Athletic Complex. Head of School Rich Wilson, Father Phil Seher, Upper School Director Pat White, Athletic Director Greg Dennis, along with Summit faculty, fans and athletes joined in this special official ceremony of the new field. A ribbon-cutting took place in front of home plate and Cincinnati Reds CEO Bob Castellini threw out the first pitch. It was a great event to start off The Summit Baseball team’s season as they won 15 to 5 against New Miami.

non-elastic infill will result in truer ball bounces and speeds that closely resemble high performance natural turf fields. The infill has the added benefit of providing cooler surface temperatures,” said Zach Burns of The Motz Group who helped in the installation of this new field. “It is the turf technology used on this field that is new and different than what you see on older turf baseball fields and the entire infield will be covered,” said Greg Dennis, Athletic Director. “The major difference from playing on grass or a partially turfed field is that when everybody else would call a rain-out due to poor field conditions we’ll still be able to play on our field.”

The Summit Athletic Complex installed the new, high-tech baseball field this past winter, which is the first of its kind. This Triple Play™ HP synthetic turf baseball system covers the entire infield with an improved high-performance artificial grass and advanced underlayment system; there is no other field quite like it.

The school’s Building and Grounds Committee supported the new “Field of Dreams” project by seeing the need for a new field and working with generous parents who helped make it happen. The project was funded predominately through fundraising efforts.

An acrylic-coated, non-elastic infill called Envirofill is the key component of the system because it provides a more realistic playing surface for baseball play than traditional rubber infilled systems. The infill looks like brown sand, replacing the larger black pellets used in other kinds of turf. “The

For more photos of the event taken by Jolene Barton, please see

Rich Wilson

Dave Crowl, Kevin Scott, Bob Castellini, Chris Meininger


ROGER WEBER ’06 Lisa Eccles


How do you describe an unassuming 22 year old who is advancing through arduous graduate studies faster than a speeding bullet, whose resume belies his tender age, and whose endless energy is destined to fast-track him toward architectural prominence? Maybe it’s a little stretch to call it

superman-like, and Roger Weber would flinch at such a comparison – but at least he has to admit he wants to build those tall buildings, if not leap them in a single bound. The 2006 Summit grad is somewhat of an enigma — gifted in math and science, but also incredibly talented in writing and art. While these skills are usually categorically opposite, one of his goals is to break the stereotype, and he credits The Summit’s interdisciplinary approach to teaching with supporting his many interests. “One of the profound gifts from The Summit is that it combines great people and great resources in a small and personal environment,” he said. “My sense is that you can be proficient in multiple areas since the faculty are very enthusiastic about encouraging you to try new things. Developing that proficiency was a big boost to my confidence and helped prepare me for college.” Mr. Weber currently holds an undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Pennsylvania (magna cum laude) and is almost halfway through his master’s degree in urban planning at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. For his achievements he was honored as the flag bearer for his major at Penn’s graduation, where he sported a laser cut profile of Philadelphia’s City Hall on his cap. While at Penn he tenured with the university’s newspaper and earned honors as assignments reporter of the year and an unofficial award as summer Pennsylvanian columnist of the year. He served as trumpet section leader last year with the Penn Band and was on its governing council for three years. Mr. Weber developed a passion for writing early and helped restart the Upper School’s newspaper “Insight.” He went on to become editor and managed to publish ten times during his senior year, which was a record for the publication. His artistic talents got the attention of Dr. Pat White; she quickly channeled some of his focus into architecture by helping secure his senior

search as an intern with the Cincinnati Red’s at Great American Ballpark. He analyzed baseball stats, player data and other pertinent information for the player development staff – and could feed his growing appetite for building stadiums and large public venues. The Summit lifer’s devotion to construction also started at a young age when he would spend hours combining chunks of wood and blocks into intricate structures. Amusingly, he found Legos “very limiting” because they have a finite amount of positions possible. He fondly remembers time spent with his father, Roger, at many ball games in Cincinnati and at the famous Ohio State Stadium “the Horseshoe,” which triggered a life-long appreciation of sports and the arenas that house them. His dad’s life was tragically cut short at 58 while Roger Weber was a freshman at Penn; a deeply wounding blow that was somewhat softened by the compassionate outpouring from The Summit community. “The memorial was held at school. I expected a couple of people and was amazed to see teacher after teacher attend,” said Roger. “I felt such a connection of compassionate friendship and support.” Mr. Weber continued to excel in his studies, spent a few months in Paris to complete an architecture course with PennDesign, served as an architectural intern for the City of Cincinnati, and managed to pen articles for the Cincinnati Enquirer. The Mt. Adams native also has written for The History Press and Building, Design + Construction magazines, as well as various web and independent projects. He notes that he “haphazardly” began training to run 5Ks while at Penn and actually medaled at the Penn Relays one year. For a guy who dreams big — both figuratively and literally — Mr. Weber made a major splash by beating out 1,900 applicants for an internship at the Architect of the Capitol -- the DC office responsible for all preservation, planning, building on the US Capitol building and grounds, the Supreme 45

Court, the Congressional office buildings, the Library of Congress and several monuments. “It is without a doubt one of the most incredible jobs I could ever have hoped for in architecture,” wrote Mr. Weber in an email (he was a Summit intern). “I remind myself every time I’m there how lucky I am to have access to the spaces they manage. It still gives me goose bumps every time I exit the west door of the Capitol and look down the National Mall. That is the spot the President comes out and speaks from during the inauguration.” Last summer he wrote a major report on a new Library of Congress facility in Maryland, which won over several hundred other professionally written entries, to win the building a first place achievement award from the Construction Management Association of America. Since these projects are funded through public money and can be politically charged, this award is substantial. He has also completed many historical survey drawings, including the old Supreme Court and Senate chambers. It stands to reason that Mr. Weber’s favorite architect is late 19th century visionary Daniel Burnham, who was instrumental in designing the first sky scraper, and whose grand design for Chicago inspired other large cities to follow suit, including Washington, specifically its Mall concept. Although there is some question of authenticity, the following quote has been always associated with him:

“Make no little plans. They have no magic to strike man’s blood and probably will themselves not be realized.” Maybe Mr. Weber would have been Burnham’s intern if these men were contemporaries – they both know (knew) how to Aim High.

GABBY STEELE ’09 Lisa Eccles To become a champion in any aspect of life requires incredible commitment and sacrifice. Gabby Steele, ‘09, learned this lesson early, as she gained proficiency in tennis. Her dedication to the sport demanded unyielding focus that prohibited the typical social life of a teen. The grueling competition schedule placed her on the road for 20-30 weeks a year. When she reflects upon that time in her life, she has admiration for all who supported her and The Summit’s role in her success. Gabby, who was recently honored for her spectacular tennis accomplishments at The Summit, said the school provided flexibility and nurturing so that she could remain an active student, although she was often outside the walls. “One of the greatest things about The Summit was their support of my tennis. They allowed me to miss many days but still be part of the school,” said Gabby. “This is really rare because most of my friends who competed had to be homeschooled.“ Faculty may have been understanding, but their academic standards remained high. “The teachers were very helpful, but they were on my back to understand the material. They taught me that with hard work, you can do anything.” A life size portrait of the Ohio Division II State Champion was permanently installed at the Flannery Gym at a prebasketball game ceremony honoring Gabby. “Seeing everyone again made me realize that The Summit is always there for me. They are another family to me,” she said.

Mr. John Steele, Gabby Steele ‘09, Cody Steele ‘06, John Steele, Jr., Jeanine Steele


In high school, she was ranked as the number two player in Ohio, number three in the Great Lakes Region and 24th nationally. Aside from her 2007 state singles triumph, Gabby finished runner-up in the Division II Ohio state

Mario Contardi, Gabby Steele ‘09, Steve Contardi, Katie Contardi, Chuck Merzbacher

Ali Steel & Dr. White

MJ Feldhaus, Joy Albi, Gabby Steele

singles tournament her freshman and senior years and led her team to finish as the Division II Ohio state runner-up as a sophomore. Named the team’s Most Valuable Player for four consecutive years, Gabby garnered accolades as the Player of the Year in the Miami Valley Conference her junior year; fourtime Ohio High School Athletic Association state tournament participant; recognized by the Ohio State Senate with resolution No. 145 for state title; twice named Female Tennis Player of the Year by her local Women’s Sports Association, and first team all-state for three years.

time, but the Summit lifer still aces her communication major studies and was named an OSU scholar athlete. The seeds of tennis were sown early when she picked up her first racket at age five “for fun” with her family and began competing seven years later. She was never at a loss for a formidable challenger when older sister Allie was around – big sis had a winning Summit career, was also on the 2006 Summit state finalist team, and is participating in her senior tennis season at Rollins College. Gabby has maintained her personal coach Dan Kronague since she was seven and values home town connections. “Keeping in touch with my high school friends reminds me that there are other things in life besides tennis,” she said. “It helps me keep a healthy balance.”

As a freshman last year at Ohio State, she led the team in singles and double victories and was preparing to better her record as the seasoned kicked into high gear in February. Intensive physical training and practice dominate most of her

LEONARD MARQUEZ ’89 on leadership “I thank my father every day for sending me to The Summit. At 5’8” and 190 lbs., I was a starter on the baseball and wrestling teams and played football for four years (two of them under Coach Ackley). I learned that hard work and resilience pay off. Although the football team was not doing well my senior year, we were persistent with weight-training and running. We believed that good things were going to happen. I will remember my last home game for the rest of my life. We won on the final drive of the game which was 80 yards down the field. I had so many opportunities to excel and be a leader at The Summit, but that experience really opened my eyes to what I could do if I worked hard and trusted my teammates.”

Pictured (clockwise L to R at daughter Caroline’s First Communion) Len holding daughter Abby, Jennifer, Ellie and Caroline


Len currently serves as the Director of Government Relations with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) in Washngton, D.C. providing advocacy and education about hospitals and medical schools to the nation’s leaders. He attributes his tenacity and ability to work with a team to his four years in varsity sports at The Summit.

1970 1990




Wulf SBS ’77 has been employed


Kitzmiller SBS ’51 married his

wife Kathleen in 1986 and moved to St. Petersburg, Florida. Kathleen started a construction company where Tim worked as General Manager. Together, they built custom homes for 22 years and did several commercial renovation projects where Tim was the licensed general contractor. Recently, Tim semi-retired from the building business and in the upcoming months, plans to find a small residence in need of major work, fix it up and enjoy a scaled down life style. While his wife continues to work, Tim plans to focus on his work at St. John Vianney Church, possibly consult and volunteer with his local charities. Pictured above: Tim and Kathleen with family friends.

in various financial leadership roles at two companies throughout his career after starting as an auditor. He worked at Arthur Andersen in Cincinnati for two years, and then worked at Jay Instrument, a distributor of valves and gauges for 8 years. In 1995 he began work at NetJets, the founder of fractional ownership of private jets. While he began at Lunken airport, he then moved to Columbus OH, Lisbon Portugal, Bluffton SC (near Hilton Head Island), and now back to Columbus, OH. He has been married to Judi for 17 years, and has 12 year old twins, Andrew and Kaitlyn. Their time in Europe allowed great vacations in London, Paris, Geneva, and a Mediterranean cruise – now they stick with Disneyworld!

of Hugo in Oakley was invited to do a dinner at the James Beard House in New York City. He packed a refrigerated truck with pre-prepped items for a multi-course dinner and took his kitchen crew to New York for the March 14 date. The James Beard house is the former townhouse of James Beard, a cookbook writer known for his championing of classic American cuisine, his embrace of the good life, and influence on many American chefs. The James Beard Foundation invites chefs from all over the country to cook and serve a meal there throughout the year. It is considered a high honor in the culinary world to be invited.

2000 1980

Angela Shinkle ’01, a graduate

Noah Hunt ’88 recently attended the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards Ceremony in Los Angeles as the lead singer of the Kenny Wayne Shepherd

Gretta Conlan Barclay ’58 will

of Miami University is engaged to Justin Swann of Beavercreek, OH and a graduate of Wright State University. They will wed in April 2012 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel at The Summit.

Jessica Feghali ’01 married

be attending the 50th Year Peace Corps Celebration in Washington, D.C.

September 24-26, 2011 where she will reunite with many of the volunteers she served with in Africa. Gretta served in the Peace Corps under Sargent Shriver from 1964-66 and taught school for two years in Musoma, Tanzania, East Africa.

Sean Daly ’98, the chef/owner

Band. The Band was nominated for Best Contemporary Blues Album for “Live in Chicago,” their long awaited first live album. The group also performed at the pre-telecast Grammy ceremony.


Warren G. Harding, IV on September 18, 2010 at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. Many in the bridal party were Summit Alumni. Maid of Honor Kate Goodroe ’01, Matron of Honor Tatiana (Feghali) Carter ’95, bridesmaids Priscilla (Feghali) Murray ’92, Brittani Eiseman ’01 and Meredith (Connelly) Koch ’01. Ushers included Brendan Thelen ’03 and Andrew Campbell ’98. After honeymooning in Napa Valley, CA they now reside in Chicago, IL.

2000 Lauren Hoeck ’01 has been

named the Women’s 7’s Rugby National Player of the Year by Rugby Magazine. Lauren is a 2005 graduate from the University of Notre Dame. She is employed as an actuary by Watson, Tower in Washington, DC. She was the captain of the USA team that played in an international tournament in Las Vegas in February.

Jeffrey Roth ’02 is a current

Summit Faculty Member/Coach. He will be marrying Elizabeth Tassell in the Summit’s Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel on July 20, 2011.

Adam Dalia ’06 is a 3rd year med student. He recently returned from a week-long volunteer trip to Palestine with PCRF (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund). He treated children with burns and other deformities that could not be treated locally. The team worked many hours each day as volunteers to serve the humanitarian needs of children in Palestine.

Bea Wissel ’06 has been

nominated for the prestigious Independent Reviewers of New England (IRNE) award for her first play, a comedy called “Burning the Barn,” which made its premier at Vagabond Theatre in Boston, MA. This past holiday season, SCD Class of 2007 hosted a blood drive honoring Tori Benecchi, ’07 at The Summit. Tori was the passenger in a serious car accident in South Carolina in October. Once at the hospital, she received thirty units of blood and fluids. Tori is now healing at home and experiences daily victories on the road to continued recovery. In honor of Tori, the care she received and her

battle for recovery, classmate Camille Maynard ’07 and many friends organized this event with Hoxworth Blood Center. 57 units of blood were collected from 58 donors (23 being first time donors!) which translates into 171 lives saved.

Trish Glass, (who were there cheering for Notre Dame, of course!) Current Faculty member Mr. Bob Gorey had the opportunity to visit

with several Summit alumni while attending a conference in San Diego, CA.

Austin Berry ’07 was named

the Big East Conference’s Defensive Player of the Year. Berry, a defender in his junior year started all 22 games he’s played in this season, while helping the Louisville Cardinals to an undefeated record. Berry scored the game winning goal against Ohio State that moved the Cards into the NCAA Tournament’s Elite Eight for the first time. He was also a first team AllBig East selection and an NSCAA All American. Photo Credit: Matt Stone, The Courier-Journal) Sept. 22, 2010


Beth Chambers ’10 and Kyle Gundrum ’10 were elected as 2011-2012 Ohio Senior Classical League officers.

Nate Gustafson ’10 was among

approximately 300 West Point cadets who traveled to Yankee Stadium

Kevin Booher ’00, Bob Gorey, Jay Dornheggen ’93 and Adrienne Dornheggen-Spawn ’95

Dr. Jim Sammarco ’85, Chairman of the Patient Education Committee for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons lives in Cincinnati but was able to visit with Mr. Gorey and the group while attending a convention in San Diego.

Births Sean Becker ’92 and his wife

Nolita welcomed their first child and daughter, Greta on December 15, 2010.

Paul Kiley ’93 and his wife

Margaux welcomed their first child and daughter, Harper Grace on August 3, 2010. The Kileys happily reside in Newport News, Virginia, where they’ve called home since April, 2009.

Megan (Maag) Kline ’98 and for the Army/Notre Dame game in November. Nate had an opportunity to meet up with family friends and current Summit Parents Gary and 49

her husband Javan welcomed a baby boy, Cameron Rhys Kline, on November 21, 2010.

In Memory



Robert Baechtold, father of Bob Baechtold, Upper School Faculty, February 12, 2011.

Raymond Buse, Jr. SBS ’39,

father of Barbara (Buse) Vollmer ’67, Jane (Buse) Burke ’70, Raymond Buse SBS ’68 and brother of J. Barrett Buse SBS ’45, March 3, 2011.

Ruth (Clear) Deye ’41, mother

of Kathryn (Deye) Enright ’65, Thomas SBS ’66, James SBS ’68, Christopher SBS ’75 and Mary (Deye) Miller (att.), January 11, 2011.

Mary Ann (Schulte) Geoghegan ’42, sister of Joan

(Schulte) Rohde ’47, Martha (Schulte) Johnson ’45 and Virginia (Schulte) Wenstrup ’49, March 8, 2011.

Margaret (Heekin) Bolan ’60, mother of Brian Bolan ’92, sister of Caroline (Heekin) Stineman ’65, Jeannie (Heekin) Case ’68, Mary Ann Heekin ’71, Peter Heekin SBS ’70 and Annie (Heekin) Siegrist ’76, December 19, 2010.

Mia Cunningham ’61,

W. Henry Blohm Jr., brother of Jon Blohm SBS ’68, February 25, 2011. Greg Bunker, brother of Mary Ragland ’71, December 28, 2010. Margaret Carle, mother of Jeff Carle, Upper School Faculty, October 16, 2010.

Rosann O’Reilly, mother of Jean O’Reilly Avery ’94 and Sister Ann O’Reilly ’98, October 27, 2010. William Scull, father of Margaret Scull ’08, November 15, 2010. Irmarose Seher, mother of Father Phil Seher, Summit’s Chaplain, March 3, 2011. David Black, husband of Nancy (Stone) Black ’57, January 12, 2011.

Myron Dale, father of Allison Dale ’06, Hillary Dale ’08 and Margot Dale ’10, December 14, 2010.

Vicki Sullivan, mother of Brian Sullivan ’97 and Gregory Sullivan ’99 and former Summit faculty member, November 2, 2010.

Diego Esquibel, beloved former member of The Summit Faculty, February 22, 2011.

John Talty, father of Karen (Branko) Talty-Njegovan ’82, Timothy ’83 and Brian Talty ’86, January 23, 2011.

Mary Kelly, mother and mother-inlaw of Summit Upper School Faculty members Pat and Sue Kelly, January 5, 2011.

Martha Twombly, mother of Michael Twombly ’02, Nicholas Twombly ’04 and Caroline Twombly ’05 and beloved member of The Summit Faculty.

James McHugh, husband of Clare (Eagen) McHugh ’55, December 25, 2010. Margaret Mersman, mother of Jeffrey Mersman SBS ’63, November 8, 2010.

William Weber, father of Marilyn (Weber) Stegeman ’72, Deborah (Weber) Reinstatler ’74, and Allison (Weber) Erickson ’88, October 24, 2010.

February 18, 2010.

Martha Twombly: A Summit Icon Remembered On January 8, 2011, Summit Country Day lost not only a teacher but also an icon to the entire community. Martha Twombly, a Spanish teacher who poured her heart and soul into her twenty-five years of teaching, died after a long battle with cancer.

she cared for so much,“ said Phyllis Schueler, Director of the Montessori. “She was always bringing forth new ideas. Martha was one of those teachers who provided a spark that ignited a passion for learning. She wanted the best and wanted to be the best.” Martha constantly explored new ways to reach out to her students. Busy trying new ideas and concepts, she never wanted to see students fail or fall short. Her Spanish classes put on plays and took trips to Spanish speaking countries; she was determined that her students learn about other cultures.

Passionate, friendly and caring, Martha was a true role model to the students, faculty and friends whose lives she touched. “She was a leader and a person others could count on. She talked about her children and husband all the time and The Summit students who

Martha’s passion for teaching and ways of engaging children in the love of learning will forever be remembered. Her caring and gentle soul is now at peace and will be missed by many. — Alex Reed


type of experience to others,” said Scott David. “Ebele demonstrates leadership qualities and the drive for academic achievement. She’s a great kid - we fell in love with her when we met her.” The Davids are both involved with the school, especially Kim, who serves on the Board of Trustees, and has headed the auction and solicited money for the Annual Fund. She also coaches girls field hockey and lacrosse. They have a deep commitment to giving back to the community and want to assist The Summit’s continuing efforts to cultivate diversity. The David Family Scholarship is awarded every four years to a culturally diverse student entering the Upper School who demonstrates a passion for learning, involvement in their school and/or their community, a commitment to their faith, and possesses the qualities reflective of The Summit five pillars: spiritual, academical, physical, social and artistic. Ebele was enrolled in the Leadership Scholars Program that matches Catholic high school students with Middle School students who attend CISE schools (Catholic Innercity Schools for Education). Summit students assigned to Corryville Catholic made a big impact on her as a seventh grader. “My shadow experience was a better experience than the others I had because the students and teachers were so friendly, and I already knew some of the Upper classmen,” said Ebele. She credits Class of 2010 alums Kelsey Frenck, Debha Amatya and Elizabeth Hoffman for “closing the deal” on her high school choice. “These were very sharp kids,” said Mr. Coffie. “I was really pleased with the process and her selection. She has always been self motivated with her schoolwork, and she won’t be able to become complacent since the teachers and students have high expectations.”

Ebele Ebele de la Bay-Coffie may be a mouth full of a name, befitting a bigger-than-life persona, but it belongs to a poised and humble freshman whose hunger for academic challenge led her to The Summit. Discounting that she would be the only student from Corryville Catholic and any financial concerns, the determined 14 year old was convinced that The Summit was “the only school for her” and was not timid about making this argument to her family. “She kept insisting on The Summit,” said her father, Chuwuma Coffie. “She initially fell in love with this place, and I was amazed at the cooperation and encouragement from the administration, staff and students.” Ebele’s persistence paid off, and her excellent academics and leadership accomplishments made her the perfect candidate to receive the inaugural Scott B. and Kimberly L. David Family Scholarship. “Our children have had an incredible opportunity and experience at The Summit, and we wanted to provide the same 51

That welcoming attitude eased her family’s fears and also resounded with the Davids who shared the same anxieties when moving their children from Boston in 2003 when their eldest was just entering high school. “It doesn’t matter what your socio-economic background may be, you fear not being accepted in a new place,” said Mr. David. “It can be especially tough for teenagers, but the minute we walked into The Summit we immediately felt at home.” Mr. Coffie, who attended Catholic schools in his native Nigeria, shared the sentiment and is grateful and relieved that his daughter and family are now valued members of The Summit community. Ebele takes this all in stride, exhibiting no reservations about getting the most out of her four years here. She is playing basketball and considering lacrosse for the spring. She enjoys history and reading and is contemplating a career in medicine, which could be a genetic predisposition. Her grandfather, Benjamin Coffie, MD, 85, of Ghana, is a retired senior lecturer at the University of Ibadan. The Summit congratulates Ebele on her achievement. For more information on this and other Summit scholarship programs, please visit the school website at — Lisa Eccles

A L U M N I C O M P O S I T E S O N D I S P L AY Since the first class of two students, Anna McKenzie and Olive Sargent, graduated from The Summit in 1893, The Summit produced photo composites of each Upper School class. For many years these photos have hung in display cases in the hallway to the Chapel. Unfortunately, the sheer number of them prevented all but the most determined from viewing them.

The following is a list of those composites which have not yet been reframed. 1917 – 1922 1979 1926 – 1927 1980 1934 – 1935 1981 1936 – 1937 1986 1938 – 1939 1987 1944 – 1945 1989 1947 1990 1948 1992 1949 1993 1950 1994 1951 1995 1952 1997 1954 1999 1962 2000 1964 2004 1977 2008 1978 2009 2010

Through the generosity of a number of our alumni, we are now reframing and hanging the photo composites of the Upper School classes in the Upper School dining room areas where our students and our guests can see them every day. Each one will be reframed with archival glass and archival matting for $225 - $250 each, depending on the size of the class. Consider reframing your own class composite, one that includes a member of your family as a gift, or organizing your class to make the contributions that are necessary for reframing. It is a lovely gift to you, your family and The Summit.

If you are interested in helping us to get these historical photographs out of the box and onto the walls where we can all proudly view our heritage, please contact: Susan Maxwell, Alumni Relations Associate 513.871.4700, ext. 245 or

Since our last publication, eight more composites have been refurbished, framed and hung in the Upper School dining room! A very special thank you is necessary to the alumni, family and friends who made this possible, and to everyone who has contributed along the way. Not a day passes that a group of students isn’t noticed gathering around a particular composite or two and reflecting on our history. We’re well on our way to completing this project and look forward to displaying more this spring!


DEAR ALUMNI/AE: I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this spring issue on leadership. You, our Alumni, represent the leaders of today and are an example of how The Summit has provided a foundation for leaders of character. The last part of The Summit’s mission, a challenge “to become people of character who value and improve the world they inherit,” is visible by the contributions that you as individuals continue to make in your own communities as business, political, educational, and philanthropic leaders. Others witness The Summit mission through your endeavors. A recurring statement I often hear from alumni is, “I’ve come to realize I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for The Summit.” While a Summit education is exceptional, it is obvious what they are saying goes beyond the four walls of a classroom and extends into the relationships, opportunities and experiences that have been presented to them through their Summit experiences. Our current students are beginning this journey, and their success will be in part due to the foundation and support you provide to them today as alumni of The Summit. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to our legacy! As yet another school year winds down, we’re busy with several events on campus. First, our annual Fleur-de-Lis luncheon is a special celebration for alumni who graduated 40+ years ago. We always take pleasure in hearing their stories and memories about the time they spent at The Summit. The following week, we formally welcome the Class of 2011 into the Alumni Association at Senior Induction. This is an opportunity for our newest graduates to hear a little bit about what it means to “be an alum” from alumni, and receive their traditional ceramic Summit mug. Our final event of the school year is the McKenzieSargent Award Reception, held just prior to graduation. This year, we’re very excited to recognize the late Honorable Julia A. Stautberg ’85 with this award, which is the highest honor bestowed upon an alum. As many are aware, in addition to her scores of professional accomplishments, Julie spent much of her time volunteering and graciously serving the community with tremendous compassion. She was the quintessence of servant leadership. As always, The Office of Alumni Relations is working to provide opportunities for all Summit Country Day School alumni whether you are a graduate of the Upper School (both single sex and co-ed), Summit Boys School, or Middle School - to become engaged and involved. We are very thankful of the alumni who continue to support us and we look forward to continuing our partnership in furthering the mission of The Summit. Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can provide additional opportunities for you to stay connected here. We look forward to hearing from you, and we welcome your visits. Continued alumni engagement is the key to our legacy and that of The Summit. Best regards,

Susan Maxwell Alumni Relations & Special Events Associate (513) 871-4700 ext. 245

S AV E T H E DAT E MAY 13, 2011 

FLEUR-DE-LIS MASS AND LUNCHEON Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel & St. Cecilia’s, 11:00 a.m. (Celebrating alumni who have graduated 40+ years ago)

MAY 27, 2011

SENIOR INDUCTION LUNCHEON Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel & St. Cecilia’s, 12:00 p.m.

MAY 29, 2011 


SEPTEMBER 16 – 18, 2011 HOMECOMING/REUNION WEEKEND All alumni are invited and welcome to attend the events on campus. Class years ending in “1” and “6” are encouraged to plan their individual reunion gatherings for Saturday, September 17. If you are interested in helping organize your Class Year Reunion, please e-mail Susan Maxwell, at ALL SCHOOL REUNION COCKTAIL PARTY Friday, September 16, 6:00 p.m. ALUMNI AWARDS LUNCHEON Saturday, September 17, 11:30 a.m. ALL COMMUNITY MASS Sunday, September 18, 11:00 a.m. CASTING CALL Longtime Summit Faculty member Bruce Bowdon is writing and directing a yet un-titled musical on parenting. Similar to the 2002 production of Amore, this dialogue-less show will feature a series of songs on the trials and triumphs of raising children. Covering the pains and pleasures of parenting children from infancy to young adulthood these songs will be performed by Summit alumni, parents of alumni and friends. These performances will take place in Kyte Theatre over Thanksgiving Weekend 2011. There is still plenty of time to be a part of the cast! Contact Bruce Bowdon by e-mail at for more information. 53


2161 Grandin Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 513.871.4700

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Car L ine to Candlelight

Recipes to Nourish your Knights in the Queen City The Summit is a community of families busy with the everyday tasks of raising children, loving grandchildren and supporting each other in the process. This year, an outstanding committee of parents, faculty and alumni are capturing the essence of our Summit family in a new Summit cookbook titled Car Line to Candlelight: Recipes to nourish your Knights in the Queen City. We have collected over 500 recipes from Summit families all over the country. Many of these include family traditions and helpful hints to share the joy of family favorites with the entire community. The cookbook will be available for online presales in the upcoming weeks and sales of the published book will begin in the fall. A perfect gift for everyone in your family and beyond, this will be a Summit keepsake for years to come! Proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will benefit the Lower School Garden for the Good, The Summit Country Day School Pond and other chapel and campus beautification projects.

Illustration by Cincinnati artist, Grey Hall

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