Annual Report 2010-11

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THE SUMMIT Editor Nancy Van Epps ’77 Contributing Editor Nancy Berlier Donor Lists and Development Information Development Department Design & Art Director Nancy Van Epps ’77 Contributing Photographers Robert Flischel Alex Reed Proofreader Nancy Snow

2 From Rich Wilson, Head of School

3 From Michael Bergeron, Chair, The Summit Board of Trustees

6 Graduation and Awards

16 Memory Collection 22 Terms of Endearment 24 Summit Connections 31 Alumni Profile Maureen Ferrell, Director of College Counseling, congratulates Jude Austin. Behind them, on left, from left, are: Catherine Ann DiOrio Sallada, Shirley Anne Nunlist, Jenna Marie Joseph, Kelsey Joan Hock, Sophie Eleanor Haines, Eden Lanfare Geracioti, Julia Brewster Gaede, Courtney Elizabeth Collins, Rikkel Lee Bravo, Christy Callie Bach, Alexandra Elizabeth Amend and Jenna Lauren Wagner. On the right side of the chapel, from left are: Morgan Brittany Lawrence, Emma Morrissey McGoff, Elizabeth June Meininger, Elizabeth Marie Middleton and Toria Cecile Aronoff.

32 Donors, Benefactors & Finances

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P R O M O T I N G A C U LT U R E O F H O N O R Honor is both a verb and noun. Honor - the verb: to hold in high esteem. The Commandment, “Honor thy father and mother,” is foundational to Christianity. Christ’s subsequent behavior and teachings underscored the importance of honoring others. In this magazine we honor our donors who believe enough in the mission of the school to donate part of their treasure to ensure the teachers and coaches have the best facilities and materials in Cincinnati to work their magic with the children. We hold these donors in high esteem. We honor our graduating Class of 2011 who achieved extraordinary things while here, have been accepted at prestigious colleges, and have attracted millions in merit money. We hold these graduates and their achievements in high esteem. We also honor our talented faculty and staff who pour their heart and soul into helping children grow in grace and wisdom to become leaders of character. Some deal directly with the students while others support those who do. We hold these faculty and staff members and their dedication to the mission of The Summit in high esteem. Honor - the noun: principled uprightness of character, a code of personal integrity, good name and reputation. The main reason this school exists is to help parents develop their children into leaders of character. This mission is more important now than ever. The buzz in education today is all about accountability of teachers in raising the test scores of their students, yet developing the intellectual side of the child is only one part of the job. To view the result of that narrow focus, open The Wall Street Journal any day of the week and you will find a story of some of the brightest people in the country cheating their customers or employees for their own benefit. College deans’ offices are filled with students waiting their turn to be disciplined for cheating on papers and tests. Glamorous movie stars, with ample financial resources, are caught stealing merchandise for which they can well afford to pay. The culture around us seems to worship “success” whether it was achieved honestly or not. As Christians, we don’t tolerate such behavior. We speak out against it and teach our children that success at the expense of honor and integrity is no success at all. The Sisters established this school on the basis of honor and we are entrusted to carry on that tradition. Over the coming year, we plan to elevate the place that honor holds at The Summit. We are re-looking at how we teach honor to the children and how we remediate those who transgress. Honor in school means we do not lie, cheat or steal, nor do we tolerate those who do. We don’t lie to teachers that we’re sick when we stay home to finish a paper. We don’t cut and paste passages from the internet into our homework because it is easier than thinking for ourselves. We don’t devise ways to cheat on tests because we failed to be sufficiently prepared. Toward the end of last year, interested faculty, administrators and I got together to think about how we educate our students about the role honor plays in this community of scholars. We came up with several principles the program should follow: • We are called to belong to each other. Honor and integrity are fundamental to a trusting community. • Culture changes require common agreement to the goal and common motivation to achieve it. • Holding students to a high standard of honor is important to the formation of their character. We do not live our lives the way others do. “Getting into college” is no excuse for dishonorable behavior. • The student solely is responsible for his or her own work. • Employee training, as well as student and parent education, are keys to promoting a stronger culture of honor. • The teacher should be in control of dealing with violations that happen in the classroom. • Directors must support the teacher and only become involved when differences between the parent and teacher cannot be resolved. • Directors/Deans are responsible for spotting trends in honor violations. • The purpose of consequences is not just to punish but to change the student’s future behavior. • All employees (teachers, administrators, coaches, staff) need to model honorable behavior and challenge students they observe violating the honor code. When the Student Senate last spring deliberated about the community theme for this year, they settled on “Honor in Action,” an extension of one of the charisms of the Sisters. As the year unfolds, students and parents will be hearing more about the culture of honor we seek to enhance at The Summit. We will hold ourselves and our students to a higher standard than their peers at other schools. The success of our students will be measured not solely by their test scores and where they get into college, but also by the ”content of their character.” That is The Summit Way.

Rich Wilson Head of School 2

Dear Summit Community, My name is Mike Bergeron and I am the new Chair of the Board of Trustees. My wife Annie and I have three children at The Summit. Jack is in fifth grade, Kate is in third grade, and Nick is in kindergarten. I often tell people that I never envisioned being that involved in my children’s school. At most, I figured I would coach a couple of teams and make a few donations. My involvement has been far greater than I would have ever forecast based on three factors. First, I became impressed with the talent, dedication, and passion of the faculty at Summit. I realized how expert they were at their profession as I listened to them describe my children’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. They knew each of the kids well and that made a strong impression on me. Second, I was thrilled to see how much my children loved Summit and how much they embraced their time there. To them, school is not something they have to do; school is something they want to do. Third, I found myself thoroughly enjoying The Summit community, particularly my interactions with fellow parents. I have met many wonderful friends and have had many great experiences spending time with those friends. Annie has been very involved with Summit as well and her story is far more unique. Annie is a product of a competitive private school here in Cincinnati, having graduated from school there and having taught second grade there for a few years. The first thing she did when we made our way back to Cincinnati after stops in Boston and Detroit was to enroll our oldest into kindergarten at her old school. As luck would have it, we purchased a home close to Summit. Naively, I told her that The Summit looked nice, and I mentioned that I thought she should “check it out.” At dinner a few nights later, I was told that we would be losing our deposit at her old school and enrolling our kids at Summit. She told me there was no comparison between the two. Summit was clearly superior. I have come to believe that Summit is a unique and awesome institution. It is one of the city’s oldest private schools and the quality of the education and student experience have remained consistently high for decades. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur’s philosophy of educating the whole child and of realizing each child’s unique God-given talents is clearly superior and visionary. The school’s physical plant and location in Hyde Park deliver a “best in city” combination. I cannot think of a more ideal place to drop children for a day of learning and development. Finally, when I speak to students around campus, which I do frequently, I sense a true joy of learning and love of school. The kids are getting an excellent, multi-faceted education while enjoying the process all along the way. The phrase “rigor without realizing it” describes well the environment that exists here. Our kids are getting an extraordinary, rigorous education, but the enjoyment they have at school makes them not always realize how hard the academics really are. As I think of my own kids, I believe this has the potential to set-up a true life-long love of learning for them that will be so important to their quality of life and their progress in life. As Board Chair, I am pleased to report that Summit is in strong shape as an institution. We have stable and mature leadership in place that is executing well on a daily basis. Rich Wilson has been an excellent choice for Head of School. He is passionate about the job, and he is serious-minded about his responsibilities, given the tremendous honor it is to be tasked with the development of our children. He is a good listener who has learned about the organization through asking questions. This has gained him the respect of the faculty and staff. Finally, he is a forward-looking critical thinker that is always focused on improvement. Rich is also supported by a strong leadership team that cares deeply about their work. The Summit is strong financially having made significant improvements over the past 5-8 years. In the 2011/2012 school year, the school will operate at break-even, assuming a conservative and industry standard 4 – 4.25% endowment draw. This is a significant improvement from the few years prior when the endowment draw was higher. The strong financial performance did not come without hard and smart decisions and sacrifices across the organization. Overhead has been cut. Faculty and staff salaries have been frozen for the year ahead. Fundraising efforts have increased substantially just to raise the same amount of Annual Fund dollars. Our community remains generous, evidenced by our ability to reach our Annual Fund goal in each of the years since the economic downturn. Because of the good operating decisions and the generosity of our community, we have been able to be proactive during this downturn. Significant investments have been made in technology. Planned physical plant capital expenditures are occurring. Financial aid has been increased to help retain and attract families hardest hit by the recession. We have also been able to keep tuition increases comparable to key independent school competitors locally and below most independent schools nationally.


The school’s endowment has also grown. This growth occurred in the face of a vicious market downturn and the completion of a tremendous Montessori/Lower School facility. This also did not “just happen.” Our investment managers made courageous decisions at the depth of the market to not panic and maintain a long-term focus. Enrollment has also held up well. We have maintained our student population better than most local competition. A few members of the Board and the Admissions Office deserve credit here having sensed the downturn early, researched the implications for private schools, and developed plans to address the issue. Our enrollment data is a clear sign of the value the market places on the education we deliver. That said, we rely on you, our stakeholders, to sell the school to your friends and colleagues whose children would benefit from a Summit education. The long-term vitality of our school depends on it. To keep this simple, might I ask that you do your best to land one new family to the school this year. Think of the wonderful improvement in enrollment we would have if we all gave a more concerted effort. Nothing sells our school like a referral from a happy and passionate parent or alum. Also, when you land a new family, please contact me so I can thank you directly (mike@ Finally, student performance across all of our pillars is strong. While I could mention a lot of areas, I will speak briefly about athletics. Said simply, and said in a way that some of our student athletes would likely communicate, we are on fire! We fielded five league championship teams this past year and many of our athletes were headliners in the state. This includes a two-time state champion, an Ohio player of the year, and four selections to All Ohio teams. Importantly, attending games is a great family event certain to bring fun and enjoyment to Summit students of all ages. Please find the time to take your family to a game. You will have a blast. As with any great institution, we face challenges as we move forward. Most significantly, the continued soft economy combined with an emerging negative demographic trend will stress all private schools’ enrollment in the year’s ahead. These issues are particularly acute in Cincinnati given the slow growth nature of our economy and the relative strength of the private school options that exist. Many steps are being taken to address these realities to include the initiation of a strategic planning process, led by Rich Wilson and Suzanne Tosolini. Suzanne is a Board member who comes well-schooled in strategy having worked at P&G and now leading strategic development for several multi-national companies as a consultant. The strategy work will identify key areas of focus and key areas of investment that will help solidify/differentiate our position in the marketplace and ensure we continue to improve the education we offer our children. The strategic decisions, combined with the excellent execution Rich and his team bring to the school every day will prove to be very meaningful. You will see more communication about the important strategy work in the year ahead. Any discussion about facing challenges to keep our school great would be incomplete without mentioning the incredible importance of volunteerism within The Summit community. While my official role is Board Chair, I really consider myself the Chief Volunteer. I like this thought process much better because it is far more instructive of the true role and the true need for volunteerism to make a school great. I have good news on this topic. We already have an awesome community of volunteers at Summit. The talents and contributions made by our volunteers are truly inspiring. We need more help though. We need more support. Whether you are a parent, alum, faculty member, or general Summit enthusiast, I urge you to get involved. We need you. Decide how you may best be able to help and then reach out and get going. My bet is you will love your time at the school, you will make friends, and you will find it personally very meaningful. Here’s to a great 2011/2012 school year. May it be a year of happy and healthy discovery for our entire community.

Michael Bergeron Chair, The Summit Board of Trustees Cousins Laila Kerr ’25 and Ninah Foad ’23 write sentences with a moveable alphabet in a Montessori classroom.


LOWER SCHOOL DIRECTOR TERRENCE MALONE AWARDED A DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP FROM NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Dr. Malone was one of the first four graduates of the new doctoral degree program offered at NKU. The program was designed to meet a set of “best practice” competencies and outcomes that are integrated with an educational leader’s career and personal goals. Candidates in the doctoral program had five or more years of professional experience and were fully-employed as preschool-16 education leaders.

Dr. Malone chats with Lily Gieseke ’19 and Solomon Cummings ’18.







Friends and family joined the 98 seniors from the Class of 2011 in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel on May 29 to celebrate their graduation from The Summit Country Day School. Class valedictorian Nicholas Robert Toebben and salutatorian John David Patterson spoke to the audience assembled in the historic chapel. Lauren Meister received the Archbishop McNicholas Award in recognition of high levels of academic achievement, Christian awareness and responsibility, service, and loyalty to The Summit. Mark France received the Saint Julie Billiart Award for best exemplifying the qualities of the foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur – the ability to love and bring love to others and possess a selfless nature, joyful disposition and dedication to students, staff and community. Jenna Joseph received the Maurice “Bud” O’Connor Memorial Award from The Summit Boosters for excellence, dedication and Christian leadership in athletics. After the ceremony, the McKenzieSargent Distinguished Alumni Award was given posthumously to the late Julia A. Stautberg ’85. The award is given annually to

(L-R): Row 1 - Nora McHugh Kelly, Rachael Marie Shreve, Catherine Ann DiOrio Sallada, Brianna Alexandra Scott, Samantha Siena Martin, Julia Brewster Gaede, Kelsey Joan Hock, Katherine Lloyd Thurner, Fatima Moscat and Melissa Camille Ng. Row 2, inset from left - Samantha Rose Thurman (partially obscured), Jenna Lauren Wagner (partially obscured), Grace Catherine NeCastro, Eden Lanfare Geracioti, Elizabeth Marie Middleton, Shirley Anne Nunlist and Rikkel Lee Bravo. Row 3 - Courtney Elizabeth Collins (looking down), Morgan Brittany Lawrence, Alexandra Elizabeth Amend, Christy Callie Bach. Identifiable in background: Anna Elizabeth Schwietering, Elisabeth Chapman Russert, Hannah Collins Hart, Edward Francis Krieg III and Joseph Patrick Olding.


honor breadth and depth of service to The Summit and the Cincinnati community.

The Summit Inspires


With the largest group in recent memory, Summit “lifers” Class of 2011 include (L-R): Row 1 - Elisabeth Chapman Russert, Eden Lanfare Geracioti, Katherine Lloyd Thurner, Kelsey Joan Hock, Samantha Siena Martin, Brianna Alexandra Scott, Melissa Camille Ng, Quinn Kelly Steinman, Emmalee Clair Greiner, Morgan Brittany Lawrence, Jenna Lauren Wagner and Alexandra Elizabeth Amend. Row 2 - Logan Robert Nagel, Colin Dafydd Francis Cotton, Rikkel Lee Bravo, Catherine Ann DiOrio Sallada, Jenna Marie Joseph, Shirley Anne Nunlist, Rachel Ellen Moeggenberg, Kirsten Taylor Michel, Christos P. Rogakos, Victoria Alyse Kranz and James Franklin Comber. Row 3 - John David Patterson, Evan Bryant Albertson, Alex James Flannery, Paul Joseph Slater, Rowan Emil Nelson, Alexander Bernhard Schiefer, Alexander Hamilton Nourse, Seth Richard Leibold, William Stuart Donovan, John Simon Chow, John Wyman Schuler, Dane Edward Fajack, Nathaniel Lawrence Patterson and Kolleen Jessica Pascarella. Row 4 - Hayden James Klei, Chase Kincaid Decker, Benjamin James McBride, Thomas Luke Williams, John Tice Franklin, Douglas William Emery and Mark Edward France.

Rich Wilson, Head of School; Nick Ragland, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; and Dr. Pat White, Upper School Director

Nora Kathleen Stromberg

Leaders of Character



L to R: Seth Richard Leibold, Douglas William Emery, John Tice Franklin, Paul Joseph Slater, Rowan Emil Nelson, Michael Hancock Scoville, Joseph Patrick Olding, Nathaniel Lawrence Patterson.

National Recognition 2011 National Merit Finalists: Matthew Ahlgren, Victoria Kranz, Morgan Lawrence, Christian Moser, Nicholas Pacitti, John and Nathaniel Patterson, and Nicholas Toebben.

Libby Meininger, Melissa Ng, Shirley Nunlist, Joe Olding and Paul Slater.

2011 National Merit Semi-Finalist: Paige Baldrick. 2011 National Merit Commended Scholars: Courtney Collins, Colin Cotton, Doug Emery, John Franklin, Mason Mechler,

2011 National Merit Hispanic Scholar: Melissa Ng.


Devante Hunter will play football with Division I Morehead State University in Kentucky. Brittany Williams will play basketball at Division II West Virginia Wesleyan College. 10




• Together The Summit Class of 2011 earned over $12.4 million in scholarship offers, 86% of the class received merit scholarship awards, and 13 full-scholarship offers were granted. •

Six universities awarded their highest level scholarship: Wake Forest University’s Carswell Scholarship, Northeastern University’s Presidential Global Studies Scholarship, Miami University’s Harrison Scholarship, University of Cincinnati’s Cincinnatus Presidential Award, University of Louisville’s Trustee’s Scholarship and the University of Alabama’s Presidential Merit Scholarship.

• One student alone was offered $548,632 in merit scholarships from various colleges and universities. • 19% of the class was recognized by the National Merit Scholarship program. • 88% of the class took college-level classes through the College Board Advanced Placement Program. • 9% will compete in collegiate athletics. • This class logged 13,802 hours of community service their senior year, averaging 140 hours per student. •

Universities in the region and across the country heavily recruited the class. Among the acceptances: American University, Arizona State, Baylor, Boston University, Carnegie Mellon, Case Western, Colgate, College of Wooster, Columbia, Denison, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Haverford, Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, Johns Hopkins, Purdue, Saint Andrews in Scotland, Savannah School of Art and Design, Smith, Tufts, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Southern California, University of Virginia, Villanova, Wake Forest, Washington University and Williams. 11



“Last summer I watched a field of fireflies produce a beatific luminescence that the glaring city lights of societal norms could not hope to duplicate. Let this field be our fate, a multitude of aspirations whereupon seizing one leads to the pursuit of another. May we reject complacent normalcy, for ‘normal people only do normal things.’ May we shield our ambitions from the tempest of time and expectations. May we blaze a path of excellence into the future, serving as inspirations for all of mankind. Most importantly, may we never lose these Teachers (L-R) Laura Haas, Mark Wiesner, Mary Vetter, Pat Kelly and Bob Baechtold applaud John Dwyer ’11 as he exits the building for the last time as a student.


dreams of our youth.” — Excerpt from Nick Toebben’s valedictorian speech

Brianna Scott, Sophie Haines, Samantha Martin, and Katie Ann Sallada

Luke Williams and father, Tom Williams SBS ‘71

Mark France receives his diploma.


Nora McHugh Kelly, Rachael Marie Shreve, Catherine Ann DiOrio Sallada, Brianna Alexandra Scott, Samantha Siena Martin, Julia Brewster Gaede, Kelsey Joan Hock, Katherine Lloyd Thurner, Fatima Moscat, Melissa Camille Ng* Row 2: Courtney Elizabeth Collins*, Jenna Lauren Wagner, Grace Catherine NeCastro, Eden Lanfare Geracioti, Elizabeth Marie Middleton, Shirley Anne Nunlist* Row 3: Brianna Renay Carden, Samantha Rose Thurman, Toria Cecile Aronoff, Lauren Lydon Meister, Elizabeth Anne Diener, Emmalee Clair Greiner, Rikkel Lee Bravo Row 4: Brittany Kimesha Williams, Victoria Alyse Kranz*, Morgan Brittany Lawrence*, Alexandra Elizabeth Amend, Christy Callie Bach, Kirsten Taylor Michel, Emma Morrissey McGoff, Elizabeth June Meininger* Row 5: Flavia Maria Carmelina Gallagher, Sophie Eleanor Haines, Anna Elizabeth Schwietering, Hannah Marie Krone, Row 1:

Rachel Ellen Moeggenberg, Nora Kathleen Stromberg, Hannah Collins Hart Row 6: Jude Jabari Raimonde Austin, Paige Victoria Baldrick*, Elisabeth Chapman Russert, Kolleen Jessica Pascarella, Quinn Kelly Steinman, Jenna Marie Joseph Row 7: Evan Bryant Albertson, Chase Kincaid Decker, Shane Dever Malley, Colin Dafydd Francis Cotton*, Joseph Patrick Olding*, Paul Joseph Slater*, James Franklin Comber, Robert Foley Crowl, John Tice Franklin* Row 8: Ankit Kumar Srivastava, Michael Hancock Scoville, Kevin Albert Bishop, Alexander Hamilton Nourse, Christos P. Rogakos, William Stuart Donovan Row 9: John Michael Dwyer, Alex James Flannery, John Wyman Schuler, Edward Scott Kron, Ryan Michael Gabelman, Christopher Andrew O’Connell 14

Matthew Robert Stein, Christian Joseph Melson, Edward Francis Krieg III, Alexander Bernhard Schiefer, Colin Andrew Brooks, Mark Edward France, Rowan Emil Nelson, Christian Steuerle Moser* Row 11: Andrew Mark Vance, Benjamin James McBride, Samuel O’Brien Baldwin, Peter Michael Wenzel II, Dane Edward Fajack, Christopher James Tappel, Logan Robert Nagel, Nathaniel Lawrence Patterson*, Matthew Romero Ahlgren*, Nicholas Joseph Pacitti* Row 12: Thomas Luke Williams, Douglas William Emery*, John David Patterson*, Thomas William Becker, Devanté Jordan Hunter, Barrett Preston Albrecht, John Simon Chow, Logan Mitchell Eyer, Seth Richard Leibold Row 13: Nicholas Robert Toebben*, Hayden James Klei, Jack Michael Gustafson, Ryan Taylor Glass, Mason Charles Mechler* Row 10:

*Recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Foundation.




n o i t c e l l o C MEMORY


I HAVE ALWAYS LIKED COLLECTING THINGS. I LIKE THE IDEA OF FINDING THINGS THAT ARE SPECIAL TO YOU FOR SOME REASON AND THEN KEEPING THEM AND PUTTING THEM WITH OTHER THINGS THAT SEEM LIKE TREASURES. THE FIRST THINGS I REMEMBER COLLECTING ARE ROCKS. I THINK MOST OF US HAVE, AT ONE POINT OR ANOTHER, BEEN ROCK COLLECTORS FROM OUR PLAYGROUND DAYS, REALLY BELIEVING THAT THEY WERE SPECIAL AND VALUABLE ENOUGH TO PUT IN YOUR POCKET AND TAKE HOME WITH YOU. I remember choosing each little rock because I thought it was the smoothest pebble in the entire world, or because I was convinced that the semi-transparent, salt-looking rock was a crystal. Every time I found one that caught my eye because it was a weird color or an interesting shape, it was as if I had just found something that no one else had. After a while though, the five tiny rocks I would bring home in my backpack each day piled up. I would take the rocks home and put them in a little drawer, and that was pretty much the end of that. I might look at them every now and then, or sort them or something, but you can’t really do much with a bunch of tiny rocks. They’re kind of a one-trick pony, or I guess technically more of a no-trick pony. Either way, when I grew weary of collecting rocks, I began to collect stickers. I really, really liked collecting stickers. Getting a new pack of stickers was beyond exciting, and I would immediately tear open the package and admire all the little colorful adhesives on the neat white paper. Sometimes they were shiny, or fuzzy, sometimes they were multi-colored dolphins playing saxophones or mo-town teddy bears, but I didn’t discriminate; I loved them all. I would carefully decide how to arrange them in my sticker books: by shape, color, theme, species, how much I liked them. I thought about what stickers the new ones would like to be placed by. Arranging them and rearranging them was quite tedious work, especially the process of carefully peeling the sticker off the white paper it came on, because there was always the danger of ripping off a flower petal or accidentally maiming a kitten. But it was, of course, well-worth the effort, because then you could go back and flip through all the pages covered in shapes and run your fingers over the ridges of the tiny pieces of artwork you had carefully placed. Of course, I rarely used any of my stickers, and if I did, I made sure it was for a good cause, and usually chose to use the ones I liked the least. So, in a way, I suppose it was more like sticker hoarding, than anything else. I also went through a very brief period of stamp collecting, something I think I picked up sometime after watching the movie Charade. I liked the idea that a little tiny square of paper that someone had licked could be discovered to be worth thousands of dollars. However, while my dad humored this new hobby of mine, he soon explained how rare and difficult that scenario is, and that the little stamps I had been ripping off of envelopes and carefully treating in water to get the excess paper off, would take a century or two to become valuable. At that point in my life, I didn’t really have that sort of patience, so my little stamp book only ever had a few small pages filled in, and I eventually lost interest in that as well. In a recent episode of one of my favorite TV shows, 30 Rock, Jack Donaghy, an NBC network executive, reveals that inside of his personal safe are: his will, the negative of a valuable photograph, and Beanie Babies that he thought would be worth more. The thought of the dejected Beanie Babies sitting slumped in the corner of the safe made me think about my past collections and what they were really worth. Collecting things was fun, it was exciting, but at the end of the day, in my case at least, it seemed worthless. Nowadays, I don’t collect rocks or stamps, and I don’t officially collect or hoard stickers anymore. It was sort of sad to think that my days of collecting things were over. But then I realized that they aren’t. I had never really thought about it until then, but I realized that I am now in the process of building my most varied and valuable collection ever.



I collect any and all interesting facts, characteristics, oddities, or stories about people. I guess you could say I collect quirks. I love learning little strange facts about people that they reveal to me or that I discover myself.


Some of the items in my collection include: A friend and fellow Summit lifer, Christos Rogakos ‘11 who declared May 21st my official Greek Name Day by the power vested in him being Greek; Jen List ‘12 who didn’t know how to smile when she was young, so in all of her childhood photographs she’s sort of snarling; John Franklin ‘11 born with a voice made for NPR; My Upper School English teacher, Mrs. Vetter who breaks into song in the middle of class; Another US teacher, Mr. V., who hums loudly and with gusto immediately following the release of a sneeze, in an attempt to create the illusion that nobody sneezed; Christian Lipa ‘13 who holds the door open for people who don’t bother to say thank you; Alex Schiefer ‘11 who as a timid and dazed third grader choked on a Shock Tart on the bus and was taken by ambulance to the hospital where he stayed for hours, in spite of the fact that the little piece of candy had already dissolved long before being rushed to the ER; A ridiculous and hilarious secret that I forgot about but which my brother William kept for me for seven years; Anna Schwietering ‘11, a friend who forgets her nouns. These are just a few of the little pearls in my collection.


All of these snippets of real people make up my greatest and most valued collection. Currently, my dream is to become a screenwriter, and in my opinion, great films are about real people, or at least characters who are real to us. I treasure this collection, and I hope to incorporate many of the items in it into the characters I will write and the stories I will create. These quirks and anecdotes are the little bits of reality and authenticity that will flesh out my characters and make them come to life. Author and poet Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “It is perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste for collecting shells than to be born a millionaire.” I think he’s absolutely right. There is a simple pleasure in collecting things. You should collect something because it excites you, interests you, and makes you happy, not because you want to hoard things or make a profit. I do not know for sure whether or not screenwriting will be the career I actually end up pursuing. Regardless, I will continue to enjoy finding and saving these little facts and pieces of people, because they make me happy, and because I believe that they are lights. Each one is a light that reveals to me something beautiful about the person who shared it with me or something exquisite about a simple experience. At the very least, they are memories that will always remind me that there is a reason to smile.

This is a transcript, revised for print, of Melissa Ng’s Chapel Talk. Melissa is currently attending the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California majoring in Critical Studies.



The Honorable Julia A. Stautberg ’85 (1966-2010)

The late Julia A. Stautberg ’85 was a model of servant leadership who set an example for future generations of Summit alumni, says Head of School Rich Wilson.

Hamilton County Board of Elections. She was appointed to the bench in 2004. In addition to her professional accomplishments, Judge Stautberg volunteered at many organizations including St. Joseph Cemetery Association, Hamilton County Justice Commission, Leadership Cincinnati Steering Committee, Anderson Park District, ProKids, Supreme Court of Ohio Mentoring Program, Chase College of Law Alumni Association and The Summit Alumni Association.

The 2011 McKenzie-Sargent Distinguished Alumni Award was given posthumously to Judge Stautberg during graduation ceremonies May 29. At her death in 2010 at age 43, Judge Stautberg was a Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge and newly elected President of the Cincinnati Bar Association. Her personal success, avid devotion to many local causes and willingness to serve as a role model prompted the YWCA to recognize her among their 2010 Career Women of Achievement Honorees. “Judge Stautberg was a seeker of fairness and justice,” says Mr. Wilson. “Not only did she become a leader in Cincinnati’s legal community, but she also gave her time and talent to benefit children, improve parks and help others develop leadership skills. This award celebrates a life well-lived.”

(L-R) Tom Stautberg ’86 and his wife, Laura; Juliann Wolfe; Ed Wolfe, Scott Wolfe; Ann (Stautberg) Wolfe ’87; Barbara (Morrissey) Stautberg ’53; and Molly Wolfe. Not shown: Katie and Will Stautberg.

Judge Stautberg’s family accepted the award on her behalf and her mother, Barbara (Morrissey) Stautberg ’53, delivered the commencement address for The Summit’s newest alumni.

Judge Stautberg lived less than a year after being diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, a rare form of bile duct cancer. Before her death, she wrote a message that was shared at her funeral. She said: “Remember, I had the wonderful opportunity to reach my goal to be a judge and try to make a positive difference in our community. Always tried my best as clerk, assistant prosecutor, director of board of elections, judge and mental health court. Just wanted to do what was right. Family, friends, justice, community.”

“Julie had her dream just as you do,” she told the graduating seniors. “Follow that dream. There will be blips along the way, but keep going forward. Remember that doing your best and doing what is right for family, friends, justice and community are goals worth achieving. So go forth. Love and respect your families. Be true and helpful to your friends. Seek justice in your daily lives. And serve your community by volunteering whenever you can.”

Above: Barbara Stautberg delivers the commencement address to The Summit Country Day School’s Class of 2011 in memory of her daughter, the late Julia A. Stautberg.

Judge Stautberg served as an Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor for five years before becoming Director of the 18

—Nancy Berlier


Rosie Alway

Every day, models of integrity, perseverance and tolerance walk off the pages of classics into Rosie Sansalone Alway’s classroom. Her Middle School students not only learn how to use the English language effectively but they explore the essential elements of fine human character. Atticus Finch models integrity in To Kill a Mockingbird. Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel illustrates perseverance. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince shows the importance of tolerance.

The Summit Writers’ Project and Knights’ Tales: The Summit Writers’ Project. In 2010, she was named an Alfred Lerner Fellow by the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous and joined nine other educators from around the country on a 10-day exploration of Holocaust historical sites in Poland and Germany. Growing up in Cincinnati, Mrs. Alway has a Summit heritage even though she graduated from Sycamore High School. Two of her sisters attended The Summit and an aunt, Sister Stella Marie, was a high school math teacher here. She and her husband, John, have sent all three of their children here. Alex ’08 attends Acadia University in Nova Scotia, and Maria ’09 attends The School of Art Institute of Chicago. Catherine is a 5th grader.

“The most important aspect of human interaction is seeing with your heart instead of your eye,” says Mrs. Alway, the winner of this year’s Schilderink Family Faculty Chair for Distinguished Teaching. “If you can obtain that quality, you avoid the tendency of all human beings to judge on first sight.”

Joining the ranks of Schilderink Chair Award winners was “an overwhelming honor,” says Mrs. Alway, because many recipients are the same teachers who inspired her to become a teacher. “I met Carole Fultz when I was a little girl because she taught my sister. I was so impressed with her that I said I wanted to be like her. I love The Summit. I love what it’s done for my children. Anything I can give back is miniscule compared to what it’s given my family.”

Her message seems to resonate. “Mrs. Alway has inspired me not only as a student, but as a person,” says rising 9th grader Emily Wiser. “She pushes me every day in the classroom to be the best student I can be, but the most important lesson I have learned from her is to see others with my heart rather than my eyes and to make judgments based on character.” Among the many people who nominated Mrs. Alway for the Schilderink award were Emily’s parents, David and Elizabeth Moore Wiser. The Wisers say Mrs. Alway essentially is teaching critical-thinking skills – to analyze, interpret information, develop a point of view and support that view. “She is a rare talent and a treasure at The Summit,” they say. Skip Lynam, who stepped down as Middle School Director at the end of the year, says: “She is a master teacher who has honed her skills to the highest performance level.”

Wendy Grimes says Mrs. Alway has given back plenty. She credits Mrs. Alway with helping her daughter, Clare Taylor, now a sophomore, become self-confident, a better writer and a happier person. “That could only happen with one of those once-in-lifetime teachers you are so lucky to get – that changes the way you learn, the way you care, and the way you strive for excellence,” she says. “That is what this teacher does every single day of her life. She gives all 40 hours of her day and 190 percent of herself. And I feel so fortunate and so thankful every day.”

Mrs. Alway has been at The Summit for five of her 14 years of teaching. She teaches 8th and 9th grade English, leads the Power of the Pen team – hosting district competitions, leads the 8th grade play, chaperones the 8th grade field trip to Washington D.C. and this year served on the Middle School Director Search Committee. She has worked with another teacher to publish two student-written books – Faded Secrets: 19

—Nancy Berlier

Leader of Character Awards great friend, a tireless employee and she truly is a Summit leader of character.” Kim Ashcraft and Larry Dean are a teaching duo who have guided their students to winning Ohio’s Latin championship title for three consecutive years, numerous national awards and leadership positions in the Ohio Junior Classical League. Mr. Dean was recognized last year for his own leadership in the Latin organization and Ms. Ashcraft won a Fulbright Scholarship to study in Rome and Greece this summer. Together, Mr. Dean and Ms. Ashcraft have turned classical studies into one of The Summit’s signature programs. “You have to be a pretty good leader to attract some of the smartest kids in the school to study a dead language,” quipped Mr. Wilson. “You have to be a pretty good leader to attract 56 kids to travel on a bus for 24 hours to spend a week in Fargo, North Dakota to study Latin during summer vacation. They clearly encourage their students to aim high.” Jared Dunnmon ’07, who will study at Oxford University this fall on a Rhodes Scholarship, credits Mrs. Ashcraft and Mr. Dean with developing a model classical studies program. Jared frequently returns to The Summit to help Latin students prepare for competition. “You really don’t know what you have until you see how the rest of the world works,” Jared said. “I have become more and more aware over time that The Summit Latin Program, and particularly its dedicated faculty in Larry Dean and Kim Ashcraft, is truly a gem – not just on a regional level, but on a national scale as well.”

First Grade Teacher Ceil Johnson models The Summit’s five pillars. Her artistic talents and performances on the piano add vitality to the Lower School. She is a master teacher. She is passionate about the individual child and she ensures each family has a personal experience. “Ceil is a true leader in all ways,” says Second Grade Teacher Kathleen Kane. “She is often first to come forward to perform any task whenever needed. Ceil takes a personal interest in her friendships, students, classroom and the school. To me, she lives The Summit Mission Statement by all that she does.” In presenting the award at the Faculty/Staff Recognition Dinner, Head of School Rich Wilson said Mrs. Johnson has a bias for action. “We all know how she stepped in as a parent for a needy child, but she has been a powerful influence on many of our lives. She models servant leadership every day. She’s as honest as the day is long. She is a

Ceil lives The Summit mission statement by all that she does.

Pictured above: Kim Ashcraft and Larry Dean at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Before her Fulbright Scholar seminar, Kim and Larry accompanied 30 Latin students and other adult chaperones on a trip to Italy to study the ruins in Rome, Pompeii and Herculaneum. 20

Alex Reed

One of the hallmarks of a Summit education has always been the transformation of students into leaders of character. Our mission calls for us to challenge every student to become people of character who value and improve the world they inherit. The most effective way to teach servant leadership is to model it day-to-day. This year, Head of School Rich Wilson established the Leader of Character Awards, which will annually recognize faculty and staff who model servant leadership. Ceil Johnson, Kim Ashcraft and Larry Dean are the first recipients of this award.


Michele Kaegi & Jean Geier Montessori Head Teacher Michele Kaegi and Admission Administrative Assistant Jean Geier are the first recipients of a new award which recognizes dedication, excellence and integrity of faculty and staff. The Summit Way Award will be given annually to those who embody the “Aim High” spirit. Character education begins when you walk through the door of Michele Kaegi’s preschool classroom. One of her greatest assets is her ability to relate to her young students, and as she shakes their hand and welcomes them into her peaceful classroom, she models the kind of respect she expects them to show each other as they learn to work cooperatively. In keeping with the Montessori tradition, Michele’s classroom is always calm, warm, cheerful and academically strong. Michele impresses visitors touring the school for the first time with the passion she has for The Summit. She connects with hundreds of prospective parents each year, bringing enthusiasm and energy to Parent Preview Days and Interview Days. She offers an impressive overview of the academic curriculum and organizes visual demonstrations through her students. Over the past 23 years, Michele has taught more than 1,100 children to live their lives The Summit Way as she has lived hers.

Alex Reed

Alex Reed

Michele Kaegi

Jean Geier is one of the unsung heroes of The Summit. She is the first contact for families seeking admission, becomes a conduit of vital information about the school and continues to provide ongoing support to parents. Mirroring The Summit’s dedication to personalizing instruction for each student, Jean makes sure that every student is accurately represented. Organized, detailed, focused and always on task, Jean keeps track of countless data points -- names and nicknames, phone numbers, email and home addresses, emergency contacts and other records. She often works under great pressure to meet numerous deadlines throughout the year. She plays a critical role in event planning, strategic reporting and each year’s start of school. Jean is devoted to the school’s mission and shares her gifts and talents with others in the community. While she never takes center stage, her work behind the scenes plays a vital role in everyone else’s ability to deliver The Summit Way.

Jean Geier


Michele Borba, Ed.D. The Summit is proud to host award-winning author and parenting expert Michele Borba, Ed.D., who will deliver the keynote address Oct. 15 at the Fourth Annual Early Childhood Education Symposium held in The Summit Lower School. A contributor on NBC’s Today Show, Dr. Borba has authored 23 books on parenting. Her keynote address will focus on moral intelligence: Parents DO Make a Difference: How to Raise Kids with Solid Character, Strong Minds, and Caring Hearts. She will also present a session called Raising Socially Responsible Kids Who Do The Right Thing.

specialists and fine arts educators. Among topics will be brain research, world language, speech acquisition, self esteem and learning styles. “The Summit is a leader in early childhood education,” says Director of Admission Kelley Schiess. “Our Montessori faculty and Lower School faculty combine an academically rigorous curriculum with a time-tested methodology that teaches young children how to become life-long learners. We know parents are our partners in this journey, so every year we gather thought leaders at our symposium to share new research and trends in early childhood education. We want as many parents as possible to hear what these experts have to say.” For more information about the event and the speakers, go online to and click on the Early Childhood Synposium icon.

Other speakers at the symposium include experts from Children’s Hospital, Xavier University and University of Cincinnati as well as child psychologists, learning 21

Saturday, Oct. 15 8:30 am - 1:30 pm Free and open to public, complimentary lunch included RSVP recommended: Call 513.871.4700, ext. 261


Unity Day

Ar ts For um

l e n n u T t i r i Sp 22

Senior and Summit lifer Stephen Hutchins ’12 is abundantly qualified to acquaint incoming freshmen with The Summit’s jargon. Even current Lower and Middle School students familiar with Summit venues like St. Cecilia’s (auditorium) and St. Gregory’s (one of the lunchrooms) may not be aware of terms that are uniquely Upper School. Unity Day refers to a carnival brimming with activities and booths that span the football field and front circle, and spills into some indoor classrooms. Upper School volunteers run the stations and play host to guest students invited from underserved elementary schools. Formed by student and teacher well-wishers, the Spirit Tunnel is a relatively recent tradition at The Summit where sport and academic teams run through a cheering send-off before competition. The Arts Forum is a student-run showcase for mostly musical performances from classical piano to comical renditions of Disney tunes. Kairos is an annual spiritual retreat for Summit juniors. Chapel Talks represent the apogee of The Summit leadership program. Years of communication skill development and months of writing and practice culminate in a very personal and celebrated speech given in the chapel by Summit Upperclassmen.

Chapel Talks Kair os

Illustrator Stephen Hutchins ’12 studied animation and figure drawing last summer at the Savannah School of Art and Design Summer Seminar. He plans to pursue the study of animation in college. Captain of The Summit Varsity Tennis Team and an attorney for Mock Trial, “Stephen draws exceptionally well. However, more importantly, I always find that Stephen is capable of contextually rooting his work, of establishing relationships/associations. His work is expressive; it says something. His is inviting artwork that always spurs on a dialogue,” says Upper School Art teacher Mark Wiesner. 23


Summit Connections BY NANCY VAN EPPS ’77


“Results” advertisements run in local newspapers and magazines honoring the impressive length and breadth of the graduating seniors’ scholarship awards and university opportunities. Standing alone in the chapel or strolling toward St. Gregory through halls lined with student photos of years past, the sense of history is palpable. It would be easy to assume that Graduation Day marks the end of a student’s Summit narrative.

lives. Gaby Chandra ’10, Case Western ‘14 still remembers an appearance by one of her science teachers in her first year at The Summit as a freshman. “Mrs. [Cruse] Suder had asked me about my orchestra performance with Cincinnati Junior Strings in class. During the concert, I looked up from my viola and there she was in the audience. It had never occurred to me that she would actually come! I was really shocked.” “Mrs. Suder loves teaching and is so passionate about her students,” says Gaby. “She’s here at 5:30 in the morning — and always available. There is always a way to get in touch with her.”

However, any astute observer at graduation would draw a different conclusion. Many retired teachers and administrators, beloved icons like Mary Brinkmeyer ’67 and Carole Fultz among them, are proudly and prominently in attendance in the chapel. And these bonds to the school do not just exist among the adults. “I only graduated last year and I’ve already visited here about a dozen times,” says Corinne Nelson ’10, Case Western ’14. “It’s actually hard to get away from The Summit,” says William Lippert ’03, Kenyon College ’07 “and I mean that in the best possible way. It still feels like home here. Everyone is so welcoming.”

“At some schools, teachers construct a separation between themselves and students,” says Rich Wilson, Head of School. “What distinguishes The Summit is the close student-teacher connection.” “I don’t just view Mrs. Girkin as a teacher, she really is a friend,” says James Yuschik ’10, Cornell ’14. “There were six people in our Physics class, so she knew what was going on in our lives. If she sensed anything was wrong, she would offer her help.”

That feeling of family, of community, of feeling like you are part of something bigger than yourself, continues beyond retirement and beyond graduation. Like a web, The Summit connection emanates into a lacework of class years, advisement groups and favorite teachers. Follow a filament designated for any of The Summit’s five pillars - academic, spiritual, athletic, social, artistic - and you will discover branches of former Summit students forever linked by common values and memories that transcend the physical campus.

Brian Reynolds ’09, Notre Dame ’13 knew the first day of Mrs. Feldhaus’ French class that she was going to be one of his favorite teachers. “She made a concerted effort to get to know each of us, so when she asked us a question in French she always made a personal reference.” Brian learned to speak the language by answering questions like “How’s your brother Danny? How was the big game? How did you prepare for it?” In a similar fashion to Gaby, James and so many others, Brian frequently drops by unannounced to visit with his Summit teachers. They stay in touch on Facebook and Twitter as well.

In some ways, the most poignant are the relationships between the student and teacher. Long after graduation, and in interview after interview, students speak fondly and with respect for Summit teachers who have enriched their

Pictured right: Catherine Schuler ’08, Washington University of St. Louis ’12 with Upper School English teacher, Mary Vetter





Upper School World Language teacher Mary Jean Feldhaus with Brian Reynolds ’09, Notre Dame University ’13. Brian’s two older brothers also attended The Summit and Notre Dame.

Brian also has strong ties to his advisor, Mrs. Merrill. “She is the best. Whenever we are on break, she will message all of us in our advisement group to see if we want to get together for lunch.” Likewise, William Lippert still meets with his advisement group at lunches organized by advisor Kelly Cronin. “We were her very first group,” says William. “We all try to get together with Miss Cronin at least once a year; some people even come in from out of town.”

of the Class of 2014 by her peers to a collective that plans events for undergraduates. They organize and promote four major events each year like the Powder Puff Game during Homecoming and the 101 Year Hudson Relay as well as smaller monthly events. Gaby’s skill set, sharpened in Summit clubs, was a natural fit for her new role as president, and her success has generated a larger circle of friends. “You’re not just a little fish in a big pond,” says Brian Reynolds. “Because The Summit Upper School is relatively small, you are naturally involved in service, sports and clubs. So, by the time you hit college you already know to find your niche and look for friends there rather than at parties. You make your own way instead of just going with the flow. Some people at Notre Dame didn’t do that in high school, so they didn’t know to do it in college.” Captain of the Keough Hall soccer team, Brian’s group made it into the play-offs last year. Most of his closest friends play soccer. He also serves as the Marketing Commissioner on his Hall Council. ”When

Having enjoyed the support network at The Summit, young alums expect to find and actively seek to create similar surroundings on a larger scale in college. “I was used to knowing everyone at school; even what car they drove,” says Gaby. The transition to a university of 4,000 at Case was not as daunting socially as it sounds. Gaby had experience on the steering committee of The Summit Inter-Alliance club, and as the Editor in Chief of Insight, the Upper School newspaper, so she already possessed excellent marketing, design and event planning skills. At Case, she was elected President 26

you have that support network, you are more willing to take chances. I was able to meet new people and start a life of my own,” says Brian.

Gaby also responded to an opportunity to act as a resource for another Summit classmate. Having attended early orientation, Gaby had already settled into her dorm and acquired a group of friends by the time the official move-in day rolled around. In the midst of that chaos, she heard a car honking at her as she walked down the street. She turned to see her former classmate, Corinne Nelson. ”We were holding up the car line talking, so Gaby and her friend jumped into our car,” says Corinne. “They helped me move my entire college dorm room that day.” Some of Corinne’s current college friends are people that she met through Gaby on that first day at Case.

Direct Summit lines of support extend to college campuses across the country. Two Summit classmates, Lauren Miller ’08 and Sarah Miller ’08, happened to live on Catherine Schuler ’08’s freshman floor in her dorm. “At Wash U, we have people attending from all over the world which provides a great environment to learn and grow,” says Catherine. “But Sarah, Lauren and I were still excited and happy to see each other. Having those two down the hall made the shift to college a lot easier.”

James Yuschik, who spent much of the past summer traveling in China with four other young Summit alums, credits Summit relationships with his acceptance into Cornell University. Languishing in a university hallway waiting for the personal interview required for admission, James bumped into Cornell freshman Chris Nieberding ’09. “I felt so nervous,” says James, “and Chris told me, ‘Don’t worry about it. They are really laid back. They’re just trying to get a bearing on who you are, so be yourself.’ His pep talk right before the interview made all the difference!”

In the same way, Gaby Chandra noticed two familiar faces while scanning the 400 freshmen in a Case Western University calculus lecture hall. “Maggie [David ’10] and AJ [Olding ’10] were both in Mr. Schlomer’s calculus class with me at The Summit and here they were in my college class. We were there for each other that first year in college to ask each other questions and help each other.”


Ty Wahlbrink ’12 with Upper School English teacher Pat Kelly



As charming as these chance encounters are, perhaps even more impressive are the individual efforts that young alums exert to build community with each other away from campus. Brandon Sharp ’09, Georgetown University ’13 meets for lunch weekly with Annie Dale ’10, Georgetown University ’14. Brandon’s sister Alex ’10 attends The George Washington University, Brad Evans ’10 is at Howard University and Christine Schiefer ’09 attends American University. “We are all within a 3-4 mile radius of each other in DC,” says Brandon. “So, we try to get dinner together on M Street about once a month and catch up.” This fall there will be two more. “When I heard through the grapevine that Luke Williams ’11 and Emmalee Greiner ’11 were coming to Georgetown, I contacted them immediately. I’ve already had dinner with both of them. Luke and I played football and lacrosse together at The Summit. He asked me for professor recommendations and such. I expect to see a lot of them this fall.”

it overtly. I learned that day that anyone can write about content. The Summit writing program transforms you into a professional who can argue ideas and intent. I know when I go to college that I will be ready.” Ty’s assertion is affirmed by those who have graduated before him. “Mrs. Vetter was so nurturing and helpful both personally and academically. In fact, I would thank the whole English department for teaching me a smooth and gracious manner of writing. Unlike many of my peers at Wash U, I had already learned to break away from formulaic writing in the five paragraph essay even before stepping into college. I took a Writing Intensive course my freshman year at Wash U, and it was clear to me that I already had a good foundation,” says Catherine Schuler. “Oh, I still remember writing my huge research paper for Miss Cronin in History,” says William Lippert. “At Kenyon you write a paper for every class. Even with a Science major, every class has a paper. You have to be a pretty decent wordsmith to survive in that school. All of the techniques I learned from Miss Cronin – the notecards, the outline, the guideline handouts - came into use in college.”

William Lippert aided a fellow Summit Varsity athlete with his college decision, acting as a resource during the process. Brian Kelso ’06 stayed with William as an Upper School junior Upper School History teacher Kelly Cronin with William Lippert ’03, for his overnight visit at Kenyon College ’07 Kenyon. “I was happy to help. We were both Gaby Chandra starters on The Summit summoned more than and then Kenyon’s the writings and the football team. He even pledged in spirit of her former teachers. When she needed help in math my fraternity!” and physics at Case, she actually contacted them. “When I had questions, I would call or text my Summit teachers. I felt For “a relatively small school,” the athletic branch is like the only one with that kind of support system. My first surprisingly robust. Referring to his Summit soccer career, semester Physics class used the same book that I had at The Brian Reynolds jokingly calls himself “the other forward.” Summit. Mr. Towers let me borrow one so I didn’t have to His counterpart on The Summit team, fellow Notre Dame buy it.” student Alex Priede ’10 continues to play forward, now for the Fighting Irish. “Three of the guys from my Upper School “Over the years, students develop strong connections with team are currently in the Big East Conference: Alex, Dan their teachers and with each other that withstand periods of Dwyer ’09 at University of Cincinnati and Austin Berry ’07 at separation and time,” says Mr. Wilson. the University of Louisville. I love watching those guys.” (See page 31 for a story on Austin.) To truly appreciate the strength of this bond to The Summit, it is necessary to recognize the depth at which students Renowned for its rigorous intellectual preparation, The internalized the school’s values. The Summit’s support, Summit academic pillar is probably a better known lattice encouragement and influence reverberate repeatedly in the of the web. Even current students are aware of the benefits decisions current students and young alums are willing to that await them in college. “On the first day of Mr. Kelly’s make and the opportunities they pursue. “Mrs. Suder’s AP English class, we read Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat and I Biology class was the most challenging course I took as a have to tell you I was a little puzzled. I was expecting Ben freshman,” says Madeline Chandra ‘12, Gaby’s sister. “But I Franklin or William Bradford,” says Ty Wahlbrink ’12. “But really like learning about the basis of life on the molecular then we discussed underlying themes and the implications level.” Madeline’s enthusiasm for the most challenging of the story - what the writer is trying to say without saying path available illustrates a uniquely Summit pursuit. She Pictured left: Gabriella Chandra ‘10, Case Western University ’14 and Madeline Chandra ‘12 with Upper School Biology teacher, Karen Suder. Gaby unboxed her old Summit uniform skirt for the photo.



Upper School Physics Teacher Amy Girkin with James Yuschik ’10, Cornell University ’14.

has since participated in ExSEL, the invitation-only five week research program at UC and The Summit’s Hawaiian Marine Biology trip. “We were able to classify fish by following them around in the sanctuary, a protected area of the fish lab, and observing their behavior. No chemicals or sunscreens were allowed. I really came to appreciate those fish.”

education. “Catherine learned to live a life of thoughtfulness, caring and honesty at The Summit,” says her mother. “This was a chance for her to work with someone who leads a life of character.” Gaby Chandra’s paid summer internships stemmed directly from her participation in the Inter-Allliance Club at The Summit starting sophomore year. The summer before last, the Inter-Alliance placed her with P&G’s IT department. She confidently audited websites like Target, and Walmart featuring P&G products to verify their uniformity. Gaby was then charged with proposing a system to automate that process. This summer, the Inter-Alliance sent her to KAO Brands as an analyst to integrate the separate US and German computer systems.

Madeline has also taken advantage of multiple opportunities to showcase her ability on the violin at The Summit. “I play liturgical music for almost all of the Upper School Masses, and Mrs. Merrill even allowed me to play a private solo for meditation. I’ve also performed in the Arts Forum and Talent Show.” While she does not plan to study music in college, Madeline values her music “to express emotion and as a stress reliever”; an assertion that is in line with the Notre Dame tradition of emphasis on the whole person. Similarly, Catherine Schuler’s judgement reveals her Notre Dame lineage. As a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis, Catherine realized “a piece of [her] life was missing that had been there in high school. There had always been such a focus on service to others at The Summit.” Catherine decided to become involved in the Campus YMCA. Posing for a group portrait comprised of the 40 undergraduates from Wash U’s 11,000+ who had chosen to volunteer as project leaders, Catherine was startled by a tap on her shoulder. “Aren’t you from The Summit?” Catherine laughed. Standing behind her was Ashley Hite ’09, a new student at Wash U who had also volunteered to be a group leader in this program serving area children. In addition to independently making the same choice as Ashley to volunteer at the Y, Catherine interned last summer with Rhodes Scholar and ex-Navy SEAL Eric Grietens. His nonprofit foundation awards fellowships to wounded veterans to work at a job or gain a skill. “They helped serve their country and still have the feeling in their heart to serve,” says Catherine’s mother, Cathy Schuler. To fund the foundation, Eric gives motivational speeches on character 30

James Yuschik’s confidence and willingness to take risks has moved him around the globe. “I had traveled quite a bit when I was younger,” says James, “but Dr. Law’s AP Human Geography class really opened my eyes to how big the world is and how different. Why do people act the way they do? People are not all the same. Rather than judge them, I approach them with curiosity and respect. Because of that approach, I’ve been able to network and gain information from other cultures.” This summer, James interned in China with the Interstate Hotels and Resorts, the largest third party hospitality company in the US. “Although I hadn’t planned on pursuing science in college and Mrs. Girkin knew it, she never discouraged me from taking her classes. I took Honors Physics and AP Physics with her. She taught me that if you like something and your heart is in it, you should just go for it. And she was there to support me.” James’ physics expertise actually came in handy in an unexpected manner in his internship in Shanghai. He worked with the project developer for the Shanghai Tower, which is billed as the second tallest building in the world and the tallest building in China upon completion in 2014. “The building has a 120° twist reducing air resistance by 27%, which equates to 38% less material used. My physics background was invaluable on this project. I never would have seen that coming!”

history by advancing so far in the tournament. Most of the team will be returning this year and, along with Berry, are hungrier than ever to excel and claim the trophy. “Initially, we were shell-shocked by the loss, but we pulled together as a team and are even more committed to winning this year. It was an incredible experience.” Berry, who recently received his undergraduate Communication degree, was red-shirted due to an injury his junior year. He had to overcome his disappointment of breaking his leg two games into the season, just when he was entering the national spotlight - but persevered by returning to become defender of the year for the Big East and Second Team All American, among other awards. He has one more fall season with Louisville and is enrolled in the graduate school for justice administration. He was slated for a two-week trial for the top division Orebro SK squad in Sweden this summer and will return this fall to lead the Cardinals in defense of their Big East Championship. Last summer he competed in a trial with the Chicago Fire’s developmental team and has other Major League Soccer opportunities.

Jeff Reinking


Austin Berry’07 BY LISA ECCLES

NOT MANY PEOPLE WOULD BE PREPARED FOR THE CHALLENGE OF A HIGH PROFILE SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP ON THE NATIONAL STAGE, but Austin Berry ‘07 found his strength from years of hard work and devotion - and lessons learned early in his career on Summit’s smaller field. The University of Louisville standout credited Summit’s “great coaches and quality people” with forming his steely determination and drive that led his team to the national championship finals.“ I had high caliber coaches who cared about the individual player and I was able to grow in the sport by playing in a smaller school,” said Berry, who also played basketball for the Silver Knights. Although Louisville fell to Akron by one goal scored with barely ten minutes left in the game, the Cardinals finished their remarkable season 20-1-3 and made school 31

The intensity he brings to training is partially due to the discipline and time management skills that began in high school. “The block schedule prepares you more for college academics and forces you to be organized. The Summit gives you a great foundation in academics and sports and the opportunity to advance at your own pace.” After shadowing The Summit with a friend before his freshman year, Berry “fell in love with the place.” He visits his alma mater when in town and was excited to be on staff when the current Summit squad participated in the University of Louisville summer program. When one “googles” Austin Berry, a second well-known retired soccer player from Costa Rica pops up. It seems like they have more in common than the same name - and given Austin’s incredible commitment, he is destined for a long career.




Nate Gustafson ‘10, Dagne Gustafson, Jack Gustafson ‘11, Mike Gustafson

The Summit relies on philanthropic gifts each year in order to maintain the margin of excellence a Summit education provides the students. Gifts are used to help support tuition assistance, faculty professional development, athletics, curricular enhancements and facilities. Every gift makes a difference in the quality of programs and the opportunities The Summit is able to offer our students. Through the generosity of our trustees, parents, parents of alumni, alumni, grandparents and friends we continue to ensure that the students of The Summit are receiving an outstanding education as they become people of character who value and improve the world they inherit. Your gifts each year impact the lives of children and the dedicated faculty who demonstrate excellence through their teaching everyday. For your kindness and generosity, we thank you! 32


(Donors who made gifts of $25,000 & above) Anonymous * • Anonymous • Peggy and Tim Mathile **


(Donors who made gifts of $15,000 - $24,999) Anonymous • Peggy and Gary Johns ** • Patty and Eric Steinman ** • Jenny and Thomas Williams SBS ‘71 **

HEADMASTER’S CLUB (Donors who made gifts of $10,000 - $14,999)

Kim and Scott David * • Catherine and Donald Laden • Joelle and Nicholas Ragland BMS ‘83 * Amy and Benjamin Russert** • Mary Anne Weber ** • Carol and Richard Wilson **


(Donors who made gifts of $5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous • Charles Abbottsmith ** • Anne and Michael Bergeron * • Anna Bohlke • Sarah and Michael Chasnoff ** Vivi and Hector Chow ** • Lynne Clare * • Beth and David Crowl * • Maria and Jeffrey Decker Kathleen and Daniel Dunn • Cynthia Fitton and Robin Cotton ** • Susan and Emilio Fernandez BMS ‘76 * Juanita and John Griffin • Margie and Mark Hauser ** • Eleanor and Steve Haussler • The Homan Foundation ** Julie Klosterman • Kenneth Klosterman, Jr. ‘80 • Diane (Thurner) and Perrin March * Lisa Wintersheimer Michel and Timothy Michel ** • Holly (Friesz) ‘86 and Paul Seltman ‘86 Krista and Peter Settle • Ann and Michael Stromberg • Judy and Joseph Williams, Jr. SBS ‘57 **


(Donors who made gifts of $2,500 - $4,999) Anonymous • Anonymous ** • Nina and Jumur Akgunduz ** • Maureen and Kenneth Amend Lesley and Kenneth Arnold ** • Robyn and Larry Ayer • Jennifer and Thomas Bach • Mary (Foss) ‘67 and Joseph Brinkmeyer ** Diedra and Stephen Burns * • Rosine (Daoud) ‘74 and James Cassidy ** • Teri and Neil Comber ** Cynthia and Robert Conway • Crystal Faulkner and Thomas Cooney ** • Karrie and Chip Crowther * Maureen and Tom DesMarais ** • James Evans • Brenda and James Flannery ** • Nancy and Andrew Hagerman Theresa and Greg Hartmann ** • Mayra Muniz-Helm and Benjamin Helm * • Karen and Jeffrey Hock SBS ‘71 ** Becky and Paul Hogya • Beth and Paul Jantsch * • Margaret and Richard Joseph, Sr. BMS ‘79 • Susan and Kenneth Kerr Teri List • Jodi and Stephen Mahon • Susan and Eric Meeks * • Kathryn and Theodore Nelson Alexandra and Andrew Quinn • Susan Beckert-Rager and David Rager • Mary Elizabeth and Mark Reuter Wendy (Sutphin) GMS ‘86 and Andrew Ritch • Debra Anderson and Scott Sanders * Mamie (Walter) ‘78 and John Schroder ‘79 • Megan and Christopher Stagnaro BMS ‘89 • Amy and Michael Stagnaro BMS ‘87 * Therese (Rohde) ‘70 and William Tobler ** • Suzanne and Alessandro Tosolini Robert and Jeana Wahlbrink Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation • Antoinette Pragalos Warden and Robert Warden * Kathleen and Peter Wenzel • Nadine (Makstell) ‘74 and Marc Whitsett **

21ST CENTURY CLUB (Donors who made gifts of $1,000 - $2,499)

Anonymous • Anonymous * • Lesley and Grant E. Bailey • Peggy and Edwin Barker • Cenona Taveras and Eric Beatty Class of 2010 • Thomas and Karen Bosse • Julie and Scott Bristow * • Deanna and Robert Castellini BMS ‘82 Susan and Edward Castleberry SBS ‘46 • Jody and Michael Crane • Catherine and William DeFoor Victoria and Amador Delamerced ** • Amie and Mark Delworth ** • Lynn and Stuart Donovan ** Tara Hardin and Sean Dwyer • Sophie Malliaroudakis and Anthony Edmondson * • Kathleen and Ronald Emery ** Carol and Kevin Eustace ** • Judy and John Fahrmeier * • Cecily and Doug Fassler * • Maureen Ferrell • Thomas Gabelman Tricia and Gary Glass * • Pilar and Christopher Gordon • Jane and Stephen Griffith, Jr. • Dagne and Mike Gustafso Karla and Adam Hall ** • Kathryn (Stahl) ‘84 and Keith Harsh ‘84 ** • Maryanne and Scott Harsh *Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years

** Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten or more consecutive years



(continued) (Donors who made gifts of $1,000 - $2,499)

Andrea and Robert Hinton * • Mary and Thomas Hobbins • Lisa and Frank Hoffman* • Lydia and Jeff Horton * Kimberly and Stephen Hunt * • Jackie and Robert Juenke • Kathleen and Frank Kane ** • Judy and Ken Klosterman Nicci and Brent Kohlhepp • Margaret and Charles Kubicki, Jr. * • Christine (Castleberry) ‘89 and Wayne Lippert ‘89 Marianne and David Locke * • Jen and Jack Lucas • Ruth Luttmer * • Billie and Thomas Luttmer Cynthia and Christopher MacConnell SBS ‘65 ** • Mary Lynn and Brian McHugh • Kathy and Michael McQueen * Deborah Lydon and Michael Meister • Grace and Richard Merrill • Kathy and Pat Michel Marisa Pardos and Jorge Moscat • Lisa Hubeny and Thomas Murtaugh • Barbara and Joseph NeCastro * Mary and Roger Nunlist BMS ‘72 ** • Michele and James Oltman ** • Tonette and Baffour Otchere Rosemary Paris • Mary and Larry Patterson ** • Sophie and Joseph Ragland ‘94 • Pamela Rentschler * Mollie and Thomas Ritter ** • Carol and Jacques Rouillard • Zeina and Saad Samaan • Julie and George Schaefer III Kathy and Howard Schertzinger ** • Bernhard Schiefer • Kelley and Adrian Schiess * • Elizabeth (Grogan) ‘75 and C. J. Schmidt III * Lisabeth and Kevin Shaw • Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Shelton • Gail and David Smith * Nancy and Phillip Smith * • Eileen and Slobodan Stanisic * • Elizabeth Shaughnessy and James Stapleton James and Kathleen Stengel Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation * • Dennis Swaney SBS ‘63 ** Swanson-Groenke Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation ** • Target Stores ** Sherrie and Randall Terry * • Valerie and Billy Thomason ** • Stephanie (Schrimpf) GMS ‘76 and Douglas Thomson ** Barbara (Foley) Van den Broeck ‘61 • Nancy Jo and Kevin Vance The Mary Beth and Griffin Vollmer Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation • Celeste and John Warrington SBS ‘71 ** Suzanne and Kenneth Weis * • Patricia L. White * • Renee Filiatraut and John Williams • Joan Wood * Christina and Mark Zaring ‘89 • Jean Ann and Nicholas Zimmerman

S I LV E R K N I G H T C L U B (Donors who made gifts of $500 - $999)

Anonymous (3) • Anonymous * (2) • Terry and Curt Albertson • Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ‘45 ** • Deanna and David Argo * David Babbitt ‘06 • Agustina and Sabino Baluyot • Wendy and James Barney • Francis Barrett SBS ‘60 * • Jennifer and David Bastos Petra and Jeffrey Bauer * • Nora and Phil Beckmann* • Susan and William Beckmeyer * • Gina and Mark Berry Brenda and Robert Bertsch * • Sharon and Pierre Bond • Executive Transportation Services, Inc. Angela Eaglin ‘92 • Arlene and Gerald Burns • Tonda and Willie Carden * • Lea and Jimmy Casanas Kumala and Johan Chandra * • Sonia Carreon and John Chua • Mariza Caraveo de Cohen and Jonathan Cohen ** Lana Long and Brett Coldiron • Molly and Douglas Compton • Ethna and Todd Cooper ** Irene Vlaskamp and Roger Cornwall • Lucy (Christensen) Davis ‘71 • Lois Deaton • Kelli and Greg Dennis * Kathleen and Christopher Devine * • Evelyn M. Disher * • Mary Jill and Sean Donovan Colleen and George Dwight II * • Betty Elma • Allison (Weber) ‘88 and Richard Erickson ** Teri and Cory Eyer • Elena Ferrari and Marcello Favagrossa • Caryn and Eric Franke • Shari and Greg Fry Bianca (Becker) ‘69 and John Gallagher • Cristina Mijares-Garciamendez and Ezio Garciamendez • Anne Vertuca and Louis George ** Madeline and Patrick Gilligan ** • Lauren Grundhofer ‘99 • Sonal and Richard Grzymajlo • Wayne F. Hach * Amal Sarah and Fuad Hajjar • Jenifer and William Harris ** • Tamara and Robert Harrison ** • Cindy and Rob Hertzel ‘81 * Rhiannon and Brad Hoeweler • James R. Howe Jr. • Deborah and Robert Hutchins ** • Jennifer and Jim James Cecelia and Michael Johnson ** • Delle (Christensen) ‘67 and Edmund Jones • Caroline and Ronald Joseph BMS ‘81 Christine Kaeser • Grace (Baluyot) ‘82 and Timothy Kerr • Magdalena and William Kerschner • Lucy and Adam Klette Katharine Klosterman ‘05 • Julie Gabbard and Jim Klug • Klug Bus Services Transportation Industries, Inc. Therese and Robert Kranz ** • Mr. and Mrs. Greg LaLonde • April and Jeffrey Lane • Christopher Lapp ‘07 Rebecca Lawrence • Susan and Gerald Lyons • Christi and Chris Mack • Melissa (Sutphin) ‘92 and Alexander Marx * Constance and Richard Massey • Cynthia Gapen and Thomas Maynard ** • Mary and Bill McClung • Lisa and David McSwain * Tracy Moore ‘02 * • Moira Haren and Richard Norton • Kathryn and Robert Nourse ** • Donna and David Paulin Stacey and Brian Pavlin • Kathleen (Hilsinger) ‘93 and John Penote • Susanne and Michael Peters Barbara and James Powers • Cheryl and Douglas Ralph • Ana and Joel Raymer ** • Jenni and Derek Roudebush ** Mary Anne and Brendan Ryan SBS ‘59 • Regina (Baluyot) ‘84 and Peter Saba ‘83 • Cathy and John Sacco Susan DiOrio and Stephen Sallada ** • Marlene and Frank Schube • Kathleen and Kevin Scott Susan and William Scoville • Laura and Donald Semler • Pamela and Reginald Sequeira • Rebecca and Jeffrey Slater ** Mary Spahr ‘09 • Heather and Jeffrey Spanbauer • Penelope and Michael Thomas * • Sally and Alexander Thomson III + Deceased

BMS Boys Middle School

GMS Girls Middle School

SBS Summit Boys School



Alex Reed

Anonymous Margaret and Kerry Byrne Castellini Foundation Molly and Douglas Compton Jane Connerton Beth and David Crowl Keila Dawson and Robert Frenck Allison (Weber) ’88 and Richard Erickson Renee Filiatraut and John Williams Dave and Tammy Fisk Brenda and James Flannery Dagne and Michael Gustafson Deborah and Michael Halvonik Cindy and Rob Hertzel ’81 Lisa and Frank Hoffman Susan and Kenneth Kerr Carla and Robert Matteucci Geraldine Hennies and Mark Mays Scott Mays ’10 Gretchen and Richard Pacitti Kathleen and Kevin Scott Carol and Tom Slager Daniel Stoffel Monica Stoffel The Summit Boosters Association

The success of our Annual Giving program is a testament to the hard work of our many volunteers. We are grateful for all that they do for The Summit by giving their time, talent and treasure. A special thank you to Ms. Cindi Fitton and Dr. Robin Cotton for chairing the 20102011 Annual Fund for Excellence and for all the parents, alumni and students who volunteered in this year’s campaign.

Blair Tobler ‘02 • Hillary Tobler ‘05 * • Euell ToChip ‘00 • Laverne Toebben • Christina and James Traiforos Josephine (Kling) Trippe ’63 • Kara (Luttenegger) ‘88 and David Valz • Traci and Thomas Van Dorselaer • Pamela and Matthew Van Sant * Carolyn and Douglas Varick * • Lynne Wagoner and Victor Walton ‘83 • Gracey and Alfred Weisbrod SBS ‘56 Tina and Scott Whalen * • Richard H. and Mary Kay Wick Fund of The Dayton Foundation Bernard J. and Karen D. Wilger Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation ** • Mirja and Raimond Zeilstra


(Donors who made gifts of $499 and below) Anonymous (32) • Anonymous * (3) • Gillian Ahlgren • Emily (Sheckels) ‘98 and David Ahouse •

Julie (Owens) ‘62 and David Albanese

Corey Albertson ‘07 • Frank Albi ‘01 • Mary and James Alexander • Rebecca Algenio ‘92 • Julia and Alejandro Almaguer Rosie and John Alway * • Carlos Amesquita * • Evelyn and Ray Amrhein • Jeanne and Peter Anderson SBS ‘57 Paul Arling SBS ’51 • Raquel and Norman Arnold • Sophie Duval-Austin and Orson Austin • Hanane and Jules Azzi Gayle Brown and James Bacho • Florence and James Bacho • Julie (Kelley) ‘87 and Gregory Back ** Patricia and Robert Baechtold * • Adrienne (Park) ‘97 and Adam Baier • Janiene and Stephen Baker Kristin (Hausladen) ‘96 and James Baker • Michele and Barnard Baker • Aine Baldwin ‘94 * • Christina Balmos ‘95 Mary Ann and Michael Barnard • Verne and Anthony Barnhorst • Anne (Gebbie) ‘75 and Peter Barratt Kay and Miles Barrere • Martha (Bond) Barrett ’92 • Lynn and David Bartley * • Jolene and Robert Barton Arlene and Don Bartosh • Antonella Bigi and Eugenio Bassan • Joan (Smith) Bath ‘58 • Katherine and William Baumann SBS ‘59 Pat and Larry Bayer ** • Molly Bayer ‘01 • Patrick Bayer ‘07 • Heather (Beech) ‘66 and Robert Beam Camilla (Thornell) ‘67 and William Becker • Nolita and Sean Becker ‘92 • Bradley Bedacht ‘10 *Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years

• Bryan Bedacht ‘10

** Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten or more consecutive years



(continued) (Donors who made gifts of $499 and below)

Carol and Joseph Beech III SBS ’59 • Alison (Weise) ‘89 and Patrick Beers • Theresa (Weber) ‘77 and Mark Bengel Amy Berger * • Christine and Stephen Berger • John Bergeron • Katherine Bergeron • Nicholas Bergeron Carol and J. Theodore Biggs • Elaine and David Billmire ** • Ann (Hollmeyer) ’72 and James Bingham Mary and Matt Birk • Nancy (Stone) ‘57 and David Black • Christine Blum ‘69 • Anne Boat * • Katrin and Manfred Bohlke Sharon and Robert Bole • Barbara and Timothy Bolender • Cheryl Borden Thomas • Lindsay Botsford ‘98 Mallory Botsford ‘07 • Robin Bratt and Bruce Bowdon ** • Carol Boyd and Paul Wynett * Mary and Reid Bradford * • Reid Bradford ‘07 • Christa and Adam Brady • Amy and Daniel Brinkman Mary Ann Brinkmeyer • Maria and Michael Brooks * • Melody and Michael Brooks • Gina and Kenneth Brown Betty Lou and William Brown • Sara Browning ‘71 • Nancy and Kevin Broxterman * • Brenda and Brian Bruns Kathleen (Nutting) ‘73 and David Bunker • Christopher Burke ‘08 • Julia Burke ‘02 • Mark Burke, Jr. ‘03 Michael Burke ‘04 • Gina and Stephen Burrington * • Bonnie and Kerry Burte • Kimberly and Kevin Bush Brooke Byam • Margaret and Kerry Byrne • Molly (Price) ‘97 and Jeffrey Cahill • Melanie Chavez and Jeremy Campbell Joy and Juan Campbell • Roxie and Russ Campbell • Bernie Capal • Johann Capodanno • Rosemary Caraway * Wilson Carey ‘99 • Karen and Jeffrey Carle * • Christine (Wagner) ‘89 and Louis Carli • Denise Carpenter Carrie and Anthony Caruso • Susan (Smith) ‘56 and Thomas Castellini • Christine and Christopher Chadwell • Brentley Chambers René Cheatham III ‘03 • Jing Fang and Qiang Chen • Rebecca (Ackley) ’93 and Ryan Christie • Reverend John Civille Janet (Carter) ‘65 and Christopher Clanton • Margaret and David Clare • Dana and Byron Clark • Helen Clark and Keith Gilkeson * Victoria Clarke ‘85 ** • Mary Jo (Randolph) ‘69 and Richard Cleveland * • Rosemary and Joseph Colak Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collete • Linda and Robert Collier • Barbara and John Collins • Phil Collins ** • Sally and Michael Connelly Caroline Conners ‘99 • Kristin Conners ‘97 • Lauren Conners ‘01 • Jane Connerton * • James Cooper ‘09 Peter Cooper ‘10

• Todd Cooper ‘04 • Cammie Corder-Nelson * • Ilse Hawkins-Cosgrove and Terrence Cosgrove

Cheryl and Steven Craig • Marianne and Jerry Cramer * • Stephanie Creech • Jill (Verdin) ‘85 and Samson Crew IV BMS ‘82 * Kelly Cronin * • Vickie and Thomas Cunningham • Christine and Andrew Curran • Julie and Scott Currie * Nicole (Pembaur) ‘94 and Charles Cutter * • Alice and Edward Dadosky • Laura and Michael Dailey Myron Dale ** + • Deanna and Asad Dalia • Michael Daly ‘96 • Tammy and Richard Davin • Regina (Shiels) ‘70 and Mark Davis Pamela Zipperer-Davis and Steven Davis • Katie and Alessandro de Alarcon • Patti and Gary De Jesus Mary Ann and Ed de St. Aubin • Bonnie Dean * • Andrea Weis and Larry Dean * • Brenda and John DelFavero Ann (Wiley) ‘53 and Donald Denison • Monica (Haas) ‘90 and Russell Desch * • Marian and Grant Dibert, Jr. SBS ‘48 * Joseph Dibert SBS ‘50 • Linda Didday * • Helen and Robert Diener • Becky and Steve Diener • Kelly and Michael DiPaola * Kathleen and William Doering SBS ’62 * • Mary Jane and Ronald Dolan * • Marina and Michael Dolgin * Jane and John Domaschko • Patricia (Luttmer) ‘53 and Werner Donath • Molly and Mark Dorsey Vicki (Nies) and Pat Dowling • Sandra (Schlenck) ‘61 and John Dubberley ** • Michele Duda • Jesse Dunbar ‘91 Kathleen and Robert Dwyer ** • Mary Ann Dyelase • Kelly and Rob Dziech ‘88 * • Mary and Bernard Eadie Fran (Shiels) ’67 and Thomas Eagen, Jr. SBS ’58 • Cristina Robinson and Javier Echevarria • Jennifer Eddings Allison and Trey Ely • Victoria and Andrew Englehart • Mary Ann (O’Donnell) ’71 and Edmund Escudero * Bonnie and Gregory Fallath ** • Diane and Mike Fee * • Mary Jean and Todd Feldhaus * • Mrs. Melvin Feldkamp Miriam and Ned Finch • Christina and Joseph Finke ‘76 • Penny and Charles Finn SBS ’55 • Elaine (Smith) ‘58 and Arthur Fischer Tamyra (Thurner) ‘76 and Branden Fisher ‘76 • Dave and Tammy Fisk • Margaret (Hollmeyer) Fisk ‘42 * Elizabeth (Rust) ‘93 and David Fissel • Marcy and Brian Fitzgerald • Ryan Flannery ‘09 • Robert Flischel Arnold David Flischel Enterprises, LLC • Micha (Daoud) ‘75 and Bill Fogelsong • David Forker SBS ‘53 Judith and Thomas Forristal ** • Carolyn and Paul Foster • Xiaoqun Liao and James C. Fraley • Jane and James Fraser SBS ’58 Keila Dawson and Robert Frenck • Lori Aronson and Craig Froehle • Joanna (Konerman) ‘99 and Mitchell Fry Patricia and Roger Fry SBS ‘54 • Laura (Hefele) ‘70 and Arthur Ftacnik • Margaret (Niehaus-Sauter) Fuchs ‘03 * Colleen (Carullo) ‘95 and Sean Fullen ‘88 • Heather Fullen ‘91 • Josie (Walter) ‘80 and William Funk * • Susan and Carl Gaede Nelly Holguin and Ersin Galioglu • Liza and Brian Gallagher • Sharon Gallucci • Robert Gans Megan Gardner and Robert Hayes • Ania and Adrian Gawel • Ashley Gayonski MaLissa (Walter) ‘76 and Daniel Geers * • Jean and Tom Geier * • Patricia (Madden) ’48 and Harold Geraci • Carol Geracioti * Monica and John Gerhardt • Ann Ghory ‘68 and George Tapke * • Francesca and Franco Giannicchi • Elaine Gillespie * Jennifer and James Ginocchio • Amy and Robert Girkin * • Rosalie and Joseph Glassmeyer SBS ‘56 * Heather and Matthew Gockerman • Lauren (Brinkmeyer) ‘96 and Wes Goebel • Opal Goff • Jean and Dan Goodhart Carter Gooding ‘76 + • Tina and Douglas Goodwin • Susan and Robert Gorey * • Susan and Merwin Grayson Jill (Meurer) ‘93 and Christopher Grech * • Bonnie and Charles Greenert • Conky Greiwe ‘61 ** + Deceased

BMS Boys Middle School

GMS Girls Middle School

SBS Summit Boys School


Courtney Joseph 8th grade, Richard Joseph, Jenna Joseph ‘11, Mag Joseph, Sammy Joseph SMS ‘09

Bethany Griesdorn • Elizabeth (Grimme) ‘00 and Michael Griffith * • Wendy and Scott Grimes • Caroline Grote ‘06 * Kathryn Grote ‘02* • Lauren Grote ‘00 * • Lisa Grote ‘07 * • Mary Grulee ‘92 and Charles Cavallo * • Paula Grulee Tricia (Barton) ‘65 and Michael Grunkemeyer ** • Jess and Brett Gumlaw • Nathan Gustafson ‘10

• Angie and Lawrence Guzzardi

Laura Claire Haas * • Tanya (Braukman) ‘89 and David Haas • Connie Hach * • Mary Hall ‘79 • Deborah and Michael Halvonik ** Enid Soto and Shawn Hamilton • Terry and Gary Hardin • Luke Harig, Jr. SBS ‘47 ** • Marci and Bryan Harman Mary Boat and Christopher Harrington • Letra and Anthony Harris • Polly and Doug Hart * • Kimberly and C. Matthew Hawkins Eileen and Eric Hay • Judith and David Haydu • Karen and Patrick Hayes * • Isobel and J. Christian Hays Karen (Horan) ‘75 and Peter H’Doubler • Barbara and Channing Headley • Rhonda and Steve Headley ‘84 ** Helen and Brian Heekin SBS ‘57 • Jayne and James Heekin ‘95 • Mary Ann Heekin ’71 • Caroline and Patrick Heekin ‘82 ** Betty (Koch) ‘47 and Thomas Hefele • Carol and Herb Heilbrun • Michele (Godfrey) ’71 & James Heinlein • Penny and Michael Herr * Barbara and Hardy Herring • Allison (Verderber) Herriott ‘92 and Brian Herriott • Helen (Eustis) ‘66 and David Herrlinger Therese and David Hertlein * • Adaire Hiestand ‘87 and Brian Wade • Diane and Casmer Hill • Jerome Hilton ‘91 Anne and Ron Hoffman • Patricia and Timothy Hogan ** • Martha and John Holland ** • Jeannette Holm ‘05 • Holly and Ryan Holte Julie and Denis Houle • Melanie and Daniel Hounchell • Kim and Richard Hoyt II * • Melinda and Gregory Hudson Karen and David Huelsman • James Huesing SBS ‘60 • Julie and Joseph Hughes • Edward Humpert ‘04 • Joe Humpert ‘00 Mark Humpert ‘10

• Mary and Larry Humpert ** • Matthew Humpert ‘07 • Cynthia and Gary Hussong • Stephen Imwalle

Michelle Mellea and Thomas Inglin • Molly (Beaver) ‘96 and Josh Israel • Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III • Joan and James Jambor Kristin and Michael Jambor • Carrie Jantsch ‘05 * • Lauren Jantsch ‘07 • Megan Jantsch ‘09 • Timothy Jedding * • Mr. E. Jemail Antonella and John Jemail • Neerja and Steve Jindal ‘86 • Lois and Robert Johnson * • Denise and Michael Johnson * Margo (McKinney) ‘89 and Bradley Jokovich • Emily Jolly * • Bob Jones • Brenda and William Judd * Martha and George Junker II ‘76 * • Colleen Kane ‘08

• Francis Kane ‘09 • Meghan Kane ‘05 • Carolyn and Elefteris Karageorges

Tara (Wolfson) Karyanis ‘91 * • Julie and Christopher Keairns * • John Keck SBS ‘56 * • Jennifer and Robert Keelor * Colin Kegler ’93 • Frances and Scott Keller • Elaine (Springmeier) Kelley ‘55 ** • Kathryn and Charles Kelly Cynthia (Fehr) ‘74 and Robert Kelly * • Damian Kelly ‘82 • Erin Kelly ‘00 • Susan and Pat Kelly * • Sarah and James Kelly Christina and Harold Kelso • Patti and Bill Kenney * • Kenneth Kerr • Adam Keslosky ‘98 • Diana (Bigelow) ‘61 and Timothy Kilfoil * Lana and Alfred King * • Kathleen (Rabe) ‘57 and Edward Kirchmier, Jr. ** • Helen (Gerdsen) ‘50 and John Kispert Dorothy (Quinlan) ‘78 and Peter Klei ‘78 ** • Kirstin (Fullen) ‘95 and Keith Klein • Janet and William Kling • Karen Koch * Susan and William Koch • Jacqueline and Edward Koenig • Rachel Koob • Hillary Kramer ’98 • Joan and Michael Kramer *Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years

** Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten or more consecutive years



(continued) (Donors who made gifts of $499 and below)

Denise and Timothy Kramer • Jacqueline and William Kreyenhagen • Guadalupe Rojas-Krol and Bryan Krol • Karen and Robert Krone * Emilie and Kevin Kroner ‘99 • Allison (Hiltz) ‘93 and Brian Kropp • Barbara and Robert Kunkel Marjorie (Meyer) ‘58 and Lawrence Kyte, Jr. SBS ‘52 • Gina and Ryan Kyte ‘90 * • Annette and Donald Lakes Kristin and Thomas Lamarre, Jr. • Evelyn and Bill Landrigan • Tashia and LaDon Laney • Sally and George Langenderfer Rachel and Matthew Langenderfer * • Kathleen and Brian Lawler * • Peggy (Lottman) Lee ’75 • Katherine Leibold ‘03 Kathryn and Michael Lepore • Peggy and Delbert Lins • Catherine Cappel and Dale Lipa • Phyllis Lipovsky Lynn and Wayne Lippert ** • Janet and Raye Litten • Joan and Robert Lohrey ** • Debra and Richard Loreaux • Christopher Lorentz-Nieto Kristin and Bradley Lovell • Mary and Jeff Lozen * • Gay and Daniel Lucas • Van Kim Ly ‘94 * • Juanita and Alan Lynam * June and Charles Lyons • Samantha MacConnell ‘03 • Elizabeth and Michael Maeder Jennifer and Terrence Malone • Catherine and David Malseed • Wendy and Stan Mambort * • Patricia and Robert Manier Kelly and Terry Maples • Rosaleena and Clement Marcellus • Alyson and O’Sam Mardin * • Dottie Mautz Debra Borkowski and Scott Mautz • Susan Maxwell • Cheng and Douglas Mays • Lisa Mays ‘05 • Michelle McBride Irene and Richard McGraw • Karen and Timothy McGraw • Suzanne and Phil McHugh • Judith and Daniel McKinney Mary and John McLaughlin • Geralyn and Matthew McLaughlin • Gail McLean • Donna (Hocks) Meakin ‘49 * • Susan Mechler Michelle and John Meder • Irina Melnik and Simon Goykhman • James Merling, Jr. SBS ‘63 ** • Theresa and Thomas Merrill Dorothee Metzger • Kathy Dieckman-Meyer and James Meyer * • Toni and Kerry Meyer • Anna and Patrick Meyer ‘96 Kyndal Michel ‘07 • Michael Middleton • Anna and Joseph Milburn * • Benjamin Miller ‘05 • Brian Miller * Casey Miller • Linda and James Moeggenberg • Pauline and Harry Moeller • Marie and Tom Monaco • Ioana and Mugurel Moneta * Elsie and Clayton Montgomery • Pamela Moore • Janice Mortenson ** • Cynthia (Tuke) ‘69 and Rick Muhlhauser * Madeline Murdock ‘09 • Lisa and Matthew Murtha • Christine and John Nagel ** • Mary Ann and Arthur Naltner * • Uchenna Ndulue ‘96




Class of 1971 Class of 1983 Class of 1980

Class of 2011 Class of 2013 Class of 2012

Class of 1961 Class of 1962 Class of 1957

Molly (McKenna) ‘91 and Gary Neiheisel • Margaret and Steve Nelson • Betsy Jane Newman ‘01 * • Silvania and Willie Ng * Luana and Victor Nichifor • Lisa and Greg Nicholson • Paul Niklas • Sharon and Tony Nista * • Sarah Nowlin * Patricia and Charles Nutting • Patricia and Dennis O’Brien • Penny and Kevin O’Brien * • Megan O’Brien ‘10 • Melinda O’Brien ‘10 Molly O’Brien ‘08 • Margaret (Overbey) ‘98 and Jason O’Grady • Stacey Oldfield • Andrew Olding ‘10 Mary Lee (Blum) ‘66 and Donald Olinger • James Oltman ‘10 • Margaret and James Oltman • Mary Ann and Chris Orse John Ortman * • Mary and Anthony Osterlund • Maureen O’Sullivan • Mary Risinger and Michael Ottlinger * • Susannah Overbey ‘03 Patsy and Bryce Owens • Gretchen and Richard Pacitti • Barnali Gupta and Debashis Pal • Mary and Joseph Palascak Joy and Steven Parker * • Jacqueline and Rex Parker • Ingrid (Eckmayer) Parry ‘75 • Kathy and Dennis Pascarella Sandra Bernal and Mario Patino • Elaine and Richard Pearl * • Sharon and Glenn Pfister ‘79 ** • June and Glenn Pfister Rev. Nelson Pierce ‘96 • Renee Beck-Plum and James Plum • Vivian and Louis Pohl • Mary Alice (Glueck) ‘67 and Joseph Pojanowski Kathy and Bruce Polon SBS ‘65 • James Price ‘95 • Margaret and Thomas Prinner • Sue (Baron) ‘82 and Bryan Pugh Robyn and Manuel Quintero • Megan and Eric Rademacher * • Vidya Chidambaran and Subramanian Ramakrishnan Jereme Ransick ‘94 • Amanda and Craig Rassi • Mary Clark (Schulte) ‘58 and Richard Rechtiene ** • Sheila and Gary Reich Shirley Reilman * • Cynthia Gunderson Reinhardt ’74 and Steve Reinhardt • Stacy and John Remke * • Anne and Robert Rettig SBS ‘64 * Mary and Fred Reuter • John Reynolds ** • Lindsay (Byrnes) ‘97 and Mercer Reynolds ‘95 • Victoria (Pundsack) ‘63 and James Reynolds Martha Rich * • Norma and Ronald Richardson • Deborah (Bucher) ‘72 and John Riggs • Elizabeth and S. J. Roberts + ** Beth and Ken Robinson • Ann and Lee Robinson • Mary and Paul Roetenberger BMS ‘80 • Erin (Arata) ’93 and Brad Rolf Jeanne Rolfes ‘57 ** • Caroline Rollins • Gail Rosero ‘82 and Robert Dornbusch * • Jacquelyn and Kevin Ross * Jeffrey Roth ‘02 • Julie and Scott Rubemeyer • Carrie Runck • Leslie and Gregg Runge ‘82 ** • Tamara Russell ‘75 Sally and Kent Ryan * • Joan and Ely Ryder • Joan and Al Sagel ** • Hui Jiang and Luis Saldana • Sharon and Max Sales ** Megan Sanders • Elizabeth Galvin-Sang and James Sang • Monica Sansalone ‘88 and David Breen • Michael Sanzere + Deceased

BMS Boys Middle School

GMS Girls Middle School

SBS Summit Boys School



John Schuler ‘11, Cathy Schuler, Jeff Schuler, Catherine Schuler ‘08



(continued) (Donors who made gifts of $499 and below)

Patricia (Moran) ‘56 and Barry Savage • Patricia (Suttle) ‘56 and Richard Sayre • Deborah and Thomas Schaefer Barbara and Joseph Schaffer • Candi (Schutte) ‘70 and John Scherz • Lisa and Mike Schlomer * • Angela Schloss Jane and Paul Schmerge BMS ‘78 • Hope Schmidt ‘05 • Ann and Mark Schmidt • Mary and Robert Schneider Natalie (Verkamp) ‘65 and Michael Schoeny • Christy and Todd Schreibeis • Phyllis and Richard Schueler * • Catherine and Jeffrey Schuler ** Cathleen (Canfield) ‘62 and Henry Schulhoff • Alice and Walter Schulz • Mary and Daniel Schwietering * Theresa (Homan) ‘67 and Thomas Seavey • Reverend Philip Seher * • Brenda Seltman • Patricia Seta * • Mr. and Mrs. William H. Settle IV Ann and S.H. Shah • Margaret and William Shaw • John Sherman SBS ‘50 • Jennifer and Joseph Shockey • Joanne and Joseph Shreve * Andrea Siegel ‘68 • Beth Simmons * • Monique and Christopher Sims • Sunjia and Robert Sims • Frances Roberts and Bruce Smith * Jane (Knecht) ‘57 and Shannon Smith • Kay Smith • Ashley and Kurtis Smith * • Marjorie and Ryan Smyth ‘97 • Nancy and James Snow * Nora and Richard Spencer * • Monica (Moran) ‘63 and Daniel Spinnenweber • Jennifer and Michael Stanis • Mary and William Staun John Steele • Laura and Gregory Stefani BMS ‘74 ** • Abbey (Broerman) ‘04 and John Steinman IV ‘03 • Joyce and Jack Steinman Stephanie (Whitaker) ‘01 and Marc Stemann • Cyma Khalily and David Stewart • Rebecca and Thomas Stewart Shirley and Philip Stikeleather ** • Lori (Schiman) ‘88 and Patrick Stillwagon • Carol Marie Stock • Daniel Stoffel • Monica Stoffel Angela Stone • Carol-Anne Straubing • Linda (Opp) ‘75 and George Strietmann SBS ‘67 • Judith Ann Stubenrauch ‘55 * Karen Cruse Suder * • Michele and Edmund Sumnar • Susan and Martin Swinarski * • Charity and David Taylor • Carol Tepe Kimberley and Thomas Tepe • Jane and Edward Terrill SBS ’58 • Gabriel Thompson ’97 * • Kendra and Robert Thornton Yngrid and Hale Thurston * • Joan and Dennis Tirman • Dawn and David Todd • Sue Todd • Judy and Bill Toebben James Tolbert • Debbie Toth • Molly (Moran) ‘84 and David Towell ** • Patricia and Eric Towers * • Rupashree and Robert Townsend * Karen and John Trautmann • Mary and David Trunnell • Bridgette and Jack Tucker ** • Deborah and Douglas Tuke SBS ’65 ** Donte Turnage • Kathleen and Edward Tyrrell ** • Diane and Kenneth Uckotter ** • Gloria and Louis Valencia BMS ‘78 Arianna Isabella Valle ‘08 • Beth Ann and Gianfranco Valle * • Francine (Walter) ’86 and Diego Vallota Jettie and Roberto van Dams • Peter Vancuren SBS ‘50 • Spencer VanDerzee ‘05 • Thomas VanDerzee ‘09 Julia and Joseph Ventura SBS ‘65 ** • Mary Vetter * • Ann (Ryan) Vollman ‘62 * • Teri and Jack Von Handorf ** • Kristy and Mark Voytek Karen Wagner ** • Kathy (Collins) Wagner ‘79 ** • Kimberly (Vollman) ‘83 and Mark Wagner ‘83 • Helen and John Wagoner Michelle and Bruce Wallace • Tonya Warren * • Luke Warrington ‘10 • Suzanne and Lucas Watson • Naomi Watson Ann (Diersing) Weber ‘66 * • Mary and Steve Weber • Laura (Nusekabel) Weldishofer ‘90 * • Kenneth Wellington • Lisa and Glenn Wells Marsha and Joe Wermes * • Jane and Jeffrey Weyer • Patrick Whalen ‘07 • Nicola and Euan White • Stephanie and Michael Whiting Jan and Mark Wiesner * • Elizabeth and Harry Wilcox • Pat and Robert Wilhelmy * • Emily (Brose) ‘73 and Shaun Wilkins Christian Wilson ‘08 • Elizabeth (Lippert) ‘92 and Paul Wilson • Linda and James Wilson • Kelayne Wilson ‘09 Patricia (O’Connor) ‘94 and Anthony Wiltshire * • Carol Wimberg • Kelly (Koenig) ‘82 and Mark Windholtz BMS ‘78 • Kyle Wirthwine Charles Wiser • Nancy and William Wojcik ** • Melinda Wreh * • Judi and William Wulf BMS ‘77 * • Paula (Bien) ‘65 and George Yarnell * Lauren and Tate Yarnell ‘01 • Patricia (Sweeny) ’57 and Rudolph Zadnik • Hong Ying Zhao and Keming Quan • Jamie Zupka


Jane (Buse) ’70 and Mark Burke Raymond Buse, Jr. SBS ‘39+ Anne Vertuca and Louis George Kathleen (Doran) Hegenberger ’70 Marian and Jack Leibold Liz (Glassmeyer) ’70 and Greg Spahr Barbara (Buse) ’67 and Philip Vollmer SBS ’59

We have made every effort to ensure that this list is accurate. If there are any additions or changes, please contact Michele Duda at 513.871.4700 x243. GIFTS FOR CURRENT SCHOLARSHIPS

Anonymous (2) The Fund for Independent Schools (FISC) The Harry J. and Edna D. Husman Foundation Michael Sanzere Terri and Mark Whitehead



Anna Albi ’10 Joy and Frank Albi Vivi and Hector Chow Karen and Jeffrey Hock SBS ’71 Deborah and Robert Hutchins Beth and Paul Jantsch Debra Anderson and Scott Sanders 2011 Summit Boys Tennis Team

GRANDPAR ENTS Mary and James Alexander William D. DeFoor 2018 Mary E. DeFoor 2020

Phil Collins Courtney E. Collins 2011 Bonnie Dean Brian Dean 2013

Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ‘45 Mary Anne J. Drew 2021

Helen and Robert Diener Kenneth D. Kerr 2012

Evelyn and Ray Amrhein Marie E. Cossins 2014

Kathleen and Daniel Dunn Mark France 2011 Claire France 2012 Grace France 2012 William France 2014

Florence and James Bacho Andrea E. Bacho 2012 Agustina and Sabino Baluyot Nina M. Kerr 2012 Robert Kerr 2018 Peter G. Saba 2014 Monica Regina B. Saba 2016 Isabella B. Saba 2019 Mary M. Saba 2021 Verne and Anthony Barnhorst Andrew H. Barnhorst 2021

Arlene and Don Bartosh Jennifer List 2012 Katrin and Manfred Bohlke Isabella K. Bohlke 2012 Sebastian G. Bohlke 2014 Francis E. Bohlke 2018

Carol Geracioti Eden L. Geracioti 2011 Laura H. Geracioti 2013

Susan (Smith) ‘56 and Thomas Castellini Cecilia E. Hill 2022 Parker S. Hill 2023 Sarah J. Hill 2025 Susan and Edward Castleberry SBS ‘46 Lily F. Lippert 2022 Holland F. Lippert 2024 Wayne A. Lippert III 2024 Sonia Carreon and John Chua Alexander J. Chua 2024 Margaret and David Clare Robert B. Hinton III 2020 James E. Hinton 2023 David A. Hinton 2024 Lynne Clare Robert B. Hinton III 2020 James E. Hinton 2023 David A. Hinton 2024

Lynn and Wayne Lippert Harris S. Foad 2021 Ninah C. Foad 2023 Lily F. Lippert 2022 Holland F. Lippert 2024 Wayne A. Lippert 2024 Robert P. Wilson 2019 Charles A. Wilson 2021 Janet and Raye Litten Matthew Pahl 2019

Margaret (Hollmeyer) Fisk ‘42 Bradley D. Fisk 2012 Kyle J. Fisk 2014

Sharon Gallucci Madison E. Weisenberg 2016

Johann Capodanno Aiden Malone 2022 Brendan Malone 2023

Peggy and Delbert Lins Paul J. Slater 2011

Mrs. Melvin Feldkamp Hannah M. Krone 2011

Kay and Miles Barrere Graeme D. Barrere 2022

Roxie and Russ Campbell Payton Campbell 2020 Audrey Campbell 2022

Kathryn and Michael Lepore Caroline McKee 2012

Mary Ann Dyelase Jack D. Robinson 2023

Carolyn and Paul Foster Anna E. Schwietering 2011 Ellen F. Schwietering 2015

Betty Lou and William Brown Andrea E. Bacho 2012

Jacqueline and Edward Koenig James E. Stahl 2022 John E. Koenig 2023 Susanna M. Stahl 2024

Gay and Daniel Lucas Nathan D. Lucas 2016 Eliza Grace Lucas 2021 Ruth Luttmer Michael S. Luttmer 2020 Nicholas A. Luttmer 2022 June and Charles Lyons Andrew D. Lyons 2012 Dottie Mautz Emma G. Mautz 2021

Opal Goff Chandler G. Thomason 2012

Mary and Bill McClung Alejandro Almaguer 2019 Abigail Almaguer 2022

Susan and Merwin Grayson Elizabeth A. Hill 2023 Emery R. Hill 2025

Irene and Richard McGraw Jacqueline P. McGraw 2016 Connor M. McGraw 2017

Bonnie and Charles Greenert David Judd 2014

Grace and Richard Merrill Regina G. Merrill 2013

Paula Grulee Andrew P. Cavallo 2022 Mia Cavallo 2024


Anonymous Auto Temp, Inc Julie and Scott Bristow The Chavez Family Duke Energy Foundation, Inc. Cecily and Doug Fassler Caryn and Eric Franke Graeter’s Ice Cream Greenbean Ohio LLC Patricia (Castellini) Headley GMS ’87 Hot Head Burrito Kristin and Thomas Lamarre, Jr. Marian and Jack Leibold Sophie and Joseph Ragland ’94 Robert Rothschild Farm Sarah and Jay Stahl BMS ’85 T&T Landscaping The Quarter Bistro Jeff Wyler Automotive Group Lauren and Tate Yarnell ’01

Angie and Lawrence Guzzardi Selene A. Iacono 2025

Dorothee Metzger Alexandra Ragland 2019 Sydney L. Ragland 2021

Terry and Gary Hardin Carson Dwyer 2025

Marie and Tom Monaco Alexis M. Fee 2019

Barbara and Hardy Herring David D. Herring 2013

Elsie and Clayton Montgomery Dylan T. Chambers 2016

Diane and Casmer Hill Cecilia E. Hill 2022 Parker S. Hill 2023 Sarah J. Hill 2025

Margaret and Steve Nelson Constance Chance Nelson 2020 Gustaf Nelson 2022

Mary and Fred Reuter Matthew B. Reuter 2017 John P. Reuter 2023 Christopher Reuter 2024 Mary A. Reuter 2026

Margaret and James Oltman Sarah A. Oltman 2012

Norma and Ronald Richardson Sydni Brooks 2018

Patsy and Bryce Owens Elizabeth V. Dziech 2021

Elizabeth and S. J. Roberts + Elizabeth M. Biggs 2012 Brenna P. Biggs 2015 Colton Biggs 2019

Anne and Ron Hoffman Katelyn Bastos 2025 Joan and James Jambor Aidan Jambor 2022 Max C. Jambor 2024

Rosemary Paris Eleanor P. Klosterman 2012 Olivia Klosterman 2014

Mr. E. Jemail Marina G. Jemail 2012

Rosemary and Joseph Colak Natalie Colak 2013

Kenneth Kerr Kenneth D. Kerr 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collete Sophia M. Stanisic 2021 Aleksandar C. Stanisic 2023

Judy and Ken Klosterman Eleanor P. Klosterman 2012 Olivia Klosterman 2014

Donna and David Paulin Jonathan E. James 2023 Shirley Reilman Rachel L. Fladung 2012 Cheryl L. Fladung 2014

*Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years

Patricia (Moran) ‘56 and Barry Savage Katherine F. Ryan 2014 Barbara and Joseph Schaffer Beatrice A. Baker 2017 Henry P. Baker 2020 George Baker 2025

** Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten or more consecutive years


Mary and Robert Schneider Grant R. Gerhardt 2021 Jude Gerhardt 2023

Joan Wood Alexandra Bissantz 2014 Sara J. Bissantz 2016

Marlene and Frank Schube Caroline M. Schube 2012

Jean Ann and Nicholas Zimmerman Elisabeth C. Russert 2011 Mary Sarah Russert 2016

Alice and Walter Schulz Logan M. Eyer 2011


Brenda Seltman Elizabeth A. Seltman 2012 Paul S. Seltman 2014 Henry R. Seltman 2016 Martha A. Seltman 2019

1942 Margaret (Hollmeyer) Fisk

1946 SBS Edward Castleberry

Margaret and William Shaw Connor J. Shaw 2016

1947 Betty (Koch) Hefele

Joyce and Jack Steinman Quinn K. Steinman 2011 Sean W. Steinman 2013

1948 SBS Grant Dibert, Jr.

Carol Tepe Brett M. Tepe 2013

1948 Patricia (Madden) Geraci

Sally and Alexander Thomson III Hope A. Thomson 2017

1949 Peggy (Feltrup) Becker Jackson Donna (Hocks) Meakin

1958 SBS Thomas Eagen James Fraser Edward Terrill

1966 SBS Walter Homan

1959 SBS William Baumann Joseph Beech Brendan Ryan

1947 SBS Luke Harig, Jr.

Kay Smith Emerald R. Bush 2021

1965 Janet (Carter) Clanton Patricia (Barton) Grunkemeyer Natalie (Verkamp) Schoeny Mary Kay (Bradley) Wick Paula (Bien) Yarnell

1958 Joan (Smith) Bath Elaine (Smith) Fischer Marjorie (Meyer) Kyte Mary Clark (Schulte) Rechtiene

1945 SBS Bert Amann, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Settle IV Peter Settle 2016 Nicola R. Settle 2021

1957 Nancy (Stone) Black Kathleen (Rabe) Kirchmier Jeanne Rolfes Jane (Knecht) Smith Patricia (Sweeny) Zadnik

1960 SBS Francis Barrett James Huesing

1950 Helen (Gerdsen) Kispert

1961 Juanita (Walter) Bigelow Alice (Wagner) Daniel Sandra (Schlenck) Dubberley Mary Ann (Schellhaas) Gebhart Conky Greiwe Diana (Bigelow) Kilfoil Mary Louise (Cloud) Long Monica (Nordloh) Mascavage Cora (Glassmeyer) Ogle Loretto (Duggan) Reddington Kathy (Moran) Stineman Mary Alice (Burtschy) Swenfurth J. Alexis (Bott) Thompson Barbara (Foley) Van den Broeck

1951 SBS Paul Arling

1962 SBS William Doering

Helen and John Wagoner Emily K. Walton 2015 Caroline E. Walton 2017 Victoria C. Walton 2019

1952 SBS Larry Kyte, Jr.

Mary Anne Weber Timothy R. Erickson 2012 Anna C. Erickson 2015

1953 Ann (Wiley) Denison Patricia (Luttmer) Donath

Mary and Steve Weber Noelle C. Weber 2015

1954 SBS Roger Fry

Suzanne and Kenneth Weis Tullus A. Dean 2017 Julia S. Dean 2019

1955 SBS Charles Finn

1962 Julie (Owens) Albanese Karen (Brumm) Carroll Susan (Powers) Heinz Margaret (Peters) McKnew Judith M. Mitchell Surita (Schott) Newman Suzanne (Cassady) Ruehr Cathleen (Canfield) Schulhoff Geraldine (Fitzpatrick) Stoffregen Sarah (Schulte) Sullivan Ann (Ryan) Vollman Jane (Strasser) Washburn

Gracey and Alfred Weisbrod SBS ‘56 Kathryn G. Kelly 2023

1955 Elaine (Springmeier) Kelley Judith Stubenrauch

1963 SBS James Merling Dennis Swaney

1956 SBS Joseph Glassmeyer John Keck Alfred Weisbrod

1963 Victoria (Pundsack) Reynolds Monica (Moran) Spinnenweber Josephine (Kling) Trippe

1956 Susan (Smith) Castellini Patricia (Moran) Savage Patricia (Suttle) Sayre

1964 SBS Robert Rettig

Joan and Dennis Tirman Katrina C. Hounchell 2012

1950 SBS Joseph Dibert John Sherman Peter Vancuren

Sue Todd Eric Todd 2020 Megan Todd 2024 Laverne Toebben Nicholas R. Toebben 2011 Marlena L. Toebben 2014 Anna G. Toebben 2025

Elizabeth and Harry Wilcox Bates D. Crowther 2017 Nancy L. Crowther 2018 Charles W. Crowther 2020 Katherine E. Crowther 2023 Heidi H. Crowther 2025 Charles Wiser Sara K. Wiser 2012 Emily Wiser 2015 Samuel Wiser 2017

+ Deceased

BMS Boys Middle School

1953 SBS David Forker

1965 SBS Christopher MacConnell Bruce Polon Douglas Tuke Joseph Ventura

1957 SBS Peter Anderson Brian Heekin Joseph Williams, Jr. GMS Girls Middle School

SBS Summit Boys School


1966 Heather (Beech) Beam Helen (Eustis) Herrlinger Mary Lee (Blum) Olinger Ann (Diersing) Weber 1967 SBS George Strietmann 1967 Camilla (Thornell) Becker Mary (Foss) Brinkmeyer Delle (Christensen) Jones Mary Alice (Glueck) Pojanowski Theresa (Homan) Seavey 1968 Ann Ghory Andrea Siegel 1969 Christine Blum Mary Jo (Randolph) Cleveland Bianca (Becker) Gallagher Cynthia (Tuke) Muhlhauser 1970 Regina (Shiels) Davis Laura (Hefele) Ftacnik Candice (Schutte) Scherz Liz (Glassmeyer) Spahr Therese (Rohde) Tobler 1971 SBS Jeffrey Hock John Warrington Thomas Williams 1971 Sara Browning Lucy Davis Mary Ann (O’Donnell) Escudero Mary Ann Heekin Michele (Godfrey) Heinlein Margaret (Homan) Masters 1972 BMS Roger Nunlist 1972 Ann (Hollmeyer) Bingham Deborah (Bucher) Riggs 1973 Kathleen (Nutting) Bunker Emily (Brose) Wilkins 1974 BMS Gregory Stefani 1974 Rosine (Daoud) Cassidy Cynthia (Fehr) Kelly Cynthia (Gunderson) Reinhardt Nadine (Makstell) Whitsett

1975 Anne (Gebbie) Barratt Micheline (Daoud) Foglesong Karen (Horan) H’Doubler Peggy (Lottman) Lee Ingrid (Eckmayer) Parry Tamara Russell Elizabeth (Grogan) Schmidt Linda (Opp) Strietmann 1976 BMS Emilio Fernandez 1976 Joseph Finke Branden Fisher Tamyra (Thurner) Fisher MaLissa (Walter) Geers George Junker II 1977 BMS William Wulf 1977 Theresa (Weber) Bengel Sophia (Homan) Male 1978 BMS Louis Valencia Paul Schmerge Mark Windholtz 1978 Peter Klei 1979 BMS Richard Joseph, Sr. 1979 Mary Hall Glenn Pfister John Schroder Kathleen Wagner 1980 BMS Paul Roetenberger 1980 Josie (Walter) Funk Kenneth Klosterman, Jr. 1981 BMS Ronald Joseph 1981 Robert Hertzel Maryann (Homan) Witte 1982 BMS Robert Castellini Samson Crew 1982 Patrick Heekin Damian Kelly Grace (Baluyot) Kerr Sue (Baron) Pugh Gail Rosero Gregg Runge Kelly (Koenig) Windholtz 1983 BMS Gregory LaLonde Nicholas Ragland 1983 Gregg Becker Peter Saba Kimberly (Vollman) Wagner

Mark Wagner Victor Walton

Allison (Hiltz) Kropp Kathleen (Hilsinger) Penote

1984 Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh Keith Harsh Stephen Headley Christine Homan Regina (Baluyot) Saba Molly Margaret (Moran) Towell

1994 Aine Baldwin Nicole (Pembaur) Cutter Van Kim Ly Joseph Ragland Jereme Ransick Mary Beth (Doyle) Vollmer Patricia (O’Connor) Wiltshire

1985 Victoria Clarke Jill (Verdin) Crew

1995 Christina Balmos Colleen (Carullo) Fullen James Heekin Kirstin (Fullen) Klein James Price Mercer Reynolds

1986 GMS Wendy (Sutphin) Ritch 1986 Steve Jindal Holly (Friesz) Seltman Paul Seltman Francine (Walter) Vallota

1996 Kristin (Hausladen) Baker Michael Daly Lauren (Brinkmeyer) Goebel Molly (Beaver) Israel Patrick Meyer Uchenna Ndulue Nelson Pierce

1987 BMS Michael Stagnaro 1987 Julie (Kelley) Back Adaire Hiestand 1988 Robert Dziech Allison (Weber) Erickson Sean Fullen Monica Sansalone Lori (Schiman) Stillwagon Kara (Luttenegger) Valz 1989 BMS Christopher Stagnaro 1989 Alison (Weise) Beers Christine (Wagner) Carli Emily (Pecquet) Daley Tanya (Braukman) Haas Margo (McKinney) Jokovich Wayne Lippert Mark Zaring 1990 Monica (Haas) Desch Ryan Kyte Laura Weldishofer

2008 Christopher Burke Colleen Kane Molly O’Brien Arianna Isabella Valle Christian Wilson

1999 Wilson Carey Caroline Conners Joanna (Konerman) Fry Lauren Grundhofer Kevin Kroner

2009 James Cooper Ryan Flannery Megan Jantsch Francis Kane Madeline Murdock Mary Spahr Thomas VanDerzee Kelayne Wilson

2003 Mark Burke René Cheatham Margaret (Niehaus-Sauter) Fuchs

*Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years

2006 Caroline Grote

1998 Emily (Sheckels) Ahouse Lindsay Botsford Adam Keslosky Hillary Kramer Margaret (Overbey) O’Grady

2002 Julia Burke Kathryn Grote Tracy Moore Jeffrey Roth Blair Tobler

1993 Rebecca (Ackley) Christie Elizabeth (Rust) Fissel Jill (Meurer) Grech Colin Kegler

2005 Jeannette Holm Carrie Jantsch Meghan Kane Katharine Klosterman Lisa Mays Benjamin Miller Hope Schmidt Hillary Tobler Spencer VanDerzee

1997 Adrienne (Park) Baier Molly (Price) Cahill Kristin Conners Lindsay (Byrnes) Reynolds Ryan Smyth Gabriel Thompson

2001 Frank Albi Molly Bayer Lauren Conners Betsy Newman Stephanie (Whitaker) Stemann Tate Yarnell

1992 Rebecca Algenio Martha (Bond) Barrett Sean Becker Angela (Eaglin) Buckley Mary Grulee Allison (Verderber) Herriott Melissa (Sutphin) Marx Elizabeth (Lippert) Wilson

2004 Michael Burke Todd Cooper Edward Humpert Abbey (Broerman) Steinman

2007 Corey Albertson Patrick Bayer Mallory Botsford Reid Bradford Lisa Grote Matthew Humpert Lauren Jantsch Christopher Lapp Kyndal Michel Patrick Whalen

2000 Elizabeth (Grimme) Griffith Lauren Grote Joe Humpert Erin Kelly Euell ToChip

1991 Jesse Dunbar Heather Fullen Jerome Hilton Tara Karyanis Molly (McKenna) Neiheisel

Katherine Leibold Samantha MacConnell Susannah Overbey John Steinman

2010 Bradley Bedacht Bryan Bedacht Peter Cooper Nathan Gustafson Mark Humpert Megan O’Brien Melinda O’Brien Andrew Olding James Oltman Luke Warrington Attendees David Babbitt Anna (Cunningham) Bohlke Vicki (Nies) Dowling Diane (Thurner) March Richard Massey Carrie Runck Naomi Watson

** Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten or more consecutive years



ORIGIN OF GIFTS Parents of Alumni/ae, Grandparents, Faculty and Staff, Friends 25%

Philanthropic Foundations, Corporations 9% Alumni/ae 6%

Current Parents (Trustees, Alumni, Personal Foundations) 60%

SUMMARY OF GIFTS July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 GIFTS FOR CURRENT USE Annual Fund $759,255 Current Scholarship 88,441 Volunteer Organizations Auction (net) 67,278 Boosters 4,000 71,278 Gifts to Special Projects 94,026 TOTAL ANNUAL GIVING


G I F T S TO C A P I TA L A N D E N D O W M E N T The Dreambuilding Campaign Pledge Payments $128,393 Honor Memorial/ New Gifts to Endowment (donations) 332,319 TOTAL GIFT SUPPORT



Despite a very challenging economy, we have made progress in securing the financial stability of the school. The budget for 2011-12 is balanced on a cash flow before debt service basis. Our (000’s except for enrollment) objective for this school year was to keep the support draw from Preliminary Budget the endowment (net of debt) in the 4-4.25% range. Improvement 2010-11 2011-12 in the market value of our investments toward the end of the year has the projected draw at only 3.6%. Enrollment 1,073 1,075 At the same time we have increased financial aid to help families who have lost jobs, bonuses or both in the recession. We also Incoming Operating Cash $ 15,101 $14,979 have restored the capital budget, which provides the funds to Fund Raising 1,013 840 maintain our historic facilities, to a sustainable level. Last year we invested heavily in the school’s technology infrastructure 16,114 15,819 to enhance the educational program. Consultants that have reviewed our upgrade have been amazed at our technological Outgoing Operating Cash(1) $(17,190) $(16,383) facilities and claimed we are one of the best technologically equipped schools in the state. Support from Endowment $1,076 $564


This summer we undertook a number of maintenance projects that had been deferred for years. Girls tennis starts off the fall season with brand new courts, replacing those that had become unplayable due to their original poor design. The heating and air conditioning system in the older portion of the Middle School (vintage 1928) was replaced with a new, state of the art system, which will improve the comfort level of students and teachers. The elevator at the west end of the main building was completely rebuilt. The safety and comfort of the children and employees comes first and these improvements, while not very glamorous, were needed to fulfill that objective.

Support as % of Endowment(2)


Thanks to enthusiastic referrals from current parents, former parents, and alumni, our enrollment has held up well despite the poor economy, decline in the birth rate, decline in Cincinnati’s population, and increased competition from schools suffering significant enrollment drops. We continue to work at improving the school’s balance sheet. We are paying down the debt from earlier building programs. Our level of debt is considerably less than most other schools our size. This recession has underscored the importance of investing in programs, maintaining facilities, and growing endowment. We are fortunate that so many over the years have viewed Summit as a great place to invest their philanthropic dollars. In turn, we have invested those dollars wisely and that approach has paid off. There is more work to do to get the endowment up to the $40 million level it ideally should be for a nonprofit with a budget like ours. We appreciate the confidence that parents have in our 5-pillar approach to education and the outstanding faculty that guide the children we serve. We also appreciate the confidence that our donors have in our stability, the contribution we make to the community, and in the long term success we’ve had in fulfilling the mission the sisters set out for us.


3.6% Debt


June 30, 2010 $21,150 $9,801 $11,349 June 30, 2011 23,054 7,456 15,598 Change $1,904 $(2,345) $4,249 (1) (2)

Mindful of the financial pressures our families are under with this recession, we increased tuition less than we have historically and significantly less than most other independent schools nationwide. We also have found many ways to operate the school more efficiently and yet maintain the close relationship between teacher and student. Paramount in everything we do is to achieve the objective of each student feeling known, understood, proactively guided, and loved by the faculty and staff here.


Includes capital expenditures for technology upgrade. Support is before debt service; endowment is the end of year market value, net of debt.

O P E R AT I N G C A S H R E C E I P T S State Support 4% Other Income 6% Tuition, net of scholarship and assistance 84%

Fund Raising 6%

O P E R AT I N G E X P E N S E S Administration 16% Faculty Salaries & Benefits 55%

Other School Expenses 15% Facilities 14%



The Family Funds program provides an opportunity for donors to make gifts to important programs at The Summit and to honor family and friends through those gifts. These gifts, either expendable or endowed, sustain and enhance the school’s highest priorities for scholarship, faculty and student support, academic initiatives, and care for the school’s buildings and grounds. They complement the Annual Fund for Excellence which provides for daily operations, but they do not replace this very important effort. Family Funds have been established by current parents, parents of alumni, alumni and friends of The Summit. These endowed funds have been designated for various uses, notably student scholarships, campus beautification, faculty development and character education. The most common objective for Family Fund donors is to continue to grow the fund until it reaches the level of a Fully Endowed Fund, $100,000, which will support the designated objective in perpetuity, without diminishing the principle. Front row: Seth Leibold ‘11, 2nd row: Marian Leibold, Kelly Leibold ‘03, 46 3rd row: Ryan Leibold SMS ‘04, Jack Leibold, Nick Leibold SMS ‘01


Anonymous Scholarship,

established in 2001, provides a scholarship to a qualified person of character, who demonstrates ability to succeed, participates actively in co-curricular programs and shares God-given gifts.

Charles and May Belle Barrett/ Marian and Jack Leibold Family Fund, established in 2009 Marian and Jack Leibold

Marc Bohlke Scholarship,

established in 2009, is awarded every 4 years to a student entering the 9th grade who demonstrates leadership through commitment and passion for their interests and endeavors inspiring those around them to pursue their own interests and activities with dedication and enthusiasm. Anonymous (3) Alligator Purse LLC Dulany and Robert Anning Bohlke 5K Walk/Run Katrin and Manfred Bohlke M. Bohlke Veneer Corporation Mariza Caraveo de Cohen and Jonathan Cohen Casey Overseas Corporation Castellini Foundation CBT Sarah and Michael Chasnoff Sophia Chasnoff China Gourmet, Inc. Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions, Inc. Crescent Paper Tube Company Bobbie and Pierce Cunningham SBS ‘48 Custom Plywood, Inc. Decrane Aerospace Dennis Buttelwerth Florist, Inc. Ann and Michael Di Giuro Dietrich Veneer Sales, Inc. Dooge Veneers, Inc. Duke Energy Foundation, Inc. EM Cummings Specialty Veneer LLC Equipment Depot Eva’s Esthetica Salon/ Day Spa

Cecily and Doug Fassler Fifth Third Bank Flexible Materials William France Frederick Steel Co. FuDog, LLC Sabine and Werner Geissler GL Veneer Goldsmith Cardel Goodrich Corporation Susan and Robert Gorey Grace Kerr Orthodontics Paige and Timothy Grote BMS ‘74 Monica and John Jagodzinski Johnson Charitable Gift Fund Joseph Auto Group Karp Groundworks, LLC The Kroger Company Margaret and Richard Kuck Mary Kuempel Diane and Perrin March McGohan Brabender Mock Woodworking Co. Kerry Grote Mock and Russell Mock Tenley Moy PCR Holdings Corp Perfection Group Inc. Plante and Moran, PLLC Principled Wealth Advisors Richards Electric Supply Co., Inc. Christina and Michiel Schuitemaker Linda (Opp) ‘75 and George Strietmann SBS ‘67 Susan and John Tew The Gorilla Glue Company Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tobias Total Quality Logistics US Bancorp Heather and Andrew Vecellio Voltage Inc. Polly Whittaker Zaring Family Foundation

Mary Foss Brinkmeyer Scholarship ’67, established

in 2009 and is awarded every 4 years to a strong academic student who has demonstrated and will grow in the values that Mary admires, which are the values that are integral to The Summit’s Mission: “to be challenged; to share fully the gifts he or she has been given by God; to grow in grace and wisdom; to develop spiritually,

academically, physically, socially, and artistically; and to become a person of character who values and improves the world he or she inherits.”

Susan and Edward Castleberry SBS ’46 Family Scholarship,

established in 2005, to provide a scholarship to a well-qualified student in grades 1 – 12 who needs financial assistance and who displays leadership, Christian values and community spirit.

Patricia and Joseph H. Clasgens II SBS ’37 Scholarship, established in 2004, to assist a qualified student who exhibits Michael Clasgens’ qualities of a cheerful, positive spirit, a good friend to others, and a leader who shares God-given talents with others.

A.J. Cohen ’97 Memorial Scholarship Fund, established

in 2000, to provide assistance to a student in grades 9 – 12 who shows leadership in placing the needs of others before his/her own, is interested in serving the community, has strong spiritual values, and exhibits an interest in athletics. Ellen and Mark Peterson

Ruth (Jung) Conway ’46 Memorial Scholarship Fund,

established in 2011, is awarded every 4 years to a female student entering the 9th grade who excels academically and demonstrates a passion for learning yet needs financial assistance in order to attend The Summit. Cynthia and Robert Conway Lois and Dennis Doyle Conky Greiwe ‘61 Ruth J. & Robert A. Conway Foundation

Kim and Scott David Family Fund, established in 2005, is

awarded every four years to a culturally diverse student entering the Upper School who demonstrates a passion for learning, involvement in their school and/or their community, a commitment to their faith as well as qualities reflective of The Summit five pillars.

“Parents and schools are partners. The quality for the experience for all involved is only as good as the James E. Evans Teacher partnership. It is a privilege to be committed to the Institute Fund, established in Summit’s mission. A Summit education plants the seeds 1990, enables faculty members to improve their teaching skills, for a lifetime of purpose, involvement and spiritual expand their knowledge and use technology for personal and growth. We believe that The Summit is a special place institutional excellence. for the students of yesterday, today and tomorrow.” ­ — Marian Leibold


Endowed Faculty Development Fund, established in 2003,

designated for faculty renewal to enhance their area of expertise or teaching and learning within the Summit community.

Amelia Hamberg Foss ’24 Scholarship, established in 1989,

assists a qualified student who demonstrates leadership through school, church or community service and witnesses Christian values and social responsibility.

Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Scholarship, established in

1988, assists qualified students who exemplify Marc’s personal dedication to academic achievement, athletic involvement and spiritual growth. Betty and Ronald Fragge

Joan and James Gardner Family Scholarship, established in 2004, is awarded to a deserving Summit Lifer in grades 9 - 12 who shares fully the gifts that have been given to them by God and who values the educational opportunities of The Summit.

Chris and Trey Heekin Family Scholarship, established in 2004, provides partial scholarships to students preferably in grades 3 – 9, whose parents have demonstrated their commitment to The Summit’s educational and character building programs.

Frank X. Homan Scholarship,

established in 2004, for a qualified male student who embodies the spiritual values of The Summit, shows strength of character, is willing to work hard to achieve his goals.

Margo S. Homan Scholarship,

established in 2004, for a qualified female student who embodies the spiritual values of The Summit, shows strength of character, is willing to work hard to achieve her goals. Diego D. Esquibel +

Carolyn and John LaBar Family Scholarship, established in 2004,

is awarded to a student(s) in grades 9 - 12 who through service and leadership in their school, church and/or community strives to improve the world they inherit.

Lifers Scholarship, established

in 1998, provides a scholarship for grades 1 – 12 to a qualified student who could not otherwise afford a Summit education.



through a gift to the endowment. Last year, Mr. Castleberry received the McKenzie Sargent Distinguished Alumni Award in recognition of the depth and breadth of his service to the school and community. A key player in Cincinnati’s economic development scene, Mr. Castleberry’s civic interests have focused on youth, entrepreneurship and economic education and development. Part of a four-generation Summit family that began with his mother, Constance (Alf) Castleberry ’20, he and his wife now have three grandchildren enrolled here. While the school chooses who gets the scholarship, the Castleberrys are quite familiar with Nicole. Nicole’s mother has kept in touch with them and regularly shares Nicole’s report cards with them. “She’s a great choice by the school for our scholarship,” says Mr. Castleberry. “She’s a very bright, charming and congenial young lady. Susan and I are very pleased with her academic performance. I’m sure The Summit must also be pleased.” Nicole started going to the Montessori Program at The Summit when she was 4 years old. Usually children this age are prone to crying when their parents drop them off. “Nicole cried when she left that day because she wanted to stay,” says her mother.

Twelve-year-old Nicole Weyer is one of those rare students who seem to be able to think from both the left and right side of the brain. Academically, Nicole is usually an all-A student. Technologically, she’s proficient with every computerized gizmo she touches. But her passion lies in singing and making art. And Nicole has proven recently that she is also a go-getter. Nicole was chosen to join a group of Cincinnati students going to Europe this summer as part of People to People International. As unofficial ambassadors of the U.S., the students promote international understanding and friendship. While Nicole was chosen through a competitive process, the trip was not free and not one her parents could readily afford. Nicole raised much of the funding for the trip herself by making and selling no-sew blankets.

+ Deceased

“She made it happen,” says her mother, Jane Weyer. “She filled out the application. She wrote her essay. She had to be interviewed and that was big for her because she’s pretty shy. She raised the money. For her to go on this trip by herself at age 12 without mom and dad is huge.” Nicole’s selection by People to People shows how mature she is, says Edward “Hap” Castleberry SBS ’46, former chairman of the Cincinnati Citizen’s Committee on Youth. “When a student is selected to do something like that, it is all about how mature the student is.” The Summit selected Nicole to be the recipient of the Susan and Edward Castleberry SBS ’46 Family Scholarship, which goes to a well-qualified student in grades 1-12 who needs financial assistance and who displays leadership, Christian values and community spirit. The scholarship was established in 2005 48

“Now that Nicole is getting ready to start 7th grade, she has become selfconfident. She has really grown here. She has matured. She has felt safe and comfortable here. She loves coming here every day.” The mission and values of the school are helping Nicole become a good person. “As parents, we try to instill that in our children at home, but when you know that’s also being instilled in them at school, it’s comforting. Nicole is being taught how to be a good person, and she’s maturing into a person of character because of the teachers who are here. I have always felt she is loved here. The reason I keep her here is she loves The Summit, and the teachers love her. It is just such a gift to bring her here,” says Ms. Weyer. The Summit congratulates Nicole on her achievement. For more information on this and other Summit scholarship programs, please visit the school web site at

—Nancy Berlier

BMS Boys Middle School GMS Girls Middle School SBS Summit Boys School

PNC Bank Scholarship Fund,

established in 2006, provides tuition assistance for minority applicants seeking admission to The Summit Country Day School. PNC Bank Foundation

The Price Foundation Path to Excellence Scholarship,

established in 2003, to assist a qualified student in grades 1 - 8 who exemplifies high integrity, a passion for excellence academically and athletically and generosity to others.

Schilderink Family Faculty Chair for Distinguished Teaching, established in 1989, promotes academic and institutional excellence with an annual award to a faculty member who exemplifies the highest standards of teaching and distinguished service to The Summit.

The Harold C. Schott Family Fund, established in 2004, for the maintenance and upkeep of the Harold C. Schott Middle School.

The Marge and Charles J. Schott Scholarship, established in 2006, provides tuition assistance for deserving students in grades 9 – 12.

The Summit Legacy Scholarship, established in 2006, to provide a scholarship for a student in grades 1 – 6 who is a child of an alumnus/alumna or a sibling of a student and who needs financial assistance, displays strong academic performance and contributes positively to student life.

The Summit Professional Development Institute,

established in 1999, is a school-directed professional development fund to meet the school’s most pressing educational needs that strengthen excellence in teaching.

Arthur and Irma Theobald Scholarship, established in

1996 in honor of their abiding belief in the gift of education and perseverance in the face of challenge, provides scholarships to qualified African-American youth who could not otherwise afford a Summit education, and who not only can achieve personal success, but also will aspire to leadership positions in our society. Deborah Good and Thomas Theobald SBS ‘50

Johnny Warrington ’05 Scholarship, established in 2005, assists a qualified student who is well-rounded in his/her interests and is athletically inclined. Carol and George Kerlakian

The Richard F. Williams SBS ’58 Scholarship, established in

2001, provides a scholarship to a qualified student who could not otherwise afford a Summit education.

The William J. Williams ’29 Scholarship, established in

2010, is awarded every 4 years to a student in grades 9-12 who demonstrates high integrity and who chooses to “do the right thing”.

FAM ILY B ENEFAC TO R F U NDS ($40,000 - $99,999)

Farrell Ackley Memorial Scholarship Fund

Anonymous Paul Abercrumbie ‘88 Julie (Kugler) ‘87 and David Ackley ‘87 Birgitta and Matthew Ackley ‘86 Roberta Ackley Frank Albi ’01 Arnold Printing Company Anne and Michael Bergeron Kevin Booher ‘00 Kathrine (Lingg)’90 and Scott Bray Sharon Brenner Brian Brunner ’93 Jane (Buse) ‘70 and Mark Burke Jon Camp, Jr. ’78 Sue Campbell Mary Ellen and Louis Carmichael Louis Allen Carmichael ‘87 Rebecca (Ackley) ’93 and Ryan Christie Michael Colina ‘08 Linda and Robert Collier Roberta and Patrick Darner Mary Brown and Mark Dato Linda Dean Lois and Dennis Doyle Cynthia Fitton and Robin Cotton Sister Rose Ann Fleming ‘50 Betty and Ronald Fragge Karen K. Gallup Patsy (McFarland) ‘74 and John Glaser III Susan and Robert Gorey Carol (Styrbel) Graeter ‘50 Karen Hey Lauren Grundhofer ‘99 Kathryn (Stahl) ’84 and Keith Harsh ‘84 Lois (Crowe) Jones ‘50 Amy and George Joseph BMS ’78 Wendy and Gregory Joseph BMS ‘76


Margaret and Richard Joseph, Sr. BMS ‘79 Caroline and Ronald Joseph BMS ‘81 Brenda and William Judd Donna Kahkola Grace (Baluyot) ‘82 and Timothy Kerr Mike Keslosky ‘95 Julie Klosterman Kenneth Klosterman, Jr. ‘80 Jeanne and Chris Koepfer Emily Laib ‘94 Judy Laughter Tracy Law ‘85 Elizabeth and Wayne Leever ‘82 Virginia (Connelly) ‘50 and Robert Lohre Samantha MacConnell ‘03 Peg and Tim Mathile Elizabeth McDonough Jolene Struebbe and James Miller Kerry and John Mongelluzzo Mary (Holters) Moran ‘50 Betsy Jane Newman ‘01 Nicole (Schaeffer) ’91 and Edward Nichols Amy and Dennis O’Brien ‘92 John O’Brien ‘97 Penny and Kevin O’Brien Susannah Overbey ‘93 Molly (Booher) ‘97 and Jason Saucier Shirley (Ackermann) ’50 and John Schaefer Mamie (Walter) ‘78 and John Schroder ‘79 Karen (Dance) ‘78 and Michael Schwartz Laura and Donald Semler Barbara (Morrissey) Stautberg ‘53 Thomas Stautberg ‘86 Mrs. Chris Stegner Lori (Schiman) ’88 and Patrick Stillwagon Summit Upper School Talent Show Suzanne and Alessandro Tosolini Jill Weller

Alumni Scholarship Fund,

established in 1980. Peggy Brueggemann Rosine (Daoud) ‘74 and James Cassidy Carole and Albert Fultz Barbara and Channing Headley Lois (Crowe) Jones ‘50 Jackie and Robert Juenke

C. Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ’45 Family Fund, established

Juanita and John Griffin Family Fund, established in 2004. The Ragland Family Scholarship, established in

2009, is for a student in the Lower School who demonstrates financial need and a potential for academic achievement.

The Amy and Ben Russert Family Fund, established

in 2001. Amy and Benjamin Russert

Linda and Jeff Wyler Family Fund, established in 2003. Nancy Wurzelbacher ’76 Scholarship Fund, established

in 1996, provides assistance to a female scholar who exemplifies Nancy Wurzelbacher’s achievements in leadership, character, academics and athletics. Dorothy and Richard Wurzelbacher


($10,000 - $39,999)

Anonymous Family Fund, established in 2001.

Gaie and Roy Benecchi Family Fund, established in 2004.

Mark Todd Berger Scholarship Fund, established in 1990, provides assistance to a student who makes a significant commitment to self, school, family, community or environment. Gail and Alfred Berger

The Burns Family Fund,

established in 2007. Diedra and Stephen Burns

Raymond L. Buse, Jr. SBS ’39 Family Fund, established in 2005.

Teri and Neil Comber Family Fund, established in 2005. Ethna and Todd Cooper Family Fund, established in 2005. Ethna and Todd Cooper

Cynthia Fitton and Robin Cotton Family Fund, established in 2004.

in 2004. Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ‘45

Mary and Mark Dato Family Fund, established in 2004.

Anna and Marc Bohlke Family Fund, established in 2006.

Edmondson Family Fund,

Castellini Foundation Family Fund, established in 2004. Cheryl and Roger Dean Family Fund, established in 2004.

established in 2007. Sophie Malliaroudakis and Anthony Edmondson

Rebecca and Gregory Edwards Family Fund, established in 2001.

Madeline and Patrick Gilligan Family Fund, established

Mary and Reid Bradford Family Fund, established in 2005.

in 2004.

Elizabeth (Grogan) ’75 and C.J. Schmidt, III Family Fund,

Lorraine and George Bergeron Anne and Michael Bergeron

The Burke Family Fund,

established in 2004.

Beth and Chris Canarie Family Fund, established in 2006.

in 2005.

George E. Junker Family Fund,

Jamie and Greg DeLorenzo Family Fund, established

in 2006.

in 2004.

Anne and Edward Stern Family Fund, established in 2005.

Dr. Thomas Clarke Victoria Clarke ‘85

Catherine and Jerome H. Kearns Family Fund, established

Mary Jane and Ronald Dolan Family Fund, established

Dorothy Brett Stone ’36 Memorial Fund, established

Class of 1987 Julie (Kelley) ‘87 and Gregory Back

Marjorie (Meyer) ’58 and Lawrence H. Kyte, Jr. SBS ’52 Family Fund, established

Betty Elma Family Fund

Honorable Julia Stautberg ’85 Family Fund, established 2004.

Class of 1994 Van Kim Ly ‘94

Theresa and Greg Hartmann Family Fund, established

Gail and David C.T. Smith Family Fund, established

established in 2008. Jane (Buse) ‘70 and Mark Burke

in 2004.

Becky and Paul Hogya Family Fund, established in 2006.

Michele Macedonia and Matt Sokany Family Fund, established

Beth and Chris Canarie

Catherine and Paul Hogya established in 1992.

in 1989.

in 2006.

in 2001.

Crystal Faulkner and Thomas Cooney Family Fund,

in 2004.

established in 2005.

Lynn Lippert Family Fund,

Carole and Albert Fultz Family Fund, established in 2003.

established in 2004.

Lynn Marmer and Gene Beaupre Family Fund,

Nancy and Thomas D. Grote, Jr. SBS ’69 Family Fund,

established in 2004.

Thomas G. Monaco Scholarship Fund, established in 2007. Laura and Brad Mullen Family Fund, established in 2005.

established in 2006.

Patricia (Barton) ’65 and Michael Grunkemeyer Family Fund, established in 2005.

Nancy Swanson and Thomas Martin Family Fund, established

Eleanor and Steven Haussler Family Fund, established

Emil Nelson Family Fund,

established in 2001. J.N. Nelson Family Foundation

in 2006.

Vicki and David Herche Family Fund, established in 2004.

Joelle and Nick Ragland BMS ’83 Family Fund Mike, Fran and Allison Ranieri Family Fund, established in 2003.

Valencia Family Fund,

Kathleen and Jim Stengel Family Fund, established in 2005.

in 2001.

established in 2004.

Karen and Thomas Wertheimer Fund, established in 2007. Janet and Robert Winters, Jr. Family Fund, established

Mary Elizabeth W. Kyte Family Fund, established in 2006.

The Summit Parents Association Scholarship Fund,

Tina and John Landry Family Fund, established in 2007.

established in 2005. Conky Greiwe ‘61 Summit Parents Association

Elizabeth and Brian MacConnell SBS ’71 Family Fund,

Zeilstra Family Fund,

established in 2003.

established in 2007. Mirja and Raimond Zeilstra

Eric Becker Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

Tracy Beck Memorial Fund,

Bruce and Mimi Petrie Family Fund, established in 2007.

Flavian Becker SBS ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

Leah L. Bien Family Fund,

Molly and Thomas Ritter Family Fund, established in 2004.

Gregg Becker ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

Bettina and Bruce Ross Family Fund, established in 2001.

Julia Becker Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

Linda and John Botsford Family Fund, established in 2004. + Deceased

BMS Boys Middle School

GMS Girls Middle School

Sean Becker ‘92 SBS Summit Boys School Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

*Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years


Adam Moler 2011 Summit Boys Tennis Team

Alexander Schiefer ‘11 Joy Albi

in 2005.

established in 2001.

Jireh Loreaux ‘06 Debra and Richard Loreaux

Joy Albi Anna Albi ‘10 2011 Summit Boys Tennis Team

Anonymous Family Fund, established in 2002.

Seth Leibold ‘11 Joy Albi

Megan Sanders Nick Bergeron

in 2004.

established in 2004.

Susan Kelley-Fernandez Conky Greiwe ‘61


Brian Becker Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

Nancy Van Lahr Niklas and Paul L. Niklas Fund, established

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III Nolita and Sean Becker ‘92

Martha Rich Kate Bergeron

FAMILY FUNDS ($2,500 - $9,999)

Annamarie (Becker) Harten GMS ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

in 2007.

Rosemarie Alway Tonda and Willie Carden

Antonio Marquez Memorial Family Fund, established

Deborah (Major) Halvonik Brenda and William Judd

Maura (Becker) Kelley ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson III

Kelso Family Fund, established

David and Diana Krick Family Fund, established in 1998.

Allison (Weber) Erickson ‘88 Rosine (Daoud) ‘74 and James Cassidy

Molly and Gregory Tassone Family Fund, established Kathleen and Edward Tyrrell Family Fund, established

established in 2004.

Simon Chow ‘11 Joy Albi

Frances Keller Jack Bergeron

Kathie and Brian Hickey Family Fund, established in 2005.

Mary Lou and Bill Kissel Family Fund, established in 2005.

Mariza Caraveo de Cohen Conky Greiwe ‘61

in 2004.

in 2004.

in 2004.

Gina (Baluyot) ’84 and Peter Saba ’83 Family Fund,

The Estate of Julia Ann Stautberg Patsy (McFarland) ‘74 and John Glaser III Conky Greiwe ‘61 Kirstin (Fullen) ‘95 and Keith Klein Mary Anne O’Bryan and Michael Morrissey Kara (Luttenegger) ‘88 and David Valz

Colin Brooks ‘11 Melody and Michael Brooks

Jacob Schneider ‘19 Jody and Michael Crane Kyle Schneider ‘17 Jody and Michael Crane Mr. Lucas Schneider ‘23 Jody and Michael Crane Ryan Schneider ‘17 Jody and Michael Crane Sherry (Schloemer) Schneider ‘81 Jody and Michael Crane Mr. John Schuler ‘11 Joy Albi Reverend Philip Seher Nadine (Makstell) ‘74 and Marc Whitsett

** Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten consecutive years

George Thurner ‘77 Peggy and Gary Johns Dr. Patricia White Tonda and Willie Carden

ME M ORIA L GIF TS Farrell Ackley Anonymous Paul Abercrumbie ‘88 Julie (Kugler) ‘87 and David Ackley ‘87 Birgitta and Matthew Ackley ‘86 Roberta Ackley Frank Albi ’01 Arnold Printing Company Anne and Michael Bergeron Kevin Booher ‘00

Kathrine (Lingg)’90 and Scott Bray Sharon Brenner Brian Brunner ’93 Jane (Buse) ‘70 and Mark Burke Jon Camp, Jr. ’78 Sue Campbell Mary Ellen and Louis Carmichael Louis Allen Carmichael ‘87 Rebecca (Ackley) ’93 and Ryan Christie Michael Colina ‘08 Linda and Robert Collier Roberta and Patrick Darner Mary Brown and Mark Dato Linda Dean Lois and Dennis Doyle Cynthia Fitton and Robin Cotton

Sister Rose Ann Fleming ‘50 Betty and Ronald Fragge Karen K. Gallup Patsy (McFarland) ‘74 and John Glaser III Susan and Robert Gorey Carol (Styrbel) Graeter ‘50 Karen Hey Lauren Grundhofer ‘99 Kathryn (Stahl) ’84 and Keith Harsh ‘84 Lois (Crowe) Jones ‘50 Amy and George Joseph BMS ’78 Wendy and Gregory Joseph BMS ‘76 Margaret and Richard Joseph, Sr. BMS ‘79 Caroline and Ronald Joseph BMS ‘81


Leaving a lasting legacy to help children become leaders of character, members of the Heritage Society have remembered The Summit in their will or estate plans. Anonymous – (6) Julianne and William Baechtold Jon Blohm SBS ’68 Julie and Mark Bodnar Linda and John Botsford Mary (Foss) ’67 and Joseph Brinkmeyer Jane (Buse) ’70 and Mark Burke Susan and Robert Castellini Deanna and Asad Dalia Ann (Wiley) ’53 and Donald Denison Kathy and William DeWitt Jane and John Domaschko Mary and William Earls, Jr. SBS ’59 Betty Forker + David Forker SBS ’53 Sharon Williams Frisbie ’69 Laura (Hefele) ’70 and Arthur Ftacnik Lauren (Brinkmeyer) ’96 and Wes Goebel Paula Grulee Louise Hack ’27 + Nancy and Robert Hayden Ann Hinckley Charles Hinckley + Lisa and Frank Hoffman Peggy (Feltrup) Becker ’49 and William Jackson III Amy and George Joseph BMS ’78 Marjorie (Meyer) ’58 and Larry Kyte, Jr. SBS ’52 Mary Elizabeth Kyte +

Elizabeth and Brian MacConnell SBS ’71 Cynthia and Christopher MacConnell SBS ’65 Michael and Jennifer (Hayden) Morreale ’91 Nancy (Van Lahr) ’57 + and Paul Niklas Susan Ratterman ’70 + Pam and Frederick Rentschler SBS ’53 + Gabrielle (Bouscaren) ’66 and Mercer Reynolds Bettina and Bruce Ross Patricia (Long) Rotsinger ’45 Kathy and Phil Schneider Kathryn and Brian Spivey Anne and Edward Stern Therese and Lyle Stetzer Jean Hennegan Strasser ’29 + Jeanne (Henkel) Strout ’41 + Caroline Sutphin Mr. Richard Sutphin + Candace and George Thurner III BMS ’77 Jayne Thurner Kathleen and Edward Tyrrell Susan (Thurner) ’74 and Chris Vollmer SBS ’66 Helen (DeCourcy) ’38 and William Williams ’29 + Dorothy and Richard Wurzelbacher + Designates Deceased Member


Brenda and William Judd Donna Kahkola Grace (Baluyot) ‘82 and Timothy Kerr Mike Keslosky ‘95 Julie Klosterman Kenneth Klosterman, Jr. ‘80 Jeanne and Chris Koepfer Emily Laib ‘94 Judy Laughter Tracy Law ‘85 Elizabeth and Wayne Leever ‘82 Virginia (Connelly) ‘50 and Robert Lohre Samantha MacConnell ‘03 Peg and Tim Mathile Elizabeth McDonough Jolene Struebbe and James Miller

Farrell Ackley (con’t.) Kerry and John Mongelluzzo Mary (Holters) Moran ‘50 Betsy Jane Newman ‘01 Nicole (Schaeffer) ’91 and Edward Nichols Amy and Dennis O’Brien ‘92 John O’Brien ‘97 Penny and Kevin O’Brien Susannah Overbey ‘93 Molly (Booher) ‘97 and Jason Saucier Shirley (Ackermann) ’50 and John Schaefer Mamie (Walter) ‘78 and John Schroder ‘79 Karen (Dance) ‘78 and Michael Schwartz Laura and Donald Semler Barbara (Morrissey) Stautberg ‘53 Thomas Stautberg ‘86 Mrs. Chris Stegner Lori (Schiman) ’88 and Patrick Stillwagon Summit Upper School Talent Show Suzanne and Alessandro Tosolini Jill Weller Robert Bisig Denise and Michael Johnson Marc Bohlke Anonymous (3) Alligator Purse LLC Dulany and Robert Anning Bohlke 5K Walk/Run Katrin and Manfred Bohlke M. Bohlke Veneer Corporation Mariza Caraveo de Cohen and Jonathan Cohen Casey Overseas Corporation Castellini Foundation CBT Sarah and Michael Chasnoff Sophia Chasnoff China Gourmet, Inc. Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions, Inc. Crescent Paper Tube Company Bobbie and Pierce Cunningham SBS ‘48 Custom Plywood, Inc. Decrane Aerospace Dennis Buttelwerth Florist, Inc. Ann and Michael Di Giuro Dietrich Veneer Sales, Inc. Dooge Veneers, Inc. Duke Energy Foundation, Inc. EM Cummings Specialty Veneer LLC Equipment Depot Eva’s Esthetica Salon/ Day Spa Cecily and Doug Fassler Fifth Third Bank Flexible Materials William France Frederick Steel Co. FuDog, LLC Sabine and Werner Geissler GL Veneer Goldsmith Cardel Goodrich Corporation + Deceased

BMS Boys Middle School

Susan and Robert Gorey Grace Kerr Orthodontics Paige and Timothy Grote BMS ‘74 Monica and John Jagodzinski Johnson Charitable Gift Fund Joseph Auto Group Karp Groundworks, LLC The Kroger Company Margaret and Richard Kuck Mary Kuempel Diane and Perrin March McGohan Brabender Mock Woodworking Co. Kerry Grote Mock and Russell Mock Tenley Moy PCR Holdings Corp Perfection Group Inc. Plante and Moran, PLLC Principled Wealth Advisors Richards Electric Supply Co., Inc. Christina and Michiel Schuitemaker Linda (Opp) ‘75 and George Strietmann SBS ‘67 Susan and John Tew The Gorilla Glue Company Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tobias Total Quality Logistics US Bancorp Heather and Andrew Vecellio Voltage Inc. Polly Whittaker Zaring Family Foundation

Ann Sanzere Kathleen and Thomas Clark Jennifer and J.D. Collins Jane Kerber Martha Spitzmueller Joanne Sanzere Michael Sanzere Terri and Mark Whitehead Emily and Clyde Scherz Candi (Schutte) ‘70 and John Scherz Robert Schutte Candi (Schutte) ‘70 and John Scherz Julia Stautberg ‘85 The Estate of Julia Ann Stautberg Patsy (McFarland) ‘74 and John Glaser III Conky Greiwe ‘61 Kirstin (Fullen) ‘95 and Keith Klein Mary Anne O’Bryan and Michael Morrissey Kara (Luttenegger) ‘88 and David Valz Joan (Trowbridge) Thornell Camilla (Thornell) ‘67 and William Becker Martha Twombly Deborah and Michael Halvonik Peg and Tim Mathile Summit Parents Association

Austin J. Cohen ‘97 Ellen and Mark Peterson

John Warrington ‘05 Carol and George Kerlakian

Ruth (Jung) Conway ‘46 Cynthia and Robert Conway Lois and Dennis Doyle Conky Greiwe ‘61 Ruth J. & Robert A. Conway Foundation

Nancy Wurzelbacher ‘76 Dorothy and Richard Wurzelbacher

2 01 0 – 2 01 1 PHOTO CO M POS I T E DONORS

Diego Esquibel Peggy Brueggemann Carole and Albert Fultz Kathryn (Stahl) ‘84 and Keith Harsh ‘84 Barbara and Channing Headley Jackie and Robert Juenke Mamie (Walter) ‘78 and John Schroder ‘79

Class of 1942 Dave and Tammy Fisk Class of 1956 Patricia (Moran) ‘56 and Barry Savage

Arthur Flaherty Anne and Michael Bergeron

Class of 1961 Juanita (Walter) ‘61 and Prescott Bigelow Alice (Wagner) ‘61 and Akram Daniel

Marc G. Fragge ‘83 Betty and Ronald Fragge Margo Schott Homan Diego D. Esquibel + Wiletta Leitch Candi (Schutte) ‘70 and John Scherz Emil Nelson J.N. Nelson Family Foundation Sebastian Roberts Anne and Michael Bergeron

GMS Girls Middle School

SBS Summit Boys School


Sandra (Schlenck) ‘61 and John Dubberley Mary Ann Gebhart ‘61 Conky Greiwe ‘61 Diana (Bigelow) ‘61 and Timothy Kilfoil Mary Louise (Cloud) ’61 and William Long Monica (Nordloh) ‘61 and John Mascavage Cora (Glassmeyer) Ogle ‘61 Loretto (Duggan) ‘61 and Martin Reddington Kathy Moran Stineman ’61 and John Stineman Mary Alice (Burtschy) ‘61 and William Swenfurth Alexis (Bott) Thompson ‘61 Barbara (Foley) ‘61 Van den Broeck Class of 1962 Juie (Owens)Albenese ’62 Karen (Brumm) Carroll ’62 Maureen Conlan ’62 Susan (Powers) Heinz ’62 Margaret (Petrs) McKnew ’62 Surita (Schott) Newman ’62 Susan (Sicking) Pater ’62 Gay (Wessel) Purpura ’62 Suzanne (Cassady) Ruehr’ 62 Patricia (Mercurio) Rush ’62 Cathy (Canfield) Schulhhoff’ 62 Geraldine (Fitzpatrick) Stoffregen ’62 Sarah (Schulte) Sullivan ’62 Mary Lynne Wrocklage ’62 Ann (Ryan) Vollman ’62 Jane (Strasser) Washburn ’62 Class of 1963 Josephine (Kling) Trippe ’63 Class of 1972 Mary Anne Weber Class of 1974 Mary Anne Weber Class of 1976 MaLissa (Walter) ‘76 and Daniel Geers Class of 1979 Mr. and Mrs. James Symons Class of 1983 Regina (Baluyot) ‘84 and Peter Saba ‘83 Erika and Gregg Becker ’83

CAR LINE TO CANDELIGHT Summit’s New Cookbook Offers Recipes to Nourish Your Knights in the Queen City by Nancy Berlier Former Summit Parents Association President Kathy Schneider says she inflicted many loaves of funnylooking, dense homemade bread upon her unsuspecting family before arriving at the perfect yeast bread recipe. Just like raising a family, patience is the key ingredient in her “Daily Bread,” one of more than 500 recipes included in The Summit’s new Car Line to Candlelight cookbook. Hall’s cover art is an impressionistic watercolor depiction of a car line forming at the landmark front entrance of The Summit.

“Car Line to Candlelight is a beautiful, hard cover book that not only incorporates Summit history and family traditions but also provides real tools for busy parents to use,” says Development Director Beth Jantsch. “It’s much more than a cookbook. It’s an opportunity to build community and share traditions for years to come.”

Many of the anecdotes in the book are humorous while others are poignant remembrances of loved ones. Fifth Grade Teacher Patti Kenney offers “Stuffed Pepper Soup” and reveals a secret she kept from her husband when they were newly married. Parent Brenda Judd’s friends, who call themselves the “Bandits,” kidnap each other for surprise birthday celebrations. She offers one of their party staples “Fresh Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips.” Joelle Ragland discloses “Opa’s Famous Marinara,” a recipe her father claimed was Frank Sinatra’s favorite marinara sauce. Julie Ellen (Owens) Albanese ’62 remembers her grandmother, Sister Julia Agnes Mathew Owens ’38, who joined SNDdeN after raising her children and becoming a widow. Eventually a director at The Summit, Sister Julia’s “Pasta with Tomato, Basil & Olives” is a treasured family favorite.

Summit Middle School Art Teacher Paula (Bien) Yarnell ’65, the editor of The Summit’s last cookbook 30 years ago, co-chaired the new Cookbook Committee with parent Kristin Lamarre. The pair marshaled a large group of Summit parents who helped research, edit, design and market the project. Key among them are parents Joelle Ragland, Design Chair; Annie Bergeron, Editorial Chair; and Lisa Nicholson, Marketing Chair. Wendy (Sutphin) Ritch GMS ’86 and Tricia (Castellini) Headley GMS ’87 co-chaired partnerships and events, securing support of many families and businesses to help underwrite costs. “The key creators of Car Line to Candlelight are accomplished and talented individuals who have brought their own expertise to our table,” says Head of School Rich Wilson. “Drawing on the support of loyal families, corporate patrons and business partners, they have created a new Summit treasure.”

The book features recipes from local professional chefs too. Chef Renee Schuler ’91 shares one of her favorite fall recipes — “Roasted Butternut Squash & Apple Soup.” The soup is “beautiful golden orange in color, slightly sweet and luxuriously creamy, even if you omit the cream,” she says. “The Granny Smith apples give it just enough tartness to keep it balanced, and I like to add a bit of chipotle for a smoky note and just a little zing.”

In the end, Car Line to Candlelight is a compilation of home-tested recipes from parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, chefs and Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (SNDdeN). “When we began looking at other cookbooks like this, we wanted to offer something different and unique,” says Ms. Lamarre. Unlike many other cookbooks, Car Line to Candlelight names the author of each recipe, offers cooking tips, shares anecdotes about family food traditions and includes historical facts about The Summit. Covering the gamut from appetizers to desserts, recipes also reflect the rich cultural heritage of a diverse community. Because food is part of many campus activities, parent and professional photographer Rick Norton contributed lively images of recent events to capture the spirit of the school. Cincinnati Artist Grey

Car Line to Candlight may be ordered online at The cost is $24. Books can be picked up at the school, sent home with a child or shipped with payment of an additional fee. Proceeds will benefit the following Summit projects: The Lower School Garden for the Good, The Summit Country Day School Pond, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel and other campus beautification projects. Many parents are purchasing the book in multiples for gifts to loved ones this Christmas. 53


2161 Grandin Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 513.871.4700

Address Service Requested Postal regulations require The Summit to pay at least 50 cents for every copy not deliverable as addressed. Please notify us of any changes of address.

Fourth Annual

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM Saturday, October 15 • 8:30 am -1:30 pm Attendees are invited to select from an array of today’s most intriguing topics for children from birth to age 10 during a three session breakout forum following a keynote address. This event, hosted by The Summit as a service to the community, is free and open to the public. Walk-ins are welcome. A complimentary box lunch will be provided to those who register by 10/13/11.

Pre-registration preferred by registering online at or by calling 513.871.4700, ext. 261.

Keynote Speaker • Award-winning author and parenting expert Michele Borba, Ed.D Breakout Session topics include: Navigating the System:Identifying and Supporting Children with Learning and Attention • Develop a Love for Learning in Your Child • Is My Child Gifted or Just Smart? • Introducing Your Child to the Arts

Enhancing the Whole Child • How To Develop a Math Mind • Speech and Language Milestones for

Young Children • The Video Game Craze and Malaise, What Every Parent Needs to Know • Montessori Education in the Modern World and at Home • Parenting Styles

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