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Young clerk says business growth brings new life to Mkhambathi
The growth of business at Mkhambathi GameReserve and Forestry is addressing the problem of unemployment in the rural areas, especially in the Ingquza Hill Local Municipality.
This is the view of Luyanda Mvumbi,26, whoisemployedas anadministration clerkat theMkhambathi Trust.

He expressedjoy atbeing oneof theyoung peopleemployed by the trust that runs the game reserve and forestry business,which issupported by the government
“The growthof thebusiness means a lot because as it expands, weare ableto accommodatemore people.It meansunemployment inthe rural areas is being addressed andpeople becomemore united,” Mvumbi said. which is rightfully theirs.”
Hesaidhis jobwastolook after operations for the enterprises,using theskillshe gained atschool toensure its smooth running.
“I feel veryhappy to be employed here.I startedwith going to school,then came backtoapply theskillsIacquired.
“I’m now ableto manage theoperations herebecause ofthe projectmanagement course I did,” Mvumbi said.
He isalso proudof being employed in Mkhambathi.
He now knowits history, which includes the land forcefully takenfrom thecommunity by the apartheid regime.
Shesaidif communitieswhichcontinued tofight eachotherslowed downdevelopment, they could lose out.
“Youshould knowthat youare theowners ofthesethings andtodayIsay, let’s stick together so that we can see development. Don’t disappoint us.We want growth andwhen I come here again,I don’t want tosee destruction of these economic activities,” she said.
Izinini Community Property Association chairperson Dumisani Siyele, DRDAR MEC, Nonkqubela Pieters and Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister, Thoko Didiza lift aloft the title deed confirming ownership of 1 282 hectares of land successfully claimed by Izinini community through the land claims process. The CPA uses some of this land for commercial forestry production and sell their logs to SAPPI.