e, as parents remain concerned about the bright future of our children, and we want to ensure that they receive the best education. To fulfil our dreams for our children, it’s vital that we invest for them wisely, and should avoid certain mistakes as discussed below:
Delaying the investment RESP is a great investment opportunity which enables you to save for the education of your child. It would be better if without any delay, you start investing early as it will give your investment the maximum time to grow.
Improper utilization of the available grant funds We are indeed lucky to be in the wonderful nation Canada where the government understands the importance of healthy growth of children, and it generously supports parents in this endeavour by providing them a tax-free Universal child care benefit. The maximum Canada child benefit you could get is $6,765 per year for children under 6, and $5,708 per year for children aged 6 to 17. Your Canada child benefit is based on your family income from the previous year, the number of children in your care, and the age of your children (source: Government of Canada, Jan. 27, 2020). Parents can very effectively utilize this financial benefit by investing it in RESP. To further support parents in this savings initiative, for an annual deposit of $2500 in their child’s RESP, the government of Canada deposits $500 into this RESP account with a lifetime maximum limit of $7200. Besides, it provides catch-up provisions to parents who are unable to deposit the maximum amount in any given year. Along with that, an additional amount of CESG is available for eligible children from middleand low-income families. You need to utilize these grants for maximum permissible benefit.
Ill- informed decisions about investmentfollowing the ‘herd behaviour’ Exercise prudence while deciding
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about the RESP product and company. Instead of simply following the celebrity endorsements or investments recommended by friends; be careful before you choose the investment.
investments may carry similar risk and expected return, but one may have higher fees – all else being equal, the fees would affect your returns.
prenticeships). An added advantage is- the capital that you have contributed (not the grants or the money made from the grants) can be used for any purpose as per your need.
Lack of understanding about how an investment works
Not making optimum use of RESP as an investment account
Before you make any decision, it is very important to do a thorough research about available investments as it ensures that you: 4understand the risks associated with the investment, including the potential losses or returns; 4consider how it fits in your existing portfolio; and, 4know the amount of fees/ any penalties for early withdrawal that you will pay
It is a proven fact that among the asset classes, equities provide the highest long-term rate of return. An early investment into an RESP will let your stocks grow for 18 years or more.
It is evident that a wisely decided appropriate amount of investment for your child’s post-secondary education will ensure the growth of funds in the best possible manner, which will be readily available when you need them for the intended purpose.
Avoiding shopping around for an advisor As a first time investor, we feel inclined to approach the same advisor who is being consulted by our parents, friends or relatives. But here, it is important to understand that the advisor that’s right for someone else may not be right for you. You need to choose the advisor as per your needs, the type of clients he/she works with and how involved you want to be in your investing decisions.
Improper Attention to Fees You need to understand the fees you pay when you invest as they reduce your return. Before making an investment, ask questions and evaluate the available options. For instance, two
Irregular monitoring of your account statements To show the activity in your account and provide an update on your investments, your financial institution sends you monthly or quarterly account statements via mail or makes them available online. It’s essential that you examine your statements to confirm: 4That the investments that you have bought and sold are correct. 4The fees and commissions charged on the investment are correct. 4The amount of gain/loss of your investments. If you find anything unclear/incorrect, contact your financial representative immediately.
Lack of information about the ways you can utilize RESP funds You may use the RESP funds for any reasonable post-secondary education expense of your child in Canada as well as out of country (including ap-
As an independent insurance advisor working through Punjab Insurance Agency, I deal with different insurance companies offering plans for different types of insurance. I can explain to you in detail, the insurance plan options and coverage that are suitable for your needs and resources. Besides, I can also help you to purchase mortgage insurance, super visa insurance, disability insurance, critical illness insurance, extended medical plans, group medical plans, RESP, RRSP, travel insurance, TFSA accounts, health and dental plans along with estate planning suitable for your needs and resources.
For a no obligation appointment, please call me at 604-996-6862 or email me at sandeepahuja@ punjabinsurance.ca This article is © Copyrighted 2022-01-19 and can be reproduced only with prior permission.
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