MY AIMS My aims for this project are as follows; - Stay true to INDEPENDENCE DAY BRAND. - Strongly link my Ideas to the new movie and the previous. - Get the audience fully engaged and interacting.
EARTH SPACE DEFENCE PROGRAM Through my research into the movie I came across an organisation called the ‘ESD’. The ESD (Earth Space Defence) is a programme created that specifies in protecting the earth from Extraterrestrials. This was ran by Jeff Goldblum’s Character ‘David Levinson’ in the first movie.This time around the organisation is a little more prepared and established, With the help of new technology and the experience gained from the last encounter. For my concept I want to take this existing brand and expose it to the audience as if it were real. The idea is that ‘ESD’ are recruiting members of the audience (you & me) to help in the fight to protect Earth from this threat.
PHASE 1: THE RECRUITMENT BEGINS The first phase of the concept is a public display of advertisments that will inform and encourage people to follow the process through to the next phase, to go and sign up to the ESD programme. Taking inspiration from the real wars, war propaganda posters like ‘Uncle Sam’ have been a tradional way of recruiting memebers of the public to sign on to the armed forces. It is a very bold piece of advertising that targets the public directly. I have followed a similar direction for the recruitment process as I believe it will have a strong impact, resulting in the audience intereacting with the campaign.
JEFF GOLDBLUM The audience will be exposed to both printed and interactive billboards that will feature the head of the ESD ‘Jeff Goldblum’ as his character in the movie ‘David Levinson’. Jeff will play the centre roll in the recruitment process by targeting members of the public directly through advertisements that will feature both printed and digitally across a wide arrange of mediums. The print ads will feature copy that will inform the audience of what is happening. Interactive mediums like billboards and screens will feature Jeff as a video, physically talking to the audience. -
Print. Interactive Billboards/Screens. Cinema. TV. Radio. Social Media.
The release of the trailer will already be engaging movie goers and the use of a familiar actors face will also help with catching the audiences attention.
INTERACTIVE DISPLAY As I mentioned early Jeff will be displayed through a more interactive medium. A billboard like this one for example will display the recruitment message, targeting the mass audiences that gather in city centres. Jeff will talk about the crisis and his position clearly to the viewers, as well as the benefits of taking part. He will also lead you to the nearest recruitment sites that have been placed strategically around cities. Alternatively he will lead you to an online site where you can find more about the campaign and of course to sign up to the ESD.
PHASE 3: THE RECRUITMENT SITES If you follow the recruitment messages from Jeff it will lead you to the ESD Recruitment site. Here you will be greeted by members of the ESD program and they will talk/ show you through about who they are and what they do. They will also explain to you about the next phase, The Training program, which will put your skills to the test. These sites will be located world wide in selected cities. If the audience is willing they can sign up there and then by creating an account. The account will be your profile that will be explained later.
WELCOME TO THE ESD For signing up both on site and online the new recruits will receive a special kit. The kit is a welcome package, welcoming you into the ESD. Within the kit there will be a couple of items. There will be a booklet that describes more about the invasion and what is going on, which will educate the audience. A custom lapel pin will also be included, along with instructions about the next phase.
Posters Badges Post-Cards Novelty CIGAR to bring to the Cinema (Homage to the first film).
LAPEL PIN The custom Lapel pin is a way of distinguishing the members of the ESD, which in result will create a community of recruits. The pin is also a means of authorised identification. The recruits are advised to wear this pin so that they can enter the ‘Training program’ when it arrives in your city.
ALIEN INVASION HANDBOOK The handbook will feature all sorts of information intended to educate the audience about the new story. Secret information about the Aliens, the new technology and the Earth’s defences. It will also explain about the ‘Training program’ and what to expect when it arrives. This will hopefully keep their interest and excitement at a High. Throughout the process it is encouraged to share all their experiences through social media.
CAMPAIGN WEBSITE A campaign website will be a place to hold all the information in one collected place. The website shows off the new movie and explains all the aspects to the campaign from signing up to the ‘Training day’ and the prize at the end. If you didn’t get time to go to the recruitment sites then the website as all the information you need to know and you can sign up and still receive your welcome pack
TRAINING DAY FOR RECRUITS The Training Day will be the big exciting event in this campaign. The new recruits will be invited down to the site where they will put their skills to the test in a day of fun and activities. The recruits will engage in two activities and your score will be recorded. 1. Pilot simulator - Recruits will take to the skies and get the chance to pilot one of the new fighter ships. The aim is to take down as many alien ships as possible. 2. Target Practice - Recruits will be on the ground, testing out our new refiles on alien targets.
ON THE DAY On the day of the event the ESD will set up in a location in your city. The recruits will be informed by receiving a notification via text or email. This will let the recruits know the dates and time you can come down and ‘Train�. The event will stay for about two days before moving onto the next country/city. The event will be recorded and posted through social media. The recruits will also be encouraged to share their day.
YOUR PROFILE PAGE The profile page you created through sign up will be available to access. This will be collate the information about you as a recruit and will also house your scores and rank that you achieved through he training acitivies you did.
SCORING AND LEADERBOARD The scoring for these games will be easy to record and will be updated to your profile on completion. You can then view your score online through the website. These scores will then be transferred into a leader-board system that will display all over recruits within your area. It will then position you and give you a rank. These ranks will be constantly updated as more recruits perform. You can easily and freely check out who’s winning across the whole world.
ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS - From your rank and score in the activities. You will be positioned into a specific Role; Pilot, turret operator, Solider.
THE PRIZE The best scores from across the world will be rewarded with a prize. A few options could be; -
Free tickets to the movie Free tickets to the Premier Meet the cast. See the set. Limited addition posters.
THE RESULT The audience enjoyed their interaction with the campaign. There is a huge catalogue of evidence of their experience that goes viral and they are excited to see the movie.