# 001
20 15
design a political poster of any size, shape or material.
deadline: 21-09-15 :1400 anthony sutton sn:@0000000 t: http://anthonysutton.tumblr.com/ e: anthony_sutty@hotmail.com
BRIEF BREAKDOWN Brief: Design a political poster of any size, shape or material. Minimum size A3.
Your task is to raise awareness, generate interest and positive engagement to inform and enlighten. This brief is about designing for a reason, using exciting experimental typography whilst creating an aesthetic balance in order to attract attention. It is also a vehicle for you to experiment and develop your typography skills. Therefore you should understand how important the choice of fonts, composition, hierarchy, colour, kerning and leading, negative space and balance is in determining how we communicate meaning within the context of the brief. Consider your audience and your message. You will be expected to research and experiment, try out your ideas in a sketchbook, explore many variations, try out hand drawn lettering and work on straplines and copywriting skills, in order to communicate an effective message. Talking Loud Saying Nothing or Talking Loud and Saying Something ? Mobilise, educate and organise. “Making or displaying a poster is in itself a means of taking a political position or action, while for many social and political movements posters have represented an important form of cultural output. Themes of protest and political participation have gained a powerful contemporary resonance in the wake of the Arab Spring and the global ďŹ nancial crisis.â€?
V&A # 01
Suggested Areas
Health service cuts Student fees Banking crisis Defend the ocean Whaling Badger culling Anti-Fracking Nuclear power vs Renewable energy Climate change Toxic Waste Global warming Save the Arctic GM crops Sustainable agriculture Protect the rainforests
Key elements to consider Message: The context of your idea (it’s relation to the issue) Scale: How will your poster be viewed from a distance ? (composition, size and shape). Materials: What materials will be the basis for your poster (Canvas, stitch, collage, screenprint, stencil) ? Will your artwork be waterproof ? How will you hold the poster ? Will it be mounted on card or wood ? Colour: How will colour impact on your design? Typography: What typeface will you use and how does it relate to your issue (Stencil, hand drawn, embossed, 3D) Words: How concise is your message - can it be read easily / quickly ? (consider a word count) Images: How will you use illustration and or photographic images ? (drawing, collage, photo manipulation etc) Action: How will your poster be read - what is the point / narrative / call to action ? Audience: How will you engage with your audience ? Will it have a funny or serious tone ?
# 02
Health service cuts Student fees Banking crisis Defend the ocean ? Whaling Badger culling Anti-Fracking Nuclear power vs Renewable energy Climate change Toxic Waste ? Global warming ? Save the Arctic GM crops Sustainable agriculture Protect the rainforests ? Migrant crisis ? Anti-Poaching Homelessness Arctic Drilling Syria Crisis Poverty ? Obesity ? Immigration Racism ? Coral Reef Animal cruelty ? Overdosing on caffeine ? Start work at 10am? ? Blood Moon - end of the world? ? Sinkholes Deforestation Fly - Tipping Running out of snake anti-venom ? Shut down Seaworld Fraud - Financial Security? ?
These are some areas I can consider for my poster. Some are more obvious and well known, others are more relevant and more abstract. I feel passionate about all these subject, they all need addressing. I have highlighted the ones I want to take forward and produce some quick ideas for. I may return to this process if my ideas for the chosen subjects lack that spark. YES NO
# 03
CHOSEN AREAS Anti- Poaching
These are the two areas I want to focus my poster on. I have been reading recently in the paper about Cecil the Lion. I feel very strongly towards poaching and I believe I could create a strong typographic poster to raise awareness about the subject. Fly tipping I have also read recently in online that Britain is currently doing this and I have seen it for myself when walking around Manchester. From this point onwards I will be looking more into these subjects and breaking them down further into sub categories. The sub categories will help me really narrow down my message and target the right audience. I will also pull some evidence; i.e Newspaper articles, facts and figures which will help me with my content for the poster
- Poaching/ Killing animals for sport - Killing endangered animals - Killing animals for materials - Removing animals from their environments - When is it hunting and when is it poaching?
- Fly-tipping - Recycling - Cleaning up the streets - Cleaning the ocean/beaches (Plastic Island) - How to prevent Fly-Tipping - Keep Britain tidy
- Animals Material used in fashion.
# 04
RELATED ARTICLES - POACHING When is it hunting and when is it poaching? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-33699347
- Poaching is hunting without legal permission from whoever controls the land. - Hunting is regulated by the government, and hunters must obtain permits authorising them to kill certain animals. - Some animals, such as elephants and rhinos, attract poachers because selling their tusks can prove extremely lucrative.
- It effects the numbers of animals living in the wild. - The Born Free Foundation estimates that between 30% and 50% of Africa’s lion population has been wiped out over the course of the last two decades. Just 32,000 of the animals remain in the wild.
-It is estimated that more than 650 lion carcass “trophies” are exported from Africa each year.
# 05
Stopping Poaching http://wwf.panda.org/?199903/Stopping-poaching
I took some time to read into what the WWF has been doing about the poaching crisis and they are very active on the matter. One possibility could be to team up with the WWF and produce the poster to help build more of an awareness. The poster could then be sold to raise money.
Poached for
Horns (medicine)
Skin, Bones, Claws, Teeth
Tusks (Ivory)
# 06
Illegal Wildlife trade http://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/illegal-wildlife-trade
- Push governments to protect threatened animal populations by increasing law enforcement, imposing strict deterrents, reducing demand for endangered species products and honouring international commitments made under CITES.
Reduce demand for illegal wildlife parts and products by encouraging others to ask questions and get the facts before buying any wildlife or plant product.
- Speak up on behalf of those on the frontlines being threatened by armed poachers so they are properly equipped, trained and compensated.
I have highlighted key parts of the article to give me a better understanding of poaching and what I (we) can do about it. I thought this would be very helpful in my message for my poster
# 07
RELATED ARTICLES - FLY TIPPING http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/environment/11835090/ Fly-tipping-surges-costing-taxpayer-millions-a-year.html
- The number of fly-tipping incidents blighting England has soared 16 per cent in just two years, as people move home more frequently and consumer goods get cheaper. - More than 200 local authorities which responded to a Freedom of Information request said there were 529,462 fly-tipping cases in 2014-15, up 16 per cent on 2012-13.
- A Department for the Environment spokesman said: “Fly-tipping blights communities and poses a risk to human health which is why tackling this issue is a priority for government.”
- More than 140 councils said the problem cost them more than £16 million last year, meaning the true cost across the country will be far higher.
# 08
‘Garbage Islands’ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3206442/Watchhumanity-ruin-oceans-Nasa-animation-shows-vast-garbage-islands-taken-seas-35-years.html
Co-author Roland Geyer, associate professor of industrial ecology at the University of California, Santa Barbara ‘This means we need to prevent plastic from entering the oceans in the first place through better waste management, more reuse and recycling, better product design and material substitution.’
# 09
Turtles can mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and eat them. The bags then block their stomachs, which causes them to starve. The scientists reached their figures by analysing data on the amount of waste generated and how well it is disposed of in 192 coastal countries. This included litter left on beaches as well as plastic from fly-tipping and badlymanaged rubbish dumps.
They estimated that between 4.7million and 12.7million tons of plastic made its way into the world’s oceans in 2010, with a best estimate of 8million tons. The figure is expected to rise each year. Between 2010 and 2025, some 155million tons of plastic could be dumped into the ocean – enough to fill 100 bags per foot of coastline.
Fly tipping has branch me into other areas that get effected like the ocean. This could be another direction for the poster to head in. Sharing this knowledge through my poster will help the audience understand the effects of fly tipping and hopefully cause action to take place.
# 10
Poster Research http://www markbrooksgraphikdesign.com/santamonica-lw/
Mark Brooks Found these examples of artwork and thought that the execution could be synthesised to help communicate my message about anti- poaching. The poster on the left shows the figure of a giraffe. The markings of the giraffe are breaking away as if it has been shattered. I thought this concept could work well for an Idea for my poster. I could show a variety of animals to this effect. It is very bold and striking piece that could attract attention and action. The second piece is to a trick to the eye. The image created by a custom half-tone pattern allows the viewer to see the image from a far but up-close it seems almost unreadable. I think the concept of an illusion or something that can be seen from a distances could be interesting to try out with both type and image.
# 11
http://ileanahunter.deviantart.com/art/Fragments-388240121 Ileana Hunter Papercut manipulation could be a nice effect, using the negative space of the paper combining it with a strong image or type. The negative space and the image can result in a hierarchy amongst what is more dominant.
Lesha Limonov A papercut sleeve could be a way of getting the viewer to interact and remove the sleeve to reveal something underneath. The sleeve could be the removing of poached material like the horns from a rhino or tusks of an elephant.
# 12
JOHN LARIGAKIS Really minimal Poaching posters by John Larigakis. The bold silhouettes and the negative space around them create a really effective piece. The silhouettes are broken up with the red splits that occur to resemble the parts that are poached. The image is along side a fact about the specific animal. I simple minima, bold solution like this could be explored as it is very effective in getting straight to the point. Maybe I could synthesise the piece and focus on the material that is poached and create a set of illustrations.
https://www.behance.net/gallery/4254985/Extinct Jessica Duncan Interactive poster by Jessica, demonstrating a lion which can be pealed down to extinction. I really like the use of layers within this poster. The concept could be adapted within other animals and to get the audience to remove specific parts. Underneath could be a message.
Ivan Moreale Quite a trending concept now with typography and image based posters. The image is interacting with the type by intersecting the characters or even passing through counters. I’d quite like to experiment with the concept as I feel it unites both type and image in a real bold expressive way that catches the viewers eye.
Maybe I could look at using animals and how I can make a strapline interact with that animal.. It could be the horn of a rhino penetrating through counters of a character.
http://www.trendhunter.com/ trends/releasing-inner-animalfrisco-zoo-outdoor-ads#!/ photos/22025/1 BBDO West Interactive poster campaign that engages the audience to complete the experience. I like the idea of involving the audience it much more effective and creates a social media buzz. This made me think about how I could possibly use the poster but also involve the audience in some way.
http://www.impawards.com/2014/blue_ruin.html Blue Ruin movie poster using very strong bold typography. I like the way the type is merged with the image using the characters negative space. I think this could be an interesting experiment. I could use a copy line and incorporate an image within it. The type helps brake up
the image so they also seem very separate from each other. It creates an interesting dynamic which is very intense and striking for the viewer. Bold type makes this possible.
Roland Reiner Tiangco This concept requires your participation to complete it. The back side of each poster is covered with a layer of ink, which you smear onto the other side to reveal the secret message. Love the concept again of involving the audience. When I saw this I
thought I could use this ink concept but change the ink to red to represent blood of the animal. The tpye has been spot varnished which allows the ink to stick to it. I think this concept would be shocking and would cause some definite action.
Erik Satie
http://www.blogduwebdesign.com/graphisme/30affiches-travail-typographique-original/1859 More of an typography approach, looking closely at the characters and how they have been manipulated to look like they have been sliced in areas but are still legible. I think the idea could work for
my poaching poster. Certain parts of the character will have parts removed to resemble the poaching act.
Henryk Tomaszewski
http://www.blogduwebdesign.com/graphisme/30affiches-travail-typographique-original/1859 Came across this poster and it gave me an idea for the poaching poster. I think the blurred juxtaposition with the clear photo would create an interesting concept. If I take the idea that the animals that
are being poached are fading or are even being harder to see would be create a strong message to the audience.
http://theultralinx.com/2014/01/bebas-neue-font-free-download/ The foreground colour really helps the red in this design stand out and also creates a obvious hierarchy. I think the off black and the red creates real impact and would fit well within my subject area.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/futari-issue/8566217403/in/ photostream/ Shimokitazawa - Eloquence magazine design Type and image concept. The thick type allows the image to be seen through the characters. A think type would only work here, if the type was of a thinner stroke the image wouldn’t be as visible. I like the combination of both type and image especially in this format.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2011/apr/03/amnestyinternational-posters-in-pictures?picture=373248592#/?picture= 373248623&index=7
Afghan Refugee, Peshawar, 2010 (US) Photographed by Steve McCurry in Pakistan Amnesty International Similar example the type has been over-layed over the image which allows for the combination of both type and image to work together. The image sees through the type and allows both to be seen and read. The typeface is sanserif and of a high weight to allow the image to be seen through. In this case the image stands out more due to the colours. It’s reminds me of well designed protest sign.
Filip Triner Interesting concept of using folded paper to create and illusion that can separate two outcomes from two different perspectives. This allows to compare two different messages. On one side I could show the examples of poaching and the other could be what the outcome could be like with the help of a donation.
IDEAS GENERATION - Tear off Concept. Create a poster that includes the animal and the parts that are poached can be removed by the audience. The pieces will have information on that explain poaching. For example Pull off the horns of the elephant or the teeth off the tiger. Alternative There could be a typographic option where the type can be pealed off to revel the animal underneath. Typography - Should be bold, Striking and eye catching to compensate for the how urgent the message is. Blurred/ Illusion concept. - The image or type could be blurred or distorted in a way. The message would be communicating that the animals are getting harder to see due to poaching. - It could be a good idea from my research to combine type with image. Maybe the horn of a rhino interacting with a fact of some sort.
Animal Facts
https://www.savetherhino.org/rhino_info/poaching_statistics 2015 - 749 Rhinos were poached in South Africa 2015 - 386 Poaching arests in south africa
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/ africaandindianocean/9230744/Poaching-in-Africa-the-scale-ofthe-problem.html Africa’s rhino population today is estimated at 25,000, but if poaching continues at current rates there may be no rhino left in the wild by 2025. A horn can change hands at £40,000 per kilogram (2.2lb), compared with £33,000 for a kilogram of gold. 900 rhinos have been poached across Africa over the past three years.
World wildlife populations halved in 40 years It catalogues areas of severe impact - in Ghana, the lion population in one reserve is down 90% in 40 years. Globally, habitat loss and hunting have reduced tigers from 100,000 a century ago to just 3,000. In the UK, the government promised to halt wildlife decline but bird numbers continue to fall. Nepal had reduced from 100,000 a century ago to just 3,000. Those figures are in fact for global tiger numbers.
http://africanindaba.com/2014/04/poaching-in-africa-factscauses-and-solutions-april-2014-volume-12-3/ Wild game is considered a “public good” almost everywhere and therefore subject to the “tragedy of the commons”: Everyone tries to consume the free resource, because otherwise others will do it. The result is overuse, lack of sustainability and finally extinction. It is perhaps possible to stop or reduce poaching for a few months. That may even be useful if all else fails. However, the structures of conservation must be improved simultaneously: management and infrastructure of protected areas, finance, leadership, accountability of administrations etc. This all takes time. They require simultaneous action on both sides of the chain of supply and demand. The issue must be addressed both internationally and nationally, in Africa as well as in the consumer countries, and in the wealthy countries that can afford to help. Completely stopping all illegal hunting can never be achieved. It can only be reduced to the extent that game stocks grow faster than they are being decimated. I thought this was a very interesting article. It explains the honest facts about poaching and how it can’t actually stop altogether. But it can be reduced by either gaining more money to put into the rangers and the factors mentioned like, infrastructure, management etc. Us as humans are the main cause of this happening. We are killing to much to fast before nature can actually reproduce. With my poster It should be to raise awareness of what is happening and to let the audience know they can help by donating and by spreading the word to cause action.
http://www.animal-rights-action.com/chinese-medicines. html#Tiger Poaching
CHINESE MEDICINES & ANIMAL CRUELTY Rhino Rhinoceros horns are used in Chinese medicines because of the belief that they treat fever, convulsions, and delirium. Tiger Tiger’s bones are used in wines that then claim to have medicinal qualities. They are also used in plasters and medicines in the belief that they treat arthritis and other joint complaints. There are further far-fetched beliefs about other tiger body parts, including tiger penis being an aphrodisiac when eaten in soup. These are few of many other beliefs for killing animals.
http://www.hockneypictures.com/photos/photos_collages_04_ large.php
David Hockney David Hockney’s photographic collages create an interesting composition. The breaking up of an image into different sections ads interest of multiple viewpoints. It also ads a strange distorted, disjointed feel which ads to the interest. I could experiment with breaking up images of animals to represent David Hockneys style. I could also try and experiment with type in this way. I think the collage effect would help communicate how the poaching crisis is very dijointed.
Poster cover concept
Few concepts here I’ve drawn together from my research. On the left there is a poster cover that depicts an animal. The idea is to have the cover, cover up/take parts of the animal for example the horn. The audience has the abibilty to remove the cover so it ads a very personal touch which create more of an impact. Half blur/ concept
I want to give a very strong message towards the animals and how they might actually not be around for much longer
so I want to express that. This idea will show half of a animal and the other will be blurred. This hopefully communicating what effect poaching is having on the wildlife
Copywrite: Straplines -
Don’t let them be history. Don’t let them fade into history. Keep your distance. We’re causing it, we should fix it. Don’t erase them. Don’t let them be erased.
David Hockney style concepts - Did a few sketches of how the David Hockney idea would work. I think for this Idea I’m going to have to grab images from the internet as I don’t have my own wildlife sources. I’d have to use images I can use. - I think it’s worth experimenting with this on the computer I can easily chop up images and work to a grid to help build some really interesting compositions.
Idea derived from the strapline: Don’t erase them - When I came up with that strapline I thought how I could reflect in with an image of text. This Idea would either be; A Line drawing of an animal but reflects a fact or percentage of that animals existence. Alternatively I was thinking of using a pen and pencil and making this a little more interactive giving the audience the chance to draw the rest or erase them. I’m still thinking of a way to use that strapline with the concept or erasing.
Copywrite: Straplines -
Soon they will be history. - Keep them Present Be their voice. They’ll be joining the Dinosaurs. Hunt the Hunters. Don’t let them fade into history.
My Message -
Strong Powerful Cause Action Fear Bold Expressive Different Strange Question Concern Emotion
I want to make the audience aware that poaching is leading these animals to extinction. I want to tell a powerful message that these animals may not be around much longer and that we need to take action. I want to cause concern so the targeted animals can be saved. I will be relying on strong combination of imagery and type. I also want them to be directed to where they can help. Making this a campaign with a wildlife charity would be perfect I.e. ‘WWF’
New Graphic Design: The 100 Best Contemporary Graphic Designers. Charlotte & Peter Fiell Foreword by: Steven Heller I was looking through this book and found a poster design that was folded and I thought Is there a way I can fold my poster in a certain way to allow for a stronger piece of communication. Is there a way a fold can maybe hide and reveal aspects once unfolded.
Sulki Choi and Min Choi. Another way I could incorporate folds would be artificially like this example. I think this is really effective and creates truly unique poster. I love how the folds allows room for text and to create layers to the design. The image also reflects the choice for this idea.
Reinventing Lettering: Inspirational Pieces By Contemporary Practitioners Emily Gregory Looking closely at typography in this book. I was looking for a different way of expressing typography through digital means or even with 3D elements.
I came across this example. I couldn’t find and explanation about the piece or who did it. I think it looks almost like the rubber shavings which has been used to create some typography. I love the physical side and how he has created a gradient as seen bottom left. I had an idea of using rubber to go with my strapline ‘Don’t erase them’. Linking the action of a rubber to the action of poaching.
Cropping Photo Concept - Going off the idea of showing the audience that the animals are almost being cut off by the poster. I like this idea as it seems the animals have fallen or are fading off the page. An alternative could be to use actual frame of the poster to crop the poached areas, creating a very subtle but effective image. Typography would then have to be fitted around this concept. The same Idea could be used for a purely type based poster, having the words bleed off but still remain legible
It would come down to the position of the photo to be able to create an effective piece. Other examples above of showing little snippets of the animal communicating that your only catching a glimpse as they are becoming rarer to see.
Concepts to develop -
Half-tone concept. Blur concept. Text and Image. Minimal. Line/percentage/factual. David Hockney collage. Folded concept. Poster Cropping.
Final concept Ideas to experiment with and develop further.
Halftone poster concepts I explored the use of halftones in my first concept. I wanted to create and image that wasn’t so readable from first glance but when you stepped back the image because visible. The strapline I came up with fitted with this concept. They turned really well but I think the typography lets it down. Maybe I could explore some ways of involving more interesting and creative typography.
Blur/Fade concept I moved on and decided to look at my blur concept. Again the strapline and the image has to link. I explored ways of showing the fade by blurring different parts of the image. I also tried to break up the image like David Hockney. I think I will experiment with the concept of blurring or fading more.
Folded poster concept Taking the previous poster design I experimented with the digital fold illusion form my research. I wanted the fold to interact with the part of the animal that is poached for to help with the concept behind my poster. I don’t think this is one of my stronger ideas. I think I needs to have more of the illusion factor. Maybe I could add an element to the ‘back’ that suggests its ‘folded’.
Typography elements Working with this for my strapline. It is quite a long piece of copy so getting it to fit with my image without being to intruding is the aim. This is my first example. I’ve displayed the type horizontally which leads the eye to read down and by each word at a time which I feel creates a better and stronger way of communicating the message behind the words. I’ve added a black line to help keep the type in structure so they don’t seem to be lose on the page. Also It acts as an end point to the message and helps reinforce the word history, which I believe is very effective. I have included Stop poaching underneath to then let the audience what the text is about and the poster.
Typeface Choice
Bebas Neue
The typed face is also a very important factor I want to get right. It needs to be Bold and legible so it creates and immediate impact on the audience. I think a San serif typeface is more suited. This typeface is Bebab Neue which is working great at the moment. I would still like to explore different fonts and different layouts.
Different Layout may occur when dealing with the imagery. The composition will have to be tailored. Colour will also be considered. Black and Red would help with the communication. Blur concept continued - I really liked the concept of blurring So I furthered the concept and created this piece. I personally think that the image is very striking and creates an interest. I wanted to show one of the many poach animals that it’s fading slowly. I think these type of posters need a strong image, I believe type alone will not cause enough action. I created an eerie background fog using cold colours to help create some emotion. It feels cold, without heart which I think links in with the act of poaching. Next is to add type.
Type Placement This is my first complete draft with the elements I wanted to include. I’ve chosen a strong dark red which contrast great against the blue background, making the type really stand out. I’ve placed the copy line down the right hand side to complement the fading image direction. This helps the eye lead from the left to the right then down the bottom for added information. The Typeface is Bebas Neue, Really strong typeface that helps deliver the message precisely. Something more rounded wouldn’t help communicate the tone I want. A serif typeface could possibly work as the copy line links to history. I would also like to try a more brush typeface to give it some individuality and expression. I’d have to get the right type or it may change the whole feel for the poster.
Typeface alternatives -
Bebas Neue Akzidenz Grotesk Helvetic bold Duke Gill Sans Levi Brush
Added Information The point of the poster is to direct the audience to a source in which they can help. In this case WWF is my source and I have included another line of copy their website. The copy line will be edited as I am not happy with the layout.
Added information placement A few slight layout examples for the bottom of the poster. Having it central makes sense as it compliments the central image of the rhino. Having it placed to the left helps balance out the typography. On the right is also balanced due to the rhino being more directed left. I’ve decided to choose the middle option as it puts more focus on the typography and is balanced with the rhino thus making the type stand out more. I have also added the line under the copy to bleed out to help move the eye.
Bleeding line
Adjust Distance
Finalised Poster I have decided on this design to be my final poster for this project. I feel it communicates a very strong, urgent message to it’s audience about the concern of loosing these magnificent animals to poaching. I chose this topic because I have a love for animals and to see them suffering makes me want to express myself and my opinions about it. I feel like this concept has the potential to be a full campaign. The posters could vary and included a range of different animals from birds to sea life like whales or seals. I want to push this concept further and produce other posters and share them with the WWF. If I were to do this project Again I would of liked to explore the other Ideas I had as well as trying out some hand drawn outcomes.