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ELVIN eTwinning project

“Africa, hello!”

Once upon a time an African fish named Kelvin. She lived in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Reunion Island. One day, while was playing with his friends, Kelvin saw a Turtle. The Turtle was entangled in a plastic waste bag - thrown at the Ocean by careless tourists. The Turtle prayed to Kelvin: - Please set me free from the waste bag. I would like to swim. As a reward I will fulfill three wishes of yours! - Of course I'll help you! - Kelvin said. The freed Turtle asked: - What's your first wish?

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- M‌m‌m! Well, I would like some money. And all of a sudden a bag with gold coins drops from a passing ship possibly from a tourist who wanted to get rid of it. Kelvin couldn't believe his eyes. He took the bag and he gave it to the poor of his fish village. Using this money, they made fish houses for the homeless fish, fish schools and fish parks. Kelvin was very proud of what he had managed and he thanked the turtle by inviting her to stay in his village.

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The turtle asked again : - What's your second wish? I'd like a fish town made of ice-cream. Suddenly all the walls, the roofs, the windows, the doors of the houses became made of soft icecream. The roofs were of whipped cream, the smoke from the chimneys of cotton candy, the chimneys of candied fruit, also the furniture was made of ice cream. Imagine the happiness of boys and girls and of their parents too! Small, big, medium, colored, white, black, young, old, weak, strong, rich , poor fish came from everywhere in the Ocean and all of them were smiling and had having a lot of fun! - "Fish here, fish there, fish, fish everywhere!� students from

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The nicest thing was that everyone could eat icecream until full and without the worry of buying or looking for other food. Strawberry, cherry, fruit, cream, chocolate, vanilla ice-creams and more, and more… and more....for the joy of all fish! Kelvin was really satisfied and happy: he wanted that all the fish including the little ones live in the ocean in peace and friendship spirit and where everyone can share food, space, water respecting their differences. He thanked the turtle again and all together started to licking chairs, tables, streets and everything they like tasting . -”Icecream here, icecream there Icecream, icecream everywhere!”

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The turtle asked Kelvin- ,,What’s your third wish?’’ Kelvin answered- ,,I’d like to keep the environment clean and not to pollute it because, as the time passes the air becomes more and more polluted. Some animal and plant species are very rare and need special care. We started to think only recently about the importance of clean environment. That’s my wish!"

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And the ocean was cleaned in a snap of fin. People all over the world were educated not to pollute the earth and oceans and to respect and take care of Mother Nature. Kelvin was nearly happy. Just love was missing. And, as an "ETwinning fairy tale", he met a very nice and cute female fish who was touched by his generosity. Her name was Diana. They fell in love with each other. They get married and organized a huge party around Reunion Island: the volcano launched fireworks, mountains covered of flowers and exotic animals danced the ZimbolĂŠ. To reward Kelvin for his wishes, the turtle appoint him chief of the village. Moreover, all members of his family came from Europe and Asia to congratulate him: his parents from Bulgaria, brothers & sisters from Italy, grand-parents from Greece, uncles from Georgia and cousins from Armenia. Fishes built them a pretty house in which they had a lot of different babies: a large range of multicolored fishes of all species. Kelvin and Diana live happy and every morning when they wake up, they say: students from -"Africa, hello!"

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A common story created by students from Africa

Asia Europe The drawings are created simultaneously in

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