CONCEPT The concept is to create an augmented environment where objects in space would change form in relation to either music or voice of a person speaking on the phone. So when a person is listening to some music/talking to someone over the phone, he would see some - sound extra elements in the environment react to the in his ears.
in his ears.
MUSIC CIRCUIT The first step was to develop a simple circuit which would give output in the form of noise. This circuit woul then be used as he input for a sound modification software. The picture shows a circuit developed using the Arduino. This circuit functioned as a simple piano with each button connected to a different resistance. Hence when pressed, each button produced a sound with a different frequency.
ABLETON The second step was to use a sound modification and generation software called as Ableton.
SOUND CREATION Various experiments were done and a variety of sounds were created with the combination of the circuit and Ableton.
SCULPTRIS Once experimenting with sounds was done, the next step was to make the sound interact with the environment hence creating an augmented effect. This was started by using various softwares like Sculptris, Cinema4D, VVVV and Maya. Sculptris is a software which can be used to sculpt objects from basic, not only by using the mouse but also using other external controls like keyboard, sound.
CINEMA 4D Cinema 4D is 3D modeling, animation and rendering application capable of procedural and polygonal/subd modeling, animating, lighting, texturing, rendering, and common features found in 3D modelling applications. The motion of objects were controlled with the help of sound which was previously generated.
MAYA FLuid motion experiments were done in maya using nParticle tools. These motions were controlled with the help of- sound which was previously generated.
MAYA From this point on, different kinds of motions were designed with the help on Maya. These motions would be embedded into a video taken and the same motions would be controlled by sound in real time.
SETUP (Audio into the microphone controls the animation)