SWCTA Key Club / August Newsletter (ML)

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0coyote) Chronicles August 2017

Table of Contents 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09

Title Table of Contents Message from the President / Editor Summer Service Freshman Orientation Upcoming events Social Media Contact Information

message from the president Samantha sze Hey Key Clubbers! It's Samantha here. I hope you guys had an amazing summer! In the past month, we've been preparing for freshman orientations and getting everything sorted for the start of the new school year. I can't wait to work with everyone! I wish everyone the best of luck on their upcoming term and school year. I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter.


Samantha Sze

message from the Editor Megen Lopez Hello Key Clubbers! Summer has sadly come to an end, but here’s to the new school year! I’m looking forward to all the service events, socials, and key club meetings this school year has to offer. I’m excited to interact with the new faces of key club, and to have a lot of fun this school year!

Since summer has come to an end, there’s an article about some service projects our members have done over the summer. I hope you enjoy this newsletter!


Megen Lopez

Joelle Lyn Vales | Vp Fundraising Chair I enjoy volunteering over summer because it gives me a chance to get ahead start into the new term. Especially since I'm personally trying to reach the goal of 500 hours. Instead of sitting on the couch watching tv all day, I’d rather volunteer at the hospital and make a patient's day instead.

Jackie Wu | Upcoming Member I volunteer at a summer camp that prepares students for their next grade levels, on a day to day basis I do a variety of different things. Sometimes I’m with kindergarteners, sometimes I’m with preschoolers, and sometimes I help out the math teacher.

Caitleen O’Berry | Division Service Coordinator In the beginning of summer '17, I didn't think that I would be able to volunteer as much as I had hoped, but it wasn't until mid-summer that I was able to find a couple service opportunities for me to engage in, and I am quite grateful! I have been helping out at a family friend's car wash service, also being a scorekeeper at the Tarkanian Basketball Academy. Although, at first, it may not seem like difficult tasks, it’s not easy to do repetitive labor for hours on end. Volunteering gets tiring, especially when I'm working out in the heat, but it's a satisfying feeling to know that I am of use to people who need a lending hand!




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Steven Lim | co 2020

“Honestly, today was a great day. Recruiting freshmen was really fun. I wore my key club shirt to show some love to the Southwest Career and Technical Academy Key Club. I helped discuss to the incoming freshmen what key club is about. A lot of the incoming freshmen were really excited about attending this club. I'm looking forward to seeing the future incoming members that I was trying to recruit today.�

“I really enjoyed seeing all the new faces around the school! They looked as lost as I was when I had my freshman orientation. Never have I imagined that I would be in the position where I would tell these kids what Key Club is about and how much Key Club means to not only me but to those we help. One of the things I liked was a man came up and recorded all the clubs for his daughter who was on vacation. I thought it was the sweetest thing. Overall, I felt we successfully left a good impression and recruited new members! I hope to see them at our first meeting and that they will grow into great leaders in our community.�

Regine Young | co 2018


u p c o m i n g

August 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31


10 Aug.

14 Aug.


Freshman Orientation Southwest CTA 2:00-5:00 PM Start of 2017-18 School Year

August DCM Faith Lutheran High School

E v e n t s

s t a y

@swctakeyclub @swctakeyclub ewcbf70

u p d a t e d

Contact Information President Samantha Sze swcta.kc.pres@gmail.com

Vice President of Community Service Mary Intal swcta.kc.vpcs@gmail.com

Vice President of Fundraising Jailissa Jacala swcta.kc.vpf@gmail.com

Vice President of Spirit Hannamae Imperial swcta.kc.vpsp@gmail.com

Secretary Alexis Pereyra swcta.kc.sec@gmail.com

Historian Cathy Zhu swcta.kc.hist@gmail.com

Bulletin Editor Megen Lopez swcta.kc.be@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!

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