EUREGME 21 - REPORT OF THE SWISS DELEGATION Text: Valeria Scheiwiller | University of Lugano T his year’s European Regional Meeting of the International Federation of Medical Students’ As sociations (IFMSA) was held as an online event. Here you find the delegation's highlights! The Executive Board of swimsa assembled 13 motivated medical students to be part of the on line conference of European medical students. As one of the founding members of IFMSA in 1951, swimsa has never missed an opportunity to ac tively shape the impact that medical students have in the world of public health, professional exchange and medical education, just to name a few. The following achievements are listed to accre dit the involvement of swimsa during the last Eu ropean Regional Meeting of the IFMSA: • The Swiss delegates were contributing a lot to their respective standing committee which was praised by the IFMSA officials. • swimsa maintained a high level of credibili ty throughout the whole EuRegMe towards IFMSA as well as the National Member Orga nisations.
Facing the global COVID-19 crisis this year’s Eu ropean Regional Meeting was held online on Zoom from the 23. - 27. April 2021. The plenary and standing committee sessions were held at the same time. All the delegates met and spent the weekend together in order to increase the team spirit and to facilitate informed decision making. We maintained highly constructive contact on an international level and gave input on various topics. This article aims to give you an insight into the busy and amazing world that a European Re gional Meeting of the IFMSA, the world’s largest and oldest student organisation, is.