How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202
“Article Marketing 202” Free Articles by Robert Plank
“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from article directories. Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a commission out of the deal. Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”
Compiled by Syamsul Alam
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202
Table of Contents Instantly Overcome Writer's Block When You Are Writing For The Web ........................................... 3 Follow Up Or Multi-Part Content Versus Stand Alone Content .......................................................... 5 What Content And How Often To Post That Content To The Web ..................................................... 7 How Many Articles Do You Really Need? ............................................................................................ 9 Other Resources by Robert Plank ...................................................................................................... 11
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202
Instantly Overcome Writer's Block When You Are Writing For The Web It's very easy to get stuck no matter how good of a writer you are and when you are about to write that latest blog post, article, report, book, or even forum posts it is easy to get stuck. But getting stuck doesn't help you. You are the most productive when you get a task done and it's done forever. That is why to conquer Writer's Block you need to get over "blank page syndrome", you need to get excited about what you are writing, and you should write quickly exactly the way you talk. One of the worst things you can look at when you are already stuck about what to write is staring at a black page. Let's say you are sitting down and you wanted to put together a simple step by step guide on how to set up an email auto-responder sequence, and you look at a blank page and you have no idea where to start. That is why it's important to put something on that blank page. I know of people who simply start typing whatever it is they begin thinking, even if it's gibberish, even if it's just the exact words that come into their head. I know of other people who will type the outline or the thoughts, or at least the title of the article they are writing on the page so at least they are not looking at that blank page. As soon as you put some words on your page, you are at least the first step forward to getting over that Writer's Block. How do you start writing and keep writing? The answer to that is simple, it's easy to write about things that you are excited about, so find some way to get excited about what your topic is. If we were talking about setting up an email auto-responder account, log into your own auto-responder and see how things are going. View some videos on YouTube and see what other people have been doing with their auto-responders,
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202 and even talk to someone about this idea you have that you are about to share about email autoresponders. I deal with so many people who tell me that they can't write a simple article but they can talk your ear off for two, three, even four hours on end about some silly idea. If you get excited, it's easy to write something. Finally, to make sure that you write that article or chapter to completion, write quickly and write exactly the way you talk. I know that school may have taught you to use big, fancy words, and aerobatic language but really you are going to have the easiest time writing if you write in short simple sentences, and use short words, and type exactly the way that you talk. If you need to dictate your article, or learn how to type faster in order to type so fast you don't have time to think that is fine, but get in the habit of making your first draft your final draft and not editing any sentences. Your writing doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to make sense. Overcome Writer's Block for the web, put something on your blank page so you overcome "blank page syndrome", get excited about your topic, and write quickly the exact same way you talk. Robert Plank wants to show you how to create an unlimited number of articles at 90 seconds a piece at Article Source:
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202
Follow Up Or Multi-Part Content Versus Stand Alone Content When you sit down to write your latest article, blog post or report it's very tempting to add multipart or multi-volume information. For example, if you explain a complex step by step process such as setting up a website, you might write one article about getting a web host, one article about registering a domain name, one article about setting up a blog. These are all separate articles. When you are limited to such a short length, you're choices are either to cram all the information into one article and then not have much to say, really only have an overview or, split up your content into multiple parts. I am here to tell you that you need to write as if you are writing stand alone information, and that means that if you write about setting up a WordPress blog you assume someone has gone through the earlier steps without directly referencing them. This makes it easier for you to reuse your content and when you put these together as autoresponder emails they are very easy to connect. What you can do as well is then place these separate articles into a report and add a few sentences here and there referencing the earlier chapters so it all becomes on cohesive guide. This might have seemed confusing, but when you first write content you should write it all so it stands alone. There are many reasons for this. First of all, if someone comes to a blog post and you have titled it Part 3 of 6, they are either going to click over to Part 1 or give up in frustration. You want someone who arrives on your site to begin reading immediately. In addition, many sites that accept articles and guest blog posts do not want you to have multi-part content for the same reason because what if you posted Part 3 of something on their site and Part 1 of something on
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202 your site. Now it becomes very confusing for the reader and they won't find the information they need. Make your articles stand alone on their own. Then what you do is if you have some kind of an email newsletter you can easily add a sentence or two at the top or at the bottom bridging the gap between the individual lessons. Here is what I mean, I mean you might have that multi-part course on which steps someone should take to set up a website, and they join your email newsletter, and get the edition about getting a domain name. At the end you stay tuned tomorrow because I will be sending you a message on how to get a web host. In the next email you say yesterday you learned about getting a domain name, today you will learn about web hosting and at the end of that email, you say tomorrow we will talk about a WordPress blog. Now when you have these bridges in the content in your emails, it makes for a very nice little report and what you can do in that report is link to the various resources and even link back to chapters. For example, at the start of the blog chapter, you can link back to the chapter about getting a domain name. The important thing is when you put content out in the wild for free to be syndicated on other sites, make is stand alone and then it is much easier to entangle the content once you use in your email auto-responder list and put it together in your report. Find out everything you need to know about making a PDF report, setting up a download page, installing a membership site, and even making an email auto-responder follow up sequence at Article Source:
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202
What Content And How Often To Post That Content To The Web If you want any amount of traffic or credibility on the internet you need to have lots of content spread out across various sites. The good news is there are plenty of sites who are eager, in fact begging, for you to post your articles, blog posts and thoughts, and you can easily set up your own sites to hold your content. You need to consistently be making forum posts, blog posts, and write auto-responder emails to guarantee you get consistent traffic. A very easy place for you to speak your mind about any topic is on what's called a Message Board, Discussion Board, or a Forum. Sure, there are groups and there are areas on sites like Facebook to discuss a particular topic, but there have always been complete sites dedicated to one singular topic. Anything from teaching your parrot how to talk to how to lose weight to dog obedience. There are discussion boards around any subject and all you have to do is do a Google search for the name of your niche, and the word "forum". Look at a few results in the first page and see which of these sites get posted to over and over. These are the sites where you should hang out, and establish yourself as a credible source in this field. You do this for two reasons. First, you get back links, you get links back to your site from your forum posts and you are getting your name out there so if you put out a book about how to train your dog and someone searched your name they see you have posted all over these sites. You also want people to come back to your site, right. That is why you should reserve your best content for your blog. There is nothing wrong with you answering a forum post and maybe giving the short response on the forum, but then providing the longer response on your own site in a well-thoughtout blog post. This way people can see your replies on forums and if they like what you are all about, if they like your advice, and they like you they will click over to your blog, read it, and view your content there. What is the point of getting someone over to your site? Setup Sales Letter in Minutes using Free Software?
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202 You want to add them to your following or your email list. That is why you should get yourself an email auto-responder. You can get a free one at, and a paid one at What you can do now is add a newsletter sign up form to your blog, and when someone likes the blog posts you make they can sign up for your list and get notified about new blog posts you make. The final type of writing you should make are these reminders, these auto-responder emails that every few days simply send people back to your site. You might send them back to comment on an old blog post, a new blog post, or just click on any link that you happen to have for them which may include an affiliate link or a link to one of your products. Those are the reasons why you should consistently post content to the web, so that people can find you and recognize you as an expert on a forum, click over to your blog and get more information, and finally sign up to your email newsletter to get regular updates. Set up your entire blog, auto-responder, and traffic funnel using the training available at Article Source:
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202
How Many Articles Do You Really Need? When you are writing publishing on article directories, blogs and social media, you might be wondering how many articles do you need in total. In order to stay relevant, you really should be always creating new articles but let's think of a reasonable goal for you right now. If you have no article out there yet, your goal should be to have four articles. On the other hand, if you have more than four articles your goal should be to have 100 articles. Let me explain. Even though you should have as many articles as possible, you really need to have about a 100 articles out there to get the amount of traffic and the email opt-ins as you would like. Most people think too small when it comes to article marketing. They think that all they have to do is spend the next six months thinking of ten articles and they will have more traffic than they know what to do with - completely wrong. Your competition and everyone on the Internet out there is writing tons of blog post and tons of articles so you need to create a lot of content just to keep up. But don't get discouraged. The average person only has about four articles out there whether we're talking blog post or post on article sites. Your long term goal should be for a 100 articles but for now, let's just try to get above average and post four articles with your name on it going back to your website on a relevant topic. Now, what if you have more than 100 articles or you have been writing articles consistently for a long time? If you can ink out one article a month and you have a lot of established articles already that would get you some traffic. If you can manage it, write at least an article a week for your blog and for article directories to get some traffic out it. If you want to have the amount of traffic you're going to be happy with, you should write something once per day which sounds scary at first. But think about this, if today you wrote five small articles, that means you have the next five days of content all ready to go. You need to start to think on a bigger scale and writing a lot of articles at a time. That way, you can get a lot more traffic than the average person.
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202 Robert Plank will show you how to get 100 articles created in a weekend over at Article Source:
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How to Overcome Writer’s Block - Article Marketing 202
Other Resources by Robert Plank Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? » Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder » Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click » Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers » “Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" » Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours » Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! » Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! » Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »
Final Step Do you like this report? You can download full Article Marketing Series (101 - 505) of Robert Plank here (it’s FREE): How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using Completely Free Software »
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