How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202
“Content Creation 202” Free Articles by Robert Plank
“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from article directories. Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a commission out of the deal. Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”
Compiled by Syamsul Alam
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202 Table of Contents Content Amount Provided Daily Or Weekly for a Membership Site ................................................... 3 How Do I Know If I Have Too Much Membership Content? ............................................................... 5 How Much Content Should I Have Available Before Launching My Membership Site to the Public? 7 How Much Content Do You Need For Your Membership Site? .......................................................... 9 Other Resources by Robert Plank ...................................................................................................... 11
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202
Content Amount Provided Daily Or Weekly for a Membership Site Most people have the wrong idea about the quantity of articles required when developing a new membership site. You will find that a number of people think that a couple of articles will be sufficient whilst other people feel that five or ten articles is enough to keep them going and to buy them enough time on the membership site. This area will be explained now so that you can develop your membership correctly from the beginning. When you develop a membership site, you must be conscious of not having too much content and also not to have a boring site. A weekly insert on an very interesting subject should be given from the moment they join up with the membership site as it will be these interesting and well timed posts that will increase the members on your membership. Be aware that by eliminating boredom, you may be creating in information overload and that too creates boredom and you will then be back to square one. That is why offering a good article weekly is the best way to control this aspect of maintaining a membership site. Boring information overload in a sure way to have your members leave your site and also gives you a massive workload to contend with that ultimately you will not cope with. Posting every alternate day or once weekly providing that the posts are of good standard is a good call. Post a good article weekly by way of an audio lasting ten minutes or a video also lasting up to ten minutes. You could also post a good download or software. Another way of keeping your membership site alive and exciting is by posting or emailing adverts and or reminders that another interesting post is due to arrive the following day and also asking them to make comment on the membership site as well. By doing this you will be keeping the site alive and interesting. A new membership site should receive a minimum one full week's content at the inception of their site. This makes buying from your membership worthwhile and exciting. They must not be allowed to become disappointed with the content they receive. They will look forward to receiving your posts and emails' reminding them of what is to come this week.
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202 The amount of daily content should be scheduled and well maintained. Never post articles where the content has been stretched to such a degree that no one wants it. So then, remember to avoid being boring at all costs, avoid overloading the membership site and remember too to keep your posts well timed, that is every other day and a really good one once weekly. Keep your members excited so that they cannot wait for the next post from you. The content of your member site and developing the site is easy when you do it with the help and expertise obtained from: Article Source:
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202
How Do I Know If I Have Too Much Membership Content? Not many marketers realize the danger posed by putting too much stuff on their membership sites more so if it is dripped out a too fast. Dripping out content too fast can overwhelm people with the result that they will almost always lag behind the content. These can have serious implications on your business since people who were actually interested in consuming your product can end up dropping out. While the ones who like to collect content even though it is highly improbable that they will use it will remain. If you need serious people who can be considered your fans, and actually consume your site's content, then it is imperative that you drip out these content as slowly as possible. The first sign that you have too much content is when people start dropping out. You could have precisely the right, helpful and easy to understand content but people will still drop out if you don't control the rate at which you are dripping out this content. Inquire if this is their grievance, or they do not even know whereto start, then you must realize that even good content that has low retention rate is an indication excess content on your site. Joining the site yourself can also help you gauge the quality and quantity of material that your members have access to. New members especially should not have access to too much content since they are the easiest to overwhelm when they still don't know how to properly navigate the site. A good way of telling if there is too much content is to run a survey that will inform you the approximate time a new member may take to read all the content on your site. You must aim to provide content that can be totally covered by a new member devoting two hours per week on the site. Common sense is important. It should always be on your mind that excessive content on your membership site will overload the members you have already attracted and possibly result in them leaving your site. Giving the members tons of information may not be a big favor as you maybe imagining it to be. The biggest favor you can hand to them is to schedule or drip your content and split up payment to smaller installments.
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202 You can follow my footstep and create an equally successful membership site of your own by visiting to The details I have provided there are free of any charges. Article Source:
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202
How Much Content Should I Have Available Before Launching My Membership Site to the Public? Do not keep worrying about the quantity of content you need to have for your membership site now. What you have to keep in mind is that you need to stay just ahead of the first customer but not too far ahead. Do not kill yourself creating several months' worth of content. When creating content do it in large batches but not to this extend. You will find few things more demoralizing than working yourself to death creating a lot of content. Writing all these Articles, making the necessary audio and video and making information for the whole year only for your site to turn out to be a complete failure. All this work coming to nothing will be surely disheartening. Avoid setting yourself up for this fall by creating just the amount of content you need, you can actually launch your membership site when you only have 14 days worth of content. I would advise you launch your site and wait if people join. Create just enough content to stay ahead of these first customers. This way you don't end up creating loads, you do not have to create a whole years content before hand. Don't put in the extra effort before you are sure that there may be favorable returns. This is a good method because you can make corrective changes by considering what is appealing to people, what they actually do not like, what questions you are often asked by these first customers and what reasons they give for joining your membership site in the first place. All this is hard for you to accurately guess if you don't try it first. Sometimes their reasons for joining you may not be the same as what you had in mind. One thing you must not do is to find your self in a situation where you are always in a rush to beat the deadline for the submission of content. You have to prevent the maintenance of this site from becoming something of a chore. The way to do this is to write your sites content in big batches. If the site demands for one blog post every week, write more than three each time. This will allow you to be free for the three weeks and you may just get better ideas for more content when you are in this relaxed state of mind. Incase you intend to shoot a video for members to buy each Setup Sales Letter in Minutes using Free Software?
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202 week, consider recording three such videos, schedule them and enjoy your freedom for the next three weeks. Always ensure that you stay ahead of your first member to join, don't create too much content but limit yourself to something like two weeks content. Don't let your site to be threadbare; record a few audio and video together with the articles. Some more of my best secrets for regulating quantity of content on you site is at: Article Source:
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202
How Much Content Do You Need For Your Membership Site? Whether you're charging one single price or you're charging a continuous month to month fee to allow people to access your membership tools and content, you're probably wondering how much information, how much stuff, do you need inside that membership site. What's really sad is that many people over think this or think the wrong thing. People pile in way too much stuff in their membership site or not enough. If you're charging a single price for your membership site just add one thing. If you're charging any kind of recurring amount then add one new thing per week and on top of that ask your members if you're posting too much, or not enough content. A membership site does not have to be recurring. You can charge, for example, $20 one time for someone to access one video or a set of videos inside your protected membership download area, and that's it. If they refund, they lose access, but after making that single payment they now have access to that membership site forever. They get what they pay for and if you have provided some information that is more valuable than that $20, then you have successfully done your job. You don't have to go out of your way to add tons of content or tons of bonuses just for that $20 payment. Have your sales letter explain what your training will solve, what problem you will help people overcome, and for that $20 overcome that problem and that's it. Now, what if you charge $20 per month for some ongoing training. All you have to do is make a big deal and have one new item per week. This might mean that if someone is paying you $20 per month that, when they pay that first $20 you give them a couple of videos up front in the first week. Maybe every week after that you provide one or two additional videos that help them along in their training sequence. If you scheduled a new one hour video, even a half hour video, every day for that month your members would be completely overwhelmed and they wouldn't stick around as long.
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202 Make it easy and provide just one new thing, just half an hour or an hour of training per week for that $20 to $100 and that's it, that's all you have to do. If someone is paying you $20 per month just give them $20 or more worth of value every single month. One thing that's interesting about drip content, marketing and membership sites is that once you set it up, you might have to readjust, but because we're doing things on the internet we can adjust. What I want you to do is schedule one new piece of content per week, after someone joins your site, and then poll them. Ask them in your blog posts, even e-mail them personally, and ask them are they making use of your information. If they are getting bored maybe you should add in some extra bonuses at the start, and if they are overwhelmed you should space out the content more gradually so that they have time to go through your training and don't get overwhelmed. When it comes to posting content and dripping that content in your membership site, if someone is paying you one time, offer just one thing. If it's recurring, post one new item per week and that's it. Robert Plank is an expert in setting up membership sites and dripping content. Claim your free membership plug ins at Article Source:
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How to Manage Content for Membership Site - Content Creation 202
Other Resources by Robert Plank Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? » Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder » Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click » Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers » “Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" » Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours » Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! » Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! » Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »
Final Step Do you like this report? You can download full Content Creation Series (101 - 505) of Robert Plank here (it’s FREE): How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using Completely Free Software »
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