How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303
“Copywriting 303” Free Articles by Robert Plank
“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from article directories. Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a commission out of the deal. Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”
Compiled by Syamsul Alam
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303 Table of Contents How Do You Write Decent Headlines? ................................................................................................ 3 Copywriting Tips - How Does Digg Help You Find Good Headlines? ................................................... 5 Copywriting Tips - How Do You Write Good Openers? ....................................................................... 6 Interviews Will Inspire Your Copywriting ............................................................................................ 8 Other Resources by Robert Plank ........................................................................................................ 9
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303
How Do You Write Decent Headlines? Even the best copywriting authors get stumped every once in a while when trying to write a good headline. The headline is the most important part of your sales letter. If people never read your headline, they will not read the rest of the page. A good headline is crucial! All you need to do to write a good headline is to write pages and pages of headlines until you get the one you want. All the while, keep these three headline factors in mind: image, facts, and emotion. Every great headline begins with a good image. Consider the one legged golfer headline: "Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards to Your Drives, Eliminates Hooks and Slices... And Can Slash Up to 10 Strokes From Your Games Almost Overnight!" That headline is filled with action verbs. Discovered, eliminates, slash... you can just about picture that one legged guy standing on the driving range about to take a swing. Then there is the fact element. Headlines need facts not just for believability, but so you can provide benefits. What reason do your readers have to read the rest of the sales letter? What will they get out of it? This headline contains a whopping three benefits: slash ten strokes from your games, eliminate hooks and slices, and add 50 yards to your drives. What is really cool about these benefits is that they are relative. Even if you are a pro golfer, you can add fifty yards in addition to your drives. There is also the hidden fourth benefit: you can make these changes overnight. The lesson is that you can stack multiple benefits in the same headline. Even if you cannot come up with any benefits in your headline, just mention one thing people can change, and how quickly they can make that change. Finally, and probably most importantly, there is the emotion factor. The emotional hook is the one-legged golfer. A guy with one leg can teach me something about my golf game? Also, notice that the headline used the word "your" not once but twice. This is clearly a very well thought out headline written by a copywriter designed to illicit the maximum emotional response from the reader.
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303 Anytime you are stuck writing a headline, or you want to augment an existing headline, keep those three factors in mind: image, facts, and emotion. Apply those three factors and you cannot fail with headline copywriting. Tackle headline creation, benefit production, and become an instant copywriter in almost five minutes using: Article Source:
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303
Copywriting Tips - How Does Digg Help You Find Good Headlines? Digg is a social bookmarking site that Internet surfers use to share URLs of obscure news items or funny videos. Once a URL is posted, people can vote for a story, so when you read a new item that's on the front page of Digg, you know it's worthwhile because lots of people have voted it up. Fortunately for you as a copywriter, you can use Digg to inspire some really great headlines. I had a copywriting friend who was asked to rewrite a headline about a divorce site. The headline was already pretty good, but he typed in his niche keyword (in this case, "divorce") into Digg's search box, then chose to search by title only, show all stories (not just front page stories), and sort by most Diggs. This ensures you are viewing the most popular headlines. The result? Headlines about celebrities learning about their divorces via text message, reporters... a man who mistakenly divorced his wife, and so on. My copywriting friend's final headline was: "Man Wins Divorce Without a Lawyer in Sight!" Obviously, Digg will not write your ad for you, but it is a fantastic resource to type in your niche keyword and find stories you can use as headline material or case studies within your sales letter. You can apply Digg headline research to any niche, it only takes a few minutes, and you usually get the funniest, most outrageous headlines possible for your keyword that you can work into a real headline for your copywriting. Set aside just five minutes of your time and you can write a killer sales letter that converts! Article Source:
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303
Copywriting Tips - How Do You Write Good Openers? Understand that the hardest part of copywriting, or any kind of writing, is the opening line. If you do not lead into your sales message with the correct story, it will not get read, no matter how catchy the attention headline or the rest of the page is. What makes the process even more daunting is that it is so hard to write on an empty page. That is why I always keep three phrases in mind when writing good openers: questions, connect the dots, and connecting to current events. The easiest way to write a good opener is to ask a question. Are you about to send an e-mail about dog training? Then start a story like: "You know what I hate the most about dog training?" Then proceed to answer your own question. This has the double benefit that, not only is it super easy to write a document as an answer to a question, your readers will naturally be curious for the answer. Instead of simply giving them the solution to this dog training problem, you are telling them that the answer is coming up. Next, there is the "connect the dots" strategy. Think of three random objects to include in your story... like prunes, an empty can of soup, and tennis balls. Tell your readers, "Continue reading to find out what a handful of prunes, an empty can of soup, and tennis balls have to do with dog training." Inserting random keywords into your story will boost your brain's creativity into overdrive. You might scramble to weave together a story about how you were out jogging with your dog one early morning, he was chasing after a tennis ball and you stumbled over a can of soup to fall into a pile of prunes. The entire time, your dog sat there loyally waiting for you to get up... as if he were a real companion. Okay, that example is kind of cheesy, but you get the idea. Finally, another good starting point is connecting your story openers to current events. What's going in the world overseas? Stay away from politics but I have seen countless e-mails in the last few years that begin with, "Recession? We don't need no stinkin' recession..." Remember to ask questions, connect the dots, or keep in touch with current events, and you will always craft excellent copywriting story openers.
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303 Get the exact step by step formula to write a sales letter in five minutes or less, complete with easy to use worksheets and plug-n-play headlines, offers, stories, and guarantees... Article Source:
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303
Interviews Will Inspire Your Copywriting Interviews can inspire your copywriting because people love to read conversations. Turn on the TV or listen to talk radio, what are people doing? Talking to one another. Visit a friend's house, what do you do? You talk to each other? Interviews inspire your copywriting and allow you to write ads that feel interactive, even though you are the one doing all the talking. What makes your job as a copywriter easy is that your clients will do most of the work for you. Most people who sell something are passionate about what they sell, so if you can get somebody on a tangent and record it all, you will have most of the content you need for the sales material. No one likes to talk about subjects that bore them, so when your client tells you about his product or service, he is going to stay with what excites him... and usually, that's what excites your prospects as well. Another benefit to the interview process is you can come up with a list of common questions on your own listing the usual questions a prospect might have about what the product is, price, ease of use, delivery method, and so on. All you need to do is ask the questions, listen to the answers, and work the answers into headline and bullet-point packed copy. I hope you see how easy it is to get started writing copy. Your clients will do most of the work for you, all you have to do is listen to get the list of features, which is the hardest part. After that, all you need to do is convert those features into benefits to make your copy sell. Get the exact step by step formula to write a sales letter in five minutes or less, complete with easy to use worksheets and plug-n-play headlines, offers, stories, and guarantees... Article Source:
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How to Come Up with Great Headline - Copywriting 303
Other Resources by Robert Plank Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? » Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder » Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click » Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers » “Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" » Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours » Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! » Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! » Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »
Final Step Do you like this report? You can download full Copywriting Series (101 - 909) of Robert Plank here (it’s FREE): How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using Completely Free Software »
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