How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404
“Article Marketing 404” Free Articles by Robert Plank
“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from article directories. Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a commission out of the deal. Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”
Compiled by Syamsul Alam
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404 Table of Contents How Do I Write More? ......................................................................................................................... 3 What Are Seven Minute Articles? ....................................................................................................... 5 What Do I Do With My Seven Minute Articles? .................................................................................. 7 When Will I Ever Have Time to Write an Article in Seven Minutes? ................................................... 9 Other Resources by Robert Plank ...................................................................................................... 11
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404
How Do I Write More? There are many simple ways of increasing the amount of writing you can produce in a short amount of time. The thing that helps me the most is to plan my article out by asking a series of questions. When writing your article, you can even make the title of the article itself a question. For example, this one I'm writing has a working title of, "How Do I Write More?" The number of questions depends on your style of writing. I usually write one single question for one article and have three keyword responses. These keywords are the first three words that come to your mind that best describe the answer to that question. They're there so that you don't get off track. Say what you were going to say with keyword number 1 in mind, then keyword number 2, and finally number 3. If it's a topic that's easy to get sidetracked with, you might want to try 3 questions in an article and answer each of those as briefly as possible. Remember that you have to be careful about length. Every once in a while, check your word count. You can do this by copy and pasting your article into a new Microsoft Word document and going to "Tools... Word Count" on the top menu bar. You want your articles to stay between 250 and 500 words in length. Anything outside that range and you will have a harder time getting your articles published on web sites. If these are "chapters" of an e-book instead of articles, you should still try to stay within the 250-500 word count so that your readers can easily digest the information in small chunks... they're able to finish a chapter quickly and stop at a logical spot. If you just can't get your article any shorter than 1000 words, then you have two 500 word articles. You can also try changing your word processing environment now and then. By that I mean: on some days, write your articles in one big Word document. On others, write each article in a new text file. Just try using different programs to record your ideas with. My favorite way of writing is to setup a blog script on my server, or get a free blogging account on some remote host, and write each article as a separate blog entry. I make mine private because I don't want people looking at my content but you don't have to. There's something about seeing your articles as actual (somewhat) published journal entries that makes you want to fill the whole thing up. Setup Sales Letter in Minutes using Free Software?
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404 Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at: Article Source:
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404
What Are Seven Minute Articles? If you are an article writer of any kind, you can definitely benefit from adopting a system to write an article in seven minutes. Let's face it, there are many authors out there who spend years if not decades of their lives trying to write the next great American novel, or complete the perfect ebook. Do you want to be one of those people? The answer should be "no." In reality, it is very easy to write an article in seven minutes once you have the technique down. Don't get me wrong, you will probably not write any seven minute articles overnight. What you can do, is adopt a few simple strategies to reduce your article writing time from 30 minutes to 20 minutes, then reduce it from 20 to 10 minutes. Even though you might not reach your seven minute article goal, I know many article writers who would be thrilled to shave even five or ten minutes off their article writing time, including research. After all, live is short! Once you can write an article in seven minutes (or at least a quick amount of time) you can either have more free time or take on more work, which means more money, if you so choose. So, the next time you write an article try to phrase your article title as a question. Instead of, "How to Train Your Parrot to Talk" ... why not try, "How Do I Train My Parrot to Talk Instead?" You will find answering a question is a much more clever and optimized approach. I have also personally found that setting a deadline, such as ten minutes, to write an article, works wonders. Either set a kitchen timer on your desk or find a countdown timer for your computer, to train your brain into getting super scared to write an article. Believe it or not, there are even more benefits to quick article writing. You will establish a reputation as a "gets it done fast" article writer and have a much easier time finding work as an article writer. You can write articles for yourself very quickly and spend more time marketing than generating content. Furthermore, you will avoid burnout to a higher degree since you can get the job finished quickly and go about your day. Why aren't you systematizing your article writing process already? For me, it was one of the top 5 productivity boost I made to my business. It gives you more free time and more money, get work done faster to avoid burnout, and establish a reputation as the fast article writer on your block. Setup Sales Letter in Minutes using Free Software?
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404 Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at: Article Source:
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404
What Do I Do With My Seven Minute Articles? Once you've written a bunch of articles quickly, you own a little bit of intellectual property that you can apply in many ways: use it as samples to become a freelance article writer, submit the articles to promote one of your products or an affiliate program for someone else, or repurpose the content entirely to add into your marketing funnel. I prefer to write articles in batches of seven, so because it only takes me seven minutes to write an article... I can have enough content to play around with in roughly one hour. The easy (and least paying) way to become a freelance article writer is to bid on freelance sites where people need articles written. Keep in mind you will be competing against the bottom feeders of the internet so you will not get paid very well, perhaps 1 to 5 dollars per article. This is where the fast money is, but not the consistent money. What you want to do is, register a quick one page web site with your name, picture, dollar rate per article, samples of your articles, and a simple e-mail link asking people to e-mail you. Then, hunt on forums for people looking for an article writer or simply ask your clients to recommend you to their friends and business associates. If you get some quick money and want to try writing articles for yourself... submitting articles is easy. First, you need to write a quick "resource box" under the article that promises a free report or more information about a topic. Post your article to the popular article sites (the most common at the time I'm writing this are EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleCity and ArticlesBase). You will create an account on each of these sites and post one article per day (the same article) on each site, to get a little bit of traffic. Everyone wins: the article sites get evergreen content, you get traffic and your visitors get the information they are looking for. This does not make for overnight, but some slow and steady traffic for you. Once you get some traffic to your site, it's time to repurpose your newest content as autoresponder follow-ups and exclusive articles. Instead of simply giving away a bribe or redirecting to an affiliate program, queue up the messages in your e-mail autoresponder so that every 10 or 30 days, your prospects get a new automated message from you, with a new tip
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404 related to your niche and a call to action at the bottom promoting either your sales letter, or an affiliate program. Always be selling something in your autoresponder messages. That is what you need to do once you have completed your first small batch of articles. Create a web site, submit your articles to article directories and save your best content for your own web pages and e-mail autoresponders. Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at: Article Source:
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404
When Will I Ever Have Time to Write an Article in Seven Minutes? Every human being in the world has the time in their day to write seven articles a day. This is because if you have it refined down to a system, it only takes about an hour, including research and editing, to write seven articles. Everyone in the world has the exact same 24 hours in the day as you do... and presidents, doctors, lawyers, and business executives always find time for lovers, so why not you? Actually, finding quiet time to sit down and write seven articles in one hour is a piece of cake, if you've done it before. I'll start with the most common example: laundry. Believe it or not, at the time I wrote this article, I was sitting in a hotel laundry room in Hawaii waiting for some clothes to dry. Any time you have household chores such as laundry, babysitting, waiting for a package to arrive, if you're on hold on the phone... you have a little bit of time to crank out an article or two! Another option is to carve that hour out of your day. Can you stay awake one extra hour to write articles, or go to bed earlier than normal, so you can wake up an hour early to write some articles? I bet you can try that even if it's a one day trial period... you will end up with seven articles you wouldn't have had otherwise? Another solution is to tell your friends and family that you need alone time to write some articles and build your business. I don't want you to ruin your marriage, alienate your friends, and miss your child's first steps or anything. But if your lover is going to watch TV for an hour, tell him or her that you need time to write a couple of articles. Heck, even if you only leave the couch on commercial breaks to work on an article, that's better than nothing! I hope that after reading these instructions, you have found a way to get over that voice in your head to find time to write some articles, because they will NOT write themselves, and you might not yet be at the point where you are ready to outsource article creation. Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at:
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404 Article Source:
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How to Write Articles in 7 Minutes or Less - Article Marketing 404
Other Resources by Robert Plank Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? » Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder » Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click » Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers » “Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" » Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours » Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! » Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! » Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »
Final Step Do you like this report? You can download full Article Marketing Series (101 - 505) of Robert Plank here (it’s FREE): How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using Completely Free Software »
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