Basic Copywriting Technique

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

“Copywriting 101” Free Articles by Robert Plank

“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from article directories. Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a commission out of the deal. Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”

Compiled by Syamsul Alam

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

Table of Contents Specific Headlines And Bullet Points To Place On Your Opt-In Page .............................................. 3 The Real Difference Between Copywriting and Article Writing ...................................................... 5 The Basics of a Sales Letter ............................................................................................................. 7 How To Begin Your Sales Letter ...................................................................................................... 9 Avoid These Very Common Mistakes On Webpage Sales Letters ................................................ 11 How Long Or Short To Make Your Sales Letter ............................................................................. 13 Other Resources by Robert Plank ................................................................................................. 15

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

Specific Headlines And Bullet Points To Place On Your Opt-In Page An opt-in page is very simple. Just have a web page, add a headline to it, list three bullet points under it, and place your opt-in form under those to make a very simple offer that people can understand in a short amount of time that is also detailed enough so that your new email subscribers know exactly what they are getting into. But if you have not seen many good examples of opt-in pages or you have not set up very many opt-in pages of your own, you might be confused about what kind of headline and what kind of bullet points you should be placing on this opt-in page. We'll talk about that today. For your headline, just keep it simple. We are not going for any silly phrases or clever words. We're just saying exactly what people are getting. For example, "Free Video Shows You How To Learn To Swim In 5 Minutes Or Less." Very simple. They know exactly what outcome they will be at as soon as they're done watching the video and at the same time they know what the video is about. Probably showing how to swim the proper way. One extra bonus you could add on this headline is state the dollar value of it. For example, if the video is worth $97 for someone. So learning how to swim in 5 minutes, instead of paying a swim instructor, then it's worth that amount but it's free. So the headline might say, "How To Learn To Swim In 5 Minutes With This Easy Video, $97 Value, Yours Free." That will grab attention and state the value of this free gift they are about to get. Because we don't want them to think that just because this gift is free, then it's worthless. It has a value, but they are getting it for free in exchange for signing up to your list. Now, below that headline, we want to list some specific bullet points so people will know what it's about. And if you haven't done this, it's easy to get stuck. But I just want you to tell me what I can do with this video. Do you talk about the front stroke and backstroke? Then one of your bullet points might be, "Master both the front stroke and the backstroke." Another bullet point might be that anyone at any age can use this training and a final bullet point might be that it Setup Sales Letter in Minutes using Free Software?

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101 works in ocean, in a swimming pool, no matter what. So, three bullet points saying what I can do with it. I can do it right away in any environment. And if you're still kind of stuck, tell me what results I can see from it and why I should get it right now. Obviously, if your video shows me how to swim in 5 minutes, the results are I can go from nothing to being a basic swimmer in just a few minutes from your video. And why get it now is the urgency. So, the urgency might be that you will be taking the page down later. Or that if they don't learn this information right now, then a week or a month will go by and they still won't know how to swim but if they had just given you 5 minutes, then they could have gotten that issue out of the way. Watch as I set up an opt-in page step by step using a template you can place on your site at Article Source:

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

The Real Difference Between Copywriting and Article Writing What exactly is the difference between copywriting and regular article writing? Simply put, copywriting is one of the highest paid professions, and article writing is one of the lowest paid professions. When you write sales copy, you are trying to get readers to take a specific action, whereas when you write an article, you are more often than not trying to take up space. The first reason to choose copywriting over article writing is that article writing is chump change. Because the process of writing articles is so unskilled... almost anyone with a knowledge of the written English language can do it... the job is open to high school graduates, middle school students, and even younger children in countries anywhere in the world. Did you know that only 375 million people, about 5 percent of the world's population, speaks English as a first language, yet the number of non-native English speakers outnumber native English speakers three-to-one. On the other hand, to hit the right emotional hot buttons that sales copy requires, English needs to be your first language. That eliminates over one billion of the Earth's population on that fact alone. Add onto that the fact that many people simply do not understand the process of selling, persuasion, and emotional selling. That is a big gap in the details of standard writing and copy writing. It is easy to write an article about shampoo, but another process entirely to convince someone to buy a brand of shampoo over another. Finally, the foundation of copywriting is minimizing words. When you can get the same message across with fewer words, not only does it mean your offline ads are cheaper, but it also means your words gain meaning. The average person does not have the attention span to read a ton of content, especially on the Internet. They want answers right now. If you can get the exact same sales message across in a single paragraph, and your competition cannot explain the same thing in two pages, your ads will convert better than those other guys.

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101 There you have it, the difference between copywriting and regular article writing. With copywriting you are concerned with emotions and sales conversions, but when writing plain old articles you are mostly concerned with filling up space. Specialize yourself and do not complete for pennies. Instead, get paid in thousands of dollars by becoming a well paid copywriter. Get paid ten times or even 100 times better than an article writer, by writing ad copy instead. Dead easy proven formula gets you started right away: Article Source:

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

The Basics of a Sales Letter A direct response sales letter, which can be a web page, magazine ad, commercial, or some other form of advertising, meant to lead the reader into some action and usually a sale, consists of three main parts. Those three parts of a sales letter are: a star, a story, and a solution. Every sales letter needs a star. Sometimes this is obvious and the ads you read will contain a story. The ad will talk about Martha, the woman of three children who kept getting worse and worse headaches which became painful to the point where she could no longer function at her job. The star might also be the writer of the ad, telling you how easily he accomplished a task or what struggles he overcame, and how he can teach it to you. The star might also be about you, the reader, and the ad is sympathizing with whatever desires or needs you have at the moment. Once the sales letter establishes a star, it leads into a story. The story might be more detail about our headache star Martha and how these migraines affected her life... how she wishes there was some easy cure she could find to get her life back on track. Just like with the star, the story might be about a fictitious character, be about the writer of the ad or about you in particular. Finally, you have the solution. There is not much wiggle room for this final section. Your star has a story where they go through some sort of pain either from the existence of some problem or the absence of a solution... and then you swoop in with the solution. If you apply this S.S.S. (star, story, and solution) formula to everything you do... sales copy, presentations, and arguments... you will be able to associate with your readers and listeners much more than if you simply launched into a solution. Most importantly, remember the S.S.S. strategy for sales letters and you will have a much easier time writing copy. Create a professional sales letter to sell products in just five minutes, total hoax or feasible reality?

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101 Article Source:

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

How To Begin Your Sales Letter A sales letter is a webpage that you have on your site that's explains a problem and introduces a solution, and then it tells people why your solution is the best. But it's difficult to tell where you should start on a sales letter and even if you look at your competitors, it's tough to see how you can follow in their footsteps without actually copying what they do. And, the best way to have at the top of your sales letter is to introduce a problem. The reason for that is because if you come right out with your offer immediately, a report or a video that's for sale. Then they can easily say "no" and leave the site forever. But if you start off with your sales letter with a very common problem that is the same problem that took them to your site, then they are somewhat in agreement with you and have a reason to continue reading. If you sold a membership site about how to improve your golf game and people came to that site because they couldn't improve their golf swing. Then you begin with explaining the problems they might be having with that golf swing but you don't come right out immediately and say, "Buy this" because they can easily say, " I don't need this." Get them aware of the problem first then that by the time you introduce your solution, they have a more difficult time saying "no" to it because they already agreed about the problem. And, on top of this problem-solution idea, the great way to pull them into to begin with is to introduce a shocking statement to keep them reading. For example, if your membership site shows you how to double the distance that they can shoot a golf ball, then talk about that in the headline but then lead up to that. You'll say that you've discovered how to double the distance. Anyone can hit a golf ball but then jump back to the problem and build up to your solution which explains then how to solve this problem. Open up your sales letter, figure out what's the big problem your problem is solving. Is it their problem? Is it your problem? But don't come out right out with the offer. Have a shocking

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101 statement at the very top with the promise of the outcome. Then bring in the problem, then the solution, then what people can buy from you. Set up your very simple webpage and have your paid button and your download page, and have the ability to start collecting orders today at Article Source:

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

Avoid These Very Common Mistakes On Webpage Sales Letters When you have a sales letter which is a simple webpage that presents a single offer and has one thing for people to buy. They're mistakes that I see over and over again, and if you avoid these mistakes you can shortcut a lot of frustration, time and money, and start making sales faster. Avoid the confusing or hard to understand offer, avoid signing off before you hit the buy button, and avoid multiple calls to action. Even though your sales letter is supposed to be simple, even though it's supposed to be one thing to buy. I still see people make it super complicated. If you're selling something for a $100 dollars, then state it's a $100 dollars. If it's two payments of $20 dollars then state that but let's not get crazy and make it 15 payments or a payment every day. Let's make the price of what it is exactly what it is. And, be upfront about what thing people are paying for. Are they paying for reports, a physical book, a CD? How is it delivered? That way when I buy from you, I know exactly what it is I'm getting for my money. It's a very easy thing to fix is making sure that all the pieces are presented in the right order. For example, you wouldn't want to put your guarantee above the bonus area because everyone is used to seeing the guarantee near the very bottom of the sales letter. It's almost a legal section. But if we see the guarantee and we're thinking it's the bottom of the sales letter, we might miss some of the bonuses. Likewise, if you sign your name and have a signature of your name at the bottom of the sales letter but didn't have the buy button under that, less people will read to the bottom because they see you signing your name and they're used to regular letters where you sign your name at the bottom and then your done. By moving your buy button under your guarantee and before your sign off, you can get more sales because they're used to the guarantee is winding down but the sign off is where the sales header is completely done.

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101 And finally, an easy way to fix your sales letter is to remove extra order buttons. Remove links off of your site. Your sales letter should have one single call to action, one single thing to do. That means instead of having three or four order buttons, have one single order button. Instead of having a order button and other links outside the website, narrow it down to one single order button. It's okay to have links that drop people down to the bottom of the page to that order button but you want it to be one single thing people can buy on this webpage. Either they can buy or they can leave. I know there are some very common mistakes that you can easily avoid on sales letters. Have an easy to understand offer, sign off after your buy button and limit yourself to one call to action. Set up your webhost, offer page, autoresponder, membership, blog, traffic, and your sales letter at Article Source:

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

How Long Or Short To Make Your Sales Letter It doesn't matter too much about your niche, price point or audience. You have to decide how long you're going to make your sales letter and adjust from there. But there is no magic number about your webpage needing to be two-pages or ten-pages long. It has to be the right length. When I write a sales page, I don't think ahead of time it's going to be one page long or ten pages long. It ends up being however long it has to be to list all the details but also not be too boring. We could easily go for 50 or 100-pages filling up the space and saying nothing but we will lose readers. On the other hand, if you were trying to get someone to pay you a thousand or $2,000 dollars and your sales letter was five bullet points, that probably is not enough information. If your sales page is on the short side, doesn't give me enough details to decide I need it. Are you telling me if it's a book, video or a class? And, if it's a video what format is it in? How long is it? What does it tell me? If it's a class, how long does the class go? What parts of it are interactive and so on. Tell me what are the details, not only that. what is in every component and why is each of those components important. If you're only selling a 10-page report, you might not have as much to talk about and that's when you need to worry about your sales letter being too long. If it's so boring that you have to go through every single component in the table of contents or talk about everything else on every single page that's obviously too much detail. As your price point and the amount of value you deliver goes up, then your sales page needs to be a little bit longer as well. But there's always that danger of going too long. It's important for you to look at your own sales letter, ask people in your niche what they think, and split test to see if your sales letter is too long or too short. But when you're looking about what improvements to make, focus more on improving the headlines or focus on part of the sales page where you might loose or discuss your readers instead of worrying about how long or short it should be. Setup Sales Letter in Minutes using Free Software?

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101 Get your training right now at to get your next website off the ground faster than you've ever done it before. Article Source:

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Basic Copywriting Technique - Copywriting 101

Other Resources by Robert Plank  Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? »  Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder »  Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click »  Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers »  “Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" »  Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours »  Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! »  Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! »  Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »

Final Step Do you like this report? You can download full Copywriting Series (101 - 909) of Robert Plank here (it’s FREE): How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using Completely Free Software »

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