How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505

“Article Marketing 505” Free Articles by Robert Plank

“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from article directories. Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a commission out of the deal. Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”

Compiled by Syamsul Alam

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505 Table of Contents Coming Up With Good Article Ideas .................................................................................................... 3 Jumpstart Your Article Writing ............................................................................................................ 5 The ONLY Thing You Need to Know About Writing Articles................................................................ 7 Get Others to Write Content For You .................................................................................................. 9 Other Resources by Robert Plank ...................................................................................................... 11

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505

Coming Up With Good Article Ideas Coming up a good article idea isn't hard, just very tedious and time consuming... but it's not hard to do consistently. How do good advertisers and comedians come up with great content? By writing lots of content, using past experience, and testing with an audience. To come up with a unique and creative article idea, make a list of 100 article ideas on your topic. Want to write about bicycling? List 100 questions in a note-book, like this: 1. What are recumbent bicycles? 2. What are the health benefits of riding bicycles? 3. What kind of maintenance do I need to perform on a bicycle? And so on until you reach 100. A hundred is too many for you? No problem... just think of it as a side project. If you're watching TV with nothing to do or about to fall asleep, take the time to write down some questions. Even if it takes you 15 seconds (that's a long time) to write down one question, that's just an hour of time twice a day for a week and you've got more than your 100 questions. Yes, you will probably stall out once in a while when writing your question list. But that's a good thing. This list strategy will tell you after about 30-40 questions how difficult this topic is. If the questions are just flying out of you, this might be too broad a subject. Luckily, you will eventually get to a point where you really have to wrack your brain to get more questions out. These will be the most specific article ideas... the weird ones you came up with because you HAD to come up with some idea. For example, by the time I reached by 100 questions about bicycles I had asked about all kinds of subjects from biking during pregnancy, tips for buying a bike, road legalities, keep the dogs away, and more. If you are struggling for days and can't come up with 100 subtopics, you might want to consider broadening your niche just enough so that you can squeeze out 100 article ideas. You might find Setup Sales Letter in Minutes using Free Software?

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505 yourself asking others for help, or doing some light research on the topic to come up with your 100 questions. That's good! All you have to do is pick topics that already exist. Try to choose topics that are related. For example, I chose to write about alternative designs for bikes: hand-cranks, tailwind transportation systems, gizmos (headlights, turn signals, and mirrors), health benefits of alternative bikes, and so on. Stop at around 10-20 subjects from that list. Now, you not only have a great basic outline for your first book, you have outlines for your next four books. Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at:

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505

Jumpstart Your Article Writing The first step in article writing is to stop thinking. A lot of the time I get the same problem you do: doing too much planning. You need a rough outline at the very least, to keep from repeating yourself. There's a balance, though... you can't make your outline too detailed or you'll run out of wiggle room and your article writing will start to seem like actual work. Just start writing articles on your topic, don't publish them. You can't come up with a bunch of articles? Okay, think of 5 questions on the topic of your book. If even THAT is a struggle, just do, "Who, What, Why, Where, How?" If your topic is parasailing, ask: "Who parasails? What is parasailing? Why would someone sail with a parachute and surfboard? Where are good places to go do this? How do I do it?" There's your first 5 articles right there. Now try to come up with more detailed questions for each of those topics. For example, "What are variations of parasailing? What are the parts to a para-sail? How can I get started in parasailing? What is land-based para sailing?" You should have about 20 chapters to your e-book, which means you should try coming up with 25 to 30 questions, and cross out the 5 to 10 worst questions you came up with. Sometimes if I know a whole lot about a topic, I'll write twice as many questions as I need -- to make sure that everything I keep is of good quality. To write your articles, write half a page to a page answering your question, one at a time. Once you have written a bunch of articles just rename them to "chapters" and you have your ebook. I find writing the e-book as a set of articles keeps me from thinking "only have 75 more pages to write... only have 70 more pages to write"... and so on. Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at: Article Source:

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505

The ONLY Thing You Need to Know About Writing Articles You don't need to be a great writer to write great articles, just be fast and entertaining. There is only ONE SINGLE THING you need to know about article writing. Tell a story. Stories are easy to follow and interesting. Why are the Chicken Soup for the Soul books interesting? Because they're stories people can relate to. (I bet the most "interesting" person you know is the one with the best stories to tell.) With a story, there is progress for the reader and events are locked together: this happened, then this happened, then this happened. It's easy to skip over the stuff that wastes space. Have you ever read a book, or watched a movie, WITHOUT some kind of story or journey? If you did, the cover of that book probably said something like "Dictionary," "Owner's Manual," or, "Book of Poetry." If that was a movie, the VHS cover probably said, "Run this in your VCR to clean the heads." Learn to be at least a mediocre storyteller. You'd never see a good storyteller telling a story for 5 minutes in front of a campfire, then say, "Wait a minute, let me start over." All you need to be a good storyteller is have a lot of practice. Write every day or week. Write well enough so your writing doesn't require a lot of editing, after OR during the writing process. Write fast. If you are writing about something you love you already know exactly how to say it. When you have something to say, get it on paper as fast as possible and don't stop writing (or typing) until it's done. No need to be fancy. Do NOT write on "autopilot." Everything you write in your article should be an answer to some sort of question. This makes sure you are making progress instead of aimlessly adding fluff. Get to the point.

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505 I'm not saying every single thing you write has to be a story full of inspiring imagery. Your stories don't even have to be obvious. If you are doing how-to article the story part of it might be 5% or less (Point 1, Point 2, Point 3... barely a story, but there is still a step-by-step order). Advice-type articles might contain 80% to 90% story. That's because you have less to say, therefore more room to say it, so you can tie your points in to the way the birds crash into the water where you live, or some other hippie ramblings. When you get to the end of your story, it's very easy to bring it back to the beginning. Think of the one word that sums up your entire article. Write your last couple of sentences and end on that word. That's the so-called secret to writing material that people will read, but at the same time can be written quickly. Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at: Article Source:

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505

Get Others to Write Content For You Let's face it. A lot of people simply are not writers, and even the people who are writers, even the best writers get writer's block from time to time. How do you create enough content to fill up a membership site without getting stuck, without getting bored, or without getting frustrated? I have three simple solutions for you. First, promote user comments into full posts, look for a columnist and outsource your writing, outsource your content creation. The easiest way I create membership site content that's free is to simply look at user comments. I host membership sites inside of blogs. I make a post, you just can comment. If a user leaves a particularly good comment or an important question or even if I post a video and they take notes in the form of a comment, I will copy their comment, paste it as a new post and set the author of that post to that person who left the comment. What do I end up with? I end up with a review post that somebody else wrote, that I did not have to pay any money for, that someone else will probably find useful. I only do this sparingly, but every now and then, if you have a blog in a membership site and it usually leaves a really video response or takes really good notes or leaves a very insightful comment, consider molding that comment into an entire post. Now, if that person leaves you lots of content over time and they become a trust source of authority for you, consider making them a columnist, the person who leaves multiple posts on your blog. The cool thing about WordPress that a lot of people are not aware of is that you can set user access levels - meaning you can set some of your regular subscribers to be what are called "contributors." If they want to make a new post, they go and they submit it for approval, you approve it, it becomes live. It's a very easy way to allow users to write their own post on your blog, but they do not become live until maybe after you've edited them and finally put a stamp on it for approval. And finally, if you're really stuck for ways of getting content, simply outsource it. Hire an article writer if you found someone who's writing they like, but what I prefer to do is record an audio about what I want to say, hand it off to a transcriptionist, and then they create the article for me.

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505 Not everybody can write but everybody knows how to at least talk on the telephone. If you can talk, you can write. And those are my three favorite ways of getting other people to write membership site content or me. First, promote user comments in the posts. If there is a repeat user who leaves a lot of good comments, make him a columnist using the user access levels in WordPress. And finally, outsource your content into article writing or transcribing. Go ahead and create your membership site content right now, then pilot into a membership site using this training at Article Source:

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How to Quickly Coming Up with Good Article Ideas - Article Marketing 505

Other Resources by Robert Plank  Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? »  Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder »  Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click »  Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers »  “Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" »  Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours »  Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! »  Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! »  Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »

Final Step Do you like this report? You can download full Article Marketing Series (101 - 505) of Robert Plank here (it’s FREE): How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using Completely Free Software »

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