How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303
“Content Creation 303” Free Articles by Robert Plank
“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from article directories. Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a commission out of the deal. Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”
Compiled by Syamsul Alam
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303 Table of Contents How Do I Keep My Writing Level High? ............................................................................................... 3 How To Always Find New Information To Write About ...................................................................... 4 What Will Help Me To Write Faster?................................................................................................... 6 How Do I Get Started As a Ghostwriter? ............................................................................................. 8 Other Resources by Robert Plank ...................................................................................................... 10
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303
How Do I Keep My Writing Level High? There are three major things I do to make sure I'm able to write regularly, and consistently write at a somewhat "good" quality. Eliminate distractions. Stop watching TV; cancel your TV service if necessary. This also goes for video games, which are a huge distraction and slow down your productivity. Write every day, preferably in a blog. Answering e-mails and writing forum posts do not really count, I consider this "junk food posting." The thing about writing every day is not only will you get in the habit of expressing your thoughts in word-form; you also start to realize that it's okay if your writing isn't spectacular. No one said your writing has to be perfect, just clear and readable. Just get it out the door in time to start some other project, don't edit things to death. Read every day. Most people hate reading, but if you want to keep writing at a consistent level you need to read consistently as well. Don't overdo this part, just read the morning paper or a couple of extra articles in your niche. I would stay away from lots of forum reading or hopping from blog post to blog post. No one is asking you to read something boring like Shakespeare or War & Peace. Just read the newspaper or some magazine about a hobby you like. Even reading for just 5 minutes a day will make a difference. Remember to limit this 5 minutes of reading to actual PRINT items. Don't count the stuff you read online as part of the 5 minutes because for some reason when people read text off a screen they tend to skim around. Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at: Article Source:
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303
How To Always Find New Information To Write About Whether you are writing your own reports, blog posts, auto-responders messages or even articles, we all come across writer's block and run out of things to write about. You have both up days and down days. What's important is to repeat what works with your writing. But maybe you have not even begun the writing process and you are worried that anything there is to write about has already been written. You are right, everything already has been written. It's true, whatever your niche or topic is, all you have to do is go to Google, search the name of that niche plus the word "article" and you'll easily find thousands of articles already written on any given subject. Once you realize that everything has already been written, you'll find it's okay if you don't have any new ideas. So then if everything has been written, what do you write about? It is actually very easy. The one thing that's unique to you is your unique angle on a topic. You could easily read hundreds of articles about how to write a proper sales letter. But maybe your method is simpler, more complex, faster, slower, maybe even more effective than anyone else. Your opinion or your results can easily be different than any articles you have written. What do you write about then? I am going to give you three easy solutions. Write about the obstacles, the roadblocks, or write about the step-by-step system. You might find there are hundreds of articles about coming up with a headline when writing a sales letter. But what you could write about are the common obstacles towards running a headline such as the length a sales letter should be, what is the proper headline color, how to decide on a topic, and how to overcome any combination of those issues. You could talk about a simple three-step process to think of a sales letter. For example, your three step system could be to think of keywords, then think of common problems and finally decide on common solutions. Then you put them all together into one single headline for the sales letter.
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303 I hope this opened your eyes that everything you write about has already been discussed but you can share your own angle and you can approach a problem that your article solves in different ways such as the step-by-step solution or how to overcome the common problems. I want to continue to help you to write faster, better and more consistently at go there right now. Article Source:
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303
What Will Help Me To Write Faster? If you can improve the rate at which you create articles, you can really save yourself a lot of time. Let's say you could reduce the time it took you to write an article from 15 minutes down to five minutes. That means you've now triple the speed at which you can write an article. If you used to write 10 articles in a week, now you've written 30. If you used to write 1,000 articles in a month, now you've written 3,000. I want to help you write faster when making articles and reports and the three easiest improvements to make that have the biggest impact are touch typing, following a step-by-step system and using dictation. A lot of people especially Internet marketers or people who like to teach themselves don't like touch typing and it's sad because touch typing is going to be the most drastic improvement in the way you type. If you are the kind of person who types with two pointer fingers or looks at the keys when you type, you are really limited to 20 or 25 words per minute maximum. On the other hand, if you learn this thing called touch typing which involves placing your fingers on certain keys of the keyboard and making sure to only use certain fingers to touch certain keys, you now don't have to look at the keys and typing improves drastically, it becomes almost an automatic activity. While your typing speed might reduced at first from touch typing, you can notice an improvement going to 50 words per minute in the first few weeks and even 100 words per minute in the first few months. If you take a touch typing course, you will be able to write faster, type with less errors and type on a more long term basis. If you also have a favorite step-by-step system for articles that would help remove creativity and accelerate the speed at which you type. Let's say that your system was a five-step system and you knew that you were going to have paragraphs in an article and all of your articles had the same five elements. Just repeat that and now that's one less thing to worry about or think about when you're writing articles. Finally, look into article dictation. Dictation means to speak your article and have someone else transcribe it. I will type many of my articles but if I want to do something different or write more
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303 articles, I would dictate them and then pay someone else to turn my spoken words into written words. Those are the three things that will really help you make articles a lot faster. Learn to touch type, apply a step-by-step system and dictate. At this point, you might be wondering, "How can I learn to touch type? What step-by-step system should I use and how do I dictate my articles?" I will reveal all the answers for you at Article Source:
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303
How Do I Get Started As a Ghostwriter? You can get your start as a ghostwriter, writing articles and full e-books for other people, by performing just a few simple tasks. You need to perform three steps: create a very basic sales letter to sell yourself on your skills (complete with proof), get the contacts to bring in some initial work for you, and follow up with those clients to get repeat business. Before you do anything, setup a simple site that describes what makes you a good ghostwriter. Not the best ghostwriter possible, just a good one. What education and experience do you have? This page does not have to be fancy, and it does not need to be something you'd spend more than 60 minutes on. You don't need to advertise any extra services like proofreading, scanning documents, or article rewriting. Your only goal is to sell your article WRITING services. So, this page needs three things: samples of your articles (three or four), your rate per article and a link for people to e-mail you so you can arrange the payment. To get your first batch of articles, I would run a special promotion. Figure out how much time you are willing to put into your article writing per week, and how much money you want to make from it. Let's say you were going to put 20 hours into your ghostwriting business this week. It takes you 15 minutes to write an article, and you'd be happy with 500 dollars. Simple math tells us you can write 80 articles this week, and if you wanted to make 500 bucks, you would charge $6.25 per article. (This also means you'll get paid $25 per hour to write, which isn't bad at all). So, create a set number of slots... say, four slots where you write 20 articles for people. Each slot costs $125. Post this offer on high traffic forums or freelance sites, or contact mailing list owners in your niche and offer to pay them a certain percentage of the profits as their commission. Once you have your first batch of ghostwriting clients, the hard part is over. You'll find that if you do a good enough job, many of your clients will want to do business with you again. I have found from my own freelancing ventures that many people will recommend you to their friends. In fact, at this point you can fire those clients who took up most of your time and were difficult, and keep doing business with people who were the easiest to deal with.
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303 That's how you get started with ghostwriting. Setup a sales letter, run a special promotion to get that first rush of clients, then follow-up with them later to get repeat business. Robert Plank, internet marketer, PHP programmer, and 23 year old homeowner, made an average of $10,000 per month every month in 2008. Check out his marketing ideas worth STEALING at: Article Source:
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How to Always Find Information to Write About ASAP - Content Creation 303
Other Resources by Robert Plank Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? » Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder » Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click » Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers » “Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" » Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours » Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! » Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! » Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »
Final Step Do you like this report? You can download full Content Creation Series (101 - 505) of Robert Plank here (it’s FREE): How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using Completely Free Software »
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