Demons & Deals Chapter1

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Demons&Deals One


Created by Sylentwhysper

A Sims 4 Story

Oasis Springs. Humid and hot as hell, just how demons liked it. It's no surprise that many of them have gathered here including the wealthy and the low-life alike. Among the innocent and the corrupt, Calla LaBelle made her living with her inherited demon abilities.

Not a full blooded demon, her powers were not as strong as she would have liked them to be. But the art of compelling combined with her dangerous beauty always got her what she wanted.

Every morning Joshua Franklin woke up with the hope that Ashley would have returned home. But this wasn't the morning. All he had left of her was that little note, “I made a deal. I'll be back soon.� Was it meant to make him worry less or worry to death?

Why couldn’t she have waited for him? Why hadn’t she believed in him? He had risked his life to pass the test so he could make her dreams come true. He had the power now. The power to deal happiness, sorrow, life and death.

He had to find Ashley‌

Even though he knew it might already be too late.

Lucas Blanc had everything!

He had beautiful women and their passions‌

He had infinite wealth and properties. He had people that served him, loved him, and loathed him.

But he was bored. Bored of the eager women, bored of having too much money, bored of the mansion, bored of success. One demon plus lots of power plus devastating boredom equaled a recipe for chaos!

Calla couldn’t believe it! A special invitation to Lucas Blanc’s home. She had never met him, but knew of him. He was arrogant and ruthless. He was rich and powerful. He moved in circles beyond her but now he was seeking her out. That only meant one thing, she had something he wanted. And he was going to offer her something she wanted. He was going to make her a deal.

A demon’s deal could end to benefit all parties involved or it could end in tragedy. Calla did not enter into deals lightly. But her curiosity was piqued. What would a demon like Lucas Blanc, who had everything, want with her?

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