Seven Days And Forever

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and pay your debt With love



Author’s Note: This was a spontaneous project. When I began I didn’t quite know what I was getting into. After 1100+ in game photos (which only 130+ were actually used), lots of photo tweaking edits, then paneling and dialoguing without any sort of previous script, it took ironically, exactly seven days to start and finish this story. Much energy was spent on “Seven Days And Forever” and I hope you will enjoy it because I am extremely excited to present it. I am in great gratitude to all custom content creators. Although I couldn’t individually link to all the content and give a proper shout out, I do wish to say thank you so much for generously sharing your talents. Without you all, I would not be able to play the game the way I want to. Lastly, The Sims 4 is an incredible game (in my eyes). I’ve learned a great amount about the game through this project and I’ve only scratched the surface. There’s so much potential and I can’t wait to discover all the secrets of these emotional little sims. Sylentwhysper


What the… where am I?

Bar…and… drinking…

I don’t remember much of last night…

I guess I better go find out whose bed I’m sleeping in.

Well, this is a nice place.

It probably belongs to a girl.

And I probably slept with her yesterday but I have no idea who she is or what she looks like.

Um, hello…

Great! You’re awake.

Your first task as my servant, is to make me some coffee.

What?! …as your servant?!!

Who are You?

Why am I here?

My mind is a little foggy.

My name is Mhaden.

I saved your life.

Pay your debt and you may leave after seven days.

Now, the coffeemaker is over there.

Hell, no! I’m not making you coffee!

I don’t know anything about this arrangement.

I got stuff to do. I’m leaving.

I’ll let myself out. See ya!

You owe me.

Damn. I do remember something.

At the Solar Flare Lounge, I had too much to drink. Went outside to get some air. The street, the oncoming car, someone pulling me out of danger.

So, it was her.

I’ll make the coffee.

You know, I am worth money. I can compensate you well.

I looked through your wallet while you were passed out. I know your name is Ruen. I know you have money.

But, money didn’t save your life. A good deed saved your life and the same should be given in repayment.

Seven days. That’s all.

One question, did we sleep together last night?

If we had, you wouldn’t have forgotten it.

She’s really pretty, like a porcelain doll.

Yum. He’s got such a hot bod.

Nice Tatts.

Yours too.

Ruen, it’s time to start dinner.

It’s been three days and irritation has set in.

All I’ve been doing is cooking…

And cleaning‌

And making pot after pot of coffee!

Bzzz.. Bzz…

Oh, hell no. You’ve got to be kidding me. I did not sign up for this crap!

Bzz... Bz…

My love, I’m going to keep smiling just like you wanted me to. But I miss you.

Why? Why did you leave too soon?

Hehe. Haha.

Why are you always on your phone?


Can I talk to you for a sec?

Okay. Let’s talk.

I need to get out of here.

What can I do to fulfill my debt promptly?


Your half-hearted efforts show me just how ungrateful you are.

What if I only halfheartedly reached out to you that night‌

You would be dead.

Mhaden, there was a reason you saved me. Why?

For just a moment…

You reminded me of someone I loved. That’s why.

I wouldn’t have followed you out of that bar, if it hadn’t been for that moment.

He saved your life from his grave.

You can leave, when you’re done paying your respects to him.

So I stayed because I owed a dead guy.

And Mhaden, she smiled all the time, but it wasn’t because she was happy. It was because she was sad.

And that night, I heard her nightmares.


Don’t go… please…


Why… Why...

I want to laugh and cry all at once. I want to hold on and let go all at once. I want to forget everything and nothing.

You left me‌

Now I must leave you.

Did you write that song? Yes. I want to write and produce music.

Serious?! I’m in a band!

Wow! This is crazy cool!

How bout this?

That’s kind of cheesy.

Lyrics don’t always have to rhyme, Mhaden.

But it’s more memorable if they do.

That chorus is beautiful, Ruen. Just perfect.


Yay!!! Clothes shopping!

OMG, There’s so much to look at! That dress is so cute!!

1.5 Hours later‌ Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue.

Patience is a virtue. *YAWN* Patience is a virtue.

Ruen, what do you think of this dress?


Isn’t this pretty?

How bout this one?

I don’t think this print is working so well.

Isn’t this nice?

Nice? Yeah, it’s nice…

What I’m really thinking is that I want to rip it off your luscious little body and make love to you all night long.

Tell me about the man you loved.

His name was Troy. He was fun and carefree. Never took things too seriously. As a surfer, he was always running off to catch the best waves.

He video blogged about all his adventures. His vids are still on Youtube. I go and watch them sometimes.

I miss him. I don’t want to forget him‌

But I can’t hold on to the pain forever.

I’m sorry for your loss, Mhaden.

Thank you.

Will I be able to love again?

Day seven, the last day. Everything needs to be perfect for Mhaden.

A little salt and pepper.


I’m taking you somewhere special today.

Okay, cool!

I love surprises, but Ruen, why did you bring me all the way out into the desert?

Just trust me.

My band mates and I found this place.


‌got it.

Let’s go. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

This is a bit creepy, but I trust you.


This way.

Ruen, This is incredible! It’s like we’re in another world. It’s surreal and magical.

For a moment‌

Forget about everything.

Mhaden, be happy in this moment‌ with me.


Just for a moment‌

Our last dinner together.

Oh my, this is wonderful!

It’s time for me to leave now. I have a life I need to get back to. I have to move on and so do you.

Thank you for staying til the end. I consider your debt paid in full and I now release you from service.

Can I ask a favor?

Can you take me to the spot where it happened?

Of course.

This was where it happened. You had vomited in the bushes, then stumbled into the street and fell on your knees.

You were able to get yourself up but it was too late, the car was coming‌

I was on the sidewalk behind you. I stepped off and grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled.

I never said thank you. Thank you for my life.

Good-bye, Mhaden.


I watched as he walked away. His name on my lips as I sought the courage to call him back. But I didn’t have the right to hold on to him when I was still holding on to someone else.

Good-bye, Ruen.

As the sun rose to start a new day‌

My heart was breaking and I didn’t even know until then, that I had fallen in love again. Clinging to the past had made me realize it too late.

As the days passed, my heart ached at missing Ruen.

I began to miss him more than I did Troy‌

And it was hard to smile.


That song!

Could it be?


On the seventh day after he had gone, he returned.

I couldn’t stop smiling.

And my heart wouldn’t stop fluttering.

I wanted seven days and forever with him.

The End



Good morning.

Would you like some coffee?

Author’s Note With over one thousand photos and only a handful being used in the story, I couldn’t let the rest go to waste. So here I am showcasing a select few random shots and some funny moments.

Why is there a green dinosaur looking at my ass?

stomp stomp stomp

The beauty of randomized fashion.

Sim watching is so much fun!

The art of rolling your eyes.

I’m so sexy pouring my coffee.

She wants coffee in the middle of the night?!!

Better than coffee.

Confession I’m only Level One with my guitar skill. Please forgive me.

Seven Days and


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