Recipe book

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CarpatHian culinary heritage network

Recipe Book




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Herring with «Machanka» Kerezet Jabchanka (apple dish) Appetizer of marinated mushrooms and red bilberries Appetizer “na zymno” Cold Snack “Verkhovynska” Crucians in sour cream Carpathian fish with mushrooms


9. Milk soup with 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7

oyster mushrooms 7 Hutzul kremzlyky 7 Hutsul beans 8 Stew Potato with Mushrooms 8 Lemkivskyj kapusnjak (cabbage soup) 8 Hutsul Grubljanka 8 Banosh from the corn flour 9 Banosh from the corn flour 2 9 Hutsul Babka 9 Ohirkivka 9 Boryshinyk 10 Potatoes baked with cheese 10 Pork rolls with mushrooms in sour cream sauce 10 Covered cabbage 11 Buljbjanka 11 Mylaj (corn cake) 11 Machinka 11 Tysmynyzja Stuffing 12 Mushrooms in the sour cream 12 Hutsul Cabbage rolls 13 Hutsul Zavyvanets with the mushroom Stuffing (machanka) 13 Meat balls with chanterelles 14 Staffed Karamandlja 14 Salad with beans 14 Baked meat at home 15 Korshiv cabbage 15 “Zhebesh-Gush” (stuffed meat pocked) 15 Tsybulnychky 15 Пампушки з сирного тіста 16 Covered cabbage 17 Olmash 17

45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

Pumpkin casserole Prycarpathian babka Hutsulka Apples fried in the dough “Babka” with nuts and sour cream Sponge cake with cherry jam Pancakes with apples Pie with poppy seeds on kefir Kutia Polish soup (borshch)


55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.

Mushroom ears Beans for the Christmas Eve Vegetarian fruit soup Cabbage Cabbage rolls with grated potatoes Kynygli Potato Bagels Mushroom soup Bigus Hrenivka


65. 66. 67. 68.

Romanian Potato Salad Peasant pie baked in oven Wild forest mushroom soup (Boletus edulis) Potato pudding with cream


69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.

40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

Pumpkin Pie with seeds Stefanyk Pljatsok (pie) Dumplings (pyrogi) with apples Dumplings (pyrogi) with cherries Baked Pear with goat cheese

17 17 18 18 19 19

85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24

25 26 26 26 27 27 27

Potatoes with cabbage baked in oven 27 Country style baked potatoes 27 Smashed beans 28 Romanian Sour Meatball Soup - Ciorba de Perisoare 28 Romanian Cornmeal Porridge – Mamaliga 28 Romanian Stuffed Cabbage Recipe – Sarmale 29 Aspic - Piftie (Racituri) 29 Dumpling soup 30 Bean soup with smoked ham, served in bread & Red onion salad 30 Cooked Trout in cream sauce with corn 30 Maramuresh pork chops in a rural 31 Mushroom pancakes 31 Stuffed Lamb 31 Sarmale with porridge (Vegetarian cabbage rolls) 32 «Gomboti» (potato dessert with plums and apricots) 32 Traditional Maramuresh pies with apples and cheese 33



19 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22

Croissants with “Mahiun” (plum jam) Snailies Alivanca (cheese and corn flour pie) Apple pie “Gomboti” with plums and apricots

33 33 33 34 34 34


90. Romanian Easter and Christmas Bread Recipe – Cozonac




APPETIZER 37 91. Mosaic Roll 37 92. Romanian Eggs - Bird’s Nest 37 93. Aubergines au gratin with tomatoes – Vinete gratinate cu roșii 37 94. Head cheese and caltabosi (meatloaf) – Tobă și caltaboși 38 95. Mushroom Cake – Chec de ciuperci 38 96. Mushroom spread/dip – Zacuscă 38 MAIN COURSES

97. Carp Soup 98. Chorba: Transylvanian soup with pork 99. Sarmale (cabbege rolls) 100. Romanian Meatballs Soup – Ciorbă de perișoare 101. Romanian Cabbage Rolls – Sarmale 102. Romanian Mitch – Mititei 103. Chicken and mushroom ciulama – Ciulama de pui cu ciuperci

104. Chicken Fricassee 105. Meat Balls


106. Pancakes “Nelu Bellu” with cheese 107. «Gogoshi» (donuts) 108. Baked apples 109. Romanian traditional sweet bread – Cozonac 110. Plum Dumplings – Găluște cu prune 111. Green Walnut Preserves – Dulceață de nuci verzi 112. Caramelized Sugar Cream – Cremă de zahăr ars

39 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 41 42 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 45


113. Christmas Eve’s Fungi Soup 114. Lamb Meatloaf for Easter – Drob de miel

46 46


115. Sandwich on hominy 116. Dill potato salad

48 48 48



117. Bean goulash with bacon, peppers and

onions cooked on grill 49 118. Lanhallo - pastries with sausage and cheese 49 119. Satmar soup with ravioli and homemade noodles (without meat) 49 120. Meatballs with goose liver made on the grilled apple 49 121. Hungarian bean soup 50


122. Prunes stuffed with roasted walnuts and filled with prunes, baked and laced with honey 50 123. Angel wings 50 124. Calfs liver 51 125. Catfish paprika 51 126. Chicken Paprikash 51 127. Ground Cornmeal Porridge 51 128. Creamy chicken soup 52 129. Cottage cheese dumplings 52 130. Curd cheese spread 53 131. Pasta with plum filling 53 132. Roast duck 53 133. Gnocchi with poppy seeds 54 134. Apple soup 54 135. Cottage Cheese Scones 54 136. Hungarian Goulash 55 137. Hungarian Plum Dumplings (Szilvas gomboc) 55 138. Hungarian Fish Soup 56 139. Green bean soup 56 140. Green beans with dill 57 141. Hangover soup 57 57 142. Jellied pigs feet 143. Lamb ragout soup 58 144. Langos 58 145. Layered potato 59 146. Lecso 59 147. Potato Pancakes 59 148. Lentil soup 60 149. Pea soup 60 150. Sauerkrut and pork 61 151. Savoy cabbage, layered 61 152. Solet 62 153. Sour cherry soup 62 154. Braised and Fried Pork Spareribs 62 155. Sweet and sour cabbage soup 63 156. Stuffed cabbage 63 157. Stuffed peppers 63 158. Yellow split pea soup 64 159. Cabbage noodles 64


160. Hungarian sour cherry strudel 161. Hungarian apple pie 162. Cherry pie 163. Carnival Donuts 164. Grandma’s pastry 165. Hungarian Plum Cake 166. Floating islands 167. Poppy seeds and walnut rolls 168. Rice pudding 169. Rolls with Cracklings and Prune Jam

65 65 66 66 66 66 67 67 68 69 69


170. Derelye 171. Christmas honey cookies

70 70




172. Cocktail from chicken breasts 173. Ľadový čaj s

72 72

ringlotami a tymiánom

72 72 73 73 73

orechami a tuiles

74 74 75 75 76

174. Potato bread 175. Ochutené octy 176. Šalviové maslo 177. Bylinkové maslo 178. Jahodový šalát s fetou, vlašskými 179. Šalát-mix s jablkami, slaninou a krutónmi 180. Paštéta s brusnicami a brandy 181. Plnené kura bez kosti 182. Hydinová paštéta

MAIN COURSES 77 183. Košice Tokan with knedlja 77 184. Pork flambé 77 185. Chicken in the English bacon 77 186. Trickled pastries (galushky) with sheep cheese 78 187. Zemlynski cabbage rolls 78 188. Trebyshov cabbege 78 189. Jágerek (Jagerrecht) 78 190. Gruľovník 79 191. Pelmene 79 192. Roast duck with “lokše” 80 193. Posúchy 80 194. Chicken on paprika with “špecle” 80 195. Grulnpeltsch (Potatoe cake from Medzev) 81 196. Miner’s potatoes 81 197. Kapustníky 82 198. Cabbage roll 82 199. Huspenina 83 200. Beggar’s gruel 83 201. Sausage 83 202. Stuffed peppers 84 203. Roast duck leg on red cabbage with lokše from Zemplín 84 204. Rolled trout with spinach and beetroot extract 85 205. Polievky s drožďovými knedlíčkami 85 206. Tekvicová polievka so syrovými toastami 86 207. Hubová polievka so žeruchovým pestom 86 208. Hráškovo-ligurčeková polievka so syrovými koláčikmi 87 209. Zeleninová polievka s mäsovými guľkami 87 210. Špargľa s chrumkavou krustou 88 211. Pečená hliva na šalvii a zelerovo zemiakové pyré 88 212. Marinované bravčové kotlety s korenistými sladkými zemiakmi 89 DESSERTS

213. Donuts with jam 214. Lekvároš 215. Žemľovka 216. Fánky 217. Poppy seed cake 218. Šúľance / Perky 219. Tokaj pancakes 220. Medovník

90 90 90 90 91 91 92 92 92



Herring with «Machanka» INGREDIENTS

2 fresh herrings 1 onion A laurel leaf 2-3 peppercorns 1 tbsp. of cooking oil 1 tbsp. of flour Salt Yield: 6 portions

Pour a herring for few hours into the tea. Then, make the broth from the head, tail, fins, skin, adding the onion and spices. Divide the filet of herring into portions pieces, bake them in the flour and fry in oil. In a frying pan, where the portions of herring were made, make the roast by adding a broth. Put some salt if there is any need. Pour sauce on oblong plate. Put on the pen the slices of herring. Add some onion to the herring. You can present it both hot and cold.


Jabchanka (apple dish)



300g soft cow’s cheese 100 g butter 2 tbsp. sour cream 1 tbsp. of dry paprika 1 coffee spoon of the mixture of pepper (black, white and fragrant) 1 coffee spoon of ground cumin (for those who like) 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic 1 tbsp. of mustard 1/3 purple bulbs of medium size

500 g. of apples 1 tbsp. of flour 200 g. of homemade cream Sugar for taste Yield: 6-7 portions

Clean apples from peels, cut them into small pieces and cook until tender. Then grind slices through a colander. Mix flour with sour cream, pour it into the broth and let it till boiling. You can add some sugar if you like. You can it this dish with potatoes or bread. In the same way you can cook dish from pears or plums.

Knead the cheese with the soft butter and sour cream to the friable condition. Add mint, onion, pepper, cumin, paprika and stir well. Add salt if necessary.

Appetizer of marinated mushrooms and red bilberries Recipe from Janush B. W. Burshtyn, Ukraine INGREDIENTS

200 g. of cranberries 400 g. of white marinated mushrooms 150 g. of onion 100 ml. of oil 25 g. of blueberries and red currants 300 g. of ham 10 leaves of lettuce A few stems of parsley Salt, pepper Yield: 10 portions

You can add basil instead of thyme, if you like it. Add the pounded garlic and mustard. Again, stir well and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Wash marinated mushrooms, cut large one, small mushroom left as they are. Chop onion into small pieces. Combine cranberries with mushrooms and onion. Sauce: pour blueberries and red currants with oil and beat this mix with a blender. Then add salt and pepper. Add salad to this dish. Portioned the prepared dish and decorate it.

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Appetizer “na zymno”

Recipe from Anna Pjonkto, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Cold Snack “Verkhovynska”



350 g. of bean 480 g. of onion 100 g. of oil 400 g. sauce «Horseradish» 100 g. cream 250 g. of saltseson 250 g. of ham 220 g. (10 pieces.) of leaf lettuce 130 g. of beet 180 g. of rye bread 50 g. sunflower oil Yield: 10 portions

Soak and boil beans. Cut onion into strips, passer it. Then add some beans and heated the mixture with 2 – 3 min. Cut rye bread into slices, fry it in the butter. When the dish is ready, put on the plate prepared lettuce, then put beans with onion and saltsyson, ham and beets and croutons. It is better to serve the dish with sauce of “Horseradish” with creams.

75 g fresh cow cheese 17 g butter 20 g onion 5 g red powder 5 g cumin 3 g salt 100 g tenderloin smoked 50 g carrots 34 green salad 40 g leek 10 g mustard 20 g lemon (juice) 2 g freshly ground black pepper 10 g oil Yield: 2 portions

Making the cheese mass “Kerezet”. Cutting lettuce. Cutting smoked tenderloin. Stuffing smoked tenderloin. Presenting the dish.

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Crucians in sour cream

Carpathian fish with mushrooms

Milk soup with oyster mushrooms




600 g. of peeled carp 25 g of flower for fish 100 g. of vegetables oil 100 g. rusks 100 г of boiled potatoes 1 onion Salt, pepper 1 teaspoon of sour cream 2 tbsp. of sour cream 200 g. of fish broth Yield: 3-4 portions

Salt and pepper fish, then roll it in the flour and fry it in oil until it will become golden brown. If you want to prepare sauce, then melt butter, add flower and cook this mix until it become golden-brown. Then you need to cool that mix and prepare the broth. Connect everything with the cream and cook for 5-7 minutes. Chop the onion and then fry it. Then, put the fish into the greased pan and add there potatoes, onion. Then, cover everything with the sauce cream sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven.

1,5 kg. of fish 200 g. of dried mushrooms 2 onions 200 g. of sour cream 100-200 g. of mayonnaise Chopped parsley Salt and pepper 2 cloves of garlic

500 g. of fresh oyster mushrooms 80 g. of butter (for frying mushrooms and flour) 2-3 l. of milk 1-2 tbsp. flour Salt and pepper Yield: 10-12 portions

Yield: 10 portions

You need to clean fresh oyster mushrooms wash and cut them. Then pour that mushrooms into 2 - 3 liters of milk and put for boiling. Fry the flour in the butter, diluted that mix in the broth or water, add mushrooms, pepper, salt and left everything for boiling.

For begin, you need to clean fish. Then you need to cut it into portions. If your slices are too big, then cut it into smaller ones. Grease that pieces of fish with garlic and salt and leave for two hours, or you can leave your fish for the hall night in the cold place. Wash your fish in the cold water. The bottom of the cookware cover with the chopped onion and chopped mushrooms. Sprinkle everything with the chopped parsley. Pieces fish put on the top, cover with the slices of onion, mushrooms and pour the sour cream, mayonnaise or oil. Bake for one hour in a preheated oven for 240 ° C. Before serving, put on the plate and decorate it with the mushrooms and onion, add sauce, which was formed during baking. For better taste, you can serve your dish with toast of bread covered with butter or margarine on both sides and baked in preheated oven for 15 minutes.

You can also make this soup on the water, but if you do so, you need to add 2 – 3 tbsp. of sour cream and make it boiling.

Hutzul kremzlyky INGREDIENTS

1 kg. of potatoes 2 eggs 50 g. of flour Salt Ground black pepper 4 big apples, cut into thin slices; 300 g. onion 1 clove of garlic 100 g. of sour cream 100 g. of fat 700 g. of pork Parsley Yield: 10-12 portions

First, you need to clean up and wash potatoes and then rub it on the grater. Then, add to that mix some flour, egg, chopped or grated onion, garlic and salt, pepper and sour cream. The sub-product that we got, we need to mix well and form into cakes - kremzlyky that have the circles shape. Than, we put everything into the frying pan with a well heated fat and fry it until cooked. From the prepared pork we cut meat(two slice per serving), slightly reflective, then add some salt and black pepper and fry on both sides until it become ready. Then we need to prepare pots. In each pot we put kremzlyky, three pieces per serving. Then, we put fried meet on each kremzlyky, pour with onion, sprinkle with red pepper and chopped parsley. We close pots and put them in the oven for about 5-10 minutes with a temperature of 180-200° C. Ready-made dish we put on the plate, in the way that kremzlyky should be from the bottom and fried meat with inion - on the top.

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Hutsul beans INGREDIENTS

600 g. of dry beans 350 g. of smoked bacon 4 inions 100 g. of fat 4 garlics 3 g. of salt Yield: 6-7 portions

First, we need to sort and wash beans and put them in the water for 5-6 hours. Cook the beans in salted water until tender, and add there some garlic. Then, take some smoked bacon, cut it, fry in the fat with adding there one onion. Ready pureed beans place in a bowl, put on the top of beans the fried bacon and onion and pour with the hot fat. It is better to serve it hot.

Stew Potato with Mushrooms

Lemkivskyj kapusnjak (cabbage soup)



5-6 medium-size potatoes 10-12 mushrooms 1 big-size onion 2 carrots Salt Black pepper Parsley and dill Green onion Vegetable oil

600 g. of cabbage One onion 1 tbsp. of flour 1 tbsp. of oil 1 glass of white beans Salt Sugar Yield: 6 portions

Yield: 3-4 portions

Wash cabbage in the cold water gently squeeze it and pour in the hot water. Cook it until it become half-ready. Stew, already cut, onion in the oil and add to it some flour. Fry onion until it become golden-brown and it to the cabbage. If you like, you may add salt or sugar. Beans, left in water for the whole night, cook until it become ready and add some salt. Grinded beans through a colander and add to the cabbage soup. Make everything boil. Serve your dish in the soup plate and sprinkle it with the fried onion.

First, you need to peel and chop potatoes. Then, you have to wash mushrooms, dry and cut them into slices. Peel onion and cut it into small slices. Wash one carrot and also cut it. Take a pan, put i it onion and carrot. Add 3-5 tbsp. of oil into the pan and stew everything for 5-6 min. You have to put some mushrooms into the pan, stir everything, stew until the mushrooms give some juice. Then, add to your dish some salt, pepper, again stir everything add potato. If necessary, add some water to the pan. Then, you need to wait some time, until everything is going to boil. And only after that, you have to stew everything until it become ready. Before serving, sprinkle potato with minced fresh herbs and green onions. You can also use tomato juice instead of water.

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Hutsul Grubljanka This ancient dish is not only the holiday one. People also cook it as an everyday meal. However, for the Holy Supper, gutsuly (ethnic group of Ukrainian population of the Western Galicia) add vegetables and even some mushrooms to hrybljanka. Vegetables and mushrooms are also baked well in Transcarpathia. Potato is boiled in its skin, that is typical for the region. People can also sprinkle their dish with sweet fragrant pepper. Different sorts of mushrooms are also suitable for hrybljanka


1 k. of potatoes 100 g. of dried mushrooms 1 onion 200 g. of carrot 200 g. of beans 2 tbsp. of flour 50 g. of oil Salt Bay leaf Pepper 3-4 cloves of garlic. Yield: 10-12 portions

Put mushrooms and beans into the cold water and leave it for few hours. Remove mushrooms from the water, cut them and put them back. Then, you need to add cut carrot and a one tbsp. of oil. Cook your mix until it become half-ready. Then, you need to add already cooked, cut potato. Boil everything until all the vegetables will be ready. Take flour and fry it on the pan, without any fat. Fry onion separately. Mix all the products and leave it for boiling. If you want to use fresh mushrooms in your dish, first you need to cook them with onion. It is better to add mushrooms to the ready-made vegetables.


Banosh from the corn flour

Banosh from the corn flour 2



500 g. of corn flour 700 g cream 100 g sugar Yield: 10-12 portions

Add corn flour into the boiled water with sugar. Cook it for 15 minutes. It is better to mix banosh with the wooden spoon until the butter separates from it.

0,5 l. of sour cream a glass of corn flour 50 g. of white salt cheese Salt Yield: 6 portions

Hutsul Babka




500 g. of corn flour 1 l. of water 1 tbsp. of salt 7 eggs 200-250 g. of creeps 250-300 g. of salt white cheese 100 g. of butter Yield: 7 portions

To the boiling sour cream add corn flour and cook it, until you will see fat on the top of the pan. It is better to serve this dish on the plate, when it is very hot and decorate it with salt white cheese.

Corn flour put into the boiled salted water and cook it. Then, we cold it till it become 50-60 degrees warm. Then, we add eggs, mix everything and put in the oven. We cut babka into small slice with the help of the knife or funiculars. We cut creeps put it as a layer on the bottom of the pot. Then, we put a layer of babka, a layer of salt white cheese. We ought to do this process few times. Pierce the mass with a wooden stick, cover with lid and bake in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes. Pour ready babka with the heated butter and served on the table.

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300 g. of offal 4 pickled cucumbers 1 carrot 200 g. of pearl barley 70 g. of butter 100 g. of sour cream Dill Lemon juice, citric acid for the taste Yield: 6-7 portions

Cook the soup with offal, strain it, cut pickled cucumbers for slices and add them to the soup. Add also a chopped carrot and cook everything for about 1 hour. Separately, cook barley cereal, mix it with oil and add to already cooked ohirkivka. It is better to add sour cream to the dish and sprinkle it with the dill. If necessary, add lemon juice or citric acid.



500 g. of potatoes 150 g. of flour For the filling: 300 g. of cheese 2 eggs Dill Salt Yield: 6-7 portions

First, you need to ground through the meat grinder a boiled potato. The filling is cooked separately. Cheese is rubbed through a sieve, add raw eggs, salt and chopped dill. Prepared potato is mixed with flour and divided into two parts. one part of the potato is spread on the greased baking sheets. Then, the ready-made cheese filling spread on the layer of potato and cover with another part of the potato. you need to smeared your dish with eggs and bake in the oven.

Potatoes baked with cheese

Pork rolls with mushrooms in sour cream sauce


1 kg. of potatoes Salt, pepper 100 g. of oil 200 g. of cheese\salt white cheese 400 g. of sour cream Dill Salt if necessary


Yield: 10 portions

100 g. of pork neck or tenderloin 100 g. of white mushrooms (frozen) 150 g. of sour cream 2 medium onions vegetable oil + butter 4 garlics Yield: 1 portion

First step is to boil the potatoes. After that, you have to cut the potato, salt it, sprinkle it with the pepper and put slices in the bottom of the pen. Then, it is necessary to drizzle it with oil, sprinkle with white salt cheese and pour with sour cream. Repeat this action for 2 or 3 times. the mix, that you get, put in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. then, take off the cover and bake the dish for 5-10 min., until the potato become golden-brown.

1. Slice the meat across the grain. The thickness should be less than 0.5 cm. Put your meat on a board, cover it with food film and hit with the hammer for meat (most subtle). then, add salt and pepper on both sides, make a meat stack (one per one) and leave meat for some time (it is better cover it or put in the refrigerate). 2. White mushrooms. First of all, you have to defrost them. Then you need to squeeze them well (but try not to do mush from them).Cut mushrooms into small pieces and fry them in a mixture of butter and oil at the rate of 2:1 until they become golden brown. As the mushrooms start to become golden add 1 clove of garlic and chopped quarter of onion. After that, fry mushrooms for a few minutes, add salt and pepper and remove them from heat.

It is better to serve your dish with sour cream, mushrooms or gusljanka (kefir made from sheep’s milk).

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3. Onions need to be cut into thin half rings and fried in vegetable oil until it become golden brown. Add to mushrooms 3 cloves of garlic and pick up everything from the fire. 4. Make “kruchenyky”. First of all you have to take the meat, that you left for some time. Put on each steak of meat fried mushrooms (approximately 1,5 tbsp.) and swirl it tightly. When you made a slice of meat in form as a kruchenyky, you have to fry it, until it become golden brown. 5. The earthen vessel will fit perfectly for baking. At the bottom of the vessel put fried onions, garlic, and on the top put fried rolls. 6. Mix the sour cream with the juice that remains from mushrooms and a small amount of water in a separate bowl. Add, to that mix, some salt, pepper, a few grams of dried mushrooms. 7. Pour your rolls with the mixture that you did. Bake the rolls in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Then remove the lid and bake for another 10 minutes. Boil the potatoes, cut it, add some salt, and sprinkle it with pepper, put a thin layer in the bowl, drizzle with oil, and sprinkle with cheese pour with sour cream. Repeat this action for 2-3 times. Stew your dish in the oven for 30-40 minutes.


Covered cabbage


Mylaj (corn cake)






1,05 kg of cabbage 1,3 kg of sauerkraut 250 g. of millet 500 g. onion 6 pcs. of eggs 0,5 l. of sour cream 500 g. potatoes 200 g. of butter 200 g. of oil with fried bacon 200 g. of fried onions 0,5 l. of milk 1,7 l. of water Yield: 6 portions

Take 1.3 kg of sauerkraut, add to it 1.05 kg of fresh cabbage, and 1.7 l. of water. Stew everything until it become half cooked.

1.140 kg. of potatoes 0.025 kg. of intestine for sausage 0.060 kg. of sour cream 0.125 kg. of mayonnaise 0.240 kg. of fried bacon 0.035 kg. of salt 0.012 kg of milled black pepper

Yield: 1 portion

Potatoes need to be rubbed in Korean grater. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, stewed onions and bacon. Make your dish tasty and quickly dump the intestine for sausage.

1 egg Salt Soda 3 tbsp. of sour cream 2 tbsp. of Unrefined oil 2 tbsp. of sugar 1 l. of milk 1 tbsp. of shredded lemon 3 tbsp. of white flour 100-150 g. of cottage cheese About 1 l. (jar) of flour, medium grinding

Mix egg with sugar, add milk, soda and cottage cheese. Add to this dish corn flour. Place everything on the greased baking tray. Bake your dish at 180 - 200 degrees oven, until it will cook.

Add the onion, and millet. Stew all together in a small temperature. Take 6 eggs and mix them with 0,5 l. of sour cream. Add to it 0,5 kg, of potatoes. Mix all the ingredients. When the millet will be almost ready, add to it 0,2 kg. of butter, 0,2 kg, of fried bacon, 0,2 kg. of fried onion and 0,5 l. of milk.

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Onions - 2 pcs. Sour cream – 2 glasses Salt Pepper Garlic

Take two medium size onions, cut them into cubes and fry them on a dry pan until they become golden brown. Then, you need to add the oil and pour 2 glasses of sour cream. Fry all the ingredients. You can add pepper, parsley and garlic, if you like. You can use such a machinka\sauce for pouring potato or pierogi.


Tysmynyzja Stuffing INGREDIENTS

For the Pie: Eggs – 5 pcs. Flour – 1,5 kg. Milk – 3 glasses Yeast – 50 g. Butter – 100 g. Sugar – 100 g. Salt - 1\2 tbsp. For the Stuffing: bacon – 1,5 kg. eggs – 50 pcs. For the roast: Pork – 2,5 kg. Carrot – 2-3 pcs. Onion – 3 pcs. Flour – 2 tbsp. Garlic - 3-5 pcs. Water -1-3 l.

Making the Pie

Making the Stuffing

We bake pie beforehand. For making the Pie, we need to breed 1 tbsp. of yeast and a 1 tbsp. of sugar in the warm milk. Then, the mix will start to ferment, put everything in the bowl with flour. Stir the mix until the consistency of thick cream, sprinkle with flour, cover it and put in a warm place. When the solution is suitable, salt it, add well beaten eggs with sugar and pour the rest of the flour and knead the dough. When everything will be ready, pour the warm oil. Cover the dough.

Take 1-1.5 kg of bacon, cut it into cubes and fry in a skillet for bacon. In a large bowl poured the pie that was chopped into cubes, pour hot fried bacon, add beaten eggs (for this portion you need 50 eggs), add salt and pepper, if you kike.

Then stir the dough again. Then put the dough on a board sprinkled it with flour, form the roll and put it on the form. Then put the form in a warm place. Grease the dough with the egg and bake it in a hot oven (temperature 200-210 degrees) for an hour.

Cut the pork\bacon into pieces of 300-400 g, add salt and pepper and fry each piece in the pan. Add also carrots and onions, pour them with flour and fry.

Mushrooms in the sour cream

Put everything in a large saucepan or on a baking sheet. It is necessary to bake the dish for a 1 hour. Making the Roast

Put all this fried products into the bowl; add water, salt and pepper, bay leaf, garlic. Bake your dish in the oven, until it will be cooked.

Let the baked roll withstand for 2-3 days, then cut it into cubes with sides of about 1 cm, and dry it out.

Serving the dish: The stuffing is cut into pieces until it is still hot (slices) and pour with the hot roast and slices of meat.

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White mushrooms – 1 kg Onion – 1 pcs. Sour cream – 0,5 l. Salt Pepper Dill

First of all, you need to clean up mushrooms, then wash them and cut into slices. Then, you have to boil them in the salt water. The second step is to fry onion on the pan. In the end of the cooking process, add 0,5 l. of over fried sour cream to the mushrooms. You can add salt, pepper and a dill, if you like.


Hutsul Cabbage rolls INGREDIENTS

For the sauerkraut: White cabbage – 2 pcs. Salt Water For the Stuffing: Pork lard – 400 g Corn flour – 1 l. 100 g. of rice Onion – 2 pcs. Salt Pepper Garlic

Hutsul Zavyvanets with the mushroom Stuffing (machanka)

Making the Stuffing for the cabbage rolls: First of all, you need to heat a Pork lard, and select from it bacon (unfried bacon slices) and ground in a meat grinder. Pour water into corn flour for swelling. Take 100 g. of rice boil until soft. then, you need to mix two onions with cornmeal, rice, and milled bacon. If you like, you can add salt and pepper.

Recipe from Berdej M.S.- master of in-service training Burshtyn Trade and Economic College KNTEU INGREDIENTS

The next step is to put stuffing into the cabbage leaves and make from those ingredients rolls. After that, you have to boil your rolls.

It is better to serve ready-made cabbage rolls on the ceramic tableware and decorate it with bacon.

Making the sauerkraut: We should take two white cabbages, cut the loaf from it. Then we pour cabbages with the salted water and put into bowl(for 1 liter of water take 70 g of salt) for 15 days. This way of making a sauerkraut will give you a possibility to prepare enough cabbage for the winter.

1.6 kg. of pork tenderloin 300g. of prunes 150 g. of garlic 150 g. of refined oil 600 g. of white fresh mushrooms 150 g. of onion 800 g. egg 500 g. of corn flour 500 g. of strawberries or cranberries 500 g. of sugar 300 g. of dry white wine pepper and salt

Zavyvanets: Take a portion of pork and cut in the form of rectangle, sprinkle it with salt, pepper and grated garlic. Cover that slice of meat with a layer of roasted mushrooms. And then take three rolls that are stuffed with prunes and yellow omelet and wrapped them up in a roll form. Seal your roll with a toothpick and fry in a pan. Sprinkle your rolls with the fat that released during roasting.

You also need to s-read all the cabbage leaves from each other. Their size should be small.

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Garnish: Boil flour corn in the salted water, and cook it with continuous stirring for 15-20 min. Serve the porridge in the form of balls, sprinkle them with oil. Mushroom Stuffing(machanka): Fresh mushrooms are need to be cut into slices and fried in butter until tender. Then, you have to add the chopped onion to the mushrooms and sauté everything for 5-7 minutes. You can add sour creams, salt and pepper. Then, put the stuffing in a gravy boat and sprinkle with herbs. Sauce from berries: First of all, you need to sort berries, wash them up and boil them with sugar and water. After that, you have to do the sauce from berries with adding wine. It is better to serve this dish on the ceramic bowl, decorated with the sauce.


Meat balls with chanterelles INGREDIENTS

Mincemeat – 400 g. Chanterelles – 500 g. Stale bread – 150 g. Cheese – 100 g. Onion – 1 pcs. Garlic – 2-3 pcs. Oil Breadcrumbs Salt Pepper

Soak the stale bread in a bowl of water or milk. Wash the chanterelles, clean them up, and chopped. Wash onion, and cut it into small pieces. Then we fry onion with mushrooms in a pan with oil until the water will evaporate. In the end, grind the mix that you get. Take the pre-cooked pork mincemeat, one egg, and mix this two products with chopped dill, grated cheese, chopped garlic and mushrooms with onion. Mix everything well into a homogeneous mass. Then you have to make a balls from the mass you got. Pour this meat balls with breadcrumbs and fry them on the pan, until they become golden brown. It is better to serve this dish on the ceramic bowl, decorated with the sauce.

Staffed Karamandlja

add cut cabbage and fried everything together. Add sliced apples in 5-7 min. before it will be already cooked. Then, you can add salt and pepper to the ready-made stuffing and cool it. You have to fill the marinated with stuffing, wrapped it in with the thin strips of bacon and fry it until it become golden brown. Then you have to put tenderloin into a saucepan, add to it pre-cooked dried mushrooms, sour cream and stew everything for 15-20 minutes.


1.7 kg. of pork tenderloin 100 g. of honey 240 g. of lemon (for juice) 10 g. of a mixture of herbs 50 g. of dried mushrooms 0.5 kg. of onion 0.5 kg. of frozen or fresh mushrooms 1,2 kg. of potatoes 150 g. of potato starch 175 g. of white salt cheese 3 eggs 660 g. of white cabbage 140 g. of apples 350 g. of sunflower oil 1.5 l. of cream 1,1 kg. of frozen blueberries 430 g. of carrot 550 g. of courgettes

You have to take carrots and courgettes, if you want to prepare garnish. Then, cut this products into thin strips, twist them and bake in vapor-convection. You can cook knydli which are stuffed with cheese. It is better to serve your dish with meat and garnish. If you want to decorate your dish, then use a sauce from blueberries.

Yield: 10 portions

Marinate the tenderloin for an 1 hour. For making marinade, you have to use honey, lemon juice, salt, pepper and herbs. Then, you have to cut meat in the such manner that inside of it the pockets should form. The meat pocket should be filled with stuffing. To prepare stuffing use such products as: onions and carrots. You have to cut them and fry in the pan in butter until tender. Then, you need to I v a n o - F r a n k i v s k U k r a i n e 14

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Salad with beans

Recipe from Maria Dutchak, Korshiv, Kolomyia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine INGREDIENTS

375 g beans 375 g mushrooms 375 g onion 25 g carrots 300 g salad sauce Yield: 5 portions

Boil beans. Boil mushrooms. Cut carrot and onion into medium cubes. Mix chopped vegetables and mushrooms. Prepare the salad dressing. Mix salad ingredients. Add spices. Salad dressing. Form a snack.


Baked meat at home Recipe from Galina Magas, kolyba «Ankle Vasyl», Kolomyia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region INGREDIENTS

1,5 kg pork (not too greasy) 300 g onion 300 g carrot 100 g mushroom broth Several pieces of dried mushrooms 1 tablespoon of salt 1 teaspoon of papper 300 g flour 1 glass of water Yield: 6 portions

Cut meat pieces 3-4 cm, salt and pepper. Cut the onion half rings and diced carrots. Place into the pot and spread the layers of meat and mixture of onion and carrots. Spead dried mushrooms for the flavour. Pour the mushrooms broth to the pot. Knead the flour and water into the dough and seal the top pot (use instead of the lid).

Korshiv cabbage

“Zhebesh-Gush” (stuffed meat pocked)

Recipe from Halyna Mosiychuk INGREDIENTS


500 g sour cabbage 160 g rice 200 g milk 300 g sour cream 25 g salt 200 g fatback 150 g butter 100 g flour

Yield: 2 portions

Boil the cabbage. Prepare the form for fillings. Fry the fatback. In boiled cabbage put prepared washed rice. Cook until it is done. Add prepared filling form, butter and seasonings. Wait until the dish is ready. Serve with fried fatback.

344 g pork (without bones) 10 g salt 6 g freshly ground black pepper 10 g mustard 100 g fresh Mushrooms 40 g ham raw cop. 56 g onion 270 g cream (30%) 36 g butter 160 g vegetable oil 58 g corn grits 120 g white cheese Brine 5,4 g fennel (green) Yield: 2 portions

Cook the meat pocket. Cook the filling. Stuff the pocket. Fry the meat pocket. Prepare the garnish. Prepare the sauce. Presenting the dish.

Place the pot to the stove over low heat and cook slowly for 12 hours.

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Tsybulnychky INGREDIENTS

250 g flour 150 grams of lard 1 cup poppy seeds 20 g yeast 2 onions 3 eggs 2-3 c. tablespoons milk Salt

On a board for the dough cut the flour and a lard with a knife, add yeast, dissolved in 2-3 tablespoons of warm milk, add eggs, poppy seeds, salt, grate on a big grater two onions and knead. Put the dough on the floured board, roll out, cut into rhombuses, smear them with egg and bake on a greased sheet in a hot oven (200 ⁰C) for 15-20 minutes.


Пампушки з сирного тіста INGREDIENTS

250 g flour 20 g yeast 50 g butter 50 g sugar 1 egg 1 egg yolk 150 g cheese Half a cup of milk

Dissolve yeast in warm milk with 1 tablespoon sugar and put in a warm place to ferment. Mix butter, sugar, egg yolk and egg adding with a spoon rubed through a sieve cheese. Stir this mass with dissolved yeast and flour, knead a dough, roll it out and cut donuts. Leave for an hour and then fry.

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Covered cabbage


Pumpkin Pie with seeds




500 g. of cottage cheese 1 cup sour cream Salt 5 eggs 200 g. of sugar 150-200 g. of crackers 80 g. of butter

Take a portion of cottage cheese and rub it through a colander. Then, add to the cheese a cup of sour cream, and a pinch of salt. Then, mix 5 egg yolks with 200 g. of sugar. Add to that mass beaten egg whites, ground crackers. Mix all the products into one mass. You have to bake the cheesecake for 30 minutes.

For the dough: 250 g. of margarine or butter, 3,5 cups of flour, 1 cup of sour cream or yogurt, 0,5 tbsp. of salt, 2 egg yolks.

For the dough: 75 g. of butter 1 egg yolk 100 g. of flour a pinch of salt For the Stuffing: 350 g. of pumpkin 150 g. of sugar 1 tbsp. of cinnamon 0,5 tbsp. of nutmeg powder 1 tbsp. of vanilla sugar.

For the Stuffing: 4 large apples, which are cut into thin slices; 2 tbsp. of sugar 1 tbsp. of cinnamon

For candied roasted nuts: 1,5 cup of pumpkin seeds 4 tbsp. of honey 25 g. of butter.

First of all, you need to mix flour with margarine, then stir everything. You also need to add sour cream or yogurt, add some salt and knead all the products. Take the dough that you did, and put it into the freezer for 20 minutes. It should stay at room temperature for another 20 minutes. Fry apples with sugar in a pan, by adding cinnamon. Then divide the dough in two halves. Take one half and roll it as a cake. Then, put stuffing on the cake. Decorate your cake with lattice strips that you need to make from another half of the dough. Then, spread your cake with egg yolk, and bake it in the oven at 180 degrees. As a topping you can also use different jams, cheese with vanilla and raisins, cabbage with minced egg, dried apricots. I v a n o - F r a n k i v s k U k r a i n e 17

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Prepare the dough: all the products for the dough you need to mix, and then knead a ball, wrap it in foil and put in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, we have to prepare the stuffing. Pumpkin has to be rubbed on the grater, add sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla sugar and mix everything. Roll out the dough according to the size of baking dish (diameter 26 cm). Then, you have to form dough bumpers and put the stuffing. Bake your pie in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. After baking, give it some time to cool down. Boil the honey in the bowl, add there the butter and cook for 2 minutes, then add the pumpkin seed and cook for another 2 minutes. Prepared hot mixture of honey and pumpkin and pure this mixture into cold pie shell. Let the pie cool down. After that, the pie can be served.


Stefanyk Pljatsok (pie) INGREDIENTS

Dough: 500 g. of flour ¾ cup of sugar 200 g. of butterine 2 tbsp. of honey 3 eggs 1 tbsp. of slaked soda 50 g. of cacao

Mass: 1 l. of milk ¾ cup of sugar 200 g. of butter 1 packet of vanilla sugar 9 tbsp. of. semolina 200 g. of chocolate

Dumplings (pyrogi) with apples

Dough: Melt butterine with honey. Beat eggs with soda. Knead the dough and divide it into three parts. Soak cakes in a cup of coffee. Then, add cocoa to a half of the dough, so that the dough become colorful. Roll the cakes on the parchment paper and put them into shape. Bake the cakes in the oven at 160 degrees for 15 minutes (until they become golden brown).


Mass: Boil milk with sugar, vanilla sugar and butter and that set mixture aside. Pour semolina to the bowl of water and stir well, put on the fire, and cook until thick it become like a pudding. Then set it aside for 2 minutes and grease cakes with cream and sprinkle them with chocolate and put in the fridge.

Egg - 1 pcs. Flour – 2,5 cups Water / milk – 0,25 of cup Pinch of salt Apples - 1,5 kg. Emolina – 1-2 tbsp.

First of all, you have to take one egg and knead it into flour. Then, add to this mix some salt and warm water. After that, knead the dough.

This pie will taste greatly on the second day.

The dumplings should have a semicircular shape. So, roll out the dough and with the using a circular cup make round pancakes. The stuffing should put in the middle of that pancakes. Then you have to stick together the edges of each pancake.

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The dumplings, that you have already did, pour in the salted water and cook for 5-7 minutes. Take the dumplings out of the watter and put in a colander, so the water can to drain out from them. Then put dumplings in a bowl, and pour them with the heated butter and shake them. Stuffing: it can be salt or sweet. Take 1.5 kg of apples, peel them up and rub on the grater. Drain juice form them, if necessary. You can add some sugar or cinnamon, if you like, and a small amount of dry semolina. You can serve the dumplings with sour cream or honey.


Dumplings (pyrogi) with cherries Recipe from Galina Magas, kolyba «Ankle Vasyl», Kolomyia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region


Dough: 3 cups of flour 3/4 cups of cold water 1 egg A small pinch of salt Filling: 4 cups of cherries without bones 1/2 cups of sugar

Pour cherries with sugar and leava them for a half an hour.

Baked Pear with goat cheese

is better not to pour the flour becouse your dough may become to tight. Sllek the dough on the sheet of paper and cut into it circles. Put the cherries in the sieve or colander, juice collect in the pan - we still need it.

Recipe from from Kuziv M.L., Burshtyn INGREDIENTS

in the center of each circle put some cherries, ansd make it in tne shape of a moon.

Prepare the boiling water int the big saucepan(you can add some salt to the water). Put a portion of pirogies into the saucepan and cook them until they float into the surface, then cook them just for 1 minute and remove them. Drop the pirogie into a colander and pour with the cold water. Do the same action with the rest of the dish. Pour the cooked pirogie with the melted butter, lightly toss in a bowl (wrap). You can make a cherry souce from the juice that left. If you realy want to make such a juice just add 2 tbsp. of cornstarch and cook it untill it will be ready.

500 g. of pears 250 g. of goat’s cheese 40 g. of egg 50 g. of hazelnuts 200 g. of icing sugar 50 g. of honey 250-300 g. of butter 250 g. of wheat flour 100 g. of blueberries or cranberries 500 g. of sugar 100 g. of white wine 500 g. of lemon Mint for decoration Vanilla sugar

First step is to boil pears, and fry them in oil over medium heat. After frying, put the pears on the sheet of paper.

You can serve your dish with the sour cream, cherry juice or yogurt.

Then, you have to wipe the cheese, add some sugar, groundnuts, vanilla sugar, lemon zest and berries. Mix all this products. Then, stuff the pears with cheese stuffing. Pour the pears up with honey and bake for 10 minutes.

Puor the flour on th table in the fomr of cone. In the center of the cone make the hole, add there some salt, one egg, water and mix everything untill it become elastic dough. you should knead it about 20 minutes. at first, you may think that the dough is to sticky, but in 20 minutes it will be perfectly well. It

Then, you have to knead the sugar dough that you will use for decoration. For the sauce: cranberries and blueberries rub through a sieve and boil with sugar and white wine. I v a n o - F r a n k i v s k U k r a i n e 19

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Pumpkin casserole Recipe from Daria Yaremko INGREDIENTS

400 g pumpkin 250 g home cheese 100 g manna-croup 220 g milk 150 g sugar 3 eggs 150 g butter Yield: 2 portions

Peel the pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin into slices. Stew in butter until its don. Cook a viscous manna-croup. Wipe separately yolks and whites. Rub cheese through a sieve. Combine all the ingredients. Stir to the homogeneous consistency. Put in form greased with butter. Align the surface and lubricate with cream. Bake in cabinet oven.


Prycarpathian babka Recipe from Mysljuk О.М., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine INGREDIENTS

100 g. of cornmeal 1.3 kg. of milk 750 g. of sugar 110 g. of potato starch 10 pcs. of eggs 870 g. of fresh cranberries 800 g. of pumpkin 100 g. of cream 50 g. of caramel mass 200 g. of frozen blueberries 200 g of frozen cranberries 10 g. of icing sugar


Cranberry sauce. Squeeze the juice from the fresh cranberry, add sugar and boil until thick.


Pumpkin sauce. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, add sugar, whisk the ingredients with blender and add cream. Decorate your dish with two babka that should be poured with sauce and blueberries that are boiled in caramel and sugar syrup.

300 g walnut 500 g sugar sand 30 g vanilla sugar 400 g chocolate Black 80 g milk 40 g black Coffee (infusion) 100 g cream (30%) 10 powdered sugar 20 g cognac 10 g wafer rolls Yield: 2 portions

Prepare the milk-coffee mixture. Connect the ground nuts and chocolate. Form balls. Bread balls in chocolate and walnut crumbs. Prepare the sauce. Presenting the dish.

Yield: 10 portions

Corn mass: Boil the milk, add some sugar, salt, pour cornmeal and cook until tender. Then you have to cool down the mass, add potato starch and beaten egg whites. Pumpkin mass: Boil the milk, add the sliced pumpkin, salt, sugar, and boil everything until tender. Then, cool down your mass, add potato starch and beaten egg whites. Put the ready-made masses in the form, pour with butter and bake at 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.

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Apples fried in the dough INGREDIENTS

500 g apples 150 g flour 2 eggs 50 g sugar 3 tablespoons of sour cream

Cleaned apples cut into slices as thick as a finger and remove the core. Mix egg yolks with sugar, add sour cream (instead sour cream can be used the wine), put the beaten egg whites into the mass, add the flour and stir. Put apples into this dough and then in a hot oil on the pan. Fry on both sides. Cooled apples sprinkle with sugar.


“Babka” with nuts and sour cream

Sponge cake with cherry jam



Dough: 6 eggs 6 tablespoons of sugar 100 g milled nuts 3-4 tablespoons of milled white breadcrumbs Vanillin Cream: 1 cup sour cream 100g icing sugar Vanillin

Egg whites beat with sugar and vanilla, mix with egg yolks, then add nuts and breadcrumbs. This mass put into a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form. Bake in a warm oven (180 ⁰C) for 30 minutes. The dish can be served with raspberry jam and cream with sour cream.

Pancakes with apples INGREDIENTS

200 g flour 5 eggs 200 g sugar 100 g chopped nuts 100g succade 100g raisins Zest of 1 lemon 100g cherry jam

250 g flour 30 g yeast 50 g sugar 3 eggs 1 cup beer Salt

Filling: 500 g apples

Prepare the dough on beer as usual for the pancakes. Baked on a hot pan pancakes put on the greased dish, put apples, grated on a big grater, and mix with sugar and cinnamon. Cover and bake in the oven.

Beat egg whites with sugar, add egg yolks, lemon zest, flour, succade, chopped nuts, raisins, jam without syrup and mix all together. This mass put into the narrow greased and floured form. Bake in a hot oven (190-200 C) for 45 minutes. If the top of your cake will become too much red, cover it with a wet paper. Cooked cake remove from the form immediately and put on one side. Cut on the second day.

Preparation of cream: to cool sour cream and beat until it will start to become thick, add a tablespoon of icing sugar and vanilla.

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Pie with poppy seeds on kefir INGREDIENTS

500g flour 1 cup poppy seeds 250 g butter or margarine 300 g sugar A half cup of kefir 3 eggs Half a teaspoon of cinnamon 2-3 cloves 50 g split nuts

Put the flour, butter, 200 g sugar, 2 eggs, cinnamon, cloves and kefir in a bowl for dough. Knead a dough, mix it with poppy seeds, roll out and put into greased with butter sheet. Pierced dough, spread with egg, sprinkle with the rest of sugar, chopped nuts and bake in a hot oven (210 - 240 ⁰C) for 35 minutes. Cut into triangles.



Polish soup (borshch)

Mushroom ears




0.5 kg. of wheat 2 cups of mashed poppy 1 tbsp. of salt 1 tbsp. of honey 2 tbsp. of nuts 3 tbsp. of sugar

Soak (cleaned from the husk) wheat in the cool water, and left it in such condition for the whole night. Then, boil the wheat in the salt water. Add poppy, honey, nuts and sugar to the ready - made wheat. It is better to serve this dish in the ethnic bowl.

3 liters of water 1 cup of dried mushrooms 2 onions 1 carrot (medium) 3 tbsp. of cooking oil 2 pickled beets 1 handful of millet A pinch of salt

2 cups of wheat flour 2 cups of water (not necessarily to use all of it) 1 cup of dried mushrooms 2 onions 3 tbsp. of oil Salt and pepper 2 tbsp. of linseed oil

Yield: 10 portions

Yield: 10 portions

First step is to boil mushrooms. Fry onions and carrots, until they become golden. Add in mushroom broth. Cut pickled beets in the shape of strips. Boil all the products in the ear. At the end, you need to add the millet and salt, as much as you like. Once the millet is ready - the soup is ready too.

Prepare such a dough as you do it for the dumplings: pour the water to the wheat and knead everything. Stuffing: First, you have to cook mushrooms. Then, cut them. Fry the mushrooms with onion, add salt and pepper. Knead the dough and cut it into the small measuring about 4 * 4 cm. Stick the edges of the dough squares as when you do that while preparing dumplings. Cook the dough ears in the salt water for about 10 pieces for the portion. Pour readymade ears with the cold water, pour them with the oil.

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Beans for the Christmas Eve INGREDIENTS

1 half-liter of beans 2 onions You can add 100 g. of cooked mushrooms Yield: 10 portions

Put the beans in the water for a one hour. After that, you have to boil it. You can also add some salt, if you like. Then, you have to cut onion into small pieces and fry it. Mix fried onion with the beans. If you like, you can also fry mushrooms and add them to the beans.


Vegetarian fruit soup




1 liter jar of dried fruits(dried apples and pears) 200 g. of beans 300 g. of chopped potatoes (as for soup) You can add 100 g. of boiled mushrooms. Yield: 10 portions

First, you need to boil dried fruits, then add beans and boil this mix together. Add potatoes to the boiled beans. In the end, you can add a pinch of salt, if you like.

Cabbage rolls with grated potatoes

2 liter jar of sauerkraut 2 onions 100 g. of boiled mushrooms.


2 cobs of fresh cabbage or sauerkraut 0.5 kg. of raw potatoes 4 boiled potatoes 2 onions Salt and pepper.

Yield: 10 portions

First step is to boil the sauerkraut. Then, you have to fry onion until it become golden brown. Then, mix this onion with the sauerkraut, and cut mushrooms and fry all of that.

Yield: 10 portions

First step is to boil the cabbage, and to clean leaves in such way, to make them suitable for wrapping the stuffing. The raw potatoes should be grated as for the potatoes pancakes. Squeeze the juice from potatoes. Rub boiled potatoes on a small grater and mix with grated raw potatoes. Add the fried onion, salt and pepper. The next stage is to wrap cabbage rolls. At the bottom of pot / crock pot put cabbage leaves. Then, you have to put cabbage rolls on the cabbage leaves. Pour the water into the pot with cabbage rolls, so that the water should cover cabbage rolls on the thickness of two fingers. Cook cabbage rolls in the oven on a minimum heat for 2-3 hours.

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Dough: 1 kg. of raw potatoes 300 g. of boiled potatoes 200 g. of flour 1 egg 1 tbsp. of salt. Stuffing: 200 g. of fresh cow cheese 1 egg Salt Yield: 10 portions

Grate the raw potatoes, squeeze the juice from it and pour into a bowl. Boiled potatoes mix with raw potatoes and egg. Add some salt. Knead all the products with the flour. Make the pancakes from the dough, and stuff them with cheese mass. Make dumplings from the stuffed pancakes. Throw them into the boiling water. You need to boil kynygli for 5-7 minutes. You can serve this dish with onion or fried bacon.


Potato Bagels

Mushroom soup







10 big potatoes 50 g. of yeast 1 egg

Boil the potatoes. Pour the broth into a separate bowl. Make puree from boiled potatoes. When the broth will cool down, add to it 50 grams of yeast. Pour the soup that you got to the potatoes, add some salt and 1 egg. Knead the dough as for a pie. Make the bagels from the dough. Leave bagels on the table for 20 minutes. Fry the bagels as dumplings in the boiling oil. You can also make sweet bagels (with powdered sugar) or salt (with salt or garlic).

3 pork ribs 100 g. of mushrooms 3 liters of water 1 carrot 1 onion Bay leaf Pepper and salt to taste 25 g. of sour cream.

5 liters of water 700 g. pork ribs or chicken 3 large onions 300 g. of boiled beets 200 g. of leavened red beet Bay leaf, salt and pepper. Yield: 10 portions

Yield: 10 portions

Cut 2 onions and two kinds of beets into cubes. If you do not have pickled beet, you can use a lemon juice or citric acid. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper to the meat. Cook the meat in the oven for 5 hours.

Prepare the mushroom broth on the beef broth with bay leaves and salt. Fry onions and carrots ans add them to the broth. You can also add some salt and pepper for flavor. Add sour cream to the dish and boil it.

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5 medium beets 2 raw horseradish 1 tbsp. of salt 1 tsp. of vinegar 1 tsp. of sugar. Yield: 10 portions

Rub the beet on a small grater, and rub raw horseradish. Pour the beet with salt, sugar and vinegar. You can serve this dish as a condiment for meat.



Romanian Potato Salad Prepared with use of potatoes and root vegetables diced finely, decorated with bits of vegetable and hard-cooked eggs, it’s a great-tasting salad that can be served as part of an appetizer spread or as a main course with crusty bread.


Salad: 2 large russet potatoes 2 chicken breasts, cooked and diced small 1 cup peeled carrots, boiled and diced small 1 cup peeled parsnips, boiled and diced small 5 large hard-cooked eggs, diced 1 small onion, diced small 2 celery stalks, diced small 1 1/2 cups diced pickles 1 1/2 cups frozen peas Dressing: 1 to 2 cups mayonnaise, or to taste 1 tablespoon mustard Salt and pepper to taste Garnish: Parsley Reserved hard-cooked eggs Reserved cooked vegetables

Peasant pie baked in oven

1. Boil potatoes in their skins in salted water until fork tender. Remove from water and peel off the skin when they are cool enough to handle. Dice small and reserve.


2. In a large bowl, add potatoes, chicken or other meat, carrots, parsnips, eggs, onion and celery. Squeeze the diced pickles lightly in a paper towel to remove some of their juice (otherwise the salad will be too watery) and add to the rest of the diced ingredients.

Dough: Flour Milk Oil/butter Yeast Salt Water

3. Place frozen peas in a colander and run cold water over them to defrost. Drain completely, patting dry if necessary, and add to the other diced ingredients in the large bowl.

Filling : Boiled grated potatoes with spices as you like, or Chopped cabbage, salted, squeezed, fried and flavored, or Cottage cheese (sweet) / sheep cheese (salted), or Grated apple, fried and flavored

4. Make the dressing: In a medium bowl, combine mayonnaise, mustard, salt, and pepper. Add to diced ingredients in large bowl and toss to completely cover.

Knead the dough about ½ hour, then leave it for proofing. Split the dough into 200 gr pieces, roll the dough for each pie, fill it with your favorite filling and pack the dough – bring the 4 tips together above the filling. Place the pies in the heated oven for baking.

5. Transfer to a pretty serving bowl. Cover the entire top with a thin layer of mayonnaise but enough so no salad shows through. Decorate the top with reserved vegetables and hard-cooked eggs. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator to serve chilled or serve immediately at room temperature.

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Wild forest mushroom soup (Boletus edulis)

Potato pudding with cream

Potatoes with cabbage baked in oven

Country style baked potatoes

This is a dish prepared in the Northern part of Romania in the mountain region of Carpathians.





500 gr. Wild mushrooms 2 carrots 1 parsnip 1 big slice of celery 20 gr. flour 2 onions 100 gr. sour cream Salt, pepper, oil, hard cheese

Clean the vegetables, wash and chop them finely together with the onion. Boil the vegetables in 2 l of water. When ready, add the mushrooms, salt and pepper. At the end, season the soup with roux, sour cream and grated hard cheese.

500 gr. de potato 5 eggs 100 gr. Salted cheese 50 gr. butter 150 gr. hard cheese 30 gr. Bread crumbs 150 gr. Of sour cream, salt, pepper

Wash and boil the potatoes; peel and grate or pass them through the mincer. Afterwards mix them with the yolks, salt, pepper, salted cheese, the foamed egg white and butter, and the rasped cheese. The mixture is then put in a tray tapestried with breadcrumbs and into the heated oven. It can be served hot with cream on top.

Medium size sour cabbage 5 medium size potatoes 50 ml white wine Oil 200 g ham Thyme Tomatoes source Salt, pepper

Pill the potatoes and boil them for 10-15 minutes. Slice the cabbage and the ham separately. Flavor the tomatoes source with thyme, salt and pepper. Cut the potatoes in 4, each piece. Anoint a tray with oil and lay the potato slices. Cover with cabbage and ham. Pour the tomatoes source, wine on the top, cover the tray with aluminum folia, and put it in the heated oven for 35-45 minutes. When is almost ready, take it out the cover from the tray and keep it in the oven for 5-10 minutes more.

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4-5 potatoes 200 g ham 2 big onions 1 big red pepper 2 spoons of oil Dill, salt

Wash the potatoes, boil, and pill and cut it in small cubes. Chop the onion and the red pepper and fry them together in oil. After 3-4 minutes, add the ham and continue to fry. When ready, mix the composition with the potatoes. Sprinkle the dill on the top and serve it with pickles.


Smashed beans INGREDIENTS

300 gr dry beans 1 carrot 1 parsnip 4 onions 1 spoon of vegetable concentrate 2 spoons of tomato pasta Salt and pepper

Clean, wash and boil the beans. Change the water after a couple of minutes of boiling. Add the finely chopped onion, carrot and parsnip, then the vegetable concentrate. Drain the beans but leave some water in the pot and blend till get a fine pasta. Add salt and garlic as you like. Separately prepare a source from 3 onions cut in joulien, fried in oil, mixed with tomato pasta, salt and pepper as you like. Serve it with fried onion on the top.

Romanian Sour Meatball Soup - Ciorba de Perisoare

1. In a large saucepan, bring 6 cups of water to a boil. Add sliced onion, lavage, parsley root, parsnip and carrots. Add beef or veal with bone. Bring back to a boil, skimming off any foam that rises to the surface, reduce heat and simmer partially covered.


2. Meanwhile, make the meatballs by first soaking the bread in water or milk and then squeezing it dry. Mash the soaked bread in a large bowl. Add the ground meat, finely chopped onion, rice, water, salt, and pepper. Wet hands slightly and make small meatballs. Set aside.

Meatballs: 1 pound ground lean beef or pork (or a combination) 2 slices bread 1 small finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons uncooked rice 2 tablespoons water Salt and pepper to taste

3. When the vegetables in the saucepan become tender, return it to boil and carefully drop in the meatballs. Reduce heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes. When the soup is almost done and the meatballs come to the surface, add the tomato paste and stir well.

Soup: 1 small finely sliced onion 1 bunch lavage leaves or celery leaves or parsley leaves, finely chopped 1 peeled parsley root 1 peeled parsnip 4 peeled carrots 1 pound beef or veal with bones 4 tablespoons tomato paste Salt as needed 2 to 3 tablespoons vinegar, or to taste Sour cream for garnish (optional) Hot pepper (optional)

4. Add the tomato paste and stir. Add the lavage and season with salt and vinegar. If desired, serve with a dollop of sour cream and a hot pepper on the side.

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Romanian Cornmeal Porridge – Mamaliga INGREDIENTS

3 1/2 cups water 1 1/2 teaspoons salt or to taste 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup coarse yellow cornmeal Sour cream (optional) Salted cheese (optional) Fresh herbs of choice (optional)

Bring the water to a rolling boil. Add the salt and butter, stirring to melt. Using a wooden spoon, add the cornmeal very gradually, while stirring constantly in the same direction. Simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, until it thickens and starts to pull away from the sides of the pot, about 35-40 minutes. Serve hot. NOTE: If desired, while mamaliga is still hot, add more butter, cheese, sour cream and herbs. Mamaliga can also be served with a dollop of sour cream. Mamaliga can be poured into a pan. When cool, it can be flipped out onto a cutting board, cut into squares and sautéed in butter until crispy.


Romanian Stuffed Cabbage Recipe – Sarmale

2. When leaves are cool enough to handle, use a knife to cut away the thick center stem from each leaf, without cutting all the way through. Chop any remaining cabbage and set aside.


3. In a large skillet, sauté chopped onion, garlic and rice in 1 tablespoon olive oil, stirring frequently, until onion is translucent. Add hot water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and let stand 5 minutes or until rice has absorbed all the water. Let cool.

1 whole head cabbage, 6 tablespoons oil 1 finely chopped medium onion 2 minced garlic cloves 2 1/2 tablespoons raw rice 1/4 cup hot water 1 1/2 pounds ground pork 1 slice of white bread 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill 1 teaspoon thyme 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon crushed hot red pepper (optional) 2 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon vegetable concentrate 10 black peppercorns 2 bay leaves 6 strips bacon 6 fresh dill sprigs Sliced tomatoes (fresh or canned)

1. Remove core from cabbage. Place whole head in a large pot filled with boiling, salted water. Cover and cook 3 minutes, or until softened enough to pull off individual leaves. You will need about 18 leaves.

Aspic - Piftie (Racituri)

You will have something that looks like an envelope. Once again, roll away from you to create a neat little roll. 7. Using 2 tablespoons of the remaining olive oil, coat a large casserole dish. Place some chopped cabbage in the bottom of the dish. 8. Place 3 strips bacon across and cover with a layer of stuffed cabbages. Add another layer of bacon strips and stuffed cabbage. Add some water, spread dill sprigs on top and sprinkle with remaining olive oil.

4. Place pork in a large bowl. Quickly dip bread in water, squeeze to remove excess water and add to meat along with onion-garlic-rice mixture, combining thoroughly. Add dill, thyme, salt, pepper, hot pepper, if using, and 2 tablespoons water. Mix completely but lightly so as not to toughen the meat.

9. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Place dish and cook 1 1/2 hours. Then add sliced tomatoes, cover and cook another 45 minutes. Remove lid and continue cooking another 15 minutes. 10. When ready to serve, remove bay leaves, and accompany sarmale with boiled potatoes, pasta or mamaliga.

5. In a medium bowl, mix 3 cups water with vegetable concentrate, peppercorns and bay leaves, and set aside. 6. Place about 1/2 cup of meat mixture on each cabbage leaf. Roll away from you to encase the meat. Flip the right side of the leaf to the middle, then flip the left side.

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1 pork leg, (lower part) 2 pork thongs 1 carrot Salt si 3 claws of garlic Pepper

Place the meat into a large pot in cold water, add salt and carrot and simmer When the meat is falling apart from the bone, add the garlic. Take out the meat, clean the thongs from the skin, then place the meat into small bowls and filter the concoction above. Place the bowls at a cool place. Flavour with pepper and paprika.


Dumpling soup INGREDIENTS

For soup: 1 piece of meat with bone 3 carrots, 1 onion, 1 parsley 3 potatoes vegetable concentrate Dumplings: 6 spoons of farina 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable concentrate 2 eggs 1 spoon oil

Place all ingredients for the soup into a big pot with water and boil for 1 ½ hour, until the meat is ready. Filter the soup and add a spoon of vegetable concentrate. Dumplings – whisk the eggs; add the farina, spoon of oil and vegetable concentrate. Use a spoon to take bits of composition and dive into the hot (but not yet boiling) soup. After you finish, raise the temperature and boil slowly for 10-15 minutes.

Bean soup with smoked ham, served in bread & Red onion salad

Fry all the vegetables in butter.

Cooked Trout in cream sauce with corn Chef Zorika Hiurhi dish INGREDIENTS

Chef Zorika Hiurhi dish

At the same time, put smoked ham with beans in water and boil them. At the same time, put smoked ham with beans in water and boil them. After the ham and beans are cooked, pour he cream into the soup and mix. Cut off a piece of bread on top, carefully cut the pulp of bread and pouring the soup there.


Soup: 1 kg. of beans 850 g. of smoked pork ham 300 g. of carrots 200 g. of celery 350 g. of swede Thyme Bay leaf 50 g. of parsley 40 g. of salt Pepper Ground sweet paprika 100 ml. of oil 400 g. of sour cream

10 pcs. of trouts, 200 g. each of trouts 400 g,. of white flour 1.5 l. of cream 30 g. of salt 3 g. pepper 50 g. dill 1 l. of oil 0.5 kg. of lemons 0.9 kg. of cornmeal 60 g. of salt 10 g. of butter Yield: 10 portions

This dish is better to serve with fresh parsley and red onion salad. Cut red onion into slices, squeeze it (so it was not too spicy), and add spices, oil and vinegar.

Red onion salad 2 kg. of red onions 100 ml. of oil 20 g. of salt 20 ml. of vinegar 10 white round loaves, in which the soup will be served Yield: 10 portions

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First step is to prepare polenta - boil the water with salt and sprinkle with cornmeal until mixture will become half-solid. Continuously fold until polenta will become lumpy. Fry the trout the in oil. Separately, melt the cream on the fire, add the dill and spices and then add the trout. Leaving the dish for 2 minutes for stewing. The dish is served with polenta and lemon.


Maramuresh pork chops in a rural Chef Zorika Hiurhi dish INGREDIENTS

2 kg. of pork chops (boneless pieces of pork) 200 g. of red peppers 200 g. of green peppers 200 g. of orange peppers 200 g. of mushrooms 200 grams of bacon 200 g. of hot sausages 300 g. of onions 550 g. of butter 30 g. of salt 5 g. of pepper 1 kg. of frozen potato slices 900 g. of pasta 50 g. of parsley leaves. Yield: 10 portions

Cook pork chops in the oven. (About 1.5 hours at 200 degrees). Meanwhile, we fry separately vegetables, mushrooms and bacon sausage. When everything is ready, you have to mix the vegetables together. Take the frozen potatoes and fry it in an electric deep fryer, when the potatoes are ready put them on a plate and pour with the melted cheese. Then bake the potatoes for 10-15 minutes in the oven. We served the dish on the plat with potatoes, cheese, pork chops under a layer of roasted vegetables.

Mushroom pancakes

Heat a frying pan until hot, then add the sunflower oil, onion, pepper and thyme and fry for 3-4 minutes.


White flour 200 g Eggs 3 pcs Fresh forest, cultivated or canned mushrooms 0.5 kg Fresh pepper (red) 2 pcs (200 g) Medium onion 1 pcs (100 g) Sour cream 200 g Yellow cheese or sheep cheese 100 g Sunflower oil 0.050 liter (50 ml) Green parsley 1 sheaf (50 g)

Add the mushrooms and cook for a further 1-2 minutes, after that we add the sour cream and the green parsley. To finish, lay a pancake flat onto a clean flat surface. Spoon the mushroom mixture into the center and top with a spoonful of cream. Roll the pancake up, like a cigar, then place into a serving dish, and repeat with the second pancake. Sprinkle the cheese over the pancakes, and place under the hot grill until the sheep cheese is melted and the color becomes golden brown.

For the pancakes, place the eggs, water, a little salt and flour into a bowl and mix together to form a paste. Gradually whisk in the water, and the tablespoon of sunflower oil to form a smooth batter.

Stuffed Lamb Traditional dish of Easter in Romania


½ lamb Offal of ½ lamb (heart, liver, lungs) boiled and finely chopped 10 eggs hard boiled and finely chopped 4 raw eggs 4 slices of bread soaked in milk 1/4 cup oil 5 cloves garlic, crushed 10 spring (green) onions, finely chopped 1/2 cup finely chopped parsley Flour Salt, paprika and pepper to taste

In a big bowl, mix all stuffing ingredients and leave to rest for 1/2 hour. In the meantime, open up the lamb breast along the ribs, salt the meat. Fill the cavity with the stuffing, than sew the breast of lamb together, forming a pocket.

Heat a non-stick frying pan. Add a small amount of sunflower oil, swill round to coat the base of the pan and tip out the excess. Pour some of the pancake mixture in the center of the pan and tip the pan in a circular motion to thinly coat the base. Cook the pancake until it sets, and turns a light golden color. Turn the pancake over with a palette knife, and cook the other side for another minute, or until golden.

Place the lamb in a big tray (plate), rub the lamb with salt and pepper, garlic and oil. Pour 1 cup of water near the lamb and place it in the heated oven. Baking time ~ 2 hours, or until the meat is done, basting occasionally with the sauce.

For the mushroom filling, preheat the grill to the highest setting.

Serve hot or cold with vine. M a r a m u r e s c o u n t y R o m a n i a 31


Sarmale with porridge (Vegetarian cabbage rolls) INGREDIENTS

Medium onion 1 pcs (100 g) Sunflower oil 0,050 liter (50 ml) Fresh white cabbage 0.700 kg Porridge flour 100 g Beef mince 200 g Smoked ham 150 g Homemade sausage 200 g Green dill 1 sheaf Medium carrot 1 pcs (100 g) Dried savory (Thymus vulgaris) 1 pcs Tomatoes 0.500 kg Tomato paste 100 g Vinegar 0.050 liter Salt 5 g Pepper 1 g

«Gomboti» (potato dessert with plums and apricots)

Filling preparation: In a large pan, sauté the minced onion with the oil for about 5 minutes, then take off the heat. Add the fried onion to a large mixing bowl together with the smoked ham, beef mince, porridge flour, a medium grated carrot, sliced tomatoes, dill chopped, salt, sliced sausage, pepper and mix well.

Chef Zorika Hiurhi dish INGREDIENTS

After that take each cabbage leaf and remove the tough veins. Place one or two spoons of meat mixture at the bottom of the leaf and roll once to encase the filling. Boil sarmas in a pot or, better in a crock (a clay pot). On the bottom of the pot, put shredded cabbage, than the sarmas with slice of smoked ham, homemade sausages and dried savory. Over the sarmas layer (cabbage rolls) add shredded cabbage. Combine the tomato paste with a cup of water and pour over the entire surface of the pot.

800 g. of potatoes 200 g. of white flour 30 g. of semolina 200 g. of white crackers 50 g. of sugar Package of vanilla sugar 150 g. of dried plums (sweet) 3 eggs 150 g. of dried apricots 750 g. of apricots 100 g. of caramel watering 50 g. of butter Yield: 10 portions

Boil potatoes in salted water. Squeeze the water from it, then put in a blender and prepare mashed potatoes (with milk, butter). Then mix the mashed potatoes with flour and eggs. Take with apricot composition, using the dried apricots and plums and fill the puree with them. Boil the balls in water for 10 minutes, then strain them. Sprinkle the potato balls with breadcrumbs; add the cinnamon, vanilla sugar and icing. Put the potato ball on a plate, decorate them with dried apricots, and pour with the caramel watering. Serve the dish, when it is warm.

Leave it to boil for 45-60 minutes at low heat.

Prepare cabbage: Wash cabbage and cut out the core. Prepare cabbage brine, by placing water, salt and vinegar in a large pot and bring brine to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and add head of cabbage to the brined water, removing each cabbage leaf and placing it on a plate.

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Traditional Maramuresh pies with apples and cheese Dish from folk cooks Rodika Tiplea and Vraja Marija INGREDIENTS

1.7 kg. of fresh cow cheese 2 kg. of apples 250 kg. of lard 250 g. of sour cream 8-9 eggs 2 lemons 170 g. of semolina 850 g. of flour 850 g. of sugar 1.5 packets of powder for baking 1 tbsp. of salt cinnamon 350 ml. of carbonated mineral water 150-200 g. of milk 150-200 g. of raisins Half a package of vanilla sugar 80-100 g. of powdered sugar

Prepare the apples: rub the apples, add sugar, cinnamon and mix together. Squeeze the juice.

Croissants with “Mahiun” (plum jam)

Prepare the cheese: Mix the cheese with whipped egg yolks and sugar.

Dish from folk cooks Rodika Tiplea and Vraja Marija

When you will put the dough in the baking pan, sprinkle it with semolina, then put to it an apple / cheese. Bake the dish in oven for about 1 hour. When the dish is ready, sprinkle it with powdered sugar. The baking can be served as the cold dessert.


400-420 g. of flour 200 g. of lard 2 eggs 20-22 g. of yeast 350 g. of plum jam Yield: 10 portions

Prepare a mixture of flour, lard, eggs and yeast. When the dough will be ready, make a small croissants, and stuff them with the plum jam. Bake the croissants in the oven for 45-60 minutes.


300 gr. flour 140 gr. Butter or fat 2 spoons of sugar 2 spoons rom/brandy 200 gr. walnuts Cream necessary to get a proper dough 1 teaspoon of baking soda Couple of spoons of gem or marmalade Bit of salt

Prepare a medium thick dough from the four and butter, split it in 4 pieces and roll & flatten each piece to 1 cm thick. Cut the pieces to obtain 16 scares. Fill the suares with walnut filling then bake into the oven. Wallnut filling: 2 spoons rom/brandy, 2 spoons of gem/marmalade, 200 gr. minced walnut, bit of sugar (if necessary).

Yield: 10 portions

Knead the dough from the flour, eggs, lard, milk, sour cream, mineral water, sugar, baking powder, salt. Mix everything together. When the dough will be ready, add the raisins and grated lemon zest. M a r a m u r e s c o u n t y R o m a n i a 33


Alivanca (cheese and corn flour pie) INGREDIENTS

White flour 100 g Eggs 3 pcs Sunflower oil 0.050 liter (50 ml) Sugar 200 g Corn flour 200 g Wheat farina 200 g Orange 200 g (1 pcs ) Fresh white cheese 250 g Sour cream 200 g Milk 0.100 liter (100 ml) Cream 200 g Sour cherries jam 50 g Sodium bicarbonate or Baking powder 5 g Butter 50 g

Apple pie

Prepare the baking tray with butter and flour, pour composition and put in the oven for 40-45 minutes (or until the surface becomes golden yellow).


Dough 3 cups of four 3/4 coup of sugar 125 gr. butter 3 spoons of hoghurt 2 egs, Salt Vanilla sugar and baking powder.

When Alivanca is almost cooked, boil fresh milk with a tablespoon or two of sugar. Remove the pie from the oven and scald with hot milk. Then put the pie again in the oven for 5 minutes. Cut the pie and decorate the pieces with cream and sour cherry jam.

Filling 1 kg- 1,5 kg apple Couple spoons of sugar, vanilla sugar, bit of cinnamon powder

Prepare a soft dough from the above-mentioned ingredients, split in 2 equal pieces. Grate the apple; add the sugar and sprinkle a bit of lemon juice on it. Squeeze the juice of the apple, add the cinnamon powder. Anoint a tray with butter, sprinkle some four on it, and then lay the first sheet of dough. Sprikle a bit of farina on the top spread the apple on it then cover with the second sheet of dough. Stinger with a fork in couple of places then place it in the oven for 60 minutes.

Preheat the oven. Beat the 3 eggs with sugar, then add the sunflower oil. Sift the corn flour and gradually pour over eggs, stirring strongly. The same will happen with the wheat farina. Place the sour cream gradually and mix. Then add the sweet cheese. When the composition is homogenous, the white flour is added slowly. Take the orange peel and put it over the dough (grated or cut).

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“Gomboti” with plums and apricots Chef Zorika Giurgi INGREDIENTS

800 g of potatoes 200 g of white flour 30 g of semolina 200 g of white crackers 50 g of sugar Package of vanilla sugar 150 g of dried plums (sweet) 3 eggs 150 g of dried apricots 750 g of apricots 100 g of caramel watering 50 g of butter Yield: 10 portions

Boil the potatoes for mashed potatoes in salted water. Squeeze the water then put in blender and prepare mashed potatoes (using milk, butter). Then mix the mashed potatoes with flour and egg and then make balls out of the composition; fill in the balls with dried apricot / plums. Place the balls for boiling into water (10 minutes) then strain. Fry white bread crumbs (small pieces) add cinnamon, vanilla sugar and granulated sugar. When ready you can put toppings (caramel). Serve it warm.


Romanian Easter and Christmas Bread Recipe – Cozonac INGREDIENTS

2 1/2 tablespoons + 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup +1/2 cup + 1/4 cup milk 1 package active dry yeast 4 large egg yolks 3/4 cup superfine sugar 4 ounces light or dark raisins Zest of 1 lemon 4 ounces melted butter 1 tablespoon dark rum 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon canola oil 1 ounce walnuts (optional) 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar (optional)

1. Scald 1/2 cup milk and stir in 2 1/2 tablespoons flour until smooth. Let cool 10 minutes. 2. Heat another 1/2 cup milk just until lukewarm. Do not scald. Place yeast in a small bowl and pour lukewarm milk over, stirring until dissolved. Add yeast mixture to flour paste and beat until large air bubbles appear. Cover and let rise at least 15 minutes.

7. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack. If you wish, while the cake is still hot, sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar and walnuts.

3. Heat the remaining 1/4 cup milk to lukewarm. Do not overheat. Pour into a warmed large bowl or bowl of a stand mixer. Add, stirring after each ingredient, the egg yolks, sugar, raisins, zest, yeast mixture and flour. Knead about 10 minutes by machine or 15-20 minutes with buttered hands while still in the bowl, adding butter as necessary to achieve a nonstick, pliable, moist ball of dough. It will probably take about 3 ounces of butter. Save the rest. 4. Add rum, vanilla and oil and knead another 2-3 minutes. Cover bowl with greased plastic wrap and let rise until doubled. Punch down and with hands dipped in some of the reserved melted butter; knead another 5-10 minutes. 5. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 10- to 12-inch round pan that is at least 3 inches deep with cooking spray. Using buttered hands, twist the dough and place in the pan. Cover with greased plastic wrap and let rise until dough reaches the top of the pan. 6. Mix 1 large egg yolk with 1-tablespoon cold water and brush top of dough. Sprinkle walnuts and a few raisins on the dough, if desired. Bake 1 hour or until toothpick, tests clean or an instant-read thermometer registers 190 degrees.

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400gr.pressed ham 200gr. spiced cottage cheese 300gr. butter 4 boiled yolks 300gr. black olives 4-5 sardines Pepper

Cut the ham into thin slices, then place them next to each other on a piece of cellophane in order to form a rectangle. Cut the cheese into very small pieces and mix it with 150 gr. butter and spread this cream over the ham. Hash the yolks and mix them with the rest of the butter, add a little bit of pepper and spread it over the cheese Mince the olives and the sardines and spread them over the yolks. Roll everything and let it get cold, then slice it.

Romanian Eggs - Bird’s Nest

in the butter; add cold milk and meat and cook the dish for about 10 min. put your dish into the pot.

Chef Trajan Kostinas dish

When the sauce is ready, take off it from the heat, add 2 boiled chopped eggs, salt, pepper, one egg, and stir all the ingredients until you will get a homogeneous mass. Divide this composition into 10 parts, and then form a nest from each part. Pour the nest in the flour, egg and breadcrumbs and fry them in oil. After frying, the nests are placed on the table. In each egg - nest we put one egg, cooked as in the previous recipe. The eggs are sprinkled with hot brown sauce, and around nests - with white sauce. Fried eggs are served with a garnish - boiled asparagus, which is sprinkled with the melted butter.


20 eggs 20 g. of salad 20 ml. of white vinegar For the “Nest” 1 kg. of poultry meat 300 g. of butter 300 ml. of oil 200 g. of flour 200 g. of breadcrumbs 10 egg yolks 0.5 l. of milk 60 g. of onion 20 g. of salt 2 g. of pepper For the garnish 2 kg. of asparagus 0, 5 l. of white sauce 0.5 l. of brown sauce 160 g. of butter Yield: 10 portions

Fry the bird, wash and boil in the salted water, carefully collect the foam that appears on top. Add the peeled onion, washed and cut into quarters. After boiling, separate the meat from the bones and cut into cubes measuring 0.5 cm. separately, the half of flour is boiled S a t u

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Aubergines au gratin with tomatoes – Vinete gratinate cu roșii INGREDIENTS

1 large aubergine 3 tomatoes 200 g cheese or mozzarella oregano salt

1. Wash and peel the aubergine. Slice it about 1 cm thick. Sprinkle salt on both sides of each slice and let them drain on a paper towel for 30 minutes. 2. Slice the tomatoes in 1 cm slices. If you want, you can remove the skin: dip them in boiling water for 30 seconds. Now, you can peel them easily. Slice the mozzarella in pieces large enough to cover the aubergine slices. 3. Use a tray large enough for all the slices. Put a tomato slice on top of each aubergine slice then sprinkle some oregano on top. Cover with slices of mozzarella. 4. Preheat the oven at 350°F (175°C). Bake them for approximately 20 minutes or until done. If you wish, you can bake the aubergine slices beforehand in a non stick pan, until they soften a little bit, which I recommend. That way they are done quicker and the mozzarella doesn’t melt too much.


Head cheese and caltabosi (meatloaf) – Tobă și caltaboși INGREDIENTS

The organs from one pig (liver, kidneys, heart, ears, tongue) stomach and sausage skins 2 lb. meat with lots of fat 1/2 lb. onion salt and pepper 1/4 tsp allspice 4 bay leaves 1. Wash the organs well in cold water, cut them in 2-inch cubes, clean them of skin, blood clots, etc. Soak the pieces in 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar for 10‐15 minutes to remove any possible smell. Use a pressure cooker with enough water to cover the meat. Lock the lid in place, bring to pressure, then lower heat, and cook for two hours. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool (until you can handle them). Keep the broth.

Mushroom Cake – Chec de ciuperci

3. Put the headcheese to simmer for one hour in the remaining broth, just to cover it. Make about 30 holes with a toothpick, from place to place. When it’s done press it between two board with something heavy on top.


3 medium onions, chopped (400 g) 2 cans of mushrooms or 450 g (1 lb) fresh mushrooms Eggs at room temperature 100‐125 g (1 cup) all-purpose flour 100 ml sour cream 1/2 cup chopped dill 3 tablespoons oil salt and pepper

4. For the caltabos, sauté the onion, and mince the second half of the organs. Mix with the sautéed onion and fill the casings. In the same broth, simmer them for 30 minutes after it started to boil. Sting the sausages from place to place to prevent any accidents. You can keep them refrigerated or you can freeze them. 5. Second option: In the caltabos casings stuff the cabbage rolls filling, without the tomatoes sauce. Make tiny holes with a toothpick in casings to avoid cracks. Boil for an hour, over a slow fire. Add in the water some pepper corns, all spices and bay leaves.

1. Drain the canned mushrooms, or clean the fresh ones, and dice them. Heat the oil; add the onion and a couple of tablespoons of water. Sauté the onion, add the mushrooms, add salt and pepper. Let them cook. Transfer to a bowl and set aside. 2. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease two small loaf pans with oil and coat them with flour. 3. Separate the eggs. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until firm. Mix the mushrooms with the egg yolks, sour cream, and chopped dill. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites and the flour. Gently stir from bottom up. Pour the mixture into the pans.

2. Cube the meat in 2‐3 cm cubes. Divide the meat in two‐one part to contain the ears and tongue and organs. This part you are going to use it to make the head cheese. Take the caul, a needle with butcher’s string and make a „bag” with a 5 cm opening. Add the organs and enough broth to fill the „bag”. With the remaining string seal the bag.

4. Bake for 50 minutes until golden‐brown. Do not open the oven for the first 30 minutes. Test the mushroom cake with a toothpick. Insert the toothpick in the middle; if it comes out clean, it is done. Let it cool on a wire rack. Keep it in the fridge in plastic wrap. S a t u

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Mushroom spread/ dip – Zacuscă INGREDIENTS

2 medium size aubergines/eggplants (1 kg) 3 bell peppers (1 kg) 1 big onion (200 – 250 g) 225 ml tomato sauce 60 ml vegetable oil 200 g canned mushrooms 2 bay leaves salt and pepper 1 tsp honey (optional) 1. Grill the aubergines and bell peppers in the oven or on the barbecue. Hot, from the grill, put the bell peppers in a covered pot. Let them rest for 15 minutes before peeling and removing the seeds. Peel the aubergines and let them drain in a colander. 2. Mince the bell peppers and aubergines. You can use a meat mincer or the food processor. 3. Dice the onion. Sauté the onion in 60 ml of oil, until in becomes translucent. Add the minced aubergines and bell peppers, the tomato sauce, salt, black pepper and bay leaves. 4. If the appetizer does not have enough liquid to simmer add 100 ml of water or some of the juice from the mushroom can. Simmer for 30 minutes and stir from time to time. 5. Add the mushrooms, sliced or diced according to preference. Simmer for another 45 minutes. Taste it, and if it seems sour, add one or more teaspoons of honey.



2 carrots 1 parsley (the root part) 1 celery 1 onion 2 potatoes 5 dkg butter Remains of a carp (the head, the fishbone, thesoft roe) of small fish 3 dkg flour Pinch of ginger Pepper Salt Soup seasoning Pieces of toasts

Peel the vegetables and shred them. Cut the onion. Put them into a pot with butter, cover with a lid and stew until they are soft. In a separate pot boil some water with some salt and the remains of fish or some small fish. When they are soft and the stock is ready pour it through a strainer and add the stewed vegetables. Remove carefully the fishbone of the fish and divide the fish into small pieces. Wash the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Put them into the soup. Add the seasoning, salt, pepper and ginger. Cook until the potatoes are soft. Prepare a suspension of flour and some water and add to the soup. At the end add the pieces of fish. Serve with pieces of toasts.

Chorba: Transylvanian soup with pork

Sarmale (cabbege rolls)

Chef Trajan Kostinas dish

Chef Trajan Kostinas dish



150-200 g. of pork 1 medium size carrot 80 g. of white roots 2 medium-sized onions 1 tbsp. of rice A few tarragon leaves A few leaves of parsley 1 tbsp. of white vinegar Salt 80-100 g. of homemade sour cream 1 egg yolk 0.5 tbsp. of flour

Yield: 10 portions

Yield: 20 portions

Cut pork into 10 pieces, the each piece should have the equal size, wash them . Boil the meat in the salted water. When the soup begins to boil, gather the foam and add the chopped onion. Cook rice separately. Wash vegetables, cut into quarters, and put into the pot with the boiling meat. When the meat is almost ready - add rice. Separately cook the flour, that should be mixed with cream, egg yolks and add a little soup. After that, pour the mixture into a pan with soup. Tarragon should be cleaned, washed, steamed and then finely shredded. Prepare the parsley in the same way. Pour these ingredients into the soup. Add salt and vinegar. Soup is served, when it is hot. S a t u

500 g. of minced pork 200 g. of smoked pork ribs 400 g. of rice 160 ml. of sunflower oil 80 g. of cornmeal 100 g. of tomatoes Red chili pepper 100 g. of red / green peppers 100 g. of rotunda 120 g. of onions Salt, pepper, thyme Fresh dill Fresh parsley 2 cabbages

Fry the onion and garlic, by adding 3-4 tbsp. of oil. When the onions will be ready add paprika and cornmeal and cook for another minute, set aside to cool. Meanwhile, boil the water in a large saucepan. Cut out the core from cabbage and boil it in the water. Remove the leaves one by one. In a large bowl mix the minced meat, onion mixture, rice, salt, pepper, thyme and water, and mix all the ingredients well.

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Take a leaf of cabbage in one hand and a tablespoon full of minced meat - in the second. Put the stuffing in the middle of the leaf and roll it. Cut the cabbage leafs that left, put on the bottom of the ceramic pot, add a bay leaf, a dill and a few ribs, rotunda, peppers and tomatoes. Then put the rolls” sarmale “ in a circle of the pot. Cover them with another layer of chopped cabbage, add the bay leaf, dill, smoked ribs, chopped tomatoes, rotunda, pepper (the other half of the total). Add water or broth until it will cover the rolls. Place the pot in the oven and cook at a temperature of 180-220 ⁰C for 2-3 hours or on the stove over low heat for 4-5 hours. Make sure that the food does not reach the top, because during cooking rice swells.


Romanian Meatballs Soup – Ciorbă de perișoare INGREDIENTS

For soup: 1 medium onion, cut in thin strips 2 medium carrots, chopped finely 1 handful of rice (about 1/2 cup) 2 tbsp. of oil, for sautéing 1‐2 liters water tomato juice about 2 cups or to taste Romanian „borș” For meatballs: 1/2 Kg ground meat 1 handful rice 1 egg 1 slice of bread (without the crust), soaked in water and well‐drained Chopped onion and parsley Salt and pepper to taste

Romanian Cabbage Rolls – Sarmale

4. Add the water, salt and leave to boil for 10 ‐15 minutes, and then add the meatballs to the soup, one by one. 5. Simmer until the meatballs rise – about 30‐45 minutes.


6. Add the parsley. 7. Turn off the heat and cover for 15 minutes. 8. This step is optional: In a separate bowl, mix 2 egg yolks with the sour cream. Add the egg/ sour cream mixture into the soup. 9. To season the soup add romanian „borș” adjusting to taste.

10. Add the chopped parsley, the celery and the lovage leaves. 11. Serve with sour cream.

3 lbs heads of cabbage 1 ½ lbs ground pork tablespoons vegetable oil 4 medium onions, finely chopped 1 ½ cups celery, finely chopped ½ lb bacon, finely diced 1 tablespoon salt ½ tablespoon black pepper ½ tablespoon sweet paprika 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped 1 cup rice 1 cup tomato sauce 1 cup tomato juice 1 quart sauerkraut 1 bay leaf 1 sprig fresh dill (optional) 1 smoked ham

1. Remove core from cabbage. In a large pot, bring to boil enough water to cover cabbage. Add 2 tablespoons salt and 1/4 cup vinegar to boiling water. Immerse cabbage in boiling water. Cover and cook over medium‐high heat 5 to 7 minutes. With fork or tongs, gently remove leaves as they become tender. Drain well; let cool. Trim main leaf vein so it is flat like rest of cabbage leaf.

1. To make the meatballs, mix together all the ingredients. Then take a little of this mixture and make little balls (the size that you like). 2. Fry the chopped onion in oil. 3. Add the chopped or grated onion, carrot, parsley and celery root.

2. In a large frying pan over medium heat, add S a t u

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oil, onions, celery, bacon, salt, pepper, paprika, parsley leaves and sauté until light golden brown. Remove from heat and let cool for 1/2 hour. 3. Add ground pork, rice and sautéed onions together along with 1/2 cup water, and mix well. This is the meat filling. 4. Place 1 to 2 tablespoons of the meat filling in center of cabbage leaf. Fold right hand side of leaf over filling, then roll from base to bottom of leaf, then with index finger gently tuck left hand side of leaf into cabbage roll to make a nice neat roll. Squeeze juice out of sauerkraut and place 1/2 of jar on bottom of pot. Chop any leftover cabbage and place on top of sauerkraut. Place pork hock on top of sauerkraut. Arrange cabbage rolls, seam side down in pot in neat layers. Place them loosely touching each other and layer on top of one another. Sprinkle with salt between layers. Place second half of sauerkraut on top of cabbage rolls. Spread tomato sauce and tomato juice over kraut and place 1 bay leaf (and optional dill sprig) on top. Cover rolls with water just enough to cover rolls. Place heavy dish on top making sure there is a couple inches between plate on top of pot. Cover pot and bring to boiling and reduce heat to simmer and cook for about 2 hours. 5. Serve with sour cream and mămăligă (Romanian polenta) for a real Romanian dish.


Romanian Mitch – Mititei INGREDIENTS

7 garlic cloves, peeled 0.25 cups water 1 lb. ground beef 2/3 lb. Coarsely ground pork 1 teaspoon baking soda 0.5 teaspoon dried thyme whole 0.5 teaspoon dried basil salt and black pepper to taste 0.5 cups beef broth

Make a paste of the garlic and water. Mix the everything except the beef stock together in a large bowl. Then add beef Stock and mix well. Oil a large flat container to put the sausages in. Wet hands in cold water to prevent the mixture from sticking to them. Form the sausage/mititei into cylindrical sausage shapes using 1/3 cup of the mixture to make each sausage about 4 inches long. Put sausages next to each other in a container and cover. Refrigerate overnight. If you are in a hurry, you can try refrigerate for four hours but overnight is best.

Chicken and mushroom ciulama – Ciulama de pui cu ciuperci

2. For the sauce, add the flour to the pan and cook for about 1 minute, or until just soft. Pour in the cream, mixing gently then bring to the boil. If the sauce is to thick, add 7 tbsp. of milk. 3. After about 10 minutes add the paprika, salt, pepper and green dill. Cook over a gentle heat, for a further 8‐10 minutes, stirring occasionally.


2 lb. boneless and skinless chicken breast 7 tbsp. sunflower oil

4. Add the sliced mushrooms and chicken breast and cook over a very low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 15‐20 minutes, so that the flavours interwine. Five minutes before the end of the cooking, stir in the chopped green dill and paprika and serve with mămăligă.

For the sauce 1/2 cup plain flour 2 cups cream 7 tbsp. milk 1/2 tsp paprika 2 tbsp. chopped fresh green dill 2 cups mixed wild mushrooms, sliced Salt and freshly ground pepper A little chopped fresh green dill and paprika to garnish

1. The chicken breast, washed before, is cut into small pieces, then seasoned with salt and pepper. In a large pan heat the sunflower oil, then place the chicken breast and brown gently on all sides for 10 minutes. Remove from the pan, place in an ovenproof dish and keep hot.

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Chicken Fricassee INGREDIENTS

1 chicken (for soup) 500 gr. mushrooms 500 gr. vegetables like carrot, leek, celery andonion 1 bay leaf, some parsley stems and thyme 1 dl cream 40 gr. all-purpose flower ½ a lemon Concentrated butter Pepper and salt to taste

1. Heat the butter and add the washed and chopped vegetables 2. Add the chicken and water 3. Boil and then shimmer 30 minutes 4. Remove chicken and sieve stock, take half a litre off 5. Slice mushrooms and braise them briefly till they are done 6. Heat butter in a saucepan, stir the flower in it and add stock 7. Whisk and boil until you have a smooth sauce and add the cream 8. Slice the chicken thinly and add to sauce together with mushrooms 9. Pepper and salt to taste 10. Heat



500 g minced pork 2 spoonful of minced parsley 2 slices of bread, crumbled An egg 4-5 cloves of garlic Salt Pepper 3-4 spoonful of flour

1. Mix the minced meat with the minced parsley, then add the minced cloves of garlic, the crumbled - bread (soaked in milk and wrung properly) the egg, flour. 2. Add salt and pepper. 3. Make small meatballs and put them to fry on both sides, place 2” apart in pan with hot oil 4. Bake at 400°C for 12-15 minutes or until the meat is no longer pink.

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Pancakes “Nelu Bellu” with cheese Chef Trajan Kostinas dish INGREDIENTS

For cottage cheese pancakes: 8 eggs 800 ml. of milk 1 kg. of flour 20 g. of salt 300 g. of butter For the pancakes stuffing: 1 kg. of cheese 6 eggs 200 g. of sugar 300 g. of pineapple 100 g. of lemon peel 10 g of salt 200 g. of raisins 200 g. of honey 100 g. of butter

Pancake mixture consists of flour, eggs, salt and milk. Mix them well until you get a homogeneous mixture like cream. Take the mixture and pour it into a pan with hot oil while moving the bucket so that the mixture fills the pan. Pancakes should be golden brown on both sides.

«Gogoshi» (donuts)

Baked apples



Prepare the stuffing: mix cheese, eggs, sugar, vanilla, pineapple, lemon zest, salt and raisins to the homogeneous mass. Fill the pancakes, with the mixture then roll them in the form of an envelope and place in a pan, which should be greased with butter.

1 kg. of wheat flour 0.6 l. of sunflower oil 2 pcs. home eggs 100 g. of sugar 100 g. of lemons 100 g. of icing sugar Vanilla sugar Salt Yeast 100 g. of butter 0.2 l. of milk Yield: 10 portions

Separately, you need to cook the sauce of cream, eggs, vanilla sugar. Sprinkle pancakes with this sauce. Then put it all in the oven and leave the cakes there until they turn brown. It is better to serve pancakes when they are hot.

Mix yeast, milk and sugar to prepare the leaven. In flour, add eggs, sugar, butter, lemon zest, and milk. Knead the dough, put in a warm place. Roll the dough. Cut out circles from the dough. Cover the dough circles and put in the warm place. Fry the donuts on both sides. Sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar.

For sauce: 1 kg. of sour cream 10 eggs 300 g. of sugar 50 g. of vanilla sugar Yield: 10 portions

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20 apple of medium size 300 g. of sugar 100 g. of butter 5 g. of cinnamon 2 g. of vanilla 100 g. of raisins 50 ml. of rum Yield: 10 portions

Wash and dry apples. Remove the middle of the apples. In each apple put: a little butter, sugar, cinnamon and raisins. Place the apples in the base and bake in the oven at medium heat. After apples will be cooked, pour rum and leave them even for a few minutes in the oven. Then remove the apples from the oven, place on a plate and pour them with the marinade.


Romanian traditional sweet bread – Cozonac INGREDIENTS

1 kg flour 200 gr sugar 125 gr butter+oil 3 yolks 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon salt 400‐500 ml milk 25 g fresh yeast a little grated lemon peel 50 gr raisins

1. Before you start, all the ingredients must have the same temperature and all the windows must closed, the room (kitchen must be warm) because the cold air could damage the dough 2. Prepare the dough starter: mix the yeast with 2 teaspoons sugar add 100 gr flour and 100 ml milk and cover with a cloth, leaving it until it rises 3. Mix the rest of milk (warm) with the rest of the sugar (to dissolve it) 4. Mix all yolks with the salt 5. Take a larger bowl and place the flour, the warm milk (with sugar), the egg white, the yolks (with salt) and dough starter (after it rises). And knead, adding the melted butter combined with oil, a little

Plum Dumplings – Găluște cu prune

at a time, until the dough starts to easily come off your palms. Butter, oil and the dough must be kneaded until air bubbles can be seen in it. 6. Add the raisins (after we keep it in chum or in warm milk) and knead again. Cover with a cloth. Leave in a warm place to double in bulk. (If during kneading the dough seems too hard, you may add a little milk. If, on the contrary, the dough seems too soft, you may add a little flour.) 7. When the dough has risen well, divide it in two parts. The first part divide it again in two, roll a sheet of dough about one finger thick and roll it. Make the same with the second. After that fold the two rolls together into a rope (braid the two pieces together) 8. The baking pan (it is similar with the plum cake baking pan) the baking pan should be previously greased with butter or covered with baking paper. Fill only 1/3 or 1/2 of the pan with dough. Cover and leave in a warm spot until it almost fill the whole pan. 9. Before you put it in the oven wash the surface with egg or only yolk or put sugar. 10. First bake at high temperature until the dough rises, then decrease the temperature at medium. On the average, it should be baked for 1 hour or less (depend of the dough quantity). S a t u


1 lb/500 g potatoes 2 eggs 2 – 3 tablespoons flour Salt 1 lb/500 g plums 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons bread crumbs ½ cup confectioner’s sugar

1. Boil well washed potatoes in their jacket. 2. When done, peel them and crush with the potato press or grind them. 3. Place the potato paste in a bowl and mix with the eggs, flour, one teaspoon of sugar and a little salt. 4. Make a three finger thick roll from this paste. 5. Cut one finger thick pieces from it. 6. Flatten these pieces with your hand and place one pitless plum onto each of them. 7. Then roll into a ball with your floured hand. 8. When all the dumplings are made, boil in salt water. 9. When they rise to the surface, they are done. 10. Remove with the slotted spoon and roll in breadcrumbs previously fried in butter, so that each dumpling is completely covered in breadcrumbs. 11. Place on a serving plate and powder with vanilla confectioner’s sugar. 12. Serve warm.

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Green Walnut Preserves – Dulceață de nuci verzi INGREDIENTS

2 lbs/1 kg sugar 3 cups water 22 oz/650 g peeled green walnuts ½ cup honey ½ vanilla Stick juice from ½ lemon

1. Remove the green peel from the walnuts and as you peel, place in a bowl with cold water lest they darken. 2. Then place the walnuts in a pot with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. 3. Drain and place in a pot with cold water, also for 15 minutes. 4. Repeat this procedure (hot water to cold water) three times. 5. In the meantime, make the syrup, remove foam, add honey and vanilla. 6. When the syrup starts to thicken, add the walnuts and lemon juice, letting simmer until the preserves are done. 7. Remove from heat, cover with a wet cloth and place in jars when cold.


Caramelized Sugar Cream – Cremă de zahăr ars INGREDIENTS

Eggs 6 tablespoons sugar 3 cups milk 3 tablespoons of sugar for caramelizing vanilla (stick) salt

1. Boil the milk with vanilla at slow heat. 2. After the first boil, cover and keep aside. 3. Beat the eggs with the sugar and the latter dissolves.

9. Cover and set this pan into a larger pan filled with boiling water. 10. The boiling water must be ¾ of the height of the pan with the cream. 11. Keep on medium heat for 25 – 30 minutes. 12. The cream is ready when it comes off the pan walls quite easily. 13. Remove from the water and keep in a cool place. 14. After it has cooled completely, refrigerate. 15. Before serving, take a large round plate and cover the pan with it. 16. Then turn the pan upside down.

4. Heat the milk again, add a little salt and pour, a little at a time, into the egg and sugar mixture, constantly stirring, until it is almost cool. 5. Take a 3 qt. pan and put 3 tablespoons of sugar in it. 6. Heat until the sugar melts and becomes yellowish. 7. Remove from heat and tilt the pan in such a way, that the melted sugar spreads all over the interior walls of the pan. 8. Stir the cream a little and then pour into the pan. S a t u

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Christmas Eve’s Fungi Soup

Lamb Meatloaf for Easter – Drob de miel



5-7 decagrammes of dried fungi (preferably boletus) 2 carrots 1 parsnip Half of onion

Add 2 litres of water to dried fungi and boil softly in the pot covered with a lid. When the fungi are softened add vegetables e.g. 2 carrots,1 parsnip, half of onion, 10 seeds of black pepper but do not add white cabbage. After vegetables are added cook the soup up to 25-30minutes. Then pour the soup through the strainer or sieve, add some salt and a bit of lemon juice. Slice the cooked fungi and add to the sieved soup. Serve with cooked square pasta and sour cream.

Taste it; add salt and pepper as needed. Beat the eggs with a fork, add them to the mixture and blend them in. It should look like a thick paste. If still crumbly, add 2‐3 spoonful of sour cream or another egg. If you do not have the caul fat, grease the pan and coat with breadcrumbs.

The organs from one lamb (spleen, liver, kidneys and heart) 5‐7 spring onions garlic chives 3‐4 eggs 1 cup Italian parsley 1 cup dill the caul fat from one lamb or bread crumbs salt and pepper 2‐3 eggs, boiled hard (optional)

4. Preheat the oven 350°F. Rinse the caul fat very well in cold water. If you think it has too much fat, remove some with a knife of with your hand. Lay it on the bottom and sides of the tray in one layer, leaving the edges hang outside the tray. Add the meat and cover with the rest of the caul fat. Bake for 50 minutes until it has a nice color. Let it cool down, and then take it out of the tray. Keep refrigerated in plastic wrap.

1. Wash the organs well in cold water, cut them in 1.5-inch cubes, remove any gristles, blood clots etc. Put the pieces in 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar to remove any possible smell. 2. Put the dices organs in cold water and boil them for 20‐30 minutes. Remove the foam several times while they boil. Throw out the water. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool (until you can handle them). 3. Ground the boiled organs together with all the other ingredients (except the eggs).

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Sandwich on hominy Dish from Zuzhana Mehesh INGREDIENTS

250 gr. of sheep’s cheese Smoked sausage, about 200 g. 6 tomatoes A tsp. of mustard Spoon of sour cream 1 red onion, sliced or grated 1 bunch of fresh parsley leaves Yield: 6 portions

The meal is prepared on a solid corn porridge (polenta or hominy).

Dill potato salad INGREDIENTS

6 red potatoes 1/2 small onion 1 tbls. minced fresh Dill (do not substitute dry) 3 tbl. oil, corn or olive is fine 1 and 1/2 tbl. of good white vinegar (I use Marukan Rice Wine, Orange label) 1 tsp. sugar Salt

Cook potatoes in pot of salted water till tender. Cool enough to handle and peel. Slice potatoes as for salad. Put potatoes into a bowl. Add diced onion. Add minced fresh Dill. Pour oil and vinegar over ingredients in bowl. sprinkle 1 tsp. sugar over all and toss to mix. Taste and adjust seasoning. More salt or more sugar if needed. Serve at room temperature.

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Bean goulash with bacon, peppers and onions cooked on grill Recipe from Chefs Gaborne Stojka and Josef Kishka

Lanhallo - pastries with sausage and cheese

Recipe from Chefs Gaborne Stojka and Josef Kishka, Szatmar-Bereg, Hungary

Satmar soup with ravioli and homemade noodles (without meat)



Recipe from Chef Laslo Fjulep

700 g. of pork 700 g. of smoked pork 100 g. of smoked bacon / lard 1 kg. of beans 250 g. of tomatoes 250 g. of pepper 1 large carrot 1 parsnip root Half celery with leaves 1 kohlrabi 3-4 medium onions 7 cloves of garlic 1 tsp. of salt Black pepper Red pepper 0.5 kg. of cream 1 kg. of bread. Yield: 10 portions

Soak the beans overnight. Cut bacon and melt it. Chop the onion and cut vegetables. Cut the meat into small pieces. Add the onion to the melted lard and fry for a few minutes. Add meat and cook for another few minutes. Add pepper and black pepper, beans and enough water so that it covered the beans for 5 inches taller. Add chopped vegetables and cook until they become ready.

5 kg. of flour 250 g. of yeast Salt Pinch of sugar 0.5 l. of milk, 1.25 kg. of bacon 1 kg. of sausages 10 red bulbs of medium size 1.5 kg. of grated cheddar cheese, 1 garlic 1.5 l. of cream, 3 bunches of dill.


2 eggs 170 g. of flour 5 tsp. of lard 3-4 onions 5 carrots 1-2 parsley roots 850 kg. of potatoes 1 celery Black pepper Salt Yield: 10 portions

Yield: 10 portions

Stuffing: Heat the lard and stew it in the chopped onion, sprinkle with paprika.

Make the dough as for white bread using yeast, milk, sugar and flour. Roll the dough on the baking sheet about 1 cm thick. Mix sour cream with garlic and dill. Pour this mix on the dough, put the sliced sausage and shredded cheese on the top of the dough. Bake the dish in the oven for about 30 minutes at 220 degrees. Serve the dish when it is hot.

Pasta: mix the flour with eggs and water, knead a dough and form into a ball. Roll the ball using rocking, but made it very thin. Sprinkle the dough with the onions. Cut pasta into strips and make a paste “ context”. Soup: Bring water to a boil, put the peeled vegetables and spices, let it boiled for a while, carefully add pasta “ nodules “ and cook for another few minutes. Add parsley leaves and serve hot.

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Meatballs with goose liver made on the grilled apple Recipe from Chef Laslo Fjulep INGREDIENTS

300 g. of minced pork 30 small white buns 30 ml. of milk 100 g. of onions 600 g. of goose liver 100 g. of bacon 10 thin slices of bacon 85 g. of goose fat 4 apples 4 eggs 10 ml. of oil Garlic Salt Black pepper Yield: 10 portions

Remove the seeds from the apples and cut into slices. Put the loaf in the milk, add the minced meat, cooked chopped onions, chopped liver and chopped garlic. Add eggs, parsley, salt and pepper and then mix everything until it become as one mass. Make balls out of this mass and roll them. Wrapped the loafs by the slices of bacon. Put in the hot goose fat and fry a few minutes. Fry the apple rings in the same pan. Place the meatballs on the apple ring.


Hungarian bean soup INGREDIENTS

½ cup lard or oil 5 cloves garlic, minced 1 medium carrot, minced 1 medium yellow onion, minced 1 small parsnip, minced 1 stalk celery, minced 1 lb. dried pinto beans, soaked overnight and drained 2 bay leaves 1 large smoked ham hock ¼ cup flour 1½ tsp. Hungarian sweet paprika, plus more for garnish Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste ½ cup sour cream

Prunes stuffed with roasted walnuts and filled with prunes, baked and laced with honey

smooth; cook 2 minutes. Whisk in paprika, salt, and pepper; cook 1 minute. Whisk in sour cream. Stir mixture into soup and cook until slightly thickened, 4–6 minutes more. Ladle soup into serving bowls; garnish with more paprika, if you like.

Recipe from Chef Laslo Fjulep INGREDIENTS

50 of fried nuts 50-60 of dried plums (prunes) 830-850 g. of honey 3 pcs. of bay leaves 1 lemon Cinnamon 3 pcs. of carnation

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Cut the plums. Stuff the plums with walnuts. Mix honey in a small bowl, add there cinnamon, lemon, cloves, bay leaf. Pour the plums with this mixture. Bake your dish for 25-30 minutes, until the plums become soft.

Melt half the lard or heat half the oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add garlic, carrot, onion, parsnip, and celery; cook, stirring occasionally, until golden, 7–9 minutes. Add beans, bay leaves, ham hock, and 12 cups water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium; cook, partially covered, until beans are very tender, about 2 hours. Transfer ham hock to a cutting board and let cool, then discard skin and bone. Shred meat and stir into soup. Heat remaining lard or oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in flour until

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Angel wings

Recipe from Chef Laslo Fjulep INGREDIENTS

3 egg yolks 1 tbs. sour cream 1 tbs. granulated sugar 1 tbs. palinka Pinch of salt About 1 1/2 cups sifted all purpose flour

Place in the center of a bread board one cup of flour. Make a dent or well in the center. Add the whole yolks, sour cream, sugar, palinka and salt. With a fork mix until the liquids are well combined. Gradually work into the flour. The dough should be of the consistency of a noodle dough. Knead for a few minutes to make the dough smooth. Split the dough into 2 portions. On a lightly floured board roll out each section until paper thin. If you have a pie crimping wheel, use it to cut the dough into squares or a rectangle. With a paring knife make three or four gashes evenly spaced. Fry in a deep oil or lard until golden brown. Drain on paper towel. Sprinkle with sifted confectioners sugar.


Calfs liver

Catfish paprika

Chicken Paprikash




800g catfish fillets 2 onions 2 green peppers 2 tomatoes 400ml sour cream 20g butter 1 tablespoon plain flour 100ml oil Salt 10 g ground Hungarian paprika

¼ cup lard or canola oil 1 (3–4-lb.) chicken, cut into 8 pieces Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 large yellow onion, minced 3 tbsp. Hungarian sweet paprika, plus more for garnish 2 cups chicken stock 2 plum tomatoes, cored, seeded, and cut into 1” pieces 1 Italian frying pepper, stemmed, seeded, and cut into 1” pieces ½ cup sour cream, for serving

Calfs liver Sliced white or yellow onion (One for every two people eating) Imported Sweet Paprika Salt and Pepper Flour Butter Good vinegar red or white

Depending on how much liver you are making, slice liver into finger sized strips. Season liver with very liberal sprinkling of paprika. Season with salt and pepper. Dredge strips in flour. Let rest while you thinly slice onions. Melt butter in frying pan and sauté onions. When onions are almost cooked, toss in the liver strips and sauté along with the onions. The liver will only take a few minutes to cook. When they are done, sprinkle about 1/2 tsp. paprika over the onions and mix in a good tbls. vinegar to make a thick onion gravy. Serve when ready.

Chop the fish fillets on cubes, season with salt and fry them in hot oil, then put aside. Slice the onion and paprika in fine pieces and chop the tomato in small cubes.

Melt lard or heat oil in a 6-qt. saucepan over medium-high heat. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Working in batches, cook, flipping once, until browned, 8–10 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate; set aside. Add onion to pan; cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 8 minutes. Add paprika; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Return chicken and its juices to the pan. Add stock, tomatoes, and Italian frying pepper; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, partially covered, until chicken is fully cooked, about 30 minutes. Transfer chicken and sauce to a serving platter; spoon sour cream over top and garnish with more paprika.

Brown the finely chopped onions in the same oil as you used for the fish. Then sprinkle with ground paprika and add the chopped green peppers and tomato. Add the fish fillets and cover, and then simmer for 10 minutes. While the Catfish paprika is boiling, mix sour cream and flour. After 10 minutes reduce with this mixture and add the butter in tiny bits. Cook everything together for couple of minutes and it is ready!

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Ground Cornmeal Porridge INGREDIENTS

18oz. corn meal Salt (to taste) Yield 4-5 portions

1. Boil 1.5-2 liters of water and add the salt. 2. When water is boiling, add 500g of corn flour to the surface of the water without pushing it down into the water or mixing it in. 3. The flour gathers into a large clump in the middle of the pot and cooks there. 4. After a few minutes of cooking it, poke a wooden mixing spoon into the middle of the clump so that the interior cooks as well. 5. Finally, mix the clump of corn flour into the water remaining in the pot. This is referred to as “breaking” the puliszka. 6. Pour the thick porridge onto a wooden board or plate.


Creamy chicken soup A fragrant creamy chicken soup with tarragon and fresh vegetables. It’s light yet rich with an earthy depth just when the subtle tang of the lemon and mustard surprises you. The somewhat poetic description is fitting; this sophisticated little dish will not hang around for long, guaranteed!


400 g chicken breast 1 large carrot 1 medium parsley root 70g celeriac 200g peas 50g butter 1 medium onion 2 large pinches of tarragon Salt & pepper 1500 ml chicken stock 150 ml sour cream Juice of half a lemon 45 g flour 1 tablespoon mustard cream Splash/3 tablespoon single cream

Cottage cheese dumplings

3. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil, add the diced carrots, celeriac, salt, pepper and tarragon, finally the peas too, cook on medium heat until tender, about 20 minutes.


500 gram quark cheese 1 egg 9 tbs. grits or semolina 1 pinch of salt 1 cup of breadcrumbs 1/4 cup of sunflower or similar oil for toasting the breadcrumbs Icing sugar

4. Mix the flour with the sour cream. Pour some of the hot liquid from the soup into the sour cream blend while stirring continuously. This is caled tempering to help you getting a smooth result, no lumpy-bumpies! Pour tempered sour cream mixture into hot soup whisking constantly until it comes to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 3 minutes or until slightly thickened.

1. Mix well the main ingredients. 2. Let the mixture rest for at least 30 minutes to allow the grit/semolina to swell slightly.

5. Add juice of half a lemon and a bit of mustard, cook for a further 2-3 minutes, adjust seasoning if needed.

3. Meanwhile toast a cup of breadcrumbs in a good splash of neutral tasting oil like sunflower or vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of icing or sugar.

6. Serve hot with crusty bread or toast. Lovely!

4. Form dumplings from the mixture with wet hands so its not sticking that much, the dumplings should be soft but hold their shape and approximately 4cm in diameters, a bit smaller than a golf ball.

Yield 4 portions

1. Chop the onion, carrot, parsley root and celeriac.

5. Bring a big pan of salted water to boiling. With a spoon carefully lower the dumplings into the water, cook a few at a time at gentle simmer point for about 10 minutes, the dumplings should rise to the sur-

2. Fry the chopped onion in the butter, when it looks cooked and translucent add the diced chicken breast and stir around until slightly sealed.

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face. They might need a little nudge after a while, to make sure they are not sticking to the bottom of your pan. 6. Once out of the water and strained, roll the dumplings in the toasted breadcrumbs, so they are covered evenly. 7. Serve immediately with slightly warmed up sour cream – in which you may want to mix with a spoonful of milk or water if too dense – sprinkle with icing sugar.


Curd cheese spread INGREDIENTS

250g curd cheese (made from cow or sheep milk) 2 tablespoons of sour cream Half of a medium red onion very finely chopped 1 teaspoon of Hungarian paprika powder 1 teaspoon of salt approximately (depends on taste and if the cheese salted already) Half a teaspoon of caraway seeds

1. Chop the red onion finely, mix the ingredients together and stir well. 2. Refrigerate for at least an hour in the fridge 3. Serve with crusty rye bread, spring onions, tomatoes, green peppers Tip: As an alternative a quick low fat snack version can be made from cottage cheese, still delicious.

Pasta with plum filling

pieces using a fluted pastry wheel or sharp knife. Brush the edge of the pasta lightly with egg wash and put 1 tsp of filling in the middle. Fold dough over. Press out air and pinch edges securely with fork.


4 cups (440 grams) all-purpose flour, plus extra for kneading 4 large eggs 1/4 tsp (5 grams) salt 3/4-1 1/4 cups (200-300 ml) cold water 1 cup (330 grams) plum jelly or plump 1 cup (125) breadcrumbs Egg wash Cinnamon and confectioner’s sugar

Boil the pasta in a pot of heavily salted water for 2 to 4 minutes. Remove pasta and coat in breadcrumbs. Sprinkle with cinnamon and confectioner’s sugar.


4 duck legs Salt, pepper 4 small apples peeled, cored and sliced into chunks 100ml water Yield 4 portions

1. Wash the duck legs and pat-dry with a towel 2. Score lines onto the fatty part of the skin with a sharp knife carefully not to cut into the flesh 3. Rub salt and pepper into the legs

Add the flour into a bowl, and make a well in the center. Add eggs and salt to well. Gradually add 3/4 – 1 1/4 cups (200 – 300 ml) of cold water.

4. Place the meat with the apples in a higher walled roasting tray, add 100ml of water, cover with tin foil and cook till tender for about 1.5 – 2 hours on 160ºC

Using a fork, beat the eggs, water, and salt. Starting from the inside edge and working around the well, gradually add the flour into the egg mixture. Discard any leftover bits of dough.

5. Take off the tin foil, raise the temperature to 200C and cook till the skin looks nicely roasted, baste with the cooking liquid/fat from the dish. Serve with braised red cabbage and caramelized onion potatoes.

On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough for 10 minutes or until it is smooth and elastic. Allow the dough to rest for 1 hour. Using a pasta machine, roll out the pasta into long and thin sheets. Cut into individual S z a b o l c s - S z a t m á r - B e r e g H u n g a r y 53

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Gnocchi with poppy seeds INGREDIENTS

7 medium size potatoes (about 550 grams), peeled and diced 200-220 grams all-purpose flour 2 pinches of salt 2 tablespoons sunflower oil 100 grams grated poppy seed 40 grams powder sugar

and gently simmer until they float on the top. Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a colander. Drain for a minute or two and transfer to a large serving bowl.

Finish with the remaining noodle. Sprinkle the noodle with the sugary poppy seed. Gently shake the bowl to coat the noodle everywhere. Serve immediately.

Place the diced potatoes in a large pot, add one pinch of salt and cover with water. Cook the potatoes over medium-high heat for about 15 minutes until tender. Drain the potatoes, let them cool a bit, then mash them well with no chunks left.

Apple soup

Cottage Cheese Scones



2 potatoes 3 medium carrots 2 celery sticks 1 green pepper, seeded 2 tomatoes 3 tbsp. butter 10 cups (2 1/2 liters) vegetable stock 6 green apples (Granny Smith), peeled and finely chopped 1 tbsp. granulated sugar 2-3 tbsp. lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste

1 cup (250 grams) dry curd cottage cheese 1 cup (250 grams) cold butter, cubed 2 cups (250 grams) all-purpose flour, plus extra for dusting 2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 egg, for glaze

Dice the potatoes, carrots, celery, green pepper and tomatoes in a large stock pot, add the butter and sauté for 5-6 minutes until just softened.

Add flour, sunflower oil and mix thoroughly. Knead the dough until smooth, adding more flour if needed. The dough should be light and pliable but not sticky. Working with small portions at a time, roll the dough into “ropes” on a lightly floured surface. Cut the “ropes” into 3-4 cm long pieces.

Add vegetable stock and bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, peel, core and dice the apples, then add to the pot and simmer for a further 15 minutes.

Meanwhile mix the grated poppy seed and the powder sugar in a small bowl and set aside. Boil a large pan of water. Add a pinch of salt and the noodle to the boiling water in batches (important: not to over-crowd them)

Add the sugar and lemon juice before seasoning to taste.

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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a bowl, combine flour, butter and salt. Using your fingers, rub the butter into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add baking soda and crumble cottage cheese and work it into the dough (it will be a bit sticky). Lay the dough on a surface and knead for 5 minutes. If necessary, add more flour (but not too much). With a floured rolling pin carefully roll the dough out into a 0,5 cm (0,2 inch) thick circle. With a sharp knife, cut straight parallel stripes on top of the dough in one direction and then make the same type of stripes perpendicular to the original stripes.Cut round shapes from the striped dough with a cookie cutter (a small cutter is better to get bite-sized scones). In a small bowl, beat the egg. Place scones on the baking sheet and brush the tops with the beaten egg. Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Transfer scones to rack and cool slightly. Serve immediately.


Hungarian Goulash INGREDIENTS

1 tbsp. vegetable oil 2 lb. beef chunks, cut into 3/4-inch pieces 2 onions, chopped 3 carrots, chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 1 sweet red pepper, seeded and chopped 1 green pepper, seeded and chopped 5 garlic cloves, crushed 4 tbsp. sweet paprika 2 tbsp. caraway seeds, lightly crushed 1/4 cup tomato paste 10 cups beef broth 2 bay leafs 3 potatoes, peeled and chopped into small cubes Salt and pepper to taste

Hungarian Plum Dumplings (Szilvas gomboc)

Add beef to pot. Stir paprika, caraway seeds, salt and pepper into meat, coating evenly. Stir in tomato paste. Add broth; cover and bring to boil over high heat. Add the bay leaves. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Add potatoes and return to a simmer. Cook for an additional 30 minutes or until everything is tender. Serve with hearty wheat or rye bread.


1 1/2 - 2 dozen Italian prune plums (this will vary with the size of the plums) 4 or 5 medium sized potatoes, peeled and quartered 1 egg, beaten 4 cups of flour, sifted 1 teaspoon salt Bread crumbs Butter (I use Earth Balance) Sugar cubes or 1/2 tsp. granulated sugar for each plum Cinnamon, or rum or orange liquor (optional) Yield 18 dumplings

1. Cook the potatoes in salted water until soft. Drain them well and allow them to give off a lot of steam. Mash potatoes while they are still warm and add the flour and salt. Make a well and add the egg. Mix or knead the dough gently until everything is blended.

In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add beef and season with salt and pepper. Cook until lightly browned. Remove to plate. Set aside. Using a large stock pot, add onions, carrots, celery, red pepper and garlic into pot. Cook until vegetables are soft and translucent, about 5 minutes.

2. Wash the plums and pit them, cutting on only one side to the pit so that they create something like an open clamshell. Form a circle of dough about 4 inches in diameS z a b o l c s - S z a t m á r - B e r e g H u n g a r y 55

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ter, or enough to cover your size of plum. Place a sugar cube (or the spoon of sugar and some cinnamon or liquor, if desired) into the center of a plum and fold the dough around the plum to form dumpling. Make sure to pinch the edges tight to seal. You may think that the dough is sticky enough that it doesn’t need to be pinched but those will be the leaky ones. Roll the sealed ball gently in your palms to form a nice sphere. 3. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Salt the water and cook a few dumplings at a time for about 10 minutes. Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and drain well but before the surface of the dumplings dries off roll them in breadcrumbs. 4. Melt some butter (more is better) in a large skillet over medium heat. Place the dumplings in the skillet and turn them carefully until breadcrumbs are brown all over. 5. Serve warm, sprinkled with leftover crumbs from skillet.


Hungarian Fish Soup

“In Hungary the fish soup (halászlé) is one of the most popular Christmas dishes. Fish soup (Hungarian: halászlé is hot soup prepared with mixed river fish, characteristic for cuisines of the Pannonian Plain and the Balkans, especially the wider region around the River Danube. The meal originates from Slavic cuisine. Traditionally, fish soup is prepared in small kettles on open fire by fishermen themselves


A big carp (1, 5 kilo) Some different types of small fishes (500 gram freshwater fish) 2 liter water, 1 big peeled tomato 2 large chopped onion 2 tbsp. Hungarian paprika powder Salt to taste 1 green pepper 1 dl red wine

Green bean soup

3. Cook the chopped onion in water and until soft, sieve and put it into the fish stock.


4. Place the salted carp slices into the fish stock. Add slices of green pepper and the peeled sliced tomato, some salt if necessary and bring it to the boil. If you find it necessary, add some water.

220g green beans, trimmed top and tail 1 medium sized carrot, sliced 1 medium sized potato, diced 1 medium sized onion, finely chopped 1 large clove of garlic crushed 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil 2 teaspoons of flour 150ml sour cream 2 dried bay leaves 3 tablespoons of fresh dill finely chopped to serve 1 teaspoon of Hungarian paprika powder 1 teaspoon of salt Freshly milled black pepper to taste

5. Add the Hungarian red paprika powder, the wine and cook until the carp is tender. 6. Serve by carefully removing the fish fillets with a skimmer and placing them in the plates, then use a ladle to scoop some soup until its covered.”

Yield 6 portions

1. Preparation: clean the fish and remove its teeth, tail, fins and scales with a sharp knife. Cut out the eyes from the head. Wash the cleaned fish with cold water. Open up the carp at its belly and remove the chitterlings. Slice it up for 2 cm thick slices and salt the fish fillets.

1. Gently cook the chopped onion and crushed garlic clove in the oil, 2. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of flour, stir for a few seconds till the flour starts to brown ever so lightly. 3. Add the paprika powder, combine, then pour in a liter of water.

2. Make a fish stock. Cook the head of carp an the small fishes in water until tender, strain and pour it through a sieve.

4. Drop in the rest of the ingredients, green beans, potato, carrot, bay leaves. S z a b o l c s - S z a t m á r - B e r e g H u n g a r y 56

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5. Cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes till all of the vegetables are tender. 6. Mix the sour cream with the other teaspoon of flour, then gradually add some of the hot liquid from the soup constantly stirring till it can be easily poured. 7. Now gradually add it to the soup while stirring. Let it simmer for a minute or two, the soup should slightly thicken. 8. Add the finely chopped dill just before serving.


Green beans with dill

Hangover soup



2 packages of green beans 2 tbsp. Lard or butter 2 tbsp. flour 1/2 cup of sliced onion 1/4 cup of good vinegar 2 tsp. sugar 1 tdsp. chopped fresh dill

1. Cook beans in salted water till tender, not soft. 2. Melt lard or butter, add onions and sauté till limp, add chopped dill. 3. Then add flour making a roux. 4. Add 1 cup of water, sugar and vinegar and stir while the sauce gets thick. 5. Add drained beans, and mix, if too thick add a little more water.

until it starts to develop a slight color. Remove from the heat then add the paprika powder and the crushed garlic clove (these would burn easily on the heat), combine then pour in the 50 ml cold water. The water has to be cold to achieve a lump-free consistency.

300 g sauerkraut 2 liter of water 3 bay leaves dried 150 g smoked bacon diced 150 g smoked chorizo style sausage cut into thin slices Juice of 1 lemon Salt Sour cream

5. Add the rou to the still simmering sauerkraut soup. 6. Finish by adding the juice of 1 lemon. 7. Serve hot with sour cream.

For the rou 1 clove of garlic 0.5 medium onion finely chopped 20 ml sunflower oil 2 tablespoons of white flour 50 ml cold water 1 tablespoon of Hungarian paprika powder

Jellied pigs feet INGREDIENTS

2 1/2 or 3 lbs. of small or medium sized pigs feet, scrubbed clean and split 2 medium sized onions, peeled 2 large carrots, sliced 3 cloves of peeled whole garlic 2 tsp. of good Hungarian paprika 2 tsp. of salt 1 Tbs. of mixed spice

1. Put pigs feet into 2 quarts of water and bring to a boil. Throw away water. Wash off feet in cold water. Add another 2 quarts of cold water and the onions, carrots, garlic, paprika, salt and mixed spice. NOTE: If you like a very firm jelly or aspic, add some veal bones when you cook the feet.

1. Drain and wash the sauerkraut, place in a pot and cover with the 2 liter of water.

2. Cook for about 3 hours or until feet become tender. Keep skimming the water to keep the broth clear.

2. Add diced bacon, sliced sausage, bay leaves and salt.

3. Put feet into a serving dish that will fit into the refrigerator. Strain the broth and then pour over the feet, and chill. Sprinkle with some paprika. Serve with a good hearty bread, pickled peppers, good German beer, and a small decanter of good vinegar to sprinkle on feet if desired.

3. Cook on moderate heat till the sauerkraut is tender about 30 minutes. 4. Alongside in another pan prepare a rou that will flavor and thicken the soup. For this sauté the chopped onion slightly on the oil, sprinkle on the flour and cook S z a b o l c s - S z a t m á r - B e r e g H u n g a r y 57

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Lamb ragout soup INGREDIENTS

400 gram of lamb neck fillet, or other stewing parts, like shoulder 1 medium onion 1 clove of garlic 2 medium carrots 2 medium parsnip 1 medium potato diced 1/2 cup of peas fresh or frozen 3-4 few spring of fresh tarragon, leaves removed from stem and chopped – or 1 level spoonful of dried tarragon 150ml of soured cream 100ml of fresh cream 2 l of water 2 dried bay leaves Salt, pepper


4. When the meat is almost ready add the chopped vegetables and peas.


5. Mix the sour cream with the flour mix till smooth, ladle in a bit of hot liquid from the soup and stir repeat till it gets to an easy to pour consistency and add to the soup. Stir vigorously till the soup is slightly thickened by the flour, our in the plain cream and add the tarragon, bring to boil point then remove from heat

Langos: 500 g white flower 250 g potato peeled, cooked and finely mashed 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar 200 ml milk 15 g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon of salt sunflower oil for frying garlic wash, sour cream, grated cheese for serving

6. Serve with crusty bread and a squirt of fresh lemon juice

Garlic wash: 3-4 garlic cloves crushed 100 ml water 3 tablespoons of olive oil Yield: 20 portions

2. Add the finely copped onion and clove of garlic, sauté till the onion begins to turn translucent

1. Sprinkle the sugar into lukewarm milk, stir then crumble in the yeast. Let it rest for 5-10 minutes till the yeast starts to work in the sugary milk. Important that the milk is not too warm, it could ruin the yeast.

3. Cover with water, season with salt and pepper drop in bay leaves and cook on a low heat till the meat is tender. I used neck fillet which took 2.5 hours of slow cooking.

2. Combine the flour, salt, finely mashed potato, yeast in a bowl and knead it thoroughly till well combined springy, takes about 10 minutes.

1. Quickly seal and brown the lamb meat on a splash of hot oil

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3. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest at a warm (not hot) place for 45 minutes, the dough should rise and double or triple in size. 4. Meanwhile prepare the garlic wash to allow time for its flavors to infuse. Simply combine the crushed garlic, water and little oil in a glass and set aside. 5. Now on a floured board, roll the dough out to a depth of 1cm (0.5 inch). 6. Stamp out round circles using a round 9cm (3.5 inch) cutter, cover with the kitchen towel and let it rest for 10 minutes. 7. In a big frying pan heat the oil, fry the langos pieces, stretch the dough circles by hand as much as possible without tearing and carefully immerse into the hot oil. 8. Fry both sides of the langos on medium heat turning once. 9. Remove from the oil and place it onto a plate lined with paper towels. 10. Time for the fun bit, give the langos a garlic wash, sprinkle with salt, cover with sour cream and top with grated cheese. 11. Eat warm as fresh as possible.


Layered potato INGREDIENTS

600g potatoes 250ml sour cream 5 eggs 100g Hungarian spicy sausage or chorizo style sausage as substitute 50g grated cheese Salt to taste Yield: 4 portions

8. Cover with potatoes and finish it off with a layer of sour cream 9. Sprinkle grated cheese onto the top – optional.


Potato Pancakes



2 Tbs. lard or oil 2 med. onions sliced 1 lb. of yellow sweet banana peppers, seeded and sliced. (Do not use green bell peppers they have no flavor and will turn to pulp.) 3 large, very ripe tomatoes, peeled and diced. (If you cannot get good tomatoes you can use canned tomatoes if you drain them well) 1/2 Tbs. sugar 1/2 Tbs. salt 1 Tbs. paprika

10. Cook for 45minutes on 180C then for a further 15 minutes on 200C to give it good color. Tip: Leave the dish go cold then reheat just before serving. All the flavors will fuse together and cutting slices will be neater.

1. Peel and cook the potatoes in whole 2. Boil the eggs for 15 minutes, under cold water peel. 3. Slice the potatoes, eggs and sausage into disks (as my secret weapon, I used an impressive egg-slicer here, but just as delicious with rustic hand-chopped eggs which I was producing until now)

1. Heat lard, add sliced onion, and cook over very low heat for 5 minutes. 2. Add green pepper slices and cook for an additional 15 min.

4. To assemble the dish, start with a layer of potatoes

3. Add tomatoes, sugar, salt and paprika. Cook for 10 to 15 min. longer.

5. Top the potatoes with a layer of eggs followed by the sausage slices

4. Adjust sugar and salt to taste. 5. If you are going to put sausage into it, reduce salt.

6. Cover evenly with sour cream mixed with a little salt

6. Lesco can be frozen successfully.

7. Add a new layer of potatoes, eggs and spicy sausage then cream

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3 large potatoes 1 T. flour 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 2 eggs 3 T. cracker meal or bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon onion (optional)

Grate the potatoes on a medium grater into a bowl. Add all other ingredients and mix well. Drop by tablespoons into hot shortening in the frying pan; flatten with back of spoon and fry until medium brown on each side. Serve plain, with apple sauce or with sour cream.


Lentil soup

6. Drop in the sliced carrots, parsley root and diced potatoes cook till tender

Pea soup


7. For the last 5 minutes of cooking add the frankfurters, usually these are pre-cooked and only need warming through, but best to check the cooking instruction on the packaging


2 tablespoon of sunflower or vegetable oil 100g smoked lardons/smoked bacon cut to fine cubes 1 medium onion 200g green lentils 1 clove of garlic 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil 1 tablespoon of Hungarian paprika 1 medium carrot 2 medium potatoes diced 1 medium parsley root A small bunch of fresh parsley leaves 2 tablespoon of sour cream 2 frankfurters/person, either sliced or left in whole

8. Sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves and serve with sour cream.

400 g peas (fresh or frozen) Small onion finely chopped 2 medium carrots diced 1/2 kohlraby diced (optional) Large bunch of parsley finely chopped 100 ml of vegetable oil 3500 ml water 2 tablespoons of white flour 1 tablespoon of Hungarian paprika powder 2 eggs for the nokedli pasta 200g flour for the nokedli pasta

1. Gently fry the chopped onion in the oil, when translucent add the flour, stir around till it just starts to develop a light colour.

Yield: 4 portions

1. Start of the diced lardons in a little oil on low heat, till they are melting

2. Pull the pan off the heat, add the Hungarian paprika powder, combine. Paprika easily burns so need to work quickly at this stage. Put the rue mixture onto the heat again, make sure it’s bubbling then gradually pour in the water while stirring vigorously for a smooth lump free consistency.

2. Add the onions, garlic and gently cook for a minute or two till soft and translucent 3. Stir in the paprika then the lentils 4. Pour the water in and cook for 20 minutes or until the lentils are nearly cooked

3. Add the peas, carrots and kohlabry if you have it, cover and cook on medium heat.

5. Add the black pepper and salt to taste

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4. Meanwhile prepare the “nokedli” pasta. Beat the eggs then gradually add the flour and work it into a smooth wet dough consistency. With a nokedli (or the german spaetzle) maker add the noodles into the soup, here is a detailed version how it’s made. Tip: you can tear small pieces from the nokedli dough with an oiled spoon over the simmering soup, or leave the nokedli all together and just sprinkle in a small handful of readymade pasta for soups and cook according to package instructions. 5. Finally add the freshly chopped parsley and serve.


Sauerkrut and pork INGREDIENTS

2 lbs. pork cubed 1 &1/2 lbs. sauerkraut, rinse and drained 2 white onions, chopped 2 tbs. lard or oil (if meat is very lean) 2 tbsp. Hungarian sweet paprika (no generic please) 1 large can of crushed tomato (or fresh tomatoes peeled and crushed) 1 Tbsp. sugar 2 Bay leaves 1 cup of water 1/2 pint of sour cream (no yogurt please) Salt and pepper to taste

Brown the meat and onion (in lard or oil if needed) in a pot with lid. Add the paprika to the meat and onion mix, stir to mix in (do not burn). Put in the drained sauerkraut, crushed tomatoes, bay leaves and sugar. Mix. Cover pot. Cook slowly for about one hour, or until meat is tender. Add the sour cream and stir it in. The aroma will make your mouth water. Serve in soup plates, with good crusty bread, a meal fit for the Kaiser. This serves 4 and freezes well.

Savoy cabbage, layered

4. Meanwhile saute the finely chopped onion and crushed garlic in a little oil till lightly cooked. Smoked streaky bacon accelerates this dish, if using sweat it on a low heat then add the onion and garlic.


2 medium savoy cabbage 500 gram minced meat, traditionally pork – I used turkey here 600ml of sour cream 100g smoked streaky bacon – optional, thumbs up addition 1 large onion, finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon of Hungarian paprika Salt Freshly milled black pepper Level teaspoon of dried marjoram if got it

5. Add the seasoning and spices, salt, pepper, paprika powder, dried marjoram then finally the minced meat. Stir, sizzle, cook for 5 minutes. 6. In a separate pan cover the rice with a cup of water bring to the boil then simmer for 5 minutes, remove from the heat cover and let it rest a few minutes. The rice shouldn’t be cooked completely, that’s OK, good infect. 7. Once moderately cooled add the rice to the minced meat and onion mixture and work in evenly.

1. Remove the cabbage leaves. One of the easy methods is to turn the cabbage upside down and cut the thick root of the leaves one buy one removing them from the stem.

8. Line a medium sized oven dish with half of the cooked cabbage leaves, just like laying out newspaper sheets. 9. Distribute the prepared minced meat and rice mixture on top then cover with the rest of the leaves similar style.

2. A bit more surgery required by taking out the harder middle part from the larger leaves by cutting a narrow V-shape into the middle of the leaf.

10. Pour on half a glass of water on top , cover with a lid or tin foil and cook it in a 200C preheated oven for 20 minutes. There will be another 20 minutes cooking time after the following steps, so read on!

3. Once the leaves prepared, place them in a large pan, cover with water, add a little salt and cook for 10 minutes, strain and set aside when ready.

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11. Remove the tin foil and cover the whole dish with 400ml lightly salted sour cream. 12. Cook now for a further 20 minutes on reduced heat till the dish starts to get some color and brown around the edges slightly. 13. Take out the oven and let it rest for 10-15 minutes before serving. On a side note, the leftovers taste even better the next day warmed up. 14. Serve with lashings of fresh sour cream and freshly milled black pepper.



About 2 cups dried beans (Singer prefers dark beans) 1 large onion, chopped 4 tablespoons goose, duck or chicken fat (schmaltz is recommended, but you can substitute cooking oil if you wish a lighter taste) Meat: Singer’s basic recipe calls for 1 1/2 pounds smoked beef brisket plus poultry legs - 1 or 2 turkey legs, or 2 goose or duck legs. But you can vary this to taste. Just make sure that you use at least 2 types of meat, and that one of them is smoked - in Hungary it is easy to get smoked turkey or goose legs. 6 eggs in their shells, washed (Note: make sure that the eggs are fresh, as one bad egg could ruin the dish. Some people recommend cooking the eggs separately; others leave them out entirely.) 1 cup pearl barley, washed Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon minced fresh garlic, or to taste About 2 teaspoons powdered mild Hungarian paprika (or to taste)

Sour cherry soup

Rinse the beans and soak them overnight. Preheat the oven to 275. While the oven is heating, saute the onions in 2 tablespoons of the fat until they become soft, using a very large flameproof baking dish, casserole or oven-proof pot. Stir about half of the drained beans into the onions. Add the meat, the eggs in their shell (see note above) and the barley. Cover with the remaining half of beans. Add salt, pepper, garlic and paprika, to taste, plus the remaining 2 tablespoons of fat or oil. Cover everything with water.


1 1/2 pounds fresh sour pitted cherries or 1 can sour pitted cherries including juice 4 cups (960 ml) water 1/3 cup (75 ml) red wine 1/4 cup (55 grams) sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 cinnamon stick 1 -2 cloves 1 lemon peel Sour cream for topping

Cover the casserole tightly, place in the oven, and cook for 6 to 7 hours until the beans are very tender. (Check the solet after 4 or 5 hours and, if needed, add hot water.) When the solet is done, turn off the heat, but leave the solet in the cooling oven for another 2 or 3 hours. Adjust the seasonings to taste.

In a large pot, add the water, wine, sugar, salt, cinnamon stick, cloves, lemon peel and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring to dissolve the sugar, for about 1-2 minutes.

To serve, shell the eggs and quarter them. (Some people prefer to leave them whole or slice them.) Slice the brisket and remove the poultry meat from the bones. (Some people prefer to leave the poultry legs intact).

Add the cherries and simmer for 10 minutes or until cherries are soft. Remove the cinnamon stick, cloves, and lemon peel. Remove pot from heat and ladle soup into a large bowl or container. Place into fridge and chill for 1 hour. Stir a few tablespoons of sour cream into each bowl prior to serving.

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Braised and Fried Pork Spareribs INGREDIENTS

2 lb. lard or canola oil, for frying 2 lb. pork spareribs, sliced into individual ribs ½ tbsp. Hungarian sweet paprika ½ tbsp. Hungarian hot paprika ½ tsp. granulated garlic ¼ tsp. freshly grated nutmeg Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 Italian frying pepper, thinly sliced into rings, for serving 1 medium tomato, cut into wedges, for serving

Melt lard or heat enough oil in a 6-qt. saucepan until a depth of 2” is reached. Heat until a deep-fry thermometer reads 200°. Add ribs all at once; cook, stirring occasionally, until ribs are tender, about 1 hour. Using tongs, transfer ribs to a plate. Increase lard temperature to 325°. Working in batches, fry ribs until browned and crisp, 5–7 minutes. Transfer ribs to paper towels to drain. Stir paprika, granulated garlic, nutmeg, salt, and pepper together in a bowl; sprinkle over ribs. Serve ribs with pepper and tomato.


Sweet and sour cabbage soup

Into reserved smoked pork butt and brown sugar cooking liquid, add:


2 onions peeled and chopped 1 small head of cabbage, cored and chopped 4 peeled and seeded ripe tomatoes or 1 28 oz. can of crushed or whole tomatoes 2 cloves of garlic, optional 2 potatoes, peeled and chopped or grated. (gives the soup a silky “feel”) 5 whole pepper corns 2 whole cloves

Nice to add any left over smoked butt. Cover pot and bring to a boil, lower heat and slowly cool until cabbage and potatoes are soft. (About 1 1/2 hours). Adjust seasoning, add salt if needed, add more brown sugar if needed. The soup should have a sweet (from the brown sugar) and sour (from the acid in the tomatoes). If you like, you can add a tablespoon of good white vinegar or the juice of half a lemon to make it more sour. Should be thick and full bodied. Serve with a dollop of Sour Cream, crusty bread, and beer for a hearty meal.

Stuffed cabbage

golden, 5–7 minutes. Add 2 ½ cups stock; bring to a boil. Whisk in cornmeal and the hot paprika, plus salt and pepper; set filling aside.


Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 large head cabbage, cored 3 tbsp. oil 8 oz. smoked ham steak, cut into ¼” pieces 6 cloves garlic, minced 1 large onion, minced 5½ cups chicken stock 1⅓ cups fine yellow cornmeal ½ tbsp. Hungarian hot paprika ½ tbsp. Hungarian sweet paprika, plus more for garnish 1 can tomato paste 1 tsp. roughly chopped parsley, for garnish Sour cream, for serving

3. Working with one cabbage leaf at a time, lay leaf flat on a work surface with what was the stem end facing you. Place ¼ cup filling in the center of leaf. Fold top of leaf over filling. Fold in half crosswise, completely encasing the filling at the top; roll cabbage into a tight cone shape. 4. Place sliced cabbage in the bottom of an 8-qt. saucepan. Arrange stuffed cabbage leaves, overlapping slightly, over top. Sprinkle with sweet paprika, salt, and pepper. Whisk tomato paste and remaining stock in a bowl; pour over cabbage. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low; cook, partially covered, until tender, about 45 minutes. Transfer stuffed cabbage to a serving platter. Strain sauce, discarding sliced cabbage; spoon sauce over the top. Garnish with parsley, sliced pepper, and sour cream; sprinkle with more sweet paprika.

1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add head of cabbage and cook, pulling off each outer leaf with tongs as it becomes tender, 2–4 minutes per leaf. Transfer cabbage leaves to a baking sheet; set aside and continue boiling cabbage until you have 12–15 leaves. Cut and discard thick ribs from leaves. Thinly slice remaining cabbage core; set aside. 2. Heat oil in a 4-qt. saucepan over medium-high heat. Add ham; cook until lightly browned, 3–4 minutes. Add garlic and onion; cook, stirring occasionally, until

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Stuffed peppers INGREDIENTS

8 medium sized green peppers 1/2 lb. ground beef (or 1 lb. beef if you do not want to include pork) 1/2 lb. ground pork 1 raw egg 1 cup washed rice 2 28 oz. cans of crushed tomatoes (or 3 or 4 lbs. fresh peeled tomatoes) 1 large white onion, chopped 2 Tbsp. good Hungarian Paprika (buy imported sweet) 1 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. sugar (do not omit) 1/4 tsp. black pepper corns 2 whole Bay laurel leaves 1 cup water only if needed

Cut off the tops of peppers and reserve. Take out the seeds. In mixing bowl, place the ground meat, raw egg, washed rice, salt and paprika. Mix well with clean hands. Stuff peppers, using all the meat mixture. If you have some left over, make a few balls. Set peppers up-right in cooking pot. Add the tomatoes, sugar, onions and chopped tops of peppers over the peppers, toss in the black pepper corns and the bay leaves. Cover and slowly cook for about 1 1/2 hours. If it looks too thick add a little water.


Yellow split pea soup INGREDIENTS

500 gram yellow split peas 200 gram chorizo sausage sliced 1 medium onion, grated or finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon of salt 3 tablespoon of sunflower oil 1 bay leaf 2 tablespoon of soured cream – optional Freshly ground black pepper Yield: 4 portions

Cabbage noodles

1. Soaked the yellow split peas overnight 2. Saute the finely chopped onions on a splash of oil – about 3 tablespoons


2 tsp. lard 1 large onion peeled and cut in strips 1 small head of cabbage, cut into strips 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. pepper 1 box or bag of large egg noodles, cooked and drained 1 pint of sour cream

3. Add the crushed garlic, stir it around a bit. 4. Add the soaked peas, bay leaf, salt and cover with water, bring to to boil and simmer for about 2 hours. It will be a bit frothy while cooking and towards the end the yellow peas will start to disintegrate, which is what we need. Keep an eye on it occasional stirring and topping up with water if running dry. 5. Start sweating the sliced chorizo on a little oil on a low heat we would want to retain as much of the smoked the melted juices as possible.

Melt the lard in a large pan or pot, large enough to hold the chopped cabbage. Sauté the cabbage and the onion in the lard until glossy and tender. Now add the salt, pepper. Cover and let the cabbage mixture cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. Add cooked drained egg noodles and mix. Serve with bowl of sour cream. add salt to taste.

6. Once it is cooked, set a few spoonful of the peas aside and whizz the rest of the cooked peas in a food processor till smooth. Add the cream now if using. 7. Serve with a few saved whole peas on top and a smoked meat topping – here sautéed chorizo.

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Hungarian sour cherry strudel INGREDIENTS

2- 14 1/2 ounce cans of pitted Sour Cherries in their own natural juice (not cherry pie filling) 2 cups of fine ground breadcrumbs 2 cups of ground almonds, (ground walnuts is good too) 2 cups of cane sugar, divided 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2- portions of 6 layers of phyllo-fillo dough (defrost dough in fridge, the day before) 8 Tbsp. (1 stick unsalted butter melted)

Drain the liquid from the cherries, and add the cherries into a medium size bowl. First, mix the above mentioned bread crumbs, ground almonds, and 1 cup of sugar in a separate bowl. From the mixture, add 1 cup to the cherries, and add an additional 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and carefully stir together...set aside. 1. In a large bowl, blend flour, sour cream, vinegar, salt, egg yolks, baking powder, butter and water. Knead for about 30 minutes. Dough should be light and very

used sheets, as you’re working with them should be covered with wet sheets of paper towel, or damp dish towel.

smooth. Cover and let rest 1 hour. 2. Meanwhile, make the filling. Raisins and ground walnuts can be added, if desired, to the apple filling. Set aside.

Take your firs 6 sheets of the pastry dough, and layer them one at a time.

3. Cover a large table with a cloth and sprinkle it lightly with flour. Place dough in center and roll it to about 1 inch thick. Now flour your hands lightly. Place hands, palms down, under dough and stretch gently in all directions toward the edge of the table. While stretching, ease dough by lifting it gently. Be gentle to prevent tears! When stretched to the thinness of tissue paper, trim off the thick edges (this can be kneaded, rolled and cut into noodles). Spread dough with melted shortening. Let dough rest 10 minutes.

First, take a fine brush, and dip into the melted butter that you have prepared in a small bowl. Don’t over saturate the dough layers, just dab them a little here, and there, sprinkle with about a tablespoon of the mixed bread crumbs, sugar, and ground walnuts combination, not too much just scatter them around. Do this same method, on every sheet, layering them as shown. (some sheets may tear, break, but it’s OK, still use them). When you get to the 6th layer, do the same by drizzling, with butter, and the combo of the crumbs, and almonds, and sugar.

4. Sprinkle entire surface of dough with bread crumbs. Place apple filling all over entire surface of dough. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Use the cloth to roll the strudel away from you. Tuck in the ends. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush entire surface of strudel with melted butter. Bake 30 minutes or until flakes start to separate and strudel is shiny and golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool slightly. Cut into slices and serve slightly warm with ice cream or whipped cream.

Spoon half the portion of the cherries, not quite to the end of the roll...the long end, leaving at least a 2 inch border on each end. Carefully roll up in jelly roll style, tuck the ends in. Lastly, drizzle the last portion of the butter, and crumb mixture. On a parchment lined baking sheet, (actually you have to be layering all this on the parchment lined baking sheet, so you don’t have to transfer the dough).

You have to work with the pastry sheets quickly, because they dry out fast. Any un-

In a preheated 400 degrees F. oven, bake for

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25- 35 minutes, depending how hot your oven is. Remove...DO NOT slice immediately, wait for it to cool a little and for the filling to set, Carefully slice about 2 to 3 inches, with a sharp serrated knife. You can repeat the second portion, or save for another time (use within 2 days) I made 2 portions, one with, and one without powder (icing sugar) on the top. Note: you have to work fast with the Phyllo, and also carefully, because the dough is very delicate. Also, you can use different fillings, and make several different sweet, or savory things with this amazing Fillo! This particular brand is a GREEK brand, and I will be making my favorite SPANAKOPITA...spinach pie, the next time!


Hungarian apple pie

Cherry pie

Carnival Donuts

Grandma’s pastry





500 g flour 2 teaspoons dry yeast 5 tablespoons sugar 250 g butter, chopped 3 egg yolks 1 cup sour cream or 1 cup pure cream

200g flour 200g butter at room temperature 250g caster sugar (150g for the dough, 100g to sprinkle the cherries with) 1 teaspoon of baking powder 2 medium eggs 800g morello cherries 100g breadcrumbs, home made from dried bread Small pinch of salt

1 tsp (8 grams) active dry yeast 2 cups (474 ml) warm milk 1/2 cup (125 grams) granulated sugar 1/2 tsp salt 2 large eggs 1 tsp (5 ml) vanilla extract 1/2 cup (125 grams) unsalted butter, at room temperature 4 1/2 cups (560 grams) all-purpose flour At least 4 cups (1 liter)oil for deep-frying Sugar for garnish Apricot jam

For the filling: 6 -7 apples 100 g walnuts, crushed Caster sugar Cinnamon

Mix butter, egg yolks and sour cream or cream. Add the flour, dry yeast and sugar. until dough is light and does not stick to the sides of the processor. If the dough is too moist, add a bit more flour, if too dry, add a bit of milk. Cover and put in the fridge overnight. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and grease a rectangular baking dish. Cut the dough in two, and roll out to the size of your baking dish and place one part inches. Sprinkle with walnuts. Grate the apples and squeeze all the juice out. Put apples on top of walnuts. Sprinkle with caster sugar and cinnamon. Put the other half of the dough on top. Brush with a beaten egg and prick with a fork in a few places to allow steam to escape. Bake for around 35-40 minutes. Cool in baking dish.

1. Beat the butter and the 150g sugar and a tiny little salt together till white and fluffy, best to use an electric mixer. 2. Add the two eggs and beat till well combined 3. Work in the flour, this should result in a soft dough so knead it with hand 4. Set aside 1/3 of the dough and roll out the remaining 2/3 to line a medium sized baking tray 5. Sprinkle with half of the breadcrumbs 6. Place the pitted cherries next and evenly distribute 7. Sprinkle the cherries with the rest of the sugar, then the breadcrumbs. The breadcrumbs are there to stop the cake getting too soggy. 8. Roll the rest of the dough into pencil thick long pieces and create the lace pattern on top by laying them in a cross pattern. 9. Bake in a preheated 200C oven for 20-25 minutes till slightly golden and cooked through. 10. Let it cool in the tray, could be served warm or cold.

Note: This recipe requires the use of a stand mixer. However, you can also make these doughnuts by hand. In the bowl of a stand mixer, dissolve the yeast in the warm milk. Add the sugar, salt, butter, eggs, vanilla and mix until incorporated. Add the flour one cup at a time while mixing on low speed until the dough is smooth and elastic about 5 -7 minutes. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour. Form the dough into a large ball and transfer it to a bowl. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk for 2 1/2 hours. Punch down dough. On floured surface, roll out the dough to 1/2-inch thickness. Using a round cutter, cut out doughnuts and cut out a smaller circle in the center. Transfer doughnuts to floured baking sheet. Cover and let rise for 1 hour. Deep-fry for 1 – 2 minutes until lightly browned on both sides. With slotted spoon, remove to paper towels. Sprinkle with fine sugar and serve with hot apricot jam. S z a b o l c s - S z a t m á r - B e r e g R e g i o n H u n g a r y 66

3 cups sifted flour 1 1/2 cups butter 1/2 cup sour cream 1 (8 ounce) can solo brand filling sifted confectioners’ sugar

1. Cut butter into flour with two forks to resemble small peas, as you would pie crust. Stir in sour cream with serving spoon and mix well. 2. Form into 2 balls and store, covered, in refrigerator to chill. Taking out one ball at a time, dust each with flour and roll on floured surface to approximately 1/8 thickness. (Note: If dough starts tearing, it may need more flour or to be chilled a bit more.). 3. Cut with larger round cookie cutter or coffee cup, Fill center with approximately 1-2 teaspoons Solo, Bring up each side and pinch to close. 4. Bake at 350 dg. for 12-15 minutes, until bottom of cookie is just beginning to brown. Cool on wire racks then dust with powdered sugar. Enjoy!


Hungarian Plum Cake

Floating islands



Unsalted butter, for pan 1 cup flour 1 tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. kosher salt 1 cup sugar, plus 2 tbsp. for sprinkling 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup plain yogurt ⅓ cup canola oil 1 tsp. vanilla extract 8 ripe plums, halved and pitted ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon

Heat oven to 375°. Grease a 9” x 13” baking dish with butter; set aside. Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Whisk 1 cup sugar and the eggs together in a bowl until smooth. Stir in yogurt, oil, and vanilla. Add dry ingredients; whisk into a smooth batter. Pour batter into greased pan and smooth top with a rubber spatula; arrange plum halves, cut sides down, evenly over batter. Combine remaining sugar with cinnamon in a bowl; sprinkle over the top. Bake until plums are very tender and a toothpick inserted into middle of cake comes out clean, about 50 minutes. Let cool and slice into squares to serve.

ted spoon and place on a plate, set aside. Repeat the process till cooked all the beaten egg whites.

for the Creme anglaise 8 egg yolks 120 gram caster sugar 1 vanilla pod, or 2tsp vanilla essence or use vanilla infused sugar 800 ml of milk

For the crème anglaise 1. Mix all ingredients (egg yolks, sugar, milk) well together, could use a blender, to get a smooth consistency. 2. On a low heat warm the mixture, while stirring continuously, watch carefully as it should not start to simmer or boil because the egg yolks would solidify, curdling the mixture with little scrambled egg pieces. I’ve seen a few recipes suggesting that the cooking temperature should be 85C.

for the meringue: 4 egg whites 2 tablespoons of sugar (icing or caster) 1 liter of water – for poaching Yield: 4 portions

3. Once the mixture starts to thicken, take off the heat and keep stirring until it cools down significantly. Speed up the cooling process by carefully placing the pan into cold water.

We start with the meringues 1. Beat the egg whites add the sugar when it starts to form peaks, beat it to a very firm consistency till it holds shape in stiff peaks.

4. Leaving the mixture to stand while hot will result in curdling too. Mine did first time round, left it to cool beautifully smooth to come back to shock horror lumps – so keep stirring till at least lukewarm, add the vanilla pod halved if using, place it in the refrigerator. (Should the lumpiness happen however, it could be corrected by whizzing it round in a blender a few times).

2. In a large pan bring the 1 liter water to simmering point 3. with a tablespoon scoop 3-4 shapely dumplings from the beaten egg whites, place them in the water. 4. Poach the meringues for half a minute then carefully turn them over to cook the other side for another 30 seconds. The meringues will grow during cooking.

5. Serve cold, with the meringues sitting on top of the thick vanilla sauce.

5. Carefully remove one by one with a slot-

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TIPS: 1. Sprinkle with lightly toasted blanched almond slivers for a nice taste and texture. 2. Rustle up a quick caramel sauce and drizzle across the meringues just before serving. (100g icing sugar, 2 tablespoons of water, on a medium heat combine and stir till light brown, remove from heat, let it cool slightly, serve). 3. This recipe leaves you with a few extra egg whites – these could be used for some kind of a Pavlov dessert later or could make a healthy egg white omelet the next morning.


Poppy seeds and walnut rolls

Using a large bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water and let stand until foamy for about 5 minutes.


Stir in the melted butter, sugar, eggs and salt. Mix until incorporated.

Dough 1 cup (250 ml) of warm water 2 packages (16 grams) of active dry yeast 1/2 cup (115 grams) unsalted butter, melted 1/2 cup (115 grams) sugar 3 large eggs, at room temperature 1 teaspoon salt 4 1/4 cups (470 grams) all-purpose unbleached flour, plus extra for kneading Poppy Seed Filling 1/2 cup (120 ml) milk 1/4 cup (50 grams) superfine sugar 1 1/4 cups (250 grams) poppy seeds, ground 6 tbsp. (60 grams) raisins 1 tsp grated lemon zest 5 tbsp. honey Walnut Filling 1/2 cup (120 ml) milk 1/4 cup (50 grams) superfine sugar 1/2 cup (350 grams) walnuts, coarsely ground 6 tbsp. (60 grams) raisins 1 tsp grated lemon zest 5 tbsp. honey Other 1 egg for glazing with 1 tbsp. of water

an inch on all edges. Roll up lengthwise, ensuring the rolls remain tight and firm. Cover rolls with a cloth and let it rise again, 45 – 60 minutes. Carefully transfer the rolls onto the baking sheet. Brush rolls with egg mixture. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. Allow rolls to cool.

Add the flour, 1 cup at a time while mixing with a wooden spoon. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic for about 5 -7 minutes. The dough should be soft but not sticky. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour.

Additional 1. Ensure to spread filling evenly on dough while leaving a margin of at least an inch on all edges.

Form the dough into a ball and transfer to a large bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rise in a warm, draft-free spot until it doubles in bulk for about 1 1/2 – 2 hours.

2. To obtain a golden brown color, brush rolls with 1 egg mixed with 1 tbsp. of water before baking in the oven.

Meanwhile, to make the poppy seed or walnut filling; add the milk with the sugar. Bring to a boil and add the filling of your choice along with the raisins. Simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly, then remove from the heat and stir in the lemon zest and honey. Allow filling to cool before using. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C) and line a standard baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a sharp knife or pastry cutter, divide the dough into two equal parts. Roll out each piece into a rectangle measuring about 14 x 12 inches. Spread the dough with the nut or poppy seed filling leaving a margin of at least S z a b o l c s - S z a t m á r - B e r e g H u n g a r y 68

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Rice pudding A nice fluffy warming vanilla delight best served warm, fruity and low fat too!


125g rice 2 pints of milk Pinch of salt 100 g sugar Grated skin of 1 lemon 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 10g sultanas 3 eggs separated 1 tablespoon of flour 50g butter Few walnut halves roughly chopped Yield: 10 slices

A double walled or thick pan comes handy for this recipe as we are boiling milk and it may burn easily.

Rolls with Cracklings and Prune Jam

4. Beat the egg whites till forms firm peaks 5. With a fork loosen up the cold rice pudding and carefully fold in the creamed egg and butter, followed by the spoonful of flour.


3 tbsp. milk, heated to 115°, plus ¾ cup 2 (¼-oz.) packages active dry yeast 3¼ cups flour, plus more for dusting 1 tbsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1½ cups minced pork cracklings 8 tbsp. lard, melted, plus more for greasing 1 tbsp. light rum 4 eggs, lightly beaten, plus 1 yolk ½ cup prune lekvár or prune jam ¼ cup boiling water

6. Finally add the beaten egg whites and carefully fold around till all ingredients mixed evenly. 7. Lightly grease a medium cake tin with butter and pour in the soufflé mixture distributing evenly, it’s now ready for the oven. 8. Bake in a 200C preheated oven for 25 minutes, 9. When ready cut into square slices, dust with icing sugar and sprinkle with grated lemon zest, serve with apricot jam and roughly chopped walnuts sprinkled on top.

2. Add the vanilla essence with the grated rind of one unwaxed lemon, sultanas. Mix well then cover to let it rest and cool.

1. Combine 3 tbsp. milk and the yeast in a bowl; let sit until foamy, about 10 minutes. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, salt, and pepper. Add yeast mixture, remaining milk, and the cracklings, lard, rum, and beaten eggs; stir until dough comes together. Knead in bowl until smooth, about 2 minutes. Cover dough loosely with plastic wrap and set in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.

3. With an electric mixer cream the egg yolks and soft butter for a few minutes

2. Grease a 9” x 13” baking dish with lard; set aside. Stir prune lekvár and boiling

1. Cover the rice with the milk, add the sugar, a little salt and cook it on a gentle heat until the rice is tender. You have to watch and stir frequently if not all the time ;-).

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water together in a bowl. On a heavily floured surface, roll dough into a 14” x 17” rectangle about ¼” thick. Spread evenly with lekvár mixture, leaving a ½” border; fold dough in half lengthwise. Cut dough into eighteen 2”-square rolls. Transfer to greased dish; cover loosely with plastic wrap, and set in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour. 3. Heat oven to 350°. Stir egg yolk and 1 tsp. water together in a bowl. Brush tops of rolls lightly with egg yolk mixture; bake until golden brown and cooked through, about 30 minutes.


Christmas honey cookies INGREDIENTS

Dough: 1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter 1/2 cup (115 grams) granulated sugar 3 1/2 cups (435 grams) all-purpose flour 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa 5 tbsp. honey 2 large eggs Decoration: 1 egg white 1 1/4 cup (275 grams) confectioners’ sugar 1 tsp lemon juice


is too sticky, add more flour. Gather into ball. Divide in half and flatten into discs. Wrap each in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until firm.

Derelye or literally “monk’s ears” is a type of stuffed pasta in Hungary, which can be either sweet or savory. This comforting old world stuffed pasta is prepared for the holidays or special occasions.

Preheat oven to 350 °F (180 °C) and line a standard baking sheet with parchment paper.


400 g all-purpose flour 2 eggs 1 cup of cold water a pinch of salt 300 g home made plum jam egg wash (1-2 teaspoons of water+egg white) 100 g breadcrumbs 10 g butter

On a lightly floured surface, roll dough until it’s 1/8-inch’s thick. Cut out desired shapes and place on baking sheet. Bake cookies for about 8-10 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. For icing, beat egg whites until foamy. Add lemon juice and beat again for 2 minutes. Add sugar gradually and beat until completely incorporated. If icing is too runny, add more sugar until smooth and creamy.

Yield: 6 portions

1. Mix the flour, eggs, salt with water in a bowl. Knead it well until it gives you one big, smooth lump of dough. Wrap the dough and put it in the fridge to rest for at least half an hour before you use it.

Put icing in a pastry bag fitted with a small plain round tip. Pipe designs on cookies. Let icing set completely at room temperature, about 1 hour.

2. On a lightly floured surface roll out the pasta with rolling pins or pasta machine into thin sheets. You will be rolling your pasta into a circular shape. Pasta dries much quicker than you think, so don’t leave it more than a minute or two before cutting or shaping it. You can lay over a damp clean tea towel which will stop it from drying.

Sift together flour, baking soda, and spices into a large bowl. Set aside. Using an electric mixer beat butter, sugar and eggs. In a small pot over high heat, melt honey. Add to mixture and beat well, continue by adding the flour mixture gradually. If dough

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3. Brush the edge of the pasta with egg wash and put 1 teaspoon plum jam of filling in the middle. Fold dough over, press out air and pinch edges securely with fork. Cut into squares. 4. Melt the butter and add the breadcrumbs. Than boil the pasta in a pot of lightly salted water for 3-4 minutes. Remove the pasta squares and add them to the pan of breadcrumbs. Shake the pan carefully to coat the pasta: do not stir. 5. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve hot with sour cream or confectioners’ sugar.



Ľadový čaj s ringlotami a tymiánom Kto z vás má rád ľadový čaj ??? No a kto z Vás kupuje ľadové čaje typu Lipton, Pfanner a podobné, ktoré obsahujú zhruba 0,17% percent čaju ??? Poďme si ukázať ako jednoducho si urobíte ľadový čaj doma s ovocím, ktoré z neho môžete kedykoľvek vyjedať.

Ja mám doma džbán zhruba na 1,5 litra vody, tak som si recept prispôsobil podľa toho, ak máte menší, alebo väčší tak si prepočítajte množstvo surovín. 1. Privedieme k varu 1,5 litra vody a necháme v ňom vylúhovať čierny čaj podľa návodu. (Inak pre tých, ktorí sa čajom nikdy nejak extra nevenovali: Čierny čaj sa lúhuje pri 100-90°C teda hneď po zovretí vody a zelený sa lúhuje pri 60 – 90°C(neskôr tohto roku určite vyjde článok o čaji)). 2. Prelejte do džbánu a nechajte vychladnúť na izbovú teplotu. Do Čaju pridajte 4 lyžice medu (alebo koľko sladkosti znesiete, alebo môžete zniesť). Narežte na pol mesiačiky asi 6-8 ringlôt (kôstky vyhoďte). Pridajte tymián a pretiahnite fóliou. Položte do chladničky aspoň na 1,5 hodiny a podávajte s ľadom. Bolo to náročné ??? Či Vám to viac chutí ako prefabrikované ultra-presladené “čaje” z obchodov. Píšte do komentov tu, alebo na facebooku. Len pre silnejšie povahy: keď chcú tak si môžu pár minút pred podávaním do čaju naliať koňak, alebo whisky.

Potato bread

Cocktail from chicken breasts


1 kg bread flour 3 big boiled potatoes 1 cube (42 g) of fresh yeast (or one package of dry yeast) 2 tbsp. 8% fermented (spirit) vinegar 1 tbsp. salt 1 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. caraway seed Water (as necessary)


Crumble a cube of yeast to the mixture of water and sugar and a pinch of salt. Leave it to rise. Sift the flour to a large bowl, add yeast, mashed potatoes, vinegar, salt and caraway seed and prepare a dough. Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for one hour (or until it doubles its volume).

1 piece lettuce 160 g chicken breasts 100 g celery 100 g leek 100 g tomatoes 80 g apples 60 g canned pineapple 1 bunch parslye leaves 50 g lemon 60 g ketchup 200 g mayonnaise 30 ml cognac (brandy) 30 g butter 0,2 g ground white pepper 0,1 g cround red paprika 5 g salt Yield: 2 portions

Simmer meat on butter until it is soft, then cut it to the strips. Peel apples, perform blanching on tomatoes, peel them, remove seeds and dice them (cut them to cubes). Dice pineapple as well. Nextly, cut celery to strips and then place all ingredients on a lettuce leaf, pour the dressing over them and sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves. Dressing: Mix thoroughly cognac, ketchup, lemon juice, salt, ground white pepper and red paprika. Just before serving add mayonnaise (it can be replaced with sour cream or whipped cream). Serve with a slighlty fried roll or baguette.

Make a loaf from the raised dough, put it on floured baking tray, and leave it to rise for about 30 minutes again. Preheat the oven to 200 °C and when it is ready sprinkle the loaf surface with water and bake it for 2 hours. To determine whether the bread is baked, tap the loaf bottom. If ypu hear the sound, the bread is baked.

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Ochutené octy

Tieto octy je perfektné mať doma pripravené. Či už na šaláty, alebo len tak na ochutenie pečeného mäsa atď… Naučím Vás ako rýchlo, jednoducho a neuveriteľne lacno si taký ocot môžete pripraviť. Samozrejme väčšinu týchto octov ani v obchode nezoženiete a keď aj áno tak za strašidelnú cenu. Naučíme sa robiť octy, ktoré nás vyjdu zhruba na 10 – 30 centov za 250 ml. Je to veľa ??? Odpovedzte si sami. Ak sa naučíte robiť ochutené octy, predpokladám, že si ich budete robiť stále. Odporúčam si robiť octy priebežne, práve vtedy keď dané suroviny rastú, aby ste ich nemuseli kupovať za drahé peniaze. Poprípade si ich odtrhnite z vlastnej zahrádky, alebo spracujte ako dar. Tak a teraz sa poďme pozrieť ako sa vytvára ocot. Danú surovinu dáme do vyčistenej, uzatváracej nádoby. (Môže byť priesvitná ale aj s tmavým sklom. V priesvitnej vám krásne bude vidno suroviny a tým pádom ju môžete použiť aj ako dekoráciu. Do tmavej Vám zas neprenikne svetlo, čo má tiež svoje plusy) Na ňu nalejeme ocot. Necháme tri až štyri týždne odpočívať nech sa nám suroviny skamarátia. Po mesiaci môžeme hneď používať.Takýto ocot nám vydrží zhruba 1 rok. Po jednom roku ho môžeme používať, pretože chuť bude stále príjemná, ale nebude

Šalviové maslo

mať už príjemnú farbu. Moje odporúčanie je teda používať to rok a potom si urobiť ďalší ocot, veď to nestojí veľa. Nezabudnite si nalepiť štítok kedy ste daný ocot robili. A teraz samotné recepty: Lúčny ocot:Do fľašky vložte kvety ako sú estragon, levanduľa, kôpor, okvetné lístky ruže, kvety fialky, kvety púpavy, lístky feniklu, zalejte octom a nechajte mesiac lúhovať. Ocot z včelieho plastu: Ak sa Vám podarí zohnať včelí plast ( niekedy býva aj na spodku v mede), neváhajte ho dať do fľašky a zaliať octom. Nechajte mesiac lúhovať. Bobuľový ocot: Použite sezónne ovocie ako sú čučoriedky, maliny, ríbezle, černice, jahody. Zalejte octom a nechajte mesiac lúhovať. Ocot z chilli: Použite buď sušené, alebo čerstvé. Najlepšie bude ak pomiešate rôzne druhy. Nechajte mesiac lúhovať. Marhuľový ocot: Rozdrvte kôstku a to jadro dajte do fľaše s nakrajanými marhuľami, alebo broskyňami. Zalejte octom a nechajte mesiac lúhovať. Ocot z citrusových listov: Ak si doma pestujete nejaké citrusové plody, alebo máte možnosť získať listy z citrovníka a pomarančovníka tak ich nevyhadzujte ale dajte ich do nádoby a zalejte octom. Nechajte mesiac lúhovať. Dúfam, že tieto octy využijete aj vo svojej kuchyni. U mňa patria medzi skvelé dochucovadlá a neviem si bez nich predstaviť varenie.

Urobte si doma šalviové maslo. Načo? No buď len tak na chleba, alebo na ochutenie pokrmu, na pečenie mäsa a na mnoho ďalších vecí. No a za druhé za 80 gramov nezaplatíte 3,50 ako to predávajú v obchode :/. Za 250 gramov masla zaplatíte iba toľko čo stojí maslo. Recept: 1. Maslo necháme zmäknúť, tak aby malo izbovú teplotu. 2. Nakrájame si lyžicu šalvie na veľmi veľmi jemno.Môžete použiť aj mažiar, len pozor na to, aby nám neostali veľké kúsky šalvie. 3. Premiešame to s maslom, poriadne, aby každučký kúsok masla bol obohatený bylinkami. 4. Preložíme na fóliu a zabalíme(urobíme z toho taký valček). 5. Dáme do chladničky a necháme schladiť. No a máme hotovo, “žádny stres, žádny běs”.

Bylinkové maslo Urobte si doma bylinkové maslo. Načo? No buď len tak na chleba, alebo na ochutenie pokrmu, na pečenie mäsa a na mnoho ďalších vecí. No a za druhé za 80 gramov nezaplatíte 3,50 ako to predávajú v obchode :/. Za 250 gramov masla zaplatíte iba toľko čo stojí maslo. Recept: 1. Maslo necháme zmäknúť, tak aby malo izbovú teplotu. 2. Nakrájame si bylinky na veľmi veľmi jemno.(Môžeme použiť aké bylinky chceme, ja som použil polovicu lyžičky rozmarínu, jednu lyžičku tymiánu a štipku šalvie) Môžete použiť aj mažiar, len pozor na to aby nám neostali veľké kúsky byliniek. 3. Premiešame to s maslom, poriadne, aby každučký kúsok masla bol obohatený bylinkami. 4. Preložíme na fóliu a zabalíme(urobíme z toho taký valček). 5. Dáme do chladničky a necháme schladiť. No a máme hotovo, “žádny stres, žádny běs”.

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Jahodový šalát s fetou, vlašskými orechami a tuiles Či existuje jednoduchší a chutnejší šalát ??? To neviem …. možno, ale v tomto ročnom období Vám vymaľuje úsmev na tvár. Ingrediencie zoženiete veľmi ľahko a za skvelé ceny. Napríklad v metre zoženiete 250 gramov jahôd za 40 centov, pretože sú v sezóne a 500 gramov fety za 2,19€ (ceny berte orientačne, všade sú iné a tieto odpovedajú tomu kedy som ich kupoval ja na tento recept)


1 kg Jahôd 100 gramov Rukoly 100 gramov Šalátu buď polníček, alebo lollo biondo 200 gramov Kozieho syru 150 gramov vlašských orechov nahrubo nakrájané 3 lyžičky Dijonskej horčice 4 lyžice Balzamikového octa 6 lyžíc Olivového oleja 1/4 šálky Hladkej múky 2 bielky 4 lyžice Prepusteného masla (zbaveného bielkovín) 30 gramov Parmezánu alebo iného suchého syra

PRE: 8 osôb

PRÍPRAVA: 25 mins

Šalát-mix s jablkami, slaninou a krutónmi

Pečivko ku šalátu 1. Zmiešajte múku s čajovou lyžičkou soli a bielky, tak aby nám vznikla hladká hustá hmota.

Ingrediencie na tento šalát zoženiete kdekoľvek. Tento letný šalát si dokáže zhotoviť hocikto, a ani nemusíte silno, kulinársky uvažovať. Proste a jednoducho”letná ľahká(ak si odmyslíte slaninu) mňamka”. Dobrú chuť.

2. Do hmoty zapracujte parmezán a prepustené maslo. 3. Trúbu rozpáľte na 165°C


4. Na plech uložte papier na pečenie. Lyžičkou vytvorte kopčeky z cesta, ktoré budú od seba vzdialené aspoň 5-6 cm. Lyžičkou utvorte z kôpok oválky.

5. Pečte 8 minút kým okraje veľmi mierne nezhnednú.

6. Tuiles vyberte z trúby a môžete ich vytvarovať(napríklad položte ich na valček). Po pár chvíľkach Vám budú držať tvar. Ak sa vám to nepodarilo, že tuiles nechce zmeniť tvar, je to tým, že ste ho nechali príliš dlho v trúbe. Nevadí nič sa nedejte do šalátu sa to aj tak hodí :) a nabudúce to napravíte.

Šalát 7. Jahody umyte, 250 gramov dajte stranou a ostatné nakrájajte na štvrtinky, alebo na kocky.

8. Šalát umyte, osušte a natrhajte. Rukolu spolu so šalátom dajte do misky. Prisypte jahody, syr feta a vlašské orechy

1 Rímsky šalát 50 gramov Rukoly 1 Lollo biondo 50 gramov Mangoldu alebo baby špenátu 100 gramov Slaniny najlepšie pancetty 1 veľké Zelené jablko 1 lyžica Citrónovej šťavy 1 malá Bagetka alebo rohlík narezaný na 0,5 cm kúsky 2 lyžice Javorového sirupu alebo medu 3 lyžice Jablčného octu 1 lyžička Dijonskej horčice 5 lyžíc Olivového oleja extra panenského Soľ Čierny peper čerstvo namletý

PRE: 6 osôb PRÍPRAVA: 10 mins


VARENIE: 10 mins

9. Rozmixujte jahody, ktoré sme dali stranou s balzamikovým octom, dijonskou horčicou a olivovým olejom. Osolte podla chuti.

HOTOVÉ ZA: 20 mins

10. Týmto dressingom polejte šalát K o s i c e r e g i o n S l o v a k i a 74

Zálievka 1. V miske premiešame, olivový olej, dijonskú horčicu, soľ, peper, jablčný ocot a javorový sirup. Šalát 2. Umyte a natrhajte listy šalátov ako to vyhovuje Vám. Listy vysušte. 3. Jablko rozpolíme, vyberieme jadierká a nakrájame na kolečká. Tieto kolečká vykúpeme v citróne. 4. Plátky slaniny nakrájame a opečieme z oboch strán do chrumkava. 5. Vo výpeku čo nám ostal po slaninke, opečieme naše nakrájané pečivo. 6. Ku šalátu dajte jablká, slaninu, krutonky, všetko spolu premiešajte. Podávajte s našou omáčkou.


Paštéta s brusnicami a brandy INGREDIENTS

600 gramov Kuracej pečienky umytej a nasekanej na menšie časti 120 gramov Sušených brusníc 350 gramov Masla 2 Šalotky alebo 1 cibuľa 2 strúčiky Cesnaku 2 vetvičky Tymiánu 5 lyžíc Smotany na šľahanie(aspoň 30%) Soľ Čierny peper čerstvo namletý Pár guličiek Ružového pepru

PRE: 6 osôb

PRÍPRAVA: 20 mins

VARENIE: 10 mins

HOTOVÉ ZA: 50 mins

1. Najprv si necháme marinovať brusnice v brandy. Zmiešajte a nechajte odpočívať v chlade minimálne 2-3 hodiny, kľudne ich môžete nechať v chladničke aj celú noc. 2. Pred tým ako začneme si preceďte brusnice do jednej misky a brandy do druhej, budeme ho ešte potrebovať.

Plnené kura bez kosti

ov masla. Restujeme do sklovita. Potom pridáme cesnak utretý nožom (cesnak rozdrtený plochou časťou noža) a tymián. Premiešame asi minútu a pridáme pripravenú pečienku.


4. Pečienku restujte tak, aby z vonkajšej strany bola hotová, ale z vnútornej, aby bola ešte ružová(je to najžiadúcejšia príprava pečienky pre našu paštétu). Tesne pred koncom restovania pridáme brandy a necháme ho (ale iba) trošku odpariť.

5. Obsah panvice dáme do misy, alebo do kuchynského robota, pridáme 150 gramov rozpusteného masla, smotanu, soľ, peper a rozmixujeme.

3 Rohlíky 3 Žĺtka 3 Bielka ušľahané na sneh 100 gramov Rapíkatého Zeleru olúpaného 80 gramov Slaniny 1 dcl Mlieka alebo vývaru 1-2 lyžice Masla rozpusteného hrsť Koprivy ano je jedlá, a najlepšia je mladá, nezabudnite ju očistiť hrsť Rukoly alebo baby špenátu

PRE: 4-5 osôb


6. Do rozmixovanej zmesi pridáme brusnice, pomiešame, aby sme ich mali v celej paštéte. Dáme do formy (ale nechajte aspoň pol centimetra od povrchu miesto)a do chladu na pár minút.

1. Všetky ingrediencie na plnku zmiešajme a nechajme trochu odstáť 2. Naplňme kuriatko. Aj do častí kde boli kosti v stehnách.

7. Zatiaľ si rozpustíme zbytok v masla v panvici a necháme ho vychladnúť(ale aby bolo ešte stále tekuté). Nalejeme na povrch paštéty a pridáme ružový peper a tymián. Necháme v chladničke kým nám nestuhne.

3. Kuriatko zašijeme, buď podľa postupu vo videu, alebo tak ako nás staré mamy učili. 4. Kuriatko dáme do trúby (môžeme pridať slaninku na kuriatko, cesnak, tymián, rozmarín, maslo )rozpálenej na 190°C po desiatich minútach znížime na 160°C a 20 minút pred koncom zvýšte na 180°C. (pečte do zlatohneda) Podlievame vývarom

3. Šalotku nakrájajte na drobno a dajte na panvicu v ktorej sme rozpustili 50 gram-

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Hydinová paštéta INGREDIENTS

200 gramov Kuracej pečienky 2 Vajcia 200 gramov Masla rozpusteného 2 malé strúčiky Cesnaku 1 lyžička Čerstvého rozmarínu jemne nasekaného 1 lyžička Čerstvého tymián jemne nasekaného Soľ Čierny peper čerstvo namletý

PRE: 5 osôb

CENA: 60 centov na osobu

PRÍPRAVA: 5 mins

VARENIE: 45 mins

dobu 50 až 60 minút(podľa potreby). 5. Necháme vychladnúť, a potom dáme do chladničky aspoň na jednu hodinu. BONUS - Sirup z vína 2 lyžice medu, 300ml červeného vína a 1 badyán dajte variť. Varte spolu, kým sa to nezredukuje na 1/3 pôvodného množstva. Vychlaďte a pri podávaní prelejte paštétu sirupom. Dá to tomu nový rozmer

HOTOVÉ ZA: 50 mins

1. Kuraciu pečeň umyjeme a očistíme. Vložíme do misky spolu so všetkými ingredienciami a pomixujeme. 2. Ochutnáme ak treba osolíme, opepríme. 3. Prelejeme do zapekacej misky, alebo zapekacích formičiek. Dáme do vodnej kúpele (proste formičku vložíme na plech v ktorom je voda). Vodná kúpeľ by mala siahať do polovice nádoby, v ktorej máme paštétu. 4. Trúbu predhrejeme na 85°C a pečieme po

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Košice Tokan with knedlja Chef Alexander Peli dish INGREDIENTS

0.3 kg. of low fat pork 0.1 kg. of chicken livers 0.2 kg. of onions 0.1 kg. of smoked bacon 0.1 kg. pork lard 0.1 kg. of fresh green peppers 0.1 kg. of tomatoes 0.2 of garlic 0.03 kg. of dried mushrooms 0.25 l. of cream (10-12%) 0.01 kg. of ground sweet red pepper 0.04 kg. of red pepper 0.2 kg. of flour 2 kg. of soft flour 2.5 g. of yeast 0.15 l. of milk 0.1 kg. of sugar

Pork flambé

add chopped chicken liver, mushrooms and fry everything on a low heat until it become cooked. At the end of the dish is sprinkled with cream.

Chef Alexander Peli dish INGREDIENTS

Knedla Mix milk, sugar and yeast. Then, mix flour with eggs, salt and knead everything with the help of the mixer until the mass become a dough. You should left the dough in a warm place until it will risen. Then, the dough is divided into pieces, and re-mixer again. When the dough will risen well, you can cook it on a water steam. Before serving your dish, cut the scones (knedli) into slices.

1 kg. of pork Smoked bacon Ground black pepper Oil Garlic Ground cumin Onion 1 kg. of potatoes 1 l. of Rum 80% Yield: 10 portions

Put meat together with salt, pepper, garlic and cumin into the bowl on the day before cooking. Fry the slices of bacon on the hot pan and put them aside. Cut the onion. In a frying pan, in which the bacon was frying, put the meat, add the onion and fry all together.

Yield: 6 portions

Cleaned potatoes cut and put into the oven, preheated to a temperature 180 C.


Before serving place the pork neck on a plate, pour with rum and set fire. On a large plate put the bacon, garnish (potatoes) and cooked meat.

A few slices of smoked bacon are fried with onions, tomatoes and peppers. Sprinkle bacon with paprika and immediately pour the wine. When the alcohol evaporates add sliced pork. Then add: pepper, salt, ground cumin and garlic. The meat should stay in a pan until it become half cooked. You also, should

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Chicken in the English bacon

Chef Igor Shimko and Michael Shenitka dish INGREDIENTS

1 kg. of chicken breasts 150 g. of butter Ground sweet red pepper 400-450 g. of English bacon 1 tbsp. of flour Salt 160 ml. of fresh cream (10%) 160 ml. of sour cream Freshly ground black pepper Condiment like «Podravka» Yield: 10 portions

Chicken breasts cut into strips and wrap in thinly sliced English bacon. Melt butter in a pan and fry the meat until it become pink. When you are cooking meat, you need to flip it. When the meat is ready, take off it from the pan and fry the flour in the same pan, to mark the sauce thick. Then put the meat back to the pan, added freshly ground black pepper, paprika, condiment. Add water and cook meat for 20 minutes. Finally add the cream (10%), and cook meat until it becomes tender. Use the sour cream for decoration the dish.


Trickled pastries (galushky) with sheep cheese

Zemlynski cabbage rolls Chef Sonia Polanski (Trebyshov) Dish

Yield: 60 portions

Washed, peeled potatoes and shred in a blender. Then added the flour, salt, eggs and knead the dough. Then the dough is pressed through a special form for the dumplings and them into boiling salted water and cook til tender. When the dumplings are ready, lubricate them with bacon lard. Every portion of the dish is served with cheese (goat cheese) and sour cream and sprinkle with bacon.




1 kg. of flour (medium grind) 850 g. of potatoes 1 egg 350 g. of sheep cheese 1.5 tbsp. of salt 850 g. of smoked bacon 850 ml. of cream (16%) 1 tsp. of black pepper 170 ml. of oil 850 ml. of kefir 170 g. of smoked bacon

Jágerek (Jagerrecht)

Chef Sonia Polanski (Trebyshov) Dish

Chef Igor Shimko and Michael Shenitka dish

Trebyshov cabbege


1 kg. of pork 0.5 kg. of rice 250 g. of lard 3 onions 4-5 cloves of garlic Freshly ground black pepper Red pepper 250 g. of tomato sauce 2 cabbages

650-700 g. of pork 350 g. of pork ribs 150-200 g. of lard 5-6 bulbs 1-2 garlics Bay leaf Allspice Salt Red pepper 1.7 kg. of sauerkraut

Old hunter recipe.

Boar lard (or oil) Onions 1 tbsp. ground red paprika Liver (lungs, kidneys, heart and tongue can be added as well) Ground allspice, chili pepper, ground caraway seeds, black pepper Juniper berries Red wine (beer) Salt, marjoram

Yield: 10 portions

Wash the meat and cut into large cubes. Cut onion and fry in lard, add chopped garlic, red pepper. Add, also, minced meat and salt and fry the ingredients till the meat will stew in its own juice. Then, add the sauerkraut, stir everything and stew all the dish for some time.

Yield: 10 portions

Wash, dry and mince the meat. Cut onions into cubes, fry, add the garlic and red pepper. Rinse and drain rice. Prepared ingredients mix together, add salt, black pepper and 1/3 of the tomato sauce. Clean up the cabbage, remove it from the loaf and boil in the water. Put a little stuffing in the cabbage leaves, add tomato sauce and water, add salt and cook.

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Melt lard in a pan, add finely chopped onions and fry. Then dust with ground red paprika and add diced liver (with removed membrane), stir and flavor with ground allspice, black pepper, ground caraway seeds, juniper berries and whole piece of chili pepper. Pour red wine (or beer) and simmer. Finally, when the meat is done, add salt and marjoram. Serve with bread and/or cranberries.



Dough: 500 g semi-coarse wheat flour 1 package (12 g) of baking powder 1 cube (42 g) of fresh yeast (or one package of dry yeast) 1 tbsp. sugar 1 tsp salt 250 ml lukewarm milk 2 eggs (separated to 2 yolks and 2 whites) 100 ml oil 1 egg for crust coating Filling: 1 kg mashed potatoes (cooked in salt water) 250 g bryndza (sheep cheese) Butter Cream Chive

Filling: Add Bryndza, butter, little bit of cream and chive to the mashed potatoes and mix everything together.


Dough: First, we need to prepare a classic raised dough. In order to do this, sift the semi-coarse wheat flour with the sieve into mixing bowl, add salt, 1 tbsp. sugar and one package of baking powder and mix together. Add prepared yeast (a cube of yeast was crumbled to the small amount of lukewarm milk with a pinch of sugar and left to rise) and slowly pour milk combined with oil and yolks. Knead thoroughly and then mix in whisked whites. Leave one hour to rise.


Pastry: 3 cups (~ 900 ml) semi-coarse wheat flour 2 eggs Salt Lukewarm water Filling: 400 g minced beef meat 1 piece of two or three days old roll Milk 1 onion Black pepper Butter, oil or lard for frying Fresh chive 1 cup (~ 300 ml) sour cream

Put 2/3 of dough on floured board and shape it with rolling pin until it has suitable dimensions for your baking tray, which was previously buttered. Then place sheet of dough on the tray and put the filling as the second layer. Use remaining 1/3 of dough to roll covering sheet and place it on top of filling in a such way that whole baking tray is covered up to the edges. Final step is to pinch evenly the surface of covering dough sheet with fork and to coat the surface with whisked egg to ensure nice crust. Bake at 200°C for about 15 – 20 min. Once cooled down, cut it into cubes and pour them with melted butter.

Pastry: Use ½ of flour, eggs, salt and lukewarm water and prepare runny batter and then add gradually (the rest of) flour and thicken the dough. Prepare a smooth elastic dough (like for a pasta). Then wrap it in cling film or put it in plastic bag and leave it to rest for 2 hours. Then cut off a piece of dough, roll it thinly with rolling pin and cut out circles with round cutter. Size depends on your personal preference.

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TIP: We can use the remaining dough and prepare thicker noodles for soup or use them as a side dish. Filling: Crumble the roll, pour milk and let it soak to the crumbling. Add chopped onion to the minced meat and season it with black pepper and salt. Squeeze the excess milk from the roll crumbling and add them to meat. Blend the mixture thoroughly. (We can also add fresh herbs according to your taste.) If we have a thin batter, we can use breadcrumbs. Fill pastry circles with meat stuffing; fold them in half, stitch edges carefully together so they will not open during cooking. You will get semicircles, which are actually pirogi. If you want to have rounded pelmeni, you have to take both edges of semicircle and join them, preferably with a fork. Then boil them in salted water, like pirogi, but be careful and cook them long enough to ensure that the filling is cooked, ideal cooking time is 10-15 minutes. Leave them to rest for a minute in hot water after cooking. Heat oil, lard or butter in the pan until it is hot, and then add cooked pelmene and fry. Add the chopped chives and serve with sour cream. The dish can be even decorated with fresh herbs.


Roast duck with “lokše” INGREDIENTS

1 bigger duck 200 -300 ml water Salt Lokše: Boiled potatoes (old, not new) Salt Wheat flour

Firstly, a duck needs to be cut to portions. Put the portions to a large casserole, sprinkle them properly with salt and pour water. Cover with a lid, put on stove and simmer for a while (~1 hour). Then remove the lid and roast the portions thoroughly from both sides. Lokše: Mash the boiled potatoes, add salt and sprinkle wheat flour. Prepare a denser dough (add more flour if necessary). Split the dough to a few smaller balls and roll each ball to the thin circular shape (called „lokše“) with rolling pin and then fry them in the oiled pan.


Chicken on paprika with “špecle”


500 g wheat four 100 ml wine Sausage Bacon Onion 1 pinch salt Crushed garlic and salt in water – for spreading


Halušky (špecle): 3 cups fine flour 3 eggs 1 pinch salt 1 tbsp. oil 1 cup water 1 ½ tsp ground sweet red paprika Chicken on paprika: 500 -600 g chicken breast Salt, black pepper 1 tbsp. of ground red paprika 2-3 tbsp. of oil 1 onion 2 fresh paprika (1 green and 1 yellow) 6 normal size mushrooms 1 cup whipping cream Green pea shoots Fresh parsley leaves

Sift the flour to a bowl; pour gradually a wine (which can be thinned with water) and mix together with wooden spoon until you get a dough with thick and sticky consistency. Sprinkle the dough surface with flour and leave it to rise. (In past, wine was used instead of yeast.) Once the dough is raised, mix in the chopped sausage, bacon and onion. Flour your hands and form a few thin circles from the dough. (One of these thin circles is called „posúch“.) Place them on the baking tray and bake them, or fry them on frying pan until they are gold. Finally, spread the mixture of crushed garlic and salt in water over the surface of posúch.

Halušky (špecle): Mix thoroughly fine flour with eggs, salt, oil and water until you get a supple dough with thinner consistency. Add ground paprika and mingle again.

Alternatives: Fresh herbs as marjoram, dill and/or nettle can be mixed in the dough as well. The mixture of wine and honey can be spread over the surface of posúch instead of garlic one.

Leave water to boil and then use a chopping

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board and knife to throw the dough pieces into the boiling water. Cook until they start to float on water surface, stir again and cook for at least 5 minutes. Then leave to melt butter in a frying pan and fry špecle with chopped parsley until crisp. Season with black pepper and salt as necessary. Chicken on paprika: Cut the chicken breast into strips; season them with salt, black pepper and red paprika on all sides. Heat oil in the frying pan until hot, then fry seasoned meat strips but be careful not to burn paprika, otherwise the meat could be bitter. Take out fried meat but leave oil in the pan. Put chopped onion, mushrooms and fresh paprika cut to strips to the frying pan, season them gently with salt and fry. Add about ½ tsp of ground red paprika, stir gently and pour with whipping cream. Add black pepper and cook until sauce start to thicken. Put back chicken meat and stir again. In this phase, the green pea shoots can be added as well. Serve with fresh parsley leaves.


Grulnpeltsch (Potatoe cake from Medzev) INGREDIENTS

Raised dough: 400 g semi-coarse wheat flour ½ cube (21 g) of fresh yeast (or ½ package of dry yeast) 30 g sugar 200 ml milk 1 egg 70 ml oil 1 tsp salt Filling: 700 g potatoes 1 onion ½ butter and pork lard Salt, ground black pepper

Miner’s potatoes

on mashed potatoes. Season with salt and black pepper and mix thoroughly.


Roll the raised dough with a rolling pin to a thin circle. Put the potatoes filling in the middle, fold the circle edges and stitch them in such way that all filling will be packed. Then use the rolling pin and make a slab. Put it in the baking tray and pinch the surface of cake evenly with a fork.

Bake in the oven preheated to 180 °C for 25 minutes. Once baked spread melted butter on the cake top surface. Consume either salty or sweet (when sprinkled with icing sugar).

Sift flour to a bowl, add salt and mix together. Add sugar to warm milk, crumble fresh yeast to the mixture and leave it to rise. Then add raised yeast, egg and oil to flour and knead a dough. Leave it to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes.

200 g bacon 2 onions 3 garlic cloves 2-3 bay leaves A few pieces of whole black pepper (not ground) 2 pieces of whole allspice 1 apple 500 g sauerkraut (sour cabbage) Handful of dried mushrooms soaked in hot water Salt black pepper 2 sausages (with ground red paprika) 8 pieces boiled potatoes 5 boiled eggs 1 cup whipping cream 6 eggs 1 cup sour cream

Fry diced bacon little bit in a frying pan until it becomes clear, and then add onions (chopped into larger pieces), slices of garlic, bay leaves, and a few pieces of whole black pepper and allspice. Chop sauerkraut coarsely with knife and add it to the frying pan. Pour a small amount of water obtained from sauerkraut.

In meanwhile, cook whole potatoes in salted water and then mash them. Use pork lard and fry diced onion in a frying pan. Add ½ of butter to soften the mixture, wait until butter is melted then pour everything through sieve

Chop dried mushrooms previously soaked in hot water, add them to the meal and simmer gently. Use salt with caution because both K o s i c e r e g i o n S l o v a k i a 81

sauerkraut and bacon are salty. Once the sauerkraut is soft, add sausage cut to rings. Peel apple, cut it to slices, and add it to the meal as well. Stir once again and turn off the stove. Use oil or lard and grease a baking bowl. Arrange the slices of boiled potatoes on the bowl bottom and put sauerkraut mixture on them. Then arrange the slices of boiled egg and again a layer of potatoes. Season with pepper. Use fork and mix cream with eggs in a bowl, then season it with salt and pepper and pour this mixture on the top layer of potatoes ensuring that the mixture will get everywhere. Put lid on the baking bowl and place it in the oven preheated to 180°C for about 20 minutes, then remove lid and leave it in the oven until the surface is gold and crispy. Serve decorated with fresh herbs and together with sauerkraut and sour cream.



Dough: 500 g fine wheat flour 1-2 tbsp. sugar 1 pinch of salt 100 ml oil Prepared yeast from 250 ml lukewarm milk and ½ cube (21 g) of fresh yeast Stewed cabbage: 1 kg fresh white cabbage 2-3 tbsp. of sugar Ground cinnamon (as necessary) Salt, ground black pepper Lard for spreading on kapustnik Milk and egg for spreading on kapustnik


Cabbage roll

black pepper and small amount of ground cinnamon and let it simmer with a lid on the casserole until the cabbage is soft.


Dough: 500 g fine wheat flour ½ cube (21 g) of fresh yeast 1 tbsp. of sugar 90 g fat for baking 375 ml lukewarm milk 1 pinch of salt

Fill each dough circle with the stewed cabbage and then fold the circle and stitch its edges (and you will get „kapustnik“). Place kapustnik on the baking tray, previously greased and dusted with a coarse flour. Spread melted lard on their surface; leave them to rise little bit longer and immediately before baking spread egg mixed with milk on them as well.

Filling: Bacon 1 tbsp. of lard Sauerkraut (sour cabbage) Black pepper 1 : 1 mixture of water and oil for spreading Sunflower seed

Place the baking tray in the oven preheated to 180°C for about 15-20 minutes (kapustnik should become golden). Once baked spread once again a little bit of milk on the surface of kapustnik. Kapustnik can be consumed salty or dusted with icing sugar.

Dough: Prepare yeast from 375 ml lukewarm milk. sugar and ½ cube (21 g) of fresh yeast and leave it to rise in a warm place. Then take a large bowl and mix wheat, prepared yeast, fat for baking and salt. Knead a dough until it is supple. When kneaded properly the dough should not stick to the walls of bowl. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave it to rise for at least ½ hour in a warm place.

Mix flour with sugar, salt, oil and prepared yeast. Knead a dough properly and then leave it to rise for at least 12 minutes or until well risen. Then use your hands and shape smaller circles, which will be filled with stewed cabbage. Stewed cabbage: Sprinkle sugar into hot oil in a casserole and leave it to caramelize a little bit. Add chopped cabbage, season it with salt, ground

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Filling: Fry chopped bacon on hot lard, add sauerkraut and stir properly. Season with ground black pepper and simmer for about 20 minutes. Roll the dough with a rolling pin on a board previously dusted with wheat flour and then place filling evenly on the top of rolled dough. Prepare a roll and place it on the baking tray previously greased and dusted with flour. Spread the mixture of water and oil on the surface of the cabbage roll and then sprinkle it with some sunflower seed, season it with salt and pepper and leave it to rest for 10 minutes. In meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 °C and then bake the cabbage roll for about 45 minutes.



Beggar’s gruel





2 pork legs 1 pork knuckle 200 g pork rind 2 carrots 1 parsley 1/3 celery 3 bay leaves ½ cup of frozen peas 1 tsp ground caraway seed Salt, black pepper Red onion (as necessary) Spirit vinegar (as necessary)

Cook all pork meat in salted and peppered water together with bay leaves, carrots, parsley and celery until it is soft and tender (for about 4 hours). Take out cooked meat and vegetables from casserole to cool down, then put all vegetables aside and cut meat to smaller pieces.

30 l homemade bouillon from pork abattoir Minimum 3 l blood 2 kg fried onion 3 kg barley groats 100 g marjoram 100 g ground caraway seed 1 mashed bulb of garlic Salt (as necessary) 200 g ground black pepper

70 % (7 kg) lean meat 30 % (3 kg) pork loin 50 g garlic 200 g salt 100 g whole caraway seed 150 g ground sweet red paprika (the best one is from Hungary) 50 g ground hot red paprika 10 g ground black pepper Thoroughly washed pork intestines (sausage casings)

Fry chopped onion and then add barley groats and homemade bouillon from pork abattoir. Season with marjoram, black pepper, caraway seed and garlic and cook for about 1 ½ hour. Add salt as necessary and while still stirring add blood and cook another ½ hour or until there is fat appearing at the edges of gruel.

Grind meat with meat grinder, add mashed garlic and mix thoroughly. Then add gradually salt, caraway seed, black pepper and sweet red paprika. In order to have spicy sausages, hot red paprika needs to be mixed in as well. Mix thoroughly once again. Fill pork intestines (or sausage casings) with seasoned meat mixture (with the help of tool for the making of sausages – usually it is special front plate mounted on meat grinder).

Put chopped meat on the bottom of bowls or other containers (depends how much huspenina do you want to cook), add chopped vegetables (you can add peas as well) and pour bouillon through sieve into them. Leave it to solidify.

Finished sausages can be baked or smoked. TIP: Sausages are the best when they are left to mature for about 1 month after smoking,

Huspenina can be served with red onion and sprinkled with spirit vinegar.

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Stuffed peppers INGREDIENTS

Stuffed peppers: 200-300 g minced pork meat 1 onion Salt, ground black pepper ½ cup uncooked rice Allspice 8 medium sized fresh peppers Sauce: 1 onion 2 spoons of lard 2 bay leaves 3-4 pieces of allspice ½ piece of cinnamon 1 cup tomato paste (strong concentrate) 2 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. spirit vinegar (8% solution) 1 tbsp. rum 1l water

Stuffed peppers: Mix finely chopped onion with minced meat and season it with salt and pepper. Then add uncooked rice, ground allspice, small amount of water and mixed it properly once again.

Roast duck leg on red cabbage with lokše from Zemplín

meat mixture thoroughly from spike to the cut top part. If there is any meat, mixture left you can prepare meatballs. Bake stuffed peppers (and meatballs) in the baking bowl covered with aluminum foil in the oven preheated to 160°C for about 30 minutes. Next, remove the foil and bake it for another 30 minutes. Then put them into the casserole with lid and keep them warm.


Sauce: Put the removed parts from peppers, coarsely chopped onion and lard into the casserole. Add bay leaves, allspice and piece of cinnamon and fry little bit until onion is slightly sautéed. Then add sugar and continue in frying. Pour water, season with salt, ground black pepper, spirit vinegar and rum and heat the casserole until it start to boil. Then reduce the heat and leave it to cook on mild heat for about 1 hour. Once the sauce is ready, pour it through a sieve into the casserole with baked peppers and leave it to boil once again.

40 g lard – oil 10 g caraway seed 560 g duck legs 650 g boiled potatoes 10 g salt 160 g fine wheat flour 70 g butter 10 g spirit vinegar 500 g red cabbage 6 g salt 30 g lard – oil 0,4 g ground caraway seed 10 g spirit vinegar 30 g sugar 50 g onion 0,1 g bay leaves 100 g apple 50 g potatoes 10 g garlic Yield: 2 portions

Stuffed peppers can be served with bread or potatoes.

Clean legs, season them with salt and sprinkle them with caraway seed, then put them on a baking tray with oil/lard poured in. Bake the legs for about 60 minutes. Add a little bit of water regularly and as a final step bake the legs without any cover on the baking

Cut the top part of peppers and take out seeds and inner parts. Do not throw away removed parts, as they will be used during the sauce preparation. Fill the peppers with

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tray until they are gold and crisp. Tip.: Spread milk on the top of legs to make nice gold surface. Cook unpeeled potatoes, then peel and grate them, add fine flour, salt and knead a supple non-sticking dough. Make small balls and then use a rolling pin and roll each ball to a thin round sheet. Fry each of them in a dry frying pan. Once fried, oil lokša with melted butter. Cut cabbage to strips. Fry onion and garlic in a casserole, then add sugar and continue to fry until sugar is caramelised. Nextly, add cabbage, caraway seed, salt, bay leaves, water and simmer. About one half through simmering add grated apple. Once finished season the cabbage with sugar and vinegar. Tip: You can add jam from black or red currants.


Rolled trout with spinach and beetroot extract

Polievky s drožďovými knedlíčkami

Boiled fish of choice unwrapped and pour 50 g butter meringue with chopped sage and remaining lemon.

Dnes sa nebudeme zaoberať varením polievky, ale výrobou “spestrovadľa” do polievok. Tým sú veľmi chutné drožďové knedlíčky. Hodia sa do vývarov, do pórkových polievok, do syrových polievok a do mnoho ďalších. Ich základnou ingredienciou je droždie. Čo to vlastne je droždie ( tzv. kvasinky )? Kvasinky sú jednobunkové hubovémikroorganizmy. Kvasinky sa hojne využívajú v potravinárstve a biotechnológiách. Používajú sa napríklad pri výrobe vína, piva alebo chleba. Využíva sa ich schopnosť kvasenia. V polovici 19. storočia vznikol droždiarenský priemysel. Predtým bolo niekoľko pokusov o priemyselnú výrobu v Holandsku. Najskôr bolo droždie predávané v tekutej forme, neskôr po zdokonalení Tebbenhofom sa prešlo k lisovanému droždiu. Prvoradý význam majú dnes v kvasnom priemysle pri výrobe liehu, piva, vína, pekárskeho droždia a tiež niektorých mliečnych nápojov. V kŕmnom priemysle naberajú význam kŕmne zmesi z kvasníc. Dosiaľ sú pomerne málo využívané pre potravinárske účely ako zdroj bielkovín a iných biologicky cenných látok. Majú bohatý obsah dobre stráviteľných bielkovín (okolo 40 percent), cukrov a hlavne komplexu vitamínu B, čo platí zvlášť pre pivovarské kvasinky. Tie sa využívajú aj pri liečbe nervových ochorení, pri zápalových kožných chorobách, pri poruchách tráviaceho traktu a pečeňových chorobách. Geneticky modifikované kvasinky bude možné v blízkej budúcnosti použiť aj na odhaľovanie výbušnín, presnejšie molekúl dinitrotoluénu (DNT). zdroj wikipedia. Sú

Fashionable food with traditional ingredients from Chef Tomas Jacab INGREDIENTS

2 trout 200 grams of spinach 100 ml of red wine 50 ml olive oil 20 grams of butter 30 ml wine vinegar 2 cloves of garlic 1 lemon 1 beetroot 1 apple Sage, dill Salt, pepper

Preparation of beetroot Cleaned and finely grate the beets and fry in olive oil. Pour red wine and season with salt. Strain the juice and soften the rest of the butter. We can add cinnamon. We decorate with mashed peas, herbs and grilled zucchini.

Trout fillet and season with salt and pepper. Butter lightly fry the spinach, season with salt, garlic and fill the prepared fillets. For decoration, we can also add the carrots. Thus, prepared fish rolled and wrapped in foil. Add salt to the water, half a lemon dill, sage, vinegar and cook slowly for about 10 minute’s trout.

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to vlastne pojedače cukrov a keď sa dostatočne napapajú cukru tak nám za to nafuknú cesto, laicky povedané. Tu sú nejaké nápady na polievky do ktorých je vhodné použiť drožďové knedlíčky: Kurací vývar, Zeleninový vývar, Hovädzí vývar, Jarná minestrone. Pri varení knedlíčkov platí: Stále si ich nachystajte pred varením polievky, a stále ich do nej vkladajte 3 minúty pred koncom varenia. No a teraz sa poďme pozrieť na samostatný recept: Recept je veľmi jednoduchý. Ako prvé si medzi prstami rozdrobíme droždie, rozohrejeme panvicu a položíme na ňu droždie. Zatiaľ posekáme cibuľku na drobno a pridáme ju až v tom momente keď sa začne droždie rozpájať. Keď sa droždie opäť spojí stiahneme ho z ohňa, necháme ho odstáť pár minút a potom pridáme soľ, korenie, jedno vajce (zhruba na 1,5 kocky droždia ja som robil z piatich a dal som tam 3 vajcia), pridáme buď zelenú čerstvú majoránku, ak nemáme môžeme použiť aj petržlenovú vňať (zhruba pol lyžice na 1,5 kocky droždia),kto chce môže pridať aj cesnak podľa vlastnej chuti, postupne pridámestrúhanku a vytvarujeme jednoliatu hmotu. Z tejto hmoty urobím malé guľky. Na koniec ich uvaríme. Najlepšie je ich položiť do polievky desať minút pred koncom varenia. Guľky potrebujú zhruba 10 minút na uvarenie. Tak už len dobrú chuť


Tekvicová polievka so syrovými toastami Skvelé tekvice dostane v týchto dňoch už takmer kdekoľvek, ale ich sezóna len príde. Ja som si vybral tekvicu maslovú pre tieto recepty, pretože sa mi páči jej chuť. Základom tejto polievky je skvelý vývar. Ako urobiť skvelý vývar sme už rozoberali na tejto stránke takže TU JE ODKAZ. Potom je už všetko jednoduché. No a toastíky tie sú úžasne s touto jesennou polievkou. Tak nech sa Vám to podarí a nech Vám chutí.


1 liter Zeleninového vývaru 2 lyžice Olivového oleja 2 Cibule na jemno nakrájané 2 strúčiky Cesnaku nahrubo nasekaného 1 kg Tekvice ja som použil maslovú tekvicu 4 vetvičky Tymiánu 200 gramov Créme fraiche môžete použiť, biely jogurt(len nie sladký), alebo kyslú smotanu 40 gramov Masla 200 gramov Syra cheddar, comté, alebo nejaký iný tvrdší syr 8 Toastov, alebo krajcov bieleho chleba 2 lyžice Pažitky nasekanej

Hubová polievka so žeruchovým pestom

Polievka 1. Vývar zohrejeme v malom hrnci. Vo veľkom hrnci rozpálime olej a na miernom ohni osmažíme cibuľu, cesnak a a tekvicu, pokiaľ nám cibuľa nezmäkne (cca 10 min.). Prilejeme horúci vývar, pridáme tymián, prikryjeme a necháme variť po dobu 30 minút, kým nám tekvica nezmäkne.

Tých, ktorí majú radi zbieranie húb určite poteší táto polievka s čerstvých lesných hríbov a zaujímavým žeruchovým pestom. Je to klasika inak, tak už len dobrú chuť


10 gramov Hríbov na ozdobu, na vrch polievky takže vyberte krajšie kúsky Maslo Olivový olej 150 gramov Šalotky 4 vetvičky Tymiánu 600 gramov Húb také ,ktoré nazbierate, dubáky, hríby, kuriatka(hlavne jedlé), nakrájané na hrubo 1 liter Zeleninového vývaru 3 lyžice Créme fraiche alebo kyslej smotany 40 gramov Žeruchy hrsť Petržlenovej vňate nahrubo nasekanej 1 strúčik Cesnaku 3 lyžice Parmezánu Polovicu hrste Vlašských orechov 3 lyžice Extra virgin oleja Olivového

Toasty 2. Toastový chlieb natrieme maslom a a vyrobíme štyri sendviče so syrom a pažítkou na vnútornej strane, no s maslom na vonkajšej strane sendviča. Predhrejeme si (toastovaciu) panvicu a smažíme dva toasty naraz, približne 2 až 3 minúty na každej strane, alebo pokiaľ nám nezhnednú a vo vnútri neroztavia. Polievka 3. Z polievky odstraníme drevené stonky tymiánu a necháme ju mierne vychladnúť. Následne ju rozmixujeme ručným mixérom. Vmiešame crème fraîche a polievku jemne prihrejeme. Ochutnáme a podľa potreby pridáme soľ a čierne korenie. 4. Toasty nakrájame na štvorce. Polievku naservírujeme do misiek a podávame s toastami.

PRE: 6 osôb

PRÍPRAVA: 10 mins

VARENIE: 40-60 mins

HOTOVÉ ZA: 50 mins

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1. Sušené hríby dáme do malej misky a zalejeme vriacou vodou tak, aby ich prekryla(nie viac). Odložíme si ich bokom. 2. Vo veľkom hrnci rozpustíme maslo spoločne s dostatočným množstvom olivového oleja. Pridáme šalotku, ktorú jemne opražíme domäkka. Dodáme tymian a nasekané huby. 3. Vodu zo sušených hríbov vylejeme a premyjeme ich. Uistíme sa, že sme huby dôkladne očistili od nečistôt. Pridáme do hrnca. Pokračujeme vo varení, pokiaľ sa huby nezmenšia a väčšina uvoľnenej vlhkosti nezmizne. 4. Pridáme zeleninový vývar a dusíme asi 20 minút. Následne polievku rozmixujeme. Okoreníme a primiešame crème fraiche. 5. Žeruchu, petržlen, parmezán a orechy vložíme do mažiara a silnými ranami rozdrvíme. Pridáme hľúzovkový a extra panenský olivový olej. 6. Polievku podávame do vyhriatej misky, taniera. Ozdobíme lyžičkou pesta.


Hráškovo-ligurčeková polievka so syrovými koláčikmi Opäť klasika, ktorú si pripravíme inak. Jednoduchý recept tak Vám prajem veľa šťastia a nech sa Vám polievočka vydarí


Olej slnečnicový 20 gramov Masla 400 gramov Hrášku môže byť aj mrazený 1 Pór nakrajaný na malé kúsky 2 rapíky Zeleru rapíkatého 1 Cibuľa na jemno nakrájaná 1 liter Zeleninového vývaru Hlávkový šalát alebo dve hlávky šalátu gem 5 lístkov Ligurčeka 50 ml Šľahačky urobte si ju zo smotany Na čedarové koláčiky: 1 Žĺtko 100 ml Mlieka 1 vajce 100 gramov Čedaru 60 gramov Masla 1 lyžička Cukru 2 lyžičky Prášku do pečiva 250 gramov Hladkej múky

PRÍPRAVA: 25 + chladenie mins

VARENIE: 25 mins

HOTOVÉ ZA: 50 mins

Zeleninová polievka s mäsovými guľkami

Čedarové koláčiky : 1. Rúru si predhrejeme na 170°C až 190°C. Zmiešame múku s práškom do pečiva, pridáme cukor, čajovú lyžičku soli a votrieme do masla pre vytvorenie jemnej drviny. Pozvoľne vmiešame väčšinu nastrúhaného čedaru (kúsok si necháme na ozdobenie), rozšľahané vajce, mlieko a vytvoríme tak potrebné cesto. To necháme postáť približne 10 minút.


1 liter Kuracieho vývaru Olivový olej 4 strúčiky Cesnaku drteného, dve do polievky dve na guľky 1 zväzok Jarnej cibuľky 100 gramov Hrášku 100 gramov zelenej Fazuľky 50 gramov Kapusty nakrájanej 2 lyžice Petržlenovej vňate jednu do polievky a jednu na mäsové guľky 50 gramov Rezancov do polievky Soľ Peper 2 Kuracie prsia 1 Vajce 75 gramov Strúhanky 20 gramov Parmezánu

2. Cesto rozvaľkáme tak, aby bola jeho hrúbka 3 centimetre. Pomocou okrúhlej formy vykrojíme 4 centimetrové koláčiky. Tie uložíme na vymastený plech a necháme postáť ďalších 10 minút. 3. Koláčiky potrieme žĺtkom z vajíčka a povrch ozdobíme zvyškom nastrúhaného čedaru. Necháme piecť 8 minút a po pečení udržujeme v teple. Polievka : 4. V hlbokej panvici rozohrejeme olej a maslo. Na miernom ohni varíme hrach, pór, zeler a cibuľu pokiaľ nezmäknú. Pridáme vriaci zeleninový vývar a opäť privedieme do varu. Následne okoreníme a podusíme na miernom ohni po dobu 10 minút.

PRE: 6 osôb PRÍPRAVA: 30 mins VARENIE: 30 mins

5. Do polievky pridáme hlávkový šalát a ligurček, zmixujeme do hladka. Dochutíme podľa chuti.

HOTOVÉ ZA: 60 mins

Kuracie guľky.

6. Pred podávaním polievku znovu zohrejeme a primiešame smotanu na šľahanie. Podávame v miskách spolu s teplými čedarovými koláčikmi.

1. Ako prvé rozmixujeme kuracie prsia, vajce, parmezán, petržlenovú vňať a cesnak. (Najlepšie na hladkú zmes) 2. Pridáme strúhanku, korenie a soľ a premixujeme ešte raz. Teraz môžeme vytvoriť

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guľky. Veľkosť guliek závisí len a len od Vás. Ak už máme guľky hotové dáme ich do chladu na 15 minút. 3. Na panvičke rozohrejte olivový olej a guľky osmažíme. Nespáľte ich a opražte do zlatohnedej farby. Guľky vyberte a nechajte odpočívať na servítke. Polievka. 1. Jarnú cibuľku spolu s cesnakom restujte v hrnci do zmäknutia. Prilejte vývar. Priveďte k varu. Stíšte plameň tak na tri až štyri minúty. 2. Opäť priveďte k varu pridajte zelenú fazuľku varte 2-3 minúty. Pridajte hrášok, kapustu a guľky. Varte 2-3 minúty. 3. Na záver pridajte petržlenovú vňať, pažitku a rezance. Bonus. Ako bonus môžete urobiť petržlenové pyré. A to takto: mne osobne ostali z vývaru, ktorý som varil, 4 petržleny. Tak som z nich urobil pyré (maslo, smotana, soľ, muškátový oriešok nastrúhaný). A servíroval som to takto, že som zobral lyžičku a umiestnil kopček rovno do stredu taniera. Polievku som nalial opatrne okolo. Zatiaľ sa to nerozpustilo. Super je to v tom, že keď sme to začali jesť tak človek si to pekne sám rozpustil v polievke a tá úplne zmenila svoj charakter a vylepšila chuť. Samozrejme je to iba môj výmysel, ale myslím si, že stojí za to. Tak dobrú chuť.


Špargľa s chrumkavou krustou

Zaujímavá chuť, na letné dni, keď nechcete nič ťažké a mäsité variť.


1 kg Špargle pol bielej pol zelenej. Obidve zbavte zdrevnatelých stoniek. 125 gramov Masla 4 lyžice Hladkej múky 250 ml Smotany na šľahanie 1/2 lyžičky Mletej papriky 5 Vajec na tvrdo uvarených, nakrájaných na plátky Čerstvá strúhanka z 2 rohlíkov 85 gramov Bebe oplátok alebo iných neochutených krekrov 50 gramov Parmezánu nastrúhaného

2. V hrnci rozohrejte 100 gramov masla, prisypte múku a 2 minúty miešajte, prisypte mletú papriku. Všľahajte, špargľový vývar a smotanu. Za stáleho miešania uvarte do hladka. Bude to trvať 8-10 minút. Osoľte podľa chuti.

Pečená hliva na šalvii a zelerovo zemiakové pyré

3. Do stredne veľkej zapekacej nádoby vrstvite špargľu, vajce, omáčku, navrchu by mala byť omáčka. Posypte strúhankou, rozdrobenými keksami a navrch parmezánom. Poukladajte kúsky zbytkového masla. Pečte do zlatohneda tak, aby trochu prebublávalo po dobu 15-20 minút

500 gramov Hlivy 400 gramov Zemiakov 400 gramov Rapíkatého Zeleru 2 celé hlavy Cesnaku 2 väčšie Cibule nakrájané na krúžky 200 ml kyslej smotany Olivový olej Soľ Peper Šalvia Rozmarín Tymián Muškátový oriešok Tento recept je veľmi jednoduchý, a ingrediencie zoženiete skoro všade.

Bezmäsitá supermňamka


4. Varte 5-6 minút.

PRE: 4 osoby

PRÍPRAVA: 30 mins

VARENIE: 20 mins

HOTOVÉ ZA: 50 mins

PRE: 4 osoby CENA: 1€ za porciu

1. Trúbu rozohrejte na 175°C. Vodu do veľkého hrnca, hrniec na silný plyn:D Vodu rozbublinkujte najviac (priveďte k varu), osoľte ju. Najprv vložte bielu špargľu nakrájanú na 4 cm nožky. Po 4 minútach pridajte zelenú špargľu nakrájanú. Varte do mäkka zhruba 5 minút. Uchovajte 250 ml vyvaru zo šparglí.

PRÍPRAVA: 10 mins

VARENIE: 25 mins

HOTOVÉ ZA: 35 mins

1. Očistíme 500g hlivy a veľké časti potrháme na menšie kúsky. 2 celé hlavičky cesnaku rozoberieme ale neolúpeme. Necháme ich v tej šupke po pol hodinke pečenia budú mať úžasnú nasladlú chuť. Očistíme 2 väčšie cibule nakrájame ich na krúžky. K o s i c e r e g i o n S l o v a k i a 88

Na spodok plechu nalejeme najlepšie olivový olej premiešame hlivy s cibulkou a cesnakom osolíme opepríme a navrch pridáme taký zväzok v ktorom bude pár lístkov šalvie , rozmarínu a tymianu. Zvrchu polejeme veľmi malým kúskom olivového oleja. Navrch pridáme par kociek masla. Dáme piecť na zhruba 20 - 35 minút, záleží od rúry, ale či je to hotové spoznáte podľa nádhernej hnedej farby, nie spálenej. 2. Kým sa nám pečie hliva očistíme 400 g zemiakov a 400 g zeleru(najlepšie rapíkaty, ten so stonkami). Nakrájame na malé kocky a dáme variť. Kým to zmäkne trvá to asi 20 minút. Vylejeme vodu pridáme maslo a necháme odpočinúť pod pokrievkou. Okoreníme. Pridáme trochu muškátového oriešku (naozaj iba malú štipku). Použijeme asi 200 ml kyslej smotany(namiesto mlieka, je to chutnejšie). Rozmixujeme alebo rozpučíme na kašu. Ochutnáme a dochutíme podľa svojej chuti.


Marinované bravčové kotlety s korenistými sladkými zemiakmi

Zaujímavá chuť, na letné dni, keď nechcete nič ťažké a mäsité variť.


42 centimetrové Bravčové kotlety nech sú pekne hrubé 800 gramov Batatov sladké zemiaky Olivový olej 1 lyžica Kyslej smotany 2 Šalotky hrsť Koriandru čerstvého Červená paprika korenie 10 Koriandrových semienok rozdrtených Chilli buď korenie alebo sušené 2 strúčiky Cesnaku 1 Badyán vetvička Tymiánu Soľ Čierny peper čerstvo drtený Veľmi rýchla, chuťovo geniálna bašta pre celú rodinu. Len veľký dôraz na čas pečenia mäsa, aby Vám to vyšlo na jedničku :)

PRE: 4 osoby

PRÍPRAVA: 30 mins

VARENIE: 20 mins

HOTOVÉ ZA: 50 mins

9. Dbajte na správny čas opekania mäsa a ak sa vám to podarí čaká Vás Geniálny výsledok. Dobrú chuť

1. Korenie červenej papriky, koriandrové semienka, chilli, rozdrteného cesnaku, rozdrteného badyánu, tymiánu, soli a pepra v nádobke alebo miske premiešame s olivovým olejom tak, aby nám vznikla marináda a všetky chute sa spojili. 2. Touto marinádou potrieme naše kotletky, dáme ich marinovať do chladu na 30 minút. 3. Bataty očistíme a nakrájame na kocky a varíme v zeleninovom, alebo kuracom vývare kým nezmäknú (ako zemiaky) 4. Precedíme, položíme na nich kúsky masla a necháme odpočinúť ako zemiaky. 5. Šalotku nakrájame na drobno a orestujeme (nespálime). Pridáme bataty a koriander. Rozmixujeme na pyré, najlepšie “pučidlom” na zemiaky a nie úplne ale tak aby nám ostala nejaká textúra. Dochutíme soľou, čerstvo namletým čiernym korením a lyžicou kyslej smotany. 6. Marinované mäso vyberieme z chladu a na rozpálenej panvici ho pečieme z každej strany do zlatohneda ( zhruba 2 - 3 minúty z každej strany). 7. Mäso preložíme do pekáča aj so šťavou a vložíme do trúby rozpálenej na 200°C 8. Pečieme 8 až 10 minút, aby mäso bolo mäkulinké, super šťavnaté a super upečené.

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Donuts with jam



Chef Sonia Polanski (Trebyshov) Dish



2 tbsp. homemade plum jam 2-3 cups fine wheat flour (optional: white wine) 1-2 cups sugar 2 eggs 170 g margarine (butter) 500 ml milk 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate Raisins Wine grapes coated in sugar Icing sugar for dusting

12 classic rolls or 2 sandwich breads (2 days old preferably) 500 ml milk 4 eggs 200 g sugar and 100 g sugar for whipped whites 600 g apples Cinnamon 400 g curds 4 tbsp. breadcrumbs 4 tbsp. butter Powdered sugar (finer than ordinary sugar but coarser than icing sugar) 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon 1 lemon (thoroughly washed) breadcrumbs for dusting Apple jam (homemade preferably) Raisins (soaked in warm water) Walnuts


600 g. of wheat flour 3/4 packages of dry yeast 1 egg 350 ml. of milk 0.5 l. of oil Vanilla sugar 200 g. of strawberry jam 80-100 g. of powdered sugar 0.5 package of powder biscuits Yield: 10 portions

Mix yeast, milk and sugar to prepare leaven. Add eggs, sugar, butter, powder biscuits, vanilla sugar, milk and leaven into the flour. Knead the dough; put it in a warm place. Make the layer from the dough. Cut the circles from the dough. Fry the donuts in the heated oil on both sides. When the donuts are ready put strawberry jam on them and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Mix sugar and margarine (or butter), then add eggs and plum jam and blend thoroughly. While stirring gently pour in milk and, as a final step, add raisins and flour. A small amount of wine can be poured in as well. Use oil or lard and grease a baking bowl. Then dust it with coarse wheat flour and pour the mixture in it. Place evenly wine grapes coated in sugar on the mixture surface.

At first, break eggs carefully and separate yolks and whites. Add 3 heaping tbsp. (200 g) of sugar and a small amount of cinnamon to yolks and beat them with a whisk until you get dense foam. Then grate a lemon shell to it. Finally, pour milk and stir again.

Bake it in the oven preheated to 180°C for about 30 minutes. Once baked, dust the finished lekvároš with icing sugar. When served it can be basted with good Tokaj wine.

Cut old rolls to about 1cm thick slices, put them to milk mixture, and leave them to soak little bit. (Rolls should not be soaked completely.)

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Grease a baking bowl with butter and dust it with breadcrumbs. Place the soaked rolls on the bottom of baking bowl (the bowl bottom needs to be completely covered) and then spread an apple jam on top of them. Mix curds with grated lemon shell, raisins, 1 tbsp. of sugar, little bit of milk and pour mixture on top of apple jam in the baking bowl. The next layer is made from grated apples. TIP: Cut apple to quarters and cut out an apple core. You do not need to peel apple, but grate it in a such way that apple skin will stay in your hand. Grated apples can be drizzled with lemon juice to prevent browning. Leave juice from grated apple as well in order to have juicy žemľovka. Repeat the layers: soaked rolls, marmalade, curds mixture, grated apples and roll should make final layer. Pour the remaining of yolk mixture on top of them. Then put žemľovka in the oven preheated to 180 °C and leave it to bake for 20 minutes. Whip whites thoroughly with 1 tbsp. of sugar and put the resulting foam on top of žemľovka and leave it to bake until the surface of whipped whites turns gold.



Dough: 500 g semi-coarse wheat flour 1 tsp salt 70 g sugar 1 egg 1 yolk 200 ml milk + 50 ml milk for a yeast 1 cube (42 g) of fresh yeast 4 ml (1 tsp) rum 2 tbsp. oil Oil for frying Little bit of fine wheat flour Icing sugar for dusting Filling: 200 g ground walnuts 150 g sugar 1 tbsp. milk 2 tbsp. oil

Poppy seed cake

Dough: Sift flour to a bowl, then add salt, sugar, eggs, yolk and prepared yeast and knead a dough while slowly adding 200 milk and 4 ml rum. As a final step, add 2 tbsp. of oil and knead once more. Dust with fine flour and leave it to rise for about 30 minutes in bowl in a warm place.


Dough: 2 cups milk 2-3 eggs 1 and ¾ cup sugar 2 cups wheat flour 1 package of baking powder 1 and ½ cup whole poppy seed 1 cup oil

When the dough is raised, put it on a board dusted with flour and shape the dough with your hand in the form of thick circle. Pour filling on top of it and then fold the dough and stitch edges a little bit. Then take a circular mold and cut out „fánky“.

Glazing: Tart jam (apricot, orange, etc.) 100 g chocolate (milk or dark) about 30g of 100% fat or butter (40-50 g if you are using dark chocolate)

Place them on the baking tray dusted with flour and leave them to rise for a bit. Finally, fry them in a hot oil. Once fried put them back in the bowl and dust them with icing sugar.

Filling: Mix all ingredients together and leave it for a while.



Mix eggs and sugar, add gradually milk and oil, wheat flour mixed with baking powder and poppy seed (not ground). Stir everything properly and then pour mixture into baking tray previously greased and dusted with flour.

Spread jam thinned with the small amount of water on the top of baked cake. Water will soak into the cake making it supple. Melt chocolate with fat or butter, ideally in the small metal bowl placed on top of a little bit larger casserole filled with the small amount of water. Do not melt chocolate over direct fire! Once melted pour the chocolate mixture on top of the cake and leave it to cool down and set.

Bake for about 30-35 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 °C.

Yeast: Heat 50 ml of milk until it is lukewarm, add 1 tsp of sugar and 1 cube of fresh yeast, and leave it to rise for at least 5 minutes.

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Šúľance / Perky

Tokaj pancakes





500 g boiled unpeeled potatoes 1 egg 1 pinch salt 1 cup (~ 300 ml) wheat flour (or as necessary) Jam (e.g. plum jam) Poppy seed for dusting – white poppy seed can be used as well Icing sugar for dusting

Peel the boiled potatoes and finely grate them to a bowl. Add one egg and a little bit of salt. Sift the flour and prepare a smooth dough. Use a floured board and roll the dough with a rolling pin. Cut the rolled dough to squares about 4-5 cm wide. Fill each of them with jam, then fold them and stitch their edges. These small triangles / rectangles are called „perky“. TIP: The rest of dough can be used to prepare „šúľance“ (short rolled strings). The preparation is simple: take the small amount of dough and roll the short string with your hand on the floured board. (It doesn’t matter much on the thickness.) Put prepared perky / šúľance into boiling water and cook at least for 5 minutes. Be careful when putting perky into water to prevent their tearing. Once cooked, sprinkle them with poppy seed and sugar.

250 g fine wheat flour 40 g eggs 200 g milk 1 g salt 100 g oil for baking 150 g walnuts 100 g raisins 50 g almonds (flakes) 100 g lemon shell 50 g icing sugar 50 g whipping cream 50 g apricot jam 30 g rum 250 g milk 50 g dark chocolate 80 g (40g) eggs (yolks) 20 g icing sugar 30 g brandy

500 g hladkej múky 100 g trstinového cukru 1 čl drveného nového korenia 2 štipky drveného klinčeku 2 čl škorice 2 čl prášku do pečiva 1 čl sódy bikarbóny 3 vajcia 250 g kryštálového cukru 1 struk vanilky 1 hrnček medu 1 hrnček kávy 2 dcl pomarančovej šťavy 2 dcl oleju 5cl whisky mandle

Múku, cukor, nové korenie, klinček, škoricu, prášok do pečiva a sódu bikarbónu spolu premiešame. Vajcia s cukrom a vanilkou zľahka vyšľaháme. Pridáme med, kávu, pomarančovú šťavu, olej a whisky. Všetko poriadne premiešame a nalejeme do múky. Zamiešame. Toto množstvo máte pripravené na 2 formy. Formu vysypeme hrubou múkou alebo použijeme papier na pečenie. Nalejeme cesto. Cesto má byť kúsok nad polovicou formy, vďaka prášku do pečiva cesto zväčší svoj objem. Posypeme mandľami. Pečieme na 180°C, cca 40-45 minút.

Yield: 2 portions Mix flour, eggs, milk, water and salt until you get a supple dough. Then leave it to rest for about 30-60 minutes. Prepare the pancakes. Next step is to mix raisins previously soaked in a hot water, ground walnuts, sugar, cream and jam. Add almond flakes and grated orange shell to the mixture and fill the pancakes. Place the filled pancakes into greased baking bowl and bake them for about 7-10 minutes in the oven preheated to 180°C. Heat milk until it start to boil, then melt in it dark chocolate broken to smaller pieces. Mix yolks with sugar until you get foam and then slowly add hot milk. Place pancakes, pour hot chocolate on them, sprinkle them with brandy and then light them.

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Koláč si môžeme nechať stvrdnúť a použiť postrúhaný na šúľance, pirohy alebo ním zahustiť paradajkovú omáčku. TIP: Zvyšok lusku z vanilky dajte do dózy s kryštálovým cukrom, krásne ho prevonia. Ak pracujete s medom, najskôr v nádobe odvážte a odmerajte všetky suroviny a na koniec med. Pekne sa vám z nádoby vyleje celý. Či je koláč upečený vyskúšame tak, že do neho pichneme špajdľu. Ak je špajdľa suchá, koláč je hotový.

This publication was produced within the project ‘Carpathian Culinary Heritage Network’ implemented by the Tourist Association of Ivano-Frankivsk Region and Ivano-Frankivsk City Council from Ukraine, Association EcoLogic and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Satu Mare County from Romania, Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Slovakia and Szamos-bazár Association from Hungary. The overall objective of the project is to conserve and popularize the role and range of the different traditional Carpathian food products and cuisines as a catalyst for sustainable regional development and preservation of local cultural heritage. The project ‘Carpathian Culinary Heritage Network’ was implemented under the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (, and was co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders. The European Commission is the EU’s executive body. The Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme is to be implemented in the period of 2007-2013 on the external border of the participating EU Member States with Ukraine. The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument supports cross-border co-operations on the external borders of the EU. The overall objective of the Programme is to intensify and deepen cooperation in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable way between Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska and Chernivetska regions of Ukraine and eligible and adjacent areas of Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. The Joint Managing Authority of the Programme is the National Development Agency, Hungary. The website of the Programme is Carpathian Culinary Receipe Book (English language version), 2013 – 93 pages. Distributed free of charge © Tourist Association of Ivano-Frankivsk Region Carpathian Culinary Heritage Network Regional Offices

in Ukraine Tourist Association of Ivano-Frankivsk Region 26 Dnistrovska St., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine tel +38 0342 72 02 32 fax +38 0342 55 91 56

in Romania EcoLogic Association Unirii Boulevard, 12A/86, 430272, Baia Mare, Maramures County, Romania tel+ 40 262 224035 fax + 40 262 224035

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Satu Mare County 4 Decebal Str., Satu Mare, 440006, Romania tel + 40 0261 710 790 fax + 40 0261 715058

in Hungary Szamos-Bazár Association 4913, Hungary Panyola Mezővég út 62. tel +36 06 20 417 4188

Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kosice Regional Chamber Žižkova 6, 04001 Košice, Slovakia tel + 42 1556998094 fax + 42 1556998282

in Slovakia Klub kuchárov a cukrárov Čingovská 2, 040 12, Košice, Slovakia tel + 421 918 380 962

This publicaton has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publciation are the sole responsibility of the Tourist Association of Ivano-Frankivsk Region and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union


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